September 17, 1819
- First whaling ship arrived in Hawaii.
March 16, 1844
- Albert Moor, of Hampden, ME, received a patent for a "Bomb
Lance" ("Improvement in Harpoons"); fluke of harpoon pivoted on
shank, held in place by wooden pin; small vial of explosive
powder placed in fluke, under end of shank of harpoon, arranged
so that power of whale pulling upon tow-line attached to harpoon
would break wooden pin allowing fluke of harpoon to turn, crush
vial, cause powder to explode to destroy whale.
- Jura Oka began whaling in Japan; established Hogei Gumi, first
Japanese whaling company, one vessel, Saikai-maru (Norwegian
harpooner, crew), killed three whales; company failed;
July 20, 1899 -
established Nihon Enyo Gyogyo K.K. (Japan Far Sea
Fishery) in Yamaguchi (Norwegian harpooner, crew);
1905 - reorganized
into larger concern, renamed Toyo Gyogyo K.K.;
1908 - Nihon
Hogeigyo Suisan Kumiai (Japanese Whaling Association)
established, Jura Oka first President; 12 companies, total of 28
whaling vessels killed 1,312 whales that year; average kill for
next 25 years would be around 1,500 whales;
1909 -
Toyo Gyogyo K.K. merged with
two companies, formed Toyo Hogei;
1930s - greatest decade of whale slaughter in
history; 1931 -
37,438 blue whales massacred in Southern Oceans;
1934 - Toyo Hogei renamed Nippon Hogei;
- Geneva Convention for the Regulation of Whaling ratified
(Germany, Japan refused to sign, refused to abide by quotas,
effectively became first two outlaw whaling nations); Japan sent
first ships to Antarctica; sale of whale oil helped to finance
invasion of Manchuria, China; 1937
- Toyo Hogei
became whaling department within Nippon Suisan (‘Japan Fishing’,
founded 1911); more than 55,000 whales
slaughtered, yielded 3 million tons of animals;
1939 - Germany,
Japan accounted for 30% of world's whale kills;
1944-45 - 6,000
whales slaughtered; 1946
- General Douglas MacArthur proposed creation of Japanese
whaling fleet to secure protein for conquered Japanese people
(cut down on United States' costs of transporting food to post
war Japan); August 6, 1946
- MacArthur signed directive authorizing two factory ships (Hashidate
Maru, Nishin Maru), twelve catcher boats to begin whaling in
Antarctic for 1946-47 season (Japan got meat, U. S. got oil);
December 2, 1946 -
International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling
established International Whaling Commission (IWC) to provide
for proper conservation of whale stocks, make possible orderly
development of whaling industry;
1951 - Japan joined IWC;
1960s - three
companies dominated industry; Maruha (founded in 1880 as Tosa
Hogei by Ikujiro Nakabe as fish wholesaling company, went public
in 1924 as KK Hayashikane Shoten, launched its own fleet of
whaling vessels in Antarctica in 1926, name changed in 1943 to
Nishi Taiyo Gyogyo Tosei KK, shortened in 1945 to Taiyo Gyogyo
KK [Taiyo Fishery Co.], acquired Nippon Kinkai Hogei in 1955),
Nippon Suisan, Kyokuyo Hogei (established in 1937 as Kyokuyo
Hogei K.K. [Polar Seas Whaling Ltd], changed name in 1971 to
Kyokuyo Co Ltd.) operated combined fleet of more than 140
vessels, including nearly 90 whaling ships;
1970s - Japan became largest whaling
operation in world; 1976
- whaling operations of Kyokuyo Hogei, Maruha, Nippon Suisan
down-sized, merged; formed Nippon Kyodo Hogei Co. Ltd. with 20
whaling vessels, three factory processing ships;
1977 - only four
ships regularly whaled; killed nearly 38,000 whales before the
moratorium on commercial whaling in 1986;
1987 - Taiyo exited whaling industry;
1993 - changed name
to Maruha Corporation to emphasize new focus as major seafood
importer, processor; 2004
- formed holding company, Maruha Group Inc.;
2009 - Japan's
leading importer, processor of seafoods, leading producer,
processor of frozen, canned, fresh, convenience foods.
July 23, 1982
- International Whaling Commission voted for total ban on
commercial whaling (starting 1985).
Lance E. Davis, Robert E. Gallman, and Karin
Gleiter (1997). In
Pursuit of Leviathan: Technology, Institutions, Productivity,
and Profits in American Whaling, 1816-1906. (Chicago,
IL: University of Chicago Press, 550 p.). Whaling--United
States--History--19th century'; Whaling--Economic
aspects--United States.
Robert Owen Decker (1974).
Whaling Industry of New London. (York, PA: Liberty Cap
Books, 202 p.). Whaling--Connecticut--New London--History.
--- (1976).
The Whaling City: A History of New London. (Chester, CT:
Pequot Press (for the New London County Historical Society), 415
p.). New London (Conn.)--History.
Eric Jay Dolin (2007).
Leviathan: The History of Whaling in America. (New York,
NY: Norton, 416 p.). National Marine Fisheries Service.
Whaling--United States--History.
Interplay of natural history,
commerce, exploration, military expansion in the rise of the
United States.
Granville Allen Mawer (1999).
Ahab's Trade: The Saga of South Sea Whaling. (New York,
NY: St. Martin's Press, 393 p.). Whaling--History;
Whaling--South Pacific Ocean--History. Outlawed (= slaughter) by
international community in 1986. Between 1900 and 1939 - 500,000
whales processed. Author begins in 1650 and ends in 1924,
focusing mostly on Nantucket-New Bedford -based sperm whale
Joseph L. McDevitt (1986). The House of
Rotch: Massachusetts Whaling Merchants, 1734-1828. (New
York, NY: Garland, 641 p.). Rotch family;
Business History Links
Defending Our Oceans: Whaling
Background about the impact of the whaling industry on whale
populations and on the health of the oceans. Includes links to
news on topics such Iceland's resumption of commercial whaling
activities in 2006 (after a 17-year hiatus), and activities of
the International Whaling Commission (IWC). From Greenpeace.
New Bedford Whaling Museum
Largest museum in America devoted to the history of the American
whaling industry and its greatest port. Museum brings to life
the whaling era and the history of the local area. It houses the
most extensive collection of art, artifacts, and manuscripts
pertaining to American whaling in the age of sail - late
eighteenth century to the early twentieth, when sailing ships
dominated merchant trade and whaling.