(David Neeleman), James Wynbrandt (2004). Flying High: JetBlue Founder and CEO David Neeleman Beats the Competition --- Even in the World's Most Turbulent Industry. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 298 p.). Aviation, Business Reporter. Neeleman, David, 1959- ; JettBlue Airways--History; Airlines--United States--History.
(John Nelson), Richard R. Johnson (1991). John Nelson, Merchant Adventurer: A Life Between Empires. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 194 p.). Nelson, John, d. 1734; Adventure and adventurers--Massachusetts--Boston--Biography; Merchants--Massachusetts--Boston--Biography; Boston (Mass.)--Biography; Boston (Mass.)--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.
(Henry Mayo Newhall), Andrew Rolle (1991). Henry Mayo Newhall and His Times: A California Legacy. (San Marino, CA: Huntington Library, 168 p.). Newhall, Henry Mayo, 1825-1882; Pioneers--California--Biography; Businesspeople--California--Biography; Ranchers--California--Biography; California--Biography. (Newhall Land & Farming).
(Samuel I. Newhouse), Thomas Maier (1994). Newhouse: All the Glitter, Power, and Glory of America's Richest Media Empire and the Secretive Man Behind It. (New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 446 p.). Newhouse, Samuel I.; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Newspaper publishing--United States--History--20th century; American newspapers--History--20th century. Advance Publications, Inc.
(Samuel I. Newhouse), Carol Felsenthal (1998). Citizen Newhouse: Portrait of a Media Merchant. (New York, NY: Seven Stories Press, 512 p.). Newhouse, Samuel I.; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Newspaper publishing--United States--History--20th century; American newspapers--History--20th century. Advance Publications, Inc.
(Dave Nichol), Anne Kingston (1994). The Edible Man: Dave Nichol, President's Choice, & The Making of Popular Taste. (Toronto, ON: Macfarlane Walter & Ross, 365 p.). Nichol, Dave, 1940- ; Grocery trade--Canada--History; Food industry and trade--Canada--History; Businessmen--Canada--Biography. President's Choice.
(Jesse C. Nichols), William S. Worley (1990). J.C. Nichols and the Shaping of Kansas City: Innovation in Planned Residential Communities. (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 324 p.). Nichols, Jesse Clyde; Urbanization--Missouri--Kansas City--History--20th century; Real estate developers--Missouri--Kansas City--Biography; Real estate development--Missouri--Kansas City--History--20th century. J. C. Nichols Company.
(Jesse C. Nichols Company), Robert Pearson and Brad Pearson, Robert (1994). The J. C. Nichols Chronicle: The Authorized Story of the Man, His Company, and His Legacy, 1880-1994. (Lawrence, KS: Country Club Plaza Press, 308 p.). Nichols, Jesse Clyde; City planners--Missouri--Kansas City--Biography; Real estate developers--Missouri--Kansas City--Biography. J. C. Nichols Company.
(Curt Nicolin), Olof Ehrenkrona (1991). Nicolin: En Svensk Historia. (Stockholm, SW: Timbro, 376 p.). Nicolin, Curt; ASEA (Firm)--History; Executives--Sweden--Biography; Electric utilities--Sweden--History; Engineers--Sweden--Biography. ASEA.
(Noble Family), Robert W. Tolf (1976). The Russian Rockefellers: The Saga of the Nobel Family and the Russian Oil Industry. (Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 269 p.). Noble family; Petroleum industry and trade--Soviet Union--History. Series: Hoover Institution publication.
(William C. Norris), James C. Worthy (1987). William C. Norris: Portrait of a Maverick. (Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Pub. Co., 259 p.). Norris, William C., 1911-2006; Control Data Corporation--History; Computer industry--United States--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Alfred Harnsworth Northcliffe), S.J. Taylor (1996). The Great Outsiders: Northcliffe, Rothermere and the Daily Mail. (London, UK: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 377 p.). Northcliffe, Alfred Harmsworth, Viscount, 1865-1922; Rothermere, Harold Sidney Harmsworth, Viscount, 1868-1940; Daily mail (London, England) -- History; Publishers and publishing -- Great Britain -- Biography; Newspaper publishing -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century. Daily Mail.
(John K. Northrop), Richard S. Allen (1990). The Northrop Story, 1929-1939. (New York, NY: Orion Books, 178 p.). Northrop, John Knudsen, 1895-1981; Northrop Corporation--History; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Aircraft industry--United States--History.
(Robert N. Noyce), Leslie Berlin (2005). The Man Behind the Microchip: Robert Noyce and the Invention of Silicon Valley. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 480 p.). Noyce, Robert N., 1927- ; Electronics engineers--United States--Biography; Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County, Calif.)--History. Intel.
One of most important inventors and entrepreneurs of our time.
(Mohan Singh Oberoi), Bachi J. Karkaria (1992). Dare to Dream: A Life of Rai Bahadur Mohan Singh Oberoi. (New York, NY: Viking, 259 p.). Oberoi, Mohan Singh, 1900- ; Hotelkeepers--India--Biography. Called the Conrad Hilton of India. Oberoi Group.
(Denis P. O'Brien), Brendan O'Kelly (2001). The Esat Story. (Dublin, IR: Gill & Macmillan, 165 p.). O'Brien, D. P. (Denis Patrick), 1939- ; Elhac Mehmet Esat; Chief executive officers -- Ireland -- Biography; Telecommunication -- Ireland -- Management.
(Adolph S. Ochs), Gerald W. Johnson (1970). An Honorable Titan, A Biographical Study of Adolph S. Ochs. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 313 p. [orig. pub. 1946]). Ochs, Adolph S. (Adolph Simon), 1858-1935. NY Times.
(Ochs Family), Alex S. Jones and Susan E. Tifft (1999). The Trust: The Private and Powerful Family Behind the New York Times (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 870 p.). Ochs Family, Sulzberger Family, Newspaper Publishing, New York Times Company.
(Ransom E. Olds), Glen Alan Niemeyer (1963). The Automotive Career of Ransom E. Olds. (East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University, 233 p.). Olds, Ransom Eli, 1864-1950; Automobile industry and trade--United States. Oldsmobile.
(Ransom E. Olds), George S. May (1977). R. E. Olds, Auto Industry Pioneer. (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 458 p.). Michigan Historian. Olds, Ransom Eli, 1864-1950; Automobile industry and trade--United States--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography. Oldsmobile.
(Eugene Desmond O'Kelly), Eugene O'Kelly (2005). Chasing Daylight: How My Forthcoming Death Transformed My Life. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 160 p.). Former CEO, KMPG (April 2002-June 2005). O'Kelly, Eugene Desmond; death and dying; cancer.
Thoughts on living and dying: confront your own mortality, sooner rather than later; learn true value of the present. (KMPG).
(James Oliver), Joan Romine (1978). Copshaholm: The Oliver Story. (South Bend, IN: Northern Indiana Historical Society, 138 p.). Oliver, James, 1823-1908; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Iron industry and trade--United States--History; Agricultural machinery--United States--History. Oliver Chilled Plow Works.
(Robert Oliver), Stuart W. Bruchey (1976). Robert Oliver and Mercantile Bookkeeping in the Early Nineteenth Century. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 120 p.). Oliver, Robert, 1757?-1834; Bookkeeping--History.
(Robert Oliver), Stuart W. Bruchey (1979). Robert Oliver, Merchant of Baltimore, 1783-1819. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 411 [orig. pub. 1956]). Oliver, Robert, 1757?-1834; Merchants--Baltimore--Biography; Baltimore (Md.)--Commerce--History.
(Adriano Olivetti), Valerio Ochetto (1985). Adriano Olivetti. (Milano, Italy: A. Mondadori, 331 p.). Olivetti, Adriano; Ing. C. Olivetti & c.--History; Electronic office machine industry--Italy--History; Businesspeople--Italy--Biography. First portable typewriter, which was launched in 1932 as the MP1.
(Adriano Olivetti), Franco Ferrarotti; a cura di Giuliana Gemelli (2001). Un Imprenditore di Idee: Una Testimonianza su Adriano Olivetti. (Milano, Italy: Edizioni di Comunità, 146 p.). Olivetti, Adriano; Businessmen--Italy--Biography. Ing. C. Olivetti & c.
(Ken Olsen), Glenn Rifkin and George Harrar (1990). The Ultimate Entrepreneur: The Story of Ken Olsen and Digital Equipment Corporation (Rocklin, CA: Prima Pub., 336 p.). Digital Equipment.
(Walter O'Malley), Michael D'Antonio (2009).
Forever Blue: The True Story of Walter O'Malley, Baseball's Most
Controversial Owner, and the Dodgers of Brooklyn and Los Angeles.
(New York, NY: Riverhead, 368 p.). Pulitzer Prize-winner.
O’Malley, Walter F. (Walter Frank), 1903-1979; Brooklyn
Dodgers (Baseball team); Los Angeles Dodgers (Baseball team);
Baseball team owners --United States --Biography.
Biography of
Walter O'Malley, most controversial owner in history of
American sports; changed baseball, Brooklyn forever when he
moved Dodgers to California (outmatched
in war of wills with famed power broker Robert Moses); helped
define Los Angeles; worked behind scenes to usher in age of
players union, free agency; pioneering business strategies,
relationship with Jackie Robinson.
(Sir Ernest Oppenheimer), Edward Jesup (1979). Ernest Oppenheimer: A Study in Power. (London, UK: Collings, 357 p.). Oppenheimer, Ernest, Sir, 1880-1957; Businessmen--South Africa--Biography; Diamond industry and trade--South Africa--History. De Beers.
(Tony O'Reilly), Ivan Fallon (1994). The Luck of O'Reilly: A Biography of Tony O'Reilly. (New York, NY: Warner Books, 406 p.). O'Reilly, Tony; H.J. Heinz Company--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Businesspeople--Ireland--Biography; Chief executive officers--United States--Biography.
(John Cleveland Osgood), Sylvia Ruland (1981). The Lion of Redstone. (Boulder, CO: Johnson Books, 116 p.). Osgood, John Cleveland, 1851-1926; Coal trade--Colorado--History; Mineral industries--Colorado--History; Businesspeople--Colorado--Biography. Colorado Fuel.
(Michael Ovitz), Stephen Singular (1996). Power To Burn: Michael Ovitz and the New Business of Show Business. (Secaucus, NY: Carol Pub. Group, 224 p.). Ovitz, Michael; Creative Artists Agency--History; Theatrical agents--United States--Biography; Executives--United States--Biography; Theatrical agencies--United States--History.
(Michael Ovitz), Robert Slater (1997). Ovitz: The Inside Story of Hollywood's Most Controversial Power Broker. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 360 p.). Ovitz, Michael; Theatrical agents--United States--Biography; Executives--United States--Biography.
(Kerry Packer), Paul Barry (1993). The Rise and Rise of Kerry Packer. (New York, NY: Bantam, 544 p.). Packer, Kerry; Publishers and publishing--Australia--Biography; Mass media--Australia--Biography; Periodicals--Publishing--Australia--History--20th century; Newspaper publishing--Australia--History--20th century. Consolidated Press.
(Sir Frank Packer), Bridget Griffen-Foley (2000). Sir Frank Packer, The Young Master: A Biography. (Sydney, AU: HarperCollins, 400 p.). Packer, Frank, Sir, 1906-1974; Consolidated Press--History; Newspaper publishers--Australia--Biography; Publishers and publishing--Australia--Biography.
(William Painter), compiled by Orrin Chalfant Painter (1914). William Painter and His Father, Dr. Edward Painter: Sketches and Reminiscences. (Baltimore, MD: Arundel Press, 152 p.). Painter, William, 1838-1906; Painter, Edward, 1812-1875; Crown Cork & Seal Company; Bottling machinery. Crown Cork & Seal.
(William S. Paley), Lewis J. Paper (1987). Empire: William S. Paley and the Making of CBS. (New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 384 p.). Paley, William S. (William Samuel), 1901- ; CBS Inc.--Biography; Broadcasters--United States--Biography; Broadcasting--United States--History.
(William S. Paley), Sally Bedell Smith (1990). In All His Glory: The Life of William S. Paley, the Legendary Tycoon and His Brilliant Circle. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 782 p.). Paley, William S. (William Samuel), 1901- ; Columbia Broadcasting System, inc.; Broadcasting--United States--Biography; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
(William Jackson Palmer), John S. Fisher; with a chapter on General Palmer's work in Mexico by Chase Mellen (1981). A Builder of the West: The Life of General William Jackson Palmer. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 332 p. [orig. pub. 1939]). Palmer, William Jackson, 1836-1909; Railroads--United States--Employees--Biography; Railroads--Mexico--Employees--Biography. Denver and Rio Grande Railroad.
(Pamplin Family), Robert B. Pamplin, Jr. (1994). Heritage: The Making of an American Family. (New York, NY: Mastermedia, 520 p.). Pamplin family; Pamplin, Robert B., 1911- ; Pamplin, Robert B., 1941- ; Georgia-Pacific Corporation--History; United States--Biography.
(Andrew Pansani), Mary Elizabeth Pansini La Haye (1988). It Started with a Nickel. (Newport Beach, CA: Nickel Publications, 107 p.). Pansini, Andrew, 1891-1958; Automobile parking--United States--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Yü-kang Pao), Robin Hutcheon (1990). First Sea Lord: The Life and Work of Sir Y.K. Pao. (Hong Kong, China: Chinese University Press, 170 p.). Pao, Yü-kang, 1918- ; Merchant marine--Biography; Businesspeople--China--Biography. World-Wide Shipping Group.
(Calvin Pardee), C. Pardee Foulke and William G. Foulke (1979). Calvin Pardee, 1841-1923: His Family and His Enterprises. (Philadelphia, PA: Pardee Company, 415 p.). Pardee, Calvin, 1841-1923; Pardee family; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Mineral industries--United States--History.
(Bettie Esther Parham), Joseph Osborne (1994). Washing the Elephant: The Authorized Biography of Bettie Esther Parham. (Pittsburgh, PA: Dorrance, 175 p.). Parham, Bettie Esther; Esther's Beauty Supply Company; African American women executives -- Biography; African American businesspeople -- Biography; Businesswomen -- United States -- Biography; Hair preparations industry -- United States.
(Robert M. Parker), Elin McCoy (2005). The Emperor of Wine: The Rise of Robert M. Parker, Jr. and the Reign of American Taste. (New York, NY: ECCO, 304 p.). Wine and Spirits Columnist (Bloomberg). Parker, Robert M., 1947- ; Wine industry--United States--Biography.
King of wine criticism.
(Eleanor Medill "Cissy" Patterson), Paul F. Healy (1966). Cissy; The Biography of Eleanor M. "Cissy" Patterson. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 421 p.). Patterson, Eleanor Medill, 1881-1948; Washington Times-Herald
(Eleanor Medill "Cissy" Patterson), Alice Albright Hoge (1966). Cissy Patterson: The Life of Eleanor Medill Patterson, Publisher and Editor of the Washington Times-Herald. (New York, NY: Random House, 237 p.). Patterson, Eleanor Medill, 1881-1948; Washington Times-Herald
(Eleanor Medill "Cissy" Patterson), Ralph G. Martin (1979). Cissy: The Extraordinary Life of Eleanor Medill Patterson. (New York, NY: Simon and Schuster, 512 p.). Patterson, Eleanor Medill, 1881-1948; United States--Biography; Washington Times-Herald.
(John H. Patterson), Samuel Crowther (1923). John H. Patterson, Pioneer in Industrial Welfare. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page, 364 p.). Patterson, John Henry, 1844-1922; National Cash Register Company.
(William "Pat" Patterson), Frank J. Taylor (1967). "Pat" Patterson. (Menlo Park, CA: Lane Magazine & Book Co., 160 p.). Patterson, William Allen, 1899-. United Airlines.
(Jim Pattison), Russell Kelly (1986). Pattison: Portrait of a Capitalist Superstar. (Vancouver , BC: New Star Books, 263 p.). Businessmen -- British Columbia -- Biography. Jim Pattison Group.
(Phyllis Pearsall), Sarah Hartley (2001). Mrs P's Journey: The Remarkable Story of the Woman Who Created the A-Z Map. (London, UK: Simon & Schuster, 334 p.). Pearsall, Phyllis; Geographers' A to Z Map Company; Women cartographers -- Great Britain -- Biography; Women artists -- Great Britain -- Biography; Businesswomen -- Great Britain -- Biography.
(Pease Family), M. W. Kirby (1984). Men of Business and Politics: The Rise and Fall of the Quaker Pease Dynasty of North-East England, 1700-1943. (Boston, MA: Allen & Unwin, 167 p.). Pease family; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography; Politicians--Great Britain--Biography; Great Britain--Economic conditions.
(J. C. Penney - Founded in Wyoming in 1902), J. C. Penney (1931). J. C. Penney: The Man with a Thousand Partners. (New York, NY: Harper & Brothers, 222 p.). J. C. Penney.
(J. C. Penney), Beatrice Plumb (1963). J. C. Penney, Merchant Prince; A Biography of a Man Who Built a Business Empire Based on the Golden Rule. (Minneapolis, MN: T. S. Denison, 156 p.). Penney, J. C. (James Cash), 1875-1971.
(J. C. Penney), Mary Elizabeth Curry (1993). Creating an American Institution: The Merchandising Genius of J.C. Penney. (New York, NY: Garland Pub., 348 p.). Penney, J. C. (James Cash), 1875-1971; J.C. Penney Co.; Merchants--United States--Biography; Retail trade--United States--History; Stores, Retail--United States--History.
(J. C. Penney), Bill Hare (2004). Celebration of Fools: An Inside Look at the Rise and Fall of J.C. Penney. (New York, NY: AMACOM, 294 p.). Penney, J. C. (James Cash), 1875-1971; J.C. Penney Co. History; Stores, Retail United States History; Merchants United States Biography.
(Spencer Penrose), Thomas J. Noel and Cathleen M. Norman (2000). Pikes Peak Partnership: The Penroses and the Tutts. (Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado, 264 p.). Penrose, Spencer, b. 1865; Tutt, Charles Leaming; Businessmen--Colorado--Colorado Springs--Biography; Industrialists--Colorado--Colorado Springs--Biography; Philanthropists--Colorado--Colorado Springs--Biography; Colorado Springs (Colo.)--Biography. Cash-On-Delivery Mine.
(Ron Perelman), Richard Hack (1996). When Money Is King: How Revlon's Ron Perelman Mastered the World of Finance to Create One of America's Greatest Business Empires, and Found Glamour, Beauty, and the High Life in the Bargain(Beverly Hills, CA: Dove Books, 285 p.). Perelman, Ronald; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography; Millionaires--United States--Biography. Revlon.
(Richard Scott Perkin), Thomas P. Fahy (1987). Richard Scott Perkin and the Perkin-Elmer Corporation. (United States: Perkin-Elmer Print Shop, 271 p.). Perkin, Richard Scott, 1906-1969; Elmer, Charles Wesley, 1872-1954; Perkin-Elmer Corporation--History; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Optical industry--United States--History.
(George W. Perkins), John Arthur Garraty (1960). Right-Hand Man; The Life of George W. Perkins. (New York, NY: Harper, 433 p.). Perkins, George Walbridge, 1862-1920. J.P. Morgan & Co.
(Thomas H. Perkins), Carl Seaburg and Stanley Paterson (1971). Merchant Prince of Boston, Colonel T. H. Perkins, 1764-1854 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 478 p.). Perkins, Thomas Handasyd, 1764-1854.
(Henry D. Perky), James A Holechek (2007). Henry Perky: The Shredded Wheat King. (Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 468 p.). Perky, Henry D.; Shredded Wheat--history; Cereal products industry----History.
First authorized biography of Henry D. Perky, inventor of Shredded Wheat, from childhood through Gilded Age, beyond.
(H. Ross Perot), Todd Mason (1990). Perot: An Unauthorized Biography. (Homewood, IL: Business One Irwin, 316 p.). Perot, H. Ross, 1930- ; Businessmen--United States--Biography. EDS.
(Jon Peters), Nancy Griffin and Kim Masters (1996). Hit and Run: How Jon Peters and Peter Guber Took Sony for a Ride in Hollywood. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 479 p.). Peters, Jon; Guber, Peter; Guber-Peters Company; Columbia Pictures; Motion picture producers and directors--United States--Biography.
(Lloyd Peterson), Huey Crisp (1989). Lloyd Peterson and Peterson Industries: An American Story. (Little Rock, AR: August House, 179 p.). Peterson, Lloyd; Peterson Industries--History; Poultry industry--United States--History; Industrialists--United States--Biography.
(J. Howard Pew), Compiled by Mary Sennholz (1975). Faith and Freedom: The Journal of a Great American, J. Howard Pew. (Grove City, PA: Grove City College, 179 p.). Pew, J. Howard (John Howard), 1882-1971; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Free enterprise; Petroleum industry and trade--United States. Sun Oil.
(Anton Philips), P. J. Bouman [translated from the Dutch] (1970). Growth of an Enterprise The Life of Anton Philips. (London, UK: Macmillan, 272 p. [2nd ed.]). Philips, Anton Frederik, 1874-1951; Philips’ Gloeilampenfabrieken.
(Frank Phillips), Michael Wallis with a foreword by John Gibson Phillips, Jr. (1995). Oil Man: The Story of Frank Phillips and the Birth of Phillips Petroleum. (New York, NY: St. Martin's, 480 p.). Phillips, Frank, 1873-; Phillips Petroleum Company--History; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Petroleum industry and trade--United States--History.
(Albert Pick), Judith Barnard (1980). The Indestructible Crown: The Life of Albert Pick, Jr. (Chicago, IL: Nelson-Hall, 239 p.). Pick, Albert, 1895-1977; Hotelkeepers--United States--Biography. Pick Hotels Corporation.
(François Pinault), Pierre Daix (1998). François Pinault: Essai Biographique. (Paris, FR: Editions de Fallois, 257 p.). Pinault, François; Businessmen--France--Biography. Pinault Printemps Redoute.
(François Pinault), Caroline Monnot et Pierre-Angel Gay (1999). François Pinault Milliardaire, ou, Les Secrets d'Une Incroyable Fortune. (Paris, FR: Balland, 238 P.). Pinault, François; Businesspeople--France--Biography; Capitalists and financiers--France--Biography; Millionaires--France--Biography. Pinault Printemps Redoute.
(François Pinault), Jean Bothorel (2003). François Pinault: Une Enfance Bretonne. (Paris, FR: Laffont, 153 p.). Pinault, François; Businessmen--France--Biography. Pinault Printemps Redoute.
(Allan Pinkerton), James Mackay (1997). Allan Pinkerton: The First Private Eye. (New York, NY: Wiley, 256 p.). Pinkerton, Allan, 1819-1884; Pinkerton's National Detective Agency--History; Detectives--United States--Biography; Private investigators--United States--Biography.
(Lydia E. Pinkham), Sarah Stage (1979). Female Complaints: Lydia Pinkham and the Business of Women's Medicine. (New York, NY: Norton, 304 p.). Pinkham, Lydia Estes, 1819-1883; Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company--History; Gynecology--United States--History--19th century; Advertising--Drugs--United States--History--19th century; Women--United States--Social conditions.
(William T. Piper), Devon Francis (1973). Mr. Piper and His Cubs. (Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 256 p.). Piper, William Thomas, 1881-1970; Piper Aircraft Corporation, Lock Haven, Pa.; Lock Haven (Pa.)--History.
(Henry Bradley Plant), G. Hutchinson Smyth (1898). The Life of Henry Bradley Plant: Founder and President of the Plant System of Railroads and Steamships and also of the Southern Express Company. (New York, NY: Putnam, 344 p.). Plant, Henry Bradley, 1819-1899; Plant family (John Plant d.ca 1691). Southern Express.
(Tom Plant), Barry Hadfield Rodrigue (1994). Tom Plant: The Making of a Franco-American Entrepreneur, 1859-1941. (New York, NY: Garland Pub., 276 p.). Plant, Tom, 1859-1941; Shoe industry--United States--Biography; French Americans--Biography; Entrepreneurship--United States--Biography; Queen Quality Shoes.
(Mary Ellen Pleasant), Lynn M. Hudson (2003). The Making of "Mammy Pleasant": A Black Entrepreneur in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco. (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 193 p.). Pleasant, Mary Ellen, 1814-1904; African American women -- Biography; African Americans -- Biography; African American businesspeople -- California -- San Francisco -- Biography; Businesswomen -- California -- San Francisco -- Biography; San Francisco (Calif.) -- Biography; San Francisco (Calif.) -- History -- 19th century; African Americans -- California -- San Francisco -- History -- 19th century; San Francisco (Calif.) -- Race relations.
(Fred Pontin), Peter Willsher (2003). Fred Pontin: The Man and His Business. (Cardiff, Wales: St. David's Press, 222 p.). Pontin, Fred; Tourist camps, hostels, etc.--Great Britain; Businessmen--Great Britain--Biography. Pontins Ltd.
(W. Roy Poole), Pepper Worthington (2000). Big Daddy: The W. Roy Poole Story. (Mount Olive, NC: Mount Olive College Press, 202 p.). Poole, W. Roy (Walter Roy), 1914- ; Real estate developers--North Carolina--Biography; Businesspeople--North Carolina--Biography. W. Roy Poole Inc.
(Henry Varnum Poor), Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. (1956). Henry Varnum Poor, Business Editor, Analyst, and Reformer. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 362 p.). Poor, Henry Varnum, 1812-1905; Railroads--United States--History. Standard & Poor's.
(Albert A. Pope), Stephen B. Goddard (2000). Colonel Albert Pope and His American Dream Machines: The Life and Times of a Bicycle Tycoon Turned Automotive Pioneer. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 253 p.). Pope, Albert A. (Albert Augustus), 1843-1909; Automobile industry and trade--United States--Biography; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Bicycles--United States--Biography; Highway engineers--United States--Biography.
(Harold M. Porter), John Tyler (2003). The Chemcraft Story: The Legacy of Harold Porter. (Haworth, NJ: St. Johann Press, 130 p.). Porter, Harold Mitchell, 1893-1963; Porter Chemical Company--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Businessmen--Maryland--Hagerstown--Biography; Chemistry set industry--United States--History; Chemistry sets--United States--History; Educational toy industry--United States--History; Educational toys--United States--History. Chemcraft.
(C. W. Post), Nettie Leitch Major (1963). C.W. Post-The Hour and the Man: A Biography with Genealogical Supplement. (Washington, DC: Press of Judd & Detweiler, Inc., 318 p.). Post, C. W. (Charles William), 1854-1914.
(Thomas Pownall), Mike Cheatham (2003). "No Man Walks Alone": The Life and Times of Thomas G. Pownall. (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 157 p.). Pownall, Thomas G. (Thomas Gilmore), 1922- ; Martin Marietta Corporation Management; Chief executive officers United States Biography; Military aeronautics equipment industry United States History.
(Daniel Pratt), Curtis J. Evans (2001). The Conquest of Labor: Daniel Pratt and Southern Industrialization. (Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 337 p.). Pratt, Daniel, 1799-1873; Industrialization--Alabama--Prattville--History--19th century; Industrialists--Alabama--Prattville--Biography; Prattville (Ala.)--Biography. (Pratt Cotton Gin Factory).
(John A. Prestwich), Jeff Clew (1985). J.A.P., The Vintage Years. (Newbury Park, CA: Haynes, 255 p.). Prestwich, John Alfred, 1874-1952.; J.A.P. (Firm)--History; Motorcycle industry--Great Britain--History; Industrialists--Great Britain--Biography.
(Joseph Pulitzer), James Wyman Barrett (1941). Joseph Pulitzer and His World. (New York, NY: Vanguard Press, 449 p.). Pulitzer, Joseph, 1847-1911; World, New York.
(Joseph Pulitzer), Iris Noble (1957). Joseph Pulitzer, Front Page Pioneer. (New York, NY: Messner, 191 p.). Pulitzer, Joseph, 1847-1911.
(Joseph Pulitzer), George Juergens (1966). Joseph Pulitzer and the New York World. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 392 p.). Pulitzer, Joseph, 1847-1911'; World (New York, N.Y. : 1860-1931).
(Joseph Pulitzer), Julian S. Rammelkamp (1967). Pulitzer's Post-Dispatch, 1878-1883. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 326 p.). Pulitzer, Joseph, 1847-1911; St. Louis post-dispatch.
(Joseph Pulitzer), W. A. Swanberg (1967). Pulitzer. (New York, NY: Scribner, 462 p.). Pulitzer, Joseph, 1847-1911.
(Joseph Pulitzer), Don Carlos Seitz, Don Carlos (1970). Joseph Pulitzer, His Life & Letters. (New York, NY: AMS Press, 478 p.). Pulitzer, Joseph, 1847-1911.
(Joseph Pulitzer), Denis Brian (2001). Pulitzer: A Life. (New York, NY: Wiley, 438 p.). Pulitzer, Joseph, 1847-1911; Journalists--United States--Biography.
(Joseph Pulitzer II), Daniel W. Pfaff (1991). Joseph Pulitzer II and the Post-Dispatch: A Newspaperman's Life. (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 455 p.). Pulitzer, Joseph, 1885-1955; St. Louis post-dispatch--History; Journalists--United States--Biography; United States--History--1865-.
(Joseph Pulitzer III), Daniel W. Pfaff (2005). No Ordinary Joe: A Life of Joseph Pulitzer III. (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 359 p.). Professor Emeritus of Journalism (Pennsylvania State University). Pulitzer, Joseph, 1913- ; Newspaper editors--United States--Biography; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography.
Life and career of Joseph Pulitzer III.
(Eugene C. Pulliam), Russell Pulliam (1984). Publisher: Gene Pulliam, Last of the Newspaper Titans. (Ottawa, IL: Jameson Books, 318 p.). Pulliam, Eugene C.; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Newspaper publishing--United States--History. Indianapolis Star.
(George M. Pullman), Liston E. Leyendecker (1992). Palace Car Prince: A Biography of George Mortimer Pullman. (Niwot, CO: University Press of Colorado, 323 p.). Pullman, George Mortimer, 1831-1897; Pullman's Palace Car Company--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Industrialists--United States--Biography.
(Ellen M. Putnam), Mildred F. Stone (1979). Extraordinary Ellen, The First lady of Life Insurance: The Story of Ellen M. Putnam, CLU. (Rockville Centre, NY: Farnsworth Pub., 102 p.). Putnam, Ellen M., 1894-; Insurance, Life--United States--Biography. National Life Group.
(George Palmer Putnam), Ezra Greenspan (2000). George Palmer Putnam: Representative American Publisher. (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 510 p.). Putnam, George Palmer, 1814-1872; G.P. Putnam & Sons--History; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Publishers and publishing--United States--History--19th century.
(David Puttnam), Andrew Yule (1989). Fast Fade: David Puttnam, Columbia Pictures, and the Battle for Hollywood. (New York, NY: Delacorte Press, 376 p.). Puttnam, David, 1941- ; Columbia Pictures; Motion picture industry -- United States; Hollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.) -- Biography; Motion picture producers and directors -- Great Britain -- Biography., David, 1941- ; Columbia Pictures; Motion picture industry -- United States; Hollywood (Los Angeles, Calif.) -- Biography; Motion picture producers and directors -- Great Britain -- Biography.
(George Scott Railton), Bernard Watson (1970). Soldier Saint: George Scott Railton, William Booth’s First Lieutenant. (London, UK: Hodder & Stoughton, 254 p.). Booth, William, of the Salvation Army; Railton, George Scott. Salvation Army.
(William Chapman Ralston), Cecil G. Tilton (1935). William Chapman Ralston, Courageous Builder. (Boston, MA: The Christopher Publishing House, 474 p.). Ralston, William Chapman, 1826-1875; Bank of California; Banks and banking--California--San Francisco.
(William Chapman Ralston), Julian Dana (1936). The Man Who Built San Francisco; A Study of Ralston's Journey with Banners. (New York, NY: Macmillan, 397 p.). Ralston, William Chapman, 1826-1875; San Francisco (Calif.). Bank of California.
(William Chapman Ralston), George D. Lyman (1937). Ralston's Ring; California Plunders the Comstock Lode. (New York, NY: Scribner, 368 p.). Ralston, William Chapman, 1826-1875.; Sutro, Adolph, 1830-1898; Comstock Lode (Nev.); California--History. Bank of California.
(William Chapman Ralston), David Lavender; foreword by J. E. Wallace Sterling (1975). Nothing Seemed Impossible: William C. Ralston and Early San Francisco. (Palo Alto, CA: American West Pub. Co., 415 p.). Ralston, William Chapman, 1826-1875; Bankers--California--San Francisco--Biography. Bank of California.
(Dudley Randall), Julius E. Thompson (1999). Dudley Randall, Broadside Press, and the Black Arts Movement in Detroit, 1960-1995. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 344 p.). Randall, Dudley, 1914- ; Broadside Press; American literature--African American authors--Publishing--Michigan--Detroit; Literature publishing--Michigan--Detroit--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; Publishers and publishing--Michigan--Detroit; African American arts--Michigan--Detroit; Poets, American--20th century--Biography; African American poets--Biography. Broadside Press.
(Dudley Randall), Melba Joyce Boyd (2003). Wrestling with the Muse: Dudley Randall and the Broadside Press. (New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 385 p.). Professor of Africana Studies (Wayne State University), Adjunct Professor at the Center for Afro-American and African Studies (University of Michigan). Randall, Dudley, 1914- ; Broadside Press; American literature--African American authors--Publishing--Michigan--Detroit; Literature publishing--Michigan--Detroit--History--20th century; Publishers and publishing--United States--Biography; African American arts--Michigan--Detroit; Poets, American--20th century--Biography; African American poets--Biography. Broadside Press.
(Benjamin Rathbun), Roger Whitman (1996). The Rise and Fall of a Frontier Entrepreneur: Benjamin Rathbun, "Master Builder and Architect". (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press and Buffalo and Erie County Historical Society, 241 p.). Rathbun, Benjamin, d. 1887; Businessmen -- New York (State) -- Buffalo -- Biography; Entrepreneurship -- New York (State) -- Buffalo -- History -- 19th century; Buffalo (N.Y.) -- Biography.
(Gerald A. Rauenhorst), Compiled and Edited for Gerald A. Rauenhorst, Opus Founder, by William Swanson (2003) A Better Way: Faith, Family, and the First Fifty Years of the Opus Group of Companies. (Minnetonka, MN: Opus Group of Companies, 262 p.). Rauenhorst, Gerald A. (Gerald Anthony), 1927- ; Opus Corporation--History; Opus Group of Companies--History; Construction industry--United States--Biography; Construction industry--Minnesota--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Businesspeople--Minnesota--Biography.
(James Addison Reavis), E. H. Cookridge (1967). The Baron of Arizona. (New York, NY: John Day Co., 304 p.). Reavis, James Addison, 1843-1914; Arizona--Biography.
(Orville Redenbacher), Len Sherman (1996). Popcorn King: How Orville Redenbacher and His Popcorn Charmed America. (Arlington, TX: Summit Pub. Group, 112 p.). Redenbacher, Orville; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Popcorn industry--United States--History.
(John Redpath), Richard Feltoe (2004). A Gentleman of Substance: The Life and Legacy of John Redpath (1796-1869). (Toronto, ON: Natural Heritage/Natural History, 144 p.). Redpath, John, 1796-1869; Redpath Industries--History--19th century; Businessmen--Québec (Province)--Montréal--Biography; Politicians--Québec (Province)--Montréal--Biography; Montréal (Québec)--Biography; Montréal (Québec)--History--19th century.
(Alfred Hamish Reed), Ian Dougherty (2005). Books and Boots: The Story of New Zealand Publisher, Writer and Long Distance Walker Alfred Hamish Reed. (Dunedin, NZ: University of Otago Press, 252 p.). Reed, Alfred Hamish, 1875-1975; Travelers--New Zealand--Biography; Publishers and publishing--New Zealand--Biography; New Zealand--Biography. A. H. and A. W. Reed.
(Mark E. Reed), Robert E. Ficken (1979). Lumber and Politics: The Career of Mark E. Reed. (Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 264 p.). Reed, Mark E. (Mark Edward), 1866-1933; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Lumber trade--Washington (State)--History; Washington (State)--Politics and government.
(Reichmann Family), Peter Foster (1993). Towers of Debt: The Rise and Fall of the Reichmanns: The Olympia & York Story. (Toronto, ON: Key Porter Books, 312 p.). Reichmann family; Olympia and York Developments Ltd.--History; Real estate developers--Canada--Biography.
(Reichmann Family), Anthony Bianco (1997). The Reichmanns: Family, Faith, Fortune, and the Empire of Olympia & York. (New York, NY: Times Business, 810 p.). Reichmann family; Jews--Canada--Biography; Jews, Hungarian--Canada--Biography; Jews--Hungary--Biography; Orthodox Judaism--Canada; Canada--Biography. Olympia & York.
(Peter C. Reilly), Bill Beck; edited by Kim Hackett (1996). Good Chemistry: The Story of P.C. Reilly and Reilly Industries. (Indianapolis, IN: Reilly Industries, 216 p.). Reilly, Peter Celestine, 1869-1952; Reilly Industries, Inc.--History; Industrialists--United States--Biography; Chemical industry--United States--History; Organic compounds--Synthesis--United States--History; Coal-tar products--United States--History.
(Louis Renault), Anthony Rhodes. With a foreword by Lord Montagu of Beaulieu (1969). Louis Renault; A Biography. (New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace & World, 233 p.). Renault, Louis, 1877-1944. Régie nationale des usines Renault.
(Louis Renault), Gilbert Hatry (1982). Louis Renault, Patron Absolu. (Paris, FR: Lafourcade: Diffusion, M.A.D., 463 p.). Renault, Louis, 1877-1944; Régie nationale des usines Renault--History; Renault automobile--History; Businesspeople--France--Biography.
(Louis Renault), Emmanuel Chadeau (1998). Louis Renault. (Paris, FR: Plon, 458 p.). Renault, Louis, 1877-1944; Renault family; Front populaire; Industrialists--France--Biography; Automobile industry and trade--France--History; World War, 1939-1945--Collaborationists--France--Biography; France--History--German occupation, 1940-1945--Collaborationists. Régie nationale des usines Renault.
(Louis Renault), Laurent Dingli (2000). Louis Renault. (Paris, FR: Flammarion, 678 p.). Renault, Louis, 1877-1944; Renault family; Front populaire; Industrialists--France--Biography; Automobile industry and trade--France--History; World War, 1939-1945--Collaborationists--France--Biography; France--History--German occupation, 1940-1945--Collaborationists. Régie nationale des usines Renault.
(Albert Eugene Reynolds), H. Lee Scamehorn (1995). Albert Eugene Reynolds: Colorado's Mining King. (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 308 p.). Reynolds, Albert Eugene, 1840-1921; Pioneers--Colorado--Biography; Businesspeople--Colorado--Biography; Silver mines and mining--Colorado--History; Gold mines and mining--Colorado--History; Colorado--Biography.
(R. J. Reynolds), Patrick Reynolds and Tom Shachtman (1989). The Gilded Leaf: Triumph, Tragedy, and Tobacco: Three Generations of the R.J. Reynolds Family and Fortune. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 353 p.). Reynolds family; R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company--History; Tobacco industry--United States--History.
(Cecil Rhodes), John Flint (1974). Cecil Rhodes. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 268 p.). Rhodes, Cecil, 1853-1902; Statesmen--Africa, Southern--Biography; Capitalists and financiers--Africa, Southern--Biography; Africa, Southern--History. De Beers.
(Cecil Rhodes), Brian Roberts (1988). Cecil Rhodes: Flawed Colossus. (New York, NY: Norton, 319 p.). Rhodes, Cecil, 1853-1902; Statesmen--Africa, Southern--Biography; Capitalists and financiers--Africa, Southern--Biography. De Beers.
(Cecil Rhodes), Robert I. Rotberg, with the collaboration of Miles F. Shore (1988). The Founder: Cecil Rhodes and the Pursuit of Power. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 800 p.). Rhodes, Cecil, 1853-1902; Statesmen--Africa, Southern--Biography; Capitalists and financiers--Africa, Southern--Biography. De Beers.
(Paul Ricard), Marie-France Pochna (1996). Paul Ricard: l'Homme Qui Se Ressemble. (Paris, FR: P.A.U., 188 p.). Ricard, Paul, 1909- ; Ricard (Firm)--History; Businesspeople--France--Biography; Pastis industry--France--History. Pernod
(George Taylor Richardson), Tim
Higgins (2010).
Just Common Sense: The Life and Times of George Taylor
Richardson. (Winnipeg, MB: Heartland Associates, 245
p.). James Richardson & Sons; Businessmen -- Canada --
Biography; Directors of corporations -- Canada -- Biography;
Philanthropists -- Canada -- Biography; Winnipeg (Man.) --
Biography; Richardson, George Taylor; James Richardson & Sons --
(James A. Richardson), Shirley Render; foreword by Max Ward (1999). Double Cross: The Inside Story of James A. Richardson and Canadian Airways. (Vancouver, BC: Douglas & McIntyre, 334 p.). Richardson, James A. (James Armstrong), 1885-1939; Canadian Airways Limited -- History; Canadian Airways Limited -- Biography; Airlines -- Canada -- History.
(Ringling Brothers), Jerry Apps ; foreword by Fred Dahlinger, Jr. (2005). Ringlingville USA: The Stupendous Story of Seven Siblings and Their Stunning Circus Success. (Madison, WI: Wisconsin Historical Society Press, 256 p.). Wisconsin Historian. Ringling Brothers--History; Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Combined Shows--History; Circus performers--United States--Biography; Circus--United States.
(Manuel Rionda y Polledo), Muriel McAvoy (2003). Sugar Baron: Manuel Rionda and the Fortunes of Pre-Castro Cuba. (Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 337 p.). Professor Emerita (Fitchburg State College). Rionda y Polledo, Manuel; Sugar trade Cuba History 20th century; Businessmen Cuba Biography. Cuba Cane Sugar Corporation.
(Cesar Ritz), Marie Louise Ritz (1938). César Ritz, Host to the World. (Philadelphia, PA: J.B. Lippincott company, 360 p.). Ritz, César, 1850-1918; Hotels, taverns, etc. Ritz-Carlton.
(John Roach), Leonard A. Swann, Jr. (1980). John Roach, Maritime Entrepreneur. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 301 p. [orig. pub. 1965]). Roach, John, 1813-1887; Ship brokers--United States--Biography; Shipbuilding--United States--History.
(Columbus Roberts), Spright Dowell (1983). Columbus Roberts: Christian Steward Extraordinary. (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 171 p. [orig. pub. 1951]). Roberts, Columbus, 1870-1950; Businesspeople--Georgia--Biography; Philanthropists--Georgia--Biography; Baptists--Georgia--Biography; Georgia--Biography. Coca-Cola Bottling.
(Sir Geoffrey Roberts), Noel Holmes (1982). To Fly a Desk: Sir Geoffrey Roberts Father of Air New Zealand. (Wellington, NZ: Reed, 196 p.). Roberts, Geoffrey, Sir, 1906- ; Air New Zealand--History; Air New Zealand--Biography; Businesspeople--New Zealand--Biography.
(Ralph and Brian Roberts), Joseph N. DiStefano (2005). COMCASTed: How Ralph and Brian Roberts Took Over America's TV, One Deal at a Time. (Philadelphia, PA: Camino Books, 294 p.). Philadelphia Inquirer Business Writer. Roberts, Ralph.; Roberts, Brian (Brian Leon); Comcast Corporation--History; Cable television--United States--History.
(E. Claiborne Robins), Juliet E. Shield (1995). An Angel on My Shoulder: The Biography of E. Claiborne Robins (Aspen, CO: Opa Pub., 244 p.). Robins, E. Claiborne (Edwin Claiborne), 1910-1995; A. H. Robins Company--History; Pharmacists--Virginia--Richmond--Biography; Executives--Virginia--Richmond--Biography.
(Robinson Family), Paul J. Bunnell (1995). The House of Robinson: The Robinsons of Rhode Island: Their Genealogy and Letters and the History of the Robinson & Son Oil Company of Baltimore, Maryland. (Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, Inc., 226 p.). Robinson family; Robinson, Rowland, 1654-1716 --Family; Robinson & Son Oil Company--History; Rhode Island--Genealogy; Maryland--History.
(Henry Mauris Robinson), Rockwell Hereford (1985). A Whole Man, Henry Mauris Robinson, and a Half Century, 1890-1940. (Pacific Grove, CA: Boxwood Press,, 272 p.). Robinson, Henry Mauris, 1868-1937; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Bankers--United States--Biography; Lawyers--United States--Biography; United States--Economic conditions--1865-1918; United States--Economic conditions--1918-1945. FNB Los Angeles.
Felix Rohatyn (2010).
Dealings: A Political and Financial Life. (New York,.
NY: Simon & Schuster, 352 p.). Former Managing Director at
Lazard Freres & Co. LLC, Former U.S. ambassador to France (1975
to 1993). Rohatyn, Felix G., 1928-; Investment bankers --United
States --Biography; Capitalists and financiers --United States
--Biography; Ambassadors --United States --Biography.
merger-and-acquisition business that revolutionized investment
banking, transformed worlds of finance, entertainment; some of
era’s most renowned figures in worlds of finance, entertainment,
(John W. Rollins), Drury Pifer (2001). Hanging the Moon: The Rollins Rise to Riches. (Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 267 p.). Rollins, John W.; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Entrepreneurship--Biography. Rollins Leasing.
(Charles Stewart Rolls), Lord Montagu of Beaulieu (1966). Rolls of Rolls-Royce; A Biography of the Hon. C. S. Rolls. (London, UK: Cassell, 250 p.). Rolls, Charles Stewart, 1877-1910. Rolls Royce.
(Charles Stewart Rolls, Sir Henry Royce), John Rowland (1970). The Rolls-Royce Men; The Story of C. S. Rolls and Henry Royce. (New York, NY: Roy Publishers, 130 p.). Rolls, Charles Stewart, 1877-1910; Royce, Henry, Sir, 1863-1933. Rolls Royce.
(Stephen Roman), Paul McKay (1990). The Roman Empire: The Unauthorized Life and Times of Stephen Roman. (Toronto, ON: Key Porter Books, 242 p.). Roman, Stephen; Denison Mines Limited--History; Denison Mines Limited--Histoire; Businessmen--Canada--Biography; Slovak Canadians--Biography; Hommes d'affaires--Canada--Biographies; Canadiens d'origine slovaque--Biographies.
(George Romney), Tom Mahoney (1960). The Story of George Romney: Builder, Salesman, Crusader. (New York, NY: Harper, 275 p.). Romney, George W., 1907-; American Motors Corporation.
(A. M. Rosenthal), Joseph C. Goulden (1988). Fit to Print A.M. Rosenthal and His Times. (Seacaucus, NJ: L. Stuart, 486 p.). Rosenthal, A. M. (Abraham Michael), 1922- ; New York Times--History; Journalists--United States--Biography; Editors--United States--Biography; Newspaper editors--United States--Biography. NY Times.
(Julius Rosenwald), M. R. Werner (1939). Julius Rosenwald; The Life of a Practical Humanitarian. (New York, NY: Harper & brothers, 381 p.). Rosenwald, Julius, 1862-1932. Sears.
(Julius Rosenwald), Alfred Q. Jarrette (1975). Julius Rosenwald, Son of a Jewish Immigrant, a Builder of Sears, Roebuck and Company, Benefactor of Mankind: a Biography Documented. (Greenville, SC: Southeastern University Press, 143 p.). Rosenwald, Julius, 1862-1932; Benefactors--United States--Biography. Sears).
(Julius Rosenwald), Peter M. Ascoli (2006). Julius Rosenwald: The Man Who Built Sears, Roebuck and Advanced the Cause of Black Education in the American South. (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 392 p.). Faculty of Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies in Chicago; Grandson of Julius Rosenwald. Rosenwald, Julius, 1862-1932; Sears, Roebuck and Company--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Jewish businesspeople--United States--Biographyl; Philanthropists--United States--Biography; African Americans--Education--Southern states.
(Steve Ross), Connie Bruck (1994). Master of the Game: Steve Ross and the Creation of Time Warner. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 395 p.). Ross, Steve, 1927-1992; Time Warner, Inc.; Mass media--United States--Biography.
(Anthony T. Rossi), Sanna Barlow Rossi (1986). Anthony T. Rossi, Christian and Entrepreneur: The Story of the Founder of Tropicana. (Downers Grove, IL: InterVersity Press, 200 p.). Rossi, Anthony T.; Tropicana Products, Inc.; Baptists--United States--Biography; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Rotch Family), Joseph L. McDevitt (1986). The House of Rotch: Massachusetts Whaling Merchants, 1734-1828. (New York, NY: Garland, 641 p.). Rotch family; Whaling--Massachusetts--History.
(Arthur T. Roth), Walter S. Ross (1987). People's Banker: The Story of Arthur T. Roth and the Franklin National Bank. (New Canaan, CT: Keats Pub., 288 p.). Roth, Arthur T.; Franklin National Bank; Bankers--United States--Biography; Bank failures--United States; Franklin National.
(Esmond Cecil Rothermere), S.J. Taylor (1996). The Great Outsiders: Northcliffe, Rothermere and the Daily Mail. (London, UK: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 377 p.). Northcliffe, Alfred Harmsworth, Viscount, 1865-1922; Rothermere, Harold Sidney Harmsworth, Viscount, 1868-1940; Daily mail (London, England) -- History; Publishers and publishing -- Great Britain -- Biography; Newspaper publishing -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century. Daily Mail.
(Esmond Cecil Rothermere), S.J. Taylor (1998). The Reluctant Press Lord: Esmond Rothermere and the Daily Mail. (London, UK: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 240 p.). Rothermere, Esmond Cecil Harmsworth, Viscount, 1898-1978; Daily mail (London, England) -- History -- 20th century; Publishers and publishing -- Great Britain -- Biography; Newspaper publishing -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century. Daily Mail.
(Vere Harold Esmond Rothermere) , S.J. Taylor (2002). An Unlikely Hero: Vere Rothermere and How the Daily Mail Was Saved. (London, UK: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 361 p.). Rothermere, Vere Harold Esmond Harmsworth, Viscount, 1925- ; Daily mail (London, England); Publishers and publishing--Great Britain--Biography; Journalists--Great Britain--Biography; Newspaper publishing--Great Britain--History--20th century. Daily Mail.
(Meyer Amschel Rothschild), Amos Elon (1996). Founder: A Portrait of the First Rothschild and His Time. (New York, NY: Viking, 208 p.). Austrian-born Israeli Essayist. Rothschild, Meyer Amschel,--1744-1812; Jewish bankers--Germany--Biography; Bankers--Germany--Biography; Jews--Germany--Biography; Jews--Germany--History--18th century; Germany--Economic conditions--18th century.
(Nathan Meyer Rothschild), Herbert H. Kaplan (2006). Nathan Mayer Rothschild and the Creation of a Dynasty: The Critical Years 1806-1816. (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 194 p.). Professor Emeritus of History (Indiana University). Rothschild, Nathan Meyer, 1777-1836; Rothschild family; Bankers--England--London--Biography; Jewish capitalists and financiers--England--London--Biography; Banks and banking--England--London--History--19th century; Banks and banking--Europe--History--19th century; Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815--Participation, British. How Nathan Mayer Rothschild founded banking and financial empire that remained preeminent in Europe for more than a century.
(Rothschild Family), Derek Wilson (1988). Rothschild: The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty (New York, NY: Scribner, 490 p.). Rothschild family; Bankers--Europe--Biography; Businesspeople--Europe--Biography; Europe--Politics and government--1789-1900.
(Rothschild Family), Herbert R. Lottman (1995). The French Rothschilds: The Great Banking Dynasty Through Two Turbulent Centuries. (New York, NY: Crown, 405 p.). Rothschild family; Bankers--France--Biography; Banks and banking--France--History.
(Rothschild Family), Niall Ferguson (1997). The House of Rothschild: Money's Prophets, 1798-1848. (New York, NY: Viking, Vol. 1, 500p.). Teaches History (Jesus College, Oxford). Rothschild family; Bankers--Europe--Biography; Banks and banking--Europe--History--19th century; Jews--Europe--Biography.
(Rothschild Family), Frederic Morton (1998). The Rothschilds: Portrait of a Dynasty (New York, NY: Kodansha International, 311 p. [orig. pub. 1962]). Rothschild family; Bankers--Europe--Biography.
(Rothschild Family), Niall Ferguson (1999). The House of Rothschild: The World's Banker 1849-1999. (New York, NY: Viking, Vol. 2, 658 p.). Teaches History (Jesus College, Oxford). Businesspeople--Europe--Biography; Europe--Politics and government.
(James W. Rouse), Nicholas Dagen Bloom (2004). Merchant of Illusion: James Rouse, American's Salesman of the Businessman's Utopia. (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 223 p.). Professor (New York Institute of Technology). Rouse, James W.; Urban renewal--United States--History--20th century; City planning--United States--History--20th century; Real estate developers--United States--Biography. Rouse Co.
(James W. Rouse), Joshua Olsen (2004). Better Places, Better Lives: A Biography of James Rouse. (Washington, DC: ULI - The Urban Land Institute, 442 p.). Rouse, James W. Rouse Co.
(John Edward Rovensky), Donald L. Kemmerer (1977). The Life of John E. Rovensky: Banker and Industrialist: From the Gilded Age to the Atomic Age. (Champaign, IL: Stipes Pub. Co., 350 p.). Rovensky, John Edward, 1880-1970; Bankers--United States--Biography; Industrialists--United States--Biography. City Bank in New York.
(Tiny Rowland), Tom Bower (1993). Tiny Rowland: A Rebel Tycoon. (London, UK: Heinemann, 659 p.). Rowland, Tiny, 1917- ; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography; Millionaires--Great Britain--Biography; Mineral industries--Africa--History--20th century. Lonrho.
(Tiny Rowland), EIR investigative team (1993). Tiny Rowland: The Ugly Face of Neocolonialism in Africa. (Washington, DC: Executive Intelligence Review, 165 p.). Rowland, Tiny, 1917- ; Industrialists--Great Britain--Biography; Africa--Economic conditions--1960-. London and Rhodesian Mining and Land Company, later renamed Lonrho.
(Joseph Rowntree), Anne Vernon (1958). A Quaker Business Man; The Life of Joseph Rowntree, 1836-1925. (London, UK: Allen & Unwin, 207 p.). Rowntree, Joseph, 1836-1925; Rowntree and Company, Ltd.
(Sir Henry Royce), Donald Bastow (1989). Henry Royce, Mechanic. (Derby, UK: Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust, 214 p.). Royce, Henry, Sir, 1863-1933; Rolls-Royce Ltd.; Automobile engineers--Great Britain--Biography.
(John Ruan), William B. Friedricks (2003). In for the Long Haul: The Life of John Ruan. (Ames, IA: Iowa State Press, 293 p.). Professor of History (Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa). Ruan, John, 1914- ; Businessmen Iowa Biography; Philanthropists Iowa Biography. Ruan Companies.
(Helena Rubinstein), Patrick O'Higgins (1971). Madame; An Intimate Biography of Helena Rubinstein. (New York, NY: Viking, 296 p.). Rubinstein, Helena, 1870-1965.
(Helena Rubinstein), Lindy Woodhead (2004). War Paint: Madame Helena Rubinstein and Miss Elizabeth Arden: Their Lives, Their Times, Their Rivalry. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 492 p.). Former Journalist, Fashion PR Executive. Rubinstein, Helena, 1870-1965; Arden, Elizabeth, 1878-1966; Businesswomen--United States--Biography; Cosmetics industry--United States--History; Beauty culture--United States--History.
(William B. Ruger), R. L. Wilson (1996). Ruger & His Guns: A History of the Man, the Company, and Their Firearms. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 358 p.). Ruger, William B., 1916- ; Ruger Corporation--History; Firearms--United States--History; Gunsmiths--United States--Biography.
(Anton Rupert), Ebbe Dommisse with the cooperation of Willie Esterhuyse (2005). Anton Rupert A Biography. (Cape Town, SA: Tafelberg, 463 p.). Rupert, Anton; Industrialists--South Africa--Biography.
South Africa's most successful entrepreneur.
(Sir David Russell), Lorn Macintyre (1994). Sir David Russell: A Biography. (Edinburgh, Scotland: Canongate, 259 p.). Russell, David, Sir, 1872-1956; Papermakers--Scotland--Biography. Tullis Russell.
(Thomas Alexander Russell), Jaroslav Petryshyn (2000). "Made Up to a Standard": Thomas Alexander Russell and the Russell Motor Car Company. (Renfrew, ON: General Store Publishing House, 157 p.). Russell, Thomas Alexander; Russell Motor Car Company.
(T. Claude Ryan), William Wagner, in collaboration with Lee Dye (1971). Ryan, The Aviator; Being the Adventures & Ventures of Pioneer Airman & Businessman, T. Claude Ryan. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 253 p.). Ryan, Tubal Claude, 1898- ; Ryan Aeronautical Company.
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