16th most
successful IPO in history.
(Noah's Bagels), Noah Alper, Thomas
Fields-Meyer (2009).
Business Mensch: Timeless Wisdom for Today's Entrepreneur.
(Berkeley, CA, Book Clearing House, 176 p.). Founder of Noah's
Bagels. Alper, Noah; Entrepreneurship --California
--History. Started small bagel shop in Berkeley, CA (after early
nervous breakdown, failed business), run on Biblical injunction
to "lech lecha"-to embrace one's journey while contributing to
community through volunteerism and "tzedakah"-justice; ability
to innovate, adapt, and evolve; acquired by Einstein Bros. for $100 million.
(Ovation), Peter Bieler with Suzanne Costas
"This Business Has Legs": How I Used Infomercial Marketing To
Create the $100,000,000 Thighmaster Craze Exerciser: An
Entrepreneurial Adventure Story. (New York, NY: Wiley,
206 p.). Television advertising--United States--Case studies;
Infomercials--United States--Case studies; Exercise--Equipment
and supplies--Marketing--Case studies.
(Jim Pattison
Group), Russell Kelly (1986).
Pattison: Portrait of a Capitalist Superstar.
(Vancouver, BC, New Star Books, 263 p.). Former Editor and
Reporter for the CBC. Pattison, Jim; Jim Pattison Group,
entrepreneurship. Pattison's rise to financial power -
from selling magazines on street corners to chairmanship of Expo 86; conglomerate empire
includes many companies throughout North America,
most based in British Columbia; gained control of Neon Products, enlarged conglomerate
(1984 revenues of $1,022,985,000).
(Jim Pattison
Group), Jimmy Pattison with Paul Grescoe (1987).
Jimmy: An Autobiography. (Toronto, ON, Seal Books,
300 p.). Entrepreneur. Pattison, Jim; Jim Pattison Group,
(Planet Tan), Tony Hartl
Selling Sunshine: 75 Tips, Tools, and Tactics for Becoming a
Wildly Successful Entrepreneur. (Austin, TX:
Greenleaf Book Group Press, 232 p.). Founded Planet Tan in 1995.
Planet Tan Corporation; Hartle, Tony; entrepreneurship.
Creating, maintaining, growing meaningful business with
fulfilling company culture; overcame obstacles of poverty, homeowner in his teens, put himself through college,
founded, ran Planet Tan Corporation, net worth from $10,000 to
$millions in 13-years.
(Platinum Concepts Inc.), John Lusk and Kyle
Harrison (2002).
The MouseDriver Chronicles: The True-Life Adventures of Two
First-Time Entrepreneurs. (Cambridge, MA: Perseus
Publishing, 257 p.). Platinum Concepts, Inc.--History;
Entrepreneurship--United States--Case studies; New business
enterprises--United States--Case studies.
(Remington), Victor Kiam (1986).
Going for It!: How To Succeed as an Entrepreneur. (New
York, NY: Morrow, 260 p.). Kiam, Victor; Businessmen--United
States--Biography; Entrepreneurship--Biography; Success in
business--United States. Bought Remington shavers.
--- (1989).
Live to Win: Achieving Success in Life and Business.
(New York, NY: Harper & Row, 258 p.). Success in business;
Creative ability in business; Success.
(Rollins Jamaica Ltd.), Drury Pifer (2001).
Hanging the Moon: The Rollins Rise to Riches. (Newark,
DE: University of Delaware Press, 267 p.). Rollins, John W.;
Businessmen -- United States -- Biography; Entrepreneurship --
(Shibusawa Warehouse Department), Teruko Craig
The Autobiography of Shibusawa Eiichi: From Peasant to
Entrepreneur: Translated, with an Introduction and Notes.
(Tokyo, Japan: University of Tokyo Press, 192 p.). Shibusawa,
Eiichi, 1840-1931; Capitalists and financiers--Japan--Biography.
(Sh¯owa B¯oeki Kabushiki Kaisha), Akira Sueno;
translated by Neal Donner (1977).
Entrepreneur and Gentleman: A Case History of a Japanese Company.
(Rutland, VT: C. E. Tuttle Co., 249 p.). Sueno, Akira, 1913- ;
Sh¯owa B¯oeki Kabushiki Kaisha; Industrial management -- Japan
-- Case studies; Business enterprises -- Japan -- Case studies.
(Smith & Hawken), Paul Hawken (1987).
Growing a Business. (New York, NY: Simon and Schuster,
251 p.). New business enterprises--Management.
(StartupNation), Jeff Sloan and Rich Sloan
StartupNation: America’s Leading Entrepreneurial Experts Reveal
the Secrets to Building a Blockbuster Business. (New
York, NY: Currency Doubleday, 286 p.). Co-founders of multimedia
company StartupNation. New business enterprises--United States;
Entrepreneurship--United States. Every aspect of
smart entrepreneurship.
(Telegroup), Fred Gratzon (2003).
The Lazy Way to Success: How To Do Nothing and Accomplish
Everything. (Fairfield, IA: Soma Press, 215 p.). Founder
- The Great Midwestern Ice Cream Company; Telegroup.
Entrepreneurship; success in business.
(Tripod), Bo Peabody (2005).
Lucky or Smart?: Secrets to an Entrepreneurial Life.
(New York, NY: Random House, 80 p.). Serial Entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurship; Corporate culture; Mission statements; New
business enterprises; Success in business.
(USA Cable), Kay Koplovitz with Peter Israel
Bold Women, Big Ideas: Learning To Play the High-Risk
Entrepreneurial Game. (New York, NY: Public Affairs, 265
p.). Founder, USA Cable Network. Women executives; New business
enterprises; Entrepreneurship.
(Virgin Group), Richard Branson (2008).
Business Stripped Bare: Adventures of a Global Entrepreneur
(London, UK: Virgin Books, 342 p.). Branson, Richard;
Virgin Group; Entrepreneurship; Success in business.
Achievements over forty years in business, lessons learned from setbacks; why he took on one of world’s biggest superbrands, how he built Virgin Mobile USA into fastest growing
company in history to reach billion dollars in revenue; only person in world to
have built $7 billion dollar companies from scratch in 7
completely different sectors; what learned about business from diverse group of
leaders; thoughts on changing face of global economy.
(Wolff New Media), Michael Wolff (1998).
Burn Rate: How I Survived the Gold Rush Years on the Internet.
(New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 268 p.). Creator of NetGuide.
Internet consultants; Success in business; Corporate profits;
Internet industry.
Zoltan J. Acs, Catherine Armington (2006).
Entrepreneurship, Geography, and American Economic Growth.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 262 p.). Doris and
Robert McCurdy Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship and
Innovation in the Robert G. Merrick School of Business
(University of Baltimore); Catherine Armington is a Research
Fellow in the U.S. Bureau of the Census.
Entrepreneurship--United States; New business
enterprises--United States; Industrial location--United States;
United States--Economic conditions. New firm
formation rates in regional economies during 1990s period
and beyond.
Terry Allen (2001).
No Cash, No Fear: Entrepreneurial Secrets To Starting Any
Business with No Money. (New York, NY: Wiley, 286 p.).
Partner (Chicago Venture Partners, LP). Allen, Terry F.;
Entrepreneurship; New business enterprises--Finance; Small
Tom Ashbrook (2000).
The Leap: A Memoir of Love and Madness in the Internet Gold Rush.
(Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 295 p.). Boston Globe Reporter.
Ashbrook, Tom; Internet industry--United States; New business
enterprises--United States; Businessmen--United
David B. Audretsch, Max C. Keilbach, Erik E.
Lehmann (2006).
Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth. (New York, NY:
Oxford University Press, 240 p.). Ameritech Chair of Economic
Development, Institute of Development Strategies (Indiana
University); Senior Research Fellow (Max Planck Institute of
Economics); Professor, University of Augsburg. Entrepreneurship;
Creative ability in business; Small business--Technological
innovations; Technological innovations--Economic aspects;
Diffusion of innovations--Economic aspects; Economic
development. Why
entrepreneurship has emerged as bona fide instrument of growth
Isadore Barmash (2003).
The Self-Made Man: Success and Stress-American Style.
(Washington, DC: Beard Books, 367 p. [orig. pub. 1969]). Success
in business--Case studies.
Robert C. Baron (2004).
Pioneers and Plodders: The American Entrepreneurial Spirit.
(Golden, CO: Fulcrum Pub., 346 p.). Publisher of Fulcrum
Publishing. Entrepreneurship--United States--History; Business
enterprises--United States--History; Businesspeople--United
Hector Barreto (2007).
The Engine of America: The Keys to Small Business Success from
Entrepreneurs Who Have Made It! (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 223
p.). Former Administrator of the Small Business Administration.
Small business--United States--Management; Small
business--United States--Finance; New business
enterprises--United States; Entrepreneurship--United States;
Success in business--United States. Winning business strategies of
CEOs from 50 companies, large and small, who share their wisdom
for entrepreneurs and small business owners, in addition to
drawing on the author's own experience.
Holly E. Bastow-Shoop, Brenda L. Ekstrom and
F. Larry Leistritz (1990). Business Development in Rural
Areas: A Selected Annotated Bibliography. (Fargo, ND: North
Dakota State University, Agricultural Experiment Station, 77
p.). Rural development--Bibliography;
Entrepreneurship--Bibliography; Small business--Bibliography.
John Benson (1983).
The Penny Capitalists: A Study of Nineteenth-Century
Working-Class Entrepreneurs. (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers
University Press, 172 p.). Working class--Great
Britain--History--19th century; Businesspeople--Great
Britain--History--19th century; Small business--Great
Britain--History--19th century; Informal sector
(Economics)--Great Britain--History--19th century.
Amar V. Bhide (2000).
The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses. (New York,
NY: Oxford University Press, 412 p.). Lawrence D. Glaubinger
Professor of Business, Columbia University Graduate School of
Business. New business enterprises; Entrepreneurship.
Sérgio de Oliveira Birchal (1999).
Entrepreneurship in Nineteenth-Century Brazil: The Formation of
a Business Environment. (New York, NY: St. Martin's
Press, 233 p.). Former Lecturer in Economics and Business at
Catholic University of Minas Gerais.
Entrepreneurship--Brazil--Minas Gerais--History--19th century;
Industries--Brazil--Minas Gerais--History--19th century; Minas
Gerais (Brazil)--Economic conditions.
Bill Bolton and John Thompson (2004).
Entrepreneurs: Talent, Temperament, Technique. (Boston,
MA: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 384 p.[2nd ed.]).
Entrepreneurship; Businesspeople; Success in business.
Brent Bowers (2006).
If at First You Don't Succeed...The Eight Patterns of Highly
Effective Entrepreneurs. (New York, NY:
Currency/Doubleday, 240 p.). Small Business Editor (New York
Times). Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship -- Biography;
Entrepreneurship-traits. Key traits that successful entrepreneurs have in common.
Wayne G. Broehl, Jr. (1978).
The Village Entrepreneur: Change Agents in India's Rural
Development. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
228 p.). Businesspeople--India; Rural development--India;
Agriculture--Economic aspects--India.
Richard Bruce (1976).
The Entrepreneurs: Strategies, Motivations, Successes, and
Failures. (Bedford, UK: Libertarian Books, 199 p.).
Business enterprises; Entrepreneurship.
Candida G. Brush, Nancy M. Carter, Elizabeth
J. Gatewood, Patricia G. Greene, Myra M. Hart (2004).
Clearing the Hurdles: Women Building High-Growth Businesses.
(Upper Saddle River, NJ: FT/Prentice Hall, 270 p.). Associate
Professor in the Strategy and Policy Department (Boston
University School of Management); Richard M. Schulze Chair in
Entrepreneurship (University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, MN);
Jack M. Gill Chair of Entrepreneurship and Director of The
Johnson Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation (Indiana
University); Dean of the Undergraduate School (Babson College);
Class of 1961 Professor of Entrepreneurship (Harvard Business
School). Women-owned business enterprises; Businesswomen.
Ed. Candida G. Brush ... [et al.] (2006).
Women and Entrepreneurship: Contemporary Classics.
(Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 616 p.). Chair in
Entrepreneurship and Chair, Entrepreneurship Division (Babson
College). Entrepreneurship; Businesswomen. Most significant previously
published material which has been influential in shaping field of women’s entrepreneurship.
Mary Cantando (2006).
The Woman’s Advantage: 20 Women Entrepreneurs Show You What It
Takes To Grow Your Business. (Chicago, IL: Kaplan Pub.,
240 p.). Founder of Womenbusinessowner.com. Women-owned business
enterprises--Management; Businesswomen; Success in business.
Mary Cantando (2006). The Woman’s
Advantage: 20 Women Entrepreneurs Show You What It Takes To Grow
Your Business. (Chicago, IL: Kaplan Pub., 240 p.). Founder
of Womenbusinessowner.com. Women-owned business
enterprises--Management; Businesswomen; Success in business.
How to: organize, position
business; differentiate; leverage certification; network;
positive attitude, remain healthy, manage stress.
Elizabeth Carlassare (2001).
Dotcom Divas: E-Business Insights from the Visionary Women
Founders of 20 Net Ventures. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill,
274 p.). Electronic commerce--United States;
Businesswomen--United States; Women-owned business
enterprises--United States.
Compiled by John Mack Carter and Joan Feeney
Starting at the Top: America's New Achievers: Twenty-Three
Success Stories Told by Men and Women Whose Dreams of Being Boss
Came True. (New York, NY: Morrow, 252 p.).
Businessmen--United States--Biography; Entrepreneurship; Success
in business--United States--Case studies.
John Case (1992).
From the Ground Up: The Resurgence of American Entrepreneurship.
(New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 256 p.). Editor (Inc.
Magazine). Small business--United States; New business
enterprises--United States; Entrepreneurship--United States;
Organizational change--United States; Economic security--United
Dan Ciampa, Michael Watkins (1999).
Right from the Start: Taking Charge in a New Leadership Role.
(Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 316 p.). Management;
Leadership; Executive ability.
Arthur H. Cole (1959).
Business Enterprise in Its Social Setting. (Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press, 286 p.). Entrepreneurship.
Orvis Collins and David G. Moore (1970).
The Organization Makers; a Behavioral Study of Independent
Entrepreneurs. (New York, NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts,
237 p. [orig. pub. 1964]). Entrepreneurship; Industrial
David Dary (1986).
Entrepreneurs of the Old West. (New York, NY: Knopf, 368
p.). Businesspeople--West (U.S.)--History;
Peter F. Drucker (1985).
Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles.
(New York, NY: Harper & Row, 277 p.). Small business--United
States; New business enterprises--United States;
Sanjyot P. Dunung (2006).
Straight Talk About Starting Your Own Business: Smart Advice for
Entrepreneurs from Entrepreneurs. (New York, NY:
McGraw-Hill, 253 p.). President of Atma Global. New business
enterprises--Management; Entrepreneurship. Innovative tactics to turn initial vision into profitable, sustainable business.
W. Gibb Dyer, Jr. (1992).
The Entrepreneurial Experience: Confronting Career Dilemmas of
the Start-Up Executive. (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass
Publishers, 268 p.). New business enterprises--Management;
Entrepreneurship; Career development.
Bruce W. Eelman (2008).
Entrepreneurs in the Southern Upcountry: Commercial Culture in
Spartanburg, South Carolina, 1845-1880. (Athens, GA:
University of Georgia Press, 313 p.). Professor of History
(Siena College). Industries --South Carolina --Spartanburg
--History --19th century; Industrialization --South Carolina
--Spartanburg --History --19th century; Entrepreneurship --South
Carolina --Spartanburg --History --19th century.
Evolution of
entrepreneurial culture in 19th-century southern community
outside plantation belt; antebellum Spartanburg businessmen
advocated comprehensive vision for modernizing their region
(still supported slavery, racial segregation); slowed legal, educational reform only
when its implementation seemed likely to empower African
Tom Ehrenfeld (2001).
The Startup Garden: How Growing a Business Grows You.
(New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 209 p.). Entrepreneurship; New
business enterprises--Management; Success in business.
Gregory K. Ericksen (1997).
What's Luck Got to Do with It?: Twelve Entrpreneurs Reveal the
Secrets Behind Their Success. (New York, NY: Wiley, 221
p.). Ernst & Young LLP. Entrepreneurship
--- (1999).
Women Entrepreneurs Only: 12 Women Entrepreneurs Tell the
Stories of Their Success. (New York, NY: John Wiley, 259
p.). Ernst & Young, LLP. Self-Employed Women, Businesswomen,
Success in Business. Profiles from Ernst & Young Entrepreneur
Survey Conducted in September 1998.
--- (2000).
Net Entrepreneurs Only: 10 Entrepreneurs Tell the Stories of
Their Success. (Wiley: 207 p. Businesspeople--Biography;
Teresa Esser (2002).
The Venture Cafe: Secrets, Strategies, and Stories from
America's High-Tech Entrepreneurs (New York, NY: Warner
Books, 292 p.). High technology industries--United
States--Management--Case studies; Entrepreneurship--United
States--Case studies.
Robert W. Fairlie and Alicia M. Robb (2008).
Race and Entrepreneurial Success: Black-, Asian-, and
White-Owned Businesses in the United States.
(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 240 p.). Professor of Economics
(University of California, Santa Cruz); Research Associate in
Economics (University of California, Santa Cruz). Minority
business enterprises --United States; African American business
enterprises; Asian American business enterprises;
Entrepreneurship --United States; Small business --United
States; Success in business --United States.
Racial disparities in business
performance; why some entrepreneurs are successful, others are
not; importance of human capital, financial capital, family
business background in successful business ownership; high level
of startup capital is most important factor contributing to
success of Asian-owned businesses; lack of startup money for
black businesses contributes to relative lack of success; higher
education levels among Asian business owners explain much of
their success relative to both white- and black-owned
businesses; black entrepreneurs have fewer opportunities than
white entrepreneurs to acquire valuable prebusiness work
experience through working in family businesses.
Burton W. Folson, Jr. (1998).
Empire Builders: How Michigan Entrepreneurs Helped Make America
Great. (Traverse City, MI: Rhodes & aston, 205 p.).
Businessmen--United States--Biography; Michigan--History;
Riley Froh (1993).
Edgar B. Davis and Sequences in Business Capitalism: From Shoes
to Rubber to Oil. (New York, NY: Garland, 263 p.).
Davis, Edgar B. (Edgar Byrum), b. 1873; Businessmen--United
States--Biography; Entrepreneurship--United States.
Joseph J. Fucini and Suzy Fucini (1985).
Entrepreneurs, the Men and Women Behind Famous Brand Names and
How They Made It. (Boston, MA: G.K. Hall, 297 p.).
Businessmen--Biography; Entrepreneurship--Biography; Brand name
--- (1987).
Experience, Inc.: Men and Women Who Founded Famous Companies
After the Age of 40. (New York, NY: Free Press, 244 p.).
Businesspeople--Biography; Entrepreneurship--Biography.
Contents: Drawing an ace -- Upping the stakes -- Riding a wave
-- Plugging a gap -- Jumping the fence -- Making it happen --
Building a nest.
Christopher Gergen, Gregg Vanourek (2008).
Life Entrepreneurs: Ordinary People Creating Extraordinary Lives.
(San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 211 p.). Founding Partner of
New Mountain Ventures, Co-Founder and Chairman of SMARTHINKING;
Founding Partner of New Mountain Ventures, former Senior Vice
President of School Development for K12 Inc. Creative ability in
business; Entrepreneurship; Work and family; Maturation
(Psychology). Interviews
with 55 entrepreneurs worldwide - examples, vignettes, concrete
frameworks, practical strategies for revving up work, play
through entrepreneurial leadership, for integrating life, work,
and purpose, implications of the current entrepreneurial boom
for workplaces, learning institutions, communities, families.
George Gilder (1984).
The Spirit of Enterprise. (New York, NY: Simon &
Schuster, 274 p.). Entrepreneurship; Capitalists and
financiers--United States.
Andrew Godley (2001).
Jewish Immigrant Entrepreneurship in New York and London,
1880-1914: Enterprise and Culture. (New York, NY:
Palgrave, p.). Jewish businesspeople--New York (State)--New
York--History; Jewish businesspeople--England--London--History;
Immigrants--New York (State)--New York--History;
Immigrants--England--London--History; Entrepreneurship--History;
Corporate culture--United States--History; Corporate
culture--Great Britain--History.
Francis J. Greene, Kevin F. Mole and David J.
Storey (2008).
Three Decades of Enterprise Culture Entrepreneurship, Economic
Regeneration and Public Policy. (New York, NJ: Palgrave
Macmillan, 288 p.). Lecturers, Associate Dean Research and
Director of Enterprise Group at the Center for Small and Medium
Sized Enterprises at Warwick Business School (University of
Warwick). New business enterprises--Great Britain--Longitudinal
studies; New business
enterprises--England--Teeside--Longitudinal studies;
Entrepreneurship--Great Britain; Industrial policy--Great
Britain; Great Britain--Economic conditions.
How public policy, "enterprise
industry" have effectively failed to generate enterprise culture
in disadvantaged areas (theoretical understandings, solidly
derived empirical data).
Paul Grescoe (1999).
The Mavericks: Lessons Learned from the West’s Winning
Entrepreneurs. (Toronto, ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 362
p.). Entrepreneurship--Canada, Western; Success in
business--Canada, Western; Businesspeople--Canada,
Linda Grove (2006).
A Chinese Economic Revolution: Rural Entrepreneurship in the
Twentieth Century. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield,
320 p.). Dean of the Faculty of Comparative Culture, Professor
of History (Sophia University, Tokyo). Rural industries--China;
Rural development--China; China--Economic conditions--20th
century. Ways in which
small industrial firms have accumulated capital, organized their
firms, developed nationwide marketing networks, promoted brands
over last century.
Gerald Gunderson (1989).
The Wealth Creators: An Entrepreneurial History of the United
States. (New York, NY: Dutton, 278 p.).
Entrepreneurship--United States--History; Wealth--United
States--History; United States--Economic conditions.
Ed. Gregory Guroff and Fred V. Carstensen
Entrepreneurship in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union.
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 372 p.). Industrial
management--Soviet Union--History; Business enterprises--Soviet
Union--History; Technological innovations--Soviet
Union--History; Businesspeople--Soviet Union--History;
Wendy Beech Harris (2001).
Against All Odds: Ten Entrepreneurs Who Followed Their Hearts
and Found Success. (New York, NY: John Wiley, 237 p.).
Businesspeople--Biography; Entrepreneurship--Biography; Black
business enterprises.
Thomas Heberer (2007).
Doing Business in Rural China: Liangshan’s New Ethnic
Entrepreneurs. (Seattle, WA: University of Washington
Press, 268 p.). Businessmen--China--Liangshan Xian (Sichuan
Sheng); Entrepreneurship--China--Liangshan Xian (Sichuan Sheng);
Ethnic groups--China--Liangshan Xian (Sichuan Sheng); Liangshan
Xian (Sichuan Sheng, China)--Economic conditions; Liangshan Xian
(Sichuan Sheng, China)--Ethnic relations; Liangshan Xian
(Sichuan Sheng, China)--Social conditions. Phenomenal growth during last two
decades of Nuosu-run businesses (majority ethnic group), how
ethnicity affects new market-oriented economic structure, how
economics affects Nuosu culture, society; economic development
has prompted Nuosu entrepreneurs to establish business,
political, social relationships beyond traditional social
confines of clan, fostered awareness, celebration of ethnicity.
Leo B. Helzel & friends (1995).
A Goal Is a Dream with a Deadline: Extraordinary Wisdom for
Entrepreneurs, Managers & Other Smart People.
(New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 197 p.).
Entrepreneurship--Quotations, maxims, etc.; Industrial
management--Quotations, maxims, etc.; Business--Quotations,
maxims, etc.; Success in business--Quotations, maxims, etc.
Edward D. Hess (2010).
Smart Growth: Building an Enduring Business by Managing the
Risks of Growth. (New York, NY: Columbia Business
School Publishing, 230 p.). Professor of Business Administration
and Batten Executive-in-Residence at The Darden Graduate School
of Business (University of Virginia), Founder of Center for
Entrepreneurship and Corporate Growth and the Values-Based
Leadership Institute at Goizueta Business School (Emory
University). Corporations --Growth; Small business --Growth;
Business planning; Management. Research-based growth model,
called "Smart Growth", accounts for complexity of growth from
perspective of: organization, process, change, leadership,
cognition, risk management, employee engagement, human dynamics;
authentic growth - process characterized by complex change,
entrepreneurial action, experimental learning, management of
risk; case studies (Best Buy, Sysco, UPS, Costco, Starbucks,
McDonalds, Coca Cola, Room & Board, Home Depot, Tiffany &
Company, P& G, Jet Blue); blueprint for an enduring business
that strives to be better, rather than simply bigger.
Johannes Hirschmeier (1964).
The Origins of Entrepreneurship in Meiji Japan.
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 354 p.). Industries --
Japan -- History; Businessmen -- Japan.
Katrina Honeyman (1983).
Origins of Enterprise: Business Leadership in the Industrial
Revolution. (Manchester, UK: Manchester University
Press, 204 p.). Businesspeople--Great Britain--History;
Industrial revolution--Great Britain; Entrepreneurship--History;
Social mobility--Great Britain--History.
Bessie House-Soremekun (2002).
Confronting the Odds: African American Entrepreneurship in
Cleveland, Ohio. ( Kent, OH: Kent State University
Press, 202 p.). African American business
enterprises--Ohio--Cleveland--History; African American
businesspeople--Ohio--Cleveland--History; African
Americans--Ohio--Cleveland--Economic conditions;
Robert Howard
Connecting the Dots: My Life and Inventions, From X-Rays to
Death Rays. (New York, NY, Welcome Rain, 291 p.).
Howard, Robert; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography.
Started Wang Labs with An Wang, cable tv business with Milt
Shapp, invented dot matrix and laser printers; partnered with
Howard Hughes, Rupert Murdoch, others; inventions used in many
ways every day, employ hundreds of thousands of people.
Lynn M. Hudson (2003).
The Making of "Mammy Pleasant": A Black Entrepreneur in
Nineteenth-Century San Francisco. (Urbana, IL:
University of Illinois Press, 193 p.). Pleasant, Mary Ellen,
1814-1904; African American women -- Biography; African
Americans -- Biography; African American businesspeople --
California -- San Francisco -- Biography; Businesswomen --
California -- San Francisco -- Biography; San Francisco (Calif.)
-- Biography; San Francisco (Calif.) -- History -- 19th century;
African Americans -- California -- San Francisco -- History --
19th century; San Francisco (Calif.) -- Race relations.
Jonathan Hughes (1986).
The Vital Few: The Entrepreneur and American Economic
Progress. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 610
p.). Businessmen -- Biography; United States -- Biography;
United States -- Economic conditions.
Reed Hundt (2006).
In China’s Shadow: The Crisis of American Entrepreneurship.
(New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 208 p.). Senior Adviser
on Information Industries to McKinsey & Company; Former Chairman
of the FCC. Entrepreneurship--United States; United
States--Foreign economic relations--China; China--Foreign
economic relations--United States; China--Economic policy--2000-
; United States--Economic policy--2001-. Critical challenges to American
economy, way of life: 1) China’s impending economic power, 2)
drift of U.S. business practices, 3) government regulations over
past decade.
Martin K. Hunt and Jacqueline E. Hunt (1998).
History of Black Business: The Coming of America's Largest
Black-Owned Businesses. (Chicago, IL: Knowledge Express
Co., 270 p.). Afro-American business enterprises--History.
Anthony L. Iaquinto, Stephen Spinelli Jr.
Never Bet the Farm: How Entrepreneurs Take Risks, Make
Decisions--and How You Can, Too. (San Francisco, CA:
Jossey-Bass, 224 p.). Former Professor (Nanzan University); Vice
Provost for Entrepreneurship and Global Management (Babson
College). New business enterprises; Entrepreneurship; Small
business--Management; Business planning. 15 key principles for every smart
Alusine Jalloh (1999).
African Entrepreneurship: Muslim Fula Merchants in Sierra Leone.
(Athens, OH: Ohio University Center for International Studies,
288 p.). Merchants--Sierra Leone--Freetow; Fula (African
people)--Sierra Leone--Freetown; Islam--Economic aspects--Sierra
Leone--Freetown; Entrepreneurship--Sierra Leone--Freetown
Reg Jennings, Charles Cox, and Cary L. Cooper
Business Elites: The Psychology of Entrepreneurs and
Intrapreneurs. (New York, NY: Routledge, 159 p.).
Businessmen -- United States -- Biography; Businessmen --
Psychology; Entrepreneurship -- Psychological aspects;
Leadership -- Psychological aspects.
Luke Johnson (2007).
The Maverick: Dispatches from an Unrepentant Capitalist.
(Hampshire, UK: Harriman House, 257 p.). Chairman of Channel 4,
Columnist for the Sunday Telegraph. Johnson, Luke;
entrepreneurship--Biography. 84 of Luke Johnson's articles
from Sunday Telegraph column. 1993 - took control of
PizzaExpress (sold in 1999); 1996 - started Integrated Dental
Holdings with partners (sold in 2006 for over £100 million);
1999 - started Signature Restaurants/ 2005 - started Strada
restaurant concept (sold both in 2005 for more than £90
Bob. Johnstone (1999).
We Were Burning: Japanese Entrepreneurs & the Forging of the
Electronic Age. (New York, NY: Basic Books, 422 p.).
Electronic industries--Japan--History; Electronic
industries--Technological innovations--Japan--History.
John Kao (1991).
The Entrepreneur. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall,
207 p.). Industrial management--United States--Case studies;
Entrepreneurship--United States--Case studies;
Businesspeople--United States.
C. Kay (2009).
The Foundations of Female Entrepreneurship: Enterprise,
Home, and Household in London, c. 1800-1870.
(New York, NY, Routledge, 186 p.). Lecturer in
Nineteenth-Century British History (University of Lancaster,
UK). Women-owned business enterprises --England --London
--History --19th century; Businesswomen --England --London
--History --19th century; Self-employed women --England
--London --History --19th century; Women-owned business
enterprises --England --London --History --19th century;
Entrepreneurship --England --London --History --19th
century; Work and family --Great Britain --History --19th
century. Relationship between home, household headship,
enterprise in early to mid-Victorian London; notions of duty, honor, suitability in
how women’s ventures are represented by themselves and
others; motivations of Victorian women who opted to pursue
enterprises of their own; similarities, differences with
small to medium sized ventures of male business proprietors;
comparison of interpretation of historical female
entrepreneurship by contemporaries, historians in UK,
Europe, America; women in business have often hidden by men,
often hidden by ‘home’, conceptualization of separate
spheres of public, private agency and of ‘the’ entrepreneur;
multi-dimensional picture of Victorian female proprietor -
active business did not exclude women.
Patrick Kelly with John Case (1998).
Faster Company: Building the World's Nuttiest,
Turn-on-a-Dime, Home-Grown, Billion Dollar Business.
(New York, NY: Wiley, 238 p.). New business enterprises--United
States; Small business--United States; Success in
business--United States.
Morris Kersey (2001).
Victoria: Where Dreams Come True: 88 Year Autobiography of
the Life and Times of Morris Kersey. (Victoria, BC:
Trafford, 150 p.). Kersey, Morris, 1913- ; Businessmen--British
Columbia--Victoria--Biography; Victoria (B.C.)--Biography.
Henry P. Keuls (1981).
Uncle Henry: The Autobiography of an Irrepressible Entrepreneur.
(Canaan, NH: Phoenix Pub., 164 p.). Keuls, Henry P. C., 1891- ;
Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
Tarun Khanna (2008).
Billions of Entrepreneurs: How China and India Are Reshaping
Their Futures--and Yours. (Boston, MA: Harvard Business
School Press, 353 p.). Jorge Paulo Lemann Professor at the
Harvard Business School. China--Commerce; India--Commerce;
China--Economic policy; India--Economic policy; China--Foreign
economic relations; India--Foreign economic relations.
How Chinese, Indian entrepreneurs
are creating change through new business models, bringing hope
to countless people across globe; each nation's treatment of
multinationals, Chinese and Indian managerial talent, state vs.
grassroots approaches to business and entrepreneurship.
Israel M. Kirzner (1973).
Competition and Entrepreneurship. (Chicago, IL:
University of Chicago Press, 246 p.). Prices; Competition;
Henry C. Klassen (2001).
Luther H. Holton: A Founding Canadian Entrepreneur.
(Calgary, AB: University of Calgary Press, 297 p.). Holton,
Luther Hamilton, 1817-1880; Businessmen -- Québec (Province) --
Montréal -- Biography; Politicians -- Québec (Province) --
Montréal -- Biography; Canada -- Politics and government --
1841-1867; Canada -- Politics and government -- 1867-1896.
Emerson Klees (1995).
Entrepreneurs in History-- Success vs. Failure: Entrepreneurial
Role Models. (Rochester, NY: Cameo Press, 319 p.).
Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Industrialists--United
Maury Klein (2003).
The Change Makers: From Carnegie to Gates: How the Great
Entrepreneurs Transformed Ideas into Industries. (New
York, NY: Times Books, 318 p.). Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919;
Gates, Bill, 1955- ; Entrepreneurship--United States; New
business enterprises--United States; Creative ability in
business--United States; Businesspeople--United
States--Biography; Industrialists--United States--Biography.
Nancy F. Koehn (2001).
Brand New: How Entrepreneurs Earned Consumers' Trust from
Wedgwood to Dell. (Boston, MA: Harvard Business School
Press, 469 p.). James E. Robison Professor of Business
Administration (Harvard Business School).
Entrepreneurship; Businesspeople.
Focus on demand; understanding customers, meeting their needs
effectively and meaningfully; contemporary business behavior
through six of world's great brand developers; ability to
discern how economic, social change would affect consumer needs
and wants.
Joel Kurtzman, with Glenn Rifkin. (2005).
Startups That Work: Uncovering the Surprising Differences
Between Winners and Losers. (New York, NY: Portfolio,
288 p.). Global Lead Partner for Thought Leadership and
Innovation at PricewaterhouseCoopers (former editor of the
Harvard Business Review). New business enterprises--Management. How investors, entrepreneurs can improve startup's chance
of success.
Donald Lambro (1986).
Land of Opportunity: The Entrepreneurial Spirit in America.
(Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 176 p.). Economic
forecasting--United States; Entrepreneurship; Supply-side
economics--United States; United States--Economic
conditions--1981-; United States--Economic policy--1981-1993.
David S. Landes, Joel Mokyr, and William J. Baumol (2010).
The Invention of Enterprise: Entrepreneurship from Ancient
Mesopotamia to Modern Times. (Princeton,
NJ Princeton University Press, 608 p.). Coolidge Professor of
History and Professor Emeritus of Economics (Harvard
University); Robert Strotz Professor of Arts and Sciences and
Professor of Economics and History (Northwestern University);
Harold Price Professor of Entrepreneurship at Stern School of
Business (New York University).Entrepreneurship
--History. Modern world shifted to productive entrepreneurship,
created wealth; contemporary entrepreneurship as
means of contributing to welfare of society; entrepreneur's role
in society, from antiquity to present; why entrepreneurial activities are not always productive,
may sabotage prosperity; institutions, restrictions that
have enabled, impeded innovation; incentives for adoption,
dissemination of inventions; wide variations in global
entrepreneurial activity during different historical periods;
similarities in development, entrepreneurship's role in economic
Josh Lerner (2009).
Boulevard of Broken Dreams: Why Public Efforts To Boost
Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Have Failed and
What To Do About It. (Princeton, NJ, Princeton
University Press, 248 p.). Jacob H. Schiff Professor of
Investment Banking at Harvard Business School.
Entrepreneurship --Government policy; Venture capital
--Government policy; Industrial policy. Ways governments
have supported entrepreneurs, venture capitalists
across decades, continents; when governmental sponsorship
has succeeded in boosting growth, when it has fallen
terribly short? Should the government be involved in
such undertakings at all?
Ron Lieber (1998).
Upstart Start-Ups!: How 34 Young Entrepreneurs Overcame Youth,
Inexperience, and Lack of Money to Create Thriving Businesses.
(New York, NY: Broadway Books, 232 p.). New business
enterprises; New business enterprises--Case studies;
Ivan Light and Edna Bonacich (1988).
Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Koreans in Los Angeles, 1965-1982.
(Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 495 p.).
Professor of Sociology (UCLA), Professor of Sociology
(University of California, Riverside), respectively. Korean
American business enterprises--California--Los Angeles; Korean
Americans--California--Los Angeles; Koreans--California--Los
Xiuwu R. Liu (2001).
Jumping into the Sea: From Academics to Entrepreneurs in South
China. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 197
p.). Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies (Miami
University). Security systems industry--China--Case studies; New
business enterprises--China--Case studies;
Capitalism--China--Case studies; Research,
Industrial--China--Case studies; Entrepreneurship--China--Case
Ed. Harold C. Livesay (1995).
Entrepreneurship and the Growth of Firms. (Brookfield,
VT: E. Elgar, 2 Vols.). Entrepreneurship; Business enterprises;
Industrial management.
Jessica Livingston (2007).
Founders at Work: Stories of Startups’ Early Days.
(Berkeley, CA: Apress, 500 p.). Founding Partner at Y
Combinator. New business enterprises--United States--Case
studies; Electronic industries--United States--Case studies.
Interviews with founders
of famous technology companies - what happened in very earliest
days: What was it like? How to build a company? How did they
convince investors? What went wrong?
Edwin A. Locke (2000).
The Prime Movers: Traits of the Great Wealth Creators.
(New York, NY: AMACOM, 228 p.). Entrepreneurship--Psychological
aspects; Success in business--Psychological aspects.
Felicia Mabuza-Suttle with Thebe Ikalafeng
Felicia: Dare To Dream. (Rivonia, SA: Zebra Press, 155
p.). Award-Winning Businesswoman, Talk-Show Host. Mabuza-Suttle,
Felicia; Women, Black -- South Africa -- Biography;
Businesswomen -- South Africa -- Biography; Women television
personalities -- South Africa -- Biography; Blacks in television
broadcasting -- South Africa; Talk shows -- South Africa.
William MacPhee (1987).
Rare Breed: The Entrepreneur, an American Culture.
(Chicago, IL: Probus Pub. Co., 227 p.).
Entrepreneurship--Biography; =Businessmen--United
States--Biography; Businesswomen--United States--Biography.
Michael S. Malone (2001).
Betting It All: The Entrepreneurs. (New York, NY: Wiley.
Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Businesspeople--United
States--Interviews; Computer industry--United States--Biography;
Computer software industry--United States--Biography;
Microelectronics industry--United States--Biography;
Entrepreneurship--United States--Case studies; Microelectronics
industry--California--Santa Clara County--History; Risk; Santa
Clara County (Calif.)--Biography.
John Frederick Martin (1991).
Profits in the Wilderness: Entrepreneurship and the Founding of
New England Towns in the Seventeenth Century. (Chapel
Hill, NC: Published for the Institute of Early American History
and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, by the University of North
Carolina Press, 363 p.). Capitalism --New England --History
--17th century; Entrepreneurship --New England --History --17th
century; Cities and towns --New England --History --17th
century; New England --Economic conditions; New England
--Politics and government --To 1775. How several different, competing ethics coexisted within single, complex, vibrant New
England culture. Colonists sought profits in town-founding, town
founders used business corporations to organize into
landholding bodies (multiple, absentee landholding common); many town residents excluded from owning common lands,
from voting; end of 17th century - town institutions emerged as
fully public entities as proprietors
separated from towns; strains within Puritanism, rest of
colonists' culture discouraged, encouraged land commerce,
supported and undermined communalism, hindered and hastened
development of wilderness.
Jana Matthews, Jeff Dennis, with Peter Economy
Lessons from the Edge: Survival Skills for Starting and Growing
a Company. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 268
p.). Matthews- Former Senior Staff Member (Arthur D. Little,
Inc.) and Assistant Provost of the Massachusetts State College
System. New business enterprises; Entrepreneurship; Management.
James Dabney McCabe (1970).
Great Fortunes, and How They Were Made; or, The Struggles and
Triumphs of Our Self-Made Men. (New York, NY: Ayer Co
Pub., 633 p. [orig. pub. 1870]). United States--Biography.
Bruce McComish (2002).
Antilogic: Why Businesses Fail While Individuals Succeed.
(New York, NY: Wiley, 224 p.). Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of Burdett Buckeridge and Young; Former Chief Financial
Officer of National Australia Bank. Small business--United
States--Management; Success in business--United States; New
business enterprises--United States.
William Miller (1952). Men in Business;
Essays in the History of Entrepreneurship. (Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 350 p.). Capitalists and
financiers--United States; Entrepreneurship. "A publication of
the Research Center in Entrepreneurial History, Harvard
Sramana Mitra (2008).
Entrepreneur Journeys: Volume 1. (Seattle, WA: BookSurge
Publishing, 262 p.). Technology Entrepreneur, Strategy
Consultant in Silicon Valley. Entrepreneurship;
Start-ups--technology--history. World of technology start-ups;
how to navigate entrepreneurial path.
Wes Moss (2005).
Starting from Scratch: Secrets from 21 Ordinary People Who Made
the Entrepreneurial Leap. (Chicago, IL: Dearborn Trade
Pub., 216 p.). Businesspeople--United States--Biography;
Entrepreneurship--United States--Case studies; Success in
business--United States. Advice, inspiration to turn passion into viable,
fulfilling business.
Wahib Nasrallah (2003).
United States Entrepreneurs and the Companies They Built: An
Index to Biographies in Collected Works. (Westport, CT:
Praeger, 384 p.). Senior Business & Economics Librarian at the
Langsam Library (University of Cincinnati).
Businesspeople--United States--Biography--Indexes;
Businesswomen--United States--Biography--Indexes;
Executives--United States--Biography--Indexes; Women
executives--United States--Biography--Indexes;
Entrepreneurship--United States--History--Indexes;
Corporations--United States--History--Indexes; Business
enterprises--United States--History--Indexes.
Kamal Nath (2007).
India's Century: The Age of Entrepreneurship in the World's
Biggest Democracy. (New York, MY: McGraw-Hill, 320 p.).
India's Minister of Commerce and Industry, known as "Mister
India", India's ambassador to the global business community.
India -- history; Entrepreneurship -- India.
India's economic transformation:
how policy is made, how India's people embraced entrepreneurial
spirit, how India's private sector is becoming ripe to compete
internationally; how foreign companies can do business with 21st
century's most important new democracy.
Bob Reiss and Jeffrey L. Cruikshank (2000).
Low Risk, High Reward: Starting and Growing Your Business with
Minimal Risk. (New York, NY: Free Press, 327 p.).
Founder of 14 Small Novelty-Product Companies. New business
enterprises; Entrepreneurship.
Stanley R. Rich and David E. Gumpert (1985).
Business Plans That Win $$$: Lessons from the MIT Enterprise
Forum. (New York, NY: Harper & Row, 220 p.). New
business enterprises--Finance.
Edward B. Roberts (1991).
Entrepreneurs in High Technology: Lessons from MIT and Beyond.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 385 p.). Massachusetts
Institute of Technology; High technology
industries--Massachusetts--Boston Metropolitan Area;
Entrepreneurship--Massachusetts--Boston Metropolitan Area; New
business enterprises--Massachusetts--Boston Metropolitan Area.
Rob Ryan, with Phaedra Hise (2001).
Entrepreneur America: Lessons from Inside Rob Ryan's High-Tech
Start-Up Boot Camp. (New York, NY: HarperBusiness, 214
p.). High technology industries--United States--Management; New
business enterprises--United States--Management;
Entrepreneurship--United States.
Scott A. Shane (2004).
Academic Entrepreneurship: University Spinoffs and Wealth
Creation. (Northampton, MA: Elgar, 335 P.). High
technology industries--United States; University-based new
business enterprises--United States; Academic-industrial
collaboration--United States; Research, Industrial--United
States; Technology transfer--United States;
Entrepreneurship--United States.
--- (2008).
The Illusions of Entrepreneurship: The Costly Myths That
Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Policy Makers Live By.
(New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 208 p.). A. Malachi Mixon
III Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies, Weatherhead School of
Management (Case Western Reserve University). Entrepreneurship;
New business enterprises; Success in business.
Reality of entrepreneurship is
decidedly different from myths that surround it - who becomes an
entrepreneur, why, how businesses are started, which factors
lead to success, which predict likely failure.
--- (2010 ).
Born Entrepreneurs, Born Leaders: How Your Genes Affect Your
Work Life. (New
York, NY, Oxford University Press, 288 p.). A. Malachi Mixon III
Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies (Case Western Reserve
University). Behavior genetics; Psychology,
Industrial. Influence of genetics in business world; DNA
accounts for one third of difference between you and co-workers
in many aspects of work life, from job satisfaction to income
level; why genes matter, how understanding of relationship of
DNA to behavior is of vital importance to employers, employees,
policy makers; basic function of genes and their effects on
organizational behavior; how genes influence numerous aspects of
professional lives (from jobs to effective decisions, managing
people); role that genetics plays in creativity, innovation; how
genes affect tendency to start companies; how to leverage innate
skills and personality; how to succeed by acting in ways
contrary to your "nature."
Margaret Sherrard Sherraden, Cynthia K.
Sanders, and Michael Sherraden (2004).
Kitchen Capitalism: Microenterprise in Low-Income Households.
(Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 276 p.).
Self-employed--United States; Poor--Employment--United States;
Entrepreneurship--United States; Small business--United States.
Eds. Eytan Sheshinski, Robert J. Strom, and
William J. Baumol (2006).
Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and the Growth Mechanism of the
Free-Enterprise Economies. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 394 p.). Sir Isaac Wolfson Professor of Public
Finance (Hebrew University of Jerusalem); Director of Research
and Policy at the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation; Academic
Director of the Berkley Center for Entrepreneurial Studies (New
York University), Professor Emeritus and Senior Economist
(Princeton University). Technological innovations--Congresses;
Entrepreneurship--Congresses; Economic development--Congresses.
How much credit can be
given to entrepreneurship for innovation and growth of
free-enterprise economies?
Robert L. Shook (1980).
The Entrepreneurs: Twelve Who Took Risks and Succeeded.
(New York, NY: Harper & Row, 181 p.). Businesspeople--United
States--Biography; Businesswomen--United States--Biography;
A. David Silver (1983).
The Entrepreneurial Life: How To Go for It and Get It.
(New York, NY: Wiley, 244 p.). Small business--Management;
--- (1985).
Entrepreneurial Megabucks: The 100 Greatest Entrepreneurs of the
Last 25 Years and How They Did It. (New York, NY: Wiley,
467 p.). Businessmen--United States--Biography;
Entrepreneurship--Biography; New business enterprises--United
--- (1994).
Enterprising Women: Lessons from 100 of the Greatest
Entrepreneurs of Our Day. (New York, NY: American
Management Association, 318 p.). Businesswomen--United States;
Women-owned business enterprises--United States;
Entrepreneurship--United States; Women executives--United
States. Includes profiles of Mary Kay Ash of Mary Kay Cosmetics,
Inc., Debbi Fields of Mrs. Fields Cookies, Inc., and Anita
Roddick of The Body Shop, Ltd.
Stuart Skorman, with Catherine Guthrie (2007).
Confessions of a Serial Entrepreneur: Why I Can’t Stop Starting
Over. (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 224 p.). Founder,
Reel.com (1997), HungryMinds.com, Elephant Pharmacy, Empire
Video; Journalist. Skorman, Stuart; Businesspeople--United
States--Biography; New business enterprises--United States.
What it means to be
passionate entrepreneur 1) large ego is necessary; 2) strong
emotions push you into the fray, carry you through to the end;
3) starting a business is often an act of desperation.
Ray Smilor (2001).
Daring Visionaries: How Entrepreneurs Build Companies, Inspire
Allegiance, and Create Wealth. (Holbrook, MA: Adams
Media, 253 p.). Entrepreneurship; Success in business;
Entrepreneurship--Case studies; Success in business--Case
Cheryl A. Smith; Foreword by Laurent Parks
Daloz (2005).
Market Women: Black Women Entrepreneurs--Past, Present, and
Future. (Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 296 p.).
Associate Professor in the Adult Baccalaureate College (Lesley
University). African American women executives; African American
businesspeople; Businesswomen--United States.
Geoffrey N. Smith, Paul B. Brown (1986).
Sweat Equity: What It Really Takes To Build America's Best Small
Companies--by the Guys Who Did It. (New York, NY: Simon
& Schuster, 254 p.). New business enterprises--United
States--Case studies; Success in business--United States--Case
studies; Entrepreneurship--Case studies.
Irene Smith (1982).
Diary of a Small Business. (New York, NY: Scribner, 178
p.). New business enterprises; Small business.
Andrea E. Smith-Hunter (2006).
Women Entrepreneurs Across Racial Lines: Issues of Human
Capital, Financial Capital and Network Structures.
(Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 261 p.). Associate Professor of
Marketing and Management (Siena College). Women-owned business
enterprises--United States; Minority business
enterprises--United States; Businesswomen--United States.
Systematic, conceptual framework
for understanding issues of network structures, human and
financial capital, analyzed through a comparative analysis of
minority and white women entrepreneurs.
Robert Sobel (1974).
The Entrepreneurs: Explorations within the American Business
Tradition. (New York, NY: Weybright & Talley, 413 p.).
Academic (Hofstra University). Businesspeople--United
States--Biography; Entrepreneurship--Biography.
Robert Sobel with David B. Sicilia (1986).
The Entrepreneurs: An American Adventure. (Boston, MA:
Houghton Mifflin, 278 p.). Academic (Hofstra University).
Industries--United States--History; Technological
innovations--United States--History; Inventions--United
States--History; Entrepreneurship--History.
Edith Sparks (2006).
Capital Intentions: Female Proprietors in San Francisco,
1850-1920. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North
Carolina Press, 320 p.). Assistant Professor of History
(University of the Pacific). Businesswomen--California--San
Francisco--History; Women-owned business
enterprises--California--San Francisco--History.
Women entrepreneurs who started
businesses that combined family with money-making: who they
were, why they started businesses, how they attracted customers
and managed finances, how they dealt with failure.
Wayne H. Stewart, Jr. (1996).
Psychological Correlates of Entrepreneurship. (New York,
NY: Garland Pub., 172 p.). Associate Professor of Management
Clemson University School of Business.
Entrepreneurship--Psychological aspects--Research; Small
business--Psychological aspects--Research; Success in
business--Psychological aspects--Research. Common traits among
serial entrepreneurs, defined as those who had owned, operated
three or more business (12% of 664 entrepreneurs in study
qualified) - higher propensity for risk, innovation,
achievement; less scared of failure; more able to recover from
Donald N. Sull with Yong Wang (2005).
Made in China: What Western Managers Can Learn from Trailblazing
Chinese Entrepreneurs. (Boston, MA: Harvard Business
School Press, 231 p.). Associate Professor of Management
Practice (London Business School, formerly Assistant Professor
of Business Administration - Harvard Business School).
Entrepreneurship--China; Business enterprises--China;
International business enterprises--China; China--Economic
Ed. Richard Swedberg (2000).
Entrepreneurship: The Social Science View. (New York,
NY: Oxford University Press, 403 p.). Entrepreneurship.
Norio Tamaki (2001).
Yukichi Fukuzawa, 1835-1901: The Spirit of Enterprise in Modern
Japan. (New York, NY: Palgrave, 252 p.). Professor of
Japan's Economic, Social and Banking History (Keio University).
Fukuzawa, Yukichi, 1835-1901; Bankers--Japan--Biography;
Jeffry A. Timmons (1989).
The Entrepreneurial Mind. (Andover, MA: Brick House Pub.
Co., 187 p.). Entrepreneurship
--- (1990).
Planning and Financing the New Venture. (Andover, MA:
Brisk House Pub. Co., 188 p.). New Business Enterprises
--- (1999).
New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century.
(Boston, MA: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 5th ed.; 612 p.).
Entrepreneurship, New Business Enterprises.
Denise Tsang (2006).
The Entrepreneurial Culture: Network Advantage within Chinese
and Irish Software Firms. (Northampton, MA: Edward
Elgar, 195 p.). Lecturer, Department of Management (The
University of Reading Business School, UK). Computer software
industry--China; Computer software industry--Ireland;
Entrepreneurship; Business networks; Social networks--Economic
aspects. Chinese ‘social’
network, Irish ‘personal’ network in relation to strategies
utilized by successful public and private firms emerging in past
two decades.
Barbara Tucker, Kenneth H. Tucker, Jr. (2008).
Industrializing Antebellum America: The Rise of Manufacturing
Entrepreneurs in the Early Republic. (New York, NY:
Palgrave Macmillan, 272 p.). Professor of History and Director
of the Center for Connecticut Studies (Eastern Connecticut State
University); Professor of Sociology (Mount Holyoke College).
Businesspeople --United States --Biography; Industrialists
--United States --Biography; Entrepreneurship --United States
--History --19th century.
Rise of manufacturing
through beliefs, practices of Samuel Colt, John Fox Slater,
Horatio Nelson Slater, Amos Adams Lawrence, their families -
dominated firearms, textile industries, influence beyond
respective enterprises.
Roger Waldinger, Howard Aldrich, Robin Ward
with the collaboration of Jochen Blaschke ... [et al.] (1990).
Ethnic Entrepreneurs: Immigrant Business in Industrial Societies.
(Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 226 p.). Minority business
enterprises--United States; Minority business
enterprises--Europe. Challenge to conventional `wisdom' that immigrants do well in
business because their culture makes them entrepreneurial; how
development of particular ethnic minority business is always
product of unique, historical circumstances.
Murray Weidenbaum, Samuel Hughes (1996).
The Bamboo Network: How Expatriate Chinese Entrepreneurs Are
Creating a New Economic Superpower in Asia. (New York,
NY: Martin Kessler Books, 264 p.). Investments, Foreign--China;
Entrepreneurship--East Asia; Chinese--East Asia; China--Economic
Eds. James L. West and Iurii A. Petrov (1998).
Merchant Moscow: Images of Russia’s Vanished Bourgeoisie.
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 189 p.). History
(University of Tulsa); Research Fellow, Institute of Russian
History, Moscow. Businesspeople--Russia
(Federation)--Moscow--Portraits; Businesspeople--Russia
(Federation)--Moscow--History--19th century; Moscow
(Russia)--Social conditions; Moscow
(Russia)--Commerce--History--19th century. History of Russian
entrepreneurship; human face on early Russian capitalism.
Roger Whitman; edited by Scott Eberle and
David A. Gerber (1996).
The Rise and Fall of a Frontier Entrepreneur: Benjamin Rathbun,
"Master Builder and Architect". (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse
University Press and Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society,
241 p.). Rathbun, Benjamin, d. 1887; Businessmen -- New York
(State) -- Buffalo -- Biography; Entrepreneurship -- New York
(State) -- Buffalo -- History -- 19th century; Buffalo (N.Y.) --
Colin C. Williams (2006).
The Hidden Enterprise Culture: Entrepreneurship in the
Underground Economy. (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 263
p.). Professor of Work Organization (University of Leicester
Management Centre, UK). Informal sector (Economics);
Entrepreneurship; New business enterprises.
Aims to encourage underground
enterprises and entrepreneurs to make transition into realm of
Michael D. Woodard (1997).
Black Entrepreneurs in America: Stories of Struggle and
Success. (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University
Press, 254 p.). Afro-American business
enterprises--Management--Case studies; Success in
business--United States--Case studies.
Eds. Conrad Edick Wright, Katheryn P. Viens
Entrepreneurs: The Boston Business Community, 1700-1850.
(Boston, MA: Massachusetts Historical Society : Distributed by
Northeastern University Press, 450 p.).
Boston (Mass.)--Commerce--History--18th century--Congresses;
Boston (Mass.)--Commerce--History--19th century--Congresses.
Sam Wyly (2008).
1,000 Dollars and an Idea: How an Inspired American Entrepreneur
Built a Billion-Dollar Fortune. (New York, NY: Newmarket
Press, 256 p.). Wyly, Sam; Businessmen--United
States--Biography; Entrepreneurship--United States--Biography;
Billionaires--United States--Biography. Thought processes,
relationships, financial machinations behind building diverse
businesses over last four decades; 1963 - risked $1,000 of
savings to found first "computer utility" company in business
world; 1965 - took University Computing Company public, became
instant millionaire; waged successful anti-monopoly battle
against AT&T (built "telephone highway" for computers); grew
modest Bonanza Steak House chain ("inherited" as the result of
bad debt) to 600 outlets, sold it for huge profit; created new
systems software company, Sterling Software (sold for $4
billion); 2000 - sold Sterling Commerce to AT&T for $4 billion;
expanded small arts-and-crafts chain Michaels Stores from 10 to
1,000 stores (sold for $6 billion in 2006); founded Green
Mountain Energy (largest, most profitable green business in
Madeleine Zelin (2005).
The Merchants of Zigong: Industrial Entrepreneurship in Early
Modern China. (New York, NY: Columbia University Press,
406 p.). Professor of History and East Asian Languages and
Cultures, Former Director of the Weatherhead East Asian
Institute (Columbia University). Zigong (China)--Commerce.
Comprehensive study of the
growth of a major Chinese industry and resituates the history of
Chinese business within the larger story of worldwide industrial
Video (VHS) (1997).
Great Minds of Business - Entrepreneurship. (New York,
NY: Unapix).
(govWorks.com), Directed by Chris Hegedus and
Jehane Noujaim (2001).
Startup.com (DVD -107 min.);
Startup.com (VHS -107 min.). Traces the birth and
failure of new media company govWorks.com (from May of 1999 to
December of 2000), a Web site for people to conduct business
with municipal governments.
(Kozmo.com), Directed by Wonsuk Chin (2001).
e-Dreams (DVD - 94 min.). Documentary about the feeding
frenzy of success and failure that nearly consumed the nation's
economy. Focus on now defunct Kozmo.com - began in an
unfurnished warehouse, grew from 10 employees to 3,000, extended
to 11 cities, raised more than $250 million, attracted attention
of Starbucks and Amazon.com. Following the April 2000 stock
market crash, company was unprofitable, struggled to keep its
operations going - without success.