(Lee A. Iacocca), Doron P. Levin (1995). Behind the Wheel at Chrysler: The Iacocca Legacy. (New York, NY: Harcourt Brace, 354 p.). Iacocca, Lee A.; Chrysler Corporation--Management; Automobile industry and trade--United States--Management.
(Lord Inchcape), Stephanie Jones (1989). Trade and Shipping: Lord Inchcape, 1852-1932. (New York, NY: Manchester University Press, 222 p.). Inchcape, Lord, 1852-1932; Merchant marine--Great Britain--Biography; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography; Shipping--Great Britain--History. Inchcape Group.
(Roy C. Ingersoll), Will Oursler (1959). From Ox Carts to Jets: Roy Ingersoll and the Borg-Warner Story; A Biography. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 346 p.). Ingersoll, Roy C., 1884- ; Borg-Warner Corporation.
(E. Bronson Ingram, Martha Rivers Ingram (2001). E. Bronson Ingram: Complete These Unfinished Tasks of Mine. (Franklin, TN: Hillsboro Press, 306 p.). Ingram, Erskine Bronson, 1931-1995; Ingram Corporation; Ingram Industries; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
(Samuel Insull), Forrest McDonald (1962). Insull:The Rise and Fall of a Billionaire Utility Tycoon. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 350 p.). Insull, Samuel, 1859-1938. Commonwealth Edison.
(Samuel Insull), John F. Wasik (2006). The Merchant of Power: Sam Insull, Thomas Edison, and the Creation of the Modern Metropolis. (New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan, 288 p.). Columnist, Bloomberg News. Insull, Samuel, 1859-1938; Commonwealth Edison Company--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Electric utilities--United States--History; Holding companies--United States--History; Public utilities--United States--History. Instrumental in creation of modern metropolis (invented power grid).
(Stuart C. Irby), Carroll Brinson (1980). The Stuart C. Irby Story. (Jackson, MI: Oakdale Press, 187 p.). Irby, Stuart C., 1888-1979; Stuart C. Irby Co.--History; Irby Construction Co.--History; Electric industries--Mississippi--Biography; Construction industry--Mississippi--Biography.
(Kenneth C. Irving), John DeMont (1991). Citizens Irving: K.C. Irving and His Legacy: The Story of Canada's Wealthiest Family. (Toronto, ON: Doubleday Canada, 253 p.). Irving, K. C. (Kenneth Colin), 1899- ; Irwin family; Industrialists -- New Brunswick -- Biography; Capitalists and financiers -- New Brunswick -- Biography. Irving Oil.
(Kenneth C. Irving), Douglas How & Ralph Costello (1993). K.C.: The Biography of K.C. Irving. (Toronto, ON: Key Porter Books, 400 p.). Irving, K. C. (Kenneth Colin), 1899- ; Industrialists -- New Brunswick -- Biography; Capitalists and financiers -- New Brunswick -- Biography. Irving Oil.
(Marion W. Isbell), Raymond Leo Starr (1987). Marion. (New York, NY: Vantage Press, 446 p.). Isbell, Marion W., 1905- ; Hotelkeepers--United States--Biography. Isbell - founder of Ramada Corporation.
(Carl Jacobsen), Kristof Glamann; translated by Geoffrey French (1996). Beer and Marble: Carl Jacobsen of New Carlsberg. (Copenhagen, Denmark: Gyldendal, 352 p.). Jacobsen, Carl Christian Hilmann, 1842-1914 --Art patronage; Ny Carlsberg glypotek--History; Art--Collectors and collecting--Denmark--Biography. Carlsberg.
(J. C. Jacobsen), Kristof Glamann; translated by Geoffrey French (1991). Jacobsen of Carlsberg: Brewer and Philanthropist. (Copenhagen, Denmark: Gyldenda, 283 p.). Jacobsen, J. C. (Jacob Christian), 1811-1887; Carlsberg bryggerierne--History; Brewers--Denmark--Biography; Businesspeople--Denmark--Biography; Beer--Denmark--History. Carlsberg.
(A. V. Jennings), Don Garden (1992). Builders to the Nation: The A.V. Jennings Story. (Carlton, Vic.: Melbourne University Press, 417 p.). Jennings, A.V. (Albert Victor) Sir, 1896- ; Jennings Industries--History; Construction industry--Australia--History; Industrialists--Australia--Biography.
(Steve Jobs), Lee Butcher (1988). Accidental Millionaire: The Rise and Fall of Steven Jobs at Apple Computer. (New York, NY: Paragon House, 224 p.). Jobs, Steven, 1955- ; Apple Computer, Inc.--History; Computer industry--United States--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
(Steve Jobs), Jeffrey S. Young (1988). Steve Jobs: The Journey is the Reward. (Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, 440 p.). Jobs, Steven, 1955- ; Microcomputers--Biography; Apple computer--History.
(Steve Jobs), Alan Deutschman (2000). The Second Coming of Steve Jobs. (New York, NY: Broadway Books, 321 p.). Contributing Editor (Vanity Fair). Jobs, Steven, 1955- ; Apple Computer, Inc.; Computer industry--United States; Corporate culture--United States.
(Steve Jobs), Randall E. Stross (1993). Steve Jobs and the NeXT Big Thing. (New York, NY: Atheneum, 374 p.). Jobs, Steven, 1955- ; NeXT Computer, Inc.; NeXT (Computer).
(Steve Jobs), Jeffrey S. Young, William L. Simon (2005). iCon Steve Jobs: The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 320 p.). Jobs, Steven, 1955- ; Apple Computer, Inc.--History; Computer engineers--United States--Biography.
(C. Paul Johnson), C. Paul Johnson with Jim Bowman (2004). Good Guys Finish First: Reflections of a CEO and How To Start a De Novo Community Bank. (Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris, 373 p.). Johnson, C. Paul; First Colonial Bankshares--History; Bankers--Illinois--Chicago--Biography; Community banks--Illinois--Chicago.
(Everett C. Johnson), Robert C. Barnes and Judith M. Pfeiffer (1999). Press, Politics, and Perseverance: Everett C. Johnson and the Press of Kells. (New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 304 p.). Johnson, Everett C., 1877-1926; Press of Kells--History; Newark Post (Newark, Del. : 1910)--History; Publishers and publishing--Delaware--Biography; Printers--Delaware--Newark--Biography; Statesmen--Delaware--Biography; Newspaper publishing--Delaware--Newark--History--20th century.
(Robert Johnson), Brett Pulley (2004). The Billion Dollar BET: Robert Johnson and the Inside Story of Black Entertainment Television. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 248 p.). Senior Editor (Forbes). Johnson, Robert, 1946 April 8- ; Black Entertainment Television History; Television broadcasting United States; Executives United States Biography.
(Robert Wood Johnson), Lawrence G. Foster (1999). Robert Wood Johnson: The Gentleman Rebel (State College, PA: Lillian Press, 736 p.). Johnson, Robert Wood, 1893-1968.; Johnson & Johnson--History; Pharmaceutical industry--United States--Biography; Pharmaceutical industry--United States--History.
(Percy Hampton Johnston), Frank Wilson Nye (1956). Knowledge Is Power; The Life Story of Percy Hampton Johnston, Banker. (New York, NY: Random House, 347 p.). Johnston, Percy Hampton, 1881- ; Chemical Corn Exchange Bank, New York.
(Sir Alfred Jones), Peter N. Davies (1978). Sir Alfred Jones: Shipping Entrepreneur par Excellence. (London, UK: Europa Publications, 162 p.). Jones, Alfred Lewis, Sir, 1845-1909; Merchant marine--Great Britain--Biography.
(Charles H. Jones), Richard Hyatt (2003). Charles H. Jones: A Biography. (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 252 p.). Reporter (Columbus-Ledger Inquirer). Jones, Charles H. (Charles Hubert), 1927- ; Ocmulgee Fields, Inc.; Businessmen Georgia Biography; Real estate developers Georgia Biography.
(Sir Henry Jones), Bruce Brown; foreword by Tim Bowden (1991). I Excel!: The Life and Times of Sir Henry Jones. (Hobart, AU: Libra, 207 p.). Jones, Henry, Sir, 1862-1926; Businesspeople--Australia--Tasmania--Biography. Elders IXL Ltd.
(Isaac Jones), Howard Gambrill, Jr., and Charles Hambrick-Stowe; introd. by Marley Brown (1977). The Tavern and the Tory: The Story of the Golden Ball Tavern (Weston, MA: Golden Ball Tavern Trust, 103 p.). Jones, Isaac, 1728-1813; Weston, Mass. Golden Ball Tavern; Merchants--Massachusetts--Weston--Biography; Weston (Mass.)--Biography.
(Jerry Jones), Jim Dent (1995). King of the Cowboys: The Life and Times of Jerry Jones. (Holbrook, MA: Adams Pub., 277 p.). Jones, Jerry, 1942- ; Dallas Cowboys (Football team); Football team owners--Biography.
(Theodore D. Judah), Helen Hinckley (1969). Rails from the West; A Biography of Theodore D. Judah. (San Marino, CA: Golden West Books, 207 p.). Judah, Theodore D. (Theodore Dehone), 1826-1863; Central Pacific Railroad Company.
(Courtney C. Julian), William G. Hutson (1990). My Friends Call Me C.C. (Santa Fe, NM: Sunstone Press, 126 p.). Julian, Courtney Chauncey; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Petroleum industry and trade--United States--History; Petroleum industry and trade--Canada--History.
(Rene Julliard), Jean-Claude Lamy (1992). Rene Julliard. (Paris, FR: Julliard, 308 p.). Julliard, Rene; Julliard (Firm)--History; Publishers and publishing--France--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--France--Biography.
(Elwood J. "Sam" Junkin), Raymond H. Brandly (1988). The Authentic History of Waco Airplanes and the Biographies of the Founders, Clayton J. Brukner and Elwood J. "Sam" Junkin. (Dayton, OH: R. H. Brandly, 213 p. [2nd ed.]). Brukner, Clayton John, 1896-1977; Junkin, Elwood J. (Elwood James), 1897-1926; Waco Aircraft Company--History; Advance Aircraft Company--History; Waco airplanes--History; Aeronautics--United States--Biography. Waco Aircraft Company.
(H. J. Justin), Irvin Farman (1996). Standard of the West: The Justin Story (Fort Worth, TX: Texas Christian University Press, 260 p.). Justin, H. J., 1859-1918; Justin Industries--History; Justin Boot Company--History; Industrialists--Texas--Biography; Cowboy boots; Footwear industry--Texas--History; Spanish Fort (Tex.)--History.
(Henry J. Kaiser), Mark S. Foster; foreword by William H. Goetzman (1989). Henry J. Kaiser Builder in the Modern American West. (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 358 p.). Kaiser, Henry J., 1882- ; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
(Henry J. Kaiser), Albert P. Heiner (1991). Henry J. Kaiser, Western Colossus: An Insider's View. (San Francisco, CA: Halo Books, 434 p.). Kaiser, Henry J., 1882- ; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
(Henry J. Kaiser), Stephen B. Adams (1997). Mr. Kaiser Goes to Washington: The Rise of a Government Entrepreneur. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 239 p.). Kaiser, Henry J., 1882- ; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Industrial policy--United States--History.
(Carl Karcher), B. Carolyn Knight (1981). Making It Happen: The Story of Carl Karcher Enterprises. (Anaheim, CA: C. Karcher Enterprises, 143 p.). Karcher, Carl Nicholas; Carl Karcher Enterprises; Restaurateurs--United States--Biography.
(Alexander Kasser), Walter C. Newman (1976). What Happened When Dr. Kasser Came to Northern Manitoba. (Winnipeg, MB: Newman Pub. Co., 201 p.). Kasser, Alexander, 1904- ; Churchill Forest Industries (Manitoba) Ltd.--History; Businesspeople--Canada--Biography; Manitoba--Politics and government. Churchill Forest Industries.
(Ewing Marion Kauffman), Anne Morgan (1995). Prescription for Success: The Life and Values of Ewing Marion Kauffman (Kansas City, KS: Andrews and McMeel, 415 p.). Kauffman, Ewing Marion, 1916-1993; Marion Laboratories--History; Kansas City Royals (Baseball team)--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Philanthropists--Missouri--Kansas City--Biography; Baseball team owners--United States--Biography; Pharmaceutical industry--United States--History.
(Charles H. Keating), Michael Binstein and Charles Bowden (1993). Trust Me: Charles Keating and the Missing Billions. (New York, NY: Random House, 420 p.). Keating, Charles H.; Lincoln Savings & Loan Association -- Corrupt practices; Savings and loan association failures -- California; Securities fraud -- United States.
(William Rand Kenan), Walter E. Campbell (1996). Across Fortune's Tracks: A Biography of William Rand Kenan, Jr. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 417 p.). Kenan, William Rand, 1872-1965; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography; Dairy farmers -- United States -- Biography; Philanthropists -- United States -- Biography.
(Edwin L. Kennedy), David Neal Keller (1993). Edwin L. Kennedy: Reinvesting in Education. (Athens: OH: Ohio University Press,, 236 p.). Kennedy, Edwin Lust, 1904- ; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Benefactors--United States--Biography; Philanthropists--United States--Biography; Universities and colleges--United States--Finance. Kennedy - Senior Partner, Lehman Brothers.
(John S. Kennedy), Saul Engelbourg and Leonard Bushkoff (1996). The Man Who Found the Money: John Stewart Kennedy and the Financing of the the Western Railroads. (East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 257 p.). Kennedy, John S. (John Stewart), 1830-1909; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography; Philanthropists--United States--Biography; Railroads--United States--History--19th century; Railroads--Canada--History--19th century; Public libraries--New York (State)--New York--History.
(Kirk Kerkorian), Dial Torgerson (1974). Kerkorian: An American Success Story. (New York, NY: Dial Press, 306 p.). Kerkorian, Kirk, 1917-.
(Charles F. Kettering), Stuart W. Leslie (1983). Boss Kettering. (New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 382 p.). Kettering, Charles Franklin, 1876-1958.; Inventors--United States--Biography. General Motors.
(Elmer Carl Kiekhaefer), Jeff Rodengen (1991). Iron Fist: The Lives of Carl Kiekhaefer. (Fort Lauderdale, FL: Write Stuff Syndicate, 640 p.). Kiekhaefer, Elmer Carl, 1906-1983; Brunswick Corporation. Mercury Marine--History; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Boating industry--United States--History--20th century.
(Izaak Walton Killam), Douglas How (1986). Canada's Mystery Man of High Finance: The Story of Izaak Walton Killam and His Glittering Wife Dorothy. (Hantsport, NS: Lancelot Press, 173 p.). Killam, Izaak Walton, 1885-1955; Killam, Dorothy Johnston, 1899-1965; Capitalists and financiers -- Canada -- Biography. Royal Securities Corporation.
(James Killick), David R. MacGregor (1986). The China Bird: The History of Captain Killick, and the Firm He Founded, Killick Martin & Company. (London, UK: Conway Maritime, 224 p, [2nd rev. ed.]). Killick, James, 1816-1889; Killick Martin & Company.
(Hannibal I. Kimball), Alice E. Reagan (1983). H.I. Kimball, Entrepreneur. (Atlanta, GA: Cherokee Pub. Co., 166 p.). Kimball, H. I. (Hannibal Ingalls), 1832-1895; Businesspeople--Georgia--Atlanta--Biography; Atlanta (Ga.)--Biography; Atlanta (Ga.)--Economic conditions. Kimball Knitting Mills.
(Clarence King), Robert Wilson (2006). The Explorer King: Adventure, Science, and the Great Diamond Hoax, Clarence King in the Old West. (New York, NY: Scribner, 320 p.). Editor (American Scholar). King, Clarence, 1842-1901; Geologists--United States--Biography; West (U.S.)--Intellectual life. Collision of science and business.
Portrait of Clarence King, first director of United States Geological Survey; groundbreaking land survey of American West.
(Robert Justus Kleberg), John Cypher (1995). Bob Kleberg and the King Ranch: A Worldwide Sea of Grass. (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 239 p.). Kleberg, Robert Justus, 1896-1974; King Ranch (Tex.)--History; King Ranch, Inc.--History; Ranchers--Texas--Biography.
(Calvin Klein), Steven Gaines and Sharon Churcher (1994). Obsession: The Lives and Times of Calvin Klein. (New York, NY: Carol Publishing Group, 414 p.). Klein, Calvin, 1942- ; Fashion designers--United States--Biography.
(Calvin Klein), Lisa Marsh (2003). The House of Klein: Fashion, Controversy, and a Business Obsession. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 232 p.). Fashion Reporter (New York Post). Klein, Calvin, 1942- ; Calvin Klein, Inc.; Fashion designers United States Biography; Costume design United States History 20th century.
(John S. Knight), Charles Whited (1988). Knight: A Publisher in the Tumultuous Century. (New York, NY: Dutton, 405 p.). Knight, John Shively, 1894-1981; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Newspaper publishing--United States--History--20th century. Knight Ridder.
(Marion "Suge" Knight), Jake Brown (2001). Suge Knight: The Rise, Fall, and Rise of Death Row Records: The Story of Marion "Suge" Knight, a Hard Hitting Study of One Man, One Company That Changed the Course of American Music Forever. (Los Angeles, CA: Colossus Books, 218 p.). Knight, Suge; Knight, Suge--Imprisonment; Death Row Records; Sound recording executives and producers--California--Los Angeles--Biography.
(Lillian Marshall Knox), Bob Bowman, Doris Bowman, Edward J. Barrett (2002). The Mystery of Lady Bountiful. (Lufkin, TX: Best of East Texas Publishers, 246 p.). Knox, Lillian Marshall, 1891-1966; Knox, W. Hiram (William Hiram), d. 1922; Knox Lumber Company; Lumbermen--Texas--Biography; Businesswomen--Texas--Biography; Women philanthropists--Texas--Biography; Women--Texas--History.
(Koch Family), Karl Koch III with Richard Firstman (2002). Men of Steel: The Story of the Family That Built the World Trade Center. (New York, NY: Crown, 402 p.). Koch family; World Trade Center (New York, N.Y.)--Design and construction; Karl Koch Erecting Company; Construction industry--United States--Biography; New York (N.Y.)--Buildings, structures, etc.
(Murray Koffler), Frank Rasky (1988). Just a Simple Pharmacist: The Story of Murray Koffler, Builder of the Shoppers Drug Mart Empire. (Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 359 p.). Koffler, Murray, 1924- ;Pharmacists -- Ontario -- Toronto -- Biography; Businessmen -- Ontario -- Toronto -- Biography; Philanthropists -- Ontario -- Toronto -- Biography. Shoppers Drug Mart.
(Kohler Family), Richard Blodgett (2003). A Sense of Higher Design: The Kohlers of Kohler. (Lyme, CT: Greenwich Publishing Group, p.). Kohler Company; Kohler Family.
(Alicia Koplowitz), Luis F. Fidalgo, Casimiro García-Abadillo (1990). Alicia Koplowitz, a Solas con el Poder. (Madrid, Spain: Ediciones Temas de Hoy, 319 p.). Koplowitz, Alicia; Women executives--Spain--Biography. Fomento de Construccciones y Contratas.
(John Kriss), H. Craig Miner (1998). Harvesting the High Plains: John Kriss and the Business of Wheat Farming, 1920-1950. (Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press, 225 p.). Kriss, John, 1905-1996; Wheat--Kansas--History--20th century; Agriculture--Kansas--History--20th century; Agriculture--Colorado--History--20th century; Farmers--Kansas--Biography.
(Ray Kroc), John F. Love (1986). McDonald's: Behind the Arches (New York, NY: Bantam Books, 470 p.). Kroc, Ray, 1902- ; McDonald's Corporation; Restaurateurs--United States--Biography; Fast food restaurants--United States.
(Krupp Family), Gert von Klass (translated from German by James Cleugh) (1954). Krupps; The Story of An Industrial Empire. (London, UK: Sidgwick and Jackson, 437 p.). Krupp family; Krupp'sche Gussstahlfabrik, Essen; Munitions--Germany. Translation of Die drei Ringe.
(Krupp Family), Norbert Muhlen (1959). The Incredible Krupps; The Rise, Fall, and Comeback of Germany's Industrial Family. (New York, NY: Holt, 308 p.). Krupp family; Krupp'sche Gussstahlfabrik, Essen.
(Charles Kurz), George H. Kurz (1987). Through the Port of Philadelphia: Memoirs of Charles Kurz. (Bryn Mawr, PA: Dorrance, 168 p.). Kurz, Charles, 1888-1985; Merchant marine--United States--Biography; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Shipping--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia--History. Keystone Shipping.
(Daniel Ladd), Jerrell H. Shofner (1978). Daniel Ladd, Merchant Prince of Frontier Florida. (Gainesville, FL: University Presses of Florida, 180 p.). Ladd, Daniel, 1817-1872; Frontier and pioneer life--Florida; Businesspeople--Florida--Biography; Merchants--Florida--Biography.
(Margaret Swain La Forge), Curtis S. Johnson (1965). America's First Lady Boss: A Wisp of a Girl, Macy's, and Romance. (Norwalk, CT: Silvermine Publishers, 164 p.). La Forge, Margaret Swain (Getchell) 1841-1880; Macy's (Firm).
(Jean-Luc Lagardère), Vincent Nouzille, Alexandra Schwartzbrod (1998). L'Acrobate: Jean-Luc Lagardère, ou, Les Armes du Pouvoir. (Paris, FR: Seuil, 345 p.). Lagardère, Jean-Luc, 1928-2003; Industrialists--France--Biography. Chairman of media and defense conglomerate. Hachette.
(Sir John W. Laing), Roy Coad (1979). Laing: The Biography of Sir John W. Laing, C.B.E. (1879-1978). (London,UK: Hodder and Stoughton, 238 p.). Laing, John William, Sir, 1879-1978; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography; Construction industry--Great Britain--History.
(Freddie Laker), Roger Eglin and Berry Ritchie (1980). Fly Me, I'm Freddie! (London, UK: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 238 p.). Laker, Freddie; Laker Airways; Aeronautics--Great Britain--Biography.
(Thomas W. Lamont), Edward M. Lamont (1994). The Ambassador from Wall Street: The Story of Thomas W. Lamont, J.P. Morgan's Chief Executive: A Biography. (Lanham, MD: Madison Books, 564 p.). Lamont, Thomas W. (Thomas William), 1870-1948; Bankers--United States--Biography. J. P. Morgan & Co.
(Edwin H. Land), Victor K. McElheny (1998). Insisting on the Impossible: The Life of Edwin Land (Reading, MA: Perseus Books, 510 p.). Reporter on Science and Technology. Land, Edwin Herbert, 1909- ; Polaroid Corporation--History; Scientists--United States--Biography; Inventors--United States--Biography.
(Sir Allen Lane), J. E. Morpurgo (1979). Allen Lane, King Penguin: A Biography. (London, UK: Hutchinson, 405 p.). Lane, Allen, Sir, 1902-1970; Penguin (Firm) -- Biography; Publishers and publishing -- Great Britain -- Biography.
(Sir Allen Lane), ed, Steve Hare (1995). Penguin Portrait: Allen Lane and the Penguin Editors, 1935-1970. (New York, NY: Penguin, 368 p.). Lane, Allen, Sir, 1902-1970; Penguin (Firm) -- History; Publishers and publishing -- Great Britain -- Biography; Editors -- Great Britain -- Biography.
(Sir Allen Lane), Jeremy Lewis (2006). Penguin Special: The Life and Times of Allen Lane. (London, UK: Viking, 416 p.). Allen Lane -- publisher.; Penguin (Firm) -- Biography.
(G. S. Lannom), Neil A. Hamilton (1988). Visions of Worth: The Life of G.S. Lannom, Jr., Independent Entrepreneur. (Solon, IA: Preservation Pub. Co., 242 p.). Lannom, G. S. (George Sharp), 1885-1953; Lannom Manufacturing Company; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Sporting goods industry--United States--History.
(John D. Larkin), Daniel I. Larkin (1998). John D. Larkin, Business Pioneer. (Amherst, NY: D. I. Larkin, 212 p.). Larkin, John D., 1845-1926; Larkin Co.--History; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Soap trade--United States--History; Cleaning compounds industry--United States--History.
(Estee Lauder), Lee Israel (1985). Estée Lauder: Beyond the Magic: An Unauthorized Biography (New York, NY: Macmillan, 186 p.). Lauder, Estée; Cosmetics industry--United States--Biography.
(James Laughlin), Hayden Carruth (1999). Beside the Shadblow Tree: A Memoir of James Laughlin. (Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, 151 p.). Laughlin, James, 1914- ; Carruth, Hayden, 1921- --Friends and associates; Literature publishing--United States--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Poets, American--20th century--Biography. New Directions.
(Ralph Lauren), Jeffrey A.Trachtenberg (1988). Ralph Lauren: The Man Behind the Mystique (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 302 p.). Lauren, Ralph; Fashion designers--United States--Biography. Polo.
(Ralph Lauren), Colin McDowell (2001). Ralph Lauren: The Man, the Vision, the Style. (London, UK: Cassell, 203 p.). Lauren, Ralph; Fashion designers--United States--Biography. Polo.
(Ralph Lauren), Michael Gross (2003). Genuine Authentic: The Real Life of Ralph Lauren. (New York, NY: HarperCollins, 392 p.). Lauren, Ralph; Fashion designers--United States--Biography. Polo.
(Simon Lazard), Didier Lazard (1988). Simon Lazard, 1828-1898: Emigré à Seize Ans, Pionnier du Far-West, Fondateur de la Banque Lazard: Les Origines de la Banque Lazard. (Paris, FR: Editions du Félin, 161 p.). Lazard, Simon, 1828-1898; Lazard, Simon, 1828-1898 --Journeys--United States; Bankers--France--Biography; Bankers--United States--Biography; United States--Description and travel. Lazard Freres.
(Bill Lear), Victor Boesen (1971). They Said It Couldn’t Be Done: The Incredible Story of Bill Lear. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 204 p.). Lear, William Powell, 1902-. Lear, Inc.
(Bill Lear), Richard L. Rashke (1985). Stormy Genius: The Life of Aviation's Maverick Bill Lear. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 401 p.). Lear, Bill; Aeronautical engineering. Lear, Inc.
(Dudley LeBlanc),,Floyd Martin Clay (1973). Coozan Dudley LeBlanc: From Huey Long to Hadacol. (Gretna, LA: Pelican Pub. Co., 264 p.). LeBlanc, Dudley, 1894-1971; Louisiana--Politics and government--1865-1950.
(Stan Lee), James Robert Parish (2006). Stan Lee: Comic-Book Writer and Publisher. (New York, NY: Ferguson, 122 p.). Lee, Stan; Cartoonists--United States--Biography; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography. Chairman Emeritus of Marvel Comics. Marvel Comics Group.
(Henry M. Leland), Wilfred C. Leland with Minnie Dubbs Millbrook. With an introd. by Allan Nevins and Frank E. Hill (1966). Master of Precision: Henry M. Leland. (Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, 296 p.). Leland, Henry Martyn, 1843-1932. Cadillac.
(Henry M. Leland), Gloria May Stoddard (1986). Henry Leland: The Story of the Vermonter Who Created Cadillac and Lincoln. (Shelburne, VT: New England Press, 115 p.). Leland, Henry Martyn, 1843-1932; Automobile engineers--United States--Biography. Cadillac.
(Marvin Leonard), Victoria Buenger and Walter L. Buenger. (1998). Texas Merchant: Marvin Leonard & Fort Worth. (College Station, TX: Texas A&M Press, 245 p.). Leonard, Marvin; Leonards Department Stores--History; Department stores--United States--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Fort Worth (Tex.)--History.
(Louis Aimé Augustin Le Prince), (Christopher Rawlence (1990). The Missing Reel: The Untold Story of the Lost Inventor of Moving Pictures. (New York, NY: Atheneum, 306 p.). Le Prince, Louis Aimé Augustin, 1842-1890; Inventors--Great Britain--Biography; Cinematography--History.
(Jean-Pierre Le Roch), Reynald Secher (1996). De l'Exil aux Mousquetaires: Jean-Pierre Le Roch. (Noyal-sur-Vilaine, FR: Editions ERS, 223 p.). Le Roch, Jean-Pierre, 1929- ; Supermarkets--France--History; Businesspeople--France--Biography. Intermarket Group.
(William Lever), Adam Macqueen (2004). The King of Sunlight: How William Lever Cleaned Up the World. (London, UK: Bantam, 328 p.). Journalist (Private Eye Magazine). Philanthropists -- Great Britain -- Biography; Soap trade -- Great Britain -- Biography; Landowners -- Great Britain -- Biography. Unilever.
(Essington Lewis), Geoffrey Blainey (1995). The Steel Master: A Life of Essington Lewis. (Carlton South, Vic., AU: Melbourne University Press, 217 p.). Lewis, Essington, 1881-1961; Broken Hill Proprietary Company, ltd.--History; Steel industry and trade--Australia--History--20th century.
(Jean-Louis Levesque), Jules Belanger (1998). Jean-Louis Levesque: A Biography. (Westmount, QU: R. Davies Multimedia, 312 p.). Levesque, Jean-Louis; Capitalists and financiers--Canada--Biography. Levesque, Beaubien.
(Jerry Levin), Nina Monk (2004). Fools Rush In: Steve Case, Jerry Levin, and the Fall of AOL Time Warner. (New York, NY: HarperBusiness, 368 p.). Reporter (Vanity Fair). Case, Stephen McConnell; Levin, Gerald M.; AOL Time Warner--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Internet service providers--United States--History; Online information services industry--United States--History; Publishers and publishing--United States--History; Motion picture industry--United States--History; Consolidation and merger of corporations--United States--Case studies.
(Michel and Calmann Levy), Jean-Yves Mollier (1984). Michel & Calmann Levy, ou, La Naissance de l’Edition Moderne, 1836-1891. (Paris: Calmann-Levy, 549 p.). Levy, Michel, 1821-1875.; Levy, Calmann, 1819-1891; Calmann-Levy (Firm)--History; Publishers and publishing--France--Paris--History--19th century; Publishers and publishing--France--Biography; Literature publishing--France--History--19th century; Authors and publishers--France--History--19th century; France--Intellectual life--19th century. Calmann-Levy.
(Albert Lewis), F. Charles Petrillo (1998). Albert Lewis, The Bear Creek Lumber and Ice King: The Bear Creek Ice Company. (Kearney, NB: Morris Pub., 237 p.). Lewis, Albert, 1840-1923; Bear Creek Ice Company--History; Industrialists--Pennsylvania--Biography; Ice industry--Pennsylvania--History; Lumber trade--Pennsylvania--History.
(Chao-chi Li), Anita Fung-Yee Leung; translated by Irene Chu; with additional writing by Pauline Loong and Kim Canon (1999). The Biography of Lee Shau-kee. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 129 p.). Li, Chao-chi, 1929- ; Real estate developers--China--Hong Kong--Biography.
(J. C. Licklider), M. Mitchell Waldrop (2001). The Dream Machine: J. C. Licklider and the Revolution That Made Computing Personal (New York, NY: Viking, 502 p.). Licklider, J. C. R.; Microcomputers--History.
(Eli Lilly), James H. Madison (1989). Eli Lilly, a Life, 1885-1977. (Indianapolis, IN: Indiana Historical Society, 342 p.). Lilly, Eli, 1885- ; Eli Lilly and Company--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Philanthropists--United States--Biography; Pharmaceutical industry--United States--History.
(James Ling), Stanley H. Brown (1972). Ling; The Rise, Fall, and Return of a Texas Titan. (New York, NY: Atheneum, 308 p.). Ling, James Joseph; Ling-Temco-Vought; Texas--Biography. LTV.
(Sir Thomas Johnstone Lipton), Captain John J. Hickey (1932). The Life and Times of the Late Sir Thomas J. Lipton from the Cradle to the Grave, International Sportsman and Dean of the Yachting World. (New York, NY: The Hickey publishing company, 259 p.). Lipton, Thomas Johnstone, Sir, bart., 1850-1931. Lipton Tea.
(Sir Thomas Johnstone Lipton), Alec Waugh (1950). The Lipton Story, A Centennial Biography. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 277 p.). Lipton, Thomas Johnstone, Sir, Bart., 1850-1931. Lipton Tea.
(Horace Liveright), Walker Gilmer (1970). Horace Liveright, Publisher of the Twenties. (New York, NY: D. Lewis, 287 p.). Liveright, Horace Brisbin, 1886-1933; Publishers and publishing--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--Biography. Boni & Liveright.
(Horace Liveright), Tom Dardis (1995). Firebrand: The Life of Horace Liveright. (New York, NY: Random House, 394 p.). Liveright, Horace Brisbin, 1886-1933; Boni & Liveright--History; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Literature publishing--United States--History--20th century. Boni & Liveright. Founder of Modern Library; grandfather of modern paperback industry.
(Lloyd Family), Humphrey Lloyd (1975). The Quaker Lloyds in the Industrial Revolution. (London, UK: Hutchinson, 322 p.). Lloyd family; Industrialists--Great Britain--Biography; Iron industry and trade--Great Britain--History; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography.
(Bernard Loiseau), William Echikson (1995). Burgundy Stars: A Year in the Life of a Great French Restaurant. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 311 p.). Loiseau, Bernard, 1951-; La Côte d'Or (Restaurant); Cooks--France--Biography; Burgundy (France)--Social life and customs.
(Bernard Loiseau), Rudolph Chelminski (2005). The Perfectionist: Life and Death in Haute Cuisine. (New York, NY: Gotham, 528 p.). Loiseau, Bernard, 1951-; Cooks--France--Biography; Gastronomy. La Côte d'Or.
(Robert Alexander Long), Lenore K. Bradley (1989). Robert Alexander Long: A Lumberman of the Gilded Age. (Durham, NC: Forest History Society, 233 p.). Long, Robert Alexander, 1850-1934; Lumbermen--United States--Biography; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Lumber trade--United States--History; Longview (Wash.)--History.
(Alfred L. Loomis), Jennet Conant (2002). Tuxedo Park: A Wall Street Tycoon and the Secret Palace of Science That Changed the Course of World War II. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 330 p.). Granddaughter of James Conant, President of Harvard. Loomis, Alfred L. (Alfred Lee), 1887-1975; Physicists--United States--Biography; Atomic bomb--United States--History--20th century; Research--New York (State)--Tuxedo Park--History--20th century; World War, 1939-1945--Science--United States. Bonbright and Company.
(Wes Loomis), Don F. Briggs (1978). Wes: Portrait of a Man in Motion. (St. Petersburg Beach, FL: Briggs, 179 p.). Loomis, Wesley H., 1913- ; General Telephone Directory Company; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Linda Lord), Cedric N. Chatterley and Alicia J. Rouverol with Stephen A. Cole and a foreword by Michael Frisch (2000). "I Was Content and Not Content": The Story of Linda Lord and the Closing of Penobscot Poultry. (Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 134 p.). Lord, Linda, 1948-; Penobscot Poultry--History; Poultry industry--Belfast--Maine; Belfast (Me.)--Economic conditions. (Penobscot Poultry).
(Frank Lorenzo), Aaron Bernstein (1990). Grounded: Frank Lorenzo and the Destruction of Eastern Airlines. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 256 p.). Lorenzo, Frank; Eastern Air Lines, inc.; Strikes and lockouts--Airlines--United States; Eastern Air Lines, inc., Strike, 1989-1991.
(Victor Hugo Lovejoy), Robert L. Pratt and Steven W. Pratt (2005). Prairie Chronicle: The Life and Times of Victor Hugo Lovejoy, Editor/Publisher the Jefferson Bee, Jefferson, Iowa. (Salt Lake City, UT: Family Heritage Publishers, 390 p.). Lovejoy, Victor Hugo, 1871-1944; Bee (Jefferson, Iowa); Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography.
(Jack Lowe), Ashley Cheshire (1987). A Partnership of the Spirit: The Story of Jack Lowe and TDIndustries. (Dallas, TX: TDIndustries, 182 p.). Lowe, Jack, 1939-1980; TDIndustries--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Conglomerate corporations--United States--History.
(Henry R. Luce), John Kobler (1968). Luce; His Time, Life, and Fortune. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 296 p.). Luce, Henry Robinson, 1898-1967; Periodicals, Publishing of--United States--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Journalists--United States--Biography. Time Inc.
(Henry R. Luce), W.A. Swanberg (1972). Luce and His Empire. (New York, NY: Scribner, 529 p.). Luce, Henry Robinson, 1898-1967; Periodicals--Publishing--United States--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Journalism--United States--History--20th century; Journalists--United States--Biography. Time Inc.
(Henry R. Luce), James L. Baughman (1987). Henry R. Luce and the Rise of the American News Media. (Boston, MA: Twayne Publishers, 264 p.). Luce, Henry Robinson, 1898-1967; Journalists--United States--Biography; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography. Time Inc.
(Henry R. Luce), Ralph G. Martin (1991). Henry and Clare: An Intimate Portrait of the Luces. (New York, NY: Putnam, 463 p.). Luce, Henry Robinson, 1898-1967 --Marriage.; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Journalists--United States--Biography; Dramatists, American--20th century--Biography; Ambassadors--United States--Biography; Legislators--United States--Biography. Time Inc.
(Daniel K. Ludwig), George Rosie (1978). The Ludwig Initiative: A Cautionary Tale of North Sea Oil. (Edinburgh, Scotland: Mainstream Publishing Co., Ltd., 148 p.). Ludwig, Daniel Keith, 1897-1992; Cromarty Petroleum Company; Petroleum industry and trade--Scotland; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography.
(Daniel K. Ludwig), Jerry Shields (1986). The Invisible Billionaire, Daniel Ludwig. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 401 p.). Ludwig, Daniel Keith, 1897-1992; Merchant marine--United States--Biography; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography; Millionaires--United States--Biography.
(Charles Luney), John Coley (2000). Charles Luney: The Building of a Lifetime. (Christchurch, NZ: Hazard Press, 176 p.). Luney, Charles; Contractors--New Zeland Biography; Construction industry--New Zealand--History.
(Sir William Lyons), Philip Porter & Paul Skilleter (2001). Sir William Lyons: The Official Biography. (Newbury Park, CA: Haynes North America, 296 p.). Lyons, William, Sir, 1901-1985; Jaguar Cars Ltd.--History; Businessmen--Great Britain--Biography; Automobile industry and trade--Great Britain--Biography; Jaguar automobiles--History.
(James Johnson Macintyre), ed. Jocelyn Hemming and Nancy Thurley; foreword by Robin Hanbury-Tenison (1994). A Merchant's Tale: The Life and Adventures of a Nineteenth Century Scottish Trader. (Braunton, Devon, GB: Merlin, 178 p.). Macintyre, James Johnson, 1794-1872; Merchants--Scotland--Biography; Travelers--Scotland--Biography; Adventure and adventurers--Scotland--Biography; Scotland--Biography; Shipping Merchant ships Personnel; Scotland.
(Sir William Mackenzie), Rae B. Fleming (1991). The Railway King of Canada: Sir William Mackenzie, 1849-1923. (Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, 301 p.). Mackenzie, William, Sir, 1849-1923; Railroads--Canada--History; Canadian Northern Railway Company -- History; Industrialists--Canada--Biography.
(John Bayne Maclean), Floyd S. Chalmers (1968). A Gentleman of the Press. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 368 p.). Maclean, John Bayne, 1862-1950; Maclean-Hunter Publishing Co.; Businessmen -- Canada -- Biography.
(Macmillan Family), Richard Davenport-Hines (1992). The Macmillans. (London, UK: Heinemann, 70 p.). McMillan family; Publishers and publishing -- Great Britain -- Biography; Statesmen -- Great Britain -- Biography.
(MacMillan Family), W. Duncan MacMillan with Patricia C. Johnston and foreword and epilogue by John Steele Gordon (1998). MacMillan : The American Grain Family. (Afton, MN: Afton Historical Society Press, 336 p.). MacMillan family; Cargill, Inc.--History; Grain trade--United States--History.
(H. R. MacMillan), Ken Drushka (1995). HR: A Biography of H.R. MacMillan. (Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Pub., 416 p.). MacMillan, H. R. (Harvey Reginald), 1885-1976; Foresters--British Columbia--Biography; Businesspeople--British Columbia--Biography. MacMillan Bloedel.
(Larry, Lee and Andrew MacPhail), G. Richard McKelvey (2000). The MacPhails: Baseball's First Family of the Front Office. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 344 p.). MacPhail, Larry, 1890-1975; MacPhail, Lee; MacPhail, Andrew Bowen, 1953- ; Baseball managers -- United States -- Biography; Baseball -- United States -- Management.
(R. H. Macy), Curtis S. Johnson (1964). The Indomitable R. H. Macy. (New York,. NY: Vantage Press, 215 p.). Macy, Rowland Hussey, 1822-1877.
(Mary Mahoney), Edward J. Lepoma (1998). A Passion for People: The Story of Mary Mahoney and Her Old French House Restaurant. (Brandon, MS: Quail Ridge Press, 154 p.). Mahoney, Mary, 1924-1985; Old French House Restaurant; Restaurateurs--Mississippi--Biloxi--Biography.
(Mallory Family), James P. Baughman (1972). The Mallorys of Mystic; Six Generations in American Maritime Enterprise (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 496 p.). Mallory family; Shipping--Connecticut--Mystic--History.
(John Malone), Mark Robichaux (2002). Cable Cowboy: John Malone and the Rise of the Modern Cable Business. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 310 p.). Malone, John, 1941- ; Tele-Communications, Inc.--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
(Effa Manley), James Overmyer (1998). Queen of the Negro Leagues: Effa Manley and the Newark Eagles. (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 297 p. [rev. ed.]). Manley, Effa, 1900- ; Newark Eagles (Baseball team) -- History; Baseball team owners -- United States -- Biography; African American business enterprises; Women-owned business enterprises -- United States; Negro leagues.
(Vera Way Marghab), D. J. Cline (1998). Perfection, Never Less: The Vera Way Marghab Story. (Brookings, SD: South Dakota Art Museum, 212 p.). Marghab, Vera Way, 1900-1995; Businesswomen--Madeira Islands--Madeira--Biography; Household linens--Design; Linen industry--Madeira Islands--Madeira; Businesswomen--South Dakota--Biography. Marghab Ltd.
(Ernest W. Marland), John Joseph Mathews (1989). Life and Death of an Oilman: The Career of E.W. Marland. (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 259 p. [orig. pub. 1951]). Marland, Ernest Whitworth, 1874-1941; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Petroleum industry and trade--United States--History. Founder of Marland Oil Company. Conoco.
(J. Willard Marriott), Robert O'Brien (1977). Marriott: The J. Willard Marriott Story. (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book Co., 336 p.). Marriott, J. Willard (John Willard), 1900-1985; Hotels--United States--Biography; Food service--United States--Biography. Marriott Corp.
(Sir Charles Marston), Marjorie von Harten and Melissa Marston (1979). Man of Woverhampton: (the Life and Times of Sir Charles Marston. (Daglingworth, UK: Coombe Springs Press, 255 p.). Marston, Charles, Sir, 1867-1946; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography. Sunbeam bicycles. Villiers Engineering Co. Ltd.
(Glenn Martin), Henry Still (1964). To Ride the Wind; A Biography of Glenn L. Martin. (New York, NY: Messner, 256 p.). Martin, Glenn L. (Glenn Luther), 1886-1955. Martin Marietta Corporation.
(Thomas W. Martin), William M. Murray, Jr. (1978). Thomas W. Martin: A Biography. (Birmingham, AL: Southern Research Institute, 276 p.). Martin, Thomas Wesley, 1881-1964; Businesspeople--Alabama--Biography; Electric utilities--Alabama--History; Industries--Alabama--History. Alabama Power.
(Jack C. Massey), Bill Carey (2005). Master of the Big Board: The Life, Times, and Businesses of Jack C. Massey. (Nashville, TN: Cumberland House, 285 p.). Massey, Jack C., 1904-1990; Businessmen --United States --Biography; Capitalists and financiers --United States --Biography; KFC; HCA..
Only person ever to take three companies to New York Stock Exchange; 1964 - bought Harland Sanders's recipe, grew KFC into nationwide chain of restaurants; 1968 - started Hospital Corporation of America, chain of for-profit hospitals.
(Paul Masson), Robert Lawrence Balzer (1970). This Uncommon Heritage; The Paul Masson Story. (Los Angeles, CA: Ward Ritchie Press, 118 p.). Masson, Paul, 1859-1940; Paul Masson (Firm).
(Robert Maxwell), Tom Bower (1988). Maxwell: The Outsider. (London, UK: Aurum, 374 p.). Newspaper publishing -- Great Britain -- Biography.
(Robert Maxwell), Joe Haines (1988). Maxwell. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 525 p.). Maxwell, Robert, 1923- ; Publishers and publishing -- Great Britain -- Biography; Newspaper publishing -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century; Politicians -- Great Britain -- Biography; Mass media -- Great Britain.
(Robert Maxwell), Nicholas Davies. (1992). The Unknown Maxwell: His Astonishing Secret Lives Revealed by His Aide and Close Companion. (London, UK: Sedgwick & Jackson, 346 p.). Maxwell, Robert, 1923-.
(Robert Maxwell), Roy Greenslade (1992). Maxwell: The Rise and Fall of Robert Maxwell and His Empire. (New York, NY: Caroil Pub. Group, 376 p.). Maxwell, Robert, 1923- ; Newspaper publishing--Great Britain--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography; Mass media--Great Britain.
(Robert Maxwell), Eleanor Berry (1993). Robert Maxwell as I Knew Him: A Black Comedy. (Braunton Devon, UK: Merlin Books, 139 p.). Maxwell, Robert, 1923- ; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography; Newspaper publishing--Great Britain--History--20th century; Mass media--Great Britain.
(Maxwell), Nicholas Davies (1993). Death of a Tycoon / Nick Davies: An Insider's Account of the Fall of Robert Maxwell. (New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 346 p.). Maxwell, Robert, 1923- ; Publishers and publishing -- Great Britain -- Biography; Newspaper publishing -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century.
(Maxwell), Tom Bower (1995). Maxwell, The Final Verdict. (London, UK: HarperCollins, 478 p.). Maxwell, Robert, 1923- ; Publishers and publishing -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century; Newspaper publishing -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century; Publishers and publishing -- Great Britain -- Biography; Mass media -- Great Britain.
(Louis B. Mayer), Bosley Crowther (1960). Hollywood Rajah; The Life and Times of Louis B. Mayer. (New York, NY: Holt, 339 p.). Mayer, Louis B. (Louis Burt), 1885-1957. MGM.
(Louis B. Mayer), Gary Carey (1981). All the Stars in Heaven: Louis B. Mayer's M-G-M. (New York, NY: Dutton, 320 p.). Mayer, Louis B. (Louis Burt), 1885-195; Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer; Motion picture producers and directors -- United States -- Biography.
(Louis B. Mayer), Charles Higham (1993). Merchant of Dreams: Louis B. Mayer, M.G.M., and the Secret Hollywood. (New York, NY: D. I. Fine, 488 p.). Mayer, Louis B. (Louis Burt), 1885-1957; Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer; Motion picture producers and directors--United States--Biography.
(Louis B. Mayer), Scott Eyman (2005). Lion of Hollywood; The Life and Legend of Louis B. Mayer. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 596 p.). Film Historian. Mayer, Louis B. (Louis Burt), 1885-1957; Motion picture producers and directors--United States--Biography. MGM.
(McAdam Family), W.J. Reader (1980). MacAdam: The McAdam Family and the Turnpike Roads, 1798-1861. (London, UK: Heinemann, 241 p.). McAdam, John Loudon, 1756-1836; McAdam family; Highway engineers--Great Britain; Road construction industry--Great Britain--Biography; Roads--Great Britain--History--19th century.
(McCain Family), Michael Woloschuk (1995). Family Ties: The Real Story of the McCain Feud. (Toronto, ON: Key Porter Books, 295 p.). McCain, H. Harrison, 1927- ; McCain, G. Wallace F., 1930- ; McCain Family; McCain Foods Limited; Businessmen--Canada--Biography; Frozen foods industry--Canada--History.
(McCain Family), Paul Waldie (1996). House Divided: McCain. (New York, NY: Penguin Putnam, 352 p.). McCain Family; McCain Foods Limited; Businessmen--Canada--Biography; Frozen foods industry--Canada--History.
(Craig McCaw), O. Casey Corr (2000). Money from Thin Air: The Story of Craig McCaw, the Visionary Who Invented the Cell Phone Industry, and His Next Billion-Dollar Idea. (New York, NY: Crown, 310 p.). McCaw, Craig; Cellular telephone systems--United States; Cellular telephones--United States. McCaw Cellular.
(Jack McClelland), Edited by Sam Solecki (1998). Imagining Canadian Literature: The Selected Letters of Jack McClelland. (Toronto, ON: Key Porter, 300 p.). Professor of English at St. Michael's College (University of Toronto). McClelland, Jack, 1922- -- Correspondence; Publishers and publishing -- Ontario -- Toronto -- Correspondence; McClelland and Stewart Limited -- Biography. McClelland and Stewart Limited.
(jack McClelland), James King (1999). Jack: A Life with Writers: The Story of Jack McClelland. (Toronto, ON: Knopf Canada, 435 p.). McClelland, Jack, 1922- ; McClelland and Stewart Limited--History; Publishers and publishing--Canada--Biography; Authors and publishers--Canada--History--20th century. McClelland and Stewart Limited.
(Samuel S. McClure), Peter Lyon (1963). Success Story, The Life and Times of S. S. McClure. (New York, NY: Scribner, 433 p.). McClure, S. S. (Samuel Sidney), 1857-1949; McClure's magazine.
(Samuel S. McClure), Willa Cather; introduction to the Bison Books edition by Robert Thacker (1997). The Autobiography of S.S. McClure. (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 266 p. [orig. pub. 1914]). McClure, S. S. (Samuel Sidney), 1857-1949; McClure's magazine.
(Hugh L. McColl), Ross Yockey (1999). McColl: The Man with America's Money. (Atlanta, GA: Longstreet, 636 p.). McColl, Hugh L.; Bank of America--History; Bankers--United States--Biography; Banks and banking--United States--History. Nationsbank.
(Cyrus Hall McCormick), Clara Ingram Judson (1948). Reaper Man, The Story of Cyrus Hall McCormick. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 156 p.). McCormick, Cyrus Hall, 1809-1884. (Harvester).
(Cyrus Hall McCormick), William T. Hutchinson (1968). Cyrus Hall McCormick. (New York, NY: Da Capo Press, 2 vols. [orig. pub. 1930]). McCormick, Cyrus Hall, 1809-1884; Harvesting machinery. (Harvester).
(Cyrus Hall McCormick), Herbert N. Casson (1971). Cyrus Hall McCormick: His Life and Work. (Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries, 264 p. [orig. pub. 1909]). McCormick, Cyrus Hall, 1809-1884; Harvesting machinery. (Harvester).
(Robert R. McCormick), Joseph Gies (1979). The Colonel of Chicago. (New York, NY: Dutton, 261 p.). McCormick, Robert Rutherford, 1880-1955; The Chicago Tribune.
(Robert R. McCormick), Richard Norton Smith (1997). The Colonel: The Life and Legend of Robert R. McCormick, 1880-1955. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 597 p.). McCormick, Robert Rutherford, 1880-1955; Chicago Tribune; Newspaper editors--United States--20th century--Biography.
(Peter McFarlane ), H. Willia, Axford (1976). Gilpin County Gold : Peter McFarlane, 1848-1929, Mining Entrepreneur in Central City, Colorado. (Chicago, IL: Sage Books, 210 p.). McFarlane, Peter Barclay, 1848-1929; Gilpin County (Colo.) -- Gold discoveries; Central City (Colo.) -- Biography.
(Robert M. McFarlin), Carl N. Tyson, James H. Thomas, Odie B. Faulk (1977). The McMan: The Lives of Robert M. McFarlin and James A. Chapman. (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press for the Oklahoma Heritage Association, 224 p.). McFarlin, Robert Martin, 1866-1942; Chapman, James Allen, 1881-1966; McMan Oil Company--History; McMan Oil and Gas Company--History; Petroleum industry and trade--Oklahoma--History; Businesspeople--Oklahoma--Biography.
(Alan McGee), Paolo Hewitt (2000). Alan McGee and The Story of Creation Records: This Ecstasy Romance Cannot Last. (Edinburgh, Scotland: Mainstream, 208 p.). McGee, Alan; Creation Records (Firm); Sound recording executives and producers--Great Britain--Biography.
(William L. McKnight), Mildred Houghton Comfort (1962). William L. McKnight, Industrialist; A Biographical Sketch of the Chairman of the Board, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company. (Minneapolis, MN: T. S. Denison, 202 p,). McKnight, William L. (William Lester), 1887-1957; Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company.
(Robert S. McLaughlin), Heather Robertson (1995). Driving Force: The McLaughlin Family and the Age of the Car. (Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart, 402 p.). McLaughlin, Robert Samuel, 1871-1972; McLaughlin family; General Motors of Canada -- History; Automobile industry and trade -- Canada -- Biography.
(John McLoughlin), Alberta Brooks Fogdall (1978). Royal Family of the Columbia: Dr. John McLoughlin and His Family. (Fairfield, WA: Ye Galleon Press, 328 p.). McLoughlin, John, 1784-1857; Hudson's Bay Company; Pioneers--Northwest, Pacific--Biography; Merchants--Northwest, Pacific--Biography; Fur trade--Northwest, Pacific--History; Oregon--History--To 1859; Northwest, Pacific--History.
(John McLoughlin), Dorothy N. Morrison (1999). Outpost: John McLoughlin and the Far Northwest. (Portland, OR: Oregon Historical Society, 641 p.). McLoughlin, John, 1784-1857; Hudson's Bay Company--Biography; Pioneers--Oregon--Biography; Fur traders--Oregon--Biography; Fur trade--Northwest, Pacific--History--19th century; Oregon--History--To 1859; Northwest, Pacific--Biography.
(Scott McNealy), Karen Southwick (1999). High Noon: The Inside Story of Scott McNealy and the Rise of Sun Microsystems. (New York, NY: Wiley, 242 p.). Executive Editor, CNET News.com. McNealy, Scott; Sun Microsystems; Computer scientists--Biography.
(R. Clayton McWhorter), Bob Vraciu (2003). Leadership To Win: A Biography of R. Clayton McWhorter. (Franklin, TN: Hillsboro Press, 163 p.). McWhorter, R. Clayton; HealthTrust; Hospital Corporation of America.
(George Jacob Mecherle), Karl Schriftgiesser (1955). The Farmer from Merna; A Biography of George J. Mecherle and a History of the State Farm Insurance Companies of Bloomington, Illinois. (New York, NY: Random House, 243 p.). Mecherle, George Jacob, 1877-1951; State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company; State Farm Life Insurance Company.
(Andrew W. Mellon), Harvey O'Connor (1933). Mellon's Millions, The Biography of a Fortune; The Life and Times of Andrew W. Mellon. (New York, NY: The John Day Company, 443 p.). Mellon, Andrew W. (Andrew William), 1855-1937; Mellon family. Mellon Bank.
(Andrew W. Mellon), Thomas Mellon; foreword by David McCullough; preface to the second edition by Paul Mellon; edited by Mary Louise Briscoe (1994). Thomas Mellon and His Times. (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 478 p. [2nd ed]). Mellon, Thomas, 1813-1908; Mellon family; Capitalists and financiers -- United States -- Biography. Mellon Bank.
(Paul Mellon), William S. Hoffman (1974). Paul Mellon: Portrait of an Oil Baron. (Chicago, IL: Follett Pub. Co., 204 p.). Mellon, Paul; Gulf Oil Corporation.
(E. G. Melroe), Robert F. Karolevitz (1968). "E. G.," Inventor by Necessity; The Story of E. G. Melroe and the Melroe Company. (Aberdeen, SD: North Plains Press, 160 p.). Melroe, E. G., 1892-1955; Agricultural machinery industry--United States; Inventors--United States--Biography. (Melroe Company).
(Ottmar Mergenthaler), Basil Kahan; introduction by Carl Schlesinger (2000). Ottmar Mergenthaler: The Man and His Machine: A Biographical Appreciation of the Inventor on His Centennia. (New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 244 p.). Mergenthaler, Ottmar, 1854-1899; Printers--United States--Biography; Inventors--United States--Biography; Linotype--History--19th century.
(Charles Merrill), Edward J. Perkins (1999). Wall Street to Main Street: Charles Merrill and Middle-Class Investors. (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 283 p.). Merrill, Charles, 1885-1956; Merrill Lynch & Co. (1973- )--History; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography. History of Merrill Lynch and founder Charles Merrill.
(Jean-Marie Messier), Jo Johnson and Martine Orange (2003). The Man Who Tried To Buy the World: Jean-Marie Messier and Vivendi Universal. (New York, NY: Portfolio, 268 p.). Paris Correspondent (Financial Times); Business Reporter (Le Monde). Messier, Jean-Marie, 1956- ; Bronfman family; Vivendi (Firm)--History; Universal Pictures (Firm); Seagram Company--History; Businessmen--France--Biography; Businessmen--Canada--Biography; Conglomerate corporations--France; Conglomerate corporations--Canada; Consolidation and merger of corporations--France--Case studies; Consolidation and merger of corporations--Canada--Case studies; Consolidation and merger of corporations--United States--Case studies.
(Andre Meyer), Cary Reich (1997). Financier, The Biography of André Meyer: A Story of Money, Power, and the Reshaping of American Business. (New York, City: Wiley, 392 p.). Meyer, André, 1898-1979; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography; Investment banking--United States--History. Lazard Freres.
(Eugene Meyer), Merlo J. Pusey (1974). Eugene Meyer. (New York, NY: Knopf, 397 p.). Meyer, Eugene, 1875-1959. Washington Post.
(Sidney B. Myer), Ambrose Pratt; with a foreward by Robert Menzies (1978). Sidney Myer: A Biography. (Melbourne,AU: Quartet Books Australia, 180 p.). Myer, Sidney Baevski, 1878-1934; Department stores--Australia--History; Merchants--Australia--Biography. Myer Stores Ltd.
(Myer Stores Ltd.), Stella M. Barber (2005). Sidney Myer: A Life, A Legacy. (Prahran, Vic.: Hardie Grant Books, 259 p.). Myer, Sidney Baevski, 1878-1934; Myer Emporium; Retail trade--Australia--Biography; Jews--Russia--Biography; Jews--Australia--Biography.
Life of courage, conviction, great passion and fulfillment.
(Carl Miele), Marion Steinhart (2000). Carl Miele. (Munchen, Germany: Ullstein, 158 p.). Miele, Carl, 1869-1938; Zinkann, Reinhard, 1869-1939; Carl Miele & Cie.--History; Manufacturing industries--Germany--Gu¨tersloh--History; Industrialists--Germany--Gu¨tersloh--Biography.
(Michael Milken), Fenton Bailey; with an introduction by Alan Dershowitz (1992). Fall From Grace: The Untold Story of Michael Milken. (Seacaucus, NJ: Carol Pub. Group, 330 p.). Milken, Michael; Drexel Burnham Lambert Incorporated; Stockbrokers--United States--Biography; Junk bonds--United States; Securities industry--Corrupt practices--United States.
(Michael Milken), Benjamin Stein (1992). A License to Steal: The Untold Story of Michael Milken and the Conspiracy to Bilk the Nation. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 219 p.). Milken, Michael; Drexel Burnham Lambert Incorporated; Stockbrokers--United States--Biography; Junk bonds--United States; Securities industry--Corrupt practices--United States.
(Bill Millard), Jonathan Littman (1990). Once Upon a Time in Computerland: The Amazing, Billion-Dollar Tale of Bill Millard. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 413 p.). Millard, Bill; ComputerLand (Firm)--History; Computer industry--United States--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
(Frederick J. Miller), Tim John (2005). The Miller Beer Barons: The Frederick J. Miller Family and Its Brewery. (Oregon, WI: Badger Books Inc., 250 p.). Miller, Frederick J. (Frederick Johnas), 1824-1888; Miller, Frederick J. (Frederick Johnas), 1824-1888 --Family; Miller Brewing Company--History; Brewers--Wisconsin--Milwaukee--Biography; Breweries--Wisconsin--Milwaukee--History; Beer industry--Wisconsin--Milwaukee--History. Family that built a beer empire.
(Henry Miller), Edited by Charles Sawyer. (2003). One Man Show: Henry Miller in the San Joaquín. (Los Banos, CA: Ralph Milliken Museum Society: Loose Change Publications, 328 p.). Miller, Henry, 1827-1916; Miller & Lux--History; Pioneers--California--San Joaquin Valley--Biography; Ranchers--California--San Joaquin Valley--Biography; Businessmen--California--San Joaquin Valley--Biography; Cattle trade--California--San Joaquin Valley--History; Water rights--California--San Joaquin Valley--History; San Joaquin Valley (Calif.)--History; San Joaquin Valley (Calif.)--History--Sources; San Joaquin Valley (Calif.)--Biography.
(Matheus Miller), Thomas Max Safley (1999). Matheus Miller's Memoir: A Merchant's Life in the Seventeenth Century. (New York, NY: St. Martin's Press. Miller, Matheus; Merchants--Germany--Augsburg--Biography; Augsburg (Germany)--Biography; Augsburg (Germany)--History--17th century.
(Robert Milton), Keith McArthur (2004). Air Monopoly: How Robert Milton's Air Canada Won -- and Lost -- Control of Canada's Skies. (Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart, 362 p.). Transportation Reporter (Globe and Mail’s Report on Business). Milton, Robert A.; Air Canada--Officials and employees--Biography; Airlines--Canada--History.
(Mingo Brothers), Faye Mingo (1995). A Winning Combination: The History of Eastern Woodworkers, Eastern Contracting, and Eastern Manufacturing. (Hantsport, NS: Lancelot Press, 128 p.). Mingo, Harold; Mingo, Dudley; Mingo, Ernest; Eastern (Firm)--History; Construction industry--Nova Scotia--History; Businessmen--Nova Scotia--Biography; Nova Scotia--Biography.
(Archibald Mirrielees), Harvey Pitcher (1994). Muir & Mirrielees: The Scottish Partnership That Became a Household Name in Russia. (Cromer, UK: Swallow House, 201 p.). Mirrielees, Archibald, 1797-1877; Muir, Andrew, 1817-1899; Muir & Mirrielees (Firm); TsUM (Firm); Businesspeople--Scotland--Biography; Scots--Russia--Biography; Department stores--Russia--History; Retail trade--Russia--History.
(David H. Moffat), Steven F. Mehls (1989). David H. Moffat, Jr.: Early Colorado Business Leader. (New York, NY: Garland Pub., 366 p.). Moffat, David H. (David Halliday), 1839-1911; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Railroads--Colorado--History; Mineral industries--Colorado--History; Banks and banking--Colorado--History.
(Molson Family), Shirley E. Woods (1983). The Molson Saga, 1763-1983. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 370 p.). Molson family; Businesspeople--Canada--Biography.
(Molson Family), Karen Molson (2001). The Molsons: Their Lives & Times, 1780-2000. (Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books, 416 p.). Molson family; Molson's Brewery--History; Brewing industry--Canada--History; Beer industry--Canada--History.
(John Molson), Douglas Hunter (2001). Molson: The Birth of a Business Empire. (Toronto, ON: Viking, 486 p.). Molson, John, 1763-1836; Molson, John, 1763-1836; Molson Companies--History; Compagnies Molson--Histoire; Businesspeople--Canada--Biography; Gens d'affaires--Canada--Biographies.
(Robert Mondavi), Cyril Ray (1984). Robert Mondavi of the Napa Valley. (New York, NY: Warner Books, 171 p.). Mondavi, Robert, 1913- ; Vintners--California--Biography; Wine and wine making--California--Napa Valley--History.
(Harold Monro), Joy Grant (1967). Harold Monro and the Poetry Bookshop. (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 286 p.). Monro, Harold, 1879-1932; Poetry Bookshop; Literature publishing--England--London--History--20th century; Poets, English--20th century--Biography; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography; London (England)--Imprints--History--20th century. Poetry Bookshop.
(J. P. Morgan), John K. Winkler (1930). Morgan the Magnificent; The Life of J. Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913). (New York, NY: Vanguard Press, 313 p.). Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont), 1837-1913.
(J. P. Morgan), Herbert L. Satterlee (1939). J. Pierpont Morgan; An Intimate Portrait. (New York, NY: Macmillan, 595 p.). Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont), 1837-1913.
(J. P. Morgan), Vincent P. Carosso with the assistance of Rose C. Carosso (1987). The Morgans: Private International Bankers, 1854-1913. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 888 p.). Morgan, Junius Spencer, 1813-1890; Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont), 1837-1913; J.P. Morgan & Co.--History; Bankers--Biography; Banks and banking, International--History.
(J. P. Morgan), Jean Strause (1999). Morgan: American Financier. (New York, NY: Random House, 796 p.). Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont), 1837-1913; Bankers--United States--Biography; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography; Art--Collectors and collecting--United States--Biography.
(Frank T. Morrell), Christopher Mulvey (1994). Frank Thomas Morrell: Edwardian Entrepreneur. (Winchester, UK: Estcourt Press, 181 p.). Professor of English and American Studies and Director of the Electronic Text Institute (University College Winchester). Morrell, Frank Thomas, 1860-1949; Morrill family; Businesspeople--England--Biography; Varnish industry--England--History. Morrells Woodfinishes.
(William Morris, Viscount Nuffield), James Leasor, James (1954). Wheels to Fortune; A Brief Account of the Life and Times of William Morris, Viscount Nuffield. (London, UK: The Bodley Head, 160 p.). Nuffield, William Richard Morris, First Viscount, 1877- ; Morris Motors Ltd.
(William Morris, Viscount Nuffield), P.W.S. Andrews and Elizabeth Brunner (1955). The Life of Lord Nuffield; A Study in Enterprise and Benevolence. (Oxford, UK: B. Blackwell, 356 p.). Nuffield, William Richard Morris, Viscount, 1877-1963; Morris Motors, Ltd.
(William Morris, Viscount Nuffield), R. J. Overy (1976). William Morris, Viscount Nuffield. (London, UK: Europa Publications, 151 p.). Nuffield, William Richard Morris, Viscount, 1877-1963; Morris Motors Ltd.--History; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography.
(William Morris, Viscount Nuffield), Edited by F. John Minns (1994). Wealth Well-Given: The Enterprise and Benevolence of Lord Nuffield. (Dover, NH: Alan Sutton, 318 p.). Morris Motors Ltd.; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography; Philanthropists--Great Britain--Biography.
(James Morrison), Richard Gatty (1977). Portrait of a Merchant Prince: James Morrison, 1789-1857. (Northallerton: Pamela Gatty, 326 p.). Morrison, James, 1790-1857; Businesspeople--England--Biography; Merchants--England--Biography. Limited ed. of 250 copies.
(Samuel Finley Breese Morse), Kenneth Silverman (2003). Lightning Man: The Accursed Life of Samuel F.B. Morse. (New York, NY: Knopf, 503 p.). Pulitzer-Prize Winner. Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, 1791-1872; Inventors--United States--Biography; Artists--United States--Biography; Telegraph; Morse code.
(Andrew Muir), Harvey Pitcher (1994). Muir & Mirrielees: The Scottish Partnership That Became a Household Name in Russia. (Cromer, UK: Swallow House, 201 p.). Mirrielees, Archibald, 1797-1877; Muir, Andrew, 1817-1899; Muir & Mirrielees (Firm); TsUM (Firm); Businesspeople--Scotland--Biography; Scots--Russia--Biography; Department stores--Russia--History; Retail trade--Russia--History.
(Charles Harold Mullen), Robert Lockwood Mills (2001). The Last Renaissance Man: The Life of Charles Harold Mullen. (Danbury, CT: Rutledge Books, Inc., 144 p.). Mullen, Charles Harold; American Tobacco; Tobacco industry -- United States -- History.
(Belinda Mulrooney), Melanie J. Mayer & Robert N. DeArmond (2000). Staking Her Claim: The Life of Belinda Mulrooney, Klondike and Alaska Entrepreneur. (Athens, OH: Swallow Press/Ohio University Press, 415 p.). Mulrooney, Belinda, 1872-1967; Klondike River Valley (Yukon) -- Gold discoveries; Alaska -- Gold discoveries; Women pioneers -- Yukon Territory -- Klondike River Valley -- Biography; Women pioneers -- Alaska -- Biography; Businesswomen -- Yukon Territory -- Klondike River Valley -- Biography; Businesswomen -- Alaska -- Biography; Frontier and pioneer life -- Yukon Territory -- Klondike River Valley; Frontier and pioneer life -- Alaska.
(Charlie T. Munger), Janet Lowe (2000). Damn Right!: Behind the Scenes with Berkshire Hathaway Billionaire Charlie Munger (New York, NY: Wiley, 294 p.). Journalist. Munger, Charles T., 1924- ; Berkshire Hathaway Inc.--History; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography.
(Peter Munk), Richard Rohmer (1997). The Golden Phoenix: A Biography of Peter Munk. (Toronto, ON: Key Porter Books, 360 p.). Munk, Peter, 1927- ; Barrick Gold Corp.--History; Businessmen--Canada--Biography; Gold industry--Canada--History; International business enterprises--Canada--History.
(Murchison Family), Jane Wolfe (1989). The Murchisons: The Rise and Fall of a Texas Dynasty. (New York,. NY: St. Martin's Press, 505 p.). Murchison, Clinton Williams, 1895-1969; Murchison family; Dallas Cowboys (Football team); Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography; Texas--Biography.
(Rupert Murdoch), Simon Regan (1976). Rupert Murdoch: A Business Biography. (London, UK: Angus and Robertson, 246 p.). Murdoch, Rupert, 1931-. News Corp.
(Rupert Murdoch), Michael Leapman (1985). Arrogant Aussie: The Rupert Murdoch Story. (Seacaucus, NJ: L. Stuart, 288 p.). Murdoch, Rupert, 1931- ; Times (London, England); Newspaper publishing--Australia; Newspaper publishing. News Corp.
(Rupert Murdoch), George Munster (1985). A Paper Prince. (New York, NY: Viking, 291 p.). Murdoch, Rupert, 1931- ; Newspaper publishing--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--Australia--Biography; Publishers and publishing--Biography. News Corp.
(Rupert Murdoch), Jerome Tuccille (1990). Rupert Murdoch. (New York, NY: D.I. Fine, 302 p. [rev. ed.)). Murdoch, Rupert, 1931- ; Publishers and publishing -- Australia -- Biography; Publishers and publishing -- Biography; Newspaper publishing -- History -- 20th century; Broadcasting -- Biography. News Corp.
(Rupert Murdoch), William Shawcross (1992). Rupert Murdoch: Ringmaster of the Information Circus. (Lonson, UK: Chatto & Windus, 616 p.). Murdoch, Rupert, 1931- ; Mass media--Australia--Biography. News Corp.
(Rupert Murdoch), William Shawcross (1997). Murdoch. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 496 p. [rev. and updated]). Murdoch, Rupert, 1931- ; Mass media--Australia--Biography. News Corp.
(Rupert Murdoch), Neil Chenoweth (2002). Rupert Murdoch: The Untold Story of the World's Greatest Media Wizard. (New York, NY: Crown, 398 p.). Murdoch, Rupert, 1931- ; Mass media--Australia--Biography. News Corp.
(Rupert Murdoch), Wendy Goldman Rohm (2002). The Murdoch Mission: The Digital Transformation of a Media Empire. (New York, NY: Wiley, 288 p.). Murdoch, Rupert, 1931- ; Mass media--Australia--Biography. News Corp.
(Rupert Murdoch), Thomas Kiernan (1986). Citizen Murdoch: The Unexpurgated Story of Rupert Murdoch--The World's Most Powerful and Controversial Media Lord. (New York, NY: Dodd, Mead, 337 p.). Murdoch, Rupert, 1931- ; Publishers and publishing--Australia--Biography; Publishers and publishing--Biography; Newspaper publishing; Broadcasting. News Corp.
(Rupert Murdoch), Richard Hack (2003). Clash of the Titans: How the Unbridled Ambition of Ted Turner and Rupert Murdoch Has Created Global Empires That Control What We Read and Watch. (Beverly Hills, CA: New Millennium Press, 448 p.). Turner, Ted; Murdoch, Rupert, 1931- ; News Corporation; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Mass media--United States--Biography; Mass media--Australia--Biography; Cable News Network.
(Michael Murphy), Cornelius F. Smith (2004). The Shipping Murphys: The Palgrave Murphy Shipping Line 1850-1926. (Blackrock, Co. Dublin, IR: Albany Press, 192 p.). Murphy, Michael, 1816-1894; Palgrave, Charles, 1813-1893; Palgrave Murphy & Company--History; Shipowners--Great Britain--Biography; Shipping--Great Britain--History--19th century. Palgrave Murphy & Company.
(Elizabeth Murray), Patricia Cleary (2000). Elizabeth Murray: A Woman's Pursuit of Independence in Eighteenth-Century America. (Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts, 279 p.). Associate Professor of History (California State University, Long Beach). Murray, Elizabeth, 1726-1785; Boston (Mass.) -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783; Women -- Massachusetts -- Boston -- Biography; Businesswomen -- Massachusetts -- Boston -- Biography; United States -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 -- Women.
(John Murray), Samuel Smiles (1973). A Publisher and His Friends; Memoir and Correspondence of the Late John Murray, with an Account of the Origin and Progress of the House, 1768-1843. (New York, NY: AMS Press, 2 vols. [orig. pub. 1911]). Murray, John, 1778-1843; John Murray (Firm); Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--History--19th century; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Correspondence; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography.
(John Murray), William Zachs (1998). The First John Murray and the Late Eighteenth-Century London Book Trade: With a Checklist of His Publications. (New York, NY: Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 433 p.). Murray, John, 1737-1793; John Murray (Firm)--History--18th century; John Murray (Firm)--Catalogs; Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography; Publishers and publishing--England--London--History--18th century; Book industries and trade--England--London--History--18th century.
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