May February 1688
- Edward Lloyd opened coffee shop by Thames River; became
recognized for accurate shipping news, as place for obtaining
marine insurance.
May 25,
1721 - John Copson ran insurance advertisement
in The American Weekly Mercury in Philadelphia, PA; first known
recorded reference to marine insurance.
January 11, 1759
- Governors Thomas and Richard Penn granted charter to
Presbyterian Synod of Philadelphia, PA (founded 1716) for The
Corporation for Relief of Poor and Distressed Presbyterian
Ministers and of the Poor and Distressed Widows and Children of
Presbyterian Ministers (successor to charitable organization to
assist local Presbyterian ministers called "Fund for Pious Uses"
which made first charitable grant to widow of deceased reverend,
in 1719); evolved into Presbyterian Ministers and of the Poor
and Distressed Widows and Children; America's first life
insurance company; separate from but cooperated with Synodical
1760s -
had 43 contributors, had issued 21 policies to ministers;
May 22, 1761 -
wrote first life insurance policy in United States;
May 1777 -
board of company voted to loan 5000 pounds to Continental
Congress to help finance states' efforts against British;
1850s -
encouraged subscriptions from ministers from any church under
Presbyterian umbrella (reformed churches); name changed to
Presbyterian Annuity Corporation;
1870 -
corporation insured 126 of over 4,000 ministers;
1875 -
name changed to Presbyterian Annuity and Life Insurance
Corporation to offer insurance to all;
1880 - insurance restricted to
1888 -
name changed to Presbyterian Ministers' Fund (corporation had
returned to practice of insuring only Presbyterian ministers);
1941 -
acquired Ministers Mutual Life Insurance Company;
1990 - renamed
Covenant Life Insurance Company;
1994 -
acquired by Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company;
2002 -
acquired by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company.
February 20, 1768 - First American chartered fire
insurance company opened (Penn).
November 19, 1792
- John Nesbitt, Ebenezer Hazard, group of entrepreneurs met in
Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, created Insurance Company of
North America; wrote first policy covering a ship and its cargo;
1794 - incorporated; wrote first life insurance
policy, covered a sea captain; 1999 - Property and
Casualty operations of CIGNA acquired, became part of ACE Group
of Companies.
May 10, 1810
- Connecticut General Assembly passed act to incorporate
Hartford Fire Insurance Company; Nathanial Terry first
president; 1822 - reinsured New Haven Fire
Insurance Company (one of first reinsurances in U.S.);
1825 - wrote fire insurance policy for Yale University
(first for institution of higher learning); 1859 -
sold insurance policy to Robert E. Lee to cover his home
("Arlington"); 1861 - sold fire insurance policy
to Abraham Lincoln to protect his home, property in Springfield,
IL; 1870 - operated coast-to-coast; 1875
- stag logo adopted (from Sir Edwin Landseer's painting,
"Monarch of the Glen"); 1906 - paid $11.6 million
in damage claims after San Francisco earthquake (most of any
insurance company involved); 1913 - formed
Hartford Accident & Indemnity Company; 1920 - sold
"sickness policy" to babe Ruth to protect his earnings in event
of his being unable to play; 1959 - expanded into
life insurance, acquired The Columbian National Life Insurance
Company; 1970 - acquired by ITT Corporation for
$1.4 billion (largest acquisition in corporate history at time);
renamed ITT-Hartford Group, Inc.; 1985 -
introduced first single premium variable life product;
1993 - introduced first variable universal life product
(leading seller of individual annuities in U. S. );
December 20, 1995 - spun off from ITT; 1997
- name changed to The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.;
2000 - fastest growing retail-oriented mutual fund
family to reach $10 billion in assets; 2005 -
Fortune 100 company.
- Aetna Insurance (named after Mt. Etna) founded in Morgan
Coffee House in Hartford, CT as fire insurer; Thomas K. Brace as
president, Isaac Perkins as secretary, original capital of
$150,000; first year profit of $2,294.60; 1834 -
first company to issue fire policy in Chicago; 1853
- annuity Department incorporated as life Insurance company.
November 20, 1824 - Union Insurance
Company established as Scottish Union Insurance Company;
1833 - btained
royal charter; April 9 1847
- incorporated under act of parliament;
January 31 1877 - merged with Scottish
National Insurance Company, namer changed to Scottish Union and
National Insurance Company (received royal assent in May 1878);
November 6 1948 -
incorporated as Scottish Union and National Insurance Company;
1959 - acquired by
Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Ltd.;
1991 - principal activity was
transaction of short-term insurance business;
November 27, 2002
- name changed to Aviva Insurance Ltd;
November 29, 2002 - name changed to
Aviva Insurance; August 15 2006
- renamed Union Insurance Company;
September 23 2008 - put into
- Quakers, insurance agents William Hargrave and Joseph
Marsh established National Provident Institution (NPI).
- Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company founded; first life
insurance company in Connecticut.
- Edward A. Rucker devised system of keeping track of every
recorded instrument, legal proceeding affecting real estate
titles; joined James H. Rees; Chicago's first land title
abstract business; 1850 - Rucker left; 1852
- partnered with Samuel B. Chase, formed Rees & Chase; later
became Chase Brothers (upon Rees's departure); 1852
- J. Mason Parker established similar abstract indices;
1863 - Fernando Jones also established similar abstract
indices; 1868 - Charles C. Chase joined firm,
renamed Chase Brothers & Co.; one of three abstract businesses
in Chicago at time of Great Fire of 1871; firms combined,
renamed Chase Brothers, Jones, Sellers, Shortall and Hoard;
April 1872 - Illinois Legislature passed Burnt
Records Act; firm turned business, lease of its books over to
newly organized firm of Handy, Simmons, Smith and Stocker
(ultimately Handy & Co.); 1887 - Illinois passed
General Trust Company Act; Handy succeeded by Title Guarantee
and Trust Co., qualified as trust company under new act;
1888 - Company issued first title guarantee policy in
Illinois, protected owner against loss if title as guaranteed
was found invalid (real estate title insurance); 1891
- name of company changed to Chicago Title and Trust Co.
James H. Rees
- Chicago Title and Trust (https://www.ctic.com/images/rees.jpg)
Charles C. Chase
- Chicago Title and Trust (https://www.ctic.com/images/chase.jpg)
- Aetna Insurance Company organized Annuity Fund to sell life
insurance; Hartford, CT judge, Eliphalet A. Bulkeley, former
president of Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, chosen
to head Annuity Fund operation; 1853 - Annuity
department separated from Aetna Insurance, incorporated as Aetna
Life Insurance Company; first president Eliphalet A.
Bulkeley; name retained - three years of life policies already
issued; name inspired by an 11,000-foot volcano on the
eastern shores of Sicily, Mt. Etna, then most active volcano in
Europe. 1867 - issued first farm mortgage loan (27
percent of its assets in farm mortgages by 1872; 43 percent of
its assets, $94 million, invested in farm mortgages by 1924);
1868 - all-cash premium plan introduced, one of first
two companies to switch from half-note premium system;
1891 - issued first accident policy; first step in
30-year transformation from monoline insurer to company that
offered variety of coverage; 1904 - introduced
first corporate seal: emblem portrays company's home office
bursting out from within a globe (to convey Aetna's status as
largest life insurer in the world writing accident, health and
liability coverage).
May 15, 1851 -
George Rice, Connecticut life insurance agent, raised $100,000
from 31persons, chartered Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
Company in Massachusetts to sell life insurance policies in
one-room office in Foot's Block Building, Springfield, MA; Caleb
Rice first president (would not insure: ocean voyages, working
near steam engine, summer vacations south of Virgina);
1865 - assets
under management exceeded $1 million;
1873 - Vice President Ephraim Bond
succeeded as President; 1885 - bought first typewriter;
1891 - held first
annaul agents' conference; 1908
- introduced time clock for employees;
1914 - offered disability income
insurance; 1928 -
offered accidental-death insurance;
1934 - housewives insurable;
1938 - first
pension trust policy; 1941
- more than 80 agencies throughout U.S.;
1944 - first female agent (J. Nedra
Schilling); 1946 -
established MassMutual Retirement Services (entered defined
benefit, traditional pension market;
1950-1960 - Norman Rockwell illustrated
company's advertsiements; 1959
- life insurance sales exceeded $1 billion;
1960 - installed
first IBM 7070 computer (decimal architecture based on
transistors vs. vacuum tube technology);
1968 - introduced flextime for
employees; 1973 -
enetered defined contribution market (401k, 403b, profot sharing
products); 1978 -
acquired Chrysler building in New York City for $35 million;
1981 - assets
under management exceeded $10 billion;
1989 - acquired OppenheimerFunds, Inc.;
1994 - merged with
Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. (5th largest insurer in
U.S.); acquired David L. Babson & Co.; established Cornerstone
Real Estate Advisers, Inc.; 1999
- policy dividend payout exceeded $1 billion (more than $25
billion paid from 1960-2010); 2000
- name changed to MassMutual Financial Group;
2004 - acquired
Baring Asset Management Ltd. (more than $35 billion in assets);
2011 - weighted
whole life sales of $237 million; retirement sales of $5.3
billion, total adjusted capital of more than $12 billion.
Caleb Rice
- Mutual Life Insurance Company of Massachusetts
March 2, 1857
- Wisconsin Legislature passed bill incorporating Mutual Life
Insurance Company of Wisconsin, headquartered in Janesville, WI;
founded by John C. Johnston (75), former successful insurance
agency operator for Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York;
November 25, 1858 - company named John C. Johnston
first general agent, issued him its first policy, paid in full,
for $5,000 coverage.; March 7, 1859 - company
moved to Milwaukee; March 11, 1859 - Johnston
terminated association with company as an agent;
1860 - company insurance in-force 25th in nation (among
40 competitors); 1865 - name changed to The
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company to reflect expansion
beyond Wisconsin; 1866 - assets $1 million;
1868 - formally adopted emblem (seal surrounds Banyan
tree, an Indonesian fig with an unusual growth habit);
1870 - eighth in company insurance in-force (among
100-plus); 1907 - established Examining Committee
of Policyholders to make unrestricted report on company’s
operations; 1920 - $2.2 billion in insurance
in-force; 1933 - introduced Single Premium
Annuities, first product line other than life insurance;
1934 - started advertising in national magazines;
1941 - assets of $1.4 billion; 1970 - $19
billion insurance in-force, assets top $6 billion; paid in
benefits or held in reserve $1.30 for every dollar received in
premiums; 1972 - launched "The Quiet Company"
television advertising campaign during Munich Olympic Games;
1984 - life insurance in-force passed $100 billion
mark; 1989 - life insurance in-force passed $200
billion mark; 1995 - sixth largest U.S. life
insurer, assets of $54.9 billion; 1996 - new
premium sales exceeded $1 billion (No. 1 provider of ordinary
life insurance in the U.S.); 2000 - changed name
to Northwestern Mutual; 2005 - 22nd time as
"America's Most Admired Company" in Fortune's life/health
insurance company field; named to Fortune's Hall of Fame.
July 26, 1859
- Henry B. Hyde (25), former
cashier at Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, rented space in building located at
98 Broadway in Manhattan; hanged 30-foot banner from window,
incorporated The Equitable Life Assurance Society of
the United States; 1868
- introduced tontines (annuity products that pay deferred
dividends); dominated industry for 35 years (1867-1905);
1870 - first
American business to build its own corporate headquarters, put
its name on it (120 Broadway in Manhattan), first to
use steam elevators (office building as promotional tool,
workplace); 1880 -
pioneered practice of paying death claims immediately;
1890 - largest
insurance company in world (measured in surplus);
1902 - introduced
training classes for new insurance agents;
1909 - developed first modern Home
Purchase plan (major industry product for five decades);
1911 - sold first
modern Group Life policy to Pantasote Leather Company (to
Montgomery Ward in 1912); 1951
- developed Individual In-Hospital Major Medical Expense
insurance; 1961 -
opened 42-story home office building, largest building in
country occupied by single company;
1968 - introduced first line of
individual variable annuity products;
1985 - acquired Donaldson, Lufkin &
Jenrette, its money management arm, Alliance Capital Management,
L.P.; 1991 - New
York State Insurance Department certified policyholder approval
of demutualization; AXA Group, second largest French insurance
company, invested $1 billion; 1992
- completed New York's largest Initial Public Offering for
insurance company (AXA Group single largest shareholder); assets
under management exceeded $150 billion;
1995 - $230 billion in assets under
management; statutory capital/general accounts liabilities ratio
reached 11.86%, highest among America's top 10 life insurers;
1997 -AXA Group
assets exceeded $450 billion; merged with rival UAP, became
second largest insurer in world;
2000 - AXA acquired control of Equitable Life
Insurance Company; 2003
- AXA Group leading insurer in world, 50 million clients in 50
countries, $979 billion in client assets under management; 2004
- acquired Mutual of New York (MONY), former employer of
Equitable founder Henry Hyde; 2008
- 15th largest organization in world on 2008 Fortune Global 500
list (based on revenues). Hyde May
3, 1899 Obituary:
1860 - Hugo
Wesendonck founded The Germania Life Insurance Company;
1917 - name changed to Guardian Life.
- Group of New York City businessmen raised $100,000 to found
National Union Life and Limb Insurance Company; March 24,
1868 - Metropolitan Life Insurance Company chartered to
sell "ordinary" insurance to middle class in "Metropolitan
District" of New York City.
James G.
Batterson, group of Hartford businessmen petitioned Connecticut
legislature for permission to form corporation;
April 1, 1864 - The Travelers Life and Accident
Insurance Company opened for business; James G. Batterson as
president; issued first
travel accident policy to Batterson; also issued first general
insurance policy to him; 1870 - umbrella, symbol
of company's brand, first appeared in a newspaper ad.
James G. Batterson
- Travelers Insurance (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/29/James_G._Batterson.jpg)
May 3, 1863 -
William Holdredge, ship's captain, incorporated Fireman's
Fund Insurance Company to insure San Franciscans against fire;
paid 10 percent of profits to widows and orphans of
firefighters; June 18, 1863 - first policy written
on half-interest in 1,000 kegs of Boston syrup (premium of $12
cash, in advance); first company to issue fire-insurance policy
in California; 1957 - premium income of nearly
$300 million; 1966 - became holding company called
Fund American Companies; 1968 - acquired by
American Express for about $500 million; September 1985
- sold 59% in IPO; 1989 - holding company name
changed to Fund American Companies, Inc.; January 2, 1991
- acquired by Allianz AG Holding for $3.3 billion.
March 18, 1865
- Mathew Hamilton Gault (son of merchant and ship owner in
Northern Ireland), syndicate of bankers and merchants in
Montreal received approval from parliament to incorporate
company to conduct business of insurance; December 27,
1871 - Sun Mutual Life Insurance Company of Montreal
began; 1882 - name changed to Sun Life Assurance
Company of Canada; 1895 - established U.S.
operations in Detroit; 1919 - first Canadian
company to offer group insurance; 1956 - entered
health and accident insurance business; 1962 -
became mutual company (lengthy mutualization process, bought its
shares back for $65 million); 1982 - acquired
Massachusetts Financial Services (MFS); 1992 -
worldwide life insurance in-force passed $300 billion;
March 23, 2000 - went public as Sun Life Financial Inc.;
2006 - annual earnings surpassed $2 billion.
June 30, 1866
- Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. founded
(“the first company in America devoted primarily to industrial
safety”); February 14, 1867 - issues first policy.
- Dan H. Bomar Company founded in Chicago after Great Chicago
Fire; 1885 - Henry W. Marsh left Harvard
University, joined Robert A. Waller agency; 1894 -
Donald R. McLennan began insurance career at Stryker, Manley &
Buck in Duluth, MN; Burrows, Marsh & McLennan formed in Chicago,
became world's largest insurance agency with annual premiums of
$3 million; 1906 - renamed Marsh & McLennan.
1871 - Hugo Kranz,
group of people in Berlin (now Kitchener), Ontario created plan
to protect neighbours from devastating hardships caused by fire
and lightning; November 25, 1871
- Economical Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Berlin issued
first policy on house and barn;
1937 - Merchant's Casualty Company of Waterloo,
QU acquired by Econmical; 1947
- acquired Canadian operation of Northwestern Mutual Fire
Insurance Association; expanding into Maritimes; began to offer
automobile, accident and illness insurance in addition to
property, contents insurance; 1956
- acquired Missisquoi and Rouville Insurance Company of Quebec
(established in 1835, oldest operating Canadian-owned insurer);
1997 - merged with
Western General Mutual Insurance Company in Woodstock, ON
(establishe 1905), became farm division;
2001 - acquirHartfored d Insurance
Company of Canada; 2006
- acquired The Mattei Companies (Seattle, WA); first subsidiary
outside Canada.
Hugo Kranz
- Economical Mutual Fire Insurance
April 3, 1873
- New Jersey legislature granted charter to Widows' and Orphans;
Friendly Society established by John Fairfield Dryden,
February 18, 1875 - name changed to The Prudential
Friendly Society, Dr. Leslie D. Ward (physician), Noah F.
Blanchard (leather manufacturer) as incorporators; located in
basement office in downtown Newark, NJ; first company in U.S. to
make life insurance available to working class; November
10, 1875 - began selling industrial insurance (provided
funeral, burial
expenses for low-income families)
with some weekly premiums as low as 3 cents; 1877
- name changed to Prudential Insurance Company of America;
May 1881 - John F. Dryden succeeded Blanchard as President
(elected U.S. Senator in 1902); 1885 - assets
reached $1 million; one-millionth policy sold to John Dryden;
renamed "The Prudential Insurance Company of America";
1896 - adopted The Rock of Gibraltar as company symbol
(reflected strength, security it offered to customers);
1940s - assets grew six-fold, product line expanded,
company decentralized, began regional offices; August 17,
1948 - registered "The Prudential Has the Strength of
Gibraltar" trademark first used in 1896 (services in providing
individual and group life insurance protection); June 19,
1973 - registered "Own A Piece Of The Rock" service mark
first used in June 1970 (providing individual and group life and
sickness and accident insurance protection and annuities);
1980s - first major insurance company to market
variable annuities; 1984 - introduced Variable
Appreciable Life, major product innovation, gave customers
investment options in which to invest their policy cash values;
1985 - acquired Jennison Associates Capital Corp.,
major stock and bond manager for pension funds; 1987
- entered residential real estate brokerage business, formed new
subsidiary, The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates; 1990s
- consolidated assets surpassed $100 billion; Arthur F. Ryan
(Chase Manhattan Bank) became chairman, chief executive officer
(first individual from outside Prudential); December 13,
2001 - demutualization, went public; acquired Prudential
Annuities (previously known as American Skandia), largest
distributor of variable annuities through independent financial
planners in United States; created retail brokerage business
with Wachovia Corporation, formed one of nation's largest retail
financial advisory organizations, Wachovia Securities, LLC;
2007 - total revenue of $26.7 billion.
John Fairfield
- Prudential Insurance (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/02/JohnDryden.jpg)
1878 - Abram Suydam, Matthew Suydam (son) opened
Suydam Insurance Agency in Somerset, NJ; insured farms
(relatives, friends, neighbors, small businesspeople);
1959 - Abram
Suydam, Jr. (grandson) founded current agency;
2010 - served more
than 1,500 business, personal customers
January 17, 1879
- Hotel Men's Mutual Benefit Association of the United States
and Canada commenced operations; 1928 - John D.
MacArthur acquired control of small insurance company, Marquette
Life of Jerseyville, IL; 1932 - Bankers Life and
Casualty Company began operations; 1935 - acquired
by MacArthur from Illinois Insurance Department for $2,500;
developed concept of mass marketing low cost health insurance
policies through mail; 1942 - Hotel Men's Mutual
Benefit Association, Illinois Standard Life Insurance Co.,
Bankers Life and Casualty merged under Bankers Life and Casualty
name; 1956 - largest health, accident insurance
company in America; 1978 - assets surpassed $1
billion; 1992 - acquired by Conseco.
John D. MacArthur
- Bankers Life
March 24, 1880
- Tobacco Growers' Mutual Insurance Company incorporated in
North Canaan, Connecticut; Lyman Dunning as President;
June 1880 - began
1881 - John Allen
& Charles Stults began selling insurance in downtown Hightstown,
NJ; Allen & Stults Co. served agriculture community; sold $5
fire insurance policies, undertaking services;
2010 - offered
risk management services to technology companies, high net worth
individuals; Charles S. "Cappy" Stults III (fourth generation,
great-grandson) president.
Spring 1882
- Thomas Caldecot Chubb, Percy Chubb (son) collected $1,000 from
each of 100 prominent merchants, opened marine underwriting
business in seaport district of New York City; focused on
insuring ships and cargoes; 1967 - Chubb
Corporation formed; 1984 - listed on New York
Stock Exchange; ranked among top 10 publicly traded insurance
organizations based on revenues in United States; 2006
- approximately 11,800 employees throughout North America,
Europe, South America, Pacific Rim; served property, casualty
customers from some 120 offices in 29 countries; worked with
8,000 independent agents, brokers worldwide.
- Henry W. Marsh left Harvard University, joined Robert A.
Waller agency; 1894 - Donald R. McLennan began
insurance career at Stryker, Manley & Buck in Duluth, MN;
1905 - Burrows, Marsh & McLennan formed in Chicago,
became world's largest insurance agency with annual premiums of
$3 million; 1906 - renamed Marsh & McLennan;
1923 - began reinsurance broking with
acquisition of newly formed Guy Carpenter & Company; 1959
- consulting began with the acquisition of benefit consultants
William M. Mercer in Canada; 1970 - entry into
investment management through acquisition of Putnam Investments.

1885 - Archibald McAlister opened “Lands, Loans, Rents, & Insurance”
office on Higuera Street in San Luis Obispo, CA;
1911 - Ernest
Vollmer (son-in-law) joined business;
1921 - Vollmer took over, renamed
'Ernest Vollmer, Real Estate & Insurance';
1927 - Pete Bachino joined firm;
1940 - Vollmer
shifted to ranching and non-insurance endeavors; Les Stockird
joined agency; renamed “Bachino & Stockird Insurance Brokers,
Successors to Ernest Vollmer";
early 1950s - Stockird retired; Harry Morris
earned ownership in agency (first called on agency in 1935 as
field representative from Hartford Insurance Company);
1961 - Marvin Dee,
formerly Hartford claims adjuster, joined company;
1964 - Greg Morris
joined, renamed Morris & Dee Insurance;
1975 - Phil Chew (oversaw inside
operations), Gene Garritano (fresh from Hartford’s executive
training program) joined business;
1986 - Dee retired, Morris, Garritano,
Chew remained as principals; 1989
- Morris, Garritano sole owners.
Archibald McAlister -
Morris & Garritano (
April 5, 1885
- Daniel Webster (D.W.) Rogers, local farmer, incorporated
Michigan Mutual Tornado, Cyclone and Windstorm Insurance Company
in Hastings, MI; June 18, 1885
- issued first policies, 41 members shared $40,700 in risk;
December 31, 1885
- 160 members carried $163,710 in risk;
1908 - 43,000 policyholders, $74,000,000
of insurance in force; 1920
- name changed to Michigan Mutual Windstorm Insurance Company;
1924 - L.W. Sunday
elected first full-time president;
1925 - second largest mutual windstorm
insurance company in world (90,000 members shared $300 million
in coverage); 1938
- employed 700 agents, served 120,000 members; late
1950s - largest
windstorm insurer in state, second in world (over billion
dollars at risk); January 15, 1959
- formally reorganized as general, non-assessable mutual, name
changed to Hastings Mutual Insurance Company; became general
line insurance company; 1967
- broadened coverage to farmowners, inland and ocean marine,
general liability, burglary and theft; added workers
compensation; 1970
- added automobile insurance; 1982 - developed automated policy
processing system; 2010
- over 900 agencies serviced Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois,
Indiana, Ohio.
1887 - Edwin W.
Sargent assisted in organizing, became legal adviser to Los
Angeles Abstract Co.; 1893 - Abstract and Title
Insurance Co. merged with Los Angeles Abstract Co.; 1894
- name changed to Ticor Insurance & Trust Co.; 1982
- acquired by Southern Pacific; 1984 - acquired in
$271 million leveraged buyout by "investors" (including former
ITT chairman Harold S. Geneen, former Avis rental car chief
Winston V. "Bud" Morrow, two other major investors);
1988 - Ticor Title Insurance Cos. recorded more than
18,867 grant deeds in Los Angeles, insured $5.8 billion in
mortgages, revenues in L.A. County were $40.5 million;
1990 - changed name to Westwood Equities Corp.
1991 - acquired by Chicago Title & Trust for $85
June 23, 1887
- Act of Canadian Parliament incorporated The Manufacturers Life
Insurance Company; Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada's first Prime
Minister, elected President of Company;
1893 - first policy sold outside of
Canada (Bermuda); 1896
- assets greater than $1.2 million (fastest 10-year growth of
any Canadian company at time.);
1903 - entered U.S. market with license to sell
insurance in Michigan (opened office in Detroit);
1918 - total
amount of insurance in force reached $100 million;
1947- total
business in force reached $1 billion, one-millionth policy sold;
1959 - total
business in force reached $3 billion;
1961 - assets reached $1 billion;
1968 -
two-millionth policy sold; 1979
-total assets surpassed $5 billion;
1986 - total insurance in force reached
$100 billion; 1990
- name changed to Manulife Financial;
January 1, 1996 - merged with North
American Life Assurance Company; first Canadian life insurer to
pass half-billion dollar mark in earnings;
July 29, 1999 - 98.5% of voting eligible
policyholders approved The Manufacturers Life Insurance
Company's demutualization; 2000
- first Canadian life insurance company to exceed $1 billion
dollars in net income;' April 2004
- merged with John Hancock Financial Services Inc.(including its
Canadian subsidiary, Maritime Life); created largest life
insurer in Canada, second largest in North America, fifth
largest in world.
June 6, 1890
- Joseph Cullen Root founded Woodmen of the World Life Insurance
Co. in Omaha, NE; 1900 - $219 million of life
insurance in force.
- C.E. Parker, local Orange County, CA businessman, merged two
competing title companies, founded in 1889, formed
Orange County Title Company; 1924
- became one of first abstract companies in California to
qualify to issue policies of title insurance;
1948 - Donald
Parker Kennedy (grandson) joined company;
1957 - board of directors authorized
expansion plan to become powerhouse in Southern California
market; 1963 - D.
E. Parker named president, name changed to First American,
operating in four states; 1964
- went public; 1966
- restructured into general holding company, The First American
Financial Corporation; conducted title operations through First
American Title Insurance Company, trust business through First
American Trust Company; 1982
- served every region of the country;
May 2000 - name changed to The First
American Corporation; nation’s largest data provider.
- Maco Stewart, Galveston, TX attorney, purchased Gulf City
Abstract Company; issued abstracts through Stewart Law & Land
Title Office; 1897
- W.C. Morris joined company as stenographer, later married
Wilamina Stewart (only daughter);
1905 - with Minor Stewart (brother) offered
first title insurance in Texas (indemnity against loss due to
title claims); 1908
- Stewart Title Guaranty Co. chartered; first title insurance
underwriter authorized to write title insurance in Texas;
1950 - Carloss
Morris, Stewart Morris Sr. (sons) took over;
1970 - formed
Stewart Information Services Corporation holding company;
1972 - went
public; 1975 -
management control acquired by Carloss Morris, Stewart Morris
Sr.; 1981 -
policies issued through more than 1,000 issuing offices in 38
states; 1986 -
revenues of $178 million; 1990
- 2,700 issuing offices throughout United States;
1994 - Stewart
Information Services Corporation listed on New York Stock
Exchange; 1999 -
Malcolm S. Morris, Stewart Morris Jr. (grandsons) elected
co-CEOs of Stewart Information Services Corporation;
2006 - $1.4
billion in assets, $44.11 book value per share, highest in
company’s history; 2010
- title insurance, related information services through more
than 8,500 policy-issuing offices, agencies in United States,
around world.
1898 - John
Merrick, Dr. Aaron McDuffie Moore, Charles Clinton Spaulding
established North Carolina Mutual and Provident Insurance
Company; oldest, largest African American life insurance company
in United States; only insurance company domiciled in North
Carolina with charter dated before 1900; 2005 -
over $12 billion dollars of insurance in force, surplus
exceeding $18 million.
February 1, 1898
- Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut, extended
coverage to an automobile owner, first company to issue an
automobile insurance policy to an individual; Dr. Truman
J. Martin of Buffalo, New York, paid a premium of $11.25 for the
policy that covered $5,000 to $10,000 of liability; 1925
- Massachusetts became the first state to mandate automobile
insurance, "requiring owners of certain motor vehicles and
trailers to furnish security for their civil liabilities."
September 1898
- James J. Dowd, Jeremiah Keane started Keane and Dowd,
insurance and real estate business, in Room 32 of Ball Building
(later known as Holyoke National Bank Building) in Holyoke, MA;
1916 - James J.
Dowd II (son) took over; Keane left business, renamed James J.
Dowd & Sons Insurance Agency; 1947
- James Dowd Jr. (third generation) joined agency; John Dowd
(brother) joined few years later;
1960 - brothers took over;
1974 - John Dowd, James Dowd III
(cousin), Gilbert (cousin) took over;
1975-2009 - grew from just over $1
million in sales to more than $40 million;
2009 - John E. Dowd, fourth-generation
1905 - Alonzo
Herndon founded Atlanta Life Insurance Company, second largest
black insurance company in United States; 1910 -
more than 42 branch offices.
June 12, 1905 -
Group of businessmen in Fort Wayne, IN formed Lincoln National
Life Insurance Company (named after Abraham Lincoln, with
consent and photograph supplied by President Lincoln's son,
Robert Todd Lincoln); pooled assets under management of $116,
097; September, 1905 - opens with one product,
four employees; 1907 - first claim
submitted; 1911 - company reported $6.5 million of
life insurance, $250,000 in premium income, $750,000 in assets;
1912 - entry into reinsurance market; 1914
- first acquisition.
March 5, 1909
- Nebraska Insurance Department issued charter to Mutual Benefit
Health & Accident Association; Harry S. Weller, first president;
January 8, 1910 -
received 250th policy (required to obtain state license),
authorized to issue health and accident insurance in Nebraska;
July 1910 - Dr. C.
C. Criss, medical student at Creighton College of Medicine,
named treasurer; began to offer simplified, liberal policies to
minimize insured's liability from accident, illness;
1918 - Mutual
Benefit consolidated with Omaha Health & Accident Association;
1920 - licensed to
sell insurance in 15 states, $1.3 million in premiums for year;
1926 - Mabel L. Criss (wife of C. C. Criss) elected second vice
president of Mutual Benefit; first woman officer in company;
1929 - passed $10
million in premium income; 1930
- 233 employees; February 11, 1933
- Criss elected president of Mutual Benefit;
1936 - issued
first hospital insurance policy;
1939 - licensed in 48 states; September
1940 - 287,000 policy holders, life insurance policies
worth $161 million; January 14,
1950 - name changed to Mutual of Omaha;
1947-1957 -
premium income tripled from $66 million to $180 million;
1960 - first
insurance company to include rehabilitation provision in
disability income protection policies;
February 10, 1962 - name changed to
Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company;
January 6, 1963 - "Mutual of Omaha's
Wild Kingdom" debuted (9-year run).
Mabel L. Criss, Dr. C. C. Criss
- Mutual of Omaha
June 1, 1911
- The Equitable Life Assurance Society sold first modern Group
Life policy to Pantasote Leather Company (121 employees);
1912 - sold second
to Montgomery Ward.
July 1, 1912 -15
insurance executives organized Massachusetts Employees’
Insurance Association (MEIA), as mutual company owned by
policyholders, under Massachusetts Employees' Insurance
Association and the Workmen's Compensation Act of 1911
(required employers to protect employees with workers'
compensation insurance); Massachusetts Governor appointed
Board of Directors (Henry Howard as Chairman); 1914
- issued first automobile policy;
1917 - name changed to Liberty
Mutual Insurance Company, began writing public liability
insurance, entered arrangement with United Mutual Fire
Insurance Company to provide complete automobile insurance;
1936 - became
largest writer of workers compensation insurance;
1964 -
established Liberty Life Assurance Company of Boston,
offered full range of individual, group life insurance
products; 1972
- surpassed $2 billion in written premiums;
2002 -
converted to mutual holding company structure to better
compete in global property and casualty markets; formed
Liberty Mutual Holding Company;
2004 - opened office in Chongqing,
China (first foreign property and casualty insurance company
in western China).
- Alvin Alderfer gathered 102 of Harleysville, PA leading
citizens to form association to protect their cars from theft;
October 9, 1917 -
chartered as Mutual Auto Theft Insurance Company, Mutual Auto
Fire Insurance Company (state laws prevented same company from
offering both types of protection);
1922 - formed Harleysville Mutual
Casualty Company; 1933
- merged with Auto Theft Company;
1956 - name changed to Harleysville Mutual
Insurance Company; 1960
- founded Harleysville Life Insurance Company to offer
individual and group life insurance, disability insurance,
retirement plans; 1979
- formed Harleysville Group Inc.;
1986 - went public;
2008 - consolidated commercial lines
premiums account for more than 80% of annual premium volume;
about 1,725 employees, some 1,400 agencies in 32 states;
consolidated assets of $3.8 billion, net written premiums of
$1.1 billion, ranked as one of top 60 property/casualty
insurance companies and groups.
March 28, 1918
- Charlie G. Fichardt (Bloemfontein businessman, MP for
Ladybrand, Willie A. Hofmeyr (Attorney), Charlie R. Louw
(Attorney), Pieter A. Malan (Attorney), Fred H. Dormehl (former
insurance man), Antoon F. Benning (prospector, master builder),
Alfred McDowell (Scottish banker, insurance accountant)
registered Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Trust en Assuransie
Maatskappij (Santam - The South African National Trust and
Assurance Company) in Cape Town, South Africa (Hofmeyr,
co-founder of De Nationale Pers, as chairman); focused on
short-term insurance; June 8, 1918
- registered Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Lewens Assuransie
Maatskappij Beperk (Sanlam - The South African National Life
Assurance Company Limited); became spearhead of company;
1935 - Sanlam
acquired African Homes Trust (now Metropolitan Life) life
assurance company from Santam;
1940 - registered Federale Volksbeleggings
(FVB); gave policy owners stake in large number of commercial,
industrial companies (led to foundation of industrial, mining
giant Gencor in 1950s); 1946
- registered Bonuskor for re-investment of policy bonuses;
March 8, 1954 -
Santam became independent mutual life assurance company;
1960 - formed
Sankor to undertake further development projects (Bonuskor's
capital totalled R10 million);
1993 - Sanlam transferred effective control of
Metropolitan Life (Metlife) from Sankorp to black shareholders
of Metlife Investment Holdings (Methold), black-controlled
company (85% Black policy-holders at time; now known as New
Africa Investments Limited, Nail);
1998 - Sanlam demutualised, went public
on November 30, 1998; gave more than 2.2 million South Africans
opportunity to share in Group's future (estimated 32% were Black
shareholders, held approximately 20% of shares (direct
shareholding); Sanlam Ltd, formed as parent company of Sanlam
group of businesses; 2003
- Ubuntu-Botho,Black Economic Empowerment consortium, acquired
initial 10% equity holding in Sanlam;
2009 - one of South Africa’s leading
financial services groups.
- Cornelius Vander Starr founded American Asiatic Underwriters
Federal Inc. U.S.A. as property-casualty insurance agency in
Shanghai, China; first Westerner in Shanghai to sell insurance
to the Chinese; 1926 - opened his first office in
the United States - American International Underwriters;
1962 - names Hank Greenberg president of American Home
Assurance Company, midsize multi-line carrier (shifted focus
from personal insurance to high-margin corporate coverage, sold
insurance through independent brokers, not agents); 1968
- Greenberg named CEO; 1989 - Greenberg named
chairman; February 2005 - Greenberg resigned as
CEO amid concern from the board about regulatory inquiries.
Vander Starr - founder
AIG (http://www.starrfoundation.org/images/cvstarr.bw.jpg)
June 3, 1919
- Blacks in Chicago organized Liberty Life Insurance Co.
December 14, 1920
- Chicago Ice Producers Mutual Liability Company, class mutual
insurance company, founded to insure members of Chicago District
Ice Association for general liability, workers compensation,
teams public liability for horses and wagon, commercial vehicle
insurance; Joseph Moudry as President; association members
donated $26,225 to start insurance operations;
1930s - expanded
to insuring private passenger vehicles owned by owners,
employees of ice companies; later extended to individuals
referred by policyholders of company;
1961 - name changed to Chicago Mutual
Liability Company; 1970s-1980s
- grew from being primarily commercial lines insurer to personal
auto insurer; 1994
- Board of Directors exited work compensation and general
Liability lines entirely; concentrated on personal and
commercial auto lines of business;
1996 - name changed to Chicago Mutual
Insurance Company; March 2006
- converted from a mutual form of governance to stock company;
renamed First Chicago Insurance Company, subsidiary of J & P
Holdings, Inc.
June 7, 1922
- Retired farmer, insurance salesman George Jacob "G.J."
Mecherle (45), Minnie Jones, Verna Crusius established State
Mutual Automobile
Insurance Company
in temporary office in Bloomington, IL; sold first auto policy
to local farmer Henry Stubblefield (semi-annual premium of
$11.17 for 1919 Hudson luxury car); 1925 - 175
agents attended first agency convention; 1935 -
added fire insurance; 1937 - first State Farm Road
Atlas published; 1938 - opened branch office in
Toronto, ON; 1942 - began reign as nation's top
auto insurer; 1955 - homeowners insurance added; August
14, 1956 - State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance
Company registered "State Farm Insurance" trademark first used
March 1, 1930 (underwriting and conduct of a life, casualty, and
fire insurance business); 1964 - nation’s No. 1
writer of homeowners insurance; largest insurance writer in
world; 1971 - "Like a good neighbor …" theme song
debuted (written by Barry Manilow); 2000 -
launched State Farm Bank®; 2006 - first property,
casualty insurer to promote major feature film (animated film,
CARS by Disney/Pixar); 2008 - 17,000 agents,
67,000 employees, over 77 million auto, fire, life health
policies in US, Canada, more than 1.9 million bank accounts.
George Jacob
"G.J." Mecherle - State Farm
March 28, 1928 -
First meeting of board of Farmers Automobile Inter-Insurance
Exchange launched by John C. Tyler, Thomas E. Leavey, in Los
Angeles, CA, to offer preferred insurance rates to rural
drivers; organized as reciprocal insurer (inter-insurance
exchange), policy holders function as subscribers, exchange
contracts with each other to provide insurance against certain
losses; four employees; April 1928 - sold first
policy; 1932 - assets of $1.08 million, net
written premiums of $1.43 million; 1935 - launched
Truck Insurance Exchange to specialize in truck insurance;
1940 - leading auto insurance carrier in Pacific
Northwest; 1958 - written premiums reached $158
million; 1978 - exceeded $2 billion in written
premiums; December 1988 - acquired by UK-based
British American Tobacco (B.A.T.) Industries; 1997
- .B.A.T. merged with Zurich Insurance Company, formed Zurich
Financial Services Group, fifth largest insurance group,
aggregate gross premiums of $45 billion.
April 17, 1931
- General Robert E. Wood, chairman of Sears & Roebuck, opened
Allstate Insurance Company in Chicago, IL, as wholly owned
subsidiary; name borrowed from an automobile tire sold in the
Sears catalog; first year - 4,217 policies in force, premium
volume of $118,323, 20 employees, $76,000 loss.
- Leo and Lillian Goodwin founded Government Employees Insurance
Company (GEICO) in Washington, DC; believed that if he lowered
costs in the company by marketing directly to carefully targeted
customer groups, he’d be able to pass along lower premiums and
still earn a profit; target customers, federal employees and the
top three grades of noncommissioned Military officers; end
of 1936 - 3,700 GEICO policies in force, total staff of
12 people; 1964 - passed the 1 million
policyholder mark; 1965 - premiums reached $150
million; 1995 - acquired by Berkshire Hathaway;
2002 - GEICO passed 5 million policyholder mark;
2004 - reached 6 million policyholders; 2006
- 7 million policyholders; 20,000 associates in 12 major
locations around the country.
Leo and Lillian
Goodwin - founded GEICO
November 17, 1955
John, Paul and Bill Amos founded American Family Life Insurance
Company (AFLAC) in small six-room rented complex in Swift
Building in downtown Columbus, GA; first year of operations:
6,426 policyholders, $388,000 in assets.
- Harvey R. Ball, Worcester, MA graphic artist, invented
"smiley face"; made a smiley yellow button for the State Mutual
Life Assurance Company of America to cheer employees during a
rocky merger with an out-of-town company; received a fee of $45
for the creation; never trademarked the symbol.
September 25, 1997
- Travelers Group acquired Salomon Brothers for $9 billion.
December 17, 2002
- Insurance, finance company Conseco Inc. filed for Chapter 11
bankruptcy protection.
October 20, 2006
- Warren Buffett, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Corporation,
agreed to pay up to $7 billion in claims (many related to
asbestos) which threatened future of Lloyd's of London and its
investors for nearly 20 years; offered thousands of Names at
Lloyd’s hope of avoiding future cash calls by striking deal to
take on the insurance market’s pre-1993 claims.
2006 - first half
2007 -
Combined ratios at 92.7% lowest in history (net, after
reinsurance, combined loss and expense ratios for the
Property/Casualty industry after dividends to policyholders =
results for industry operations prior to investment income,
capital gains) = largest underwriting gains, operating profits
in history: 1) strong pricing in 2004, 2005, into 2006 (compared
to actual accident year losses), 2) amounts required in 2006 to
fund prior reserves much less than in recent years.
April 23, 2008
- Liberty Mutual Group agreed to buy Safeco for $6.2 billion in
a deal that would make Liberty the fifth-largest property and
casualty insurer in the United States.
September 16, 2008
- Federal Reserve agreed to $85 billion bailout of troubled
insurance giant American International Group (failed to get bank
loan to avoid bankruptcy); gave government control two weeks
after Treasury took over federally chartered mortgage finance
companies Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac = most radical intervention in
private business in central bank's history); A.I.G. - enormous
provider of esoteric financial insurance contracts to investors
who bought complex debt securities, effectively required A.I.G.
to cover losses suffered by buyers in event securities defaulted
(potentially on hook for billions of dollars worth of risky
securities once considered safe); if unable to pay all of its
insurance claims, institutional investors around world would
have been instantly forced to reappraise value of those
securities, in turn would have reduced their own capital, value
of their own debt.
March 2, 2009
- American International Group Inc. reported $61.7 billion
4th-quarter loss; biggest quarterly loss in corporate history
($22.95/ share, fifth quarterly loss in a row; broke record of
$45 billion set by Time Warner Inc. during 4th quarter of 2002
during its acquisition by America Online; Mayfair (London)
office of AIG, dubbed "the casino in London", blamed for
bringing world's largest insurance company to its knees. AIG's
financial products division (specialized in
in credit default swaps)
overseen by Joseph Cassano, viewed as key villain of
global financial crisis; AIG boasted triple-A credit rating,
would stand behind banks' securities in return for fee; did not
need to build reserves in case of major claims (AIG considered
it largely risk-free); Cassano said in 2007: "It is hard for us,
without being flippant, to even see a scenario within any kind
of realm of reason that would see us losing $1."
(Aetna), Henry R. Gall and William George
Jordan (1919).
One Hundred Years of Fire Insurance; Being a History of the Ætna
Insurance Company, Hartford, Connecticut, 1819-1919.
(Hartford, CT: The Ætna insurance company, 260 p.). Aetna
Insurance Company; Aetna Life Insurance Company (Hartford,
Eliphalet Adams
(petitioned CT legislature to
incorporate Aetna Life in 1853)
(Aetna), Richard Hooker (1956).
Aetna Life, Insurance Company, Its First Hundred Years.
(Hartford, CT: The Company, p).
Aetna Insurance Company; Aetna
Life Insurance Company.
(Aetna), Mallory B. Mercaldi; research by Joan
B. Whiting and Aetna archivist Paul C. Lasewicz (1992). Aetna
Bond: Strength, Commitment, Excellence. (Hartford, CT: Aetna
Casualty and Surety Co., 118 p.). Aetna Casualty and Surety
Company (Hartford, Conn.)--History; Insurance, Surety and
fidelity--United States--History.
(AFLAC), Seymour Shubin (1998).
The Man from Enterprise: The Story of John B. Amos, Founder of
AFLAC. (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 228 p.).
Amos, John Beverly, 1924-1990; American Family Life Insurance
Company--History; Insurance, Life--United States--History;
Executives--United States--Biography.
(AIG), Ronald Shelp with Al Ehrbar (2006).
Fallen Giant: The Amazing Story of Hank Greenberg and the
History of AIG. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 228 p.). Former
Supervisor of Worldwide Government Relations, Corporate
Communications, Aadvertising/Sales Promotion at AIG; Former
Chief Economics Writer (Wall Street Journal). Greenberg, Maurice
R.; Adler, Rodney; American International Group, Inc.--History;
Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Insurance
executives--United States--Biography; Insurance
companies--United States--History. How A.I.G.’s "unique corporate
culture" contributed to its autocratic chairman’s success and —
after 37 years at the helm — his undoing?
Greenberg - AIG
(Alexander & Alexander), John A. Bogardus,
Jr.; with Robert H. Moore (2003).
Spreading the Risks: Insuring the American Experience.
(Chevy Chase, MD: Posterity Press, 408 p.). Alexander &
Alexander--History; Insurance--United States; Insurance
companies--United States.
(Alexander & Company), Theodore Martin
Alexander, Sr. (1993).
Beyond the Timberline The Trials and Triumphs of a Black
Entrepreneur. (Edgewood, MD: E.E. Duncan and Company,
269 p.). Alexander, Theodore Martin, Sr.; Alexander &
Company--History. Entrepreneurship.
(Alliance), Sir William Schooling (1924).
Alliance Assurance, 1824-1924. (London, UK: Alliance
Assurance Company, 119 p.). Alliance Assurance
Company, Limited.
(Allianz AG), Gerald D. Feldman (2001).
Allianz and the German Insurance Business, 1933-1945.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 568 p.). Allianz
Versicherungs AG (Germany)--History--20th century; Insurance
companies--Germany--History--20th century.
(American General), Fran Dressman; foreword by
Sterling C. Evans (1994).
Gus Wortham: Portrait of a Leader. (College Station, TX:
Texas A & M University Press, 284 p.). Wortham, Gus S.,
1891-1976; American General Life Insurance Company;
(American Hull Insurance Syndicate), C.
Bradford Mitchell (1970).
Touching the Adventures & Perils ... A Semicentennial History.
(New York, NY: American Hull Insurance Syndicate, 233 p.).
American Hull Insurance Syndicate.
(American Income Life Insurance Co.), As Told
to Don Carleton; with an introduction by Bill Moyers (2002).
Being Rapoport: Capitalist with a Conscience. (Austin,
TX: University of Texas Press, 316 p.). Rapoport, Bernard, 1917-
; University of Texas System. Board of Regents--Biography;
Democratic Party (Tex.)--Biography; Capitalists and
financiers--United States--Biography; Philanthropists--United
States--Biography; Jews--United States--Biography; Insurance
companies--United States.
(AmerUs Life), Jay Pridmore (1996).
A Century of Success: The Amerus Life Story (Lyme, CT:
Greenwich Pub. Group, 200 p.). AmerUs Life (Firm)--History;
Insurance companies--United States--History; Insurance,
life--United States--History.
(Assicurazioni Generali), Francesco Balletta
(1995). Mercato Finanziario e Assicurazioni Generali:
1920-1961. (Napoli, IT: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 194
p.). Assicurazioni Generali--History; Insurance
companies--Italy--Rome--History; Capital market--Italy--History;
Italy--Economic conditions--1918-1945; Italy--Economic
(Atlanta Life Insurance Company), Alexa Benson
Henderson (1990).
Atlanta Life Insurance Company: Guardian of Black Economic
Dignity. (Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press,
251 p.). Atlanta Life Insurance Company--History;
Insurance--United States--History; Afro-Americans--Economic
(Bankers Life), Joseph Frazier Wall (1979).
Policies and People: The First Hundred Years of the Bankers Life
(Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 192 p.). Bankers Life
(Bankers Life and Casualty), William Hoffman
The Stockholder. (New York: Lyle Stuart, 192 p.).
MacArthur, John Donald, 1897-.
(Bankers Life and Casualty), Bob Sanford
John D. MacArthur, A View from the Bar: A Memoir.
(Highland City, FL: Rainbow Books, 149 p.). MacArthur, John D.,
1897-1978; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography.
(Bankers Life and Casualty), Nancy Kriplen
The Eccentric Billionaire: John D. MacArthur-- Empire Builder,
Reluctant Philanthropist, Relentless Adversary. (New
York, NY: AMACOM/ American Management Association, 234 p.).
MacArthur, John D., 1897-1978; Capitalists and
financiers--United States--Biography; Billionaires--United
States--Biography; Businesspeople--United States--Biography;
Philanthropists--United States--Biography. Rose from poverty (son of
fire-and-brimstone preacher), sole owner of Bankers Life and
Casualty; real estate empire spanned continent; tumultuous
private life; established foundation that funded NPR, liberal
(Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association),
Robert Cunningham, III and Robert M. Cunningham, Jr.; foreword
by Rosemary A. Stevens (1997).
The Blues: A History of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield System.
(DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 311 p.). Blue
Cross and Blue Shield Association--History; Insurance,
Health--United States--History; Insurance companies--United
(Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas), Samuel
Schaal (1999).
Lone Star Legacy: The Birth of Group Hospitalization and the
Story of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas. (Dallas,
TX: Odenwald Press, 193 p.). Blue Cross and Blue Shield of
Texas; Insurance, Health--Texas; Insurance,
(Blue Cross), Odin Anderson (1975).
Blue Cross Since 1929: Accountability and the Public Trust.
(Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Pub. Co., 118 p.). Blue Cross
Association -- History.
(Boston Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance
Company), Dane Yorke (1950).
Able Men of Boston: The Remarkable Story of the First 100 Years
of the Boston Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Company,
Its Men, Its Times, and Its Growth in Insurance Protection, in
Fire Prevention Know-How, in Ever Vital Service and Security to
North American industry, 1850-1950. (Boston, MA: Boston
Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Co, 253 p.). Boston
Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
(Chicago Metropolitan Assurance Company),
Robert E. Weems, Jr. (1996).
Black Business in the Black Metropolis: The Chicago Metropolitan
Assurance Company, 1925-1985. (Bloomington, IN: Indiana
University Press, 158 p.). Chicago Metropolitan Assurance
Company -- History; Insurance companies -- Middle West --
History; African American business enterprises -- Middle West --
(Chubb & Son), Thomas Caldecot Chubb (1957).
If There Were No Losses: The Story of Chubb & Son from Its
Founding in 1882 until 1957. (New York, NY: Chubb & Son,
93 p.). Chubb & Son; Insurance companies, American--New York
(State)--New York; Insurance, Marine.
(Cincinnati Equitable), Clyde William Park
(1954). The Cincinnati Equitable Insurance Company, Oldest
Fire Insurance Company West of the Alleghenies. (Cincinnati,
OH: The Company, 196 p.). Cincinnati Equitable Insurance
(C-Life), Fiona Graham (2003).
Inside the Japanese Company. (New York, NY:
RoutledgeCurzon, 256 p.). Insurance, Life--Japan--Management;
Industrial relations--Japan; National characteristics, Japanese.
(C-Life), Fiona Graham (2005).
A Japanese Company in Crisis: Ideology, Strategy, and Narrative.
(New York, NY: RoutledgeCurzon, 288 p.). C-Life
(Firm)--Employees--Attitudes; C-Life
(Firm)--Employees--Longitudinal studies; Corporate
culture--Japan--Case studies; Business failures--Japan--Case
(Coastal States Life Insurance Co.), Rufus
Jarman (1974).
The History of Coastal States Life. (Atlanta, GA:
Coastal States Life Insurance Co., 295 p.). Coastal States Life
Insurance Co.
(Commercial Union Assurance), Edward Liveing
A Century of Insurance: The Commercial Union Group of Insurance
Companies, 1861-1961; A Centenary History. (London, UK:
H. F. & G. Witherby, 320 p.). Commercial union assurance
(Confederation Life Insurance Co.), Rod
Mcqueen (1996).
Who Killed Confederation Life?: The Inside Story.
(Toronto, ON: McClelland & Stewart, 320 p.). Confederation Life
Insurance Co.
(Connecticut Mutual - founded 1846; first life
insurance company in CT), William Cahn (1970).
A Matter of Life and Death; The Connecticut Mutual Story.
(New York, NY: Random House, 309 p.). Connecticut Mutual Life
Insurance Company.
Dr. Guy Rowland Phelps
(secured charter for Connecticut Mutual in 1846)
(Continental Insurance), Ann M. Kelchburg,
with Ronald G. Mullins (1979).
A History of the Continental Insurance Company. (New
York, NY: Corporate Communications Dept., Continental Corp., 126
p.). Continental Insurance Company--History.
(Cooperative Insurance Society), R. G. Garnett
A Century of Co-Operative Insurance. (London, UK: Allen
& Unwin, 324 p.). Cooperative Insurance Society.
(CUNA Mutual Insurance Society), Hakala
Associates Inc. (1991).
The Debt Shall Die with the Debtor: The Story of CUNA Mutual
Insurance Society. (Madison, WI: CUNA Mutual Insurance
Group, 198 p.). CUNA Mutual Insurance Society--History;
Insurance companies--United States--History; Insurance, Credit
life--United States--History; Credit unions--United
(Equitable - IA), George S. Pease (1967).
Patriarch of the Prairie; The Story of Equitable of Iowa,
1867-1967. (New York, NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 260
p.). Equitable Life Insurance Company of Iowa, Des Moines.
(Equitable - IA), George S. Mills (1988).
The Little Man with the Long Shadow: The Life and Times of
Frederick M. Hubbell. (Ames, IA: Iowa State University
Press, 262 p.). Hubbell, Frederick M. (Frederick Marion),
1839-1930; Businesspeople--United States--Biography;
Railroads--United States--History.
(Equitable Life Assurance Society ), Roscoe C.
Buley (1959).
The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States: One
hundredth Anniversary History, 1859/1959. (New York, NY:
Appleton-Century-Crofts, 262 p.). Equitable Life Assurance
Society of the United States.
(Equitable Life Assurance Society), R. Carlyle
Buley (1967).
The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States,
1859-1964. (New York, NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1475
p., 2 vols.). Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United
(Equitable Life Assurance Society), John
Rousmaniere (1995).
The Life and Times of the Equitable. (New York, NY:
Equitable Companies, Inc., 371 p.). Equitable Life Assurance
Society of the United States.
(Equitable Life Assurance Company), Patricia
Beard (2003).
After the Ball: Gilded Age Secrets, Boardroom Betrayals, and the
Party That Ignited the Great Wall Street Scandal of 1905.
(New York, NY: HarperCollins, 402 p.). Former Writer/Editor
(Town & Country/Elle). Hyde, James Hazen, 1876-1959; Equitable
Life Insurance Company--History; Businessmen--United
States--Biography; Wall Street--History.
(Equitable Life Assurance Society), Anonymous
Henry Baldwin Hyde: A Biographical Sketch. (Whitefish,
MT: Kessinger Publishing, 268 p.). Hyde, Henry Baldwin;
Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States.
(Equitable Life Assurance Society - London),
Maurice E. Ogborn (1962). Equitable Assurances; The Story of
... the Equitable Life Assurance Society, 1762-1962.
(London, UK: Allen & Unwin, 271 p.). Society for Equitable
Assurances on Lives and Survivorships; Insurance, Life -- Great
Britain -- History.
(Erie Insurance), Samuel P. Black, Jr. and
John Paul Rossi (2001).
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Automobile Insurance: Samuel
P. Black and the Rise of Erie Insurance, 1923-1961. (New
York, NY: Routledge, 358 p.). Prominent Pennsylvania Insurance
Executive and Associate Professor of History (Penn State Erie),
respectively. Black, Samuel P. (Samuel Patton), 1902-; Erie
Insurance Group; Insurance, Automobile--United States--History;
Insurance companies--Pennsylvania--Erie--History;
(Farmers Insurance), Kathi Ann Brown (2003).
Sound Thinking and Lofty Ideals: The First Seventy Five Years of
Farmers Insurance. (Los Angeles, CA: Farmers Insurance).
Farmers Insurance; Insurance companies--United States--History.
(Fireman's Fund), Frank Morton Todd (1929).
A Romance of Insurance, Being a History of the Fireman's Fund
Insurance Company of San Francisco. (San Francisco, CA:
Printed for the Fireman's fund insurance company at the press of
the H. S. Crocker company, 283 p.). Fireman's Fund Insurance
Company, San Francisco.
(Fireman's Fund), William Bronson; Introd. by
Oscar Lewis (1963).
Still Flying and Nailed to the Mast: the First Hundred Years of
the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company. (Garden City, NY:
Doubleday, 192 p.). Fireman's Fund Insurance Company, San
(First Executive), Gary Schulte (1991).
The Fall of First Executive: The House That Fred Carr Built; An
Insider's Account of the Biggest Insurance Failure in History.
(New York, NY: HarperBusiness, 288 p.). Carr, Fred, 1931- ;
First Executive Corporation; Insurance holding companies--United
States; Insurance, Life--United States.
(First Executive), Vic Modugno (1992).
Broken Promises: The Inside Story of the Failure of Executive
Life. (Torrance, CA: Pacific Insurance Press, 206 p.).
First Executive Corporation--History; Insurance holding
companies--United States; Insurance, Life--United States;
Business failures--United States.
(Franklin Life Insurance Company - founded
1884) (1972).
The Fabulous Franklin Story: The History of the Franklin Life
Insurance Company 1884-1970. (Springfield, IL: Franklin
Life, 256 p.). Franklin Life Insurance Company. Part of the
American General Financial Group.
(Friends’ Provident Mutual Life Office), David
Tregoning and Hugh Cockerell (1982).
Friends for Life: Friends’ Provident Life Office 1832-1982.
(London, UK: Henry Melland, 196 p.). Friends' Provident Mutual
Life; Life insurance agents -- Great Britain.
1832 - Religious Society of
Friends, the Quakers, founded Friends’ Provident Mutual Life
Office in Yorkshire.
(Geico), William K. Klingaman (1994).
GEICO: The First 40 Years. (Washington, DC: GEICO Corp., 152
p.). Government Employees Insurance Company--History; Insurance
companies--United States--History.
(Guardian Life), J.M. Kesslinger (1960).
Guardian of a Century, 1860-1960. (New York, NY: Guardian
Life Insurance Co. of America, 125 p.). Guardian Life Insurance
(Guardian Life), Anita Rapone (1987).
The Guardian Life Insurance Company, 1860-1920: A History of a
German-American Enterprise. (New York, NY: New York
University Press, 209 p.). Guardian Life Insurance
Company--History; German Americans--History.
(Guardian Life), Robert E. Wright and George
David Smith (2004).
Mutually Beneficial: The Guardian and Life Insurance in America.
(New York, NY: New York University Press, 503 p.). Visiting
Assistant Professor of Economics (Stern School of Business, New
York University); Clinical Professor of Economics,
Entrepreneurship, and Innovation (Stern School of Business, New
York University). Guardian Life Insurance Company History;
Insurance, Life United States History; Insurance companies
United States History.
(Joseph Hadley & Co. Ltd.), Hurford Janes
(1977). A Wonderful Heritage: The Hadley Story. (London,
UK: Henry Melland for Joseph Hadley (Holdings) Ltd., 104 p.).
Hadley family; Hadley, Joseph, 1862-1958; Insurance--Great
Britain--Biography; Insurance--United States--Biography.
(Hancock), William T. Baxter (1965).
The House of Hancock. (New York, NY: Russell & Russell,
321 p. [Reprint of 1945 ed.]). Hancock, Thomas, 1703-1764;
Hancock, John, 1737-1793; Boston--History--Colonial period;
(Hartford Fire Insurance Company), Hawthorne
Daniel (1960).
The Hartford of Hartford: An Insurance Company's Part in a
Century and a Half of American History. (New York, NY:
Random House, 312 p.). Hartford Fire Insurance Company.
(Hartford Steamboiler), Glenn Weaver and J.
Bard McNulty (1991).
An Evolving Concern: Technology, Safety, and the Hartford Steam
Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, 1866-1991.
(Hartford, CT: The Company, 168 p.). Hartford Steam Boiler
Inspection and Insurance Company--History; Insurance,
Boiler--United States--History; Steam-boiler inspection--United
(Heritage Mutual Insurance Company), Janet
Ellen Raasch (2000). Against All Odds: The History of a
Regional Mutual Insurance Company, 1925-2000. (Sheboygan,
WI: Heritage Mutual Insurance Co., 167 p.). Heritage Mutual
Insurance Company (Sheboygan, Wis.)--History; Insurance
(INA), William H. A. Carr (1967).
Perils, Named and Unnamed; The Story of the Insurance Company of
North America. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 424 p.).
Insurance Company of North America.
(INA), Marquis James (1976).
Biography of a Business, 1792-1942: Insurance Company of North
America. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 431 p. [Reprint of
1942 ed.]). Insurance Company of North America.
(INA), Mary Elizabeth Ruwell (1993).
Eighteenth Century Capitalism: The Formation of American Marine
Insurance Companies. (New York, NY: Garland Pub., 184
p.). Insurance Company of North America--History; Insurance,
Marine--United States--History--18th century; Insurance,
Marine--History--18th century.
(Jefferson Pilot Financial - origins to
Jefferson Standard Insurance Co., founded in 1907 and Pilot Life
Insurance Co., founded in 1903), Ned Cline, William Friday
Adding Value: The Joseph M. Bryan Story from Poverty to
Philanthropy. (Winston-Salem, NC: Down Home Press, 382
p.). Bryan, Joseph M.; Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co.,
North Carolina -- business.
(Johnson & Higgins), Richard Blodgett (1995).
Johnson & Higgins at 150 Years (Lyme, CT: Greenwich Pub.
Group, 143 p.). Johnson & Higgins--History; Insurance
companies--New York (State)--New York--History.
(Leslie and Godwin), Victor Head (1985).
Two's Company: A History of Leslie and Godwin 1885-1985.
(London, UK: Leslie and Godwin (Holdings) PLC, 121 p.). Leslie
and Godwin (Holdings) PLC.
(Lincoln National), Michael C. Hawfield
Ninety Years and Growing: The Story of Lincoln National.
(Indianapolis, IN: Guild Press of Indiana, 161 p.). Lincoln
National Life Insurance Company; Insurance, Life--United
States--History; Insurance companies--United States--History.
(Lloyd's), Charles Wright ... and C. Ernest
Fayle ... (1928). A History of Lloyd's from the Founding of
Lloyd's Coffee House to the Present Day. (London, UK:
Published for the Corporation of Lloyd's by Macmillan and
Company limited, 475 p.). Lloyd's (Firm); Insurance,
Marine--Great Britain.
(Lloyd's), Ralph Straus (1937). Lloyd’s: A
Historical Sketch. (London, UK: Hutchinson & Co., Ltd., 292
p.). Lloyd’s (Firm); Insurance, Marine--Great Britain.
(Lloyd's), Ralph Straus (1938).
Lloyd’s; The Gentlemen at the Coffee-House. (New York,
NY: Carrick & Evans, 327 p.). Lloyd’s (Firm); Insurance,
Marine--Great Britain.
(Lloyd's), D. E. W. Gibb (1957).
Lloyd's of London, A Study of Individualism. (New York,
NY: St. Martin's Press, 387 p.). Lloyd's (Firm).
(Lloyd's), Raymond Flower [and] Michael Wynn
Jones (1974).
Lloyd's of London; An Illustrated History. (New York,
NY: Hastings House, 192 p.). Lloyd's (Firm)--History.
(Lloyd's), Hugh Cockerell (1984).
Lloyd's of London: A Portrait. (Homewood, IL: Dow
Jones-Irwin, 157 p.). Lloyd's (Firm)--History.
(Lloyd's), Vanessa Harding and Priscilla
Metcalf (1986).
Lloyd's at Home. (Colchester, Esse: Lloyd's of London,
168 p.). Lloyd's (Firm)--History; Commercial
(Lloyd's), Godfrey Hodgson (1986).
Lloyd's of London: A Reputation at Risk (New York, NY:
Penguin, 414 p. [rev. and updated]).
(Lloyd's), Antony Brown (1987).
Hazard Unlimited: From Ships to Satellites: 300 Years of Lloyd's
of London: An Intimate Portrait. (London, UK: Lloyd's of
London Press, 168 p. [3rd ed.]). Lloyd's (Firm)--History.
(Lloyd's), Ian Hay Davison (1987).
Lloyd's: A View of the Room: Change and Disclosure New
York, NY, St. Martin's Press). 238 p. Lloyd's (Firm).
(Lloyd's), Cathy Gunn (1993).
Nightmare on Lime Street: Whatever Happened to Lloyd's of
London? (London, UK: Smith Gryphon Publishers, 232 p.
[rev. new ed.]). Lloyd's (Firm)--History; Insurance companies,
(Lloyd's), Jonathan Mantle (1993).
For Whom the Bell Tolls: Lessons of Lloyd's of London.
(London, UK: Sinclair-Stevenson, 1 vol.). Lloyd's (Firm);
Insurance companies--England--London--History.
(Lloyd's), Elizabeth Luessenhop and Martin
Mayer (1995).
Risky Business: An Insider's Account of the Disaster at Lloyd's
of London. (New York, NY: Scribner, 352 p.). Lloyd's
(Firm); Insurance companies--England--London--History.
(Lloyd's), Adam Raphael (1995).
Ultimate Risk: The Inside Story of the Lloyd's Catastrophe.
(New York, NY: Four Walls Eight Windows, 301 p.). Lloyd's
(Firm); Insurance companies--England--London--Management.
(Manulife), Rod McQueen (2009).
Manulife: How Dominic D'Alessandro Built a Global Giant and
Fought to Save It. (Toronto, ON, Viking Canada, 280
p). Manulife Financial -- History; Chief executive officers --
Canada -- Biography; Businessmen -- Canada -- Biography.
years of business leadership; how pugnacious
personality, hard-driving leadership style of Dominic
D'Alessandro led Manulife Financial to position as one of
largest, most profitable life insurance companies in North
America, fourth largest in world, successful completion of
Canada's largest cross-border merger.
(Maritime Life), Harry Bruce (2002). Never
Content: How Mavericks and Outsiders Made a Surprise Winner of
Maritime Life. (Toronto, ON: Key Porter, 256 p.). Maritime
Life (Firm)--History; Insurance, Life--Canada--History.
(MA Hospital Life), Gerald T. White (1955).
A History of the Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company.
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 229 p.). Massachusetts
Hospital Life Insurance Company.
(Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.), R.
J. Holden (1951).
A Century of Service; the Massachusetts Mutual Story.
(Springfield, MA: Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., 191
p.). Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company.
(MetLife - origins to 1863), Louis I. Dublin
A Family of Thirty Million; The Story of the Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company. (New York, NY: Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company, 496 p.). Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.
(MetLife), Marquis James (1976).
The Metropolitan Life: A Study in Business Growth. (New
York, NY: Arno Press, 480 p. [Reprint of 1947 ed.]).
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.
(Mutual Benefit Life), Mildred F. Stone
Since 1845; A History of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance
Company (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press,
236 p.). Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company.
(Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York),
Shepard B. Clough (1946).
A Century of American Life Insurance; A History of the Mutual
Life Insurance Company of New York, 1843-1943. (New
York, NY: Columbia University Press, 402 p.). Mutual Life
Insurance Company of New York; Insurance, Life--United
(Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York),
Michel Helman (1993). Generations of Excellence.
(Teaneck, NJ: Tunnel Press, 350 p.). Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York--History; Insurance companies--United
States--History; Insurance, Life--United States--History.
(Mutual of America), John Baird (1989).
Promises to Keep: The Mutual of America Story. (New York,
NY: Mutual of America Life Insurance Co., 321 p.). Mutual of
America Life Insurance Company--History; Insurance
companies--United States--History.
(National Fire Insurance Company), Natonal
Fire Insurance Company (1897). A Quarter-Century's Fire
Underwriting, 1871-1896. An Historical and Biographical
Milestone in the Life of the National Fire Insurance Co. of
Hartford, Conn. (New York, NY: The De Vinne Press.
Insurance, Fire--United States--History.
(National Insurance Company of New Zealand),
Gordon Parry (1973). Underwriting Adventure: A Centennial
History of the National Insurance Company of New Zealand,
Limited. (Dunedin, NZ: National Insurance Company of New
Zealand, 212 p.). National Insurance Company of New Zealand.
(National Life Group), Mildred F. Stone
Extraordinary Ellen, The First lady of Life Insurance: The Story
of Ellen M. Putnam, CLU. (Rockville Centre, NY:
Farnsworth Pub., 102 p.). Putnam, Ellen M., 1894-; Insurance,
Life--United States--Biography.
(National Life and Accident Insurance
Company), Powell Stamper
The National Life Story; A History of the National Life and
Accident Insurance Company of Nashville, Tennessee. (New
York, NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 359 p.). National Life and
Accident Insurance Company, inc., Nashville.
(National Mutual Life Assurance Society),
Compiled by Eric Street (1980). The History of the National
Mutual Life Assurance Society, 1830-1980. (London, UK: The
Society, 122 p.). National Mutual Life Assurance Society
(National Provident Institution), Norman
Toulson (1985).
The Squirrel and the Clock: National Provident Institution,
1835-1985. (London, UK: Melland, 140 p.). National
Provident Institution -- History; Great Britain Life assurance
(Nationwide Insurance Enterprise), Peter D.
Franklin (1994).
On Your Side: The Story of the Nationwide Insurance Enterprise.
(Columbus, OH: The Enterprise, 291 p.). Nationwide Insurance
Enterprise--History; Insurance companies--United
(Newcastle P & I Association), Martin Fryer
A Newcastle Century: One Hundred Years of Newcastle P & I
Association, Newcastle Protection and Indemnity.
(Newcastle, UK: Newcastle Protection and Indemnity, 156 p.).
Newcastle Protection and Indemnity; Marine insurance -- Great
(NE Mutual Life), Sydney Clark (1935). The
First Hundred Years of the New England Mutual Life Insurance
Company, 1835-1935. (Boston, MA: New England Mutual Life
Insurance Company. New England Mutual Life Insurance Company;
Finance--United States--History.
(NE Mutual Life), Abram T. Collier (1985).
A Capital Ship: New England Life: A History of America's First
Chartered Mutual Life Insurance Company, 1835-1985.
(Boston, MA: New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., 336 p.). New
England Mutual Life Insurance Company--History; Insurance
companies--United States--History; Insurance, Life--United
(New York Life), James M. Hudnut (1895).
Semi-Centennial History of the New York Life Insurance Company,
1845-1895 (New York, NY: The Company, 401 p.). New York Life
Insurance Company.
(New York Life), Lawrence F. Abbott (1930).
The Story of Nylic; A History of the Origin and Development of
the New York Life Insurance Company from 1845 to 1929. (New
York, NY: The Company, 329 p.). New York life insurance company.
[from old catalog]; Insurance, Life--United States--History.
[from old catalog].
(New York Life), Tom O'Hanlon (1995).
The Company You Keep: 150 Years with New York Life.
(Lyme, CT: Greenwich Pub. Group, 239 p.). New York Life
Insurance Company--History; Insurance,Life--United
States--History; IInsurance companies--United States--History.
(New Zealand Government Life Insurance
Office), C. W. Vennell (1969). Tower of Strength; A
Centennial History of the N.Z. Government Life Insurance Office,
1869-1969. (Auckland, NZ: Wilson & Horton, 240 p.). New
Zealand Government Life Insurance Office.
(Nippon Life), edited by Japan Business
History Institute (1991). The 100-year History of Nippon
Life: Its Growth and Socioeconomic Setting, 1889-1989.
(Osaka, Japan: Nippon Life Insurance Co., 389 p.). Nihon Seimei
Hoken S¯ogo Kaisha--History.
(North Carolina Mutual Life), Jesse E. Gloster
(1976). North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, Its
Historical Development and Current Operations. (New York,
NY: Arno Press, 349 p. [Originally presented as the author's
thesis, University of Pittsburgh, 1955]). North Carolina Mutual
Life Insurance Company; Afro-American businessmen.
Clinton Spaulding - North
Carolina Mutual Life
August 2, 1952
(Northwestern Mutual Fire Association), Jack
Bertholf (1951).
Men and Mutuality; 50 Years. (Seattle, WA: Metropolitan
Press, 223 p.). Northwestern Mutual Fire Association.
(Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.), Henry F. Tyrell (1908). Semi-Centennial
History of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company of
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1859-1908. (Milwaukee, WI: The
company, 389 p.). Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.
(Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.),
Harold F. Williamson and Orange A. Small (1976).
Northwestern Mutual Life: A Century of Trusteeship. (New
York, NY: Arno Press, 368 p. [Reprint of 1957 ed.]).
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company.
(Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.), John
Gurda (1983).
The Quiet Company: A Modern History of Northwestern Mutual Life.
(Milwaukee, WI: Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., 334 p.).
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company--History.
(Northwestern Mutual Life), John Gurda (2007).
The Policyowners’ Company: A History of Northwestern Mutual,
1857-2007. (Milwaukee, WI: Northwestern Mutual Life,
245 p.). Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company --History.
(Ohio Farmers), George E. Condon, Willard
Largent (1985). History of Ohio Farmers Insurance Company.
(Westfield Center, OH: Westfield Companies, 274 p.). Ohio
Farmers Insurance Company--History; Westfield
Companies--History; Insurance companies--United States--History.
(Old Mutual), Phillida Brooke Simons (1995).
Old Mutual, 1845-1995. (Cape Town, SA: Human & Rousseau,
253 p.). Old Mutual (Cape Town, South Africa)--History;
Insurance companies--South Africa--History.
(Penn Mutual), Dunlea Hurley (1947).
Panorama of a Century : 1847-1947 (Philadelphia, PA:
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co., 158 p.). Penn Mutual Life
Insurance Company.
(Phoenix Assurance), Clive Trbelcock (1986).
Phoenix Assurance and the Development of British Insurance:
Volume 1, 1782-1870. (New York, NY: Cambridge University
Press, 812 p.). Phoenix Assurance--History; Insurance,
Fire--Great Britain--History.
(Phoenix Assurance), Clive Trbelcock (1999).
Phoenix Assurance and the Development of British Insurance:
Volume 2, The Era of the Insurance Giants 1870-1984.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1088 p.). Phoenix
Assurance--History; Insurance, Fire--Great Britain--Graet
(Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance), Marian
Calabro (2001). A Wealth of History: 150
Years with Phoenix, 1851-2001. (Lyme, CT, Greenwich Pub.
Group, 144 p.). Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company; Life
insurance --United States.
(Pilgrim Life Insurance Company), Joseph D.
Greene (2005).
From Cotton Fields to Board Rooms. (Tucson, AZ: Hats Off
Books, 148 p.). Former Executive Vice President and Chief
Marketing Officer. Greene, Joseph D.; Insurance
companies--United States--History; Boards of Directors.
(Presbyterian Ministers’ Fund), John
A. Baird (1982).
Horn of Plenty: The Story of the Presbyterian Ministers’
Fund. (Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers,
320 p.). Presbyterian Ministers’ Fund --History.
(Providence Washington Insurance Company),
William Greene Roelker and Clarkson A. Collins, III (1949).
One Hundred Fifty Years of Providence Washington Insurance
Company, 1799-1949. (Providence, RI: The Company, 153 p.).
Providence Washington Insurance Company.
(Provident Life and Accident), John Longwith
Provident: A Centennial History: The Story of Provident Life and
Accident Insurance Company. (Chattanooga, TN: The
Company, 169 p.). Provident Life and Accident Insurance Company
(Chattanooga, Tenn.)--History; Insurance, Life--United
States--History; Insurance, Accident--United States--History.
(Provincial), Oliver M. Westall (1992).
The Provincial Insurance Company 1903-1938: Family, Markets, and
Competitive Growth. (New York, NY: Manchester University
Press, 465 p.). Provincial Insurance Company; Insurance--Great
(Prudential Assurance Co.), R. W. Barnard
A Century of Service: The Story of the Prudential 1848-1948.
(London, UK: Prudential Assurance Co., 148 p.). Prudential
Assurance Company--History; Insurance--Great Britain--History.
History of the Prudential Insurance Company.
(Prudential Assurance Co.), Laurie Dennett
A Sense of Security: 150 Years of Prudential.
(Cambridge, UK: Granta Editions, 438 p.). Prudential Assurance
Company--History; Insurance--Great Britain--History.
(Prudential), Earl Chapin May and Will Oursler
The Prudential: A Story of Human Security. (Garden City,
NY: Doubleday, 372 p.). Prudential Insurance Company of America,
Newark, N.J.
(Prudential), William H. A. Carr (1975).
From Three Cents a Week ...: The Story of the Prudential
Insurance Company of America. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 316 p.). Prudential Insurance Company of America,
Newark, N.J.
(Prudential), Laurie Dennett (1998).
A Sense of Security: 150 Years of Prudential.
(Cambridge, UK: Granta Editions, 438 p.). Prudential Assurance
Company--History; Insurance--Great Britain--History.
(Refuge Assurance Company), Cyril Clegg
Friend in Deed: The History of a Life Assurance Office from 1858
as the Refuge Friend in Deed Life Assurance and Sick Fund
Friendly Society to 1958 as the Refuge Assurance Company Limited.
(Toronto, ON: Stone and Cox Limited, 160 p.). Refuge Assurance
(Royal Exchange Assurance), Barry Supple
The Royal Exchange Assurance; a History of British Insurance
1720-1970 (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 584
p.). Royal Exchange Assurance; Insurance--Great
(Royal London Mutual Insurance Society
Limited), Walter Gore Allen (1961).
We the Undersigned: A History of the Royal London Mutual
Insurance Society Limited and Its Times, 1861-1961.
(London, UK: Newman Neame, 809 p.). Royal London Mutual
Insurance Society Limited.
(Salvation Army Assurance Society Ltd.),
Bernard Watson (1968).
A Unique Society A History of the Salvation Army Assurance
Society Limited. (London, UK: Salvationist Publishing &
Supplies, 135 p.). Salvation Army Assurance Society Limited.
(Scottish Provident Institution), Maurice
Lindsay (1987).
Count All Men Mortal: A History of Scottish Provident 1837-1987.
(Edinburgh, Scotland: Canongate, 224 p.). Scottish Provident
Institution; Great Britain Insurance companies.
(Scottish Union & National Insurance Company),
W. Forbes Gray (1924).
A Brief Chronicle of the Scottish Union & National Insurance
Company, 1824-1924. (Edinburgh, Scotland: H. & J.
Pillans & Wilson, 192 p.). Scottish Union & National Insurance
Company; Insurance companies -- Scotland -- History.
(SECURA Insurance Companies), SECURA Insurance
Companies (2000). Milestones & Memories: Seasons of Change--
SECURA's 100-Year Journey. (Appleton, WI: SECURA Insurance
Companies, 104 p.). SECURA Insurance Companies--History;
Insurance companies--United States--History.
(Security Benefit Life Insurance Company),
Dean L. Smith (1979).
A Nickel a Month. (St. Louis, MO: MidAmerica Pub., 239
p.). Security Benefit Life Insurance Company--History.
(Security Industrial Insurance Co.), E.J.
Ourso with Dan Marin (2001).
Dreaming Impossible Dreams: Reflections of an Entrepreneur.
(Lafayette, LA: Acadian House, 175 p.). Ourso, E. J., 1923- ;
Millionaires--United States--Biography; Businesspeople--United
States--Biography; Philanthropists--United States--Biography.
(Sedgwick Group plc), James Bishop (1998).
The Sedgwick Story. (London, UK: Sedgwick Group plc, 144
p.). Sedgwick Group plc; insurance -- Great Britain; Insurance
-- marine. History
of Segwick’s, from foundation of company in 1879 until taken
over by Marsh and McLennan in 1997.
(South British Insurance Company), C. W.
Vennell (1972). Risks and Rewards, A Policy of Enterprise
1872-1972; A Centennial History of the South British Insurance
Company Limited. (Auckland, NZ: Wilson and Horton for the
Company, 368 p.). South British Insurance Company.
(Standard Life), Michael S. Moss (2000).
Standard Life, 1825-2000: The Building of Europe's Largest
Mutual Life Company. (Edinburgh, UK: Mainstream Pub.,
431 p.). Standard Life Assurance Company (Edinburgh,
Scotland)--History; Insurance companies--Scotland--History;
Insurance, Life--Scotland--History.
(State Farm), Karl Schriftgiesser (1955).
The Farmer from Merna; A Biography of George J. Mecherle and a
History of the State Farm Insurance Companies of Bloomington,
Illinois. (New York, NY: Random House, 243 p.).
Mecherle, George Jacob, 1877-1951; State Farm Mutual Automobile
Insurance Company; State Farm Life Insurance Company.
(Sun Insurance Office Ltd.), P. G. M. (Peter
George Muir) Dickson (1960).
The Sun Insurance Office 1710-1960; The History of Two and a
Half Centuries of British Insurance. (New York, NY:
Oxford University Press, 324 p.). Sun Insurance Office, Ltd.;
Insurance -- Great Britain -- history.
(Sun Life), Joseph Schull (1971).
The Century of the Sun; The First Hundred Years of Sun Life
Assurance Company of Canada. (Toronto, ON: Macmillan,
158 p.). Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.
(Supreme Life), Robert Christian Puth (1976).
Supreme Life: The History of a Negro Life Insurance Company.
(New York, NY: Arno Press, 293 p. [orig. pub. 1968]). Supreme
Life Insurance Company of America; Afro-American businesspeople.
(Time Insurance Company), Janet Ellen Raasch
(1992). With Time on Our Side: A Centennial History of Time
Insurance Company. (Milwaukee, WI: Milwaukee County
Historical Society, 127 p.). Time Insurance Company--History.
(Toplis and Harding Group), David Wainwright
In the Wake of Disaster: 200 Years of the Toplis and Harding
Group. (London, UK: Quiller, 173 p.). Toplis and Harding
Group; Insurance History Great Britain.
(Transamerica), George H. Koster with E.
Elizabeth Summers (1978).
The Transamerica Story: 50 Years of Service and Looking Forward.
(San Francisco, CA: Transamerica Corp., 95 p.). Transamerica
Corporation--History; Bank holding companies--United
States--History; Financial services industry--United
(Union Central Life Insurance), The Company
(1917). Union Central Life Insurance Company, 1867-1917.
(Cincinnati, OH: The Company, 102 p.). Union Central Life
Insurance Company.
(Union Mutual Life Insurance Company), George
Stuyvesant Jackson (1964).
A Maine Heritage; The History of the Union Mutual Life Insurance
Company. (Portland, ME: The Author, 221 p.).
University of Maine at Portland. Union Mutual Life Insurance
Company (Portland, Me.); Insurance companies -- Maine --
(USAA), Edward C. Dunn (1970).
USAA: Life Story of a Business Cooperative. (New York,
NY: McGraw-Hill, 492 p.). USAA.
(USAA), Paul T. Ringenbach (1997).
USAA: A Tradition of Service, 1922-1997. (Dallas, TX:
Donning Co., 580 p.). USAA; Insurance, Automobile--United
States; Insurance companies--United States--History; United
States--Armed Forces--Officers--Finance, Personal.
(USF&G), Russ Banham (1996).
Legacy & Leadership: USF&G's First Century. (Lyme, CT:
Greenwich Pub. Group, 111 p.). United States Fidelity and
Guaranty Company--History; Insurance, Surety and
fidelity--Maryland--Baltimore--History; Insurance
(Western and Southern Life), Gerald E. Moore
Making an Idea Succeed: The Western-Southern Story.
(Cincinnati, OH: Western and Southern Life Insurance Co., 177
p.). Western and Southern Life Insurance Company--History;
Insurance companies--Ohio--Cincinnati--History.
(Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Co.),
Farrar Newberry (1914). Life and Speeches of Joseph Cullen
Root, and The Glories of Perfected Woodcraft. (Arkadelphia,
AR: The Siftings Herald Printing Co., 183 p.). Root, Joseph
Cullen, 1844-1913; Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Co.
(Wright), Philip Green Wright and Elizabeth Q.
Wright (1937). Elizur Wright; The Father of Life Insurance.
(Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 380 p.). Wright,
Elizur, 1804-1885.
(Wright), Lawrence B. Goodheart (1990).
Abolitionist, Actuary, Atheist: Elizur Wright and the Reform
Impulse. (Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 282
p.). Wright, Elizur, 1804-1885; Abolitionists--United
States--Biography; Actuaries--United States--Biography;
Atheists--United States--Biography; Antislavery
movements--United States; Insurance, Life--United
States--History--19th century.
Alborn (2009).
Regulated Lives: Life Insurance and British Society,
1800-1914. (Toronto,
ON, University of Toronto Press, 439 p.). Professor in the
Department of History (Lehman College, City University of
New York). Life insurance --Social aspects --Great Britain
--History --19th century' Life insurance --Great Britain
--History --19th century; Great Britain --Social conditions
--19th century; Great Britain --Civilization --19th
century. British life insurance
industry's changing assessments of values, risks of human
life between 1800 and 1914; how Victorian ideas about lived
experience altered both to accommodate, resist elements of
modernity; Victorian life insurance companies' customers
were consuming subjects, objectified abstractions; how salesmen, actuaries, doctors utilized their
differing conceptions of what various aspects of people's
lives meant.
John Bainbridge (1952).
Biography of an Idea: The Story of Mutual Fire and Casualty
Insurance. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 381 p.).
Insurance, Fire--United States--History; Insurance,
Casualty--United States--History.
Robert L. Carter
and Peter Falush (2009).
The British Insurance Industry Since 1900: The Era of
Transformation. (Basingstoke, UK, Palgrave
Macmillan, 236 p.). Emeritus Professor of Insurance Studies
(University of Nottingham, UK); Consultant, Journalist.
Insurance --Great Britain --History --20th century; Insurance
--Great Britain --History --21st century.
Fast-changing shape of distribution system, role of state,
shifting boundaries of insurability, risk transfer; life and
general insurance, reinsurance, changing pattern of legislation
and regulation.
Joseph W. Eaton and David J. Eaton; with a
foreword by Tom Miller (2007).
The American Title Insurance Industry: How a Cartel Fleeces the
American Consumer. (New York, NY: New York University
Press, 287 p.). Professor Emeritus of Economic and Social
Development Studies (University of Pittsburgh); Bess Harris
Jones Centennial Professor of Natural Resources Policy Studies
(University of Texas at Austin). Insurance, Title--United
States; Title companies--United States. Cartel-like arrangement:
anticompetitive business practices (price-fixing, excessive
prices relative to risk of defect, location); federal, most
state governments perpetuate industry unfair practices.
James Fleming (1986). Merchants of Fear: An
Investigation of Canada's Insurance Industry. (New York, NY:
Viking, 409 p.). Insurance--Canada; Insurance companies--Canada.
Eric D. Gerst (2008).
Vulture Culture: Dirty Deals, Unpaid Claims, and the Coming
Collapse of the Insurance Industry. (New York, NY: New
York : American Management Association, 256 p.). Insurance
Lawyer. Insurance--Corrupt practices--United States; Insurance
law--United States. Exposé
of industry: widespread corruption, inconsistent state
regulation, inability (often unwillingness) of federal
government to protect rights of denied claimants; bid-rigging,
fraudulent commissions, secret payoffs, abuses, ominous new
trends. Industry on brink of collapse.
Burton J. Hendrick (1907). The Story of
Life Insurance. (New York, NY: McClure, Phillips & Co., 296
p.). Insurance, Life. [from old catalog]; Insurance,
Life--United States--History. [from old catalog].
Morton Keller (1963).
The Life Insurance Enterprise, 1885-1910; A Study in the
Limits of Corporate Power. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 338 p.). Insurance companies--United States.
Mackie (1956).
Facile Princeps: The Story of the Beginning of Life Insurance in
America. (Lancaster, PA: Presbyterian Ministers’ Fund,
292 p.). Presbyterian Ministers’ Fund; Insurance, Life--United
E. J. Moorhead (1989).
Our Yesterdays: The History of the Actuarial Profession in North
America, 1809-1979. (Schaumberg, IL: Society of
Actuaries, 437 p.). Actuaries--United States--History;
Sharon A. Murphy (2010).
Investing in Life: Insurance in Antebellum America.
(Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 395 p.).
Associate Professor of History (Providence College). Life
insurance -- United States -- History -- 19th century; Insurance
companies -- United States -- History -- 19th century; United
States -- Economic conditions -- To 1865. Evolution of
corporate strategies for marketing and organization, ambivalent
popular responses to life insurance, especially among urban
middle class; insurance as business and social phenomenon; how
insurance companies positioned themselves within marketplace,
calculated risks associated with disease, intemperance,
occupational hazard, war, battled fraud, murder and suicide;
role of consumers, their reasons for purchasing life insurance,
perceptions of industry, how their desires, demands shaped
ultimate product.
John E. Murray (2007).
Origins of American Health Insurance: A History of Industrial
Sickness Funds. (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press,
336 p.). Professor of Economics (University of Toledo).
Insurance, Health--United States--History; Sick leave--United
States--History; Absenteeism (Labor)--United States.
History of health insurance in U.
S. from roots in 19th-century sickness funds (offered by
industrial employers, fraternal organizations, labor unions) to
rise of group plans (Blue Cross and Blue Shield) in mid-20th
century; workings of industrial sickness funds suggest that
workers rejected plans for compulsory state insurance because
they were largely content with existing private plans, thus no
movement to establish universal health insurance.
Kenneth D. Myers (1995).
False Security: Greed & Deception in America's
Multibillion-Dollar Insurance Industry. (Amherst, NY:
Prometheus Books, 288 p.). Insurance crimes--United States--Case
studies; Insurance--Corrupt practices--United States--Case
Terence O'Donnell (1936).
History of Life Insurance in Its Formative Years; Compiled from
Approved Sources. (Chicago, IL: American Conservation
Company, 844 p.). Insurance, Life--History.
Robin Pearson (2004).
Insuring the Industrial Revolution: Fire Insurance in Great
Britain, 1700-1850. (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 434 p.).
Professor of Economic History (Hull University). Insurance,
Fire--Great Britain--History. Definitive history of the British
fire and property insurance industry through the middle of the
nineteenth century.
Ed. Robin Pearson (2010).
The Development of International Insurance. (London,
UK: Pickering & Chatto Ltd, 261 p.). Professor of Economic
History (University of Hull). Insurance industry -- history.
Nine international experts cover extensive
geographical, thematic spread of national insurance
industries; 19th century - grew to maturity on global scale;
First World War - wave of new insurance products had swept
across world; insurance pooled huge variety of complex risks,
enabled production, consumption of goods that would otherwise
not be produced or consumed; achieved net welfare gains for both
developing, more advanced economies.
Guillaume Plantin, Jean-Charles Rochet (2007).
When Insurers Go Bust: An Economic Analysis of the Role and
Design of Prudential Regulation. (Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 112 p.). Assistant Professor of
Finance (London Business School); Professor of Mathematics and
Economics (University of Toulouse), Visiting Professor of
Finance (London School of Economics). Economics; Finance;
Insurance -- regulation. Economic analysis of regulation of insurance industry; current
approach to insurance regulation should be replaced with
mechanisms that replicate governance of non-financial firms.
Wendell Potter (2010).
Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How
Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans.
(New York, NY: Bloomsbury Press, 288 p.). Senior Fellow on
Health Care for the Center for Media and Democracy, Former
Senior Vice President, Head of Public Relations for CIGNA.
Health insurance --United States; Insurance companies --Public
relations --United States; Insurance, Health --economics
--United States; Delivery of Health Care --economics --United
States; Health Care Reform --economics --United States; Health
Care Sector --economics --United States; Public Relations
--economics --United States. From health
care executive to outspoken reform advocate; how huge chunk of
healthcare spending bankrolls propaganda campaign, lobbying
effort focused on protecting profits; health care legislation
makes no attempt to change fundamental problem; how relentless
PR assaults play insidious role in political process.
J. Owen Stalson (1942). Marketing Life
Insurance: Its History in America. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 911 p.). Insurance, Life--United States; Life
insurance agents.
Mildred F. Stone (1960).
The Teacher Who Changed an Industry; a Biography of Dr. Solomon
S. Huebner of the University of Pennsylvania. (Homewood,
IL: Dow Jones-Irwin, 393 p.). Huebner, S. S. (Solomon Stephen),
1882-1964; Insurance--Study and teaching.
--- (1963). A Calling and Its College; A
History of the American College of Life Underwriters.
(Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin, 425 p.). American College of
Life Underwriters.
Andrew Tobias (1982).
The Invisible Bankers: Everything the Insurance Industry Never
Wanted You to Know. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 336
p.). Insurance--United States; Insurance companies--United
Ed. Oliver M. Westall (1984).
The Historian and the Business of Insurance. (Dover, NH:
Manchester University Press, 196 p.). Insurance--Great
Britain--History; Insurance, Fire--Great Britain--History;
Insurance, Life--Great Britain--History;
JoAnne Yates (2005).
Structuring the Information Age: Life Insurance and Technology
in the Twentieth Century. (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 368 p.). Distinguished Professor of Management
(MIT Sloan School of Management). Insurance, Life--United
States--History; Insurance, Life--Technological innovations.
How life insurance
companies (good record-keeping, repeated use of massive amounts
of data) adopted, shaped information processing technology
through most of 20th century.
Viviana A. Rotman Zelizer (1983).
Morals and Markets: The Development of Life Insurance in the
United States. (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books,
208 p. [orig. pub. 1979]). Insurance, Life--United
States--History; Insurance, Life--Social aspects--United
Business History Links
Insurance Hall of Fame
Induction into the Insurance Hall of Fame is the highest honor
awarded to individuals in the insurance industry. Created in
1957, the Insurance Hall of Fame honors those throughout the
world who have exercised substantial influence on the industry
for the benefit of society. Laureates of the Insurance Hall of
Fame have created lasting and significant ideas that have
expanded the industry. Founded by Dr. John Bickley, Emeritus
Professor of Insurance, The University of Alabama, USA and it
was first created at the Griffith Foundation for Insurance
Education in Ohio. Today, the Hall of Fame is administered by
the International Insurance Society, Inc., a non-profit
educational group of some 800 insurance executives from around
the world.