Francis J. Aguilar (1994).
Managing Corporate Ethics: Learning from America's Ethical
Companies How to Supercharge Business Performance. (New
York, NY: Oxford University Press, 177 p.). Business
ethics--United States; Business ethics--United States--Case
W. Steve Albrecht, Gerald W. Wernz, Timothy L.
Williams (1995).
Fraud: Bringing Light to the Dark Side of Business.
(Burr Ridge, IL: Irwin Professional Pub., 296 p.). Fraud--United
States; Fraud--United States--Prevention; Fraud
investigation--United States.
C. Fred Alford (2001).
Whistleblowers: Broken Lives and Organizational Power.
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 170 p.). Whistle blowing;
Business ethics; Administrative agencies--Corrupt practices;
Whistle blowing--Case studies; Employees--Dismissal of--Case
Christine Arena (2004).
Cause for Success: 10 Companies that Put Profits Second and Came
in First: How Solving the World’s Problems Improves Corporate
Health, Growth, and Competitive Edge. (Novato, CA: New
World Library, 195 p.). Social responsibility of business--Case
--- (2006).
The High-Purpose Company: The Truly Responsible - and Highly
Profitable - Firms that Are Changing Business Now. (New
York, NY: Collins, 304 p.). Social responsibility of business;
Corporate governance. Analysis on corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices of
75 well-known firms; defies long-held myths, rewrites rules,
reframes strategic priorities, reveals new paradigm for
William J. Arthur (1992). The Morality of
Leadership: More than Ethics: The Leader's Response to Unethical
Conduct. (New York, NY: Vantage Press, 157 p.). Business
ethics; Professional ethics; Leadership--Religious aspects.
Joseph L. Badaracco, Jr. (1997).
Defining Moments: When Managers Must Choose between Right and
Right. (Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 147
p.). Business ethics; Executives--Professional ethics.
Peter Baida (1990).
Poor Richard's Legacy: American Business Values from Benjamin
Franklin to Donald Trump. (New York, NY: Morrow, 360
p.). Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790; Business ethics--United
States--History; Capitalists and financiers--United
States--Biography; Capitalism--United States--History.
Raymond Baumhart (1968).
An Honest Profit; What Businessmen Say about Ethics in Business.
(New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 248 p.).
Businesspeople--United States; Business ethics--United States.
John R. Boatright (2003).
Ethics and the Conduct of Business. (Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice-Hall, 452 p. [4th ed.]). Business ethics; Social
responsibility of business.
Bert Berkley, Peter Economy (2008).
Giving Back: Connecting You, Business, and Community.
(Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 158 p.). Chairman of Tension Envelope
Corporation; Professional Business Writer. Social action--United
States--Case studies; Community organization--United
States--Case studies; Voluntarism--United States--Case studies;
Social responsibility of business--United States--Case studies.
How anyone in business can
give back, change world for better.
Matthew Bishop and Michael Green (2008).
Philanthrocapitalism: How the Rich Can Save the World, and Why
We Should Let Them. (New York, NY: Bloomsbury, 272 p.).
Chief Business Writer of the Economist; Expert on the
Relationship Between Government and the Nongovernmental Sector.
Social responsibility of business; Businesspeople --Conduct of
life; Philanthropists; Humanitarianism. How capitalism's winners
are using vast fortunes to change world by giving away billions
of dollars; small group of people who will change enormous
number of lives; new generation of billionaires reshaping way
they give – like business; use big-business-style strategies,
expect results and accountability; new movement, its
implications; how web of wealthy, motivated donors has set out
to change world; may be greatest force for societal change in
world, source of political controversy.
Michael Blowfield & Alan Murray (2008).
Corporate Responsibility: A Critical Introduction. (New
York, NY: Oxford University Press, 452 p.). Director of
Development, University of Cambridge Programme for Industry,
Associate Professor in Corporate Responsibility (University of
Middlesex Business School), Teaching Fellow in Corporate
Responsibility (London Business School); Lecturer in Corporate
Social Responsibility and Accounting (University of Sheffield).
Social responsibility of business. Multiple dimensions to corporate
responsibility; historical, interdisciplinary overview of field;
summary of different management approaches, review of key
actors, trends worldwide.
Benjamin F. Bobo (2005).
Rich Country, Poor Country: The Multinational as Change Agent.
(Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 235 p.). Professor of Finance
(Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles). International
business enterprises--Social aspects--Developing countries;
Social responsibility of business; Economic
assistance--Developing countries; Poor--Developing countries;
Economic development; International economic relations.
Case for multinational corporations to take active role in
combating poverty around world, result of lack of economic
resources and opportunity.
Martha Burk (2005).
Cult of Power: Sex Discrimination in Corporate America and What
Can Be Done About It. (New York, NY: Scribner, 262 p.).
Chairwoman of the National Council of Women's Organizations.
Augusta National Golf Club; Sex discrimination against
women--United States; Sex discrimination in employment--United
Ed. Barry Castro (1996).
Business and Society: A Reader in the History, Sociology and
Ethics of Business. (New York, NY: Oxford University
Press, 274 p.). Business Ethics, Social Responsibility of
James Chesher and Tibor R. Machan (1999).
The Business of Commerce: Examining an Honorable Profession.
(Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 310 p.).
Commerce--Moral and ethical aspects; Social responsibility of
business; Business ethics; Businessmen--Conduct of life.
Joanne B. Ciulla; foreword by James MacGregor
Burns (2004).
Ethics, the Heart of Leadership. (Westport, CT: Quorum
Books, 224 p. [2nd ed.]). Business ethics; Leadership--Moral and
ethical aspects.
Joanne B. Ciulla, Clancy Martin, Robert C.
Solomon (2005).
Honest Work: A Business Ethics Reader. (New York, NY:
Oxford University Press, 688 p.). Business ethics;
Work--Psychological aspects; Work ethic; Quality of work life;
Social justice.
of business ethics: from private ethical dilemmas to corporate
John R. Danley (1994).
The Role of the Modern Corporation in a Free Society.
(Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 345 p.). Social
responsibility of business; Business ethics;
Corporations--Philosophy; Corporations--Moral and ethical
Nan DeMars (1997).
You Want Me To Do WHAT?: When, Where, and How To Draw the Line
at Work. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 334 p.).
Business ethics; Professional ethics.
Vincent Di Norcia (1998).
Hard Like Water: Ethics in Business. (Toronto, ON:
Oxford University Press Canada, 233 p.). Business ethics; Social
responsibility of business; International business
enterprises--Moral and ethical aspects; Morale des affaires.
Thomas Donaldson (1982).
Corporations and Morality. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 214 p.). Industries--Social aspects.
--- (1989).
The Ethics of International Business. (New York, NY:
Oxford University Press, 196 p.). International business
enterprises--Moral and ethical aspects; Business ethics.
Thomas Donaldson, Thomas W. Dunfee (1999).
Ties That Bind: A Social Contracts Approach to Business Ethics.
(Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 306 p.). Business
ethics; Social contract.
Dawn-Marie Driscoll and W. Michael Hoffman
Ethics Matters: How To Implement Values-Driven Management.
(Waltham, MA: Bentley College Center for Business Ethics, 289
p.). Business ethics; Industrial management--Moral and ethical
Owen Edwards (1991).
Upward Nobility: How To Succeed in Business Without Losing Your
Soul. (New York, NY: Crown, 240 p.). Success in
business; Business ethics.
Saul Engelbourg (1980).
Power and Morality: American Business Ehics, 1840-1914.
(Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 181 p.). Business
enterprises--United States; Business ethics--United States.
Ralph W. Estes (1996).
Tyranny of the Bottom Line: Why Corporations Make Good People Do
Bad Things. (San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler
Publishers, 296 p.). Social responsibility of business;
Corporations--Moral and ethical aspects; Business ethics.
Timothy L. Fort (2008).
Prophets, Profits, and Peace: The Positive Role of
Business in Promoting Religious Tolerance. (New
Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 224 p.). Lindner-Gambal
Professor of Business Ethics (George Washington
University). Business --Religious aspects; Religious
ethics; Business ethics; Peace. Religious issues that
businesses confront as they expand global activity;
corporations can become instruments of peace, religious
harmony; emerging idea of "peace through commerce".
Howard Gardner, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, and
William Damon (2001).
Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet. (New York,
NY: BasicBooks, p.). Job satisfaction; Quality of work life;
Work ethic; Professional ethics.
Daniel R. Gilbert, Jr. (1996).
Ethics through Corporate Strategy. (New York, NY: Oxford
University Press, 165 p.). Business ethics; Strategic
planning--Moral and ethical aspects.
Kenneth E. Goodpaster (2006).
Conscience and Corporate Culture. (Malden, MA: Blackwell
Pub., 336 p.). David and Barbara Koch Professor (Endowed Chair)
in Business Ethics (University of St. Thomas). Business ethics;
Corporate culture--Moral and ethical aspects; Conflict of
interests; Conscience. Common patterns among recent
scandalous corporate events; development of ethical
Marc Gunther (2004).
Faith and Fortune: The Quiet Revolution To Reform American
Business. (New York, NY: Crown, 289 p.). Senior Writer
(Fortune Magazine). Social responsibility of business--United
States; Business ethics--United States; Business--Religious
Laury Hammel, Gun Denhart (2006).
Growing Local Value: How To Build Business Partnerships That
Strengthen Your Community. (San Francisco, CA:
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 176 p.). Founded Business for Social
Responsibility in 1991; Cofounder, Business Alliance for Local
Living Economies. Social responsibility of business--United
States--Case studies; Industries--Social aspects--United
States--Case studies; Community leadership--United States--Case
studies; Civic improvement--United States--Case studies;
Public-private sector cooperation--United States--Case studies.
How every aspect of business can benefit community, bottom line; how to build,
expand values-driven business that is deeply embedded in life of
local community.
Sidney Harris; [introduction by Alexander
Hamilton] (1986).
What's So Funny about Business?: Yuppies, Bosses, and Other
Capitalists: Cartoons. (Los Altos, CA: W. Kaufmann, 128
p.). Business ethics--Caricatures and cartoons; American wit and
humor, Pictorial.
Geoffrey Heal (2008).
When Principles Pay: Corporate Social Responsibility and the
Bottom Line. (New York, NY: Columbia Business School
Pub., 271 p.). Garrett Professor of Public Policy and Business
Responsibility, Professor of Economics and Finance (Columbia
Business School). Social responsibility of business -- Economic
aspects. Profit -- Moral and ethical aspects; Industrial
management -- Social aspects; Social justice; Business ethics --
Case studies. Compatibility of profit maximization, shareholder value with
policies that support social, environmental goals; how social,
environmental performance affects corporation's profitability;
how stock market reacts to firm's social, environmental
behavior; socially responsible investment (SRI), evolution of
SRI industry, quality of its returns; actions of corporations in
poor countries; how social, environmental performance fits into
accounting, corporate strategy, best way to develop, implement
these aspects of corporation's behavior.
Ben W. Heineman, Jr. (2008).
High Performance with High Integrity. (Boston, MA:
Harvard Business Press, 198 p.). Former General Counsel (General
Electric Co.). Business ethics; Organizational effectiveness;
Chief executive officers; Boards of directors; Corporate
governance. Executives, employees face temptation to cut
corners, fudge accounts, or worse - under intense pressure to
make the numbers; CEOs must create culture of integrity through
exemplary leadership, transparency, incentives, processes (not
just rules, penalties); crucial "performance with integrity"
principles, practices to apply immediately; how to drive
performance by integrating integrity systems, processes deep
into company operations to create affirmative benefits inside
corporation, in marketplace, in society.
Verne E. Henderson (1992).
What's Ethical in Business? (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill,
232 p.). Business ethics.
Paul T. Heyne (1967).
Private Keepers of the Public Interest. (New York, NY:
McGraw-Hill, 131 p.). Business ethics--United States;
Businesspeople--United States.
Jerome L. Himmelstein (1997).
Looking Good and Doing Good: Corporate Philanthropy and
Corporate Power. (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University
Press, 185 p.). Corporations--Charitable contributions--United
States; Social responsibility of business--United States.
Matthew J. Hirschland (2006).
Corporate Social Responsibility and the Shaping of Global Public
Policy. (New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 224 p.).
Director of Research & Communications at Business for Social
Responsibility. Social responsibility of business; Political
planning--Moral and ethical aspects; International business
enterprises--Moral and ethical aspects; Corporations--Moral and
ethical aspects; Globalization--Moral and ethical aspects.
Corporate social
responsibility networks - take on global governance where
traditional public policy, international law fail to
provide basic protection for people, natural environment.
Robert Jackall (1988).
Moral Mazes: The World of Corporate Managers. (New York,
NY: Oxford University Press, 249 p.). Business ethics--United
States; Executives--Professional ethics--United States;
Corporations--Corrupt practices--United States.
Marianne M. Jennings (2006).
The Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse: Understanding What Causes
Moral Meltdowns in Organizations...Before It's Too Late.
(New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 352 p.). Professor (Arizona
State University). Business ethics; Organizational
effectiveness. 1) Pressure
to maintain numbers; 2) Fear, silence; 3) Young
�uns, bigger-than-life CEO; 4) Weak board; 5) Conflicts;
6) Innovation like no other; 7) Goodness in some areas atones
for evil in others.
Roberta Ann Johnson (2003).
Whistleblowing: Power and Policy from the Inside Out.
(Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 171 p.). Whistle
blowing--United States; Business ethics--United States;
Administrative agencies--Corrupt practices--United States;
Whistle blowing--United States--Case studies;
Employees--Dismissal of--United States--Case studies.
Moss Kanter (2009).
Supercorp: How Vanguard Companies Create Innovation, Profits,
Growth, and Social Good. (New York, NY: Crown
Business, 322 p.). Ernest L. Arbuckle Professor (Harvard
Business School). Social responsibility of business;
Corporations -- Social aspects. "Vanguard companies" exploit
their strong cultures to adapt (to shorter organizational life
cycles brought on by globalization) and innovate, often harness
momentum of change to capture market share or squash competition; have stamina, energy, long
lists of contacts, appetite for communication, comfort with
ambiguity, belief that company's values and principles mean they
are part of something bigger than just a job; combine social
conscience with ability to deliver on customers' needs better
than competitors.
Ethan B. Kapstein (4/28/2006).
Economic Justice in an Unfair World: Toward a Level Playing
Field. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 272
p.). Paul Dubrule Professor of Sustainable Development (INSEAD,
Fontainebleau, France). Distributive justice; International
economic relations--Moral and ethical aspects; Economic
development--Moral and ethical aspects; Economic policy--Moral
and ethical aspects; International economic integration.
What would fair or just global
economy look like? economic relations among states.
Allen Kaufman, Lawrence Zacharias, Marvin
Karson (1995).
Managers vs. Owners: The Struggle for Corporate Control in
American Democracy. (New York, NY: Oxford University
Press, 271 p.). Social responsibility of business--United
States--History--20th century;. Business ethics--United
States--History--20th century; Management--Social
aspects--United States--History--20th century; Business and
politics--United States--History--20th century; Political action
committees--United States--History--20th century.
Charles M. Kelly (1988).
The Destructive Achiever: Power and Ethics in the American
Corporation. (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 222 p.).
Business ethics--United States; Success in business--United
Rushworth M. Kidder (2005).
Moral Courage: Taking Action When Your Values Are Put to the
Test. (New York, NY: Morrow, 320 p.). Founder, President
(Institute for Global Ethics). Courage; Ethics.
Philip Kotler and Nancy Lee (2005).
Corporate Social Responsibility: Doing the Most Good for Your
Company and Your Cause. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 307 p.). S.
C. Johnson Distinguished Professor of International Marketing
(Kellogg School of management, Northwestern University);
President of Social Marketing Services, Inc. Social
responsibility of business; Social marketing;
Corporations--Charitable contributions; Corporate image.
Richard S. Lambert (1934). The Railway
King, 1800-1871; A Study of George Hudson and the Business
Morals of His Time. (London, UK: G. Allen & Unwin Ltd., 320
p.). Hudson, George, 1800-1871; Railroads--Great
Alice Darnell Lattal, Ralph W. Clark (2006).
A Good Day's Work: Sustaining Ethical Behavior and Business
Success. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 332 p.). President
and CEO of Aubrey Daniels International; Philosophy Professor
(West Virginia University). Ethics. Success in Business.
Tools from study of ethics,
scientific management practices, behavioral psychology to ensure
that ethical behavior is foundation for workplace practices.
Reynold Levy (1999).
Give and Take: A Candid Account of Corporate Philanthropy.
(Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 235 p.). President
(International Rescue Committee), Chairman of the Board (Nathan
Cummings Foundation), formerly an Executive Director (New York's
92nd Street Y), President (AT&T Foundation).
Corporations--Charitable contributions--United States.
Daniel Litvin (2003).
Empires of Profit: Commerce, Conquest and Corporate
Responsibility. (New York, NY: Texere, 339 p.). Social
responsibility of business--Developing countries--History.
Author illustrates the greed, benevolence, and ignorance of
western business in the developing world.
George Lodge and Craig Wilson (2006).
A Corporate Solution to Global Poverty: How Multinationals Can
Help the Poor and Invigorate Their Own Legitimacy.
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 208 p.). Jaime and
Josefina Chua Tiampo Professor of Business Administration
Emeritus at Harvard Business School; Economist, International
Finance Corporation. Social responsibility of
business--Developing countries; International business
enterprises--Moral and ethical aspects--Developing countries;
Poverty--Developing countries. Improved
MNC legitimacy, stronger markets and profitability benefit
world's poor and company shareholders.
Deidre McCloskey (2006).
The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce.
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 634 p.). Distinguished
Professor of Economics, History, English, and Communication
(University of Illinois at Chicago). Capitalism--Moral and
ethical aspects; Commerce--Moral and ethical aspects; Social
ethics--History; Business ethics--History; Virtues--History;
Economic history. Radical
view: capitalism is good for us; overturns every assumption
about being bourgeois; applies new tradition of "virtue ethics"
to lives in modern economies.
Meera Mitra; with a foreword by N.R. Narayana
Murthy (2007).
It’s Only Business!: India’s Corporate Social Responsiveness in
a Globalized World. (New Delhi, India: Oxford University
Press, 192 p.). Social responsibility of business--India;
Globalization--Social aspects--India.
William J. Morin (1995).
Silent Sabotage: Rescuing Our Careers, Our Companies, and Our
Lives from the Creeping Paralysis of Anger and Bitterness.
(New York, NY: AMACOM, 175 p.). Social responsibility of
business--United States; Business ethics--United States; Social
values--United States; Corporate culture--United States; United
States--Moral conditions.
Laura L. Nash; with a new introduction (1993).
Good Intentions Aside: A Manager's Guide To Resolving Ethical
Problems. (Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press,
259 p.). Business ethics.
James O'Toole (1996).
Leading Change: The Argument for Values-Based Leadership.
(New York, NY: Ballantine Boks, 282 p.). Business ethics;
Leadership--Moral and ethical aspects; Industrial
management--Moral and ethical aspects.
Lynn Sharp Paine (2002).
Value Shift: Why Companies Must Merge Social and Financial
Imperatives To Achieve Superior Performance. (New York,
NY: McGraw-Hill, 302 p.). Professor of Business Ethics (HBS).
Social responsibility of business.
Moses L. Pava, Joshua Krausz (1995).
Corporate Responsibility and Financial Performance: The Paradox
of Social Cost. (Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 176 p.).
Alvin Einbender Chair in Business Ethics at the Sy Syms School
of Business (Yeshiva University). Social responsibility of
business; Social responsibility of business--Costs;
Moses L. Pava (1999).
The Search for Meaning in Organizations: Seven Practical
Questions for Ethical Managers. (Westport, CT: Quorum,
162 p.). Alvin Einbender Chair in Business Ethics at the Sy Syms
School of Business (Yeshiva University). Business ethics;
Corporations--Moral and ethical aspects; Corporations--Religious
aspects; Social responsibility of business.
Patrizia Porrini, Lorene Hiris, Gina Poncini
Above the Board: How Ethical CEOs Create Honest Corporations.
(New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 221 p.). Associate Professor of
Management (C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University);
Professor of Finance (C.W. Post Campus of Long Island
University); Associate Professor in the Department of Economics,
Business and Statistics (University of Milan). Business ethics
--United States --Case studies; Chief executive officers
--United States --Case studies; Leadership --Moral and ethical
aspects --United States --Case studies; Corporate culture
--Moral and ethical aspects --United States --Case studies;
Moral development --United States --Case studies.
How select
group of CEOs have built ethics into foundations of their
organizations, contributed
to corporate value by reinforcing their stance among
shareholders, stakeholders, customers; practices, procedures,
personalized approaches.
Terry L. Price (2005).
Understanding Ethical Failures in Leadership. (New York,
NY: Cambridge University Press, 240 p.). Associate Professor of
Leadership Studies at the Jepson School of Leadership Studies
(University of Richmond). Business ethics; Leadership--Moral and
ethical aspects.
Donald P. Robin, R. Eric Reidenbach (1989).
Business Ethics: Where Profits Meet Value Systems.
(Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 166 p.-). Business
ethics--United States.
Eds. Michael A. Santoro, Thomas M. Gorrie
Ethics and the Pharmaceutical Industry. (New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press, 492 p.). Associate Professorin the
Business Environment Department (Rutgers Business School);
Corporate Vice President, Government Affairs & Policy (Johnson &
Johnson). Pharmaceutical industry; Drugs--Marketing--Moral and
ethical aspects; Drugs--Research--Moral and ethical aspects;
Medical innovations--Social aspects; Social responsibility of
business. Growing tension between the industry and the public.
Role of intellectual
property rights and patent protection; moral, economic
requisites of research, clinical trials; drug pricing;
Debra Satz (2010).
Why Some Things Should Not Be for Sale: The Moral Limits of
Markets. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 264
p.). Marta Sutton Weeks Professor of Ethics in Society
(Stanford), Director of the Bowen H McCoy Family Center for
Ethics in Society. Free enterprise -- Moral and ethical aspects;
Capitalism --Moral and ethical aspects. Skeptical view of
markets; free markets are not always force for good (free
exchange of child labor, human organs, reproductive services,
weapons, life saving medicines, addictive drugs); What
considerations ought to guide debates about such markets? What
is it about particular exchanges that make some types
of markets problematic? How should social policies respond to
more noxious markets?; broader, more nuanced view of markets:
allocate resources and incomes, shape culture, foster or thwart
human development, create and support structures of power.
Leonard R. Sayles, Cynthia J. Smith (2006).
The Rise of the Rogue Executive: How Good Companies Go Bad and
How To Stop the Destruction. (Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson Prentice Hall, 259 p.). Emeritus Professor (Columbia
University Graduate School of Business). Business ethics--United
States; Corporations--Corrupt practices--United States; Chief
executive officers--United States--Professional ethics;
Corporate governance--United States; Social values--United
States; White collar crimes--United States--Prevention.
Persistence and pervasiveness of
executive excesses and self-serving behavior.
Peter Schwartz and Blair Gibb (1999).
When Good Companies Do Bad Things: Responsibility and Risk in an
Age of Globalization. (New York, NY: Wiley, 194 p.).
Chairman of the Global Business Network; GBN principal. Social
responsibility of business; International business enterprises.
(LRN), Dov Seidman (2007).
How: Pursue Significance and Achieve Success. (Hoboken,
NJ: Wiley, 338 [p.). Founder LRN (originally Legal Research
Network). Success in business; Business ethics; Valuesl
Organizational effectiveness; Technological innovations.
Four comprehensive parts: 1)
forces, factors that have changed world of business (hows with
which we conduct ourselves); 2) frameworks to understand these
hows, implement them in powerful, productive ways; 3) actions,
decisions to thrive in new business realities; 4) systems of
how, vision for winning through self-governance.
Laurence Shames (1989).
The Hunger for More: Searching for Values in an Age of Greed.
(New York, NY: Times Books, 291 p.). Success; Wealth--Moral and
ethical aspects.
Leonard Silk and David Vogel (1976). Ethics
and Profits: The Crisis of Confidence in American Business.
(New York, Ny: Simon & Schuster, 251 p.). Industries--Social
aspects--United States; Business ethics--United States.
Ronald R. Sims (2003).
Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: Why Giants Fall.
(Westport, CT: Praeger, 328 p.). Professor of Business (William
& Mary). Business ethics; Social responsibility of business.
Robert C. Solomon (1999).
A Better Way to Think About Business: How Personal Integrity
Leads to Corporate Success. (New York, NY: Oxford
University Press, 145 p.). Business ethics.
Paul Steidlmeier (1992).
People and Profits: The Ethics of Capitalism. (Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 368 p.). Business ethics; Capitalism.
Compiled by Barbara Ley Toffler (1991).
Managers Talk Ethics: Making Tough Choices in a Competitive
Business World. (New York, NY: Wiley, 372 p.). Business
ethics--United States; Decision making--Moral and ethical
aspects; Executives--United States--Attitudes.
Barbara Ley Toffler with Jennifer Reingold
Final Accounting: Ambition, Greed, and the Fall of Arthur
Andersen. (New York, NY: Broadway Books, p.). Founder,
Arthur Andersen's Ethics Consulting Group (former teacher of
ethics at HBS). Arthur Andersen & Co.; Accounting firms--Corrupt
practices--United States.
Tad Tuleja (1987).
Beyond the Bottom Line: How Business Leaders Are Turning
Principles into Profits. (New York, NY: Penguin, 228 p.
[orig. pub. 1985]). Business ethics--United States;
Executives--United States--Conduct of life; Industries--Social
aspects--United States; Social responsibility of
business--United States.
David Vogel (2005).
The Market for Virtue: The Potential and Limits of Corporate
Social Responsibility. (Washington, DC: Brookings
Institution, 222 p.). Solomon Lee Professor of Business Ethics
at the Haas School of Business, Professor of Political Science
(University of California, Berkeley). Social responsibility of
business. Contemporary
corporate social responsibility movement in both the United
States and Europe.
Sandra Waddock (2008).
The Difference Makers: How Social and Institutional
Entrepreneurs Created the Corporate Responsibility Movement.
(Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf Pub. Ltd., 320 p.). Professor of
Management at Carroll School of Management (Boston College).
Social responsibility of business. History, detailed analysis of
how corporate responsibility emerged as key political, social,
business issue, why it has evolved so quickly, visions for
future; 23 early pioneers of social movement in North America,
Clarence C. Walton (1988).
The Moral Manager. (Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Pub., 278
p.). Business ethics--United States; Executives--Professional
ethics--United States; Corporations--United States--Corrupt
Charles Watson; foreword by C. William Verity
(1991). Managing with Integrity: Insights from America's CEOs.
(New York, NY: Praeger, 375 p.). Business ethics;
Executives--United States--Attitudes.
--- (2005).
How Honesty Pays: Restoring Integrity to the Workplace.
(Westport, CT: Praeger, 200 p.). Professor of Management (Miami
University in Ohio). Business ethics; Integrity; Organizational
behavior; Corporate culture.
Ed. Oliver F. Williams (1997).
The Moral Imagination: How Literature and Films Can Stimulate
Ethical Reflection in the Business World. (Notre Dame,
IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 210 p.). Business ethics;
Business ethics in literature; Business ethics in motion
James Q. Wilson (1993).
The Moral Sense. (New York, NY: Free Press, 313 p.).
Professor of Management and Public Policy (UCLA). Ethics; Moral
development; Social ethics; Values--Psychological aspects.
Philippe de Woot (2005).
Should Prometheus Be Bound?: Corporate Global Responsibility.
(New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 240 p.). Professor Emeritus
of the Catholic University Louvain. Social responsibility of
business; Corporate culture; Sustainable development.
Daniel Yankelovich (2006).
Profit with Honor: The New Stage of Market Capitalism.
(New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 208 p.). Chairman of
Viewpoint Learning, of Public Agenda, and of DYG, Inc.
Capitalism--Moral and ethical aspects; Business ethics; Social
responsibility of business.
convergence of cultural, business trends that has led
inexorably to corporate scandals; opportunity exists for positive change.
Yakubu Zakaria (1999).
Entrepreneurial Ethics and Trust: Cultural Foundations and
Networks in the Nigerian Plastic Industry. (Brookfield,
VT: Ashgate, 275 p.). Plastics industry and trade--Moral and
ethical aspects--Nigeria--Kano State; Business
ethics--Nigeria--Kano State.
BELL: Business Ethics Links Library
BELL is a comprehensive starting point for research in corporate
ethics and social responsibility. The database provides access
to codes of ethics for U.S. companies and trade and professional
associations, ethics sites at college and university business
programs, industry information resources, and company promotion
of social responsibility covering such topics as arts
assistance, environmental clean up, charitable giving and
community programming.
Business Ethics
Directory of resources related to business ethics includes
articles, publications, case studies, corporate codes of ethics,
professional organizations and associations, and more. From
librarian Sharon Stoerger of the University of Illinois.
Subjects: Ethics...
Business Ethics in the
Begun in February 2003, movies selected: have significant
characters, circumstances, or events worthy of study and
discussion to increase our understanding of the complexity of
(un)ethical behavior in the workplace; portray the effects of
(un)ethical behavior on individuals, co-workers, families,
friends, management, organization, industry, and so on.
Business Ethics Magazine
The magazine of corporate responsibility.
Business Ethics Resources on WWW
From the University of British Columbia's Centre for Applied
Ethics, this extensive catalog of business ethics resources is
divided into eight sections including Public Sector Ethics,
Publications, Codes of Ethics, and Ethics Institutions and
Organizations. Each section consists of briefly indexed links,
organized in alphabetical order. Business Ethics Resources on
the WWW also links to a page of applied ethics resources and the
Centre for Applied Ethics.
Business for Social Responsibility
BSR, begun in 1992 as an association of approximately 50
companies dedicated to helping businesses be both commercially
successful and socially responsible, seeks to create a just and
sustainable world by working with companies to promote more
responsible business practices, innovation and collaboration.
The Center for Corporate Citizenship at
Boston College
For 20 years The Center for Corporate Citizenship has provided
research, executive education and convenings on corporate
citizenship topics. Because of our affiliation with Boston
College’s Carroll School of Management, we function as an
educational institution, a think tank and an information
resource—all in one place. And all focused on fundamentally and
measurably improving your company's ability to build and
leverage its citizenship efforts for the benefit of society. The
Center engages with companies to redefine business success as
creating measurable gains for business and society. The Center
achieves results through the power of research, education and
member engagement.
Center for
Business Ethics (Bentley College)
The Center for Business Ethics is dedicated to promoting ethical
business conduct in contemporary society. With a vast network of
practitioners and scholars, and an expansive multimedia library,
the center provides an international forum for benchmarking and
research in business ethics. The center helps corporations and
other organizations strengthen their ethical cultures through
educational programming and consulting.
Center for Responsible Business
Launched in January 2003 - vision is to create a more
sustainable, ethical and socially responsible society by
establishing the Haas School of Business (University of
California, Berkeley) as the preeminent educational institution
for research, teaching, experiential learning, and community
outreach in areas of corporate social responsibility - by
exposing all of our constituents to the complex issues of a
corporation's role and responsibility to society beyond simply
maximizing shareholder wealth.
Center for the Study of Ethics in the
The library of CSEP began collecting codes of ethics over 20
years ago. In June 1996 Center received a grant from the
National Science Foundation to put its collection of over 850
codes of ethics on the World-Wide Web - including codes of
ethics of professional societies, corporations, government, and
academic institutions. A literature review, an introduction to
the codes, and a User Guide are included. Center for the Study
of Ethics in the Professions is committed to the importance of
codes of ethics and has undertaken the Online Ethics Codes
Project in order to enhance access to a very wide variety of
Corporate Equity
"The Human Rights Campaign Foundation's Corporate Equality Index
report, released each fall, provides an in-depth analysis and
rating of large U.S. employers and their policies and practices
pertinent to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees,
consumers and investors." Includes evaluation of issues such as
diversity training, domestic partner benefits, and respectful
advertising. Includes reports back to 2002. From the Human
Rights Campaign.
Corporate Social Responsibility Newswire
Defined as the integration of business operations and values,
whereby the interests of all stakeholders including investors,
customers, employees, and the environment are reflected in the
company's policies and actions. Seeks to promote the growth of
corporate responsibility and sustainability through
solutions-based information and positive examples of corporate
CorpWatch: Holding Corporations
"Provides news, analysis, research tools and action alerts to
respond to corporate activity around the globe," as well as
information on various CorpWatch campaigns, including the
Alliance for a Corporate Free UN, the Climate Justice
Initiative, and the Greenwash Awards. Includes a guide to
researching companies, a searchable and browsable library
covering a wide range of issues, and information on how to get
involved in grassroots organizations. Subjects: Social
responsibility of business; Corporations; Business.
Ethics Updates
Created in 1994 by Professor Lawrence M. Hinman (University of
San Diego); designed primarily to be used by ethics instructors,
students. Visitors can use drop-down tabs on top of homepage to
make way through sections that cover some basic theories of
ethics, learn more about applied ethics in relation to such
issues as animal rights, torture, world hunger; "Resources" area
includes case studies for discussion, glossary of terms, classic
texts in ethics, ethics surveys; has search engine, selection of
videos that deal with various topics in ethics.
Ethisphere Institute
The research-based Ethisphere Institute is a leading
international think-tank dedicated to the creation, advancement
and sharing of best practices in business ethics, corporate
social responsibility, anti-corruption and sustainability. Our
mission is to help corporate executives guide their enterprises
toward gaining market share and creating sustainable competitive
advantage through better business practices and corporate
European Academy of Business in Society
Established in 2002 after CEOs and Deans across Europe agreed on
the urgent need for more and better knowledge and skills on
business in society issues. Unique alliance of companies,
business schools and academic institutions, with the support of
the European Commission, committed to integrating business in
society issues into the heart of business theory and practice in
Institute for International Corporate
Governance and Accountability (IICGA)
Founded at The George Washington University School of Law in
2000, funded by a major grant from the Ford Foundation. The
mission of the Institute is to study corporate governance
systems and capital markets throughout the world and develop
methods to devise and sustain responsible and accountable
corporate behavior.
World's Most Ethical Companies (2007)
This ranking arose from an evaluation of "more than 5,000
companies across 30 separate industries looking for true ethical
leadership" in areas such as litigation and conflict resolution,
corporate citizenship, pan-industry participation, and
governance. Includes a description of methodology, a list of
winning companies, and brief additional material about selected
winners. From Ethisphere Magazine.