(Yves Saint Laurent), Alice Rawsthorn (1996). Yves Saint Laurent: A Biography. (New York, NY: Nan A. Talese, 405 p.). Correspondent, Financial Times. Saint Laurent, Yves; Fashion designers--France--Biography; Fashion design--France--History--20th century.
(Robert Sakowitz), Jane Wolfe (1993). Blood Rich: When Oil Billions, High Fashion, and Royal Intimacies Are Not Enough. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 346 p.). Sakowitz, Robert; Wyatt, Lynn Sakowitz; Sakowitz Department Store--History; Family-owned business enterprises--Texas--History; Business failures--Southwestern States--History; Scandals--Texas--History; Businesspeople--Texas--Biography.
(Sir Titus Salt), Jack Reynolds (1983). The Great Paternalist: Titus Salt and the Growth of Nineteenth-Century Bradford. (New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 382 p.). Salt, Titus, Sir, 1803-1876; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography; Textile industry--Great Britain--Biography; Bradford (England)--History. Alpaca. Salts Mill.
(Marcus Samuel), Robert David Quixano Henriques (1960). Bearsted; A Biography of Marcus Samuel, First Viscount Bearsted, and Founder of ’Shell’ Transport and Trading Co.(New York, NY: Viking, 676 p.). Bearsted, Marcus Samuel, First Viscount, 1853-1927; "Shell" Transport and Trading Company, ltd., London. Royal Dutch Shell Group.
(Harland Sanders), John Ed Pearce (1982). The Colonel: The Captivating Biography of the Dynamic Founder of a Fast-Food Empire. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 225 p.). Sanders, Harland, 1890- ; Restaurateurs--Kentucky--Biography. KFC.
(Robert Sangster), Patrick Robinson with Nick Robinson (1993). Horsetrader: Robert Sangster and the Rise and Fall of the Sport of Kings. (London, UK: HarperCollins, 340 p.). Sangster, Robert; Race horses -- Breeding; Horse industry -- United States; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography.
(Kayman Sankar), David Chanderbali (1995). Kayman Sankar: The Ultimate Rice Magnate. (Georgetown, Guyana: K. Sankar and Co., 205 p.). Sankar, Kayman, 1926- ; Kayman Sankar and Company Limited--History; Rice trade--Guyana; Rice farmers--Guyana--Biography; Businesspeople--Guyana--Biography. (Kayman Sankar and Company Limited).
(David Sarnoff), Eugene Lyons (1966). David Sarnoff: A Biography (New York, NY: Harper & Row, 372 p.). Sarnoff, David, 1891-1971. RCA.
(David Sarnoff), Carl Dreher (1977). Sarnoff, An American Success. (New York, NY: Times Books, 282 p.). Sarnoff, David, 1891-1971; Radio--United States--Biography; Television--United States--Biography. RCA.
(David Sarnoff), Kenneth Bilby (1986). The General: David Sarnoff and the Rise of the Communications Industry. (New York, NY: Harper & Row, 326 p.). Sarnoff, David, 1891-1971; Radio Corporation of America--History; Broadcasters--United States--Biography; Industrialists--United States--Biography. RCA.
(Joseph B. Saunders), Otto J. Scott (1976). The Professional: A Biography of J. B. Saunders (New York, NY: Atheneum, 497 p.). Saunders, Joseph Benjamin, 1901-; Petroleum industry and trade--United States--History.
(Harold Lyle Schafer), Larry Woiwode (2000). Aristocrat of the West: The Story of Harold Schafer. (Fargo, ND: Institute for Regional Studies, North Dakota State University, 390 p.). Schafer, Harold Lyle, 1912- ; Gold Seal Company--History; Businessmen--North Dakota--Biography; Philanthropists--North Dakota--Biography.
(Dorothy Schiff), Marilyn Nissenson (2007). The Lady Upstairs: Dorothy Schiff and the New York Post. (New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 528 p.). Schiff, Dorothy, 1903-1989; New York Post; Journalists--United States--Biography; Publishers and publishing--United States.
Most dynamic female newspaper publisher of her day; owned, guided New York Post into one of most dedicated supporters of New Deal liberalism; maintained its distinct personality as chatty, parochial, New York tabloid.
(Salman Schocken), Anthony David (2003). The Patron: A Life of Salman Schocken, 1887-1958. (New York, NY: Metropolitan Books, 464.). Schocken, Salman; retail trade--Department Stores; publishing. Schocken & Co.
(William Mathias Scholl), William H. Scholl (1995). Foot Doctor to the World. (Ware, Hertfordshire, UK: Old Hall, 165 p.). Nephew of Dr. Scholl, Former President of International Consumer Products Division (Schering-Plough Corp.). Scholl, William Mathias, 1882-1968; Scholl, William Mathias, 1882-1968; Orthopedists--United States--Biography; Humans Feet. Dr. Scholl's).
(Texas E. Schramm), Bob St. John (1988). Tex! The Man Who Built the Dallas Cowboys. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 363 p.). Columnist (Dallas Morning News). Schramm, Texas E., 1920- ; Dallas Cowboys (Football team)--History; Football team owners--United States--Biography.
(Jürgen Schrempp), Jürgen Grässlin (2000). Jürgen Schrempp and the Making of an Auto Dynasty. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 210 p.). Schrempp, Jürgen E.; Daimler-Benz Aktiengesellschaft; Chrysler Corporation; Chief executive officers--Germany--Biography. Daimler-Benz.
(Charles M. Schwab), Robert Hessen (1990). Steel Titan: The Life of Charles M. Schwab. (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 350 p. (orig. pub. 1975)). Schwab, Charles M., 1862-1939; United States Steel Corporation--History; Bethlehem Steel Corporation--History; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Steel industry and trade--United States--History.
(Charles M. Schwab), Kenneth Warren (2007). Industrial Genius: The Working Life of Charles Michael Schwab. (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 304 p.). Emeritus Fellow of Jesus College (University of Oxford). Schwab, Charles M., 1862-1939; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Steel industry and trade--United States--History.
Startling success of Schwab's business career, his leadership abilities, his drive to advance steel-making technology and operations; visionary in industrial history of America.
(R. C. Scott), Michael A. Plater (1996). African American Entrepreneurship in Richmond, 1890-1940: The Story of R.C. Scott. (New York, NY: Garland Pub., 191 p.). Scott, R. C. (Robert Crafton), 1888-1957; African American businesspeople--Virginia--Richmond--Biography; African American business enterprises--Virginia--Richmond--History; Undertakers and undertaking--Virginia--Richmond--History; Entrepreneurship--Virginia--Richmond.
(E. W. Scripps), Gilson Gardner (1971). Lusty Scripps; The Life of E. W. Scripps (1854-1926). (St. Clair Shores, MI: Scholarly Press, 274 p. [orig. pub. 1932]). Scripps, E. W. (Edward Willis), 1854-1926; Newspaper publishing--United States--History--19th century; Newspaper publishing--United States--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Journalists--United States--Biography.
(E. W. Scripps), Edited by Charles R. McCabe (1971). Damned Old Crank; A Self-Portrait of E. W. Scripps Drawn from His Unpublished Writings. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 259 p. [orig. pub. 1951]). Journalists--United States--Biography; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography.
(E. W. Scripps), Negley Dakin Cochran (1972). E. W. Scripps. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 315 p. [orig. pub. 1933]). Scripps, E. W. (Edward Willis), 1854-1926; Newspaper publishing--United States--History--19th century; Newspaper publishing--United States--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Journalists--United States--Biography.
(E. W. Scripps), Vance H. Trimble (1992). The Astonishing Mr. Scripps: The Turbulent Life of America's Penny Press Lord. (Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 547 p.). Scripps, E. W. (Edward Willis), 1854-1926; Newspaper publishing--United States--History--19th century; Newspaper publishing--United States--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Journalists--United States--Biography.
(E. W. Scripps), Jack Casserly (1993). Scripps, The Divided Dynasty. (New York, NY: Donald I. Fine, 236 p.). Scripps, E. W. (Edward Willis), 1854-1926; Scripps family; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Newspaper publishing--United States--History.
(E. W. Scripps), Gerald J. Baldasty (1999). E.W. Scripps and The Business of Newspapers. (Urbana, Il: University of Illinois Press, 217 p.). Scripps, E. W. (Edward Willis), 1854-1926; Newspaper publishing--United States--History--19th century; Newspaper publishing--United States--History--20th century; Journalists--United States--Biography; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography.
(Richard Warren Sears), Frederick Asher (1997). Richard Warren Sears, Icon of Inspiration: Fable and Fact About the Founder and Spiritual Genius of Sears, Roebuck & Company. (New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1 vol.). Sears, Richard Warren, 1863-1914; Sears, Roebuck and Company--History; Executives--United States--Biography.
(Forrest C. Shaklee), Georges Spunt (1977). When Nature Speaks: The Life of Forrest C. Shaklee, Sr. (New York, NY: F. Fell Publishers, 226 p.). Shaklee, Forrest Clell; Shaklee Corporation--History; Chiropractors--California--Biography.
(Forrest C. Shaklee), Robert L. Shook (1982). The Shaklee Story. (New York, NY: Harper & Row, 188 p.). Shaklee, Forrest Clell; Shaklee Corporation; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Direct selling--United States.
(Forrest C. Shaklee), Nancy Brenner (1994). The Enduring Dream. (White Plains, NY: Published for Shaklee Corp. by the Benjamin Co., 215 p.). Shaklee, Forrest Clell; Shaklee Corporation--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Alden O. Sherman), Jane E Sherman (2004). Alden O. Sherman-An American Original: The Story of the Man and His Company. (Lincoln, NE: iUniverse, 288 p.). Sherman, Alden O.; Machine parts industry. Entrepreneur started a small business manufacturing vanes for the aerospace industry and made it a 50-year success. Alden O. Sherman Company.
(William Tecumseh Sherman), Dwight L. Clarke (1969). William Tecumseh Sherman: Gold Rush Banker. (San Francisco, CA: California Historical Society, 446 p.). Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891; Banks and banking--California--San Francisco--History; California--Gold discoveries. Lucas, Turner & Co.
(Eiichi Shibusawa), Teruko Craig (1994). The Autobiography of Shibusawa Eiichi: From Peasant to Entrepreneur: Translated, with an Introduction and Notes. (Tokyo, Japan: University of Tokyo Press, 192 p.). Shibusawa, Eiichi, 1840-1931; Capitalists and financiers--Japan--Biography. Shibusawa Warehouse Department.
(Shoen Family), Ronald J. Watkins (1993). Birthright: Murder, Greed, and Power in the U-Haul Family Dynasty. (New York, NY: Morrow, 425 p.). Shoen, Leonard Samuel, 1916- ; Shoen family; U-Haul International -- Officials and employees -- Biography; Murder -- United States -- Case studies; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography.
(Werner von Siemens), Wilfried Feldenkirchen (1994). Werner Von Siemens: Inventor and International Entrepreneur. (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 203 p.). Siemens, Werner von, 1816-1892; Electric engineers--Germany--Biography; Businesspeople--Germany--Biography; Electric engineering--Germany--History--19th century; Business enterprises--Germany--History--19th century. Siemens.
(Igor Sikorsky), Robert M. Bartlett (1947). Sky Pioneer: The Story of Igor I. Sikorsky. (New York, NY: C. Scribner's Sons, 153 p.). Sikorsky, Igor Ivan, 1889-1972; Aeronautics--Biography. Sikorsky Aircraft.
(Igor Sikorsky), K.N. Finne; translated and adapted by Von Hardesty. (1987). Igor Sikorsky, the Russian Years. (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 223 p.). Sikorsky, Igor Ivan, 1889-1972; Aeronautical engineers--Soviet Union--Biography; Il´ia Muromets (Bomber). Sikorsky Aircraft.
(Igor Sikorsky), Dorothy Cochrane, Von Hardesty, Russell Lee (1989). The Aviation Careers of Igor Sikorsky. (Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 207 p.). Sikorsky, Igor Ivan, 1889-1972 --Exhibitions. Sikorsky Aircraft.
(Jake Simmons), Jonathan D. Greenberg (1990). Staking a Claim: Jake Simmons and the Making of an African-American Oil Dynasty. (New York, NY: Atheneum, 311 p.). Simmons, Jake, 1901-1981; African American businesspeople--Biography; Petroleum industry and trade--United States--History; Petroleum industry and trade--Africa, West--History; Civil rights movements--United States--History.
(J. R. Simplot), Robert G. Waite; in collaboration with Thomas Hale and Paul Zelus (1995). I Just Went to Work: Jack Simplot and His Business Career. (Boise, ID: March Hare Press, 118 p.). Simplot, Jack; Potato industry--Idaho--History; Businesspeople--Idaho--Biography.
(J. R. Simplot), Louie Attebery (2000). J.R. Simplot: A Billion the Hard Way. (Caldwell, ID: Caxton Press, 251 p.). Simplot, J. R. (John Richard), 1909- ; J.R. Simplot Company--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Food industry and trade--United States--History.
(Sir George Simpson), John S. Galbraith (1976). The Little Emperor: Governor Simpson of the Hudson's Bay Company. (Toronto, ON: Macmillan of Canada, 232 p.). Simpson, George, Sir, 1786 or 7-1860; Hudson's Bay Company; Colonial agents--Great Britain--Biography; Businesspeople--Northwest, Canadian--Biography; Northwest, Canadian--History; Northwest, Canadian--Biography.
(Sir Clive Sinclair), Rodney Dale (1985). The Sinclair Story. (London, UK: Duckworth, 184 p.). Sinclair, Clive, Sir, 1940- ; Electronic industries -- Great Britain -- History; Businessmen -- Great Britain -- Biography.
(Sir Clive Sinclair), Ian Adamson and Richard Kennedy (1986). Sinclair and the Sunrise Technology: The Deconstruction of a Myth. (Hammondsworth, UK: Penguin, 262 p.). Sinclair, Clive, Sir, 1940- ; Businessmen -- Great Britain -- Biography; Electronic industries -- Great Britain -- History.
(Michele Sindona), Luigi DiFonzo. (1983). St. Peter's Banker. (New York, NY: Watts, 308 p.). Sindona, Michele; Catholic Church--Finance; Bankers--Italy--Biography. Franklin National.
(Isaac M. Singer), Ruth Brandon (1977). A Capitalist Romance: Singer and the Sewing Machine. (Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, 244 p.). Singer, Isaac Merritt, 1811-1875; Sewing-machine industry--United States--History; Inventors--United States--Biography.
(Isaac M. Singer), Don Bissell (1999). The First Conglomerate: 145 Years of the Singer Sewing Machine Company. (Brunswick, ME: Audenreed Press, 239 p.). Singer Sewing Machine Company--History; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Sewing-machine industry--United States--History.
(John Singleton), Gerald Stone (2002). Singo: Mates, Wives, Triumphs, Disasters: The John Singleton Story. (New York, NY: HarperCollins, 346 p.). Singleton, John; Advertising--Australia--Biography; Businessmen--Australia--Biography; (STW Group Ltd.
(Charles Fleetford Sise), R.C. Fetherstonhaugh (1944). Charles Fleetford Sise, 1834-1918: A Biography. (Montreal, QU: Gazette Printing Co., 238 p.). Sise, Charles Fleetford, 1834-1918.; Bell Telephone Company of Canada.
(Robert Six), Robert J. Serling (1974). Maverick: The Story of Robert Six and Continental Airlines. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 351 p.). Six, Robert F.; Continental Airlines.
(Samuel Slater), Barbara May Tucker (1984). Samuel Slater and the Origins of the American Textile Industry, 1790-1860. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 268 p.). Slater, Samuel, 1768-1835; Textile industry--United States--Biography; Textile industry--United States--History. Samuel Slater and Sons.
(Tom Slick), Ray Miles (1996). King of the Wildcatters: The Life and Times of Tom Slick, 1883-1930 (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University, 166 p.). Slick, Tom, 1883-1930; Petroleum industry and trade--United States--History; Petroleum engineers--United States--Biography; Petroleum conservation--United States--History; Series: Kenneth E. Montague series in oil and business history.
(Carlos Slim Helu), José Martínez (2002). Carlos Slim: Retrato Inédito. (Mexico, D. F.: Oceano, 270 p.). Slim Helú, Carlos 1940- ; Teléfonos de México, S.A.--History; Businessmen--Mexico--Biography; Mexico Mexico City.
(Alfred P. Sloan), David Farber (2002). Sloan Rules: Alfred P. Sloan and the Triumph of General Motors. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 292 p.). Professor of History (University of New Mexico). Sloan, Alfred P. (Alfred Pritchard), 1875-1966; General Motors Corporation--History; Automobile industry and trade--United States--History.
(Alfred P. Sloan), William Pelfrey (2006). Billy, Alfred, and General Motors: The Story of Two Unique Men, a Legendary Company, and a Remarkable Time in American History. (New York, NY: AMACOM, 315 p.). Former Director of Executive Communications (GM). Sloan, Alfred P. (Alfred Pritchard), 1875-1966; General Motors Corporation--History; Durant, William Crapo, 1861-1947; Automobile industry and trade--United States--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
Intellectual master of all things organizational.
(Arthur M. Smith), R.T. King (1996). Let's Get Going: From Oral History Interviews with Arthur M. Smith, Jr.: A Narrative Interpretation. (Reno, NV: University of Nevada Oral History Program, 220 p.). Smith, Arthur M., 1922- ; First Interstate Bank of Nevada--History; Bankers--Nevada--Biography; Banks and banking--Nevada--History.
(Charles E. Smith), David Bruce Smith (2000). Conversations with Papa Charlie: A Memory of Charles E. Smith. (Sterling, VA: Capital Books, 119 p.). Smith, Charles E., 1901- ; Construction industry--United States--Biography; Real estate developers--United States--Biography; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Philanthropists--United States--Biography. Charles E. Smith Residential Realty, Inc.
(Baron Donald Alexander Smith), Donna McDonald (2002). Lord Strathcona: A Biography of Donald Alexander Smith. (Tonawanda, NY: Dundurn Press, 600 p.). Strathcona and Mount Royal, Donald Alexander Smith, Baron, 1820-1914; Hudson's Bay Company--Biography; Canadian Pacific Railway Company--Biography; Capitalists and financiers--Canada--Biography; Canada--History--1841-1867--Biography; Canada--History--1867-1914--Biography; Canada--Officials and employees--Biography.
(Francis Marion Smith), George H. Hildebrand (1982). Borax Pioneer: Francis Marion Smith. (San Diego, CA: Howell-North Books, 318 p.). Smith, Francis Marion, 1846-1931; Pacific Coast Borax Company; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Francis Marion Smith), N.J. Travis and E.J. Cocks (1984). The Tincal Trail: A History of Borax. (London, UK: Harrap, 311 p.). Smith, Francis Marion, 1846-1931; Pacific Coast Borax Company; Borax mines and mining--History; Borax mines and mining--United States--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Fred Smith), Vance H. Trimble (1993). Overnight Success: Federal Express and Frederick Smith, Its Renegade Creator (New York, NY: Crown, 342 p.). Smith, Fred, 1944- ; Federal Express Corporation--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Express service--United States--History.
(George Smith), Jenifer Glynn (1986). Prince of Publishers: A Biography of George Smith. (New York, NY: Allison & Busby, 232 p.). Smith, George, 1824-1901; Smith, Elder, and Co.--History; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography. Smith, Elder and Co.
(Paul Smithl), Helen Escha Tyler (1988). Born Smart: The Story of Paul Smith. (Utica, NY: North Country Books, 182 p.). Smith, Paul, 1825-1912; Businesspeople--United States--Biography. Paul Smith's Hotel. Founded 1858, now site of Paul Smith College.
(Roger B. Smith), Albert Lee (1988). Call Me Roger. (Chicago, IL: Contemporary Books, 324 p.). Smith, Roger B., 1925- ; General Motors Corporation--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Automobile industry and trade--United States--History.
(Wilbur S. Smith), John A. Montgomery (1985). History of Wilbur Smith and Associates, 1952-1984. (Columbia, SC: W. Smith and Associates, 247 p.). Smith, Wilbur Stevenson, 1911- ; Wilbur Smith and Associates--History; Construction industry--United States--History; Industrialists--United States--Biography.
(William Henry Snyder), Charles G. Anderson; art illustrations, Lu Bright (1984). Deep Creek Merchant: The Story of William Henry "Pete" Snyder. (Snyder, TX: Snyder Pub. Co., 240 p.). Snyder, William Henry, 1836-1916; Pioneers--Texas--Snyder--Biography; Merchants--Texas--Snyder--Biography; Snyder (Tex.)--Biography; Snyder (Tex.)--History. Sponsored by Scurry County Historical Commission.
(Frank Sobey), Harry Bruce (1985). Frank Sobey: The Man and the Empire. (Toronto, ON: MacMillam, 443 p.). Sobey, Frank, 1902- ; Sobeys Stores Ltd.--History; Empire Limited--History; Businesspeople--Canada--Biography.
(Karsten Solheim), Tracy Sumner (2000). Karsten's Way: The Life-Changing Story of Karsten Solheim-- Pioneer in Golf Club Design and the Founder of Ping. (Chicago, IL: Northfield, 239 p.). Solheim, Karsten, b. 1911; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Golf equipment industry--United States--History; Golf clubs (Sporting goods)--Design and construction--History. Karsten Manufacturing Corporation.
(A. G. Spaulding), Peter Levine (1985). A.G. Spalding and the Rise of Baseball: The Promise of American Sport. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 184 p.). Spalding, A. G. (Albert Goodwill); Baseball players -- United States -- Biography; Businessmen -- Biography. A. G. Spaulding Brothers.
(Elliott White Springs), Burke Davis (1987). War Bird: The Life and Times of Elliott White Springs. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 267 p.). Springs, Elliott White; Springs Industries--History; Cotton textile industry--United States--History; Industrialists--United States--Biography; World War, 1914-1918--Biography; Novelists, American--20th century--Biography.
(Edward R. Squibb), Lawrence Goldtree Blochman (1958). Doctor Squibb; The Life and Times of a Rugged Idealist. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 371 p.). Squibb, Edward Robinson, 1819-1900. Bristol-Myers Squibb.
(Reo Stakis), Jack Webster (1999). Stakis: The Reo Stakis Story. (Edinburgh, Scotland: B & W, 258 p.). Stakis, Reo; Stakis plc. Hotelkeepers -- Great Britain -- Biography.
(Ellsworth M. Statler), Rufus Jarman (1952). A Bed for the Night; the Story of the Wheeling Bellboy, E.M. Statler, and His Remarkable Hotels. (New York, NY: Harper, 309 p.). Statler, Ellsworth Milton; Hotels Statler Company, Inc.
(Ellsworth M. Statler), Floyd Miller (1968). Statler, America's Extraordinary Hotelman. (New York, NY: Statler Foundation, 240 p.). Statler, Ellsworth Milton. Hotels Statler Company, Inc.
(Jay Stein), David J. Ginzl; with a foreword by Eli N. Evans (2004). Stein Mart: An American Story of Roots, Family, and Building a Greater Dream. (Tampa, FL: University of Tampa Press, 172 p.). Stein, Jay, 1945- ; Stein Mart--History; Discount houses (Retail trade)--United States--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Samuel Steinberg.), Ann Gibbon & Peter Hadekel (1990). Steinberg: The Breakup of a Family Empire. (Toronto, ON: Macmillan of Canada, 284 p.). Steinberg, Samuel, 1905-1978; Steinberg family; Steinberg Inc.--History; Businesspeople--Canada--Biography; Supermarkets--Québec (Province)--History; Family-owned business enterprises--Québec (Province)--Succession--History; Domestic relations--Québec (Province)--History. Steinberg Inc. Winner - Canada's 1990 National Business Book Award.
(Manfred Steinfeld), Janice Petterchak (2000). A Legacy of Style: Shelby Williams Industries, Inc. (Rochester, IL: Legacy Press, 210 p.). Steinfeld, Manfred, 1924- ; Shelby Williams Industries, Inc.--History; Shelby Williams Industries, Inc.--Officials and employees--Biography; Furniture industry and trade--History; Businessmen--Illinois--Chicago--Biography.
(Steinman Family), John H. Brubaker, III (1984). The Steinmans of Lancaster: A Family and Its Enterprises. (Lancaster, PA: Steinman Enterprises,, 219 p.). Steinman family; Publishers and publishing--Pennsylvania--Lancaster County--Biography; Businesspeople--Pennsylvania--Lancaster County--Biography; Lancaster County (Pa.)--Biography; Lancaster County (Pa.)--History. Lancaster Newspapers Inc.
(Steinway Family), D.W. Fostle (1994). The Steinway Saga: An American Dynasty (New York, NY: Scribner, 710 p.). Steinway family; Steinway & Sons--History; Piano makers--New York (State)--New York--History.
(Steinway Family), Susan Goldenberg (1996). Steinway from Glory to Controversy: The Family, the Business, the Piano(Buffalo, NY: Mosaic Press, 253 p.). Steinway family; Steinway & Sons--History; Piano makers--New York (State)--New York--History; Steinway piano--History.
(James Stone Stenersen), Jamie Robert Vollmer (1982). Ninety-Nine Year Lease on Cloud Nine: An Oral Biography of James Stone Stenersen. (Stuart, FL: American Memoirs, 239 p.). Stenersen, James Stone, 1904- ; Stenersen Mahoghany Corporation; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Lumber trade--United States--History--20th century; Construction industry--United States--20th century.
(George Stephenson), John Thomas (1952). The Story of George Stephenson. (London, UK: Oxford University Press, 173 p.). Stephenson, George, 1781-1848; Railroads--Great Britain. Stockton and Darlington Railway.
(George Stephenson), John Rowland (1971). Railway Pioneer: The Story of George Stephenson. (New York, NY: Roy Publishers, 121 p.). Stephenson, George, 1781-1848; Stephenson, George, 1781-1848; Railroads--Great Britain--Biography. Stockton and Darlington Railway.
(George Stephenson), Samuel Smiles (1971). The Life of George Stephenson, Railway Engineer. (Ann Arbor, MI: Plutarch Press, 557 p. [5th ed.; orig. pub. 1858]). Stephenson, George, 1781-1848; Railroads--Great Britain--History; Locomotives--History. Stockton and Darlington Railway.
(George and Robert Stephenson), L. T. C. Rolt (1977). George and Robert Stephenson: The Railway Revolution. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 356 p. [orig. pub. 1960]). Stephenson, George, 1781-1848; Stephenson, Robert, 1803-1859; Railroad engineers--England--Biography. Stockton and Darlington Railway.
(Edward Reilly Stettinius), John Douglas Forbes (1974). Stettinius, Sr.: Portrait of a Morgan Partner. (Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia, 244 p.). Stettinius, Edward Reilly, 1865-1925; J.P. Morgan & Co.
(Nathaniel Stevens), Horace Nathaniel Stevens (1946). Nathaniel Stevens, 1786-1865; An Account of His Life and the Business He Founded. (North Andover, MA, 266 p.). Founder of J. P. Stevens & Co. Stevens, Nathaniel, 1786-1865; Stevens (M. T.) and sons company, North Andover, Mass.
(Alexander T. Stewart), Stephen N. Elias (1992). Alexander T. Stewart: The Forgotten Merchant Prince. (Westport, CT: Praeger, 172 p.). Stewart, Alexander Turney, 1803-1876; Merchants--New York (State)--New York--Biography; Retail trade--New York (State)--New York--History--19th century.
(Gordon Arthur "Butch" Stewart), Pamela Lerner Jaccarino; Foreword by Sir Richard Branson (2006). All That's Good: The Story of Butch Stewart, the Man Behind Sandals Resorts. (Boca Raton, FL: Sandow Media, 328 p.). Sandals Resorts; Stewart, Butch; Travel and Touris -- Caribbean. Gordon Arthur (Butch) Stewart.
Spirit, drive behind one of most successful travel and tourism ventures worldwide.
(Martha Stewart), Jerry Oppenheimer (1997). Martha Stewart-- Just Desserts: The Unauthorized Biography. (New York, NY: Morrow, 399 p.). Stewart, Martha; Home economists--United States--Biography; Businesswomen--United States--Biography. Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia.
(Martha Stewart), Christopher M. Byron (2002). Martha Inc.: The Incredible Story of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia. (New York, NY: Wiley, 405 p.). Stewart, Martha; Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia; Artisans--United States--Biography; Businesswomen--United States--Biography.
(Martha Stewart), Lloyd Allen (2006). Being Martha: The Inside Story of Martha Stewart and Her Amazing Life. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 240 p.). Friend of Family. Stewart, Martha; Home economists--United States--Biography; Businesswomen--United States--Biography. Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia.
Flesh-and-blood woman behind the glamorous public image.
(James Esmond Stiles), Edward Uhlan; Foreword by Kent Cooper; Appreciation by Cranston Williams (1959). Dynamo Jim Stiles: Pioneer of Progress; The Story of a Newspaper Publisher Who Built a Country and a Legend. (New York, NY: Exposition Press, 392 p.). Stiles, James Esmond, 1889-; Nassau Daily Review-Star.
(James Stillman), Anna Robeson Burr (1927). The Portrait of a Banker: James Stillman, 1850-1918. (New York, NY: Duffield & Company, 370 p.). Stillman, James, 1850-1918. First Citibank chairman in 1909. Citibank.
(James Stillman), John K. Winkler (1934). The First Billion; The Stillmans and the National City Bank. (New York, NY: The Vanguard Press, 277 p.). Stillman, James, 1850-1918; Stillman, James Alexander, 1873-1944; First National City Bank of New York.
(Arthur Edward Stilwell), Keith L. Bryant, Jr. (1971). Arthur E. Stilwell, Promoter with a Hunch. (Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 256 p.). Stilwell, Arthur Edward, 1861-1928. Up and down career of a railroad visionary. Port Author, TX named after Stilwell. Kansas City Southern.
(Eddie Stobart), Noel Davidson (1998). Only the Best Will Do: Eddie Stobart Story. (Belfast, IR: Ambassador Productions Ltd., 200 p.). Stobart, Eddie; Trucking--Britain--History. Eddie Stobart Ltd.
(C. Paul Stocker), David N. Keller ( 1991). C. Paul Stocker: His Life and Legacy. (Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 219 p.). Stocker, C. Paul (Closman Paul), 1904-1978; Electric engineers--United States--Biography; Telephone supplies industry--United States--Biography. Lorain Products.
(Howard J. Stoddard), Richard D. Poll (1980). Howard J. Stoddard, Founder, Michigan National Bank. (East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 257 p.). Stoddard, Howard J., 1901-1971; Michigan National Bank--History; Bankers--United States--Biography.
(Ralph Stolle), Geoffrey Williams ; foreword by Congressman Rob Portman (2004). Ingenuity in a Can: The Ralph Stolle Story. (Wilmington, OH: Orange Frazer Press, 117 p.). Stolle, Ralph J. 1904-1996; Inventors--United States--Biography; Inventions--History; Tin containers; Stolle Corporation.
Changed soda pop culture; created method for manufacturing easy open, pull tab, seemingly mundane device but an engineering feat.
(Josephine McAllister Stone), J. Emily Foster (2001). The Legend of Barjo Restaurant: The Life of Josephine McAllister Stone. (Lisbon Falls, ME: Soleil Press, 416 p.). Stone, Josephine McAllister, 1903- ; Restaurateurs--Maine--Norway--Biography; Family--Maine; Women--Biography; Norway (Me.)--History. Barjo Restaurant.
(Levi Strauss), Irmalotte Masson, Ursula von Wiese (1978). Die Levi-Strauss-Saga: d. Marchenhafte Geschichte d. Mannes, d. d. Jeans Erfand. (Munchen, Germany: Kindler, 247 p.). Strauss, Levi, 1829-1902; Levi Strauss and Company--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Clothing trade--United States--History.
(Elbridge A. Stuart), James Marshall (1970). Elbridge A. Stuart, Founder of Carnation Company. (Los Angeles, CA: Carnation Co., 257 p.). Stuart, Elbridge Amos, 1856-1944; Carnation Company.
(Williamson Sylvester Stuckey), Elizabeth McCants Drinnon (1997). Stuckey: The Biography of Williamson Sylvester Stuckey, 1909-1977. (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 131 p.). Stuckey, Williamson Sylvester, 1910- ; Restaurateurs--United States--Biography; Grocers--United States--Biography; Fast food restaurants--United States--History; Convenience stores--United States--History. Stuckey's.
(Julien Studley), Peter Hellman (2004). The Making of a Real Estate Empire: Lessons from Julien Studley. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 272 p.). Studley, Julien J.; Studley Inc.--History; Real estate agents--New York (State)--New York--Biography. Studley Inc.
(Laurence Sulivan), George K. McGilvary (2006). Guardian of the East India Company: The Life of Laurence Sulivan. (London, UK: Tauris Academic Studies, 328 p.). Sulivan, Laurence, d. 1786; East India Company -- History -- 18th century; Businessmen -- Great Britain -- Biography; Businessmen -- India -- Biography; Great Britain -- Colonies -- Commerce.
Influential businessman who controlled most powerful private company of his day. East India Company.
(Louis H. Sullivan), Larry Millett (1985). The Curve of the Arch: The Story of Louis Sullivan’s Owatonna Bank. (St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 203 p.). Sullivan, Louis H., 1856-1924; Elmslie, George Grant, 1871-1952; Bennett, Carl Kent; National Farmers’ Bank (Owatonna, Minn.); Public buildings--Minnesota--Owatonna.
(Carl A. Swanson), Robert G. Phipps (1977). The Swanson Story: When the Chicken Flew the Coop. (Omaha, NE: Carl and Caroline Swanson Foundation, 100 p.). Swanson, C. A. (Carl Anton), 1879-1949; C.A. Swanson & Sons; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Gustavus Franklin Swift), Louis F. Swift and Arthur Van Vlissingen (1927). The Yankee of the Yards; The Biography of Gustavus Franklin Swift. (New York, NY: A. W. Shaw company, 218 p.). Swift, Gustavus Franklin, 1839-1903; Meat industry and trade--United States.
(Dwarkanath Tagore), Blair B. Kling (1976). Partner in Empire: Dwarkanath Tagore and the Age of Enterprise in Eastern India. (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 276 p.). Tagore, Dwarkanath, 1794-1846; Businesspeople--Bengal--Biography; Entrepreneurship; Bengal (India)--Economic conditions. Great Western Bengal Railway Company.
(Chin Tuan Tan), Mike Macbeth (2003). Quiet Achiever: The Life and Times of Tan Sri Dr. Tan Chin Tuan. (Singapore: Times Editions, 215 p.). Tan, Chin Tuan; Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation--History; Bankers--Singapore--Biography; Banks and banking, Chinese--Singapore--History.
(Charles Tandy), Irvin Farman (1992). Tandy's Money Machine: How Charles Tandy Built Radio Shack into the World's Largest Electronics Chain. (Chicago, IL: Mobium Press, 464 p.). Tandy, Charles, 1918-1978; Radio Shack--History; Tandy Corporation--History; Business people--United States--Biography; Electronic industries--United States--History; Chain stores--United States--History.
(Simpson Bobo Tanner), Gerald W. Johnson (1952). The Making of a Southern Industrialist; A Biographical Study of Simpson Bobo Tanner. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 84 p.). Tanner, Simpson Bobo, 1853-1924.; Henrietta Mills; Florence Mill. Henrietta Mills.
(Jannie Tay), Compiled and Edited by Wong Wan Ling (2002). Time To Live: Jannie Tay's Journey. (Singapore: Times Books International, 176 p.). Co-Founder (The Hour Glass). Tay, Jannie, 1945- ; Businesswomen--Singapore--Biography.
(Charles H. Taylor), James Morgan (1923). Charles H. Taylor, Builder of the Boston Globe. (Boston, MA, 213 p,). Taylor, Charles Henry, 1846-1921; Globe, Boston. Published on the fiftieth anniversary of his editorship, 1873-1923.
(Herbert John Taylor), Paul H. Heidebrecht (1990). God's Man in the Marketplace: The Story of Herbert J. Taylor. (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 120 p.). Taylor, Herbert John, 1893-1978; Rotary International--Presidents--Biography; Christian biography--United States; Businesspeople--United States--Biography. Rotary Club.
(Moses Taylor), Daniel Hodas (1976). The Business Career of Moses Taylor: Merchant, Finance Capitalist, and Industrialist. (New York, NY: New York University Press, 356 p.). Taylor, Moses; Industrialists--United States--Biography. City Bank in New York.
(Walter Clark Teagle), Bennett H. Wall and George S. Gibb (1974). Teagle of Jersey Standard. (New Orleans, LA: Tulane University, 386 p.). Teagle, Walter Clark, 1878-1962; Standard Oil Company.
(James Tegg), Victor Crittenden (2000). James Tegg, Early Sydney Publisher and Printer: The Tegg Brothers, the Australian Arm of the Book Empire of Thomas Tegg of London. (Canberra, AU: Mulini Press, 103 p.). Tegg, James, 1808-1845; James Tegg & Co.--Bibliography; Publishers and publishing--Australia--Sydney (N.S.W.)--History--19th century; Booksellers and bookselling--Australia--Sydney (N.S.W.)--History--19th century; Printing--Australia--Sydney (N.S.W.)--History--19th century; Australia--Intellectual life--19th century. James Tegg & Co..
(Nikola Tesla), Marc J. Seifer (1996). Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla: Biography of a Genius (Seacaucus, NJ: Carol Pub., 542 p.). Tesla, Nikola, 1856-1943; Electric engineers--United States--Biography; Inventors--United States--Biography.
(Franklin S. Terry), Edward J. Covington (1994). Franklin S. Terry (1862-1926), Industrialist: Paragon of Organization, Harmony, and Generosity. (Highland Heights, OH: E.J. Covington, 101 p.). Terry, Franklin S., 1862-1926; Terry family; General Electric Company--History; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Philanthropists--United States--Biography; Electric lamp industry--United States--History; Blind--United States--Printing and writing systems--History; Deaf--Means of communication--United States--History; Ansonia (Conn.)--Biography.
(Sir Leslie Thiess), Joan Priest (1981). The Thiess Story. (Ascot, Qld.: Boolarong Publications, 256 p.). Thiess, Leslie, Sir, 1909- ; Thiess Holdings Limited--History; Construction industry--Australia--History; Construction industry--Australia--Biography.
(Christopher James Thomas), John Somerville (1991). Christopher Thomas, Soapmaker of Bristol: The Story of Christr. Thomas & Bros., 1745-1954. (Bristol, UK: White Tree Books, 121 p.). Thomas, Christopher James, 1807-1894; Christr. Thomas & Bros.--History; Soap trade--England--Bristol--History; Soap factories--England--Bristol--History; Businessmen--England--Bristol--Biography; Bristol (England)--Economic conditions.
(Robert E. Thomas), Rufus Jarman (1977). The Energy Merchant (New York, NY: R. Rosen Press, 279 p.). Thomas, Robert E., 1914- ; Mapco -- History; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography. Mapco.
(Elihu Thomson), W. Bernard Carlson (1991). Innovation as a Social Process: Elihu Thomson and the Rise of General Electric, 1870-1900 (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 377 p.). Thomson, Elihu, 1853-1937; General Electric Company -- History; Inventors -- United States -- Biography; Electric industries -- United States -- History -- 19th century; Electric power systems -- United States -- History -- 19th century; Industrial organization -- United States -- History -- 19th century.
(J. Edgar Thomson), James A. Ward (1980). J. Edgar Thomson: Master of the Pennsylvania. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 265 p.). Thomson, J. Edgar (John Edgar), 1808-1874; Pennsylvania Railroad--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Fred Thompson), Woody Register (2001). The Kid of Coney Island: Fred Thompson and the Rise of American Amusements (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 400 p.). Professor of American Studies (Sewanee, University of the South). Thompson, Fred, 1873-1919; Amusement park owners--New York (State)--New York--Biography.
(Tex Thornton), Beirne Lay; Foreword by James H. Doolittle (1969). Someone Has To Make It Happen; The Inside Story of Tex Thornton, the Man Who Built Litton Industries. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 204 p.). Thornton, Charles Bates, 1913; Litton Industries.
(Thyssen Family), David R. L. Litchfield (2006). The Thyssen Art Macabre. (London, UK: Quartet Books, 450 p.). Thyssen, August; Thyssen Family; Thyssen & Co. (Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany)--History.
Truth behind Thyssen family history is much darker than family has portrayed.
(William Tinsley), Commentary by Peter Newbolt (2001). William Tinsley (1831-1902): Speculative Publisher: With a Check-List of Books Published by Tinsley Brothers, 1854-1888. (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 370 p.). Tinsley, William, 1831-1902; Tinsley Brothers--History; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography; Literature publishing--Great Britain--History--19th century.
(Laurence A. Tisch), Christopher Winans (1995). The King of Cash: The inside Story of Laurence Tisch (New York, NY: Wiley, 288 p.). Tisch, Laurence A., 1923- ; CBS Inc.; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography; Capitalists and financiers -- United States -- Biography; Millionaires -- United States -- Biography; Television broadcasting -- United States -- Ownership.
(Jacob Tonson), Georg F. Papali (1968). Jacob Tonson, Publisher; His Life and Work (1656-1736). (Aukland, NZ: Tonson Publishing House, 231 p.). Tonson, Jacob, 1656?-1736; Publishers and publishing--England--London--History--18th century; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography. A thesis approved by the University of London, for the Internal Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Arts (English) 1933. Kit-Cat Club.
(Jacob Tonson), Harry M. Geduld (1969). Prince of Publishers; A Study of the Work and Career of Jacob Tonson. (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 245 p.). Tonson, Jacob, 1656?-1736; Publishers and publishing--England--London--History--18th century; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography. Literary club which he founded c.1700, and was publisher of works by Addison, Steele, and Pope, among others. Kit-Cat Club.
(Jacob Tonson), Kathleen M. Lynch (1971). Jacob Tonson, Kit-Cat Publisher. (Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 241 p.). Tonson, Jacob, 1656?-1736.; Publishers and publishing--England--London--History--18th century; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography. Kit-Cat Club.
(Graham F. Towers), Douglas H. Fullerton (1986). Graham Towers and His Times: A Biography. (Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 348 p.). Towers, Graham F., 1897-1975; Bank of Canada--History; Bankers--Canada--Biography. September 8, 1934 - First Governor of the Bank of Canada.
(Juan Trippe), Matthew Josephson (1972). Empire of the Air: Juan Trippe and the Struggle for World Airways. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 236 p. [Reprint 1943 ed.]). Trippe, J. T. (Juan Terry), 1899-; Pan American World Airways, inc.; Aeronautics, Commercial--History.
(Juan Trippe), Robert Daley (1980). An American Saga: Juan Trippe and His Pan Am Empire. (New York, NY: Random House, 529 p.). Trippe, J. T. (Juan Terry), 1899- ; Pan American World Airways, inc.; Aeronautics--United States--Biography.
(Juan Trippe), Marylin Bender and Selig Altschul (1982). The Chosen Instrument: Pan Am, Juan Trippe, The Rise and Fall of an American Entrepreneur. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 605 p.). Trippe, J. T. (Juan Terry), 1899- ; Pan American World Airways, inc.--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
(Felix Trochu), Guy Delorme (2000). L’Abbe Trochu, Patron de Presse. (Rennes, FR: Apogee, 255 p.). Trochu, Felix, 1868-1950; Ouest-Eclair; Journalists--France--Biography; Publishers and publishing--France--Biography.
(Jonathan Trumbull), Glenn Weaver (1956). Jonathan Trumbull, Connecticut's Merchant Magistrate, 1710-1785. (Hartford, CT: Connecticut Historical Society, 182 p.). Trumbull, Jonathan, 1710-1785.
(Donald J. Trump), Jerome Tuccille (1985). Trump: The Saga of America's Most Powerful Real Estate Baron. (New York, NY: Donald I. Fine, 243 p.). Trump, Donald, 1946-; Real estate business--United States; Real estate investment--United States.
(Donald J. Trump), Jerome Tuccille (1987). Trump. (New York, NY: D .I. Fine, 272 p. [3rd ed.]). Trump, Donald, 1946- ; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Real estate developers--United States--Biography.
(Donald J. Trump), Wayne Barrett; research assistance by Jonathan Gill and Timothy L. O'Brien. (1992). Trump: The Deals and the Downfall. (New York, NY: HarperCoillins, 492 p.). Trump, Donald, 1946-; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography.
(Donald J. Trump), John R. O'Donnell with James Rutherford (1992). Trumped!: The Inside Story of the Real Donald Trump--His Cunning Rise and Spectacular Fall. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 348 p.). Trump, Donald, 1946- ; Businessmen -- United States; Real estate developers -- United States; Casinos -- New Jersey -- Atlantic City -- Management.
(Donald J. Trump), Harry Hurt III (1993). The Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump. (New York, NY: Norton, 447 p.). Trump, Donald, 1946- ; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography; Real estate developers -- United States -- Biography.
(Donald J. Trump), Gwenda Blair (2000). The Trumps: Three Generations That Built an Empire. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 591 p.). Trump, Donald, 1946- ; Trump, Friedrich, 1869-1918; Trump, Fred, 1905-1999; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Real estate developers--United States--Biography.
(Donald J. Trump), Timothy L. O'Brien (2005). TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald. (New York, NY: Warner Books, 288 p.). Business Reporter (New York Times). Trump, Donald, 1946- ; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Real estate developers--United States--Biography. Contradictions of Trump's life.
(Tsutsumi Family), Lesley Downer (1994). The Bothers: The Hidden World of Japan's Richest Family. (New York, NY: Random House, 418 p.). Tsutsumi family; Tsutsumi, Yasujir¯o, 1889-1964; Tsutsumi, Seiji; Tsutsumi, Yoshiaki, 1934- ; Executives--Japan--Biography; Businesspeople--Japan--Biography; Conglomerate corporations--Japan--History--20th century. Seibu Group.
(Frederic Tudor), Carl Seaburg and Stanley Paterson (2003). The Ice King: Frederic Tudor and His Circle. (Boston, MA: Massachusetts Historical Society, 256 p.). Former Librarian of Crane Theological School, Tufts University; Co-minister with Kenneth Patton of the Charles Street Meeting House in Boston; and Curator of Manuscripts at the Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Harvard Divinity School. Tudor, Frederic, 1783-1864; Industrialists United States Biography; Ice industry United States.
(Alan M. Turing), David Leavitt (2005). The Man Who Knew Too Much: Alan Turing and the Invention of the Computer. (New York, NY: Norton, 288 p.). Teaches Creative Writing (University of Florida, Gainesville). Turing, Alan Mathison, 1912-1954; Mathematicians--Great Britain--Biography; Gay men--Legal status, laws, etc.--Great Britain; Artificial intelligence--History.
Originator of ideas that led to invention of computer.
(Glenn Turner), Rudy Maxa (1977). Dare To Be Great. (New York, NY: Morrow, 256 p.). Turner, Glenn, 1935- ; Fraud--United States--Case studies; Swindlers and swindling--United States--Biography; Koscot Interplanetary.
(Ted Turner), Christian Williams (1981). Lead, Follow or Get out of the Way: The Story of Ted Turner (New York, NY: Times Books, 282 p.). Turner, Ted; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography; Telecommunication -- United States -- Biography; Sports team owners -- United States -- Biography; Sailors -- United States -- Biography.
(Ted Turner), Robert Goldberg and Gerald Jay Goldberg (1995). Citizen Turner: The Wild Rise of an American Tycoon (New York, NY: Harcourt Brace & Co., 525 p.). Turner, Ted; Cable News Network--Biography; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Telecommunication--United States--Biography.
(Ted Turner), Porter Bibb (1997). Ted Turner: It Ain't as Easy as It Looks (Boulder, CO: Johnson Books, 480 p.). Turner, Ted; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Telecommunication--United States--Biography; Sports team owners--United States--Biography; Sailors--United States--Biography.
(Ted Turner), Richard Hack (2003). Clash of the Titans: How the Unbridled Ambition of Ted Turner and Rupert Murdoch Has Created Global Empires That Control What We Read and Watch. (Beverly Hills, CA: New Millennium Press, 448 p.). Turner, Ted; Murdoch, Rupert, 1931- ; News Corporation; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Mass media--United States--Biography; Mass media--Australia--Biography; Cable News Network.
(Ted Turner), Ken Auletta (2004). Media Man: Ted Turner's Improbable Empire. (New York, NY: Norton, 205 p.). Turner, Ted; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Sports team owners--United States--Biography; Telecommunication--United States--Biography. Contents: Getting fired -- Father and son -- The rabbit -- The rabbit mates -- A billionaire Jeremiah -- Turner wrestles the bear -- The merger from hell -- Hubris -- Exits -- Zorba the Greek.
(Charles Learning Tutt), Thomas J. Noel and Cathleen M. Norman (2000). Pikes Peak Partnership: The Penroses and the Tutts. (Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado, 264 p.). Penrose, Spencer, b. 1865; Tutt, Charles Leaming; Businessmen--Colorado--Colorado Springs--Biography; Industrialists--Colorado--Colorado Springs--Biography; Philanthropists--Colorado--Colorado Springs--Biography; Colorado Springs (Colo.)--Biography. Cash-On-Delivery Mine.
(Henry Tyrer), Peter N. Davies (1979). Henry Tyrer: A Liverpool Shipping Agent and His Enterprise, 1879-1979. (London, UK: Croom Helm, 159 p.). Tyrer, Henry, 1858-1936; Henry Tyrer & Company--History; Ship brokers--Great Britain--Biography. Henry Tyrer & Company.
(Mark Underwood), Craig Canine (1995). Dream Reaper: The Story of an Old-Fashioned Inventor in the High-Tech, High-Stakes World of Modern Agriculture. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 300 p. [orig. pub. 1995]). Underwood, Mark; Lagergren, Ralph; Harvesting machinery--United States--History; Agriculture--United States--History.
(Sir William Cornelius Van Horne), Walter Vaughan (1920). The Life and Work of Sir William Van Horne. (New York, NY: Century, 388 p.). Van Horne, William Cornelius, Sir, 1843-1915; Canadian Pacific Railway Company.
(Sir William Cornelius Van Horne), Valerie Knowles (2004). From Telegrapher to Titan: The Life of William C. Van Horne. (Tonawanda, NY: Dundurn Press, 501 p.). Van Horne, William Cornelius, Sir, 1843-1915; Canadian Pacific Railway Company--Presidents--Biography; Railroads--Canada--History; Railroads--Cuba--History; Capitalists and financiers--Canada--Biography; Art--Collectors and collecting--Canada--Biography.
(Frank VanderSloot), Richard M. Barry (1998). Built on Solid Principles: The Melaleuca Story. (Littleton, CO: RM Barry Publications, 121 p.). VanderSloot, Frank; Melaleuca, Inc.--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Oil industries--United States--History; Direct selling--United States--History.
(Sofia Velasquez), Hans Buechler and Judith-Maria Buechler (1996). The World of Sofía Velasquez: The Autobiography of a Bolivian Market Vendor. (New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 256 p.). Professor (Syracuse University). Velasquez, Sofía, 1945- ; Women merchants--Bolivia--Biography.
(Lady Evelyn Vestey), Elizabeth J. Tremain (1992). Evelene: The Troubleshooter Was a Lady. (Lincoln, NE: Foundation Books, 191 p. [2nd ed.]). Vestey, Evelyn, Lady, 1875-1941; Women executives--Great Britain--Biography. Vestey Brothers.
(Vickers Brothers), Clive Trebilcock (1977). The Vickers Brothers: Armaments and Enterprise, 1854-1914. (London, UK: Europa, 181 p.). Vickers, Albert, 1838-1919; Vickers, Thomas Edward, 1833-1915; Vickers Limited; Weapons industry--Great Britain; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography.
(Henry Villard), James B. Hedges (1930). Henry Villard and the Railways of the Northwest. (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 224 p.). Villard, Henry, 1835-1900; Northern Pacific Railroad Company; Pacific railroads--History; Railroads--Northwest, Pacific.
(Henry Villard), Dietrich G. Buss (1978). Henry Villard: A Study of Transatlantic Investments and Interests, 1870-1895. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 296 p.). Villard, Henry, 1835-1900; Railroads--United States--Finance--History; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography; Investments, German--United States--History. Northern Pacific.
(Henry Villard), Alexandra Villard de Borchgrave and John Cullen (2001). Villard: The Life and Times of an American Titan. (New York, NY: Doubleday, 414 p.). Villard, Henry, 1835-1900; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography; Journalists--United States--Biography; Railroads--United States--History--19th century. Northern Pacific.
(George R. Wackenhut), John Minahan (1994). The Quiet American: A Biography of George R. Wackenhut. (Westport, CT: International Publishing Group, 795 p.). Wackenhut, George R. (George Russell), 1919- ; Wackenhut Corporation--Employees--Biography; Private security services--United States--Employees--Biography; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Thomas Wakely), S. Squire Sprigge (1897). The Life and Times of Thomas Wakley, Founder and First Editor of the "Lancet". (New York, NY: Longmans, Green and Co., 509 p.). Wakley, Thomas, 1795-1862; Lancet (London, England); Publishers and publishing -- Great Britain -- Biography; Medicine -- Publishing -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century; Editors -- Great Britain -- Biography. Lancet.
(Sam Waksal), Alex Prud'homme (2004). The Cell Game: Sam Waksal's Fast Money and False Promises--and the Fate of ImClone's Cancer Drug. (New York, NY: HarperCollins, 288 p.). Waksal, Samuel David; ImClone Systems Incorporated--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Antineoplastic agents industry--Corrupt practices--United States; Monoclonal antibodies--Research--United States--History; Cancer--Chemotherapy; Drugs--United States--Testing; Insider trading in securities--United States.
(Hicks Waldron), Sonny Kleinfield (1986). Staying at the Top: The Life of a CEO. (New York, NY: New American Library, 298 p.). Reporter (New York Times). Waldron, Hicks; Avon Products, inc.; Directors of corporations--United States--Biography; Chief executive officers--United States--Biography.
(Madam C.J. Walker), A'Lelia Bundles (2001). On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C.J. Walker. (New York, NY: Scribner, 415 p.). Great-great Granddaughter. Walker, C. J., Madam, 1867-1919; Afro-American women executives--Biography; Cosmetics industry--United States--History. Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Co.
(Madam C. J. Walker), Beverly Lowry (2003). Her Dream of Dreams: The Rise and Triumph of Madam C. J. Walker. (New York, NY: Knopf, 481 p.). Head of Creative Non-Fiction Program (George Mason University). Walker, C. J., Madam, 1867-1919; African American women executives--Biography; Cosmetics industry--United States--History. Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Co.
(Maggie Lena Walker), Gertrude Woodruff Marlowe (2003). A Right Worthy Grand Mission: Maggie Lena Walker and the Quest for Black Economic Empowerment. (Washington, DC: Howard University Press, 286 p.). Walker, Maggie Lena, 1867-1934; African American women--Virginia--Richmond--Biography; African Americans--Virginia--Richmond--Biography; Businesswomen--Virginia--Richmond--Biography; Bankers--Virginia--Richmond--Biography; Civic leaders--Virginia--Richmond--Biography; African Americans--Virginia--Richmond--Economic conditions; Richmond (Va.)--Biography; Richmond (Va.)--Race relations. Consolidated Bank and Trust Company.
(Lila and Dewitt Wallace), John Heidenry (1993). Theirs Was the Kingdom: Lila and Dewitt Wallace and the Story of the Reader's Digest. (New York, NY: Norton, 701 p.). Wallace, DeWitt, 1889-1981; Wallace, Lila Acheson, 1887-1984; Reader's Digest; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography.
(Lila and Dewitt Wallace), Peter Canning (1996). American Dreamers: The Wallaces and Reader's Digest: An Insider's Story. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 379 p.). Wallace, DeWitt, 1889-1981; Wallace, Lila Acheson, 1887-1984; Reader's Digest; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography.
(A. O. Wallenberg), Göran B. Nilsson (1984). André Oscar Wallenberg. (Stockholm, SW: P.A. Norstedt : Institutet för ekonomisk-historisk forskning vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, 1 vol.). Wallenberg, A. O.; Bankers--Sweden--Biography. SEB.
(A. O. Wallenberg), Goran B. Nilsson, Michael F. Metcalf (Translator) (2005). Founder: Andre Oscar Wallenberg (1816-1886) Swedish Banker, Politician & Journalist. (Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 445 p.). Wallenberg, A. O.; Bankers--Sweden--Biography. SEB.
1956 - Founded Stockholm's Enskilda Bank (SEB);
1878-1879 - crisis; number of too bold investments in railroads, iron foundries, sawmill operations.
(Walter Walpole), Forrest Walpole; with a foreward by Bert Althaver (2000). The Imaging of an Organization: Walter Walpole and Walbro Corporation. (Tucson, AZ: F. Walpole, 191 p.). Walpole, Walter, 1905-1987; Walbro Corporation--History; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Automobile supplies industry--United States.
(Jim Walter), Alvin Moscow (1995). Building a Business: the Jim Walter Story. (Sarasota, FL: Pineapple Press, 338 p.). Walter, Jim; Industrialists--Florida--Biography; Construction industry--Florida--History--20th century; Real estate development--Florida--History--20th century; Entrepreneurship--Florida.
(Sam Walton), Vance H. Trimble (1990). Sam Walton: The inside Story of America's Richest Man. (New York, NY: Penguin, 319 p.). Walton, Sam, 1918-; Wal-Mart (Firm)--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Millionaires--United States--Biography; Discount houses (Retail trade)--United States--History.
(Sam Walton), Bob Ortega (1998). In Sam We Trust: The Untold Story of Sam Walton and How Wal-Mart Is Devouring America. (New York, NY: Times Business, 413 p.). Walton, Sam, 1918- ; Wal-Mart (Firm)--History; Discount houses (Retail trade)--United States--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Sam Walton), Robert Slater (2003). The Wal-Mart Decade: How a Generation of Leaders Turned Sam Walton's Legacy into the World's Number One Company. (New York, NY: Portfolio, 256 p.). Former Writer (Time Inc.). Walton, Sam, 1918- ; Wal-Mart (Firm)--History; Discount houses (Retail trade)--United States--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Retail trade--United States--Management--Case studies; Success in business--United States--Case studies; Entrepreneurship--United States--Case studies; Leadership--United States--Case studies; Corporations--United States--Growth--Case studies.
William B. Walton with Mel Lorentzen (1987). Innkeeper (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 244 p.). Walton, William B., 1920- ; Holiday Inns, Inc.; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(John Wanamaker), Russell H. Conwell (1924). The Romantic Rise of a Great American. (New York, NY: Harper & Brothers, 225 p.). Wanamaker, John, 1838-1922.
(John Wanamaker), Herbert Adams Gibbons (1926). John Wanamaker Part 1. (New York, NY: Harper & Brothers, 472 p.). Wanamaker, John, 1838-1922.
(John Wanamaker), Herbert Adams Gibbons (1926). John Wanamaker Part 2. (New York, NY: Harper & Brothers, 564 p.). Wanamaker, John, 1838-1922.
(John Wanamaker), Joseph H. Appel (1970). The Business Biography of John Wanamaker, Founder and Builder; America's Merchant Pioneer from 1861 to 1922; with glimpses of Rodman Wanamaker and Thomas B. Wanamaker. (New York, NY: AMS Press, 471 p. [orig. pub. 1930]). Wanamaker, John, 1838-1922; Wanamaker, Rodman, 1863-1928; Wanamaker, Thomas Brown, 1861-1908.
(John Wanamaker), William Allen Zulker (1993). John Wanamaker: King of Merchants. (Wayne, PA: Eaglecrest Press, 236 p.). Wanamaker, John, 1838-1922; Bethany Presbyterian Church (Philadelphia, Pa); John Wanamaker (Firm)--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Retail trade--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia--History.
(John Wanamaker), Herbert Ershkowitz (1999). John Wanamaker: Philadelphia Merchant. (Conshohocren, PA: Combined Pub., 227 p.). Wanamaker, John, 1838-1922.; John Wanamaker (Firm)--History; Businesspeople--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia--Biography; Merchants--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia--History; Department stores--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia--History.
(Aaron Montgomery Ward), Nina Brown Baker; illustrated by Alan Moyler (1956). Big Catalogue: The Life of Aaron Montgomery Ward. (New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 115 p.). Ward, Montgomery Aaron, 1843-1913; Ward, Aaron Montgomery, 1844-1913; Montgomery Ward--History.
(Jack L. Warner), Bob Thomas (1990). Clown Prince of Hollywood: The Antic Life and Times of Jack L. Warner. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 324 p.). Warner, Jack L., 1892-1978; Motion picture producers and directors--United States--Biography. Warner Bros.
(Warner Brothers), Michael Freedland (1983). The Warner Brothers. (London, UK: Harrap, 240 p.). Warner Bros. Pictures; Motion picture producers and directors--United States--Biography. Warner Bros.
(Warner Brothers), Cass Warner Sperking and Cork Millner with Jack Warner, Jr. (1998). Hollywood Be Thy Name: The Warner Brothers Story. (Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 365 p. [orig pub. 1994]). Warner, Harry Morris, 1881-1978; Warner, Jack L., 1892-1978; Warner Bros. Pictures--History. Warner Bros.
(Lew Wasserman), Dennis McDougal (1998). The Last Mogul: Lew Wasserman, MCA, and the Hidden History of Hollywood. (New York, NY: Crown Publishers, 560 p.). Wasserman, Lew; MCA Inc.--History; Chief executive officers--United States--Biography.
(Lew Wasserman), Connie Bruck (2003). When Hollywood Had a King: The Reign of Lew Wasserman, Who Leveraged Talent into Power and Influence. (New York, NY: Random House, 514 p.). Wasserman, Lew; Music Corporation of America--History; Chief executive officers--United States--Biography.
(Lew Wasserman), Kathleen Sharp (2003). Mr. & Mrs. Hollywood: Edie and Lew Wasserman and Their Entertainment Empire. (New York, NY: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 597 p.). Award-Winning Journalist. Wasserman, Lew; Wasserman, Edie; Music Corporation of America; Chief executive officers--United States--Biography.
(Edwin Waterhouse), ed. Edgar Jones (1988). The Memoirs of Edwin Waterhouse. (London, UK: Batsford, 248 p.). Waterhouse, Edwin, 1841-1917; Accountants--Great Britain--Biography. (PriceWaterhouse).
(Alice Waters), Thomas McNamee; foreword by R.W. Apple, Jr. (2007). Alice Waters & Chez Panisse: The Romantic, Impractical, Often Eccentric, Ultimately Brilliant Making of a Food Revolution. (New York, NY: Penguin Press, 380 p.). Waters, Alice; Chez Panisse; Restaurateurs--United States--Biography; Women cooks--United States--Biography.
Alice Waters, San Francisco 1970s counterculture food revolution that invented "American cuisine."
(Jeannette Watson), Lynne Tillman (1999). Bookstore: The Life and Times of Jeannette Watson and Books & Company. (New York, NY: Harcourt Brace, 337 p.). Novelist. Watson, Jeannette; Books & Co.--History; Bookstores--New York (State)--New York--History--20th century; Booksellers and bookselling--New York (State)--New York--Biography; Literature, Modern--20th century--Marketing--New York (State)--New York--History--20th century.
(Thomas J. Watson), Thomas Graham Belden and Marva Robins Belden (1962). The Lengthening Shadow: The Life of Thomas J. Watson (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 332 p.). Watson, Thomas John, 1874-1956; International Business Machines Corporation--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
(Thomas J. Watson), William Rodgers (1969). Think; A Biography of the Watsons and IBM. (New York, NY: Stein and Day, 320 p.). Watson, Thomas John, 1874-1956; Watson, Thomas J., 1914- ; International Business Machines Corporation.
(Thomas J. Watson), William W. Simmons with Richard B. Elsberry (1988). Inside IBM: The Watson Years: A Personal Memoir. (Bryn Mawr, PA: Dorrance, 202 p.). Watson, Thomas John, 1874-1956; Watson, Thomas J., 1914- ; Watson, Arthur Kittredge, 1919-1974; International Business Machines Corporation--History; Computer industry--United States--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Thomas J. Watson), Kevin Maney (2003). The Maverick and His Machine: Thomas Watson, Sr., and the Making of IBM. (New York, NY: Wiley, 485 p.). USA Today Technology Columnist. Watson, Thomas John, 1874-1956; Watson, Thomas J., 1914- ; Watson, Arthur Kittredge, 1919-1974; International Business Machines Corporation--History; Computer industry--United States--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
(Thomas J. Watson), Richard S. Tedlow (2003). The Watson Dynasty: The Fiery Reign and Troubled Legacy of IBM's Founding Father and Son. (New York, NY: HarperBusiness, 340 p.). Professor (Harvard Business School). Watson, Thomas John, 1874-1956; Watson, Thomas J., 1914- ;International Business Machines Corporation History; Family-owned business enterprises United States Case studies; Fathers and sons United States Case studies; Executives United States Biography.
(Roy E. Weatherby), Grits Gresham and Tom Gresham (1992). Weatherby: The Man, the Gun, the Legend. (Natchitoches, LA: Cane River Pub., 290 p.). Weatherby, Roy E.; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Firearms industry and trade--United States--History; Hunting rifles--United States--History. Weatherby Inc.
(Warren Webster), Pat McNees (1995). An American Biography: An Industrialist Remembers the Twentieth Century (Washington, DC: Farragut Pub. Co., 341 p.). Webster, Warren, 1901-1994; Joyce Dayton Corporation--History; Industrialists--Ohio--Dayton--Biography; Hydraulic engineers--Ohio--Dayton--Biography; Hydraulic machinery industry--United States--History.
(Josiah Wedgwood), Anthony Burton (1976). Josiah Wedgwood: a Biography. (London, UK: A. Deutsch, 239 p.). Wedgwood, Josiah, 1730-1795; Potters--England--Biography.
(Josiah Wedgwood), Robin Reilly (1992). Josiah Wedgwood 1730-1795. (London, UK: Macmillan, 412 p.). Wedgwood, Josiah, 1730-1795; Potters--England--Biography; Pottery, English--18th century; Wedgwood ware.
(Josiah Wedgwood), Brian Dolan (2004). Wedgwood: The First Tycoon. (New York, NY: Viking, 396 p.). Wedgwood, Josiah, 1730-1795; Potters--Great Britain--Biography; Industrialists--Great Britain--Biography.
(Sandy Weill), Amey Stone and Michael Brewster (2002). King of Capital: Sandy Weill and the Making of Citigroup. (New York, NY: Wiley, 306 p.). Weill, Sandy; Citigroup (Firm)--Biography; Bankers--United States--Biography; Financial services industry--United States. Citigroup.
(Baron Arnold Weinstock), Stephen Aris (1998). Arnold Weinstock and the Making of GEC. (London, UK: Aurum, 244 p.). Weinstock, Arnold, Baron, 1924- ; General Electric Company (Great Britain)--History; Electric industries--Great Britain--History; Jewish businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography.
(Baron Arnold Weinstock), Alex Brummer and Roger Cowe. (1998). Weinstock: The Life and Times of Britain's Premier Industrialist. (London, UK: HarperCollinsBusiness, 343 p.). Industrialists -- Great Britain -- Biography; Jewish businesspeople -- Great Britain -- Biography. GEC.
(William Douglas Weir), W.J. Reader (1968). Architect of Air Power: The Life of the First Viscount Weir of Eastwood 1877-1959. (London, UK: Collins, 351 p.). Weir, William Douglas, 1st Viscount, 1877-1959. Weir Group.
(Thomas Weisel), Richard Brandt with contributions by Thomas Weisel (2002). Capital Instincts: Life as an Entrepreneur, Financier, and Athlete. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 336 p.). Weisel, Thomas; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography; Businesspeople--United States--Biography. Montgomery Securities.
(Jack Welch), Thomas F.O'Boyle (1998). At Any Cost: Jack Welch, General Electric, and the Pursuit of Profit (New York, NY: Knopf, 449 p.). Welch, Jack (John Francis), 1935- ; General Electric Company--Management; Electric industries--United States--Management--Case studies.
(Jack Welch), Janet Lowe (2001). Welch: An American Icon. (New York, NY: Wiley, 304 p.). Welch, Jack (John Francis), 1935- ; General Electric Company--Management; Electric industries--United States; Chief executive officers--United States--Biography; Leadership--United States.
(Henry S. Wellcome), Robert Rhodes James (1994). Henry Wellcome. (London, UK: Hoder & Stoughton, 422 p.). Wellcome, Henry S. (Henry Solomon), Sir, 1853-1936; Wellcome, Henry S. (Henry Solomon), Sir, 1853-1936; Wellcome Foundation Ltd.; Wellcome Trust (London, England); Wellcome Foundation Ltd.; Burroughs Wellcome Company--History; Pharmacists--Great Britain--Biography; Philanthropists--Great Britain--Biography; Pharmacy--biography; Pharmacy--history; Technology, Pharmaceutical--history.
(Wendel Family), Pierre Fritsch (1976). Les Wendel, Rois de l'Acier Français. (Paris, FR: Laffont, 279 p.). Wendel family; Steel industry and trade--France--History; Businesspeople--France--Biography. Wendel Investissement.
(George Westinghouse), Francis E. Leupp (1918). George Westinghouse; His Life and Achievements. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 304 p.). Westinghouse, George, 1846-1914.
(George Westinghouse), Henry Goslee Prout (1922). A Life of George Westinghouse. (New York, NY: Scribner, 375 p.). Westinghouse, George, 1846-1914.
(Frederick K. Weyerhaeuser), Charles E. Twining (1997). F.K. Weyerhaeuser: A Biography. (St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Historical Society, 332 p.). Weyerhaeuser, Frederick King; Weyerhaeuser Company--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Forest products industry--United States--History.
(John P. Weyerhaeuser), Charles E. Twining (1985). Phil Weyerhaeuser, Lumberman. (Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 401 p.). Weyerhaeuser, John Philip, 1899-1956; Weyerhaeuser Company--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Forest products industry--United States--History.
(Joseph Wharton), W. Ross Yates (1987). Joseph Wharton: Quaker Industrial Pioneer. (Bethlehem, PA: Lehigh University Press, 413 p.). Wharton, Joseph, 1826-1909; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Quakers--United States--Biography; Industries--United States--History. Gap Nickel Mine. Wharton was driving force in establishing the zinc and nickel metal industries in the U.S.
(James Whatman), Thomas Balston (1979). James Whatman, Father & Son. (New York, NY: Garland Pub., 170 p. [orig. pub. 1957]). Whatman, James, 1702-1759; Whatman, James, 1741-1798; Paper industry--Great Britain--History; Paper industry--Great Britain--Biography; Fathers and sons--Great Britain.
(Chris Whittle) Vance H. Trimble (1995). An Empire Undone: The Wild Rise and Hard Fall of Chris Whittle. (Seacaucus, NJ: Carol Pub. Co., 371 p.). Whittle, Chris; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Advertising--United States; Business failures--United States. Whittle Communications.
(J. Harvie Wilkinson), William K. Klingaman (1994). J. Harvie Wilkinson, Jr.: Virginian, Banker, Visionary. (Richmond, VA: Crestar Financial Corp., 173 p.). Wilkinson, J. Harvie (James Harvie), 1906-; State-Planters Bank of Commerce & Trusts; United Virginia Bankshares Incorporated; Crestar Financial Corporation; Bankers--Virginia--Biography.
(Joseph Richard Williams), William Laas; illustrations by Susan Valla (1975). The World of Friendship (New York, NY: Popular Library, 171 p.). Williams, Joseph Richard, 1924- ; Friendship Inns; Hotelkeepers--United States--Biography.
(James Williamson, Baron of Ashton), Philip J. Gooderson (1996). Lord Linoleum: Lord Ashton, Lancaster and the Rise of the British Oilcloth and Linoleum Industry. (Staffordshire, UK: Keele University Press, 288 p.). Ashton, James Williamson, Baron of, 1842-1930; Linoleum industry--Great Britain--History; Oilcloth industry--Great Britain--History; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography; Lancashire (England)--History. James Williamson & Son Ltd.
(B. B. Willis), Brian J. Cudahy (1998). Twilight on the Bay: The Excursion Boat Empire of B.B. Wills (Centreville, MD: Tidewater Publishers, 242 p.). Wills, B. B. (Benjamin Bowling), 1897-1986; Excursion boats -- United States -- History; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography.
(Joe Wilson), Charles D. Ellis (2006). Joe Wilson and the Creation of Xerox. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 396 p.). Former Managing Partner of Greenwich Associates, Leading Worldwide Strategy Consultant to the Financial Services Industry. Wilson, Joseph C. (Joseph Chamberlain), 1909-1971; Xerox Corporation--History; Copying machine industry--United States--History. CEO of Xerox;
Grew his father's company, Haloid, from small photographic paper manufacturer to international corporation; took incredible risk backing completely untested technology; paid off only after decades of tireless work; how honest
, compassionate leadership can create profits,
benefit community at same time.
(Thomas Wilson), Alexander C. Meakin (1988). Master of the Inland Seas: The Story of Captain Thomas Wilson and the Fleet That Bore His Name. (Vermillion, OH: Great Lakes Historical Society, 448 p.). Wilson, Thomas, 1839-1900; Wilson's Transit Line--History; Shipping--Great Lakes--History; Businesspeople--Great Lakes Region--Biography. Wilson's Transit Line.
(Harry Winston), Laurence S. Krashes; Ronald Winston, editor (1993). Harry Winston: The Ultimate Jeweler. (New York, NY: H. Winston, 236 p. [4th rev. ed.]). Winston, Harry, 1896-1978; Jewelers--United States--Biography; Jewelry--United States--History--20th century.
(Elmer L. Winter), Louise Hodgson (1969). Elmer L. Winter, The Manpower Man. (Minneapolis, MN: Denison, 184 p.). Winter, Elmer L.; Manpower, Inc.
(Alexander Winton), Thomas F. Saal, Bernard J. Golias (1997). Famous But Forgotten: The Story of Alexander Winton, Automotive Pioneer and Industrialist. (Twinsburg, OH: Golias Publishing, Inc., 143 p.). Former Editor of the Newsletter for the Automotive Historical Society. Winton, Alexander; Winton Motor Carriage Company.
(David Wood), Frances and Dorothy Wood (1977). I Hauled These Mountains in Here. (Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers, 337 p.). Wood, David, 1851-1944; David Wood Transportation Lines; Freight forwarders--Colorado--Biography. David Wood Transportation Lines.
(Lyman P. Wood), Roger Griffith (1994). What a Way to Live and Make a Living: The Lyman P. Wood Story. (Charlotte, VT: In Brief Press, 252 p.). Wood, Lyman P.; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Mail-order business--United States; Success in business. Garden Way, Inc.
(Robert E. Wood), James C. Worthy (1984). Shaping an American Institution: Robert E. Wood and Sears, Roebuck. (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 299 p.). Wood, Robert Elkington, 1879-; Sears, Roebuck and Company--Biography; Executives--United States--Biography.
(Robert W. Woodruff), Charles Elliott (1982). "Mr. Anonymous," Robert W. Woodruff of Coca-Cola (Atlanta, GA: Cherokee Pub. Co., 310 p.). Woodruff, Robert Winship; Coca-Cola Company -- History; Soft drink industry -- United States -- History; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography. Coca-Cola.
(George D. Woods), Robert W. Oliver (1995). George Woods and the World Bank. (Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 257 p.). Woods, George D.; World Bank--Presidents--Biography; World Bank--History--20th century.
(F. W. Woolworth), John K. Winkler (1940). Five and Ten; the Fabulous Life of F. W. Woolworth. (New York, NY: R.M. McBride & Company, 256 p.). Woolworth, Frank Winfield, 1852-1919.
(F. W. Woolworth), Nina Brown Baker (1954). Nickels and Dimes; the Story of F. W. Woolworth. (New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace, 134 p.). Woolworth, Frank Winfield, 1852-1919.
(Woolworth Family), James Brough (1982). The Woolworths. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 224 p.). Woolworth family.
(Gus S. Wortham), Fran Dressman; foreword by Sterling C. Evans (1994). Gus Wortham: Portrait of a Leader. (College Station, TX: Texas A & M University Press, 284 p.). Wortham, Gus S., 1891-1976; American General Life Insurance Company; Businesspeople--Texas--Biography.
(Elizur Wright), Philip Green Wright and Elizabeth Q. Wright (1937). Elizur Wright; The Father of Life Insurance. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 380 p.). Wright, Elizur, 1804-1885.
(Elizur Wright), Lawrence B. Goodheart (1990). Abolitionist, Actuary, Atheist: Elizur Wright and the Reform Impulse. (Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 282 p.). Wright, Elizur, 1804-1885; Abolitionists--United States--Biography; Actuaries--United States--Biography; Atheists--United States--Biography; Antislavery movements--United States; Insurance, Life--United States--History--19th century.
(Robert Marr Wright), C. Robert Haywood (1998). The Merchant Prince of Dodge City: The Life and Times of Robert M. Wright. (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 236 p.). Wright, Robert Marr, 1840-1915; Pioneers--Kansas--Dodge City--Biography; Merchants--Kansas--Dodge City--Biography; Politicians--Kansas--Dodge City--Biography; Frontier and pioneer life--Kansas--Dodge City; Dodge City (Kan.)--Biography.
(Philip K. Wrigley), Paul M. Angle (1975). Philip K. Wrigley: A Memoir of a Modest Man. (Chicago, IL: Rand McNally, 192 p.). Wrigley, Philip K. (Philip Knight), 1894-1977.
(Walter B. Wriston), Phillip L. Zweig (1995). Wriston: Walter Wriston, Citibank, and the Rise and Fall of American Financial Supremacy. (New York, NY: Crown, 952 p.). Former Wall Street Journal Reporter. Wriston, Walter B.; Citibank (New York, N.Y.) -- History; Bankers -- United States -- Biography.
(Huoshi Wu), Huang Chin-shing; translated, with an introduction and epilogue, by Hoyt Cleveland Tillman (2002). Business as a Vocation: The Autobiography of Wu Ho-su. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press [for East Asian Legal Studies Program, Harvard Law Shool], 262 p.). Historian, Academia Sinica. Wu, Huoshi, 1919-1986; Industrialists Taiwan Biography. Shinkong Group.
(Yeats Sisters), Gifford Lewis (1994). The Yeats Sisters and the Cuala. (Dublin, IR: Irish Academic Press, 199 p.). Yeats, Elizabeth Corbet, 1868-1940; Yeats, Lily, 1866-1949; Yeats family; Cuala Press--History; Cuala Industries--History; Private presses--Ireland--History--19th century; Private presses--Ireland--History--20th century.
(Yeats Sisters), Joan Hardwick (1996). The Yeats Sisters: A Biography of Susan and Elizabeth Yeats. (London, UK: Pandora, 263 p.). Yeats, Elizabeth Corbet, 1868-1940; Yeats, Lily, 1866-1949; Yeats family; Cuala Press--History; Cuala Industries--History; Private presses--Ireland--History--19th century; Private presses--Ireland--History--20th century; Embroidery industry--Ireland--History--19th century; Embroidery industry--Ireland--History--20th century.
(Charles Tyson Yerkes), John Franch (2006). Robber Baron: The Life of Charles Tyson Yerkes. (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 384 p.). Yerkes, Charles Tyson, 1837-1905; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography; Street-railroads--Illinois--Chicago--Finance. North Chicago Street Railroad Company.
Magnate behind Chicago Loop Elevated, investor in London Underground, namesake of University of Chicago's observatory, vilified as Frank Cowperwood in Theodore Dreiser's trilogy, The Financier, The Titan, and The Stoic.
(J. W. York), Linda Harris Edmisten. (1987). J.W. Willie York: His First Seventy-Five Years in Raleigh: An Historical Biography. (Raleigh, NC: L. H. Edmisten, 160 p.). York, James Wesley, 1912- ; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Construction industry--North Carolina--Raleigh--History. J. W. York Co.
(Lyle Edgar Yost), Billy M. Jones (1987). Factory on the Plains: Lyle Yost and the Hesston Corporation. (Wichita, KS: Center of Entrepreneurship, W. Frank Barton School of Business Administration, Wichita State University, 237 p.). Yost, Lyle Edgar, 1913- ; Hesston Corporation--History; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Agricultural machinery industry--United States--History; Industrial equipment industry--United States--History. (Hesston).
(Andre Young), Ronin Ro (2007). Dr. Dre: The Biography, the Rise, Fall, and Rise of Andre Young. (New York, NY: Thunder's Mouth Press, 336 p.). Dr. Dre; Young, Andre; Death Row Records--History; Rap (Music); Aftermath Entertainment; Sound recording executives and producers--California--Los Angeles--Biography.
Rise, fall, resurrection of one of biggest names in rap music.
(Owen D. Young), Ida M. Tarbell (1932). Owen D. Young, A New Type of Industrial Leader. (New York, NY: Macmillan, 353 p.). Young, Owen D., 1874-. General Electric.
(Owen D. Young), Josephine Young Case, Everett Needham Case (1982). Owen D. Young and American Enterprise: A Biography. (Boston, MA: D.R. Godine, 964 p.). Young, Owen D., 1874- ; Electric household appliances industry--United States--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography. General Electric.
(Samuel Doak Young), Joseph Leach (1989). Sun Country Banker: The Life and the Bank of Samuel Doak Young. (El Paso, TX: Mangan Books, 303 p.). Young, Samuel Doak, 1896-1987; El Paso National Bank--History; Texas Commerce Bank--History; Bankers--Texas--El Paso; Banks and banking--Texas--El Paso; El Paso (Tex.)--Biography.
(Darryl F. Zanuck), Leonard Mosley (1984). Zanuck: The Rise and Fall of Hollywood's Last Tycoon. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 424 p.). Zanuck, Darryl Francis, 1902- ; Motion picture producers and directors -- United States -- Biography. Twentieth Century-Fox.
(Darryl F. Zanuck), Stephen M. Silverman (1988). The Fox That Got Away: The Last Days of the Zanuck Dynasty at Twentieth Century-Fox. (Seacaucus, NJ: L. Stuart, 356 p.). Zanuck, Darryl Francis, 1902- ; Zanuck family; Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation--History; Motion picture producers and directors--United States--Biography.
(Darryl F. Zanuck), Marlys J. Harris (1989). The Zanucks of Hollywood: The Dark Legacy of an American Dynasty. (New York, NY: Crown, 346 p.). Zanuck, Darryl Francis, 1902- ; Zanuck family; Motion picture producers and directors -- United States -- Biography. Twentieth Century-Fox.
(Arnold Ziff), Nigel Watson; with a preface by the chief Rabbi, Sir Jonathan Sacks (2005). Arnold Ziff: The Making of a Great Yorkshireman. (London, UK: Vallentine Mitchell, 194 p.). Ziff, Arnold, 1927-2004.; Town Centre Securities plc; Businessmen--Great Britain--Biography.
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