Jose C. Casillas, Francisco J. Acedo, Ana M.
Moreno (2007).
International Entrepreneurship in Family Businesses.
(Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 338 p.). Family-owned business
enterprises; International business enterprises;
Andrea Colli (2002).
The History of Family Business, 1850-2000. (New York,
NY: Cambridge University Press, p.). Family-owned business
Katy Danco; with an
introduction by Leon A. Danco (1981).
From the Other Side of the Bed: A Woman Looks at Life in the
Family Business (Cleveland, OH: The Center for Family
Business, University Press, 163 p.).
Leon A. Danco (1980).
Inside the Family Business (Cleveland, OH: Center for
Family Business University Press, 248 p.).
Leon A. Danco, Donald J.
Jonovic. (1981). Outside Directors in the Family Owned
Business: Why, When, Who, and How (Cleveland, OH: The Center
for Family Business Press, 207 p.). Family
corporations--Management; Directors of corporations.
Quentin J. Feming (2000).
Keep the Family Baggage out of the Family Business: Avoiding the
Seven Deadly Sins That Destroy Family Business (New
York, NY: Fireside Books, 332 p.). Management Consultant. Family
corporations--Management; Family-owned business
enterprises--Management; Family-owned business enterprises--Law
and legislation; Communication in the family; Domestic
Roger Fritz; foreword by Gary Player (1992).
The Entrepreneurial Family: How to Sustain the Vision and Value
in Your Family Business (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 218
p.). Family corporations--Management.
Frank Feldinger (1997).
Wars of Succession: The Blessings, Curses and Lessons that
Family-Owned Firms Offer Anyone in Business (Santa
Monica, CA: Merritt Publishing, 330 p.). Family owned business
enterprises; Industrial management.
Kelin E. Gersick (1997).
Generation to Generation: Life Cycles of the Family Business
( Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 302 p.).
Family-owned business enterprises--Management; Family-owned
business enterprises--Succession.
Andres Hatum (2007).
Adaptation or Expiration in Family Firms: Organizational
Flexibility in Emerging Economies. (Northampton, MA:
Edward Elgar, 238 p.). Associate Professor in Human Resource
Management, IAE Business School (Austral University, Argentina).
Family-owned business enterprises--Argentina--Case studies;
Organizational behavior--Argentina--Case studies; Adaptability
(Psychology)--Argentina--Case studies. 5 determinants of organizational
flexibility in four family-owned companies from edible oil,
pharmaceutical industries: 1) heterogeneity of dominant
coalition, 2) centralization, formalization of decision-making,
3) low macroculture embeddedness, 4) environmental scanning, 5)
Strong organizational identity.
Rajesh Jain (2006). Chains That Liberate,
Governance of Family Ties. (Delhi, India: Macmillan, 397
p.). Family-owned business enterprises -- India -- Management;
Family-owned business enterprises -- Succession -- India;
Management -- Study and teaching -- India.
Harold James (2006).
Family Capitalism: Wendels, Haniels, Falcks, and the Continental
European Model. (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard
University Press, 448 p.). Professor of History and
International Affairs (Princeton University). Family-owned
business enterprises--Europe--History; Family-owned business
enterprises--Case studies. History of three powerful family
firms; European model of "relationship capitalism."
Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj (2005).
Succession in Asian Family Firms. (New York, NY:
Palgrave Macmillan, 150 p.). Teaches Enterprise Culture and
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management at the Business
School (Brunel University). Family-owned business
enterprises--Asia; Business enterprises, Foreign.
South Asian family businesses
experiencing inter-generational succession across United
Kingdom, Kenya, U.S.
Donald J. Jonovic (1984).
Someday It'll All Be Yours, or Will It? :
How to Survive and Enjoy Succession in a Family Business.
(Cleveland, OH: Jamieson Press, 186 p.). Family
Davis S. Landes (2006).
Dynasties: Why Some Family Businesses Succeed and Some Fail.
(New York, NY: Viking, 384 p.). Professor Emeritus of History
and Economics (Harvard). Family-owned business enterprises--Case
studies. Focus on banking, automobiles, raw materials; new reading of last
two centuries; surprising recommendations for coming one.
Ivan Lansberg (1999).
Succeeding Generations : Realizing the Dream of Families in
Business (Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 379
p.). Family-owned Business Enterprises--Management
Danny Miller, Isabelle Le Breton-Miller
Managing for the Long Run: Lessons in Competitive Advantage from
Great Family Businesses. (Boston, MA: Harvard Business
School Press, 310 p.). Professor of Strategy at HEC Montreal and
Chair in Family Enterprise & Strategy (University of Alberta);
Human Resources Consultant and Senior Research Associate at the
Center for Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise at the
University of Alberta. Family-owned business
enterprises--Management; Success in business.
Hidemasa Morikawa; foreword by Alfred D.
Chandler, Jr. (1992).
Zaibatsu: The Rise and Fall of Family Enterprise Groups in Japan.
(Tokyo, Japan: University of Tokyo Press, 283 p.). Trusts,
Industrial--Japan--History; Family corporations--Japan--History;
Corporations, Japanese--History; Holdings companies--Japan;
Japan--Economic conditions--1868-.
William T. O'Hara (2004).
Centuries of Success: Lessons from the World's Most Enduring
Family Businesses. (Avon, MA: Adams Media Corporation,
330 p.). Success in business--Case studies.
Eds. Akio Okochi, Shigeaki Yasuoka (1984).
Family Business in the Era of Industrial Growth: Its Ownership
and Management: Proceedings of the Fuji Conference. (Tokyo,
Japan: University of Tokyo Press, 318 p.). Family
corporations--East Asia--History--Congresses; Family
corporations--Europe--History--Congresses; Family
corporations--United States--History--Congresses; Trusts,
Marshall B. Paisner (1999).
Sustaining the Family Business (Reading, MA: Perseus
Books, 214 p.). Businessman, Founder of ScrubaDub Auto Wash
Centers. Family Business, Succession.
Janice Pottker (1992).
Born to Power: Heirs to America's Leading Businesses.
(Hauppauge, NY: Barron's, 464 p.). Family-owned business
enterprises--United States--Management--Case studies;
Corporations--United States--Management--Case studies.
ed. Mary B. Rose (1995).
Family Business (Brookfield, VT: E. Elgar, 699 p.).
Family corporations; Family-owned business enterprises. Series:
The International library of critical writings in business
Joachim Schwass (2006).
Wise Growth Strategies in Leading Family Businesses.
(New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 208 p.). Family-owned
business enterprises--Growth; Family-owned business
enterprises--Case studies. Nine year study - new, deep
insights into their long-term success strategies.
Dwijendra Tripathi, Makrand Mehta (1990).
Business Houses in Western India: A Study in Entrepreneurial
Response, 1850-1956. (New Delhi, India: Manohar
Publications, 223 p.). Family-owned business
enterprises--India--Bombay (State)--History;
Entrepreneurship--India--Bombay (State)--History.
John L. Ward; foreword by Léon A. Danco
Keeping the Family Business Healthy: How To Plan for Continuing
Growth, Profitability, and Family Leadership. (San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 266 p.). Clinical Professor and
Co-Director, Family Enterprises Center, Kellogg School of
Management and Wild Group Professor of Family Business at IMD
(Lausanne, Switzerland). Family corporations--Management.
John L. Ward (2004).
Perpetuating the Family Business: 50 Lessons Learned from
Long-lasting, Successful Families in Business. (New
York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 178 p.). Family
corporations-Management; Family-owned business
enterprises-Management; Success in business; Family
corporations-Management-Case studies; Family-owned business
enterprises-Management-Case studies; Success in business-Case
Eds. John L. Ward et al (2005).
Unconventional Wisdom: Counterintuitive Insights for Family
Business Success. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 246 p.). Wild
Group Professor of Family Business at International Institute
for Management Development, Professor at Kellogg Graduate School
of Management (Northwestern University). Family-owned business
enterprises--Management. Leverage
strategic, cultural uniqueness of family businesses.
Center for Family Business (University
of New Hampshire)
The purpose of the Center for Family Business (started in 1993)
is to offer services and information for entrepreneurial
families. Our aim is making and keeping family businesses
Family Businesses (Industry)
Family Business
Family Enterprise Center (University of
The Family Enterprise Center's (FEC) mission is to protect,
preserve, and promote closely-held family-owned businesses
throughout southwestern Pennsylvania by providing insights into
pivotal issues that affect a family business through
leading-edge educational programs and peer advisory activities.
Family Firm Institute
The Family Firm Institute (FFI), founded in 1986, is an
international professional membership organization dedicated to
providing interdisciplinary education and networking
opportunities for family business and family wealth advisors,
consultants, educators and researchers and to increasing public
awareness about trends and developments in the family business
and family wealth fields.
IMD-Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch & Cie
Family Business Center
Institute for Management Development (IMD)-Lombard Odier Darier
Hentsch & Cie Family Business Center represents a major
expansion of IMD, building on expertise gained from over 17
years of providing research and educational programs to family
businesses all over the world. The Center is unique in being
able to assist families with governance, role and relationship
issues as well as with their specific challenges of business
renewal and continuity. While incorporating much of the
successful business management content IMD is known to offer,
the programs focus on developing the unique inherent traits of
private ownership into a competitive advantage.
Institute for Family Business (Baylor
The Institute for Family Business was established in 1987 to
provide a forum for the development and dissemination of
information relevant to the continuity and health of the family
Institute for Family Enterprising
Institute's mission to be the global leader in (i) defining the
requirements for transgenerational entrepreneurship and wealth
creation, and in (ii) delivering relevant educational programs
and implementation support that empower families to fulfill
their enterprising hopes and goals. IFE will create a nexus
between entrepreneurship and family-based wealth creation. There
are four programmatic areas which are pursued in order to meet
these goals: 1) Mentoring Curriculum and Cases; 2) Powerful
Practices Programs and Summits; 3) Research and Academic
Advancement; 4) Global Partnerships and Programs.
Leading the Family Business
World’s longest running and most international program for
families in business (based at Institute for Management
Development in Geneva, Switzerland). Over the past 18 years the
program has welcomed some 500 families and assisted them with
governance, role and relationship issues, specific challenges as
well as with development of the unique inherent traits of
private ownership into a competitive advantage.
UMass Family Business Center
The UMass Family Business Center assists family companies to
recognize common problems and find solutions to their unique
challenges. The Center offers owners and managers a
comprehensive learning community, including presentations by
experts from the fields of psychology, management, law,
accounting, financial and estate planning, and banking.
Vermont Family Business Initiative
The Vermont Family Business Initiative is a statewide
organization led by the University of Vermont's School of
Business Administration. Our goal is to give Vermont businesses
the tools and support they need to compete in both the local and
global arenas. We are supported by members and contributing
partners who strive to work through the issues of leadership,
communication, and complex legal and financial challenges to
business transition and succession.
Wharton Global Family
Unique institution that allows global families to transcend
boundaries to collaborate for their mutual benefit and for the
betterment of society as a whole. WGFA is designed for families
at the "pinnacle" of wealth — carefully selected member families
represent substantial net worth, are actively engaged in primary
economic activity, and exert significant influence in their
arenas of operation (both geographic and economic). First global
family consortium of its kind, focused on research into, and the
sharing of, best practices of globally influential family
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