Food - Part 2
610 A.D. -
Pretzels originated in Southern France or Northern Italy; young
monk prepared unleavened bread for Lent (Christian period of
fasting and penitence before Easter) in shape of Christians'
praying - arms folded across chests, each hand on opposite
shoulder; twisted leftover dough into this shape, used as treat
for children to recite their prayers; named twisted bread
'pretiola' (Latin for 'little reward'); form
became symbol of good luck, long life, prosperity.
June 4, 1070
- Roquefort cheese created in cave near Roquefort, France.
July 28, 1586
- Sir Thomas Harriot introduced potatoes to Europe.
November 16, 1620
- Sixteen hungry Pilgrims, led by Myles Standish,
William Bradford, Stephen Hopkins, Edward Tilley, discovered
first corn (maize) in U.S. in Provincetown, MA (named it Corn
Hill); food previously harvested by local Indian tribe; provided
much needed supply of food which saw Pilgrims through first
Winter in New World.
- Mogi family started making soy sauce in Japan;
1861 - Mogi-Takanashi
families established Kikkoman;
August 13, 1957 - Noda Shoyu Co., Ltd.
registered in U.S. "Kikkoman" trademark first used 1885 ("Kikko"
- "Hexagon," and "Man" - equivalent of English term "Ten
Thousand"; all-purpose sauce and seasoning-namely, soy in liquid
firm and Worcestershire sauce).
February 22, 1630 -
Quadequine, brother of Massasoit
introduced popcorn to English colonists (corn with
smaller kernels than regular corn, "pops" when heated over
flame); U.S. grows nearly all of world's popcorn.
April 10, 1633 - Thomas Johnson, of Snow
Hill, London, displayed bananas in shop window, first time on
sale in Britain; 1884
- Elder Dempster and Co. regularly imported bananas from Canary
Islands into Britain.
November 25, 1715 - Sybilla Masters
first American to be granted English patent, for processing
June 10, 1720 - Mrs. Clements, of
Durham, England marketed first paste-style mustard (biting-hot
mustard powder); found way to mill heart of seed to fine flour;
became standard method of processing seed for use as spice, in
cooking, prepared mustards.
1728 - Walter Churchman started
apothecary business in Bristol, England;
1729 - granted Letters Patent by George
II for a chocolate making process;
1761 - Quaker, Doctor Joseph Fry, purchased
patent and recipes from Charles Churchman (son);
1787 - business
passed to wife and son, Joseph Storrs Fry; named J.S. Fry &
Sons, oldest chocolate firm in Britain;
1847 - Fry's chocolates factory molded
first "chocolate bar".
April 14, 1757 - Benjamin Jackson,
chocolate and flour of mustard maker, advertised mustard
for sale for first time in America in Philadelphia Gazette.
March 8, 1765 - John Hannon, financed by James
Baker, began producing one of first North American-made
chocolate products, using water power, in Dorchester, MA;
May 16, 1771 -
Baker prepared to go into chocolate business on his own, bought
what is believed to be his first order of cocoa beans;
July 2, 1772 - made
first recorded sale of chocolate;
1779 - Hannon lost at sea on cacao bean buying
trip to West Indies; 1780
- Baker bought out John Hannon's widow, took over full ownership
of business, produced first known chocolate branded as
"Baker's"; 1791 -
Edmund Baker (son, 21) entered into partnership;
1806 - built first
Baker family mill for chocolate, grist, cloth;
1818 - Walter Baker
(grandson) became partner; 1824
- took over; 1852 -
employee Sam German created Baker's German Sweet Chocolate;
1854 - Walter Baker
estate trustees appointed Henry Pierce (nephew) to run company;
1883 - adopted La
Belle Chocolatiere (by Swiss artist Jean-Etienne Liotard) as
Baker's official company trademark;
1884 - Pierce obtained full ownership of
Walter Baker & Company from Baker estate trustees;
1895 - incorporated
as Walter Baker & Company, Ltd.;
1896 - acquired by Forbes Syndicate for $4.75
million; July 4, 1905
- registered La Belle Chocolatiere design first used in 1877
(Colonial dress, women wearing; Hoop skirts);
August 21, 1906 -
registered "Baker's" trademark first used in October 1836 cocoa,
chocolate, [broma] and cocoa preparations);
July 12, 1921 - registered "German's"
trademark first used in January 1910 (sweet chocolate);
1927 - acquired by
Potsum Company (General Foods);
1989 - acquired by Kraft Foods.
1777 - Maurice Grey, who had developed a secret
recipe for a strong mustard made with white wine, formed a
partnership with Auguste Poupon, who supplied the financial
backing to manufacture the product, in Dijon, France; introduced
first automatic mustard machines.
May 12, 1777 - Philip Lenzi, London
confectioner, ran first advertisement for ice cream in U.S. in
New York Gazette; announced his selling of various confections,
including ice cream.
June 8, 1786 - Mr. Hall of 76 Chatham Street
(now Park Row) advertised first commercially-made ice cream in
the U.S. (George Washington's expense ledger, of May 17, 1784,
recorded purchase of "a cream machine for ice" [non-commercial
production of ice-cream]).
1790 - Henry Wood, of Henry Wood & Son,
commission merchant (wholesaler), distributed flour brought by
English ships to Long Wharf in Boston's harbor;
1838 - Henry Wood
and partner, George J. Cook, bought Richards and Co., flour
company; 1840 -
John Low Sands joined company started as a salesman, became part
owner; 1895 - Orin
E. Sands (youngest son of John Low Sands), Mark C. Taylor,
George E. Wood owned company in limited partnership; renamed
Sands, Taylor & Wood Co. (ST & W);
October 1896 - introduced King Arthur Flour
('Never Bleached, Never Bromated') at Boston Food Fair; made of
only hard, red, spring wheat from Minnesota and Canada;
high-protein wheat produced more gluten, absorbed moisture
better, made yeast-baked goods rise better, kept baked goods
fresher for longer time; July 1,
1904 - incorporated as Sands, Taylor & Wood Co.;
1917 - Frank Edgar
Sands (Ben's son) took over Presidency upon Orin's death;
1944 - Walter Sands
(Frank's son) elected ST & W president;
1967 - Edgar Sands II (Walter's son)
became president; acquisitions made ST & W largest New England
distributor of bakery supplies;
1990 - published mail-order catalog under title
The Baker's Catalogue; 1996
- Sands Family established an employee stock-ownership plan;
1998 - Catalogue
mailed to some 3.5 million people, accounted for $10 million in
sales; July 1, 1999
- name changed to The King Arthur Flour Company; oldest flour
company, earliest food company in New England.
February 2, 1795 - Nicholas Appert, French chef
who invented way to can food, won prize of 12,000 francs offered
by French government for method of preserving, transporting food
to its armies; developed method of heating food in airtight
glass jars.
February 14, 1803 - Moses Coates, of Coatsville,
PA, received a patent for a "Machine for Paring Apples."
November 13, 1805 - Johann Georg Lehner, German
butcher from Frankfurt living in Vienna, Austria, created
sausage with mixture of beef and pork (allowed in Austria);
Austrians called sausage 'Frankfurter' (created by someone from
Frankfurt); called Wiener elsewhere (invented in Vienna).
1807 - Frederick C. and William Havemeyer,
former employees of Edmund Seaman and Company sugar boiler
business, founded William & F. C. Havemeyer Company, sugarhouse,
on Van Dam Street in Manhattan;
1855 - Frederick C. Havemeyer, Jr., relocated
sugarhouse to Williamsburg, Brooklyn;
1857 - operated as Havemeyer, Townsend &
Co.; 1863 - name
changed to Havemeyers & Elder Sugar Refining Co. (Joseph L.
Elder, son-in-law); December 1887
- Henry O. Havemeyer (son of Frederick, Jr.) formed Sugar
Refineries Company ("Sugar Trust"), consolidated 18 major
refiners in Brooklyn, NY controlling 80% of industry capacity
(Havemeyers & Elder, DeCastro & Donner, Brooklyn Sugar Refining,
Dick & Meyer, Moller, Sierck);
March 1889 - acquired American Sugar Refinery
(former Bay Sugar Refining Company founded by Claus Spreckels in
1864); January 10, 1891
- American Sugar Refining Co. incorporated;
October 8, 1901 - American Sugar
Refining Co. registered "Domino" trademark first used August 1,
1900 (hard sugar); November 1910
- U. S. Government sued for dissolution of American Sugar
Refining Company for restraint of trade - reduced competition,
increased sugar prices, lost employment (controlled about 75% of
refined sugar industry of United States);
December 29, 1921 - anti-trust case
settled by consent decree (industry control reduced to 24%);
1970 - American
Sugar changed name to Amstar Corp.;
1988 - acquired by Tate & Lyle.
Henry O. Havemeyer
- American Sugar Refining
April 17, 1810 - Lewis Mills Norton, of Goshen,
CT, received a patent for a "Vat for Pineapple Cheese".
1814 - Jeremiah Colman, flour miller, took over
mustard manufacturing business based on river Tas, four miles
south of Norwich, UK; 1823
- took adopted nephew, James, into partnership in new firm;
named J & J Colman; 1866
- introduced red and yellow livery to label; granted Royal
Warrant as manufacturers to Queen Victoria;
1938 - merged with Reckitt & Sons;
renamed Reckitt & Colman; March 26,
1974 - registered in U.S. "Colman's Mustard"
trademark first used 1948 (mustard);
1995 - acquired by Unilever.
Jeremiah Colman
- Colman's Mustard
1815 - Casparus van Houten established chocolate
factory; 1828 -
received a patent for Van Houten cocoa press to separate cocoa
solids from cocoa butter to make cocoa powder; Coenraad Johannes
Van Houten created process to treat cocao powder with alkaline
salts to remove bitter taste, allow cocoa powder to mix more
easily with water (called "Dutch process" chocolate); inventions
by father and son led to 19th-century mass production,
consumption of chocolate, put Dutch at forefront of cocoa
processing; April 3, 1906
- C. J. Van Houten & Zoon registered "Van Houten" trademark
first used in 1852 (cocoa).
Coenraad Johannes Van Houten
- Van Houten cocoa
February 3, 1815 - World's first commercial
cheese factory established in Kiesen, canton of Berne,
Switzerland (first cheese production facility opened in 1802 in
Howfil; only about 200 pounds of cheese exported from
Switzerland in 1810); 1900
- about 2,600 cheese factories in Switzerland.
1818 - Johann Peter Gottlieb Bunge founded Bunge
& Co. in Amsterdam, Netherlands as import/export trading
business; 1859 -
Edouard Bunge (grandson) relocated company to Antwerp, Belgium
(one of world's leading commodities traders);
1884 - expanded to
South America; Ernest Bunge (grandson) founded Bunge y Born in
Argentina; 1905 -
entered wheat milling business in Brazil;
1918 - entered North American market;
1923 - established
Bunge North American Grain Corporation;
1935 - purchased first sizable grain
facility, Midway, rail terminal in Minneapolis, MN;
1943 - name changed
to Bunge Corporation; 1945
- first export of Brazilian soybeans (largest exporter of
agricultural products in 2008);
1961 - opened export grain-handling elevator in
Louisiana (centerpiece of U.S. export business);
1987 - acquired
Carlin Food Corp. (served retail, wholesale bakers, foodservice
operators, food processors);
1997-2004 - largest fertilizer producer, soy
processor in South America; 1998
- built largest soybean crushing, refining plant in U.S. in
Iowa; 1999 - moved
headquarters to White Plains, NY;
2001 - went public;
2002 - world's largest soy processor,
supplier of bottled oils to consumers;
June 23, 2008 - announced acquisition of
Corn Products International (fourth-largest maker of
high-fructose corn syrup in U.S.) for $4.4. billion (foothold in
syrups, sweeteners business); third largest agribusiness company
in U. S. by revenue (Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland).
1822 - Englishman William Underwood set up small
condiment business on Boston's Russia Wharf;
1836 - started
packing his products in tin canisters (cans);
1868 - Underwood's
sons began experimenting with new product created from ground
ham blended with special seasonings; called process "deviling"
(new way to cook, prepare ham, unique taste);
1870 - company
registered Underwood devil logo trademark;
1895 - advertising with little red devil
began to appear nationally; May 23,
1939 - William Underwood Company registered
"Underwood" trademark first used June 1, 1937 (canned deviled
ham); 2006 - oldest
existing trademark still in use in United States.
January 1, 1823 - John Wheeley Lea, William
Henry Perrins, of Worcester, UK, formed partnership;
August 28, 1837 -
began to produce Worcestershire Sauce commercially;
May 31, 1892 - Lea
& Perrins Firm registered "Lea & Perrins Worchestershire Sauce"
trademark; 1904 -
granted rare Royal Warrant by King Edward VII;
1916 - granted The
Spanish Royal Warrant by King of Spain;
June 11, 1930 - acquired by HP Foods.
1824 - John Cadbury (22), former apprentice to
tea dealer in Leeds, UK, opened grocer's shop in Birmingham,
England; sold cocoa, drinking chocolate;
1831 - began to manufacture on
commercial scale; 1842
- sold 16 lines of drinking chocolate, cocoa in cake and powder
forms; 1847 -
Benjamin Cadbury (brother) made partner (dissolved in 1856),
name changed to Cadbury Brothers;
mid-1850s - Prime Minister William Gladstone
reduced taxes on imported cocoa beans;
February 4, 1854 - received first Royal
Warrant as 'manufacturers of cocoa and chocolate to Queen
Victoria'; 1861 -
George (21) and Richard (25) Cadbury (sons) took over;
1866 - introduced
new cocoa press process to remove some of cocoa butter from
beans, produce less rich, more palatable cocoa essence (no need
to add flour); helped turn small business into worldwide
company; 1897 -
introduced its first milk chocolate;
1899 - became private limited company,
renamed Cadbury Brothers Limited;
1905 - introduced 'Dairy Milk' brand (company's
best selling line in Britain by 1913, brand market leader in
mid-1920s); 1919 -
merged with J. S. Fry & Sons of Bristol, UK (introduced
'Chocolate Cream', plain chocolate bar with white fondant center
in 1853); 1962 -
re-organized, renamed Cadbury Limited, went public;
1964 - expanded
into sugar confectionery; 1969
- merged with Schweppes, renamed Cadbury Schweppes;
May 7, 2008 -
separated beverage business from confection business, focused on
confection; February 2010
- acquired by Kraft Foods Inc. for about $19.5 billion; created
world's largest confectioner (more than $500 billion in sales).
John Cadbury
- Cadbury Group
1824 - Crowley family began making cheese in
kitchen in Healdville, VT; 1882
- Winfield Crowley built present-day factory, Crowley Cheese
started to reach shores of Maine, streets of Manhattan;
January 24, 1893 -
Crowley Foods, Inc. registered "Crowley" trademark first used
February 24, 1969 (dairy products); believed to be oldest
existing cheese factory in Western Hemisphere.
Winfield Crowley
- Crowley Cheese
January 19, 1825 - Ezra Daggett, Thomas
Kensett (nephew) of New York City, received a patent for
"Preserving Animal Substances"; food storage in cans (had
introduced method for canned salmon, oysters, lobsters in 1819;
tin cans had been used by military, explorers in Europe since
1813 but their development did not start until after Civil War).
1827 - John Morrell & Co. founded in Bradford,
Yorkshire, England; local woolcomber George Morrell bought barge
load of oranges in local canal with 80 pound bequest left to his
wife by an uncle; sold oranges at profit in streets of Bradford;
started business in produce, butter, eggs, cheese, bacon, hams;
1864 - U.S.-based
operations established in New York;
December 1967 - acquired by AMK
Corporation; 1970 -
merged with United Fruit, renamed United Brands;
December 1995 -
acquired by Smithfield Foods for $60 million; considered to be
the oldest continuously operating meat manufacturer in the U.S.
1828 - Baker Alfred Wyman made first Westminster
Crackers in Westminster, MA; 1842
- built cracker factory; barrel of "seconds" near front door
offered free samples to residents, visitors;
1891 - acquired by
Charles Dawley, Frank Battles, Herman Shepard (Dawley & Shepard,
Inc.); 1968 -
breadcrumb business acquired by Pillsbury (ceased baking in
Westminster, MA); cracker business remained with Dawley family;
1989 - resumed
cracker manufacture in Rutland, VT;
January 23, 1990 - Westminster Cracker
company, Inc. registered "Westminster Crackers" trademark first
used in 1890 (crackers); 1999
- 61% control acquired by Cains Foods, LP through acquisition of
Olde Cape Cod Food Products; 2008
- fifth generation management.
1833 - AJ & RG Barber began farming, making
cheese at Maryland Farm in Ditcheat, Somerset, UK; incorporated;
sold milk from farm locally, used cheese to feed family, farm
workers; 2010 -
Barber farms comprise 10 farms, 2500 acres of prime Somerset
dairy land, home to some 2,000 dairy cows; sixth generation
management (cousins); Britain's oldest cheese-making family.
August 14, 1834 - Jacob Perkins, of Newburyport,
MA, received British patent for "Improvement in the Apparatus
and Means for Producing Ice, and in Cooling Fluids" ("volatile
fluid for the purpose of producing the cooling and freezing ...
and yet at the same time condensing such volatile fluids, and
bringing them into operation without waste"); refrigerating
machine; vapor-compression machine using sulphuric ether
compression in a closed cycle.
1838 - Carl Heinrich Knorr built factory in
Heilbronn, Germany, to dry, grind chicory for coffee trade;
developed process for dried soups (preserved natural values of
ingredients, flavors, reduced cooking times);
1873 - KNORR
Company began packaging, selling soup mixes in food shops;
1899 - C.H. KNORR
A.G. went public; 1908
- introduced European sauce mix.
1912 - introduced bouillon cube;
1947 - near
bankruptcy (demand immense, quality eroded);
1948 - substituted
liquid brown seasoning with Glutamate (eliminated former factory
taste); reduced cooking times from 30 to 5-10 minutes; replaced
cardboard package with hermetically sealed aluminum pouch
(protected product against humidity, other taste influences);
launched chicken noodle soup (sold 6.4 million servings in first
7 months); 1957 -
KNORR products (bouillons, soups, sauces, entree mixes)
available in eight countries around world:
April 1958 - acquired by CPC
International Inc.; September 22,
1959 - KNORR Nahrmittel Aktiengesellschaft,
Thayngen Corporation registered "Knorr" trademark first used
October 23, 1913 (dehydrated, granulated, concentrated [and
canned] coups and broths, [flours,] seasonings-to wit, [vinegar,
mustard, table salt and] seasoned salt, [tapioca, oat flakes
and] bouillon and vegetable cubes);
2000 - products sold in 87 countries;
October 2000 -
acquired by Unilever (largest brand);
2002 - introduced frozen meals,
mealkits, vegetable products, snacks.
Carl Heinrich Knorr
- Knorr soups
March 12, 1841 - Orlando Jones (City Road,
England) received first U.S. patent for "Improvement in the
Manufacture of Starch" ("new and useful improvements in the
treating or operating on farinaceous matters to obtain starch
and other products, and in the manufacture of starch"); used
alkali to speed up starch making process (corn starch);
shortened production time, increased yield, left by-products in
a condition suitable for further uses.
1842 - Stephen F. Whitman (19) founded Stephen
F. Whitman & Son "confectionery and fruiterer shoppe" on Market
Street near the Philadelphia waterfront;
1854 - introduced first prepackaged
Whitman's candy (box of sugar plums adorned with curlicues and
rosebuds); first packaged confection in printed, marked box;
December 29, 1860 -
ran first newspaper advertisement;
1888 - Horace F. Whitman (son) took over;
April 3, 1906 -
Stephen F. Whitman registered "Whitman's" trademark first used
in 1842 (candies and chocolates of all descriptions);
1907 - established
own national sales organization for direct distribution to
dealers on national level; 1909
- incorporated; 1912
- introduced Whitman's Sampler, first use of cellophane by candy
industry; March 24, 1914
- registered "Whitman's Sampler Chocolates & Confections"
trademark first used January 1, 1912 (candy confections);
1915 - Sampler
become America's best-selling box of chocolates (still is);
early 1960s -
acquired by Pet, Inc.; 1978
- Pet acquired by IC Industries;
1991 - became permanent fixture in Smithsonian
Institution's National Museum of American History;
1993 - acquired by
Russell Stover Candies; America's oldest continuous producer of
boxed chocolates.
1842 - Samuel R. Mott founded Mott's in
Bouckville, New York; made cider with help of hitched horses
that plodded in circle, apples crushed between two large stone
drums at center of 'sweep', shoveled into crib with slatted
sides, packed in straw, pressed by three men leaning on lengthy
level that operated jack screw; golden juice ran off into tank
beneath, ready for bottling; 1900
- merged with W.B. Duffy Cider Company (Rochester, NY, also
founded 1842); March 20, 1923
- Duffy-Mott Company, Inc. registered "Mott's" trademark first
used (in another form) in 1850 (vinegar);
1929 - introduced series of new fruit
products, contributed more to growth than events of any prior
decade; 1930 -
launched apple sauce; 1933
- introduced prune juice, in collaboration with California Prune
and Apricot Growers Association (could be produced in apple
processing plants during off-season);
1936 - began to make jellies;
1938 - acquired by
American Brands, Inc.; 1982
- acquired by Cadbury-Schweppes
1842 - Thomas Kingsford, former superintendent
of William Colgate & Co. wheat-starch factory, isolated starch
from kernels of corn; perfected process, made pure laundry
starch from corn; 1846
- "T. Kingsford and Son", corn starch merchant, established in
Bergen, NJ; 1891 -
corn milling plant (later called Argo Manufacturing)
incorporated in Nebraska; 1892
- introduced ARGO Corn Starch; 1899
- Argo, Kingsford's, two other starch companies merged, formed
United Starch Company (forerunner of The Corn Products Refining
Co.); 1900 -
acquired by National Starch Co.;
1906 - became Corn Products Refining Co.;
January 26, 1915 -
registered "ARGO" trademark first used January 1, 1891 (corn
starch); October 19, 1915
- National Starch Co. registered "Kingsford's" trademark first
used in 1848 (corn starch).
Thomas Kingsford - Oswego
Starch Factory
August 26, 1843 - Norbert Rillieux, of New
Orleans, LA, received patent for a "Vacuum Pan" ("Improvement in
Sugar-Works"); December 10, 1846
- received patent for an "Evaporating Pan" ("Improvement in
Sugar-Making"); multiple effect vacuum sugar evaporator; device
revolutionized sugar processing; made it more efficient, faster,
much safer.
September 9, 1843 - Nancy M. Johnson, of
Philadelphia, PA, received a patent for an "Artificial Freezer"
("Improvement in the Art of Producing Artificial Ices").
1845 - David
Sprangli-Schwarz, confectioner, and Rudolf Sprangli-Ammann (son) owned small
confectionery shop in Marktgasse of Zurich's Old Town;
1892 - business
split between two sons (confectionery stores to David Robert,
chocolate factory to Johann Rudolf Sprangli-Schifferli);
1899 -
Sprangli-Schifferli converted company Chocolat Sprangli AG to
raise money; acquired option to acquire chocolate factory of
Rodolphe Lindt in Berne; name changed to to Aktiengesellschaft
Vereinigte Berner und Zarcher Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprangli
(option fully exercised in 1928);
July 9, 1912 - Aktiengesellschaft Vereinigte
Berner und Zarcher Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprangli
Corporation registered "Lindt" trademark first used in 1879
(chocolate candies); 1919-1946
- sales flat; 1947
- signed licensing agreement in Italy (Germany in 1950, France
in 1954); 1986 -
Lindt & Sprangli (USA) Inc. activated (founded in New York in
1925); went public; 1993
- acquisitions of former licensees completed; worldwide net
sales nearly 900 million Swiss Francs;
1994 - Kilchberg-based holding company
formed; all companies became wholly-owned subsidiaries of
Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprangli AG;
September 1997 - acquired Caffarel
(Torino, Italy); January 1998
- acquired Ghirardelli Chocolate Company (San Francisco, CA);
world-wide leader in premium quality chocolate segment in all
David Sprüngli-Schwarz, Rudolf
Sprüngli- Ammann
June 30, 1845 - Peter Cooper, of New York, NY,
received a patent for "Improvement in the Preparation of
Portable Gelatine" ("consists in making a transparent
concentrated or solidified jelly containing all the ingredients
fitting it for table use, in a portable form, and requiring only
the addition of a prescribed quantity of hot water to dissolve
it, when it may be poured into glasses or molds, and when cold
will be fit for use").
1847 - Oliver R. and Silas Edwin Chase founded
Chase and Company; November 14,
1871 - Oliver Rice Chase, of Boston, MA,
received a patent for an "Improvement in Machine for
Manufacturing Lozenges" ("...eminent advantages both as to
simplicity of construction and to the manner in which it
operates, and affords site of the paste prepatory to its being
cut into lozenges and discharged from the machine");
1901 - merged with
Forbes, Hayward and Company (1848), Wright and Moody (1856);
formed New England Confectionery Company (NECCO);
January 30, 1906 -
registered "NECCO Sweets" trademark first used June 1, 1904
1848 - Alonzo Richmond founded Richmond &
Company in Chicago, IL; agent for Onondaga Salt (Syracuse, NY);
1886 - Joy Morton,
J. Sterling Morton (son), Secretary of Agriculture under Grover
Cleveland, acquired majority interest; changed name to Joy
Morton & Company; 1910
- renamed Morton Salt Company; 1914
- introduced Morton Umbrella Girl to blue package of table salt;
March 30, 1915 -
registered "When It Rains It Pours" trademark first used
November 6, 1914 (salt); 1924
- developed iodized salt (contained 0.01% sodium iodide as
dietary supplement as iodine reduced incidence of goiter [major
swelling of thyroid gland in neck]);
May 17, 1949 - registered "Morton"
trademark first used June 15, 1912 (salt and meat and poultry
seasoning, the seasoning consisting of salt and spices);
1999 - acquired by
Rohm and Haas.
Joy Morton
- Morton Salt
May 30, 1848 - William G. Young, of Baltimore,
MD, received a patent for an "Ice Cream Freezer"; improvement
made freezer turn rapidly within the ice-tub as well as the
cream inside; designed to be used while both agitating the cream
and turning the freezer using the weighted top-mounted handle;
beating brought all cream in better contact with cold sides, air
trapped with motion made cream lighter.
September 23, 1848 - John B. Curtis started
first commercial chewing gum factory in Bangor, ME to produce
State of Maine Pure Spruce Gum; first commercially sold chewing
gum in U.S.; 1860 -
employed 200 people at facility in Portland, ME;
end of 19th century
- Maine spruce gum production peaked at 300,000 pounds a year.
John B. Curtis
- made first chewing-gum, in Maine
1849 - Samuel Northrup Castle, Amos Starr Cooke
of Boston formed partnership to run private storehouse (once the
missionary depository); 1851 - obtained licenses to sell
wholesale products (farm tools, sewing machines, medicine),
formed Castle & Cooke Corporation ("Kakela Me Kuke" in
Hawaiian); 1853 -
fourth largest company in Hawaii;
1894 - incorporated under laws of Hawaii;
1905 - organized
Sugar Factors Company, Ltd., to buy, sell, transport, arrange
for refining Hawaii's sugars; 1932
- acquired 21% ownership of Hawaiian Pineapple Company;
1961 - merged with
Dole Pineapple, Columbia River Packers (Bumble Bee);
1968 - acquired
Standard Fruit, second largest producer, importer of bananas;
1972 - established
Castle & Cooke Foods group (all food activities except sugar);
1985 - severe
financial problems, merged with Flexi-Van Corporation
(transportation equipment leasing company);
1991 - name changed to Dole Food
Company, Inc.; 1995
- separated food, real estate businesses: Dole Food Company,
Inc. as food producer, distributor; Castle & Cooke, Inc. as
developer, builder of residential real estate, resorts ,
commercial real estate; 2003
- Dole acquired by David H. Murdock.
Samuel Northrup Castle
- Castle & Cooke
1849 - Isidore Boudin established French bakery
in San Francisco (one of more than 60 in the city); continued
use of leavening bread with wild yeast starter ('mother dough');
combined ordinary sourdough yeast used by miners with
French-style loaf of bread; 1873
- home deliveries by horse-drawn wagon; 1900 - introduced
motorized delivery trucks; 1910
- Charles, Jules Boudin (sons) took over;
1941 - acquired by Steve Giraudo Sr.;
1975 - first retail
demonstration bakery on Fisherman's Wharf;
1978 - mail order business started;
1984 - focus
shifted to bakery-cafes, away from wholesale business.
Isidore Boudin
(with family at right) - 1849
1849 - John Pew founded John Pew & Sons in
Gloucester, MA; 1868
- Slade Gorton began fishing business in Rockport, MA; first to
pack salt-dried codfish; 1904
- "Man at Wheel" painting became logo;
March 31, 1906 - Slade Gorton & Co.,
John Pew & Son, David B. Smith & Co., Reed & Gamage combined,
formed Gorton-Pew Fisheries Co.; fleet of 39 fishing vessels,
largest fleet operated by any company on Atlantic Coast;
1923 - reorganized
from bankruptcy by Boston lawyer named William Putnam;
February 6, 1945 -
Gorton-Pew Fisheries Company, Ltd. registered "Gorton's"
trademark first used in 1875 (canned fish, salt fish, smoked
fish, and spiced fish); 1957
- name changed to Gorton's of Gloucester;
December 12, 1967 - Gorton Corporation
registered "Gorton's of Gloucester" trademark first used August
26, 1966 (frozen seafood et al);
1968 - acquired by General Mills;
May 1995 - acquired
by Unilever; August 2001
- acquired, with BlueWater Seafoods, by Nippon Suisan (USA),
Inc., subsidiary of Nippon Suisan Kaisha, Ltd., for $175 million
in cash.
1850 - Eugene Durkee founded Durkee Spices in
Buffalo, NY; 1907 -
Durkee helped establish the American Spice Trade Association
(ASTA); 1918 -
introduced cans for spices (replaced paperboard cartons);
August 28, 1951 -
Glidden Company (dba as Durkee Famous Foods Corporation)
registered "Durkee's" trademark first used July 18, 1929
(spices, meat sauces, salad and mayonnaise dressings, coconut,
margarine, vegetable oils solid for edible purposes, vegetable
oil shortening and hydrogenated vegetable oil shortening);
1982 - pioneered
freeze-ground milling, introduced plastic packaging with
tamper-evident seals; 1994
- acquired by Burns Philp of Sydney, Australia;
2005 - acquired by
Associated British Foods plc purchased (operated under ACH Food
Companies, Inc. management).
Eugene Durkee
- Durkee Foods (http://www.durkeefoodservice.com/images/ahGfx1.jpg)
1850 - Francis Hulman, John Bernhard Ludowici
invested $700 and $1,400, respectively, opened Cincinnati
Wholesale Grocery Store in Terre Haute, IN;
March 12, 1853 - partnership ended;
Ludowici kept business; Septrember
1853 - Hulman opened F.T. Hulman Wholesale Store
directly across street; 1854
- Herman Hulman (23) arrived from Germany to sell for Francis;
September 13, 1858
- Francis Hulman, wife and child died aboard ship destroyed by
fire on way to New York; July 1869
- merged with R.S. Cox Jr., closest competitor in wholesale
grocery business; 1878
- acquired Benjamin Cox's half-interest; became major supplier
of food, merchandise under house brands (Crystal, Dauntless,
REX, Farmers Pride, Clabber Brand baking powder (mixture of
baked fireplace ash and "clabber" - sour milk);
September 1893 -
opened Clabber Baking Powder building;
1923 - renamed Clabber Girl Baking
Powder; March 18, 1924
- Hulman & Company registered "Clabber Girl Baking Powder"
trademark first used July 13, 1923 (baking powder);
1926 - Tony Hulman,
Jr. (grandson), company's sales manager, made Clabber Girl #1
selling baking powder in U.S.; 1931
- assumed management of company (age 30);
1945 - acquired Indianapolis Motor
Speedway; 1995 -
closed grocery business.
Herman Hulman, Francis
Hulman, Theodore Hulman
- Hulman & Company
1850 - Scotsman David Jack, arrived in Monterey,
CA; 1869 -
Monterey's dominant landowner (had bought, with attorney Delos
Rodeyn Ashley, 29,698.53 acres of Monterey peninsula at auction
on February 9, 1859 - included what is now Monterey, Pacific
Grove, Seaside, Del Rey Oaks, Del Monte Forest [aka Pebble
Beach], Fort Ord [now California State University, Monterey
Bay); owned dairy along Salinas River, produced cheese
originally known as Queso Blanco (soft, creamy, light cheese
known as "Queso blanco pais", country peasant cheese, and "Queso
blanco", white cheese, first made by Franciscan padres at nearby
Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo); went into partnership
with 13 regional dairies (Spanish and Portuguese dairymen
dominated North Californian dairy farming); used excess milk to
produce cheese, marketed as "Jacks Cheese" (changed to 'Monterey
Jack' because so many customer's asked for the cheese by that
name; became synonymous with white, creamy cheese; official name
approved by Food and Drug Administration in 1955); first to
commercially manufacture Jack cheese on large scale (Domingo
Pedrazzi of Carmel Valley argued that his use of pressure
housejack gave cheese its name, Pedrazzi's jack cheese); one of
four cheeses to supposedly have been created in United States.
David Jack
- Monterey Jack Cheese
February 5, 1850 - Gail Borden, Jr. of
Galveston, TX, received patent for "Preparation of Portable
Soup-Bread"; process baked a combination of extracts from meat
with flour to produce a meat biscuit capable of long term
storage; convenient method that preserved meat-based product
could be carried by the military, seamen and other travelers;
reconstituted with hot water as a soup.
August 24, 1853 - It has been claimed that Chef
George Crum, an American Indian, prepared first potato chips at
Moon's Lake House in Saratoga Springs, NY - railroad magnate
Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt complained that his potatoes were
"too thick", sent them back to kitchen, Crum retaliated by
slicing paper thin strips of potatoes, frying them to a crisp;
Vanderbilt loved them; "Saratoga Chips" -instant success;
1895 - William
Tappenden began delivering potato chips to stores in Cleveland,
OH; potato chips first became available in grocery stores;
1926 - Laura
Scudder (Monterey Park, CA) introduced potato chips in
hand-ironed wax paper 'bags' (vs. dispensed in bulk in paper
sacks from from cracker barrels or glass display cases);
1937 - Potato Chip
Institute (PCI) established (formerly Ohio Potato Chip
Association); 2003
- Snack Food Association (SFA), United States Potato Board
(USPB) celebrated this history.
Chef George Crum
- potato chip
1856 - Cadwallader Colden (C. C.) Washburn
formed Minneapolis Milling Company to lease power rights to mill
operators; 1866 -
built his first flour mill (one of largest in world) on banks of
Mississippi River in Minneapolis, MN;
1874 - built second mill (burned down);
1877 - John Crosby
joined C. C. and William D. Washburn (brother) in milling
business as partner (married to sister of Washburn's
sister-in-law); formed Washburn Crosby Company;
1880 - Washburn
Crosby Company won gold medal at first Millers International
Exhibition, renamed highest quality product Gold Medal Flour
(remains best selling brand in U.S.);
1888 - James Stroud Bell assumed
leadership; expanded national flour market;
1921 - Betty Crocker created;
1924 - Wheaties,
company's first ready-to-eat cereal introduced;
June 20, 1928 -
James Ford Bell (son) incorporated General Mills Inc.
1858 - David Oppenheimer and three brothers
founded Oppenheimer Bros. & Co. in Victoria, BC, to provide
food, supplies to thousands of fortune seekers who followed gold
rush to British Columbia; 1859
- opened second store in Yale, along Cariboo trail;
1862 - opened
another branch in Barkerville; 1887
- moved company to Vancouver, BC, effectively opened city's
first wholesale provisions warehouse; considered innovative
founding father of Vancouver; 1891
- established strategic alliance with Japan Fruit Growers
Cooperative; 1956 -
brought first Granny Smith apples to North America from New
Zealand; late 1960s
- established one of first large-scale Chilean shipping programs
to import grapes, stone fruit; 1985
- established U.S. business under name David Oppenheimer & Co.
Seattle, WA; 1992 -
The David Oppenheimer Group - comprised David Oppenheimer &
Associates (Canadian company), David Oppenheimer & Co. (U.S.
company), David Oppenheimer Transport Inc. (transport services);
2002 - name changed
to The Oppenheimer Group; shipped total of 35 million packages
of fresh produce; 2003
- launched Oppenheimer-branded packaging; chosen by Ocean Spray
to market fresh cranberries in North America;
2008 - awarded
platinum status, from National Post, as one of Canada's "Best
Managed Companies."
1859 - Henry Tate (40), grocer in Liverpool,
joined John Wright & Co, sugar refinery, as partner;
1862 - set up his
own refinery; joined by Alfred and Edwin (sons), formed Henry
Tate & Sons; 1872 -
Love Lane Refinery (Liverpool) began operations; incorporated
new refining technique to increase yield of white sugar;
1875 - acquired
rights, in partnership with David Martineau, from German
inventor Eugen Langen, introduced sugar cube to UK;
1878 -- opened
refinery at Silvertown in East London;
1921 - merged with Abram Lyle & Sons,
formed Tate & Lyle PLC; 1963
- acquired United Molasses for Ł30 million, became world leader
in molasses trade; 1976
- acquired one-third stake in Amylum, established first major
interest in cereal sweetener, starch-based manufacturing;
1988 - acquired 90%
North American AE Staley Manufacturing Co. (2000 - acquired
balance); increased stake in Amylum to 63%;
1998 - acquired citric acid business of
Haarmann & Reimer (subsidiary of Bayer AG), became world's
leading producer of citric acid;
2006 - Lyle's Golden Syrup tin design named
Guinness World Records as world's oldest branding (packaging);
March 21 2006 -
annual sales of Ł3.7 billion, 7,000 employees in subsidiaries,
4,800 in joint ventures.
1861 - Julius Sturgis, ran bread bakery,
established first commercial pretzel bakery in America, in
Lititz, Lancaster County, PA.
1861 - William G. Bell founded The William G.
Bell Company; created, marketed premium nutrition products,
savory combinations that enhanced cuisines (Jamaican ginger,
Zanzibar clove, Batavian cinnamon, Dalmatian sage);
1867 - introduced
Bell's seasoning; March 16, 1937
- William G. bell Company registered "Bell's" trademark first
used March 10, 1878 (spiced seasonings).
William G. Bell
- Bell's Seasoning
1862 - Godfrey Keebler bought baking business of
John T. Ricketts (deceased employer) in Philadelphia;
1890 - formed
partnership with Augustus Weyl, incorporated Keebler-Weyl Baking
Company; February 1898
- New York Biscuit Company, United States Baking Company,
American Biscuit Company formed 'Cracker Trust' (controlled 145
bakeries); 1966 -
Keebler adopted as corporate title for bakery network, single
brand name for all bakery products;
February 20, 1968 - Keebler Company
registered "Keebler" trademark first used May 5, 1966 (cookies,
crackers, and candy); 1974
- acquired by U.K.-based United Biscuit Company;
1996 - acquired in
leveraged buyout; acquired Sunshine Biscuit Co.;
1997 - name changed
to Keebler Foods Company; 1998
- acquired President Baking Co.; Flowers Industries became
majority shareholder after initial public offering;
2001 - acquired by
Kellogg Company, no. 2 cookie and cracker brand in United
1862 - Henry Issac Rowntree acquired cocoa side
of Wm. Tuke and Sons shop; 1869
- Joseph Rowntree joined brother's business as partner;
1887 - Elect Cocoa
introduced; 1890 -
built Cocoa, Chocolate & Chicory Works in York, UK;
1897 - Rowntree &
Co went Limited, Joseph Rowntree as Chairman;
1904 - established
Rowntree Foundation; 1937
- Chocolate Crisp changed name to Kit Kat; Rolos introduced;
1962 - After Eight
is introduced; 1969
- merged with rival John Mackintosh & Sons Ltd., formed Rowntree
Mackintosh Ltd.; 1987
- name changed to Rowntree plc;
1988 - acquired by Nestle SA.
1862 - Charles Gulden established mustard
company near South Street Seaport in New York City; purchased
imported seeds and spices, earned prestigious award from
American Institute in 1869, 1883;
March 16, 1875 - Jacob Gulden (father), of New
York, NY, received patent for a "Design for Mustard-Bottle";
July 5, 1881 -
received a patent for a "Vessel for Holding and Dispensing
Mustard"; January 30, 1893
- Charles Gulden received patent for a "Cap for
Mustard-Bottles"; March 16, 1897
- Charles Gulden, Jr. received a patent for a "Package for
Mustard, etc."; January 2, 1906
- registered "Gulden's Mustard" trademark first used 1875
1863 - Claus and Bernard Spreckels built Bay
Sugar Refinery in San Francisco, CA (with proceeds from sale of
grocery business, brewery); used raw sugar from Hawaii;
1866 - sold
refinery; 1867 -
incorporated California Sugar Refinery in San Francisco to
refine, produce sugar made from Hawaiian sugar cane (became
largest factory on West Coast in value of output); July
28, 1874 - received a patent for an "Improvement
in Processes of manufacturing hard Sugar" ("To make the crystals
or grains adhere to each other, so as to be molded, pressed, and
dried into hard sugar ...water to do the cleansing and white
liquor to give the necessary adhesiveness");
September 30, 1878
- organized Hawaiian Commercial Company;
1881 - organized Oceanic Steamship
Company (shipping line between San Francisco, Hawaii);
March 31, 1882 -
organized Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company as plantation
company; 1888 -
established Western Beet Sugar Company in Watsonville, CA;
1889-1892 - battled
Havemeyer Sugar Trust; 1891
- 50% of California Sugar Refinery acquired by American Sugar
Refining Company); renamed Western Sugar Refinery; 1895 -
President of the San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Railway
(acquired by Santa Fe in 1901);
August 6, 1896 - incorporated Spreckels Sugar
Co., beet sugar company, in Salinas, CA;
1908 - Adolph B. Spreckels (second son)
assumed control; 1963
- acquired by American Refining Company (AMSTAR);
1987 - went private
in management buyout; renamed Spreckels Industries;
1996 - acquired by
Holly Sugar; 2005 -
Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative acquired Holly Sugar
from Imperial Sugar Company; name changed to Spreckels Sugar
Company, Inc.
1863 - German-British Liebig Extract of Meat
Company built factory in Fray Bentos, Uruguay (town once known
as "The Kitchen of the World"); produced meat extract, tinned
beef, by-products, corned beef (initially for working classes,
became staple for many people in Britain, continental Europe);
1924 - renamed
Anglo Meatpacking plant.
November 3, 1863 - J. T. Alden, of Cincinnati,
OH, received patent for "Improvement in the Preparation of
Yeast"; reduced concentrated yeast from plastic or semi-fluid
state to dry granular form, convenient way of preservation for
future use.
1865 - Abram Lyle (shipowner, sugar
transporter), John Kerr, two partners acquired Glebe Sugar
Refinery; 1872 -
Lyle sold his shares, looked for site for new refinery;
1883 - Abram Lyle &
Sons started melting sugar in Plaistow Refinery (Plaistow Wharf
in London's Docklands, mile-and-a-half from Henry Tate's
refinery); created Lyle's Golden Syrup (treacly syrup from sugar
cane refining process); January 10,
1885 - first packaged in tins;
1904 - "lion and
bees" identified with Lyle's Golden Syrup, registered as
trademark; November 5, 1912
- Abram Lyle & sons, Limited registered "Lyle's Golden Syrup"
trademark in the U. S. first used October 1884 (table-syrup);
1921 - merged with
Henry Tate & Sons, formed Tate & Lyle PLC;
2006 - Lyle's Golden Syrup named by
Guinness World Records as world's oldest branding/packaging
(since 1885).
1865 - Jefferson A. Thompson (Thompson Bros.
Cheese Company) started producing California fresh cheese for
San Francisco market; created shortage of eggs; sold fresh
cheese (later named Breakfast Cheese) to Saloons (served on bar
as substitute for pickled eggs), readily consumed by Stevedores
(dockworkers); cheese transported by horse, wagon to Petaluma
River, taken by The Steamer Gold across bay to Yerba Buena
oldest continually operating cheese factory in the United
1865 - David F. Bremner opened D.F. Bremner
Baking Company in Cairo, IL; 1871
- moved to Chcago to supply bread to devastated public after
Great Fire; bread baked with his initials, D.F.B., stamped on
the top, became known as "Damn Fine Bread";
1902 - original Bremner Butter Wafer
created; 1905 -
sons established their own bakery, called it Bremner Brothers
Biscuit Company.
1865 - Douw Ditmars Williamson founded D. D.
Williamson & Co., Inc. in New York to manufacture burnt sugars
for brewing industry; 1963
- developed double-strength caramel color (largest caramel
category on a global basis); 2001
- opened South America's largest caramel color manufacturing
operation in Manaus, Brazil; 2007
- leader in caramel color, seven caramel manufacturing sites on
five continents.
1866 - William A. Breyer produced, sold dairy
product made of cream, pure cane sugar, nuts, fresh fruits,
other natural flavorings, from his kitchen in Philadelphia;
1882 - opened
retail ice cream store; Louisa Breyer (widow) assumed control;
1904 - began to
freeze ice cream by using brine rather than salt, ice;
1908 - incorporated
as Breyers Ice Cream Company; 1914
- produced one million gallons annually;
July 19, 1921 - registered "Breyer's"
trademark first used in May 1912 (ice-ream);
1926 - became
division of National Dairy Products Corporation (NDPC, formed in
1923), holding company; 1969
- renamed Kraftco; 1976
- name changed to Kraft, Inc.; 1993
- acquired by Unilever, Inc.; merged with Gold Bond-Good Humor
Ice Cream Company (founded 1920 by Harry Burt in Youngstown, OH;
acquired in 1961 by Thomas J. Lipton, subsidiary of Unilever),
renamed Good Humor-Breyers Ice Cream Company.
William A. Breyer
- Breyer's Ice Cream
1866 - Druggists Cornelius, Joseph Hoagland
(brothers), Thomas Biddle (Fort Wayne, IN) developed powder that
revolutionized baking (substitute for yeast sold
over-the-counter at drugstore);
1870 - Joseph Hoagland, William Ziegler, John H.
Seal organized Royal Chemical Company;
1873 - formed Royal Baking Powder
Company; 1888 -
Ziegler sold his interest for $4 million; acquired Price Baking
Powder Company (Chicago), Tartar Chemical Company (New Jersey);
March 1, 1899 -
incorporated as consolidation of Royal Baking Powder Company,
Cleveland Baking Powder Company, Price Baking Powder Company,
Tartar Chemical Company, New York Tartar Company;
July 12, 1910 -
Royal Baking Powder Company registered "Royal Baking Powder"
trademark first used in April 1873 (baking powder);
1929 - merged with
Fleischmann Company, Chase and Sanborn, became Standard Brands
1866 - Charles Feltman started as baker on
Classon Avenue, Brooklyn, NY; delivered freshly baked pies to
inns, lager-beer saloons that lined Coney Island's beaches;
expanded product line to hot sandwiches - built tin-lined chest
to keep rolls fresh, small charcoal stove inside to boil
sausages; served hot sausage on a roll;
1871 - opened first Coney Island hot dog
stand, sold 3,684 dachshund sausages in a milk roll first year;
built ocean pavilion ($20,000), hotel, beer gardens,
restaurants, food stands, various rides to amuse customers;
considered true inventor of hot dog (ten cents).
1867 - Johann Tobler established Tobler brand of
hand-made, specialty candies in Bern, Switzerland;
March 30, 1926 -
Aktiengesellschaft Chocolat Tobler registered "Toblerone"
trademark first used February 11, 1909 (chocolate and cocoa).
Johann Tobler
- Toblerone
1868 - Henri Nestle opened office in London to
cope with quantity of orders for farine lactate (based, as he
put it, on wholesome Swiss milk and cereal component) for
mothers unable to breastfeed; 1873
- exported to South America, Australia;
1874 - sold company for million francs;
November 25,
1884 - Henri Nestle
(composed of Jules Monnerat, Louis Roussy, and Henry Marguys)
registered "Nestle" trademark (condensed milk);
1905 - acquired
Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk; 1929
- acquired chocolate makers Peter, Cailler and Kohler, pioneers
in making milk chocolate; 1938
- launched Nescafe, world's first instant coffee;
mid-1960s -
Switzerland's biggest company, multinational with over 200
factories around world.
1868 - Edmund McIlhenny founded McIlhenny
Company at Avery Island, LA; legend: obtained hot pepper seeds
from traveler recently arrived in Louisiana from Central
America; planted seeds on Avery Island, experimented with pepper
sauce recipes; named one he liked, TABASCO Sauce (state of
Tabasco in Mexico, where seeds allegedly came from);
September 27, 1870
- McIlhenny, of New Iberia, LA, received a patent for an
"Improvement in Pepper-Sauce" ("new process for preparing an
aromatic and strong sauce from the pepper known in the market as
Tabasco pepper. This pepper is as strong as Cayenne pe, but of
finer flavor"); unique formula for processing peppers into
pepper sauce; Avery Island factory produces more than 700,000
bottles of Tabasco sauce daily;
February 1, 1927 - registered "Tabasco"
trademark first used in 1868 (pepper sauce).
1868 - Charles and Maximilian Fleischmann,
immigrants from Austria-Hungary, James F. Gaff of Cincinnati,
founded Gaff, Fleischmann & Co. in Riverside, OH;
May 1876 -
exhibited Model Vienna Bakery at Centennial Exposition in
Philadelphia (10 million visitors); introduced first compressed
yeast (Viennese production) sold in North America;
February 14, 1922 -
The Fleischmann Company registered "Fleischmann's" trademark
first used January 1, 1876 (compressed yeast and yeast mixtures,
adapted for use as food alone or for use in the making of bread
and bread stuffs or other food products);
June 1929 - absorbed four smaller
corporations (Royal Baking Powder Company, E.W. Gillette Company
Ltd. of Canada, The Widlar Food Products Company, Chase and
Sanborn, Inc.); formed Standard Brands, Incorporated;
2004 - acquired by
Associated British Foods.
Charles Fleischmann
- yeast
1868 - Etienne Guittard opened Guittard
Chocolate on Sansome Street, San Francisco;
1950s - Horace A. Guittard (grandson)
became President; 1955
- relocated factory to Burlingame; remained one of foremost
suppliers of fine chocolate to professionals in pastry,
confectionery, ice cream trades; oldest family owned, operated
chocolate company in U.S.
Etienne Guittard
- Guittard Chocolate
Company (http://www.guittard.com/images/history/history10.jpg)
1868 - Arthur Albion Libby began barreling beef;
formed A. A, Libby & Company with brother, Charles Perly Libby;
admitted Archibald McNeill to partnership;
1874 - name changed to Libby, McNeill
and Libby in Chicago. IL; pioneered refrigeration, canning of
meats; 1888 -
acquired by Swift & Co.; 1900 - began canning fruits,
vegetables; 1918 -
spun off from Swift; June 8, 1920
- Libby, McNeill & Libby Corporation registered "Libby's"
trademark first used 1894 ([fresh], prepared, [pickled, and]
canned beef, [veal,] pork, [mutton, and] poultry and their
products...); 1971
- canned fruit, vegetable business acquired by Nestle, annual
sales close to $500 million, 1,300 workers in Chicago area;
1998 - canned meats
division acquired by ConAgra.
1868 - Edouard Naegelin, Sr. (24) opened
Naegelin's Bakery in New Braunfels, TX;
January 1, 1924 - Edward and Laura
Naegelin took over management;
early 1980s - acquired by Granzin Family; oldest
bakery in Texas.
June 16, 1868 - William Davis, fish dealer in
Detroit, MI, received a patent for an "Improvement in Preserving
Meats, etc." ("peculiar construction of a railroad-car, box,
chest or room in which to preserve animal or vegetable
substances from decay for a certain reasonable time, to allow
them to be transported from place to place or kept in store in a
sweet and fresh condition"); refrigerated railroad car;
January 19, 1869 -
received a patent for an "Improvement in Freezing-Box for Fish,
etc." ("freezing-box or pan for freezing fish and meats").
1869- Henry John Heinz and L. Clarence Noble
established Heinz & Noble in Sharpsburg, PA to bottle
horseradish; 1875 -
forced into bankruptcy; 1876
- established F. & J. Heinz (financial assistance from brother
John, cousin Frederick), introduced tomato ketchup, six other
products (celery sauce, pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, vinegar);
1886 - Fortnum &
Mason, England's leading food purveyor, accepted all seven
products for distribution; 1888
- acquired controlling interest from brother, renamed H. J.
Heinz; 1893 -
introduced pickle pin at Chicago World's Fair; 1896 - introduced
"57 Varieties" slogan; December 28,
1897 - Henry J. Heinz registered "Heinz"
trademark first used June 1, 1893 (pickles, vinegar, sauces,
catsups [horse radish ], prepared mustard, [mince-meat,
preserves, jellies, marmalades, jams, and fruit butters];
March 5, 1907 - H.
J. Heinz Corporation registered "57 Varieties" trademark first
used in 1898; February 25, 1908
- H. J. Heinz Corporation registered "Heinz 57 Varieties Pure
Food Products" trademark first used in May 1900;
1963 - acquired
StarKist, "Charlie the Tuna" became national media star;
1965 - acquired
Ore-Ida, transformed regional business into leading retail
frozen potato brand in U.S.; 1978
- acquired Weight Watchers International, now largest
weight-loss program in U.S.; 1987
- Anthony ('Tony') O'Reilly first non-Heinz family member named
Chairman, President and CEO; 2002
- U.S. StarKist seafood, North American pet foods and pet
snacks, U.S. private label soup, College Inn broth, U.S. baby
food businesses acquired by Del Monte Foods Company.
Henry John Heinz and L.
Clarence Noble
(front center, front right, respectively)
- founded Heinz & Noble
1869 - Joseph Campbell, fruit merchant, and
Abraham Anderson, icebox manufacturer, formed Joseph A. Campbell
Preserve Company in Camden, New Jersey, to produce canned
tomatoes, vegetables, jellies, soups, condiments, minced meats;
1876 - Campbell
bought Anderson's share of company; formed partnership with
Arthur Dorrance; 1891
-renamed Jos. Campbell Preserve Company;
1897 - Dr. John T. Dorrance (24),
chemist and nephew of company GM, joined company at token wage
of $7.50 a week; invented condensed soup; eliminated water in
canned soup, lowered costs for packaging, shipping, storage
(volume of can of soup reduced from 32 ounces to approximately
10 ounces, and the price lowered from about 34 cents to a dime);
October 31, 1905 -
Joseph H. Campbell Company registered "Campbell's" trademark
first used in 1898 (baked beans);
September 1, 1910 - Heinz tomato soup went on
sale in UK for first time, at Fortnum & Mason;
1914 - Dr. Dorrance
named President; 1921
- company renamed Campbell Soup Company;
1931 - Arthur C. Dorrance (brother)
succeeded as president.
Dr. Joseph Campbell, Abraham
- Campbell Soup
Dr. John T. Dorrance
- Campbell Soup
1869 - Charles Alfred (C. A.) Pillsbury (27)
bought one-third interest in failing Minneapolis Flouring Mill
for $10,000 (made profit within year);
1872 - produced 2,000 barrels of flour a
day; reorganized company as C.A. Pillsbury and Company, made
father and uncle partners; August 8, 1905 - registered
trademark; 1889 -
mills acquired by English financial syndicate, renamed
Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Company Ltd.;
1896 - produced
10,000-barrels-per-day; 1908 - entered bankruptcy (freight
rates, poor harvest); Charles S. Pillsbury (son) reorganized
company, renamed Pillsbury Flour Mills Company;
June 27, 1923 -
acquired all remaining assets from shareholders of
Pillsbury-Washburn; 1927
- went public;
1940 - Philip W.
Pillsbury (grandson) became president;
1944 - changed name
to Pillsbury Mills, Inc.; 1979
- acquired Green Giant; October
1965 - introduced little dough-boy mascot;
1983 - acquired
HagenDazs ice cream; 1984
- acquired Van de Kamp, seafood company;
1989 - acquired by Grand Metropolitan
for $5.8 billion (8th largest food manufacturing company in
world); 1997 -
Grand Met merged with Guinness plc; formed Diageo plc; November
2001 - acquired by
General Mills for $10.4 billion.
1869 - Gustav (24), Albert (21) Goelitz,
immigrants from the Harz Mountain region of Germany, bought an
ice cream and candy store in a Belleville, IL (above); Gustave
made candy, Albert sold it from a horsedrawn wagon;
1897 - forced to
sell business in wake of Panic of 1893;
1898 - Adolph (Gustave's son)
established Goelitz Confectionery Co., candy making company, in
Cincinnati, OH; Gus Jr. and Herman Goelitz (brothers) joined
company; 1900 -
made Candy Corn; 1922
- Herman opened Herman Goelitz Candy Co. in Oakland, CA;
1976 - Los Angeles
candy distributor had idea for jelly bean made with natural
flavorings; created first eight Jelly Belly flavors;
1978 - Goelitz
Confectionary merged with Herman Goelitz Candy Co.; renamed
Herman Goelitz, Inc.; 1980
- sold 1.4 billion jelly beans annually;
August 3, 1982 - Herman Goelitz Candy
Co. registered "Jelly Belly" trademark first used July 15, 1976
(Candy-Namely, Jelly Beans); April
2001 - Goelitz companies merged into Jelly Belly
Candy Company; two factories produce 100,000 pounds of Jelly
Belly beans a day, 1.25 million beans an hour; world's #1
gourmet jelly bean; Herm Rowland (Gustave's great grandson) as
Gustav Goelitz
- Jelly Belly
June 10, 1869 - Machine-frozen food
transported significant distance in U.S. for first time; frozen
shipment of Texas beef (refrigeration equipment invented by John
Gorrie) delivered via steamship ('Agnes') to New Orleans, LA;
meat served in meals at hospitals, celebration banquets at
hotels, restaurants.
October 20, 1869 - Hippolyte Mege-Mouries
received a 15-year French patent for "Demande d'un Brevet
d'Invention de Quinze Ans pour la Production de Certains Corps
Gras d'Origine Animale" from French Ministry of Agriculture and
Trade (processing, production of certain fats of animal origin
(patent also registered in England);
1870 - won contest, held by Emperor
Napoleon III, to find suitable substitute for butter used by
French Navy; 1871 -
invention acquired by Dutch firm Anton Jurgens (later Unilever)
for 60000 Francs; April 12, 1872
- French government permitted commercial sale of margarine
(after Felix Henri Boudet, French druggist retained by
government, reported favorably on product);
1873 - Mege formed Societe Anonyme
d'Alimentation; began production of formula with fatty component
with pearly luster when mixed (named product after Greek word
for pearl - margaritari); manufactured from tallow;
December 30, 1873 -
received American patent for "Improvement in Treating Animal
Fats"; acquired by U.S. Dairy Company.
December 28, 1869 - William Finley Semple, of
Mount Vernon, OH, received first patent for "Improved
Chewing-Gum"; made of "the combination of rubber with other
articles adapted to the formation of an acceptable chewing gum";
he never commercially produced gum.
1870 - Captain Lorenzo Dow Baker bought 160
bunches of bananas in Jamaica for a shilling per bunch, sold
them in Jersey City for $2 each; joined Bostonian entrepreneur
Andrew Preston to develop banana market in Boston;
1885 - established
Boston Fruit Company; Preston took charge of tropical
enterprises, Baker controlled management in Boston;
1899 - Minor Copper
Keith, 50% owner of Snyder Banana Co. (produced bananas on 6,000
acres at Bocas del Toro, Panama), merged with Boston Fruit;
controlled 75% of banana market in U.S.;
March 30, 1899 - United Fruit Company
established; 1944 -hired cartoonist Dik Browne (creator of Hagar
the Horrible) to create cartoon based on Latin American singer,
movie star Carmen Miranda; 1945
- character of Miss Chiquita Banana debuted in technicolor movie
advertisement "Miss Chiquita Banana's Beauty Treatment" (sang to
revive an exhausted housewife);
April 12, 1949 - United Fruit Company registered
"Chiquita Banana" trademark first used September 11, 1947 (fresh
bananas); 1962 -
created individual banana sticker label (small blue stickers
with Chiquita logo affixed to fruit to promote consumption of
its branded banana); 1969
- Eli Black acquired 733,000 shares in one trading day (3rd
largest transaction in Wall Street history to date), became
largest shareholder; March 1973
- Dole moved to first place in U. S. sales (45%) ahead of United
Brands (35%); February 3, 1975
- Black committed suicide, jumped from 44th floor of Pan Am
building in New York (SEC accused United Brands of bribing
President of Honduras, Osvaldo Lopez Arellano ($1.25 million
with promise of another $1.25 million later, in exchange for a
reduction in export taxes); 1975
- Carl Lindner, one of biggest investors, became new President;
1989 - name changed
to Chiquita Brands International Incorporated;
1990 - returned to
number one banana importer (33% share of world's market), Dole
(22%); June 10, 2005
- Wal-Mart, Chiquita's biggest U. S. customer, decreased its
banana purchases = 33% decrease in Chiquita banana U. S. sales
(cheaper bananas from competitors).
1870 - William Underwood & Co. received first
U.S. food trademark registered by U.S. Patent Office, for red
devil logo (for "deviled entremets");
1895 - advertising with little red devil
began to appear nationally; oldest existing trademark still in
use in United States.
1870 - Pembroke Decatur Gwaltney, Sr.,
Confederate veteran, formed partnership with O.G. Delk (cousin),
named Gwaltney and Delk; retail mercantile business sold cured
and smoked hams, produced smoked ham known as "Smithfield Ham";
1875 - Delk share
acquired by Gwaltney (store, smokehouse, shed, wharf property);
renamed "P.D. Gwaltney & Co."; 1880
- formed partnership, "Gwaltney, Chapman and Company"; set up
peanut cleaning plant (peanut sorting, cleaning machines) and
warehouse on Pagan Creek; 1882
- P.D. Gwaltney and P.D. Gwaltney, Jr. (21) went into business
together; renamed P.D. Gwaltney and Sons (sold groceries, dry
goods, general merchandising - fertilizer, fine Smithfield Hams
as "specialties"); 1891
- with Augustus Bunkley incorporated Gwaltney-Bunkley Peanut
Company in Norfolk, VA (returned to Smithfield after fire);
1902 - turned ham
into promotional tool ("World's Oldest Smithfield Ham" still on
display); 1911 -
merged with American Peanut (Norfolk, VA), Bain Peanut
(Wakefield, VA), formed American Peanut Corporation;
1914 - P.D.
Gwaltney, Jr. took over; sold peanut factories to American
Peanut Corporation; expanded ham industry (pork-processing
operations); 1921 -
fire wiped out local peanut industry;
1926 - Virginia enacted law defining
Genuine Smithfield Meats as peanut-fed hogs raised in Virginia
or North Carolina, cured in town limits;
July 28, 1931 - P.D. Gwaltney Jr. & Co.,
Inc. registered "Gwaltney's Smithfield Ham" trademark first used
in 1882 (cured meats-namely, hams);
1936 - Howard W. Gwaltney became
president, Julius D. Gwaltney vice president, P.D. Gwaltney,
III, secretary/treasurer and chairman;
1957 - name changed to "Gwaltney, Inc.";
1970 - merged with
International Telephone and Telegraph Corp., renamed ITT
Gwaltney Inc.; October 27, 1981
- acquired by Smithfield Foods, Inc.; name changed to Gwaltney
of Smithfield, Ltd.
1871 - Charles
Alfred Pillsbury, brother Fred, father George, uncle John
Sargent Pillsbury founded C. A. Pillsbury & Co. in Minneapolis;
November 19, 1940 -
Pillsbury Flour Mills Company registered "Pillsbury's Best XXXX"
trademark (flour made from wheat; brand first used January 1,
1873); 1989 -
acquired by Grand Metropolitan PLC in $5.76 billion hostile
1871 - Dr. James Madison Dawson, his wife Eloise
Jones Dawson, their son Thomas Dawson established first
successful commercial canning operation in Santa Clara Valley
(300 cases of peaches, apricots, pears, plums processed in
woodshed in Dawson's backyard);
1872 - founded J. M. Dawson & Co.;
1875 - incorporated
as San Jose Fruit Packing Company;
1889 - joined forces with 17 other small
companies, formed California Fruit Canners Association;
1916 - Tom Dawson
as general superintendent of California Packing Corporation (Del
Monte premium brand); 1967
- name changed to Del Monte Corp.
1871 - Charles Schimpff (son of Gustav Schimpff,
Sr., who had been making candy in Louisville since the 1850s)
opened confectionary store in Jeffersonville, IN;
April 11, 1891 -
Gustav Schimpff, Sr. and Jr. established G.A. Schimpff's
Confectionery in Jeffersonville in rented storefront;
1918 - Gus Jr. and
wife Louisa Weber Schimpff primary owners;
1940s - Catherine and Wig Schimpff
(grand children), and Sonny Schimpff (great grandson) became
working partners; 1952
- Sonny took over as candy maker;
1990 - acquired from Catherine's estate by
Warren Schimpff (grandson) and his wife, Jill Wagner Schimpff.
Gustav Schimpff, Sr.
G.A. Schimpff's Confectionery
January 3, 1871 - Henry Bradley, of
Binghamton, NY, received patent for "Improvement in Compounds
for Culinary Use"; oleomargarine.
February 14, 1871 - Thomas Adams, of Hudson
City, NJ, received patent for "Improvement in Chewing-Gum"
("method of producing the natural product 'chickly' to produce a
chewing-gum"); first chicle-based chewing gum, "Adams' New York
Gum No. 1 -- Snapping and Stretching" (from Sapodilla trees
(introduced to it by exiled Mexican, former president and
general, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna in 1869).
February 1871 -
Adams New York Gum went on sale in drug stores for penny apiece;
1876 - glass
merchant Thomas Adams, two sons, formed Adams Sons and Company;
1884 - added
licorice flavoring, called Adams' Black Jack, first flavored gum
in America; 1888 -
introduced irst vending machines to United States, installed on
elevated subway platforms in New York City, sold Tutti-Fruiti
gum; 1899 - merged
with six largest, best-known chewing gum manufacturers in United
States and Canada (Beeman, Primley, S.T. Britten, Frank Fleer
Company); formed monopoly, American Chicle Company; nation's
most prosperous chewing gum company by end of century; achieved
great success as the maker of Chiclets;
1962 - acquired by Warner-Lambert;
2002 - acquired by
Cadbury Schweppes for $4.2 billion;
2004 -number one worldwide in
confectionery (leader in functional confectionery, number two in
chewing gum).
1872 - Christian Ditlev Ammentorp (D. A.)
Hansen, Danish pharmacist from University of Copenhagen, awarded
gold medal for chemical treatise (procedure to extract pure,
standardized rennet enzyme from calves' stomachs, used to make
cheese.); revolutionized production of dairy products;
1874 - established
rennet factory in Copenhagen; 1878
- established processing plant in New York City;
1886 - introduced
Junket brand (initially in form of rennet tablets);
1891 - built
factory in Little Falls, NY;
November 30, 1897 - Johan D. Frederiksen,
vice-president and general manager of Chr. Hansen's Laboratory,
Little Falls, NY, registered "Junket" trademark" ("milk with
rennet") first used April 1887 (preparations for coagulating or
curdling milk); one of world's top 15 food ingredients
companies; global market leader within enzymes for cheese
production, bacterial cultures for cheese, yoghurt, wine and
meat products, natural colors for the food and beverage
industries and special products for the health food and
agricultural industries.
1872 - Chocolates Arumi founded in Barcelona
city of Vic, Spain; 1977
- acquired by Nederland Group, renamed Chocovic, S.A.;
2008 - annual sales
of about EUR 60 million, 120 employees, made about 30,000 tons
of chocolate, specialty products for industrial and artisanal
customers; November 3, 2009
- signed agreement to be acquired by Barry Callebaut (Zurich,
July 9, 1872 - Captain John F. Blondel
(Thomaston, ME) received a patent for "Improvement in
Doughnut-Cutters", "an improved device for removing the dough
from the cutter-tube automatically"; origin of doughnut as a
deep-fried egg-batter pastry was from Holland with the Dutch
name of olykoeks -- "oily cakes."
1847 - New England ship captain Hanson Gregory
enjoyed his mother's pastries made using a deep-fried spiced
dough; Elizabeth Gregory put hazelnuts or walnuts in the center,
where the dough might not cook through ("doughnuts"); Captain
Gregory claimed credit for originating the hole in the doughnut;
originally cut hole using top of a round tin pepper box, made
more uniform frying possible with increased surface area;
commemorated by a bronze plaque at his hometown, Rockport,
April 8, 1873 - Alfred Paraf, of New York, NY,
received a patent for an "Improvement in Purifying and
Separating Fats"; first commercially successful margarine
manufacturing process; federal and state taxes were levied when
its success threatened butter sales.
November 4, 1873 - Anthony Iske, of Lancaster,
PA, received a patent for "Machines for Slicing Dried Beef";
oblique knife in vertical sliding frame.
June 1, 1875 - Black American inventor Alexander
P. Ashbourne, of Oakland, CA, received a patent for an
"Improvement in Processes for Preparing Cocoa-Nut for Domestic
Use"; November 30, 1875
- received a U.S. patent for a "Biscuit Cutter".
November 30, 1875 - Asmus J. Ehrrichson, of
Akron, Ohio, received a patent for an "Oat-Meal Machine"
("process of converting the hulled kernels of oats into coarse
meal"); oat-crushing machine.
November 30, 1875 - Alexander P. Ashbourne, of
Oakland, CA, received a patent for "Biscuit-Cutters"
("molding-board, having hinged to one side or end a cover, which
is provided with the desired shaped cutters upon its lower
side"); plate closed over dough, allowed cutters to cut through
dough, formed many shapes simultaneously.
1876 - Charles and Maxmillian Fleischmann
introduced new yeast to 10 million visitors to Philadelphia's
Centennial Exposition; February 14,
1922 - The Fleischmann Company registered
"Fleischmann's" trademark first used January 1, 1876 (compressed
yeast and yeast mixtures, adapted for use as food alone or for
use in the making of bread and bread stuffs or other food
products); June 1929
- absorbed four smaller corporations (Royal Baking Powder
Company, E.W. Gillette Company Ltd. of Canada, The Widlar Food
Products Company, Chase and Sanborn, Inc.); formed Standard
Brands, Incorporated.
February 17, 1876 - Julius Wolff, of Wolff &
Reessing, New York importers, produced the first canned sardines
in Eastport, Maine; 1875
- established Eagle Preserved Fish Company; first year - 60,000
cans (not cases) packed and sold;
1880 - 18 factories operated;
1881-1898 - 23
sardine factories operated in Lubec, ME.
1878 - Giuseppe Citterio established Giuseppe
Citterio S. p. A. in Milan, Italy;
December 25, 1956 - Societa in Accomandita
Giuseppe Citterio Corporation registered "Citterio il Salame
Famoso in Tutto Ilmondo" (The Salami Which Is Famous Thgroughout
the World) trademark (salamis).
1879 - Rudolph Lindt invented "conching"
machine; improved quality, aroma of chocolate confectionery;
rocked chocolate for 72 hours; improved flavor, attained high
degree of smoothness (vs. coarse, gritty); smooth substance
called "fondant" or "melting".
February 4, 1879 - John H. Heinz, of Sharpsburg,
PA, received a patent for an "Improvement in
Vegetable-Assorters" ("machines for assorting vegetables,
fruits, pickles etc. according to their size").
February 27, 1879 - American chemists Ira
Remsen, Constantine Fahlberg announced discovery of saccharin,
artificial sweetener, at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore,
November 4, 1879 - Thomas Elkins, of Albany, NY,
received a patent for a "Refrigerating Apparatus" ("apparatus or
devices for chilling or cooling articles liable to decay").
1880 - Samuel Bath Thomas purchased bakery at
163 Ninth Avenue in Manhattan (arrived from England in 1876);
featured Thomas' English muffins (unknown in England), baked on
griddle instead of in oven; alternative to toast;
1922 - family
incorporated S.B. Thomas, Inc. (after his death);
August 3, 1926 -
registered "Thomas'" trademark firsts used 1894 (bread);
1970 - acquired by
CPC, food conglomerate; January 1,
1998 - renamed Bestfoods.
1880 - New York cheese distributor, A. L.
Reynolds, began distributing cream cheese, produced by William
Lawrence, of Chester, NY (had developed method of producing
cream cheese in 1872, under Empire Company, while trying to
reproduce French cheese called Neufchatel);
1903 - acquired by Phenix Cheese
Corporation (Chicago); January 1928
- acquired by Kraft Cheese Company;
1930 - Kraft-Phenix Cheese Corporation
acquired by National Dairy Products Corporation (formed in 1923
as merger of several dairy companies);
1940 - name changed to Kraft Cheese
Company; December 16, 1941
- registered "Philadelphia Brand" trademark first used September
1, 1880 (cream cheese); 1945
- name changed to Kraft Foods Company;
1969 - National Dairy renamed Kraftco
Corporation; 1976 -
renamed Kraft, Inc.
February 2, 1880 - First shipment of frozen meat
(exports of meat had previously been in tins) arrived in London
from Melbourne, Australia (departed December 6, 1879); steamship
SS Strathleven had been chartered, fitted with Bell and Coleman
(of Glasgow) air compression/expansion refrigeration equipment;
meat loaded from chill rooms in Sydney and Melbourne and frozen
on board; arrived in excellent condition and sold well.
March 23, 1880 - John Stevens of Neenah, WI
received patent for a "Grain-Crushing Roll"; grain crushing
mill; allowed flour production to increase by 70% and for flour
to sell for $2 per barrel.
July 27, 1880 - African-American inventor
Alexander P. Ashbourne, of Boston, MA, received patent for
"Refining Cocoanut Oil" ("so that it will keep sweet and fresh
for many years").
1881 - Mathias Gedney began pickle company in
Minneapolis, MN; made recipes for pickles, condiments;
1882 - delivered,
sold directly from horse-driven "cash wagons";
1893 - four sons
involved in company; production exceeds annual 30,000 barrels of
homemade, sweet, mixed and chow-chow, American and English-style
pickles; 1903 -
M.A. Gedney Company incorporated;
October 30, 1906 - M. A. Gedney Pickling Co.
registered "Gedney" trademark first used July 12, 1888 (pickles,
[pickled onions, catsup, olives, chow-chow,] mustard,
[pepper-sauce, chili sauce,] and vinegar);
1945 - Harry Tuttle II (son-in-law of
Mathias Gedney son) became President;
1967 - Gedney Tuttle (son, started with
company in 1942) named president of firm;
1992 - product distribution mainly
through food brokers to wholesale distributors, chain stores;
1998 - Jeff Tuttle
(grandson) named President; 2000
- acquired Cains Foods pickle business, trademark, began
producing pickles throughout New England;
2002 - began production of Del Monte,
Target Archer Farms pickles; 2008
- produced more than 20 million jars/year of 78 products;
state's oldest food company with one primary product.
1881 - Valeriano Lopez Lloret founded small
family business, Chocolates Valor, in Spain;
1891- Don Vicente
Lopez Soler (son of Done Valeriano Lopez Lloret) took charge,
carried on with agriculture activity;
1916 - capstan mill, large wheel moved
by team of horses, replaced simple grindstone;
1930 - diesel motor
replaced team of horses on capstan mill; sales no longer made
directly to families, channelled through shops and businesses;
1935 - electricity;
1942 - Don Pedro
Lopez Mayor took over, formed partnership Don Valeriano Lopez
(brother); 1950 -
Don Valeriano Lopez Lloret, cousin of founders, grandson of
first chocolate maker, joined company;
1953 - incorporated "Valeriano and Pedro
Lopez SRC; 1963 -
built new factory, on 6,000 square meter plot of land, in Les
Mediasses, Villajoyosa; 1968
- installed first automatic moulding, demoulding equipment
(factory production capacity at 10,000 kilograms per 8-hour
day); launched 'Pure Chocolate' to highlight its rejection of
use of vegetable fats as substitute for cocoa butter; became key
product of company; 1973
- went public; November 27, 1984
- Valeriano Y Pedro Lopez, S.A.b registered "Valor" trademark in
U.S. (Chocolates, Candy Bars of Chocolate and Cocoa);
September 1987 -
invested over 300 million pesetas (over 1.8 million euros) in
first phase of modernization plan; opened first Valor Chocolate
Shop, start of first chocolate shop franchise in Spain, in
Villajoyosa; November 16, 1990
- opened new plant ion second phase of modernization (invested
over 400 million pesetas - over 12 million euros); most modern
chocolate factory in Spain;
September 29, 1995 - added new extension to
plant (occupied total surface area of 22,000 square meters);
2002 - launched
commercial subsidiary Valor USA Inc. to distribute product in
Central, North American markets.
Valeriano Lopez Lloret
- Valor Chocolates
July 8, 1881 - Edward Berner, druggist
of Two Rivers, WI, served first ice cream sundae -- by acciden;
put ice cream in dish, poured flavoring syrup, for soda water,
on top (not allowed on Sundays).
1882 - George Weston (18), Toronto baker's
apprentice, acquired bread route from his employer for $200;
1896 - established
"Weston's Model Bakery"; eventually expanded to Montreal,
Winnipeg; 1910 -
merged with other major Toronto bakers, formed Canada Bread
Company for $1 million Canadian; signed 10-year non-compete
agreement; 1921 -
reentered bread business with purchase of H.C. Tomlin bread
bakery; 1928 -
Garfield Weston (son) incorporated company as George Weston
Limited, went public; 1935
- established operations in United Kingdom; incorporated
Associated British Foods plc (seven bakery subsidiaries);
1938 - facilities,
resources to produce 370 varieties of candy, 100 types of
biscuits; 1943 -
acquired papermaker E.B. Eddy; 1944
- entered food distribution with purchase of Western Grocers;
1953 - gained
majority control of Loblaw, food retailer, distributor;
1978 - Loblaw
launched No Name private label (low prices, clean and simple
packaging, high quality); 1984
- Loblaws introduced premium private label called President's
Choice; 1986 - food
processing operations consolidated within umbrella subsidiary
called Weston Foods Ltd. (baking and milling, biscuits,
chocolate, dairy, specialty products, providing food and
ingredients both to intermediate processors and directly to
consumers); 1990s -
divestment, return to core competencies, reduced company to
majority ownership of Loblaw and food processing businesses,
focused on bakery products, cookies, milk, fish;
December 1998 -
Loblaws acquired Provigo for $890 million Canadian, gained
number one supermarket chain in Quebec, Canada-wide retail
network, dominating 40% nationwide market share;
1999 - sales rose
41% to $20.85 billion Canadian;
2003 - sales of $29.2 billion Canadian.
George Weston
George Weston Limited
1882 - William Purvis brought macadamia seeds
from Queensland to US Territory of Hawaii, planted seedlings on
big island, Hawaii, at Kapulena near Waipi'o Valley; cultivated
in Australia during mid 1800s by Scottish doctor (died at sea
traveling from Australia to New Zealand), John Macadam;
1857 - botanist
friend, Baron Ferdinand von Muller, first described tree
botanically; earned right to name it - chose "Macadamia" in
honor of his friend, Macadam.
1882 - Lithuanian Jewish immigrants, Isaac (24)
and Joseph Breakstone (Breakstone Bros., Inc.), opened small
dairy store at 135 Madison Street on New York's lower east side;
sold full dairy line including cottage cheese, sour cream, cream
cheese; 1896 -
started wholesale butter business under name Breakstone Brothers
at 29 Jay Street, Brooklyn; 1928
- acquired by National Dairy Products Corporation;
1940 - name changed
to Kraft Cheese Company; August 6,
1957 - National Dairy Products Corporation
registered "Breakstone's" trademark first used in 1884 (butter,
sour cream, cheese); 1976
- renamed Kraft, Inc.
1883 - German immigrant Oscar F. Mayer and his
brother, Gottfried, leased Kolling Meat Market, small retail
store in German neighborhood on Chicago's near north side;
1904 - branded its
meats (put name on products); 1919
- name changed to Oscar Meyer & Co.;
1924 - introduced packaged sliced bacon
(December 19, 1967 - patent for "Method of Preparing Packaged
Sliced Bacon" assigned to company);
May 9, 1939 - registered "Oscar Mayer"
trademark first used January 1, 1885 (meats and meat products);
September 29, 1942
- registered 'Little Oscar' trademark (meat products -namely,
sausage, ham bacon, beef loaves and meat loaves); goodwill
ambassador dressed as a chef who would drive his sausage-shaped
WIENERMOBILE to store openings, children's hospitals, and other
locations throughout the Chicago area;
1963 - "The Oscar Mayer Wiener Jingle"
made radio debut; 1981
- acquired by General Foods.
Oscar F. Meyer
1883 - J. Allen Smith (from Elberton, GA),
organized, built City Mills, later called J. Allen Smith & Co.,
grain business, in Knoxville, TN; began milling a soft-wheat
flour; named it for his wife, Lillie; produced 100 barrels of
flour, 200 bushels of cornmeal a day; became known as the Sunday
flour; only major brand in United States milled entirely from
soft winter wheat (contains less gluten than hard wheat),
flakier biscuits and piecrusts; best-selling flour in
southeastern United States; 1920
- Powell Smith (son) became owner;
1968 - acquired by Great Western United Corp.;
1972 - acquired by
Dixie-Portland Flour Mills (Memphis);
1988 - 68.5% of retail market in
Knoxville, fourth-largest-selling brand of flour nationally;
1989-1995 - five
ownership changes; 1995
- acquired by H. Guenther & Son Inc. (San Antonio);
2006 - White Lily
brand name acquired by J. M. Smucker Company (H. Guenther & Son
Inc. continues as owner of mill, supplier of White Lily
products); March 2008
- Smucker ended supply agreement;
June 30, 2008 - mill closed.
February 5, 1884 - Black American inventor
Willis Johnson, of Cincinnati, Ohio, received patent for an
"Egg-Beater"; designed so that eggs, batter and similar
ingredients used by bakers or confectioners could be mixed
intimately efficiently.
May 20, 1884 - Lockrum Blue, of Washington, DC,
received a patent for a "Hand Corn-Shelling Device" ("for
rapidly and effectually removing the grain from ears of corn").
1885 - Brothers Pierre and Marius Barnier
established artisan confectionary company in Rouen, France;
produced bonbons under name of Bonbons Suisse;
1900 - acquired by
Eugene Callet, wholesaler in confections in Nantes, renamed
Bonbons Barnier; 1930
- first machines to wrap bonbons; introduced filled candies;
1969 -created 'mini
bonbon'; 2007 -
managed by fourth Callet generation.
1885 - John Baptist Caito and family started
Western Fish Company in Pittsburg, CA; processed salmon caught
in in Sacramento River; 1906
- earthquake destroyed production facility; formed California
Western Fish Company; 1975
- fourth-generation Caito Brothers (Joe, Jim & John) took over
operation; process millions of pounds of crab, cod, snapper,
salmon at five locations along West Coast.
1885 - Farmer Arthur Charles Wilkin, two friends
formed Britannia Fruit Preserving Company; made first batch of
strawberry jam in Tiptree, Essex, UK; 1901 - 8,000 customers;
1905 - renamed
Wilkin & Sons Limited; 1911
- King George V awarded Royal Warrant;
1913 - Charles J. Wilkin (son) became
Chairman; 1920 -
sales exceeded Ł100,000, over 200,000 customers;
1942 - T.G. Wilkin
appointed director, A. F. Wilkin appointed chairman;
September 30, 1952
- Wilkin & Sons Limited registered "Tiptree" trademark first
used 1904 (fruit conserves, Jams, Marmalades, preserved fruits,
fruit preserves, and vegetable preserves and honey and chutney);
1954 - HM the Queen
awarded Royal Warrant for supply of Jam & Marmalade;
1971 - Peter Wilkin
(great-grandson) appointed director;
1980 - sales exceeded Ł5million, exports
to over 50 countries; 2009
- more than 200 full-time employees.
Arthur Charles Wilkin
- Tiptree
1886 - Milton Hershey founded Lancaster Caramel
Company in Lancaster, PA; 1894
- produced sweet chocolate as coating for caramels; called new
subsidiary Hershey Chocolate Company;
August 10, 1900 - Lancaster Caramel
Company acquired for $1 million by The American Caramel Company;
produced low-cost, high-quality milk chocolate in bars, wafers,
other shapes; March 2, 1903
- ground breaking for new chocolate factory in Derry Church, PA
(renamed Hershey in 1906); 1905
- town of Hershey took shape; June
19, 1906 - Milton S. Hershey (dba Hershey
Chocolate Company) registered "Hershey's" trademark first used
January 1, 1894 (chocolate, cocoa, sweet chocolate, milk
chocolate, chocolate coatings, chocolate liquors, and chocolate
powder); July 1, 1907
- produced flat-bottomed, conical milk chocolate candy, named
Hershey's Kisses Chocolates;
November 15, 1909 - deeded 486 acres of farm
land to Hershey Trust Company for creation of orphan boys'
school; November 13, 1918
- gave $60 million in Hershey Chocolate Company stock to trust;
March 6, 1923 -
Hershey Chocolate Co. registered 'Hershey's Milk Chocolate
Kisses' trademark first used July 1, 1907 (chocolates) and
Hershey's Kisses" (solid chocolates);
1969 - sales of $334 million;
2004 - sales of
$4.4 billion.
Milton Hershey -
chocolate (http://www.hersheypa.com/about_hershey/our_proud_history/images/
1886 - Alphonse Biardot, French immigrant,
founded Franco-American Food Company with his two sons as
commercial kitchen in Jersey City, NJ; featured French foods;
line of canned soup and pasta particularly successful;
1921 - acquired by
Campbell Soup; November 15, 1955
- registered "Franco-American" trademark first used in May 1911
(spaghetti, spaghetti sauce, macaroni, and beef gravy);
November 19, 2004 -
name discontinued.
1886 - David L. Clark opened D. L. Clark Company
candy business in Pittsburgh, PA;
1917 - introduced first five-cent candy bar,
Clark bar; honeycombed ground roasted peanuts, covered with milk
1886 - Del Monte Brand first appeared, property
of Tillman & Bendel, Oakland-based firm, which used it for blend
of coffee prepared for luxury Hotel Del Monte in Monterey, CA;
later used by Oakland Preserving Company;
1889 - Marco Fontana, Italian immigrant,
Antonio Cerruti founded California Fruit Canners Association
(Oakland Preserving Company, San Jose Fruit Packing Company, 15
others); set purchase prices for crops that challenged those set
by growers' cooperatives; canneries soon became largest food
processing corporation in world; marketed premium brand under
Del Monte label; January 1, 1918
- California Packing Corporation registered "Del Monte"
trademark first used October 1, 1891 (canned fruits, canned
vegetables, canned fish, tomato sauce, catsup, peppers,
sauerkraut, dried fruits, raisins).
April 1886 - Charles F. Moore, started St. Clair
Rock Salt Co. in St. Clair, MI; May
1886 - renamed Diamond Crystal Salt Company;
used Alberger process to make flake salt instead of granule or
cube salt (99.99% pure sodium chloride vs. 99.95% for granule
salt); produced unique-shaped crystals with numerous facets,
extraordinary adherence, blendability, flavor;
October 19, 1886 -
Horace Williams, John L. Alberger and Louis R. Alberger, of
Buffalo, NY, received a patent for the "Manufacture of Salt"
("process of making salt from brine and the apparatus used, it
being especially adapted to the manufacture of fine salt and to
the saving of fuel usually employed");
April 9, 1889 - received a patent for an
"Apparatus for the Manufacture of Salt";
September 19, 1905 - registered "Diamond
Crystal Salt" trademark first used November 1, 1886 (table and
dairy salt); 1929 - acquired by General Foods;
1953 - reacquired
by Moore family; 1987
- acquired by Akzo Nobel Salt; 1997
- acquired by Cargill.
1887 - Southern Cotton Oil Company incorporated
in New Jersey to consolidate, carry on business of number of
cottonseed crushing works, refineries located in Southern
States; 1899 -
David Wesson, company chemist, developed process for deodorizing
cottonseed oil through high-temperature vacuum process; first
commercial all-vegetable shortening marketed as Snowdrift;
1920s - vegetable
oil division spun off as Wesson Oil & Snowdrift Company;
January 3, 1922 - The Southern Cotton Oil
Company registered "Wesson 22" trademark first used September 3,
1903 (prepared fatty oleaginous or unctuous food substances);
registered "Wesson 44" first used September 1901 (prepared fatty
oleaginous or unctuous food substances); registered "Wesson 77"
(prepared fatty oleaginous or unctuous food substances);
registered "Wesson 88" first used September 1901 (prepared fatty
oleaginous or unctuous food substances);
1960 - merged with Hunt's Foods, Inc.,
became Hunt-Wesson Foods; acquired by Beatrice Foods;
1990 - acquired by
1887 - E. K. White purchased mill in Chelsea, MI
(family had been milling flour in Michigan, Indiana, Kansas as
early as 1802); 1901
- incorporated as Chelsea Milling Company;
1908 - acquired by Harmon S. Holmes
(H.S. Holmes Mercantile); 1930
- Mabel Holmes (E.K. White's daughter) created new product,
premixed blend of flour, baking powder, other ingredients; named
"Jiffy"; 1936 -
Mabel Holmes, twin sons took over;
July 13, 1948 - Chelsea Milling Company
registered "Jiffy" trademark first used in 1930 (biscuit mix,
pie crust); fourth largest maker of prepackaged baking mixes in
United States; Jiffy among top three sellers in every category
of mix the company made, captured % of corn muffin mix sales
1887 - Don Nicola De Cecco and brothers started
pasta enterprise (molino, mill, later pastificio, pasta factory)
in small village of Fara San Martino, located at foot of Mount
Maiella (Italy); created new "low temperature" pasta (dried in
24 hours, vs. sun dried); 1908
- country girl from Abruzzo with wheat stacks became company's
trademark; 1986 -
established "Olive Oil Company", first step toward product
1888 - Rabbi Dov Behr Manischewitz opened small
Matzo bakery in Cincinnati, OH;
1932 - built second factory in Jersey City, NJ;
1940 - produced
first Tam Tam cracker, initial departure from line of matzo
products; signed licensing arrangement, began to sell wines
throughout country; July 10, 1956
- B. Manischewitz Company registered "Manischewitz" trademark
first used in March 1936 (wines);
1990 - acquired by Kohlberg & Company and
Manischewitz management for $42.4 million;
1998 - acquired by R.A.B. Holdings;
August 2004 - name
changed to RAB Food Group, LLC;
August 2007 - acquired by Harbinger Capital
1888 - Irish immigrant Patrick Cudahy opened
Cudahy Bros. Co., meatpacking plant, in Milwaukee, WI;
1957 - name
changed; 1971 -
Bluebird Inc. Philadelphia, PA);
1980 - Bluebird acquired by England's Northern
Foods; 1984 -
Patrick Cudahy acquired by Smithfield Foods (Smithfield, VA);
January 1987-April 1989
- United Food & Commercial Workers Local P-40, representing more
than 700 slaughter, processing, packing employees, went on
strike after rejecting contract concessions.
March 6, 1888 - Max Sielaff, of Berlin, Germany,
received a U.S. patent (German Letters Patent received on August
18, 1887) for a "Vending Apparatus" ("...apparatuses containing
a potable liquor or certain articles-such as cigars, newspapers,
and others-and which can be put in operation with the
introduction of a coin of determinate size and the subsequent
movement of a handle, so as to deliver a measured quantity of
the liquor or one of the articles contained in the apparatus");
vending machine.
1889 - Willoughby M. McCormick (25), staff (two
girls, boy) founded McCormick & Company in one room, cellar in
Baltimore, MD; root beer, flavoring extracts, fruit syrups,
juices -first products; 1896
- entered spice market; 1926
- stock offered to wholesale grocers;
1932 - Charles P. McCormick (nephew)
elected President, Chairman; 1961
- sales topped $50 million; 1969
- sales surpassed $100 million;
1980 - sales surpassed $500 million;
1987 - Charles P.
McCormick, Jr., elected President, CEO; sales of $1 billion;
2003 - added to
Standard and Poor's 500 Index;
August 2008 - acquired, with Adolph's Meat
Tenderizer, Lawry's, dominant in market for branded seasoned
salt products, for $605 million (forced by FTC to spin off
Season-All line, with $18 million in sales, to Morton
International Inc. for $15 million).
1889 - Chris Rutt, newspaperman, Charles
Underwood, of Pearl Milling Company, developed Aunt Jemima,
first ready-mixed, self-rising pancake flour;
1890 - acquired by
R. T. Davis Milling Company; April
29, 1890 - Aunt Jemima Manufacturing Co. (St.
Joseph, MO) registered "Aunt Jemima" trademark first used
November 27, 1889 (self-raising flour); hired Nancy Green as
spokeswoman; 1914 -
company renamed Aunt Jemima Mills Company;
1926 - acquired by Quaker Oats Company.
1889 - Alfred E. Green put $16 deposit property
on Skeena Slough to participate in salmon boom of late 1800s
after Inverness, first cannery, opened in 1876;
1903 - acquired by
Cassiar Packing Company (Caspaco); longest consecutively
operating cannery on West Coast;
1905 - 12 canneries operated near mouth of
Skeena River; 1914
- Grand Trunk Railroad connected Skeena canneries, offered new
method of transport from traditional boats or walking, connected
Prince Rupert with rest of Canada;
1920s - number of Skeena canneries began to
drop; 1959 -
Departments of Highways built road terminating at Cassiar,
linked canneries with Highway 16;
1960s - only 3 operational canneries left;
1980s - last
operating salmon cannery on Skeena River;
2006 - underwent restoration,
diversified into conservation economy.
January 5, 1889 - Word hamburger first appeared
in print in Walla Walla, Washington, newspaper (according to
date given in Oxford English Dictionary); named after German
food called hamburg steak (from Hamburg Germany), form of
pounded beef; 1902
- first description of hamburg steak close to American
conception of hamburger, gave recipe calling for ground beef
mixed with onion, pepper.
1890 - Adolphus Green formed American Biscuit &
Manufacturing Co. in Chicago (combined approximately 40
midwestern bakeries); William Moore united Pearson, Bent, six
other eastern bakeries into New York Biscuit Company;
1898 - Green and
Moore merged companies plus United States Baking Company, formed
National Biscuit Co. (Nabisco).
1890 - Joseph and William Hunt incorporated Hunt
Brothers Fruit Packing Company in Santa Rosa, CA;
1943 - merged Val
Vita Food Products, formed new company, Hunt Foods, headed by
Norton Simon; 1956
- renamed Hunt Foods and Industries to reflect company's
diversification; 1960
- merged with Wesson Oil and Snowdrift Company;
1964 - combined
sales exceeded $400 million, company renamed Hunt-Wesson Foods.
1891 - Kennedy Biscuit Works (Cambridge, MA)
created "Newtons" in honor of Newton, MA (after Philadelphia
baker James Henry Mitchell invented machine which combined
hollow cookie crust with jam filling);
July 7, 1914 - Kraft Foods Holdings,
Inc. registered "Fig Newtons" trademark first used September 1,
1892 (biscuit).
1891 - William Wrigley Jr. (29) sold Wrigley's
Scouring Soap in Chicago; 1892
- sold baking powder, offered two packages of chewing gum, as
sales incentive, with each can (premium, chewing gum, seemed
more promising than the product it was supposed to promote);
marketed first two brands of chewing gum, Lotta and Vassar,
under his name; 1893
- introduced Juicy Fruit and Spearmint;
December 1903 - incorporated in
Illinois; November 1910
- reincorporated (under West Virginia law) as Wm. Wrigley Jr.
Company; 1914 -
introduced Doublemint gum (1939 - introduced "Doublemint Twins"
in advertising); June 29, 1915
- Juicy Fruit chewing gum trademark registered;
1920 - made 9
billion sticks of gum per year, world's largest advertiser of a
single product; 1924
- Wrigley Building on North Michigan Avenue completed;
October 1927 -
reincorporated under same name under Delaware law;
October 6, 2008 -
acquired by Mars, Incorporated ($22 billion in sales) for $23
billion (included financing from Berkshire Hathaway, holding
company run by Warren Buffett) as separate, stand-alone
subsidiary; six core growth categories -- chocolate,
non-chocolate confectionery, gum, food, drinks, petcare.
February 7, 1891 - Bartlett Arkell, Walter H.
Lipe, David Zielley, Jr., John D. Zielley, and Raymond P. Lipe
incorporated Imperial Packing Co. in Canajoharie, NY (latter
three left in few months); family business, smoking ham and
bacon; products called "Beech-Nut" brand (to evoke feeling of
wholesomeness, freshness, purity of the country);
1898 - company
reorganized, name changed to Beech-Nut Packing Co.;
1911 - peppermint
gum introduced; December 31, 1912
- Beech-Nut Packing Company registered "Beech-Nut" trademark
first used in 1899 (cured ham, bacon, beef and myriad other food
products); 1931 -
13 varieties of strained baby foods introduced; first company to
put baby food in glass jars (vs, lead-soldered metal cans);
1938 - chopped
("junior") foods launched; early
1950s - demand for baby food increased 98% in
three years; 1956 -
merged with Life Savers; 1968
- merged with Squibb, Inc.; 1973
- acquired by Baker Corporation;
1977 - name changed to Beech-Nut Foods
Corporation; November 1979
- acquired by Nestle S.A.; February
1982 - name changed to Beech-Nut Nutrition
Corporation; 1989 -
acquired by Ralston Purina Company;
1994 - spun-off to form Ralcorp
Holdings, Inc.; September 1998
- acquired by The Milnot Company (privately held, St. Louis
manufacturer of branded and private-label food products).
Bartlett Arkell
- Beech-Nut Foods
June 1891 - F. Schumacher Milling Company
(founded 1856 by Ferdinand Schumacher as German Mills American
Oatmeal Company) consolidated operations with Hower Oatmeal
Company, Quaker Milling company, Cereal Milling Company,
Rockford Oatmeal Milling Company, Iowa City Oatmeal Company,
formed The American Cereal Company (capitalization of $3.4
million) in Akron, OH; 'oatmeal trust' - represented about 85%
of oatmeal output in U.S.; 1901
- Ferdinand Schumacher (The American Cereal Company), Henry
Parsons Crowell (Quaker Mill Company, founded in September 1877
by Henry D. Seymour and William Heston [received a patent for an
"Oatmeal-Machine" on June 8, 1880], acquired by Crowell, James
H. Andrews for $25,000 in 1881), Robert Stuart (Stuart, Higley,
Douglas families established North Star Oatmeal Mills in Cedar
Rapids. IA in 1874) combined their companies, founded Quaker
Oats Company; Robert Stuart as CEO;
1907 - reorganized as operating company;
June 26, 1906 -
American Cereal Company registered "Quaker" trademark first used
in September 1877 (oatmeal, rolled oats, [cracked wheat, rolled
wheat,] farina, hominy grits, pearled barley, [prepared rice,]
and breakfast foods); 1926
- acquired Aunt Jemima Mills Company;
October 16, 1951 - registered "Shot From
Guns" trademark first used in 1909 (puffed wheat and puffed
rise, for human consumption);
August 2001 - acquired by Pepsico.
Ferdinand Schumacher - Quaker Oats
June 16, 1891 - George A. Hormel, son of German
immigrants, founded Geo. A. Hormel & Company as small retail
store in Austin, MN; first plant in abandoned creamery located
on banks of Red Cedar River; 1941
- nearly 4,500 employees, $74.6 million in sales;
August 22, 1950 -
registered "Spam" trademark first used May 11, 1937 (canned meat
product, consisting primarily of pork chopped and molded in loaf
form in the can); December 1984
- members of United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local P-9
initiated campaign against wage, benefit concessions demanded by
management; 1,700 workers struck;
spring 1986 - International union placed local
in receivership; 1991
- name changed to Hormel Foods Corporation.
May 31, 1892 - Lea & Perrins Firm registered
"Lea & Perrins Worchestershire Sauce" trademark first used 1874
(Sauce for Roast Meats, Steaks, Cutlets, Chops, Fish, Curries,
Gravies, Game, and Soup).
1893 - Quaker City Confectionery Company in
Philadelphia first produced GOOD & PLENTY candy; oldest branded
candy in United States; June 12,
1928 - registered
"Good and Plenty" trademark first used September 1908 (candy);
1950 - Choo Choo
Charlie, engineer who fueled his train with GOOD & PLENTY Candy,
first appeared in advertisements;
1973 - acquired by Warner Lambert;
1982 - acquired by
Beatrice Foods; 1983
- acquired by Huhtamaki Oy; 1996
- acquired by Hershey Foods.
1893 - Halls Brothers formed in Britain,
originally to sell soap and jams; broadened to candy products.
1893 - Joseph Fralinger, former glassblower and
fish merchant, opened retail store on the Boardwalk in Atlantic
City, NJ; 1894 -
added taffy concession (sold on Boardwalk since 1880), perfected
Salt Water Taffy formula (used molasses, then chocolate and
vanilla, reached 25 flavors); grew to six locations; packed one
pound oyster boxes with Salt Water Taffy (first "Atlantic City
Souvenir"); 1905 -
Enoch James, former employee of large candy companies throughout
country, entered business (had developed high quality recipe
that would not pull out teeth, eliminated stickiness that made
taffy stick to wrapper); August 28,
1923 - Theo. J. Lapres, Inc. (Fralinger
son-in-law) registered "Fralinger's" trademark first used
December 1894 (salt-water taffy);
January 14, 1930 - registered "Fralinger's
Original Salt Water Taffy" first used in 1894 (salt water
taffy); January 19, 1932
- James' Inc. Corporation registered "James' Sealed" trademark
first used May 24, 1929 (confections-namely, candies);
1947 - James' Candy
Co. acquired by Glaser family (owners, operators of Dairy Maid
stores); 1991 -
Fralinger's Salt Water Taffy acquired by James' Candy Company;
fifth generation-owned family business; produce 11,000 pounds of
taffy/day in summer.
June 16, 1893 - F.W. (Frederick William)
Rueckheim and Brother introduced a popcorn, peanuts, and
molasses confection at the World's Columbian Exposition,
Chicago's First World Fair; 1896
- Louis Rueckheim , F.W.'s brother and partner, discovered
process for keeping molasses-covered popcorn from sticking
together; gave treat to a salesman who exclaimed, "That's
crackerjack!"; November 26, 1907
- Rueckheim Bros. and Eckstein Corporation registered "Cracker
Jack" trademark first used Januaary 1906 (candied popcorn);
1908 - Jack
Norworth wrote lyrics to "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" during a
30-minute subway ride (Albert Von Tilzer composed the music);
song's third line immortalized rand: "Buy me some peanuts and
Cracker Jack"; 1912
- introduced "A Prize in Every Box" with toys inserted into
every package; June 1919
- Sailor Jack and his dog, Bingo, first appeared on packages
(modeled after F.W. Rueckheim's young grandson, Robert);
April 14, 1925 -
Cracker Jack Co. registered "Cracker Jack" trademark (candies
pop corn with sailor and dog logo);
1964 - acquired by Borden;
1997 - acquired by
August 1, 1893 - Henry D. Perky and William H.
Ford, of Watertown, NY, received a patent for a "Machine for the
Preparation of Cereals for Food" (the economic reduction of
cereals in the grain state to desirable forms of food without
detracting from their natural nutritious qualities and virtue
and for the better preparation of the same for more convenient
and general use"); May 29, 1894
- received a patent for a "Machine for the Manufacture of Food
Products from Cereals" ("practical and efficient machine for the
treatment of cereals whereby they may be economically converted
into a wholesome food production a desirable and convenient
form"); June 26, 1894
- received a patent for a "Machine for the Manufacture of Food
Products from Cereals" ("production of a simple, efficient, and
practical machine for the reduction of cereals into an edible,
wholesome and palatable food product in a convenient and
desirable form"); all patents assigned to The Cereal Machine
Company (Colorado).
August 29, 1893 - Sixty independent orange
growers formed Southern California Fruit Exchange, union of
local associations into general cooperative (at urging of T.H.B.
Chamblin, manager of Pachappa Orange Growers Association in
Riverside), to market their fruit (citrus acreage grew from
3,000 to more than 40,000 acres between 1880-1893);
1905 - incorporated
as California Fruit Growers Exchange;
April 1908 - Exchange's advertising
agency, Lord & Thomas, adopted 'Sunkist' for new name in ad
campaigns; $7,000 advertising campaign launched in Iowa; orange
sales increased 50%; January 30,
1912 - California Fruit Growers Exchange
Corporation registered "Sunkist" trademark first used on May 10,
1908 (lemons); February 1952
- name changed to Sunkist Growers, Inc.;
2008 - not-for-profit marketing
cooperative entirely owned, operated for 6,000 California,
Arizona citrus growers; one of ten largest marketing
cooperatives in America, largest fruit and vegetable cooperative
in world.
October 6, 1893 - Diamond Milling Company, Grand
Forks, ND, owned by Emery Mapes, George Bull, George Clifford,
created Cream Of Wheat (named by Fred Clifford, Sr. because the
product was so white), a hot cereal, a porridge product using
farina, during the economic depression of that year; Emery Mapes
created Rastus, African American chef used on logo for skillet,
woodcut image of Cream of Wheat chef, on box;
January 23, 1900 -
Cream of Wheat Company (Minneapolis, MN) registered "Cream of
Wheat" trademark first used March 1, 1895 (breakfast-foods,
including rolled wheat, cracked wheat, wheat grits,
wheat-farina, and purified middlings);
1920s - replaced by face of Chicago
waiter who was paid five dollars to pose in chef's hat, jacket;
1962 - acquired by
National Biscuit Company Grocery Division;
2000 - Nabisco Holdings acquired by
Kraft Foods' parent company, Philip Morris Companies, Inc.;
February 25, 2007 -
acquired (with Cream of Rice) by subsidiaries of B&G Foods, Inc.
from Kraft Foods Global, Inc., for $200 million (2006 sales of
$60 million).
1894 - William H. Danforth (bookkeeper), George
Robinson, William Andrews formed Robinson-Danforth Commission
Company, with a capital investment of $12,000, to manufacture
horse and mule feed made from crushed grains;
May 26, 1896 -
tornado destroyed company's milling facility; Danforth borrowing
$10,000 to build new mill; became majority shareholder (bought
Andrews shares); 1898
- entered human foods market with Purina ( 'Where purity is
paramount') Whole Wheat Cereal, line of whole-wheat breakfast
cereals; renamed 'Ralston Wheat Cereal' after endorsed by
human-diet guru Dr. Ralston (Webster Edgerly - had begun program
called Ralstonism, from RALSTON anagram: Regime, Activity,
Light, Strength, Temperation, Oxygen and Nature);
1902 - merged with
Ralston Cereal Company (founded 1900), renamed Ralston Purina
Company, Checkerboard as Ralston's trademark;
March 5, 1907 -
registered "Purina" trademark first used October 1, 1893
(cornmeal, wheat-flour, cereal breakfast food, and
pancake-flour); May 7, 1907
- registered "Ralston" trademark first used March 1, 1895
(cereal breakfast food); December
12, 2001 - merged with Nestle Holdings, Inc. in
$10.3 billion transaction.
Albert Webster Edgerly
- Dr Ralston (Ralston Purina)
1894 - George Everett Haskell, William
W. Bosworth formed Haskell & Bosworth in Beatrice, NE;
sold poultry, eggs, butter,
produce; began producing creamery butter provided by
local farmers; 1898
- incorporated as Beatrice
Creamery Company in Lincoln, NE; (had been originally
founded in 1882 but had failed);
1899 - Bosworth lect company;
November 12, 1901 -
adopted "Meadow Gold" as trademark;
1913 - moved to Chicago;
September 1919 - W.
H. ferguson named presidxent;
August 7, 1923 - Beatrice Creamery Company
registered "Meadow Gold" first used September 28, 1922 (cheese);
January 15, 1924 -
registered "Beatrice" trademark firt use March 1, 1910 (ice
cream); 1943 -
acquired La Choy; 1946
- name changed to Beatrice Foods Co.;
1957 - established grocery division;
1973 - acquired
Samsonite luggage; 1976
- acquired Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation (acquired in 1982
by group of franchisees, led by Joseph A. McAleer Sr.);
1984 - name changed
to Beatrice Companies, Inc.; 1985
- acquired Norton Simon, Inc.; 1990
- acquired by ConAgra.
1894 - Austria-Hungarian immigrants Emil
Reichel, Sam Ladany opened first Vienna Sausage Co. store on
Chicago's Near West Side at 417 S. Halsted Ave.;
1900 - marketed,
sold products to other stores, restaurants around Chicago;
1984 - acquired
Chicago Pickle Company, added condiments to product mix;
2004 - entered
Guinness Book of World Records with longest hot dog ever-37 feet
and 2 inches.
1895 - Charles William (C.W.) Post developed,
produced his first product, Postum cereal beverage (coffee
substitute); named company Postum Ltd.;
1897 - developed Grape-Nuts cereal
(nutty flavor of nuggets), part of new ready-to-eat breakfast
food industry in United States;
June 14, 1898 - registered "Grape-Nuts"
trademark first used December 1, 1897 (cooked or prepared cereal
food for human consumption); 1908
- introduced corn flakes product first called Elijah's Manna,
later renamed Post Toasties; June
2, 1908 - registered "Post Toasties" trademark
first used August 23, 1907 (cereal breakfast-foods);
December 31, 1925 -
acquired Jell-O Company, Inc.; July
24, 1929 - Postum Incorporated renamed General
Foods; 1985 -
acquired by Philip Morris Companies for $5.6 billion, largest
non-oil acquisition to that time;
March, 1989 - combined with Kraft Inc., renamed
Kraft General Foods (KGF).
1895 - Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association
June 4, 1895 - Black American inventor Joseph
Lee, of Auburndale, MA, received a patent for a "Bread Crumbing
Machine" intended "for use in hotels or restaurants, where a
large quantity of bread crumbs are used in cooking."
September 17, 1895 - Henry D. Perky, of Denver,
CO, received a design patent for "A Design for a Biscuit"
("presents a fibrous interstitial appearance , showing
superimposed layers or irregular interlacing threads or
filaments which are wound or disposed in such loose relation to
each other that the threads or filaments of the inner layers are
visible from the surface to a greater or less degree through the
interstices of the outer layers"); shredded wheat;
October 15, 1895 -
received patent for "Bread and Method of Preparing Same";
shredded wheat; founded The Cereal Machine Company to make
shredded wheat; pioneer of the "cookless breakfast food" and it
was he who first mass produced and nationally distributed
ready-to-eat cereal; 1901
- opened factory in Niagara Falls, NY (called 'Palace of
Light'); 1908 -
renamed Natural Food Company; 1913
- renamed The Shredded Wheat Company;
December 1928 - acquired by National
Biscuit Company (Nabisco); 1941
- product name changed to Nabisco Shredded Wheat.
Henry D. Perky - Shredded Wheat
1896 - P.G. Molinari (26) opened salame store
and factory at 433 Broadway, San Francisco;
1950 - Peter Giorgi (son's son-in-law)
joined business; 1978
- Frank Giorgi, great grandson, joined company.
P.G. Molinari
- Molinari & Sons
February 23, 1896 - Austrian immigrant Leo
Hirshfield brought recipe for chocolaty, chewy candy to U. S.,
produced it in small store in New York City; candy named for his
five-year-old daughter (nickname of "Tootsie");
September 14, 1909
- Stern & Saalberg Company, New York, NY, registered "Tootsie"
trademark first used September 1908 (chocolate candy);
1917 -name changed
to Sweets Company of America; advertised nationally;
1922 - went public;
June 16, 1925 -
registered "Tootsie Rolls" trademark first used in September
1908 (candy); 1931
- introduced Tootsie Pop; 1966
- name changed to Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc.;
1978 - Ellen Gordon
named President, second woman elected president of company
listed on New York Stock Exchange;
1988 - acquired Charms Company, became world's
largest lollipop producer; 2003
- production reached more than 60 million Tootsie Rolls, 20
million Tootsie Pops each day.
April 14, 1896 - John Harvey Kellogg, of Battle
Creek, MI, received a patent for "Flaked Cereals and Process of
Preparing Same" ("to provide a food product which is in a proper
condition to be readily digested without preliminary cooking or
heating operation, and which is highly nutritive and of an
agreeable taste, thus affording a food product particularly well
suited for sick and convalescing persons"); to improve
vegetarian diet of his hospital patients with digestible
bread-substitute made by boiling wheat (easy to prepare
breakfast when milk added).
August 29, 1896 - Chinese-American dish chop
suey invented in New York City by chef to visiting Chinese
Ambassador Li Hung-chang.
December 8, 1896 - Black-American inventor John
T. White, of New York, NY, received patent for a
"Lemon-Squeezer"; made squeezing lemons, straining juice easy;
kept hands clean while juicing.
1897 - Dr. John Thompson Dorrance (24) joined
uncle's company, Joseph A. Campbell Preserve Co., producer of
canned tomatoes, vegetables, jellies, soups, condiments, minced
meats (father, Arthur Dorrance, general manager); invented
condensed soup by eliminating water in canned soup; lowered the
costs for packaging, shipping, storage; made it possible to
offer 10-ounce can of Campbell's condensed soup for a dime,
versus more than 30 cents for a typical 32-ounce can of soup;
introduced tomato soup; 1905
- name changed to Joseph Campbell Company;
1915 - acquired Franco-American Food
Company; 1922 -
incorporated as Campbell Soup Company;
1934 - introduced Cream of Mushroom,
Chicken Noodle soups; 1955
- acquired C.A. Swanson & Sons, originator of TV dinner, takes
Campbell into frozen foods; 1961
- acquired Pepperidge Farm, Incorporated;
1974 - acquired full control of Godiva
Chocolatier, Inc.; 1978
- acquired Vlasic Foods, Inc.; 1981
- acquired Prego spaghetti sauces;
1998 - spun off specialty foods unit (Vlasic
pickles, Swanson frozen foods); focused on soups, sauces,
beverages, biscuits, confectionery, foodservice.
1897 - Jerome Monroe Smucker opened cider mill
in Orrville, OH; prepared apple butter, sold it from back of a
horse-drawn wagon; each crock had hand-signed seal as personal
guarantee of quality; 1921
- J. M. Smucker Company incorporated;
1923 - introduced preserves, jelllies;
February 22,
1949 - registered
"Smucker's" trademark first used in 1900 (fruit preserves,
jellies, jam, marmalade, and apple butter);
1962 - introduced slogan: "With a name
like Smucker's it has to be good";
June 4, 2008 - announced acquisition of Folgers
coffee business from Procter & Gamble for $3.3 billion; biggest
U.S. producer of coffee; seventh acquisition in two years, boost
annual sales to $4.7 billion (2.15 billion in 2007).
1897 - Isaac
VanWestenbrugge (23), Dutch immigrant, borrowed $300 from older
brother Martin, started business delivering butter and eggs in
Grand Rapids, MI; 1916
- Ben Gordon (high school senior) joined company;
1921 -married
Isaac's daughter; brought in brother (Frank);
1942 - company
renamed Gordon Food Service; 2007
- #46 largest privately-owned company in U. S. (estimated 2006
sales of $5.9 billion); largest independent foodservice
distributor in North America.
February 2, 1897 - Alfred L. Cralle of
Pittsburgh, PA, received a patent for an "Ice-Cream Mold and
Disher" ("may be conveniently operated with one hand"); able to
keep ice cream and other foods from sticking; constructed in
almost any desired shape (cone or mound) with no delicate parts
that could break or malfunction.
May 28, 1897 - Pearle Wait, carpenter in LeRoy,
NY, adapted 1845 Peter Cooper portable gelatine patent to fruit
flavored gelatin dessert; his wife, May, named product Jell-O;
September 9, 1899 -
sold formula to Orator Frank Woodward, founder of Genesee Pure
Food Co. for $450; 1902
- launched first advertising campaign in Ladies' Home Journal,
sales eventually reached $250,000;
September 22, 1908 - Genesee Pure Food Company
(LeRoy, NY) registered "Jell-O" trademark first used in March
1897 (compound used in the preparation of jellies, desserts,
pastries and ice cream); November
5, 1923 - reorganized, renamed Jell-O Company,
Inc; December 31, 1925
- acquired by Postum Cereal.
August 3, 1897 - Ellsworth B. A. Zwoyer,
of Reading, PA, received two design patents for a "Design for
Fuel" ("form of two truncated pyramids placed base to base and
separated by a flat rectangular body and furnished with rounded
corners and slightly rounded or convex tops"); charcoal.
1898 - American
Biscuit and Manufacturing Company (formed in 1830 from 40
Midwestern bakeries), New York Biscuit Company (seven eastern
bakeries), United States Baking Company merged, formed National
Biscuit Company (114 bakeries across United States); introduced
first product, Uneeda Biscuit; created first "inner-seal
package" (inter-folded layers of wax paper, cardboard, one of
first self-service packages for cracker products);
December 27, 1898 -
National Biscuit Company registered "Uneeda" trademark first
used September 6, 1898 (biscuits, crackers);
March 28, 1899 -
Frank M. Peters, of Chicago, IL, Nabisco designer, received a
patent for a "Method of and Means for Packing Biscuit, Crackers,
or the Like" ("to provide an inexpensive package whereby bakery
goods...may be kept fresh and in proper condition for
consumption by effectually excluding moisture therefrom and
whereby the goods will be firmly packaged and held and thereby
prevented from rattling and breaking in the package");
'In-Er-Seal' wax paper wrapper to keep crackers fresh.
1898 - Augustus Eugene (Gene) Staley bought bulk
starch for two cents a pound, repackaged it under his own Cream
Starch (cornstarch) label, sold it for profit of five cents a
pound in Baltimore, MD; 1906
- incorporated A E Staley Manufacturing Company when his
suppliers realized he was serious competition;
1909 - moved to
Decatur, IL; March 12, 1919
- bought starch plant in Illinois, began processing, ground 1000
pounds of corn; March 1920
- hired George Halas as starch-maker by day, manage Decatur
Staleys football team on side; played 13 games, finished 10-1-2
(1922 - renamed Chicago Bears, continued to use Staley da Bear
as mascot); September 30, 1922
- first soybean crushing plant went into operation;
1932 - A E Staley
Jr. (Gus) became President; 1988
- 90% North American AE Staley Manufacturing Co. acquired by
Tate & Lyle (2000 - acquired balance).
A E Staley's
1920 Decatur Staleys (1922 - renamed Chicago Bears)
1898 - William Entenmann opened bakery in the
Flatbush section of Brooklyn, New York; delivered cakes, breads,
rolls door-to-door in horse-drawn buggy;
1961 - built largest baking facility of
its kind in United States on five acres in Bay Shore, long
Island; acquired by George Weston Bakeries.
1898 - Joseph
Walker (21) opened bakery in Torphins with a loan of 50 pounds
and dream of making the finest shortbread in the world;
1970s -
grandchildren exported Walkers shortbread to over 60 countries
around the world - still baked to his original recipe; within
decade won the first of three Queen's Awards for Export
Achievement - highest accolade given to British exporters.
March 30,1898 -
Minor C. Keith, Andrew Preston founded United Fruit Company.
1899 - 7
canners in Astoria, OR formed Columbia River Packers Association
to fish, process Salmon successfully;
1910 - albacore tuna discovered in
seasonal abundance off Oregon coast; Bumble Bee Brand made first
appearance; January 22, 1952
- registered "Bumble Bee" trademark first used in 1896 (canned,
fresh and fresh frozen fish); 1961
- 61% ownership acquired by Castle and Cooke; renamed Bumble Bee
Seafoods, Inc. as wholly owned subsidiary;
1997 - acquired by International Home
Foods Inc.; 2000 -
acquired by Conagra Foods; 2003
- renamed Bumble Bee Seafoods, LLC;
2004 - merged with Connors Bros. Income
Fund, became largest branded seafood company in North America;
2005 - name changed
to Bumble Bee Foods, LLC.
1899 - Franklin V. Canning, New York druggist,
created Dentyne gum (combination of "dental" and hygiene");
1916 - acquired by
American Chicle Company; May 19,
1925 - registered "Dentyne" trademark first used
January 1, 1901 (chewing gum).
1899 - Richard Lindsey, operator of
Royal Flour Mill in Nashville, TN, named his company's finest
flour for his three-year-old daughter, Martha White;
1941 - Cohen E.
Williams and sons acquired Royal Flour Mill and Martha White
name; 1975 - Martha
White merged with Beatrice Companies;
1994 - acquired by Pillsbury Company.
1899 - Ichitaro
Kanie began growing tomatoes in in his garden in Japan; first to
do so; 1903 - produced tomato sauce;
1908 - produced tomato ketchup,
Worcestershire sauce; 1933
- introduced tomato juice; 1949
- five companies merged, formed Aichi Tomato Co., Ltd.;
1963 - name changed
to Kagome Co., Ltd. now one of largest producers of tomato
products in Japan; 1966
- introduced ketchup in world's first plastic tube;
1978 - went public;
December 20, 1983 -
Kagome Co., Ltd. registered "Kagome" trademark in U.S., first
used in 1974 (vegetable based sauces);
1988 - established U.S. subsidiary,
Kagome Inc.; sales of 100 billion yen.
1900 - Carl A. Swanson, Swedish immigrant,
formed partnership with John Hjerpe, Frank Ellison in Omaha, NE;
named Jerpe Commission Company;
1905 - incorporated; focused on butter
production, poultry; 1928
- Swanson bought out Hjerpe's interest (Ellison died in 1918);
1944 - renamed C.A.
Swanson & Sons; 1949
- Gilbert and Clarke Swanson (sons) took over;
October 11, 1949 -
C.A. Swanson & Sons registered "Swanson" trademark first used in
1928; 1954 -
introduced TV dinner; Gerry Thomas, sales executive, redesigned
single-compartment aluminum trays, used to keep food hot in
airline food kitchens of Pan American Airways in Pittsburgh into
'segmented plat' (three-compartment tray) for packaging 520,000
pounds of leftover Thanksgiving poultry into 10 refrigerated
railroad cars (not enough storage in warehouses); first Swanson
TV Dinner - turkey with corn bread dressing, gravy, sweet
potatoes, buttered peas (sold for $.98, cooked in 25 minutes at
425 degrees); first production order for 5,000 dinners (thought
to be a big gamble); sold more than 25 million TV dinners; 1955
- acquired by Campbell Soup Company.
Gilbert and W. Clarke Swanson
- TV Dinner
1901 - James Drummond Dole, son of pastor of
First Church in Jamaica Plain, MA, began growing pineapple on 60
acres on Wahiawa, north of Oahu; incorporated Hawaiian Pineapple
Company, first successful pineapple growing, canning operation;
advertised with recipes in ladies magazines;
1903 - packed 1,893
cases of canned pineapple; January
30, 1912 - Hawaiian Pineapple Company registered
"JDDole" trademark first used in March 1910 (canned pinepapple);
1915 - Hawaii's
second largest industry; owned 29 patents covering machines,
processes in pineapple industry (represented virtually all of
specialized pineapple canning machinery, most of which developed
by employees of the Company); 1932
- Castle & Cooke acquired ownership of 21% of Hawaiian Pineapple
Company; 1933 -
company first used "DOLE" on cans of pineapple, pineapple juice;
April 19, 1949 -
Hawaiian Pineapple Company registered "Dole" trademark first
used in 1927 (canned fruit canned fruit juices for food purposes
and frozen fresh fruit); 1961
- merged with Castle & Cooke; 1991
- shareholder resolution approved to change name of Castle &
Cooke to Dole Food Company, Inc.; world's largest producer,
marketer of fresh fruit, vegetables with major line of packaged
products; 1995 -
separated food, real estate businesses;
2003 - Dole Food Company acquired by
David H. Murdock, former CEO of Flexi-Van Corporation,
transportation equipment leasing company (merged with Castle &
Cooke in 1985).
James Drummond Dole
- Dole Pineapple
1901 - New England Confectionery Company (NECCO)
formed from merger of Chase and Company (1847), Forbes, Hayward
and Company (1848) Wright and Moody (1856); incorporated with
capital of $1,000,000.00; trade name NECCO Sweets, derived from
its title, adopted; January 30,
1906 - registered "NECCO" trademark first used
January 25, 1903; registered "NECCO Sweets" trademark first used
June 1, 1904; 1912
- NECCO Wafer, Hub Wafer widely advertised;
1927 - largest factory in world devoted
to manufacture of candy; March 8,
1938 - registered "Sky Bar" trademark first used
August 26, 1837 (molded chocolate bar with four distinctly
different centers encased in chocolate covering);
1963 - acquired by
UIS, Inc. (New York); period of restructuring under seven
presidents; 1999 -
acquired assets of Clark Bar America, Inc., maker of Clark bar
(introduced in 1917), chocolately coated peanut butter crunch
October 8, 1901
- American Sugar Refining Co., New York, NY, registered "Domino"
trademark first used August 1, 1900 (hard sugar).
November 12, 1901 -
National Biscuit Company registered "Nabisco" trademark first
used June 28, 1901 (biscuits, crackers, bread);
1902 - introduced
Barnum's Animal Crackers; 1912
- introduced Lorna Doone, Oreo cookies;
April 22, 1913 - registered "Lorna
Doone" trademark first used June 12, 1912 (biscuit);
August 12, 1913 -
registered "Oreo" trademark first used March 6, 1912 (biscuit);
July 7, 1914 -
registered "Fig Newtons" trademark first used September 1, 1892
(biscuit); 1952 -
first used red triangular logo; May
4, 1954 - registered "Barnum's Animals"
trademark first used in December 1902 (bakery products, namely
biscuits); 1971 -
name changed to Nabicso; 1981
- merged with Standard Brands (Planters Nuts), acquired
LifeSavers Candies; renamed Nabisco Brands, Inc.;
1985 - acquired by
R.J. Reynolds, formed RJR Nabisco;
1988 - acquired by Kolberg Kravis Roberts
(biggest leveraged buyout in history);
2000 - acquired by Philip Morris
1902 - John W. Daniels, George A. Archer founded
Daniels Linseed Company in Minneapolis, MN;
1903 - Archer joined company;
February 17, 1903 -
first bottle of flax linseed oil made;
February 1905 - name changed to Archer
Daniels Linseed Company; May 23,
1923 - acquired Midland Linseed Products
Company, formed Archer-Daniels-Midland Company;
1947 - sales of
$297 million; 1952
- more than 5,000 employees; 1962
- logo created to represent chemical molecules coming from
natural resource; 1980
- sales of $2.8 billion; 1981
- 50 years of uninterrupted stock dividends.
1902 - Jacob
Leander Loose, Joseph Schull Loose, John A. Wiles formed
Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company in Kansas City, MO; 1908 -
introduced Hydrox cookie (name combined water's atomic
elements--hydrogen and oxygen);
April 15, 1913 - registered "Hydrox" trademark
first used January 1, 1910 (biscuits, cakes, cookies);
May 4, 1937 -
Sunshine Biscuits, Inc. registered "HI-HO" trademark first used
December 1931 (crackers, biscuits, and cakes);
1947 - name changed
to Sunshine Biscuits (better known than Loose-Wiles);
March 27, 1951 -
registered "Vienna Fingers" trademark first used January 1915
(biscuits - namely cookies);
January 28, 1958 - registered "Sunshine Krispy"
trademark first used in 1908 (crackers), saltines;
July 25, 1967 -
registered "Sunshine" trademark first used in August 1908
(crackers e al); April 18, 1988
- acquired by G. F. Industries, Inc.;
1995 - sales of about $500 million;
June 4, 1996 -
merged into Keebler Company (leader in supplying biscuits to
food service industry, more than $2 billion in annual sales,
combined market share of about 23% by volume, vs. 36% held by
Nabisco Biscuit Co.); 2003-
Hydrox discontinued (1998 sales of $16 million vs. $374 million
for Oreos); 2008 -
Hydrox reintroduced by popular demand (more than 1,300 phone
inquiries, online petition with more than 1,000 signatures,
Internet chat sites).
Jacob Leander Loose
- Sunshine Biscuits
1902 - Otosaburo Noda, immigrant Japanese
farmer, labor contractor, businessman, began canning abalone and
salmon on rocky shoreline of Monterey, CA; with partner, Harry
Malpas, constructed Monterey Fishing and Canning Company on
Ocean View Avenue (later known as "Cannery Row"), first canning
operation located on "Street of the Sardine";
1903 - Frank Booth,
"Father of the Sardine Industry," constructed F.E. Booth
Company, Monterey's first large-scale cannery;
1907 - Maplas
business acquired by James A. Madison, Joseph A. Nichols,
Bernard Senderman; became Pacific Fish Company;
July 7, 1916 -
Norwegian fishery engineer Knut Hovden opened Hovden Food
Products Corporation; revolutionized canning industry;
1926 - Pacific Fish
Co. became California Packing Corp. ("Cal-Pac");
1945 - 19
- First Stone-Buhr mill built in Seattle, WA;
1914 - Charles E.
Young, former real estate broker and carpenter, opened
Young-Stone Buhr Milling Co in Fremont neighborhood in Seattle;
1969 - acquired by
Orowheat Foods; 1981
- acquired by Bestfoods / Corn Products Co. (CPC);
2002 - acquired by
JOG Distribution, Inc.
February 1902 - National Starch Manufacturing
Company, Glucose Sugar Refining Co., Illinois Sugar Refining
Company, 49% of New York Glucose Co. merged, formed Corn
Products Company; produced about 84% of American corn starch;
May 13, 1902 -
introduced Karo Light and Dark Corn Syrup;
September 15, 1903 - registered "Karo"
trademark first used in July 1902 (syrup);
February 1906 - merged with New York
Glucose Company, Warner Sugar Refining Company, St. Louis Syrup
& Preserving Company, formed Corn Products Refining Company;
Edward T. Bradford (former President of New York Glucose) as
president; October 3, 1911
- registered "Mazola" trademark first used June 5, 1911 (edible
corn-oil); April 1958
- acquired KNORR GmbH of West Germany, maker of bouillon,
dehydrated soups; May 1959
- merged with The Best Foods, Inc., formed Corn Products
Company; April 1969
- name changed to CPC International Inc.;
1980 - sales over $4 billion;
1986 - fought off
takeover attempt by Ronald O. Perelman (chairman of Revlon
Group); restructured; December 31,
1997 - corn-refining business spun off to
shareholders, named Corn Products International, Inc.;
January 2, 1998 -
renamed Bestfoods; October 2000
- acquired by Unilever PLC for $24.3 billion; world's largest
food conglomerate (ranked by total sales), combined annual
revenue of $52.3 billion, annual profits of $6.2 billion;
June 23, 2008 -
acquisition of Corn Products International (35 facilities, 15
countries, fourth-largest maker of high-fructose corn syrup in
U.S.) for $4.4. billion announced by Bunge Group (foothold in
syrups, sweeteners business); third largest agribusiness company
in U. S. by revenue (Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland).
August 23, 1902 - Fanny Farmer, among first to
emphasize relationship of diet to health, opened her School of
Cookery in Boston.
26, 1902 - Alexander P. Anderson, of New York,
NY, received a patent for the "Art of Treating Starch Material"
("a dry method of swelling starch materials of all kinds to
render them porous, thereby enhancing their nutritive value and
rendering them more readily and completely digested than when
used in their present form"); invented 'puffed wheat" and
'puffed rice"; patent acquired by Quaker Oats.
Alexander P. Anderson
- invented "puffed wheat", "puffed rice"
with above canon (http://www.minnesotainventors.org/inductees/images/alexander-p-anderson.jpg)
September 1902 - Small group of local investors
bought Hoerner & Knopf Bakery in Richmond, IN (founded in 1855
by David Hoerner, took on partner named Knopf in 1881); renamed
Richmond Baking Co.; William H. Quigg became general manager;
1918 - Eugene K.
Quigg (son) succeeded; 1950
- J. Robert Quigg (brother) took over;
1969 - James R. Quigg Jr. (son) took
over; 2010 - under
fifth generation management (Bill Quigg, Rob Quigg); nation's
oldest family-owned cookie and cracker company.
1903 - James L.
Kraft (29) began a wholesale cheese business in Chicago with $65
in capital; 1909 -
J. L. Kraft & Bros. Co. incorporated;
June 6, 1916 - received patent for
"Process of Sterilizing Cheese and an Improved Product Produced
by Such Process"; process cheese;
August 24, 1920 - received a patent for a
"Process for Sterilizing and Packaging Cheese" ("apples more
specifically to the treatment of cheese of the Cheddar genus");
1927 - acquired
Velveeta Cheese Company; 1930
- acquired by National Dairy Products Corporation;
1937 - Macaroni &
Cheese Dinner debuted; 1945
- name changed to Kraft Foods Company;
1952 - Cheez Whiz introduced;
June 9, 1953 - John
H. Kraft, of Chicago, IL, received patent for the "Manufacture
of Soft Surface Cured Cheese" ("soft, surface cured, mold
ripened cheeses, such as Camembert, Brie, and the like and in
particular, to the provision of a soft, surface cured cheese
whose mold pad may be readily removed"); assigned to Kraft Foods
Company; 1969 -
National Dairy renamed Kraftco Corporation;
1976 - name changed to Kraft Inc.;
1980 - merged with
Dart Industries; formed Dart & Kraft;
1986 - Kraft split off;
October 30, 1988 -
acquired by Philip Morris Companies Inc. for $13.1 billion;
January 27, 2003 -
Philip Morris name changed to Altria Group, Inc.;
March 30, 2007 -
Kraft Foods Inc. spun off from Altria;
January 19, 2010 - agreed to acquire
Cadbury plc for about $19.5 billion; created world's largest
confectioner (more than $500 billion in sales).
James L. Kraft
- Kraft Foods
1903 - Minnesota Valley Canning Company
established; only product - white cream-style corn (shipped
12,000 cases); 1907
- produced Early June Peas; 1925
- "Green Giant" created (to describe larger, sweeter pea; white,
wore bearskin); July 12, 1927
- registered "Green Giant" trademark first used on January 1,
1926 (canned peas); 1932
- more trial acres of corn hybrids than all research acres at
nation's colleges combines; 1950
- company changed name to Green Giant Company.
December 15, 1903 -
Italo Marchiony, of New York, NY, received U.S. patent for a
"Mold" ("particularly such molding apparatuses as are used in
the manufacture of ice cream sups and the like"); ice cream cup
mold; sold ice cream and lemon ice on Wall Street served in
baked waffles, folded by hand while warm into shape of a cup;
built chain of 45 carts; met need for mass production with
invention of a multiple recess mold based on a waffle-iron;
produced 10 cups at a time; April
30, 1904 - took confection to Louisiana Purchase
Exposition in St. Louis, got idea for a cone shape.
1904 - Emil J.
Brach (45), son of German immigrants who had invested in failed
candy factory, founded Brach's Palace of Sweets in Chicago;
first product was caramels; end of
1930s - leading maker of fresh bulk candy;
1966 - acquired by
American Home Products; 1987
- Brach's division acquired by Jacobs Suchard, European candy
and coffee company; 1990
- Jacobs Suchard acquired by Phillip Morris except for Brach's
(retained by Klaus J. Jacobs); 1994
- merged with Brock Candy Co., new company called Brach & Brock
Confections Inc., based in Chattanooga, TN;
2003 - Brach's Confections Holding Inc.
acquired by Barry Callebaut AG (Zurich), world's leading
manufacturer of cocoa and chocolate products.
1904 - Dairy
farmers in Lucerne Township in Kings County, CA established
cooperative creamery named Lucerne Cream & Butter Co.; built
plant in Hanford, CA; 1929
- acquired by Safeway, became dairy label;
1945 - Lucerne Milk Company established
within Safeway; 1982
- Safeway operated 30 dairy plants in United States and Canada,
processed fluid, cultured, frozen desserts, cheese, powder;
1980s - reduced
number of plants to14.
1904 - Ice cream cone invented during 1904
Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis (known as St. Louis
World's Fair); several credited with invention of first edible
cone: David Avayou, Abe Doumar (Lebanese immigrant recognized by
Smithsonian), Arnold Fornachou, Ernest Hamwi, Albert and Nick
Kabbaz, Charles E. Menches - all made, sold confections at 1904
1905 - Cadbury introduced liquid milk
into chocolate, launched Cadbury Dairy Milk (CDM) chocolate;
used full cream milk (vs. powdered milk often used in products
of Swiss rivals); outsold traditional continental dark chocolate
in Britain within few years; broke Swiss chocolate monopoly by
end of first decade.
1905 - German immigrant Richard Hellmann sold
first ready-made mayonnaise at New York deli;
1912 - designed
"Blue Ribbon" label placed on larger glass jars;
1932 - acquired by
Best Foods; August 23, 1949
- registered "Hellmann's" trademark first use August 1, 1926
- Frank Epperson (11) invented popsickle; glass filled with
soda- water powder and water with stirring stick froze on back
porch overnight; 1922
- introduced Popsicle at a fireman's ball;
August 19, 1924 - received a patent for
a ''Frozen Confectionery" ("...a method or process for making a
frozen confection of attractive appearance, which can be
conveniently consumed without contamination by contact with the
hand or without the need for a plate, spoon, fork or other
implement, which process can be expeditiously carried out at
small expense with simple apparatus, without the need for expert
care and in a thoroughly sanitary manner";
1929 - patent acquired by Popsicle
August 8, 1905
- Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Company registered "Pillsbury's
Best" trademark first used in January 1, 1873 (flour made from
wheat); November 19, 1940
- Pillsbury Flour Mills Company registered "Pillsbury Best XXXX"
trademark first used on January 1, 1873 (flour made from wheat);
February 11, 1941 -
registered "Pillsbury's Best XXXX Flour" trademark first used in
April 1924 (flour made from wheat).
October 31, 1905 -
Joseph Campbell Company (Camden, NJ) registered "Campbell's"
trademark (for baked beans);
January 9, 1906 - Joseph Campbell Company
registered "Campbell's" trademark for condensed soups.
December 5, 1905 -
Frank H. Fleer and Company, Philadelphia, PA, registered
"Chiclets" trademark first used October 1, 1899 (chewing-gum).
1906 - Amedeo
Voltejo Obici, Mario Peruzzi founded Planters Peanut Company in
Wilkes-Barre, PA; 1908
- incorporated as Planter Nut & Chocolate Co.;
1916 - schoolboy Antonio Gentile (14)
won Planters Contest for brand icon in Suffolk, VA with sketch
of Mr. Peanut (graphic artist later added top hat, monocle and
cane); 1918 - first
salted nut ever advertised in Saturday Evening Post;
1928 - introduced Planters
Cocktail Peanuts in 8-oz. vacuum-sealed can;
March 5,
1935 - Planters Nut & Chocolate Co. registered "Planters"
trademark first used in 1906 (roasted peanuts, salted peanuts,
peanut butter, peanut candy bars).
Amedeo Obici
- Planters Peanuts
1906 - Perry Bernstein owned small New York
delicatessen; created Bernstein's salad dressings for vegetables
and salads; second generation took over, moved business to
California; moved operations to Tacoma, WA;
1974 - acquired by Nalley's Fine Foods
(division of W.R. Grace); July 1975
- acquired by Curtice-Burns;
September 1997 - renamed Agrilink Foods, Inc.;
1998 - acquired
Dean Foods Vegetable Company;
February 10, 2003 - name changed to Birds Eye
Foods Inc. to reflect company's largest brand.
1906 - Suyeichi
Okamura opened Benkyodo Company, one of original businesses in
Japantown (on San Francisco's Geary Boulevard);
1940s - forced to
close temporarily when the family was interned during World War
II; 1951 - Hirofumi
(son) took over; 1990
- grandsons took over.
February 19, 1906 - Will Keith (W.K.) Kellogg
and Charles D. Bolin, St. Louis insurance man and former patient
at Kellogg's sanitarium, incorporated Battle Creek Toasted Corn
Flake Co. in Michigan, with $35,000 raised by Bolin in St.
Louis, to produce Kellogg's Corn Flakes (after having purchased
right to make flakes from Dr. John Harvey Kellogg); began
manufacture of Sanitas Corn Flakes, cereal products to former
sanitarium patients; name changed later to Toasted Corn Flake
Company, then to Kellogg Toasted Corn Flake Company, finally to
Kellogg Co. Dr. Kellogg as majority stockholder; distributed
part of this stock among the Sanitarium doctors in lieu of
salary increases; W. K. bought all of stock Dr. John had given
to Physicians in aggressive effort to become majority
shareholder; April 1 1906
- company started production of Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes;
October 1906 -
company began using phrase, "The Original Has This Signature -
W.K. Kellogg" (remained a prominent feature on cereal packages,
in advertisements for years; (about)
May 1, 1907 - first use of Kellogg's
logo (stylized version of W.K.'s last name) placed on the top of
cereal packages; June 1907
- 300 employees on the payroll, workers' paid $2 a day;
1909 - annual sales
exceeded a million cases; 1909
- company introduced second product, Kellogg's Toasted Rice
Flakes; 1912 - one
of first organizations to use large-scale outdoor advertising
display; erected a 106-foot-wide, 80-foot-tall billboard on top
of Mecca Building at 48th Street and Broadway in Times Square,
New York City; billed as world's largest advertising sign;
1914 - introduced
"Waxtite", thick, smooth envelope of paraffin (waxed paper) that
encased Kellogg's cereal boxes after they were opened (liners
inside the packages were added a few years later).
February 28, 1906 -
New York Glucose Company (1901), Corn Products Company
(incorporated in February 1902 from reorganized National Starch
Co., New York Glucose Co., Illinois Sugar Refining Co., Charles
Pope Glucose Co.. 49% of Glucose Sugar Refining Co.), St. Louis
Syrup & Preserving Company, Warner Sugar Refining Company,
Cereal Sugar Company (corn refiners) merged, incorporated Corn
Products Refining Company; Edward T. Bradford (of NY Glucose)
first president; June 27, 1911
- registered "Cerelose" trademark first used January 5, 1911
(corn-sugar); October 23, 1923
- William B. Newkirk, of Edgewater, NJ, received a patent for a
"Method of making Grape Sugar" ("...to make possible the
production, on a commercial scale and by methods which are
economically feasible, of a crystalline dextrose which will be
to all intents and purposes pure"); assigned to Corn Products
Refining Company; 1958
- merged with Best Foods, Inc.; renamed Corn Products Company;
1969 - renamed CPC
International; 1997
- Corn Products International, Inc. spun off;
June 23, 2008 -
acquisition of Corn Products International (35 facilities, 15
countries, fourth-largest maker of high-fructose corn syrup in
U.S.) for $4.4. billion announced by Bunge Group (foothold in
syrups, sweeteners business); third largest agribusiness company
in U. S. by revenue (Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland).
March 1906 -
California and Hawaiian Sugar Refining Company began refining
pure cane sugar in Crockett, CA (near San Francisco) to compete
with sugar Trust on West Coast (started in 1897 as California
Beet Sugar Refining Company at site of former flour mill;
1903 - failed,
couldn't process enough beets; Claus Spreckels granted three
year lease on plant, docks; 1905
- acquired by Sugar Factors Co. Ltd. of Hawaii commission
company for handling output for several Hawaii sugar
plantations; controlled by Alexander & Baldwin, Castle & Cooke,
C. Brewer & Co., Amfac, Theo H. Davies & Co. - Hawaii's 'Big
Five'), Makee Sugar Company (Col. Z. S. Spalding); name changed
to California and Hawaiian Sugar Refining Company; employed 490
people, produced 67,000 tons of refined cane sugar;
1921 - reorganized
as agricultural cooperative marketing association owned by owned
by fourteen sugar plantations in Hawaii; one of 50 largest U.S.
cooperatives, second largest U.S. refined sugar marketing
organization; January 14, 1936
- registered "C & H" trademark first used August 4, 1934
(sugar); June 1993
- acquired by Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.;
August 5, 1998 - 60% interest in
recapitalized company acquired by investment group (including
Citicorp Venture Capital, Ltd.).
March 31, 1906 - Slade Gorton & Co.,
John Pew & Son (founded 1849), David B. Smith & Co., Reed &
Gamage combined to form Gorton-Pew Fisheries Co.; fleet of 39
vessels; largest fleet of fishing vessels operated by any
company on Atlantic coast; 1922-23
- Italian government bought million dollar cargo of salted cod;
government overthrown by Mussolini, confiscated entire cargo,
never paid the bill; sent Gorton-Pew was into bankruptcy;
reorganized by William Lowell Putnam;
October 23, 1923 - Gorton-Pew Fisheries
Company registered "Mother Ann" trademark first used on January
17, 1899 (salt codfish); August 23,
1949 - registered "Gorton's" trademark first
used in December 1929 (frozen fish);
1954 - renamed Gorton's of Gloucester,
Inc.; May 30, 1961
- registered "Gorton's" trademark fist used in 1875 (canned
fish); 1965 -
company officially became The Gorton Corporation;
December 12, 1967 -
registered "Gorton's of Gloucester" trademark first used on
August 26, 1966 (frozen seafood-namely fish sticks, fish steaks,
filets of fish...); 1968
- acquired by General Mills; May
18, 1995 - acquired by Unilever;
August 2001 -
acquired by Nippon Suisan (USA), Inc., a subsidiary of Nippon
Suisan Kaisha (one of Japan's three largest seafood
Captain John Pew
- John Pew & Son (Gorton's)
April 20, 1906 - J. Lloyd Ford purchased small
barn-like milling operation in Shawnee, OK, named it Shawnee
Milling Company (75 barrels of flour a day);
2005 - produces
over 2 million pounds per day of consumer and food service
products, wide variety of quality animal feed products.
May 22, 1906 -
Wheatena Corporation (Rahway, NJ) registered "Wheatena"
trademark first used in 1879 (wheat breakfast food).
May 22, 1906 -
Natural Food Company (Niagara Falls, NY), maker of shredded
wheat, registered "Triscuit" trademark first used January 1,
1903 (biscuit or crackers).
June 19, 1906 - Milton S. Hershey registered
"Hershey's" trademark first used January 1, 1894 (chocolate,
cocoa, sweet chocolate, milk chocolate, chocolate coatings,
chocolate liquors, and chocolate powder).
June 26, 1906 -
Bon-Bon Company, New York, NY, registered "Dentyne" trademark
first used January 1, 1901 (chewing-gum)
June 30, 1906 - Federal Food and Drugs
Act of 1906 (The "Wiley Act") became law (Meat Inspection Act
was companion measure with Pure Food and Drug Act); prevented
the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or
misbranded or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines,
and liquors, and for regulating traffic therein, and for other
purposes" (named for Harvey W. Wiley, leader of "pure food
crusade" - chemist and physician, State chemist of
Indiana, professor at Purdue University; had gone to Washington
in 1883 as chief chemist of Department of Agriculture; made
study of food adulteration bureau's principal business).
1907 - Hershey Company introduced "Kisses" milk
chocolate candy; popular theory - candy named for sound or
motion of chocolate being deposited during manufacturing
process; August 1921
- single channel wrapper developed, flag added to product (2006
- wrapping machines wrap up to 1,300 KISSES a minute);
March 6, 1923 -
Hershey Foods Corporation registered "Hershey's Kisses"
trademark first used July 1, 1907 (solid chocolates);
1942-1949 - not
produced due to rationing of silver foil during and after World
War II; 1990 -
KISSES Brand Chocolates with Almonds introduced;
2006 - 80 million
KISSES Brand Chocolates made every day; 99 HERSHEY'S KISSES
Brand Chocolates equals one pound of chocolate.
1907 - Nathan
Radutzky (24), Russian immigrant from Kiev, Ukraine, produced
first batch of Halvah ("sweet meat" in Turkish), 3,000-year-old
Turkish confection (made with crushed sesame seeds, honey, soya
protein), one of oldest in world, on the Lower East Side of
Manhattan; 1908 -
founded Independent Halvah and Candies, ethnic and specialty
food manufacturer, to sell Halvah to delicatessens and street
peddlers; after WW II, name changed to The Joyva Corporation;
July 2, 1974 -
registered "Joyva" trademark (logo) first used in another form
as early 1940 (candy); owned, operated by third-generation of
- Giovanni Buitoni, young heir to Perugina, Luisa Spagnoli,
confectioner , established Perugina Chocolates in ancient
Umbrian hill town of Perugia, in central Italy;
1922 - Luisa
created Perugina's signature chocolate, Baci or "kisses" in
Italian; 1939 -
introduced to U.S.A at 1939 World's Fair in New York;
April 7, 1964 -
Societa per Azioni Perugina registered "Perugina" trademark
(translated as "The girl from Perugia") first used January 1,
1957 (candies of various kinds);
1988 - Buitoni-Perugina Pasta Company acquired
by Nestle.
April 2, 1907
- Washburn-Crosby Company, Minneapolis, MN, registered "Gold
Medal" flour trademark first used January 1, 1888 (wheat flour).
August 17, 1907
- Seattle established Pike Place market on nine acres; eight
farmers brought their wagons to corner of First Avenue and Pike
Street; quickly overwhelmed by estimated 10,000 shoppers; sold
out by 11:00 am; proposed by Seattle City Councilman Thomas
Revelle as public street market that would connect farmers
directly with consumers who could "Meet the Producer" directly;
December 1907
-first Market building opened, every space filled;
2007 - home to
nearly 200 year-round commercial businesses; 190 craftspeople,
120 farmers rent table space by the day; 240 street performers,
musicians; 300 apartment units (low-income elderly people);
attracts 10 million visitors a year.
1908 - Theodore
Tobler introduced triangle-shaped Toblerone ("Tobler" with
"torrone," nougat candy) chocolate bar;
1909 - first patented milk chocolate
candy containing honey and almonds;
1970 - A.G. Chocolat Tobler and Chocolat
Suchard S.A., another Switzerland-based chocolate manufacturer,
joined forces as Suchard Tobler to enable Toblerone chocolates
to broaden distribution.
1909 - Harry V. Warehime established Hanover
Pretzel Company with a single recipe, Hanover Olde Tyme
Pretzels; 1923 -
William and Helen Snyder opened first pretzel bakery with sons
Edward and Bill; 1961
- Snyder's family distribution business (sales of $400,00),
acquired by Hanover Canning; 1963
- acquired Bechtel Pretzel Company (recipe for Sourdough Hard
Pretzels); 1977 -
company focused on pretzels, potato chips as core products;
1980 -Snyder's of
Hanover Snack Operation (sales of $15.8 million) spun off from
Hanover Brands.
- M. B. Moraghan obtained permit for harvesting oysters from
Tomales Bay (entered trade in oysters from Shoalwater Bay,
Washington in 1868, introduced Pacific oysters to San Francisco
in 1896; planted oyster beds in Tamales Bay, founded Tomales Bay
Oyster Company in 1906); 1936
- last commercial oysters harvested from San Francisco Bay;
Company acquired by Gretchen and Drew Alden, partners;
2009 - acquired by
Tod Friend, owner of Marshall (CA) Store since 2006;
California's oldest continuously run shellfish farm; oysters,
mussels, clams - $2.6 million business in Marin County (4% of
county's $67 million agricultural yield, according to Marin
County Department of Agriculture).
1909 - P. Edward Pearson, with
assistance of his brothers, John Albert and Oscar F. Pearson,
founded Pearson Candy Company as candy distribution firm;
1912 - began
manufacturing candy; Waldemar and C. Fritz Pearson (brothers)
joined company; introduced Nut Goodie Bar (premium 5-cent candy
bar), one of company's first manufactured products;
1933 - introduced
Salted Nut Roll (name changed to Choo Choo Bar to distinguish it
from competitors; name dropped, Pearson's name prominently
displayed on wrapper); end of World
War II - concentrate solely on candy
manufacturing; 1944
- William Henning Pearson (youngest brother), George Pearson
(son of founder P. Edward Pearson) joined family business;
1951 - acquired
Trudeau Candy Company (Saint Paul, MN), known for Seven-Up Bar,
Mint Pattie; 1968 -
acquired by ITT/Continental Baking;
1979 - acquired by confectionery
partnership; 1985 -
acquired by former employees, Larry Hassler (CFO), Judith
Johnston; manufactured 1.5 million General Mills Nature Valley
Granola Bars/day; 1986
- General Mills pulled out; 1998
- acquired Bun Bar trademark (first manufactured in early
1900's) from Clark Bar America;
2009 - 28th largest candy company in America;
produces 35,000 Nut Goodie and Bun Bars, 225,000 Salted Nut
Rolls, 2.1 million Mint Patties daily.
1909 - H. J. Heinz
opened production facility in Leamington, ON; moved seven staff
to Leamington, hired 60 employees for first harvest;
1910 - made
ketchup; 1940 -
incorporated as Canadian company;
1960s - average tomato yield rose to 700 or 800
bushels per acre (vs.100 bushels in 1920s);
1961 - company payroll was around $9
million, paid Ontario farmers $23 million for their production;
2009 - 48 tomato
growers deliver from more than 5,000 acres, many other farmers
are involved; 1,300 full-time employees in Canada, about 800 in
Leamington (second largest Heinz facility in world); produces
over 650 million bottles of ketchup/year; Canada - 2nd largest
consumer per capita of ketchup in world (behind Finland), 1.4
liters per person/year).
January 1, 1909 - John J. and Peter Schmid
(brothers) used $500 they had saved, $300 they borrowed from
neighbor, bought two horses, two wagons, some milk bottles,
cans, dippers, hand-cranked freezer to begin daily deliveries to
Orrville, OH homes; customers called them "Smith" brothers,
easier to pronounce than Schmid; established Smith Dairy
Products Company; June 24, 1997
- Smith Dairy Products Company registered "Smith's The Dairy in
the Country" trademark; 2009
- still family owned; Steve and John Schmid (grandsons) as
president, vice president, respectively; manufactures full line
of quality dairy, beverage, ice cream, foodservice products.
John, Peter Schmid
- Smith Brothers Dairy Products
1910 - Francis Atherton Bean Sr. introduced
Robin Hood Flour (former President of Polar Star Milling Company
of Fairbault, MN, which had declared bankruptcy in 1891 due to
rising railroad freight rates, plunging flour prices, and New
Prague Flouring Mill Company, rented in New Prague, MN in 1892,
been reclaimed by former owner in 1896; had leased McLean Mill
in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan in 1909, renamed Saskatchewan Flour
Mills Ltd. (parent company became International Milling); 50
workers, 12 field salesmen; 1911
- repaid principal, interest (more than $200,000) to Polar Star
Milling creditors; 1912
- produced 1600 barrells of flour/day; renamed Robin Hood Flour
Mills, Ltd. (brand name flour introduced around 1910 exclusively
for Canadian markets); February 1,
1916 - Robin Hood Flour Mills, Ltd. registered
"Robin Hood" trademark first used June 1, 1911 (farina, rolled
oats, and oatmeal); 1938
- Francis Atherton Bean, Jr. named president;
1945 - leading
consumer flour in Canada; 1964
- International Milling went public;
1970 - renamed International Multifoods;
1980 - revenues
exceeded $1 billion; 1980s
- transformed from flour milling, consumer foods company into
food service distribution, manufacturing company;
1984 - acquired
Vendors Supply of America, vending distributor with $900 million
in annual sales; April 25, 2010
- U.S. flour milling operations acquired by ConAgra Inc.
July 1, 1910 - Ward Baking Company of Chicago
opened first completely automatic bread plant in U.S.; dough not
touched, not handled until placed on wrapping machine.
1911 - Frank and
Ethel Mars made, sold variety of butter-cream candies from
kitchen of their home in Tacoma, WA;
1913 - rented first factory, Mars Candy
Factory, Inc.; 1914-1915
- moved to another factory; 1916
- moved to third factory, 125 employees; business failed; 1920 -
returned to Minneapolis, MN, started Nougat House basket candies
business; 1922 -
introduced Mar-O-Bar, changed name to Mar-O-Bar Company to
manufacture chocolate candy bars (later incorporated as Mars,
Inc.); 1923 - sales
of $69,000; introduced Milky Way;
March 10, 1925 - Frank C. Mars, doing business
as Mar-O-Bar Company, registered "Milky Way" trademark first
used in 1922 (candy); 1926
- name changed to Mars Candies;
February 28, 1928 - Mars Incorporated dba
Mar-O-Bar Company registered "Snickers" trademark first used in
April 1923 (candy comprising candy bars);
1929 - known as Mars, Incorporated (200
employees); 1930 -
sales of $26.7 million; Snickers Bar introduced;
June 20, 1933 -
registered Mars" trademark first used May 1, 1932 (candy);
1941 - introduced
M&Ms Plain Chocolate Candies;
August 11, 1942 - M. & M. Limited Partnership
registered "M&Ms" trademark first used March 3, 1941 (candy);
1954 - introduced
M&Ms Peanut Chocolate Candies; 1967
- Forrest Mars (son) took over;
April 28, 2008 - $22 billion in sales; agreed to
acquire Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company for $23 billion (included
financing from Berkshire Hathaway, holding company run by Warren
Buffett); Wrigley (founded 1891, $5.4 billion in sales, world
leader in gum and confections) will become separate, stand-alone
subsidiary of Mars (Berkshire Hathaway will make minority equity
investment in Wrigley subsidiary); combined company would have
strong foundation of established brands in six core growth
categories -- chocolate, non-chocolate confectionery, gum, food,
drinks, petcare.
August 15,
1911 - Procter & Gamble Company introduced
Crisco as economical alternative to animal fats, butter = first
solidified shortening product made entirely of vegetable oil,
result of hydrogenation, new process which produced shortening
that would stay in solid form year-round, regardless of
temperature; July 24, 1917
- registered "Crisco" trademark first used June 1, 1911
October 3,
1911 - Corn Products Refining Company registered
"Mazola" trademark first used June 5, 1911 (edible corn-oil).
1912 - Clarence A. Crane invented Life Savers
candy in Cleveland, OH; needed new candy to supplement chocolate
business (sales fell in hot weather); developed line of hard
mints; contracted with a pill manufacturer to press the mints
into shape; pressing process worked much better when the had
mints were stamped out with hole in the middle; new candy called
"Cranes Life Savers" because they looked like miniature life
preservers; introduced Pep O Mint flavor; August 19, 1913
- Clarence Crane registered "Life Savers" trademark first used February 28,
1913 (candy); sold rights to Life Savers for $2900 to Edward J.
Noble; mints became known as Pep-O-Mint Life Savers; mints
packaged into rolls wrapped in tin foil to keep them
fresh-tasting; March 20, 1917
- Mint Products Company, Incorporated (New York, NY) registered
"Life Savers" trademark; 1925
- aluminum foil used for the first time; candy promoted at cash
registers of saloons, cigar stores, drug stores, barbers shops,
Clarence Crane
(left) - Life Savers
1912 - Three Sicilian immigrants, Gaetana
LaMarca, Guiseppe Seminara, Michele Cantella, started small
spaghetti manufacturing company, Prince Macaroni Mfg. Co., on
Prince Street in Boston; November
30, 1920 - registered "Prince" trademark first
used on December 14, 1912 (macaroni");
1941 - Guiseppe Pellegrino (34), another
Sicilian immigrant, joined company; soon bought controlling
interest; 1953 -
Boston advertising firm of Jerome O'Leary created famous slogan
"Wednesday is Prince Spaghetti Day";
1987 - acquired by Borden Inc.;
July 11, 1997 -
Prince Pasta Company ceased production.
1912 - California
Associated Raisin Company formed;
1915 - Sun-Maid brand launched; now world's
largest producer and processor of raisins, other dried fruits;
1916 - Lorraine
Collett Petersen (Fresno, CA) became brand's original trademark
Sun-Maid girl; April 30, 1918
- California Associated Raisin Co. (Fresno, CA), registered "Sun
Maid" trademark first used April 19, 1915 (dried fruits).
March 6, 1912 -
National Biscuit Company introduced Oreo cookies (two embossed
chocolate-flavored wafers with a rich vanilla frosting in
between); origin of name unclear;
August 12, 1913 - registered "Oreo" trademark
first used March 6, 1912 (biscuit);
November 20, 1913 - National Biscuit
Company introduced Mallomars, chocolate covered marshmallow
cookies (not sold in the Summer);
April 7, 1914 - registered "Mallomars" trademark
first used November 20, 1913 (biscuit).
1913 - Fred H.
Wells paid $250 to Ray Bowers (LeMars, IA dairy farmer) for a
horse, delivery wagon, few cans and jars, good will of the
business in Iowa; original contract granted milk distribution
route, guaranteed source of raw milk from Bowers's herd of 10 to
15 milk cows; became Wells' Dairy, Inc.;
1925 - began manufacturing ice cream;
1928 - ice cream
distribution system in Sioux City, IA, right to use Wells' name
acquired by Fairmont Ice Cream;
1935 - held "Name that Ice Cream" contest The
Sioux City Journal; awarded $25 prize for submitting "BLUE
BUNNY"; 1950s -
Harold, Mike, Roy, Fay Wells (sons of original founder), Fred D.
Wells (son of Harry C. Wells) formed partnership;
1994 - Iowa State
Legislature officially designated Le Mars, IA as Ice Cream
Capital of the World; more ice cream produced in Le Mars by
Wells' Dairy, Inc. than in any other city in world; world's
largest family-owned, managed dairy processor; world's largest
manufacturer of ice cream in one location.
1914 - Charles N.
Miller named bite-size peanut butter, molasses candy for his
favorite aunt, Mary Jane.
1914 - John E. Cain opened John E. Cain Co.,
cheese distribution company at Fanueil Hall, Boston, MA;
1924 - introduced
Cains All Natural Mayonnaise (did not separate, kept creamy
smooth texture, appearance); 1932
- acquired Sunrise Food Company (great tasting Potato Chips);
1939 - renamed
Cains Potato Chips (exited potato chip business in 1981);
1950 - Robert Cain
(son) took control; October 10,
1950 - John E. Cain Co. registered "Cain's"
trademark first used in 1924 (mayonnaise, sandwich spread, sweet
relish, horseradish with and without beets, tartar sauce,
russian dressing, piccalilli, french dressing, mustard pickle,
vegetable relish, olives, pickles, prepared mustard, grated
cheese, and pickle chips); 1955
- acquired Jewett Pickle Company, Oxford Pickle Company;
1970 - direct
delivery to grocery warehouses (instead of store-door delivery);
1986 - acquired by
BolsWessanen (Heluva Good Cheese, Kemps Frozen Yogurt); renamed
Cains Foods; 1995 -
acquired by Denis J. Keaveny (private investor);
1998 - acquired
Olde Cape Cod Company; 2000
- sold pickle division to M. A. Gedney Co.
1914 - Harry and David Holmes inherited 240-acre
Bear Creek Orchards (father's death); grew Cornice pears (much
sought by European grand hotels, restaurants); named their
variety Royal Riviera; 1934
- mail-order business; 1938
- introduced "Fruit of the Month Club";
February 9, 1943 - Holmes Brothers
d.b.a. Bear Creek Orchards registered "Harry and David"
trademark first used September 5, 1942 (Fresh Fruits-Namely,
Nectarines, Grapes, and Pears);
2009 - 136 stores across United States; world's
leading catalog mail-order company of fruit, confections, roses.
Harry and David Holmes
- Harry and David
January 7, 1914 - Heath brothers confectionary
opened in Robinson, IL; sold fountain drinks, ice cream,
homemade candies; 1928
- developed formula for "English Toffee" (Hearth Toffee Bar);
1946 - L.S. Heath
and Sons Inc. incorporated; 1989
- acquired by Leaf, Inc., division of Hutamaki Oy of Helsinki,
- Emanuele Ronzoni founded Ronzoni Macaroni Company (had started
small macaroni company in 1892; created Atlantic Macaroni
Company in 1895 - in charge of production for 19 years);
December 13, 1949 -
registered "Ronzoni" trademark first used on May 1, 1919
(alimentary pastes, spaghetti sauce, and cereal food for
infants, children, or convalescents).
1915 - Alfred E.
Haigh established chocolate shop in Beehive Building in
Adelaide, Australia; 1933
- Claude Haigh (son) took over (six shops);
1946 - John Haigh (grandson) joined
company; 1960s -
expanded to Melbourne; 2009
- 12 stores.
January 19,
1915 - Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company registered
"Doublemint" trademark first used July 28, 1914 (chewing-gum);
June 29, 1915 -
registered "Juicy Fruit" trademark first used January 1, 1894
(chewing gum).
November 9,
1916 - California Packing Company (Calpak)
created from merger of California Fruit Canners Association
(formed in 1899 by merger of 18 canneries; comprised
approximately half of entire California canning industry;
largest canner of fruits and vegetables in world), Griffin &
Skelley, Central California Canneries, J.K. Armsby Company,
Alaska Packers Association; consolidated control over canning,
drying, packing houses, brokers who sold products, farmers who
grew them; April 1917
- first national advertising campaign featuring Del Monte (full
color ads in national magazines like Good Housekeeping and the
Saturday Evening Post); January 1,
1918 - registered "Del Monte" trademark first
used October 1, 1891 (canned fruits, canned vegetables, canned
fish, tomato sauce, catsup, peppers, sauerkraut, [baked beans,
marmalades, jams, preserves, jellies, honey, maraschino
cherries] dried fruits, and raisins);
1967 - name changed to Del Monte
Corporation; 1979 -
acquired by R.J. Reynolds Industries.
1917 - J. J. and
B.A (son) Simon, Latvian immigrants, established Table Supply
Meat Company in Omaha, NE; 1952
- first mail order venture (meats shipped in dry ice-filled, wax
lined, cardboard cartons - by train); aided by direct parcel
shipping, polystyrene shipping coolers, vacuum packaging;
1961 - Nebraska
Governor Frank B. Morrison sent Table Supply Meat Company steaks
to all U.S. Governors and President Kennedy;
1963 - first direct
mail flyers and catalogs sent to customers;
1966 - name changed to Omaha Steaks
International; 2006
- two fifth-generation family members now play major roles in
managing the company.
1, 1917 - Prune, apricot growers of San Joaquin
Valley, CA formed California Prune and Apricot Growers
Association, Inc. as agricultural marketing cooperative to offer
crops of its members to consumers at better prices than were
offered by individual growers; membership of about 7,000
controlled about 75% of apricot-bearing acreage, 80% of
prune-bearing acreage in California;
May 14, 1918 - registered "Sunsweet"
trademark first used July 7, 1917 (dried apricots and prunes);
April 1921 -
reincorporated; 1960
- name changed to Sunsweet Growers, Inc.
December 1917 -
Eight family companies (branches of the Mogi family) merged to
form Noda Shoyu Co., Ltd. (predecessor of Kikkoman Corporation),
with capital of 7 million yen;
April 1925 - merged with Noda Shoyu Jozo Co.,
Ltd., Manjo Mirin Co., Ltd., Nippon Shoyu Co., Ltd.;
June 1957 -
Kikkoman International Inc. established in San Francisco, CA;
July 1961 - Kikko
Food Industries Co., Ltd. establishe (July 1991 - became Nippon
Del Monte Corporation.); October
1964 - Noda Shoyu Co., Ltd. renamed Kikkoman
Shoyu Co., Ltd.; October 1980 - Kikkoman Shoyu Co., Ltd. renamed
Kikkoman Corporation; 2007
- 17th generation of family ownership; oldest among large
industrial companies in Japan.
1919 - Isaac Carasso, doctor and member
of prominent Sephardic Jewish Carasso family of Ottoman Selanik,
founded yogurt factory in Barcelona, Spain; opened small yogurt
business named "Danone" (variation on Catalan nickname of his
son, Daniel); perfected first industrial process for making
yogurt, combined traditional method of making yogurt with pure
cultures isolated in Paris (lactic ferments from the Pasteur
Institute); 1929 -
Daniel Carasso (son) established Danone in France;
1942 - founded
first American yogurt company, Dannon Milk Products, Inc., in
Bronx, NY (name changed to DANNON to make the brand sound more
American); January 12, 1943
- Dannon Milk Products Inc. registered "Dannon" trademark first
used June 25, 1942 (Milk Products-Namely, Yogurt);
1947 - introduced
yogurt with strawberry fruit on bottom;
1959 - Dannon Milk Products Inc.
acquired by Beatrice Foods; 1979
- first perishable dairy product sold coast to coast; 1967 -
Danone merged with Gervais, leading fresh cheese business in
France; formed Gervais Danone; 1973
- merged with BSN (formed in 1966 by merger of Glaces de
Boussois, Souchon-Neuvesel), leading glass container, beverages
company; renamed SN Gervais Danone, one of world's largest food
manufacturers present in 30 countries worldwide;
1994 - renamed
Groupe Danone; 2007
- acquired Numico, Dutch baby food and clinical nutrition
company; became world's second largest manufacturer of baby
Isaac Carasso - Danone
1919 - Henry Glade Milling Company, Ravenna
Mills, Hastings Mills, Blackburn-Furry Mill merged, incorporated
as Nebraska Consolidated Mills (NCM) in Grand Island, NE;
1941 - expanded
outside Nebraska, built flour mill in Alabama;
1969 - acquired
Montana Flour Mills Company, flour milling business spanned U.
S.; flour made up 40% of sales;
1971 - renamed ConAgra, Inc.;
1980 - acquired
Banquet Foods from RCA, entered frozen food market;
1982 - acquired
Peavey Company, became largest publicly-held grain merchandiser;
1988 - acquired
Lamb Weston, largest U. S. frozen potato processor;
1990 - acquired
Beatrice Foods; 1991
- merged with Golden Valley Microwave Foods;
1993 - acquired
Hebrew National Foods; 1994
- acquired Marie Callender (frozen meats, pot pies); 1995 -
acquired Knotts Berry Farm Foods;
2006 - divested meat, seafood, cheese
- Peter Paul Halajian, five Armenian associates, joined to expand
Halajian's home-made chocolate business, open small shop; formed
Peter Paul Candy Manufacturing Company; first product - Konabar (blend
of coconut, fruits, nuts, chocolate); made at night when air
coolest, sold fresh, door-to-door following day";
1920 - introduced
Mounds candy bar; December 12, 1922
- Peter Paul Candy Mfg. Co., Inc. registered "Mounds" trademark
first used May 1, 1920 (candy); 1946
- introduced Almond Joy (sold for ten cents);
March 7, 1950 -
Peter Paul, Inc. registered "Almond Joy" trademark first used
December 10, 1945 (candy); April 11, 1950
- Peter Paul, Inc. registered "Peter Paul Distinctive Candies"
first used May 1, 1920 ([chewing gum] and candy);
September 30, 1952
- York Cone Company registered "York" trademark first used
January 28, 1922 (peppermint pattie mint);
1972 - acquired York Cone Company (York
Peppermint Pattie);
1978 - acquired by
Cadbury; 1988
acquired by Hershey Foods.
August 19, 1919 - William B. Ward, Buffalo, NY,
registered "Hostess" trademark first used January 3, 1919
("Bread, Biscuits, and Cakes").
1920 - Arthur W. Perdue founded backyard
table egg business in Salisbury, MD;
1925 - built company's first hatchery,
began selling layer chicks to farmers;
1930 - Frank Perdue (19) left college,
joined father's business; 1950s
- incorporated as A.W. Perdue & Son, Frank Perdue took over
leadership; 1968 -
began operating its first poultry processing plant;
1970 - began
now-famous TV commercials, Frank Perdue became one of first
corporate leaders to serve as advertising spokesperson (filmed
more than 150 TV commercials);
November 19, 1974 - Perdue Farms Incorporated
registered 'Perdue' trademark first used in 1968 (chicken and
parts thereof); 1974
- introduced PERDUE Oven Stuffer Roaster, proprietary breed; Jim
Perdue (son) assumed leadership.
Frank Perdue
- Perdue Farms
1920 - Harry R. Burt, Youngstown OH candy maker,
created the Jolly Boy Sucker, a lollypop on a stick; created
first ice cream on a stick; October
9, 1923 - received patent for "Process of Making
Frozen Confection" (not for confection itself); Good Humor Ice
Cream Bar (name came from the belief that a person's "humor" or
temperament was related to the humor of the palate); sent out a
fleet of 12 chauffeur-driven trucks with bells to make
door-to-door deliveries; October
21, 1924 - registered "Good Humor" trademark
(used in another form in December 1921; ice cream suckers);
1930 - M.J. Meehan,
New York businessman and investor, acquired the national rights
to the company (bought 75% of the shares.);
1961 - acquired by Thomas J. Lipton
Company, U.S. operating subsidiary of Unilever;
1993 - name changed
to Good Humor-Breyers Ice Cream.
Harry Burt
- Good Humor
1920 - Donley Cross, Charlie Fox opened
Fox-Cross Candy Company in Emeryville, CA with candy bar called
the Nu Chu; 1922 -
introduced Charleston Chew, named after dance craze;
vanilla-flavored nougat covered with milk chocolate; one of
earliest candy bars to capitalize on use of freezer in home
refrigerator; 1957
- acquired by Nathan Sloane;
February 1, 1972 - registered "Charleston Chew"
trademark first used April 1, 1924 (candy);
1980 - acquired by Nabisco;
1988 - acquired by
Warner Lambert; 1993
- acquired by Tootsie Roll Industries.
1920 - E.K Pond
label of Swift & Company (acquired in 1904 from Henry Clay
Derby, Derby Foods name adopted) introduced introduced peanut
butter; later adopted patented Rosefield hydrogenation
technology; became first emulsified peanut butter sold to
public; 1928 -
changed name to Peter Pan Peanut Butter; originally packaged in
tin can with a turn key, re-closable lid, switched to glass
during World War II; September 12,
1933 - Leo C. Brown, of Chicago, IL, received a
patent for "Peanut Butter" ("improvements in food products of
paste-like consistency of the character of nut butter, such as
peanut butter or the like"); assigned to E. K. Pond Company;
1955 - glass jar
with screw-off cap introduced;
April 14, 1970 - Derby Foods, Inc. registered
"Peter Pan" trademark first used March 1, 1927 (peanut butter);
1984 - acquired by
Beatrice/Hunt-Wesson product group;
1990 - acquired by Conagra, Inc.
1920 - Ilhan New,
Wally Smith canned bean sprouts at Detroit grocery store;
1922 - incorporated
La Choy Food Products Company;
August 20, 1929 - La Choy Food Products, Inc.
registered "La Choy" trademark first used in 1922 (canned food
product, the principal ingredients of which are water chestnuts,
bamboo shoots, and vegetable sprouts);
November 1943 - acquired by Beatrice
Food Company; 1984
- fully integrated into Hunt-Wesson division;
1986 - Beatrice
acquired by Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts;
1990 - acquired by ConAgra, Inc.
1920s - Caesar
Gardini invented caesar salad in Tijuana, Mexico.
1920s - Harry
Burnett Reese formed H.B. Reese Candy Company, began
manufacturing candy, first in basement of his home, later in
basement of restaurant; 1928
- created Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, peanut butter-filled
chocolate cups; 1963
- acquired by Hershey.
- Robert Welch founded Oxford Candy Company in Brooklyn, NY;
1925 - introduced
Papa Sucker, flat piece of caramel on a stick so it could be
eaten like a lollipop; licensed to Brach's candy company in
Chicago; 1932 -
name changed to Sugar Daddy (popular expression at time); joined
brother's company, James O. Welch Company;
1935 - introduced Sugar Baby, spin-off
from success of Sugar Daddy (young women on whom middle-aged
"Sugar Daddies" spent money); created Junior Mints, and Pom
August 10, 1920
- Vermont Maple Syrup Company, Inc., Essex Junction, VT,
registered "Vermont Maid" trademark first used April 22, 1919
(blended cane and maple table syrup).
1921 - Washburn
Crosby's Home Services Department created "Betty Crocker" to
respond to cooking, baking questions received from Gold Medal
flour advertisement in Saturday Evening Post ("Crocker" chosen
in honor of recently retired company director, "Betty" chosen
for friendly sound); 1924
- Betty Crocker given voice (Blanche Ingersoll) on Gold Medal
Flour Home Service Talks on WCCO radio station owned by Washburn
Crosby; 1936 -
given a face (created by Neysa McMein, commercial artist);
January 16, 1951 -
General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, registered "Betty Crocker"
trademark first used September 20, 1924 (wheat flour, prepared
cake mixes, pie crust mix); 1955
- image updated by Hilda Taylor portrait;
March 19, 1996 - image updated in John
Stuart Ingle portrait.
Marjorie Child Husted - home
economist, radio voice of
Betty Crocker
until 1950
Adelaide Hawley Cumming -
Betty Crocker
from 1952 -1964 on TV
1921 - Earl Wise. Sr., owner of Wise
Delicatessen in Berwick, PA, made potato chips from excess
potato inventory; founded Wise Potato Chip Company; leading
potato chip company in eastern United States;
July 23, 1935 -
registered "Wise Potato Chips" trademark first used January 1935
(potato chips); 1964
- acquired by Borden; 1969
- name changed to Wise Foods, Inc. to reflect wide variety of
snacks sold; 1990's - acquired by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts &
Co.); 2000 -
acquired by Palladium Equity Partners, private investment firm;
number three in national market share in potato chips at 3.1%,
(private-label chips 6.4%, Frito-Lay with 68% share);
2005 - Official
Potato Chip of New York Mets.
1921 - Henry Ford applied existing
technology to convert wood waste (hardwood chips) from sawmills
(used in production of Model T's) into charcoal briquettes
(charred, ground, mixed with starch, compressed into
pillow-shaped briquettes patented in 1897 by Ellsworth Zwoyer);
relied on E.G. Kingsford (Ford dealer, married to Ford's cousin)
to select site ( 313,447 acres) for wood production, charcoal
processing plant in Iron Mountain area of Michigan's Upper
Peninsula; December 29, 1923
- charter for newly formed Village of Kingsford approved (city
charter approved August 7, 1947);
1924 - chemical plant reclaimed 610 pounds of
charcoal per ton of scrap wood, produced 55 tons of briquettes
each day, sold as Ford Charcoal Briquets ($25/bag) to industry
(meat, fish smokehouses, foundries, tobacco-curing plants), to
car customers through Ford dealerships;
1951 - acquired by local investment
group; renamed The Kingsford Chemical Company; Ford Charcoal
renamed Kingsford Charcoal;
September 22, 1953 - registered "Kingsford"
trademark first used December 17, 1951 (charcoal briquettes);
1973 - acquired by
The Clorox Company; 1999
- controlled about half of $455 million market.
E.G. Kingsford
(top frame, far right) - Kingsford
Charcoal (http://www.creativepro.com/files/story_images/20060904_fg17.jpg)
1921 - Norman Nash "brewed" sauce in his kitchen
in Shooter's Hill, Jamaica; combination of tomatoes, onions,
mangoes, raisins, garlic, thyme cloves, some secret ingredients;
cooked, stored in oak barrels for year before being separated
and bottled (bottled sauce has shelf life of five years);
1945 - rights
acquired by Joseph Lyn Kee Chow;
July 24, 1973 - Pickapeppa Company, Ltd.
registered "Pickapeppa" trademark first used April 7, 1943
(sauce, hot pepper sauce, manho chitney, white veinegar, cane
May 21, 1921
- Taggart Baking Company of Indianapolis, IN introduced Wonder
bread; red, yellow and blue logo conceived by Taggart Vice
President Elmer Cline (inspired by International Balloon Race at
Indianapolis Speedway); 1925
- acquired by Continental Baking;
July 13, 1926 - Taggart Baking Company
registered "Wonder" trademark first used May 1, 1921 (bread and
cake); 1930s -
began shipping Wonder Bread in sliced form;
1960s - advertised with slogan "Helps
build strong bodies in 12 ways" (referred to number of added
nutrients); 1986 -
lower-calorie Wonder Light bread introduced;
1995 - acquired by
Interstate Brands Corporation; "Remember the Wonder" ad campaign
July 8, 1921
- Minnesota Cooperative Creameries Association incorporated;
1924 - Mrs. E.B.
Foss and Mr. George L. Swift won contest to choose brand name,
trademark for its butter; April 7,
1925 - registered "Land O' Lakes" trademark
(butter, dressed poultry, cheese, eggs);
1926 - cooperative changed corporate
name to Land O' Lakes Creameries, Inc. (later to Land O' Lakes,
Inc.); 1928 -
painting of Indian maiden began facing viewer, holding butter
carton and surrounded by lakes, pines, flowers, grazing cows
placed on packaging; reflected Native American heritage of Upper
Midwest; 1939 -
simplified, modernized.
19, 1921 - Breyer Ice Cream Company,
Philadelphia, PA, registered "Breyers" trademark first used in
May 1912 (ice-cream).
13, 1921 - Christian K. Nelson, chocolate maker
Russell C. Stover entered into a joint agreement in Des Moines,
IA to produce, market Nelson's "I-Scream Bar"; name changed to
Eskimo Pie ("coat ice cream with chocolate [sic] divide the
profits equally"); decided to sell manufacturing rights to local
ice cream companies for $500 to $1000, plus royalties on each
Eskimo Pie sold; first 250,000 pies produced sold within 24
hours; January 24, 1922
- Nelson, of Onawa, IA, received patent for a "Confection";
Eskimo Pie; ice cream centre covered in chocolate; described:
"in its simplest form, a block or brick or frozen confection
within an edible container or shell. The core or center may be
an ice cream, sherbet, sorbet, ice, or other material congealed
by refrigeration"; shell was described as "like that used in
coating chocolate candies, although preferably modified to
harden at a lower temperature," and not too brittle; half patent
assigned to Russell Stover (Chicago, IL);
1922 - Stover sold his share of the
spring 1922 - 2,700 manufacturers sold
one million Eskimo Pies per day;
1924 - acquired by United States Foil
Company, supplier of Eskimo Pie wrapper (later known as Reynolds
Metals Company); October 3, 1929
- U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declared 1922 patent was
invalid, due to "lack of invention";
April 13, 1943 - registered "Eskimo Pie"
trademark first used October 3, 1921 (ice cream);
1992 - Eskimo Pie
became independent of Reynolds' Metals.
Christian K. Nelson
- Eskimo Pie (http://americanhistory.si.edu/archives/images/d8553-2.jpg)
November of 1921 - Charles See, his mother, his
wife, Florence, opened first See's Candies shop and kitchen on
Western Avenue in Los Angeles; mid-1920s
- twelve shops; 1936
- opened in San Francisco; 1972
- acquired by Berkshire Hathaway;
2007 - over two hundred shops throughout West.
September 1922
- Clarence Birdseye started Birdseye Seafoods Inc. to process
chilled fish fillets at plant near the Fulton Fish Market in New
York City (former U.S. field naturalist near the Arctic, learned
technique of flash freezing from Labrador Inuit);
1924 - filed for
bankruptcy; July 3, 1924
- organized General Seafood Corporation (began frozen foods
industry); October 14, 1924
- received a patent for a "Method of Preserving Piscatorial
Products" ('improved process for the preservation of fish and
sea-foods in general"); November
30, 1926 - received a patent for a "Method in
Preparing Foods and the Product Obtained Thereby" ("which will
render the same more readily handles without damage, and more
permanent in form when sliced, cooked or otherwise treated after
purchase and in preparation for eating");
June 1929 - Postum Company acquired
General Seafood Corporation for $22 million; later renamed
General Foods Corporation; Birdseye relinquished all patents
related to quick-freezing process, remained head of Research and
Development (Birds Eye Frosted Foods division).
Clarence Birdseye -
frozen foods
1923 - Russell and Clara Stover began candy
business in their home in Denver, CO (had sold interest in
Eskimo Pie); marketed as "Mrs. Stover's Bungalow Candies";
1941 - name changed
to Russell Stover Candies; October
16, 1962 - registered "Russell Stover" trademark
first used in 1941 (candy); 1969
- acquired by Louis Ward (made boxes for Stover chocolates; 35
retail stores, more than 2,000 agencies);
March 1993 - acquired Stephen F. Whitman
& Son ($85 million in sales), America's oldest continuous
producer of boxed chocolates, for $35 million.
Russell Stover -
Russell Stover Candies
February 13, 1923 - Joseph Rosefield, of
Alameda, CA, received a patent for "Peanut Butter and Process of
Manufacturing the Same"; process to prevent oil separation in
peanut butter (hydrogenated peanut butter); used finer grinding,
hydrogenation, emulsifier to keep oil from separating;
shelf-stable peanut butter would stay fresh for up to a year
because oil didn't separate from peanut butter.
February 14, 1923 -
Velveeta (smooth as velvet) Cheese Company incorporated in
Monroe, NY; packaged using 1921 invention of tinfoil lining that
could house cheese inside wooden box; special cooking properties
- would never curdle when heated;
November 27, 1923 - Max O. Schaefer (d.b.a.
Velveeta Cheese Company) registered 'Velveeta' trademark
(cheese); 1927 -
acquired by Kraft.
- Ettore (Hector) Boiardi, formerly of Plaza Hotel in New York,
Greenbriar in West Virginia, Hotel Winton in Cleveland, opened
Il Giardino d'Italia restaurant in Cleveland; packaged pasta and
sauce for customers to take home;
1930s - began selling pasta, sauce in cans; food
distributor convinced him to change spelling of his name to
'Boyardee' to make it easier for Americans to pronounce; during
World War II - largest supplier of rations for U.S. and Allied
Forces; 1946 -
acquired by conglomerate American Home Foods (now International
Home Foods). for $6 million;
September 28, 1965 - American Home Products
registered "Chef Boyardee" trademark first used September 1929;
2000 - acquired by
Ettore (Hector) Boiardi
- Chef Boyardee
1924 - Johnson Company of Chicago produced
Bit-O-Honey candy bar; almond bits embedded in honey-flavored
taffy; July 14, 1925
- Schutter-Johnson Candy Co. registered "Bit-O-Honey" trademark
first used October 1924 (candy); now owned by Nestle.
1924 - California
Avocado Growers Exchange founded as grower-member-owned
cooperative; packing volume of approximately 180,000 pounds;
1926 - renamed
Calavo; 1928 -
built first grower-owned packinghouse in Vernon, CA;
1931 - diversified
product line with limes, avocado oil (Company's first processed
food); 1943 - 31
sales offices nationwide; 1949
- began marketing papaya under Calavo Gold name;
1964 - expand
internationally, beginning with Japan;
1965 - launched first processed consumer
product, one pound can of "Avocado Dip" (guacamole);
1974 - sales of $25
million; 1990 -
gross sales exceeded $150 million;
2001 - member-shareholders voted overwhelmingly
to convert to for-profit status, became publicly traded company;
2004 - annual
packing volume exceeded152 million pounds;
2009 - nation's largest avocado packer.
1924 - Benjamin Tillman “Pop” Byrd founded Byrd
Cookie Co. in Savannah, GA; made cookies by hand in small
building behind Norwood Avenue home, packed them in wooden
boxes, delivered them in Model-T Ford to businesses around
Savannah; one-man operation to international player in gourmet
food industry; 2011
- fourth generation management.
January 29, 1924
- Carl R. Taylor, of Cleveland, OH, received patent for a
"Cone-Rolling Machine"; ice cream cone rolling machine;
described as a "machine for forming thin, freshly baked wafers
while still hot into cone shaped containers" for ice-cream.
November 1924 -
Ready-to-eat cereal, known as Washburn’s Gold Medal Whole
Wheat Flakes, introduced; created when Minneapolis health
clinician preparing wheat bran mixture accidentally spilled some
on hot stove, created tasty wheat flakes; George Cormack, head
miller at Washburn Crosby Company (General Mills's predecessor),
perfected process for producing wheat flakes; name shortened to
"Wheaties" as result of employee contest won by Jane Bausman,
wife of company executive; June 9,
1925 - Washburn Crosby Company (Minneapolis, MN)
registered "Wheaties" trademark first used November 12, 1924
(cereal food product); 1933
- brand's sports association began with sign on left field wall
at Nicollet Park in south Minneapolis, home of Minneapolis
Millers, minor league team; Minneapolis advertising man Knox
Reeves created slogan: "Wheaties - The Breakfast of Champions";
1934 - Lou Gehrig
first athlete to appear on Wheaties box (back);
August 29, 1939 -
sponsored first televised commercial sports broadcast of game
between Cincinnati Reds and Brooklyn Dodgers for some 500 owners
of television sets in New York City;
1958 - Bob Richards, Olympic decathlon
gold medalist, first athlete to appear on front of Wheaties box;
1984 -
Mary Lou Retton, gold medal gymnast, first woman to
appear on front of Wheaties box.
December 9, 1924 - Wm. Wrigley, Jr.
Company, Chicago, IL, registered "Wrigley's" (chewing gum)
trademark first used January 1, 1892 (chewing gum).
December 1, 1925 - Planters Nut & Chocolate
Company, Suffolk, VA, registered "Mr. Peanut" trademark first
used June 1916 (Candy, Salted Peanuts, Peanut Meal, Peanut
Butter, and Candies Peanuts); March
5, 1935 - registered "Planters" trademark first
used in 1906 (roasted peanuts, salted peanuts, peanut
- Joseph Draps founded chocolate company in Belgium named in
honor of legend of Lady Godiva;
1974 - acquired by Campbell Soup Company.
December 7, 1926 -
Keebler Weyl Baking Co., Philadelphia, PA, registered "Keebler"
trademark first used 1860 (cookies, cakes, crackers and fancy
grade of biscuit-like articles coated with chocolate, fondant,
and marshmallow).
- Dorothy Gerber hand-strained solid food for her
seven-month-old daughter; 1928
- became first baby food analyst at Fremont Canning Company
(family produced line of canned fruits, vegetables); strained
peas, prunes, carrots. spinach, to beef vegetable soup ready for
national market; launched advertising campaign featuring coupon
and Gerber Baby in publications from The Journal of the American
Medical Association to Good Housekeeping; grocers placed orders
by dozen; within six months, Gerber Baby Foods on grocery store
shelves across nation; March 4,
1952 - Gerber Products Company registered
"Gerber" trademark first used October 12, 1928 (canned foods for
infants); 1994 -
merged with Sandoz Ltd.; December
1996 - part of Novartis group of companies
(formed by merger of Ciba-Geigy Ltd. and Sandoz Ltd.).
Dorothy Gerber -
Gerber Baby Foods
1927 - Austrian candy executive Eduard Haas
(Vienna-based Haas Food Manufacturing Corporation) invented Pez
candy (abbreviation of the German word for peppermint,
PfeffErminZ); originally marketed as an adult mint for people
trying to quit smoking; 1947
- Pez dispenser designed, looked like a cigarette lighter
(patented in 1949); 1952
- exporting Pez candies to the United States;
May 27, 1952 -
registered "Pez" trademark (sweets).
1927 - Vincent
Taormina's New York business merged with his cousin's business
[Guiseppe] Uddo & Taormina Corporation of New Orleans, formed
Progresso Italian Food Corporation of New York City;
December 1, 1942 -
Uddo Taormina Corp. registered "Progresso" trademark first used
in 1922 (canned vegetables); 1949
- first Progresso premium soup was introduced (first canned,
ready-to-serve soup in America).
1927 - Cal Stinson Sr. founded Stinson
Seafood plant in Prospect Harbor, Maine;
1951 - Maine State Legislature
established Maine Sardine Council;
May 19, 1964 - Stinson Seafood Company L.P.
registered "Beach Cliff" trademark first used in 1929 (canned
sardines); 2001 -
former Stinson Seafood plant acquired by Connors Bros.;
2004 - acquired by
Bumble Bee Foods (federal limit on Atlantic herring - 180,000
metric tons); 2010
- New England Fishery Management Council reduced quota on
Atlantic herring to 91,000 metric tons; America's largest
producer of canned herring products; 500 employees at three
modern canning facilities on coast of Maine; vertically
integrated: fishing fleet, processing plants, automated factory
that produces cans; April 18, 2010
- last remaining sardine cannery United States closed.
1928 - William
Dreyer, former manager of National Ice Cream plant in Oakland,
CA, partnered with candy-maker Joseph Edy (Edy's Character
Candies Shop), opened Grand Ice Cream Company on Grand Avenue in
Oakland; 1929 -
Rocky Road flavor debuts; July 1947
- partnership dissolved; 1953
- William Dreyer, Jr. took over; name changed to Dreyer's Grand
Ice Cream; 1963 -
acquired by Al Wolff, Bob Boone and Ken Cook (company officers);
May 20, 1977 -
acquired by T. Gary Rogers, William F. Cronk (former classmates
at Berkeley) for $1.1 million; leading manufacturer and
distributor of packaged ice cream in the West;
1981 - went public;
- #1 packaged ice cream in U.S., largest share in premium ice
cream market; 2003
- 67% acquired by Nestle; January
2006 - 100% control acquired by Nestle ($2
billion in sales, more than 6,000 employees); world's biggest
ice cream maker.
Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream
1928 - Milton J. Holloway took over F. Hoffman &
Company of Chicago, original manufacturer of Milk Duds chocolate
covered caramels; named because original idea of perfectly round
piece was impossible, word "duds" used; "milk" used to reflect
large amount of milk in product.
June 20, 1928 - General Mills
incorporated; result of James Ford Bell's merging of Red Star
Milling Company, Royal Milling Company, Kalispell Flour Mills
Company; Rocky Mountain Elevator Company, Washburn Crosby
Company; June 22, 1928
- came into existence; November 30,
1928 - stock first traded on New York Stock
Exchange; 2001 -
acquired The Pillsbury Company.
November 27, 1928 - Kellogg Company
registered "Rice Krispies" trademark first used February 29,
1928 (breakfast food).
November 27, 1928 - Kellogg Company registered
"Rice Krispies" trademark first used February 29, 1928
(breakfast food).
- Alfred Nef and Alfred Gonzenbach, Swiss immigrants with knack
for cheese making, established Valley Queen Cheese Factory, Inc.
in Milbank, SD; farmers learned of many advantages of selling
their milk rather than marketing their cream;
2009 - over 100
employees; Rudy Nef (son) Chairman; Max Gonzenbach (son)
President; April 2009
- named South Dakota Business of the Year by South Dakota
Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
May 13, 2009 - Rudy and Marilyn Nef provided a
gift of undisclosed amount to Augustana College to create the
Nef Family Chair of Political Economy (college's first endowed
faculty chair); Robert Wright, 40, associate professor in
economics department at New York University's Stern School of
Business, held chair.
- Marcus L. Urann, two other cranberry growers formed Ocean
Spray Cranberries, Inc.; first introduced Ocean Spray Cranberry
Juice Cocktail; June 2, 1931
- Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. (Lakeville-Middleboro, MA)
registered "Ocean Spray" trademark first used October 1921
(fresh cranberries, canned cranberries, and cranberry syrup);
1963 - introduced juice industry's first juice
blend--CranApple Cranberry Apple Juice Drink;
1976 - expanded
co-op to include grapefruit growers from Florida's Indian River
region; 1991 -
introduced Ocean Spray Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice Drink.
1930 - Oscar Benson, Colonel ‘Bertie’ Dickson
acquired small confectionery business at 164 Church Street, in
Kensington, London; named Bendicks (combined first syllables of
each last name; made chocolates in tiny basement);
1931 - Lucia Benson
(sister-in-law) created mint chocolate recipe (mint fondant
enrobed in 95% cocoa solids’ chocolate); named Bittermint;
1933 - opened store
in heart of Mayfair (London); became known as Bendicks of
Mayfair; 1962 -
awarded Royal Warrant: “By Appointment of Her Majesty the
Queen"; June 25, 1968
- Bendicks (Mayfair) LLC registered "Bendicks Bittermints"
trademark fist used 1919 (mint flavored chocolates).
1930s - Ruth
Wakefield, of Whitman MA, is credited with inventing chocolate
chip cookies at her Toll House Restaurant;
August 27, 1940 - Societe des Produits
Nestle S.A. registered "Toll House" trademark first used April
10, 1940 (cookies); 1941
- Nestle began marketing her chip cookies to public;
April 17, 1956 -
Nestle S.A. Company, Inc. (White Plains, NY) registered "Toll
House" trademark (cookie mix).
March 6, 1930 - Clarence Birdseye conducted (via
General Foods) "Springfield Experiment Test Market" in
Springfield, MA ((had
invested $7 in 1923, purchased electric fan, buckets of brine,
some ice, invented system of packing, flash-freezing waxed
cardboard boxes of fresh foods); sold 26
different (first) frozen vegetables, fruits, fish, meats at 18
retail stores to see how consumers would react to frozen foods;
birth of retail frozen foods; May
20, 1930 - Clarence Birdseye, of Gloucester, MA,
received a patent for a "Method of Preparing Consumer Packages"
("practiced most advantageously when it includes as one
characteristic step the quick-freezing of the product");
August 12, 1930 -
received a patent for a "Method of Preparing Food Products"
("treating food products by refrigerating same, preferably by
"quick" freezing the product into a frozen block in which the
pristine qualities and flavors of the product are retained for a
substantial period after the block has been thawed"); packaged
frozen food; assigned to Frosted Foods Company, Inc. (General
Foods subsidiary); September 9,
1930 - received a patent for a "Method of
Packaging Fruit Juices" ('without deterioration in flavor or
composition...by freezing with sufficient rapidity to avoid such
separation"); July 7, 1931
- Frosted Foods Company, Inc. registered "Birds Eye" trademark
first used February 15, 1930 (frozen food products);
November 3, 1952 -
marketed first frozen peas in Chester, NY;
1961 - incorporated as producer,
marketer of processed food products;
1983 - General Foods acquired by Philip
Morris; 1993 -
Birdseye acquired by Dean Foods Vegetable Company for about $140
million; 1998 -
acquired by Agrilink Foods;
February 10, 2003 - name changed to Birds Eye
Foods Inc. to reflect company's largest brand.
April 6, 1930 -
Continental Baking Company executive Jimmy Dewar invented
(Hostess) Twinkies; used machines for cream filled strawberry
shortcake, idle after strawberry season, to make snack cake
filled with banana filling, charged nickel for package of 2;
came up with name when driving by a billboard that had an ad for
shoes from the "Twinkle Toe Shoe Company", shortened name to
....Twinkies; June 20, 1961
- Continental Baking Company registered "Twinkie" trademark
first used June 25, 1930 (cake); 1995 - acquired by Interstate
Bakeries Corporation.
28, 1931 - Automotive pioneer, industrialist,
philanthropist Charles Stewart Mott (largest GM shareholder)
acquired lands, sugar mill, other assets of bankrupt Southern
Sugar Company in Florida; renamed United States Sugar
Corporation; 1941 -
Florida sugar industry profitable; early
1980s - largest sugar-producing state in
country (U.S. Sugar Corporation largest sugar producer in state
- internal transportation system, railroad with over 120 miles
of track, 1100 railcars linking sugarcane fields with mills,
extensive research facility); mid
1980s - employees became largest shareholders in
Company through ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan);
2008 - one of
country's largest privately held agricultural firms, farms
nearly 187,858 acres of most productive farmland in United
States, mills can process nearly 45,000 tons of sugarcane per
day, produce over 700,000 tons of sugar per year.
November 24, 1931 -
General Mills, Inc. registered "Bisquick" trademark first used
July 16, 1931 (biscuit flour).
November 24, 1931 - Thomas Midgley, Jr.,
of Worthington, OH), Albert L. Henne (of Columbus, OH) and
Robert R. McNary (of Dayton, OH) received a patent for "Heat
Transfer" ("...to provide a process of refrigeration and,
generically, a process of heat transfer in
which...non-inflammability and non-toxicity are obtained in
combination with the desired boiling points"); flurocarbon
refrigeration (Freon).
- Charles Elmer Doolin of San Antonio, TX, operator of the
Highland Park Confectioner, purchased rights to unknown corn
chip product to diversify his ice cream business; spent $100 for
corn chip recipe, 19 retail accounts, manufacturing equipment
(converted hand-operated potato ricer); established new business
venture in his mother's kitchen;
1933 - increased Fritos production from 10
pounds to nearly 100 pounds an hour;
August 29,
1933 - Daisy D. Doolin (dba FRITO Company)
registered FRITOS trademark first used March 27, 1932 (cakes);
1939 - Herman W.
Lay, former major distributor of Gardner's Potato Chips for
Barrett Food Products Company, formed H.W. Lay Corporation in
Atlanta, GA as a distributor of potato chips;
1944 - changed
product name to Lay's Potato Chips;
1945 - first of FRITOS franchises
offered to The H.W. Lay Company of Atlanta, GA;
1950 - FRITOS sold
in all 48 states; 1954
- Frito sales of $21 million; 1956
- H.W. Lay & Company & Company largest manufacturer of potato
chips, snack foods in United States; more than 1,000
employees, plants in eight cities, branches or warehouses in
thirteen others; LAY'S Potato Chips is America's favorite potato
chip; January 12, 1971
- Frito-Lay Inc. registered "Lays" trademark first used May 1,
1938 ([snack foods-namely,] potato chips [and sticks, popcorn,
nuts (shelled and unshelled), and cookie sandwiches]).
Charles Elmer Doolin
- Fritos
Herman W. Lay - Lay's
Potato Chips
1932 - Rosefield Packing Co. (Alamada, CA)
introduced Skippy Peanut Butter (based on February 13, 1923
patented manufacturing process); first use of "Skippy" as
trademark for peanut butter (apparently taken from Percy Crosby
cartoon character of same name, invalidated in 1934); canceled
exclusive licensing agreement with Swift & Co., makers of Peter
Pan Peanut Butter, following a dispute;
February 1, 1933 - began selling Skippy;
introduced chunk-style peanut butter;
December 21, 1948 - registered "Skippy"
trademark first used February 1, 1933 (peanut butter);
April 18, 1950 -
Fitzhugh L. Avera, of Alameda, CA, received patent for a
"Process of Manufacturing Stabilized Nut Butters" ("improved
process of with hydrogenated stabilizers to afford end products
substantially devoid of taste sensations of waxiness or
unctuosity"); new type of cold-processed hydrogenated peanut
oil; assigned to Rosefield Packing Co.;
1954 - company had nearly 25 percent of
U.S. peanut butter market; 1955
- company acquired by BestFoods;
June 6, 2000 - British-Dutch food giant Unilever
NV agreed to buy BestFoods in deal worth $24.3 billion;
April 5, 2004 -
U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear trademark infringement suit
by Joan Crosby Tibbetts, daughter of Percy Crosby, against
Skippy's manufacturer, BestFoods division of multinational
conglomerate Unilever; [may have] ended 39-year quest to
invalidate Skippy trademark registered by CPC International.
November 15, 1932
- MARS, Incorporated registered "3 MUSKETEERS" trademark first
used May 1, 1932 (candy); third brand produced, manufactured by
company; named for original design of product (three pieces,
three flavors: vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry).
February 16, 1932 -
James E. Markham, of Xenia, IL, received a patent for a "Peach"
("cross of the J. H. Hale peach and an unknown yellow variety of
a strong and vigorous character, the object in view being by
reproduction to combine and improve the good characteristics of
the two varieties so as to obtain a better tree, large in size,
bearing good quality fruit and possessing other characteristics
which go to make a good commercial or marketable peach");
assigned to Stark Bro's Nurseries and Orchards Company of
Louisiana, MS; first patent for fruit tree, seventh plant patent
in U.S.
July 12, 1932
- Otto Frederick Rohwedder, of Davenport, IA, received a patent
for a "Machine for Slicing an Entire Loaf of Bread at a Single
Operation"; first loaf-at-a-time bread-slicing machine with
multiple cutting bands; 1928
- Chillicothe Baking Company (Chillicothe, MO) installed first
machine; July 7, 1928
- first sliced bread produced ("Kleen Maid Sliced Bread");
1929 - Rohwedder
sold invention to Bettendorf (Iowa) Company (acquired by
Micro-Westco., Inc. of Davenport); served as vice-president,
sales manager of company for many years.
Otto Frederick Rohwedder
- invented sliced bread
1933 - Harry and Pat Olivieri made first version
of Philadelphia cheese steak in their corner hot dog stand nera
the Italian market in South Philadelphia (Pat's King of Steaks);
piled sliced, grilled beef with onions on rolls; decades later -
Cheez Whiz added to steak and onions; provalone, American
cheese, pizza sauce became options.
November 13, 1933 - First sit-down
strike in American history held by workers at packing plant of
George A. Hormel and Company in Austin, MN.
1934 - Norton Simon
started Val Vita Food Products; built business from annual sales
of $45,000 to $9 million company in less than a decade; became
something of star in California canning business;
1943 - merged Val
Vita Food Products, formed new company, Hunt Foods, headed
1934 - O.D. and Ruth McKee bought small,
three-employee bakery in downtown Chattanooga, TN; converted
cookie shop into a 5-cent cake bakery;
1950s - named McKee Baking Company;
1960 - introduced
"Little Debbie" snack cakes (his granddaughter’s name); first
bakery to sell individually wrapped cakes in multipack carton;
July 31, 1962 -
McKee Baking Company registered "Little Debbie" trademark first
used August 23, 1960 (oatmeal cream pie);
1963 - used bow-tie logo;
1991 - name changed
to McKee Foods Corporation; 2010
- more than $1 billion in annual sales, more than 6,000
employees nationally.
Little Debbie
(serving samples)
- Snack Cakes
October 2, 1934
- Dale W. McMillen founded, incorporated Central Soya Company in
Decatur, IN (livestock feeds and soybeans);
June 1985 - acquired by Shamrock
Holdings Inc. (privately owned by Roy E. Disney family);
October 1987 -
acquired by Ferruzzi Finanziaria SpA in Ravenna, Italy;
October 2002 -
acquired by Bunge Limited.
1935 - Nabisco launched Ritz Crackers in US;
January 5, 1937 -
National Biscuit Company registered "Ritz" cracker trademark
first used November 1, 1934 (bakery products-namely biscuit).
1936 -
Joseph W. Luter, Sr. and his son, Joseph W. Luter, Jr., opened
Smithfield Packing plant in Smithfield, VA;
1969 - acquired by Liberty Equities;
1981 - first major
acquisition, Gwaltney of Smithfield, local rival and
well-established pork products company;
1984 - acquired 80% of Patrick Cudahy
for $27.5 million (100-year-old Wisconsin company that was
losing money but famous for its sweet apple-wood smoked
sausages, bacon and ham); 1995
- acquired John Morrell & Co., largest acquisition to date,
allowed Smithfield Foods to expand throughout Midwestern United
States; October 2003
- won Farmland Foods, sixth-largest U.S. pork processor, in
court-supervised bankruptcy auction;
2006 - sales exceeded $11 billion, 24
percent average annual compounded rate of return to investors
since 1975, world's largest pork processor and hog producer,
largest turkey producer in U. S., fifth-largest U.S. beef
- Margaret Rudkin, Connecticut woman who began baking
preservative-free bread for her son who had allergy to
commercial breads with preservatives, artificial ingredients;
began small business out of her kitchen, sold "Pepperidge Farm"
bread to local grocers; named for family's farm in Fairfield,
CT; September 20, 1938
- registered "Pepperidge Farm" trademark first used September 1,
1937 (bread and cereal food products, particularly breakfast
cereals, cracked wheat flour and corn meal);
July 4, 1947 -
opening of company's first modern bakery in Norwalk, CT;
1955 - launched
Distinctive line of European-style cookies (reached agreement
with Delacre Company in Brussels);
1961 - acquired by Campbell Soup Company.
Margaret Rudkin
Pepperidge Farm
1937 - Necco introduced Sky Bars; first molded
chocolate bar with 4 distinctly different centers (caramel,
vanilla, peanut or fudge); first advertised to public in
sky-writing campaign.
January 1, 1937 - At a party at the Hormel
Mansion in Minnesota, a guest won $100 for naming a new canned
meat -- Spam (originally called HORMEL Spiced Ham);
August 22, 1950 -
Geo. A. Hormel & Co. registered "SPAM" trademark first used May
11, 1937 (canned meat product, consisting primarily of pork
chopped and molded in loaf form in the can);
1959 - produced
one-billionth can of SPAM Luncheon Meat.
March 25, 1937 -
Quaker Oats paid Babe Ruth $25,000 per year for ads.
July 13, 1937 -
Vernon Rudolph bought secret yeast-based doughnut recipe from
French chef from New Orleans, rented building in Old Salem
(Winston Salem), NC, began selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts to
grocery stores; March 13, 1951
- Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation registered "Krispy Kreme"
trademark first used August 1934 (doughnuts and the mix for
making same).
1938 - Abram, Ira, Philip, Joseph Shorin
established Topps Chewing Gum, Inc. in Brooklyn, NY;
1947 -
incorporated, developed Bazooka bubble gum; named after humorous
1930's musical instrument made from two gas pipes and a funnel
by Bob Burns; 1951
- baseball cards introduced; 1953
- Bazooka Joe comics introduced;
January 27, 1959 - registered "Bazooka Joe"
trademark first used in August 1954 (comic strip in sheet form);
1972 - went public;
1984 - acquired in
leveraged buyout led by Forstmann Little & Company;
1987 - went public
again; September 19, 2007
- shareholders approved sale of company for $385.4 million to
Tornante Co. investment firm (Michael Eisner), Madison Dearborn
Partners LLC.
1938 - Samuel Isaac Greenberg, Jewish immigrant
from Poland, began smoking turkeys, rubbed with spice mix
attributed to his mother, Jennie Greenberg, over hickory logs in
Tyler, TX; sold smoked kosher turkeys to Jews, non-Jews alike
from metal shebang with sand-covered floor in back corner of
milking barn; June 23, 1987
- Greenberg Smoked Turkeys, Inc. registered "Greenberg"
trademark first used in october 1938 (smoked meat, namely,
smoked turekey); 2010
- managed by Sam Greenberg (grandson); 20 brick-lined,
hardwood-fired pit houses (not in use 9 months/per year) smoke
more than 200,000 turkeys per year (about 20,000 turkeys sold to
to walk-in customers during TYhanksgiving this season, priced at
a little more than $4 a pound).
- Lawrence Frank and Walter Van de Kamp opened Lawry's The Prime
Rib in Beverly Hills, restaurant with single entree, prime rib;
introduced Lawry's Seasoned Salt (blend of salt, spice, herbs);
shakers disappeared from tables; introduced to marketplace in
response to popular demand; Lawry's Seasoned Salt rapidly became
best-selling bottled spice blend in world (annual sales $150
million); September 4, 1962
- Lawry's Foods, Inc. registered "Lawry's" trademark first used
August 8, 1939 (Powdered Dip Mixes, Seasoned Salt, Salt
Substitute, Sauce Mixes, Seasoning Mixes, Dressing Mixes for
Salads, Garlic Spread Concentrate, Salad Dressings, All Purpose
Dressings, Bleu Cheese Dressings); dominates market for branded
seasoned salt products; August 2008
- acquired, with Adolph's Meat Tenderizer, by McCormick for $605
million (forced by FTC to spin off Season-All line, with $18
million in sales, to Morton International Inc. for $15 million).
Lawrence Frank -
Lawry's Foods (http://www.lawrys.com.tw/images/lawryw_photo2c.jpg)
1939 - Nathan Cummings (43) acquired C.D. Kenny
Company, small wholesale distributor of sugar, coffee and tea in
Baltimore (net sales of $24 million);
1942 - acquired Sprague, Warner &
Company; changed name to Sprague Warner-Kenny Corporation;
1954 - company's
name changed to Consolidated Foods Corporation to emphasize its
diversified role in food processing, packaging and distribution;
1956 - acquired
Kitchens of Sara Lee (originally called Community Bake Shops,
named for Sara Lee Lubin, daughter of entrepreneur Charles
Lubin), entered retail food business by acquiring 34 Piggly
Wiggly supermarkets; 1985
- changed name to Sara Lee Corporation to reflect consumer
marketing orientation of company, high-quality, well-known
branded products marketed around world.
Nathan Cummings -
Sara Lee (http://www.nathancummings.org/nathancummings.jpg)
1939 - Henry Blommer, Sr., Al, Bernard Blommer
(brothers), founded Blommer Chocolate in Chicago, IL;
1948 - branched out
nationally, added Blommer Chocolate Factory of California in Los
Angeles; 1952 -
acquired Boldemann Chocolate of San Francisco;
1970 - consolidated
southern California, San Francisco operations;
February 8, 2000 -
Blommer Chocolate Company registered "Blommer" trademark first
used in 1939 (milk chocolate, dark chocolate, chocolate liquor,
chocolate liquor wafers, flavored confectioner coatings, etc.);
largest processor of cocoa beans in country; one of largest
chocolate manufacturers in North America.
1940 -Henry C. Kessler, of York Cone Company in
York, PA, introduced York
Peppermint Pattie;
September 30, 1952
- York Cone Company registered "York" trademark first used
January 28, 1922 (peppermint pattie mint);
1972 - acquired by Peter Paul Inc.;
June 11, 1940 - Ada
Walker (Wyoming, OH) registered "Butterball" trademark first
used September 1, 1938 (live and dressed poultry);
February 1951 -
trademark acquired by Leo Peters; licensed name to Swift and
Co.; 1960s - name
acquired by Swift and Co.; 1989
- Swift acquired by ConAgra; October
2006 - Butterball branded turkey
business acquired by Carolina Turkeys (North Carolina), renamed
Butterball LLC.
24, 1940 - French Sardine Company of California
registered "Star-Kist" trademark first used April 30, 1940
(canned fish-namely canned tuna).
1941 - General Mills introduced Cheerioats as
first read-to-eat oat cereal; 1942
- introduced Cheeri O'Leary, cereal's first mascot;
1945 - name changed
to Cheerios in response to competitor lawsuit over use of
"oats"; June 5, 1945
- registered "Cheerios" trademark first used on January 9, 1945
(read-to-eat cereal); 1954
- number one selling cold cereal at General Mills.
1941 - Frank Dulcich Sr., Dominic Dulcich (son)
started Pacific Seafood, retail seafood shop, in Portland, OR;
went from 18 employees to over 2,500 at 37 facilities;
2011 - Frank
Dulcich (grandson) as CEO of seafood processing, distribution
December 1, 1942 -
Joseph A. Numero and Frederick M. Jones, of Minneapolis, MN,
received a patent for an "Air Conditioner for Vehicles" ("air
conditioners for compartments of vehicle carriers...to
provide...a means of conditioning the air within the compartment
of sdaid carrier tempering, humidifying and circulating the air
therein, which means shall be conveniently attachable to and
removable from such carrier and which shall automatically effect
the desired air conditioning within he compartment of the
carrier"); first reliable system for refrigerating trucks;
assigned to U. S. Thermo Control Company; became springboard for
launching Thermo King Corporation.
1943 - John Tyson purchased first
company-owned broiler farm, located in Springdale, AR;
1947 - incorporated
Tyson Feed and Hatchery; provided three services: sale of baby
chicks, sale of feed, transportation of chickens to market;
1950 - processed
about 96,000 broilers a week; 1963
- changed name to Tyson's Foods;
1971 - name changed to Tyson Foods, Inc.;
end of 1970s -
produced 4.5 million birds per week (234 million per year),
nation's largest hog producer; 1989
- acquired Holly Farms - doubled size of Tyson Foods, about
48,000 people employed, sales more than $2.5 billion.
January 18, 1943 -
Wartime ban on sale of pre-sliced bread in U.S. went into
effect; aimed at reducing bakeries' demand for metal replacement
parts. 1945 - Maxson Food Systems, Inc., introduced
"Strato-Plates" (18 different individual three-part frozen meals
on tray) for military, civilian airplane passengers;
1947 - left
business after war, death of founder.
1945 - Robert E.
Rich, Sr. discovered that soy beans could be frozen, thawed and
whipped; immediately hailed as "the miracle cream from the soy
bean," revolutionized food processing, opened new world of
non-dairy products to the growing frozen food industry; founded
Rich Products Corporation; became nation's largest ($1.7 billion
in sales) family-owned frozen foods manufacturer.
Robert E. Rich, Sr.
- Rich Products
foodengineeringmag.com/FE/2003/09/ Files/Images/88275.jpg)
1945 - Phillip Sollomi opened "The Wishbone"
restaurant in Kansas City, MO; 1948
- created "The Kansas City Wishbone Famous Italian Style
Dressing". (based on his mother's Sicilian recipe;
1957 - acquired by
December 2, 1945 - Lorenzo Servitje, Jaime A.
Sendra, Jose T. Mata, and Jaime Jorba opened first plant of
Panificación Bimbo, S.A. in Santa María Insurgentes area in
Mexico City (one office area, one courtyard, warehouse,
production room); offered Bimbo Bear Products (large bread,
small bread, toast); January 1946
- bread production began; end of
1947 - introduced cupcake, pound cake;
December 10, 2008 -
acquired \Weston Foods Inc. subsidiary of George Weston Ltd. for
$2.38 billion, became largest bakery company in USA;
2010 - markets more
than 7,000 products, manufactured in 98 plants, distributed over
39,000 routes to more than 1,800,000 points of sale around
world; world's largest bread manufacturing company;
2011 - acquired
Sara Lee's North American Fresh Bakery business for $925
million; world's leading bread maker.
May 22, 1946
- Frances Roth, Katharine Angell opened New Haven Restaurant
Institute as vocational training school for World War II
veterans; storefront cooking school with enrollment of 50
students, faculty consisting of a chef, a baker, a dietitian;
offered 16-week program, featured instruction in 78 popular
menus of the day; 1951
- name changed to The Culinary Institute of America; educational
program expanded to two years, continuing education courses for
industry professionals introduced;
1965 - 400 students enrolled, operated a $2
million facility; 1970
- acquired five-story, 150-room building, on 80 acres of land
overlooking Hudson River in Hyde Park, NY for $1 million;
1972 - new school
opened; 1981 - only
school authorized to administer American Culinary Federation's
(A.C.F.) master chef certification exam;
2006 - physical assets valued at $101
million, annual budget in excess of $86 million; more than 2,400
students enrolled in degree programs, more than 130
chef-instructors. and other faculty members representing 16
countries employed.
- Lloyd E. Rigler and Lawrence E. Deutsch, partners in Rigler &
Deutsch Food Brokers, bought recipe, name Adolph's Meat
Tenderizer from Adolph Remp, Santa Barbara restaurant owner;
1950 - formed
Adolph's Ltd.; February 26, 1974
- registered "Adolph's" trademark first used June 4, 1949 (meat
tenderizer in solid form, consisting of salt, spices, dextrose,
tri-calcium phosphate and vegetable enzyme made from the
tropical papaya melon); 1974
- acquired by Chesebrough-Ponds (later part of Lever Brothers,
Unilever Best Foods; 2007
- acquired, with Lawry's seasonings, by McCormick for $605
Lloyd E. Rigler -
Adolph's Ltd. (http://www.classicartsshowcase.org/images/ler.jpg)
1948 - Momofuku Ando founded small family-run
company producing salt; 1958
- changed name to Nissin Food Products Co., Ltd.;
August 25, 1958 -
perfected flash-frying method, invented instant noodle
(chicken-both noodles in cellophane bags) market;
1964 - founded
Instant Food Industry Association which set guidelines for fair
competition, product quality, introduced several industry
standards (inclusion of production dates on packaging);
September 18, 1971
- developed "Cup Noodle", world's first cup-type instant noodle
product; 2006
- company sold 46.3 billion packs and cups , generated $131
million in profits.
March 9,
1948 - Gordon L. Harwell, Forrest E. Mars, of
Converted Rice, Inc., registered "Uncle Ben's" trademark first
used in 1937 (rice for food); named for Texas rice grower;
January 19, 1954 -
Converted Rice, Inc. (Houston, TX) registered "Uncle Ben's
Converted" trademark first used on January 24, 1947 (rice);
trademark consisted in part of picture of Frank C. Brown, of
Chicago, IL, who consented to use of his picture.
July 10, 1948 - Aaron "Bunny" Lapin, St.
Louis, MO, put whipped cream in spray can, called it
"Reddi Wip" (had sold Sta-Whip, wartime substitute for whipping
cream); sold through milkmen; turned dessert topping into symbol
of postwar America's drive for convenience;
July 1, 1952 - Reddi-Wip, Inc.
registered "Reddi-Wip" trademark first used March 15, 1948
(cream containing vanilla, sugar, and stabilizer and in which
cream whipping gas is dissolved under pressure, for use as a
food topping); 1954
- national distribution; March 15,
1955 - received a patent for "Dispensing Valves
for Gas Pressure Containers"; assigned to Reddi-Wip Corporation;
established Clayton Corp. to make valves for cans;
1963 - lost control
of company, post as president; acquired by Norton Simon, Inc.;
1985 - acquired by
Beatrice Foods; 1990
- acquired ny ConAgra; 1998
- Time magazine listed Reddi-wip as one of century's 100 great
things for consumers (along with pop-top can, Spam); now a brand
of Con Agra's Beatrice Foods.
Aaron "Bunny" Lapin
- "Reddi-Wip"
1949 - Peggy and Lawton Wolf, owned
luncheonette called The Sampler in Dedham Square, MA; fudge
brownie recipe always sold out; established baked goods company;
first Peggy Lawton shop opened at 252 Bussey Street in East
Dedham (rent of $20 a month);
February 27, 1979 - PEGGY LAWTON KITCHENS,
INC.registered "PEGGY LAWTON"trademark cirst used in 1949
(bakery goods).
October 11,
1949 - C.A. Swanson & Sons registered "Swanson"
trademark first used in 1928.
January 31, 1950 - Isaly Dairy Company
registered "Klondike" trademark first used January 1, 1928
(chocolate covered ice cream slice).
May 23, 1950 -
Frederick M. Jones, of Minneapolis, MN, received a patent for a
"System for Controlling the Operation of Refrigeration Units"
("the circulation of refrigerant medium and air are
simultaneously stopped at periodic intervals and definite steps
are taken to improve the removal and disposal of accumulated
frost or ice during the defrosting operation").
1952 - Kellogg
developed "Tony the Tiger" and three other characters as part of
a contest for packages of Kellogg's Sugar Frosted Flakes of
Corn; proved to be most popular with consumers, all of other
characters were removed from the packaging;
1953 - Kellogg's advertising agency
developed first four-color ad with Tony the Tiger, published in
August issue of Life Magazine;
April 4, 1961 - Kellogg registered "Tony"
trademark first used October 25, 1957 (Ready-to-Eat Cereal
January 22, 1952
- Columbia River Packers Association, Inc., Astoria, OR,
registered "Bumble Bee" trademark first used 1896 (canned, fresh
and fresh frozen fish).
- Jose Batista Sobrinho began operations at small slaughtering
plant, in Anapolis (state of Goias), Brazil, with 5 head/ day
capacity; 1968 -
acquired first slaughtering plant in Planaltina (Distrito
Federal); 1970 -
slaughtering capacity increased to 500 head of cattle per day;
1981-2002- operations expanded, acquired slaughtering plants,
fresh and processed beef production plants; slaughtering
capacity reached 5.8 thousand head/day;
2005 - Grupo Friboi restructured, formed
JBS S.A.; acquired Swift Armour S.A., Argentina's largest beef
producer, exporter; 2006
- slaughtering capacity grew to 22.6 thousand head/day at total
of 21 plants in Brazil, Argentina;
April 2007 - went public; 2008 - acquired
National Beef, Smithfield Beef, Australian company Tasman;
world's largest beef producer (slaughtering capacity of 51.4
thousand head/day (not including National Beef, Smithfield Beef
, Tasman group); largest beef exporter in world (operations in
22 countries).
September 26, 1953 - Sugar rationing in
Great Britain ended after almost 14 years.
1954 - Harry
Brownstein established Acme Smoked Fish Corporation (name chosen
to appear first in phone book) in Brooklyn, NY; became largest
producer, distributor of smoked fish in U. S.; under
fourth-generation management.
June 15, 1954 - American Chicle Company
(Long Island City, NY) registered "Trident" trademark first used
August 26, 1953 (chewing Gum and candy lozenges);
1962 - Trident
Original launched as first nationally distributed sugar-free
product, first product promoted not to cause tooth decay.
July 13, 1954 -
Edwin Traisman, of Des Plaines, IL (leader of Kraft Foods
processed-cheese group), and Wallce Kurtzhalts, of Wheeling, IL,
received a patent for a "Process of Making Grated Cheese"
("method of making grated cheese of the high-fat type wherein
all of the constituents are comminuted cheese particles, the
finished grated cheese being resistant to caking or
agglomeration under ordinary atmospheric conditions"); assigned
to Kraft Foods Company.
- Hawaii set pineapple production record at 1.5 million tons.
1955 - Procter
& Gamble entered peanut butter business; acquired W.T. Young
Foods (Lexington, KY), makers of Big Top Peanut Butter;
1956 - introduced
Jif Peanut Butter; March 26, 1957
- registered "Jif" trademark first used January 24, 1956 (salted
shelled nuts, candies nuts, and nut [butters] spreads);
June 1, 2002 -
acquired (with Crisco brand) by J.M Smucker Company for $1
September 27, 1955
- Knott's Berry Farm Partnership registered "Mrs. Knott's"
trademark first used July 1, 1940 (pancake flour, French
dressing, and barbecue sauce);
February 28, 1956 - registered "Knott's Berry
Farm" trademark first used November 1, 1928 (bread, table
syrups, jellies, jams, fruit and berry preserves, etc.).
March 17, 1956 -
James and William Conway founded Mr. Softee ice cream company;
put a Sweden Freezer machine into a truck and drove it through
Philadelphia, gave away green ice cream; went into business, at
first as the Dairy Van; currently among the largest franchisers
of ice cream trucks in the country, with more than 600 trucks in
15 states.
- Burger King Corporation introduced the WHOPPER at first Burger
King restaurant in Miami; nine special ingredients (sesame seed
crown, beef patty, pickles, ketchup, onions, tomatoes, lettuce,
mayo and bun heel) and three optional ingredients (cheese, bacon
and mustard); erected sign proclaiming the restaurant "HOME OF
THE WHOPPER(R)"; January 5, 1965
- Burger King of Florida, Inc. registered "Home of the Whopper"
trademark first used January 12, 1958 (drive-in restaurant
services); mid-1970s
- introduced "HAVE IT YOUR WAY" advertising tagline.
1957 - Francois
Boursin, cheesemaker in Normandy, France, created Boursin
cheese; first variety, Boursin Garlic & Fine Herbs, inspired by
long-standing traditional dish: fromage frais (fresh cheese)
served with bowl of fine herbs (allowed each person to create
his or her own personally seasoned cheese); first flavored fresh
cheese sold throughout France; 1989 - acquired by Unilever.
1957 - Vincent
DeDomenico, President of Golden Grain Macaroni Corporation (San
Leandro, CA), introduced Rice-A-Roni 'kitchen helper', version
of chicken broth (dried soup) mixed with rice and vermicelli;
August 25, 1959 -
Golden Grain Macaroni Corporation registered "Rice-A-Roni"
trademark first used December 11, 1957 (prepared packaged ric
and vermicelli dinner); 1986
- acquired by Quaker Oats for $250 million.
February 12, 1957 -
Frederick M. Jones, of Minneapolis, MN, received a patent for a
"Method and Means of Preserving Perishable Foodstuffs in
Transit" ("construction of transport vehicles such as trucks and
railway cars and a mode for controlling atmospheric conditions
therein to preserve the natural body and flavors of fresh
June 24, 1958
- E. J. McAleer & Co., Inc., Philadelphia, PA, registered "Mrs.
Paul's" trademark first used April 1, 1946 (frozen foods-namely
August 4, 1958
- First potato-flake plant established in U.S. at Grand Fork,
1959 -
Reuben Mattus (45) created first national brand of premium ice
cream (high butter-fat, all natural ingredients); manufactured
at family's ice cream factory, Senator Frozen Products, in
Bronx; 1961 -
called new brand Danish-sounding Haagen-Dazs (appreciated Dane's
treatment of Jews during WW II); conveyed aura of old-world
traditions, craftsmanship; formed company of same name to
distribute it; introduced three flavors - vanilla, coffee,
chocolate packed in cartons with map of Scandinavia;
September 4, 1962 -
Rose Mattus registered Haagen-Dazs trademark first used October
24, 1960; 1976 -
product took off; 1983
- acquired by The Pillsbury Company for more than $70 million.
Reuben Mattus
Haagen Dazs
February 23, 1960 - Frederick M. Jones,
of Minneapolis, MN, received a patent for a "Thermostat and
Temperature Control System" ("concerned with vehicles in which
perishable products are transported and must be maintained at
desirable temperatures throughout the extent of the journey by
mechanical means capable of maintaining a substantially constant
temperature, by either cooling or heating the space n which the
products are stores"); assigned to Thermo King Corporation.
July 22, 1960 -
Cuba nationalized all U.S. owned sugar factories.
June 20, 1961 -
Continental Baking Company, Rye, NY, registered "Twinkies"
trademark first used June 25, 1930 (cake).
September 1961 - Frito Company merged
with H. W. Lay & Company to form Frito-Lay, Inc., largest snack
selling company in United States; June 8, 1965 - shareholders
approved merger of Frito-Lay, Pepsi-Cola Company, new company
called PepsiCo, Inc.; formed (Frito-Lay owned 46 manufacturing
plants nationwide, more than 150 distribution centers across the
United States); September 9, 1969
- FRITO-LAY, Inc. registered "FRITO LAY'S" trademark first used
November 1967 (potato chips).
August 21, 1962 - Edwin Traisman, of
Madison, WI (McDonald's franchisee), received a patent for a
"Method for Preparing Frozen French Fried Potatoes" ("a frozen
French fried potato which can, on short notice, be quickly
converted into a high quality hot French fried potato with a
minimum of effort...which will compare favorably in body, flavor
and eating quality to a freshly prepared French fried
potato...which can be stored indefinitely to be available in
quantity for quick use when wanted"); eliminated problem of
soggy, non-uniform fries; 1972
- adopted system-wide by McDonald's.
March 5, 1963 -
Cherry-Levis Food Products Corporation registered "Slim Jim"
trademark first used in December 1953 (sausage).
1964 - Frank Bellissimo, founder of
Anchor Bar, on Main Street, Buffalo, NY, invented Buffalo
chicken wings (had received delivery of chicken wings, instead
of backs and necks that were ordinarily used in making spaghetti
sauce; Teressa Bellissimo [wife] made some hors d’oeuvres for
bar; chopped each wing in half, served two straight sections
that regulars at bar could eat with their fingers; “deep-fried”
them, applied some hot sauce, served them on plate that included
some celery from Anchor Bar’s regular antipasto, some
blue-cheese dressing normally used as house dressing for
salads); immediate success, famous throughout Buffalo within
weeks); July 29, 1977
- City of Buffalo proclaimed 'Chicken Wing Day' (“WHEREAS, the
success of Mr. Bellissimo’s tasty experiment in 1964 has grown
to the point where thousands of pounds of chicken wings are
consumed by Buffalonians in restaurants and taverns throughout
our city each week. . .”).
1964 - Louis Flores
Ruiz and son, Fred, founded Ruiz Foods in warehouse in Tulare,
CA; cooked his mother's Mexican food recipes in morning, sold
enchiladas to local businesses in afternoon; largest
Latino-owned manufacturing company in California (2005 revenue
of $326 million); sells about 200 products, 'El Monterey'
accounts for 4.30 of every dollar spent on frozen Mexican food.
May 16, 1965 -
Spaghetti-O's first sold; variously-sized rings of cooked pasta
in a sweet tomato and cheese sauce, sold in cans.
June 22, 1965 -
Kellogg Company registered "Pop-Tarts", trademark first used
July 14, 1964 (fruit preserve filled pastry bakery product).
July 13, 1965 -
MIitsubishi Shojikaisha, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, registered "Three
Diamonds" trademark (frozen fish, shrimp, crab, and other
October 1965
- Pillsbury debuted 14-ounce, 8 3/4-inch Poppin' Fresh Doughboy
character in a Crescent Roll commercial; actor Paul Frees
performed original voice of the Doughboy ( (voice of Boris
Badenov in "The Adventures of Bullwinkle and Rocky"); conceived
by Rudy Perz, copywriter at Leo Burnett advertising agency;
August 4, 1970 -
Pillsbury registered "Poppin' Fresh" trademark first used June
1966 (dolls); 1972
- named "Toy of the Year" by Playthings Magazine.
1968 - McDonald's
introduced The Big Mac systemwide; created by Jim Delligatti,
Pittsburgh-area McDonald's franchisee (one of Ray Kroc's
earliest franchisees); added lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions,
and most important, the "special sauce," to create one of
world's best-known hamburgers in Uniontown, PA.
1968 - Hunt-Wesson
Foods, Canada Dry Corporation, McCall Corporation consolidated,
formed Norton Simon, Inc., $1 billion corporation;
1979 - Hunt-Wesson
sales topped $1 billion; 1983
- Norton-Simon Inc. acquired by Chicago-based Esmark, Inc.;
1984 - Esmark
acquired by Beatrice Companies, Inc.;
1985 - Beatrice went private in
leveraged buyout by Kohlberg, Kravis, and Roberts (KKR); renamed
BCI Holding Company.
October 18, 1969 - Federal government banned
artificial sweeteners known as cyclamates because of evidence
they cause cancer in laboratory rats (non-caloric sweetener had
been discovered in 1937; widely used as tabletop sweetener, in
sugar-free beverages, in baked goods, other low-calorie foods,
particularly in combination with saccharin);
June 1985 -
National Academy of Sciences affirmed the FDA's Cancer
Assessment Committee's latest conclusion: "the totality of the
evidence from studies in animals does not indicate that
cyclamate or its major metabolite cyclohexylamine is
carcinogenic by itself"; approved for use in more than 50
August 4, 1970
- Cumberland Packing Corp. registered "Sweet'n Low" trademark
first used June 1958; December 17,
1974 - Cumberland Packing Corp. registered
1,000,000th trademark, G clef and staff design used on "Sweet'n
1972 -
Ruth M. Siems, home economist on staff of General Foods,
invented Stove Top stuffing (now owned by Kraft Foods); made
stuffing without a turkey possible; about 60 million boxes sold
at Thanksgiving; July 23, 1974
- General Foods registered "Stove Top" trademark (stuffing mix);
March 11, 1975 -
received a patent for an "Instant Stuffing Mix" ("prepared from
dried yeast-leavened corn bread crumb or a mixture of dried
yeast-leavened white bread crumb and a member selected from the
group consisting of dried yeast-leavened whole wheat bread
crumb, corn bread crumb and mixtures thereof"); assigned to
General Foods Corporation.
Ruth M. Siems -
Stove Top Stuffing
March 7, 1972 - Star-Kist Foods, Inc.
registered "Charlie the Tuna" trademark first used November 1970
(canned fish).
June 26, 1974
- first bar-code scanned in Troy, OH; Norman Joseph Woodland,
one of inventors of Universal Product Code (UPC) symbol, got
idea by scratching elongated Morse code symbols into sand on
October 22, 1976
- US Food and Drug Administration banned red dye #4 after
discovery that it causes tumors in the bladders of dogs; still
used in Canada.
August 1977
- Debbi Fields, a young mother with no business experience,
opened first cookie store in Palo Alto, CA;
1990 - began to sell franchises;
2007 - nearly 390
location in U.S., over 80 locations internationally.
May 5, 1978 - With
a $12,000 investment ($4,000 of it borrowed), Ben Cohen and
Jerry Greenfield opened Ben & Jerry's Homemade ice cream scoop
shop in renovated gas station in downtown Burlington, VT;
1980 - began
packing ice cream in pints to distribute to grocery, Mom & Pop
stores along restaurant delivery routes Ben services from back
of old VW Squareback wagon; 1981
- first Ben & Jerry's franchise opened in Shelburne, VT;
1984 - Haagen-Dazs
tried to limit distribution of Ben & Jerry's in Boston; prompted
Ben & Jerry's to file suit against parent company, Pillsbury, in
famous "What's the Doughboy Afraid Of?" campaign; sales exceeded
$4 million; 1987 -
Haagen-Dazs again tried to enforce exclusive distribution, Ben &
Jerry's filed second lawsuit against the Pillsbury Company;
sales just under $32 million; 1988
- more than 80 Ben & Jerry's ice cream scoop shops open in 18
states; 1991 -
introduced Low Fat Frozen Yogurt;
1996 - introduced Sorbets;
September 1999 - Harris Interactive poll
of the public's perceptions of corporate reputability Ben &
Jerry's ranked #5 in 'Reputation Quotient' (responsibility,
emotional appeal, innovation) out of top 30 Most Reputable US
companies, earned #1 ranking in "Social Responsibility"
category; net sales of $237,043,000;
April 12, 2000 - acquired by Unilever
for $326 million.
April 21,
1981 - Swift & Company registered "Butterball"
trademark first used in 1962 (Poultry and Poultry Parts
Including Frozen Dressed Whole Turkey, Stuffed Turkey, and
Frozen Turkey Breast).
- Philip Morris acquired General Foods for $5.7 billion; became
largest U.S. consumer products company; R. J. Reynolds acquired
Nabisco Brands for $4.9 billion; name changed to RJR Nabisco.
October 10, 1988
- CEO F. Ross Johnson offered $75 per share for a leveraged
buyout of RJR/Nabisco (stock at $56 per share);
November 30, 1998 -
Special Committee recommended acceptance of $109 per share
buyout ($25.07 billion) by Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Co. to
board of directors.
30, 1988 - Philip Morris paid $13.1 billion for
Kraft foods; became world's single biggest producer of consumer
February 21, 1989
- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Simplesse,
low-calorie substitute for fat;
February 28, 1989 - Nutrasweet Company
registered "Simplesse" trademark first used January 20, 1988
(fat substitute).
March 27,
1990 - Harold Osrow, Zvi Bleier received a
patent for a "Portable Ice Cream Machine"; assigned to NEC
April 5, 1990
- Paul Newman won court victory over Julius Gold to keep giving
all profits from Newman foods to charity.
August 1990 -
ConAgra Inc. completed $1.34 billion acquisition of BCI Holding
Company (Beatrice Company).
1991 - Hawaii set record for highest sales of
pineapples, $107.8 million.
August 21, 1997 - Hudson Foods Co.
closed plant in Nebraska, agreed to destroy some 25 million
pounds of hamburger after largest meat recall in U.S. history.
October 31, 2003
- The U.S. Food and Drug administration released summary of
draft report concluding that cloned farm animals and their
offspring posed little scientific risk to food supply.
May 2005 - Jelly
Belly Candy Company's factory tour in Fairfield, CA named "Best
of America" by editors of Reader's Digest magazine; tours first
offered in 1986 at request of local groups; more than 400,000
people tour facility annually.
February 3, 2006 - Fresh Del Monte
Produce Inc. announced it would cease pineapple operation in two
years, no longer economically feasible to grow pineapple in
Hawaii because it can be produced for less elsewhere (increased
planting of pineapple at lower costs in other parts of the
world, "...cheaper for Del Monte to buy pineapples on the open
market than for the company to grow, market and distribute
Hawaiian pineapple"; Del Monte, called California Packing Corp.,
had begun pineapple operations in Hawaii in 1916; two remaining
pineapple companies in Hawaii - Dole Food Hawaii, Maui Pineapple
Co.; Hawaii produced 212,000 tons of pineapples in 2005 worth
estimated $79 million; top pineapple producers - Thailand,
Philippines, Brazil, China, India, Costa Rica [source: USDA]).
March 15, 2011 - Consuming meat
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