March 4, 1877
- Emile Berliner announced his invention of the microphone.
August 30, 1881
- Clement Adler received German patent for first stereo system
(for a telephonic broadcasting service).
1900 -
Constantin Perskyi, Professor of Electricity at Artillery
Academy of Saint Petersburg Russia, coined term "television" at
1900 Paris World Exhibition's first International Congress of
Electricity; may have been French translation of Russian word
January 1, 1902
- Nathan B. Stubblefield gave first radio broadcast
demonstration in U.S. at Fairmont Park, Philadelphia; his voice
was first to be carried on air-waves ("wireless" - without any
wires used for transmission); unable to obtain suitable buyer
for his invention, received little notice for being first to
have accomplished voice radio broadcast.
November 25, 1905
- First U.S. advertisement for radio receiver, offered by Hugo
Gernsback of The Electro Importing Company, appeared in issue of
Scientific American; offered Telimco for $8.50; system
suitable for sending dots and dashes, not full audio; guaranteed
to work up to one mile.
January 13, 1906
- Date sometimes given for first U.S. advertisement for radio
receiver; November 25, 1905 - earliest one-inch
advertisement for Telimco appeared in issue of Scientific
American - both run by Hugo Gernsback of The Electro Importing
Company of New York.
October 20, 1906
- Dr. Lee De Forest, one of "fathers of radio," announced
three-element electrical vacuum tube (triode)
to amplify weak
radio signals (mesh, or grid, of wire placed between filament
and collector "plate" in diode tube produced a large
voltage-amplifying effect); June 26, 1906 -
received two patents for an "Oscillation-Responsive Device";
November 13, 1906 - received two patents for an
"Oscillation-Responsive Device"; radio tube detector;
January 15, 1907 - received a patent for a "Device for
Amplifying Feeble Electrical Currents"; radio amplifier tube (made
long-distance communication possible); February 18, 1908
- received a patent for "Space Telegraphy"; triode.
November 20,
1906 - Greenleaf Whittier Pickard, U.S.
electrical engineer from Amesbury, MA,, received U.S. patent for
a "Means for Receiving Intelligence Communicated by Electric
Waves"; crystal detector; one of first devices widely used for
receiving radio broadcasts (until superseded by triode vacuum
December 24, 1906
- General Electric inventor Ernst Alexanderson broadcast world's
first radio program with song and music via his new creation,
high frequency alternator.
24, 1906
Canadian physicist music Reginald A. Fessenden gave first
broadcast of human voice by wireless transmission, from Brant
Rock, MA; part of effort of his National Electric Signaling
Company (NESCO) to develop wireless communication commercially.
December 16, 1907
- First U.S. radio broadcast of singer featured Eugenia H.
Farrar on occasion of departure of Admiral Robley Dunglison
Evans ("Fighting Bob Evans") on cruise with fleet; her voice
transmitted by Lee De Forest from Brooklyn Naval Yard, Brooklyn,
May 12, 1908
Nathan B.
Stubblefield, of Murray, KY, received patent for a "Wireless
Telephone"; wireless radio broadcasting.
- Dr. Charles Herrold, scientist and inventor, began, as hobby,
broadcasting regularly-scheduled programming on 14-watt
transmitter in San Jose, CA; first to "broadcast" radio
entertainment, information to mass audience (daily through 1917)
of experimenters who listened on home made crystal radios; first
regular radio broadcasting station, in continuous operation, in
world; lacked call letters, simply identified itself as "This is
San Jose Calling" (KDKA, Pittsburgh, made first
'commercial' broadcast on November 2, 1920 after Commerce
department granted license on October 27, 1920); 1921
- radio licenses issued, Herrold assigned call letters of KQW;
operated station KQW for several years, ran out of money; worked
as radio time salesman, audiovisual technician for high school,
janitor at local naval facility;
1949 - acquired by CBS (740 AM on dial);
1968 - became
first all news station in Northern California; has won every
major national award for excellence in broadcast journalism
(Peabody Award, duPont-Columbia Award, five Edward R. Murrow
Awards for Overall Excellence from national Radio-TV News
Directors Association, Sigma Delta Chi Award from Society of
Professional Journalists, Crystal Award for public service from
National Association of Broadcasters).
March 18,
1909 - Einar Dessau of Denmark used shortwave
transmitter to talk with government radio post -- believed to
have been first broadcast by 'ham' operator.
- Oliver David (O.D.) Fisher, Oliver Williams (O. W.) Fisher
(brothers) incorporated Fisher Flour Mills;
April 1911 -
Harbor Island mill ground first wheat, largest flour mill in
western United States; created "Zoom" (first instant-cooking
whole wheat cereal); 1922
- O.D. Fisher took over; 1926
- co-founded radio station KOMO (known as "the Fisher Blend
Station"), one of first broadcasting companies in Pacific
Northwest region; began broadcasting from Seattle's Cobb
Building; broadcast more than 5,000 hours of airtime in first
year (more hours than any other station in country);
1927 - KOMO AM
affiliated with NBC, provided Seattle with first national
network programming; 1953
- established KOMO-TV; flour milling operations ranked as
fifth-largest in nation, biggest in size and capacity west of
Mississippi River, produced more kinds of flour than any other
mill in world; February 1, 1956
- KOMO TV presented first live color television broadcast to
Northwest; 1958 -
KOMO AM became ABC affiliate; 1959
- KOMO TV became ABC affiliate;
1971 - formed Fisher Companies, Inc. as holding
company; 1985 -
KOMO TV: first commercial station in U.S. to broadcast
continuously in stereo; 1999
- KOMO TV: first TV station in world to broadcast daily local
news in HDTV; 2001
- Flour Mills acquired by Pendleton Flour Mills for $31 million;
2002 - owned 26
radio stations, 12 TV stations.
Oliver David (O. D.) Fisher
- Fisher Companies
January 13,
1910 - Lee De Forest, American inventor of
vacuum tube, broadcast live performance of Enrico Caruso from
Metropolitan Opera over telephone transmitter (heard only by
small number of electronics hobbyists who had radio receivers);
1915 - started
regular nightly concerts, increased interest in radio receivers,
which at time depended on vacuum tubes manufactured by De
Forest's company.
13, 1910 - Lee De Forest (invented much of
technology involved in early radio) arranged first opera
broadcast from stage of Metropolitan Opera, featuring Enrico
Caruso; Met did not broadcast over radio again until 1922.
November 14, 1911
- Ernst F. W. Alexanderson, of Schenectady, NY, received patent
for a "High-Frequency Alternator"; radio tuning system.
April 14, 1912 -
David Sarnoff, telegraph operator and manager of Marconi radio
telegraph station on top of Wannamaker's department store in New
York, learned of Titanic's sinking; stayed at his post for 72
hours, received, transmitted information on the disaster;
relayed names of the rescued from the Carpathia telegraph
operator to newsmen, families; 1926 - founded NBC;
1928 - created
experimental television station for NBC, became president and
chairman of RCA.
January 5, 1914
- The Federal Communications Commission listened to
demonstration of FM radio, free from static, huge advantages
over AM frequencies (prone to interference), 1941
- first FM transmitter went into operation.
October 6, 1914
- Edwin H. Armstrong, of Yonkers, NY, received a patent for a
"Wireless Receiving System" ("improvements in the arrangement
and connections of electrical apparatus at the receiving station
of a wireless system"..."object being to amplify the effect of
the received waves upon the current in the telephone or the
receiving circuit, to increase the loudness and definition of
the sounds in the telephone or other receiver").
February 1, 1919
- First Miss America crowned, in New York City.
October 17, 1919
- General Electric's (GE) privately owned corporation, formed to
acquire assets of wireless radio company American Marconi from
British Marconi, incorporated as Radio Corporation of America
(RCA); later acquired by American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&
T) and Westinghouse.
November 23, 1919 - First play-by-play football
game radio broadcast took place during Texas A&M - Texas game.
2, 1920 -
Harry P. Davis, vice
president of Westinghouse Electric, made nation's first
commercial broadcast on Westinghouse Station KDKA, Pittsburgh,
PA, from small wooden shack on top of "K" Building, tallest
building at company's East Pittsburgh Works in Turtle Creek, PA
- of election results of Harding-Cox presidential race (before
results published in newspaper); Westinghouse station
established by Dr. Frank Conrad, assistant chief engineer at
Westinghouse East Pittsburgh Works and Pittsburgh area ham
operator who played music on 75 watt 8XK from Wilkinsburg, PA
from 1919; July 2, 1921
- first national broadcast with live commentary of Jack Dempsey
- Georges Carpentier fight via teletype from New Jersey; first
commercially licensed radio station in United States, start of
broadcasting industry.
April 26, 1921
- WEW in St. Louis, MO broadcast weather report for
federal government, first time on radio,
April 29, 1921
- David Sarnoff became general manager of RCA.
October 5, 1921
- World Series broadcast on radio for first time.
June 30, 1921
- Radio Corporation of America (RCA) incorporated.
February 27, 1922
- Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover called conference to
allocate radio wavelengths (500 stations broadcasting on the
same wavelength); 1921 - Americans spent about $10
million on radio sets and parts.
March 22, 1922
- Crosley Broadcasting (Cincinnati, OH) went on air with
commercial station (65th licensed radiotelephone station); call
letters WLW-AM (amplitude modulation)
assigned by new Federal Radio Commission;
50-watt signal received from Colorado, Maine, Michigan,
Wisconsin, Connecticut; station's broadcast power increased to
50,000 watts over next six years;
October 4,
1928 - nation's first 50,000-watt commercial
broadcasting station to operate on regular schedule;
April 17, 1934 -
FCC granted Crosley Broadcasting authority to use 500 kW
experimentally, during regular hours, with regular WLW call;
May 3, 1934 - 500,000-watt transmitter put on the air
(on occasion, the station's power was boosted as high as 700,000
watts); most powerful AM radio station in the world.
Powel Crosley, Jr. - Crosley
Broadcasting Corp.
August 28, 1922
- First radio commercial aired on WEAF in New York City;
10-minute advertisement for Queensboro Realty Co., for $100.
October 18, 1922
- British Broadcasting Company formed by group of leading
wireless manufacturers to sell radios; November 14, 1922
- daily broadcasting from Guglielmo Marconi's London studio;
1925 - BBC heard throughout most of UK; John Reith,
Scottish engineer, general manager; 1927 -
received first Royal Charter, became British Broadcasting
Corporation; John Reith knighted; 1932 - opened
Empire Service (forerunner of BBC World Service); December
25, 1932 - King George V gave first royal broadcast to
Empire; November 2, 1936 - opened world's first
regular service of high-definition television; May 12,
1937 - King George VI's coronation procession broadcast
to 10,000 people; June 1937 - first Wimbledon
November 14, 1922
- BBC officially began daily domestic radio service broadcasting
with 6:00pm news read by Arthur Burrows from 2LO, Marconi House,
London (Manchester and Birmingham stations went into service
next day).
December 23, 1922
- British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) began daily news
- First American broadcasts heard in Britain.
October 11, 1923
- First political telecast, sponsored by Democratic National
Committee, aired from New York.
February 8, 1924
- First coast-to-coast radio broadcast; Speech by Bell
Telephone's vice president and chief of research at meeting of
Bond Men's Club in a Chicago hotel, broadcast in Providence, New
York, Washington, Oakland, San Francisco, heard by some 50
million people.
February 12, 1924
- Eveready Hour, first network radio program sponsored by
advertising, debuted; sponsored by National Carbon Company,
broadcast in New York, Washington, Providence.
1925 - Rogers, Sr.
invented world’s first alternating current (AC) radio tube
(enabled radios to be powered by ordinary household current);
key factor in popularizing radio reception;
1931 - awarded
experimental TV licence; 1962 - Rogers, Jr.
pioneered stereo broadcasting in FM with CHFI (also founded
CFTR-AM in Toronto); became one of Canada’s most listened to FM
radio stations, most popular and profitable FM radio station in
Canada; 1967 - awarded cable licenses for areas in, around
Toronto, Brampton, Leamington; 1970s - Rogers Cable TV became
Canada’s most innovative cable company;
1974 - first cable
company to expand past 12 channels; added more programming
choice (in particular with multi-cultural television);
1979 -
acquired control of Canadian Cablesystems Limited through
reverse-takeover; 1980 - acquired Premier Communications Limited
(almost doubled Rogers’ cable subscribers); largest cable
television company in Canada; 1983 - asked board of directors to
invest $500,000 Canadian dollars ($403,000) in wireless
technology; 1985 - established Rogers Cantel Mobile
Communications Inc. to operate national cellular telephone
network in Canada in competition with established telephone
companies; Canada's largest cable-television, cell phone
company; 2008 - 24,000 employees 24,000, market value of 18
billion Canadian dollars.
June 1, 1925
- JOBK radio station (now NHK, Japan Broadcasting Corporation,
Osaka) made Japan's first successful radio transmission from
test station at Mitsukoshi Department Store; first crystal radio
set cost 3.50 yen with monthly license fee of 1 yen; 5,455
listening households were registered;
1928 - holders of NHK radio licenses
exceeded 500,000; February 1953
- NHK began daily television transmissions for 4 hours a day;
initial number of viewing households was 866 nationwide, license
fee was 200 yen per month; August
1953 - NTV (Nippon Television Network
Corporation) became first commercial television station in
country; September 1953 - more than 1,000 new TV licenses
registered; September 10, 1960
- NHK, four commercial stations began color television
broadcasts in Tokyo and Osaka (about an hour a day), dawn of
color TV in Japan.
June 13, 1925
- Charles Jenkins invented first telecast in the U.S. of objects
in motion, called it "visions by radio"; first mechanical TV
system broadcast used 48 scanning lines, showed a model of Dutch
windmill with its blades turning.
June 30, 1925
- Charles F. Jenkins, of Washington, DC, received a patent for
"Transmitting Pictures by Wireless" ("wireless electrical
agency"); electromechanical television.
October 30, 1925
- John Logie Baird made first televised transmission of moving
object in London, UK; transmitter made from tea chest, cardboard
scanning discs, empty biscuit box, old electric motors, darning
needles, motorcycle lamp lenses, piano wire, glue, string,
sealing wax.
January 12, 1926
- Radio program, Sam 'n' Henry, debuted on WGN radio in Chicago;
starred two white vaudeville performers, Freeman Gosden and
Charles Correll; portrayed two black characters from South
looking to make their fortune in Chicago during Depression;
March 19, 1928 - show moved to WMAQ, name changed to
Amos 'n' Andy (WGN owned rights to prior character names);
1948 - attracted more than 40 million listeners, most
highly rated comedy in radio history; 1951 - came
to TV, starred Alvin Childress and Spencer Williams; first TV
series to feature an all-black cast; 1953 - show
cancelled; November 25, 1960 - last radio
Amos 'n' Andy - WMAQ radio
January 26, 1926
- John Logie Baird, Scottish inventor, gave first public
demonstration of true television system to members of Royal
Institution, reporter from The Times in London, launched
revolution in communication, entertainment; pictorial
transmission machine (called "televisor") used mechanical
rotating disks to scan moving images into electronic impulses,
then transmitted by cable to a screen where it showed up as a
low-resolution pattern of light and dark; 1928 -
established Baird Television Development Company Ltd.; made
first transatlantic television transmission from London to New
John Logie Baird
(http://www.museum.tv/ archives/etv/B/htmlB/bairdjohnl/bairdjohnlIMAGE/bairdjohnl.jpg)
September 9, 1926
- Radio Corporation of
America created The National Broadcasting Co.; November
15, 1926 - NBC debuted with radio network of 24
stations, nation's first permanent radio network; celebrated
launch with one of earliest remote musical broadcasts
(nationally known bands played at several locations).
February 23, 1927
- President Calvin Coolidge signed Radio Act of 1927 into
law; transferred most of responsibility for radio to newly
created Federal Radio Commission; five-person FRC given power to
grant, deny licenses, assign frequencies, power levels for each
licensee; divided country into five geographical zones (each
represented by one of five Commissioners); February 26,
1927 - Radio Division of the Department of Commerce
created in Office of Secretary; 1928 - issued
first noncommercial TV license; some powers transferred to
Department of Commerce; July 20, 1932 - Radio
Division abolished, functions transferred to Federal Radio
April 7, 1927
- Group of newspaper reporters, dignitaries gathered at AT&T
Bell Telephone Laboratories auditorium in New York, viewed first
public display of long distance television transmission -
"operative one-way systems for television over telephone
circuits, by radio" (speech by then Secretary of Commerce,
Herbert Hoover, as his live picture. voice were transmitted over
telephone lines from Washington, DC).
September 7, 1927
- TV pioneer, Philo T. Farnsworth, succeeded in transmitting an
image through purely electronic means; used device called image
September 18, 1927
- Columbia Phonograph Broadcasting System (later CBS) went
on air with 47 radio stations; lost money in first year.
January 13, 1928
- American inventor, Ernst F. W. Alexanderson, broadcast
first experimental television program
in Schenectady, NY (delivered poor,
unsteady picture only 1.5 inches square); broadcast signal had
range of 15 to 20 miles; Spring 1928
- US Federal Government issued first name to WRGB, with call
letters "W2XB" (station popularly known as WGY Television, after
its sister radio station founded 1922); May 10, 1928
- first TV Newscaster, Kolin Hager, broadcast farm, weather
reports twice a day, three times weekly; programs lasted from
1:30 to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays; most viewers
were on technical staff at nearby General Electric (had designed
system, was using broadcasts to refine its equipment);
August 22, 1928 - world's first remote news telecast
from State Capitol in Albany; end of 1928 - 17
more stations around country began scheduled broadcasts,
designed to test apparatus rather than attract viewers.
Errnst Alexanderson
January 13, 1928
- Experimental television station founded from General Electric
facility in Schenectady, NY, under call letters W2XB; claimed to
be first U. S. television station; March 1942 --
renamed WRGB, in tribute to Dr. Walter R. G. Baker, GE vice
president, pioneer in US television and radio.
February 8, 1928
- John Logie Baird's transmission of TV image received
across Atlantic ocean, from Purley, England to Hartsdale, NY.
February 25, 1928
- Federal Radio Commission issued first television license to
Charles Francis Jenkins for television station W3XK of
Jenkins Television Corporation;
July 2, 1928 - went on air, broadcast from Jenkins
Laboratories on Connecticut Avenue in Washington, DC; 1929
- station moved to Wheaton, MD; March 1932 -
liquidated; assets acquired by Lee DeForest Radio Corporation.

Charles Francis Jenkins - first U. S. television
station license
September 1928
- William S. Paley (27), Philadelphia cigar manufacturer,
acquired United Independent Broadcasters Inc., network of 16
independent radio stations, changed name to Columbia Broadcast
System, became President of the Company; January 8, 1929
- tripled broadcasting coverage, served 49 stations in 42 cities
throughout country; January 18, 1929 - Paley,
group of private investors acquired Columbia Records for
$400,000; renamed The Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS);
July 21, 1931 - began first regularly scheduled
television broadcasting in country on experimental station W2XAB
in New York City (broadcast seven hours daily, seven days a week
by end of year); 1933 - Paul White (news editor)
organized Columbia News Service, first network news operation;
1935 - nation’s largest radio network with 97
stations; 1937 - went public; August 1940
- first color television broadcast from CBS transmitter atop
Chrysler Building received in CBS building; 1941 -
first FM station (147 stations by 1944); 1945 -
Paley named Chairman of Board, Frank Stanton President;
1946 - first television broadcast of National Football
League; November 2, 1948 - first dual radio,
television coverage of political conventions; August 11,
1951 - first baseball game on color television (Brooklyn
Dodgers vs. Boston Braves from Ebbets Field); July 7, 1952
- term "anchor" coined to describe Walter Cronkite's role in
covering at Democratic convention; 1954 - News and
Public Affairs departments of CBS Radio and Television Divisions
combined, officially formed CBS News, first autonomous news
organization in network television designed to serve both radio
television networks of CBS; November 30, 1956 -
first videotaped news broadcast (magnetic tape); 1960
- first network to broadcast Olympics; 1961 - CBS
Sports became division of CBS Television Network; 1965
- fifty percent of CBS’s regular primetime schedule
broadcast in color; November 25, 1965 - first
color broadcast of NFL game on Thanksgiving Day; August
19, 1965 - "CBS Morning News with Mike Wallace" first
major network news program broadcast in color; 1966
- first primetime schedule all in color; 1967 -
entire CBS schedule broadcast in color; April 9-17, 1967
- "CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite" first network news
program seen via satellite; April 17, 1971 -
Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. officially changed name to
CBS Inc.; January 15, 1978 - Super Bowl XII
(Dallas Cowboys defeated Denver Broncos) largest audience ever
to watch sporting event (47.2/67 national household
rating/share, highest-rated Super Bowl to date); November
21, 1980 - "Who Shot J. R.?" episode of "Dallas"
most-watched television program up to that time (90 million
viewers, nearly 80 percent of all television viewers); second
most-watched primetime broadcast in television history;
February 1994 - 204 million viewers tuned in to CBS
Sports’ coverage of XVII Olympic Winter Games from Lillehammer,
Norway (most-watched Winter Games in history); November
28, 1995 - merged with Westinghouse Electric
Corporation; June 20, 1996 - Westinghouse Electric
Corporation announced decision to merge with Infinity
Broadcasting Corporation; December 1, 1997 -
Westinghouse Electric Corporation changed name to CBS
Corporation; launched as largest combined television, radio,
out-of-home media entity in history; May 4, 2000 -
merged with Viacom, name changed to Viacom Inc.; February
21, 2001 - Infinity Broadcasting Corp. merged with
Viacom as wholly owned subsidiary.
September 11, 1928
- General Electric made first simulcast in Schenectady, NY;
broadcast a play, The Queen's Messenger, over radio and TV at
same time.
June 27, 1929
- Scientists at Bell Laboratories revealed Bell Labs's
Mechanical Color System for transmitting television pictures in
color; used scanning disk with three banks of photoelectric
cells, amplifiers, glow-tubes, color filters; receiver used
three lights with filters and system of mirrors to reconstruct
the image.
August 19, 1929
- Comedy program, "Amos and Andy", debuted on network radio;
starred Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll.
December 19, 1930
- BBC Empire Service went on air from studio in newly-built
Broadcasting House in London; opened by BBC chairman J. H.
Whitley, followed by director general Sir John Reith, with
two-hour transmission for Australia and New Zealand.
June 30, 1930
- First round-the-world broadcast from U.S. used series of
short-wave radio relays, took only one-eighth of a second;
carried voice of Clyde D. Wagoner; signal from W2XAD began in
Schenectady, NY, relayed through Holland, Java, Australia,
across Pacific Ocean, back to Schenectady.
July 31, 1930
- Radio mystery program, "The Shadow", first aired; drew
listening audience of about 15 million a week during its peak;
featured crime-fighting superhero, the Shadow, played by three
different actors during the show's 25 years; 1937-1938 - Orson
Welles played the Shadow for $185 a week; show became famous for
trademark opening line: "Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts
of men? The Shadow knows..."
August 20, 1930
- Allen Balcom DuMont produced first demonstration telecast of
home television reception in U.S. in New York City (sets had been set up in homes
beginning on January 13, 1928); half-hour program, signal
traveled about six miles (greatest distance for TV transmission
to date).
1931 -
NBC began experimental TV broadcasts from top of Empire State
February 17, 1931
- First telecast of a sporting event in Japan (baseball).
March 6, 1931
- First radio newsreel, The March of Time, debuted; associated
with Time magazine, featured dramatizations of news events,
complete with music, sound effects, and a stable of actors to
impersonate real news figures; 1942 - shifted to
straight news, with only a few dramatized events.
April 6, 1931
- Radio show, Little Orphan Annie, debuted, based on comic strip
by Harold Gray; first late-afternoon radio serial for children
(ran until 1942).
- Canadian Broadcasting Act created Canadian Radio Broadcasting
Commission (CRBC); November 2, 1936 - Canadian
Broadcasting Act replaced the CRBC with Crown Corporation, CBC;
1940 - CBC symbol showing radio waves, map of
Canada adopted; 1941 - formal opening of CBC News
Service; 1946 - opening of first CBC FM stations
in Toronto, Montreal; September 6, 1952 - Canadian
television broadcasting began, CBFT Montreal (bilingual);
September 8, 1952 - CBLT Toronto (English).
February 15, 1932
- George Burns and Gracie Allen made their U.S. radio debut as
regulars on Guy Lombardo Show.
March 29, 1932
- Jack Benny (born Benjamin Kubelsky) debuted on fifteen-minute
radio program hosted by Broadway columnist for The New York
Daily News named Ed Sullivan; May 2, 1932
- Jack Benny's first radio show
debuted on NBC Blue Network (sponsored by Canada Dry); aired for
more than 20 years.
August 22, 1932
- British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) began its first
experimental TV broadcast in England.
January 30, 1933
- Station WXYZ (Detroit) broadcast first episode of ''Lone
Ranger'' radio program (total of 2,956 episodes over 21-year
run); created by station-owner George Trendle, writer Fran
Striker; televised version of The Lone Ranger, starred Clayton
Moore as masked man; became ABC's first big hit in early 1950s
(remained on air until 1957).
June 26, 1933
- Kraft Foods sponsored Kraft Music hall, two-hour radio
program; part of promotional push to introduce new salad
dressing, Miracle Whip; ran from 1933 to 1949, featured singer,
actor Bing Crosby as host; May 7, 1947 - sponsored
Kraft Television Theater on NBC with play called Double Doors;
show ran for 11 years.
March 24, 1934
- Radio program, Major Bowes' (theater owner and
variety-show producer) Original Amateur Hour, debuted, launched
national craze among amateur performers hoping to hit big time;
1935 - Frank Sinatra appeared on show.
June 19, 1934
- President Franklin Roosevelt signed Communications Act
of 1934 into law; replaced Federal Radio Commission with Federal
Communications Commission (FCC); transferred regulation of
interstate telephone services from Interstate Commerce
Commission to FCC; July 1,
1934 -
Federal Communications Commission replaced Federal Radio
Commission as regulator of broadcasting in United States.
March 22, 1935
- Television broadcasts began in Berlin, Germany, with low
definition,180 lines system.
April 16, 1935
- Marian and Jim Jordan launched Fibber McGee and Molly, show
about incessant teller of tall tales and his wife who gets him
out of trouble; 1943 - top-rated radio program in
nation (ran until 1959).
January 6, 1936
- Porky Pig made world debut in Warner Brothers cartoon, "Gold
Diggers of '49"; 1937 - Mel Blanc joined Warner
Brothers, became famous voice behind Porky as well as Warner
Brothers characters Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Sylvester, Tweety.
April 24, 1936
- Group of firemen, responding to alarm in Camden, New Jersey,
televised; first time unplanned event broadcast on television,
anticipated development of live TV news coverage.
June 10, 1936
- First coaxial cable telecast transmitted 1.5 miles from Radio
City, New York City to transmitter on top of Empire State
Building; October 5, 1936 - first intercity
telecast in U.S. using coaxial cable transmitted from New York
City to Philadelphia; September 4, 1951 - first
U.S. coast-to-coast telecast made between New York City and San
November 2, 1936
- BBC began world's first high-definition television service
from studios, transmitters at Alexandra Palace, in north London;
range about 35 miles; February 1937 - Marconi-EMI
won contract with 405-line transmitting system (vs. 240-line
Baird system) which was more mobile, flexible and easy to use.
November 3, 1936
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation established.
December 17, 1936
- Ventriloquist Edgar Bergen, his wisecracking dummy Charlie
McCarthy debuted on Rudy Vallee's popular radio show; became hit
radio star with own show for more than 20 years.
January 25, 1937
- First broadcast of Soap Opera "Guiding Light" on NBC
February 11, 1937
- All three major radio networks (CBS, NBC, Mutual)
simultaneously broadcast program for first time, benefit concert
from Radio City Music Hall for American National Red Cross.
February 17, 1938
- First public experimental demonstration of Baird color
television transmitted from Crystal Palace to Dominion Theatre,
April 19, 1938
- RCA-NBC launched first regular TV broadcasts from Empire
State Building, five hours/week; few TV sets existed to receive
July 11, 1938
- Radio drama Mercury Theater on the Air debuted; dramatic
anthology program featured Orson Welles and John Houseman
(founders of the Mercury Theater in New York); best remembered
for 1938 broadcast of The War of the Worlds, fictional drama
about Martian invasion in Grovers Mill, New Jersey; aired on
Halloween, sparked a panic among listeners who believed play was
real news broadcast.
August 26, 1938
- Tape recorder (sapphire stylus engraved Millertape invented by
James Arthur Miller of the Miller Broadcasting Company) used for
first time in U.S. to send radio broadcast; 1,000 foot section
of tape could carry 15-min program (edited by cutting); first
program to use sound tape transmitted by WQXR, Interstate
Broadcasting Company, in New York City.
October 30, 1938
- Radio play, ''The War of the Worlds'' (H.G. Wells'
19th-century science fiction novel), starring Orson Welles (23
years old), aired on CBS; live drama, employed fake news
reports, panicked an estimated million listeners who thought its
portrayal of a Martian invasion was true; panic broke out across
the country; terrified civilians jammed highways in New Jersey
seeking to escape the alien marauders; news of the real-life
panic leaked into the CBS studio, Welles went on the air as
himself to remind listeners that it was just fiction. Federal
Communications Commission investigated the program but found no
law was broken.
November 11, 1938
- Kate Smith first sang Irving Berlin's ''God Bless America'' on
network radio.
April 30, 1939
- New York World's Fair, billed as look at ''the world of
tomorrow,'' opened; first day of television broadcasting in New
York; Roosevelt first president to appear on television
(broadcast was beamed to only 200 television sets).
August 26, 1939
- Major league baseball televised for first time; experimental
station W2XBS broadcast doubleheader between Cincinnati
Reds and Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets Field.
December 27, 1939
- Glen Miller Show debuted on CBS radio; 1944 -
his plane from England to Paris disappeared, never found (age
January 7, 1940
- Gene Autry's musical variety show premiered on CBS radio
(ran for next 16 years.
February 25, 1940
- New York City station W2XBS televised hockey game for first
February 28, 1940
- First televised basketball game shown, from Madison Square
Garden in New York.
April 17, 1940
- DuMont received a license to operate New York's second
television station; November 1940 - inaugurated
New York City's experimental W2XWV; station broadcast throughout
World War II; May 2, 1944 - granted a commercial
license; call letters changed to WABD (Du Mont's initials);
May 19, 1945 - received license first station in
Washington DC, known as experimental W3XWT; August 9, 1945
- first DuMont network telecast occurred when DuMont's New York
and Washington TV stations were linked via coaxial cable for an
announcement concerning the dropping of the second atomic bomb
on Nagasaki; April 26, 1946 - granted a commercial
television license for a Washington station, WTTG-TV, channel
five; 1947 - broadcats first network program,
"Walter Compton and the News" (aired simultaneously on WABD and
WTTG); 1955 - Du Mont Broadcasting incorporated;
1958 - renamed Metropolitan Broadcasting; New York
station call letters changed to WNEW; 1961 -
renamed Metromedia (after John Kluge gained control of the
July 27, 1940
- Bugs Bunny made debut in Warner Bros. animated cartoon ''A
Wild Hare.''
1941 - FCC
licensees allowed to sell air time for advertisements or other
commercial purposes;
March 1, 1941
- Nashville radio station W47NV began transmitting, first
station in country to receive a license for FM radio
April 2, 1941
- Radio sitcom, Life of Riley, debuted; starred William Bendix
as bullheaded family man; ran for 10 years on radio, about six
years on television.
- President Roosevelt established U.S. Foreign Information
Service (FIS), named speechwriter Robert Sherwood as first
director; December 1941 - FIS made first direct
broadcasts to Asia from studio in San Francisco;
February 24, 1942 - beamed first broadcast to Europe via
BBC medium- and long-wave transmitters; announcer William Harlan
Hale opened German-language program with the words: "Here speaks
a voice from America, name took hold; June 1942 -
Voice of America (VOA) had twenty-three transmitters and
27 language services; February 17, 1947 -
began first radio broadcasts to Soviet Union.
May 2, 1941
- Federal Communications Commission agreed to regular scheduling
of TV broadcasts by commercial TV stations to begin July 1; start of what became
network television.
July 1, 1941
- NBC broadcasted first TV commercial sanctioned by Federal
Communications Commission (FCC); Bulova paid $9 to advertise
watches on air during Dodgers-Phillies game
July 1, 1941
- NBC granted FCC's first commercial TV station license for WNBT
in New York.
February 24, 1942
- Voice of America went on the air as
multimedia international broadcasting service
funded by U.S. government through Broadcasting Board of
August 2, 1943
- Edward J. Noble (acquired rights to Life Savers in 1913), grew
Life Savers Incorporated from fledgling mint candy company into
global food business with sales of $20 million in mid-1950s,
already owned American Broadcasting Company, bought network
division from NBC for $8 million (in a Federal Trade
Commission-mandated divestiture), promptly renamed it American
Broadcasting Systems; December 25, 1944 - FCC
transferred owned-station licenses, ratified change of
network to American Broadcasting Co.;
June 14, 1945
name of network changed to American Broadcasting Company, Inc.
Edward J. Noble - ABC
October 8, 1944
- ''The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet'' made its debut on CBS
Radio; October 3, 1952 - "Ozzie and Harriet"
premiered on television (ran until 1966).
- FCC reserved 20 FM channels, between 88 and 92 MHz, for
non-commercial, educational broadcasting; represented 20% of
broadcast band.
December 9, 1945
- Oscar Brand's radio show, "Folksong Festival" debuts on WNYC
radio; December 9, 2005 - won Guinness Book
of World records as longest-running radio show with the same
host (60 years); beat Alistair Cooke's "Letter from America" (58
1946 -
"Geographically Speaking", first commercially sponsored TV show,
debuted; backed by Bristol-Myers.
May 9, 1946
- First variety show on TV, hour-long "NBC's Hour Glass,"
June 1, 1946
- Television licenses first issued in Britain (financed BBC's
domestic radio and TV services); sold at Post Offices at cost
£2, included radio (radio-only licenses then cost £1);
September 1, 1939 - TV service suddenly blacked out for
defense purposes, suspended for duration of WW II; June 8,
1946 - television re-opened to cover Victory Parade;
November 1922 - first radio license fee began, cost
10 shillings (50p); April 1, 2002 - license fees
cost £112.00 for color, £37.50 for black and white.
October 27, 1946
- First television program with commercial sponsor debuted
("Geographically Speaking", travel show, sponsored by
Bristol-Myers); ran until December 1, 1946.
November 7, 1946
- Tradio Inc., of Asbury Park, NJ, publicly exhibited first
U.S. coin-operated television (25 cents) in New York City.
1947 - Dorothy
Stimson Bullitt purchased KEVR, small Seattle AM radio station
with almost no listeners; negotiated swap for call letters KING
(King County, WA); 1948 - received license for FM
station, KING-FM, broadcast classical music; 1949
- purchased 8-month-old ABC affiliate television station,
KRSC-TV, renamed it KING-TV (1959 - became NBC affiliate);
1961 - Stimson (son) assumed presidency; 1992
- acquired by Providence Journal; 1998 - acquired
by A. H. Belo.
January 22, 1947
- KTLA-TV in Hollywood, CA, first commercially-licensed
television station west of Mississippi River, went on air as Bob
Hope signed station on with special program billed as "Western
Premiere of Commercial Television"; originated from small garage
on Paramount Studios movie lot; 1939 - Paramount
Pictures started KTLA as experimental station W6XYZ under
guidance of television pioneer Klaus Landsberg.
April 16 1947
- National Broadcasting Company in New York City demonstrated
first zoom lens for television camera; November 23, 1948
- Dr. Frank Gerard Back patented Zoomar lens, patented as
"varifocal lens for cameras".
June 16, 1947
- Dumont Television Network's "News from Washington" was first
network news; parent company DuMont Laboratories,
broadcasting-equipment and set manufacturer; founded by Dr.
Allen B. DuMont.
November 6, 1947
- "Meet the Press" premiered on TV; oldest program still on
December 27, 1947
- Children's TV program ''Howdy Doody'' debuted on NBC.
January 1, 1948
- Warner Brothers-Pathe took first U.S. motion picture newsreel
in color, using Cinecolor process, at Tournament of Roses and
Rose Bowl Game, Pasadena, CA; January 5, 1948 -
started showing this first color newsreel to theatre audiences.
January 18, 1948
- Original Amateur Hour, spin-off of popular radio show,
Major Bowes' Amateur Hour, debuted; aired for 12 years; one of
few programs aired by all four early TV networks (ABC, CBS, NBC,
and the ill-fated DuMont network).
February 16, 1948
- NBC-TV aired its first nightly newscast, ''The Camel Newsreel
Theatre''; consisted of Fox Movietone newsreels.
April 19, 1948
- ABC television network went on the air.
August 10, 1948
- Candid Camera, produced and hosted by Alan Funt, debuted.
September 21, 1948
- "Texaco Star Theater" with Milton Berle premiered on NBC-TV.
November 23, 1948
- Frank G. Back, of New York, NY, received a patent for a
""Varifocal lens for cameras" ("for use in connection with
moving picture cameras"); zoom effects for television cameras;
Zoomar lens was adjustable for close-ups or long-distance shots
without requiring the camera be moved toward or away from the
object televised; eliminated having to use a lens turret with
multiple focal length lenses.
November 25, 1948
- Ed Parsons, electronics equipment, ran radio station in
Astoria, OR, invented cable television; picked up usable signal
on roof of John Jacob Astor Hotel; set up antenna, strung
cable across street to his living room; installed set in hotel
lobby attracted so many people that guests could not reach
registration desk; put set in store window across
street, brought signal to it with coaxial cable - first recorded
use of coaxial to carry television.
November 29, 1948
- Children's show, Kukla, Fran and Ollie, premiered on prime
time network TV; featured puppets Kukla, Ollie (a dragon), and
others, with live actress Fran Allison as host; one of the two
most important series made in Chicago, along with Garroway at
Large, during city's period as important production center for
network programs in late 1940s; 1957 - show
cancelled; 1969-1971 - PBS revived series.
December 6, 1948
- Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts, one of TV's first
amateur talent shows, debuted; show discovered numerous
stars (Rosemary Clooney, Pat Boone, Steve Lawrence, Connie
Francis, Patsy Cline); 1955 - Elvis Presley
flunked his audition; July 1958 - show
January 11, 1949
- NBC linked East and Midwest TV networks; 1946 -
NBC launched its first TV network by transmitting programs from
New York station to Philadelphia and Schenectady stations;
September 1948 - opened Midwest network;
September 1951 - opened West Coast network, created
country's first coast-to-coast network.
January 17, 1949
- The Goldbergs (from a nearly 20-year-old popular radio program
of same name) debuted as television's first situation comedy
(ran until 1954); adventures of middle-class Jewish family in
Bronx; starred Gertrude Berg and Philip Loeb.
January 25, 1949
- National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences presented its
first industry award ("Emmy") at Hollywood Athletic Club in Los
Angeles; most awards were for programs produced by TV station
KTLA; award for most popular program went to Pantomime Quiz
Time; puppeteer Shirley Dinsdale and her puppet Judy Splinters
won award for Outstanding TV Personality.
January 31, 1949
- First TV daytime soap opera, ''These Are My Children,''
broadcast from NBC station in Chicago.
April 1, 1949
- Happy Pappy, first TV variety show starring African-American cast, debuted
on local television in Chicago; Ray Grant as master of ceremonies.
April 15, 1949 -
Pacifica went on air as KPFA 94.1 fm in Berkeley CA; first
listener supported non-commercial radio station in United States
(created by Lewis Hill; 1951
- Pacifica received first major foundation grant (Ford
Foundation) for support of non-commercial broadcast operation;
1959 - Pacifica
began second station, KPFK-FM, in Los Angeles (Terry Drinkwater
as General Manager); 1968
- established Pacifica Radio News (originally Washington News
Bureau of WBAI/New York) in Washington DC;
December 12, 2001 - Pacifica board,
dissident groups signed settlement that led to democratization
of Pacifica radio network (listener-subscribers won right to
vote for representatives on local station board).
July 29, 1949
- BBC radio began broadcasting.
November 26, 1949
- "Twenty Questions" had its TV premiere.
February 16, 1950
- TV game show, What's My Line, debuted; produced by game show
magnates Mark Goodson, Bill Todman, ran for 18 years,
longest-running prime-time game show in history of television.
August 19, 1950
- American Broadcasting Company aired first Saturday morning
television shows for children, Animal Clinic and Acrobat Ranch.
October 11, 1950
- Federal Communications Commission authorized Columbia
Broadcasting System (CBS) to begin commercial color television
October 15, 1950
- First American radio paging service, Aircall of New York
City, sent first page, to doctor who was on golf course 25 miles
away, via six-ounce pocket radio receiver; call numbers repeated
in numerical sequence on air at least once per minute within
30-mile radius.
October 28, 1950
- Jack Benny Show, starring Jack Benny, premiered (ran for 15
- Hallmark Cards sponsored 'Hallmark Presents Sarah Churchill',
15-minute weekly interview series hosted by Sir Winston
Churchill's daughter; Hallmark Hall of Fame debuted on NBC with
world premier of Gian Carlo Menotti's Christmas opera 'Amahl'
and the 'Night Visitors', first original opera commissioned for
January 1, 1951
- Zenith Radio Corporation started test transmissions of first
pay television in U.S. to limited group of subscribers ( 300
families chosen from 51,000 applicants) in Chicago, IL for 90
days; signal could only be viewed by people having "key signal"
sent to them by telephone; company sold over 2,000 program views
in first month, not enough to sustain commercial venture.
May 1951 -
Leonard H. Goldenson, President of United Paramount Theatres,
agreed to acquire $25 million, 14-station ABC network pending
FCC approval from Edward J. Noble [Lifesavers candy founder].
25, 1951 -
Broadcasting System (CBS) televised one-hour premiere of
commercial color television; not compatible with existing
black-and-white TV sets, failed commercially; October 20,
1951 - CBS color broadcasts ended.
June 28,
1951 - "Amos 'N' Andy" premiered on TV, first
series to have all-black cast.
15, 1951 - Situation comedy, ''I Love Lucy'', premiered
on CBS; first long-running sitcom hit; starred comedian Lucille
Ball and her real-life husband, Desi Arnaz; turned couple's
production company, Desilu, into multimillion-dollar business;
1960 - Ball became president of company.
December 24, 1951
- NBC broadcast Gian Carlo Menotti's ''Amahl and the Night
Visitors,'' first opera written specifically for TV.
January 3, 1952
- Television series, Dragnet, debuted, launched long
legacy of realistic police drama on TV; December 1951
- first appeared on TV as drama on anthology show called
Chesterfield Sound-Off Time; one of first series filmed in
Hollywood, not New York; episodes based on real cases from Los
Angeles Police Department; each half-hour segment concluded with
capture of perpetrator by short update on what happened at
suspect's trial.
January 14, 1952
- NBC's ''Today'' show premiered.
7, 1952 - Bandstand began as local program on WFIL-TV
(now WPVI), Channel 6 in Philadelphia, hosted by Bob Horn,
called Bob Horn's Bandstand; July 9, 1956 - Dick
Clark (26) named new host.
February 1,
1953 - "General Electric Theater" premiered on
February 9, 1953
- "Adventures of Superman" TV series premiered in syndication.
December 24, 1953
- Dragnet became first network series with regular sponsor as
Fatima cigarettes backed show (debuted on radio in 1949); one of
first dramatic series in medium that had been dominated to that
point by anthology shows.
January 1, 1954 - Station WNBT, of National
Broadcasting Corporation (NBC), placed first color mobile
television units in U.S. in operation to broadcast first color
telecast originating from west coast (Tournament of Roses parade
hosted by Don Ameche in Pasadena, CA); viewed by audiences in 21
cities (with remaining cities showing program in black and
March 9, 1954
- First color television commercial broadcast, for Castro
Decorators of New York City.
March 25,
1954 - RCA announced production of color
television sets.
27, 1954 - ''Tonight!'', hosted by Steve Allen,
made its debut on NBC-TV; July
1957 - Jack Paar became host;
October 1, 1962 -
Johnny Carson became host; May
1992 - Jay Leno became host.
October 27,
1954 - Disneyland, Walt Disney's first
television series, premiered on ABC; presented rotating
selection of cartoons, dramas, movies, other entertainment; ran
for 34 years under various names (Walt Disney Presents, The
Wonderful World of Disney); longest-running prime-time series on
network TV.
November 7,
1954 - "Face the Nation" debuted.
- Commercial TV started in Britain.
March 7, 1955 -
Peter Pan, starring Mary Martin, aired, first Broadway play
televised in color.
June 7,
1955 - TV game show, The $64,000 Question,
debuted; spin-off of radio game show The $64 Question; started
with contestants answering question worth $64, with each
subsequent question worth double amount of previous one; instant
September 18, 1955
- Ed Sullivan's popular talk show (started in 1948), originally
called Toast of the Town, changed name to The Ed Sullivan Show.
September 22, 1955
- Start of Independent Television (ITV) service in UK, first
commercial television network in United Kingdom; initially only
from Crystal Palace transmitter in Croydon on channel 9 to
London area only; potential coverage of 10 million viewers;
broadcast first commercial on television in Britain for Gibbs SR
toothpaste; owned by four shareholders: ITV PLC(40%), Daily Mail
and General Trust(20%), Reuters(20%), and United Business
October 3,
1955 - ''Captain Kangaroo'' premiered on CBS;
''The Mickey Mouse Club'' premiered on ABC.
- Ray Dolby invented videotape recorder.
1956 - John W.
Kluge, formerly in food brokerage business, assembled investment
group, purchased Metropolitan Network, former DuMont stations;
named company Metromedia; low-cost producer, programming
strategy of re-running old network situation comedies, low
budget movies; grew into largest independent television business
in United States; acquired Ice Capades, Harlem Globetrotters,
music publishing companies, Playbill magazine, highly profitable
direct mail advertising division, syndication rights to M*A*S*H;
1984 - structured
a $1.3 billion leveraged buyout; 1985 - sold seven Metromedia
International Group television stations to Rupert Murdoch for $2
billion (served as basis for FOX television network);
1995 - formed
Metromedia International Group Inc., global communications
company to sell all forms of mass communication to citizens in
Eastern Europe, former Soviet Republics).
John W. Kluge
- Metromedia
April 2, 1956
- Soap operas, "As the World Turns", "The Edge of Night",
premiered on television.
August 9, 1956
- First statewide, state-supported educational television
network went on air in Alabama.
October 29, 1956
- ''The Huntley-Brinkley Report'' premiered as NBC's nightly TV
November 3, 1956
- The Wizard of Oz shown on television for first time; viewing
audience estimated at 45 million people.
November 26, 1956
- "The Price is Right" premiered on TV.
January 21, 1957
- NBC taped, broadcast President Dwight D. Eisenhower's second
inauguration ceremonies; first nationally televised videotaped
broadcast in U. S.
May 1, 1957 -
Larry King's first radio broadcast.
May 4,
1957 - Alan Freed hosted "Rock n' Roll Show", first
prime-time network rock show.
May 6, 1957 -
Last broadcast of "I Love Lucy" on CBS-TV.
June 23, 1957
- Roy Rogers Show aired last episode after running for more than
July 29, 1957
- Jack Paar's Tonight show premiered..
August 5,
1957 - ABC began broadcasting series nationwide,
nightly, Monday-Friday evenings; renamed American Bandstand,
hosted by Dick Clark (27); September 7, 1963 -
broadcast weekly on Saturday afternoons; September 5, 1987
- ended association with ABC; October 7, 1989 -
final show aired.
Dick Clark
- American Bandstand
October 4, 1957
- Leave It to Beaver debuted; typical 1950s "wholesome family"
comedy presented life of Cleaver family from perspective
of seven-year-old Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver.
1958 - Dr. Donald
Hare founded Grass Valley Group as R&D company in Grass Valley,
CA; 1964 -
demonstrated first video product, video distribution,
solid-state amplifier, in hotel room at National Association of
Broadcasters convention; 1968
- introduced its first vision mixer, flagship product that
helped build company’s reputation;
1974 - merged with Tektronix;
September 24, 1999
- video business acquired by Terry Gooding of San Diego, CA;
reincorporated as Grass Valley Group Inc.;
2002 - acquired by French electronics
giant Thomson SA; 2009
- Thomson planned to sell division; world's video, film experts
(especially as broadcast, television, film production go
March 11, 1958
- Charles Van Doren finally lost on TV game show "21".
December 19, 1958
- First known radio broadcast from outer space
transmitted; President Eisenhower's voice issued Christmas
greeting from pre-recorded tape on recorder aboard orbiting
space satellite.
January 9, 1959
- Rawhide premiered, starring Clint Eastwood as
cattle-driving cowboy = one of 30 western series in 1959-60 TV
season, up steadily since debut of Gunsmoke (1955); 1966
- Rawhide cancelled.
June 18, 1959
- First telecast transmitted from England to U.S.
12, 1959 - Bonanza debuted; first western televised in
October 2, 1959
- "The Twilight Zone" premiered.
November 2, 1959
- Charles Van Doren admitted to House subcommittee that he had
questions, answers in advance of his appearances on NBC-TV game
show ''Twenty-One.''
25, 1960 - National Association of Broadcasters proposed
that disc jockeys accepting payment from record labels for
broadcasting particular songs be charged $500 fine, spend year
in prison; 1938 - Variety magazine coined term
"payola" for this practice of pay for play; big-city DJs equated
this to tip a headwaiter would receive for giving a patron good
table; 18th century - composers in England sold
their songs outright, didn't receive royalties, relied on bribes
to get their songs performed so they could sell new ones;
result: amendment to the Communications Act of 1934 outlawed
19, 1960 - Alan Freed, seven other
DJs arrested on suspicion of taking radio payola
(commercial bribery); 1959 -
charged with 26
counts of commercial bribery, fined; Communications Act of 1934
amended; outlawed pay-for-play.
September 19, 1960
-"The Twist," by Chubby Checker, hit top of charts; only song to
top chart twice-No. 1 again in 1962; stayed on charts for 39
weeks, launched national dance craze.
September 30, 1960
- Flintstones premiered, first prime time animation show.
October 17, 1960
- Charles Van Doren, former contestant on popular TV game show
"Twenty-One," arrested along with 13 others, including
television producers Dan Enright and Al Freedman, for perjury.
April 14, 1961
- First live television broadcast from Soviet Union.
April 29, 1961 -
ABC's "Wide World of Sports, debuted.
May 9, 1961 -
Federal Communications Commission chairman, Newton N. Minow,
condemned TV programming as ''vast wasteland'' in speech to the
National Association of Broadcasters.
June 1, 1961 -
Federal Communications Commission received first notifications
of regular stereo FM broadcasting operations from WEFM Chicago
and WGFM Schenectady; authorized FM stereo broadcasting to begin
in U.S.; FCC adopted stereo FM broadcasting standards
co-invented by Carl Eilers of Zenith.
March 7, 1962
- Beatles made broadcasting debut on BBC radio; March 8,
1962 - Beatles, with Pete Best, TV debut (perform "Dream
Baby" on BBC).
April 16, 1962
- Walter Cronkite replaced Douglas Edwards as anchor of CBS
Evening News.
April 24, 1962 -
MIT executed first satellite relay of TV signal.
October 2, 1962 -
Johnny Carson succeeded Jack Paar as regular host of NBC's
"Tonight Show" (show had first appeared in 1953 on New York's
local NBC affiliate, hosted by Steve Allen; network began airing
show nationally in 1954; Allen left show in 1957);
1992 - Carson
announced he would retire; replaced by Jay Leno.
February 20, 1963 - General Telephone and
Electronics Co. (GTE) demonstrated television receiver,
transmitter operated by laser (light amplification by stimulated
emission of radion) beam in Bayside, NY; laser provides narrow
high-intensity light beam that can be focused. directed over
long distances; May 14, 1963
- Laser light beam link first carried TV signal from studio
camera during network broadcast of "I've Got a Secret"; GTE
scientists Samuel M. Stone and Louis Richard Bloom created
communication system; signal used to modulate laser beam that
traveled two feet to receiver that decoded signal from beam;
relayed via control room for national broadcast; laser light
beams now routinely used to transmit signals along optical
September 2, 1963
- ''The CBS Evening News'' lengthened from 15 to 30 minutes.
September 12, 1963
-"Leave It to Beaver" aired last episode (debuted in 1957).
February 9, 1964 - Beatles made first live
American television appearance, on "The Ed Sullivan Show."
April 19, 1965
- First all news radio station (WINS 1010 AM in New York City)
began operating.
May 2,
1965 - Early Bird satellite used to transmit
television pictures across Atlantic Ocean.
November 8, 1965 -
Days of Our Lives, soap opera, debuted on NBC.
March 3, 1966
- Postmaster General, Anthony Wedgwood Benn, announced in
House of Commons that British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
planned to begin broadcasting television programs in color
following year; would make Britain first European country to
have schedule of color programs; cost of production would be
paid from higher license fee for use of color televisions,
beginning with four hours of original programming per week in
color; service expected to expand to 10-12 hours weekly within
year; new color receiver then cost about £250; back and white
reception unaffected.
January 10, 1967
- First educational television network launched, called
National Educational Television (70 independent, affiliated
educational stations interconnected to show live broadcast of
President Lyndon Johnson's State of the Union address).
February 23, 1967
- Washington Week aired locally on WETA in Washington, DC;
longest-running public affairs program on PBS; January
1969 - first local program to air on new Public
Broadcasting Service; 1974 - won Alfred
duPont–Columbia University Award for outstanding journalistic
achievement; 2007 - carried by 90 percent of 306
PBS stations around country, reaches 97% of U.S. television
September 24, 1967
- First broadcast of 60 Minutes on CBS-TV.
October 14, 1968
- First live telecast from manned U.S. spacecraft transmitted
from Apollo 7; Captain Walter Schirra, Jr., Major Donn Eisele
and Major Walt Cunningham showed views of satellite, views
through windows.
7, 1967 - President Lyndon B. Johnson signed bill
establishing Corporation for Public Broadcasting.
December 22, 1968
- Apollo VIII, a manned spacecraft, transmitted first U.S.
live telecast from outer space; earth appeared as blurred ball
of light; craft was 139,000 miles from earth, 31-hr 20-min after
November 3, 1969
- The Public Broadcasting System debuted when few local
educational TV channels united.
November 10, 1969
- ''Sesame Street'' made its debut on
Educational Television (predecessor to Public Broadcasting
Service); brainchild of Joan Ganz Cooney, former documentary
producer for public television, to create programming for
preschoolers that was both entertaining, educational; set in
fictional New York neighborhood, included ethnically diverse
characters and positive social messages; hired puppeteer Jim
Henson to create cast of characters (Bert and Ernie, Cookie
Monster, Oscar the Grouch, Grover, Big Bird); estimated 8
million weekly viewers in U.S. alone.
July 31,
1970 - Chet Huntley retired from NBC, ended
"Huntley-Brinkley Report".
September 21, 1970 - ''NFL Monday Night
Football'' debuted on ABC with game between New York Jets,
Cleveland Browns; 2006
- show moved to ESPN (also a Walt Disney Company); production
cost: $8.5 million for ABC in 1970; annually - $550 million for
ABC; 2006 - $1.1 billion for ESPN.
November 20, 1970 - "Wall Street Week"
debuted (created by Anne Truax Darlington, producer with
Maryland Public Broadcasting); ran for 32 years; attracted
largest audience on public television (about 6 million viewers
by mid-1980s); first economic commentary on television.
January 10, 1971 -
Masterpiece Theater debuted on PBS.
May 3, 1971 -
National Public Radio started broadcasting; "All Things
Considered" premiered on 112 National Public Radio stations.
May 9, 1971 -
Last episode of The Honeymooners; aired only 39 episodes in its
familiar sitcom format, ran for only one season; filmed in front
of live audience, broadcast at later date.
June 6, 1971
- "Ed Sullivan Show" last broadcast on CBS-TV.
1972 - Lowry Mays,
Red McCombs first FM station in San Antonio, TX;
1975 - acquired AM
station WOAI; 1976
- acquired two stations in Tulsa, OK;
1984 - went public;
1995 - owned 43
radio stations, 16 television stations;
1996 - Telecommunications Act of 1996
became law, deregulated media ownership; company acquired more
than 70 media companies, individual stations;
2000 - owned more
than 1,200 stations; largest owner of full-power AM, FM,
shortwave radio stations; largest media company focused only on
radio; 2005 -
split into three separate companies;
2008 - TV stations, 161 radio stations
acquired by Newport Television (Providence Equity Partners);
July 24, 2008 -
acquired by Thomas H. Lee Partners, Bain Capital Partners for
$17.9 billion.
April 2,
1973 - CBS radio began news on top of hour 24
hours a day.
September 23,
1973 - World's first Ceefax teletext service
began on BBC Television.
October 11, 1975 - ''Saturday Night Live'' made
its debut on NBC; George Carlin as host comedian.
November 6, 1975 -
"Good Morning America" premiered on TV.
April 22, 1976 -
Barbara Walters became first female nightly news anchor on
network television; signed record-breaking five-year, $5 million
contract with ABC; highest paid TV journalist to date.
September 4, 1976
- Lillian Lincoln Howell founded station KTSF in San Francisco,
began transmitting from San Bruno with Chinese and Japanese
programming; largest, oldest Asian-language television station
in U. S.
April 2, 1978 -
Nighttime drama, "Dallas", premiered on television.
November 24, 1978
- David Letterman made his first guest appearance on The Tonight
Show; 1982 - had
his own late-night comedy talk show, Late Night with David
Letterman; 1993 -
launched Late Show on rival network CBS when NBC chose Jay Leno
as host of Tonight Show.
March 19, 1979 -
C-Span, staff of four, first televised coverage of U.S. House of
Representatives live to 3.5 million households; no formal
budget, approximate expenditure about $500,000;
September 13, 1982
- programming expanded to 24 hours a day;
June 2, 1986 - C-SPAN 2 aired live
proceedings of U.S. Senate during television test period;
July 29, 1986 -
Senate voted in favor of permanent televised coverage of its
proceedings; January 5, 1987
- C-SPAN 2 programming expanded to 24-hours-a-day;
November 22, 1988
- inaugurated international telecasts with Queen Elizabeth II's
speech to State Opening of Parliament;
April 1989 - launched Booknotes, weekly,
hour-long interview program with authors of public affairs
books; January 1997
- C-SPAN offered live, video web coverage of House and Senate on
Internet; September 12, 1998
- Book TV debuted on C-SPAN 2, 48 hour, weekend literary
programming block dedicated to nonfiction books;
January 22, 2001 -
C-SPAN3 launched as national digital cable network, offered live
coverage of national events on weekdays, long-form history
programming overnights and weekends;
November 12, 2001 - C-SPAN Radio reached
national audience with advent of satellite radio;
December 2004 -
801st, final Booknotes program aired, concluded 15-year run.
September 7, 1979
- Bill Rasmussen, unemployed sports announcer, group of
committed sports junkies in Bristol, CT leased unwanted
satellite time to broadcast local college sports, minor league
hockey games; called organization Entertainment & Sports
Programming Network (ESPN); most powerful and prominent name in
sports media (27 satellite dishes feeding more than 97 million
June 1, 1980
- Cable News Network made its debut.
March 6, 1981
- Walter Cronkite signed off for last time as anchorman of "The
CBS Evening News."
March 24, 1981
- ABC's nightly Iran Hostage crisis program ("The Iran
Crisis--America Held Hostage: Day xxx") renamed Nightline,
anchored by Ted Koppel.
August 1, 1981 -
Television, (MTV), music video cable channel, debuted as
operation of Warner-Amex Satellite Entertainment Company
(WASEC), joint venture of Warner Communications, American
Express; programming format created by Bob Pittman, one of most
successful radio program directors; developed concept of all
video channel - record-company-produced videos programmed as
records on radio station; (later became president, chief
executive officer, of MTV Networks); 1984 -
companies divested WASEC; renamed MTV Networks Inc.; first MTV
Video Music Awards show; 1985 - MTV introduced new
channel, VH-1, Video Hits One; 1986 - MTV Networks
Inc. acquired by Viacom Inc.; renamed MTV Networks.
February 1, 1982
- ''Late Night with David Letterman'' premiered on NBC.
May 2, 1982
- Weather Channel went on air; 10 months from concept to live
broadcast (24 hour cable weather station); created by former
WLS-TV Chicago chief meteorologist, Good Morning America
forecaster John Coleman; took idea to Frank Batten, CEO of
Landmark Communications.

Frank Batten, CEO - Landmark Communications (Weather
November 2, 1982
- Channel Four, public-service television and radio broadcaster
in United Kingdom, began transmission; established to provide
fourth television service to UK that would break only television
services in UK: 1) duopoly of BBC's two established television
services, 2) ITV, single commercial broadcasting network;
originally a subsidiary of Independent Broadcasting
Authority (IBA), now owned, operated by Channel Four Television
Corporation, public body established in 1990 for this purpose,
began operating in 1993, following abolition of the IBA.
January 17, 1984
- U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that private use of home video
cassette recorders to tape TV programs did not violate federal
copyright laws; decision paved way for success of video store
chains like Blockbuster.
March 1985
- News Corporation acquired 50% of TCF Holdings, the parent
company of 20th Century Fox movie studio for $250 million;
May 1985 - agreed to pay $1.55 billion to acquire
independent television stations in six major U.S. media markets
from John Kluge's company, Metromedia; October 1985
- Rupert Murdoch announced intentions to form independent
television system to compete with three major U.S. television
networks; May 6, 1986 - Murdoch, along with
newly-hired Fox CEO and chairman Barry Diller and comedian Joan
Rivers, announced plans for "FBC" or the "Fox Broadcasting
Company", with WNYW in New York as flagship station;
October 9, 1986 - Fox network launched; broadcast to 96
stations reaching more than 80% of nation's households.
March 18, 1985
- Capital Cities Communications acquired American Broadcasting
Cos. (ABC) for $3.5 billion.
December 11, 1985
- General Electric agreed to acquire RCA and National
Broadcasting Co. for $6.3 billion; deal engineered by RCA
chairman (former Atlantic Richfield president) Thornton F.
Bradshaw; largest acquisition in history outside oil business.
April 5, 1987
- Fox Broadcasting Co. made its prime-time TV debut.
August 4, 1987
- Federal Communications Commission voted to rescind Fairness
Doctrine; required radio and television stations to present
balanced coverage of controversial issues.
18, 1987 - CBS, under chairman Laurence A. Tisch,
sold non-broadcast affiliates, divisions; agreed to sell CBS
Records to Sony Corp. for $3.4 billion (included CBS's
manufacturing plants, subsidiary companies,10,000
employees, Columbia House, direct-mail music club); capped major
corporate makeover for CBS.
February 22, 1989
- First Spanish commercial on network TV (Pepsi-Cola-CBS Grammy
April 11, 1991
- New York City's Museum of Broadcasting became "Museum of Radio
and Television".
July 1, 1991
- Court TV debuted.
May 25, 1992 -
Jay Leno made his first appearance as host of The Tonight Show;
replaced Johnny Carson, who had hosted the show for nearly 30
May 6, 1995
- Classic Sports Network began on cable TV.
July 31, 1995
- Walt Disney Company agreed to acquire Capital Cities-ABC Inc.
in a $19 billion deal.
August 1, 1995
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation (founded in 1886) acquired
CBS for $5.4 billion; primarily a power company before media
January 3, 1996
- Congress amended, repealed sections of Communications Act of
1934 with new Telecommunications Act of 1996; first major
overhaul of American telecommunications policy in nearly 62
July 15, 1996
- MSNBC, 24-hour all-news network, made its debut on cable TV,
October 7, 1996
- Rupert Murdoch's Fox News Channel made its debut.
February 10, 1997
- Westinghouse/CBS unit of Westinghouse Electric Corp. acquired
The Nashville Network (TNN - broadcast in over 70 million
homes), Country Music Television (CMT - subscription base of
over 38 million viewers) for $1.5 billion from Gaylord
February 23, 1997
- NBC televised Schindler's List, first TV movie without
commercial interruption, sponsored by Ford Motor Company; one
commercial before, after film.
March 17, 1997
- CNN began Spanish broadcasts.
January 14, 1998
- NBC agreed to pay Warner Bros. record $13 million per episode
to retain top-rated TV show, ''ER.''
September 8, 2003
- Recording Industry Association of America, music industry's
largest trade group, filed 261 copyright lawsuits across country
against Internet users for trading songs online.
March 31, 2004
- Air America, intended as liberal voice in network talk radio,
made its debut on five stations.
June 28, 2006
- Univision Communications Inc., largest Spanish-language
broadcaster in U.S., fifth largest in U.S. (reaches 98% of
Spanish-speaking households), agreed to be acquired by group of
investors led by billionaire Haim Saban (including Madison
Dearborn Partners, Providence Equity Partners, Texas Pacific
Group, Thomas H. Lee Partners) for $12.3 billion.
November 16, 2006
- Clear Channel Communications Inc., nation's largest network of
1,150 radio stations (42 television stations), agreed to $18.7
billion buyout by group led by Thomas H. Lee Partners, Bain
Capital Partners.
October 15, 2007
- News Corp., owner of Fox channel, launched Fox Business
Network to challenge General Electric Co.'s highly profitable
CNBC network; sought to redefine business news for average
Americans faced with increasingly complex decisions about
financial futures.
2009 - Local TV viewership, ad revenue in
decline, original programming scaled back, weekend news shows
cut back, staffs trimmed; 2009 TV-station ad revenue projected
to fall 20%-30%
(source: Bernstein Research);
network executives may take
shows directly to cable (steady subscriber fees).
(ABC), Sterling Quinlan; illustrated with
photos (1979).
Inside ABC: American Broadcasting Company's Rise to Power.
(New York, NY: Hastings House, 290 p.). American Broadcasting
Leonard Goldenson
(ABC), Huntington Williams (1989).
Beyond Control: ABC and the Fate of the Networks. (New
York, NY: Atheneum, 290 p.). American Broadcasting Company;
Television broadcasting -- United States.
(ABC), Leonard H. Goldenson; with Marvin J.
Wolf (1991).
Beating the Odds: The Untold Story Behind the Rise of ABC: The
Stars, Struggles, and Egos that Transformed Network Television
by the Man Who Made It Happen. (New York, NY: Scribner,
495 p.). Postwar Entrepreneur, Chief of ABC Network. Goldenson,
Leonard H.; American Broadcasting Company; Television
broadcasting--United States.
(ABC), James E. Duffy (1997).
Stay Tuned: My Life & The Business of Running the ABC Television
Network. (New York, NY: Dunhill Pub., 407 p.). Duffy,
James E., 1926- ; American Broadcasting Company--History;
Broadcasters--United States--Biography; Executives--United
States--Biography; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(BBC), Asa Briggs (1985).
The BBC: The First Fifty Years (New York, NY: Oxford
University Press, 439 p.).
British Broadcasting
John Reith - BBC's
first Director general
(BBC), Chris Horrie and Steve Clarke (2000).
Citizen Greg: The Extraordinary Story of Greg Dyke and How He
Captured the BBC. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 290
p.). Dyke, Greg, 1947- ; British Broadcasting Corporation;
Television personalities--Great Britain--Biography; Chief
executive officers--Great Britain--Biography.
(BBC), Lucy Küng-Shankleman (2000).
Inside the BBC and CNN: Managing Media Organisations.
(New York, NY: Routledge, 245 p.). British Broadcasting
Corporation; Cable News Network; British Broadcasting
Corporation; Cable News Network; Broadcasting--Great Britain;
Broadcasting--United States.
(BBC), Marmaduke Hussey (2001).
Chance Governs All. (London, UK: Macmillan, 326 p.).
Former Chairman of BBC. Hussey, Marmaduke, 1923- ; British
Broadcasting Corporation; Journalists--Great Britain--Biography;
Executives--Great Britain--Biography.
(BBC), Georgina Born (2004).
Uncertain Vision: Birt, Dyke and the Reinvention of the BBC.
(London, UK: Secker & Warburg, 564 p.). Faculty of Social and
Political Sciences (Cambridge University). Birt, John, 1944- ;
Dyke, Greg, 1947- ; British Broadcasting Corporation--History;
Public broadcasting--Great Britain--History.
(BET), Brett Pulley (2004).
The Billion Dollar BET: Robert Johnson and the Inside Story of
Black Entertainment Television. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 248
p.). Senior Editor (Forbes). Johnson, Robert, 1946 April 8- ;
Black Entertainment Television History; Television broadcasting
United States; Executives United States Biography.
(Bloomberg), Michael Bloomberg with invaluable
help from Matthew Winkler (1997).
Bloomberg by Bloomberg. (New York, NY: Wiley, 261 p.).
Founder Bloomberg Media, Mayor of New York City. Bloomberg,
Michael; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography;
Investments--United States; Businessmen--United
States--Biography; Telecommunication--United States.
(British Satellite Broadcasting), Peter
Chippindale & Suzanne Franks (1991).
Dished!: The Rise and Fall of British Satellite Broadcasting.
(London, UK: Simon & Schuster, 327 p.). ; Television Role of
Artificial satellites Great Britain.
(Broadcasting Corporation of Newfoundland),
Jeffrey A. Webb (2008).
The Voice of Newfoundland: A Social History of the Broadcasting
Corporation of Newfoundland, 1939-1949. (Toronto, ON:
University of Toronto Press, 272 p.). Assistant Professor in the
Department of History (Memorial University of Newfoundland).
Broadcasting Corporation of Newfoundland -- History.
Public broadcaster at center of cultural, political change from 1939 to
1949; radio programming, responses of listeners; innovative
programs that responded to challenges of Great Depression,
Second World War; roles that radio played in society, culture; how
broadcaster's decision to air political debates was pivotal in
Newfoundlanders' decision to join Canada, become part of North
American consumer society.
(CBC), Tony Manera (1996).
A Dream Betrayed: The Battle for the CBC. (Toronto, ON:
Stoddart, 221 p.). Manera, Tony; Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Appropriations
and expenditures; Broadcasting policy--Canada; Chief executive
(CBS), Peter C. Goldmark with Lee Edson
Maverick Inventor; My Turbulent Years at CBS. (New York,
NY: Saturday Review Press, 278 p.). Head of CBS Labs. Goldmark,
Peter C., 1906-; CBS Inc.
William S. Paley
(CBS), William S. Paley (1979).
As It Happened: A Memoir. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday,
418 p.). Paley, William S. (William Samuel), 1901- ; CBS Inc.;
Broadcasting--United States; Businessmen--United
(CBS), Lewis J. Paper (1987).
Empire: William S. Paley and the Making of CBS. (New
York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 384 p.). Paley, William S.
(William Samuel), 1901- ; CBS Inc.--Biography;
Broadcasters--United States--Biography; Broadcasting--United
(CBS), Peter J. Boyer (1988).
Who Killed CBS?: The Undoing of America's Number One News
Network. (New York, NY: Random House, 361 p.). Columbia
Broadcasting System, inc.; Broadcasting--United States.
(CBS), Robert Slater (1988).
This--Is CBS: A Chronicle of 60 Years. (Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 354 p.). CBS Inc., Broadcasting.
(CBS), Sally Bedell Smith (1990).
In All His Glory: The Life of William S. Paley, the Legendary
Tycoon and His Brilliant Circle. (New York, NY: Simon &
Schuster, 782 p.). Paley, William S. (William Samuel), 1901- ;
Columbia Broadcasting System, inc.; Broadcasting--United
States--Biography; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
(CBS), Christopher Winans
The King of Cash: The inside Story of Laurence Tisch
(New York, NY: Wiley, 288 p.). Tisch, Laurence A., 1923- ; CBS
Inc.; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography; Capitalists and
financiers -- United States -- Biography; Millionaires -- United
States -- Biography; Television broadcasting -- United States --
(CBS), Sig Mickelson (1998).
The Decade that Shaped Television News: CBS in the 1950s.
(Westport, CT: Praeger, 242 p.). CBS Television
Network--History; Television broadcasting of news--United
(Channel Four Television Corporation), Maggie
Brown (2007).
A Licence to Be Different: The Story of Channel 4.
(London, UK: BFI (British Film Institute) Publishing, 368 p.).
Channel Four Television Corporation. Revolt against 70s BBC/ITV
hegemony; spawned new entrepreneurial culture of independent
producer; defined itself as in dissenter tradition, created one
of most archly self-knowing brands in marketing culture.
(Channel Four Television Corporation), Dorothy
Hobson (2007).
Channel 4: The Early Years and the Jeremy Isaacs Legacy.
(London, UK: I B Tauris & Co Ltd., 256 p.). Senior Lecturer in
Media & Cultural Studies (University of Wolverhampton). Channel
Four Television Corporation; Isaacs, Jeremy.
Charged by Parliament to be
innovative, experimental, educational; had to attract audiences,
make space for new voices.
(Clear Channel Communications - founded 1972),
Red McCombs with Mickey Herskowitz (2002).
The Red Zone: Cars, Cows and Coaches: My Life and Good Times of
a Texas Dealmaker. (Austin, TX: Eakin Press, 226 p.).
Co-Founder of Clear Channel Communications. McCombs, Red, 1927-
; Businessmen--Texas--Biography.
Red McCombs - Clear
Channel Communications
Lowry Mays - Clear Channel
(Clear Channel Communications), Reed Bunzel
Clear Vision: The Story of Clear Channel Communications.
(Albany, TX: Bright Sky Press, 256 p.). President/CEO of
American Internet Media Service. Clear Channel (Firm)--History;
Radio broadcasting--United States--History.
Only corporate history of largest radio-
and outdoor-advertising company in world authorized by company;
story of chance and circumstance, opportunity and diligence,
vision and foresight, willingness to take calculated risk, of
fiscal prudence, vibrant leadership, capacity to influence
dynamics of media marketplace.
(Clear Channel Communications), Alec Foege
Right of the Dial: The Rise of Clear Channel and the Fall of
Commercial Radio. (New York, NY: Faber and Faber,320
p.). Clear Channel (Firm)--History; Radio broadcasting--United
States--History. How media
conglomerate evolved from local radio broadcasting operation,
founded in 1972, into one of biggest (fourth-largest media
company in United States, nation’s largest owner of radio
stations), most profitable, most polarizing corporations in
country; reshaped America’s cultural, corporate landscapes.
(CNN), Christian Williams (1981).
Lead, Follow or Get out of the Way: The Story of Ted Turner
(New York, NY: Times Books, 282 p.). Turner, Ted; Businessmen --
United States -- Biography; Telecommunication -- United States
-- Biography; Sports team owners -- United States -- Biography;
Sailors -- United States -- Biography.
Ted Turner (bought
an Atlanta UHF station in 1970, launched CNN in 1980)
(CNN), Hank Whittemore (1990).
CNN, The inside Story
(Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 319 p.). Turner, Ted; Cable News
Network; Television broadcasting of news--United States.
(CNN), Robert Goldberg and Gerald Jay Goldberg
Citizen Turner: The Wild Rise of an American Tycoon (New
York, NY: Harcourt Brace & Co., 525 p.). Turner, Ted; Cable News
Network--Biography; Businesspeople--United States--Biography;
Telecommunication--United States--Biography.
(CNN), Porter Bibb (1997).
Ted Turner: It Ain't as Easy as It Looks (Boulder, CO:
Johnson Books, 480 p.). Turner, Ted; Businessmen--United
States--Biography; Telecommunication--United States--Biography;
Sports team owners--United States--Biography; Sailors--United
(CNN), Reese Schonfeld (2001).
Me and Ted Against the World: The Unauthorized Story of the
Founding of CNN. (New York, NY: Cliff Street, 407 p.).
Co-founder, CNN. Turner, Ted; Schonfeld, Reese; Cable News
Network; Television broadcasting of news--United States.
(CNN), Ken Auletta (2004).
Media Man: Ted Turner's Improbable Empire. (New York,
NY: Norton, 205 p.). Turner, Ted; Businesspeople--United
States--Biography; Sports team owners--United States--Biography;
Telecommunication--United States--Biography.
(CNN), Ted Turner with Bill Burke (2008).
Call Me Ted. (New York, NY: Business Plus, 448 p.).
Turner, Ted; Businesspeople --United States --Biography;
Telecommunication --United States --Biography.
From difficult
childhood, emotional impact of devastating losses, to successful
launch of media empire to catastrophic AOL/Time Warner deal;
what makes him tick, what ticks him off, what he's all about;
one of richest men in world, largest land owner in United
States, revolutionized television business.
(Collins Radio), Ken C. Braband ; with
excerpts from articles by R.L. Carrel ... [et al.] (1983).
The First 50 Years: A History of Collins Radio Company and the
Collins Divisions of Rockwell International. (Cedar
Rapids, IA: Communications Dept., Avionics Group, Rockwell
International, 218 p.). Collins, Arthur Andrew, 1909- ; Collins
Radio Company--History; Radio supplies industry--United
States--History; Telecommunication equipment industry--United
(Columbia Pictures Television), Jeb H. Perry
Screen Gems: A History of Columbia Pictures Television from Cohn
to Coke, 1948-1983. (Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 371
p.). Screen Gems--History; Columbia Pictures
(Comcast - founded 1969), Daniel Aaron with
David A. Long; foreword by Ralph J. Roberts (2001).
Take the Measure of the Man: An American Success Story.
(Philadelphia, PA: Veritas Press, 260 p.). Founder, Comcast
Corporation. Aaron, Daniel, 1926-2003; Comcast
Corporation--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography;
Refugees, Jewish--United States--Biography;
Antisemitism--Germany--History. Comcast is largest cable company
in U.S.
Brian, Ralph Roberts
- Comcast
(Comcast), Joseph N. DiStefano (2005).
COMCASTed: How Ralph and Brian Roberts Took Over America's TV,
One Deal at a Time. (Philadelphia, PA: Camino Books, 294
p.). Philadelphia Inquirer Business Writer. Roberts, Ralph.;
Roberts, Brian (Brian Leon); Comcast Corporation--History; Cable
television--United States--History.
(Corporation for Public Broadcasting), Ralph
B. Rogers (1993). Splendid Torch. (West Kennebunk, ME:
Phoenix Pub., 327 p.). Former CEO (Texas Industries, Inc.).
Rogers, Ralph B., 1909- ; Corporation for Public Broadcasting;
Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Industrialists--United
States--Biography; Public broadcasting--United States.
(Crosley Broadcasting Corporation), Rusty
McClure; with Michael Banks and Dave Stern (2006).
Crosley: The Story of Two Brothers and the Business Empire that
Transformed a Nation. (Cincinnati, OH: Clerisy Press,
320 p.). Crosley, Powel; Crosley, Lewis; Crosley Broadcasting
Corporation; WLW-Nation's Station;
Invented first mass-produced
economy car, push-button radio; breakthroughs in broadcasting
and advertising made them wealthy and famous, as did their
ownership of Cincinnati Reds.
(CTV Television Network), Michael Nolan
CTV, The Network that Means Business. (Edmonton, AB:
University of Alberta Press, 405 p.). CTV Television
Network--History; Reseau de television CTV--Histoire; Television
broadcasting--Canada--History; Television--Canada--Histoire.
(Du Mont Television Network), Gary Newton Hess
(1979). An Historical Study of the Du Mont Television Network.
(New York, NY: Arno Press, 233 p.). Du Mont Television Network.
Originally presented as the author’s thesis, Northwestern
University, 1960.
Allen B. (Balcom) Du Mont -
Du Mont TV
(Du Mont Television Network), Ted Bergmann,
Ira Skutch (2002).
The Du Mont Television Network: What Happened?: A Significant
Episode in the History of Broadcasting. (Lanham, MD:
Scarecrow Press, 146 p.). Former Managing Director of the Du
Mont Network. Du Mont Television Network--History.
(Du Mont Television Network), David Weinstein
The Forgotten Network: DuMont and the Birth of American
Television. (Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press,
288 p.). Senior Program Officer at the National Endowment for
the Humanities. Du Mont, Allen B. (Allen Balcom), 1901-1965; Du
Mont Television Network--History.
(ESPN), Michael Freeman (2000).
ESPN: The Uncensored History. (Dallas, TX: Taylor Pub.
Co., 286 p.). ESPN (TV network)--History; Television
broadcasting of sports--History.
Anthony F. Smith, with Keith Hollihan (2009).
ESPN The Company: The Story and
Lessons Behind the Most Fanatical Brand in Sports.
(Hoboken, NJ John Wiley, 256 p.). Cofounder and the Managing
Director of Leadership Research Institute;
Journalist. Television broadcasting of sports --History; ESPN
(Television network) --History. Creative and innovative spirit
and practices that drove the programming, products, and services
of the most powerful and prominent name in sports media; how
ESPN dealt with their partners, how they handled mistakes and
missteps; humble beginnings as underrated startup to pinnacle of
success as major industry player. 1979 - Bill Rasmussen,
unemployed sports announcer, group of committed sports junkies
in Bristol, CT leased unwanted satellite time to broadcast some
local college sports, minor league hockey games, called
organization Entertainment & Sports Programming Network (ESPN),
most powerful and prominent name in sports media (27 satellite
dishes feeding more than 97 million subscribers).
Rasmussen - ESPN
(ESPN), James Andrew Miller, Tom Shales
Those Guys Have All the Fun. (New York, NY Little,
Brown, 624 p.). Senior Executive Producer of "Anderson Cooper
360"; Pultizer Prize for Television Criticism (Washington Post).
ESPN; sports broadcasting -- history; television -- history.
Rise of empire unlike any television had ever seen; 32-year run
revolutionized sports coverage, cable TV; original gamble -
lineup that included Australian Rules Football, rodeo,
rinky-dinky clip show called Sports Center; 2011 - empire
stretches to radio, magazines, mobile phones, internet, video
games, more; ESPN's personalities have become global superstars
to rival sports icons they cover (Chris Berman, Robin Roberts,
Keith Olbermann, Hannah Storm, Bill Simmons, Tony Kornheiser,
Stuart Scott, Erin Andrews, Mike Ditka, Bob Knight, scores of
others); games, shows, scandals, gambling addictions, bitter
rivalries, sudden suspensions that make up network's soaring and
stormy history.
(Fisher Companies), Herman Steen (1961).
The O. W. Fisher Heritage. (Seattle, WA, F.
McCaffrey, 224 p.). Fisher family.
(Fox Broadcasting), Alex Ben Block (1990).
Outfoxed: Marvin Davis, Barry Diller, Rupert Murdoch, Joan
Rivers and the Inside Story of America's Fourth Television
Network. (New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 304 p.). Fox
Broadcasting Company; Television broadcasting--United States.
(Fox Broadcasting), Kristal Brent Zook (1999).
Color by Fox: The Fox Network and the Revolution in Black
Television. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 148
p.). African Americans on television; African Americans in
television broadcasting. Explosion of black television programming in 1980s, 1990s to
salvage network profits lost in war against video cassettes,
cable T.V.; radical representations of African-American memory,
experience; interpretation of black TV; how Fox hip-hop sitcom
reinforced, rebelled against black sitcoms from 1960s, 1970s;
production, reception among African-American viewers;
deep-rooted ties to African-American protest literature,
autobiography, desire for social transformation.
(Fox Broadcasting), Scott Collins (2004).
Crazy Like a Fox: The Inside Story of How Fox News Beat CNN.
(New York, NY: Portfolio, 242 p.). Reporter (Los Angeles Times).
Fox News; Cable News Network; Television broadcasting of
news--United States--History.
(Fox Broadcasting), Daniel M. Kimmel (2004).
The Fourth Network: How Fox Broke the Rules and Reinvented
Television. (Chicago, IL: I. R. Dee, 323 p.). Fox
Broadcasting Company--History.
(Hazeltine Corporation), Harold Alden Wheeler
The Early Days of Wheeler and Hazeltine Corporation--Profiles in
Radio and Electronics. (Greenlawn, NY: Hazeltine
Corporation, 432 p.). Hazeltine Corporation--History; Radio
supplies industry--United States--History; Electronic
industries--United States--History.
(KCBS), Gordon B. Greb, Mike Adams, and
Foreword by Christopher H. Sterling (2003).
Charles Herrold, Inventor of Radio Broadcasting.
(Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 247 p.). Professor Emeritus (San Jose
State University); Chair of the Department of Television, Radio,
Film and Theatre (San Jose State University). Herrold, Charles;
Radio broadcasters --United States --Biography.
How he used primitive technology to get on
air; innovator who never received recognition, died penniless;
father of radio.
Charles Herrold - founder KCBS
(King Broadcasting), Delphine Haley (1995).
Dorothy Stimson Bullitt: An Uncommon Life. (Seattle, WA:
Sasquatch Books, 344 p.). Bullitt, Dorothy Stimson,
Dorothy Stimson, 1892-1989; King Broadcasting Company;
Broadcasters--United States--Biography.
Dorothy Stimson Bullitt - King Broadcasting
(King Broadcasting), O. Casey Corr (1996).
King: The Bullitts of Seattle and Their Communications Empire.
(Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 306 p.). Bullitt,
Dorothy Stimson, 1892-1989; King Broadcasting Company --
(KMA Radio), Robert Birkby (1985).
KMA Radio, The First Sixty Years. (Shenandoah, IA: May
Broadcasting Co., 248 p.). KMA (Radio station : Shenandoah,
Iowa)--History; Radio broadcasting--Iowa--Shenandoah--History.
(London Weekend Television Ltd.), ,David
Docherty (1990).
Running the Show: 21 Years of London Weekend Television.
(London, UK: Boxtree, 218 p.). London Weekend Television, ltd.
History; Television broadcasting--Great Britain--History;
Television stations--England--London--History.
(MTV), Paul Temporal (2008).
The Branding of MTV: Will Internet Kill the Video Star.
(Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 250 p.). Associate Fellow at the University
of Oxford, Visiting Professor in Marketing at Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, China. MTV; brand. Consumer-oriented brand managed
across multiple markets; how company built cult following,
enviable reputation through creating, developing, managing
powerful brand that caters for complex but universal array of
needs, want; how to build, manage brand culture when faced with
simultaneous needs for consistency and change, in both global,
local markets.
(MTV), Bill Roedy (2011).
What Makes Business Rock: Inside MTV's Global Phenomenon.
(Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 320 p.). Chairman and CEO of MTV
International. Roedy, Bill; MTV Networks; Mass media --United
States --Biography; Rock videos --United States.
How author
built largest international entertainment network in existence -
1) in environment of continually evolving, developing
communications platforms; 2) cultural demands of countries as
diverse as China, Zambia, and Ireland; 1989 - single channel;
launched more channels, networks than any other entertainment
company; built global operation (175 locally programmed
channels, 400 digital media properties across 165 countries,
potential audience of more than 2 billion people speaking 33
(NBC), Robert Campbell (1976).
The Golden Years of Broadcasting: A Celebration of the First 50
Years of Radio and TV on NBC. (New York, NY: Charles
Scribner's Sons, 256 p.). National Broadcasting Company, inc.;
Television programs--United States--History; Radio
programs--United States--History.
(NBC), Alan Pearce (1979).
NBC News Division and The Economics of Prime Time Access.
(New York, NY: Arno Press, 370 p.). NBC News; Television
broadcasting of news -- Costs; Television broadcasting -- United
(NBC), Mark Christensen & Cameron Stauth
The Sweeps: Behind the Scenes in Network TV. (New York,
NY: Morrow, 416 p.). National Broadcasting Company, inc.
(National Public Radio), Jack W. Mitchell
Listener Supported: The Culture and History of Public Radio.
(Westport, CT: Praeger, 219 p.). Professor of Journalism and
Mass Communications (University of Wisconsin); First producer of
"All Things Considered", Served Three Times as Chair of the NPR
Board of Directors. National Public Radio (U.S.)--History;
Public radio--United States--History; Radio programs, Public
service--United States--History; Public radio--United
States--Public opinion; Public opinion--United States.
(Nickelodeon), Sarah Banet-Weiser (2007).
Kids Rule!: Nickelodeon and Consumer Citizenship.
(Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 276 p.). Associate Professor
in the Annenberg School for Communication (University of
Southern California). Nickelodeon (Television network);
Television programs for children--United States; Child
consumers--United States. Relationship between children, media, citizenship, consumerism;
construction of children as citizens within commercial context;
self-conscious engagement with kids appeals to kids’ formidable
purchasing power, asserts their political, cultural power;
analysis of political citizenship, commercial citizenship in
(Pacifica Radio), Jeff Land (1999).
Active Radio: Pacifica's Brash Experiment. (Minneapolis,
MN: University of Minnesota Press, 179 p.). To commemorate the
50th anniversary of the independent Pacifica Radio Network.
1946 - Lewis Hill, other pacifist
conscientious objectors formed Pacifica Foundation to resist
"mediocrity and exploitation" they believed defined commercial
radio; FCC denied AM application; April 1949 - began to
broadcast on FM via KPFA in California Bay Area; 1980 - Pacifica
Radio network, with stations in Los Angeles, New York,
Washington, DC, Houston; role in American culture; power of
First Amendment.
(Pacifica Radio), Matthew Lasar (2000).
Pacifica Radio: The Rise of an Alternative Network.
(Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 304 p.). Pacifica
Radio; Alternative radio broadcasting --United States.
(Pacifica Radio), Matthew Lasar (2006).
Uneasy Listening: Pacifica Radio's Civil War. (London, UK:
Germinal Productions, Ltd/ Black Apollo Press, 432 p.). Teaches
History (University of California in Santa Cruz).
Epic battle over five listener supported
radio stations that rocked American Left, raised difficult
questions about public broadcasting in United States.
(PAX NET), Lowell "Bud" Paxson with Gary
Templetion (1998).
Threading the Needle: The PAX NET Story. (New York, NY:
HarperBusiness, 183 p.). Co-Founder, HSN. Paxson, Lowell; PAX
NET; Television broadcasting--United States.
(Pennsylvania Cable Network), Brian Lockman
and Don Sarvey (2005).
Pioneers of Cable Television: The Pennsylvania Founders of an
Industry. (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc., 231
p.). President and Chief Executive Officer of Pennsylvania Cable
Network. Pennsylvania Cable Network--History; Cable
television--United States--History;
(Radio Argentina), Carlos Ulanovsky (1995).
Dias de Radio: Historia de La Radio Argentina.
(Buenos Aires, Argentina:Editora Espasa Calpe Argentina, 445
p.). Radio broadcasting -- Argentina -- History; La Radio
Argentina (Buenos Aires, Argentina) -- History.
(Radio Nacional), Carlos Ulanovsky (2010).
Voces de la Historia: La Radio Nacional,
1937-2010. (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Radio Nacional, 467
p.). Radio broadcasting -- Argentina -- History; Radio Nacional
(Buenos Aires, Argentina) -- History.
(RCA), The Company (1944). The First 25
Years of RCA, A Quarter-Century of Radio Progress. (New
York, NY: Radio Corporation of America, 87 p.). Radio--United
David Sarnoff
- RCA (http://www.museum.tv/archives/etv/S/htmlS/sarnoffdavi/sarnoffdaviIMAGE/sarnoffdavi.jpg)
(RCA), Eugene Lyons (1966).
David Sarnoff: A Biography (New York, NY: Harper & Row,
372 p.). Sarnoff, David, 1891-1971.
(RCA), Carl Dreher (1977).
Sarnoff, An American Success. (New York, NY: Times
Books, 282 p.). Sarnoff, David, 1891-1971; Radio--United
States--Biography; Television--United States--Biography.
(RCA), Kenneth Bilby (1986).
The General: David Sarnoff and the Rise of the Communications
Industry. (New York, NY: Harper & Row, 326 p.). Sarnoff,
David, 1891-1971; Radio Corporation of America--History;
Broadcasters--United States--Biography; Industrialists--United
Robert Sobel (1986).
RCA. (New York, NY: Stein & Day, 282 p.). Academic
(Hofstra University). Sarnoff, David, 1891-1971; Radio
Corporation of America--History; Electronic industries--United
States--History; Broadcasting--United States--History.
(RCA), Frederick O. Barnum, III (1991).
"His Master’s Voice" in America: Ninety Years of Communications
Pioneering and Progress: Victor Talking Machine Company, Radio
Corporation of America, General Electric Company. (Camden,
NJ: General Electric Co., 385 p.). Victor Talking Machine
Company--History; Radio Corporation of America--History; General
Electric Company--History; RCA Corporation--History; Electronic
industries--United States--History; Mass media--United
States--History; Communication and traffic--United
(RCA), Jefferson R, Cowie (1999).
Capital Moves: RCA's Seventy-year Quest for Cheap Labor.
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 272 p.). RCA Corporation
-- History; RCA Corporation -- Employees -- History; Electronics
industry workers -- United States -- History; Business
(RCA), Eric P. Wenaas (2007).
Radiola: The Golden Age of RCA, 1919-1929. (Chandler,
AZ: Sonoran, 475 p.). Radio Corporation of America--History;
Electronic industries--United States--History; Radio--Receivers
and reception--History; Radio broadcasting--United
States--History. Radiola -
trade name used on broadcast receivers sold by Radio Corporation
of America (RCA) in 1920s, early 30s; radio receiver,
accessories sold by RCA during first decade.
(Rogers Communications), Ted Rogers (2009).
Relentless: The True Story of the Man Behind Rogers
Communications. (Toronto, ON: HarperCollins, 261 p.).
Founder. Rogers, Ted, 1933-; Rogers Cablesystems; Businessmen --
Canada -- Biography; Telecommunication -- Canada -- Biography.
1925 - Rogers, Sr. invented world’s first alternating current
(AC) radio tube (enabled radios to be powered by ordinary
household current); key factor in popularizing radio reception;
1931 - awarded experimental TV licence; 1962 - Rogers, Jr.
pioneered stereo broadcasting in FM with CHFI (also founded
CFTR-AM in Toronto); became one of Canada’s most listened to FM
radio stations, most popular and profitable FM radio station in
Canada; 1967 - awarded cable licenses for areas in, around
Toronto, Brampton, Leamington; 1970s - Rogers Cable TV became
Canada’s most innovative cable company; 1974 - first cable
company to expand past 12 channels; added more programming
choice (in particular with multi-cultural television); 1979 -
acquired control of Canadian Cablesystems Limited through
reverse-takeover; 1980 - acquired Premier Communications Limited
(almost doubled Rogers’ cable subscribers); largest cable
television company in Canada; 1983 - asked board of directors to
invest $500,000 Canadian dollars ($403,000) in wireless
technology; 1985 - established Rogers Cantel Mobile
Communications Inc. to operate national cellular telephone
network in Canada in competition with established telephone
companies; Canada's largest cable-television, cell phone
company; 2008 - 24,000 employees 24,000, market value of 18
billion Canadian dollars.
(Tele-Communications Inc.), Lawrence J. Davis
Billionaire Shell Game: How Cable Baron John Malone and Assorted
Corporate Titans Invented a Future Nobody Wanted. (New
York, NY: Doubleday, 292 p.). Tele-Communications Inc., Cable
Television, John Malone.
John Malone
(http://www.forbes.com/media/ faces/malone_john.jpg)
(Tele-Communications Inc.), Mark Robichaux
Cable Cowboy: John Malone and the Rise of the Modern Cable
Business. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 310 p.). Malone, John,
1941- ; Tele-Communications, Inc.--History; Businessmen--United
(Tyne Tees Television), Geoff Phillips (1998).
Memories of Tyne Tees Television. (Durham City, UK: G P
Electronic Services, 144 p.). Tyne Tees Television -- History;
Television stations -- England, North East -- History;
Television broadcasting -- England, North East -- History.
(Universal Television), Jeb H. Perry (1983).
Universal Television: The Studio and Its Programs, 1950-1980.
(Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 443 p.). (Firm).
(USA Cable), Kay Koplovitz with Peter Israel
Bold Women, Big Ideas: Learning To Play the High-Risk
Entrepreneurial Game. (New York, NY: Public Affairs, 265
p.). Founder, USA Cable Network. Women executives; New business
enterprises; Entrepreneurship.
(WB Television Network), Suzanne Daniels and
Cynthia Littleton. (2007).
Season Finale: The Unexpected Rise and Fall of the WB and UPN.
(New York, NY: HarperCollins, 400 p.). Former President of
Entertainment at WB; Deputy Editor of News Development
(Variety). WB Television Network--History; UPN (Television
network)--History. Dreams, tragicomic reality of trying to launch two old–style
broadcast TV networks when cable TV, Internet were finally
ending dominance of network television; entertainment industry
remains business of big hunches, big gambles, big disasters.
(WCCO), Larry Haeg, Jr. (1984).
Sixty Years Strong: The Story of One of America’s Great Radio
Stations, 1924-1984: 50.000 Watts Clear Channel, Minneapolis,
St. Paul. (Minneapolis, MN: WCCO Radio, 132 p.). WCCO
(Radio station : Minneapolis, Minn.)--History.
(Weather Channel), Frank Batten with Jeffrey
L. Cruikshank (2002).
The Weather Channel: The Improbable Rise of a Media Phenomenon.
(Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 276 p.). Founder,
Weather Channel. Weather Channel (Television station : Atlanta,
Ga.)--History--20th century; Television
weathercasting--Georgia--Atlanta--History--20th century.
(WLS Radio), Scott Childers (2008).
Chicago’s WLS Radio. (Chicago, IL: Arcadia Pub., 128
p.). Delivered News and Traffic on WLS in the Md-1990.
WLS--history; radio broadcasting--Chicago--history.
From early days as farmer’s companion to
over quarter century as nation’s premier rock-and-roll station,
50,000-watt WLS (89) touched lives of millions of listeners; 1990s - became leader in news and talk format.
(WNAX 570 Radio), Marilyn Kratz and Stan Ray
WNAX 570 Radio: 1922-2007. (Charleston, SC: Arcadia, 128
p.). WNAX (Radio station: Yankton, S.D.)--History--Pictorial
works; Radio stations--South Dakota--Yankton--History--Pictorial
works; Yankton (S.D.)--History--Pictorial works.
1922 - Al Madson, proprietor of
Yankton radio parts shop, made a radio transmitter; formed
broadcasting company; November 25, 1922 - WNAX broadcast first
program; .has influenced history of five-state area it covers.
(WSM-AM), Craig Havighurst (2007).
Air Castle of the South: WSM and the Making of Music City.
(Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 279 p.). WSM (Radio
station : Nashville, Tenn.); Radio
broadcasting--Tennessee--Nashville--History. Nashville, radio,
and country music in American culture. 1925 - National Life and
Accident Insurance Company started WSM radio in Nashville -
"Music City USA".
(WWL Radio), C. Joseph Pusateri (1980).
Enterprise in Radio: WWL and the Business of Broadcasting in
America. (Washington, DC: University Press of America, 366
p.). WWL (Radio station : New Orleans, La.)--History; Radio
broadcasting--United States--History.
Ken Auletta (1991).
Three Blind Mice: How the TV Networks Lost Their Way
(New York, NY: Random House, 642 p.).
Erik Barnouw (1966-1970). A History of
Broadcasting in the United States (New York, NY: Oxford
University Press, 3 vols.: v. 1. A Tower in Babel; to 1933.--v.
2. The Golden Web, 1933 to 1953.--v. 3. The Image Empire; from
Erik Barnouw (1966-1970).
A Tower in Babel: A History of Broadcasting in the United States.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 3 vols.).
Broadcasting--United States--History. v. 1. to 1933.
--- (1966-1970).
The Golden Web: A History of Broadcasting in the United States.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 3 vols.).
Broadcasting--United States--History. v. 2. 1933 to 1953.
--- (1966-1970).
The Image Empire; from 1953: A History of Broadcasting in the
United States. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 3
vols.). Broadcasting--United States--History. v. 3. from
--- (1990).
Tube of Plenty: The Evolution of American Television.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 607 p. [2nd rev. ed.]).
Television broadcasting--United States--History.
James L. Baughman (2007).
Same Time, Same Station: Creating American Television,
1948--1961. (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 460 p.). Professor, Director of the School of Journalism
and Mass Communication (University of Wisconsin--Madison).
Television broadcasting--United States--History.
Commercial success over cultural
aspiration; battle of ideas in early 1950s which determined
future of television
Asa Briggs (1961-1970, 1995). The History
of Broadcasting in the United Kingdom. (New York, NY: Oxford
University Press, 5 vols.). Broadcasting--Great
Asa Briggs (1961-1970, 1995).
The Birth of Broadcasting: The History of Broadcasting in the
United Kingdom. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press,
Vol 1.). Broadcasting--Great Britain--History.
--- (1961-1970, 1995).
The History of Broadcasting in the United Kingdom: The Golden
Age of Wireless. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press,
Vol. 2). Broadcasting--Great Britain--History.
Asa Briggs (1961-1970, 1995).
The History of Broadcasting in the United Kingdom:
The War of Words. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press,
Vol. 3). Broadcasting--Great Britain--History.
Asa Briggs and Joanna Spicer (1986). The
Franchise Affair: Creating Fortunes and Failures in Independent
Television. (London, UK: Century, 226 p.). Television
broadcasting--Great Britain.
Les Brown (1971).
Television; The Business Behind the Box. (New York, NY:
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 374 p.). Television
broadcasting--United States; Television advertising--United
Richard E. Caves; with Karen Guo ... [et al.]
Switching Channels: Organization and Change in TV Broadcasting.
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 360 p.). Nathaniel
Ropes Research Professor of Political Economy (Harvard
University). Television broadcasting--Economic aspects--United
States; Television broadcasting--United States. Why
television industry produces what it does.
Susan J. Douglas (1987).
Inventing American Broadcasting, 1899-1922 (Baltimore,
MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 363 p.). Radio
broadcasting--United States--History; Radio--United
States--History. Johns Hopkins studies in the history of
James T. Hamilton (1998).
Channeling Violence: The Economic Market for Violent Television
Programming. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
390 p.). Charles S. Sydnor Professor of Public Policy,
Economics, and Political Science (Duke University). Violence on
television; Television broadcasting--Economic aspects--United
--- (2004).
All the News That’s Fit To Sell: How the Market Transforms
Information into News. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 337 p.). Charles S. Sydnor Professor of Public
Policy, Economics, and Political Science (Duke University).
Television broadcasting of news--United States; Television
broadcasting of news--Economic aspects--United States;
Press--United States; Press--Economic aspects--United States.
Alvin F. Harlow (1971).
Old Wires and New Waves. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 548
p. [orig. pub. 1936]). Telegraph--History; Telephone--History;
Harvard University Addresses to the Students
of the Graduate School of Business Administration (1974). The
Radio Industry; The Story of Its Development, as Told by Leaders
of the Industry. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 330 p. [orig.
pub. 1928]). Radio broadcasting; Radio--History.
Adrian Johns (2010).
Death of a Pirate: British Radio and the Making of the
Information Age. (New York, NY: Norton, 320 p.).
Professor of History (University of Chicago). Pirate radio
broadcasting --Great Britain --History. Pirate radio in
mid-1960s heyday; outlaw radio stations dotted coastal waters
of England (on ships, offshore forts); entrepreneurial efforts
to undermine growing British welfare state as embodied by BBC.
James Ledbetter (1997).
Made Possible By-- ; The Death of Public Broadcasting in the
United States. (New York, NY: Verso, 280 p.). Public
broadcasting--United States.
John Motavalli (2002).
Bamboozled at the Revolution: How Big Media Lost Billions in the
Battle for the Internet. (New York, NY: Viking, 334 p.).
Television broadcasting--United States; Interactive
television--United States; Mass media--United States; Internet
industry--United States.
Megan Mullen (2008).
Television in the Multichannel Age: A Brief History of Cable
Television. (Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 238 p.).
Associate Professor of Communication and Co-Director of the
Humanities Program (University of Wisconsin-Parkside). Cable
television--History. History of multichannel television in all forms; evolution of
cable television from pre-historical origins in late 1940s to
communications satellites, DBS distribution systems of modern
digital age; factors that influence today’s television
Patrick Parsons (2008).
Blue Skies: A History of Cable Television.
(Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 816 p.). Don Davis
Professor of Ethics, College of Communications (Penn State
University). Cable television--United States--History.
Complete history of cable
television, most influential technology affecting lives of
almost every American; early days of cable; pioneers in last
half of twentieth century whose business skills, entrepreneurial
instinct, luck played give rise to most ubiquitous technology in
Anthony Rudel (2008).
Hello, Everybody!: The Dawn of American Radio.
(Orlando, FL: Harcourt, 416 p.). Former Vice President of
Programming (WQXR in New York, SW Radio Networks). Radio
broadcasting --United States --History --20th century.
Little more than gizmo of scant interest
to anyone but hobbyists at dawn of 20th century; radio as
business built from ground up, often by people who didn't
necessarily know what they were doing; radio took its place in
nation's living room, forever changed American politics,
journalism, entertainment.
Stephen Singular (2003).
Relentless: Bill Daniels and the Triumph of Cable TV.
(Denver, CO: The Bill Daniels Estate, 320 p.). Daniels, Bill;
cable television--United States--History.
Christopher H. Sterling & Michael C.
Keith; foreword by Lynn Christian & Bill Siemering
Sounds of Change: A History of FM Broadcasting in
America. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North
Carolina Press, 317 p.). Professor of Media and Public
Affairs (George Washington University); Adjunct
Associate Professor, Communication Deptartment (Boston
College). Radio broadcasting --United States --History;
FM broadcasting --United States --History.
History of FM
radio in seven time periods: 1) its creation (pre-1941),
2) war and evolution ('41–45), 3) the "dismal years"
('45–57), 4) FM's turnaround ('58–65), 5) the period
when the FM band was a "sound alternative" ('66–80), 6)
dominance ('80–95) and 7) "clouds in the air"
(everything since).
Tony Stoller (2010).
Sounds of Your Life: The History of Independent Radio in
the UK. (Bloomington, IN Indiana University
Press, 362 p.). Chief Executive of the Radio Authority
from 1994 to 2005. Radio broadcasting -- Great Britain.
Independent Radio from the mid-1970s; stations in big
cities, smaller towns provided music, news, style which
accompanied changing patterns of life as UK grew into
youth-driven, modern state; initial attempt - harness
power of popular radio, funded by advertising, to
provide local public service; supplanted by commercial
music radio.
Kristal Brent Zook (2008).
I See Black People: The Rise and Fall of African American-Owned
Television and Radio. (New York, NY: Nation Books, 200
p.). Television stations --United States --Management; Radio
stations --United States --Management; African Americans in
television broadcasting; African Americans in radio
broadcasting; African American businesspeople --Biography.
Minorities form 33% of
population, control only 3% of broadcast media; African
Americans own less than 1% of all television stations in
country; powerful case that ownership does matter. When media
fails to reflect the diversity of its audience, inevitable that
voices of least powerful vanish first from airwaves.
Business History Links
American Archive of Broadcasting
The Special Collections Reading Room of the Thousand Oaks
Library System is home to one of the largest archival
collections on the history of radio broadcasting in the United
States. Materials include books, manuscripts, photographs,
documents, pamphlets, scripts, sound recordings, and realia.
American Museum of
Radio collection of John Jenkins assembled by Jonathan Winter.
American Radio History: The First
Hundred Years
Survey of radio history in the United States and chapters on the
history of radio in several metropolitan areas across the
Antique Wireless
Founded in 1952 - organization of some
4,000 members linked by a common interest in the history of
electrical and electronic communications.
BBC History
The following pages give a short history of the BBC, with
highlights from each decade. Links to further information about
broadcasting, technical developments and the growth of services
are available.
Birth of TV
[Windows Media Player]
Numerous clips of early television programs, insightful
commentaries, and early television guides. The BIRTH Television
Archive was created from materials offered by five major
European television archives, including the BBC and Osterreichischer Rundfunk. The "Library" contains links to the
previously mentioned articles, which deal with the early era of
television plays, the production of early television, and taboos
in early television. Visitors can also view several hundred
clips of early television programs, read about the project’s
creation, and look over a multilingual thesaurus.
The Cable Center
http://www.cablecenter.org/library/collections/ oral_histories/index.cfm
Oral history project began in 1985 - over 200 video and audio
recordings provide a unique source of documentation about the
development of the cable industry; first hand accounts, from
industry leaders, trace the history of cable from its beginnings
to the present and provide invaluable primary source material
for research, study and teaching.
The Complete Lee de
Dr. Lee de Forest was an inventor who changed the world with
electronics. His two major inventions were the vacuum tube and
sound for motion pictures. One of the most important 20th
Century inventors of radio and electronics technology, a
formally educated scientist whose inventions touch every life.
Hallmark Hall of Fame:
The First Fifty Years
This site celebrates television broadcasts sponsored by Hallmark
from 1951 through 2001. It features an introductory essay,
timeline, and synopses of programs (browsable by title or by
decade) such as for the memorable live premiere in 1951 of "Amahl
and the Night Visitors" and the 1953 production of "Hamlet,"
which "marked the first presentation of a Shakespearean play on
U.S. network television." From the UCLA Film and Television
Hammond Museum of Radio
Founded by Fred Hammond, home to hundreds of receivers and
transmitters dating from the spark era up to and including
National's first solid state HRO500. Has become one of North
America's premiere wireless museums.
Radio History blog
History of broadcasting and the history of Houston; of the 15
stations to receive broadcast licenses from early 1922 to early
1925 in the Houston-Galveston area only one is still in
operation, of all those licensed in the 1920s only three are
still on the air; stories of wireless operators and their
exploits, broadcasters, broadcasting stations, performers and
more, from the pre-World War I era down through the ensuing
Museum of Broadcast
Opened to the public in June
of 1987, mission is to collect, preserve, and present historic
and contemporary radio and television content as well as
educate, inform, and entertain the public through its archives,
public programs, screenings, exhibits, publications and online
access to its resources; only museum in nation dedicated to
broadcast history and home to
America's only
National Radio Hall of Fame.
National Museum Of Broadcasting
Founded, in part, to preserve Frank Conrad’s Garage, the
Wilkinsburg workshop where broadcasting was born. The goals of
the broadcasting museum are historic preservation and education,
increased tourism and economic development benefits to the
Pittsburgh region.
Radio and Television History
Organized by Steve Schoenherr, Professor of History, University
of San Diego.
The David Sarnoff
Documents David Sarnoff's life; the history of radio,
television, electronics, and communications; and the history of
the Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Built in 1967 by RCA,
the David Sarnoff Library contains a museum, an archives, a
library, and this website.