March 7, 1826
- Jesse Delano, of New York, NY; received patent for "Fire Proof
Wrought Iron Chests"; August 13, 1834 - reissued
for a "Fire-Proof Safe".
February 23, 1839
- William F. Harnden organized nation's first express courier
service, operated between Boston, New York City.
July 20, 1841
- Lewis Tappan established Mercantile Agency in New York City,
network of correspondents to function as source of reliable,
consistent, objective credit information; one of first
organizations formed for sole purpose of providing business
information to customers; 1849 - turned Agency
over to Benjamin Douglass, former clerk; rival John M.
Bradstreet Company founded in Cincinnati, OH; 1851
- Bradstreet organization popularized use of credit ratings;
published first book of commercial ratings; 1859 -
Douglass turned over Agency to his brother-in-law, Robert Graham
Dun; renamed R.G. Dun Mercantile Agency; 1933 -
Dun's CEO, Arthur Whiteside, engineered merger with The
Bradstreet Companies, formed D&B.
June 1, 1843
- Daniel Fitzgerald, of New York, NY, received patent for
an "Improvement in Fire-Proof Safes and Chests" ("intended to
resist the action of fire and for the safe keeping and
preserving books, papers and other valuables from destruction by
fire, which I call a "Salmander" Safe or Chest"); mythical
animal having the power to endure fire without harm.
May 5, 1859
- Perry and Fidelia Brink started cartage business in Chicago;
1891 - delivers first valuables, 1900
- makes first bank shipment; 1927 - built first
fully armored vehicle; 1956 - acquired by
Pittston; May 5, 2003 - name changed to The
Brink's Company.
- Henry Varnum
Poor (editor of The American Railroad Journal since 1849)
published "History of
Railroads and Canals of the United States", comprehensive
account of financial, operating details of capital intensive
American railroads and canals ((leading issuers of debt
securities); formed H. V. and H. W. Poor Company with his son;
1868 - published "Manual of Railroads of the
United States" (442 p., $5, updated annually); leader in
establishing the financial information industry on the principle
of "the investor's right to know"; 1906 - Luther
Lee Blake formed Standard Statistics Bureau to provide central
source of previously unavailable financing and operating
information on U.S. industrial companies (beyond railroads);
1913 - acquired Babson Stock and Bond card System
(financial reports on stocks, bonds) from Edward Shattuck and
Roy W. Porter; 1914 - became Standard Statistics,
Inc.; Roy W. Porter acquired control of Moody's Manual Co.,
began negotiations to acquire Poor's Railroad Manual Co.
(successor to H. V. and H. W. Poor Company); 1919
- Porter merged Moody's Manual Co. with Poor's Railroad Manual
Co., changed name to Poor's Publishing Co.; 1916 -
Standard Statistics began to assign debt ratings to corporate
bonds, with sovereign debt ratings following shortly thereafter;
1923 - produced its first weekly
capitalization-weighted stock market index (233 U. S.
companies); 1930 - Poor's Publishing Co. went
bankrupt; Paul T. Babson (cousin of Porter), refinanced company,
acquired control; 1941 - Standard Statistics
merged with Poor's Publishing Company; formed Standard & Poor's
Corporation; published "Bond Guide" (statistics, quality ratings
on corporate bonds; 7,000 municipal bond ratings); 1996
- acquired by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
1861 - Hiram H. Martin Jr. established funeral
parlor in room of father’s wagon shop at corner of Washington
and East Beekman streets in Saratoga Springs, NY;
1921 - acquired by
Arthur C. Kark; 1947
- Mahlon C. Tunison Jr., embalmer in Grave Registration Service
during World War II, became partner;
1978 - renamed Tunison Funeral Home;
1994 - acquired by
Dan Warren; oldest funeral home in Saratoga Springs.
- David Bachrach (23), former assistant surgical photographer at
St. John's College Hospital (MD) and former assistant
photographer for Harper's Weekly during Civil War (age 18,
photographed President Abraham Lincoln's delivering of
Gettysburg Address), opened portrait studio in Baltimore, MD;
1904 - Louis Fabian
Bachrach (son) left family business, opened studio in Worcester,
MA; 1915 - became
president of company; 1929
- acquired Walter Bachrach's [brother] interest, expanded to 48
Bachrach studios nationwide; 1955
- Bradford Bachrach (grandson) took over; oldest photographic
studio still in operation; January
24, 1967 - Bachrach, Inc. registered "Bachrach"
tradem ark first used in 1905 (portrait photographic services).
1878 - James M.
Curtis (46) founded J.M. Curtis & Son in San Francisco, CA, oldest continually operating
environmental analytical test, measurements laboratory in
United States; served wine industry provided
analyses for sugars, acidity, alcohol, solids in wines primarily
for export to Europe; 1905 - Phillip W. Tompkins
joined firm; president of Curtis and Tompkins Ltd. (1910 -
1953); 1926 - 45 people provided foods, feeds,
mineral, petroleum, fats and oils analyses for California's
agricultural, mining industries; satellite offices, labs served
mining industry in Reno, NV, fishing products industry on
Cannery Row in Monterey, CA; 1953 - acquired by
employee group headed by Hugo deBusseries; 1976 -
ownership changed; core business in Foods, Feeds, Agricultural,
Fats, Oils analyses; 1991 - C&T offered
agricultural, bacteriological, food, feed, petroleum, water,
wastewater, bulk cargo inspection, consulting services from
three labs with staff approaching 100; 1997 -
exited food, bacteriology, petroleum, agricultural services
sectors, concentrated on core competency in environmental
testing and data management.
- Roland M. Smythe established Smythe and Company to provide
financial community, private individuals, with accurate
information concerning obsolete securities and banknotes;
developed into one of world's premier auction houses,
specializing in Antique Stocks and Bonds, Banknotes, Coins,
Autographs and Photographs.
- Cyrus Lazelle Warner Eidlitz (son of noted architect,
founder of American Institute of Architects) opened
architectural office with commission, from Alexander Graham
Bell, to design Metropolitan Telephone Building on Cortlandt
Street (New York City), first telephone building in
Manhattan; 1900
- formed partnership with Andrew C. McKenzie (structural
engineer), established Eidlitz & McKenzie to pioneer new
building design; 1905 - designed The New York Times
Building; 1910
- Eidlitz left firm, Stephen F. Voorhees, Paul Gmelin made
partners, firm reorganized, renamed as McKenzie, Voorhees &
Gmelin; 1926 -
Ralph T. Walker made partner, name changed to Voorhees,
Gmelin and Walker; 1939
- received ten commissions for World's Fair;
1940 - Max H.
Foley, Perry Coke Smith made partners, formed Voorhees,
Walker, Foley & Smith; 1955
- Foley left, renamed Voorhees, Walker, Smith & Smith
(Benjamin Lane Smith made partner earlier);
1959 - Charles
Haines, principal contributor to firm's design work for
research facilities, made partner; name changed to Voorhees,
Walker, Smith, Smith & Haines;
1964 - Robert Lundberg, Frank J. Waehler
made partners, renamed Smith, Smith Lundberg & Waehler;
1968 - renamed
HLW (Haines, Lundberg Waehler; Smiths retired).
- Arthur Dehon Little and Roger Griffin founded Arthur D. Little
to improve processes and products; 1909 -
incorporated as world's first company seeking to apply
technology to industrial growth; 1911 - organized
first R&D lab for GM; 1930 - advised Campbell Soup on how to
environmentally utilise their waste from tomato soup
manufacture; 1949 - pioneered application of
operations research to industrial problems; 1960s
- developed SABRE (first real-time, on-line, computerized
reservation system) for American Airlines with IBM; 1968
- designed NASDAQ stock exchange system; tailored services
linking strategy, innovation, technology from inception to
February 19, 1896
- Members of Detroit Chamber of Commerce and Detroit
Manufacturers Club formed The Detroit Convention and Business
Mens' League to attract convention business to Detroit; gathered
list of more than 300 prospects by end of year; formal beginning
of convention and visitors bureau industry;
2003 - 12.5 million people attended
12,223 conventions, spent $16 billion (source: Meetings and
Conventions Magazine); 155,625 other scheduled meetings
generated $13.7 billion in revenue; convention and visitors
bureaus 'sell' average of 10,500 hotel rooms per night per year,
fund 82% of operating expenses from collected taxes, average 14
employees, have average operating budget of $5.1 million
(source: Destination Management Association International).
February 3, 1888
Alexander Dey, of Glasgow, Scotland, received a British patent
for a "Workman's Time Recorder"; September 24, 1889
- received U. S. patent; dial time recorder (clock first
manufactured by Dey Company, then as Industrial Time Recorders
[ITR] after 1907); employees required to point to their assigned
number, press to record time of arrival and departure; numbers
of employees, times recorded on sheet of paper wrapped around a
- Oakleigh Thorne founded Corporation Trust Company "to carry on
a general agency business, especially the acting as agent of and
trustee for corporations"; opened in Jersey City, NJ, with 44
employees; 1895 - first company to assist lawyers
with details of incorporating, qualifying corporations in all
states, territories; 1903 - tracked, reported on
activities of various state, federal legislative bodies for
United States Steel Corp.; December 1913 -
established tax department following passage of Tariff Act of
1913 (instituted nation's first income tax); signed up 1,000
subscribers to first Income Tax Reporter (400-page loose-leaf
binder that summarized Act, provided space for updates on tax
laws as influenced by court, administrative rulings); 1927
- merged with Commerce Clearing House (founded 1920 by William
Kixmiller as monitor of import, export business practices;
switched loose leaf tax service), formed Commerce Clearing
House, Inc. (Corporation Trust, Thorne family assumed
controlling interest); 1960 - over 1,000
employees; 1961 - went public; 1993
- acquired Matthew Bender & Co. (Bender's Federal Tax Service,
eight state tax services, related tax publications) from Times
Mirror Company; 1996 - acquired for nearly $2
billion by Wolters Kluwer, Dutch company.
- German Jewish immigrant went into business as "William Morris,
Vaudeville Agent" in New York City; January 31, 1918
- incorporated; signed Al Jolson, Marx Brothers, Mae West,
Charlie Chaplin; 1930 - William, Morris, Jr., Abe
Lastfogel took over (Jimmy Cagney, Louis Armstrong, Will
Rogers); December 1949 - acquired Berg-Allenberg
Agency (Frank Capra, Clark Gable, Judy Garland, Sammy Davis,
Jr., Milton Berle, Rita Hayworth); 1965 - Music
Department formed (Rolling Stones, Byrds, Beach Boys, Sonny &
Cher); 1989 - acquired Jim Halsey Company (The Oak
Ridge Boys, Waylon Jennings, Tammy Wynette); 1992
- acquired Triad Artists, largest acquisition of talent agency
in show business history; 1993 - created Corporate
Advisory/New Media Department (evolved into William Morris
Consulting; August 1999 - Jim Wiatt, Vice-Chairman
of International Creative Management, joined William Morris as
President, Co-Chief Executive Officer.
December 13, 1899
- Alfred Magilton (A. M.) Best incorporated Alfred M. Best
Company, Inc. in State of New York, with single room office in
financial district in New York City;
1900 - introduced Best's Insurance
Reports® --Property/Casualty, designed to provide information on
financial, operating performance of insurance companies;
introduced Best's Insurance News and Supplements;
1904 - first boost:
determined the losses of fire insurance companies involved in
Baltimore Conflagration; 1905
- acquired Insurers Reporting Company;
1906 - introduced separate edition of
Best's Insurance News and Supplements for Life/Health companies
(later became Best's Review--Life/Health); began rating
Property/Casualty companies, introduced Best's Key Rating
Guide®--Property/Casualty; 1907
- published Special Report Upon San Francisco Losses and
Settlement pamphlet with information on gross, net losses of 243
insurance companies involved in the San Francisco earthquake;
1928 - began rating
life insurance companies; 1969
- acquired United Statistical Associates, Inc., publisher of
insurance company investment portfolios;
1972 - name changed to A.M. Best
Company; 1984 -
established A.M. Best Electronic Retrieval Service (AMBERS),
online information service; 1997
- issued first rating of Lloyd's in its 300-year history;
2006 - became
Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization registered
under provisions of Securities Exchange Act of 1934;
2007 - issued first
ratings for Banks, Hospitals, Health Care Systems;
2008 - Alfred M.
Best inducted into Insurance Industry Hall of Fame;
2009 - more than 50
publications, services; more than 400 analysts, statisticians,
editorial personnel dedicated to providing insurance industry
with most complete, accurate, up-to-date financial, operating
information; full-service credit rating organization dedicated
to serving financial services industries, including banking,
insurance sectors.
- John Moody founded John Moody & Company; published Moody's
Manual of Industrial and Miscellaneous Securities, provided
data, information, statistics on stock and bonds issued by
financial institutions, government agencies, on manufacturing,
mining, utilities, food companies; 1907 - closed
due to lack of capital; 1909 - reopened, published
Moody's Analysis of Railroad Investments, opinions about
relative investment quality of railroad securities (used letter
rating symbols used by credit reporting firms since late 1800s);
1914 - incorporated as Moody's Investor Service,
expanded ratings coverage to bonds issued by U.S. cities, other
municipalities; 1962 - became part of The Dun &
Bradstreet Corporation; 1970s - began to cover
commercial paper market, bank deposits; started to charge
issuers, investors for rating services; September 30, 2000
- D&B split into two separately publicly traded companies;
ratings, related research and credit risk management business
renamed Moody's Corporation.
1904 - Frank Couture started Couture's Fabric
Care in Colorado Springs, CO; 1918
- acquired by Carl Peterson’s father;
2011 - third generation (Keith Peterson,
August 9, 1904
- Libanus McLouth Todd received a patent for a "Printing-Stamp"
("improved printing apparatus or stamp particularly adapted for
marking or embossing upon checks, drafts, and similar
instruments words or figures indicating a limiting amount beyond
which such instrument is not good"); protectograph to protect
against check forgers.
- Sophus Falck founded Falck A/S in Denmark to prevent
accidents, emergencies and illness, rescue people in distress,
help those who are ill, relieve after-effects of sickness and
distress; 2006 - Europe’s leading rescue,
assistance organization, with major tasks for the public and
private sector and adapted to rules and conditions of individual
Sophus Falck -
Falck A/S
- James E. ("Jim") Casey (19-year-old) borrowed $100 from friend
to start American Messenger Company in Seattle, WA; 1919
- expanded to Oakland, CA, changed name to United Parcel
Service: "United" served as a reminder that the company's
operations in each city were part of same organization, "Parcel"
identified the nature of the business, and "Service" indicated
what was offered.
- Architect Russell Hart established architectural firm in
Nashville, TN; serve as field supervisor, resident architect
during construction of Hermitage Hotel; F. Eugene Freeland,
Martin Smith Roberts, engineering graduates of Vanderbilt
University, start architectural practice;
1920 - merged; formed one of Tennessee's
first architectural/engineering firms;
2010 - one of nation’s leading designers
of healthcare, educational, municipal and correctional
facilities, roadways, athletic fields, recreational facilities.
- Corporation consisting of several private business franchises
of local BBB organizations based in United States and Canada
formed (Samuel Candler Dobbs, sales manager of Coca-Cola, later
its president, had taken up cause of truth in advertising in
1906; had become president of the Associated Advertising Clubs
of America [now American Advertising Federation] in 1909; had
been involved in adoption of "Ten Commandments of Advertising"
[one of first codes of advertising developed by groups of
advertising firms, individual businesses] in 1911);
1921 - National
Better Business Commission, Inc. of the Associated Advertising
Clubs of the World formed; 1933
- National Association of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. formed;
1946 - merghed,
formed Association of Better Business Bureaus, Inc.;
1970 - Council of
Better Business Bureaus, Inc. (CBBB) established; BBB goal to
foster fair, effective marketplace, so that buyers and sellers
can trust each other.
- John Knowles Fitch founded Fitch Publishing Company; published
financial statistics for investment community; 1924
- introduced Fitch ratings system for analyzing financial
securities; 1997 - merged with IBCA Limited,
London-based company owned by Fimalac S.A.; 2000 -
Fitch acquired Duff & Phelps Credit Rating Company, rating
business of Thomson BankWatch.
1914 - Edwin G.
Booz founded consulting practice; 1929 - James
Allen joined; 1935 - Carl Hamilton joined.
1915 - Frenchman, John Libarle
established Lace House Linen Supply, Inc. in Petaluma, CA; did
family laundry services (sheets, towels, clothing); delivered
laundry in horse-drawn carriage;
1930s - Lucien Libarle (son) joined business;
World War II -
provided linen services to many ships, submarines which operated
out of Mare Island; 1963
- Daniel Libarle (grandson) joined family business;
2011 - over 500
customers in Sonoma, Napa, San Francisco, Marin, Solano
1917 - Andrew
Pansini saw need for "off-street parking" in downtown Los
Angeles; founded Savoy Corporation; opened Savoy Auto Park,
world's first parking lot, fee was 5¢ a day; 1942
- opened Savoy's Union Square Garage in San Francisco, world's
first, largest, underground parking garage; 1958 -
Andrew L. Pansini (son) invented world's first automatic pool
cleaner, created Jandy Industries; 1964 - opened
first Rain Tunnel Car Wash in San Francisco at Fisherman's
Wharf, first operation of its kind west of Mississippi;
1972 - developed its first commercial office building
with construction of Savoy Building in San Francisco at
Fisherman's Wharf; 2000 - sold its land interest
in Los Angeles in exchange for five office buildings in
Petaluma; 2007 - owns, manages over $50,000,000 in
commercial real estate in Northern California (9 buildings in
San Francisco, Larkspur, Petaluma, Napa).
September 1918
- Walter L. Jacobs (22) opened car-rental operation in Chicago;
started with dozen Model T Fords (repaired, repainted himself);
1923 - business generated annual revenues of about
$1 million; acquired by John D. Hertz, President of Yellow Cab
and Yellow Truck and Coach Manufacturing Company (Jacobs
continued as chief operating officer); named Hertz
Drive-Ur-Self System; [1926 - Yellow Cab
Manufacturing Co. acquired by General Motors (became GM truck
division); 1929 - Morris Markin bought 60%
ownership in Yellow Cab (all of Hertz's holdings);
1953 - Hertz properties GMC acquired by Omnibus
Corporation]; 1954 - name changed to The Hertz
Corporation (Jacobs became Hertz's first President, served until
retirement in 1960); 1967 - became subsidiary of
RCA; 1985 - acquired by UAL; 1987 -
acquired by Park Ridge Corporation, investor group affiliated
with Ford Motor Co.; 1994 - Park Ridge investors
acquired by Ford, Hertz became Ford subsidiary; March 9,
2001 - Ford reacquired outstanding 18.5% of Hertz'
stock; became wholly owned subsidiary; December 22, 2005
- acquired by Clayton, Dubilier & Rice; The Carlyle Group,
Merrill Lynch Private Global Equity.
Walter L. Jacobs
- The Hertz Corporation
John D. Hertz
- The Hertz Corporation
February 1, 1925
- George S. May created George S. May Company in Chicago as
problem-solving consultant to companies; first
consulting assignment with Chicago Flexible Shaft Company,
precursor of Sunbeam Corporation; first year billings of
$10,000; 1928 -
billings of $250,000; 1937
- billing topped $1 million; 1945
- billings of $6 million; shifted focus from industrial giants,
company's primary clients, targeted small, medium-size
businesses; 1950 -
500 employees, 98% of clients were businesses with between
50-500 employees; 1962
- Raymond Margolies appointed president;
February 1, 1990 - Donald J. Fletcher
named president; December 30, 2001
- Israel Kushnir succeeded as president; management systems
based on sound business practices, with profit being first item
of expense;
September 3, 2002 - George S. May International
Company registered "George S. May International Company"
trademark first used in 1925 (Business management consulting
services in the fields of human capital management; profit
engineering; customer relations management; operations
effectiveness; quality management and technology management).
- James O. McKinsey left academic career as professor of
accounting at University of Chicago, founded McKinsey & Co. to
build firm that provided finance, budgeting services; quickly
gained reputation for providing advice on organization and
management issues.
- Donald Shaw ('Buck') Freeman established Freeman Decorating
Company in Des Moines, IA to service fairs, trade shows;
parties, special events (had established New Idea Service
Company in Iowa in 1923); 1947
- returned to convention, exposition business;
1955 - offices in
Dallas, Des Moines, Omaha; 1963
- sales of $1 million; 1964
- Don Freeman (son) joined company;
1977 - six branch offices, 200
employees, $23 million in sales;
1980 - introduced ESOP;
1981 - acquired all branch offices of
Greyhound Exposition east of Rocky Mountains;
1985 - Carrie
Freeman (granddaughter) joined company;
1988 - opened Canadian division;
1992 - acquired
Design Expositions in Las Vegas (first western region
operations); 2001 -
produced 100 of 200 largest trade shows; majority of expositions
less than 200 show booths; 2004
- unified brand, incorporated all divisions under Freeman name;
leading provider of integrated services for face-to-face
marketing events.
- Andrew Thomas Kearney joined James O. McKinsey's firm (founded
1926); 1935 - Tom
Kearney named first partner, head of its first office in Chicago
(McKinsey & Company was one of only firms that focused on
management consulting for top level executives rather than
specialized consulting in areas such as accounting, law);
1939 - McKinsey
split (after McKinsey's death); A.T. Kearney continued to
operate Chicago office, renamed McKinsey and Kearney; Marvin
Bower, head of New York office, continued practice in New York,
retained rights to name McKinsey & Company in all areas other
than Midwest; 1947
- Bower purchased exclusive rights to name McKinsey & Company
from Tom Kearney, who renamed his firm A.T. Kearney &
Associates; April 1963
– A.T. Kearney & Company, Inc., incorporated;
1964 - Kearney
opened first international office in Düsseldorf;
1972 – name changed
to A.T. Kearney, Inc.; opened first Asian office in Tokyo;
1988 – biggest
expansion in history of firm - 20 of 26 offices enlarged,
relocated, opened since late 1985; named fifth-largest
broad-based multidisciplined management consultancy in United
States; surpassed $100 million in revenue;
1989 - 1,000 employees worldwide;
1993 – 10th
straight year of double-digit growth; formed Global Business
Policy Council, think tank;
September 1995 - merged with EDS (became
wholly-owned subsidiary), large technology consulting firm; 2000
employees worldwide; January 2006
- acquired from EDS in management buyout (90% of more than 170
A.T. Kearney officers from 26 countries participated in
transaction as investors; Paul Laudicina as managing officer,
chairman of the board.
- George E. Phelps, employee of First Wisconsin Company, William
H. Duff, of Commerce Clearing House, Inc., invested $125 each,
formed partnership in Chicago "for the purpose of furnishing
investment counsel to banks, insurance companies, and
individuals"; concentrated counseling services on utility
industry (Duff - sales, Phelps - analysis); 1994 -
credit ratings business spun off (eventually purchased by Fitch
Ratings); focused on investment banking, financial advisory
businesses; November 2000 - 65% interest in Duff &
Phelps, LLC acquired by Webster Financial Corporation, through
newly formed subsidiary, Webster D&P Holdings, Inc.; 2004
- acquired by partnership consisting of management, investment
banking boutique Stone Ridge Partners, investor group led by
Lovell Minnick Partners LLC.
1936 - Ettore G.
Steccone set up shop in garage at back of his house in Oakland,
CA to manufacture, market squeegee innovation under name of 'New
Deal Manufacturing Co., E. Steccone (used one blade instead of
two, held in place by pair of clips rather than number of
screws, created lighter tool, improved quality of rubber);
1938 - visited
George Racenstein in New York, head of J. Racenstein Co.,
largest supplier of window-cleaning tools in U.S.; Racenstein
refused to buy squeegee; Steccone bet Racenstein the finest hat
in New York that Racenstein would order squeegees within month;
gave squeegee to all fellow window cleaners, asked them to try
it on job for one day - if tool was superior to anything
currently used, order it from Racenstein (successful);
July 12, 1938 -
Ettore Steccone, of Oakland, CA, received a patent for a
"Squeegee" ("...to provide a squeegee that is operative to
remove liquids and dirt efficiently, within a wide range of
angles and a wide range of pressures");
November, 1938 - licensed manufacture,
sale of patented device to Morse-Starrett Products Co. subject
to cancellation or disposal of previous contract with Dormeyer;
December 3, 1938 -
granted supplemental license to Morse-Starrett, indemnified
company against all loss by reason of Dormeyer contract; turned
over to plaintiff, at cost less depreciation, his dies, tools,
material and equipment used in making of squeegees; gave his
customers list to Morse-Starrett, retired from business;
July 1939 -
Morse-Starrett began to sell squeegees under 'Steccone' named,
instead of 'New Deal' (impressed mark on metal handles of
squeegees; Steccone had never registered his named as trademark
or used his name in any form on squeegees prior to license
agreements); October 31, 1940
- Circuit Court invalidated Steccone's patent for lack of
novelty and for anticipation;
November 13, 1940 - Morse-Starrett cancelled
license agreement because of annulment of patent;
December 9, 1941 -
Ettore Steccone, of Oakland, CA, received a patent for a "Curved
Surface Cleaner"; October 16, 1942
- Steccone demanded Morse-Starrett discontinue use of 'Steccone'
on squeegees; 1945
- Steccone began manufacture, sale of squeegee again;
October 25, 1949 -
Morse-Starrett Products Co. won trade-mark infringement and
unfair competition litigation against Ettore G. Steccone;
January 11, 1950 -
District Court determined that Morse-Starrett was entitled to
use of mark "Steccone" as applied to squeegees, handles thereof;
required Steccone to indicate on squeegees, their handles that
they were not product of Morse-Starrett);
early 1950s - moved into first real
factory with five employees; June
15, 1953 - patent infringement judgment upheld
by United States Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit);
May 3, 1988 -
Morse-Starrett Products Co. registered "Steccone" trademark
first used January 1, 1939 (squeegees and parts thereof for
windows washers); 2005
- Ettore Products Company produced three-quarters of squeegees
used by professional window washers, 60% of squeegees bought by
consumers; sales of about $40 million, 80 employees, manufacture
about 150,000 squeegees/month.LLC.
Ettore Steccone
- squeegees
Name of Wireless Radio Inc. changed to
Muzak (a la Kodak; created in October 1922 by North American
Company, one of original Dow Jones Industrial Average stocks in
May 1896, based on 1922 patent application by former U. S. Army
Major General George Owen Squier for 'wired wireless' - new
methods and apparatus for the reception of high frequency
signals transmitted over lines or through space; September 6,
1927 - Squier, of Washington, DC, Joseph O. Mauborgne, of
Chicago, IL, Louis Cohen, of Washington, DC, received a patent
for "Electrical Signaling" ("...improvement in the method of and
apparatus for receiving high frequency signals whether they are
transmitted over lines or through space, as in the case of radio
signals...facilitate the operation in the matter of 'tuning in'
any particular signal"); first 1934 recoding performed by Sam
Lanin's orchestra; began marketing audio service to hotels,
restaurants in New York City (had tested service in homes in
Lakewood, OH in 1930, couldn't compete with radio);
April 9, 1935 -
Wired Radio, Inc. registered "Muzak" trademark first used
September 17, 1934 (radio and wired radio turners, radio and
wired radio receiving sets and convertors);
1936 - marketed to factories, work
areas; 1937 - S.
Wyatt, J. Langdon, British industrial psychologists, published
influential paper: "Fatigue and Boredom in Repetitive Work"
(Medical Research Council Industrial Health Research Board
Report 77, London, HMSO); 1938
- acquired by Warner Brothers (merged into Associated Music
Publishers); 1939 -
acquired by Waddill Hutchings, Alan Miller (founder of
Rediffusion Ltd. in UK), William Benton (co-founder of Benton &
Bowles advertising agency); 1941
- Benton acquired control for $100,000; virtual monopoly in
field of background music for businesses (dish-based technology
vs. multiple satellite use by alternative music delivery
technologies); 1950s
- world's biggest consumer of telephone lines;
April 2008 - merged
with DMX, Inc. (provided music design, full motion video, audio
messaging, environmental scents to clients; Muzak LLC business
music services reached more than 100 million persons/daily);
February 10, 2009 -
Muzak Holdings LLC filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
George Owen
Squier - Muzak
- Arthur Hooker began architectural practice in Muskegon, MI;
1952 - Kenneth
Hooker (brother) joined firm; 1968
- Edgar DeJong joined Kenneth N. Hooker Associates in Muskegon;
1972 - DeJong named
partner, name changed Hooker-DeJong Associates;
1994 - David Layman
joined firm (named President in 2004).
- Earl Hargrove began helping his father run Hargrove Inc.,
special-event company, from basement of Cheverly, MD home;
1949 - built floats
for President Truman's inaugural parade;
1960s - expanded to trade shows;
1970s - expanded to
custom exhibits;
2008 - business
acquired by Carla (middle daughter), Tim McGill (son-in-law,
began running trade show division in 1990s) for undisclosed
price; firm's responsibilities for Inauguration broadened to
audio, video production for official events; selected by
Presidential Inaugural Committee for fifth time as general
contractor, oversee all major events that come with swearing in
of new president; only company to ever win the work; in charge
of planning, executing all of official balls, parties, other
events celebrating new president; provide floats for inaugural
parade, decor for 10 official balls, prayer breakfast, three
candlelight dinners, dozens of other yet-to-be-announced
happenings, staging for myriad events at which president will
appear; plan, execute logistics for additional 30 unofficial
private parties, events;
January 20, 2009 - 16th inauguration.
- Henry and Leon Bloch founded United Business Company in Kansas
City, MO with $5,000 loan; offered bookkeeping, other services
to small businesses; Leon left business after few months;
Richard (brother) joined company; January 1955 -
advertised tax preparation service in Kansas City Star;
January 25, 1955 - specialized in income tax return
preparation, changed name to H&R Block Inc. ("Block" simpler,
could be spelled phonetically); company grossed more than
$20,000 in weeks (third of annual volume United Business Company
had taken years to develop); 1956 - opened 7
offices; revenues tripled to more than $65,000; January
1957 - opened franchise offices in Columbia, MO, Topeka,
KS; 1962 - 206 offices, nearly $800,000 in
revenues; went public; 1978 - prepared more than one out of every
nine tax returns filed in United States; 1982 -
Richard Bloch sold his interest in company, gave up position as
chairman; 1990s - speed of refund, refund
anticipation loans drove client growth; 2003 -
company filed 16.4 million returns electronically; 2007
- world's largest tax services company, served clients at more
than 12,500 U.S. retail offices, through digital tax solutions.
Richard and Henry Bloch
- H.&R. Block
1946 – Warren Avis founded Avis-rent-a-Car at Willow Run Airport
near Detroit with an $85,000 investment; first car rental
operation located at an airport; 1950 - franchises
in 75 cities; 1954 - franchises in 350 cities;
acquired by Richard S. Robie for $8 million; 1956
- acquired by investment group led by Amoskeag Company; Avis,
Inc. formed as formal holding company for company's related
business interests; 1962 - acquired by investment
banking firm, Lazard Freres & Company; 1963 - "We
Try Harder" advertising, marketing campaign debuted; 1965
- acquired by ITT Corporation for $51 million; 1977
- acquired by Norton Simon, Inc. for $174 million; 1986
- acquired by Wesray Capital Corporation for $263 million plus
assumption of debt; 1987 - acquired by Avis’s
Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) for $750 million, plus
assumption of debt; 1996 - acquired by HFS
Incorporated, world’s largest franchiser of hotels, residential
real estate brokerage offices; 2001 - Cendant
acquired all outstanding shares of Avis Group Holdings it did
not currently own in a transaction valued at $937 million; Avis
Rent A Car System, Inc. became wholly owned subsidiary of
Cendant; 2006 - structure, name changed to Avis
Rent A Car System, LLC.
- Aaron Scheinfeld, Elmer Winter (brother-in-law), opened
Manpower, Inc., nation's first temporary employment service in
Milwaukee, WI, as sideline to their law practice.
- Jack Taylor founded Executive Leasing Company in St. Louis, MO
with seven cars and hunch that customers would lease
automobiles, 1962 - added rental car business
division with fleet of 17 vehicles; started Car Sales division;
1969 - company renamed Enterprise (in honor of
aircraft carrier aboard which Taylor served as decorated fighter
pilot in World War II); 1970 - perceived best
growth opportunities were with hometown renters, not airport
travelers; 1974 - established "We'll Pick You Up"
tradition; 1980 - company's fleet reached 6,000
rental vehicles; 1989 - name changed to Enterprise
Rent-A-Car; more than 500 locations, more than 50,000 rental
vehicles; 1992 - surpassed $1 billion in annual
revenues, nearly 10,000 employees; 1994 - more
than $2 billion in annual revenue, more than 250,000 rental
vehicles; 2004 - more than 6,000 offices in U.S.
(locations within 15 miles of 90 percent of the entire
population), Canada, U.K., Ireland, Germany; 600,000 rental car,
135,000 Fleet Services vehicles in service; surpassed $7 billion
in annual revenue.
– Bank of America launched BankAmericard in Fresno, CA
(innovative "revolving credit" feature); 1970 -
Visa incorporated in Delaware as National BankAmericard Inc.
(NBI); 1974 - International Bankcard Company
(IBANCO) formed to administer BankAmericard program
internationally; 1976 - BankAmericard changed name
to Visa; 1983 - launched global ATM network,
provided 24-hour cash access to cardholders around world;
1997 - annual global sales volume reached $ trillion;
2001 - annual global sales volume reached $2
trillion; 2004 - global debit volume surpassed
credit volume; 2007- completed corporate
restructuring, created new global corporation, Visa Inc.;
nation's largest electronic-payments processor ($5.2 billion in
2007 revenue, handles more than 44 billion transactions valued
at more than $3.2 trillion).
- Mark McCormack, Arnold Palmer shook hands on agreement that
formed foundation of IMG and sports marketing, company dedicated
to marketing, management of sport, leisure, lifestyle; 2004
- acquired by Forstmann Little for $750 million.
June 27, 1962 -
Ross Perot founded EDS, incorporated company with state of
Texas for $1,000; chose Electronic Data Systems from potential
names he scribbled on pledge envelope during service at Highland
Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas; August 1962 -
Collins Radio in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, became first
customer; ompany flew computer tapes, data to Dallas for
processing; February 1963 - five-year agreement
with Frito Lay became IT industry’s first facilities-management
1965 - Frederick
W. Smith, undergraduate at Yale University, wrote term paper
about economic inadequacy of passenger routing systems used by
most airfreight shippers; wrote of need for shippers to have
system designed specifically for airfreight that could
accommodate time-sensitive shipments such as medicines, computer
parts, electronics; June 1971 - Federal Express
incorporated; August 1971 - bought controlling
interest in Arkansas Aviation Sales (Little Rock, AR);
April 17, 1973 - began operations with the launch of 14
small aircraft from Memphis International Airport; first night -
delivered 186 packages to 25 U.S. cities from Rochester, NY to
Miami, FL.
1970 - Paul Orfalea (nicknamed "Kinko" because of his
kinky, curly hair) and Bradley Krause (24), student in graphic
arts and photography class at Santa Barbara City College, opened
printing shop near University of California, Santa Barbara; 100
square feet, single copier, offset press, film processing, small
selection of stationery and school supplies; 1975
- 24 Kinko's stores; 1979 - 72 stores; customer
base shifted from mostly academics to broad range of personal,
business customers; mid-1990s - more than 800
stores; 1996 - Clayton, Dubilier & Rice invested;
1999 - more than 1,000 locations and 25,000
employees; February 2004 - acquired by FedEx for
$2.4 billion; April 2004 - name changed to FedEx
Kinko's Office and Print Services; more than 1,500 locations in
11 countries, 20,000 team members.
January 20,
1975 - William Morris agent Michael Ovitz left
agency he joined in 1968; founded a new agency; Creative Artists
Agency; developed into most powerful firm in Hollywood.
1990 - Gary
Hoover, Alta Campbell, Patrick Spain, Alan Chai started The
Reference Press; 1991 - published first book
"Hoover's Handbook 1991: Profiles of Over 500 Major
Corporations"; partnered with Sony to create first electronic
product: Hoover's Handbook Electronic Book for the Sony Data
Discman (flopped); 1992 - first online
distribution deals with LexisNexis, Bloomberg, AOL; signed
additional distribution deals with CompuServe, Apple, Microsoft,
AT&T; 1994 - Warner Books invested; firm launched
Hoover's Online (HOL); featured both free advertiser-supported,
for-pay premium access to Hoover's company information;
1996 - distributed information through more than 20
online, Web-based services; changed name to Hoover's, Inc.;
1997 - Infoseek, Media General invested in company;
1998 - signed first e-commerce deal with
Amazon.com; 2002 - acquired by Dun & Bradstreet
for $119 million.
November 7, 2007
- Visa agreed to pay $2.1 billion to American Express to settle
damages related to 2004 antitrust lawsuit; claimed that Visa and
MasterCard barred member banks from offering their customers
credit cards which could be used on rival payment networks, in
violation of antitrust law; believed to be largest amount ever
paid to resolve antitrust violation.
(American Linen
Leonard J. Arrrington (1991).
From Small Beginnings: A History of the American Linen Supply
Company and Its Successors and Affiliates
(Salt Lake City, UT: Steiner
Corporation, 243 p.).
(Avis), Robert
Townsend (1970).
Up the Organization (How To Stop the Corporation from Stifling
People and Strangling Profits). (New York, NY: Knopf,
202 p.). CEO of Avis-Rent-A-Car (1962-1965). Management.
Warren Avis - Avis
Rent a Car
April 25, 2007
Obituary -
http://www.nytimes.com/ 2007/04/25/business/
25avis.html?_r=1&ref= obituaries&oref=slogin
(Avis), Robert
Townsend (1984).
Further Up the Organization/How Groups of People Working
Together for a Common Purpose Ought to Conduct Themselves for
Fun and Profit. (New York, NY: Knopf, 254 p.). CEO of
Avis-Rent-A-Car (1962-1965). Management; Organization.
(Avis), Warren
Avis (1986).
Take a Chance To Be First: The Secrets of Entrepreneurial
Success. (New York, NY: Macmillan, 222 p.). Founder,
Avis-Rent-A-Car. Avis-Rent-A-Car System; Success in business.
(Bachrach), Doug Collins ;
introduction by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. (1992).
Photographed by Bachrach: 125 Years of American Portraiture.
(New York, NY: Rizzoli, 192 p.). Celebrities--United
States--Portraits; Portrait photography--United States--History.
(H&R Block), Tom Bloch (2008).
Stand for the Best: My Journey from CEO of H&R Block to
Successful Inner-City School Teacher. (San Francisco,
CA: Jossey-Bass, 246 p.). Former CEO H & R Block. Bloch, Thomas
M.; Education, Urban--United States; Mathematics
teachers--Missouri--Kansas City; Charter
schools--Missouri--Kansas City; Teaching--Social aspects--United
States; Career changes. Gave up security, status, pay (million dollars a year) of
Fortune 100 CEO (son of founder of H&R Block, world's largest
tax-preparation firms, nearly 20 million customers) in 1995;
became math teacher at St. Francis Xavier, impoverished
inner-city school in Kansas City; strategies to turn charter
school around; winning strategies from teachers, valuable
approaches for educating students, unique model of education for
teachers working with inner-city students.
Tom Bloch - CEO to
(Booz Allen & Hamilton), Jim
Bowman (1984). Booz, Allen & Hamilton: Seventy Years of
Client Service, 1914-1984. (New York, NY: Booz, Allen &
Hamilton, 119 p.). Management Consulting, Booz, Allen &
(Booz Allen & Hamilton),
Art Kleiner,
Jim Bowman (2004).
Booz Allen Hamilton: Helping Clients Envision the Future.
(Old Saybrook, CT: Greenwich Pub. Group, Inc., 128 p.).
Editor-In-Chief, strategy+business (Booz Allen Hamlton quarterly
business magazine). Booz Allen Hamilton --History; Consulting
firms --United States --History
(Brink's), R.A. Seng [and] J.V.
Gilmour. (1959).
Brink's, The Money Movers; The Story of a Century of Service.
(Chicago, IL: Printed by the Lakeside Press, 128 p.). Brink's
incorporated; Money--United States--Transportation.
(Budget Rent a Car
System-Australia), Bob Ansett with Robert Pullan (1986).
Bob Ansett, An Autobiography. (Hartwell, Vic.: J. Kerr,
221 p.). Ansett, Bob, 1933- ;
(Carlyle Group), Dan Briody
The Iron Triangle: Inside the Secret World of the Carlyle Group.
(New York, NY: Wiley, 240 p.). Carlyle Group: Business and
politics--United States; United States--Politics and
(Caudill, Rowlett, Scott), Eds.
Jonathan King and Philip Langdon ; foreword by Ronald Skaggs
The CRS Team and the Business of Architecture. (College
Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press,, 325 p.). Caudill,
Rowlett, Scott--History; Architectural practice--United
States--Management; Architectural services marketing--United
States; Architecture--United States--Decision making; Group work
in architecture; Architects--United States--Interviews.
(Cintas Corporation), Richard T.
Farmer with William Holstein (2004).
Rags to Riches: How Corporate Culture Spawned a Great Company.
(Wilmington, OH: Orange Frazer Press, 244 p.). Founder (Cintas
Corporation). Farmer, Richard T., 1934- ; Cintas
Corporation--History; Uniforms--United States; Work clothes
industry--United States.
(Communispond), Kevin R. Daley
and Laura Daley-Caravella (2003).
Talk Your Way to the Top: How To Address Any Audience Like Your
Career Depends on It. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 204
p.). Founder, CEO - Communispond Division of the Frontline
Group. Business presentations; Public speaking.
(Compugraphic Corporation),
William W. Garth, IV (2001).
Entrepreneur: A Biography of William W. Garth, Jr. and the Early
History of Photocomposition. (Beverly, MA: W.W. Garth,
169 p.). Garth, William W. (William Willis), 1915-1975; Garth
family; Printers--United States--Biography.
(Creative Artists), Stephen Singular (1996).
Power to Burn: Michael Ovitz and the New Business of Show
Business. (Seacaucus, NJ: Carol Pub. Group, 224 p.).
Ovitz, Michael; Creative Artists Agency--History; Theatrical
agents--United States--Biography; Executives--United
States--Biography; Theatrical agencies--United States--History.
(Creative Artists), Robert Slater (1997).
Ovitz: The Inside Story of Hollywood's Most Controversial Power
Broker. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 360 p.). Ovitz,
Michael; Theatrical agents--United States--Biography;
Executives--United States--Biography.
(Cromwell, Truemper, Levy Parker
& Woodsmall), John J. Truemper, Jr. (1985).
A Century of Service, 1885-1985, at the Firm of Cromwell,
Truemper, Levy, Parker & Woodsmall. (Little Rock, AR:
August House, 119 p.). Cromwell, Truemper, Levy, Parker &
Woodsmall--Anniversaries, etc.; Architectural
firms--Arkansas--Anniversaries, etc.
(Dachser Logistics Company), Paul Erker
The Dachser Logistics Company: Global Competition and the
Strength of the Family Business. (New York, NY: Campus,
333 p.). Dachser Logistics Company. 1930 - Thomas Dachser
established company in Kempten, Germany to improve logistics
processes of customers, to increase profitability by
redesigning logistics processes, improve costs position performance; 2007 - sales of
Euro 3.5 billion (about RMB 37.7 billion), about 17,100
employees around world in global network of 297 branches.
(Davey Tree Expert Company),
Robert E. Pfleger (1977).
Green Leaves: A History of the Davey Tree Expert Company.
(Chester, CT: Pequot Press, 194 p.). Davey Tree Expert Company,
inc., Kent, Ohio -- History; Trees, Care of -- United States --
(Dempsey Uniform & Linen Supply), Bernie Libster (2010).
Soap in the Veins: 50 Years at Dempsey
Uniform & Linen Supply. (Hasbrouck Heights, NJ
CorporateHistory.net p.). Dempsey Uniform & Linen Supply.
(DHL Iraq), Heyrick Bond Gunning
Baghdad Business School: The Challenges of a War Zone Start Up.
(London, UK: Eye Books, 256 p.). Business Consultant. Gunning,
Heyrick Bond; Baghdad (Iraq)--Social life and customs; Iraq
War--business; Business Services.
(DoubleClick Inc.), Kevin
O'Connor with Paul B. Brown (2003).
The Map of Innovation: Creating Something Out of Nothing.
(New York, NY: Crown Business, 226 p.). Chairman. DoubleClick,
Inc.; Technological innovations Management; Creative ability in
business; Strategic planning; Corporations Growth.
(Dun & Bradstreet), Roy A. Foulke
The Sinews of American Commerce. (New York, NY: Dun &
Bradstreet, Inc., 418 p.). Credit--United States. Published by
Dun & Bradstreet, inc., on the occasion of its 100th
anniversary, 1841-1941.
Lewis Tappan - D&B
Robert Graham Dun -
John M. Bradstreet
(Dun & Bradstreet), James D.
Norris (1978).
R. G. Dun & Co., 1841-1900: The Development of Credit-Reporting
in the Nineteenth Century. (Westport, CT: Greenwood
Press, 206 p.). R.G. Dun & Company.
(Dun & Bradstreet), J. Wilson
Newman with Guyon Knight III (1996).
For What Do We Labor?: A Life's Values from Childhood to
Chairman of Dun & Bradstreet & Beyond: J. Wilson Newman's
Autobiography. (Richmond, VA: Whetstone Ventures, 264
p.). Newman, J. Wilson; Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.;
Businessmen--United States--Biography; Values.
(Edison Schools Inc.), Kenneth J.
Saltman (2005).
The Edison Schools: Corporate Schooling & the Assault on Public
Education. (New York, NY: Routledge, 192 P.). Assistant
Professor of Social and Cultural Foundations in Education
(DePaul University). Edison Schools Inc.--Case studies;
Privatization in education--United States--Case studies;
Business education--United States--Case studies.
(Edison Schools), Chris Whittle
Crash Course: Imagining the Future of American Public Education.
(New York, NY: Riverhead Books, 288 p.). Founder of Edison
Schools (leading charter school company) and Channel One. Edison
Schools Inc.; Privatization in education--United States; Public
schools--United States.
(EDS - founded 1962), Doron P.
Levin (1989).
Irreconcilable Differences: Ross Perot Versus General Motors.
(Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 357 p.). Perot, H. Ross, 1930- ;
General Motors Corporation; Electronic Data Systems Corporation;
Consolidation and merger of corporations--United States--Case
(EDS), Todd Mason
Perot: An Unauthorized Biography. (Homewood, IL:
Business One Irwin, 316 p.). Perot, H. Ross, 1930- ;
Businessmen--United States--Biography.
Rent-A-Car), Stan Burns (1997).
Exceeding Expectations: The Enterprise Rent-A-Car Story.
(Lyme, CT: Greenwich Pub. Group, unpaged). Enterprise
Rent-A-Car--History; Automobile leasing and renting--United
States--History; Lease and rental services--United
Jack Taylor - Enterprise
(http://images.forbes.com/media/lists/10/ 2006/Q8FL.jpg)
(Enterprise Rent-A-Car), Kirk Kazanjian;
foreword by Andrew C. Taylor (2007).
Exceeding Customer Expectations: What Enterprise, America’s #1
Car Rental Company, Can Teach Us About Creating Lifetime
Customers. (New York, NY: Currency Doubleday, 256 p.).
Enterprise Rent-A-Car; Customer services--United States.
How Enterprise consistently outperforms,
outsmarts competition; philosophy: "Take care of your customers
and employees first, and the profits will follow."
Recruiting), Allan J. Cox (1973).
Confessions of a Corporate Headhunter. (New York, NY:
Trident Press, 189 p.). Executives--Recruiting.
Recruiting), John Wareham (1980).
Secrets of a Corporate Headhunter. (New York, NY:
Atheneum, 280 p.). Executives.
Recruiting), John A. Byrne (1986).
The Headhunters. (New York, NY: Macmillan, 280 p.).
Journalist (Business Week). Executive Recruiting. A look at the
culture and conduct of the largest international executive
recruiting firms.
Recruiting), Lester Korn (1988).
The Success Profile: A Leading Headhunter Tells You How To Get
to the Top. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 287 p.).
Executive ability; Executives--Recruiting; Chief executive
officers--Recruiting; Success in business; Corporate culture.
Recruiting), Stephanie Jones; foreword by Peter Parker (1989).
The Headhunting Business. (Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK:
Macmillan, 283 p.). Executives -- Great Britain -- Recruiting;
Employment agencies -- Great Britain; Professional employees --
Great Britain -- Recruiting.
(Executive Recruiting), Joseph Daniel McCool
Deciding Who Leads: How Executive Recruiters Drive, Direct, and
Disrupt the Global Search for Leadership Talent.
(Mountain View, CA: Davies-Black Pub., 232 p.).
Executives--Recruiting; Executive search firms; Management.
How, why executive
recruiters are at center of simmering public scrutiny on
corporate scandals, executive hiring, golden parachute deals,
globalization, outsourcing, decreased executive tenure; how they
influence compensation, workplace diversity, CEO succession,
organizational performance, culture, profits, leadership.
(source: 2008 ExecuNet Executive Job Market Intelligence
Report; (http://www.execunet.com/graphics/image_lcol_ejmirpiechart_07.gif)
(Executive Recruiting), Bob
Beaudine (2009).
The Power of Who: You Already Know Everyone You Need To Know.
(New York, NY: Center Street, 174 p.). President, CEO of Eastman
& Beaudine. Success --Psychological aspects; Social networks.
What really works in identifying what your dream in life is, how
to get it; powerful network already established by interacting
with people in daily lives.
John Butland Smith (1999).
Farebrother: A Property Business over Two Hundred Years,
1799-1999. (Stamford, UK: Shaun Tyas, 118 p.).
Farebrother (Firm) -- History; Surveyors -- England -- London --
History -- 19th Century; Surveyors -- England -- London --
History -- 20th Century.
(FedEx), Robert A. Sigafoos with
Roger R. Easson (1988).
Absolutely Positively Overnight!: The Unofficial Corporate
History of Federal Express. (Memphis, TN: St. Lukes
Press, 190 p. [2nd ed.]). Federal Express Corporation; Express
service--United States.

Frederick W. Smith -
(FedEx), Vance H. Trimble (1993).
Overnight Success: Federal Express and Frederick Smith, Its
Renegade Creator (New York, NY: Crown, 342 p.). Smith,
Fred, 1944- ; Federal Express Corporation--History;
Businessmen--United States--Biography; Express service--United
(FedEx), Michael
Basch (2002).
Customer Culture: How Fed Ex and Other Great Companies Put
the Customer First Every Day. (Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall PTR, 304 p.). Corporate culture; Organizational
effectiveness; Quality of work life; Customer loyalty; Corporate
culture--Case studies; Organizational effectiveness--Case
(FedEx), Madan
Birla (2005).
FedEx Delivers: How the World's Leading Shipping Company
Keeps Innovating and Outperforming the Competition.
(Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 215 p.). 22-Year FedEx Employee; Managing
Director and Preceptor in FedEx Leadership Institute. Federal
Express Corporation--Management; Express service--Management.
(FedEx), Roger
Frock (2006).
Changing How the World Does Business: FedEx’s Incredible Journey
to Success: The Inside Story. (San Francisco, CA:
Berrett--Koehler, 250 p.). Federal Express Corporation--History;
Express service--United States--History. Real-life hardships, hard-fought triumphs - how FedEx
overcame huge odds to become one of world's greatest success
stories, changed way world does business.
(Fly Clean), Eddie
Hinton as told to Lynne Washburn (1988).
Locker Room to Boardroom: Super Bowl Player Eddie Hinton's
Strategies for Tackling Life's Choices, Challenges, and Changes.
(Sugar Land, TX: Candle Pub. Co., 183 p.). Founder (Fly Clean).
Hinton, Eddie, 1947- ; Hinton, Eddie, 1947- ; Football
players--United States--Biography; Businesspeople--United
States--Biography; Football players; Businesspeople; African
(Harlem Office
Supply, Inc.), Dorothy Pitman Hughes (2000).
Wake Up and Smell the Dollars! Whose Inner-City Is This Anyway!:
One Woman's Struggle Against Sexism, Classism, Racism,
Gentrification, and the Empowerment Zone. ( Phoenix, AZ:
Amber Books, 214 p.). CEO of Harlem Office Supply, Inc. Hughes,
Dorothy Pitman; African American business enterprises; Small
business--United States; Enterprise zones; Women-owned business
enterprises; African American businesspeople--Biography.
(Herman Miller),
Hugh De Pree (1986).
Business as Unusual: The People and Principles at Herman Miller
(Zeeland, MI: Herman Miller, 197 p.). Herman Miller,
Inc.--History; Furniture industry and trade--United
(Herman Miller), Jeffrey L.
Cruikshank and Clark Malcolm (1994).
Herman Miller, Inc.: Buildings and Beliefs. (Washington,
DC: American Institute of Architects Press, 159 p.). Journalist.
Architectural Services Marketing, Corporate Image.
(Holabird & Roche), Robert
Bruegmann (1997).
The Architects and the City: Holabird & Roche of Chicago,
1880-1918. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press,
540 p.). Chair of and Professor in the Department of Art History
(University of Illinois at Chicago). Holabird & Roche(Chicago,
Ill.); Chicago school of architecture (Movement);
Architecture--Illinois--Chicago; Chicago (Ill.)--Buildings,
structures, etc.
(Kaplan Educational Centers),
Stanley H. Kaplan with Anne Farris (2001).
Stanley H. Kaplan, Test Pilot: How I Broke Testing Barriers for
Millions of Students and Caused a Sonic Boom in the Business of
Education. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 175 p.).
Kaplan, Stanley H. (Stanley Henry), 1919- ; Kaplan Educational
Centers (Firm : New York, N.Y.); Teachers--United
States--Biography; Educational tests and measurements--United
(Kinko's), Paul Orfalea, Ann
Marsh (2005).
Copy This!: Lessons From A Hyperactive Dyslexic Who Turned A
Bright Idea Into One Of America's Best Companies. (New
York, NY: Workman Publishing Company, 248 p.). Founder, Kinko's
Copies. Orfalea, Paul; Kinko's.
(W. A. Krueger Company), Robert
W. Wells and Robert A. Klaus (1974).
We Have with Us Today; W. A. Krueger Co., 1934-1974.
(Scottsdale, AZ: W. A. Krueger Co., 219 p.). Krueger (W. A.)
Company; Scottsdale (Ariz.)--Imprints.
(Kwik-Kopy Corporation), Edited
by Peggy Palmer (1981).
An American Original: The Story of Kwik-Kopy Printing.
(Houston, TX: D. Armstrong Co., 138 p.). Kwik-Kopy
Corporation--History; Printing industry--United States--History;
Printers--United States--Biography.
(Arthur D. Little, Inc. - founded
1886), E.J. Kahn, Jr. (1986).
The Problem Solvers: A History of Arthur D. Little, Inc.
(Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 234 p.). Arthur D. Little, Inc. --
Arthur D. Little
(Management Consulting), John
Micklethwait, Adrian Wooldridge (1996).
The Witch Doctors: Making Sense of the Management Gurus.
(New York, NY: Times Books, 369 p.). Business Editor. Management
Editor (Economist). Industrial management; Comparative
management. What happens
over extended period when organizations have implemented various
new management techniques. Winner 1996 Times/Booz Allen Hamilton
Global Business Book Award on Strategy and Leadership.
(Management Consulting), Eileen
C. Shapiro (1996).
Fad Surfing in the Boardroom: Managing in the Age of Instant
Answers. (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 254 p.).
(Management Consulting), James
O'Shea and Charles Madigan (1997).
Dangerous Company: The Consulting Powerhouses and the Businesses
They Save and Ruin. (New York, NY: Times Business, 355
p.). Business consultants.
(Management Consulting), Stuart
Crainer (1998).
The Ultimate Book of Business Gurus: 110 Thinkers Who Really
Made a Difference. (New York, NY: AMACOM, 314 p.).
Management; Business; Executives; Business consultants.
(Management Consulting), Lewis
Pinault (1999).
Consulting Demons: Inside the Unscrupulous World of Global
Corporate Consulting. (New York, NY: HarperBusiness, 288
p.). Ex-Boston Consulting Group, Gemini Consulting and Coopers &
Lybrand. Business consultants; Business
consultants--Professional ethics.
(Management Consulting), Chris
Argyris (2000).
Flawed Advice and the Management Trap: How Managers Can Know
When They’re Getting Good Advice and When They’re Not.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 262 p.). James Bryant
Conant Professor of Education and Organizational Behavior
(Harvard Business School). Business consultants; Management;
Error. How and why so much
of today's business advice (on leadership, learning, change,
employee commitment) is flawed, and how managers and executives
can better evaluate advice given to their firms.
(Management Consulting), David H.
Maister, Charles H. Green and Robert M. Galford (2000).
The Trusted Advisor. (New York, NY: Free Press, 240 p.).
Business consultants.
(Management Consulting), Michael
Ferguson (2002).
The Rise of Management Consulting in Britain.
(Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 289 p.). Management Consulting.
(Management Consulting), eds.
Matthias Kipping and Lars Engwall (2002).
Management Consulting: Emergence and Dynamics of a Knowledge
Industry. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 267
p.). Business consultants.
(Management Consulting), David
Craig (2005).
Rip-Off! The Scandalous Inside Story of the Management
Consulting Money Machine. (London, UK: Original Book
Co., 32o p.). Pseudonym for Neil Glass (20 years in consulting).
Business consultants; Business consultants--Professional ethics.
(Management Consulting), Martin
Kihn (2005).
House of Lies: How Management Consultants Steal Your Watch and
Then Tell You the Time: A True Story. (New York, NY:
Warner Books, 288p.). Senior Associate (Booz Allen Hamilton).
Business Consultants.
(Management Consulting),
Christopher D. McKenna (2006).
The World's Newest Profession: Management Consulting in the
Twentieth Century. (New York, NY: Cambridge University
Press, 370 p.). University Lecturer in Management Studies (Said
Business School), Fellow of Brasenose College (Oxford
University). Business consultants--United States; Consulting
firms--United States. How
elite consulting firms expanded after U.S. regulatory changes in
1930s, changed giant corporations, nonprofits, state in 1950s,
why became so influential in global economy after 1960.
(Management Consulting), Matthew Stewart
The Management Myth: Management Consulting Past, Present, and
Largely Bogus. (New York, NY: Norton, 304 p.). Former
Management Consultant. Business consultants--United States;
Consulting firms--United States. Critique of management philosophy (from Frederick Taylor to
Tom Peters), underpinnings of contemporary fads in efficiency
improvement, empowerment, strategy; how little consultants have really done
for business of others while making killing for
(Manpower Inc.), Louise Hodgson
Elmer L. Winter, The Manpower Man. (Minneapolis, MN:
Denison, 184 p.). Winter, Elmer L.; Manpower, Inc.
(Manpower Inc.), Michael
Grunelius (2003). Du Travail et des Hommes: l’Aventure de
Manpower. (Paris, FR: Perrin, 207 p.). Grunelius, Michae¨l,
1929- ; Manpower, Inc.--History; Employment agencies--France;
Temporary help services--France; Temporary employment--France;
Businessmen--France--Biography; Entrepreneurship--France.
(Manpower Inc.), James D.
Scheinfeld (2006).
A History of Manpower, Inc., 1948-1976. (Shay Pub. LLC,
200 p.). Former Chief Operating Officer of Manpower, Inc.
Manpower, Inc. --History --20th century; Temporary help services
--History --20th century; Temporary help services --France
--History --20th century; Employment agencies --History --20th
century; Employment agencies --France --History --20th century.
History of Manpower, Inc.
from idea in 1947, until acquired by Parker Pen.
(Thomas Manss & Company), Conway
Lloyd Morgan (2008).
Thomas Manss & Company: Designers, Narrators, Myth-makers,
Fabulators and Tellers of Tales. (Ludwigsburg, Germany:
Avedition, 168 p.). Manss, Thomas & Company; graphic design.
Multidisciplinary design
company of corporate identities, books, magazines, corporate
literature, exhibitions, signage, new media.
(James Martin Associates), Andrew
Crofts (1990). An Extraordinary Business: The Story of James
Martin Associates. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 183 p.).
James Martin Associates; Information services industry--Great
Britain; Business consultants--Great Britain.
(H. H. Martyn & Co.), Researched
and Written by John Whitaker; foreword Sir Hugh Casson (1985).
The Best: A History of H.H. Martyn & Co.: Carvers in Wood, Stone
and Marble ... (Falmouth, UK: J. Whitaker, 360 p.). H.H.
Martyn & Co. -- History; Great Britain Buildings Architecture
Decorations Companies.
(McKim Mead &
White), Leland M. Roth (1983).
McKim, Mead & White, Architects. (New York, NY: Harper &
Row, 441 p.). McKim, Mead & White; Architecture--United
States--19th century.

Mead, McKim, White
(McKim Mead &
White), Richard Guy Wilson (1983).
McKim, Mead & White, Architects. (New York, NY: Rizzoli,
238 p.). McKim, Mead & White; Architecture--United States--19th
century; Architecture--United States--20th century.
(McKim Mead &
White), Lawrence Wodehouse (1988). White of McKim, Mead, and
White. (New York, NY: Garland, 294 p.). White, Stanford,
1853-1906 --Criticism and interpretation; McKim, Mead & White;
Architecture--United States--19th century; Architecture--United
States--20th century.
(McKim, Mead & White), Mosette
Broderick (2010).
Triumvirate : McKim, Mead & White: Art, Architecture, Scandal
and Class in America’s Gilded Age. (New York, NY:
Knopf, 640 p.). Director of the Urban Design and Architecture
Studies Program and the Historical and Sustainable Architecture
M.A. Program (New York University). McKim, Charles Follen,
1847-1909; Mead, William Rutherford, 1846-1928; White, Stanford,
1853-1906; McKim, Mead & White; Architects --United States
--Biography; United States --Civilization --1865-1918; United
States --Civilization --1918-1945. America in industrial
transition: money and power, education of unsophisticated young
country, coming of artists as accepted class in American
society; Charles McKim, William Mead, Stanford White believed
architecture could shape nation in transition; refined America’s
idea of beauty, elevated its architectural practice, set
standard on world’s stage; built houses for America’s greatest
financiers and magnates, designed, built churches, built
libraries, social clubs for gentlemen, railroad terminals.
(McKinsey), Ethan
M. Rasiel (1999).
The McKinsey Way: Using the Techniques of the World's Top
Strategic Consultants to Help You and Your Business.
(New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 187 p.). McKinsey and Company;
Business consultants; Industrial management.
(McKinsey), Ethan
M. Rasiel and Paul N. Friga (2001). The
McKinsey Mind: Understanding and Implementing the
Problem-Solving Tools and Management Techniques of the World's
Top Strategic Consulting Firm. (Chicago, IL:
McGraw-Hill. McKinsey and Company; Business consultants;
Industrial management.
Elizabeth Haas Edersheim (2004).
McKinsey's Marvin Bower: Vision, Leadership, and the Creation of
Management Consulting. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 305 p.).
Bower, Marvin, 1903- ; McKinsey and Company; Business
consultants; Leadership; Management.
(Moody's Investors
Service), John Moody (1933).
The Long Road Home: An Autobiography. (New York, NY:
Macmillan, 263 p.). Moody, John, 1868-1958.

John Moody - Moody's Investors Service
(http://media.washingtonpost.com/ wp-dyn/images/I6087-2004Nov22)
December 7, 2008 - Moody's went public in 2000,
changed focus from low-margin ratings of relatively simple bonds
to highly lucrative assessments of much more complex debt
securities; rating structured finance (bundles of assets) became
top source of revenue ($200,000 and $250,000 to rate $350
million mortgage pool vs. $50,000 in fees to rate municipal bond
of similar size; operating margins averaged 53% between
(William Morris Agency), Frank Rose (1995).
The Agency: William Morris and the Hidden History of Show
Business. (New York, NY: HarperBusiness, 532 p.).
William Morris Agency--History; Theatrical agencies--United
States--History; Performing arts--United States--History--20th
(Muzak), Stephen H. Barnes (1988). Muzak,
the Hidden Messages in Music: A Social Psychology of Culture.
(Lewiston, NY: E. Mellen Press, 142 p.). Muzak (Trademark);
Music, Influence of; Music --Psychological aspects; Music in the
(Muzak), Joseph Lanza (2004).
Elevator Music: A Surreal History of Muzak, Easy-Listening, and
Other Moodsong. (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan
Press, 344 p. [rev. expanded]). Music Historian. Muzak
(Trademark); Environmental music --History and criticism; Music,
Influence of; Music --Psychological aspects.
Mood music - inheritor of long tradition of mood-altering
music stretching to ancient Nero's fiddle,
sirens of Odysseus; contemporary
atmospheric music serves same
purpose, inevitable background for media-dominated age.
(OPM Leasing), Stephen Fenichell
Other People's Money: The Rise and Fall of OPM Leasing Services.
(Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 305 p.). Computer Leases-Corrupt
Practices, OPM Leasing Services.
(OPM Leasing), Robert P. Gandossy
Bad Business: The OPM Scandal and the Seduction of the
Establishment. (New York, NY: Basic Books, 262 p.). OPM
Leasing Services; Computer leases--Corrupt practices--United
States--Case studies.
(Pflueger Architects), Milton T.
Pflueger (1985).
Time and Tim Remembered: A Tradition of Bay Area Architecture:
Pflueger Architects, Timothy, Milton, and John, the First
Seventy-Five Years, 1908 to 1983. (San Francisco, CA:
Pflueger Architects, 150 p.). Pflueger, Milton T. (Milton
Theodore), 1907- ; Pflueger, Timothy Ludwig, 1892-1946;
Pflueger, John, 1937- ; Pflueger Architects;
Architects--California--San Francisco--Biography; Architectural
firms--California--San Francisco Bay Area--Biography;
Architecture--California--San Francisco--Biography; San
Francisco (Calif.)--Biography.
(Philips Design), Ed.Stefano
Marzano (2006).
Past Tense, Future Sense: Competing Through Creativity: 80 Years
of Design at Philips. (Amsterdam, Netherlands: BIS, 773
p.). Design Leader for Data Systems and Telecommunication
Products (Philips Design). Philips Design (Firm); Philips’
Gloeilampenfabrieken; Design, Industrial--Netherlands; Design,
Industrial--Netherlands--History--20th century; Design,
Industrial--Netherlands--History--21st century.
(Pinkerton's), Richard Wilmer
Rowan (1931).
The Pinkertons; A Detective Dynasty. (Boston, MA:
Little, Brown, 350 p.). Pinkerton, Allan, 1819-1884; Pinkerton,
William Allan, 1846-1923; Pinkerton, Robert, 1848-1907;
Detective; Crime and criminals--United States.

Allen Pinkerton
(Pinkerton's), James D. Horan and
Howard Swiggett (1951).
The Pinkerton Story. (New York, NY: Putnam, 366 p.).
Pinkerton's National Detective Agency; Crime--United States.
(Pinkerton's), James D. Horan
The Pinkertons; The Detective Dynasty that Made History.
(New York, NY: Crown Publishers, 564 p.). Pinkerton's National
Detective Agency; Private investigators--United States--History.
(Pinkerton's), Frank Morn (1982).
"The Eye that Never Sleeps": A History of the Pinkerton National
Detective Agency. (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University
Press, 244 p.). Pinkerton's National Detective Agency; Police,
Private -- United States -- History; Watchmen.
(Pinkerton's), James Mackay
Allan Pinkerton: The First Private Eye. (New York, NY:
Wiley, 256 p.). Pinkerton, Allan, 1819-1884; Pinkerton's
National Detective Agency--History; Detectives--United
States--Biography; Private investigators--United
(Pitney-Bowes), William Cahn
(1961). The Story of Pitney-Bowes. (New York, NY: Harper,
262 p.). Pitney-Bowes, inc.; Postal service--Metered mail.
Dell, John Boswell.
Never Make the First Offer: (Except When You Should) Wisdom from
a Master Dealmaker. (New York, NY: Portfolio
Hardcover, 224 p.). Founder of ProServ. Deals.
Deal making in
high stakes world of professional athletics; one of first agents
to represent athletes; lessons: 1)
never make the first offer; 2) business is emotional; 3) know your
audience; 4) decide what’s important.
(Prostitution), Max Evans;
introduction by Andrew Gullifor ; epilogue by Susan Berry
Madam Millie: Bordellos from Silver City to Ketchikan.
(Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 315 p.).
Cusey, Mildred Clark; Prostitutes -- West (U.S.) -- Biography;
Businesswomen -- West (U.S.) -- Biography; Prostitution -- West
(Railway Express Agency), Klink
Garrett with Toby Smith (2003).
Ten Turtles to Tucumcari: A Personal History of the Railway
Express Agency. (Albuquerque, NM: University of New
Mexico Press, 172 p.). Railway Express Agency--History; Express
service--United States--History.
(Ratcliff Architects), Woodruff
Minor (2006).
The Architecture of Ratcliff. (Berkeley, CA: Heyday
Books, 160 p.). Ratcliff Architects; Radcliffe family;
Architecture--California--San Francisco Bay Area--20th century.
Three generations of one
company’s architects have left significant imprint on West Coast
(Reynolds and Reynolds), Richard
H. Grant, Jr. and Teri E. Denlinger (1994).
Freewheeling: 80 Years of Observations by the Patriarch of
Reynolds and Reynolds. (Dayton, OH: Landfall Press, 188
p.). Grant, Richard H., 1913- ; Reynolds and Reynolds Company;
Businessmen--United States--Biography.
Corporation), Mary Elizabeth Pansini La Haye (1988).
It Started with a Nickel. (Newport Beach, CA: Nickel
Publications, 107 p.). Pansini, Andrew, 1891-1958; Automobile
parking--United States--History; Businesspeople--United
(Sawyer Miller), James Harding
Alpha Dogs: The Americans Who Turned Political Spin Into a
Global Business. (New York, NY: Farrar, Straus, and
Giroux,, 272 p.). Business and City Editor at The Times in
London. Sawyer Miller (Firm)--History; Sawyer Miller
(Firm)--Biography; Political consultants--United
States--History--20th century; Media consultants--United
States--History--20th century; Political consultants--United
States--Biography; Media consultants--United States--Biography;
Public relations and politics--United States--History--20th
century; Political campaigns--United States--History--20th
century; Campaign management--United States--History--20th
century; Globalization--Case studies. Short-lived, enormously
influential campaign business, backroom strategists on every
presidential contest from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush;
invented an American-style political campaigning, exported it.
(ServiceMaster Company), C.
William Pollard (1996).
The Soul of the Firm. (New York, NY: HarperBusiness,
176 p.). Former CEO, ServiceMaster. ServiceMaster
Company--Management--Case studies; Management--Biblical
teaching; Business--Religious aspects--Christianity.
(ServiceMaster Company), C.
William Pollard (2006). Serving
Two Masters? Reflections on God and Profit. (New York,
NY: Collins, 288 p.). Former CEO, ServiceMaster.
Business--Religious aspects--Christianity; Business ethics;
Leadership--Religious aspects--Christianity; Organizational
effectiveness; Organizational behavior--Religious
aspects--Christianity. 48
reflections from remarks delivered to board of directors during
author's 27 years at company.
(SRDS), Kenneth H. Myers, II
(1968). SRDS: The National Authority Serving the Media-Buying
Function, 1919-1964. (Evanston, IL: Northwestern University
Press, 335 p.). Standard Rate & Data Service.
(Standard & Poor's), Alfred D.
Chandler, Jr. (1956).
Henry Varnum Poor, Business Editor, Analyst, and Reformer.
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 362 p.). Poor, Henry
Varnum, 1812-1905; Railroads--United States--History.
(Stanford Research Institute),
Weldon B. Gibson (1980).
SRI, The Founding Years: A Significant Step at the Golden Time.
(Los Altos, CA: Publishing Services Center, 212 p.). Stanford
Research Institute--History.
--- (1986).
SRI, The Take-Off Days: The Right Moves at the Right Times.
(Los Altos, CA: Pub. Services Center, 213 p.). Stanford Research
(Stern Stewart & Co.), Joel M.
Stern with Irwin Ross (2003).
Against the Grain: How To Succeed in Business by Peddling Heresy.
(Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 221 p.). Founder, Stern Stewart & Co.
Economic value added; Corporations--Valuation; Capital
investments--Decision making; Managerial economics.
(Stott & Sons), Roger N. Holden (1998).
Stott & Sons: Architects of the Lancashire Cotton Mill.
(Lancaster, UK: Carnegie Pub., 262 p.). Stott & Sons; Industrial
archaeology --England --Lancashire; Architecture, Industrial
--England --Lancashire; Textile factories --England --Lancashire
--History --19th century.
(Think Tanks - Brookings origins
to 1916), Charles B. Saunders, Jr. (1966).
The Brookings Institution; A Fifty Year History.
(Washington, DC: The Institution, 118 p.). Brookings
(Think Tanks), Paul Dickson
Think Tanks. (New York, NY: Atheneum, 369 p.).
Research--United States.
(Think Tanks), James Allen Smith
Brookings at Seventy-Five. (Washington, DC: The
Institution, 236 p.). Brookings Institution--History; Policy
sciences--Research--United States--History.
(Think Tanks), Donald T.
Critchlow (1985).
The Brookings Institution, 1916-1952: Expertise and the Public
Interest in a Democratic Society. (DeKalb, IL: Northern
Illinois University Press, 247 p.). Brookings
(Think Tanks), James Allen Smith
The Idea Brokers: Think Tanks and the Rise of the New Policy
Elite. (New York, NY: Free Press, 313 p.). Government
consultants--United States; Policy scientists--United States;
Research institutes--United States.
(University of Phoenix), John
Sperling (2000).
Rebel with a Cause: The Entrepreneur Who Created the University
of Phoenix and the For-Profit Revolution in Higher Education.
(New York, NY: Wiley, 265 p.). Founder (University of Phoenix).
Sperling, John G.; University of Phoenix--History;
Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Education,
Higher--Economic aspects--United States--Case studies.
(UPS), Mike
Brewster and Frederick Dalzell (2007).
Driving Change: The UPS Approach to Business. (New York,
NY: Hyperion, 289 p.). Business Journalist; Partner in The
Winthrop Group. United Parcel Service--History; Express
service--United States; Globalization--Economic aspects--United
States. From saloon basement to $47
billion company. Key insights: 1) constructive dissatisfaction;
2) culture as competitive advantage; 3) managing competition; 4)
inner workings of worldport (global express hub in Louisville,
KY); 5) accomplishing transformation.

Jim Casey - founder UPS
(UPS), Deepa Kumar (2007).
Outside the Box: Corporate Media, Globalization, and the UPS
Strike. (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 264
p.). Assistant Professor, Journalism and Media Studies (Rutgers
University). United Parcel Service--History; International
Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers
of America--History; United Parcel Service Strike, 1997; Mass
media--Political aspects--United States; Globalization--Economic
aspects--United States. Fall 1997 - 185,000 united Parcel Service (UPS) workers across
United States walked off their jobs; in-depth study of media
representation of major labor struggle.
(UPS), Greg Niemann (2007).
Big Brown: The Untold Story of UPS. (San Francisco, CA:
Jossey-Bass, 272 p.). Retired UPS Driver and Publications
Editor. United Parcel Service; Express service--United States.
Rags-to-riches story of
reclusive UPS founder Jim Casey and the world's largest package
delivery company; how small messenger service became a business
(Wackenhut Corporation), John Minahan (1994).
The Quiet American: A Biography of George R. Wackenhut.
(Westport, CT: International Publishing Group, 795 p.).
Wackenhut, George R. (George Russell), 1919- ; Wackenhut
Corporation--Employees--Biography; Private security
services--United States--Employees--Biography;
Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Weddings), Vicki
Howard (2006).
Brides, Inc.: American Weddings and the Business of Tradition.
(Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 288 p.).
Teaches History (Hartwick College). Weddings--history;
Weddings--commerce; Weddings--traditions; Bridal services.
Origins and development of a $70 billion
American industry.
(Weddings), Rebecca Mead (2007).
One Perfect Day: The Selling of the American Wedding.
(New York, NY: Penguin Press, 256 p.). Staff Writer (The New
Yorker). Weddings--history; Weddings--commerce;
Weddings--traditions; Bridal services. Wedding 'event' has become momentous occasion, shaped by
commerce, marketing, religious observance, familial expectation.
$160-billion industry; psychology behind expense, stress, folly
associated with typical American wedding.
(Wipro Corp.), Edited by Rahul
Singhal (2002). The IT Man of India, Azim Hashim Premji: Life
& Times of Azim Hashim Premji. (New Delhi, India: Pentagon
Paperbacks, 148 p.). Premji, Azim Hashim, 1945- ; Wipro Corp.
(India)--History; Businessmen--India--Biography; Computer
software industry--India--History.
(Wipro Corp.), Steve Hamm (2006).
Bangalore Tiger: How Indian Tech Upstart Wipro Is Rewriting the
Rules of Global Competition. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill,
288 p.). BusinessWeek. Wipro Corp. (India); High technology
services industries--India; Information technology--India;
Customer services--India; Business logistics--India.
Practices, core values which
catapulted this small company into worldwide market leader in 5
(Womens Business), Wendy McCarthy
Don't Fence Me In. (New York, NY: Random House, 292 p.).
Executive Director of Women's Business, Corporate Good Works and
McCarthy Management P/L. McCarthy, Wendy; Feminists -- Australia
-- Biography; Businesswomen -- Australia -- Biography.
Stephen R. Barley and Gideon
Kunda (2004).
Gurus, Hired Guns, and Warm Bodies: Itinerant Experts in a
Knowledge Economy. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 342 p.). Charles M. Pigott Professor of Management
Science and Engineering, Co-Director of the Center for Work,
Technology and Organization at (Stanford University School of
Engineering); Associate Professor in the Department of Labor
Studies (Tel Aviv University). Information services
industry--Employees--United States--Case studies; Information
technology--Employees--United States--Case studies; Electronic
data processing consultants--United States--Case studies;
Independent contractors--United States--Case studies;
Self-employed--United States--Case studies; Temporary
employees--United States--Case studies; Part-time
employment--United States--Case studies. Contracting and the people who do
Gary A. Berg (2005).
Lessons from the Edge: For-Profit and Nontraditional Higher
Education in America. (Westport, CT: Praeger, 214 p.).
Dean, California State University, Channel Islands. Education,
Higher--Economic aspects--United States; Private universities
and colleges--Economic aspects--United States; Public
universities and colleges--Economic aspects--United States;
For-profit universities and colleges--United States.
Jonathan Black (2006).
Yes You Can!: Behind the Hype and Hustle of the Motivation
Biz. (New York, NY: Bloomsbury, 228 p.). Former Managing
Editor of Playboy. Motivation (Psychology); Motivational
speakers; Public speaking. World of professional public
speakers - hustling, encouragement, shameless self-promotion,
moving self-effacement.
Larry Cuban (2004).
The Blackboard and the Bottom Line: Why Schools Can't Be
Businesses. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
253 p.). Business and education--United States; Public
schools--United States; Educational change--United States.
Erin Hatton (2011).
The Temp Economy: From Kelly Girls to Permatemps in Postwar
America. (Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press,
212 p.). Assistant Professor in the Sociology Department (SUNY
Buffalo). Temporary employment -- United States; United States
-- Economic policy -- 21st century. Industry leaders invented
"Kelly Girl," exploited 1950s gender stereotypes to justify low
wages, minimal benefits, chronic job insecurity; selling
human"business machines" in 1970s, "permatemps" in 1990s - temp
industry relentlessly portrayed workers as profit-busting
liabilities that hurt companies' bottom lines even in boom
times; campaigns legitimized widespread use of temps, laid
cultural groundwork for new corporate ethos of ruthless cost
cutting, mass layoffs.
David M. Henkin (2006).
The Postal Age: The Emergence of Modern Communications in
Nineteenth-Century America. (Chicago, IL: University Of
Chicago Press, 221 p.). Associate Professor of History
(University of California, Berkeley). Postal service--United
States--History--19th century; Communication--Social
aspects--United States. Burgeoning antebellum postal network initiated major cultural
shifts during nineteenth century, laid foundation for
interconnectedness that now defines world of telecommunications.
William R. Hunt (1990).
Front-Page Detective: William J. Burns and the Detective
Profession, 1880-1930. (Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green
State University Popular Press, 222 p.). Burns, William J.,
1861-1932; Private investigators--United States--Biography.
Walter Kiechel III (2010).
The Lords of Strategy: The Secret Intellectual History of the
New Corporate World. (Boston, MA, Harvard Business
Press 320 p.). Editorial Director of Harvard Business Publishing
(former managing editor at Fortune magazine). Business planning.
Fifty years ago - businesses made plans without understanding
underlying dynamics of competition, costs, customers; 1960s -
four mavericks instigated profound shift in business thinking,
invented corporate strategy, set in motion modern,
multibillion-dollar consulting industry:how these iconoclasts,
organizations they led revolutionized thinking about
business, changed soul of corporation, transformed work.
Charles Luckman (1988).
Twice in a Lifetime: From Soap to Skyscrapers.
(New York, NY: Norton, 416 p.). Luckman, Charles, 1909- ;
Businessmen--United States--Biography; Architects--United
States--Biography; United States--Biography.
Lewis Mandell (1990).
The Credit Card Industry: A History. (Boston, MA: Twayne
Publishers, 176 p.). Credit cards--United States--History;
Consumer credit--United States--History.
Rowena Olegario (2006).
A Culture of Credit: Embedding Trust and Transparency in
American Business. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 288 p.). Assistant Professor of History (Vanderbilt
University). Commercial credit--United States--History--19th
century; Mercantile system--United States--History--19th
century; Corporate image--United States--History--19th century.
How 18th century business
people solved problem of whom to trust, how they determined who
was deserving of credit, and for how much; business system based
largely on information circulating through personal networks
became dependent on more formalized methods and institutions.
Steven F. Wilson (2006).
Learning on the Job: When Business Takes on Public Schools.
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 448 p.). Senior Fellow
at the John F. Kennedy School of Government (Harvard
University); Founder and CEO of Advantage Schools. Privatization
in education--United States; Public schools--United
States--Administration. Promise of private involvement in public
Business History Links
Emily Post Institute: About
Us: Emily Post
Biography of writer and etiquette expert Emily Post. "After
publication in 1922, her book, 'Etiquette,' topped the
nonfiction bestseller list, and the phrase 'according to Emily
Post' soon entered our language as the last word on the subject
of social conduct." Accompanied by photos. From the institute
created by Emily Post in 1946.