- Druggists Cornelius, Joseph Hoagland (brothers), Thomas Biddle
(Fort Wayne, IN) developed powder that revolutionized baking
(substitute for yeast); Indiana known as "Baking Powder Capital
of the World".
1874 - Fall River,
MA named 'The Spindle City of America' (manufactured more than
1/30th of entire cotton crop of country).
- San Francisco slot machine capital of world; machines in
billiard halls, saloons, other raucous enterprises, upstanding
- Brockton, MA became known as "Shoe City"; 91 shoe factories at
turn of century; Civil War (Union
soldiers needed boots), advances in technology, ingenuity
combined to make area world’s leading footwear manufacturing
center; shoe was king; 1919
- 39 shoe manufacturers, some 13,000 employees;
1964 - only 10
Brockton shoe factories, employed 2,000 workers.
- San Diego had world's largest tuna fleet; home to Van Camp
Seafood Company, Starkist Foods, Westgate California, Bumble Bee
Seafood, Pan Pacific, smaller local tuna processors; tuna
industry generated $30 million per year, just behind Navy,
aircraft industry as revenue generator for San Diego economy;
1970s - cost of
business rose; 1980s
- strident dolphin-safe regulations dealt fatal blow to local
tuna industry.
- Nashville had no Music Row, no recording companies, no record
deals; 1955 - Harold and Owen Bradley (former
music director at WSM Radio in Nashville, former assistant
producer and songwriter at Decca Records) bought house on 16th
Avenue South in Nashville; added film, recording studio in army
Quonset hut behind it for $7,500, called The Quonset Hut; first
recording studio on Music Row; launched Music Row as
entertainment business hub, Nashville as capitol of
country music; 1957 - RCA Victor opened studio;
1962 - Quonset Hut acquired by Columbia Records.
December 19, 1984
- British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Chinese Premier
Zhao Ziyang sign an agreement committing Britain to return Hong
Kong to China in 1997 in return for terms guaranteeing a 50-year
extension of its capitalist system (leased by China to Great
Britain in 1898 for 99 years).
July 1, 1997
- Hong Kong was peaceably handed over to China in a ceremony
attended by numerous international dignitaries, including
British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Prince Charles, Chinese
President Jiang Zemin, and U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright; chief executive of the new Hong Kong government, Tung
Chee Hwa, did enact a policy based upon the concept of one
country, two systems, thus preserving Hong Kong's role as a
principal capitalist center in Asia.
(Alabama), Wayne Flynt (1987).
Mine, Mill & Microchip: A Chronicle of Alabama Enterprise.
(Northridge, CA: Windsor Publications, 376 p.).
Industries--Alabama--History; Manufacturing
industries--Alabama--History; Industrial
(Alabama - Birmingham), W. David Lewis (1994).
Sloss Furnaces and the Rise of the Birmingham District: An
Industrial Epic. (Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama
Press, 645 p.). Sloss Furnace Company--History; Sloss Furnaces
National Historic Landmark--History; Iron industry and
trade--Alabama--Birmingham--History; Iron
foundries--Alabama--Birmingham--History; Iron
founding--Alabama--Birmingham--History; Iron--Metallurgy;
Industries--Alabama--Birmingham--History; Birmingham
(Ala.)--Economic conditions; Birmingham (Ala.)--Social
(Alabama - Birmingham), James R. Bennett, Karen R. Utz
Iron and Steel: A Driving Guide to the Birmingham Area
Industrial Heritage. (Tuscaloosa, AL: University of
Alabama Press, 144 p.). Former Alabama Secretary of State;
Curator at the Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark.
Iron-works --Alabama --Birmingham Region --Guidebooks;
Coke-ovens --Alabama --Birmingham Region --Guidebooks; Blast
furnaces --Alabama --Birmingham Region --Guidebooks; Parks
--Alabama --Birmingham Region --Guidebooks; Historic sites
--Alabama --Birmingham Region --Guidebooks; Industries --Alabama
--Birmingham Region --History; Industrial archaeology --Alabama
--Birmingham Region; Birmingham Region (Ala.) --Guidebooks;
Birmingham Region (Ala.) --History, Local. Historic
iron-production sites: people, events that shaped Birmingham
into one of America’s leading steel centers.
(Alaska - Ketchikan), Patricia Roppel (1999).
"Where Can I Buy One of These?": A History of Ketchikan,
Alaska’s Business Community. (Wrangell, AK: Farwest
Research, 60 p.). Business enterprises --Alaska --Ketchikan
--History; Industries --Alaska --Ketchikan --History; Ketchikan
(Alaska) --Commerce --History; Ketchikan (Alaska) --Economic
(Alaska - Southeast), David F. Arnold
The Fishermen's Frontier: People and Salmon in Southeast
Alaska. (Seattle, WA: University of
Washington Press, 267 p.). Professor of History (
Columbia Basin College, Pasco, WA). Pacific salmon
fisheries --Alaska, Southeast --History; Fishery
management --Alaska, Southeast --History; Tlingit
Indians --Fishing --Alaska, Southeast --History; Haida
Indians --Fishing --Alaska, Southeast --History;
Traditional ecological knowledge --Alaska, Southeast
--History. Economic,
social, cultural, political context in which salmon have
been harvested in southeast Alaska over past 250 years;
ways in which Native and Euro-American fishermen, local
fishing communities, industrialists, resource managers
have imagined, shaped, exploited, managed salmon fishery
and its resources, arranged it to conform to
understandable patterns of social organization, endowed
it with cultural meaning; transformation of salmon fishery in
southeastern Alaska from aboriginal resource to
industrial commodity: 1) tribal peoples managed
fisheries with strict notion of property rights; 2)
Euro-Americans established "common-property" fishery
when they arrived in late 19th century; 3) federal
conservation officials tried "improving" upon nature,
promoted economic efficiency in 20th century -
uncritically embraced scientific planning, disregarded
local knowledge, degraded salmon habitat, encouraged
backlash from small-boat fishermen.
(Appalachia), Wilma A. Dunaway (1996).
The First American Frontier: Transition to
Capitalism in Southern Appalachia, 1700-1860.
(Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina
Press, 448 p.). Associate Professor of Sociology
(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University). Capitalism --Appalachian Region
--History; Capitalism --Southern States --History;
Appalachian Region --Economic conditions; Southern
States --Economic conditions.Appalachia. Appalachia
(Argentina), Fernando Rocchi (2005).
Chimneys in the Desert: Industrialization in Argentina During
the Export Boom Years, 1870-1930. (Stanford, CA:
Stanford University Press, 394 p.). Associate Professor and
Chair of the Department of History (University of Torcuato Di
Tella, Argentina). Industrialization--Argentina.
Economic history of Argentina
before 1930 Depression.
Argentina -
(Sugar), Patricia Juarez-Dappe (2010).
When Sugar Ruled: Economy and Society in Northwestern Argentina,
Tucumán, 1876-1916. (Athens, OH: Ohio University
Press, 233 p.). Associate Professor of Latin American History
(California State University, Northridge). Sugar trade --
Argentina -- Tucumán -- History -- 19th century; Sugar trade --
Argentina -- Tucumán -- History -- 20th century; Tucumán
(Argentina) -- Economic conditions -- 19th century; Tucumán
(Argentina) -- Economic conditions -- 20th century; Tucumán
(Argentina) -- Social conditions; Tucumán (Argentina) --
Politics and government; Argentina -- Politics and government --
1860-1910; Argentina -- Politics and government -- 1910-1943.
1876-1916 - period of most dramatic sugar expansion in Tucumán
province of Argentina (export economy dominated by coffee and
sugar); catered exclusively to needs of expanding domestic
market, financed mostly by domestic capital; expansion of sugar
production did not produce massive land dispossession (sugar
mills relied on outside growers for supply of large share of
sugarcane); arrival of thousands of workers from neighboring
provinces transformed rural society profoundly; revenues from
sugar enabled provincial government to participate in
modernizing movement sweeping turn-of-the-century Argentina
(helped drive Argentina's modernization, centralization of
federal Argentine state); unique features that characterized
sugar production in Tucumán, changes experienced by province’s
economy, society.
(Australia), Jim Bain (2007).
A Financial Tale of Two Cities: Sydney and Melbourne's
Remarkable Contest for Commercial Supremacy. (Seattle,
WA: University of Washington Press, 301 p.).
Australia--history--commerce; Sydney (AU) --history; Melbourne
(AU)--history. Intense
commercial rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne over about 150 years; Melbourne retained supremacy through greater
part of 20th century; 1970s - dynamic environment in Sydney
challenged Melbourne's financial dominance; 1990s - Sydney became Australia's largest financial centre.
(Belgium - Bruges), James M. Murray (2005).
Bruges, Cradle of Capitalism, 1280-1390. (New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press, 409 p.). Professor of History at the
University of Cincinnati. Bruges (Belgium)--Commerce--History;
Bruges (Belgium)--Economic conditions; Bruges
(Belgium)--Politics and government. Early model of great capitalist
(Bermuda), Michael Jarvis (2010).
In the Eye of All Trade: Bermuda, Bermudians, and the Maritime
Atlantic World, 1680-1783. (Chapel Hill, NC,
Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History
and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, by University of North
Carolina Press, 684 p.). Associate Professor of History
(University of Rochester).Sailors --Bermuda Islands --History
--18th century; Slaves --Bermuda Islands --History --18th
century; Seafaring life --Bermuda Islands --History --18th
century; Shipping --Bermuda Islands --History --18th century;
Bermuda Islands --History, Naval --18th century; Bermuda Islands
--Social conditions --18th century; Bermuda Islands --Commerce
--History --18th century; Bermuda Islands --Economic conditions
--18th century; United States --History --Revolution, 1775-1783
--Influence; United States --History --Revolution, 1775-1783
--Economic aspects --Bermuda Islands. How intensive maritime
community capitalized on its position "in the eye of all trade"
spanning Great Britain's North American and Caribbean colonies;
how humble sailors, seafaring slaves
operating small family-owned vessels were significant,
underappreciated agents of Atlantic integration; American
Revolution shattered interregional links; creation of United
States ended Bermuda's economic independence, doomed island's
maritime economy.
(Bolivia - La Paz), Hans C. Buechler and
Judith-Maria Buechler (1992). Manufacturing Against the Odds:
Small-Scale Producers in an Andean City. (Boulder, CO:
Westview Press, 311 p.). Manufacturing industries--Bolivia--La
Paz; Small business--Bolivia--La Paz.
(Brazil - Sao Paulo), Anne G. Hanley (2005).
Native Capital: Financial Institutions and Economic Development
in São Paulo, Brazil, 1850-1920. (Stanford, CA: Stanford
University Press, 286 p.). Assistant Professor of History
(Northern Illinois University). Capital market--Brazil--São
Paulo--History; Financial institutions--Brazil--São
Paulo--History. Strong relationship between financial institutions,
São Paulo's economic modernization at turn of century.
(British Columbia - Alberta), Henry C. Klassen
A Business History of Alberta. (Calgary, AB: University
of Calgary Press, 362 p.). Professor Emeritus in the History
Department (University of Calgary). Alberta--Commerce--History.
--- (2002).
Eye on the Future: Business People in Calgary and the Bow
Valley, 1870-1900. (Calgary, AB: University of Calgary
Press, 458 p.). Professor Emeritus in the History Department
(University of Calgary). Business
enterprises--Alberta--Calgary--History--19th century; Business
enterprises--Alberta--Bow River Region--History--19th century;
Businesspeople--Alberta--Bow River Region--Biography;
Entreprises--Alberta--Calgary--Histoire--19e siècle; Entreprises--Alberta--Bow,
Région de la--Histoire--19e siècle; Gens d'affaires--Alberta--Calgary--Biographies;
Gens d'affaires--Alberta--Bow, Région de la--Biographies;
Alberta--Economic conditions--To 1905; Alberta--Conditions
économiques--Jusqu'à 1905.
(California), Kevin Starr (2009).
Golden Dreams: California in an Age of Abundance,
1950–1963. (New York, NY: Oxford University
Press, 576 p.). University Professor and Professor of
History (University of Southern California), and State
Librarian of California Emeritus. California --History
--1950-; California --Social conditions --20th century;
California --Economic conditions --20th century.
postwar period when California first burst into
prominence; dominant economic, social, cultural forces
in California in these years; overnight creation of
postwar California suburb, rise of Los Angeles as Super
City, reluctant emergence of San Diego as one of largest
cities in nation, decline of political centrism, Silent
Generation, emergent Boomer youth cult, Beats and
Hollywood "Rat Pack," pervasive influence of Zen
Buddhism, other Asian traditions in art and design, rise
of University of California, emergence of California
itself as utopia of higher education, cooling of West
Coast jazz, freeway and water projects of heroic
magnitude, outdoor life, beginnings of environmental
movement; how California became most populous state in
Union, evolved into mega-state en route to becoming
global commonwealth.
(California - Downey), Gerald A. Blackburn
and the Aerospace Legacy Foundation (2009).
Downey's Aerospace History: 1947-1999. (Charleston, SC:
Arcadia Publishing, 128 p.). Former Engineer and Project Manager
with North American Aviation and the Boeing Company. Aerospace
industry--history; Downey, CA--history. EMSCO Aircraft
(Los Angeles industrialist, E. M. Smith), first of what became
memorable list of pioneers in aviation and space; from North
American Aviation’s tenancy in 1947 to site closure in 1999 when
engineers and scientists designed, developed aerospace
technology that took man to moon, established permanent
presence in space.
(California - Monterey),
Connie Y. Chiang; foreword by William Cronon (2008).
Shaping the Shoreline: Fisheries and Tourism on the Monterey
Coast. (Seattle, WA, University of Washington Press,
282 p.). Assistant Professor of History and Environmental
Studies (Bowdoin College).Fisheries --California --Monterey
Peninsula --History; Tourism --California --Monterey Peninsula
--History; Monterey Peninsula (Calif.) --History.
development from seaside resort to working-class fishing town to
tourist attraction; ways in which Monterey has formed,
been formed by, tension between labor and leisure; stage for
great shift in junction of industry and tourism, from literal
Cannery Row to iconic hub; reciprocal relationship between social, environmental change.
(California - Pasadena), Patrick Conyers,
Cedar Phillips, and the Pasadena Museum of History (2007).
Pasadena: A Business History. (Charleston, SC: Arcadia
Pub., 127 p.). Director of Development (Pasadena Museum of
History); Curator of Pasadena Museum of History exhibition,
Prosperous Pasadena: Business in the Crown City and Beyond.
Pasadena (Calif.)--Economic conditions--Pictorial works;
Pasadena (Calif.)--Commerce--History--Pictorial works.
Early agricultural days - brandy
distillery, citrus and olive groves; 20th century - thriving
resort and health town; extensive range of establishments;
business legacy still thrives on generations-old family
businesses, corporate headquarters and regional franchises.
(California - Sacramento), Steven M. Avella
The Good Life: Sacramento's Consumer Culture.
(Charleston, SC: Arcadia, 159 p.). History Professor, Past
History Department Chair (Marquette University). City and town
life --California --Sacramento --Popular culture; Consumption
(Economics) --History; Shopping --California --Sacramento
--History; Grocery shopping --California --Sacramento;
Consumers’ preferences --California --Sacramento --History;
Housing --California --Sacramento --History; Restaurants
--California --Sacramento --History; Shopping malls --California
--Sacramento --History; Sacramento (Calif.) --History;
Sacramento (Calif.) --Social life and customs.
City's past from perspective of ordinary
citizens from gold rush to dot-com bubble, beyond; changing times, changing styles, changing fortunes, their effects on lives of people
of Sacramento.
(California - San Diego), Thomas J.
Cesarini, Kimber M. Quinney (2009).
San Diego's Fishing Industry. (Charleston, SC:
Arcadia Publishing, 128 p.). Founder and Executive
Director of Convivio (Nonprofit Organization for Italian
Humanities); Adjunct Faculty in the Department of
History (California State University, San Marcos).
California --San Diego -- history; Fish trade
--California --San Diego. 1880s-1970s - Immigrant groups
helped to create strong, dynamic fishing industry,
became key component of city’s identity; innovations in
boat design, nets, baiting techniques reshaped fleets
that harvested tuna, sardines; on shore, canning
factories sprang up, seafood markets bustled with
activity, fish restaurants filled; energy, variety were
hallmarks of San Diego’s fishing industry.
(California - Silicon Valley), Everett M.
Rogers & Judith K. Larsen (1984).
Silicon Valley Fever: Growth of High-Technology Culture.
(New York, NY: Basic Books, 302 p.). Microelectronics
industry--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County)--History; Semiconductor industry--California--Santa
Clara Valley (Santa Clara County)--History; High technology
industries--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
(California - Silicon Valley), Michael S.
Malone (1985).
The Big Score: The Billion-Dollar Story of Silicon Valley.
(New York, NY: Doubleday, 442 p.). Microelectronics industry --
California -- Santa Clara County.
(California - Silicon Valley), AnnaLee
Saxenian (1994).
Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley
and Route 128. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
226 p.). High technology industries--California, Northern; High
technology industries--Massachusetts; United States--Economic
conditions--1981---Regional disparities.
(California - Silicon Valley), Ed. Martin
Kenney (2000).
Understanding Silicon Valley: The Anatomy of an Entrepreneurial
Region. (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 285
p.). High technology industries--California--Santa Clara Valley
(Santa Clara County); Business enterprises--California--Santa
Clara Valley (Santa Clara County); Santa Clara Valley (Santa
Clara County, Calif.)--Economic conditions; Santa Clara Valley
(Santa Clara County, Calif.)--Social conditions.
(California - Silicon Valley), Ed. Chong-Moon
Lee ... [et al.] (2000).
The Silicon Valley Edge: A Habitat for Innovation and
Entrepreneurship. (Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Press, 424 p.). High technology industries--California--Santa
Clara Valley (Santa Clara County); New business
enterprises--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County); Entrepreneurship--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa
Clara County); Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County,
Calif.)--Economic conditions; Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County, Calif.)--Social conditions.
(California - Silicon Valley), C. Stewart
Gillmor (2004).
Fred Terman at Stanford: Building a Discipline, a University,
and Silicon Valley. (Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Press, 642 p.). Professor of History and Science (Wesleyan
University). Terman, Frederick Emmons, 1900-1982; Stanford
University. Dept. of Electrical Engineering; Radio engineers
--California --Stanford --Biography. Electrical engineering professor,
engineering manager, university administrator; widely hailed as
magnet that drew talent together into what became known as
Silicon Valley.
(California - Silicon Valley), Christian
Lecuyer (2005).
Making Silicon Valley: Innovation and the Growth of High Tech,
1930-1970. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 424 p.). Historian
at the Chemical Heritage Foundation. High technology
industries--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County)--History--20th century; Microelectronics
industry--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County)--History--20th century;
Entrepreneurship--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County); Military-industrial complex--California--History--20th
century; Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County,
Calif.)--History--20th century. Silicon Valley's emergence,
growth made possible by development of competencies in
manufacturing, product engineering, management.
(California - Southern), Allen J. Scott
Technopolis: High-Technology Industry and Regional Development
in Southern California. (Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press, 322 p.). Director of the Lewis Center for
Regional Policy Studies and Professor of Geography (University
of California, Los Angeles). High technology
industries--California, Southern; Regional planning--California,
Southern; Industrial location--California, Southern.
(California - Southern), James Flanigan; foreword by
Richard Riordan (2009).
Smile Southern California,
You're the Center of the Universe: The Economy and
People of a Global Region. (Stanford, CA: Stanford
General Books, 216 p). Business Columnist (New York
Times, Los Angeles Times, other publications). Business
enterprises --California, Southern; Globalization
--California, Southern; California, Southern --Economic
conditions; California, Southern --Commerce.
Economic model for United States,
world; pillars of region's growth; key transformations
in SoCal's economy; achievements of region's people,
businesses, institutions; influx of immigrants, role in
building local businesses, bringing capital to region .
(California - Southern), Lawrence Culver (2010).
The Frontier of Leisure: Southern California and the Shaping of
Modern America. (New York, NY: Oxford University
Press, 317 p.). Assistant Professor of History (Utah State
University). Leisure --California, Southern --History;
Recreation --California, Southern --History; Leisure
--Southwest, New --History; Recreation --Southwest, New
--History; California, Southern --History; California, Southern
--Social life and customs; Southwest, New --Social life and
customs. Southern Californian
recreation, leisure in in larger historical context of regional
development, architecture, urban planning, race relations,
Indian policy, politics, suburbanization, changing perceptions
of nature; created lavish resorts (Santa Catalina Island, Palm
Springs); remade American attitudes towards leisure(manifested
in suburban developments throughout Sunbelt, across United
States); promoted resort-style living, encouraged people to turn
inward, away from public spaces, toward private homes and
(Canada - Alberta), Henry C. Klassen
A Business History of Alberta. (Calgary, AB:
University of Calgary Press, 362 p.). Professor Emeritus
in the History Department (University of Calgary).
(Canada - Alberta), Henry C. Klassen
Eye on the Future: Business People in Calgary
and the Bow Valley, 1870-1900. (Calgary, AB:
University of Calgary Press, 458 p.). Professor Emeritus
in the History Department (University of Calgary).
Business enterprises--Alberta--Calgary--History--19th
century; Business enterprises--Alberta--Bow River
Region--History--19th century;
Businesspeople--Alberta--Bow River Region--Biography;
Entreprises--Alberta--Calgary--Histoire--19e siècle;
Entreprises--Alberta--Bow, Région de la--Histoire--19e
siècle; Gens d'affaires--Alberta--Calgary--Biographies;
Gens d'affaires--Alberta--Bow, Région de
la--Biographies; Alberta--Economic conditions--To 1905;
Alberta--Conditions économiques--Jusqu'à 1905.
(Canada -
Alberta), Doug Kelly
$100,000 an Acre: A Candid History of the Land
Development Industry in Alberta. (Calgary, AB:
721805 Alberta Ltd., 322 p.). 36 Years in Land
Development, Former Chairman of Calgary and Edmonton
chapters of the Urban Development Institute.
Alberta--Land Development--History.
Alberta’s land development, housing industry in 1950s,
’60s, ’70s.
(Canada - British Columbia), K. Mack
Campbell (2004).
Cannery Village: Company Town. (Bloomington, IN,
Trafford Publishing, 348 p.). Former Employee of Canadian
Fishing Co., Ltd.; Former President of the Fisheries Council of
Canada. Canneries -- salmon -- Canada -- history. History of upcoast BC salmon canneries from 1870 to 1980, isolated
communities that supported them, now-vanished way of
life in distinct frontier culture.
(Canada - Ontario),
Glen C. Phillips
On Tap: The Odyssey of Beer and Brewing in Victorian
London-Middlesex. (Sarnia, ON, Cheshire Cat Press,
167 p.). Brewing industry --Ontario --London --History --19th
century: Brewing industry --Ontario --Middlesex --History --19th
century; Beer industry --Ontario --London --History --19th
century; Beer industry --Ontario --Middlesex --History --19th
(Canada - Port of Greemantle), Malcolm Tull
A Community Enterprise: The History of the Port of Fremantle,
1897 to 1997. (St. John’s, Nfld.: International Maritime
Economic History Association, 334 p.). Harbors --Australia
--Fremantle (W.A.) --History; Shipping --Australia --Fremantle
(W.A.) --History; Fremantle (W.A.) --Commerce --History.
(China), Peter Hessler (2010).
Country Driving: A Journey from Farm to Factory. (New
York, NY, Harper, 448 p.). Beijing Correspondent from 2000 to
2007 (New Yorker). Transportation, Automotive --China; China
--Description and travel. 7,000-mile trip across northern China;
how automobile, improved roads transformed China; farmers,
migrant workers, entrepreneurs who have reshaped nation; abandonment
of rural region as young people migrated to jobs in southeast.
(China -
Shanghai), Marie-Claire Bergère,
and Translated by Janet Lloyd (2009).
Shanghai, China’s Gateway to Modernity. (Stanford,
CA: Stanford UP, 496 p.). Shanghai's tumultuous course from 1842
(opened to world) to the present: 1) treaty port in
mid-19th century; 2) capitalist boom following 1911
Revolution; 3) 15 years of economic, social decline
initiated by Japanese invasion in 1937, attempts at resistance;
4) disgraced years under Communism; relationship between Chinese, foreigners in Shanghai as driving force behind creation of original culture,
specific modernity, founded upon western contributions, adapted
to national Chinese culture.
James E. Fell, Jr. (2009).
Ores to Metals: The Rocky Mountain Smelting Industry.
(Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado, 341 p. [orig. pub.
1979] ). Senior Instructor (University of Colorado, Denver).
Mineral industries -- Rocky Mountains Region -- History;
Smelting -- History; Rocky Mountains Region -- History.
technologies, business decisions that shaped smelting industry
in Rockies since introduced to Colorado in
1860s to recover gold, silver from ores resistant to milling;
majority of industry absorbed into American Smelting and Refining Company; triumphs,
troubles of entrepreneurs who built one of great industries of
(Colorado - Colorado Springs), Robert C. Olson
Speck: The Life and Times of Spencer Penrose. (Lake
City, CO: Western Reflections Pub. Co., 209 p.). Penrose,
Spencer, b. 1865; Broadmoor (Hotel : Colorado Springs, Colo.)
--History; Businessmen --Colorado --Biography; Industrialists
--Colorado --Biography; Real estate developers --Colorado
--Biography; Philanthropists --Colorado --Biography; Civic
leaders --Colorado --Biography; Mines and mineral resources
--Colorado --History; Colorado Springs (Colo.) --Biography;
Colorado --History --1876-1950. Colorado Springs mining magnate,
hotelier; made first fortune in C.O.D. mine; invested in
speculative technology for extracting copper from low-grade ore
at Bingham Canyon, UT (beginning of Utah Copper Co., later
Kennecott, source of Penrose millions); 1918 - built Broadmoor.
(Colorado - Pikes Peak), (Cash-On-Delivery
Mine), Thomas J. Noel and Cathleen M. Norman (2000).
Pikes Peak Partnership: The Penroses and the Tutts.
(Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado, 264 p.). Penrose,
Spencer, b. 1865; Tutt, Charles Leaming;
Businessmen--Colorado--Colorado Springs--Biography;
Industrialists--Colorado--Colorado Springs--Biography;
Philanthropists--Colorado--Colorado Springs--Biography; Colorado
Springs (Colo.)--Biography.
(Connecticut), Ellsworth S. Grant (1996).
Yankee Dreamers and Doers: The Story of Connecticut
Manufacturing. (Hartford, CT: Connecticut Historical
Society & Fenwick Productions, 358 p. [2nd.ed.]).
Industries--Connecticut--History; Manufacturing
(Connecticut), Robert Gordon and Michael Raber
Industrial Heritage in Northwest Connecticut: A Guide
to History and Archaeology. (New Haven, CT: Connecticut
Academy of Arts and Sciences, 236 p.). Professor of Geophysics
and Applied Mechanics (Yale University). Industrial archaeology
--Connecticut; Historic sites --Connecticut; Industries
--Connecticut --History; Connecticut --Antiquities; Connecticut
--History, Local.
(Connecticut - New Haven), Eds. Preston
Maynard and Marjorie B. Noyes (2004).
Carriages and Clocks, Corsets and Locks: The Rise and Fall of an
Industrial City--New Haven, Connecticut. (Hanover, NH:
University Press of New England, 223 p.). Former Executive
Director of the New Haven Preservation Trust; Member of the
Board of Directors of the New Haven Preservation Trust.
Industrial archaeology--Connecticut--New Haven; Historic
sites--Connecticut--New Haven; Historic
preservation--Connecticut--New Haven;
Industries--Connecticut--New Haven--History; Manufacturing
industries--Connecticut--New Haven--History; New Haven
(Conn.)--Antiquities; New Haven (Conn.)--History; New Haven
(Conn.)--Economic conditions.
(Connecticut - Salisbury), Robert B.
Gordon (2001).
A Landscape Transformed: The Ironmaking District of
Salisbury, Connecticut. (New York, NY: Oxford
University Press, 159 p.). Iron-works --Connecticut
--Salisbury Region --History; Industrial ecology
--Connecticut --Salisbury Region.
200 years of ironmaking with renewal energy resources in
northwestern Connecticut; cultural context of people's
decisions about technology, environment; gradual
transition they effected in their land from industrial
landscape to pastoral countryside.
(Delaware - Wilmington), Carol E. Hoffecker
Corporate Capital: Wilmington in the Twentieth Century.
(Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 294 p.). E.I. du
Pont de Nemours & Company; Business and
politics--Delaware--Wilmington--History--20th century;
Wilmington (Del.)--Politics and government; Wilmington
(Del.)--Economic conditions; Wilmington (Del.)--Social
(Florida - Everglades), Gail M. Hollander
Raising Cane in the 'Glades: The Global Sugar Trade and the
Transformation of Florida. (Chicago, IL:
University of Chicago Press, 348 p.). Assistant Professor,
Department of International Relations (Florida International
University). Sugar trade -- Florida -- Everglades; Drainage --
Florida -- Everglades; Rural development -- Florida --
Everglades; Sugar -- Manufacture and refining -- Florida --
Everglades. Environmental transformation of
Everglades within economic, historical geography of global sugar
production and trade; development of Florida's sugar region was
outcome of battles reaching highest political offices in U.S.,
countries around world; "sugar question" emerged repeatedly in
new guises.
(Georgia), Chad Morgan; foreword by John David
Smith (2005).
Planters' Progress: Modernizing Confederate Georgia.
(Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 163 p.). Triangle
Research Libraries Network Fellow (North Carolina State
University). Industrialization--Georgia--History--19th century;
Agricultural industries--Georgia--History--19th century;
Georgia--Economic conditions--19th century; Georgia--Economic
policy--19th century; Georgia--History--Civil War, 1861-1865.
Modernization of
Confederate Georgia an elaboration, acceleration of
existing tendencies.
(Georgia - Central),
Joseph P. Reidy (1992).
From Slavery to Agrarian Capitalism in the Cotton
Plantation South: Central Georgia, 1800-1880. (Chapel
Hill : University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill,
University of North Carolina Press, 360
p.). Plantations --Georgia --History --19th
century; Agricultural laborers --Georgia --History
--19th century; African Americans --Georgia --Economic
conditions; Agriculture --Economic aspects --Georgia
--History --19th century; Slavery --Georgia --History
--19th century; Capitalism --Georgia --History --19th
century. Cotton, capitalism.
(Germany - Hamburg), Niall Ferguson
Paper and Iron: Hamburg Business and German Politics in
the Era of Inflation, 1897-1927. (New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press, 539 p.). Laurence A. Tisch
Professor of History (Harvard University). Inflation
(Finance) --Germany --Hamburg --History --20th century;
Hamburg (Germany) --Economic conditions.
inflation, its impact on Hamburg from 1890s through
1920s; inflation extended beyond 1914-1924 period;
negative costs of inflation outweighed any benefits for
industry, economy in recovering from war.
(Germany - North Rhine-Westphalia),
Jeffry M. Diefendorf (1980).
Businessmen and Politics in the Rhineland, 1789-1834.
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 401 p.).
Business and politics -- Germany -- North
Rhine-Westphalia -- History; Businessmen -- Germany --
North Rhine-Westphalia -- History; Germany -- Politics
and government -- 1789-1900.
(Great Britain), Michael Stratton and Barrie
Trinder (2000).
Twentieth Century Industrial Archaeology. (New York, NY:
E&FN Spon, 236 p.). Industrial archaeology --Great Britain.
Twentieth century
architecture, industrial archaeology (from archives of
Royal Commission on Historical Monuments of England).
(Great Britain - Birmingham), Ray Shill
Birmingham's Industrial Heritage, 1900-2000. (Stroud,
UK: Sutton, 203 p.). Industries -- England -- Birmingham --
History -- 20th century -- Pictorial works.
(Great Britain - Bridport),
Richard Sims (2009).
Rope, Net and Twine: The Bridport Textile Industry.
(Dorset, UK: Dovecote Press. 160 p.). Few places
in Britain have been shaped for so long by one industry as
Bridport by rope, net and twine (trade probably
dates to 9th century).
(Great Britain - Ironbridge), Judith Alfrey
and Catherine Clark (1993).
The Landscape of Industry: Patterns of Change in the Ironbridge
Gorge. (New York, NY: Routledge, 252 p.). Industrial
archaeology --England --Ironbridge (Shropshire); Mines and
mineral resources --England --Ironbridge (Shropshire) --History.
Interaction between
landscape and industry.
(Great Britain - Lancashire), Geoffrey Timmins
Made in Lancashire: A History of Regional Industrialisation.
(New York: Manchester University Press, 365 p.). Principal
Lecturer and Subject Co-ordinator in History (University of
Central Lancashire). Industries--England--Lancashire--History;
Manufacturing industries--England--Lancashire--History;
Industrial revolution--England--Lancashire--History; Lancashire
(England)--Economic conditions.
(United Kingdom - Lancanshire), Takeshi Abe;
Douglas A. Farnie; David J. Jeremy; Tetuso Nakaoka; John F.
Wilson (1999).
Region and Strategy in Britain and Japan: Business in Lancashire
and Kansai, 1890-1990. (New York, NY, Routledge, 322
p.). Industries --England --Lancashire --History; Industries
--Japan --Kansai Region --History; Lancashire (England)
--Economic policy; Kansai Region (Japan) --Economic policy.
Importance of regional, national differences in industrial
development; long term comparison of the two regions of
Lancashire and Kansai.
(Great Britain - London), Michael Ball and
David Sunderland (2001).
An Economic History of London, 1800-1914. (New York, NY:
Routledge, 440 p.). London (England)--Economic conditions;
London (England)--History--1800-1950.
(Great Britain - Manchester),
Roger Lloyd-Jones and M.J. Lewis (1988).
Manchester and the Age of the Factory: The Business Structure of
Cottonopolis in the Industrial Revolution. New York,
NY: Croom Helm, 250 p.). Cotton textile industry --England
--Manchester --History --19th century; Industrial revolution
--England --Manchester; Manchester (England) --Economic
conditions; Manchester (England) --History.
(Great Britain - Sheffield), Text by Nicola
Wray, Bob Hawkins and Colum Giles; photographs by Keith Buck,
Tony Perry and Bob Skingle; aerial photographs by Pete Horne and
Dave Macleod; drawings by Allan T. Adams; maps by Philip Sinton
One Great Workshop: The Buildings of the Sheffield Metal Trades.
(London, UK: English Heritage, 54 p.). Steel industry and trade
--England --Sheffield --History; Steel industry and trade
--England --Sheffield --Guidebooks; Sheffield (England)
--Buildings, structures, etc. Sheffield supplied half of all
Europe’s steel, most produced in small-scale workshops of up to
a dozen crucible melting holes; last crucible steel works closed
in 1972.
(Great Britain - South), Peter Scott (2007).
Triumph of the South: Regional Development in the Twentieth
Century. (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 324 p.). Director of
Postgraduate Research Degrees and Director of the Centre for
International Business History (University of Reading, UK).
England Southern --Economic conditions --20th century; England,
Northern --Economic conditions --20th century; Great Britain
--Economic conditions --Regional disparities.
development of 'North-South' divide in British regional
development during 20th century; impact of government
policy on regional development after Second World War,
beyond; factors affecting industrial location in this period.
(Great Britain --Weald of Kent), Henry Cleere
and David Crossley (1985).
The Iron Industry of the Weald. (Leicester, England:
Leicester University Press, 395 p.). Iron industry and trade
--England --Weald of Kent --History; Industrial archaeology
--England --Weald of Kent.
(Great Britain - Yorkshire), Abraham Newell
A Hillside View of Industrial History: A Study of Industrial
Evolution in the Pennine Highlands. (New York, NY:
Augustus Kelley, 288 p.). Pennine Highlands; Yorkshire, UK.
Classic study first published in 1925. Richmondshire district,
administrative county of North Yorkshire, historic county of
Yorkshire, England. Famous for the cheese to which it gave its
name, Wensleydale is a centre of cheese production and tourism.
(Illinois), Rolf Achilles (1993).
Made in Illinois: A Story of Illinois Manufacturing.
(Chicago, IL: Illinois Manufacturers' Association, 256 p.).
Manufacturing industries--Illinois--History;
Industries--Illinois--History. "Published in honor of the
Illinois Manufacturers' Association Centennial."
(Illinois - Chicago),
Sharon Darling (1984).
Chicago Furniture: Art, Craft & Industry, 1833-1983.
(New York, NY: Chicago Historical Society in association with
W.W. Norton, 416 p.).
Furniture--Illinois--Chicago--History--19th century;
Furniture--Illinois--Chicago--History--20th century.
(Illinois - Chicago), Joel Rast (1999).
Remaking Chicago: The Political Origins of Urban Industrial
Change. (DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press,
201 p.). Manufacturing industries--Illinois--Chigaco--History--20th
century; Urban economics--Case studies; Chicago (Ill.)--Economic
conditions; Chicago (Ill.)--Politics and government--1951-.
(Illinois - Chicago), Robert Lewis (2008).
Chicago Made: Factory Networks in the Industrial Metropolis.
(Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 336 p.). Associate
Professor of Geography (University of Toronto). Industrial
districts --Illinois --Chicago --History; Industrialization
--Illinois --Chicago --History; Urbanization --Illinois
--Chicago --History. Urban
industrial America across 75 years (lumberyards, meatpacking
factories of Southwest Side to industrial suburbs near Lake
Calumet); manufacturing districts shaped Chicago’s character,
laid groundwork for its transformation into sprawling
(Illinois - Southern),
Jeff Biggers (2010).
Reckoning at Eagle Creek: The Secret Legacy of Coal in the
Heartland. (New York, NY: Nation Books, 320 p.). Coal
mines and mining --Illinois --Eagle Creek Region --History; Coal
mines and mining --Social aspects --Illinois Eagle Creek Region
--History; Mountain life --Illinois --Eagle Creek Region
--History; Shawnee National Forest Region (Ill.) --History.
Human cost of more than two centuries of coal mining in southern
Illinois (called "Saudi Arabia of coal"); historical nightmare
of coal outside of Appalachia, exposé of secret legacy of
shame, resiliency.
(Indonesia), H.W. Dick. (2002).
Surabaya, City of Work: A Socioeconomic History, 1900-2000.
(Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 541 p.).
Industries--Indonesia--Surabaya--History; Surabaya
(Indonesia)--Economic conditions.
(Iowa - Muscatine), Melanie K. Alexander (2007).
Muscatine’s Pearl Button Industry. (Charleston, SC
Arcadia, 128 p.). Director of the Muscatine History and Industry
Center. Pearl button industry --Iowa --Muscatine; Muscatine
(Iowa) --History. Rise, fall of pearl button
industry over 75 years; 1891 - John Frederick Boepple, German immigrant
button maker, launched pearl button industry; 1905 - Muscatine
made 37% of world’s buttons, earned title of "Pearl Button
Capital of World"; button, clamming industries started small,
overwhelmed the town; clamming became Mississippi River’s gold
rush; large automated factories, shell-cutting shops employed
nearly half local workforce; 1916 - industry peaked; pressure of
foreign competition, changing fashion, limited availability of
shell, development and refinement of plastic buttons killed
American-made pearl button.
(Italy - Rome), Neville Morley (1996).
Metropolis and Hinterland: The City of Rome and the Italian
Economy, 200 B.C.-A.D. 200. (New York, NY: Cambridge
University Press, 211 p.). Reader in Ancient Economic History &
Historical Theory (University of Bristol). Agriculture
--Economic aspects --Rome; Urbanization --Rome; Rome --Economic
conditions; Rome --Social conditions; Italy --Economic
conditions; Italy --Social conditions. Reappraisal of relationship
between Rome and Italy; growth of city seen as major influence
on development of Italian economy, demands for food, migrants
promoted changes in agriculture, marketing systems, urbanisation
throughout peninsula.
(Italy - Venice), Ed. Paolo Lanaro (2006).
At the Centre of the Old World: Trade and Manufacturing in
Venice and on the Venetian Mainland (1400-1800).
(Toronto, ON: Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies,
412 p.). Professor of History (Ca' Foscari University of
Venice). Venice (Italy)--Commerce--History; Venice
(Italy)--Economic conditions--To 1797. Economic history of Venice
(Veneto) from 15th - 18th centuries; interaction
between capital city, its dominions, their successful attempt to
adjust to changing European economy.
(Maine), Paul E. Rivard (2007).
Made in Maine: From Home and Workshop, to Mill and Factory.
(Charleston, SC: History Press, 160 p.). Former Director of the
Maine State Museum, Former Director of the American Textile
History Museum. Manufacturing industries--Maine.
Industrial epoch in forming
Maine; ingenious ways products developed as nature of industry
changed (homespun textiles of wool and flax, custom-made pine
and mahogany cabinetry, furnace-fired iron works, redware
(Maine - Aroostook),
Richard W. Judd with research assistance by Patricia A. Judd
Aroostook: A Century of Logging in Northern Maine. (Orono,
ME: University of Maine Press, 351 p.). Adelaide & Alan Bird
Professor of History (University of Maine). Lumber trade --Maine
--Aroostook County --History; Forest products industry --Maine
--Aroostook County --History; Logging --Maine --Aroostook County
--History; Aroostook County (Me.) --Economic conditions.
(Maryland), Gloria L. Main (1982).
Tobacco Colony: Life in Early Maryland, 1650-1720.
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 326 p.). Cost and
standard of living--Maryland--History; Plantation
life--Maryland--History; Tobacco industry--Maryland--History;
Maryland--Economic conditions; Maryland--History--Colonial
period, ca. 1600-1775.
(Maryland - Dundalk),
Deborah Rudacille (2010).
Roots of Steel: The Boom and Bust of an American Mill Town.
(New York, NY, Pantheon Books, 304 p.). Science Writer. Steel
industry and trade --Maryland --Sparrows Point --History;
Sparrows Point (Md.) --Economic conditions; Sparrows Point (Md.)
--History. Character, history of once-prosperous community of Dundalk, MD; from 19th-century origins of Sparrows Point’s to
height in 20th century (one of largest producers of steel in
world, provided material that built America’s bridges,
skyscrapers, battleships); racial, class, gender politics that
played out in mill, neighboring towns; arduous, dangerous work
at plant; environmental cost of industrial progress to air,
waterways of Maryland shore.
(Maryland - Tysons Corner), Paul E. Ceruzzi (2008). Internet
Alley: High Technology in Tysons Corner, 1945-2005. (Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press, 242 p.). Curator of the National Air and Space
Museum, Smithsonian Institution. Internet --History.
How defense, telecommunications industries shaped Tysons
Corner's development in postwar period; history of suburban
development; became midpoint of "Internet alley" called Dulles
Corridor; several reasons geography played vital role.
(Massachusetts), Orra L. Stone (1930).
History of Massachusetts Industries; Their Inception, Growth,
and Success. (Boston, MA: S. J. Clarke Pub. Co., 4 Vols.).
Massachusetts --Industries --History; Massachusetts
--Manufactures; Massachusetts --Biography.
(Massachusetts), Jonathan Prude (1983).
The Coming of Industrial Order: Town and Factory Life in Rural
Massachusetts, 1810-1860. (New York, NY: Cambridge
University Press, 364 p,). Associate Professor of History (Emory
University). Industries --Massachusetts --History --19th
century. Antebellum industrialisation in several communities in
rural Massachusetts; tensions produced by conflict between
innovation, received attitudes and institutions that still
shaped daily existence: 1) between workers and managers within
certain manufacturing establishments (especially textiles), 2)
between manufacturers and communities in which they were
located; rural, urban dimension characterised by deep conflict.
(Massachusetts), Theodore Steinberg (1991).
Nature Incorporated: Industrialization and the Waters of New
England. (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press,
284 p.). Adeline Barry Davee Distinguished Professor of History
and Professor of Law (Case Western Reserve University). Textile
industry --New England --Water-supply; Textile industry --New
England --History --19th century; Water rights --New England
--History --19th century;River engineering --Environmental
aspects --New England --History --19th century;
Industrialization --New England --History --19th century.
Industrial Revolution in New England from environmental
perspective: focus on legendary Waltham-Lowell style mills; how
these textile factories brought water under their exclusive
control; legal issues that arose in settling disputes over
water; far reaching ecological consequences of industrial
(Massachusetts), Winifred Barr Rothenberg
From Market-Places to a Market Economy: The Transformation of
Rural Massachusetts, 1750-1850. (Chicago, IL: University
of Chicago Press, 275 p.). Assistant Professor of Economics
(Tufts University). Capitalism --Massachusetts --History; Rural
industries --Massachusetts --History; Markets --Massachusetts
--History; Agriculture --Economic aspects --Massachusetts
--History. Pace, pattern,
genesis of growth in early American economy; market-led growth
in Massachusetts agriculture lay at origins of American
industrial revolution.
(Massachusetts), James E. McWilliams (2007).
Building the Bay Colony: Local Economy and Culture in Early
Massachusetts. (Charlottesville, VA: University of
Virginia Press, 201 p.). Associate Professor of History (Texas
State). Massachusetts Bay Company; Massachusetts --Economic
conditions --17th century. How internal economic development
served as backbone of Massachusetts economy (rather than
exports); how small infrastructure improvements
(building of farms, fences, stables, roads, bridges) established
foundation for more ambitious, overseas adventures; century-long
process whereby Massachusetts Bay Colony went from distant
outpost of incipient British Empire to stable society integrated
into transatlantic economy.
(Massachusetts), Chaim M. Rosenberg (2007).
Goods for Sale: Products and Advertising in the Massachusetts
Industrial Age. (Amherst, MA: University of
Massachusetts Press, 248 p.). Associate Professor of Psychiatry
(Boston University). Manufacturing
industries--Massachusetts--History--19th century.
Massachusetts businesses in
Gilded Age: 1865-1920; fishing, farming economy to highly
urbanized industrial state.
(Massachusetts - Blackstone Valley),
Worcester Historical Museum, foreword by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy
Landscape of Industry: An Industrial History of the Blackstone
Valley. (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England,
196 p.). Industrialization --Blackstone River Valley (Mass. and
R.I.) --History; Industries --Blackstone River Valley (Mass. and
R.I.) --History. 1790 - American craftsmen built first machines
that successfully used waterpower to spin cotton; America’s
first factory, Slater Mill, constructed on banks of Blackstone
River; revolution in harnessing power of water spread
quickly through valley, in other areas of New England, led to
erection of new structures, changes to landscape, radically
altered ways in which people lived and worked; history of social, cultural, environmental
consequences of rise, ultimate decline of river valley economy.
(Massachusetts - Boston), Ed. David Lampe
The Massachusetts Miracle: High Technology and Economic
Revitalization. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 367 p.). High
technology industries--Massachusetts; Massachusetts--Economic
policy; Massachusetts--Economic conditions.
(Massachusetts - Boston), Susan Rosegrant and
David R. Lampe (1992).
Route 128: Lessons from Boston's High-Tech Community.
(New York, NY: Basic Books, 240 p.). High technology
industries--Massachusetts--Boston Metropolitan Area; Computer
industry--Massachusetts--Boston Metropolitan Area.
(Massachusetts - Boston), Eds. Marcia Conroy,
Robert M. Krim (2003).
Innovation Odyssey: Boston, 400 years of Innovation.
(Boston, MA: Boston History Collaborative, 64 p.). Education
Specialist; Executive Director of Boston History & Innovation
Collaborative. Innovation--history--Boston, MA; economic
development. Nearly 100
companies, individuals who made history in Boston - of national
and international consequence (medicine, technology, business,
(Massachusetts - Boston), Chaim M. Rosenberg
The Great Workshop : Boston's Victorian Age.
(Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub., 176 p.). Industrialization --
Massachusetts -- Boston -- History -- 19th century;
Manufacturing industries -- Massachusetts -- Boston -- History
-- 19th century; Boston (Mass.) -- Economic conditions -- 19th
century; Boston (Mass.) -- Commerce -- History -- 19th century.
Growth of towns in which
local mills, factories were built; time when
Boston on cutting edge of new culture.
- South Boston), Joan E. Kaiser
The Glass Industry in South Boston. (Hanover, NH,
University Press of New England, 284 p.). Forty Years
Collecting, Writing, Lecturing About Glassware. Glass
trade --Massachusetts --South Boston --History; Glass
manufacture --Massachusetts --South Boston --History; Glassware
--Massachusetts --South Boston --History; Glassware
--Massachusetts --South Boston --Collectors and collecting. History, output of more than 25 flint glass, bottle glass, window
glass companies of South Boston
from 1811 to end of century (many
business records destroyed in Boston fire of 1872).
(Massachusetts - Chicopee), Vera Shlakman
Economic History of a Factory Town; A Study of Chicopee,
Massachusetts. (New York, NY: Octagon Books, 264 p.
[orig. pub. 1935]). Chicopee, (Mass.)--Economic conditions;
Chicopee, (Mass.)--History.
(Massachusetts - Gloucester), Mark Kurlansky
The Last Fish Tale: The Fate of the Atlantic and Survival in
Gloucester, America’s Oldest Fishing Port and Most Original Town.
(New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 269 p.). Fisheries
--Massachusetts --Gloucester --History --Anecdotes; Fishing
ports --Massachusetts --Gloucester --History --Anecdotes;
Gloucester (Mass.) --History --Anecdotes. Slowly disappearing way of life
that has defined much of America’s coastlines for hundreds of
years; contemporary tension between traditional fishing
trade, modern commerce.
(Massachusetts - Lowell), Margaret Terrell
Parker (1940).
Lowell: A Study of Industrial Development. (New York,
NY: The Macmillan Company, 238 p.). Industries --Massachusetts
--Lowell; Lowell (Mass.) --Economic conditions.
(Massachusetts - Lowell), Thomas Dublin
Lowell: The Story of an Industrial City: A Guide to Lowell
National Historical Park and Lowell Heritage State Park, Lowell,
Massachusetts. (Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. of the
Interior, 111 p.). Textile
industry--Massachusetts--Lowell--History; Textile
workers--Massachusetts--Lowell--History; Lowell
(Mass.)--Economic conditions; Lowell (Mass.)--Social conditions;
Lowell National Historical Park (Lowell, Mass.)--Guidebooks;
Lowell Heritage State Park (Lowell, Mass.)--Guidebooks.
(Massachusetts - Lowell), Heidi Vernon-Wortzel
(1992). Lowell: The Corporations and the City. (New York,
NY: Garland Pub., 216 p.). Textile
industry--Massachusetts--Lowell--History--19th century; Lowell
(Massachusetts - Lowell), Patrick M. Malone (2009).
Waterpower in Lowell: : Engineering and Industry in
Nineteenth-Century America. (Baltimore, MD: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 254 p.). Associate Professor in the
American Civilization Department and the Urban Studies Program
(Brown University). Water-power --Massachusetts --Lowell
--History --19th century; Hydraulic engineering --Massachusetts
--Lowell --History --19th century; Industries --Massachusetts
--Lowell --History --19th century; Merrimack River (N.H. and
Mass.) --Power utilization --History --19th century.
(Massachusetts - New Bedford),
Rory Nugent (2009).
Down at the Docks. (New York, NY: Pantheon Books, 304
p.). Fish trade --Massachusetts --New Bedford; Fishers
--Massachusetts --New Bedford; New Bedford (Mass.) --History;
New Bedford (Mass.) --Economic conditions; New Bedford (Mass.)
--Social conditions. Home to "America's largest fishing fleet"
(almost 300 boats, 3,000 fishermen); lives of New Bedford
fishermen; unvarnished look at New Bedford today (old commercial
fishing industry, modern problems of drug-smuggling, illegal
immigration, organized crime, disorganized crime, suffocating
government regulations).
(Massachusetts -
Sandwich), Raymond E. Barlow, Joan E. Kaiser (1993).
The Glass Industry in Sandwich. (Atglen, PA: Schiffer
Publishing, Volume 1, 219 p.). Over Thirty Years of Appraising
for Estates, Over Fifty Years as a Collector; Thirty-Seven Years
Collecting Early American Glass. Glass trade --Massachusetts
--Sandwich --History; Glass manufacture --Massachusetts
--Sandwich --History; Glassware --Massachusetts --Sandwich
--History; Glassware --Massachusetts --Sandwich --Collectors and
collecting. Examples, history of glass company on
Massachusetts's Cape Cod, made name "Sandwich" famous.
(Massachusetts -
Sandwich), Raymond E. Barlow, Joan E. Kaiser (1983).
The Glass Industry in Sandwich. (Windham,
NH, Barlow-Kaiser Pub. Co., Volume 4). Over Thirty Years of
Appraising for Estates, Over Fifty Years as a Collector;
Thirty-Seven Years Collecting Early American Glass. Glass trade
--Massachusetts --Sandwich --History; Glass manufacture
--Massachusetts --Sandwich --History; Glassware --Massachusetts
--Sandwich --History; Glassware --Massachusetts --Sandwich
--Collectors and collecting.
(Massachusetts -
Sandwich), Raymond E. Barlow, Joan E. Kaiser (1993).
The Glass Industry in Sandwich. (Windham,
NH, Barlow-Kaiser Pub. Co., 4 Vols.). Over Thirty Years of
Appraising for Estates, Over Fifty Years as a Collector;
Thirty-Seven Years Collecting Early American Glass. Glass trade
--Massachusetts --Sandwich --History; Glass manufacture
--Massachusetts --Sandwich --History; Glassware --Massachusetts
--Sandwich --History; Glassware --Massachusetts --Sandwich
--Collectors and collecting. Volume 1 (1997); Examples, history
of glass company on Massachusetts's Cape Cod which made name
"Sandwich" famous; Volume 3 (1987) - Boston and Sandwich Glass
Company between 1858 and 1882, Cape Cod Glass Works 1858-1864,
Cape Cod Glass Company 1864-1869; Volume 4 (1983).
(Mexico - Guadalajara), Kevin P. Gallagher and
Lyuba Zarsky (2007).
The Enclave Economy: Foreign Investment and Sustainable
Development in Mexico’s Silicon Valley. (Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, 214 p.). Assistant Professor of International
Relations (Boston University), Senior Researcher at the Global
Development and Environment Institute (Tufts University);
Associate Professor of International Environmental Policy
(Monterey Institute for International Studies), Senior Research
Fellow at the Global Development and Environment Institute
(Tufts University). High technology
industries--Mexico--Guadalajara; Information
technology--Mexico--Guadalajara; Investments,
Foreign--Mexico--Guadalajara; Sustainable
development--Mexico--Guadalajara; Guadalajara (Mexico)--Economic
conditions. Foreign
investment for sustainable development; Mexico's post-NAFTA
experience of foreign direct investment in its information
technology sector, particularly in Guadalajara region, did not
result in expected benefits.
(Mexico - Mexico City), John E. Kicza (1983).
Colonial Entrepreneurs, Families and Business in Bourbon Mexico
City. (Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press,
1 vol.). Manufacturing industries--Mexico--Mexico City--History;
Elite (Social sciences)--Mexico--Mexico City--History;
Businesspeople--Mexico--Mexico City--History; Mexico City
(Mid-West), Margaret Walsh (1982).
The Rise of the Midwestern Meat Packing Industry.
(Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 182 p.). Pork
industry and trade --Middle West --History; Meat industry and
trade --Middle West --History; Packing-houses --Middle West
(Mid-West), Wilson J. Warren (2007).
Tied to the Great Packing Machine: The Midwest and
Meatpacking. (Iowa City, IA: University of
Iowa Press, 317 p.). Associate Professor of History
(Western Michigan University). Packing-houses --Middle
West; Agricultural industries --Middle West;
Agricultural industries --Environmental aspects --Middle
West; Middle West --Economic conditions --21st century.
Historical context, contemporary concerns of meatpacking
industry: enormous effects on economics, culture,
environment of Midwest over past century and a half;
evolution of packing industry from early period
dominated by big terminal markets, through development
of new marketing and technical innovations that
transformed ways animals were gathered, slaughtered,
processed, final products were distributed; ethnic and
racial variations, labor unions, gender issues; changes
in Americans' attitudes toward ethics of animal
slaughter, patterns of meat consumption, environmental
problems (site-point pollution, microbe contamination);
future of American meatpacking.
(Minnesota - Duluth), Arnold R. Alanen; with
photographs by Chris Faust (2008).
Morgan Park: Duluth, U.S. Steel, and the Forging of a Company
Town. (Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press,
320 p.). Professor of Landscape Architecture (University of
Wisconsin–Madison). United States Steel Corporation--History;
Company towns--Minnesota--Duluth--History; City
planning--Minnesota--Duluth--History; Steel industry and
trade--Minnesota--Duluth--History. Impact of U. S. Steel plant,
Morgan Park on life in Duluth; 1915 to 1971 - large U.S. Steel
plant was major part of Duluth’s landscape, life; Morgan Park,
formerly company-controlled town now stands as city
neighborhood; planned by renowned landscape architects,
architects, engineers, provided with schools, churches,
recreational and medical services by U.S. Steel; window into
northeastern Minnesota’s industrial roots; follows town, its
residents through boom years to closing of outmoded facility, to
today as current residents work to preserve community’s historic
(Minnesota - Saint Louis County), Bill Beck (2006).
A County Built on Iron: St. Louis County, Minnesota, 1856-2006. (Virginia
Beach, VA: Donning Co., 183 p.). Corporate historian. Iron
industry and trade --Minnesota --Saint Louis County --History;
Iron mines and mining --Minnesota --Saint Louis County
--History; Saint Louis County (Minn.) --History; Saint Louis
County (Minn.) --Biography; Saint Louis County (Minn.)
--Economic conditions.
Nollie Hickman (1962).
Mississippi Harvest; Lumbering in the Longleaf Pine
Belt,1840-1915. (University, MS: University of
Mississippi, 306 p.). Taught at Perkinston Junior College (now
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College) and Northeast
Louisiana State College (now University of Louisiana at Monroe).
Lumber trade --Mississippi; Lumbering --Mississippi; Longleaf
pine. State's people, agriculture, industry, government,
politics, economy, culture through lens of felling of great
forests of longleaf pine in southern state (lumbering
became big industry); arduous transportation of logs to mills;
how naval stores trade flourished through production of
turpentine, pitch, rosin, expansion of exports; impact of Civil War on southern
lumbering; tragedy of denuded lands, renewal of resources
through reforestation.
(Missouri - East St. Louis), Andrew J.
Theising (2003).
Made in USA: East St. Louis: The Rise and Fall of an Industrial
River Town. (St. Louis, MO: Virginia Publishing, 235
p.). Professor of Political Science (Southern Illinois
University at Edwardsville). East St. Louis, Missouri--history;
Industrial districts --Missouri--East St. Louis--History.
From prominent role in growth of
19th century industrial America to presently depleted state;
example of industry creating, abandoning a city; one of
most misunderstood cities in America.
(Missouri - St. Louis), Rockwell Gray
A Century of Enterprise: St. Louis, 1894-1994.
(St. Louis, MO: Missouri Historical Society Press, 136
p.). Business enterprises --Saint Louis (Mo.) --History
--Pictorial works; Industries --Saint Louis (Mo.)
--History --Pictorial works; Saint Louis (Mo.) --History
--Pictorial works. Ralston Purina Company on
occasion of its hundredth anniversary.
(Missouri - St. Louis), Ed. Richard Rosenfeld
Hidden Assets: Connecting the Past to the Future of St. Louis.
(St. Louis, MO: Missouri Historical Society Press, 188 p.).
Industries--Missouri--Saint Louis; Saint Louis (Mo.)--Economic
conditions. Several hidden assets distinguish St. Louis
from other metropolitan areas; how assets developed, how
community sustains assets, collateral advantages they
confer, how they contribute to regional development; three
possible futures for St. Louis.
(Montana - Billings), Carroll Van West
Capitalism on the Frontier: Billings and the Yellowstone Valley
in the Nineteenth Century. (Lincoln, NE: University
of Nebraska Press, 281 p.). Assistant Professor and Project
Coordinator for the Center for Historical Preservation (Middle
Tennessee State University). Capitalism --Montana --Billings
--History --19th century; Capitalism --Yellowstone River Region
--History --19th century; Billings (Mont.) --Economic
conditions; Yellowstone River Region --Economic conditions.
Interaction of local, regional, national economies and influence
of corporate decisions made in east on western settlement, urban development; crucial early years
of Billings's development--1877 to 1907; from subsistence, barter economy of Native
Americans, through fur trade era, settlers’ introduction of
market economy, introduction of industrial capitalism by
Northern Pacific Railroad, increasing influence of corporate
capitalism in latter part of century; how each stage affected
relationships, choices shared by local inhabitants.