S. Daniel Abraham with Joseph Telushkin
Everything Is Possible: Life and Business Lessons from a
Self-Made Billionaire and the Founder of Slim-Fast.
(New York, NY: Newmarket Press, 240 p.). Founder - Slim-Fast
Foods. Weight loss
preparations industry -- United States -- History; Businessmen
-- United States -- Biography; Success; Conduct of life;
Abraham, S. Daniel; Slim-Fast Foods -- History. Selling and
marketing strategies, lessons taught by war, search for peace;
grew up in a Jewish family in Long Beach, NY; first taste of
entrepreneurship - put out his own newspaper as a teenager;
joined family business, learned about tenacity and achievement;
sold inventions as Slim-Mint Gum, San-Cura itch cream, Gas-Tabs;
developed Slim-Fast; explored new avenues of marketing; made use
of celebrity endorsements; sold Slim-Fast to Unilever for $2.3
billion; importance of strong work ethic, good family values,
hard work, honesty; importance of faith, trust to attain
Raymond Ackerman as told to Denise Prichard (2001). Hearing Grasshoppers Jump: The Story of Raymond Ackerman. (Cape Town, SA: D. Philip, 341 p.). Ackerman, Raymond, 1931- ; Businessmen--South Africa--Biography; Retail trade--South Africa--History. Pick 'n Pay Holdings Ltd.
Anne Tryon Adams with Sandra E. Bielawa (1988). All Booked Up: How I Went from Housewife to Successful Entrepreneur on a Shoestring Budget. (Boston, MA: Quinlan Press, 174 p.). Founder, Annie's Book Shop. Adams, Anne Tryon; Booksellers and bookselling--United States--Biography.
Barn in backyard to 132 stores, country's seventh-largest bookstore chain in three decades.
Theodore Martin Alexander, Sr. (1993). Beyond the Timberline The Trials and Triumphs of a Black Entrepreneur. (Edgewood, MD: E.E. Duncan and Company, 269 p.). Alexander, Theodore Martin, Sr.; Alexander & Company--History. Entrepreneurship.
Tony Allan (2006). Making Good: The Inspiring Story of Serial Entrepreneur, Maverick and Restaurateur. (London, UK: Capstone, 240 p.). Britain's Second Wealthiest Restaurateur. Lomando Locatelli. Allan, Tony; Restaurants -- London; Entrepreneurs--London--Biography.
Meteoric rise from fishmonger to elite of British entrepreneurs; what Tony Allan did, why he did it the way he did; genuine rags-to-riches story.
Paul Allen (2011).
Idea Man: A Memoir by the Cofounder of Microsoft.
(New York, NY: Portfolio, 368 p.). Cofounded Microsoft with Bill
Gates. Allen, Paul, 1953-; Businesspeople --United States
--Biography. How he has solved problems,
what he learned from many endeavors (triumphs, failures), vision for future;
previously untold stories about true origins of Microsoft, role
in dawn of private space travel (SpaceShipOne), discoveries at
frontiers of brain science.
Robert C. Allen (2004). Creating Hawai'i Tourism: A Memoir. (Honolulu, HI: Bess Press, 258 p.). President and Director of Hawaii Visitors Bureau, Grayline Hawaii and the Hotel Operating Co. Allen, Robert Coleman; Travel agents--Hawaii--Biography; Businessmen--Hawaii--Biography; Tourism--Hawaii--History.
(Stanley C. Allyn (1968). My Half Century with NCR. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 209 p.). National Cash Register Company.
Noah Alper, Thomas
Fields-Meyer (2009).
Business Mensch: Timeless Wisdom for Today's Entrepreneur.
(Berkeley, CA, Book Clearing House, 176 p.). Founder of Noah's
Bagels. Alper, Noah; Noah's Bagels; Entrepreneurship --California
--History. Started small bagel shop in Berkeley, CA (after early
nervous breakdown, failed business), run on Biblical injunction
to "lech lecha"-to embrace one's journey while contributing to
community through volunteerism and "tzedakah"-justice; ability
to innovate, adapt, and evolve; acquired by Einstein Bros. for $100 million.
Gil Amelio and William L. Simon (1998). On the Firing Line: My 500 Days at Apple. (New York, NY: HarperBusiness, 298 p.). Amelio, Gil; Apple Computer, Inc.--Management; Executives--United States--Biography; Computer industry--United States--Management--Case studies. Apple Computer.
Jud Ammons with Adam Lucas (2000). Don't Wish You Had, Be Glad You Did: A Look at Life. (Raleigh, NC: Pentland Press, 203 p.). Ammons, Jud; Construction industry--United States--Biography; Real estate developers--United States--Biography; Construction industry--North Carolina--History; Real estate development--North Carolina--History. Ammons Inc.
Ruth Leach Amonette (1999). Among Equals: A Memoir of the Rise of IBM’s First Woman Corporate Vice President. (Berkeley, CA: Creative Arts Book Company, 200 p.). Amonette, Ruth Leach; IBM; executives -- corporate.
Wally Amos, with Leroy Robinson (1983). The Famous Amos Story: The Face That Launched a Thousand Chips. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 201 p.). Founder, Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookie Corporation. Amos, Wally; Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookie Corporation; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography; Cookie industry -- United States; African American businesspeople -- Biography.
Wally Amos, with Camilla Denton (1994). Man With No Name: Turn Lemons into Lemonade. (Lower Lake, CA: Aslan Pub., 154 p.). Amos, Wally; Uncle Nonamé Cookie Company; Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookie Corporation; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography; African American businesspeople -- Biography; Cookie industry -- United States.
Wally Amos and Eden-Lee Murray (2001). The Cookie Never Crumbles. (New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 202 p.). Amos, Wally; Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookie Corporation; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Cookie industry--United States.
Ed Anderson (1998). Climbing Jacob's Ladder to Wealth & Success: The Making of a Millionaire. (Lakeville, MN: Galde Press, 190 p.). Mini-Donut King. Anderson, Ed., 1931- ; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Entrepreneurship--Biography; New business enterprises--United States--Management. Lil' Orbits Inc.
Bob Ansett with Robert Pullan (1986). Bob Ansett, An Autobiography. (Hartwell, Vic.: J. Kerr, 221 p.). Ansett, Bob, 1933- ; Businesspeople--Australia--Biography. Budget Rent a Car System-Australia.
Ed Aryain; edited and with an Introduction by J’Nell L. Pate; foreword by John R. Wunder; afterword by Edward Aryain and Jameil Aryain (2006). From Syria to Seminole: Memoir of a High Plains Merchant. (Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press, 260 p.). Aryain, Ed (nee Mohammed); Syrian Americans--Texas--Biography; Merchants--Texas--Biography; Texas--Biography.
Life as dry-goods peddler, then merchant
and family man on Great Plains, eventually owned store in Seminole, TX.
Mary Kay Ash (1986). Mary Kay (New York, NY: Perennial, 200 p. [rev. ed.]). Founder, Mary Kay Cosmetics. Ash, Mary Kay; Mary Kay Cosmetics; Cosmetics industry--United States--Biography. Selling; Biography; Entrepreneur; Beauty, Personal; Women- owned business enterprises.
(Mary Kay Cosmetics), Mary Kay Ash, with
Yvonne Pendleton (2008).
The Mary Kay Way: Timeless Principles from America’s Greatest
Woman Entrepreneur. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 238 p. [orig.
pub. in 1984; revised, updated]). Founder Mary Kay, Inc. Ash,
Mary Kay; Management; Success in business.
Inspiration, real, proven success principles
that represent 45 year success story of Mary Kay
Ash; timeless guide to entrepreneurial
Tom Ashbrook (2000). The Leap: A Memoir of Love and Madness in the Internet Gold Rush. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 295 p.). Ashbrook, Tom; Internet industry--United States; New business enterprises--United States; Businessmen--United States--Biography. HomePortfolio.com.
James A. Autry (1996). Confessions of an Accidental Businessman: It Takes a Lifetime To Find Wisdom. (San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 252 p.). Former President of the Meredith Corporation's Magazine Group. Autry, James A.; Executives--United States--Biography; Management. Meredith Corp.
Warren Avis (1986). Take a Chance To Be First: The Secrets of Entrepreneurial Success. (New York, NY: Macmillan, 222 p.). Founder, Avis-Rent-A-Car. Avis-Rent-A-Car System; Success in business.
Roger W. Babson (1949). Actions and Reactions: the Autobiography Of Roger Babson. (New York: Harper, p. [rev. ed.]). Founder, Babson's Reports. Babson, Roger Ward, 1875- ; Investment advice; Investment information.
Bill Backer (1993). The Care and Feeding of Ideas. (New York, NY: Times Books, 284 p.). Backer, Bill--Career in advertising; Creative ability in business; Advertising--Case studies. (Backer Spielvogel Bates Worldwide).
Alfred Bader (1995). Adventures of a Chemist Collector. (London, UK: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 288 p.). Founder of the Aldrich Chemical Company, Former President, CEO, Chairman, Chairman Emeritus of Sigma-Aldrich. Bader, Alfred, 1924- ; Sigma-Aldrich Corporation; Chemists--United States--Biography; Art--Collectors and collecting--United States--Biography.
Samuel Bagster (1972). Samuel Bagster of London, 1772-1851: An Autobiography. (London, UK: Bagster, 199 p.). Bagster, Samuel, 1772-1851.; Bible--Publication and distribution--England--London; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography. Samuel Bagster & Sons.
Steve Baker (2004). Pushing Water Uphill with a Rake: Memoirs of a Successful Failure. (Merric Publishing, 207 p.). Business Marketing Consultant. Baker, Steve; Global Group; travel services; lawsuit.
Samuel B. Ballen (2001). Without Reservations: From Harlem to the End of the Santa Fe Trail. (Santa Fe, NM: Ocean Tree Books, 302 p.). Ballen, Samuel B., 1922- ; Jews--New Mexico--Santa Fe--Biography; Hotelkeepers--New Mexico--Santa Fe--Biography; Jewish businesspeople--United States--Biography; Santa Fe (N.M.)--Biography. La Fonda Hotel.
Norman Balon with Spencer Bright (1991). You're Barred, You Bastards! (London, UK: Sidgwick & Jackson, 184 p.). Balon, Norman, 1927- ; Coach & Horses (Bar)--History; Restaurateurs--England--London--Biography.
Ernest Hayes Balyeat (1980). The Way It Was in My Time: An Autobiography. (San Francisco, CA: Balyeat Pub. Co., 227 p.). Balyeat, Ernest Hayes, 1901- ; J.C. Penney Co.; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
Joseph Barbera (1994). My Life in ’Toons: From Flatbush to Bedrock in Under a Century. (Atlanta, GA: Turner Pub., 250 p.). Co-Founder Hanna-Barbera Productions. Barbera, Joseph; Animators--United States--Biography.
Frank H. Bartholomew (1983). Bart, Memoirs of Frank H. Bartholomew--President, United Press, 1955-58, United Press International, 1958-62. (Sonoma, CA: Vine Brook Press, 231 p.). Bartholomew, Frank H.; United Press International--Biography; Journalists--United States--Biography.
L.L. Bean (1960). My Story; the Autobiography of a Down-East Merchant. (Freeport, ME: The Company, 163 p.). Bean, L. L. (Leon Leonwood), 1872-1966; Sporting goods.
William S. Beinecke with Geoffrey M. Kabaservice (2000). Through Mem'ry's Haze: A Personal Memoir (New York, NY: Prospect Hill Press, 569 p.). Beinecke, William Sperry; Beinecke family; Sperry and Hutchinson Company--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Philanthropists--United States--Biography; Trading-stamps--United States--History.
Jordan Belfort (2007). The Wolf of Wall Street. (New York, NY: Bantam/Dell, 526 p.). Former Head of Stratton Oakmont. Belfort, Jordan; Stockbrokers--New York (State)--New York--Biography; Securities industry--New York (State)--New York; Wall Street (New York, N.Y.).
Prototype for film 'Boiler Room'; ordinary guy who went from hustling Italian ices at sixteen to making hundreds of millions to prison (22 months).
Judy Bell with Rhonda Glenn (2002). (Breaking the Mold): The Journey of the Only Woman President of the United States Golf Association. (Chelsea, MI: Sleeping Bear Press, 267 p.). Bell, Judy; United States Golf Association--Presidents--Biography; Women executives--United States--Biography.
Warren G. Bennis with Patricia Ward Biederman (2010).
Still Surprised: A Memoir of a Life in Leadership.
(San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 272 p.). Distinguished
Professor of Business Administration (University of
Southern California). Bennis, Warren G.; Executives
--United States --Biography; Leadership; Management.
Triumphs, struggles of man considered pioneer in
contemporary field of leadership studies; how
world-changing ideas resulted from encounters, events,
experiences; how students of leadership are formed: 1) by
what they discover about themselves on roads that are
opened to them by circumstances, 2) by roles they choose to
carve out for themselves as result; art of leading well
flows from becoming integrated person, able to discover,
define, redefine oneself in face of surprises,
Rowan Bentall (1974). My Store of Memories. (London, UK: W. H. Allen, 298 p.). Bentalls Ltd.--History; Department stores--England--London; Kingston upon Thames (London, England). Bentalls.
Sir Henry Bessemer (1989). Sir Henry Bessemer, F.R.S.: An Autobiography, with a Concluding Chapter. (Brookfield, VT: Institute of Metals, 380 p. [orig. pub. 1905]). Founder of the Bessemer Process (furnace). Bessemer, Henry, Sir, 1813-1898; Metallurgists--Great Britain--Biography; Bessemer process.
George Bidwell (1888). Forging His Chains. The Autobiography of George Bidwell ... with the Story of His Connection with the So-Called £1,000,000 Forgery on the Bank of England, and a Complete Account of His Arrest, Trial, Conviction, and Confinement for Fourteen years in English Prisons. (Hartford, CT: S. S. Scranton & Company, 560 p.). Prisons--England. Bank of England.
Jay Bildstein, as told to Jerry Schmetterer (1996). The King of Clubs. (New York, NY: Barricade Books, 288 p.). Bildstein, Jay; Scores (Club : New York, N.Y.)--History; Music-halls (Variety-theaters, cabarets, etc.)--New York (State)--New York--History; Striptease--New York (State)--New York; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
Sallie Bingham (1989). Passion and Prejudice: A Family Memoir. (New York, NY: Knopf, 525 p.). Bingham family; Bingham, Sallie--Family; Publishers and publishing--Kentucky--Biography; Newspaper publishing--Kentucky--History; Louisville (Ky.)--Biography. Louisville Courier.
Howard Bird, Jr. (1990). Were Grandfathers Always Old?: Autobiography. (New Canaan, CT: H. Bird, Jr., 357 p.). Bird, Howard, 1916- ; Mobil Oil Company--Biography; Executives--United States--Biography.
Soraya Bittencourt with Paulaartinac (2003). My Road to Microsoft: One Woman's Success Story. (Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris Corporation, 217 p.). Bittencourt, Saroya; Microsoft Corporation; Expedia.
Cathleen Black (2007). Basic Black: The Essential Guide for Getting Ahead at Work (and in Life). (New York, NY: Crown, 304 p.). Head of Hearst Magazines. Black, Cathie; Career development; Interpersonal communication; Success in business; Publishers and publishing--Vocational guidance.
How she achieved "the 360° life" (blend of professional accomplishment, personal contentment); how women can seize opportunity in workplace.
Bob and Melinda Blanchard (2005). Live What You Love: Notes from an Unusual Life. (New York, NY: Sterling Pub., 216 p.). Owners, Blanchard's Restaurant (Anguilla). Blanchard, Robert, 1951- ; Blanchard, Melinda, 1952- ; Entrepreneurs--United States--Biography; Entrepreneurs--Anguilla--Biography; Restaurateurs--Anguilla--Biography; Conduct of life; Vermont--Biography; Anguilla--Biography. Blanchard's Restaurant.
Bill Blass (2002). Bare Blass. (New York, NY: HarperCollins, 181 p.). Blass, Bill; Fashion designers--United States--Biography; Costume design--United States--History--20th century.
Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet (1988). Memoires d’Un Lion. (Paris, FR: Libr. acade´mique Perrin, 325 p.). Bleustein-Blanchet, Marcel; Advertising--France--Biography. (Publicis Groupe).
Frederick L. Block as told to Susan Taylor Block (2005). Tales of a Shirtmaker: A Jewish Upbringing in North Carolina. (Wilmington, NC: Winoca Press, 155 p.). Former CEO of Block Industries, Inc.; Wife. Block, Frederick L., 1927- ; Block Shirts (Firm); Jews--North Carolina--Wilmington--Biography; Wilmington (N.C.)--Biography. Block Industries.
Roles in the company, growing up Jewish in Wilmington, NC.
Michael Bloomberg with invaluable help from Matthew Winkler (1997). Bloomberg by Bloomberg. (New York, NY: Wiley, 261 p.). Founder Bloomberg Media, Mayor of New York City. Bloomberg, Michael; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography; Investments--United States; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Telecommunication--United States.
Susan Sokol Blosser (2006). At Home in the Vineyard: Cultivating a Winery, an Industry, and a Life. (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 236 p.). President of Sokol Blosser Winery, Oregon Wine Pioneer. Blosser, Susan Sokol; Vintners--Oregon--Biography; Wine and wine making--Oregon; Wine industry--Oregon.
How she fell in love with a vineyard, learned how to run it,
produced Pinot Noirs to rival those of Burgundy.
Joseph Blumenthal (1982). Typographic Years: A Printer's Journey Through a Half-Century, 1925-1975. (New York, NY: F.C. Beil (Lunenberg, VT: Stinehour Press), 153 p.). Blumenthal, Joseph, 1897- ; Spiral Press--History; Printers--United States--Biography; Printing--New York (State)--New York--History--20th century; Book design--New York (State)--New York--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--New York (N.Y.)--History--20th century.
Tom Bean Bob (1996). How To Be a Successful Corporate So-and-So. (Dallas, TX: Odenwald Press, 122 p.). Former President and CEO (Fischbach and Moore Global Communications, Inc.). Tom Bean Bob, 1933- ; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Success in business--United States. BARL Inc.
Elmer Holmes Bobst (1973). Bobst: The Autobiography of a Pharmaceutical Pioneer. (New York, NY: McKay, 360 p.). Former CEO (Warner-Lambert). Bobst, Elmer Holmes; Pharmaceutical industry--Biography. Warner-Lambert.
Helen F. Boehm with Nancy Dunnan; foreword by Letitia Baldridge (1985). With a Little Luck-- An American Odyssey. (New York, NY: Rawson, 219 p.). Boehm, Helen F.; Entrepreneurship--Biography; Porcelain industry--United States. Boehm Porcelain.
Don Bollman (1998). The Cat with Nine Lives: An 80 Year Memoir of the Minor Leaguer of Canadian Lakes. (Stanwood, MI: Canadian Lakes Pub., 399 p.). Bollman, Don; Businessmen--Michigan--Biography; Real estate developers--Michigan--Biography; Resorts--Michigan. Canadian Lakes Development Company.
Alan Bond; with Rob Mundle (2003). Bond. (Pymble, N.S.W.: HarperCollins, 336 p.). Bond, Alan, 1938- ; Businessmen--Australia--Biography.
Pierre Bordas (1997). L’Edition Est une Aventure : [Memoires]. (Paris, FR: Editions de Fallois, 382 p.). Bordas, Pierre, 1913- ; Bordas (Firm)--History; Publishers and publishing--France--Biography.
Archie Boston ; edited by John Farrell (2001). Fly in the Buttermilk: Memoirs of an African American in Advertising, Design & Design Education. (Los Angeles, CA: Archie Boston Graphic Design, 185 p.). Boston, Archie, 1943- ; African Americans in advertising--Biography; African American executives--Biography; African Americans--Social conditions. Archie Boston Graphic Design.
Gert Boyle (2004). One Tough Mother: Success in Life, Business, and Apple Pies. (Portland, OR: WestWinds Press, 208 p.). Chairman of the Board (Columbia Sportswear). Boyle, Gert, 1920- ; Columbia Sportswear--History; Sport clothes industry--Oregon--History; Businesspeople--Oregon--Biography. Columbia Sportswear.
Richard Branson (1998). Losing My Virginity: The Autobiography. (London, UK: Virgin Pub., 488 p.). Founder, Virgin Atlantic Airways. Branson, Richard; Virgin Group; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography; Airlines; Music trade.
Lynn Brewer with Matthew Scott Hansen (2004). Confessions of an Enron Executive: A Whistleblower's Story. (Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 409 p.). Brewer, Lynn; Enron Corp.--Corrupt practices; Enron Corp.--Management; Energy industries--Corrupt practices--United States; Whistle blowing--United States.
Roberto Brik (1990). Editorial Medica Panamericana: Memorias de su Fundador. (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Medica Panamericana, 280 p.). Brik, Roberto; Editorial Medica Panamericana--History; Medical publishing--Argentina--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--Argentina--Biography.
Norman Brinker and Donald T. Phillips (1996). On The Brink: The Life and Leadership of Norman Brinker. (Arlington, TX: Summit Publishing Group, 203 p.). Restaurateur. Norman Brinker, Restaurants. Brinker International.
Nigel Broackes (1979). A Growing Concern: An Autobiography. (London, UK: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 278 p.). British Entrepreneur. Nigel Broackes, Trafalgar House Limited.
Edgar M. Bronfman (1998). Good Spirits: The Making of a Businessman. (New York, NY: Putnam, 248 p.). Bronfman, Edgar M., 1929- ; Seagram Company--History; Executives--Canada--Biography; Liquor industry--Canada--History; Conglomerate corporations--Canada--History.
David W. Brooks (1993). D.W. Brooks, Gold Kist, and Seven U.S. Presidents: An Autobiography. (Atlanta, GA: D.W. Brooks Family, 252 p.). Brooks, David William, 1901- ; Gold Kist Inc.--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Agricultural industries--United States--History--20th century.
Paul Brooks (1986). Two Park Street: A Publishing Memoir. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 157 p.). Brooks, Paul; Houghton Mifflin Company--History; Publishers and publishing--Massachusetts--Boston--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Editors--United States--Biography; Book editors--United States--Biography.
Catharo Brown, as told to Paul G. Wilson (2000). Molding a Business: Opportunity for You. (Kearney, NE: Morris Publishing, 146 p.). Brown, Catharo; S.I.A. Plastics; African American businesspeople--Wisconsin--Milwaukee--Biography; African American business enterprises--Wisconsin--Milwaukee; Entrepreneurship--Wisconsin--Milwaukee; African Americans--Wisconsin--Milwaukee--Biography; Plastics industry and trade--Wisconsin--Milwaukee. S.I.A. Plastics.
Donaldson Brown; introd. by Ernest Dale (1977). Some Reminiscences of an Industrialist. (Easton, PA: Hive Pub. Co., 185 p. [orig. pub. 1958]). Former DuPont and GM Executive. Brown, Donaldson, 1885-1965; Industrialists--United States--Biography.
John Browne (2010).
Beyond Business: An Inspirational Memoir from a Visionary
Leader. (London,
UK, Weidenfeld & Nicolson 336 p.). BP CEO for 12
years. Browne, John; British Petroleum -- history. Britain’s most
admired business leader for several years; his
“adventure in oil” (as BP rose from state-controlled
middleweight to first rank of international oil companies);
invented oil 'supermajor', led way on climate change, human
rights, transparency; what he learned about leadership in
tough industry; insights gained as he transformed national
company, challenged entire industry, prompted political,
business leaders to change; how his private, public lives
collided, prompted May 2007 abrupt resignation as CEO of BP.
Lillian Browse (1999). Duchess of Cork Street: The Autobiography of an Art Dealer. (London, UK: Giles de la Mare, 190 p.). Founding Partner of Roland, Browse, and Delbanco in 1945. Browse, Lillian; Roland, Browse, and Delbanco; Art dealers--England--London--Biography; Women art dealers--England--London--Biography.
Walter M. Buescher (1992). Plow Peddler. (Macomb, IL: Glenbridge Pub., 320 p.). Buescher, Walter M.; Allis-Chalmers Corporation--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Agricultural machinery industry--United States--History. (Allis-Chalmers).
Bruno Buitoni; intervista di Giampaolo Gallo; postfazione di Giulio Sapelli (1992). Pasta e Cioccolato: Una Storia Imprenditoriale. (Perugia, Italy: Protagon, 509 p.). Buitoni, Bruno, 1924- ; Industrie Buitoni Perugina--History; Businesspeople--Italy--Biography; Pasta industry--Italy--History; Chocolate industry--Italy--History; Candy industry--Italy--History; Food industry and trade--Italy--History.
Gary Burandt with Nancy Giges (1992). Moscow Meets Madison Avenue: The Adventures of the First American Adman in the U.S.S.R. (New York, NY: HarperBusiness, 222 p.). Burandt, Gary; Young & Rubicam (Moscow, Russia); Advertising executives--Russia (Federation)--Moscow--Biography; Advertising agencies--Russia (Federation)--Moscow. (Young & Rubicam).
C.L. Burton (1952). A Sense of Urgency: Memoirs of a Canadian Merchant. (Toronto, ON: Clarke, Irwin, 363 p.). Simpsons Limited.
G. Allan Burton (1986). A Store of Memories. (Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 330 p.). Burton, G. Allan, 1915- ; Simpsons Limited -- Biography; Businessmen -- Canada -- Biography; Directors of corporations -- Canada -- Biography.
Laura Bustani; preface by John Freeman; foreword by Mohamed Heikal (1994). A Marriage Out of Time: My Life with and without Emile Bustani / Laura Bustani; preface by John Freeman ; foreword by Mohamed Heikal. (London, UK: Quartet, 305 p.). Widow of Lebanese Entrepreneur. Women executives -- Lebanon -- Biography; Business; Middle East. Hotel Al Bustan.
Lewis Buzbee (2006). The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop: A Memoir, A History. (St. Paul, MN: Graywolf Press, 180 p.). Former Bookseller and Sales Representative (Chronicle Books). Bookstores--History--20th century; Booksellers and bookselling.
Historical account of bookseller’s trade.
Al Byrne (1999). Guinness Times: My Days in the World's Most Famous Brewery (Dublin, IR: Town House, 236 p.). Byrne, Al; Guinness (Firm)--History; Brewing industry--Ireland--History.
Thomas D. Cabot (1979). Beggar on Horseback: The Autobiography of Thomas D. Cabot. (Boston, MA: D. R. Godine, 191 p.). Cabot, Thomas Dudley, 1897- ; Businesspeople--United States--Biography. Cabot Corp.
Gordon Cain (1997). Everybody Wins!: A Life in Free Enterprise. (Philadelphia, PA: Chemical Heritage Press, 353 p.). Cain, Gordon, 1912- ; Chemical engineers--United States--Biography; Chemical industry--United States--Biography; Free enterprise--United States. Cain Chemical.
Gordon Cain (2002). Everybody Wins!: A Life in Free Enterprise. (Philadelphia, PA: Chemical Heritage Press, 353 p. [2nd ed.]). Entrepreneur, Leverage Buyout Specialist. Cain, Gordon, 1912- ; Chemical engineers--United States--Biography; Chemical industry--United States--Biography; Free enterprise--United States. Cain Chemical.
Peter Calvocoressi (1994). Threading My Way. (London, UK: Duckworth, 213 p.). Partner in Chatto & Windus and the Hogarth Press, Chief Executive of Penguin Books. Calvocoressi, Peter; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography; Historians--Great Britain--Biography. Penguin.
Gray Campbell (1994). Butter Side Up. (Victoria, BC: Horsdal & Schubart, 267 p.). Campbell, Gray, 1912- ; Publishers and publishing--British Columbia--Biography; Ranchers--Alberta--Biography; British Columbia--Biography. Gray's Publishing.
Frances Cardone (1994). This Is My Story, This Is My Song: A Wife Discovers It's Never Too Late. (DeBary, FL: Longwood Communications, 190 p.). Cardone, Frances; Women executives--United States--Biography; Businesswomen--United States--Biography; Automobile supplies industry--United States--History.
Curtis L. Carlson (1994). Good as Gold: The Story of the Carlson Companies. (Minneapolis, MN: Carlson Companies, Inc., 238 p.). Founder of Carlson Companies. Carlson, Curtis L.; Carlson Companies--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Entrepreneurship--United States; Trading-stamps--History.
Edward E. Carlson (1989). Recollections of a Lucky Fellow. (Seattle, WA: E.E. Carlson, 461 p.). Chairman Emeritus (United Air Lines). Carlson, Edward E. (Edward Elmer), 1911- ; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
Ben Casnocha; foreword by Marc Benioff (2007). My Start-Up Life: What a (Very) Young CEO Learned on His Journey through Silicon Valley. (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 208 p.). Founder, Comcate. Comcate (Firm); Internet software industry--United States; Computer software industry--United States; New business enterprises--United States--Management; Entrepreneurship--United States.
Story of his start-up (better way for city governments to communicate with constituents on Web), conversation with mentors, clients, fellow entrepreneurs about how to make a business idea work.
Oleg Cassini (1987). In My Own Fashion: An Autobiography. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 379 p.). Cassini, Oleg, 1913- ; Fashion designers--United States--Biography.
S. Truett Cathy (1989). It's Easier to Succeed Than To Fail. (Nashville, TN: Oliver-Nelson, 192 p.). Cathy, S. Truett; Chick-Fil-A Corporation--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Fast food restaurants--United States--History. Introduced chicken sandwich concept to quick-service industry.
S. Truett Cathy (2002). Eat Mor Chikin: Inspire More People. (Decatur, GA: Looking Glass Books, 200 p.). Cathy, S. Truett; Chick-Fil-A Corporation--History; Restaurateurs--United States--Biography; Fast food restaurants--United States--History.
Bennett Cerf (1977). At Random: The Reminiscences of Bennett Cerf. (New York, NY: Random House, 306 p.). Cerf, Bennett, 1898-1971; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography. Random House.
Yvon Chouinard (2005). Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman. (New York, NY: Penguin, 272 p.). Patagonia Founder and Owner. Chouinard, Yvon, 1938-; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Social responsibility of business. Patagonia.
Story, core philosophies that have sustained Patagonia, Inc. over 40 years.
Walter P. Chrysler in collaboration with Boyden Sparkes (1950). Life of an American Workman. (New York, NY: Dodd, Mead, 219 p.). Chrysler, Walter Percy, 1875-1940; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Automobile industry and trade--United States--History. Chrysler.
J. W. Clark (2004). Corporate Odyssey. (Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris, 352 p.). Former President, Delta Steamship Lines. Clark, J. W.; Delta Steamship Lines; Maritime industries.
Mary G. Clark (2001). One in a Million: A Memoir. (Scranton, PA: University of Scranton Press, 259 p.). Medical Pioneer. Clark, Mary G., 1932- ; Businesswomen -- Pennsylvania -- Biography; Alternative medicine -- Pennsylvania -- Biography; Christian biography.
Maxine Clark with Amy Joyner (2006). The Bear Necessities of Business: Building a Company with Heart. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 326 p.). Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Bear of Build-A-Bear Workshop; Former Business Reporter. New business enterprises; Entrepreneurship.
How she built global business: one location in 1997, now more than 200 stores. Build-A-Bear Workshop.
Jim Clayton; with Bill Retherford (2002). First a Dream. (Knoxville, TN: FSB Press, 399 p.). Clayton, Jim, 1934- ; Clayton Homes, Inc.; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Mobile homes--United States; Tennessee--Biography.
Lee Cockerell (2008).
Creating Magic: 10 Common Sense Leadership Strategies from a
Life at Disney. (New York, NY: Currency Doubleday, 270
p.). Executive Vice President of Operations for Walt Disney
World. Walt Disney Company --Management; Leadership; Corporate
culture; Organizational effectiveness; Walt Disney World
(Fla.)--Planning. Leadership principles; ten practical, common sense strategies:
everyone is important; make your people your brand; burn free
fuel: appreciation, recognition, encouragement; give people a
purpose, not just job.
Albert D. Cohen (2002). The Saan Story: Triangle of Success. (Winnipeg, MB: Park Mark Pub., 208 p.). Cohen, Albert D. (Albert Diamond), 1914- ; Cohen family; Saan Stores Ltd.--History; Department stores--Canada--History; Businesspeople--Canada--Biography. Saan Stores Ltd.
Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, with Meredith Maran (1997). Ben & Jerry's Double-Dip: Lead with Your Values and Make Money, Too. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 300 p.). Cohen, Ben (Ben R.); Greenfield, Jerry; Ben & Jerry's (Firm)--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Ice cream industry--United States; Social responsibility of business--United States.
George Cohon; with David Macfarlane (1997). To Russia with Fries (Toronto, ON: M&S, 335 p.). Cohon, George, 1937- ; McDonald's Corporation; McDonald's Corporation; Restaurateurs--Canada--Biography; Fast food restaurants--Russia (Federation); Fast food restaurants--Canada; Restaurateurs (Alimentation)--Canada--Biographies; Restaurants-minute--Russie; Restaurants-minute--Canada.
Jerry Colangelo with Len Sherman (1999). How You Play the Game: Lessons for Life from the Billion-Dollar Business of Sports. (New York, NY: Amacom, 255 p.). Colangelo, Jerry; Phoenix Suns (Basketball team; Arizona Diamondbacks (Baseball team); Sports team owners--United States--Biography; Professional sports--Economic aspects--United States.
Kenneth Cole (2003). Footnotes: What You Stand For Is More Important Than What You Stand In. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 208 p.). Founder, Kenneth Cole Productions. Kenneth Cole Productions; Advertising--Fashion.
Fairfax M. Cone (1969). With All Its Faults; A Candid Account of Forty Years in Advertising. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 335 p.). Cone, Fairfax M., 1903- ; Advertising--Biography. (Foote Cone and Belding).
E.J. Connellan; introduced and edited by Peter Donovan (1992). Failure of Triumph: The Story of Connellan Airways. (Alice Springs, N. T.: Paradigm Investments, 420 p.). Connellan, E. J. (Edward John), 1912-1983; Connellan Airways--History; Aeronautics, Commercial--Australia--Northern Territory--History; Airlines--Australia--Northern Territory--History; Businesspeople--Australia--Northern Territory--Biography; Local service airlines--Australia--Northern Territory--History.
Terence Conran (2001). Q & A: A Sort of Autobiography. (London, UK: HarperCollins, 256 p.). Interior decorators -- Great Britain -- Biography; Businesspeople -- Great Britain -- Biography. Habitat.
Tony Conza (2000). Success, It's a Beautiful Thing: Lessons on Life and Business from the Founder of Blimpie International (New York, NY: Wiley, 256 p.). Founder, Blimpie International. Conza, Tony; Success in business; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography; Restaurateurs -- United States -- Biography.
Blanche Cooney (1993). In My Own Sweet Time: An Autobiography. (Athens, OH: Swallow Press/Ohio University Press, 246 p.). Cooney, Blanche; Cooney, James, d. 1985.; Phoenix (Woodstock, N.Y.); Publishers and publishing--Massachusetts--Haydenville--Biography; Farmers--Massachusetts--Haydenville--Biography; Bohemianism--United States--History--20th century.
Leo Cooper (2005). All My Friends Will Buy It: A Bottlefield Tour. (Staplehurst, Kent, UK: Spellmount,, 228 p.). Cooper, Leo, 1934- ; Leo Cooper Books (Firm)--History; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography.
Barbara Corcoran and Bruce Littlefield (2003). Make Yourself Heard: Learning To Win in a Crowded Market (also Titled: Use What You've Got: And Other Business Lessons I Learned from My Mom). (New York, NY: Portfolio, 256 p.). Founder, The Corcoran Group. Corcoran, Barbara (Barbara Ann); Women real estate agents--United States--Biography; Real estate business--United States.
Jacques Courtin (2006). Une Reussite en Beaute. (Paris, FR: Lattes, 232 p.). Founder Clarins SA. Courtin, Jacques, 1921-2007; Clarins (Firm)--History; Toilet preparations industry--France--History.
J. Stanley Coyne (1992). The Wind at My Back: An Autobiography. (Utica, NY: North Country Books, 164 p.). Coyne, J. Stanley, 1908- ; Coyne Textile Services--History; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Laundry industry--United States--History.
Jenny Craig (2004). The Jenny Craig Story How One Woman Changes Millions of Lives. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 211 p.). Craig, Jenny; Jenny Craig, Inc.; Businesswomen--United States--Biography; Weight loss; Reducing diets.
Trevor Craker (1985). Opening Accounts and Closing Memories: Thirty Years with Thames and Hudson. (London, UK: Thames and Hudson, 192 p.). Craker, Trevor; Thames and Hudson--History; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--History--20th century; Art publishing--Great Britain--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography.
George Criticos, as told to Richard Viner (1959). The Life Story of George of the Ritz. (London, UK: Heinemann, 238 p.). Criticos, George, b. 1884; Ritz Hotel (London, England)--History; Porters--England--London--Biography.
Robert P. Cronin (2000). Selling Steakburgers: The Growth of a Corporate Culture. (Carmel, IN: Guild Press of Indiana, 112 p.). Cronin, Robert P., 1924- ; Steak n Shake (Firm); Restaurateurs--United States--Biography.
Michael J. Cudahy (2002). Joyworks: The Story of Marquette Electronics and Two Lucky Entrepreneurs. (Milwaukee, WI: Milwaukee County Historical Society, 236 p.). Co-founder, Chairman & CEO Marquette Electronics, Inc. Cudahy, Michael J.; Cozzens, Warren B.; Marquette Electronics; Medical electronics equipment industry--Wisconsin--Milwaukee; Milwaukee (Wis.)--Biography. Marquette Electronics.
Bill Cullen; with a foreword by An Taoiseach Bertie Ahern (2003). It's a Long Way from Penny Apples. (New York, NY: Forge, 382 p. [orig. pub. 2001]). Cullen, Bill, 1942- --Homes and haunts--Ireland--Dublin; Cullen, Bill, 1942- --Childhood and youth; Cullen, Bill, 1942- --Family; Poor families--Ireland--Dublin; Dublin (Ireland)--Social life and customs; Dublin (Ireland)--Biography. Glencullen Motor Group.
Joseph F. Cullman, 3rd (1998). I'm a Lucky Guy. (New York, NY: Philip Morris, p.). Former Chairman and CEO (Philip Morris). Cullman, Joseph F. (Joseph Frederick), 1912- ; Philip Morris Incorporated--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Tobacco industry--United States--History.
Lewis B. Cullman (2004). Can’t Take It with You: The Art of Making and Giving Money. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 224 p.). Cullman, Lewis B., 1919- ; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Philanthropists--United States--Biography. Originated the LBO in 1963 with the leveraged buyout of Orkin Exterminating Co. (engineered the $62.4 million purchase of Orkin Exterminating with $1,000 investment); amassed fortune via LBOs. Cullman Ventures Inc.
Nancy Cunard; Edited with a foreword by Hugh Ford (1969). These Were the Hours; Memories of My Hours Press, Reanville and Paris, 1928-1931. (Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 216 p.). Cunard, Nancy, 1896-1965; Hours Press; Authors and publishers--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--France--Biography; Paris (France)--Imprints.
June Dally-Watkins (2002). The Secrets Behind My Smile. (Camberwell, VIC: Viking, 279 p.). Founder, June Dally-Watkins Education & Training. Dally-Watkins, June; Models (Persons) -- Australia -- Biography; Businesswomen -- Australia -- Biography. June Dally-Watkins Education & Training.
Samih Darwazah (2004). Building a Global Success. (New York, NY: Hudson Books, 218 p.). Darwazah, Samih (Smith T.), 1930- ; Hikma (Firm)--History; Pharmaceutical industry--Jordan--History; Businessmen--Jordan--Biography; Industrial management--Jordan--History.
(Fabian Dattner), Fabian Dattner (1992). Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained. (Ringwood, Victoria: Penguin Books, 285 p.). Dattner, Fabian, 1954- ; Dattner, Grant; Businesswomen--Australia--Biography; Success.
Bob Davis (2001). Speed Is Life: Street Smart Lessons from the Front Lines of Business. (New York, NY: Currency, 203 p.). Former CEO of Lycos. Davis, Bob, 1956- ; Lycos, Inc.; Telecommunications engineers--United States--Biography; Executives--United States--Biography.
Ed Davis (1979). One Man's Way. (Detroit, MI: E. Davis Associates, 194 p.). First African American Auto Dealer. Davis, Ed; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Automobile industry and trade--United States.
Cecil Burke Day, Jr.; with John McCollister (1990). Day by Day: The Story of Cecil B. Day and His Simple Formula for Success. (Middle Village, NY: J. David Publishers, 208 p.). Day, Cecil, 1934-1978; Success in business--United States; Businesspeople--United States. Days Inns.
Robert H. Dedman, with Debbie DeLoach (1999). King of Clubs: Grow Rich In More Than Money. (Dallas, TX: Taylor Pub., 212 p.). Chairman of the ClubCorp. Dedman, Robert H.; Success; Businessmen--United States--Biography. ClubCorp Inc.
John Z. Delorean with Ted Schwarz (1985). DeLorean. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Pub. House, 349 p.). De Lorean, John Z.; De Lorean Motor Company--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Automobile industry and trade--United States--History; Automobile industry and trade--Northern Ireland--History.
Carl DeSantis, with Donald Michael Platt (1999). Vitamin EnRICHed. (Boca Raton, FL: TransMedia Pub., 303 p.). Founder, Sundown. DeSantis, Carl, 1939- ; Rexall Sundown Company--History; Drugstores--United States--History; Pharmaceutical industry--United States--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
Solange de Santis (1999). Life on the Line: One Woman's Tale of Work, Sweat and Survival. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 272 p.). Journalist. Manufacturing-Labor.
John H. Dessauer (1971). My Years with Xerox; The Billions Nobody Wanted. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 239 p.). Director of Research at Xerox for 3 Decades (retired 1970); Dessauer, John H.; Xerox Corporation.
Donny Deutsch with Peter Knobler (2005). Often Wrong, Never in Doubt. (New York, NY: CollinsBusiness, 272 p.). Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Deutsch Inc. Deutsch, Donny; David Deutsch Associates; Advertising executives--Biography; Advertising agencies--Management.
Principles that propelled him to create wealth, build a successful business, become national personality. (Deutsch Inc.).
Lynn Donohue, with Pamela Hunt (2000). Brick by Brick: A Woman's Journey. (New Bedford, MA: Spinner Publications, 269 p.). Donohue, Lynn, 1957- ; Argus Construction Corporation--History; Businesswomen--Massachusetts--New Bedford--Biography; Women-owned business enterprises--Massachusetts--New Bedford--Case studies.
Frank Nelson Doubleday (1972). The Memoirs of a Publisher. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 304 p.). Founder, Doubleday. Doubleday, Frank Nelson, 1862-1934; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography.
Garth Drabinsky with Marq de Villiers (1995). Closer to the Sun: An Autobiography. (Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart, 520 p.). Drabinsky, Garth, 1949- ; Cineplex Odeon Corporation; Live Entertainment of Canada Inc.; Motion picture producers and directors--Canada--Biography; Theatrical producers and directors--Canada--Biography; Businesspeople--Canada--Biography.
Jean-Marie Dru (2007). How Disruption Brought Order: The Story of a Winning Strategy in the World of Advertising. (New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 256 p.). President and Chief Executive Officer of TBWA Worldwide. TWBA (Firm); Advertising agencies; Advertising--Cross-cultural studies.
How bold methods of disruption launched TBWA to forefront of international advertising.
James E. Duffy (1997). Stay Tuned: My Life & The Business of Running the ABC Television Network. (New York, NY: Dunhill Pub., 407 p.). Duffy, James E., 1926- ; American Broadcasting Company--History; Broadcasters--United States--Biography; Executives--United States--Biography; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
James S. Duncan (1971). Not a One-Way Street; The Autobiography of James S. Duncan. (Toronto, ON: Clarke, Irwin, 262 p.). Duncan, James S. (James Stuart), b. 1893; Businesspeople--Canada--Biography; Agricultural machinery industry--Canada. (Massey-Ferguson).
Edith Barr Dunn (1986). Lady from Longboat Key. (New York, NY: Carlton Press, 192 p.). Dunn, Edith Barr, 1920- ; Restaurateurs--United States--Biography; Restaurant management--United States. Shenkel’s Restaurant.
Phil Dusenberry (2005). Then We Set His Hair on Fire: Insights and Accidents from a Hall of Fame Career in Advertising. (New York, NY: Portfolio, 320 p.). Former Chairman, Chief Creative Officer of BBD&O North America; Advertising Hall of Fame in 2002. Advertising--Psychological aspects; Insight; Differentiation (Cognition); Creative ability in business. One
big insight is worth a thousand good ideas. (BBD&O).
James Dyson (1998). Against the Odds: An Autobiography (London, UK: Orion Business Books, 292 p.). English Inventor, Entrepreneur. Dyson, James; Dyson Appliances Limited; Electric household appliances industry--Great Britain; Vacuum cleaners--United States--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography. Inventor of Dual Cyclone Vacuum Cleaner.
Michael Edwardes (1983). Back from the Brink: An Apocalyptic Experience. (London, UK: Collins, 301 p.). Chairman of BL. Edwardes, Michael, 1930- ; BL Public Limited Company; Automobile industry and trade--Great Britain--Management; Automobile industry and trade--Government policy--Great Britain. Author's five years as chairman of BL from 1977-1982.
Michael D. Eisner with Tony Schwartz (1998). Work in Progress: Risking Failure, Surviving Success. (New York, NY: Random House, 450 p.). Eisner, Michael, 1942- ; Walt Disney Company -- History; Chief executive officers -- United States -- Biography.
Roger Enrico and Jesse Kornbluth (1986). The Other Guy Blinked: How Pepsi Won the Cola Wars. (New York, NY: Bantam, 280 p.). CEO, Pepsi. Pepsi-Cola Company; Coca-Cola Company; Soft drink industry--United States.
Sergio Esposito (2008). Passion on the Vine: A Memoir of Food, Wine, and Family in the Heart of Italy. (New York, NY: Broadway, 224 p.). Co-founder of Italian Wine Merchants. Wine and wine making--Italy; Wine -- history -- Italy; Italian Wine Merchants.
Founded Italian Wine Merchants, retail shop that exclusively represents fine Italian wine, leading Italian wine source in America; wine/travel narrative; vivid portraits of seductive places; memorable people, diverse and vibrant wine artisans.
Salvatore Ferragamo (1972). Shoemaker of Dreams; The Autobiography of Salvatore Ferragamo. (New York, NY: Crown, 223 p. [orig. pub. 1957]). Ferragamo, Salvatore, 1898-1960; Shoemakers--Italy--Biography.
Kathleen Fetzer with Sarah Suggs (2005). Kathleen's Vineyard: The Fetzer Family Matriarch Shares Her Story. (Fort Bragg, CA: Cypress House, 240 p.). Fetzer, Kathleen, 1921- ; Fetzer family; Vintners--California--Biography; Wine and wine making--California--History. Fetzer Vineyards.
Eli Field (2001). Eli: The Story of a Patriarch. (Chicago, IL: E. Field, 666 p.). Founder (Field Container Company). Field, Eli, 1910- ; Field Container Company; Businessmen--Illinois--Biography; Philanthropists--Illinois--Biography; Illinois--Biography. largest independent company in the paperboard packaging industry.
John W. Field (1999). A Twentieth Century Life. (West Kennebunk, ME: Phoenix, 134 p.). Former President, Warnaco, Inc. Field, John W. (John Warner), 1914- ; Warnaco (Firm)--History; Clothing trade--United States--History--20th century; Fashion merchandising--United States--History--20th century; Chief executive officers--United States--Biography. Warnaco Inc.
Gottfried Bermann Fischer (1994). Wanderer Durch ein Jahrhundert. (Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 264 p.). Bermann Fischer, Gottfried, 1897- ; S. Fischer Verlag--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--Germany--Biography.
Debbi Fields and Alan Furst (1987). "One Smart Cookie": How a Housewife's Chocolate Chip Recipe Turned into a Multimillion-Dollar Business--The Story of Mrs. Fields Cookies. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 173 p.). Fields, Debbi; Mrs. Fields Cookies (Firm); Businesswomen--United States--Biography; Cookie industry--United States.
Carly Fiorina (2006). Tough Choices: A Memoir. (New York, NY: Portfolio, 336 p.). Former President and CEO of Hewlett-Packard from 1999 to 2005. Fiorina, Carly; Women executives--United States--Biography.
Led HP for six years through drastic changes, controversial merger; sudden, very public firing by board.
Donald Fisher, Art Twain (2002). Falling into the GAP: The Story of Donald Fisher and the Clothing Icon He Created. (Berkeley, CA: Creative Arts Book Co., 724 p.). Founder, GAP Inc.; Former GAP Advertising Copywriter. GAP, Inc. -- History; Retail trade -- United States; Clothing and dress -- United States -- Marketing. GAP Inc.
Charles Ranlett Flint (1923). Memories of an Active Life; Men, and Ships, and Sealing Wax. (New York, NY: Putnam, 349 p.). Flint, Charles Ranlett; Consolidation and merger of corporations--United States--Case studies. IBM.
Larry Flynt with Kenneth Ross (1996). An Unseemly Man: My Life as Pornographer, Pundit and Social Outcast. (Los Angeles, CA: Dove Books, 265 p.). Founder, Hustler Magazine. Flynt, Larry; Hustler (Columbus); Journalists--United States--Biography.
Tom Ford, Bridget Foley (2004). Tom Ford. (New York, NY: Rizzoli International, 304 p.). Former Creative Director (Gucci, Yves Saint Laurent). Ford, Tom; Gucci; Yves Saint Laurent; Arts & Photography; Fashion Design.
Anthony H. G. Fokker and Bruce Gould (1972). Flying Dutchman; The Life of Anthony Fokker. (New York, NY: Arno Press (orig. pub. 1931), 282 p.). Fokker, Anthony H. G. (Anthony Herman Gerard), 1890-1939. Series: Literature and history of aviation. Anthony Fokker Group.
Malcolm Forbes; edited by Tony Clark (1989). More Than I Dreamed. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 253 p.). Forbes, Malcolm S.; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography; Millionaires--United States--Biography; Rich people--United States--Biography.
Henry Ford; in collaboration with Samuel Crowther (1926). My Life and Work. (Garden City, NY: Garden City Pub. Co., 289 p.). Ford, Henry, 1863-1947.; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
Henry Ford, in collaboration with Samuel Crowther (1926). Today and Tomorrow. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page, 281 p.). Ford Motor Company.
Henry Ford, in collaboration with Samuel Crowther (1930). Moving Forward (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran & Company Incorporated, 310 p.). Founder, Ford Motor Company. Machinery in industry; United States--Industries.
Charles Forte (1997). Forte: The Autobiography of Charles Forte. (London, UK: Pan Books, 242 p.). Forte, Charles, 1908-2007; Trust Houses Forte Ltd.; Trusthouse Forte PLC.; Hotelkeepers -- Great Britain -- Biography.
Jo Foxworth (1978). Boss Lady: An Executive Woman Talks About Making It. (New York, NY: Crowell, 224 p.). Foxworth, Jo; Women executives--Biography; Women executives--United States. Advertising executive: D'Agostino's jingle. Jo Foxworth Inc.
Lawrence Freiman (1978). Don't Fall Off the Rocking Horse: An Autobiography. (Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 199 p.). Freiman, Lawrence, 1909- ; Businesspeople--Canada--Biography. Retailing business A. J. Freiman, Ltd. was absorbed by the Hudson's Bay Company in the early 1970s.
John W. French and Fred F. French (1993). A Vigorous Life: The Story of Fred F. French, Builder of Skyscrapers. (New York, NY: Vantage Press, 254 p.). French, Fred F. (Fred Fillmore), 1883-1936; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Construction industry--United States--History--20th century; Skyscrapers--United States--History.
John Fritz (1912). The Autobiography of John Fritz. (New York, NY: Wiley, 326 p.). Superintendent of The Bethlehem Rolling Mills and Iron Company in 1860. Fritz, John, 1822- ; The Bethlehem Rolling Mills and Iron Company; Iron and Steel -- history.
August Frugé (1993). A Skeptic Among Scholars: August Frugé on University Publishing. (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 365 p.). Director Emeritus of the University of California Press. Frugé, August, 1909- ; University of California Press--History; University presses--California--Berkeley--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--California--Berkeley--Biography.
Alfred C. Fuller as told to Hartzell Spence (1960). A Foot in the Door; The Life Appraisal of the Original Fuller Brush Man. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 250 p.). Fuller Brush Company.
J.B. Fuqua; Foreword by Tom Johnson (2001). Fuqua: A Memoir: How I Made My Fortune Using Other People's Money. (Atlanta, GA: Longstreet Press, 328 p.). Founder, Fuqua Industries; Endowed Duke University School of Business`. Fuqua, J.B.; Fuqua Industries; Conglomerate corporations--United States. Fuqua Industries.
Hudson Fysh (1966). Qantas Rising: The Autobiography of the Flying Fysh. (London, UK: Angus and Robertson, 296 p.). Founder, Q.A.N.T.A.S. Qantas Empire Airways, ltd.
--- (1970). Wings to the World; The Story of Qantas 1945-1966. (Sydney, AU: Angus and Robertson, 236 p.). Founder, Q.A.N.T.A.S. Qantas Airways.
Nancy Kropp Galdy and Peter Ross Range (1995). Oil and Money: One Woman's Adventures in the World's Largest Commodity Market. (New York, NY: Times Books. Galdy, Nancy Kropp, 1947- ; Women executives--United States--Biography; Petroleum industry and trade--United States--Biography.
Ernest and Julio Gallo; with Bruce B. Henderson (1994). Ernest and Julio: Our Story. (New York, NY: Times Books, 358 p.). Gallo, Ernest; Gallo, Julio; Vintners--California--Biography; Wine and wine making--California--History. Gallo Wine.
Chris Gardner with Quincy Troupe (2006). The Pursuit of Happyness: From The Mean Streets to Wall Street. (New York, NY: Amistad, 320 p.). CEO (Gardner Rich). Gardner, Chris (Chris P.); Gardner Rich & Co.; Stockbrokers--United States--Biography.
From working poor single parent, living in an Oakland homeless shelter with his infant son to self-made millionaire.
Helen Gee (1997). Limelight: A Greenwich Village Photography Gallery and Coffeehouse in the Fifties: A Memoir. (Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 303 p.). Founder of Limelight Photography Gallery. Gee, Helen; Limelight (Gallery : New York, N.Y.); Women photographers--United States--Biography; Photographic art galleries--New York (State)--New York--History.
Frank O. Genuardi with Russell Rush (1995). Family Pride: A Memoir. (Jeffersonville, PA: F. O. Genuardi, 99 p.). Genuardi Super Markets--History; Grocers--United States--Biography; Supermarkets--Pennsylvania--History; Grocery trade--Pennsylvania--History; Family-owned business enterprises--Pennsylvania--History.
J. Paul Getty (1976). As I See It: The Autobiography of J. Paul Getty. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 360 p.). Getty, J. Paul (Jean Paul), 1892-1976. Getty Oil.
Al Giacco (2003). Maverick Management: Strategies for Success. (Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 291 p.). Former CEO, Hercules. Giacco, Alexander F.; Hercules Incorporated; Chief executive officers--United States--Biography; Industrial management--United States.
Tom M. Girdler and Boyden Sparkes (1943). Boot straps: The Autobiography of Tom M. Girdler. (New York, NY: Scribner, 471 p.). Steel industry and trade--United States; Republic steel corporation. Republic Steel.
Maurice Girodias (1980). The Frog Prince: An Autobiography. (New York, NY: Crown. Girodias, Maurice; Olympia Press (Paris, France)--History; Publishers and publishing--France--Biography; Paris (France)--Imprints.
Gene Glick (1997). Born to Build: The Story of the Gene B. Glick Company. (Camel, IN: Guild Press of Indiana, 261 p.). Glick, Gene, 1921- ; Gene B. Glick Co.--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Construction industry--United States--History; Real estate management--United States--History.
Louis Goldblatt (1994). Life Is a Game, Play To Win!!: Notes on the Game of Life by an Immigrant Merchant, An Autobiography. (Chicago, IL: Lindenhouse Books, 377 p.). Goldblatt, Louis, 1903- ; Merchants--United States--Biography; Retail trade--United States. Goldblatt's.
Leonard H. Goldenson; with Marvin J. Wolf (1991). Beating the Odds: The Untold Story Behind the Rise of ABC: The Stars, Struggles, and Egos that Transformed Network Television by the Man Who Made It Happen. (New York, NY: Scribner, 495 p.). Postwar Entrepreneur, Chief of ABC Network. Goldenson, Leonard H.; American Broadcasting Company; Television broadcasting--United States.
Peter C. Goldmark with Lee Edson (1973). Maverick Inventor; My Turbulent Years at CBS. (New York, NY: Saturday Review Press, 278 p.). Head of CBS Labs. Goldmark, Peter C., 1906-; CBS Inc.
Carl Goldstein (2007). Behind the Curtain: Life of a Salesman. (Philadelphia, PA: XLibris, 128 p.). Sales executives--United States--Biography; sales--textiles.
Carter H. Golembe
But I Never Made a Loan: My Career in Banking - The Early Years.
(Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 164 p.). Leading Authority on the
Banking Industry and Its Regulation. Golembe, Carter H.; Golembe
Associates; Banking
law --United States; Banking industry -- history. Involvement in
banking since end of World War II; no greater divide in banking
than that between those who have spent much of their careers
deciding on creditworthiness of potential borrowers and those
who have not; of crucial assessments that could thwart careers
of potential bank presidents, never more damning phrase than
"but he never made a loan."
Berry Gordy (1994). To Be Loved: The Music, the Magic, the Memories of Motown: An Autobiography. (New York, NY: Warner Books, 432 p.). Gordy, Berry; Motown Record Corporation; Sound recording executives and producers--United States--Biography.
David Gottfried; foreword by Paul Hawken (2004). Greed to Green: The Transformation of an Industry and a Life. (Berkeley, CA: WorldBuild Publishing, 243 p.). President (WorldBuild Technologies Inc.). Gottfried, David--Biography; Real estate development--Environmental aspects--United States; Land use--Environmental aspects--United States; Building--Environmental aspects--United States; Green movement--United States; Real estate developers--Biography.
Sandeep Goyal (2004). The Dum Dum Bullet: Adventures of a Corporate Soldier. (New York, NY: Penguin, 246 p.). Chairman, Dentsu Communications Pvt. Ltd. Goyal, Sandeep, adman; Advertising executives--India--Biography. (Dentsu Communications India).
Katherine Graham (1997). Personal History. (New York, NY: Knopf, 642 p.). Graham, Katharine, 1917- ; Washington Post (Washington, D.C. : 1974)--History; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Newspaper publishing--Washington (D.C.)--History--20th century.
Bert Grant, with Robert Spector (1998). The Ale Master: How I Pioneered America's Craft Brewing Industry, Opened the First BrewPub, Bucked Trends, and Enjoyed Every Minute of It. (Seattle, WA: Sasquatch Books, 142 p.). Grant, Bert, 1928- ; Brewers--United States--Biography. Yakima Brewing Company.
Richard H. Grant, Jr. and Teri E. Denlinger (1994). Freewheeling: 80 Years of Observations by the Patriarch of Reynolds and Reynolds. (Dayton, OH: Landfall Press, 188 p.). Grant, Richard H., 1913- ; Reynolds and Reynolds Company; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
John Morgan Gray (1978). Fun Tomorrow: Learning To Be a Publisher and Much Else. (Toronto, ON: Macmillan of Canada, 347 p.). Former President, MacMillan Company of Canada. Gray, John Morgan; MacMillan Company of Canada--History; Publishers and publishing--Canada--Biography.
David Green with Dean Merrill (2005). More Than a Hobby: What I Learned Going from Start-Up to $1 Billion. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 209 p.). Green, David, 1941 Nov. 13- ; Hobby Lobby Creative Centers; Retail trade--Management; Entrepreneurship.
Oklahoma entrepreneur grew company from $600 loan to $1.3 billion in annual sales in 31 years.
Alan C.
Greenberg with Mark Singer (2010).
The Rise and Fall of Bear Stearns. (New York,
NY: Simon & Schuster, 213 p.). Former CEO and Chairman
of the Board of Bear Stearns. Bear, Stearns & Co.
--History --21st century; Investment banking --United
States --21st century; Subprime mortgage loans --United
States --21st century; Financial crises --United States
--21st century. Joined Bear Stearns in 1949, became head of firm in
1978; how collapse of company surprised him and other
top executives; whom he thinks was responsible; storied
career and its stunning conclusion.
J. E. Greenwood (1977). A Cap for Boots: An Autobiography. (London, UK: Hutchinson, 254 p.). Greenwood, John Eric, 1891-1975; Boots Company Limited--History; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography; Rugby football players--Great Britain--Biography.
Robert Greenwood (2007). A Valiant Enterprise, A History of the Talisman Press, 1951-1993, Printers, Publishers, and Antiquarian Booksellers. (San Francisco, CA: The Book Club of California, 383 p.). Co-Founder, Talisman Press. Talisman Press, Greenwood, Robert; Baird, Newton.
Evolution of book-related adventures of Robert Greenwood, Newton Baird, founders - quarterly poetry magazine (1952), publishing (1958), discovering 'ghost' book, establishing non-profit arm (Talisman Literary Research), becoming book dealers.
Andrew S. Grove (2001). Swimming Across: A Memoir. (New York, NY: Warner Books, 290 p.). CEO, Intel. Grove, Andrew S.; Intel Corporation; Electronics engineers--United States--Biography; Executives--United States--Biography; Holocaust survivors--Hungary--Biography; Semiconductors.
Ed R. Haggar (2001). "Big Ed" and the Haggar Family: Behind an Apparel Giant. (Austin, TX: Eakin Press, 207 p.). Haggar Corporation--History; Men's clothing industry--Texas--History; Clothing trade--Texas--History; Businessmen--Texas--Biography.
Ajit N. Haksar (1993). Bite the Bullet: Thirty-Four Years with ITC. (New Delhi, IN: Viking, Penguin Books India, 536 p.). Haksar, Ajit N (Ajit Narai), 1925-; ITC Limited--Officials and employees--Biography; Tobacco industry--India; Tobacco industry--India--Employees--Biography.
Joyce C. Hall, with Curtiss Anderson (1979). When You Care Enough. (Kansas City, MO: Hallmark, 269 p.). Founder, Hallmark Cards, Inc. Hall, Joyce C., 1891- ; Hallmark Cards, Inc.--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
Armand Hammer, with Neil Lyndon (1987). Hammer. (New York, NY: Putnam, 544 p.). Hammer, Armand, 1897- ; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography; Statesmen--United States--Biography; United States--Relations--Soviet Union; Soviet Union--Relations--United States. Occidental Petroleum.
Ben Hamper (1991). Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line. (New York, NY: Warner Books, 234 p.). Automobile Industry Workers, Blue Collar Workers, General Motors Corporation.
Ruth Handler, with Jacqueline Shannon (1994). Dream Doll: The Ruth Handler Story. (Stamford, CT: Longmeadow Press, 230 p.). Founder of Mattel & Creator of the Barbie Doll in 1959. Handler, Ruth; Mattel, Inc.; Dollmakers--United States--Biography; Barbie dolls.
Louisa Thomas Hargrave (2003). The Vineyard:The Pleasures and Perils of Creating an American Family Winery. (New York, NY: Viking, 254 p.). Hargrave, Louisa Thomas; Viticulturists--New York--Long Island--Biography; Vintners--New York--Long Island--Biography. Hargrave Vineyard.
Sidney Harman (2003). Mind Your Own Business: A Maverick's Guide to Business, Leadership and Life. (New York, NY: Doubleday, 208 p.). Executive Chairman, Harman International Industries; U.S. Deputy Secretary of Commerce (1977-1978). Harman, Sidney, 1918- ; Harman International--History; Audio equipment industry--United States; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
J. Henry Harper (1934). I Remember. (New York, NY: Harper & Bros., 281 p.). Harper, J. Henry (Joseph Henry), 1850-1938; Harper & Brothers; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography.
George G. Harrap (1935). Some Memories, 1901-1935: A Publisher's Contribution to the History of Publishing. (London, UK: Harrap, 172 p.). Harrap (George G.) and company, Ltd.; Publishers and publishing -- Great Britain.
Rupert Hart-Davis (1998). Halfway to Heaven: Concluding Memoirs of a Literary Life. (Stroud, Gloucestershire, UK: Sutton Pub,, 163 p.). Hart-Davis, Rupert, 1907- ; Literature publishing--Great Britain--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography; Editors--Great Britain--Biography. Rupert Hart-Davis Limited.
John Harvey-Jones (1991). Getting It Together. (London, UK: Heinemann, 378 p.). Harvey-Jones, John, 1924- ; Imperial Chemical Industries, ltd.--History; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography; Executives--Great Britain--Biography.
Otis Earl Hawkins; foreword by Dan Quayle (1999). My Experiences in War and Business: One Man's Story of Success in America. (Ashland, OH: Ashbrook Press, 317 p.). Hawkins, Otis Earl; Businesspeople--United States--Biography. Hawkins Supermarkets.
Quinton Hazell (1992). Quinton Hazell: The Life of an Entrepreneur. (Phoenix Mill, Gloucestershire, UK: A. Sutton, 135 p.). Hazell, Quinton, 1920- ; Businessmen--Great Britain--Biography; Automobile supplies industry--Great Britain--History. Quinton Hazell Automotive.
William Randolph Hearst, Jr. with Jack Casserly (1991). The Hearsts: Father and Son. (Niwot, CO: Roberts Rinehart, 372 p.). Hearst, William Randolph, 1863-1951; Hearst, William Randolph, 1908- ; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Newspaper publishing--United States--History; Journalists--United States--Biography.
Sara Henderson (1993). From Strength to Strength: An Autobiography. (Sydney, AU: Pan MacMillan Publishers Australia, 337 p.). Henderson, Sara, 1936- ; Women ranchers--Australia--Northern Territory--Biography; Ranchers--Australia--Northern Territory--Biography. Bullo River Station.
--- (1998). The Strength of Our Dreams. (Sydney, AU: Pan Macmillan Australia, 271 p.). Henderson, Sara, 1936- ; Women ranchers -- Northern Territory -- Bullo River Valley -- Biography; Ranchers -- Northern Territory -- Bullo River Valley -- Biography; Businesswomen -- Northern Territory -- Bullo River Valley -- Biography.
David Herzbrun (1990). Playing in Traffic on Madison Avenue: Tales of Advertising’s Glory Years. (Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin, 225 p.). Former Executive Vice President with Saatchi & Saatchi Compton Inc. Herzbrun, David; Copy writers--New York (State)--New York--Biography; Copy writers--New York (State)--New York--Anecdotes; Advertising--New York (State)--New York--History; Saatchi & Saatchi Compton Inc.
Alan Hill; foreword by Chinua Achebe (1988). In Pursuit of Publishing. (London, UK: J. Murray in association with Heinemann Educational Books, 390 p.). Hill, Alan, 1912- ; Heinemann (Firm)--History; Heinemann Educational Books--History; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--Africa--History--20th century.
Fred Hilmer and Barbara Drury (2007). The Fairfax Experience: What the Management Texts Didn’t Teach Me. (Milton, Qld, AU: Wiley, 188 p.). Former CEO of Fairfax from 1998 to 2005, Former Dean and Director of the Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM). Hilmer, Frederick G.; John Fairfax and Sons--Management; Newspaper publishing--Australia--Management; Organizational change--Management.
Restored health of flagging newspaper, publishing empire, built digital platform;
his time at Fairfax - mistakes and what he learned from them, negatives of change management, how he made tough decisions while coping with fall out; shows how theory can fall short in industry dominated by strong personalities, family empires, legislative reform, media spotlight.
Conrad Nicholson Hilton (1957). Be My Guest. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 372 p.). Founder, Hilton International. Hospitality; Hotel Industry.
Eddie Hinton as told to Lynne Washburn (1988). Locker Room to Boardroom: Super Bowl Player Eddie Hinton's Strategies for Tackling Life's Choices, Challenges, and Changes. (Sugar Land, TX: Candle Pub. Co., 183 p.). Founder (Fly Clean). Hinton, Eddie, 1947- ; Hinton, Eddie, 1947- ; Football players--United States--Biography; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Football players; Businesspeople; African Americans--Biography. Fly Clean.
Abraham (Abe) Hirschfeld as told to Mark Ribowsky (2003). Crazy and in Charge / The Autobiography of Abraham (Abe) Hirschfeld as Told to Mark Ribowsky. (Bloomington, IN: 1st Books Library, 448 p.). Hirschfeld, Abraham, 1919- ; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Real estate developers--United States--Biography.
Ann Branigar Hopkins; foreword by Mary Roth Walsh (1996). So Ordered: Making Partner the Hard Way. (Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 410 p.). Former Partner (Price Waterhouse). Hopkins, Ann Branigar, 1943- --Trials, litigation, etc.; Price Waterhouse (Firm)--Trials, litigation, etc.; Sex discrimination in employment--Law and legislation--United States; Women executives--United States--Biography.
August Horch (1937). Ich Baute Autos: vom Schmiedelehrling zum Autoindustriellen. (Berlin, Germany: Schutzen-Verlag, 346 p.). Founder of Audi. Horch, August, 1868-1951; Audi; Automobile industry and trade--Germany--History.
Andrew J. Horner with Andrea Horner and Dave Wyrtzen (2000). By Chance or by Design?: The Story of Premier Designs and Founders, Andy and Joan Horner. (Wheaton, IL: Harold Shaw, 222 p.). Horner, Andy, 1924- ; Horner, Joan; Premier Designs; Jewelry trade--United States; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; New business enterprises--United States--Case studies.
Rick Horrow, Lary Bloom (2003). When the Game Is on the Line: From the Man Who Brought the Heat to Miami and the Browns Back to Cleveland, An Inside Look at the High-Stakes World of Sports Deal Making. (Cambridge, MA: Perseus Pub., 224 p.). Founder, Horrow Sports Ventures (division of Omnicom Group, Inc.). Horrow, Rick; sports -- Economic aspects -- United States.
Public-private infrastructure initiatives; deals that create new stadiums, bring sports franchises to cities.
Michele Hoskins with Jean A. Williams (2004). Sweet Expectations: Michele Hoskins' Recipe for Success. (Avon, MA: Adams Media, 262 p.). Founder (Michele Foods, Inc.). Hoskins, Michele; Michele Foods; African American businesspeople Illinois Biography; Businesswomen Illinois Biography; Syrup industry Illinois. Michele Foods.
Hotchkiss and Paul Grescoe (2009).
Hat Trick: A Life in the Hockey Rink, Oil Patch, and
Community. (Toronto, ON, Dundurn Press, 356
p.). Co-Owner Calgary Flames. One of several owners of
Calgary Flames's franchise (acquired in 1980, moved from
Atlanta); started Alcon Petroleum in 1959; member of
Canadian Petroleum Hall of Fame, Calgary Business Hall of
Robert Howard
Connecting the Dots: My Life and Inventions, From X-Rays to
Death Rays. (New York, NY, Welcome Rain, 291 p.).
Howard, Robert; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography.
Started Wang Labs with An Wang, cable tv business with Milt
Shapp, invented dot matrix and laser printers; partnered with
Howard Hughes, Rupert Murdoch, others; inventions used in many
ways every day, employ hundreds of thousands of people.
Florence Howe (2011).
A Life in Motion: A Memoir. (New York, NT: Feminist
Press, 536 p.). Emerita Professor of English at the Graduate
Center (City University of New York), and Emerita
Publisher/Director of the Feminist Press. Howe, Florence;
Feminist Press; Feminists --United States --Biography; Teachers --United States
--Biography. 80 years of personal struggle and professional
triumphs: teaching, civil rights and antiwar activism,
development of women's studies, founding Feminist Press in 1970.
Bingxin Hu; translated from the Chinese by Chengchi Wang (2004). Breaking Grounds: The Journal of a Chinese Top Woman Manager in Retail. (Dumont, NJ: Homa & Sekey Books, 256 p.). Former General Manager (Chinese equivalent of a CEO) of the Wuhan Department Group Co., Ltd.; Executive General Manager of the Wuhan Plaza Management Co., Ltd. Current Executive President for Greater China of the Hong Kong Goldlion Group, and General Manager of Goldlion (China) Co., Ltd. Hu, Bingxin, 1950- ; Businesswomen--China--Biography; Shopping centers--China--Wuhan; Retail trade--China. Wuhan Department Group Co. Ltd.
Dorothy Pitman Hughes (2000). Wake Up and Smell the Dollars! Whose Inner-City Is This Anyway!: One Woman's Struggle Against Sexism, Classism, Racism, Gentrification, and the Empowerment Zone. ( Phoenix, AZ: Amber Books, 214 p.). CEO of Harlem Office Supply, Inc. Hughes, Dorothy Pitman; African American business enterprises; Small business--United States; Enterprise zones; Women-owned business enterprises; African American businesspeople--Biography. Harlem Office Supply, Inc.
Don and Eugenia Hummel (1988). One Man's Life: From Wagon Wheels to the Space Age. (Bellevue, WA: Free Enterprise Press, 508 p.). Hummel, Don, 1907- ; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Politicians--United States--Biography; National parks and reserves--United States--History--20th century; Concessions (Amusements, etc.)--United States--History--20th century; United States--Officials and employees--Biography. Glacier Park Co..
William E. Hunt (1998). 'Heelicopter': Pioneering with Igor Sikorsky: Based on a Personal Account. (Shrewsbury, UK: Airlife Pub., 229 p.). Sikorsky, Igor Ivan, 1889-1972; Hunt, William E.; Helicopters--United States--Design and construction--History; Aeronautics--United States--Biography. Sikorsky Aircraft.
Dard Hunter (1958). My Life with Paper An Autobiography. (New York, NY: Knopf, 236 p.). Hunter, Dard, 1883-1966; Hunter, Dard, 1883-1966; Paper industry--Biography. Dard Hunter.
Marmaduke Hussey (2001). Chance Governs All. (London, UK: Macmillan, 326 p.). Former Chairman of BBC. Hussey, Marmaduke, 1923- ; British Broadcasting Corporation; Journalists--Great Britain--Biography; Executives--Great Britain--Biography. BBC.
Lee A. Iacocca with William Novak (1984). Iacocca: An Autobiography. (New York, NY: Bantam Books, 352 p.). Former Chairman, Chrysler Corp. of America. Iacocca, Lee A.; Automobile industry and trade--United States--Biography; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
Lee A. Iacocca with Sonny Kleinfield (1988). Talking Straight. (New York, NY: Bantam, 324 p.). Former Chairman, Chrysler Corp. of America. Iacocca, Lee A.--Philosophy; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
Ali Imane avec Vonny Prat (1985). Ali, du Club Méditerranée: Récit. (Paris, FR: Editions Ramsay, 311 p.). Imane, Ali, 1947- ; Club Méditerranée; Hotelkeepers--Biography.
Samuel Insull; edited and with additional information by Larry Plachno (1992). The Memoirs of Samuel Insull. (Polo, IL: Transportation Trails, 302 p. [orig. pub. 1934]). Insull, Samuel, 1859-1938.; Commonwealth Edison Company--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Electric utilities--United States--History.
Jake Jabs (2000). An American Tiger: An Autobiography. (Denver, CO: J. Jabs, 181 p.). Jabs, Jake; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Businessmen--North Carolina--Biography; House furnishings industry and trade--North Carolina. American Furniture Warehouse.
Joseph J. Jacobs (1991). The Anatomy of an Entrepreneur: Family, Culture, and Ethics. (San Francisco, CA: ICS Press, 274 p.). Jacobs, Joseph J.; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Entrepreneurship--United States. Jacobs Engineering Group.
Joseph Jett with Sabra Chartrand (1999). Black and White on Wall Street: The Untold Story of the Man Wrongly Accused of Bringing Down Kidder Peabody. (New York, NY: Morrow, 387 p.). Jett, Joseph; Kidder, Peabody & Co.--Employees--Biography; Insider trading in securities--United States; Securities industry--Corrupt practices--United States.
John Daymond, with Daniel Paisner (2007). Display of Power: How FUBU Changed a World of Fashion, Branding and Lifestyle. (Nashville, TN: Naked Ink, 223 p.). Founder and CEO of Fashion Label FUBU. FUBU; Costume design--United States--History; Costume design--History.
Began as bunch of tie-top hats made in author's home in Hollis, Queens; mortgaged home for $100,000, turned half of house into factory, other half for living space for team of neighborhood friends. FUBU - originally BUFU, By Us For Us.
Hugh Johnson (2006). A Life Uncorked. (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 384 p.). Johnson, Hugh, 1939- ; Wine writers--Biography; Food writers--Biography; Horticultural writers--Biography.
Tasting, cellaring, choosing, understanding, comparing, buying wine; its personal pleasures, lures, and mysteries.
John H. Johnson with Lerone Bennett, Jr. (1992). Succeeding Against the Odds. (New York, NY: Amistad, 372 p.). Johnson, John H. (John Harold), 1918- ; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; African American periodicals--Publishing--History--20th century; African American business enterprises--History--20th century; Executives--United States--Biography. Johnson Publishing.
Wallace E. Johnson, with Eldon Roark (1973). Work Is My Play. (New York, NY: Hawthorn Books, 198 p.). Former President, Holiday Inns. Johnson, Wallace E., 1901- ; Hotelkeepers--United States--Biography. Joined Kemmons Wilson, founder of Holiday Inns, in 1953. Holiday Inns.
Patricia Condon Johnston (2000). Pie in the Sky: A Memoir about Writing and Publishing. (Afton, MN: Afton Historical Society Press, 249 p.). Founding Publisher (Afton Historical Society Press). Johnston, Patricia Condon; Afton Historical Society Press--History; Publishers and publishing--Minnesota--Biography; Historians--Minnesota--Biography.
Howard Jonas (1998). On a Roll: From Hot Dog Buns to High-Tech Billions. (New York, NY: Viking, 293 p.). Jonas, Howard; International Discount Telecommunications (Firm); Telecommunication--United States; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Entrepreneurship.
David Jones; Foreword by Philip Green (2006). NEXT TO ME: Luck, Leadership and Living with Parkinson's. (London, UK: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 256 p.). Chairman of NEXT plc, Deputy Chairman of Wm. Morrison. Jones, David; NEXT plc; Parkinson's Disease. NEXT plc.
Turnaround of NEXT Plc while battling Parkinson’s Disease.
Fletcher Jones with a foreword by Sir Edmund Herring (1976). Not by Myself: The Fletcher Jones Story. (Warrnambool, Australia: The Author, 240 p.). Jones, Fletcher, 1895- ; Businesspeople--Australia--Biography; Clothing trade--Australia; Trousers.
Jesse H. Jones with Edward Angly (1951). Fifty Billion Dollars: My Thirteen Years with the RFC, 1932-1945. (New York, NY: Macmillan, 631 p.). Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
J. Walter Juckett. (1982). In Retrospect. (Burlington, VT: G. Little Press, 376 p.). Juckett, J. Walter, 1908- ; Sandy Hill Corporation--Biography; Businesspeople--New York (State)--Biography. Sandy Hill Corporation.
Satoshi Kamata, translated by Tatsuru Akimoto witrh an introduction by Ronald Dore (1982). Japan in the Passing Lane: An Insider's Account of Life in a Japanese Auto Factory. (New York, NY: Pantheon, 211 p.). Kamata, Satoshi, 1938-; Toyota Jid¯osha K¯ogy¯o Kabushiki Kaisha; Automobile industry workers--Japan; Seasonal labor--Japan.
Linda Kaplan (2005). My First Crush: Misadventures in Wine Country. (Guilford, CT: Lyon's Press, 224 p.). Wine and wine making--Oregon--McMinnville--Miscellanea. Panther Creek.
Stanley H. Kaplan with Anne Farris (2001). Stanley H. Kaplan, Test Pilot: How I Broke Testing Barriers for Millions of Students and Caused a Sonic Boom in the Business of Education. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 175 p.). Kaplan, Stanley H. (Stanley Henry), 1919- ; Kaplan Educational Centers (Firm : New York, N.Y.); Teachers--United States--Biography; Educational tests and measurements--United States.
S.B. Kauffman (1995). Pan Am Pioneer: A Manager's Memoir from Seaplane Clippers to Jumbo Jets. (Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press, 242 p.). Kauffman, S. B. (Sanford B.), 1907-1993; Pan American World Airways, inc.--History; Businesspeople--United States-Biography.
Stuart Keate (1980). Paper Boy: The Memoirs of Stuart Keate. (Toronto, ON: Clarke, Irwin, 238 p.). Keate, Stuart, 1913- ; Publishers and publishing--British Columbia--Vancouver--Biography; Canadian newspapers--History; Paperboys--British Columbia--Vancouver--Biography. Vancouver Sun.
John Lewis Keeshin (1983). No Fears, Hidden Tears: A Memoir of Four Score Years: The Autobiography of John Lewis Keeshin. (Chicago, IL: J.L. Keeshin, 240 p.). Keeshin, John Lewis, 1902-1983; Keshin Transport System, Inc.--History; Trucking--United States; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
Morris Kersey (2001). Victoria: Where Dreams Come True: 88 Year Autobiography of the Life and Times of Morris Kersey. (Victoria, BC: Trafford, 150 p.). Kersey, Morris, 1913- ; Businessmen--British Columbia--Victoria--Biography; Victoria (B.C.)--Biography.
Ralph W. Ketner; compiled by Jason Lesley and Mark Wineka (1994). Five Fast Pennies. (Salisbury, NC: R.W. Ketner, 227 p.). Ketner, Ralph W.; Food Lion--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Grocery trade--United States--History; Chain stores--United States--History.
Henry P. Keuls (1981). Uncle Henry: The Autobiography of an Irrepressible Entrepreneur. (Canaan, NH: Phoenix Pub., 164 p.). Keuls, Henry P. C., 1891- ; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
Victor Kiam (1986). Going for It!: How To Succeed as an Entrepreneur. (New York, NY: Morrow, 260 p.). Kiam, Victor; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Entrepreneurship--Biography; Success in business--United States. Bought Remington shavers.
James M. Kilts, with John F. Manfredi and Robert Lorber (2007). Doing What Matters: The Revolutionary Old-School Approach to Business Success -- and Why It Works. (New York, NY: Crown Business, 336 p.). Former Chairman and CEO of the Gillette Company, former CEO of Nabisco and Kraft; Formerly Senior Vice President of Investor Relations and Corporate Affairs at Gillette Company, Former Executive Vice President at Nabisco; Associate Professor (University of California at Davis). Gillette; Management; Organizational effectiveness; Success in business; Executives--Biography.
Business fundamentals, personal attributes for success: 1) intellectual integrity; 2) emotional engagement, enthusiasm; 3) action; 4) 'Total Brand Value' framework for achieving better, faster, more complete results than competition.
Yoshitaka Kitao (2007). The SBI Group Vision and Strategy: Continuously Evolving Management. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 164 p.). CEO of SBI Holdings, Inc. (former finance arm of Softbank Corp.). SBI Group--History; Financial institutions--Japan--History--20th century; Financial institutions--Management; Information technology--Economic aspects--Japan.
July 1999 - founded SBI as venture capital, incubation business; transformed it to independent holding company; steered it through Internet bubble, Financial Big Bang of Japanese deregulation; vision - customer value, shareholder value, human capital value combine to create prosperity for individuals and society.
Jerry Klinkowitz ; with a foreword by Mike Veeck (1999). Owning a Piece of the Minors. (Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 156 p.). Klinkowitz, Jerome; Waterloo Diamonds (Baseball team); Baseball team owners--United States--Biography.
Andrew M. Knox (1976). Coming Clean: A Postscript After Retirement from Unilever. (London, UK: Heinemann, 252 p.). Knox, Andrew Marshall, 1903- ; Unilever (Firm)--History; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography.
Charles G. Koch (2007). The Science of Success: How Market Based Management Built the World's Largest Private Company. (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 208 p.). Chairman of the Board and CEO of Koch Industries, Inc. Organizational change; Industrial management; Organizational behavior.
World's largest privately held company - 2,000-fold growth since 1967, 80,000 employees in 60 countries, $90 billion in revenues in 2006; Market-Based Management for continuous transformation and positive growth: 1) Vision, 2) Virtue and Talents, 3) Knowledge Processes, 4) Decision Rights, 5) Incentives.
Leo Kolber, L. Ian MacDonald (2003). Leo a Life: The Life and Times of a Man of Influence. (Montreal, QU: McGill-Queen's University Press, 320 p.). Chairman, Cemp Investments (Bronfman Family Trust), Cadillac Fairview Corporation; Seagram's.
Randy Komisar (2000). The Monk and the Riddle: The Education of a Silicon Valley Entrepreneur. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 181 p.). Co-founder of Claris Corp., CEO of Lucas Arts and Entertainment, CEO of Crystal Dynamics. Komisar, Randy, 1954- ; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Entrepreneurship--United States--Biography. Claris Corp.
Alex Konanykhin (2006). Defiance: or How To Succeed in Business despite Being Hounded by the FBI, the KBG, the INS, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, Interpol and Mafia Hit Men. (Vienna, VA: Renaissance Publishing, 240 p.). Controlled Russia's largest commercial bank in the 1990s.
Achieved success wealth, power under perestroika; became target of ruthless Russian Mafia, KGB, U. S. government - charged with embezzlement; cleared; NY Businessman of the Year.
Stanley S. Kresge, as told to Steve Spilos (1979). The S.S. Kresge Story. (Racine, WI: Western Pub. Co., 373 p.). Kresge, Sebastian Spering, 1867-1966; S.S. Kresge Company; Kresge Foundation; Merchants--United States--Biography. S. S. Kresge.
H. Peter Kriendler with H. Paul Jeffers (1999). "21": Every Day Was New Year's Eve: Memoirs of a Saloon Keeper (Dallas, TX: Taylor Publ. Co., 282 p.). Younger Brother of Mack and Jack Kriendler, the Founders. 21 (Restaurant: New York)--History; Cookery; Restaurants--New York (State)--New York.
Laura Kriska (1997). The Accidental Office Lady. (Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 303 p.). Graduate of Columbia University’s Masters Program in Creative Writing. Kriska, Laura; Honda Giken K¯ogy¯o Kabushiki Kaisha--Biography; Women executives--United States--Biography; Women executives--Japan--Biography; Corporate culture--Japan; Automobile industry and trade--Japan--Management. Honda.
Ray Kroc; with Robert Anderson (1987). Grinding It Out: The Making of McDonald's (New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 218 p. [orig. pub. 1977]). Kroc, Ray, 1902- ; McDonald's Corporation; Restaurateurs--United States--Biography.
Sandra L. Kurtzig with Tom Parker (1991). CEO: Building a $400 Million Company from the Ground Up. (New York, NY: Norton, 303 p.). Kurtzig, Sandra L.; Women executives--United States--Biography; Computer industry--United States--History. ASK Computer.
Sam Kusumoto with Edmund P. Murray (1989). My Bridge to America: Discovering the New World for Minolta. (New York, NY: Dutton, 340 p.). Kusumoto, Sam, 1928- ; Minolta Corporation--History; Businesspeople--Japan--Biography; Camera industry--Japan--History--20th century; Camera industry--United States--History--20th century; Minolta camera--Marketing.
Beth and Richard Landis (2002). Making a Difference. (Reno, NV: Michael Sion, 369 p.). Former Chairman, Del Monte. Landis, Beth, 1923- ; Landis, Richard G. (Richard Gordon), 1920- ; Del Monte Corporation; Businessmen--California--Biography; California--Biography.
Estee Lauder (1985). Estée: A Success Story. (New York, NY: Random House, 222 p.). Founder, Estee Lauder, Inc. Lauder, Estée; Estée Lauder, Inc.--History; Perfumes industry--United States; Cosmetics industry--United States; Businesswomen--United States--Biography.
Tom Laughton (1977). Pavilions by the Sea: The Memoirs of an Hotel-Keeper. (London, UK: Chatto and Windus, 216 p.). Hotel Owner (Brother of Charles Laughton). Laughton, Tom; Hotelkeepers--Biography. Royal Hotel -Scarborough.
Brenda Laurel (2001). Utopian Entrepreneur. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 116 p.). Founder (Purple Moon Media). Laurel, Brenda; Purple Moon Media (Firm)--History; Interval Research Corporation--History; Entrepreneurship--United States; Corporations--Moral and ethical aspects--United States; Social responsibility of business--United States; Children's software--United States; Computer software industry--United States; Businesswomen--United States--Biography.
Leonard H. Lavin with Daniel Paisner (2003). Winners Make It Happen: Reflections of a Self-Made Man. (Chicago, IL: Bonus Books, 238 p.). Founding President, CEO, Chairman of Alberto-Culver Corporation. Lavin, Leonard H.; Alberto-Culver Co.--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Toilet preparations industry--United States--History.
Kim Lavine (2007). Mommy Millionaire: How I Turned My Kitchen Table Idea into a Million Dollars and How You Can Too! (New York, NY: St. Martin's, 352 p.). Founder and President of Green Daisy, Inc. New business enterprises; Entrepreneurship; Businesswomen. Wuvit heating/cooling pad.
Created Wuvit heating/cooling pad (feed corn sewn in a bag); made on a lark, retail distribution in fifty states, close to $2 million in sales in just over two years.
Mary Wells Lawrence (2002). A Big Life in Advertising. (New York, NY: Knopf, 320 p.). Lawrence, Mary Wells; Advertising executives--United States--Biography; Women in advertising--United States--Biography; Businesswomen--United States--Biography. (Wells Rich Greene).
Marilyn Lewis (2000). "Marilyn, Are You Sure You Can Cook?" He Asked: A Memoir. (Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 224 p.). Lewis, Marilyn, 1929- ; Restaurateurs--United States--Biography; Cookery, American. Hamburger Hamlets Inc.
Reginald F. Lewis and Blair S. Walker (1995). Why Should White Guys Have All the Fun?: How Reginald Lewis Created a Billion-Dollar Business Empire. (New York, NY: Wiley, 318 p.). Lewis, Reginald F., 1942-1993; African American businesspeople--Biography; Millionaires--United States--Biography; TLC Beatrice International Holdings.
Arthur L. Liman; with the assistance of Peter Israel (1998). Lawyer: A Life of Counsel and Controversy. (New York, NY: Public Affairs, 386 p.). Partner (Paul, Weiss, Rifkind). Liman, Arthur L.; Lawyers--United States--Biography. Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison.
Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong (2004). My Story. (Selangor, Malaysia: Pelanduk Pubns Sdn Bhd, 188 p.). Lim Goh Tong; Genting Group; Gambling--Economic aspects--Malaysia.
Lars-Eric Lindblad with John G. Fuller; introduction by Roger Tory Peterson (1983). Passport to Anywhere: The Story of Lars-Eric Lindblad. (New York, NY: Times Books, 305 p.). Lindblad, Lars-Eric; Travel agents--Sweden--Biography; Safaris. Lindblad Travel.
Sol M. Linowitz (1985). The Making of a Public Man: A Memoir. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 258 p.). Partner, Senior Counsel (Coudert Brothers), 1969-1994. Linowitz, Sol M., 1913-; Lawyers--United States--Biography; Statesmen--United States--Biography. Coudert Brothers.
Royal Little (1979). How to Lose $100,000,000 and Other Valuable Advice. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 334 p.). Little, Royal, 1896-; Textron, inc.; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography; Conglomerate corporations--United States.
George Lois, with Bill Pitts (1972). George, Be Careful; A Greek Florist's Kid in the Roughhouse World of Advertising. (New York, NY: Saturday Review Press, 245 p.). Creative Director at Doyle Dane Bernbach; Started Own Agencies. Lois, George; Advertising--Biography. (Doyle Dane Bernbach).
Dave Longaberger with Robert L. Shook (2001). Longaberger: An American Success Story (New York, NY: HarperBusiness, 234 p.). Longaberger, Dave; Longaberger Company--History; Basket making--Ohio--History; Basket makers--Ohio--Biography.
Benton F. Love; foreword by James A. Baker, III (2005). Ben Love: My Life in Texas Commerce. (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 331 p.). CEO of Texas Commerce Bank. Love, Benton F., 1924- ; Texas Commerce Bancshares--History; Bankers--Texas--Biography.
From poor farm boy to CEO of Texas Commerce, state's second-largest lending institution.
Edward Lowe (1987). The Man Who Discovered the Golden Cat: The Life Story of Ed Lowe. (Cassopolis, MI: Tomorrow Press, 295 p.). Lowe, Edward, 1920- ; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Cat litter industry--United States--History. Kitty Litter.
Charles Luckman (1988). Twice in a Lifetime: From Soap to Skyscrapers. (New York, NY: Norton, 416 p.). Luckman, Charles, 1909- ; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Architects--United States--Biography; United States--Biography.
William F. Ludwig II (2002). The Making of a Drum Company: The Autobiography of William F. Ludwig II. (Indianapolis, IN: Rebeats Press, 128 p.). Ludwig, William F. II; Musical instruments industry; drums. Ludwig Drum Company.
Cari Lynn (2004). Leg the Spread: A Woman's Adventures Inside the Trillion-Dollar Boys' Club of Commodities Trading. (New York, NY: Broadway Books, 320 p.). Writer, Clerk (Chicago Mercantile Exchange). Chicago Mercantile Exchange; Commodity trading advisors--United States; Women in the professions--United States; Brokers--United States; Commodity exchanges--United States.
Jane Maas (1986). Adventures of an Advertising Woman. (New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 227 p.). Chairman Emeritus, Earle Palmer Brown Advertising & Public Relations. Maas, Jane; Women in the advertising industry--United States--Biography.
Best known for her direction of "I Love New York" program.
Felicia Mabuza-Suttle with Thebe Ikalafeng (1999). Felicia: Dare To Dream. (Rivonia, SA: Zebra Press, 155 p.). Award-Winning Businesswoman, Talk-Show Host. Mabuza-Suttle, Felicia; Women, Black -- South Africa -- Biography; Businesswomen -- South Africa -- Biography; Women television personalities -- South Africa -- Biography; Blacks in television broadcasting -- South Africa; Talk shows -- South Africa.
Sirio Maccioni and Peter J. Elliott (2004). Sirio: The Story of My Life and Le Cirque. (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 432 p.,). Maccioni, Sirio; Le Cirque (Restaurant); Restaurateurs--United States--Biography.
Eleanor Macdonald (1987). An Autobiography of a Pioneer Business Woman: Nothing by Chance. (Alton, Hants, UK: Nimrod Press, 281 p.). Director of a Unilever Subsidiary, Founder of Women in Management. Macdonald, Eleanor, 1910- ; Women executives--Great Britain--Biography. Unilever.
Alice Foote MacDougall (1980). The Autobiography of a Business Woman. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 205 p. [orig. pub. 1928]). Ran chain of coffee houses in New York. MacDougall, Alice Foote; Coffee houses. MacDougall, Alice Foote, 1867-1945; Restaurateurs--New York (State)--New York--Biography; Coffeehouses--New York (State)--New York. Ran chain of coffee houses in New York.
Walter Mack with Peter Buckley (1982). No Time Lost. (New York, NY: Atheneum, 211 p.). Mack, Walter; Pepsi-Cola Company--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography. Pepsi.
Viola MacMillan (2001). From the Ground Up: An Autobiography. (Toronto, ON: ECW Press, 207 p.). MacMillan, Viola; Women miners--Canada--Biography; Businesswomen--Canada--Biography; syndicate-financed prospector; Prospectors and Developers Association.
David Magee; Introd. by Lawrence Clark Powell (1973). Infinite Riches; The Adventures of a Rare Book Dealer. (New York, NY: P. S. Eriksson, 274 p.). Magee, David Bickersteth, 1905-1977; Antiquarian booksellers--Biography; Rare books--Bibliography--Methodology.
Terry Maher (1994). Against my Better Judgement: Adventures in the City and in the Book Trade. (London, UK: Sinclair-Stevenson, 222 p.). Maher, Terry, 1935- ; Booksellers and bookselling--Great Britain--Biography; Bookstores--Great Britain.
Jacques Maisonrouge; translation by Nina Rootes. (1989). Inside IBM: A Personal Story. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 316 p.). Maisonrouge, Jacques, 1924- ; International Business Machines Corporation--Management; International business enterprises--Management; Executives--France--Biography.
Dina N. Malhotra (2004). Dare To Publish: Memoirs of a Publisher Who Pioneered the Paperback Revolution in India. (New Delhi, India: Clarion Books, a division of Hind Pocket Books, 250 p.). Malhotra, D. N.; Publishers and publishing--India--Biography; Paperbacks--Publishing--India. Hind Pocket Books.
Robert L. Manegold (1995). Granbob's Memories. (South Strafford, VT: Alger Brook Press, 285 p.). Manegold family; Manegold, Robert L. (Robert Louis), 1916- --Family; German Americans--Biography; Businesspeople--United States--Biography. Dings Dynamics Group.
Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank with Bob Andelman (1999). Built from Scratch: How a Couple of Regular Guys Grew the Home Depot from Nothing to $30 Billion. (New York, NY: Times Books, 332 p.). Marcus, Bernie; Blank, Arthur (Arthur M.); Home Depot (Firm)--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Do-it-yourself products industry--United States--History; Building materials industry--United States--History; Entrepreneurship--United States--Case studies.
Stanley Marcus (1974). Minding the Store; A Memoir. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 383 p.). Marcus, Stanley, 1905- ; Businesspeople--Biography. Neiman Marcus.
Stanley Marcus (1979). Quest for the Best. (New York, NY: Viking, 227 p.). Marcus, Stanley, 1905- ; Businesspeople--Biography; Commercial products; Quality of products. Neiman Marcus.
J. Howard Marshall II; edited with an introduction by Robert L. Bradley, Jr. (1994). Done in Oil: An Autobiography. (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 282 p.). Marshall, J. Howard (James Howard), 1905- ; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Petroleum industry and trade--United States--History--20th century. Koch Industries.
Edmund F. Martin with David J. Morrison (1992). Bethlehem Steelmaker: My 90 Years in Life’s Loop: A Memoir. (Bethlehem, PA: BMS Press, 168 p.). Martin, Edmund F.; Bethlehem Steel Corporation--Employees--Biography; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Steel industry and trade--United States--History.
Tom Maschler (2005). Publisher. (London, UK: Picador, 293 p.). Chairman of Jonathan Cape. Maschler, Tom, 1933-; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography. Jonathan Cape.
Literary life and world of one of greatest post-war publishers.
Guy Mascolo (2003). The Birth of Toni & Guy. (Tenterden, UK: Circular Sounds, 160 p.). Co-Founder. Mascolo. Family; Toni & Guy. Firm; Beauty operators. Great Britain. Biography.
Edward Beauclerk Maurice (2005). The Last Gentleman Adventurer: Coming of Age in the Arctic. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 392 p.). Maurice, Edward Beauclerk; Hudson’s Bay Company--Biography; Explorers--Canada, Northern--Biography; Frontier and pioneer life--Canada, Northern; Inuit--Canada, Northern--Social life and customs--20th century; Canada, Northern--Description and travel; Baffin Island (Nunavut)--Description and travel; Canada, Northern--Discovery and exploration; Canada, Northern--Social life and customs--20th century; Canada, Northern--Biography.
Impulsively signed up with Hudson's Bay Company (Company of Gentleman Adventurers), sent to an isolated trading post in the Canadian Arctic (no telephone or radio, one ship arrived each year).
Wendy McCarthy (2000). Don't Fence Me In. (New York, NY: Random House, 292 p.). Executive Director of Women's Business, Corporate Good Works and McCarthy Management P/L. McCarthy, Wendy; Feminists -- Australia -- Biography; Businesswomen -- Australia -- Biography. Womens Business.
Red McCombs with Mickey Herskowitz (2002). The Red Zone: Cars, Cows and Coaches: My Life and Good Times of a Texas Dealmaker. (Austin, TX: Eakin Press, 226 p.). McCombs, Red, 1927- ; Businessmen--Texas--Biography. Red McCombs Automotive Group.
Richard McCord (1996). The Chain Gang: One Newspaper Versus the Gannett Empire. (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 290 p.). McCord, Richard, 1941- ; Gannett Company; Green Bay News-Chronicle; Newspaper publishing--United States--History--20th century; Journalists--United States--Biography.
Charles P. McCormick, Jr. (1993). Pepper People. (White Plains, NY: Benjamin Co., 256 p.). McCormick, Charles Perry, 1896-1970; McCormick & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)--History; McCormick & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)--Biography; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Pepper (Spice) industry--United States--History; Spice trade--United States--History.
Cyrus Hall McCormick (1931). The Century of the Reaper: An Account of Cyrus Hall McCormick, the Inventor of the Reaper; of the McCormick Harvesting Company, the Business He Created; and of the International Harvester Company, His Heirs and Chief Memorial. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 307 p.). McCormick, Cyrus Hall, 1809-1884; Harvesting machinery. (Harvester).
W.A. McCree, Jr. (1986). The Hammer and the Pencil: The Story of McCree, Inc., Architects & Constructors, 1926-1986. (Orlando, FL: McCree, Inc., 294 p.). McCree, W. A. (William Allen), 1888-1953; McCree, Inc.--History; Construction industry--Florida--Orlando--Biography.
James W. McLamore (1998). The Burger King: Jim McLamore and the Building of an Empire. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 286 p.). McLamore, James W., 1926-1996; Burger King Corporation; Restaurateurs--United States--Biography.
Tom McMakin (2001). Bread and Butter: What a Bunch of Bakers Taught Me about Business and Happiness. (New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 187 p.). McMakin, Tom; Great Harvest Bread Co.--History; Bread industry--United States; Businesspeople--United States.
Bruce McNall with Michael D'Antonio (2003). Fun While It Lasted: My Rise and Fall in the Land of Fame and Fortune. (New York, NY: Hyperion, 368 p.). Former Owner L. A. Kings. McNall, Bruce, 1950- ; Commercial criminals--California--Biography; Fraud--California--Case studies; Businessmen--California--Biography; Capitalists and financiers--California--Biography; Hockey team owners--California--Biography; LA Kings.
Wayne McVicker (2005). Starting Something: An Entrepreneur’s Tale of Control, Confrontation & Corporate Culture. (Los Altos, CA: Ravel Media, 409 p.). Co-Founder, Board Member, President (Neoforma). McVicker, Wayne; Neoforma (Firm); Corporate culture--United States; Entrepreneurship--United States--Case studies; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
16th most successful IPO in history.
Hendrik G. Meijer (1984). Thrifty Years: The Life of Hendrik Meijer. (Grand Rapids, MI: Erdmans, 246 p.). Meijer, Hendrik, 1883-1964; Meijer Thrifty Acres (Stores); Merchants--Michigan--Biography.
Henry Merrell and James L. Skinner (1991). The Autobiography of Henry Merrell: Industrial Missionary to the South. (Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 564 p.). Merrell, Henry, 1816-1883; Industrialists--Southern States--Biography; Textile industry--Southern States--History--19th century.
Danny Meyer (2006). Setting the Table: The Power of Hospitality in Restaurants, Business, and Life. (New York, NY: HarperCollins, 336 p.). CEO of Union Square Hospitality Group. Meyer, Danny; Restaurant management; Union Square Cafe.
"Enlightened Hospitality" ("how the delivery of that product makes its recipient feel") - core of his business strategy.
Earl M. Middleton; with Joy W. Barnes (2008). Knowing Who I Am: A Black Entrepreneur’s Struggle and Success in the American South. (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 183 p.). Founder and Owner of Coldwell Banker Middleton and Associates, one of the largest real-estate brokerages in Orangeburg, SC; 30-year employee of Middleton companies. Middleton, Earl M., 1919- ; Coldwell Banker Middleton and Associates; South Carolina. General Assembly. House of Representatives--Biography; African American businesspeople--South Carolina--Biography; Businessmen--South Carolina--Biography; African American legislators--South Carolina--Biography; Legislators--South Carolina--Biography; African Americans--South Carolina--Social conditions--20th century; World War, 1939-1945--Participation, African American; South Carolina--Social conditions--20th century; South Carolina--Biography.
1942 - trained as Tuskegee Airman; infantry soldier in Pacific theater; 1946 - returned to Orangeburg, SC, became barber, restaurant owner, began real-estate, insurance salesman as sideline in back of barbershop, grew into one of largest, most profitable real-estate firms in Orangeburg; reputation for superior knowledge and service.
Bob Mierisch (2000). On the Level: A Story about Striving for Openness To Build Corporate Strength. (Kent Town, South Australia: Wakefield Press, 183 p.). Mierisch, Bob; Baulderstone Hornibrook--History; Businessmen--Australia--Biography; Industrialists--Australia--Biography; Construction industry--Australia--History; Construction industry--Public relations--Australia--Case studies; Business ethics--Australia--Case studies.
Marilyn Miglin (2002). Best Face Forward. (Louisville, KY: Chicago Spectrum Press, 301 p.). Miglin, Marilyn; Businesswomen--Illinois--Chicago--Biography; Cosmetics industry--Illinois--Chicago--Biography. Marilyn Miglin Institute.
Chris Miller (2004). Blood on My Briefcase: 30 Years in the Advertising Wars. (Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris, 229 p.). Advertisers--U.S.--Biography; Advertising.
Harry M. Miller as told to Denis O'Brien (1983). My Story. (South Melbourne, AU: Macmillan, 322 p.). Miller, Harry M. (Harry Maurice), 1934- ; Businesspeople--Australia--Biography; Entrepreneurship--Biography. Brought Rolling Stones to Australia, rock operas, Judy Garland, etc. Harry M. Miller Group.
Jerry Miller (1984). The Wandering Shoe (New York, NY: My Goodfriends, 308 p.). Miller, Jerry; Shoe Biz (Firm) -- Biography; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography.
Norm Miller, with H.K. Hosier (1996). Beyond the Norm. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 210 p.). Miller, Norm; Interstate Battery System of America--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Chief executive officers--United States--Biography; Success in business; Christian life.
Steve Miller (2008). The Turnaround Kid: What I Learned Rescuing America’s Most Troubled Companies. (New York, NY: Collins, 272 p.). Chairman, Delphi Corporation. Miller, Robert S. (Robert Stevens); Automobile industry and trade--United States--Biography; Executives--Biography; Organizational effectiveness.
Point man for Lee Iaccoca's rescue team at Chrysler, fixed major problems in varied industries (steel, construction, health care, auto parts); inside story of many turnaround jobs that have led to renown as Mr. Fix It; intimate picture of his relationship with Maggie Miller, his wife of forty years, trusted adviser until her death from brain cancer in 2006.
Howard Milton, Nick Asbury (2006). Alas! Smith & Milton: How Not To Run a Design Company. (London, UK: Cyan, 224 p.). Founder of Smith & Milton; Freelance Journalist. Design, Industrial--Great Britain; Smith & Milton; Milton, Howard--Autobiography.
Life as it really is in design industry - observations, lessons, wisdom, cautionary tales.
Harold Mitchell (2009).
Living Large: The World of Harold Mitchell.
(Carlton, Victoria, Australia Melbourne University Press, 294
p.). Mitchell & Partners; Businessmen -- Australia --
Biography. From son of saw miller to
owner of $100 million-business (Australia’s biggest media
Jack Mitchell (2003). Hug Your Customers: The Proven Way to Personalize Sales and Achieve Astounding Results. (New York, NY: Hyperion, 272 p.). CEO, Mitchellsl/Richards. Mitchell, Jack; Mitchell/Richards; specialty retail; customer service; family business.
LuAn Mitchell-Halter (2003). Paper Doll: Lessons Learned from a Life Lived in the Headlines. (San Diego, CA: Jodere Group, 176 p.). Canada's Number One Female Entrepreneur for three successive years. Mitchell-Halter, LuAn; Businesswomen -- Canada -- Biography; Success; Entrepreneurship. Mitchell's Gourmet Foods.
Tom Monaghan with Robert Anderson (1986). Pizza Tiger. (New York, NY: Random House, 346 p.). Monaghan, Tom, 1937- ; Domino's Pizza (Firm); Restaurateurs--United States--Biography.
Robert Mondavi with Paul Chutkow (1998). Harvests of Joy: My Passion for Excellence. (New York, NY: Harcourt Brace, 364 p.). California Vintner. Robert Mondavi, Wine Industry, Napa Valley.
John Moody (1933). The Long Road Home: An Autobiography. (New York, NY: Macmillan, 263 p.). Moody, John, 1868-1958. Moody's Investors Service.
George S. Moore (1986). The Banker's Life. (New York, NY: Norton, 328 p.). Former Chairman of First National City Bank of New York (Citibank). Moore, George S. (George Stevens), 1905-2000; Bankers--New York (State)--New York--Biography. Citibank.
Sam Moore (2005). American by Choice: An Immigrant's Journey from Door-to-Door Sales to CEO. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 240 p.). Former President, CEO (Thomas Nelson, Inc.). Moore, Sam, 1930- ; Thomas Nelson Publishers--History; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Lebanese Americans--Biography; Christian literature--Publication and distribution--United States--History--20th century.
Akio Morita with Edwin M. Reingold and Mitsuko Shimomura (1986). Made in Japan: Akio Morita and Sony. (New York, NY: Dutton, 309 p.). Morita, Akio, 1921- ; Son¯i Kabushiki Kaisha -- History; Industrialists -- Japan -- Biography; Electronic industries -- Japan -- History. Sony.
Raymond Mungo (1980). Cosmic Profit: How To Make Money Without Doing Time. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 175 p.). Mungo, Raymond, 1946- ; Small business--United States--Case studies; Subculture--United States; Businesspeople--United States--Biography. Liberation News Service.
Rick Murdock with David Fisher (2000). Patient Number One: A True Story of How One CEO Took on Cancer and Big Business in the Fight of His Life. (New York, NY: Crown, 308 p.). Murdock, Rick--Health; Lymphomas--Patients--Washington--Seattle--Biography; Cell separation; Biotechnology industries--Washington--Seattle. CellPro.
Niall Murtagh (2005). The Blue-eyed Salaryman: From World Traveller to Lifer at Mitsubishi. (London, UK: Profile Books, 288 p.). Murtagh, Niall; Mitsubishi Sh¯oji Kabushiki Kaisha--History.
Corporate life in Japan; promoted to manager class, first westerner to reach position in company inside Japan. Mitsubishi.
Lamar Muse (2002). Southwest Passage: The Inside Story of Southwest Airlines' Formative Years. (Austin, TX: Eakin Press, 245 p.). Founder Muse Air. Muse, Lamar, 1920- ; Southwest Airlines Co.--Management; Airlines--United States--Management.; Chief executive officers--United States--Biography.
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