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BUSINESS HISTORY - Scandal (Enterprise Corruption)
business biographies  

1872 - Credit Mobilier scandal broke (illegal manipulation of contracts, few men contracted with themselves or assignees for the construction of the railroad), disclosed that Congressman Oakes Ames (MA) had sold shares Credit Mobilier to fellow congressmen at a price greatly below the true value of the stock: actual construction costs of the Union Pacific from Omaha to Promontory Point, Utah, where the last spike was driven in 1869, have been estimated as in excess of $44 million, while the Credit Mobilier charged more than $94 million; shares were sold at prices lower than the stock was worth to members of both the legislative and executive branches of the government under liberal terms allowing the purchaser to pay for his stock out of the accumulating dividends, guaranteeing the purchaser against loss, and offering to buy back the stock if it were no longer wanted. dividends in one year amounted to more than $300 per share, and the total sum distributed among politicians has been estimated at $33 million; leaders of the Credit Mobilier were accused of having betrayed the government and the people and of having seriously jeopardized the repayment to the government of the subsidies provided in the Pacific Railroad bills.

November 26, 1872 - An article in the San Francisco Evening Bulletin exposed The Great Diamond Hoax, one of the most notorious mining swindles of the time; Kentucky cousins Philip Arnold and John Slack convinced San Francisco capitalists to invest in a worthless mine in the northwestern corner of Colorado; arrived in San Francisco in 1872, tried to deposit bag of uncut diamonds at a ban; when questioned, two men quickly disappeared, acted as if they were reluctant to talk about their discovery; bank director named William Ralston tracked down the men; assumed he was dealing with unsophisticated country bumpkins, set out to take control of diamond mine; two cousins agreed to take a blindfolded mining expert to the site; reported mine was rich with diamonds and rubies; Ralston joined with number of other prominent San Francisco financiers, formed New York Mining and Commercial Company, capitalized at $10 million; began selling stock to eager investors. Arnold and Slack received about $600,000 (small change in comparison to supposed value of diamond mine); at least 25 diamond exploration companies formed in subsequent months (convinced American West must have many other major deposits of diamonds); Clarence King, little-known young leader of a geographical survey of 40th parallel, exposed cousins' diamond mine as a hoax; was suspicious of mine from the start; correctly deduced the location of supposed mine, raced to investigate, realized swindlers had salted the mine (some gems showed jewelers-cut marks); exposed the fraud in newspapers, Great Diamond Hoax collapsed; Ralston returned $80,000 to each of his investors, never able to recover $600,000 given to two cousins; Arnold lived out the few remaining years of his life in luxury in Kentucky, died of pneumonia in 1878; Slack last reported to have worked as coffin maker in New Mexico; King's role in exposing fraud brought him national recognition, became first director of the United States Geological Survey.

1926 - McKesson & Robbins, Inc. (acquired in hostile takeover in 1967 by Foremost Dairies of San Francisco) acquired by Frank D. Coster of Adelphi Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company, manufacturer of high alcohol-content products such as hair tonic, cosmetics  (real name Philip Musica, twice-convicted criminal); enlisted three brothers in scheme to skim cash, inflate assets; 1938 - true identity revealed; company treasurer became suspicious of large payments to one customer; ordered Dun & Bradstreet credit reports on customer - customer fictitious; December 6, 1938 - SEC opened investigation into company's accounting, New York Stock Exchange suspended trading of company’s shares; investigation revealed Coster had embezzled $3 million, inflated company's assets by more than 20% fictitious (inventories, accounts receivable); led to changes in audit procedures (observing inventory, confirming accounts receivable made standard procedure in accounting profession).

December 1, 1955 - Michael Monus, former president of the Phar-Mor drug store chain, found guilty of embezzling roughly $1 billion from company to finance extravagant lifestyle; received twenty-year prison sentence, $1 million fine.

1965 - Puerto Rican immigrant John Mariotta invested $3,000 to start small company in enovated brick garage in desolate area of the South Bronx to manufacture baby carriages; 1970 - brought in a partner, Fred Neuberger, focused on Department of Defense contracts; 1987 - grew into $117 million Wedtech political scandal (corruption and racketeering).

October 30, 1972 - All Nippon Airline (ANA) announced its decision to purchase 21 Lockheed Tristar L101 (about $5 million each); primary candidate for its supplier of new Jumbo passenger aircraft to replace its old Boeing 747 believed to be McDonald Douglas (for its DC10) because of its ties with Mitsuibussan, who was a majority shareholder of ANA; discovered that Lockheed paid 2.4 billion yen as a bribe to earn purchase contract of its Tristar from ANA (500 million yen to then Prime Minister Tanaka; 160 million yen to ANA's officials.; 1.7 billion yen to Kodama, right-wing middle man used by Lockheed to distribute the rest of bribe among other political leaders); July 27, 1976 - Kakuei Tanaka, former Japanese prime minister, arrested in Lockheed bribery scandal; August 16 - Tanaka indicted along with former officers of the Marubeni Trading Corp.; Lockheed payoffs an example of what the Japanese poetically refer to as kuroi kiri (black mist), or corruption; Fall 1972 - Tanaka connection involved two Lockheed sales coups: 1) decision of All Nippon Airways, Japan's principal domestic carrier, to buy six Lockheed TriStar jetliners instead of McDonnell Douglas or Boeing competitors (order grew to 21); 2) government decision to consider purchasing Lockheed P-3C Orions instead of developing a Japanese-made antisubmarine aircraft; Tanaka convicted of having received about $2 million in bribes from Lockheed to promote sales while he was in office; August 26, 1976 - Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands resigned all his military and political posts after accusations that he was involved in a Lockheed bribery scandal; subsequently admitted (posthumously, in an interview prior to his death) he took a million-dollar bribe in exchange for providing contacts and helping the firm win a government order for Starfighter 104 planes; gave rise to the American Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977.

November 3, 1975 - An independent audit of Mattel, one of the United States's largest toy manufacturers, revealed that company officials fabricated press releases, financial information to "maintain the appearance of continued corporate growth."

August 16, 1984 - L.A. federal jury acquitted auto maker John DeLorean on cocaine charges.

August 30, 1989 - A federal jury in New York found "hotel queen" Leona Helmsley guilty of income tax evasion, acquitted her of extortion; December 13, 1989 - Leona Helmsley, nicknamed the "Queen of Mean" by the press, receives a four-year prison sentence, 750 hours of community service, and a $7.1 million tax fraud fine in New York. For many, Helmsley became the object of loathing and disgust when she quipped that "only the little people pay taxes"; sent to jail in 1992, released in 1994.

July 5, 1991 - Regulators in eight countries shut down the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, charging it with fraud, drug money laundering and illegal infiltration into the U.S. banking system.

April 10, 1992 - Financier Charles Keating Jr. was sentenced in Los Angeles to nine years in prison for swindling investors when his Lincoln Savings and Loan collapsed (convictions later overturned).

April 15, 1992 - Leona Helmsley began what was to be four-year prison term in Lexington, KY for tax evasion (served 18 months); admitted to evading IRS, though she refused to see anything wrong in her actions; reasoned that wealthy,  famous were exempt from annual surrender to the IRS; explained, "Only the little people pay taxes."

December 1, 1995 - Michael Monus, former president of Phar-Mor drugstore chain, was found guilty of embezzling roughly $1 billion from the company; received twenty-year prison sentence, $1 million fine. According to prosecutors, Monus funneled money from Phar-Mor to finance high-flying habits and to prop up profit-poor minor league basketball venture. Embezzlement scheme bled Phar-Mor dry, forced massive layoffs, extensive store closings; went to federal court to stave off bankruptcy.

July 16, 1998 - Health Care Services Corporation, Medicare carrier for both Illinois and Michigan, agreed to settle a pack of felony charges by paying the federal government roughly $140 million; charged with eight different counts of felony, including the mishandling, and even shredding, of claims, and various attempts to manipulate and obscure evidence; agreed to charges it had blocked government attempts to audit company records.

December 6, 1999 - SabreTech, an aircraft maintenance company, was convicted of mishandling the oxygen canisters blamed for the cargo hold fire that caused the 1996 ValuJet crash in the Everglades that killed 110 people.

November 28, 2001 - Enron Corp., once the world's largest energy trader, collapsed after would-be rescuer Dynegy Inc. backed out of an $8.4 billion deal to take it over.

December 2, 2001 - Enron filed for Chapter 11 protection in one of the largest corporate bankruptcies in U.S. history; 1985 - Houston Natural Gas, Internorth merged, formed Enron; rose as high as number seven on Fortune 500 list of U.S. companies; 2000 - employed 21,000 people, revenue of $111 billion.

February 12, 2002 - Former Enron chairman Kenneth Lay expressed ''profound sadness'' about the collapse of the energy giant, but refused to testify at a Senate hearing.

March 14, 2002 - Government charged Arthur Andersen accounting firm with obstruction of justice, securing its first indictment in the collapse of Enron; March 20, 2002 - Arthur Andersen pleaded innocent to charges it had shredded documents and deleted computer files related to Enron; March 26, 2002 - Arthur Andersen chief executive Joseph Berardino resigned, bowed to mounting pressure as result of the accounting firm's role in Enron scandal.

July 21, 2002 - Telecommunications giant WorldCom Inc. filed for bankruptcy protection about a month after disclosing it had inflated profits by nearly $4 billion through deceptive accounting.

August 7, 2002 - Former ImClone Systems chief executive Samuel Waksal was indicted in New York on charges of obstruction of justice and bank fraud in addition to previous securities fraud and perjury harges.

August 28, 2002 - Prosecutors indicted WorldCom executives Scott Sulivan and Buford Yates Jr. in connection with the company's collapse. Both later pleaded guilty to criminal fraud.

September 12, 2002 - Three former Tyco International Ltd. executives were charged with looting the conglomerate of hundreds of millions of dollars; all three pleaded innocent at their arraignment in New York.

September 23, 2002 - 24-count indictment charging conspiracy, securities fraud and wire fraud was filed against the founding family, two executives of bankrupt cable company Adelphia Communications Corp.

September 26, 2002 - WorldCom former controller David Myers pleaded guilty to securities fraud; said he was told by his managers to falsify records in what became the largest corporate accounting scandal in U.S. history.

October 15, 2002 - ImClone Systems founder Sam Waksal pleaded guilty in New York in the biotech company's insider trading scandal.

October 31, 2002 - Federal grand jury in Houston formally indicted former Enron Corp. chief financial officer Andrew Fastow on 78 counts of wire fraud, money laundering, conspiracy and obstruction of justice related to collapse of his ex-employer. 

June 4, 2003 - Martha Stewart stepped down as head of her media empire, hours after federal prosecutors in New York charged her with obstruction of justice, conspiracy, securities fraud and lying to investigators.

June 10, 2003 - ImClone chief Sam Waksal was sentenced to more than seven years in prison in connection with a stock-trading scandal.

June 15, 2003 - A jury in Houston convicted accounting firm Arthur Andersen of obstruction of justice.

July 7, 2003 - A federal judge approved a settlement, fined WorldCom $750 million for its $11 billion accounting scandal.

November 4, 2003 - Former HealthSouth CEO Richard Scrushy becomes the first person indicted under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act; eventually acquitted.

January 14, 2004 - Former Enron finance chief Andrew Fastow pleaded guilty to conspiracy as he accepted a 10-year prison sentence.

February 19, 2004 - Former Enron Corp. chief executive Jeffrey Skilling was charged with fraud, insider trading and other crimes in connection with the energy trader's colossal collapse.

March 5, 2004 - Martha Stewart was convicted of obstructing justice and lying to the government about why she'd unloaded her Imclone Systems Inc. stock just before the price plummeted; March 15, 2004 - resigned from the board of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia.

July 7, 2004 - Former Enron chairman Kenneth Lay was indicted on criminal charges related to the energy company's collapse.

July 8, 2004 - Enron chairman Kenneth Lay pleaded innocent in Houston to charges related to the company's collapse.

July 8, 2004 - Adelphia Communications Corp. founder John Rigas and his son Timothy were convicted in New York of looting the cable company and deceiving investors.

July 16, 2004 - Martha Stewart was sentenced to five months in prison and five months of home confinement by a federal judge in New York for lying about a stock sale.

October 8, 2004 - Martha Stewart reported to the Alderson Federal Prison Camp in West Virginia to begin serving her sentence for lying about a stock sale.

March 15, 2005 - Bernard Ebbers, 63, ex-Chief of WorldCom is found guilty in $11 billion fraud, largest corporate fraud in U.S. history; highest executive yet to be convicted in a corporate fraud case.

June 17, 2005 - Dennis Kozlowski (ex-CEO) and Mark Swartz (ex-CFO) of Tyco Industries found guilty of grand larceny, conspiracy, securities fraud, falsifying business records - stealing up to $157 million in unauthorized compensation, $400 million from stock sales under false pretenses.

June 21, 2005 - John J. Rigas (80), founder of Adelphia Communications Corporation (6th largest U. S. cable company) sentenced to 15 years in jail for looting hundreds of millions of dollars from the company and concealing the company's debt burden from investors. Thomas J. Rigas (49), son and former CFO was sentenced to 20 years in prison for his part in the fraud.

July 13, 2005 - Former WorldCom Inc. boss Bernard Ebbers was sentenced to 25 years in prison for leading the largest corporate fraud in U.S. history.

September 19, 2005 - L. Dennis Kozlowski, former CEO of Tyco International, convicted of stealing $150 million from the company, was sentenced to 8 1/3 to 25 years in a New York State prison and fined $167 million. Mark H. Swartz, former CFO, received the same sentence and fined $73 million..

October 7, 2005 - Five persons, including a convicted Mafia figure, went on trial in Rome for the 1982 killing of Roberto Calvi, head of Banco Ambrosiano and known as "God's banker" because of his relationship with the Vatican; found hanging beneath a London bridge weighed down with bricks and bank notes; initially ruled a suicide, investigators believe Mafia killed him because he pocketed money he was to launder.

December 28, 2005 - Former top Enron Corp. accountant Richard Causey pleaded guilty to securities fraud and agreed to help pursue convictions against Enron founder Kenneth Lay and former CEO Jeffrey Skilling.

May 25, 2006 - Ken Lay, former Chairman and CEO of Enron, was convicted on six counts of fraud and conspiracy, four counts of bank fraud, free on $5 million bond while awaiting sentencing in September; July 5, 2006 - died of a heart attack (after being convicted, before sentencing).

September 26, 2006 - Former Enron chief financial officer Andrew Fastow was sentenced by a federal judge in Houston to six years in prison for his role in the fallen energy company's bankruptcy.

October 23, 2006 - Jeffrey Skilling, former CEO of Enron Corporation, was sentenced to 24 years and four months in jail for his conviction on 19 felony counts.

April 19, 2007 - A jury in Denver found Joseph Nacchio (57), former CEO of Qwest Communications International Inc., guilty of 19 of 42 counts of insider trading; each counts related to 2001 sale of $100.8 million in Qwest stock; sales made in midst of attempts to inflate the stock's price by adopting aggressive, and fraudulent, accounting rules to recognize revenue on swapped fiber optic capacity; once exposed, company almost went bankrupt; July 27, 2007 - sentenced to six years in prison, ordered to pay a fine of $19 million, forfeit $52 million in illegal stock trades in 2001.

June 18, 2007 - 15th and last former Enron executive sentenced: Ken Rice, former chief of Internet unit (Enron Broadband Services) was sentenced to 27 months in prison, $50,000 fine, 2 years of supervision after prison; testified against Jeffrey K. Skilling, former CEO.

July 13, 2007 - Conrad Black (Lord Black of Crossharbour), former head of Hollinger International, was found guilty of three counts of mail fraud, single count of obstruction of justice by a Chicago jury (cleared of nine other counts, largely centered around so-called non-compete agreements in which Mr. Black and others were accused of skimming money from the sale of Hollinger assets under the pretense of being paid not to compete with the new owners); illegal payments from company in two schemes added up to $6.1 million; November 2003 - ousted as chief executive of Hollinger; once commanded far-flung media empire (iincluded The Daily Telegraph in London, The Jerusalem Post, The Chicago Sun-Times, many other papers in United States, Canada, Australia); peak net worth was estimated at more than $400 million.

December 10, 2007 - U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve sentenced Conrad Black, former chairman and chief executive of Hollinger International (now known as  Sun-Times Media Group Inc.), to 61/2 years in prison, fined $125,000, forfeiture of $6.1 million in ill-gotten gains for stealing $6.1 million from shareholders,  obstructing justice by removing 13 boxes of documents from his Toronto office after warned not to do so; 2003 - criminal allegations that Black, cohorts had looted company of about $32 million through scheme in which they disguised bonuses to themselves as payments not to compete with the new owners of its newspapers; jury also had found Black's co-defendants guilty.  

January 7, 2009 - B. Ramalinga Raju, founder, chairman of Satyam Computer Services, Ltd. (Hyderabad, India), India’s 4th largest IT service provider (back-office design, consulting, customer service, other work) with 53000+ employees [whose name is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘Truth’], admitted that accounts, assets had been falsified, profits inflated, amount of money owed to company overstated (September quarter accounts included non-existent cash, bank balances of $1billion, non-existent accrued interest, other irregularities; reported 24% operating margin, due to inflated revenue, profit figures, compared with actual operating margin of 3%); biggest fraud in India's corporate history."

July 21, 2009 - Rise of financial crime in America


(AIG), Andrew Spencer (2009). Tower of Thieves: Inside AIG's Culture of Corporate Greed. (New York, NY: Brick Tower Press, 275 p.). Vice President of Literary and Communications of Creative Management Group Inc. John Falcetta, vice president of human resources at life insurance division of AIG; told by AIG leaders to issue check to another executive via Bermuda account (to avoid taxes); tried to avoid involvement in Bermuda scheme while simultaneously running embezzling scheme; charged with federal mail fraud related to alleged scheme to defraud American International Group, Inc., of more than $1 million (set up fake search agencies, approved payment invoices through his position at AIG).

(Air Canada), Stevie Cameron, Harvey Cashore (2001). The Last Amigo: Karlheinz Schreiber and the Anatomy of a Scandal. (Toronto, ON: Macfarlane Walter & Ross, 359 p.). Schreiber, Karlheinz; Air Canada; Political corruption -- Canada; Corruption investigation -- Canada; Airbus (Jet transport); Canada -- Politics and government -- 1984-1993; Canada -- Politics and government -- 1993- ; Germany (West) -- Politics and government -- 1982-1990; Germany -- Politics and government -- 1990-.

(Amalgamated), Thomas W. Lawson (1968). Frenzied Finance; The Crime of Amalgamated. (New York, NY: Greenwood Press, 559 p. [orig. pub. 1905]). Standard Oil Company; Amalgamated Copper Co.; Speculation; Insurance--United States; Gas companies--Boston.

(Archer Daniels Midland), Kurt Eichenwald (2000). The Informant: A True Story: The FBI Was Ready to Take Down America's Most Politically Powerful Corporation: But There Was One Thing They Didn't Count On. (New York, NY: Broadway Books, 606 p.). Reporter, New York Times. United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation; Archer Daniels Midland Company--Corrupt practices; Commercial crimes--United States--Case studies; Informers--United States--Case studies.

(Archer Daniels Midland), James B. Lieber (2000). Rats in the Grain: The Dirty Tricks and Trials of Archer Daniels Midland. (New York, NY: Four Walls Eight Windows, 418 p.). Lawyer. Archer Daniels Midland Company; Food industry and trade--Corrupt practices--United States.

(Banco Ambrosiano), Rupert Cornwell (1984). "God's Banker": An Account of the Life and Death of Roberto Calvi. (New York, NY: Dodd, Mead, 260 p.). Calvi, Roberto, 1920-1982; Banco Ambrosiano; Catholic Church--Finance; Bankers--Italy--Biography.

Roberto Calvi  ( olmedia/235000/ images/_236064_calvi_150.jpg)

(Banco Ambrosiano), Larry Gurwin (1984). The Calvi Affair: Death of a Banker. (London, UK: Pan Books in association with Macmillan London, 251 p.). Calvi, Roberto, 1920-1982; Banco Ambrosiano; Catholic Church--Finance; Bank failures--Italy--Milan.

(Bank of England), George Bidwell (1888). Forging His Chains. The Autobiography of George Bidwell ... with the Story of His Connection with the So-Called �1,000,000 Forgery on the Bank of England, and a Complete Account of His Arrest, Trial, Conviction, and Confinement for Fourteen years in English Prisons. (Hartford, CT: S. S. Scranton & Company, 560 p.). Prisons--England.

(Bank of England), ed. George Dilnot (1929). The Bank of England Forgery. (London, UK: G. Bles, 274 p.). Macdonnell, George, defendant; Bidwell, George, d. 1899, defendant; Noyes, Edwin, defendant; Dilnot, George, 1883-1951; Great Britain. Central Criminal Court. 

(BCCI - founded in 1972 by Pakistani banker Agha Hasan Abedi), Mark Potts, Nick Kochan and Robert Whittington (1991). Dirty Money : BCCI, The Inside Story of the World's Sleaziest Bank. (Washington, DC: National Press Books, 283 p.). Bank of Credit and Commerce International--Corrupt practices; International finance--Corrupt practices; Bank failures.

Agha Hasan Abedi - founder, BCCI ( mugbook/money/assets/abedi1.jpg)

(BCCI), James Ring Adams and Douglas Frantz (1992). A Full Service Bank: How BCCI Stole Billions Around the World. (New York, NY: Pocket Books, 381 p.). Bank of Credit and Commerce International -- Corrupt practices; Private banks -- Corrupt practices; International finance -- Corrupt practices; Bank failures.

(BCCI), Peter Truell and Larry Gurwin (1992). False Profits: The Inside Story of BCCI, the World's Most Corrupt Financial Empire. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 522 p.). Bank of Credit and Commerce International--Corrupt practices; International finance--Corrupt practices; Bank failures.

(BCCI), Jonathan Beaty and S.C. Gwynne (1993). The Outlaw Bank: A Wild Ride into the Secret Heart of BCCI. (New York, NY: Random House, 399 p.). Correspondents (Time magazine0. Bank of Credit and Commerce International--Corrupt practices; International finance--Corrupt practices; Money laundering; Bank failures; Criminal investigation--United States. 

(Beauharnois Power Corp.), T.D. Regehr (1989). The Beauharnois Scandal: A Story of Canadian Entrepreneurship and Politics. (Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 234 p.). Beauharnois Power Corporation; Beauharnois Scandal, 1931; Campaign funds -- Canada; Political corruption -- Canada; Canada -- Politics and government -- 1930-1935.

(Bond Corporation), Paul Barry (1990). The Rise and Fall of Alan Bond. (New York, NY: Bantam, 292 p.). Bond, Alan, 1938- ; Businesspeople--Australia--Biography; Millionaires--Australia--Biography.

Alan Bond ( media/images/ 38221000/jpg/_38221637_alanbond150.jpg)

(Bond Corporation), Terence Maher (1990). Alan Bond. (Melbourne, Vic.: William Heinemann Australia, 322 p.). Bond, Alan, 1938- ; Businesspeople--Australia--Biography; Millionaires--Australia--Biography.

(Bond Corporation), Alan Bond; with Rob Mundle (2003). Bond. (Pymble, N.S.W.: HarperCollins, 336 p.). Bond, Alan, 1938- ; Businessmen--Australia--Biography. 

(Bre-X), Vivian Danielson, James Whyte (1997). Bre-X: Gold Today, Gone Tomorrow: Anatomy of the Busang Swindle (Toronto, ON: Northern Miner, 304 p.). Bre-X (Firm); Gold mines and mining--Corrupt practices--Indonesia; Fraud--Indonesia.

John Felderhof (former vice-chairman of Bre-X Minerals Ltd;

(Bre-X), Diane Francis (1997).u> Bre-X: The inside Story (Toronto, ON: Key Porter, 240 p.). Bre-X (Firm); Gold industry--Corrupt practices--Indonesia; Fraud--Indonesia.

(Bre-X), Douglas Gold and Andrew Willis (1997). The Bre-X Fraud (Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart, 272 p.). Bre-X (Firm); Gold mines and mining--Corrupt practices--Indonesia--Case studies; Fraud--Indonesia--Case studies.

(Bre-X), Brian Hutchinson (1998). Fool's Gold: The Making of a Global Market Fraud. (Toronto, ON: Knopf Canada, 266 p). Bre-X (Firm); Gold mines and mining -- Indonesia; Fraud.

(Bre-X), Jennifer Wells (1998). Fever: The Dark Mystery of the Bre-X Gold Rush. (Toronto, ON: Viking, 404 p.). Bre-X (Firm); Gold industry--Corrupt practices--Indonesia; Fraud--Indonesia--Case studies. Winner - National Business Book Award.

(Citibank), Robert A. Hutchison (1986). Off the Books: Citibank and the World's Biggest Money Game. (New York, NY: Morrow, 416 p.). Banks and banking--Corrupt practices; Citibank (New York, N.Y.)--Corrupt practices.

(Commonwealth Edison), Forrest McDonald (1962). Insull: The Rise and Fall of a Billionaire Utility Tycoon. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 350 p.). Insull, Samuel, 1859-1938.

Sam Insull (

(Commonwealth Edison), M. L. Ramsay (1975). Pyramids of Power: The Story of Roosevelt, Insull and the Utility Wars. (New York, NY: Da Capo Press, 342 p. [orig. pub. 1937]). Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945; Insull, Samuel, 1859-1938; New Deal, 1933-1939; Public utilities--United States; Holding companies--United States.

(Credit Mobilier), Jay Boyd Crawford (1980). The Credit Mobilier of America; Its Origin and History, Its Work of Constructing the Union Pacific Railroad and the Relation of Members of Congress Therewith. (New York, NY: AMS Press, 229 p. [orig. pub. 1880]). Ames, Oakes, 1804-1873; Credit Mobilier of America.

Oakes Ames Oakes Ames - Credit Mobilier (

(Credit Mobilier), James D. McCabe (1974). Behind the Scenes in Washington (Being a complete and graphic account of the Credit Mobilier Investigation, the Congressional Rings, Political Intrigues, Workings of the Lobbies, etc.). (New York, NY: Arno Press, 518 p. [orig. pub. 1873]). Credit Mobilier of America; Washington (D.C.)--Public life; United States--Politics and government--1865-1883; Washington (D.C.)--Description and travel.

(Credit Mobilier), Elisabeth Paulet (1999). The Role of Banks in Monitoring Firms: The Case of the Credit Mobilier. (New York, NY: Routledge, 178 p.). Credit Mobilier (France)--History; Corporations--Finance--Case studies; Business enterprises--Finance--Case studies; Banks and banking--Case studies; Credit--Case studies.

(Elf-Aquitaine), Val�rie Lecasble et Airy Routier (1998). Forages en Eau Profonde: Les Secrets de l'Affaire Elf. (Paris, FR: B. Grasset, 407 p.). Elf-Aquitaine (Company); Political corruption--France; Petroleum industry and trade--Corrupt practices--France; France--Politics and government--1974-1981.

(Elf-Aquitaine), Andr� Guelfi (1999). L'Original: d'Un Village Marocain aux Secrets de l'Affaire Elf, le Parcours d'un Aventurier de la Vie. (Paris, FR: R. Laffont, 369 p.). Guelfi, Andr�; Elf-Aquitaine (Company); Businessmen--France--Biography; Political corruption--France; Petroleum industry and trade--Corrupt practices--France; France--Biography.

(Elf-Aquitaine), Gilles Gaetner, Jean-Marie Pontaut (2000). L'Homme Qui en Sait Trop: Alfred Sirven et Les Milliards de l'Affaire Elf. (Paris, FR: Grasset, 265 p.). Sirven, Alfred, 1927- ; Elf-Aquitaine (Company); Political corruption--France--Case studies.

(Elf-Aquitaine), Pierre Lethier (2001). Argent Secret: l'Espion de l'Affaire Elf Parle. (Paris, FR: Albin Michel, 252 p.). Elf-Aquitaine (Company); Political corruption--France; Political corruption--Germany; Petroleum industry and trade--Corrupt practices--France.

(Elf-Aquitaine), Fatima Bela�d (2002). Une Epouse Encombrante: au Coeur de l'Empire Elf. (Neuilly-sur-Seine, FR: Lafon, 343 p.). Bela�d, Fatima; Elf-Aquitaine (Company); Executives' spouses--France--Biography; Petroleum industry and trade--Corrupt practices--France; Political corruption--France.

(Enron), Peter C. Fusaro and Ross M. Miller (2002). What Went Wrong at Enron: Everyone's Guide to the Largest Bankruptcy in U. S. History. (New York, NY: Wiley, 240 p.). Enron Corporation; accounting fraud.

Ken Lay - Enron (

Andrew Fastow - Enron (

Jeffrey Skilling - Enron (

(Enron), Robert Bryce; with an introduction by Molly Ivins (2002). Pipe Dreams: Greed, Ego, Jealousy and the Death of Enron. (New York, NY: Public Affairs, 394 p.). Writer from Austin, TX. Enron Corp.--Corrupt practices; Energy industries--Corrupt practices--United States; Business failures--United States.

(Enron), Brian Cruver; foreword by Steve Salbu (2002). Anatomy of Greed: The Unshredded Truth from an Enron Insider. (New York, NY: Carroll & Graf, 366 p.). Enron Employee March - December, 2001. Enron Corp.--Corrupt practices; Energy industries--Corrupt practices--United States; Business failures--United States.

(Enron), Loren Fox (2002). Enron: The Rise and Fall. (New York, NY: Wiley, 384 p.). Enron Corp.; Energy industries--Corrupt practices--United States; Business failures--United States--Case studies. Of Enron books this offers most detailed explanation of Enron as a business.

(Enron), Vijay Prashad (2002). Fat Cats and Running Dogs: The Enron Stage of Capitalism. (Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press, 144 p.). Associate Professor and Director, International Studies (Trinity College). Energy industries--Corrupt practices--United States; Enron Corp.

(Enron), Rebecca Smith and John Emshwiller (2003). 24 Days: How Two Wall Street Journal Reporters Discovered the Lies That Destroyed Faith in Corporate America. (New York, NY: HarperBusiness, 416 p.). Reporters (Wall Street Journal). Enron Corp.; Energy industries--Corrupt practices--United States; Business failures--United States--Case studies. 

(Enron), Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind (2003). The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron. (New York, NY: Portfolio, 435 p.). Reporters (Fortune Magazine). Enron Corp.--History; Energy industries--Corrupt practices--United States; Business failures--United States--Case studies.   

(Enron), Lynn Brewer with Matthew Scott Hansen (2004). Confessions of an Enron Executive: A Whistleblower's Story. (Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 409 p.). Brewer, Lynn; Enron Corp.--Corrupt practices; Enron Corp.--Management; Energy industries--Corrupt practices--United States; Whistle blowing--United States.

(Enron), Edited by Paul H. Dembinski ... [et al.] (2005). Enron and World Finance: A Case Study in Ethics. (New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 320 p.). Professor (University of Fribourg, Switzerland). Enron Corp.--Corrupt practices--Case studies; Energy industries--Corrupt practices--United States; Corporations--Corrupt practices--United States--Case studies; Business ethics--United States--Case studies; Corporate governance--United States--Case studies; Corporate culture--United States--Case studies. How, where ethics came into play; lessons, possible remedies that may prevent financial system from falling apart as result of excessive greed or over-regulation.

(Enron), Kurt Eichenwald (2005). Conspiracy of Fools: A True Story. (New York, NY: Broadway Books, 768 p.). Reporter (New York Times). Lay, Kenneth L.; Enron Corp.--Corrupt practices; Energy industries--Corrupt practices--United States; Business failures--United States. Rampant corporate lawbreaking via aggressive accounting, other business practices.

(Enron), Malcolm S. Salter (2008). Innovation Corrupted: The Origins and Legacy of Enron’s Collapse. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 525 p.). James J. Hill Professor of Business Administration, Emeritus (Harvard Business School). Enron Corp. --Corrupt practices; Enron Corp. --Management; Business ethics --United States. Insight into individual actions, organizational processes of Enron’s collapse; social pathologies, administrative failures that fostered company’s ethical drift, inhibited board of directors from exercising effective governance and control; practical recommendations for preventing future Enron-type disasters.

(Farmers' Exchange Bank), Jane Kamensky  (2008). The Exchange Artist: A Story of Paper, Bricks, and Ash in Early National America. (New York, NY: Viking, 464 p.). Associate Professor of American History (Brandeis University). Dexter, Andrew, 1779-1837; Businessmen--United States; Boston (Mass.)--Social conditions; United States--Social conditions--To 1865. Andrew Dexter Jr., financial-pioneer-turned-confidence-man; acquired control of banks, printed money ('paper') to fraudulently finance real estate speculation, issued loans to himself, 'secured' by his (unendorsed) promissory notes repayable at time he deemed proper, exchanged for purchase of property (worthless paper).  responsible for first bank failure in United States (February 27, 1809).

Andrew Dexter Jr. - Farmers' Exchange Bank (

(Franklin National), Joan Edelman Spero (1980). The Failure of the Franklin National Bank: Challenge to the International Banking System. (New York, NY: Columbia University Press [for Council on Foreign Relations], 235 p.). Franklin National Bank; Franklin National Bank; Banks and banking, International; Banques internationales.

  Michele Sindona (Franklin National) (

(Franklin National), Luigi DiFonzo. (1983). St. Peter's Banker. (New York, NY: Watts, 308 p.). Sindona, Michele; Catholic Church--Finance; Bankers--Italy--Biography.

(Franklin National), Nick Tosches (1986). Power on Earth. (New York, NY: Arbor House, 290 p.). Sindona, Michele; Commercial criminals--Italy--Biography; Banks and banking--Corrupt practices; International finance--Corrupt practices.

(Franklin National), Walter S. Ross (1987). People's Banker: The Story of Arthur T. Roth and the Franklin National Bank. (New Canaan, CT: Keats Pub., 288 p.). Roth, Arthur T.; Franklin National Bank; Bankers--United States--Biography; Bank failures--United States.

(Guinness), Nick Kochan and Hugh Pym (1987). The Guinness Affair: Anatomy of a Scandal. (Bromley: Helm, 198 p.). Guinness (Firm)--History; Brewing industry--Great Britain--Corrupt practices.

(Guinness), James Saunders (1989). Nightmare: The Ernest Saunders Story. (London, UK: Hutchison, 288 p.). Guinness (Firm)--History; Brewing industry--Great Britain--Corrupt practices. Guinness scandal as seen by son of Ernest Saunders.

(HealthSouth), William Cast (2005). Going South: An Inside Look at Corruption and Greed, and the Power of the Health South Message Board. (Chicago, IL: Dearborn Trade Pub., 320 p.). Former Joint Venture Partner in HealthSouth Corporation. HealthSouth (Firm)--Accounting; Corporations--Corrupt practices--United States--Case studies; Business ethics--United States--Case studies; Accounting fraud--United States. Journey of HealthSouth celebrity CEO and founder Richard Scrushy, from boardroom to courtroom.

(Homestake), David McClintick (1977). Stealing from the Rich: The Home-Stake Oil Swindle. (New York, NY: M. Evans, 335 p.). Home-Stake Production Company; Securities fraud--United States--Case studies; Petroleum industry and trade--United States; Swindlers and swindling--United States--Case studies.

(Honda), Steve Lynch (1997). Arrogance and Accords: The Inside Story of the Honda Scandal. (Irving, TX: Pecos Press, 310 p.). American Honda Motor Company; Honda Accord automobile; Automobile industry and trade--Corrupt practices--United States; Commercial crimes--United States; Automobile dealers--United States; Fraud--United States.

(Julian Petroleum), Guy W. Finney (1929). The Great Los Angeles Bubble, A Present-Day Story of Colossal Financial Jugglery and of Penalties Paid (Los Angeles, CA: The Milton Forbes Company, 203 p.).

  C. C. Julian - Julian Petroleum (

(Julian Petroleum), Jules Tygiel (1996). The Great Los Angeles Swindle: Oil, Stocks, and Scandal During the Roaring Twenties (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 398 p. [orig. pub. 1994]). Julian Petroleum Corporation; Julian Petroleum Corporation; Petroleum industry and trade--Corrupt practices--California--Los Angeles.

(Clarence King), Robert Wilson (2006). The Explorer King: Adventure, Science, and the Great Diamond Hoax, Clarence King in the Old West. (New York, NY: Scribner, 320 p.). Editor (American Scholar). King, Clarence, 1842-1901; Geologists--United States--Biography; West (U.S.)--Intellectual life. Collision of science and business. 1872 - Clarence King exposed The Great Diamond Hoax in Colorado by Kentucky cousins Philip Arnold, John Slack, one of most notorious mining swindles of time (took William Ralston, founder Bank of California, other prominent San Francisco financiers); first director of United States Geological Survey.

Clarence King - Great Diamond Hoax (

(Clarence King), Martha A. Sandweiss (2009). Passing Strange: A Gilded Age Tale of Love and Deception Across the Color Line. (New York, NY: Penguin Press, 384 p.). Professor of American Studies and History (Amherst College). King, Clarence, 1842-1901; King, Ada, 1860-1964; King, Clarence, 1842-1901 --Marriage; African Americans --Race identity --Case studies; Passing (Identity) --United States --Case studies; Married people --United States --Case studies; Deception --United States --Case studies; African American women --Biography; United States --Race relations --History --19th century; New York (N.Y.) --Biography. Clarence King exposed Great Diamond Hoax of 1872 (swindled San Francisco financiers); hero of 19th century western history, first director of United States Geological Survey; lived double life for 13 years - 1) as celebrated white explorer, geologist and writer; 2) as black Pullman porter, steel worker named James Todd; dramatic tale of family built along fault lines of celebrity, class, race.

(Koscot Interplanetary), John Frasca (1969). Con Man or Saint? (Anderson, SC: Droke House, 223 p.). Turner, Glenn, 1935- ; Success in business.

Glenn W. Turner - Koscot Interplanetary (

(Koscot Interplanetary), John Frasca (1972). The Unstoppable Glenn Turner. (Orlando, FL: Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, 218 p.). Turner, Glenn, 1935- ; Success in business.

(Koscot Interplanetary), Kenneth Michael Robinson (1976). The Great American Mail-Fraud Trial: United States of America vs Glenn W. Turner, F. Lee Bailey, Dare To Be Great, Koscot Interplanetary Incorporated, et al. (New York, NY: Nash Pub., 228 p.). Turner, Glenn, 1935- ; Bailey, F. Lee (Francis Lee), 1933- ; Mail fraud--United States.

(Koscot Interplanetary), Rudy Maxa (1977). Dare To Be Great. (New York, NY: Morrow, 256 p.). Turner, Glenn, 1935- ; Fraud--United States--Case studies; Swindlers and swindling--United States--Biography.

(Lockheed), Berkeley Rice (1971). The C-5A Scandal;: An Inside Story of the Military-Industrial Complex. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 238 p.). Lockheed Aircraft Corporation--Corrupt practices; Corporations--Corrupt practices--United States--Case studies; Corporations, American--Corrupt practices--Case studies.; Commercial crimes--Case studies.Lockheed Aircraft; C-5A.

(Lockheed), David Boulton (1978). The Grease Machine. (New York, NY: Harper & Row, 289 p.). Lockheed Aircraft Corporation--Corrupt practices; Corporations--Corrupt practices--United States--Case studies; Corporations, American--Corrupt practices--Case studies.; Commercial crimes--Case studies.

(LA Kings), Bruce McNall with Michael D'Antonio (2003). Fun While It Lasted: My Rise and Fall in the Land of Fame and Fortune. (New York, NY: Hyperion, 368 p.). Former Owner L. A. Kings. McNall, Bruce, 1950- ; Commercial criminals--California--Biography; Fraud--California--Case studies; Businessmen--California--Biography; Capitalists and financiers--California--Biography; Hockey team owners--California--Biography. 

(MCI WorldCom), Walter Pavlo, Jr. & Neil Weinberg; with a foreword by Dennis Kneale (2007). Stolen Without a Gun: Confessions from Inside History’s Biggest Accounting Fraud: The Collapse of MCI Worldcom. (Tampa, FL: Etika Books, 285 p.). Embezzled $6 million; Senior Editor (Forbes). MCI WorldCom--Accounting--Corrupt practices; Corporations--Accounting--Corrupt practices--United States; Fraud--United States. Oversaw $2 billion operation at MCI Communications, caught embezzling $6 million; 2003 - prison release.

(McKesson), Charles Keats (1982). Magnificent Masquerade: The Strange Case of Dr. Coster and Mr. Musica. (New York, NY: Garland Pub., 276 p. [orig. pub. 1964]). Musica, Philip, 1884-1938; McKesson and Robbins, Inc. 

(Milbank Tweed), Milton C. Regan, Jr. (2004). Eat What You Kill: The Fall of a Wall Street Lawyer. (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 402 p.). Professor of Law (Georgetown University Law Center). Gellene, John--Trials, litigation, etc.; Bucyrus-Erie Company--Trials, litigation, etc.; Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy--Trials, litigation, etc.; Trials (Perjury)--Wisconsin--Milwaukee; Bankruptcy lawyers--United States; Bankruptcy--United States; Legal ethics--United States. Conflicting interests.  

(National Medical Enterprises), Leon Bing (1997). A Wrongful Death: One Child’s Fatal Encounter with Public Health and Private Greed. (New York, NY: Villard Books, 285 p.). Scheck, Christy; National Medical Enterprises--Corrupt practices; Psychiatric errors--United States--Case studies; Hospitals, Proprietary--Corrupt practices--United States; Psychiatric hospitals--Corrupt practices--United States; Insurance crimes--United States; Teenagers--Suicidal behavior--United States--Case studies; Wrongful death--United States--Case studies. 

(National Student Marketing), Andrew Tobias (1971). The Funny Money Game. (New York, NY: Playboy Press, 219 p.). National Student Marketing Corporation.

(OPM Leasing), Stephen Fenichell (1985). Other People's Money: The Rise and Fall of OPM Leasing Services. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 305 p.). Computer Leases-Corrupt Practices, OPM Leasing Services.

(OPM Leasing), Robert P. Gandossy (1985). Bad Business: The OPM Scandal and the Seduction of the Establishment. (New York, NY: Basic Books, 262 p.). OPM Leasing Services; Computer leases--Corrupt practices--United States--Case studies.

(Orange County), Mark Baldassare (1998). When Government Fails: The Orange County Bankruptcy. (Berkeley, CA: University of California, 317 p.). Senior Fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) and Professor and Chair of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of California, Irvine. Citron, Robert L.; Investment of public funds--California--Orange County; Derivative securities; Debts, Public--California--Orange County; Municipal bankruptcy--California--Orange County.  

(Pfizer), Peter Rost (2006). The Whistleblower: Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman. (Brooklyn, NY: Soft Skull Press, 224 p.). Former Vice President of Marketing (Pharmacia). Rost, Peter; Pfizer Inc.--Management; Pharmacia Corp--Management; Pfizer Inc.; Pharmacia Corp.; Pharmaceutical industry--Corrupt practices; Pharmaceutical ethics; Whistle blowing; United States--Personal Narratives; Whistleblowing--Personal Narratives; Drug Industry--organization & administration--Personal Narratives; Ethics, Pharmacy--Personal Narratives. Pfizer illegally promoted off-label use of Genotropin (human growth hormone) as anti-aging drug; entered into "favorable contracts" with distributors, doctors;  paid kickbacks through "consulting agreements".

(Polly Peck International), Tim Hindle (1991). The Sultan of Berkeley Square: Asil Nadir and the Thatcher Years. (London, UK: Macmillan, 228 p.). Nadir, Asil, 1941- ; Polly Peck International--History; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography.

Asil Nadir - Polly Peck (

(Polly Peck International), David Barcharsd (1992). Asil Nadir and the Rise and Fall of Polly Peck. (London, UK: V. Gollancz, 288 p.). Nadir, Asil, 1941- ; Polly Peck (Firm); Businessmen--Great Britain--Biography.

(Polly Peck International), Bilge Nevzat with Gill Fraser (1999). The Turquoise Conspiracy: Asil Nadir, The Collapse of Polly Peck and the Persecution of a Family. (London, UK: Noble House, 323 p.). Nadir, Asil, 1941- ; Polly Peck International; Fraud--Great Britain; International business enterprises--Great Britain.

(Polly Peck International), Raymond Zelker (2001). The Polly Peck Story: A Memoir. (London, UK: Strathearn, 192 p.). Nadir, Asil, 1941- ; Polly Peck International--History; International business enterprises--Great Britain.

(Robins - founded 1866 by Albert Hartley Robins; sold in 1989 to American Home Products), Morton Mintz (1985). At Any Cost: Corporate Greed, Women, and the Dalkon Shield. (New York, NY: Pantheon, 308 p.). A.H. Robins Company; Intrauterine contraceptives industry; Dalkon Shield (Intrauterine contraceptive); Intrauterine contraceptives--Complications.

Albert Hartley Robins (left;

(Robins -1970 company acquired rights to Dalkon Shield contraceptive; domestic sales suspended in 1974), Susan Perry and Jim Dawson (1985). Nightmare: Women and the Dalkon Shield. (New York, NY: Macmillan, 261 p.). A.H. Robins Company; Dalkon Shield (Intrauterine contraceptive); Intrauterine contraceptives--Complications; Intrauterine contraceptives industry--United States.

(Robins), Richard B. Sobol (1991). Bending the Law: The Story of the Dalkon Shield Bankruptcy. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 408 p.). A.H. Robins Company--Trials, litigation, etc.; Bankruptcy--United States; Products liability--Intrauterine contraceptives--United States; Dalkon Shield (Intrauterine contraceptive).

(Robins), Mary F. Hawkins (1997). Unshielded: The Human Cost of the Dalkon Shield. (Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press,, 154 p.). A.H. Robins Company; Dalkon Shield (Intrauterine contraceptive); Intrauterine contraceptives industry--United States; Intrauterine contraceptives--Complications; Products liability--Intrauterine contraceptives--United States.

(Royal Mail), Edwin Green & Michael Moss (1982). A Business of National Importance: The Royal Mail Shipping Group, 1902-1937. (New York, NY: Methuen, 291 p.). Merchant marine--Great Britain--History; Shipping--Great Britain--History.

Lord Kylsant - Royal Mail (

(S & L - Lincoln Savings & Loan), Michael Binstein and Charles Bowden (1993). Trust Me: Charles Keating and the Missing Billions. (New York, NY: Random House, 420 p.). Keating, Charles H.; Lincoln Savings & Loan Association -- Corrupt practices; Savings and loan association failures -- California; Securities fraud -- United States.

Charles Keating







 Charles Keating ( 648/000050498/charles-keating-45.jpg)

(S & L), Ned Eichler (1989). The Thrift Debacle. (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 163 p.). Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.)--History; Thrift institutions--United States--History--20th century; Banks and banking--United States--State supervision--History--20th century.

(S & L), Stephen Pizzo, Mary Fricker, and Paul Muolo (1989). Inside Job: The Looting of America's Savings and Loans. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 443 p.). Savings and loan associations -- United States; Savings and loan associations -- Deregulation -- United States.

(S & L), Martin Mayer (1990). The Greatest-Ever Bank Robbery: The Collapse of the Savings and Loan Industry. (New York, NY: Scribner, 354 p.). Savings and loan associations--United States--Management; Savings and loan associations--Deregulation--United States; Savings and loan associations--Corrupt practices--United States.

(S & L), Martin Lowy (1991). High Rollers: Inside the Savings and Loan Debacle. (New York, NY: Praeger, 321 p.). Savings and loan associations -- Corrupt practices -- United States; Savings and loan associations -- Deregulation -- United States; Savings and loan associations -- United States -- State supervision.

(S & L), Kathleen Day (1993). S & L Hell: The People and the Politics Behind the $1 Trillion Savings and Loan Scandal. (New York, NY: Norton, 416 p.). Savings and loan associations--Corrupt practices--United States; Savings and loan associations--Deregulation--United States; Savings and Loan Bailout, 1989-1995; United States--Economic conditions--1981-.

(S & L), L. William Seidman (1993). Full Faith and Credit: The Great S & L Debacle and Other Washington Sagas. (New York, NY: Times Books, 300 p.). Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation -- History; Resolution Trust Corporation (U.S.) -- History; Savings and Loan Bailout, 1989- ; Savings and loan associations -- State supervision.

(S &L), Kitty Calavita, Henry N. Pontell, Robert H. Tillman (1997). Big Money Crime: Fraud and Politics in the Savings and Loan Crisis. (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 263 p.). Professors in the School of Social Ecology (University of California, Irvine); Tillman is Associate Professor of Sociology (St. John's University). Savings and loan associations--Corrupt practices--United States; Savings and Loan Bailout, 1989-1995; Commercial crimes--United States.

(S & L), William K. Black (2005). The Best Way To Rob a Bank Is To Own One: How Corporate Executives and Politicians Looted the S&L Industry. (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 329 p.). Former Director of Litigation (Federal Home Loan Bank Board). Savings and loan associations--Corrupt practices--United States; Savings and loan association failures--United States; Savings and Loan Bailout, 1989-1995. Control fraud.  

(Sotheby's), Christopher Mason (2004). The Art of the Steal: Inside the Sotheby's-Christie's Auction House Scandal. (New York, NY: Putnam, 416 p.). Journalist. Sotheby's (Firm)--Corrupt practices; Christie's International Group--Corrupt practices; Price fixing; Art--Prices; Auctions--Corrupt practices; Art auctions--Corrupt practices. 

A Alfred Taubman A. Alfred Taubman - Sotheby's (

(Sotheby's), A. Alfred Taubman (2007). Threshold Resistance: The Extraordinary Career of a Luxury Retailing Pioneer. (New York, NY: Collins, 224 p.). Taubman, A. Alfred; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Entrepreneurship--United States--Biography; Architects--United States--Biography. Dyslexic Jewish kid from Detroit grew up to be billionaire retailing pioneer, respected philanthropist and, at age 78, a federal prisoner for price-fixing.

(Teapot Dome), Laton McCartney (2008). The Teapot Dome Scandal: How Big Oil Bought the Harding White House and Tried To Steal the Country. (New York, NY: Random House, 368 p.). Teapot Dome Scandal; Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923; Oil. Teapot Dome Scandal, 1921-1924:  hundreds of millions of dollars in petroleum reserves; rapacious oil barons, crooked politicians; under-the-table payoffs; murder, suicide, blackmail; White House cronyism; excesses of the Jazz Age.

Albert Fall - Teapot Dome (Secretary of the Interior - Harding Administration; ( F000011.jpg)

(Tollgate Holdings), Frank Welsh (1999). Dangerous Deceits. (London, UK: HarperCollins, 377 p.). Askin, Julian, 1948- ;Afrikaner Broederbond; Commercial crimes--South Africa; Consolidation and merger of corporations--England--London; Banks and banking--Corrupt practices--South Africa; Banks and banking--Corrupt practices--England--London.

(U-Haul), Ronald J. Watkins (1993). Birthright: Murder, Greed, and Power in the U-Haul Family Dynasty. (New York, NY: Morrow, 425 p.). Shoen, Leonard Samuel, 1916- ; Shoen family; U-Haul International--Officials and employees--Biography; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Murder--United States--Case studies.

(Union G�n�rale, Paris), Jean Bouvier (1960). Le Krach de l'Union G�n�rale, 1878-1885. (Paris, FR: Presses universitaires de France, 308 p.). Bontoux, Euge`ne, 1820-1905; Union G�n�rale, Paris; Lyon (France)--Economic conditions.

(Union G�n�rale, Paris), Jeannine Verd�s-Leroux (1969). Scandale Financier et Antis�mitisme Catholique, Le Krach de l'Union G�n�rale. (Paris, FR: �ditions de Centurion, 256 p.). Union G�n�rale, Paris; Bankruptcy--France--Case studies; Antisemitism--France--History.

(United American Bank), Sandra Lea (2000). Whirlwind: The Butcher Banking Scandal. (Oak Ridge, TN: J. Lord, 647 p.). Butcher, Jacob Franklin, 1936- ; Butcher, Cecil Hilgie, 1938- ; Banks and banking--Corrupt practices--United States; Bankers--Biography. 

(UnumProvident Company), Ray Bourhis (2005). Insult to Injury: Insurance, Fraud, and the Big Business of Bad Faith. (San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler, 263 p.). Partner with the Law Firm of Bourhis & Wolfson (San Francisco, CA), Court-Appointed Special Master Overseeing Reforms in the California Department of Insurance, Appointed by U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer to her Federal Judicial Selection Advisory Committee. UnumProvident Company (Chattanooga, Tenn.)--Trials, litigation, etc.; Tort liability of insurance companies--United States; Disability insurance claims--United States; Bad faith (Law)--United States; Insurance companies--Corrupt practices--United States. Case study in bad faith double-dealing by insurance provider; abrogation of policy-holder rights.

(Wedtech), William Sternberg and Matthew C. Harrison, Jr. (1989). Feeding Frenzy: The Inside Story of Wedtech. (New York, NY: Holt, 326 p.). Wedtech (Firm); Defense contracts--Corrupt practices--United States.

(Wedtech), James Traub (1990). Too Good To Be True: The Outlandish Story of Wedtech. (New York, NY: Doubleday, 379 p.). Writer, New York Times Magazine. Wedtech (Firm); Defense contracts--Corrupt practices--United States; Government purchasing--Corrupt practices--United States.

(Wedtech), Marilyn W. Thompson (1990). Feeding the Beast: How Wedtech Became the Most Corrupt Little Company in America. (New York, NY: Scribner, 337 p.). Wedtech (Firm); Defense contracts--Corrupt practices--United States; Government purchasing--Corrupt practices--United States.

(WorldCom), Keith Brody, Sancha Dunstan (2003). The Great Telecoms Swindle: How the Collapse of WorldCom Finally Exposed the Technology Myth. (Oxford, UK: Capstone, 208 p.). WorldCom (Firm)--Corrupt practices; Telecommunication--Corrupt practices; Telecommunication--Case studies; Telecommunication; Business failures--Case studies; Telecommunication--History.

Bernie Ebbers - Worldcom (

(WorldCom), Lynne Jeter (2003). Disconnected: Deceit and Betrayal at WorldCom. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 272 p.). WorldCom (Firm)--Corrupt practices; Telecommunication--Corrupt practices--United States; Business failures--United States.

(WorldCom), Cynthia Cooper (2008). Extraordinary Circumstances: The Journey of a Corporate Whistleblower. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 416 p.). Vice President of Internal Audit (WorldCom, MCI). Cooper, Cynthia, 1964- ; WorldCom (Firm)--Corrupt practices; Accountants--United States--Biography; Whistle blowing--United States. Exposed largest corporate fraud in history; guide to decision-making process that led her to "blow the whistle", role her personal faith, ethics played; tone set at top is critical to fostering ethical environment in work-place.

(Yazoo Land Fraud), C. Peter Magrath (1966). Yazoo: Law and Politics in the New Republic; Case of Fletcher v. Peck. (Providence, RI: Brown University Press, 243 p.). New England Mississippi Land Company; Yazoo Fraud, 1795.

Margaret Allen (1997). The Dirty Dozen: The World's Greatest Financial Disasters and Frauds. (Singapore: Times Books International, 208 p.). Commercial crimes; Financial institutions, International.

Isadore Barmash (1972). Great Business Disasters; Swindlers, Bunglers, and Frauds in American industry (Chicago, IL: Playboy Press, 309 p.). Bankruptcy--United States--Case studies; Commercial crimes--United States--Case studies; Swindlers and swindling--United States--Case studies.

Murray T. Bloom (1957). Money of Their Own: The Great Counterfeiters. (New York, NY: Scribner, 302 p.). Counterfeits and counterfeiting.

Tyler Bridges (2001). Bad Bet on the Bayou: The Rise of Gambling in Louisiana and the Fall of Governor Edwin Edwards. (New York, NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 422 p.). Edwards, Edwin W.; Gambling--Louisiana; Gambling industry--Corrupt practices--Louisiana; Political corruption--Louisiana.

Simon Carswell (2006). Something Rotten: Irish Banking Scandals. (Dublin, IR: Gill & Macmillan, 257 p.). Banks and banking--Corrupt practices--Ireland; Bankers--Malpractice--Ireland. Major scandals that have rocked Irish banking over last 30 years

Paul M. Clikeman (2008). Called to Account: Fourteen Financial Frauds that Shaped the American Accounting Profession. (New York, NY: Routledge, 345 p.). Associate Professor of Accounting, Robins School of Business (University of Richmond). Accounting fraud --United States; Corporations --Corrupt practices --United States --Accounting; Accounting --Standards --United States; Fraud. How accounting fraud has affected business practices in U.S., internationally, directly led to development of accounting standards, legislation; tricks fraudsters used to fool their auditors.

Marshall B. Clinard (1990). Corporate Corruption: The Abuse of Power. (New York, NY: Praeger, 215 p.). Corporations--Corrupt practices--United States.

E. H. Cookridge (1967). The Baron of Arizona. (New York, NY: John Day Co., 304 p.). Reavis, James Addison, 1843-1914; Arizona--Biography. 

A. Larry Elliott and Richard J. Schroth (2002). How Companies Lie: Why Enron Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg. (New York, NY: Crown Business, 192 p.). Corporations--Corrupt practices; Business ethics.

Robert K. Elliott, John J. Willingham (1980). Management Fraud: Detection and Deterrence. (New York, NY: Petrocelli Books, 300 p.). Commercial crimes--United States--Addresses, essays, lectures; White collar crimes--United States--Addresses, essays, lectures; Fraud--United States--Addresses, essays, lectures.

Raymond Fisman and Edward Miguel (2008). Economic Gangsters: Corruption, Violence, and the Poverty of Nations. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, `250 p.). Associate Professor of Economics (University of California, Berkeley); Lambert Professor of Social Enterprise (Columbia Business School). Corruption --Economic aspects; Political corruption --Economic aspects; Smuggling. Dark side of economic development; foreign aid money falls into hands of corrupt government officials, rebel leaders, black marketeers; flourish where legal institutions are weak, people are most in need; recommendations for new system of emergency aid for countries suffering from corruption, poverty.  

Charles Franklin (1969). They Walked a Crooked Mile; An Account of the Greatest Scandals, Swindlers, and Outrages of All Time. (New York, NY: Hart Pub. Co., 413 p.). History--Miscellanea; Scandals--History--Miscellanea; Swindlers and swindling--History--Miscellanea.

Eds. Edward L. Glaeser and Claudia Goldin (2006). Corruption and Reform: Lessons from America’s Economic History. (Chicago, IL: Glaeser and Claudia Goldin., 384 p.). Professor of Economics (Harvard University), Director of the John F. Kennedy School of Government’s Taubman Center for State and Local Government; Henry Lee Professor of Economics (Harvard University), Director of the Development of the American Economy Program and research associate at the NBER. Corruption--United States--History; Political corruption--United States--History; Corporations--Corrupt practices--United States--History; Corruption--United States--Prevention--History. Nineteenth century American fraud, corruption, forces that led to their decline within United States.

Kenneth R. Gray, Larry A. Frieder, George W. Clark, Jr. (2005). Corporate Scandals: The Many Faces of Greed. (St. Paul, MN: Paragon House, 320 p.). Eminent Scholar Chair Professor of International Management (School of Business & Industry, Florida A & M University); Eminent Scholar Chair Professor of Financial Services (Florida A & M University); Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Ethics (School of Business & Industry, Florida A&M University). Commercial crimes--United States; Corporations--Corrupt practices--United States.

Stewart Hamilton and Alicia Micklethwait (2006). Greed and Corporate Failure: The Lessons from Recent Disasters. (New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 256 p.). Professor of Accounting and Finance (IMD, Switzerland); MBA from IMD. Business failures--Case studies; Corporations--Finance--Case studies; Accounting--Corrupt practices--Case studies. Six main causes of failure.

Valerie P. Hans (2000). Business on Trial: The Civil Jury and Corporate Responsibility. (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 269 p.). Professor in the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice (University of Delaware). Jury--United States--Decision making; Tort liability of corporations--United States; Social responsibility of business. 

James S. Henry (2005). The Blood Bankers: Tales from the Global Underground Economy. (New York, NY: Thunder's Mouth Press, 417 p. [orig. pub. 2003]). Former Chief Economist for McKinsey & Co., VP Strategy for IBM/Lotus. Transnational crime; Crime and globalization. 

Ed. Steven Hiatt; introduction by John Perkins (2007). A Game as Old as Empire: The Secret World of Economic Hit Men and the Web of Global Corruption. (San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 250 p.). International business enterprises--Corrupt practices; Political corruption; Structural adjustment (Economic policy); Dependency; Globalization--Social aspects. How First Word countries have used "economic hit men," (World Bank, IMF, coercion, outright strong-arm tactics) to steal from developing countries - often in collusion with local elites who hide ill-gotten gains in offshore accounts.

Neil H. Jacoby, Peter Nehemkis, Richard Eells (1977). Bribery and Extortion in World Business: A Study of Corporate Political Payments Abroad. (New York, NY: Macmillan, 294 p.). Corporations--Corrupt practices; Bribery; International business enterprises.

Scott B. MacDonald & Jane E. Hughes (2006). Separating Fools from Their Money: A History of American Financial Scandals. (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 255 p.). Partner, Co-Head of Research at Aladdin Capital Management, LLC; Professor of Finance (Hult International Business School, Boston). Commercial crimes--United States--History; White collar crimes--United States--History. History of financial scandals from early days of young republic through the Enron/WorldCom debacle of modern times; expose themes common to all financial scandals.

Editors of Fortune Magazine (2008). Scandal!: The Amazing Tales of Cheats, Crooks and Criminals, and How They Helped Create the Modern Economy. (New York, NY: Time Inc Home Entertainment, 240 p.). Corporations--Corrupt practices--United States; Chief executive officers--Professional ethics--United States; Business ethics--United States; Commercial crimes--United States. Most colorful, consequential scandals in business history; combination of news stories about events as they happened, fresh takes from a contemporary perspective; tales of dozens of outrageous swindles, how endless cycle of fraud and reform has helped to create modern economy; greed, cupidity, corruption, gluttony so outrageous: 1) Ivar Krueger, Swedish match king; 2) "electrical cartel" -1961 bid-rigging; 3 Robert Vesco - 1970; 4) Wedtech; 5) Crazy Eddie; 6) Orange County bankruptcy; 7) Sothebys and Al Taubman; 8) Enron.

Om Malik (2003). Broadbandits: Inside the $750 Billion Telecom Heist. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 334 p.). Telecommunication--Corrupt practices--United States; Consolidation and merger of corporations--United States; Business failures--United States.

Jerry W. Markham (2005). A Financial History of Modern U.S. Corporate Scandals: From Enron to Reform. (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 544 p.). Enron Corp.--Corrupt practices; Corporations--Corrupt practices--United States; Corporations--Accounting--United States; Stock Market Bubble, 1995-2000; Commercial crimes--United States. Definitive reference on major failures of American corporate governance at start of 21st century.

David McKie (2004). Jabez: The Rise and Fall of a Victorian Scoundrel. (London, UK: Atlantic Books, 208 p.). Balfour, Jabez Spencer; Swindle, swindling;  fraud. 

Norman C. Miller (1965). The Great Salad Oil Swindle. (New York, NY: Coward McCann, 256 p.). De Angelis, Anthony, 1915- ; Swindlers and swindling.

D. Quinn Mills (2003). Wheel, Deal, and Steal: Deceptive Accounting, Deceitful CEOs, and Ineffective Reforms. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall/Financial Times, 300 p.). Professor of Business Administration (Harvard Business School). Corporations--Corrupt practices--United States; Corporations--United States--Accounting; Accounting--Corrupt practices--United States; Chief executive officers--Professional ethics--United States; Business ethics--United States. 

Lawrence E. Mitchell (2001). Corporate Irresponsibility: America's Newest Export. (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 302 p.). Professor of Law (George Washington University). Social responsibility of business--United States; Corporations--Corrupt practices--United States; Corporations--Moral and ethical aspects--United States.

Jessica Mitford (1963). The American Way of Death. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 333 p.). Funeral rites and ceremonies--Economic aspects--United States. Undertakers and undertaking--United States.

Ed. Donald Moffitt (1976). Swindled!: Classic Business Frauds of the Seventies. (Princeton, NJ: Dow Jones Books, 176 p.). Commercial crimes--United States--Case studies; Fraud--United States--Case studies; Swindlers and swindling--United States--Case studies.

Lisa H. Newton (2006). Permission To Steal: Revealing the Roots of Corporate Scandal. (Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 112 p.). Professor of Philosophy, Director of Program in Applied Ethics (Fairfield University). White collar crimes--United States; Corporations--Corrupt practices--United States; Corporations--Moral and ethical aspects; Corporate culture--Moral and ethical aspects; Business ethics--United States. 

Greg Palast (2003). The Best Democracy Money Can Buy : An Investigative Reporter Exposes the Truth about Globalization, Corporate Cons, and High-Finance Fraudsters. (New York, NY: Plume, 370 p. [rev. American ed.]). Political corruption; Corporations--Corrupt practices.

John Perkins (2004). Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. (San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler, 264 p.). Former Chief Economist and Director of Economics and Regional Planning, Chas. T. Main, Inc. Perkins, John, 1945- ; United States. National Security Agency--Biography; Chas. T. Main, Inc.; World Bank--Developing countries; Economists--United States--Biography; Energy consultants--United States--Biography; Intelligence agents--United States--Biography; Corporations, American--Foreign countries; Corporations, American--Corrupt practices; Imperialism--History--20th century; Imperialism--History--21st century. How US intelligence agencies, multinationals exploit economies of Third World nations.

--- (2007). The Secret History of the American Empire: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth About Global Corruption. (New York, NY: Dutton, 384 p.). Founder, Chairman of Dream Change. Corporations, American--Foreign countries; Corporations, American--Corrupt practices; Globalization--Social aspects; Imperialism; United States--Foreign economic relations; United States--Foreign relations--2001-. American government's wreaking havoc around world in support of American business; secret history behind events that have created American Empire.

Tim Phillips (2005). Knockoff: The Deadly Trade in Counterfeit Goods. (Sterling, VA: Kogan Page, 288 p.). Managing Editor of Performance Plus Magazine. Product counterfeiting; Licensed products; Intellectual property; Trade regulation.

Dan Plazak (2005). A Hole in the Ground with a Liar at the Top: Fraud and Deceit in the Golden Age of American Mining. (Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 288 p.). Mines and mineral resources--Valuation--United States--History--19th century; Mines and mineral resources--Valuation--United States--History--20th century; Fraud--United States--History--19th century; Fraud--United States--History--20th century; Swindlers and swindling--United States--History--19th century; Swindlers and swindling--United States--History--20th century. Mark Twain's definition of a mine: "A Hole in the Ground with a Liar at the Top". History of mining frauds in United States from Civil War to World War I.

John Portmann (2000). When Bad Things Happen to Other People. (New York, NY: Routledge, 242 p.). Professor of Religion (University of Virginia). Suffering--Moral and ethical aspects; Pleasure--Moral and ethical aspects; Sympathy--Moral and ethical aspects.

Richard Rayner (2002). Drake's Fortune: The Fabulous True Story of the World's Greatest Confidence Artist. (New York, NY: Doubleday, 224 p.). Hartzell, Oscar Merrill, 1876-1943; Swindlers and swindling--United States--Biography. 

Stephen M. Rosoff, Henry N. Pontell, Robert Tillman (2004). Profit without Honor: White-Collar Crime and the Looting of America. (Upper Saddle River: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 564 p. [3rd ed.]). White collar crimes--United States; Fraud--United States. 

Irwin Ross (1992). Shady Business: Confronting Corporate Corruption. (New York, NY: Twentieth Century Fund Press, 175 p.). Corporations--Corrupt practices--United States.

David E. Y. Sarna; [foreword by] Andrew Malik (2010). History of Greed: Financial Fraud from Tulip Mania to Bernie Madoff. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 416 p.). Serial Entrepreneur (founded three companies, sold one, took two public). Fraud --Case studies; Commercial crimes --Case studies; Avarice --Case studies. How unscrupulous entrepreneurs, lawyers, hedge fund managers, CPAs, Texas billionaires, political fundraisers, music managers, financial advisers, former Mossad agents fooled na�ve, sophisticated investors; 400 years of financial fraud; accounting fraud, stock option fraud, auction rate securities, hedge fund fraud, Ponzi schemes, promotion fraud, money laundering; people behind financial fraud, how they did it; why people continually fall prey to scam artists; how to detect fraudulent schemes; how government regulation only fixes yesterday's problems; no such thing as free lunch, how not to become "greater fool."

Richard J. Schroth and A. Larry Elliott (2002). How Companies Lie: Why Enron Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg. (New York, NY: Crown Business, 192 p.). Former Senior Partner at Heidrick and Struggles. Consultant Corporations --Corrupt practices; Business ethics. How to think about, measure candor of corporations; questions to get handle on performance reality of companies.

Kerry Segrave (1994). Payola in the Music Industry: A History, 1880-1991. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 278 p.). Music trade--Corrupt practices--United States. Author traces the history of payola, its development, the attempts at regulating and legislating it, and its practitioners.

Ed. James Surowiecki (2002). Best Business Crime Writing of the Year. (New York, NY: Anchor Books, 253 p.). Business Columnist (The New Yorker). Commercial crimes--United States; White collar crimes--United States; Journalism, Commercial--United States. 

Robert H. Tillman and Michael L. Indergaard (2005). Pump and Dump: The Rancid Rules of the New Economy. (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 336 p.). Professor of Sociology (St. John's University, NY); Associate Professor of Sociology (St. John's University). Securities fraud--United States; Corporations--Corrupt practices--United States; Energy industries--Corrupt practices--United States; Telecommunication--Corrupt practices--United States; Electronic commerce--Corrupt practices--United States. 

Peter Watson (1984). The Caravaggio Conspiracy: How Five Art Dealers, Four Policemen, Three Picture Restorers, Two Auction Houses, and a Journalist Plotted to Recover Some of the World's Most Beautiful Stolen Paintings (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 321 p.). Art thefts; Smuggling.

Edited with an introd. and conclusion by Alan F. Westin (1981). Whistle Blowing: Loyalty and Dissent in the Corporation. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 181 p.). Whistle blowing--United States--Congresses.


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