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INDUSTRIES: Business History of Agribusiness
business biographies  

November 25, 1715 - Sybilla Masters, of Philadelphia, PA, received first English patent issued by King George I to an American for "Cleansing Curing and Refining of Indian Corn Growing in the Plantations"; a way to clean and cure Indian corn crops; patent awarded in her husband's name (Thomas Masters).

1766 - Richard Tattersall established oldest bloodstock auctioneers in world, largest in Europe; 2013 - international firm offers 10,000 thoroughbred horses each year at 15 sales at Newmarket headquarters in England, or at Fairyhouse outside Dublin, in Ireland.

March 1, 1785 - Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of Agriculture organized.

1810 - Berkshire Agricultural Society (Massachusetts), led by Elkanah Watson, sponsored exhibition considered first of new fairs in America; competitive displays, informal learning opportunities, demonstrations, lectures, parades, celebrations; 13 historical, contemporary articles.

November 23, 1835 - Henry Burden, of Troy, NY, received a patent for "Making Horseshoes"; horseshoe manufacturing machine; made nearly all the horseshoes used by the Union cavalry during the Civil War.

March 30, 1843 - Napoleon E. Guerin. of New York City, received a patent for an "Egg Hatching Apparatus" (mode of distributing steam heat, purifying air, etc."); egg incubator for hatching chickens by artificial heat.

1850 - Henry J. Baker, Charles J. Baker, William Baker established H. J. Baker & Bro. in New York as purveyors of Fine French Glass (William Baker had acquired Baltimore Window-Glass Works, oldest Glass Works in United States, in 1843); August 1857 - added Castor Oil to product line of paints, colors, chemicals; led to pomace, by-product of castor meal, its first fertilizer product; 1864 - acquired facilities of Gowanus Chemical Works (Brooklyn's Gowanus Canal); renamed East India Chemical Works; began producing America's early fertilizers (mostly low analysis organics, including specific analyses for potatoes, onions, corn, other crops); December 5, 1893 - Baker Castor Oil Company registered "The Baker Castor Oil Works" trademark first used June 1859 (Castor-Oil); 1901 - become first international agent for Texas Gulf Sulphur; handled variety of commodities (guarseed meal, Cuban bat guano, Peruvian bird guano, Venezuelan goat manure); July 3, 1923 - Baker Paint & Varnish Co. registered "Baker's" trademark first used 1886 (dry, paste or ready mixed paints, varnishes, putties, dry colors, white lead in oil, paint enamels, fillers, roofing paints, varnish stains); pre-World War II - became one of first sales agents for activated sludge, Chilean nitrate of soda; late 1950s - acquired fish meal plants on coast of Peru; 1960s - developed PRO-PAKŪ protein concentrate, fishmeal analogue that offers poultry growers advantage of highly consistent protein additive; became marketing success; July 29, 1969 - H. J. Baker & Bro., Inc. registered "Pro-Pak" trademark first used August 23, 1968 (livestock and poultry feed supplement-namely, protein concentrate); 1990s - expanded Feed Products Group; extended fertilizer business to encompass variety of water soluble products for foliar application; became important supplier of specialty fertilizers to lawn, garden, greenhouse product sector; May 2005 - acquired Tiger-Sul Products (leading producer of pastilled sulphur bentonite in North American market); 2009 - one of largest consumers of fishmeal in United States, operates six plants in key southern poultry areas, expanded into export markets.

October 8, 1850 - Alinzor Clark, of Southfield, NY, received a patent for a "Pitchfork" ("Improvement in Hay-Forks").

1853 - Richard King founded King Ranch in Texas.

1855 - Gustavus Franklin Swift opened cattle, pork butchering business with help of small loans from his family; 1875 - Swift and James A. Hathaway, business partner in Hathaway and Swift (butcher shop and slaughterhouse) set up shop in Chicago's Union Stock Yards; 1878 - dissolved partnership with Hathaway, formed Swift Bros and Company in partnership with younger brother Edwin; 1880 - Swift Refrigerator Line (SRL) created; 1881 - transported average of 3,000 carcasses a week to Boston; 1885 - incorporated in as Swift & Co. with $300,000 in capital stock and Gustavus Swift as president; revolutionized how meat was processed, delivered, and sold; 1920 - SRL owned and operated 7,000 ice-cooled rail cars; March 8, 1921 - Swift & Company registered "Swift's Premium" trademark first used on June 1, 1892 (Lard, Ham, Bacon, and Oleomargarin); 1930 - General American Transportation Corporation assumed ownership of the line; 1902 - Swift, fellow meat packers J. Ogden Armour and Edward Morris, investment banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb, and Company, created the National Packing Company for the purpose of fixing prices, dividing up markets, suppressing union efforts to organize industry workers; became known the "Meat Trust" and the "Big Four" of the meat packing industry; 1905 - U.S. Supreme Court ordered the monopoly to disband.

Gustavus Franklin Swift (

1856 - Alexander Livingston purchased 400 consignment boxes of Buckeye Garden Seed Company from Robert Robertson (was moving to Iowa); late 1850s-early 1860s - expanded farming, seed operations; 1870 - introduced Paragon, first new variety of tomato (from chance seedling); 1875 - introduced Acme variety (developed from single superior plant found in field of mixed stock); 1875-76 - Buckeye Garden Seed Company went bankrupt; Robert Livingston (son) formed "A. W. Livingston's Sons"; expanded marketing in seed catalogs, advertised in newspapers, magazines; 1880 - introduced Perfection variety (chance variant in Acme); 1882 - launched Golden Queen; 1883 - launched Favorite; 1886 - introduced Beauty; 1887 - started Potato Leaf; 1889 - launched Stone; 1892 - introduced Royal Red variety; 1893 - Aristocrat and Buckeye State; 1897 - Honor Bright; 1900 - Magnus; 1903 - introduced Dwarf Stone; 1905 - Globe and Hummer; Stone and Globe among most important varieties grown today; 1910 - about 40 varieties attained distinct status (one-third by Livingstons); 1898 - incorporated as Livingston Seed Company; instrumental force in breeding, popularizing of tomatoes in late-19th, early 20th Century; April 1, 1919 - everything destroyed by fire; 1930s - moved into field seeds, dropped tomatoes from their line; 1947 - produced last wholesale catalog; 1979 - acquired by Forest Randolph, operated under name of Superior Seed Company; 1986 - acquired by Robert Johnston through bank liquidation; repositioned business, from agricultural market to retail market, as seed wholesaler for retailers that market to home gardeners.

1858 - Henry Miller (born Heinrich Alfred Kreiser in Brackenheim, Germany), Charles W. Lux, immigrant butchers, formed partnership to sell beef during California Gold Rush; acquired massive land empire, owned over 1.25 million acres of land (stretched from California’s San Joaquin Valley across northwestern Nevada, northward over much of Oregon’s Harney County, Idaho’s Owhyee County into Blue Mountains of Baker and Grant counties, Oregon); 1889 - organized Pacific Live Stock Company; detested as "ruthless monopoly" to many of region’s smaller ranchers, newer residents.

March 2, 1858 - Frederick Cook, New Orleans, LA, received patent for a "Cotton Bale Tie" ("Improvement in Metallic Ties for Cotton Bales").

1864 - Consortium of nine railroad companies bought 320-acre area of swampy land in southwest Chicago for $100,000; February 13, 1865 - Union Stock Yard & Transit Co. incorporated in Illinois; permitted to buy land, build, operate stock yards in city of Chicago, build tracks to connect to  railroads to transport livestock; December 25, 1865 - Timothy Blackstone first president, received first cattle in 15 cattle-cars pulled by wood-burning locomotive; meatpacking industry boomed during Civil War, became largest in world because of Union Army's ravenous demand; 1900 - stockyard grew to 475 acres; 1971 - company closed, victim of refrigerated trucks, interstate highway system.

1867 - Philip (Danforth), Herman Armour founded Armour and Company in Chicago (Philip had previously been partner in 1863 in Plankinton, Armour and Company in Milwaukee with John Plankinton); helped make Chicago center of  American meatpacking industry; 1891 - largest meat packer in country, controlled 30% of Chicago's grain supply; 1920s - acquired by Frederick H. Prince; 1948 - introduced Dial, first deodorant soap; October 23, 1951 - registered "Dial" trademark first used November 10, 1947 (bath and toilet soap); December 10, 1957 - registered "Armour" trademark first used in 1867 (fresh carcass meats and cuts thereof); 1973 - acquired by Dial Company (manufacturers of consumer products); 1983 - acquired by ConAgra Foods (continues to market processed meat under Armour name).

Philip Danforth Armour (

June 25, 1867 - Lucien B Smith of Kent, OH received a patent for "Wire Fence" ("improvement in the construction of a wire fence especially adapted to use in the prairies of the Western States where timber is scarce and fires frequently sweep over them, destroying everything that is combustible"); artificial "thorn hedge" (barbed wire) consisted of wire with short metal spikes twisted on by hand at regular intervals; met need to keep farmers' cattle safely away from crops; simpler twisted wire forms followed.

December 4, 1867 - Former Minnesota farmer Oliver Hudson Kelley founded the Grange (Order of the Patrons of Husbandry), a national organization to unify farmers; began primarily as a social organization designed to provide educational and recreational opportunities for farmers, it evolved into a major political force; the importance of including women; political activism resulted in legislation passed in five mid-western states known as the "Granger Laws" (provided crucial precedent for state and federal regulation of private enterprise for the "public interest", not very effective in solving the farmers' problems with the railroads and warehouses); played a key role in creating the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887, which called for the first federal regulation of railroads to control unfair shipping rates.

Oliver Hudson Kelley Oliver Hudson Kelley - founded Grange movement (

1869 - Samuel T. Alexander, Henry Perrine Baldwin bought 12 acres at Makawao, Maui, for $110, formed sugar growing partnership;1870 - added additional 559 acres; planted sugarcane; established Alexander & Baldwin; 1899 - acquired Maui’s two main railroad lines (Kahului Railroad Company, Maui Railroad & Steamship Company); 1900 - incorporated in Hawaii as Alexander & Baldwin, Limited; 1908 - invested $200,00 in Matson Navigation Company to ensure transportation of sugar to refinery on West Coast; 1949 - formed Kahului Development Co. to provide reasonably priced homes for plantation, railroad employees (more than 3,500 homes in Central Maui); 1969 - acquired remaining interests in Matson Navigation Company.

Samuel T. Alexander - Alexander & Baldwin (

Henry Perrine Baldwin.jpg Henry Perring Baldwin - Alexander & Baldwin ( Henry_Perrine_Baldwin.jpg/160px-Henry_Perrine_Baldwin.jpg)

1872 - Livingston Stone (sent by Professor Spencer F. Baird, first United States Commissioner of Fisheries, to Pacific Coast to obtain supply of king salmon eggs for introduction into East Coast waters to compensate for depletion of Atlantic salmon), William T. Perrin (nephew), Myron Green established Baird Hatchery on McCloud River in Shasta County, CA; first salmon breeding station on Pacific Coast; 1874–1875 - largest in world for hatching of salmon eggs (six to ten million hatched, distributed each year); 1884 - closed due to railroad construction; 1888 - reopened to supply eggs for newly established Sisson Hatchery; 1943 - inundated by water stored behind gigantic Shasta Dam; cut off king salmon of Sacramento River system from ancestral spawning grounds.

December 1873 - Eliza Lovell Tibbets and Luther Tibbets, Riverside, CA, received Bahia navel orange seedlings (sweet, seedless grown in Brazil) bought from William Saunders, head of Experimental Gardens at Department of Agriculture (Washington, DC); planned oranges as source of income (prior plantings failed in rough desert climate); watered them with dishwater; February 1879 - oranges shown at first California Citrus Fair; sold buds of mature trees ($1 per bud) to neighboring nurserymen; birth of California citrus industry; 1893 - Riverside County formed, wealthiest city per capita in country due to orange industry; Washington Navel Orange most successful of Saunders's tenure at Experimental Gardens.

Eliza Lovell Tibbets - California Citrus Industry (

April 7, 1874 - Black American inventor Edward H. Sutton, of Edenton, NC, received patent for "Cotton-Cultivators".

November 24, 1874  - Joseph F. Glidden, of De Kalb, IL, farmer, received patent for "Wire-Fences", new design for a fencing wire with sharp barbs; used two strands of wire twisted together to hold the barbed spur wires firmly in place = cheapest, strongest, portable, most durable way to fence property for protection from grazing herds of cattle and sheep (vs. expensive and bulky wooden rails shipped by train and wagon from distant forests); suited to mass production; 1880 - more than 80 million pounds of inexpensive Glidden-style barbed wire was sold, most popular wire in the nation; era of the open-range cattle industry; February 25, 1885 - U.S. Congress condemned barbed wire around government grounds.

Joseph F. Glidden - barbed wire ( josphglidden55_edited_5.jpg)

January 1, 1876 - Work began at the first regularly organized state agricultural experimental station in U.S. located in Middletown, CT; important discoveries: vitamin A (1913), hybrid corn, first soil fungicide (1889), fungus to control gypsy moth populations.

1880 - George and Melvin Sinton began Sinton Dairy in Colorado Springs, CO; 12 red cows produced 14 quarts of milk, delivered by horse-drawn cart to Springs residents for 10 cents a quart; early 1900s - introduced pasteurized milk; 2009 - acquired by Lala USA (part of purchase of National Dairy); 2011 - processes more than 220 million pounds of milk each year, more than 9 million pounds of cottage cheese, 3 million pounds of sour cream.

March 1, 1885 - Recognizing that future of state was in agriculture, Kansas legislature restricted movement of Texas cattle; passed law barring Texas cattle from state between March 1 and December 1; reflected love-hate relationship between Kansas and cattle industry; quarantine closed all of Kansas to Texan cattle for all but winter months of December, January, February (when diseases were not as prevalent);  laws signaled end of Kansas role in Texas cattle industry; laws became irrelevant as most Texans could more easily ship cattle via railheads in their own states.

1886 - Jefferson Davis Heiskell supervised construction of grain storage warehouse in Tulare, CA for his employer; later bought warehouse, stored harvest wheat crops of local farms prior to shipping to processing mills in northern California; 1926 - John Tyler Heiskell (son) inherited business; built, operated first cotton gin in Tulare County; built county’s first cottonseed oil mill; poultry operations represented majority of sales (Central California dairies became largest local consumers of grains, agricultural by-products; end of 1950s - full-range feed milling enterprise; 1972 - Dale W. Hillman (son-in-law) took over (had joined company in 1955); built one of first computer-driven, high-production feed mills in state; 1989 - built two miles of railroad track, six 100-foot concrete silos ("unit train" unloading venue); became volume buyer, shipper of Midwest grains; 1991 - Scot Hillman (son, fourth generation) took over; 2000 - bought five dairy-focused mills in Washington, Idaho California (300% growth in volume); top five American feed manufacturing companies; named first-ever "California Family Business of the Year" by Institute for Family Business; 2002 - Forbes list of the Top 250 Privately Held Firms; 2004 - formed a joint venture with J.R. Simplot Land & Livestock to build world’s largest grain rolling facility; 2008 - gross sales exceeded $3 billion for first time; 2010 - dozen locations in seven states; among top trading companies in US; country's fourth largest feed manufacturing company by volume.

March 30, 1886 - Black American inventor James Ricks, of Washington, DC, received patent for a "Horseshoe" ("Improvements in the "Rough-Shoeing of Horses"); an overshoe or sleet shoe clamped with a wire band over the ordinary shoe.

May 17, 1887 - Dennis W. Shorter, of Union Springs, NY, received a patent for a "Feed-Rack" ("improved animal feed-rack").

August 2, 1887 - Chester A. Hodge, of Beloit, WI, received  patent for "Barbed Fence" ("certain new and useful Improvements in Wire Fences...of that particular class known to the trade as the 'spur-wheel wire' or harmless wire fence").

June 6, 1899 - Black American inventor James Ricks, of Washington, DC, received a patent for an "Overshoe for Horses", a rubber horseshoe "to prevent a horse from slipping in sleety weather and to secure noiseless travel when preferred, and is applied over the horseshoe in common use."

May 1910 - 230 growers, representing nine local pools, met near state capitol in Sacramento; formed federation called California Almond Growers Exchange as wholly grower-owned processing, marketing outlet for grower-members (total annual crop was 2,000 tons of unshelled almonds; almonds were shelled by European hand laborers at minimal rates, sold in United States); J.P. Dargitz, first manager of farmer-owned cooperative; took on task of selling about 1.5 million pounds of almonds from California (first U.S. almond appeared at California Fair in 1854); 1912 - hired T. J. Tucker as accountant, head of production department; September 26, 1922 - California Almond Growers Exchange registered "Blue Diamond" trademark first used May 7, 1910 (Shelled and Unshelled Almonds in Their Natural State); 1970s - California's largest tree crop, largest food export; 1988 - revenue of nearly $500 million, number 57 on 100 food companies list, sold over 2,000 products in 90 different companies; name changed to Blue Diamond Growers; world's largest almond supplier.

November 2, 1912 - XIT Ranch sold last head of cattle; at its peak had more than 160,000 head of cattle, employed 150 cowboys, encompassed nearly 3 million acres of the Texas panhandle; 1950 - XIT controlled only 20,000 acres.

April 13, 1916 - Funk Brothers Seed Co., of Bloomington, Illinois sold first U.S. shipment of hybrid seed corn to Samuel Ramsay of Jacobsburg, OH for $15 a bushel.

August 3, 1921 - John Macready did first crop dusting; used airplane to dust a six acre grove in Troy, OH to kill caterpillars.

February 18, 1922 - President Warren Harding signed Capper-Volstead Act into law "to give to the farmer the same right to bargain collectively that is already enjoyed by corporations"; gave farmers right to band together without violating anti-trust laws; called "Magna Carta" of cooperatives in agriculture industry in enabling agricultural producers to collectively process, prepare, handle market their products.

1926 - Henry Agard Wallace (future Secretary of Agriculture under FDR), Jim Wallace (brother), several partners incorporated Hi-Bred Corn Company in Johnstown, IA, with $7,000 in capital; first Company for development, marketing of hybrid seed corn; 1935 - name changed to Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Company (to distinguish it from other hybrid corn companies); 1970 - name changed to Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.; 1973 - went public; 1981 - market-share leader in North America corn sales; 1997 - 20% stake acquired by DuPont, formed joint venture called Optimum Quality Grains LLC; 1999 - remaining 80% acquired by DuPont for $7.7 billion.

1930 - Warren H. Monfort established feedlot business with 18 head of cattle in Greeley, CO; 1968 - first 100,000-head feedlot; 1969 - processed 645,214 lambs, 331,381 cattle in single year, sales of $157.6 million; 1971 - second generation took over, sales exceeded $400 million; 1973 - controlled entire meat production and distribution process; May1987 - acquired by ConAgra Food Inc. for $295.6 million.

1931 - Armor Frey, of Turkey Hill, in Lancaster County, southern end of Pennsylvania Dutch Country, sold milk to neighbors from back of touring sedan; 1947 - acquired by Glenn, Emerson, Charles Frey (son); 1980 - expanded into ice cream production (followed by Light ice cream, frozen yogurt); November 20, 1984 - Turkey Hill Dairy, Inc. registered "Turkey Hill" trademark first used in 1931 (eggs, milk, buttermilk, chocolate milk, cream, eggnog, butter); 2011 - managed by Quintin Frey (grandson); over 150 trucks deliver products all over country.

May 12, 1933 - President Franklin Roosevelt signed Agricultural Adjustment Act into law - first major price support and acreage reduction program (voluntary agreements with producers); set parity as goal for farm prices; markets regulated through voluntary agreements with producers; processing taxes used to offset cost of program. Program authorized production adjustment programs that were a direct outgrowth of the experience of the Federal Farm Board; authorized use of marketing agreements and licenses, which had been used already by producers to promote orderly marketing of perishable fruits and vegetables; large quantities of surplus food were distributed to needy households and to school lunch programs.

April 7, 1934 - Congress passed the Jones-Connally Farm-Relief Act; effectively placed an expanded roster of farm products under the control of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) created in 1933; AAA was charged with delivering farmers from the woes of the Depression by slashing production and increasing prices; soon able to boost prices and incomes for larger-scale farmers (an extended drought also played a part in hiking crop prices); 1936 - Supreme Court deemed the legislation that had fostered the AAA unconstitutional, forced Congress to draft new plans for rescuing FARMERS.

1936 - Denver Dairy Council (DDC) formed to educate school children about benefits of consuming milk; late 1940s - dairy farmers established American Dairy Association (ADA) of Colorado; 1970s - DDC name changed to Dairy Council of Colorado; ADA name changed to Goddess of the Rockies Milk Inc. (GORMI); early 1980s - GORMI re-named Western Dairyfarmers’ Promotion Association (WDPA) and Western Dairy Council (WDC) to better reflect geographic area, purpose; covered Colorado and Wyoming; 2007 - Western Dairyfarmers’ Promotion Association (WDPA) merfed with Western Dairy Council (WDC), formed Western Dairy Association.

February 16, 1938 - President Franklin Roosevelt signed the new version of the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA); designed to fulfill Secretary of Agriculture Henry Wallace's call for an "ever-normal granary" and thus was packed with measures intended to steady agriculture prices, as well as farmers' earnings; meted out limits on planting and crop sales, provided for the stockpiling of agricultural surpluses, established the Federal Crop Insurance Corp., which offered insurance to wheat farmers in case of damage caused by "unavoidable natural causes."

February 16, 1938 - U.S. Federal Crop Insurance program authorized.

October 20, 1970 - American agricultural pioneer Norman Borlaug awarded Nobel Peace Prize for his contribution to the "green revolution" - increased grain production throughout the Third World by perfecting and introducing new strains of wheat and rice crops. 

February 27, 1985 - Farmers converged in Washington to demand economic relief.

April 22, 1986 - U.S. Department of Agriculture approved the first virus produced with genetic engineering for use in a vaccine to fight a form of swine herpes.

2001 - Francis Childs, third-generation Iowa farmer, exceeded 400 bushels of corn/acre in controlled contest; first farmer ever; 2002 - 442 bushels/acre; most productive corn grower ever.

2007 - Average corn yields per acre rose to 153 bushels (crop size of 13.07 billion billion bushels) from 26.5 bushels per acre in 1932.

July 2008 - Corn Production (almost 20% allocated to ethanol) (additional sources: Energy Information Administration, New York Times;

(Agway Inc.), John B. Babcock (1999). Farmboy: Hard Work and Good Times on a Farm That Helped Change Northeast Agriculture. (Ithaca, NY: DeWitt Historical Society of Tompkins County, 240 p.). Babcock, H. E. (Howard Edward), 1889-1950; Agway Inc.--History; Agricultural economists--United States--Biography; Agriculture, Cooperative--Northeastern States--History.

(American Energy Farming Systems), Joseph A. Amato; foreword by Paul Gruchow (1993). The Great Jerusalem Artichoke Circus: The Buying and Selling of the Rural American Dream. (Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 244 p.). American Energy Farming Systems; Horticultural products industry--United States. 

(Barbed Wire), Henry D. and Frances T. McCallum (1965). The Wire That Fenced the West. (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 285 p.). Barbed wire; Wire fencing--History.

(Barbed Wire), Reviel Netz (2004). Barbed Wire: An Ecology of Modernity. (Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 267 p.). Barbed wire--Political aspects; Wire fencing--History; Wire obstacles--History; Concentration camps--History. 

(Beef), Louis F. Swift and Arthur Van Vlissingen (1927). The Yankee of the Yards; The Biography of Gustavus Franklin Swift. (New York, NY: A. W. Shaw company, 218 p.). Swift, Gustavus Franklin, 1839-1903; Meat industry and trade--United States.

(Beef), Robert Glass Cleland (1951). The Cattle on a Thousand Hills: Southern California, 1850-1880. (San Marino, CA: Huntington Library, 365 p. [2nd ed.]). Professor of History (Occidental College). Cattle trade--California, Southern--History--19th century; Ranch life--California, Southern--History--19th century; California, Southern--History. Transition from cattle frontier of Mexican rule and culture to agricultural American community on eve of great industrial and urban expansion; conversion of great grazing ranchos into farms and settlements, gradual displacement of frontier violence and instability by more restrained, law-abiding society, impact of Anglo-Saxon customs and institutions upon pastoral life of Spanish-Californians.

(Beef), Ramon Adams (1959). The Rampaging Herd; A Bibliography of Books and Pamphlets on Men and Events in the Cattle Industry. (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 463 p.). Cattle--West (U.S.)--Bibliography; Cattle trade--West (U.S.)--Bibliography; Frontier and pioneer life--West (U.S.)--Bibliography.

(Beef), Lewis Eldon Atherton (1961). The Cattle Kings. (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 308 p.). Cattle trade--West (U.S.); Cattle breeders--West (U.S.)--Biography; Ranch life--West (U.S.); West (U.S.)--Biography.

Richard Perren (1978). The Meat Trade in Britain, 1840-1914. (Boston, MA: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 258 p.). Meat industry and trade--Great Britain--History.

(Beef), Margaret Walsh (1982). The Rise of the Midwestern Meat Packing Industry. (Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 182 p.). Pork industry and trade--Middle West--History; Meat industry and trade--Middle West--History; Packing-houses--Middle West--History.

(Beef), Jimmy M. Skaggs (1986). Prime Cut: Livestock Raising and Meatpacking in the United States, 1607-1983. (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 263 p.). Meat industry and trade--United States--History; Cattle trade--United States--History; Stockyards--United States--History; Packing-houses--United States--History.

(Beef), J'Nell L. Pate (1988). Livestock Legacy: the Fort Worth Stockyards, 1887-1987. (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 332 p.). Tarrant County College. Stockyards--Texas--Fort Worth--History; Cattle trade--Texas--Fort Worth--History.

(Beef), Jeremy Rifkin (1992). Beyond Beef: The Rise and Fall of the Cattle Culture. (New York, NY: Dutton, 353 p.). Beef cattle; Cattle; Beef industry; Beef; Beef industry -- Environmental aspects; Cattle trade -- West (U.S.) -- History; Beef -- Social aspects; Food habits.

(Beef), Ian MacLachlan (2001). Kill and Chill: Restructuring Canada's Beef Commodity Chain. (Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 378 p.). Author provides in-depth and detailed account of the history and development of the production, distribution, processing and marketing of beef in Canada from the beginning to the present period. Cattle trade--Canada; Beef industry--Canada; Bovins--Commerce--Canada; Boeuf (Viande)--Industrie--Canada.

(Beef), Max Foran (2003). Trails & Trials: Markets and Land Use in the Alberta Cattle Industry, 1881-1948. (Calgary, AB: University of Calgary Press, 317 p.). Cattle trade Alberta History; Beef industry Alberta History; Land use, Rural Alberta History.

(Beef), Ken Midkiff (2004). The Meat You Eat: How Corporate Farming Has Endangered America's Food Supply. (New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 222 p.). Clean Water Campaign Director, Sierra Club. Meat industry and trade--Environmental aspects--United States; Meat industry and trade--Health aspects--United States; Meat industry and trade--Moral and ethical aspects--United States; Agricultural industries--United States. 

(Beef), J'Nell L. Pate (2005). America's Historic Stockyards: Livestock Hotels. (Fort Worth, TX: TCU Press, 225 p.). Stockyards--United States--History; Livestock--United States--Marketing.

(Beef), Richard Perren (2006). Taste Trade and Technology: The Development of the International Meat Industry since 1840. (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 285 p.). Reader in Economic History (University of Aberdeen). Meat industry and trade--History; Meat industry and trade--Government policy. Food distribution in industrializing, post-industrial economies. interactions of producers, sellers consumers of meat across world.

(Beef), Wilson J. Warren (2007). Tied to the Great Packing Machine: The Midwest and Meatpacking. (Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa, 317 p.). Associate Professor of History Western (Michigan University). Packing-houses --Middle West; Agricultural industries --Middle West; Agricultural industries --Environmental aspects --Middle West; Middle West --Economic conditions --21st century. Meatpacking's  effects on economics, culture, environment of Midwest over past century and a half - historical context, contemporary concerns; urban, rural settings; meatpacking's place within larger agro-industrial landscape; evolution, future of industry.

(Beef), Ed. Robin Young Lee (2008). Meat, Modernity, and the Rise of the Slaughterhouse. (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 320 p.). Teaches Art and Architectural History (Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas). Beef -- Social aspects; Beef -- Slaughterhouses. Industrialization of animal slaughter, from hand-slaughter of livestock by individual butchers to factory slaughterhouses, centralized municipal slaughterhouse (political response to public’s increasing concern about social hygiene, fear of meat-borne disease from "dirty" butchering practices); what is lost, gained when meat becomes commodity? what do animal slaughter sites reveal about our relationship to animals, nature?

(Beef), Andrew Rimas and Evan D.G. Fraser. Beef: The Story of Cattle, Culture, and Civilization OR The Untold Story of How Milk, Meat, and Muscle Shaped the World. (New York, NY: Morrow, 256 p.). Managing Editor (The Improper Bostonian); Senior Lecturer; Senior Lecturer: Sustainable Development (University of Leeds). Cattle --History. Cow - source of food, means of labor, economic resource, inspiration for art, religious icon; how it became more factory product than animal; from powerful auroch, once revered as mystical totem, to dairy cows of 17th Century Holland, to frozen meat patties, growth hormones today; panoramic view of cow's long, colorful history.

(J. G. Boswell Company), Mark Arax and Rick Wartzman (2003). The King of California: J.G. Boswell and the Making of a Secret American Empire. (New York, NY: Public Affairs, 560 p.). Boswell, James Griffin; Boswell family; Pioneers--California--San Joaquin Valley--Biography; Cotton farmers--California--San Joaquin Valley--Biography; Businessmen--California--San Joaquin Valley--Biography; Cotton growing--California--San Joaquin Valley--History--20th century; San Joaquin Valley (Calif.)--History--20th century; Agricultural industries--California--San Joaquin Valley--History--20th century; San Joaquin Valley (Calif.)--Economic conditions--20th century; San Joaquin Valley (Calif.)--Biography. Boswell owned more agricultural acreage, controlled more river water than any other land baron in West, grew more cotton than anyone on planet.

(Thomas Borthwick and Sons), Godfrey Harrison (1963). Borthwicks; A Century in the Meat Trade, 1863-1963. (London, UK, 212 p.). Borthwick, Thomas, Sir, Bart., 1835-1912; Borthwick (Thomas) & Sons, ltd.

(Thomas Borthwick and Sons), Peter Norman (1998). Meat in the Sandwich: One Family's Involvement in a Major New Zealand Export Industry. (Greytown, NZ: Bowstring Press, 129 p.). Norman, Edward G. (Edward Gilbert), 1886-1963; Norman, Peter, 1924- ; Thomas Borthwick and Sons; Chief executive officers--New Zealand; Slaughtering and slaughter-houses--New Zealand--History; Meat industry and trade--New Zealand--History.

(Brandt Consolidated), Kathleen Gilbert (2002). The History of Brandt Consolidated: 1953-2003. (Heritage Publishers: Phoenix, AZ, 64 p.). Brandt Consolidated; Fertilizers; Crop protection. 1953 - Glen Brandt and Evelyn Brandt Thomas established Brandt Fertilizer just west of New Berlin, IL.

(Bunge & Born), Raul H. Green y Catherine Laurent (1988). El Poder de Bunge & Born. (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Legasa, 240 p.). Bunge & Born --History; Agricultural industries --Argentina --History; Agricultural industries --History.

(Bunge & Born), Jorge Schvarzer (1989). Bunge & Born: Crecimiento y Diversificacion de un Grupo Economico. (Buenos Aires, Argentina: CISEA: Grupo Editor Latinoamericano: distribuidor exclusivo, Emeceī Editores, 81 p.). Bunge & Born--History; Agricultural industries--Argentina--History--20th century; Industries--Argentina--History--20th century.

(Bunge & Born), The Company (2005). Bunge 100 Anos: Uma Historia Brasileira = Bunge 100 Years: A Brazilian Story. (Brazil: Bunge, 199 p.). Bunge & Born.

(California Associated Raisin Company), Victoria Saker Woeste (1998). The Farmer’s Benevolent Trust: Law and Agricultural Cooperation in Industrial America, 1865-1945. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 369 p.). California Associated Raisin Company; Agriculture, Cooperative--Law and legislation--United States--History; Raisin industry--Law and legislation--California--History. 

(Calcot Ltd.), Catherine M. Merlo (1995). Legacy of a Shared Vision: The History of Calcot. (Bakersfield, CA: Calcot Limited, 192 p.). Calcot Ltd. --History; Cotton trade --California --History; Cotton trade --Arizona --History. February 1927 - Frank Green organized cotton co-op in Delano, CA; 151 growers met, unanimously approved terms for co-op called San Joaquin Cotton Growers Association; 1953 - name changed to Calcot Ltd.; 1980s - U.S.A.'s largest cotton shipper.

(Canada Packers Ltd.), Canada Packers (1943). The Story of Our Products. (Kingston, ON: Jackson Press, 247 p.). Canada Packers; Meat industry and trade -- Canada.

(Chicopee Manufacturing Company), John Michael Cudd; foreword by Sidney Ratner (1974). The Chicopee Manufacturing Company, 1823-1915. (Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources, 325 p.). Chicopee Manufacturing Company; Cotton trade--United States--Case studies.

(J. L. Coker), James A. Rogers with Larry E. Nelson (1994). Mr. D.R.: A Biography of David R. Coker. (Hartsville, SC: Coker College Press, 361 p.). Coker, David Robert, 1870-1938; Businesspeople--South Carolina--Biography; Agriculture--South Carolina--History--20th century; South Carolina--Biography. 

(Cotton), David L. Cohn (1956). The Life and Times of King Cotton. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 286 p.). Cotton growing--United States; Cotton manufacture--United States; Cotton trade--United States.

(Cotton), Melvin Thomas Copeland (1966). The Cotton Manufacturing Industry of the United States. (New York, NY: A. M. Kelley, 415 p. [orig. pub. 1912]). Cotton manufacture--United States; Cotton trade--United States.

(Cotton), Compiled and ed. Stuart W. Bruchey (1967). Cotton and the Growth of the American Economy, 1790-1860; Sources and Readings. (New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace & World, 276 p.). Cotton trade--United States; United States--Economic conditions.

(Cotton), Holland Thompson (1971). From the Cotton Field to the Cotton Mill; A Study of the Industrial Transition in North Carolina. (Freeport, Y: Books for Libraries, 284 p. [Reprint of 1906 ed.]). Cotton trade--North Carolina; Cotton growing--North Carolina.

(Cotton), Susan Lee (1977). The Westward Movement of the Cotton Economy, 1840-1860: Perceived Interests and Economic Realities. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 269 p.). Cotton trade--United States--History; Slavery--Economic aspects--United States; Southern States--Economic conditions; United States--Economic conditions--To 1865.

(Cotton), Marilyn Anne Lavin (1978). William Bostwick, Connecticut Yankee in Antebellum Georgia. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 371 p.). Bostwick, William, b. 1796; Merchants--Georgia--Biography; Cotton trade--Georgia--History.

(Cotton), Gavin Wright (1978). The Political Economy of the Cotton South: Households, Markets, and Wealth in the Nineteenth Century. (New York, NY: Norton, 205 p.). Cotton trade--Southern States--History; Southern States--Economic conditions.

(Cotton), Anthony Burton (1984). The Rise & Fall of King Cotton. (London, UK: A. Deutsch: BBC, 240 p.). Cotton textile industry--Great Britain--History; Cotton trade--India--History; Cotton textile industry--United States--History; Cotton trade--United States--History; Textile workers--Great Britain--History; Textile workers--United States--History; Slavery--United States.

(Cotton), John Hebron Moore (1988). The Emergence of the Cotton Kingdom in the Old Southwest: Mississippi, 1770-1860. (Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 323 p.). Cotton trade--Mississippi--History; Plantation life--Mississippi--History; Slavery--Mississippi--History; Mississippi--Economic conditions.

(Cotton), Jack Lichtenstein (1990). Field to Fabric: The Story of American Cotton Growers. (Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press, 331 p.). American Cotton Growers (Firm)--History; Cotton trade--United States--History.

(Cotton), Harold D. Woodman (2000). King Cotton & His Retainers; Financing & Marketing the Cotton Crop of the South, 1800-1925. (Washington, DC: Beard Books, 386 p. [orig. pub. 1968]). Cotton trade--Southern States--History; Cotton trade--United States--History.

(Cotton), Martha L. Keber (2002). Seas of Gold, Seas of Cotton: Christophe Poulain DuBignon of Jekyll Island. (Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 312  p.). DuBignon, Christophe Poulain, 1739-1825; Plantation owners--Georgia--Jekyll Island--Biography; Merchants--Georgia--Jekyll Island--Biography; Merchants--France--Biography; Nobility--France--Biography; Seafaring life--History--18th century; Commerce--History--18th century; Jekyll Island (Ga.)--Social life and customs--18th century; Jekyll Island (Ga.)--Social conditions--18th century; Jekyll Island (Ga.)--Biography.

(Cotton), Edited by William G. Moseley and Leslie C. Gray (2008). Hanging by a Thread: Cotton, Globalization, and Poverty in Africa. (Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 304 p.). Associate Professor of Geography (Macalester College); Associate Professor of Environmental Studies (Santa Clara University). Cotton trade --Africa; Cotton --Economic aspects --Africa; Poverty -- Africa. Connections between Africa and global economy - cotton commodity chain as one aspect of globalization process; cotton production in postcolonial period from different disciplinary perspectives, in range of national contexts; how changes at macroeconomic level play out on ground in world's poorest region.

(Cotton), Gene Dattel (2009). Cotton and Race in the Making of America: The Human Costs of Economic Power. (Chicago, IL: Ivan R. Dee, 432 p.). Former Managing Director at Salomon Brothers and Morgan Stanley. Slavery --Economic aspects --Southern States --History; Cotton growing --Economic aspects --Southern States --History; Cotton growing --Social aspects --Southern States --History; Plantation life --Southern States --History; African Americans --Southern States --Social conditions; Slavery --Political aspects --United States; United States --Race relations; United States --Economic conditions; United States --Politics and government --1783-1865; United States --Politics and government --1865-1933. Economic history of cotton; link between development of American capitalism, devastation of African-American community; chronology: creation of Confederacy, waging of Civil War, Reconstruction, rise of Klan, development of sharecropping, displacement of black labor by machine, falling price of cotton; Northern complicity in slave trade, cotton economy, segregation, racism.

(Cotton), D. Clayton Brown (2010). King Cotton in Modern America: A Cultural, Political, and Economic History Since 1945. (Jackson, MS University Press of Mississippi 432 p.). Professor of History (Texas Christian University). Cotton trade --United States --History; Cotton manufacture --United States --History; Cotton growing --United States --History; Cotton textile industry --History. Cotton's story from 1945 to present; how "cotton culture" was part of larger culture of United States (despite its cultivation and sources being regarded by many as hopelessly backward); industry leaders, acting through National Cotton Council, organized various, often conflicting segments, made commodity viable part of greater American economy; faced new challenges (rise of foreign competition in production, increase of man-made fibers in consumer market); modernization, efficiency became key elements for cotton planters; expansion of cotton- growing areas into Far West after 1945 enabled American growers to compete in world market; internal dissension developed between traditional cotton growing regions in South, new areas in West (particularly over USDA cotton allotment program); mechanization had profound social and economic impacts.

(Cotton), Koray Įaliskan (2010). Market Threads: How Cotton Farmers and Traders Create a Global Commodity. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 248 p.). Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations (Bogazici University, Istanbul). Cotton trade; Markets. Arrangements, institutions, power relations on which cotton trading and production depend; alternative approach to analysis of pricing mechanisms; how market agents negotiate, accept, reject, resist, reproduce, understand, misunderstand global market; global markets maintained through daily interventions, production of prosthetic prices, waging of struggles among those who produce and exchange commodities; crucial consequences these ideas have on economic reform projects, market studies.

(Dairy), Sonia Jones (1987). It All Began with Daisy. (New York, NY: Dutton, 237 p.). Jones, Sonia; Peninsula Farm (N.S.); Dairying--Nova Scotia--Lunenburg.

(Dairy), Walter E. Campbell (1996). Across Fortune's Tracks: A Biography of William Rand Kenan, Jr. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 417 p.). Kenan, William Rand, 1872-1965; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography; Dairy farmers -- United States -- Biography; Philanthropists -- United States -- Biography.

(Daniel Mills & Sons Limited), Marian Robertson (1995). Rising Generations: Daniel Mills & Sons Limited, 1845-1995. (Cape Town, SA: D.M.S., 224 p.). Daniel Mills & Sons Limited--History; Yeast industry--South Africa--History.

(Darigold Inc.), Archie Satterfield (1993). The Darigold Story: The History of a Dairy Cooperative in the Pacific Northwest. (Seattle, WA: Darigold, 177 p.). Darigold, Inc.--History; Dairying, Cooperative--Northwest, Pacific--History; Dairy products industry--Northwest, Pacific--History.

(Dekalb Ag Research), Thomas H. Roberts (1999). The Story of the Dekalb "AG": From County Co-op to Leader in Agricultural Research, 1912-1998. (Thomas H. Roberts Jr., 472 p.). DeKalg Ag Research; hybrid crops -- history. March 27, 1912 - charter issued in Illinois for DeKalb County Soil Improvement Association; Tom Roberts, Sr. - first general manager; evolved into DeKalb County Farm Bureau; 1917 - evolved into The DeKalb County Agricultural Association, Inc.; multipurpose organization -- farm bureau conducted significant amount of business for benefit of its members; name later changed to DeKalb Ag Research, Inc.; 1934 - first hybrid corn for farmers produced; 1955 - Thomas H. Roberts Jr. joined company.

(Dos Pueblos Ranch), Walker A. Tomkins (1960). Santa Barbara’s Royal Rancho: The Fabulous History of Los Dos Pueblos. (Berkeley, CA : Howell-North, 282 p.). Den family; Dos Pueblos Ranch (Calif.); Santa Barbara County (Calif.) --History. 1842 - Nicholas Den, naturalized Mexican citizen of Irish birth, awarded Mexican grant of 15,000 acre Rancho Dos Pueblos; 1887 - acquired by John H. Williams; 1917 - acquired by Herbert G. Wylie, oil baron; 1943 - acquired by Samuel Mosher (Signal Oil and Gas Company); 1977 - acquired by Rudolf "Rudi" Schulte (made fortune in medical equipment, engineering).

(Driscoll Strawberry Associates), Manabi Hirasaki with Naomi Hirahara (2003). A Taste for Strawberries: The Independent Journey of Nisei Farmer Manabi Hirasaki. (Los Angeles, CA: Japanese American National Museum, 217 p.). Hirasaki, Manabi, 1923- ; Japanese-American farmers--California--Gilroy--Biography; Strawberries--California--Gilroy; Strawberry industry--California--Gilroy. World's largest commercial strawberry distributor. First non-European American board member of world's largest commercial strawberry distributor.

(Farmland Industries), Gilbert C. Fite (1978). Beyond the Fence Rows: A History of Farmland Industries, Inc., 1929-1978. (Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 404 p.). Farmland Industries.

(Fisheries), Gordon B. Dodds (1963). The Salmon King of Oregon; R.D. Hume and The Pacific Fisheries. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 257 p.). Hume, Robert Deniston, 1845-1908; Salmon fisheries--Oregon.

(Fisheries), Harold A. Innis (1978). The Cod Fisheries: The History of an International Economy. (Buffalo, NY: University of Toronto Press, 522 p. [rev. ed.]). Cod fisheries--History; Cod fisheries--Economic aspects--History; Fish trade--History; International economic relations.

(Fisheries), James M. Acheson (1988). The Lobster Gangs of Maine. (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 181 p.). Lobster fishers--Maine; Lobster fisheries--Maine.

(Fisheries), Christopher P. Magra (2009). The Fisherman's Cause: Atlantic Commerce and Maritime Dimensions of the American Revolution. (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 256 p.). Assistant Professor of Early American/Atlantic History and Director of the Atlantic History Center (Cal State Northridge University). United States. Continental Navy; Cod fisheries --United States --History --18th century; United States --History --Revolution, 1775-1783 --Economic aspects. Origins, progress, connections between commercial fishing industry in colonial America and American Revolution, in wider Atlantic context; connected colonial producers to transatlantic markets in Iberian Peninsula, West Indies; fish merchants converted transatlantic trade routes into military supply lines, transformed fishing vessels into warships; fishermen armed, manned first American navy, served in first coast guard units, fought on privateers; maritime activities helped secure American independence.

(Francklyn Land & Cattle Company), Lester, F. Sheffy (1963). The Francklyn Land & Cattle Company: A Panhandle Enterprise, 1882-1957. (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 402 p.). Francklyn Land & Cattle Company; White Deer Corporation; Cattle trade -- Texas; Land settlement -- Texas.

(Frying Pan Ranch), Paul H. Carlson (1996). Empire Builder in the Texas Panhandle: William Henry Bush. (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 186 p.). Professor of History (Texas Tech University). Bush, William Henry, 1849-1931; Businesspeople --Texas --Biography; Frontier and pioneer life --Texas --Texas Panhandle; Texas Panhandle (Tex.) --Economic conditions. 1881 - Chicago-based businessman, William Henry Bush, clothing wholesaler, real estate developer, philanthropist, fledgling cattleman, secured interest in Frying Pan Ranch, sprawling ranch in heart of Texas Panhandle; pioneering in agricultural, economic diversification; helped to create Amarillo.

(Garvey Inc.), Olive White Garvey, with Virgil Quinlisk (1970). The Obstacle Race; The Story of Ray Hugh Garvey. (San Antonio, TX: Naylor Co., 233 p.). Garvey, Ray Hugh, 1893-1959.

(Garvey Inc.), Craig Miner (1992). Garvey, Inc.: Expectations to Equity, 1959-1973. (Wichita, KS: M. Page, 160 p.). Garvey, Ray Hugh; Garvey, Inc.; Capitalists and financiers--Kansas--Biography; Grain trade--Kansas--History.

(Garvey Inc.), H. Craig Miner (1998). Harvesting the High Plains: John Kriss and the Business of Wheat Farming, 1920-1950. ( Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 225 p.). Willard W. Garvey Distinguished Professor of Business History (Wichita State University). Kriss, John, 1905-1996; Wheat --Kansas --History --20th century; Agriculture --Kansas --History --20th century; Agriculture --Colorado --History --20th century; Farmers --Kansas --Biography. Special approach to large-scale farming; John Kriss, former field hand, managed G-K Farms for Wichita entrepreneur Ray Garvey; became one of largest wheat operations on plains, yielded one million bushel crop; how Kriss applied hard work, common sense to make large-scale farming work under most adverse conditions; how two men had to make innumerable decisions about purchase of expensive machinery, ever larger tracts of land, how Kriss kept detailed records of crops, rainfall to manage land carefully, farmed thousands of acres in environmentally sensitive way, retained viable operation even during Dust Bowl years; transition to mechanized, specialized farming on plains; relation between agriculture and nature in semiarid region, how G-K Farms managed to strike remarkable balance between profit and ecology.

(Antony Gibbs & Sons), W.M. Mathew (1981). The House of Gibbs and the Peruvian Guano Monopoly. (London, UK: Royal Historical Society, 281 p.). Antony Gibbs & Sons -- History -- 19th century; Guano industry -- Peru -- History -- 19th century; Guano industry -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century. Classic study of an export economy.

(Gold Kist), Harold H. Martin (1982). A Good Man--A Great Dream: D.W. Brooks of Gold Kist. (Atlanta, GA: Gold Kist Inc., 196 p.). Brooks, David William, 1901- ; Gold Kist Inc.--History; Cotton trade--United States--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.

(Gold Kist), David W. Brooks (1993). D.W. Brooks, Gold Kist, and Seven U.S. Presidents: An Autobiography. (Atlanta, GA: D.W. Brooks Family, 252 p.). Brooks, David William, 1901- ; Gold Kist Inc.--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Agricultural industries--United States--History--20th century.

(Grove Farm Company), Bob Krauss (1966). Grove Farm Plantation; The Biography of a Hawaiian Sugar Plantation. (Palo Alto, CA: Pacific Books, 400 p.). Wilcox, George Norton; Grove Farm Company; Hawaii -- History.

(Hash Knife Brand), Jim Bob Tinsley (1993). The Hash Knife Brand. (Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 195 p.). Ranch life --Southwest, New --History; Hash Knife Brand; Cowboys --Southwest, New --History; Cattle trade --Southwest, New --History; Frontier and pioneer life --Southwest, New; Southwest, New --Social life and customs. Development of Hash Knife cattle-ranching business, its brand, its owners, its cowboys.

(R. & W. Hellaby Ltd.), Dick Scott (1973). Stock in Trade: Hellaby's First Hundred Years, 1873-1973. (Auckland, NZ: Southern Cross Books, 176 p.). Hellaby (R. & W.) Ltd.; Meat industry and trade--New Zealand--History.

(Hemp), James F. Hopkins (1998). A History of the Hemp Industry in Kentucky. (Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 244 p.). Hemp industry --Kentucky --History. Impact of Kentucky's former chief cash crop; one time vital to trade and development of Bluegrass state.

(W. D. Hoard and Sons Co.), Loren H. Osman (1985). W.D. Hoard: A Man for His Time. (Fort Atkinson, WI: W.D. Hoard, 451 p.). Hoard, William Dempster, 1836-1918.; Dairy farmers--Wisconsin--Biography; Dairying--Wisconsin--History; Governors--Wisconsin--Biography. 

(Hollister Ranch), Ed. Nancy W. Ward (2004). Hollister Ranch: Its History, Preservation and People. (Santa Barbara, CA: Hollister Ranch Conservancy, 171 p.). Ranchers --California --Santa Barbara County; Ranch life --California --Santa Barbara County; Santa Barbara County (Calif.) --History; Hollister Ranch (Calif.) --History. 1866 - Col. William Welles Hollister, Thomas and Albert Dibblee acquired 14,500 acres in Santa Barbara County, CA after Civil War (fourth largest cattle ranch in County); 1881 - partnership disoloved, Hollister took coastal ranches; 1899 - John James (Jim) Hollister (grandson) became superintendent of Ranch; 1910 - Hollister Estate Company incorporated; 1964 - group of 12 attorneys (The Hollister Company) acquired option to purchase Ranch; 1969 - acquired by Macco Realty (subsidiary of Pennsylvania Railroad); 1970 - acquired by Mortgage Guarantee Insurance Corporation; 1971 - developed as Hollister Ranch real estate, working cattle ranch under  Hollister Ranch Cattle Cooperative; 2005 - shipped over 1,500,000 pounds of beef.

(International Basic Economy Corporation), Kenneth D. Durr (2006). A Company with a Mission: Rodman Rockefeller and the International Basic Economy Corporation, 1947-1985. (Rockville, MD: Montrose Press, 337 p.). Director of the History Division (History Associates Incorporated). Rockefeller, Rodman, 1932-2000 (CEO - from 1972 to 1980); International Basic Economy Corporation--History; Social responsibility of business--United States--History. Founded 1947 on premise a private American business corporation that focused on developing "basic economies" of developing countries could turn a profit, encourage others (foreigners, nationals) to establish competitive businesses.

(Kayman Sankar and Company Limited), David Chanderbali (1995). Kayman Sankar: The Ultimate Rice Magnate. (Georgetown, Guyana: K. Sankar and Co., 205 p.). Sankar, Kayman, 1926- ; Kayman Sankar and Company Limited--History; Rice trade--Guyana; Rice farmers--Guyana--Biography; Businesspeople--Guyana--Biography.

(King Ranch), John Cypher (1995). Bob Kleberg and the King Ranch: A Worldwide Sea of Grass. (Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 239 p.). Kleberg, Robert Justus, 1896-1974; King Ranch (Tex.)--History; King Ranch, Inc.--History; Ranchers--Texas--Biography.

The resourceful, visionary and driven Captain Richard King. Captain Richard King (

(King Ranch), Mona D. Sizer (1999). The King Ranch Story: Truth and Myth: A History of the Oldest and Greatest Ranch in Texas. (Plano, TX: Republic of Texas Press, 234 p.). King Ranch (Tex.)--History; King Ranch (Tex.)--Biography.

(King Ranch), Don Graham (2003). Kings of Texas: The 150-Year Saga of an American Ranching Empire. (New York, NY: Wiley, 289 p.). Ranch life--Texas; King Ranch (Tex.)--History; King Ranch (Tex.)--Biography.

(Livingston Seed Co.), A. W. (Alexander) Livingston; with a foreword and appendix by Andrew F. Smith (1998). Livingston and the Tomato. (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 234 p. [orig. publ. 1893]). Livingston, A. W. (Alexander W.), 1822-1898; Tomatoes; Tomatoes --Varieties. Created improved tomato varieties using single plant selection technique: Paragon, Acme, Beauty, Stone, Golden Queen, Buckeye State, few others; methods, history of tomato as food crop, large selection of recipes.

 (Los Angeles Flower Market), Ridgway, Peggi, and Jan Works (2008). Sending Flowers to America. (Los Angeles, CA: American Florists' Exchange, Ltd., 288 p.). Floral industry; horticulture--California--history. Life of flowers in Southern California from 1850 to today; how Southern California early florists, flower growers, wholesalers, suppliers, florists established, grew their own businesses, Los Angeles Flower Market.

(Matador Land and Cattle Company), William Martin Pearce (1964). The Matador Land and Cattle Company. (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 244 p.). Cattle trade -- West (U.S.); Matador Land and Cattle Company, ltd.

(Thomas McDonogh & Sons), Peadar O'Dowd (2002). In from the West: The McDonogh Dynasty. (Galway, IR: Thomas McDonogh & Sons, 156 p.). Thomas McDonogh & Sons--History; Business enterprises--Ireland--Galway--History; Businessmen--Ireland--Galway--Biography; Galway (Ireland)--Commerce--History.

(Miller & Lux), M. Catherine Miller (1993). Flooding the Courtrooms: Law and Water in the Far West. (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 255 p.). Miller & Lux; Water rights --California --History; California --History --1850-1950. Legal biography; 1870s -1930s - Miller & Lux looked to law to mediate its place amid change (corporate counsel, new concept for late-19th-century America, creative development and use of new legal doctrines); relationship between law, economic change, distribution of wealth and power; law in environment undergoing rapid development.

Henry Miller - Miller & Lux ( exhibits/past/images/cattle_branding/ pioneer_henry_miller_in_his_40s.jpg)

(Miller & Lux), David Igler (2001). Industrial Cowboys: Miller & Lux and the Transformation of the Far West, 1850-1920. (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 267 p.). Historian (University of Utah). Miller & Lux--History; Cattle trade--West (U.S.)--History; Animal industry--West (U.S.)--History; Packing-houses--West (U.S.)--History; Land use--West (U.S.)--History; Water rights--West (U.S.)--History; Big business--West (U.S.)--History; Industrialization--West (U.S.)--History.

(Miller & Lux), Edited by Charles Sawyer. (2003). One Man Show: Henry Miller in the San Joaquin. (Los Banos, CA: Ralph Milliken Museum Society: Loose Change Publications, 328 p.). Miller, Henry, 1827-1916; Miller & Lux--History; Pioneers--California--San Joaquin Valley--Biography; Ranchers--California--San Joaquin Valley--Biography; Businessmen--California--San Joaquin Valley--Biography; Cattle trade--California--San Joaquin Valley--History; Water rights--California--San Joaquin Valley--History; San Joaquin Valley (Calif.)--History; San Joaquin Valley (Calif.)--History--Sources; San Joaquin Valley (Calif.)--Biography.

(Molteno Project), Phillida Brooke Simons (1999). Apples of the Sun: Being an Account of the Lives, Vision, and Achievements of the Molteno brothers, Edward Bartle Frere and Henry Anderson. (Vlaeberg, SA: Fernwood Press, 208 p.). Molteno, Edward Bartle Frere, 1877-1950; Molteno, Henry Anderson, 1880-1969; Molteno family; Molteno Project; Apple growers--South Africa--Biography; Fruit growers--South Africa--Biography.

(Newhall Land & Farming), Ruth Waldo Newhall (1958). The Newhall Ranch; The Story of the Newhall Land & Farming Company. (San Marino, CA: Huntington Library, 120 p.). Newell family; Newhall Land and Farming Company.

Henry Mayo Newhall - Newhall Land & Farming (

(Newhall Land & Farming), Andrew Rolle (1991). Henry Mayo Newhall and His Times: A California Legacy. (San Marino, CA: Huntington Library, 168 p.). Newhall, Henry Mayo, 1825-1882; Pioneers--California--Biography; Businesspeople--California--Biography; Ranchers--California--Biography; California--Biography.

(Pacific Meat Company), Gareth Sirotnik (1988). Running Tough: The Story of Vancouver's Jack Diamond. (Vancouver, BC: Diamond Family, 245 p.). Diamond, Jack, 1909- ; Jews--British Columbia--Vancouver--Biography; Businesspeople--British Columbia--Vancouver--Biography; Vancouver (B.C.)--Biography.

(Penobscot Poultry), Cedric N. Chatterley and Alicia J. Rouverol with Stephen A. Cole and a foreword by Michael Frisch (2000). "I Was Content and Not Content": The Story of Linda Lord and the Closing of Penobscot Poultry. (Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 134 p.). Lord, Linda, 1948-; Penobscot Poultry--History; Poultry industry--Belfast--Maine; Belfast (Me.)--Economic conditions.

(Peterson Industries), Huey Crisp (1989). Lloyd Peterson and Peterson Industries: An American Story. (Little Rock, AR: August House, 179 p.). Peterson, Lloyd; Peterson Industries--History; Poultry industry--United States--History; Industrialists--United States--Biography.

(Poultry), Oscar A. Hanke et al (1974). American Poultry History, 1823-1973: An Anthology Overview of 150 Years: People-Places-Progress. (Lafayette, IN: American Poultry Historical Society, 775 p.). Poultry--United States--History; Poultry industry--United States--History; Poultry--Canada--History; Poultry industry--Canada--History.

(Rancho San Julian), A. Dibblee Poett (1991). Rancho San Julian: The Story of a California Ranch and Its People. (Santa Barbara, CA: Fithian Press: Santa Barbara Historical Society, 233 p.). Ranch life --California --Santa Barbara County --History; Rancho San Julian (Calif.) --History; Santa Barbara County (Calif.) --History. 1817 - Jose de la Guerra y Noriega established  Rancho of San Julian under management of Presidio of Santa Barbara as  source of meat, income for presidio of Santa Barbara soldiers; 1837 - Alta California Governor Juan Alvarado granted ownership of Rancho San Julian to de la Guerra; 1848 - controlled over quarter million acres of prime California ranch land (had acquired 4 more ranchos); 1858 - Pablo de la Guerra (son), brothers assumed control; 2010 - 13,000 acres with cattle, fruits and vegetables, honeybee colonies; one of last, great Spanish-Mexican land grants still in family of original grantee.

Jose de la Guerra y Noriega - Rancho San Julian (

(Rancho San Julian), Louise Pubols (2010). The Father of All: The de la Guerra Family, Power, and Patriarchy in Mexican California. (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 448 p.; published for the Huntington-USC Institute on California and the West by University of California Press and Huntington Library, San Marino, CA). Chief Curator of History at the Oakland Museum of California. Guerra family; Patriarchy --California --History --19th century; Elite (Social sciences) --California --History --19th century; Domestic relations --California --History --19th century; Spaniards --California --History --19th century; California --History --To 1846; California --History --1846-1850. Winner of the William P. Clements Prize for the Best Non-Fiction Book on Southwestern America Published in 2009. de la Guerras of Santa Barbara continually adapted, reinvented themselves; region's trading and provisioning economy, its volatile political rivalries; web of business and family relationships, how patriarchy functioned from generation to generation in Spanish and Mexican California; one of last, great Spanish-Mexican land grants that remains in family of original grantee.

(Renderbrook Ranch), Steve Kelton (1989). Renderbrook: A Century Under the Spade Brand. (Fort Worth, TX: Texas Christian University Press, 221 p.). Renderbrook Ranch (Tex.) --History; Ranch life --Texas --History. Hundred year history of ranch bought with profits from making barbed wire.

(Simplot), Robert G. Waite; in collaboration with Thomas Hale and Paul Zelus (1995). I Just Went to Work: Jack Simplot and His Business Career. (Boise, ID: March Hare Press, 118 p.). Simplot, Jack; Potato industry--Idaho--History; Businesspeople--Idaho--Biography.

J.R. Simplot 

John R. Simplot (

(Simplot), Louie Attebery (2000). J.R. Simplot: A Billion the Hard Way. (Caldwell, ID: Caxton Press, 251 p.). Simplot, J. R. (John Richard), 1909- ; J.R. Simplot Company--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Food industry and trade--United States--History.

(SR Ranch), J.C. ("Cap") McNeill III; foreword by David J. Murrah (1988). The McNeills’ SR Ranch: 100 Years in Blanco Canyon. (College Station, TX: Texas A & M University Press, 205 p.). Grandson of the Original Owner. McNeill, J. C. (James Calvin), 1905-; Ranchers --Texas --Biography; SR Ranch (Tex.) --History. Relatively small West Texas spread operated for more than century in cattle-raising by one family; story of dogged endurance, economic hardship, optimism, changes in cattle industry.

(Swan Land and Cattle Company), Harmon Ross Mothershead (1971). The Swan Land and Cattle Company, Ltd. (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 203 p.). Swan Land and Cattle Company.

(Swan Land and Cattle Company), Lawrence M. Woods (2006). Alex Swan and the Swan Companies. (Norman, OK: Arthur H. Clark Co., 293 p.). Swan, Alexander Hamilton, 1831-1905; Swan Land and Cattle Company--History; Cattle trade--Wyoming--History--19th century; Ranchers--Wyoming--Biography; Businessmen--West (U.S.)--Biography.

(Tattersalls), Peter Willett (1987). The Story of Tattersalls. (London, UK: S. Paul, 213 p.). Tattersalls (Firm)--History; Horse trading--Great Britain--History; Horse breeders--Great Britain--History. World's first bloodstock auction house.

(TerraCycle Plant Food), Tom Szaky (2009). Revolution in a Bottle: How TerraCycle Is Redefining Green Business. (New York, NY: Penguin Group, 256 p.). Co-founder and CEO of TerraCycle,. TerraCycle Plant Food (Firm); Fertilizer industry --United States; Waste products as fertilizer --United States; Organic fertilizers --United States; Green products --United States. Co-founded TerraCycle Plant Food while freshman at Princeton; sold useful, organic, safe product without charging premium (worm poop from recycled garbage, liquefied, packaged in used soda bottles); sold in more than 3000 other locations within 5 years; "eco-capitalism" based on "triple bottom line" (good for people, good for environment, good for profits).

 (Thatcher Brothers), Paul E. Patterson, Joy Poole (2000). Great Plains Cattle Empire: Thatcher Brothers and Associates (1875-1945). (Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press, 211 p.). Cattle trade--Great Plains--History; Great Plains--History.

(Tiger Oats Limited), Rudy Frankel, assisted by Marian Robertson (1988). Tiger Tapestry. (Cape Town, SA: C. Struik Publishers, 432 p.). Tiger Oats Limited--History; Produce trade--South Africa--History; Food industry and trade--South Africa--History.

(Tillamook County Creamery Association), Archie Satterfield (2000). The Tillamook Way: A History of the Tillamook County Creamery Association, a Farmer-Owned Cooperative. (Tillamook, OR: Tillamook County Creamery Association, 151 p.). Tillamook County Creamery Association--History; Dairy farming--Oregon--Tillamook County--History; Frontier and pioneer life--Oregon--Tillamook County; Cheese industry--Oregon--Tillamook County--History; Tillamook County (Or.)--History.

(Tomatoes). Barry Estabrook (2011). Tomatoland: How Modern Industrial Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring Fruit. (Kansas City, MO: Andrews McMeel, 240 p.). Former Contributing Editor at Gourmet magazine, Former Founding Editor of Eating Well magazine. Tomato industry -- history; Agricultural laborers --Florida--Social conditions --20th century; agribusiness -- United States -- history. Indictment of modern agricultural system: alarming use of fertilizers, pesticides; relentless market pressure on workers, growers; laser-like focus on shipping, storage, shelf life (tasteless results); decline from juicy summer treat to bland obligation; supermarket tomato from birthplace in deserts of Peru to impoverished town of Immokalee, FL (tomato capital of United States); laboratories of seedsmen trying to develop varieties that can withstand rigors of agribusiness, still taste like garden tomato; commercial growers who operate on tens of thousands of acres; hillside field in Pennsylvania (obsessed farmer produces delectable tomatoes for nation's top restaurants); huge human, environmental cost of $5 billion fresh tomato industry: fields sprayed with more than 100 different herbicides and pesticides.; picked hard, green, artificially gassed until skins acquire marketable hue; modern plant breeding has tripled yields, produced fruits with dramatically reduced amounts of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C; 14 times more sodium than tomatoes of past; relentless drive for low costs fostered thriving modern-day slave trade in United States; cast of characters in tomato industry: avuncular octogenarian (conglomerate grows one of every eight tomatoes eaten in United States); ex-Marine (heads group that dictates size, color, shape of every tomato shipped out of Florida); U.S. attorney (doggedly prosecuted human traffickers for past decade); Guatemalan peasant (came north to earn money for his parents' medical bills, found himself enslaved for two years).

(United Plantations Berhad), Susan M. Martin (2003). The UP Saga. (Copenhagen, Denmark: NIAS Press, 356 p.). United Plantations (Firm)--History; Plantations--Malaysia--History; Palm oil industry--Malaysia--History. rovides a glowing example of a partnership between Europeans and Asians which has benefited both sides.

(Weil Brothers Cotton), George S. Bush (1982). An American Harvest: The Story of Weil Brothers Cotton. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 495 p.). Weil Brothers Cotton--History; Cotton trade--United States--History.

(Wheat), H. Craig Miner (1998). Harvesting the High Plains: John Kriss and the Business of Wheat Farming, 1920-1950. (Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press, 225 p.). Kriss, John, 1905-1996; Wheat--Kansas--History--20th century; Agriculture--Kansas--History--20th century; Agriculture--Colorado--History--20th century; Farmers--Kansas--Biography.

(Williams and Kettle Ltd. - established 1880), Leonard Ernest Anderson (1974). Throughout the East Coast, The Story of Williams and Kettle Ltd. (Hastings, NZ: Pictorial Publications, 176 p.). Williams and Kettle Ltd.--History. Prominent stock and station company operating at the forefront of New Zealand’s rural servicing industry.

(Wright, Stephenson & Co.), J. C. Irving (1961). A Century's Challenge: Wright, Stephenson & Co., Limited, 1861-1961. (Wellington, NZ: Wright, Stephenson & Co., 293 p.). Wright, Stephenson & Co.; Commission merchants--New Zealand.

(Wyoming Stock Growers Association), John Rolfe Burroughs (1971). Guardian of the Grasslands: The First Hundred Years of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association. (Cheyenne, WY: Pioneer Print. & Stationery Co., 430 p.). Wyoming Stock Growers Association --History; Wyoming --History.

(XIT ranch), Lewis Nordyke (1949). Cattle Empire: The Fabulous Story of the 3,000,000 Acre XIT. (New York, NY: Morrow, 273 p.). Ranch life; XIT Ranch (Tex.).

(XIT Ranch), J. Evetts Haley (1967). The XIT Ranch of Texas and the Early Days of the Llano Estacado. (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma, 258 p. (orig. pub. 1953)). Frontier and pioneer life--Texas; Ranch life--Texas; XIT Ranch, Tex.; Texas--History.

Edmund Abaka (2005). ’Kola Is God’s Gift’: Agricultural Production, Export Initiatives & the Kola Industry in Asante & the Gold Coast c. 1820-1950. (Oxford, UK: James Currey, 173 p.). Kola nut industry--Ghana--History. Legal and popular stimulant among West African Muslims.

Jeremy Atack, Fred Bateman (1987). To Their Own Soil: Agriculture in the Antebellum North. (Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 322 p.). Agriculture--Economic aspects--United States--History--19th century; United States--Rural conditions.

Ed. Julie A. Avery (2000). Agricultural Fairs in America: Tradition, Education, Celebration. (Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 240 p.). Assistant Curator of History; Coordinator of Information & Museum Services Division; and Coordinator of Rural Arts & Culture Program at the Michigan State University Museum. Agribusiness; agricultural exhibitions; agricultural fairs. 1810 - Berkshire Agricultural Society (Massachusetts) sponsored exhibition considered first of new fairs in America; competitive displays, informal learning opportunities, demonstrations, lectures, parades, celebrations; 13 historical, contemporary articles.

Harold Barger and Hans H. Landsberg (1942). American Agriculture, 1899-1939; A Study of Output, Employment and Productivity. (New York, NY: National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc., 440 p.). Agriculture -- United States; Agriculture -- Economic aspects.

Graeme Barker (2006). The Agricultural Revolution in Prehistory: Why did Foragers become Farmers? (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 550 p.). Disney Professor of Archaeology, and Director of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research (University of Cambridge). Agriculture, Prehistoric; Agriculture--Origin; Plants, Cultivated--Origin; Plant remains (Archaeology). Development of agricultural systems as transformations in social norms and ideologies as in ways of obtaining food.

Richard Benson (2005). The Farm: The Story of One Family and the English Countryside. (London, UK: Hamish Hamilton, 240 p.). Editor (The Face magazine). Farms; Farming business; agribusiness. 

Steven C. Blank (2008). The Economics of American Agriculture: Evolution and Global Development. (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 475 p.). Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- United States; Farm income -- United States. Cooperative Extension Specialist, Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics. Why macro- and microeconomic trends are consistent with market evolution, global economic development; agriculture's specific role in economic development; link between farm-level investment decisions, regional and national economic trends; how dynamic environment of industrialization, globalization of agriculture is part of continuing development driven by technological innovation.

Ernest Ludlow Bogart (1923). Economic History of American Agriculture. (New York, NY: Longmans, Green and Co., 173 p.). Agriculture -- Economic aspects; Agriculture -- United States. Chapters from the author's Economic history of the United States.

Eds. Alessandro Bonanno, Lawrence Busch, and William Friedland (1994). From Columbus to ConAgra: The Globalization of Agriculture and Food. (Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 294 p.). Associate Professor of RuralSociology (University of Missouri, Columbia); Professor of Sociology (Michigan State University); Professor of Sociology (University of California, Santa Cruz). Food industry and trade --Congresses; Produce trade --Congresses; Agriculture --Economic aspects --Congresses; International business enterprises --Congresses; International trade --Congresses; International economic relations --Congresses. Changing agricultural, food system in era of corporate giants; their structure, operations, state's influence in global system, innovations in scientific research and technology, roles of producers and consumers, regional development; why winners and losers constantly change.

James C. Bonner (1964). A History of Georgia Agriculture, 1732-1860. (Athens, GA, University of Georgia Press, 242 p.). Chairman of the Department of History and Political Science (Georgia State College for Women).Agriculture --Georgia --history. Early land, labor systems in state; colonial cattle industry; how shortages of horses and implements, poor plowing techniques, lack of skill in tool mechanics spawned cotton-slaves-mules trilogy of antebellum agricultur; (led to land exhaustion, eventual emigration; 1850s - general southern desire for economic independence promoted diversification, scientific farming techniques (crop rotation, contour plowing, fertilization, advocacy of planting of pasture forage to improve livestock and hold soil, promotion of teaching of agriculture in public schools).

Solon J. Buck (1963). The Granger Movement; A Study of Agricultural Organization and Its Political, Economic, and Social Manifestations, 1870-1880. (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 384 p. [orig. pub. 1913]). National Grange; Agriculture--United States; Agriculture--Economic aspects--United States; Railroads and state--United States; Cooperation--United States.

Jacques Cauvin; translated by Trevor Watkins (2000). The Birth of the Gods and the Origins of Agriculture. (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 259 p.). Neolithic period--Middle East; Religion, Prehistoric--Middle East; Agriculture--Origin; Middle East--Antiquities. Cultural, social, economic changes which transformed mobile hunter-gatherers into first village societies, farmers in world.

Joyce E. Chaplin (1993). An Anxious Pursuit: Agricultural Innovation and Modernity in the Lower South, 1730-1815. (Chapel Hill, NC: Published for the Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, by the University of North Carolina Press, 411 p.). Associate Professor of History (Vanderbilt University). Agriculture --Southern States --History; Slavery --Southern States --History; Plantation life --Southern States --History; Southern States --History --Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775; Southern States --History --1775-1865. Behavior and ideas: impact of Enlightenment's ideas of progress (particularly Scottish notions of progress) on lives, minds of American planters in colonial Lower South; extent to which planters in South Carolina, Georgia, British East Florida perceived themselves as modern, improving people; developments in agricultural practice as indices of planters' desire for progress; central role played by slavery in their pursuit of modern life; innovations in rice, indigo, cotton cultivation as window on planters' pursuit of modern future; planters actively sought to improve their society, economy even as they suffered pervasive anxiety about corrupting impact of progress and commerce.

Marquis W. Childs; Introd. by George G. Aiken (1974). The Farmer Takes a Hand; The Electric Power Revolution in Rural America. (New York, NY: Da Capo Press, 256 p. [orig. pub. 1952]). Rural electrification--United States; Electricity in agriculture; New Deal, 1933-1939. 

Ed. E. J. T. Collins (2001). The Agrarian History of England and Wales: Volume VII, 1850-1914. (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2236 p.). Completes 8-volume Agrarian History of England and Wales; history of English agriculture from Neolithic period to 1939.

Paul K. Conkin (2008). A Revolution Down on the Farm: The Transformation of American Agriculture since 1929. (Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 223 p.). Distinguished Professor of History Emeritus (Vanderbilt University). Agriculture --United States --History; Agriculture and state --United States --History; Agricultural productivity --United States --History; Agricultural innovations --United States --History.

David B. Danbom (1979). The Resisted Revolution: Urban America and the Industrialization of Agriculture, 1900-1930. (Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 195 p.). Agriculture--Economic aspects--United States--History; Rural development--United States--History; United States--Rural conditions.

Clarence H. Danhof (1969). Change in Agriculture; The Northern United States, 1820-1870. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 322 p.). Agricultural innovations--United States--History; Agriculture--United States--History.

Leroy Judson Daniels, as told to Helen S. Herrick (1987). Tales of an Old Horsetrader: The First Hundred Years. (Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press, 235 p.). Daniels, Leroy Judson, 1882- ; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography; Horse industry -- United States -- History.

Margaret Derry (2006). Horses in Society: A Story of Animal Breeding and Marketing Culture, 1800-1920. (Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 302 p.). Adjunct Professor in the Department of History (University of Guelph). Horse breeders----History; Horses -- market; Animal industry----History. Horse production in U. S., Britain, Canada at height of species’ usefulness, late nineteenth and early twentieth-century.

Edward Jerome Dies (1976). Titans of the Soil: Great Builders of Agriculture. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 213 p. [orig. pub. 1949]). Agriculturists--United States--Biography. 

Hiram M. Drache (1996). History of U.S. Agriculture and Its Relevance to Today. (Danville, IL: Interstate Publishers, 494 p.). Agriculture--United States--History.

--- (2001). Creating Abundance: Visionary Entrepreneurs of Agriculture. (Danville, IL: Interstate Publishers, 388 p.). Agricultural industries--United States--Biography; Food industry and trade--United States--Biography; Agriculturists--United States--Biography; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.

Kathryn Marie Dudley (2000). Debt and Dispossession: Farm Loss in America's Heartland. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 195 p.). Agriculture--Economic aspects--Middle West; Family farms--Middle West; =Rural families--Middle West; Farmers--Middle West; Middle West--Rural conditions.

Giovanni Federico (2005). Feeding the World: An Economic History of Agriculture, 1800-2000. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 388 p.). Professor of Economic History at the European University Institute. Agriculture--Economic aspects--History--19th century; Agriculture--Economic aspects--History--20th century. Economic history, sociology, and even political science - comprehensive history of world agriculture. 

General ed. H. P. R. Finberg (1967). The Agrarian History of England and Wales. (London, UK: Cambridge University Press, 8 vols.). Land use--England--History; Land use--Wales--History; Agriculture--England--History; Agriculture--Wales--History. See Thirsk below.

Deborah Fitzgerald (1990). The Business of Breeding: Hybrid Corn in Illinois, 1890-1940. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 247 p.). Associate Professor in the Program in Science, Technology, and Society (MIT). Hybrid corn--Illinois--History; Corn--Illinois--Breeding--History.

--- (2003). Every Farm a Factory: The Industrial Ideal in American Agriculture. (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 242 p.). Associate Professor in the Program in Science, Technology, and Society (MIT). Agriculture--Economic aspects--United States--History--20th century; Family farms--United States--History--20th century; Agricultural credit--United States--History--20th century; Farms, Size of--Economic aspects--United States--History--20th century; Farm mechanization--Economic aspects--United States--History--20th century; Agriculture--Capital investments--United States--History--20th century; Farm mortgages--United States--History--20th century; Business cycles--United States--History--20th century; Farm foreclosures--United States--History--20th century.   

Bruce L. Gardner (2002). American Agriculture in the Twentieth Century: How It Flourished and What It Cost. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 388 p.). Agriculture--Economic aspects--United States--History--20th century; Agriculture--Economic aspects--United States--Statistics; Agriculture--United States--Costs--Statistics; Family farms--United States--Statistics; Farm income--United States--Statistics; Agricultural credit; Agricultural productivity; Agricultural subsidies--United States; Agriculture and state--United States; Agricultural laws and legislation--United States.

David Goodman and Michael Redclift (1982). From Peasant to Proletarian: Capitalist Development and Agrarian Transitions. (New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 244 p.). Agriculture--Economic aspects; Capital; Economic development; Marxian economics; Peasantry; Proletariat.

Norman S.B. Gras (1940). A History of Agriculture in Europe and America. (New York, NY: F.S. Crofts & Co., 496 p. [2nd ed.]). Professor of Business History (Harvard Business School). Agriculture--Europe--History; Agriculture--United States--History.

Lewis Cecil Gray, assisted by Esther Katherine Thompson, with an introductory note by Henry Charles Taylor (1933). History of Agriculture in the Southern United States to 1860. (Washington, DC: The Carnegie Institution of Washington, 2 Vols.). Agriculture--Southern States; Agriculture--Southern States--Bibliography.

Lisa M. Hamilton (2009). Deeply Rooted: Unconventional Farmers in the Age of Agribusiness. (Berkeley, CA: Counterpoint, 304 p.). Farmers --Texas --Sulphur Springs --Case studies; Farmers --New Mexico --Abiquiu --Case studies; Farmers --North Dakota --La Moure --Case studies. How farmers have been pushed to margins of agriculture, transformed from leaders to laborers; stories of three unconventional farmers: 1) African-American dairyman in Texas; 2) tenth-generation rancher in New Mexico; 3) modern pioneer family in North Dakota; correcting what's wrong with food system.

Victor Davis Hanson (1996). Fields Without Dreams: Defending the Agrarian Idea. (New York, NY: Free Press, 289 p.). Professor of Greek (Call State), 5th Generation (Thompson seedless) Grape Farmer. Family farms--United States; Agriculture--Economic aspects--United States. 

Margaret Swett Henson and Deolece Parmelee (1993). The Cartwrights of San Augustine: Three Generations of Agrarian Entrepreneurs in Nineteenth-Century Texas. (Austin, TX: Texas State Historical Association, 337 p.). Cartwright family; Businessmen--Texas--San Augustine--Biography; San Augustine (Tex.)--Economic conditions; San Augustine (Tex.)--History--19th century.

Robert West Howard (1945). Two Billion Acre Farm, An Informal History of American Agriculture. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 209 p.). Agriculture--United States--History; Agriculture--Economic aspects--United States.

R. Douglas Hurt (2002). Problems of Plenty: The American Farmer in the Twentieth Century. (Chicago, IL: Ivan R. Dee, 192 p.). Agriculture--United States--History--20th century; Agriculture and state--United States--History--20th century; Agriculture--Economic aspects--United States--History--20th century. 

Lawrence J. Jelinek (1979). Harvest Empire: A History of California Agriculture. (San Francisco, CA: Boyd & Fraser, 113 p.). Agriculture --California --History.

E. L. Jones (1974). Agriculture and the Industrial Revolution. (New York, NY: Wiley, 233 p.). Agriculture--Economic aspects--Great Britain--History; Industrial revolution--Great Britain; Great Britain--Economic conditions.

Donald B. Kraybill, Steven M. Nolt (1995). Amish Enterprise: From Plows to Profits. (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 300 p.). Economics--Religious aspects--Amish--History of doctrines--20th century; Amish--Pennsylvania--Lancaster Co.--History--20th century; Lancaster County (Pa.)--Church history--20th century; Lancaster County (Pa.)--Economic conditions.

Allan Kulikoff (1992). The Agrarian Origins of American Capitalism. (Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 341 p.). Agriculture--Economic aspects--United States--History; Capitalism--United States--History; United States--Economic conditions--To 1865; United States--Rural conditions.

--- (2000). From British Peasants to Colonial American Farmers. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 484 p.). Agriculture--Economic aspects--United States--History; Agriculture--Economic aspects--Great Britain--History; Agriculture--Economic aspects--Europe--History; Farm tenancy--United States--History; Farm tenancy--Great Britain--History; Farm tenancy--Europe--History; United States--Economic conditions--To 1865; Great Britain--Economic conditions--18th century; Great Britain--Economic conditions--17th century; Europe--Economic conditions--18th century; Europe--Economic conditions--17th century; United States--Emigration and immigration--History.

Angela Lakwete (2003). Inventing the Cotton Gin: Machine and Myth in Antebellum America. (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 248 p.). Cotton gins and ginning--United States--History--19th century; Inventions--United States--History--19th century.

Eds. Thomas A. Lyson, G.W. Stevenson, and Rick Welsh (2008). Food and the Mid-Level Farm: Renewing an Agriculture of the Middle. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 304 p.). Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor of Development Sociology (Cornell University); Senior Scientist with the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (University of Wisconsin– Madison); Associate Professor of Sociology (Clarkson University). Family farms --United States; Farm produce --United States --Marketing. Midsize U. S. family-operated farms - too big to use direct marketing techniques of small farms, too small to take advantage of corporate marketing, distribution systems = rural America with weakened municipal tax bases, job loss, population flight; strategies to revive "agriculture of the middle", food system for midsize farms, ranches.

Russell R. Menard (2006). Sweet Negotiations: Sugar, Slavery, and Plantation Agriculture in Early Barbados. (Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 181 p.). Professor of History (University of Minnesota).  Agriculture--Economic aspects--Barbados--History--17th century; Sugar trade--Barbados--History--17th century; Slavery--Barbados--History--17th century; Plantations--Barbados--History--17th century. Barbados was well on its way to becoming plantation colony, slave society before sugar emerged as dominant crop.

Ian Mulgrew (2005). Bud Inc.: Inside Canada’s Marijuana Industry. (Toronto, ON: Random House Canada, 287 p.). Legal Affairs Columnist (Vancouver Sun). Marijuana;  Marijuana industry -- Canada; Forbes magazine (November 2003) - marijuana is "Canada’s most valuable agricultural product — bigger than wheat, cattle or timber".

Mary Neth (1995). Preserving the Family Farm: Women, Community and the Foundations of Agribusiness in the Midwest, 1900-1940. (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 347 p.). Middle West -- Rural conditions; Rural families -- Middle West; Farmers' spouses -- Middle West; Agriculture and state -- Middle West.

Dennis S. Nordin and Roy V. Scott (2005). From Prairie Farmer to Entrepreneur: The Transformation of Midwestern Agriculture. (Bloomington: IN: Indiana University Press, 356 p.). Author; Emeritus Professor of History (Mississippi State University). Agriculture--Middle West--History; Farm life--Middle West--History; Agriculture--Economic aspects--Middle West--History. Great transformation in American life.

Alan L. Olmstead, Paul W. Rhode (2008). Creating Abundance: Biological Innovation and American Agricultural Development. (New York, NY Cambridge University Press, 467 p.). Director of the Institute of Governmental Affairs, Professor of Economics, and member of the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics (University of California, Davis); McClelland Professor of Economics (University of Arizona).Agricultural innovations --United States --History; Agricultural biotechnology --United States --History; Agricultural productivity --United States --History. In two centuries before World War II, stream of biological innovations revolutionized crop, livestock sectors, increased land and labor productivity; essential for: moving agriculture onto new lands with more extreme climates, maintaining production in face of evolving threats from pests, creating modern livestock sector; established foundation for subsequent Green and Genetic Revolutions.

David Ormrod (1985). English Grain Exports and the Structure of Agrarian Capitalism, 1700-1760. (Hull, UK: Hull University Press, 145 p.). Lecturer in Economic and Social History (University of Kent at Canterbury). Grain trade--England--History--18th century; Grain trade--Wales--History--18th century; Agriculture--Economic aspects--England--History--18th century; Agriculture--Economic aspects--Wales--History--18th century; Capitalism--England--History--18th century; Capitalism--Wales--History--18th century.

Dwight H. Perkins; with the assistance of Yeh-Chien Wang, Kuo-Ying Wang Hsiao, Yung-Ming Su (1969). Agricultural Development in China, 1368-1968. (Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press, 395 p.). Agriculture --Economic aspects --China. Population increased 5x-6x between late 14th, early 19th centuries; agricultural system kept pace by expanding cultivated acreage, raising yield per acre.

Donald H. Pflueger (1976). Charles C. Chapman: The Career of a Creative Californian, 1853-1944. (Los Angeles, CA: Anderson, Ritchie & Simon, 241 p.). Chapman, Charles C.; orange growing; orange industry. Pioneered growing, selling of Valencia oranges to U.S. grocery trade.

  Charles C. Chapman (

Donald J. Pisani (1984). From the Family Farm to Agribusiness: The Irrigation Crusade in California and the West, 1850-1931. (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 521 p.). Irrigation--Economic aspects--California--History; Agriculture--Economic aspects--California--History.

Louis W. Potts & Ann M. Sligar (2004). Watkins Mill: The Factory on the Farm. (Kirksville, MO: Truman State University Press, 216 p.). Watkins, Waltus L., 1806-1884; Watkins family; Businessmen--Missouri--Lawson--Biography; Farmers--Missouri--Lawson--Biography; Wool industry--Missouri--Lawson--History--19th century; Woolen and worsted manufacture--Missouri--Lawson--History--19th century; Agriculture--Missouri--Lawson--History--19th century; Watkins Woolen Mill State Historic Site (Lawson, Mo.); Lawson (Mo.)--Biography; Lawson (Mo.)--Buildings, structures, etc.

Paul Raeburn, with a new preface by the author (1996). The Last Harvest: The Genetic Gamble That Threatens to Destroy American Agriculture. (Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 269 p.). Senior Writer for Business Week magazine. Plant breeding--United States; Crops--United States--Germplasm resources; Agricultural innovations--United States; Agriculture--United States.

Joseph P. Reidy (1992). From Slavery to Agrarian Capitalism in the Cotton Plantation South Central Georgia, 1800-1880. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 360 p.). Professor of History (Howard University). Plantations --Georgia --History --19th century. Agricultural laborers --Georgia --History --19th century; African Americans --Georgia --Economic conditions; Agriculture --Economic aspects --Georgia --History --19th century; Slavery --Georgia --History --19th century; Capitalism --Georgia --History --19th century. Social transformation of South in context of 'the age of capital', changes in markets, ideologies, of Atlantic world system; social, economic developments in central Georgia during, after slavery; expansion of cotton kingdom, changes after emancipation.

Richard Rhodes (1998). Farm: A Year in the Life of an American Farmer. (Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 336 p.). Pulitzer-Prize Winning Author. Farm life--Missouri; Family farms--Missouri; Agriculture--Missouri.

Anna Rochester (1975). Why Farmers Are Poor. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 317 p. [orig. pub. 1940]). Agriculture--United States; Agriculture--Economic aspects--United States.

Mary B. Rose (2000). Firms, Networks, and Business Values: The British and American Cotton Industries since 1750. (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 352 p.). Cotton trade--Great Britain--History; Cotton trade--United States--History.

Jean-Laurent Rosenthal (1992). The Fruits of Revolution: Property Rights, Litigation, and French Agriculture, 1700-1860. (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 216 p.). Right of property --France --History; Drainage --France --Normandy --History; Irrigation --France --Provence --History; Agriculture and state --France --History; France --Economic conditions --18th century; France --Economic conditions --19th century. Impact of revolution on French agricultural development; impact of institutions on specific areas of economy, impact of property rights on water control.

Thomas C. Smith (1959). The Agrarian Origins of Modern Japan. (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 250 p.). Land tenure--Japan; Agriculture--Economic aspects--Japan; Japan--Rural conditions.

Steven Stoll (1998). The Fruits of Natural Advantage: Making the Industrial Countryside in California. (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 273 p.). Assistant Professor of History (Yale University). Fruit trade -- California; Fruit -- California -- Marketing; Horticulture -- California; Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- California. How class of capitalist farmers made California nation's leading producer of fruit, created first industrial countryside in America; California from 1880 to 1930 - origins, evolution, implications of fruit industry; window through which to view entire history of California.

Charles G. Teague (1944). Fifty Years a Rancher: The Recollections of Half a Century Devoted to the Citrus and Walnut Industries of California. (Los Angeles, CA: The Ward Ritchie Press, 199 p.). Citrus fruits; Walnut; Agriculture, Cooperative--California.

Tennessee Department of Agriculture; text by Carroll Van West (1986). Tennessee Agriculture: A Century Farms Perspective. (Nashville, TN: The Department, 342 p.). Assistant Professor and Project Coordinator for the Center for Historical Preservation (Middle Tennessee State University). Century farms --Tennessee; Family farms --Tennessee --History; Farmers --Tennessee --Biography; Tennessee --Biography.

Ed. Joan Thirsk (1990). Chapters from the Agrarian History of England and Wales, 1500-1750: Volume 1 (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 5 vols.). Agriculture--Economic aspects--England--History; Agriculture--Economic aspects--Wales--History; England--Rural conditions; Wales--Rural conditions. 

Ed. Joan Thirsk (1990). Chapters from the Agrarian History of England and Wales, 1500-1750: Volume 2 (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 5 vols.). Agriculture--Economic aspects--England--History; Agriculture--Economic aspects--Wales--History; England--Rural conditions; Wales--Rural conditions. 

Ed. Joan Thirsk (1990). Chapters from the Agrarian History of England and Wales, 1500-1750: Volume 3 (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 5 vols.). Agriculture--Economic aspects--England--History; Agriculture--Economic aspects--Wales--History; England--Rural conditions; Wales--Rural conditions. 

James H. Tuten (2010). Lowcountry Time and Tide: The Fall of the South Carolina Rice Kingdom. (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 200 p.). Associate Professor of History and Former Assistant Provost (Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA). History of rice culture in South Carolina through Reconstruction era; industry's manifestations, decline from 1877 to 1930; changes in agricultural techniques, tools during period; how rice planters became adaptive, progressive despite conservative reputations; cultural history of rice as foodway, symbol of wealth in lowcountry; lasting legacy of rice culture; agricultural, environmental, economic, cultural, climatic forces stacked against planters, laborers, millers struggling to perpetuate once-lucrative industry through challenging postbellum years, into hardscrabble 20th century; ways in which rice producers sought to revive rice production; rice planting retained perceived cultural mystique, led many to struggle with its farming long after profits eliminated; tried to innovate; thwarted by insurmountable challenges of postwar economy, series of hurricanes that destroyed crops, infrastructure necessary to sustain planting.

David Vaught (2007). After the Gold Rush: Tarnished Dreams in the Sacramento Valley. (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 328 p.). Associate Professor of History (Texas A & M University). Agriculture--Economic aspects--California--Sacramento Valley--History; Sacramento Valley (Calif.)--History. Hard-luck miners-turned-farmers in Putah Creek (became Davis, CA); endured disputes, confusion over land policy, struggled with vagaries of local, national, world markets.

Simon P. Ville (2000). The Rural Entrepreneurs: A History of the Stock and Station Agent Industry in Australia and New Zealand. (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. School of Economics and Information Systems (University of Wollongong, Australia), President of the Economic History Society of Australia and New Zealand. Animal industry--Australia--History; Animal industry--New Zealand--History; Wool industry--Australia--History; Wool industry--New Zealand--History; Stockyards--Economic aspects--Australia--History; Stockyards--Economic aspects--New Zealand--History.

Keith J. Volanto (2005). Texas, Cotton, and the New Deal. (College Station, TX: Texas A & M University Press, 194 p.). Professor of History (Collin County Community College). United States. Agricultural Adjustment Act 1933; Cotton growing--Government policy--Texas--History; Cotton trade--Government policy--Texas--History; New Deal, 1933-1939--Texas. New Deal cotton policy among Texas cotton farmers during Great Depression; effects of agricultural policies on landlords, tenants, sharecroppers, ginners, shippers. 

Richard A. Walker (2004). The Conquest of Bread: 150 Years of Agribusiness in California. (New York, NY: New Press, 382 p.). Professor and Past Chair of Geography (University of California, Berkeley). Agricultural industries--California--History; Agriculture--Economic aspects--California; Agricultural industries--Environmental aspects--California; Agricultural industries--Social aspects--California; Agricultural laborers--California--History.

Arturo Warman; translated by Nancy L. Westrate (2003). Corn & Capitalism: How a Botanical Bastard Grew to Global Dominance. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 270 p.). Former Minister of Agrarian Reform in Mexico. Corn --History. Plant with enormous economic importance; development from New World food of poor, despised peoples into commodity that plays major role in modern global economy; corn as colonizer; role of foodstuffs in competition between nations, perpetuation of inequalities between rich and poor states in world market; problems for large-scale, technology-dependent monocrop agriculture.


Business History Links

AgEcon Search: Research in Agricultural and Applied Economics                                                     

Collects, indexes, and electronically distributes full text copies of scholarly research in the broadly defined field of agricultural economics (including sub disciplines such as agribusiness, food supply, natural resource economics, environmental economics, policy issues, agricultural trade, and economic development).

AgNIC Portal                                                                                                        

Started in 1995, the Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC), is part of a collaborative alliance between various libraries and extension programs at different universities and other institutions; designed to bring quality agricultural information to those parties and to the general public.

Agricultural History Society                                                                                                          Stimulating interest in, promoting the study of and facilitating research and publications on Rural Societies.

Agrisurf! - the Farmers Search Engine                                               

From family farms to agribusiness, almost 20,000 sites "hand picked by agricultural experts" are arranged in categories, indexed, rated for speed and reliability of access, labeled with the flag of their country of origin.

Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums                                                         

Serves those involved in living historical farms, agricultural museums and outdoor museums of history and folklife. Since its founding in 1970, ALHFAM has been at the forefront of the growth and professionalization of the use of living history techniques in museum programs.

Barbed Wire Museum                                                                                        

History of barbed wire, its artifacts, the significance of the invention, and the impact on the development of the Old West.

Commodity Classic                                                                                          

Combined convention and trade show of the National Corn Growers Association, the American Soybean Association and the National Association of Wheat Growers. 2008 - total of 4,532 registrants, 145 members of media, 847 trade show booths = record-breaking numbers.

The Core Historical Literature of Agriculture                                                                             

The Core Historical Literature of Agriculture (CHLA) is a core electronic collection of agricultural texts published between the early 19th century and the middle to late 20th century. Full-text materials cover agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, animal science, crops and their protection, food science, forestry, human nutrition, rural sociology, and soil science.

The Farmers' Museum                                                                              Cultivates an understanding of the rural heritage that has shaped our land, communities and American culture.

Guide to the California Dairy Industry History Collection (1856-1986)

Contributions of dairy industry to economic and social development of California.

History of the King Ranch                                                                           

International Association of Agricultural Museums                                                

AIMA promotes scientific research and stimulates collaboration among museum professionals and agricultural museums. Every three years, AIMA organises an international congress during which specific themes are presented and discussed. Agricultural museums must encourage development while at the same time remain critical of the deviations of intensive agriculture which destroy the environment and, above all, harm poorer populations.

National Agricultural Library                                                                                                  

There are regular online agricultural libraries, and then there is the National Agricultural Library (NAL) - more working papers, fact sheets, and farm updates; digital library, produced by the United States Department of Agriculture, allows users to browse documents by subject (such as marketing and trade or livestock) and also ask librarians questions, via the site.

Silos and Smokestacks                                                                                                                 

Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area is one of 37 federally designated heritage areas in the nation and is an Affiliated Area of the National Park Service. SSNHA's mission is to interpret farm life, agribusiness and rural communities-past and present; preserve and tell the story of American agriculture and its global significance through partnerships and activities that celebrate the land, people, and communities of the area.

Tennessee Century Farms Program                                                                        

The Tennessee Century Farms Program was created in 1975 by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture as part of nation’s bicentennial celebration. In 1985, the Center for Historic Preservation at Middle Tennessee State University assumed the responsibility for the program; honors and recognizes the dedication and contributions of families who have owned and farmed the same land for at least 100 years. After 30 years, the statewide and ongoing program has 1,310 certified farms. Of that number 132 are 200 years old, 591 are 150 years old, and 587 are over 100 years old. Second, it is a documentary program that collects and interprets the agrarian history and culture of the state.

University of Florida Citrus Research and Education Center                                                          

Established in 1917, after a group of Polk County citrus growers raised nearly $14,000 to purchase some land for a research station; originally called the Citrus Experiment Station; assists the citrus industry in meeting its developmental needs through its Research, Extension, and Teaching programs. CREC is the oldest and largest off-campus experiment station in UF's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) and is unique among research centers - largest facility in the world devoted to a single commodity, citrus.

Web-Agri                                                                                         Http://Www.Web-Agri.Com/                                                 

This site bills itself as the first "real" agricultural search engine (not just a searchable directory), indexing over 500,000 agriculture Web pages.

The Wessels Living History Farm, the Story of Agricultural Innovation                                       

Before Nebraskan David Wessels passed away, he left a vision in his will for a "living history farm". A committee formed in 1995 made sure that his vision would come to fruition, and the result was the creation of the Wessels Living History Farm. The farm was started in York, Nebraska, and it has a long-standing partnership with the Nebraska Educational Television Network. The site provides visitors with information about how farm life has changed since the 1920s: the farming experience chronologically by decade, each decade contains seven sections, including "Machines", "Crops", and "Pests & Weeds", each section contains a short introduction. Video clips feature people talking about changes in farm technology, farm life, and other germane topics. Some of the subsections include "Harvesting Wheat", "Tractors", and "Fertilizing". The "Learning Resources" area contains materials for teachers, complete with grade level suggestions, objectives, and so on. Some of the featured materials include "What Do You Believe", and "Life Before Electricity". A web camera lets you peer into life down on the Wessels farm.

Eli Whitney Museum                                                                             


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