1672 - Richard
Hoare founded Hoares Bank, at sign of the Golden Bottle in
Cheapside, London.
1690 - John Freame and Thomas Gould founded
goldsmith-banking business in Lombard Street, England;
1736 - James Barclay became partner (married Freame's
daughter); 1896 - 20 private banks formed new
joint-stock bank (connected by family, business, religious
relationships); named Barclay and Company; became known as
Quaker Bank (family tradition of founding families); 182
branches, mainly in East and South East, deposits of £26 million
(173 banks taken over after 1896); 1918 -
merged London, Provincial, South Western Bank, became one of
UK's 'big five' banks; 1925 - merger of three
banks (Colonial Bank, Anglo Egyptian Bank, National Bank of
South Africa) formed Barclays international operations (Africa,
the Middle East, West Indies); 1926 - 1,837
outlets; 1969 - acquired Martins Bank, largest UK
bank with head office outside London; 1981 - first
foreign bank to file with SEC, raised long-term capital on the
New York market; 1986 - first British bank to list
shares on Tokyo and New York stock exchanges; 1995
- acquired fund manager Wells Fargo Nikko Investment Advisers,
merged with BZW Investment Management, formed Barclays Global
Investors; 2000 - acquired Woolwich, leading
mortgage bank and former building society (founded in 1847).
1695 - Act of Scots Parliament established Bank of Scotland;
2001- merged with
Halifax plc; formed HBOS plc (fifth largest British retail bank,
UK's largest mortgage lender);
January 19,
2009 - acquired by Lloyds TSB plc; renamed
Lloyds Banking Group plc.
- John Taylor, Sampson Lloyd II founded Taylors & Lloyds, private banking
business, in Birmingham, England;
1865 - converted to joint-stock status,
incorporated as Lloyds Banking Company Limited;
1884 - acquired
Barnetts, Hoares, Hanbury & Lloyd (began bank’s association with
famous black horse, inherited by Barnetts, Hoares & Co.,
originally used by Lombard Street goldsmith as early as 1677);
1973 - formed
Lloyds Bank International; 1995
- merged with TSB Group plc (formed in 1986 as holding company
for Trustee Savings Bank, established in 1810; 6th largest bank
in UK); renamed Lloyds TSB plc;
January 19, 2009 - acquired HBOS plc (formed by
2001 merger of Halifax plc, Royal Bank of Scotland); renamed
Lloyds Banking Group plc.
December 31, 1781
- Robert Morris organized Bank of North America, first modern
bank in U.S.; received charter from Confederation Congress;
January 7, 1782
- opened in Philadelphia, nation's first commercial bank; soon
after opening,
Pennsylvania legislature outlawed private banks in state, led
prospective bankers to set up in New York City.
- Massachusetts Bank received charter (John Hancock signed
charter); first nationally chartered bank;
1786 - financed first American ship to
sail to China; 1791
- financed first ship to sail to Argentina;
1864 - became national bank, renamed
Massachusetts National Bank of Boston;
1903 - merged with First National Bank
of Boston; later named Bank of Boston;
1970 - reorganized under new holding
company, First National Boston Corporation;
1983 - name changed to Bank of Boston
Corporation; 1995 -
merged with BayBank, name changed to BankBoston;
1999 -merged Fleet
Financial Group; 2001 - eighth-largest U.S. financial holding
company, dominant bank in New England;
2003 - acquired by Bank of America for
$48 billion.
February 26, 1784 - New
York citizens organized Bank of New York;
March 15, 1791 - officers elected -
general Alexander McDougal elected President; Samuel Franklin,
Robert Bowne, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Randall, Isaac
Roosevelt, John Vanderbilt, others elected directors; Hamilton
enlisted to write Bank's constitution; most closely associated
with Bank's organization, early years; strategy: strong fiscal
policy, rapid capital turnover, produce assets which constantly
generate specie; capitalized in "specie only" (foreign coins in
gold and silver) to be able to circulate notes in ratio of one
dollar in specie to two or more dollars in notes; extended only
short-term loans (1-2 months) to merchants, manufacturers deemed
sound, steady, conservative; June
9, 1784 - opened;
1789 - made first loan to U.S. government
($200,000); March 21, 1791
- received state charter, incorporated;
May 18, 1791 - Gulian Verplanck elected
president (replaced Isaac Roosevelt);
1792 - first corporate stock traded on
New York Stock Exchange; April 23,
1798 - moved to William and Wall Streets;
1865 - changed from
state to national bank; July 1922
- merged with New York Life Insurance and Trust Company;
1969 - established
bank holding company; 1988
- acquired Irving Bank Corporation (created 10th largest bank in
U.S.); oldest bank in United States (seven wars, 10 economic
- Jean-Conrad Hottinguer founded MM Hottinger, bankers, in
Paris; contributed to creation of Banque de France, Caisse
d'Epargne de Paris, Compagbnie Generale des Eaux; 1989 -
Jean-Philippe Hottinguer, Francois and Emmanuel Hottinguer
established HR Group; 2007
- renamed Banque Jean-Philippe Hottinguer & Cie.
September 1, 1799 -
Aaron Burr, committee of the Directors of the Manhattan Company,
opened "Office of Discount and Deposit "("Bank" of the Manhattan
Company) at 40 Wall Street in New York City (forerunner to Chase
October 12,
1808 - Banco do Brasil founded By decree of
king, D. Joao VI; public offering of 1,200 shares aimed at
substantial businessmen, wealthy individuals;
1829 - accused of
depreciating the currency by competing with its own issuances
(exodus of precious metals, overall rise in prices; law
promulgated abolishing Banco do Brasil;
1833 - Bank liquidated;
August 21, 1851 -
Irineu Evangelista de Souza, Baron and Viscount of Maua, founded
financial institution in Rio de Janeiro, named Banco do Brasil
(founded on basis of public share offering with a capital of
10,000 contos de reis);considered to be founding father of
today's Bank; 1853
- merged with the Commercial Bank of Rio de Janeiro (founded
1838); resulted in increase in Bank's capital, transformed
issuing banks in interior into branches of new Banco do Brasil;
1866 - became
commercial banking and mortgage institute;
1888 - appropriated first credit lines
for agriculture; used to recruit European immigrants for
settlements at coffee farms;
September 18, 1889 - decree authorized operation
of new issuing bank, Banco Nacional do Brasil;
December 17, 1892 -
President enacted Decree No. 1167, authorized merger between
Banco do Brasil and Banco da Republica dos Estados Unidos do
Brasil (provided majority of shareholders voted for it); new
institution, with power to issue money, called Banco da
Republica do Brasil; 1906
- renamed Banco do Brasil; 1971
- 975 branches in national territory, 14 abroad;
November 15, 1976 -
thousandth branch inaugurated; 1992
- reverted to historical position as principal agent of national
economic development; 2004
- 20 million individual current account holders, registered net
profit of R$3.024 billion.

Evangelista de Souza - Banco do
February 27 ,
1809 - Farmers' Exchange Bank,
of Gloucester, RI, controlled by Andrew Dexter, ceased
operations ($86.50 in its vault);
first bank failure in United States.
- Rev. Dr. Henry Duncan established first trustee savings bank
in Ruthwell, Scotland for people with smaller incomes who did
not use big, established joint-stock banks;
1860 - as many as 600 trstee savings
banks in Britain; 1965
- introduced checking accounts;
1968 - introduced unit trusts;
1976/1978 - Trustee
Savings Acts freed banks to offer broader array of financial
services, products.
June 15, 1812
- New York legislature chartered New York Manufacturing Company
(founded by Anthony Post, John L. van Kleeck, Samuel Whittemore,
Isaac Marquend, others) as manufacturer of cotton-processing
equipment (iron, brass wire, cotton cards, wool cards), with
banking privileges, at 24 Wall Street;
1818- switched to banking, named Phenix
Bank; 1853 -
renamed Phenix Bank of the City of New York;
1865 - name changed
to Phenix National Bank of the City of New York;
February 1911 -
merged with Chatham National Bank, name changed to Chatham and
Phenix National Bank of New York;
March 1925 - merged with Metropolitan Trust
Company, name changed to Chatham-Phenix National Bank & Trust
Company; February 9, 1932
- merged with Manufacturers Trust Company;
1950 - acquired Brooklyn Trust Company;
1953 - acquired
Peoples Industrial Bank; 1955
- acquired Manufacturers Safe Deposit Company;
September 8, 1961 -
merged with Hanover Bank, renamed Manufacturers Hanover Trust
Company; 1969 -
with Chemical Bank entered national credit card business as
founding members of Eastern States Bankcard Association; issued
cards under Master Charge Plan (now MasterCard), direct
competitor of BankAmericard; 1975
- tested point-of-sale credit card terminals using common
switching facilities (enabled retailers to use one terminal to
authorize either MasterCard or BankAmericard transaction);
greater convenience for retailers, faster transaction approvals
for card users; 1985
- with Chemical Bank among founders of NYCE (New York Cash
Exchange), first automatic teller network in New York
metropolitan area; June 19, 1992
- merged with Chemical Banking Corp., kept that name;
second-largest banking institution in United States.
June 16, 1812
- New York
State chartered City Bank of New York with authorized capital of
$2 million, paidin capital of $800,000;
September 14, 1812
- City Bank of New York opened,
Samuel Osgood
elected president; 1856 - Moses Taylor elected
president; 1865 - City Bank joined new U.S.
national banking system, became The National City Bank of New
York; 1891 - James Stillman elected president;
1894 - became largest bank in U.S.; 1919
- first U.S. bank with $1 billion in assets;
1929 - largest commercial bank in world; 1939
- largest international bank (100 offices in 23 countries
outside the U.S.); 1955 - changed name to The
First National City Bank of New York; 1962 -
shortened name to First National City Bank; 1967 -
Walter B. Wriston is elected president; 1968 -
First National City Corporation, bank holding company, became
parent; 1974 - holding company changed name to
Citicorp; 1979 - world's leading foreignexchange
dealer; 1981 - acquired Diners Club; 1989
- leading issuer of securitized credit card receivables;
1992 - Citibank, N.A. became largest bank in United
States; 1993 - largest credit card, charge card
issuer, servicer in world; October 8, 1998 - all
Citicorp, Travelers Group divisions merged, became
Citigroup Inc.
- Bank of New South Wales established; 1982 -name
changed to Westpac.
November 3, 1817
- The Bank of Montreal, Canada's oldest chartered bank, opened
in Montreal, Quebec.
December 4, 1819 - Sir William Congreve received a
patent for colored watermark paper; triple-paper process for
colored watermarks (introduction of color into interior of
paper) consisted of overlaying very thin couched sheet of white
paper with layer containing a design of colored pulp, overlaying
that with another very thin white couched sheet; three layers
pressed, dried; colored watermark only visible when paper held
up to light; ; improvements in manufacture of bank-note paper
for prevention of forgery.
February 24, 1823
- John C. Morrison, one of largest wholesale druggists, James
Jenkins, Charles G. Haynes, Balthazar P. Melick, Mark Spencer,
Gerardus Post
incorporated New York Chemical Manufacturing Company "without
Banking Privileges"; produced
medicines, paints, dyes at plant in Greenwich Village, New York
City; April 1, 1824 - charter amended, used excess capital to
obtain charter for Chemical Bank (opened August 2, 1824 at 216
Broadway); Balthazar ("Baltus") P. Melick, prosperous wholesale
grocer, first president; 1832 - focused entirely
on banking (away from manufacture of drugs); 1954
- merged with Corn Exchange Bank Trust Company; changed name to
Chemical Corn Exchange Bank; 1959 - merged with
New York Trust Company; name changed to Chemical Bank New York
Trust Company (branches in all boroughs); 1969 -
changed name to Chemical Bank; installed first prototype
cash-dispensing machine in America; first bank in country to
allow customers to withdraw cash 24 hours a day; with
Manufacturers Hanover entered national credit card business as
founding members of Eastern States Bankcard Association; issued
cards under Master Charge Plan (now MasterCard), direct
competitor of BankAmericard; 1975 - tested
point-of-sale credit card terminals using common switching
facilities (enabled retailers to use one terminal to authorize
either MasterCard or BankAmericard transaction); greater
convenience for retailers, faster transaction approvals for card
users; 1983 - introduced Pronto, first major
full-fledged online banking service; 1985 - with
Manufacturers Hanover among founders of NYCE (New York Cash
Exchange), first automatic teller network in New York
metropolitan area; 1987 - acquired Texas Commerce
Bancshares, largest interstate banking merger in U.S. history at
time; 1991 - combined with Manufacturers Hanover
Corp., kept Chemical Banking Corp. name; second-largest banking
institution in United States; 1996 - merged with
Chase Manhattan Corp., created largest bank holding company in
United States.
John C. Morrison
- Chemical Bank
March 29, 1824 -
Merchant Monarch, King Willem I founded Nederlandsche
Handel-Maatschappij (Netherlands Trading Society/NTS) in the
Hague as import/export company to expand existing trade
relations, open new channel; played major role in developing
trade between Netherlands and Dutch East Indies;
1830 - Netherlands
and Belgium became separate states, NTS provided risk, loan
capital to industrial enterprises;
1850 - began to finance companies operating
plantations in Dutch East Indies;
1936 - took over Geldersche Credietvereeniging,
branch network in Netherlands;
October 3, 1964 - merged with Twentsche Bank,
became Algemene Bank Nederland (ABN Bank).
March 19, 1831
- First bank robbery in America reported, at The City Bank
of New York City, which lost $245,000 in heist.
1836 - William Wilson Corcoran
(formerly of Second bank of the United States) opened note
brokerage house in Washington DC ;
1840 - formed partnership with George Washington
Riggs, Corcoran & Riggs, to offer depository, checking services;
1844 - chosen by U.S. government as
sole federal depository in Washington;
1854 - Corcoran
interest acquired by Riggs, name changed to Riggs & Co.;
1881 -
Charles Carroll
Glover took over; 1896 - accepted national banking
charter, name changed to The Riggs National Bank; 1920
- accepted savings deposits, established trust department;
1980 - formed Riggs National Corporation as holding
company; 2004 - acquired by
PNC Financial Services Group
(Pittsburgh) for
$779 million; bank for twenty-one
First Families.
William Wilson Corcoran
Riggs Bank
- State of New York chartered Tompkins County Bank of Ithaca
(trading center for Pennsylvania coal and iron, lumber, plaster,
salt, flour and lime from New York State); Col. Hermon Camp as
first president; largest bank in county;
1837 - Camp personally guaranteed
depositors' funds during Panic of 1837; built first headquarters
at 135 E. State St. in Ithaca; 1995
- Tompkins Trust created holding company; 1999 - merged with
Letchworth Independent Bancshares;
May 2001 - name changed to Tompkins Trust
May 26, 1846
- Monsignor Bourget, Bishop of Montreal, group of 15 prominent
Montréalers established Montréal City and District Savings Bank
in Montreal, QU; activities limited to City of Montréal by Act
respecting Savings Banks in the Province of Québec;
1902 - launched
Piggy Bank Program (bank with lock that could be opened only at
Bank branches); 1965
- went public; 1970s
- first bank in Canada equipped with computer system which
linked branches; 1981
- inaugurated first out-of-province branch in Ottawa;
1987 - name changed
Laurentian Bank of Canada (Laurentian Group Corporation as
majority shareholder); 1990s
- first bank in Canada to appoint woman to its board of
directors; 2011 -
third-largest retail branch network; more than $23 billion in
assets, more than $15 billion in assets under administration;
more than 3,700 employees.
- George Knight Budd established Boatmen's Bank in St. Louis to
help riverboat workers.
March 5, 1849 - Elon Farnsworth founded Detroit
Savings Fund Institute; August 17,
1849 - opened; six customers, $41 in deposits on
first day; 1851 -
more than 300 customers, $25,000 in deposits;
1870 - $1 million
in deposits; 1871 -
name changed to The Detroit Savings Bank;
1900 - deposits in excess of $6 million;
1936 - name changed
to The Detroit Bank; 1956 - merged with Birmingham National
Bank, Ferndale National Bank, Detroit Wabeek Bank & Trust
Company; formed Detroit Bank & Trust;
1960s - assets over $1billion;
1973 - holding
company, DETROITBANK Corporation, formed in response to changes
in bank regulations; 1982
- name changed to Comerica Incorporated;
1992 - merged with Manufacturers
National Corporation; Comerica name remained; became 25th
largest bank holding company in U.S. (assets in excess of $20
billion); 2001 -
acquired Imperial Bancorp. (became fourth largest bank in
California); 2003 -
consolidated bank charters; 2004
- customers could bank nationwide.
July 10, 1850
- General James S. Wadsworth, J.
P. Beekman, John Arnot, John Magee, Constant Cook, William R.
Gwinn, George Palmer, James M. Ganson founded Marine
Trust Company in Buffalo, NY as state-chartered bank to finance
new shipping trade on Great Lakes ;
August 27, 1850 - opened; prominent bank
for thriving grain, milling industry on waterfront;
1897 - acquired
American Exchange Bank; 1902
- acquired Buffalo Commercial Bank; became national bank,
changed name to Marine National Bank of Buffalo;
1913 - acquired
Columbia National Bank; 1919
- acquired Bankers Trust; became state bank again, name changed
to Marine Trust Company of Buffalo;
mid-1930s - acquired eight other banks;
October 4, 1929 -
formed Marine Midland Corporation, multi-bank holding company
affiliated with 17 banks throughout New York;
1950s - renamed
Marine Midland Trust Company of Western New York (11 mergers
throughout Western New York);
January 1, 1976 - previously independent Marine
Banks merged into Marine Midland Bank, with headquarters in
Buffalo (divided into regions);
early 1980 - became a national-chartered bank,
assets were close to $20 billion;
1980 - 51% acquired by HSBC;
1981 - nation's
13th largest commercial bank (about 300 banking offices in New
York communities, about 25 offices in foreign countries);
1987 - acquired in
full; December 7, 1998
- renamed HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp., or HSBC
Holdings plc), London-based parent (one of 18 business units in
HSBC Group, $484 billion-asset global financial services giant).
March 18,
1852 - Henry Wells, William G. Fargo, several other New
York investors created Wells, Fargo and Company to serve, profit
from boom in California economy after the discovery of gold at
Sutter's Mill in 1849;
banking [bought gold, sold paper bank
drafts as good as gold] and express [rapid delivery of gold,
anything else valuable];
July 1852
- began transporting loads of freight between East Coast and
isolated mining camps of California; 1869 -
transcontinental railroad undermined company's dominant position
in transportation, especially in mail and freight; 1905
- Wells Fargo & Co.’s Bank, San Francisco, formally
separated from Wells Fargo & Co. Express; 1918 -
out of express business.
- The Bank of Toronto incorporated; 1856 - opened
first branch on Church Street in Toronto (above); 1871
- The Dominion Bank opened first branch on King Street in
Toronto; 1955 - The Bank of Toronto merged with
The Dominion Bank, formed The Toronto-Dominion Bank.
- Andre Oscar Wallenberg founded Enskilda Bank (SEB);
Stockholm's first private
1856 - Schweizerische Kreditanstalt
(SKA, Swiss Credit Institution) founded in Zurich, Switzerland;
1988 - acquired
controlling stake in The First Boston Corporation;
1993 - acquired
Schweizerische Volksbank (People's Bank of Switzerland);
1996 - CS Holding
became Credit Suisse Group (holding company for Credit Suisse
and Credit Suisse First Boston);
January 16, 2006 - First Boston name dropped;
second-largest Swiss bank, behind UBS AG.
March 24, 1856 -
Pascal Paoli Pratt (37), owner of Pratt and Co. Hardware, Pratt
and Letchworth Ironworks, Bronson Case Rumsey (32) held first
meeting of 13 stockholders of Manufacturers and Traders Bank in
Buffalo, NY; August 29, 1856
- opened; Henry Martin, former president of Buffalo and Attica
Railroad, as president; December
16, 1925 - merged with Fidelity Trust Company;
name changed to Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company;
1969 - stockholders
voted to create multi-bank holding company, First Empire State
Corporation (assets of $2 billion, 60 offices);
1995 - formed
national bank subsidiary, M&T Bank, N.A.;
1998 - 37th largest owned bank in United
States ($20 billion in assets, 256 branches, more than 6,000
employees); name changed to M&T Bank Corporation;
2007 - $65 billion
in assets, one of 20 largest commercial bank holding companies
headquartered in U.S.
Bronson Case Rumsey - M & T
May 15, 1857 - Emilio Botin y Lopez
founded Banco de Santander in city of Santander, in Spain's
Cantabria region, to finance trade with Latin America; one
branch, 13 employees, 72 shareholders;
January 14, 1875 - incorporated;
1925 - opened his
first office outside the region, in Osorno (Palencia);
1986 - 6th largest
bank in Spain (assets); initiated customer-friendly retail
banking strategy, acquired more than 30 banks from Bilbao to
Brazil (estimated more than $40 billion in acquisitions, nearly
$13 billion in Latin America); 1994
- paid $2 billion for 60% stake in Banesto, well-known retail
bank; 1999 - became
number one in Spain with $9.6 billion acquisition of Banco
Centro Hispano; November 20, 2000
- took 33% stake in do Estado de Sao Paulo (Banespa),
seventh-largest bank in Brazil, for $3.555 billion (five times
book value, 281% premium above estimated minimum economic value
of $945 million); September 2004
- acquired British mortgage lender Abbey National, UK's sixth
largest bank, for approximately $15 billion, created Europe's
fourth-largest bank in terms of market capitalization; largest
cross-border banking acquisition ever in EU;
December 31, 2005 -
Banco Santander Central Hispano 9th largest bank in world;
2008 - largest bank
in euro zone by market capitalization, seventh in world by
Emilio Botin
- great grandson of founder
August 17, 1858 - Charles Reed Bishop,
from upstate New York, William A. Aldrich, opened Bishop & Co.
in basement room in "Makee & Anthon's Building" on Kaahumanu
Street in Honolulu, HI; ran advertisement in local newspaper:
"Bishop & Co.'s Savings Bank! The undersigned will receive money
at their Savings Bank upon the following terms: On sums of $300
or under, from one person, they will pay interest at the rate of
5 per cent per annum from date of receipt"; $4,784.25 in
deposits at end of first business day; first successful banking
partnership under laws of independent Kingdom of Hawaii;
1895 - acquired by
Samuel M. Damon; 1910
- opener first branch in Hilo, total assets of $4.8 million;
January 2, 1919 -
incorporated as Bank of Bishop and Co., Ltd.;
1925 - $22 million
in assets, half-dozen branches;
January 30, 1929 - merged with First National
Bank of Hawaii, First American Savings Bank, Army National Bank
of Schofield Barracks, Baldwin Bank (Maui), name changed to
Bishop First National Bank of Honolulu (assets over $30
million); 1933 -
name changed to Bishop National Bank of Hawaii at Honolulu;
1956 - renamed
Bishop National Bank of Hawaii;
1960 - changed to First National Bank of Hawaii
(Hawaii became state in 1959); 1969
- name changed to First Hawaiian Bank; second largest bank
holding company in Hawaii; March
1971 --introduced photo credit card; oldest
photo card product in continuous production in U.S.;
1974 - First
Hawaiian, Inc. formed as holding company for First Hawaiian
Bank; May 3, 1991 -
acquired First Interstate Bank of Hawaii;
April 1992 - ranked tenth safest lender
in nation by Business Week; August
6, 1993 - acquired Pioneer Federal Savings Bank
(founded 1890); $7 billion assets, 92 branches in state;
November 1, 1998 -
merged (about $1 billion deal) with San Francisco-based Bank of
the West (45% owned by Banque Nationale de Paris; renamed
BancWest Corporation; largest stock deal in history by Hawaii
company; December 20, 2001
- BNP Paribas completed acquisition of 55% of BancWest stock it
did not already own; 2003
- First Hawaiian Bank became Hawaii's largest bank in terms of
Charles Reed Bishop
- First Hawaiian
Samuel M. Damon
- First Hawaiian
- John Thompson, Myron Clark, Theodore Hall organize a
bank in Detroit (Myron's son, Lorenzo Clark,
as president; 1865- named 1st National Bank of
June 1860
- Joseph A. Donohoe, William Ralston, Eugene Kelley, Ralph Fretz
Bank of Donohoe, Ralston & Company in San Francisco;
June 15, 1864 - The Bank of California
first incorporated
commercial bank in West; June 30, 1864 -
Donohoe, Ralston & Company dissolved, continued under name of
Fretz & Ralston;
5, 1864 - Bank of California opened (in former
offices of
& Ralston); Darius Ogden
Mills, respected Sacramento banker, president; William Ralston
named Cashier;
August 26, 1875
- Bank of California forced to close after news of William
Ralston's failed mining investments, loans sparked run on bank;
August 27, 1875 - Ralston's body found in San
Francisco bay;
October 2,
1875 - Bank, reorganized, reopened;
1, 1996 - merged with
Union bank, formed Union Bank of California.
Darius Ogden Mills
- First president, Bank of California
November 23, 1860
- As the "Banking Panic" of 1857 stretched into next decade, New
York Clearing House made its first loan of $7.375 million worth
of certificates to nation's ailing banks.
June 24, 1861 - Twentsche Bankvereeniging
established in Amsterdam as partnership; October
1869 - name changed to Twentsche Bankvereeniging
B.W. Blijdenstein & Co. (TBV); January 1, 1917 -
became limited liability company, renamed Twentsche Bank (TB);
had developed from family-run business to full merchant bank;
January 1, 1931 - branches of local banks converted
to TB branches; October 3, 1964 - merged with
Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij, formed Algemene Bank
Nederland (ABN Bank).
- Bank in Winterthur, Switzerland, opened (east of Zurich);
initial share capital of 5 million Swiss Francs;
1863 - Toggenburger
Bank opened in Lichtensteig (small town in Eastern Switzerland);
initial share capital of 1.5 million Swiss Francs;
1912 - The Bank in
Winterthur merged with Toggenburger Bank, formed Schweizerische
Bankgesellschaft; French name - Union de Banques Suisses (UBS);
total assets of 202 million Swiss francs, shareholders' equity
of 46 million Swiss francs, profit of 2.4 million Swiss francs;
1920 - employed
more than 1,000 persons (1289);
1921 - name changed to Union Bank of Switzerland
(UBS); 1962 -
largest bank in Switzerland; assets of 6.96 billion Swiss
francs; 1995 -
Credit Suisse Group became number one in Switzerland (total
assets of 412 billion Swisss francs) after acquisition of Swiss
Volksbank and Winterthur Insurance;
June 27/28,
1998 - merged with Swiss Bank
Corporation (SBC); renamed UBS AG; one of largest banks in
Europe, world's largest Private Banking and Asset Management
institution (client funds of 1,320 billion Swiss francs), among
four largest financial services companies in world (market
capitalization of 85 billion Swiss francs);
August 2004 - named world's 45th most
valuable brand (worth $6.5 billion) in Global Brand Scoreboard
published in BusinessWeek.
1863 -
John Thompson applied for charter, under National Banking
Act, to be called First National Bank of the City of New York
(now Citibank); stockholders included Samuel Thompson
(President), Frederick Thompson (Vice President), George Baker,
(paying teller); after panic of 1873 Frederick Thompson and
George Baker remained in control; Baker subsequently became
president, built the First National into the second largest bank
of New York; now known as Citicorp.
February 25, 1863
- President Abraham Lincoln signed National Banking Act of 1863
(Currency Act ); established Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency; set chartering standards for national banks, permitted
these banks to issue currency; dual system of
federally-chartered, state-chartered banks; June 3, 1864
- National Bank Act of 1864 revised chartering, reserve
requirements for national banks.
May 1, 1863 - Edmund
Aiken, Samuel Nickerson, Byron Rice, Samuel W. Allerton,
Benjamin P. Hutchinson adopted formal articles of
association; May 7, 1863 - elected board of directors;
June 22, 1863 - First National Bank of Chicago received approval (# 8) from
Comptroller of the Currency; July 1, 1863 -
opened; Edmund Aiken (of Aiken & Norton, private
bankers) as President; 1902 -
second-largest bank; 1972 - installed two ATMs in
headquarters lobby; 1973 - established offices in
25 countries; 1974 - highest usage of any ATMs in
United States; 1984 - acquired Chicago-based
American National Corporation, holding company for Chicago’s
fifth-largest bank (leader in middle-market banking); 1987
- acquired First United Financial Services Inc., five-bank
holding company in western, northwestern Chicago suburbs;
acquired Beneficial National Bank
USA (Wilmington, DE); became third-largest issuer of bank credit
cards in United States; 1995 - merged with NBD
Bancorp., formed First Chicago NBD, largest banking company
based in Midwest;
October 2,
1998 - merged with Bank One Corp.; nation's 5th largest
bank holding company.
May 16, 1863
- Group of businessmen, bankers founded Rotterdamsche Bank (RB)
to establish credit institution modeled on Britain's Colonial
Bank to meet growing borrowing requirements of companies
operating in Dutch East Indies;
April 19, 1911 -merged with Rotterdam's
Deposito- en Administratie Bank (est. 1900), formed
Rotterdamsche Bankvereeniging (Robaver); grew into one of
largest banks in country; 1924
- Dutch Minister of Finance, Hendrik Colijn, instructed
Nederlandsche Bank, central bank, to assist Robaver (obliged to
sell all its interests in banks with foreign branches);
1947 - renamed
Rotterdamsche Bank; 1964
- merged with Amsterdamsche Bank (AB), formed
Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank (Amro Bank), registered in Amsterdam.
June 20, 1863 -
First national bank charter issued to First National Bank of
Philadelphia; National Bank of Davenport, Iowa (organized under
Currency Act of 1863) first National Bank in America to open (by
mistake); banks under the new charter system instructed to start
business on Monday (June 22); notice arrived on Saturday (June
20), bank opened, beat everyone else by 48 hours.
May 4, 1864
- Napoleon III signed decree authorizing founding of Societe
Generale as limited company; 1870
- 15 branches in Paris, 32 in the French provinces;
1894 - branches
started to provide short-term operating credits for
industrialists, traders; 1920s
- France's leading bank: 864 seasonal offices in
1930 to penetrate provincial market, 1,457 sales outlets in
1933; 1945 -
nationalized (State as sole shareholder);
1966/1967 - distinction between deposit,
investment banking reduced, home mortgage market created;
acquired leading positions in new financing techniques designed
primarily for companies (finance leasing), setting up
specialized credit subsidiaries;
1971 - introduced automatic cash machines,
credit card; July 29, 1987
- privatized (excellent risk-coverage, equity, productivity
ratios); 1997 -
acquired Credit du Nord; 2004
- created GIMS Global Investment Management and Services;
January 24, 2008 -
lost $7.15 billion dollars in credit derivatives trading by
rogue trader (Jerome Kerviel);
February 21. 2008 - reported record
fourth-quarter loss of $4.95 billion (after absorbing rogue
trading loss), potential takeover target.
March 3, 1865 -
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Company Limited opened in Hong
Kong; based on prospectus written by Thomas Sutherland, Hong
Kong Superintendent of Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation
Company, and initial capital of HK$5 million raised at
provisional meeting on August 6, 1864;
April 1865 - Shanghai office opened;
December 1866 -
assumed name The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation by
incorporating under special Hong Kong ordinance allowing Bank to
maintain local head office without losing responsibility for
issuing banknotes, holding government funds; 1989 - registration
under Hong Kong Companies Ordinance completed, name changed to
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.
September 1,
1868 - Isaias William Hellman founded Hellman,
Temple and Co., Los Angeles's second (but first successful)
bank; April 3, 1871
- with John G. Downey founded Farmers and Merchants Bank (lent
money to Harrison Gray Otis to buy the Los Angeles Times, to
Henry Huntington to build Pacific Electric line); first
incorporated bank in Los Angeles;
1956 - merged with Security First National Bank
(formed by 1929 merger of Security Bank with Los Angeles First
National Trust and Savings Bank, 8th largest bank in US); later
named Security Pacific National Bank;
1992 - acquired by Bank of America.
- Dexter Horton founded Seattle's first bank, later named
- J. P. Morgan, Anthony Drexel (Philadelphia) formed merchant
bank Drexel, Morgan & Co. as agent for European investors in U.
S.; 1935 - last
bank in United States to combine broad range of commercial,
investment banking capabilities;
1959 - J.P. Morgan & Co. merged with Guaranty
Trust Company; created Morgan Guaranty Trust Company, one of
world's largest trust operations; 1989 - granted authority by
Federal Reserve Board to underwrite corporate debt;
July 13, 1989 -
offered 9.20% notes for Xerox Corporation, first corporate debt
securities offering underwritten by commercial bank affiliate in
United States since Glass-Steagall signed into law in 1933;
1990 - application
to underwrite stocks approved by Federal Reserve Board;
1997 - fourth
largest securities underwriter in world;
2000 - merged with Chase Manhattan Corp.
(combined four of largest, oldest money center banking
institutions in New York City; renamed J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.;
July 2004 - merged
with Bank One Corp.; 2005
- 2,641 retail branches in 17 states under Chase name;
2008 - assets of
$1.2 trillion, operations in more than 50 countries.
December 5, 1871 -
Group of mainly German banks, led by Bank fur Handel und
Industrie of Darmstadt, established Amsterdamsche Bank (AB) in
Amsterdam to create Dutch bank that would be instrumental in
bonding Dutch, German money markets;
1911 - took over number of local banks,
turned them into branches; October
1947 - Amsterdamsche Bank merger agreement with
Incasso-Bank; considerably expanded AB's branch network;
1964 - AB merged
with Rotterdamsche Bank, created Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank (Amro
Bank), registered in Amsterdam.
1872 - Basler Bankverein opened in
Basle; nominal share capital of 30 million Swiss Francs (6
million paid-up); 1896
- merged with Zurrcher Bankverein, established Basler and
Zurrcher Bankverein; after take-over of Basler Depositen-Bank,
name changed to Schweizerischer Bankverein;
1917 - name changed to Swiss Bank
Corporation (SBC); 1918
- assets exceeded one billion Swiss francs (1001.5 million) for
first time; June 27/28, 1998
- merged with UBS; renamed UBS AG; one of largest banks in
Europe, world's largest Private Banking and Asset Management
institution (client funds of 1,320 billion Swiss francs), among
four largest financial services companies in world (market
capitalization of 85 billion Swiss francs).
July 11, 1874 -
John W. Hinds, W. L. Tisdale, G. P. Starks founded Farmers
National Gold Bank in San Jose, CA;
1880 - name changed to First National
Bank of San Jose; 1979
- name changed to Bank of the West;
1998 - merged with Honolulu-based First
Hawaiian Bank; new holding company named BancWest Corporation;
May 2002 - BNP
Paribas, largest shareholder, acquired balance of stock; merging
United California bank (UCB) into Bank of the West, formed
institution with $25 billion in assets, 6,000 employees;
2006 - operated
nearly 680 banking locations in 19 Western, Midwestern states;
third-largest Western-based commercial bank in U.S.
12, 1877 - John Thompson, Samuel C. Thompson
(son), Isaac W. White (dry goods), Francis G. Adams (banker),
Lewis E. Ransom (drug importer) established bank in one-room
office on ground floor at 117 Broadway in lower Manhattan (25
feet wide, $150/first month's rent); named Chase National Bank
of the City of New York (after Salmon Portland Chase, Lincoln's
Secretary of the Treasury, father of National Banking System);
September 20, 1877 - bank opened; Colonel Samuel
C. Thompson as president (died in 1884); 1886 -
Henry White Cannon, former Comptroller of the Currency,
succeeded John
Thompson; 1911 - Alonzo Barton Hepburn (also
former Comptroller of the Currency), Albert Henry Wiggin built
Chase into third largest bank in New York; 1930 -
world's largest bank (assets of $2.7 billion); merged with The
Equitable Trust Company of New York (controlled by Rockefeller
family); world's largest bank (assets, deposits); 1947
- established first post-war branches in Germany, Japan;
January 13, 1955 - merged with Bank of Manhattan
Company; formed Chase Manhattan Bank; 1958 -
introduced Chase Manhattan Charge Plan, first New York City
bank, one of first in nation to offer customers single retail
charge account that provided credit at citywide network of
stores; late 1970s - introduced Chase Money Card,
first Visa debit card offered by bank in New York;
1979 - among
first to introduce NOW checking accounts (after regulatory
approval); 1984 - acquired Lincoln First Bank
(Rochester, NY); 330 branches across state, largest branch
network in New York; 1987 - first commercial
banking institution to receive Federal Reserve Board approval to
underwrite commercial paper (underwrite, deal in paper for its
own account); 1996 - merged into Chemical Banking
Corp., created largest bank holding company in United States;
1999 - acquired Hambrecht & Quist, San Francisco
investment bank (specialist in technology industry); 2000
- acquired The Beacon Group, merger and acquisition advisory and
private investment firm, London-based Robert Fleming Holdings
Ltd., asset management and investment banking firm;
2000 - merged with J. P. Morgan & Co.
John Thompson - founder, Chase National Bank
Albert Henry Wiggin - President, Chase
National Bank
June 6, 1879 -
William A. Lemly, president of Bank of Salem since 1874, moved
bank to Winston-Salem, NC; renamed Wachovia National Bank;
1911 - merged with
Wachovia Loan and Trust (founded June 15, 1893 by Francis H.
Fries as North Carolina's first trust company); formed Wachovia
Bank and Trust Company; largest bank in South, largest trust
operation between Baltimore and New Orleans (deposits of $4
million); December 12, 1986
- acquired First Atlanta (founded as Atlanta National Bank on
September 14, 1865; later renamed First National Bank of
Atlanta); September 4, 2001
- merged with First Union Corporation; renamed Wachovia
Corporation; November 1, 2004
- acquired SouthTrust Corporation (Birmingham, AL) for $14.3
billion; largest bank in the southeast, fourth largest bank in
United States (in terms of holdings), second largest bank (in
terms of number of branches); March
1, 2006 - acquired WFS Financial Inc.,
ninth-largest auto finance lender in U.S. auto finance market;
2007 - fourth
largest bank holding company in United States (based on assets),
third largest U.S. full-service brokerage firm based on client
- Colonel Samuel Pomeroy Colt founded Industrial Trust Company
of Providence, RI (first president);
1954 - Providence Union merged with
Industrial Trust, formed Industrial National Bank;
1968 - formed
holding company, Industrial Bancorp;
1970 - renamed Industrial National
Corporation; 1982 - renamed Fleet Financial Group, Inc.;
1988 - acquired
Norstar (formerly Union Bank), formed Fleet/Norstar Financial
Group; 1992 - name
reverted to Fleet Financial Group, Inc.;
1999 - acquired BankBoston, renamed
Fleet Boston Corporation; 2000
- renamed FleetBoston Financial Corporation;
2001 -
eighth-largest U.S. financial holding company, dominant bank in
New England; 2003 -
acquired by Bank of America for $48 billion.
Samuel Pomeroy Colt
- Fleet Financial
October 1886
- William H. Crocker (son of Charles Crocker), R. C.
Woolworth, W. E. Brown incorporated Crocker-Woolworth
National Bank (founded 1883 as Crocker-Woolworth & Co.
private bank); 1893 - Crocker succeeded as President;
September 1, 1906
- became The Crocker National Bank of San Francisco;
1986 -
acquired by Wells Fargo.
March 12, 1887
- Iberia Building Association founded in New Iberia, LA (Iberia
Parish covered area of 575 square miles); Fred Gates, president;
first lending institution in area; assets of $4,341;
1956 - name changed
to Iberia Savings & Loan; 1971
- assets of $50 million; 1985
- state dropped restrictions on thrifts' opening branches in
more than one parish; permitted Louisiana-chartered, commercial
bank holding companies to open branches anywhere in state;
1988 - renamed
Iberia Savings Bank; assumed deposits of Acadia Savings & Loan
(branches in two more parishes-Acadia and Lafayette);
1995 - formed ISB
Financial Corporation, holding company, to acquire capital stock
of Iberia Savings; April 1995
- went public; December
1997 - converted
Iberia Savings to Louisiana-chartered commercial bank; renamed
ISB Financial renamed IBERIABANK Corporation;
2011 - $9.9 billion
in assets, 786 employees at 103 locations; Louisiana's major
financial institution.
July 1, 1891 -
Officers, directors from Third National Bank (founded 1863,
merged with Shawmut bank in 1901) chartered State Street Deposit
& Trust Company in Boston, MA; 1897
- name changed to State Street Trust Company;
1899 - Allan Forbes
joined bank, deposits grew from less than $2 million to more
than $187 million (1955); 1924
- named custodian of first U.S. mutual fund;
1925 - merged with
National Union Bank of Boston (chartered June 25, 1792 by
Governor John Hancock as third bank chartered in Massachusetts;
national charter in 1865); 1955
- State Street merged with Second National Bank;
1960 - incorporated
as State Street Boston Financial Corp. (one-bank holding
company); 1961 -
merged with Rockland-Atlas National Bank (chartered in 1863),
formed State Street Bank and Trust Company; 1975 - changed focus
to securities processing; 1977
- name changed to State Street Boston Corporation;
1991 - assets under
custody surpassed $1 trillion; 37th largest holding company in
United States; 1992
- assets under management reached $100 billion;
1997 - name changed
to State Street Corporation; 1999
- total assets under custody of $6 trillion, assets under
management exceeded $600 billion;
2001 - 24th consecutive year of double-digit
operating EPS growth; 2003
- acquired substantial parts of Deutsche Bank's Global
Securities Services (GSS); largest U.S. mutual fund custodian
(responsible for more than 40% of more than $1 trillion in
securities held by America's mutual funds).
March 10, 1902 -
Attorney General Philander Knox filed an anti-trust suit against
J. P. Morgan's Northern Securities Company; case revolved around
whether or not Northern Securities, New Jersey-based holding
concern for Morgan's western railroad business, violated Sherman
Anti-Trust Act; early
1904 - Supreme
Court ruled against Northern Securities, handed Theodore
Roosevelt and Knox high-profile victory in war on trusts.
August 9, 1904 -
Libanus McLouth Todd, of Rochester, NY received patent for a
"Printing Stamp" ("particularly adapted for marking or embossing
on checks, drafts, and similar instruments words or figures
indicating a limiting amount beyond which such instrument is not
good"); the protectograph; protected against check forgers;
March 14, 1905 -
received a second patent for a "Printing-Stamp" ("construction
of the device is simplified, but the operations necessary to
effect the marking of the check may be readily accomplished and
the marking surfaces or forms readily changed to bring one or
the other of the series contained on the printing-wheel in
position for printing.
October 17, 1904 - Amadeo Peter
Giannini, former director of Columbus Savings and Loan
Society, opened Bank of Italy in former saloon space of
Anania Quilici (bought lease for $1,200) on Montgomery
Avenue in North Beach (later renamed Columbus Avenue),
San Francisco, CA; capitalized at $300,000 (all that he
had, his spouse's entire patrimony, his step father's
major contribution, money from partners of Italian
origin); bank for "people who had never used one"; first
day's deposits totaled $8,780;
1906 - rescued $80,000 in cash
before bank building burned during San Francisco
earthquake (hid it in wagon full of oranges, brought it
to his house for safekeeping); used money to reopen bank
days before any other bank, began making loans from
plank-and-barrel counter on waterfront;
1909 -
bought first branch, struggling San Jose bank;
1910 -
assets of $6.5 million;
1920 - assets totaled $157 million, far
outstripping growth of any other California bank,
dwarfed onetime benefactor, Crocker National;
sidestepped Federal Reserve system regulation which did
not allow member banks to open new branches
(establishing separate state banks for southern and
northern California, in addition to Bank of Italy, as
well as another national bank, put them all under
control of a new holding company, BancItaly;
1927 -
California regulations changed to permit branch banking,
Giannini consolidated four banks into Bank of America of
California; 1928
- created another holding company to supplant BancItaly;
called Transamerica to symbolize what Giannini hoped to
accomplish in banking; 1929
- assets exceeded $1 billion mark;
1936 - fourth-largest banking
institution in United States (second-largest savings
bank), assets of $2.1 billion;
1945 - assets of $5 billion,
passed Chase Manhattan to become world's largest bank;
1957 -
Federal Reserve forced Transamerica to separate from
Bank of America; 1959
- first bank to fund a small-business investment
company; first U.S. bank to adopt electronic,
computerized recordkeeping;
1960 - assets totaled $11.9
billion; 1961
- operations completely computerized;
1968 -
BankAmerica Corporation created as holding company to
hold assets of Bank of America N.T. & S.A., to help bank
expand, better challenge archrival, Citibank;
1971 - A.
W. "Tom" Clausen succeeded Rudy Peterson as chief
executive officer (CEO);
1971-1978 - only one of 20 largest U.S.
banks to average 15% growth;
1981 - $112.9 billion in assets;
1986 -
First Interstate Bancorp offered $2.78 billion in
unsolicited bid for nation's second-largest banking
group - rejected; April 22,
1992 - merged with Security Pacific
Corporation, largest merger in history of banking;
became nation's second-largest bank with nearly $190
billion in assets, $150 billion in deposits;
September 30, 1998
- merged with NationsBank in $65 billion deal; largest
bank in United States, $572 billion in total assets.printing.
1905 -
M. Downer founded Bank of Pinole (CA) with a small floor safe in a one-room office
as an independent community bank; took title of Cashier;
1915 - became Second Vice President of The Mechanics
Bank; 1919 - acquired controlling interest, became
its President; 1939 - E.M. Downer Jr. became
President; 1941-1945 - Bank's assets increased nearly 450%;
1971 - E. M. Downer III took over; 1995
- over $1 billion in assets; one of largest banks
headquartered in San Francisco Bay Area (over $2.5 billion in
November 23, 1907 - C. J. and Carrie Walker
founded Farmers and Merchants Bank in Long Beach, CA (assets of
$25,000); 1938 - Gus Walker (son) became
President; 1979 - Kenneth G. Walker (grandson)
named President; largest sector - commercial real estate
lending; 2007 - assets of $3 billion.
June 2,
1908 - H. M. Victor opened Union National Bank
behind a roll-top desk in the lobby of Charlotte's Buford Hotel;
July 18, 1958 -
merged with First National Bank and Trust Company of Asheville,
NC, became First Union National Bank of North Carolina;
1964 - merged with
Cameron Brown; one of first banks to offer full line of
mortgage, insurance products; first bank in country to link its
branches by satellite for data transmission;
April 1998 -
acquired CoreStates Financial Corporation;
September 4, 2001 - merged with
Wachovia; renamed Wachovia Corporation.
December 1, 1909
- Pennsylvania Trust Company (Carlisle, PA) became the first
financial institution in the country to set up Christmas Club
accounts for customers looking to put their earnings into a
savings account.
- Group of Dixon, CA residents organized Northern Solano Bank,
state-chartered savings bank; opened 12 days later in remodeled
former ice cream parlor with a staff of two;
May 1911 - moved to
new bank building, shared space withhaberdashery, harness maker,
cigar maker, Wells Fargo Express Company, Pacific Telephone;
1962 - $7,700,000
in deposits; January 1, 1980
- relinquished Federal Charter in favor of State Charter
(reduced Federal Reserve requirements, operated with higher
lending limits); name changed to First Northern Bank of Dixon;
2000 – Board of
Directors voted to create First Northern Community Bancorp, bank
holding company; 2002
– received Trust Powers from California Department of Financial
Institutions and FDIC.
March 21, 1910
- First National Bank of Deerwood (Deerwood Bank) incorporated
in Deerwood, MN (pop. 590), along Northern Pacific Railway;
1997 - acquired
from Skone family by Luke Spalj;
July 2005 - acquired Northland Community Bank;
June 30, 2008 - assets of $231,223,000;
2010 - 9 locations;
privately owned for over 98 years.
June 22, 1914 -
Kaspere Cohn established Kaspere Cohn Commercial and Savings
Bank in Los Angeles, CA, managed by Ben R. Meyer, Milton E. Getz
(sons-in-law); March 1918
- name changed to Union Bank and Trust Company of Los Angeles;
January 1958 - name
changed to Union Bank; 1967
- Union Bancorp, one-bank holding company, established;
1979 - acquired by
Standard Chartered PLC; 1988
- acquired by California First Bank (subsidiary of The Bank of
Tokyo California); April 1996
- Bank of California, Union Bank consolidated into UnionBanCal
Corporation, bank holding company, primary subsidiary Union Bank
of California, N.A.; 1999
- UnionBanCal Corporation went public, majority-owned by The
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.; among 25 largest banks in
Kaspere Cohn - Union Bank of Los Angeles
May 1, 1927 -
Corporation, newly-formed subsidiary of Eastman Kodak Co.,
Rochester, NY, began
commercial manufacture of
Recordak, the
first check photographing device designed to make
permanent film copies of all bank records; photographed checks
on a conveyor belt onto 16mm motion picture film before they
were returned to customers; invented by George Lewis McCarthy
who called it a Checkograph;
January 15, 1929 - Recordak Corporation registered "Recordak"
trademark first used March 7, 1928 (photographic recording
machines, viewing devices for photographs and projected images,
photographic film, [and photographic spools]);
February 25, 1930 -
George L.
McCarthy, of Rye, NY, New York City banker, and Abraham Novick,
of Flushing, NY, received a patent for a "Photographing
Apparatus", the 'Checkograph'; 1935 -
used in
libraries to make microfilm records; New York Public
Library photographed New York Times of the WWI period.
January 20,
1930 - Second Hague Peace Conference established
(Owen) Young Plan to address issue of reparation payments
imposed on Germany by Treaty of Versailles following First World
War; created Bank for International Settlements as trustee for
Dawes and Young Loans (international loans issued to finance
reparations), to promote central bank cooperation in general;
oversaw functions previously performed by Agent General for
Reparations in Berlin: collect, administer, distribute annuities
payable as reparations; Bank's name derived from this original
role; world's oldest international financial institution,
principal centre for international central bank cooperation.
December 11,
1930 - New York's branch of Bank of the United
States announced that it had gone belly-up; held the savings of
some 400,000 depositors, including a number of immigrants;
imperiled the finances of roughly one-third of New York and
stood as the nation's single worst bank failure.
1931 - Collapse of German banking
system; 3,000 banks closed.
February 2, 1932
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) opened; initially
equipped with $500 million, license to borrow up to $2 billion
in tax exempt bonds; charged with making loans to banks,
insurance companies, other institutions to spark nation's
ravaged economy; bulwark of New Deal.
June 16, 1933
- President Roosevelt signed the banking Act of 1933;
established Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC);
January 1, 1934 - FDIC insurance started at $2,500
level; 1935 - Banking Act of 1935 provided for
permanent deposit insurance, started at $5,000 level; 1950
- coverage increased to $10,000 ($15,000 in 1966; $20,000 in
1969; $40,000 in 1974; $100,000 in 1980); 1989 -
largest number of bank failures in FDIC history (206);
January 2004-February 2007 - longest period in FDIC
history without bank failure; 2005 - Federal Deposit Insurance
Reform Act provided increased coverage of $250,000 for certain
retirement accounts.
January 25, 1937
- Mary Roebling (31) assumed job as newly elected president of
Trenton Trust (family's bank, after husband's death at 45;
unanimously elected by board); assets of $11 million, 14-story
office building, $4 million in debt, struggling to stay afloat
during Great Depression; 1951
- assets increased nearly fourfold ($70 million); landed account
of U.S. Steel; first woman governor of American Stock Exchange;
1972 - bank merged
National State Bank of Elizabeth (Roebling chairman of
consolidated bank); 1978
- founder of first female-owned bank (Woman's Bank of Denver);
first woman to head major U.S. bank.
December 27, 1945
- 28 nations signed agreement to create The World Bank;
International Monetary Fund, Bank for Reconstruction and
Development also created.
November 12, 1946
- Exchange National Bank of Chicago, Illinois, instituted first
drive-in banking service in America (drive-through teller
window); featured tellers' windows protected by heavy
bullet-proof glass, sliding drawers that enabled drivers to
conduct their business from comfort of their vehicle.
April 15, 1952
Franklin National Bank issued first bank credit card.
January 13, 1955
- Chase
National, Bank of Manhattan agreed to merge, resulted in second
largest U.S. bank.
- BankAmerica issued its first credit card, BankAmericard;
March 1, 1977
- card name changed to VISA.
May 9, 1956 -
Congress passed Bank Holding Company Act of 1956; prohibited
company from owning both banking, non-banking entities; allowed
holding companies that owned one bank to diversify into some
non-banking activities.
July 1956
- Stanford Research Institute demonstrated Magnetic Ink
Character Reading (MICR), techniques of machine reading of
characters printed in magnetic ink (in code of bars and Arabic
numbers) to Bank Management Committee of American Bankers'
Association; recommended adoption of principle of MICR as
standard for all member banks;
September 12, 1961 - Kenneth R. Eldredge, of
Palo Alto, CA, received a patent for an "Automatic Reading
System" ("...apparatus for reading characters in human language
and providing therefrom signals representative thereof in
machine language"); assigned to General Electric Company;
1963 - universally
employed in U.S.; major MICR fonts used around world: E-13B and
CMC-7 (at bottom of checks).
September 1959
- Origin of electronic banking (nearly decade in design,
testing, manufacture before installation) as Bank of America,
largest bank in world, pioneer of branch banking, installed 32
ERMA systems (Electronic Recording Method of Accounting) in
cities throughout California to automate labor intensive job of
handling customers' checks; first system of automation for
commercial banking; one of first large scale data processing
machines for business vs. scientific, military use (Stanford
Research Institute gave public, press demonstration of prototype
electronic accounting machine in September 1955; B of A selected
General Electric Corporation to manufacture production models in
April 1956); each machine processed up to 33,000 accounts per
hour (output of about 135 experienced bookkeepers); allowed bank
to continue to keep pace with rapid population growth of
California; 1967 -
replaced by an IBM 360.
June 19, 1962 -
Luther G. Simjian, of Greenwich, CT, received a patent for a
"Subscriber Controlled Apparatus" ("caused to be operative upon
insertion of subscriber identification means...and establishing
validity of the identification means during a pre-determined
period of time"); ATM; assigned to Universal Match Corporation;
May 2, 1966 - Anthony Ivan Olievera Davies, of
Gerrards Cross, UK, and James Goodfellow, of Paisley, Scotland
(development engineer with Smiths Industries Ltd), received a
British patent for "Access-Control Equipment" ("money-dispensing
system dispenses a pack of money upon request by an authorized
bank-customer, the request involving presentation to a
card-reader of the customer's individually-allotted
punched-card, and operation of a set ten push-buttons in
accordance with the customer's personal identification number");
1966 - City
National Bank & Trust Company of Columbus, Ohio (dating to 1868
forming of Sessions and Company, renamed by McCoy family),
became one of first banks outside California to introduce
BankAmericard (precursor of Visa); 1968 - with
Farmers Saving & Trust Company (Mansfield, OH) created First
Banc Group of Ohio (multi-bank holding company); 1971
- involved with first major national test of point-of-sale
terminals for processing credit card transactions; 1979
- name changed to Banc One Corporation; 1984 -
acquired Purdue National Corporation (Lafayette, IN), first
out-of-state acquisition; 1994 - owned 81 banks
with more than 1,300 branches in 13 states; 1998 -
merged with First Chicago NBD, took Bank One Corp. name; merged
subsequently with Louisiana’s First Commerce Corp.; became
largest financial services firm in Midwest, fourth-largest bank
in U.S., world’s largest Visa credit card issuer; 1999
- integrated banks in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois
into single bank; changed name to Bank One; 2004 -
nation’s sixth-largest bank holding company; July 2004
- merged with J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
June 27, 1967 -
John Shepherd-Barron, managing director of De La Rue
Instruments, installed self-service banking device, first modern
ATM machine, outside Barclays PLC branch in Enfield, North
London, UK.
March 28, 1972 -
Marion R. Karecki and Thomas R. Barnes, both of Dallas, TX,
received a patent for a "Credit Card Automatic Currency
Dispenser" ("automatically delivers a medium of exchange in
packets in response to a coded credit care presented thereto");
assigned to Docutel Corporation; ATM; May 9, 1972
- Kenneth S. Goldstein, of Dallas, TX, and John D. White, of
Garland, TX, received a patent for a "Credit card Automatic
Currency Dispenser"; assigned to Docutel Corporation;
August 22, 1972 - Marion R. Karecki, of Dallas, TX,
George R. Chastain, of Irving, TX) Thomas R. Barnes, of Dallas,
TX, received a patent for a "Credit Card Automatic Currency
Dispenser"; September 25, 1973 - Thomas R. Barnes,
George R. Chastain, Don C. Wetzel, of Dalals, TX, received a
patent for a "Credit Card Automatic Currency Dispenser";
assigned to Docutel Corporation; September 16, 1975
- Anthony Ivan Olievera Davies, of Gerrards Cross, UK, and James
Goodfellow, of Paisley, Scotland, received a U. S. patent for
"Access-Control Equipment"; ATM.
1974 - Central Bank
Governors of the Group of Ten countries created Basel Committee
on Banking Supervision to provide forum for regular cooperation
on banking supervisory matters, to enhance understanding of key
supervisory issues, improve quality of banking supervision
worldwide; formulates broad supervisory standards and
guidelines; recommends statements of best practice; members come
from Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United
States; represented by central bank, by authority with formal
responsibility for prudential supervision of banking business
where this is not central bank; 12 member permanent fifteen
person Secretariat located at Bank for International Settlements
in Basel, Switzerland; 1988
- Committee introduced capital measurement system (Basel Capital
Accord); provided for implementation of credit risk measurement
framework with minimum capital standard of 8% by end-1992;
June 1999 - issued
proposal for revised Capital Adequacy Framework (minimum capital
requirements, supervisory review of an institution's internal
assessment process and capital adequacy; effective use of
disclosure to strengthen market discipline as complement to
supervisory efforts); June 26, 2004
- Basel II (revised framework) issued; rules for measuring bank
risk, determining capital adequacy to absorb risk.
December 31,
1975 - Congress passed Home Mortgage Disclosure
Act of 1975 (effective June 28, 1976; implemented by the Federal
Reserve Board's Regulation C); provided public loan data that
could be used to determine whether financial institutions were
serving housing needs of their communities; assist public
officials in distributing public-sector investments so as to
attract private investment to areas where needed; identify
possible discriminatory lending patterns ('redlining').
October 12, 1977
- Congress enacted Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 to
encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs
of the communities in which they operated; established
affirmative action requirement in federal law that banks provide
credit to entire service area,. including low and moderate
income neighborhoods, required bank regulators to assess bank
performance in meeting requirement; authorized, required bank
regulators to use supervisory authority to encourage banks to
comply with Act requirements to meet community credit needs.
March 31, 1980
- President Jimmy Carter signed Depository Institutions
Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 (To facilitate the
implementation of monetary policy, to provide for the gradual
elimination of all limitations on the rates of interest which
are payable on deposits and accounts, and to authorize
interest-bearing transaction accounts, and for other purposes);
forced all banks to abide by rules of Federal Reserve; allowed
banks to merge; removed power of Federal Reserve Board of
Governors under Glass-Steagall Act and Regulation Q to set
interest rates of savings accounts; raised deposit insurance of
US banks, credit unions from $40,000 to $100,000; allowed credit
unions, savings and loans to offer checkable deposits; phased out all
savings rate ceilings on consumer accounts over six-year period;
deregulated banking industry.
September 1, 1982
- Mexico President Lopez Portillo nationalized banks.
1986 - Rate
ceilings imposed by Glass-Steagall Act completely removed.
July 29, 1988
- FDIC bailed out First Republic Bank, Dallas ($3.6 billion);
NCNB Corporation took bank over with federal assistance.
3, 1994 - President
Clinton signed federal Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and
Branching Efficiency Act, made national banking law of land;
fall 1995 - permitted bank holding companies to buy
banks throughout United States; June 1997 -
permitted nationwide branching (branch offices owned, operated
by single bank).
March 28, 1995
- Japan's Mitsubishi Bank, world's largest bank, merged
with Bank of Tokyo.
April 6, 1998 -
Citibank announced agreement to merge with Travelers Insurance;
$166 billion
merger largest ever to date;
October 8,
1998 - completed, renamed Citigroup (net
revenues of nearly $50 billion,
assets of almost $700 billion);
became first ``universal bank'' since Glass-Steagall Act of 1933
(prohibited commercial banking, underwriting under same roof);
announced while Glass-Steagall, The Banking Act of 1956 in full
April 13, 1998 -
NationsBank, BankAmerica announced $62.5 billion merger.
August 12, 1998
- Swiss banks agreed to pay $1.25 billion as restitution to
Holocaust survivors to settle claims for their assets.
1999 - Congress
passed Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, removed remaining barriers,
allowed financial companies to compete fully across market
segments; allowed banks to acquire full-service brokerage,
investment banking firms.
March 28,
2003 -
HSBC Holdings plc completed acquisition of
Household International, Inc., biggest American finance company
(consumer loans, credit cards; had settled predatory lending
suit, over lending practices in "subprime" market for home
loans, with attorneys general in 46 states for $484 million in
October 2002) for $14.8 billion; HSBC's biggest acquisition;
considered deal that fueled growth
in subprime mortgage lending market;
March 2009
- wrote off most of value of sub-prime
business (charge of $10.6 billion in United States, 44% jump in
bad debts to $24.9 billion); shut U.S. consumer lending business
(800 Household Financial, Beneficial offices).
January 14, 2004
- J.P. Morgan Chase agreed to buy Bank One Corporation for $58
October 13, 2006
- Muhammad Yunus, Bangladeshi economist and founder of Grameen
Bank, Bangladesh, won the Nobel Peace Prize for pioneering work
in giving tiny loans to millions of poor people no commercial
bank would touch — destitute widows and abandoned wives,
landless laborers and rickshaw drivers, sweepers and beggars;
made microcredit, as the loans are called, a practical solution
to combating rural poverty in Bangladesh and inspiring similar
schemes across the developing world; 1976 -
reached into his own pocket to give his first loan, $27, to 42
villagers living near Chittagong University where he said he was
then teaching "elegant theories of economics"; borrowers
invested the money and repaid him in full, though they had no
collateral and signed nothing; 2005 - more than
100 million people received small loans from more than 3,100
institutions in 130 countries, according to Microcredit Summit,
Washington-based nonprofit advocacy group that Mr. Yunus helped
found.; average loan from Grameen Bank was $130.
November 16, 2006
- Citigroup Inc., biggest U.S. financial institution, won
yearlong bidding war by overseas suitors for stake in China's
500-branch Guangdong Development Bank; consortium led by
Citigroup will pay US$3.1 billion for an 85.6 percent stake;
Citigroup will have a 20 percent share of the bank, which is
owned by the provincial government (complies with a 25 percent
cap on foreign ownership in the banking sector); first time a
foreign-led consortium has won right to manage mid-size Chinese
July 2007 - The
Bank of New York Company, Inc. merged with Mellon Financial
Corporation of Pittsburgh; renamed Bank of New York Mellon.
November 5, 2007
- Citicorp reported fourth-quarter write-down of between
$8 billion to $11 billion related to subprime mortgages, on top
of a $5.9 billion dollar writedown announced in October;
sold $7.5 billion stake to Abu
Dhabi Investment Authority to shore up its capital base;
Charles O. Prince III fired as
CEO (since October 2003); January 14, 2008 -
reported fourth-quarter results - $18.1 billion write-down on
subprime mortgage-related exposures (much higher than early
November estimate of $8 - $11 billion); disclosed $12.5 billion
investment - sold $6.6 billion stakes to foreign investors
(including Korean, Kuwaiti governments); $9.83 billion loss for
quarter, largest quarterly loss in bank's history; 41% dividend
cut planned.
December 10, 2007
- UBS, world’s largest provider of banking services to wealthy,
wrote down a further $10 billion in value of its mortgage-backed
assets, on top of $3.7 billion charge in October
(reported first quarterly loss in
5 years); biggest casualty
of American home-mortgage crisis among banks outside United
States; sold more than 10% stake to investors from Singapore,
Middle East (Government of Singapore Investment Corporation,
G.I.C., will invest $9.7 billion, unnamed Middle Eastern
investor will inject $1.8 billion into bank); January 30,
2008 - warned it would mark down additional $4 billion
in securities, brought total subprime-related residential
mortgage write down to about $18 billion, first annual loss
since was formed in 1998 merger; March 31, 2008 -
wrote down another $19 billion related to "U.S. real estate
and related structured credit positions" (total of more than
$37 billion); Marcel Ospel, chairman, stepped down. sought new
capital of about $15 billion (second plan to raise new funds
since credit crisis began).
February 17, 2008 -
Bankrate.com reported that cash machine (A. T. M.) owners
charged 'out-of-network' customers $1.78 per A. T. M.
transaction, on average in 2007 (vs. $.89 in 1997). Americans paid
almost $4.4 billion in A. T. M. fees in 2007.
April 21, 2008 -
Final Subprime Tally - $300 billion in losses; $160 billion
May 10, 2008 -
Estimated 9 million American households (10.3% of all
single-family homes) owe more on their homes than their homes
are worth; 4.8% of home loans were in foreclosure or
delinquent by 60 days or more at end of 2007 (source: Mortgage
Bankers Association).
July 16, 2008 -
Assets at failed banks highest since 1990s; of 52 fund-raising
efforts by banks in 2008, investors have gains in only two bank
stocks; average deal down 45%.
July 19, 2008 -
52-week change in S & P 500 Financial stocks since autumn 1990:
1) absolute performance of S & P index of financial stocks in S
& P 500 (excluding dividends); 2) how many percentage points
financial index outperformed or underperformed full S & P 500;
July 15. 2008 - worst 52 weeks ever (in absolute,
relative terms) since S & P began calculating financial index
(1989), down 53% (absolute) at low (previous record down 44% in
fall 1990; subsequent 52 weeks, financials rose 58%); down 31%
(relative) more than overall S & P 500 (two equivalent
underperformances in 1990, March 2000; previously signaled buy
July 23, 2008 -
Rising mortgage rates: 12-month high on conforming 30-year
mortgages; rates on jumbo loans ($729750 or less) returned to
December 2000 levels.
September 27,
2008 - Change in banking landscape - JP Morgan,
largest US commercial bank ($905 billion).
October 14, 2008
- Banking industry recapitalization - most sweeping government
move into U. S. capital markets since Great Depression: 1)
invest $250 billion in preferred stock of 9 banks; 2) guarantee
new senior debt issued by banks over next 3 years; 3) provide
unlimited FDIC insurance to all noninterest-bearing accounts.

December 31,
2008 - The average rate on 30-year fixed-rate
mortgages fell for ninth week in row, third consecutive all-time
low since Freddie Mac started Primary Mortgage Market Survey of
conventional, conforming mortgages in April 1971; averaged
5.10%, down from 5.14% last week, 6.07% year ago; 15-year
fixed-rate mortgages averaged 4.83%, down from 4.91% last week,
5.68% year ago (lowest since average rate of 4.70% on March 25,
2004); since end of October 2008 - rates have declined by about
1.33 percentage points (payment savings of approximately $173 a
month for $200,000 loan).
May 2009
Loan quality at American banks worst in at least quarter
century, deteriorating at fastest pace ever (source: FDIC);
unprecedented volume of old-fashioned loans going bad (charts
include loans more than 30 days behind in payments; percentage
at least 90 days overdue, or on which the bank has stopped
accruing interest or written off, higher than at any time since
1984 when FDIC began collecting data - annual rate of 7.79% for
charge-offs for bad consumer debt = about one in seven
classified as troubled). Total book of loans, leases at all U.S.
banks (as of 3/31/09) totaled $7.7 trillion; 7.75% showed some
sign of distress (up from 6.9% as of December 31, 2008, up from
4.1% year earlier - highest year-to-year increase ever);
proportion of troubled loans at historic low in mid-2006.

February 2010
- Total end of 2009 volume of loans,
leases outstanding of $7.3 trillion (peaked in mid-2008 at just
under $8 trillion); more than $1 in every $10 in outstanding
American bank loans lent to troubled borrower = ratio far higher
than in previous quarter-century (source: Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation); construction loans for single-family homes =
greatest difficulty: nearly 40% of loans either delinquent or written off as uncollectible; mortgage loans for single-family homes - $1 in every
$8 of loans in trouble;
commercial real estate loans - 6.3% either
behind in payments or being classified by banks as doubtful
for repayment; banks
charged off 2.9% of outstanding loans (highest rate since
1934); 5.4% of all loans at least 90 days behind, another
1.9% more than 30 days overdue; fewer
loans going bad:. lower proportion of loans 30 to 89
days behind in payments since peak earlier in 2009;
higher percentage of loans more than 90 days behind.
(ABN AMRO Bank), Ton van Nimwegen (2002).
Global Banking, Global Values: The In-House Reception of the
Corporate Values of ABN AMRO. (Delft, Netherlands:
Eburon, 300 p.). ABN AMRO Bank--Management; ABN AMRO
Bank--Employees--Attitudes; Banks and banking, Dutch; Corporate
culture; Multiculturalism.
(ABN AMRO Bank), Jeroen Smit; [translated by Donald Gardner
... et al.] (2010).
The Perfect Prey: The Fall of ABN Amro, or What Went Wrong in
the Banking Industry. (Amsterdam, Netherlands:
Prometheus, 431 p.). Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of the
Business Weekly (FEM Business). ABN AMRO Bank; Banks and banking
--Netherlands; Bank mergers --Netherlands; Bank failures
--Netherlands; Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009.
October 9,
2007 - Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) celebrated leading role
in biggest deal in banking history, record 71 billion euros
acquisition of Dutch bank ABN Amro; dismantled bank
at heart of Netherlands economy for 183 years; 2008 - RBS forced into
largest rights issue in British corporate history (underwritten
by Government); downfall of Dutch
institution (disguised by paper profits
of billions every year); one of Europe's largest, longest
established banks -from powerful predator to perfect prey in
little more than decade.
(Acleda Bank plc), Heather A. Clark (2006).
When There Was No Money: Building Acleda Bank in Cambodia’s
Evolving Financial Sector. (New York, NY`: Springer, 256
p.). Trials, triumphs of people who
built employment generating project for demobilized soldiers in
1992 into largest commercial retail bank branch network in
Cambodia by 2003.
(Adirondack Trust Company), Field Horne;
associate editors Douglass M. Mabee, Charles V. Wait (2002).
With the Strength of the Adirondacks: A History of the
Adirondack Trust Company, 1901-2001. (Saratoga Springs,
NY: The Adirondack Trust Company, 319 p.). Adirondack Trust
Company (Saratoga Springs, N.Y.)--History; Banks and
banking--New York (State)--Saratoga Springs; Saratoga County
(Allied Irish Banks Limited), Bob Ryan (2001).
With a Tap on the Knee: Memoirs of a Reluctant Banker.
(Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, IR: MIS Books, 157 p.). Ryan, Bob,
1931- ; Allied Irish Banks Limited--Biography;
Bankers--Biography; Banks and banking--Ireland--History.
(Amarillo National Bank), Thomas Thompson
The Ware Boys: The Story of a Texas Family Bank.
(Canyon, TX: Staked Plains Press, 293 p.). Amarillo National
(American Bank Note Company), William H
Griffiths (1959).
The Story of American Bank Note Company. (Trevose, PA:
The Company, 92 p.). American Bank Note Company.
(American National Bank and Trust), John
Longwith (1984).
Building to Last: The Story of the American National Bank and
Trust Company (Chattanooga, Tennessee). (Chattanooga,
TN: The Company, 163 p.). American National Bank and Trust
Company (Chattanooga, Tenn.)--History; Banks and
(American National Bank of Brunswick), Edwin
H. Ginn (1989). The First Hundred Years: A History of the
American National Bank of Brunswick. (Brunswick, GA: Glover
Printing Co., 134 p.). American National Bank of
Brunswick--History; Banks and
(Australian Mercantile Land and Finance
Company), J.D. Bailey (1966). A Hundred Years of Pastoral
Banking: A History of the Australian Mercantile Land & Finance
Company, 1863-1963. (Oxford, UK: Clarendon, 292 p.).
Australian Mercantile Land and Finance Company.
(Australian Mercantile Land and Finance
Company), Heather B. Ronald (1987). Wool Before the Wind: A
History of the Ronald Family and the Australian Mercantile Land
and Finance Company. (South Yarra, Vic.: Landvale
Enterprises, 248 p.). Ronalds family; Australian Mercantile Land
and Finance Company--History; Land banks--Australia--History;
(ANZ), S.J. Butlin (1961). Australia and
New Zealand Bank; the Bank of Australasia and the Union Bank of
Australia Limited, 1828-1951. (London, UK: Longmans, 459
p.). Bank of Australasia; Union Bank of Australia Limited; Banks
and banking -- Australia; Banks and banking -- New Zealand;
Australia -- Economic conditions; New Zealand -- Economic
(ANZ), D.T. Merrett (1985).
ANZ Bank: A History of the Australia and New Zealand Banking
Group Limited and Its Constituents. (Boston, MA: Allen &
Unwin, 325 p.). Australia and New Zealand Banking Group History;
Banks and banking Australia History; Banks and banking New
Zealand History.
(Banca Nazionale del Lavoro), Valerio
Castronovo (1983). Storia di Una Banca: La Banca Nazionale
del Lavoro e lo Sviluppo Economico Italiano, 1913-1983.
(Torino, IT: G. Einaudi, 386 p.). Banca nazionale del
lavoro--History--20th century; Banks and
banking--Italy--History--20th century; Banks and banking,
Cooperative--Italy--History--20th century.
(Banca Nazionale del Lavoro), Saggio di
Valerio Castronovo; documenti a cura di Maria Rosaria Ostuni
(2002). La BNL: Una Banca a Dimensione Internazionale,
1964-1980. (Firenze, IT: Giunti, 687 p.). Banca nazionale
del lavoro.
(Banca Nazionale del Lavoro), Valerio
Castronovo (2003). Storia di Una Banca: La Banca Nazionale
del Lavoro Nell’Economia Italiana : 1913-2003. (Torino : G.
Einaudi: Torino : G. Einaudi, 451 p.). Banca nazionale del
lavoro--History--20th century; Banks and
banking--Italy--History--20th century; Banks and banking,
Cooperative--Italy--History--20th century.
Santander), Mauro F. Guillen, Adrian Tschoegl (2008).
Building a Global Bank: The Transformation of Banco Santander.
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 266 p.). Director of
the Lauder Institute, Dr. Felix Zandman Professor at the Wharton
School (University of Pennsylvania); Lecturer in Management at
the Wharton School. Banco Santander Central Hispano --History;
Family corporations --Spain --Case studies.
How once-sleepy, family-run provincial
bank in developing economy transformed itself into
financial-services group with more than 66 million customers on
three continents; one of ten largest financial institutions in
world; only large bank in world where three successive
generations of one family have led top management, board of
(Bank for Savings), Charles E. Knowles;
introduction and illustration by Herbert Manchester (1936).
History of the Bank for Savings in the City of New York,
1819-1929. (New York, NY: Bank for Savings, 197 p. [2nd
ed.]). Bank for Savings in the City of New York--History; Banks
and banking--New York (State)--New York--History; New York
(Bank of Baroda), Dwijendra Tripathi, Priti
Misra (1985). Towards a New Frontier: History of the Bank of
Baroda, 1908-1983. (New Delhi, India: Manohar, 313 p.). Bank
of Baroda.
(Bank of British West Africa), Richard Fry
(1976). Title Bankers in West Africa: The Story of the Bank
of British West Africa Limited. (London, UK: Hutchinson, 270
p.). Bank of British West Africa, ltd.
(Bank of California),
Cecil G. Tilton (1935).
William Chapman Ralston, Courageous Builder. (Boston,
MA: The Christopher Publishing House, 474 p.). Ralston, William
Chapman, 1826-1875; Bank of California; Banks and
banking--California--San Francisco.
Chapman Ralston
- Bank of
Sharon - Bank of
(Bank of California), Julian Dana (1936).
The Man Who Built San Francisco; A Study of Ralston's Journey
with Banners. (New York, NY: Macmillan, 397 p.).
Ralston, William Chapman, 1826-1875; San Francisco (Calif.).
(Bank of California), George D. Lyman (1937).
Ralston's Ring; California Plunders the Comstock Lode.
(New York, NY: Scribner, 368 p.). Ralston, William Chapman,
1826-1875.; Sutro, Adolph, 1830-1898; Comstock Lode (Nev.);
(Bank of California), Neill C. Wilson (1964).
400 California Street; the Story of the Bank of California,
National Association, and its First 100 Years in the Financial
Development of the Pacific Coast. (San Francisco, CA:
The Company, 87 p.). Bank of California.
(Bank of California), David Lavender; foreword
by J. E. Wallace Sterling (1975).
Nothing Seemed Impossible: William C. Ralston and Early San
Francisco. (Palo Alto, CA: American West Pub. Co., 415
p.). Ralston, William Chapman, 1826-1875;
Bankers--California--San Francisco--Biography.
(Bank of California), Michael J. Makley
The Infamous King of the Comstock: William Sharon and the Gilded
Age in the West. (Reno, NV: University of Nevada Press,
291 p.). Sharon, William, 1821-1885; United States. Congress.
Senate--Biography; Virginia and Truckee Railroad--History; San
Francisco Stock and Exchange Board--History; Legislators--United
States--Biography; Capitalists and
financiers--Nevada--Biography; Comstock Lode (Nev.)--History;
Nevada--Biography; West (U.S.)--History--1860-1890--Biography.
1864 - Bank of California selected Sharon
to represent its interests on the Comstock - undercut
competition, foreclosed on mines and mills when loans defaulted,
lowered prices, acquired more properties; revived the collapsed
Bank of California, established Bank as primary Comstock
(Bank of Ceylon), The Bank (1989).
Expanding Horizons: Bank of Ceylon's First 50 Years.
(Colombo, Sri Lanka: The Bank, 258 p.). Bank of Ceylon --
History; Banks and banking -- Sri Lanka -- History.
(Bank of Kentucky), Basil W. Duke (1980).
History of the Bank of Kentucky, 1792-1895. (New York,
NY: Arno Press, 140 p. [orig. pub. 1895]). Bank of
(Bank of Lebanon), Abdul-Amir Badrud-Din
The Bank of Lebanon: Central Banking in a Financial Centre and
Entrepôt. (Dover, NH: F. Pinter, 230 p.). Masrif
Lubn¯an; Banks and banking -- Lebanon; Money -- Lebanon.
(Bank of London & South America), David Joslin
(1963). A Century of Banking in Latin America; To Commemorate
the Centenary in 1962 of the Bank of London & South America
Limited. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 307 p.).
Bank of London & South America; Banks and banking -- Latin
America; Banks and banking -- South America.
(Bank of Mississippi), Doug Woolfolk (1982).
The Coast of Mississippi: Its Past and Progress. (Baton
Rouge, LA: Moran Pub., 119 p. [4th ed.]). Gulf Coast
(U.S.)--History; Mississippi--Gulf Coast (U.S.)--History.
(Bank of Montreal), Merrill Denison (1966).
Canada's First Bank: A History of the Bank of Montreal.
(New York, NY: Dodd, Mead, 2 vols.). Bank of Montreal.
(Bank of New South Wales), Keith Sinclair and
W. F. Mandle (1961).
Open Account; A History of the Bank of New South Wales in New
Zealand, 1861-1961 (Wellington, NZ: Whitcombe & Tombs,
266 p.). Bank of New South Wales; Banks and banking -- New
(Bank of New South Wales), R.F. Holder (1970).
Bank of New South Wales, a History (Sydney, AU: Angus
and Robertson, 2 vols., 985 p.). Bank of New South Wales --
(Bank of New York), Edward Streeter (1959).
Window on America: The Growth of America as Seen by New York's
First Bank, 1784-1959. (New York, NY: Bank of New York,
123 p.). Bank of New York. Published on the occasion of the
175th anniversary of the Bank of New York.
Alexander Hamilton
(Bank of New York)
(Bank of New York), Henry W. Domett (1969).
A History of the Bank of New York, 1784-1884. Compiled from
Official Records and Other Sources at the Request of the
Directors. (New York, NY: Greenwood Press, 139 p. [3rd
ed.]). Bank of New York.
(Bank of New York), Allan Nevins (1976).
History of the Bank of New York and Trust Company, 1784 to 1934.
(New York, NY: Arno Press, 156 p. [orig. pub. 1934)]. Bank of
New York. On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of its
(Bank of New Zealand), N.M. Chappell (1961).
New Zealand Banker's Hundred; A History of the Bank of New
Zealand, 1861-1961. (Wellington, NZ: Bank of New
Zealand, 408 p.). Bank of New Zealand; Banks and banking -- New
(Bank of North America), Robert C. Alberts
The Golden Voyage; The Life and Times of William Bingham,
1752-1804. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 570 p.).
Bingham, William, 1752-1804.
(Bank of North Dakota), Alvin Samuel Tostlebe
The Bank of North Dakota: An Experiment in Agrarian Banking.
(New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 210 p.). Bank of North
Dakota; Agricultural credit--North Dakota.
(Bank of Scotland), Richard Saville (1996).
Bank of Scotland: A History, 1695-1995. (Edinburgh, UK:
Edinburgh University Press, 1089 p.). Lecturer in Modern History
(University of St. Andrews). Bank of Scotland--History; Banks
and banking--Scotland--History.
(Bank of Sturgeon Bay), Bill Meindl (1989).
Bank of Sturgeon Bay: The First Century, 1889-1989: One Hundred
Years of Banking in Door County. (Sturgeon Bay, WI: The
Bank, 282 p.). Banks and banking--Wisconsin--History.
(Bank of the Manhattan Company), Gregory S.
Hunter (1989). The Manhattan Company: Managing a Multi-Unit
Corporation in New York, 1799-1842 (New York, NY: Garland
Pub., 332 p.). Bank of the Manhattan
Company--Management--History; Bank management--New York
(State)--New York--History; Banks and banking--New York
(State)--New York--History.
Aaron Burr
- Bank of the
Manhattan Company
(Bank of the State of Missouri), John Ray
Cable (1923).
The Bank of the State of Missouri. (New York, NY:
Columbia University Press, 321 p.). Bank of the State of
Missouri, St. Louis; Banking--Missouri--History.
(Bank of the State of South Carolina), J.
Mauldin Lesesne (1970).
The Bank of the State of South Carolina: A General and Political
History. (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina
Press, 211 p.). Bank of the State of South Carolina, Charleston.
(Bank of Upper Canada), Edited with an
introduction by Peter Baskerville (1987).
The Bank of Upper Canada: A Collection of Documents.
(Toronto, ON: The Champlain Society in cooperation with the
Ontario Heritage Foundation, 400 p.). Bank of Upper
Canada--History--Sources; Bank of Upper
Canada--Ontario--History; Banks and
banking--Ontario--History--Sources; Banks and
(Bank of Virginia), John H. Wessells (1973).
The Bank of Virginia: A History. (Charlottesville, VA:
University Press orf Virginia, 192 p.). Bank of
(BankAmerica), Julian Dana (1947).
A. P. Giannini, Giant in the West, A Biography. (New
York, NY: Prentice-Hall, 345 p.). Giannini, Amadeo Peter,
A. P.
- BankAmerica
(BankAmerica), Marquis James and Bessie
Rowland James (1971).
Biography of a Bank; The Story of Bank of America N.T. & S.A.
(Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 566 p. (Reprint of 1954 ed.)).
Giannini, Amadeo Peter, 1870-1949; Bank of America National
Trust and Savings Association.
(BankAmerica), Gary Hector (1988).
Breaking the Bank: The Decline of BankAmerica. (Boston,
MA: Little, Brown, 363 p.). BankAmerica--Management.
(BankAmerica), Moira Johnston (1990).
Roller Coaster: The Bank of America and the Future of American
Banking. (New York, NY: Ticknor & Fields, 417 p.). Bank
of America--History.
(BankAmerica), Gerald D. Nash (1992).
A.P. Giannini and the Bank of America. (Norman, OK:
University of Oklahoma Press, 162 p.). Giannini, Amadeo Peter,
1870-1949; Bank of America--History; Bankers--United
States--Biography; Banks and banking--West (U.S.)--History.
(BankAmerica), Felice Bonadio (1994).
A.P. Giannini: Banker of America. (Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press, 429 p.). Giannini, Amadeo Peter,
1870-1949; Bank of America--History; Bankers--United
States--Biography; Banks and banking--United States--History.
(Bankers Life), Joseph Frazier Wall (1979).
Policies and People: The First Hundred Years of the Bankers Life.
(Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 192 p.). Bankers Life
Company -- History.
(Bankers Trust Australia), Gideon Haigh
One of a Kind: The Story of Bankers Trust Australia, 1969-1999.
(Melbourne, AU: Text Pub., 499 p.). Bankers Trust Australia;
Investment banking; Investment banking -- Australia -- History.
(Banque de l'Indochine), Marc Meuleau;
prefaces de Maurice Levy-Leboyer et d'Antoine
Jeancourt-Galignani (1990).
Des Pionniers en Extreme-Orient: Histoire de la Banque de
l'Indochine, 1875-1975. (Paris, FR: Fayard, 646 p.).
Banque de l'Indochine--History--19th century; Banque de
l'Indochine--History--20th century; Banks and
banking--Indochina--History--19th century; Banks and
banking--Indochina--History--20th century; Banks and
banking--East Asia--History--19th century; Banks and
banking--East Asia--History--20th century.
(Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas), Eric
Bussiere (1996). Horace Finaly, Banquier: 1871-1945.
(Paris, FR: Fayard, 460 p.). Finaly, Horace, 1871-1945;
Bankers--France--Biography; France--Economic
conditions--1918-1945; France--Economic policy--1918-1945. CEO
Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas (1919 -1937).
(Banque Nationale de Paris),
Frederic Lordon (2002).
La Politique du Capital. (Paris, FR: Odile Jacob, 347
p.). Banque Nationale de Paris; Paribas (Firm); Bank
(Banque Nationale d’Haiti), Frederic Marcelin;
avec un avant-propos de Jean-Claude Sanon (1985). La Banque
Nationale d’Haiti: Une Page d’Histoire. (Port-au-Prince,
Haiti: Editions Fardin, 118 p. [2nd ed.]). Banque Nationale
d’Haiti--History; Banks and banking, Central--Haiti--History;
Banks and banking--Haiti--History.
(Banque Pallas Stern), Irene Inchauspe (1999).
Une Faillite si Convenable: Histoire de la Banque Pallas Stern.
(Paris, FR: Calmann-Levy, 201 p.). Banque Pallas Stern--History;
Banks and banking--France--History--20th century; Bank
failures--France--Case studies.
(Banque Populaire de Lorraine), Rene Bour
(1989). Histoire de la Banque Populaire de Lorraine.
(Metz, FR: Editions Serpenoise, 406 p.). Banque Populaire de
Lorraine--History; Banque commericale et industrielle de l’Est
de la France--History; Banks and banking,
Cooperative--France--Lorraine--History. Des origines locales a
une dimension regionale.
(Banque Populaire Savoisienne de Credit), Paul
Guichonnet (1994). 75 Ans d'Economie Regionale: Histoire de
la Banque Populaire Savoisienne de Credit, 1919-1994.
(Haute-Savoie, FR: La Banque. 215 p). Banque Populaire
Savoisienne de Credit--History; Banks and banking,
Cooperative--France--Savoie--History--20th century.
(Barclays), compiled by P. W. Matthews. ed. by
A. W. Tuke (1926). History of Barclays Bank Limited,
Including the Many Private and Joint Stock Banks Amalgamated and
affiliated with It. (London, UK: Blades, East & Blades Ltd.,
441 p.). Barclays Bank; Banks and banking--Great
Britain--History; Bankers--Great Britain.
(Barclays ), Barclays Bank (1938). A
Banking Centenary / Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial and
Overseas) 1836-1936. (Plymouth, UK: W. Brendon & Son, 269
p.). Barclays Bank (Dominion, Colonial, and Overseas); Banks and
banking -- Great Britain; Banks and banking -- History.
(Barclays), Anthony William Tuke and Richard
J. H. Gillman (1972).
Barclays Bank Limited, 1926-1969. Some Recollections.
(London, UK: Barclays Bank, 167 P.). Barclays Bank.
(Barclays), Martin Vander Weyer (2000).
Falling Eagle: The Decline of Barclays Bank. (London,
UK: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 277 p.). Former Barclays Executive.
Barclays Bank -- History; Banks and banking -- Great Britain --
History -- 20th century.
(Barclays), Margaret Ackrill and Leslie Hannah
Barclays: The Business of Banking, 1690-1996. (New York,
NY: Cambridge University Press, 481 p.). London School of
Economics and Political Science. Barclays Bank
International--History; Banks and banking--Great
(Barclays), E. A. Kathleen Monteith (2008).
Depression to Decolonization: Barclays Bank (DCO) in the West
Indies, 1926-1962. (Kingston, Jamaica: University of
West Indies Press, 355 p.). Senior Lecturer in History
(University of the West Indies, Jamaica). Barclays
Bank--History. Operations of
Barclays Bank (Dominion,
Colonial & Overseas) in West Indies; then world’s largest
multinational bank; performance, strategies during periods of
crisis, change in West Indies; performance during Depression
years, economic expansion in region after 1940; products,
services, competitive challenges ffrom Canadian banks,
regulatory environment; recruitment practices, organizational
(Bar Harbor Banking and Trust Company), Edward
Lee Marmon (1987). Taking Care of Business Down East: The
History of the Bar Harbor Banking and Trust Company, 1887-1987.
(Boston, MA: Graphic Chronologies, 168 p.). Bar Harbor Banking
and Trust Company--History; Banks and banking--Maine--Bar
(Barnett Banks), David J. Ginzl; foreword by
Allen L. Lastinger Jr. (2001).
Barnett: The Story of Florida's Bank. (Tampa, FL:
University of Tampa Press, 441 p.). Former Employee, Historian.
Barnett Banks--History; Banks and banking--Florida--History.
William Boyd Barnett
- Barnett Banks of Florida
(Belfast Banking Company), Noel Simpson
The Belfast Bank, 1827-1970: 150 Years of Banking in Ireland.
(Belfast, IR: Blackstaff Press, 361 p.). Belfast Banking Company
(Boatmen's Bancshares), Russ Banham (1998).
Heading in New Directions: A History of Boatmen's Bancshares.
(Greenwich, CT: Greenwich Publishing Group, 120 p.). Boatman's
(British Bank of the Middle
East), Geoffrey Jones; research by Frances Bostock, Grigori
Gerenstein, Judith Nichol (1986-1987). The History of the
British Bank of the Middle East (New York, NY: Cambridge
University Press, 2 vols.).
(Caldwell and Company), John
Berry McFerrin (1969).
Caldwell and Company; A Southern Financial Empire.
(Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 284 p.). Caldwell
and company. Rogers Caldwell - called "J. P. Morgan of the
South". Company controlled largest chain of banks in the South.
(CIBC), Victor Ross (1920-).
A History of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, with an Account of
the Other Banks Which Now Form Part of Its Organization.
(Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press, 4 vols.). Canadian Bank
of Commerce; Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; Banks and
banking -- Canada.
(Central Guaranty Trust Corporation), Reuben
Cohen (1998). A Time To Tell: The Public Life of a Private
Man. (Toronto, ON: Key Porter Books, 232 p.). Cohen, Reuben,
1921- ; Central Guaranty Trust Corporation -- Biography;
Capitalists and financiers -- Canada -- Biography.
(Chartered Bank of India Australia and China),
Compton Mackenzie (1954).
Realms of Silver. One Hundred Years of Banking in the East.
(London, UK: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 338 p.). Chartered Bank of
India Australia and China; Banks and banking,
British--India--History; Banks and banking,
(Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London
and China), Stuart Miurhead (1996).
Crisis Banking in the East: The History of the Chartered
Mercantile Bank of India, London, and China, 1853-93.
(Brookfield, VT: Ashgate Pub. Co., 379 p.). Chartered Mercantile
Bank of India, London, and China--History; Banks and banking,
British--India--History; Banks and banking,
(Chase), Mark Hulbert (1982).
Interlock: The Untold Story of American Banks, Oil Interests,
the Shah's Money, Debts and the Astounding Connections Between
Them. (New York, NY: Richardson & Snyder, 272 p.).
Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, 1919- ; Chase Manhattan
Bank; Banks and banking -- United States; United States --
Foreign economic relations -- Iran; Iran -- Foreign economic
relations -- United States.
Salmon P. Chase
(http://images.forbes.com/ media/lists/10/2006/MJ03.jpg)
(Chase), John Donald Wilson
(1986). The Chase: The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A., 1945-1985.
(Boston, MA: Harvard Business School, 432 p.). Chase Manhattan
Bank, N.A.--History--20th century; Banking--History.
David Rockefeller (2002).
Memoirs. (New York, NY: Random House, 560 p.). Former
Chairman, Chase Manhattan Corp. Rockefeller, David, 1915- ;
Chase Manhattan Bank; Bankers--United States--Biography; Banks
and banking--United States--History.
(Chemical), Frank Wilson Nye (1956).
Knowledge Is Power; The Life Story of Percy Hampton Johnston,
Banker. (New York, NY: Random House, 347 p.). Johnston,
Percy Hampton, 1881- ; Chemical Corn Exchange Bank, New York.
(Chemical), Chemical and Corn Exchange Bank
History of the Chemical Bank, 1823-1913. (New York, NY:
Arno Press, 167 p. [orig. privately printed 1913]). Chemical
Corn Exchange Bank--History.
(China), Linsun Cheng (2003).
Banking in Modern China: Entrepreneurs, Professional Managers
and the Development of Chinese Banks, 1897-1937. (New
York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 277 p.). Banks and
banking--China--History; Finance--China--History.
(China), Zhaojin Ji (2003).
A History of Modern Shanghai Banking: The Rise and Decline of
China's Finance Capitalism. (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe,
325 p.). Program Co-ordinator (Johns Hopkins University SAIS).
Banks and banking--China--Shanghai--History; Banks and banking,
(China), Brett Sheehan (2003).
Trust in Troubled Times: Money, Banks, and State-Society
Relations in Republican Tianjin. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 269 p.). Banks and
banking--China--Tianjin--History; Tianjin (China)--Economic
(Citibank), Anna Robeson Burr (1927).
The Portrait of a Banker: James Stillman, 1850-1918.
(New York, NY: Duffield & Company, 370 p.). Stillman, James,
1850-1918. First Citibank chairman in 1909.
James J. Stillman
Fisher Baker
(http://cache.eb.com/eb/ image?id=6187&rendTypeId=4)
Sandy Weill - CitiGroup
(Citibank), John K. Winkler (1934). The
First Billion; The Stillmans and the National City Bank.
(New York, NY: The Vanguard Press, 277 p.). Stillman, James,
1850-1918; Stillman, James Alexander, 1873-1944; First National
City Bank of New York.
(Citibank), Sheridan A. Logan (1981).
George F. Baker and His Bank, 1840-1955: A Double Biography.
(St. Joseph, MO: Stinehour Press: Meriden Gravure Co., 472 p.).
Baker, George F. (George Fisher), 1840-1931; First National City
Bank of New York--History; Bankers--United States--Biography.
(Citibank), David Leinsdorf & Donald Etra.
Foreword by Ralph Nader (1974).
Citibank : Ralph Nader's study Group Report on First National
City Bank. (New York, NY: Grossman Publishers, 406 p.).
First National City Bank (New York, N.Y.).
(Citibank), Harold van B. Cleveland, Thomas F.
Huertas with Rachel Strauber ... [et al.]. (1985).
Citibank, 1812-1970. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 456 p.). Citibank (New York, N.Y.)--History; Banks and
banking--United States--History; Financial institutions--United
(Citibank), Robert A. Hutchison (1986).
Off the Books: Citibank and the World's Biggest Money Game.
(New York, NY: Morrow, 416 p.). Banks and banking--Corrupt
practices; Citibank (New York, N.Y.)--Corrupt practices.
(Citibank), George S. Moore (1986).
The Banker's Life. (New York, NY: Norton, 328 p.).
Former Chairman of First National City Bank of New York
(Citibank). Moore, George S. (George Stevens), 1905-2000;
Bankers--New York (State)--New York--Biography.
(Citibank), Walter B. Wriston (1986).
Risk & Other Four-Letter Words. (New York, NY: Harper &
Row, 243 p.). Money; Banks and banking; International economic
relations; Risk; United States--Economic policy.
(Citibank), Richard B. Miller (1993).
Citicorp: The Story of a Bank in Crisis. (New York, NY:
McGraw-Hill, 208 p.). Citicorp--History.
(Citibank), Phillip L. Zweig (1995).
Wriston: Walter Wriston, Citibank, and the Rise and Fall of
American Financial Supremacy. (New York, NY: Crown, 952
p.). Former Wall Street Journal Reporter. Wriston, Walter B.;
Citibank (New York, N.Y.) -- History; Bankers -- United States
-- Biography.
(Citibank), Text by Peter Starr; special
photography by Luis Ascui ... [et al.] (2002).
Citibank: A Century in Asia. (Singapore: Editions Didier
Millet, 216 p.). Citibank (New York, N.Y.)--History; Citigroup
(firm)--History; Banks and banking--Asia--History.
(Citibank), Eric L. Grant (2003).
Peregrinations: A Man's Journey. (Omaha, NE: iUniverse,
268 p.). Grant, Eric L.; Citibank (New York, N.Y.) -- History.
(Citigroup), Amey Stone and Michael Brewster
King of Capital: Sandy Weill and the Making of Citigroup.
(New York, NY: Wiley, 306 p.). Weill, Sandy; Citigroup
(Firm)--Biography; Bankers--United States--Biography; Financial
services industry--United States.
(Citigroup), Sandy Weill and Judah S.
Kraushaar (2006).
The Real Deal: My Life in Business and Philanthropy.
(New York, NY: Warner Books, 544 p.). CEO, Chairman of
Citigroup. Weill, Sandy; Citigroup (Firm)--Biography;
Bankers--United States--Biography; Financial services
industry--United States. Forty-year career
from days at American Express to creation, chairmanship of
CitiGroup (2,600%
return to investors--better than Welch, Buffett).
(Citigroup), William R. Rhodes (2011).
Banker to the World: Leadership Lessons from the Front Lines of
Global Finance. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 249 p,).
Retired Senior Vice-Chairman of Citigroup. Rhodes, William R.;
Bankers --United States --Biography; Banks and banking,
International; International finance; Leadership; Decision
making. Lifetime of lessons about managing
amid crises, how to lead prudently, decisively, effectively to
prevent crises from happening; collected wisdom, best-practices,
analysis, anecdotes on creation of value through leadership,
importance of leading by one's values: 1) lead boldly,
decisively: 2) know when to disregard caution for caution's sake
(always insist on neutral negotiating atmosphere; 3) anticipate
problems by visualizing their impact: 4) get ahead of risk by
taking comprehensive view of potential obstacles; 5) confront
problems directly, proactively: 6) when faced with critical
situation, go directly to its epicenter, turns crisis into
(City Bank in New York), Daniel Hodas (1976).
Business Career of Moses Taylor: Merchant, Finance Capitalist,
and Industrialist. (New York, NY: New York University
Press, 356 p.). Taylor, Moses; Industrialists--United
(City Bank in New York), Donald L. Kemmerer
The Life of John E. Rovensky: Banker and Industrialist: From the
Gilded Age to the Atomic Age. (Champaign, IL: Stipes
Pub. Co., 350 p.). Rovensky, John Edward, 1880-1970;
Bankers--United States--Biography; Industrialists--United
(Clydesdale Bank Limited), J.M. Reid (1938).
The History of the Clydesdale Bank, 1838-1938. (Glasgow,
Scotland: Blackie and Son, Limited, 299 p.). Clydesdale Bank
Limited, Glasgow.
(Comerica), Eleanor
Promises Kept: The Story of Comerica 1849-1999 (Detroit,
MI: Comerica Incorporated, 120 p.). Comerica bank--History; Bank
holding companies; Banking; Financial institutions; Mortgage
(Commerzbank), Christoph Kreutzmuller (2005).
Handler und Handlungsgehilfen: der Finanzplatz Amsterdam und
die deutschen Grossbanken (1918-1945). (Stuttgart, Germany:
Steiner, 349 p.). Commerzbank--History; Hugo Kaufmann & Co’s
Bank--History; Banks and banking,
International--Netherlands--History--20th century; Banks and
banking, German--Netherlands--History--20th century;
Netherlands--History--German occupation, 1940-1945.
(Consolidated Bank and Trust
Company), Gertrude Woodruff Marlowe (2003).
A Right Worthy Grand Mission: Maggie Lena Walker and the Quest
for Black Economic Empowerment. (Washington, DC: Howard
University Press, 286 p.). Walker, Maggie Lena, 1867-1934;
African American women--Virginia--Richmond--Biography; African
Bankers--Virginia--Richmond--Biography; Civic
leaders--Virginia--Richmond--Biography; African
Americans--Virginia--Richmond--Economic conditions; Richmond
(Va.)--Biography; Richmond (Va.)--Race relations.
(Continental), Jaffray Peterson (1980).
Sixty-five Years of Progress and a Record of New York City Banks.
(New York, NY: Arno Press, 135 p. [orig. pub.1935]). Rise of
commercial banking: Continental Bank & Trust Company of New
York--History; Banks and banking--New York (State)--New
(Continental Illinois Bank), James P. McCollom
The Continental Affair: The Rise and Fall of the Continental
Illinois Bank. (New York, NY: Dodd, Mead, 393 p.).
Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago;
Bank failures--Illinois--Chicago.
(Credit Agricole de la Gironde), Hubert Bonin
(1992). Le Credit Agricole de la Gironde: La Passion d’Une
Region (1901-1991). (Bordeaux, FR: Horizon Chimerique.
Credit agricole de la Gironde--History; Agricultural
credit--France--Gironde--History; Banks and
Agriculture--France--Gironde--History; Gironde
(France)--Economic conditions.
(Credit Agricole du Sud-Est), Charles Andre
(1992). La Banque des Quatre Saisons: Histoire du Credit
Agricole et du Credit agricole du Sud-Est. (Lyon, FR:
Editions Lyonnaises d’Art et d’Histoire, 369 p.). Credit
agricole du Sud-Est--History; Caisse nationale de cre?dit
agricole (France)--History; Agricultural
(Credit Foncier d’Algerie & de Tunisie),
Hubert Bonin (2004). Un Outre-mer Bancaire Mediterraneen:
Histoire du Credit Foncier d’Algerie et de Tunisie, 1880-1997.
(Paris, FR: Societe? Francaise d’Histoire d’Outre-mer, 369 p.).
Credit foncier d’Algerie & de Tunisie--History; Banks and
banking--Algeria--History; Banks and banking--Tunisia--History.
(Credit Mobilier), Elisabeth Paulet (1999).
The Role of Banks in Monitoring Firms: The Case of the Crédit
Mobilier. (New York, NY: Routledge, 178 p.). Crédit
mobilier (France)--History; Corporations--Finance--Case studies;
Business enterprises--Finance--Case studies; Banks and
banking--Case studies; Credit--Case studies.
(Crédit Mutuel Océan), Alain Gerard (2000).
L'Argent Solidaire: des Caisses Rurales au Crédit Mutuel Océan:
Vendée, Deux-Sèvres, Charente-Maritime. (La Roche-sur-Yon,
FR: Centre vendéen de recherches historiques, 341 p.). Crédit
mutuel Océan--History; Banks and banking,
Cooperative--France--Vendée--History; Banks and banking,
Cooperative--France--Deux-Sèvres--History; Banks and banking,
Cooperative--France--Charente-Maritime--History; Rural
credit--France--Vendée--History; Rural
credit--France--Deux-Sèvres--History; Rural
(Detroit Bank & Trust), Arthur M. Woodford
Detroit and Its Banks: The Story of Detroit Bank & Trust.
(Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, 298 p.). Detroit
Bank and Trust Company -- History.
(Deutsche Bank - founded 1870), Fritz
Seidenzahl; im Auftrag des Vorstandes der Deutschen Bank
Aktiengesellschaft (1970). 100 Jahre Deutsche Bank 1870-1970.
(Frankfurt am Main: J. Weisbecker, 457 p.). Deutsche Bank (1957-
)--History; Banks and banking--Germany--History.
Adelbert Delbrück
- regarded as
true founder of Deutsche Bank
(Deutsche Bank), Hans Otto Eglau (1990).
Wie Gott in Frankfurt: Die Deutsche Bank und Die Deutsche
Industrie. (New York, NY: Econ, 318 p.). Deutsche Bank
(1957- )--History; Industries--Germany--History.
(Deutsche Bank), Lothar Gall et al. (1995).
The Deutsche Bank, 1870-1995. (London: Weidenfeld &
Nicolson, 946 p.). Deutsche Bank (1870-1945), (1957), Monetary
Policy-Germany, Banks-Germany.
(Deutsche Bank), Harold James (2001).
The Deutsche Bank and the Nazi Economic War Against the Jews:
The Expropriation of Jewish-Owned Property. (New York,
NY: Cambridge University Press, 268 p.). Deutsche Bank (1957-
)--Political activity; World War, 1939-1945--Economic
aspects--Germany; World War, 1939-1945--Jews--Germany.
(Deutsche Bank), Harold James (2004).
The Nazi Dictatorship and the Deutsche Bank. (New York,
NY: Cambridge University Press, 296 p.). Deutsche Bank--History;
National socialism--Economic aspects; Germany--Economic
(Deutsche Bank), Christopher Kobrak (2007).
Banking on Global Markets: Deutsche Bank and the United States,
1870 to the Present. (New York, NY: Cambridge University
Press, 624 p.). Deutsche Bank--History; Banks and
banking--Germany--History; Banks and banking, Foreign--United
States--History. U.S. business, political
dealings of Germany's largest bank illuminate developments in
globalization of major financial institutions: transnational
markets, cross-border flows of information, capital.
(Drummonds Bank), Hector Bolitho and Derek
Peel (1967).
The Drummonds of Charing Cross. (London, UK: Allen &
Unwin, 232 p.). Drummond family.
(El Paso National Bank), Joseph Leach (1989).
Sun Country Banker: The Life and the Bank of Samuel Doak Young.
(El Paso, TX: Mangan Books, 303 p.). Young, Samuel Doak,
1896-1987; El Paso National Bank--History; Texas Commerce
Bank--History; Bankers--Texas--El Paso; Banks and
banking--Texas--El Paso; El Paso (Tex.)--Biography.
(Export-Import Bank), William H. Becker,
William M. McClenahan, Jr. (2003).
The Market, the State, and the Export-Import Bank of the United
States, 1934-2000. (New York, NY: Cambridge University
Press, 340 p.). Export-Import Bank of the United States; Export
credit--United States; United States--Commercial policy.
(Farmers and Merchants Bank), Jackson A.
Graves (1927).
My Seventy Years in California, 1857-1927. (Los Angeles,
CA: The Times-Mirror Press, 478 p.). President Farmers &
Merchants National Bank of Los Angeles. Ethnic groups
--California; Law --Political aspects --California; Agriculture
--California; Business --California; California.
Boyhood, education in northern California,
Los Angeles from 1875: politics, Hispanic citizens, land claims,
railroad interests, legal profession, social life, farming;
1904 - vice president, president of Farmers &
Merchants Bank.
Isaias William Hellman -Farmers and
Merchants Bank
(Farmers and Merchants Bank), Robert Glass
Cleland and Frank B. Putnam (1965).
Isaias W. Hellman and the Farmers and Merchants Bank.
(San Marino, CA: Huntington Library, 136 p.). Hellman, Isaias
William, 1842-1920; Farmers and Merchants Bank of Los Angeles;
Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Los Angeles.
(Farmers and Merchants Bank), Frances
Dinkelspiel (2008).
Towers of Gold: How One Jewish Immigrant Named Isaias Hellman
Created California. (New York, NY: St. Martin's
Press, 384 p.). Great Great Granddaughter. Hellman, Isaias W.
(Isaias William), 1842-1920; Jews --California --Los Angeles
--Biography; Jews, German --California --Los Angeles
--Biography; Jewish bankers --California --Los Angeles
--Biography; Capitalists and financiers --California --Los
Angeles --Biography; Banks and banking --California --History
--19th century; Banks and banking --California --History --20th
century. Transformation of California from frontier society
whose economy was driven by barter of hides, exchange of gold
dust into vibrant state with strongest economy in nation, 5th
largest economy in world; almost single-handedly brought
California into modernity.
(First and Merchants National Bank), Frances
Leigh Williams (1965).
A Century of Service; Prologue to the Future, A History of the
First & Merchants National Bank. (Richmond, VA: The
Bank, 141 p.). First and Merchants National Bank, Richmond;
Richmond. First National Bank.
(First Colonial Bankshares), C. Paul Johnson
with Jim Bowman (2004).
Good Guys Finish First: Reflections of a CEO and How To Start a
De Novo Community Bank. (Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris, 373
p.). Johnson, C. Paul; First Colonial Bankshares--History;
Bankers--Illinois--Chicago--Biography; Community
(First Hawaiian Bank), Edward Joesting (1983).
Tides of Commerce. (Honolulu, HI: First Hawaiian, 180
p.). First Hawaiian Bank--History; Hawaii--Commerce--History.
(First Interstate Bank of Nevada), R.T. King
Let's Get Going: From Oral History Interviews with Arthur M.
Smith, Jr.: A Narrative Interpretation. (Reno, NV:
University of Nevada Oral History Program, 220 p.). Smith,
Arthur M., 1922- ; First Interstate Bank of Nevada--History;
Bankers--Nevada--Biography; Banks and banking--Nevada--History.
(First New Haven), Rollin G. Osterweis (1963).
Charter Number Two: The Centennial History of the First New
Haven National Bank. (New Haven, CT: First New Haven
National Bank, 103 p.). New Haven. First National Bank.
(First Security Corp.), Sidney Hyman (1978).
Challenge and Response: the First Security Corporation, First
Fifty Years, 1928-1978. (Salt Lake City, UT: Graduate
School of Business, University of Utah, 462 p.). First Security
(FNB - Black Hills), Robert Edward Driscoll
(1948). Seventy Years of Banking in the Black Hills: First
National Bank of the Black Hills, 1876-1946. (Rapid City,
SD: Gate City Guide, 87 p.). First National Bank of the Black
Hills; Banks and banking--Black Hills (S.D. and Wyo.); Black
Hills (S.D. and Wyo.)--Industries.
(FNB Boston), Norman S.B. Gras (1976).
The Massachusetts First National Bank of Boston, 1784-1934.
(New York, NY: Arno Press, 768 p. [Reprint of 1937 ed.]).
Professor of Business History (Harvard Business School). First
National Bank of Boston. One of best
attempts to analyze operations of a single bank.
(FNB Boston), Ben Ames Williams
(1984). Bank
of Boston 200: A History of New England's Leading Bank,
1784-1984. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 480 p.). First
National Bank of Boston--History; Banking--New England.
(FNB Chicago), Henry C. Morris (1902). The
History of the First national Bank of Chicago, Preceded by Some
Account of Early Banking in the United States, Especially in the
West and at Chicago. (Chicago, IL: R.R. Donnelley, 210 p.).
First National Bank of Chicago.
Edmund Aiken - First President of FNB-Chicago
(FNB Chicago), Guy Wickes Cooke (1913).
The First National Bank of Chicago: Charter Number Eight: A
Brief History of Its Progress from the Day on Which It Opened
for Business, July 1, 1863. (Chicago, IL: M.A. Donohue,
87 p.). First National Bank of Chicago--History; Banks and
banking--United States; Finance--United States; Finance.
(FNB Chicago), Edited by Sidney Hyman (1975).
Gaylord Freeman of First Chicago: [speeches and letters].
(Chicago, IL: First National Bank of Chicago, 624 p.). Banks and
banking--United States; Finance--United States; Finance.
(FNB Davenport Iowa), Albert F.
Dawson (1913). The History of the First National Bank in the
United States: A History of the First National Bank of
Davenport, Iowa. (Chicago, IL: Rand McNally, 176 p.).
Davenport, Ia; Banking
(FNB Denver), Eugene H. Adams, Lyle W. Dorsett
and Robert S. Pulcipher (1984).
The Pioneer Western Bank: First of Denver, 1860-1980.
(Denver, CO: First Interstate Bank of Denver : State Historical
Society of Colorado, Colorado Heritage Center, 219 p.). First
National Bank of Denver--History; Banks and
(FNB Glens Falls), Joseph E. Barnes (1990).
Profiles in Banking: A History of First National Bank of Glens
Falls and Its Years of Service to the North Country. (Glens
Falls, NY: First National Bank of Glens Falls, NY, 293 p.).
First National Bank of Glens Falls--History; Banks and
banking--New York (State)--Glens Falls--History.
(FNB Houston), William A. Kirkland (1975).
Old Bank--New Bank: The First National Bank, Houston, 1866-1956.
(Houston, TX: Pacesetter Press, 115 p.). First National Bank in
(FNB Los Angeles), Rockwell Hereford (1985).
Whole Man, Henry Mauris Robinson, and a Half Century, 1890-1940.
(Pacific Grove, CA: Boxwood Press,, 272 p.). Robinson, Henry
Mauris, 1868-1937; Businesspeople--United States--Biography;
Bankers--United States--Biography; Lawyers--United
States--Biography; United States--Economic
conditions--1865-1918; United States--Economic
(FNB Omaha), Stephen Szmrecsanyi (1996).
The First National Bank Story. (Omaha, NE: First
National Bank of Omaha, 192 p.). First National Bank (Omaha,
Neb.)--History; First National of Nebraska; Banks and
(FNB Scranton), Thomas F. Murphy (1938).
History of the First National Bank of Scranton, PA.
(Scranton, PA: International Textbook Press, 154 p.). First
National Bank (Scranton, Pa.). Issued by the authority of the
directors commemorative of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the
founding of the bank. Supplement to first history issued 1906.
1863 to 1938.
(FNB Shelby NC), U.L. "Rusty" Patterson and
Barry E. Hambright (2004).
First National Bank Hometown Banking Since 1874.
(Charleston, SC: Arcadia, 128 p.). First National Bank (Shelby,
NC); Banks and banking--North Carolina--Shelby.
1874 - Jesse Jenkins, H.D.
Lee organized J. Jenkins and Company, private bank, in Shelby,
NC; Blanton family has headed bank for nearly 130 years.
(First National Bank and Trust Company of Wyoming),
The Bank (1982). Our First 100
Years: The Stock Growers and First National Bank,
1882-1982. (Cheyenne, WY: The Bank, 91 p.). First
National Bank and Trust Company of Wyoming --History.
(Generale Bank), Herman Van der Wee, Monique
Verbreyt; translation, Frank Parker (1997).
The Generale Bank: 1822-1997: A Continuing Challenge.
(Tielt, Belgium: Lannoo, 448 p.). Generale Bank
(Belgium)--History; Banks and banking--Belgium--History.
(Girard Bank), Girard Trust Company (1936).
Girard Trust Company; A Century of Financial Activity, 1836-1936.
(Philadelphia, PA: E. Stern & Co., 191 p.). Girard Trust Corn
Exchange Bank, Philadelphia.
Stephen Girard
(Girard National Bank), Harry Emerson Wildes
Lonely Midas; The Story of Stephen Girard. (New York,
NY: Farrar & Rinehart, Inc., 372 p.). Girard, Stephen,
(Girard National Bank), Josiah Granville Leach
The History of the Girard National Bank of Philadelphia,
1832-1902. (New York, NY: Greenwood Press, 120 p.).
Girard National Bank of Philadelphia.
(Girard National Bank), Donald R. Adams, Jr.
Finance and Enterprise in Early America: A Study of Stephen
Girard's Bank, 1812-1831. (Philadelphia, PA: University
of Pennsylvania Press, 163 p.). Girard, Stephen, 1750-1831;
Girard Bank--History; Banks and banking--United States--History.
(Girard National Bank), George Wilson (1995).
Stephen Girard: America's First Tycoon. (Conshohocken,
PA: Combined Books, 400 p.). Girard, Stephen, 1750-1831;
Bankers--United States--Biography; Merchants--United
(Golembe Associates), Carter H. Golembe
But I Never Made a Loan: My Career in Banking - The Early Years.
(Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 164 p.). Leading Authority on the
Banking Industry and Its Regulation. Golembe, Carter H.; Banking
law --United States; Banking industry -- history. Involvement in
banking since end of World War II; no greater divide in banking
than that between those who have spent much of their careers
deciding on creditworthiness of potential borrowers and those
who have not; of crucial assessments that could thwart careers
of potential bank presidents, never more damning phrase than
"but he never made a loan."
(Grameen Bank), Edited by Abu N.M. Wahid
(1993). The Grameen Bank: Poverty Relief in Bangladesh.
(Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 305 p.). Grameen Bank; Rural
credit--Bangladesh; Bank loans--Bangladesh; Rural
Professor Muhammad Yunus
- Grameen Bank
(Grameen Bank), David Bornstein (1996).
The Price of a Dream: The Story of the Grameen Bank and the Idea
That Is Helping the Poor To Change Their Lives. (New
York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 370 p.). Grameen Bank; Banks and
banking--Bangladesh; Rural poor--Bangladesh--Economic
conditions; Women--Bangladesh--Economic conditions.
(Grameen Bank), Muhammad Yunus and Alan Jolis
Banker to the Poor: The Autobiography of Muhammad Yunus, Founder
of Grameen Bank. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press,
313 p.). Founder, Grameen Bank. Yunus, Muhammad, 1940- ; Grameen
Bank--History; Bankers--Bangladesh--Biography; Social
Microfinance--Bangladesh--History; Rural
(Grameen Bank), Mark Schreiner (2003).
The Performance of Subsidized Microfinance Organizations:
BancoSol of Bolivia and the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh.
(Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 283 p.). Banco
Solidario--Evaluation; Grameen Bank--Evaluation;
Microfinance--Bolivia--Case studies;
Microfinance--Bangladesh--Case studies.
(Grameen Bank), Asif Dowla and Dipal Barua
The Poor Always Pay Back: The Grameen II Story.
(Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press, 293 p.). Professor of Economics
(St. Mary's College of Maryland); Deputy Managing Director of
Grameen Bank, Managing Director of the Grameen Shakti in
Bangladesh. Grameen Bank; Microfinance--Developing countries;
Poor--Services for--Developing countries. How
major financial institution was able to change its system in
response to needs of its borrowers, how Grameen redefined and
continues to redefine basic assumptions of credit worthiness.
(Greymac Trust Company), Terence Corcoran and
Laura Reid (1984).
Public Money, Private Greed: The Greymac, Seaway and Crown
Trusts Affair. (Toronto, ON: Collins, 384 p.). Greymac
Trust Company; Crown Trust Company; Seaway Trust Company;
Financial institutions -- Ontario -- Toronto -- Case studies;
Real estate business -- Ontario -- Toronto -- Finance -- Case
studies; Trust companies -- Ontario -- Toronto -- Case studies.
(Hoares Bank), Victoria Hutchings (2005).
Messrs Hoare Bankers: A History of the Hoare Banking Dynasty.
(London, UK: Constable, 240 p.). Banking; Banking--Private;
Banking--Personal; Banking--High Net Worth.
Sole survivor of private deposit banks
established in 17th and 18th centuries.
Richard Hoare - Hoares Bank
(Honesdale), Marie R. Freund (1936).
One Hundred Years of Banking; A History of the Origin and
Development of the Honesdale National Bank. (Scranton,
PA: International Textbook Press, 119 p.). Honesdale, Pa.
National Bank.
(HSBC), Frank H.H. King with Catherine E. King and David J.S.
King (1987). The Hongkong Bank in Late Imperial China,
1864-1902: On an Even Keel (Vol. 1). (New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press, 701 p.). Hongkong and Shanghai
Banking Corporation--History--19th century; Banks and
banking--China--History--19th century.
Thomas Sutherland
(founder HSBC)
(HSBC), Frank H.H. King with David J.S. King and Catherine E.
King (1988). The Hongkong Bank in the Period of Imperialism
and War, 1895-1918: Wayfoong, the Focus of Wealth (Vol. 2).
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 720 p.). Hongkong and
Shanghai Banking Corporation--History; East Asia--Economic
(HSBC), Frank H.H. King with Catherine E. King and David J.S.
King (1988).
The Hongkong Bank Between the Wars and the Bank Interned,
1919-1945: Return from Grandeur (Vol. 3). (New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press, 705 p.). Hongkong and Shanghai
Banking Corporation--History--20th century; Economic
history--1918-1945; East Asia--Economic conditions.
(HSBC), Frank H.H. King (1991). The Hongkong Bank in the
Period of Development and Nationalism, 1941-1984: From Regional
Bank to Multinational Group (Vol. 4). (New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press, 991 p.). Hongkong and Shanghai
Banking Corporation--History; Hongkong Bank Group--History;
Banks and banking--China--Hong Kong--History. Full-scale study
of a modern financial institution.
(HSBC Holdings plc-
founded 1865), Frank H. H. King with Catherine E. King and David
J.S. King (1987-1991).
The History of the HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 4 vols.). Hongkong
and Shanghai Banking Corporation--History; Banks and
(HSBC), Roberta Allbert Dayer (1988).
Finance and Empire: Sir Charles Addis, 1861-1945. (New York,
NY: St. Martin's Press, 431 p.). Addis, Charles, Sir, 1861-1945;
Capitalists and financiers--Great Britain--Biography;
Statesmen--Great Britain--Biography; Great Britain--Economic
(HSBC), Stephen Green (2010).
Good Value: Reflections on Money, Morality and an Uncertain
World. (New York, NY: Allen Lane, 207 p.). Former CEO
and current chairman of HSBC. Wealth --Moral and ethical
aspects; Banks and banking; Capitalism; Bank failures; Financial
crises. Globalization, urbanization, market economy;
importance of corporate, personal responsibility in
increasingly interdependent world; three ambiguities in search
for personal peace: human imperfection, uncertainty, hope or
belief that something better is possible.
(Industrial National Bank of Rhode Island),
Frank Weston (1966).
The Passing Years, 1791 to 1966. (Providence, RI:
Industrial National Bank of Rhode Island, 144 p.). Industrial
National Bank of Rhode Island.
(Institute of Bankers), Edwin Green (1979).
Debtors to Their Profession: A History of the Institute of
Bankers, 1879-1979. (London, UK: Methuen for the
Institute of Bankers, 245 p.). Institute of Bankers (Great
(Kaupthing Bank), Armann Thorvaldsson (2009).
Frozen Assets: How I Lived Iceland's Boom and Bust. (Chichester,
West Sussex, UK, Wiley, 266 p.). Former CEO at Iceland’s Kaupthing Bank in UK. Banks and banking -- Iceland --
History -- 21st century. How one man, one bank, one country
experienced, was affected by course of world economic history;
bank grew from small brokerage house to £6 billion
international bank; represented money behind household names as
Iceland, Matalan, easyJet, Karen Millen. He travelled most
frantic efforts to save bank were fruitless.
(Kellner Mortgage Investments), Richard Bitner (2008).
Confessions of a Sub Prime Lender: How Greed, Fraud &Ignorance
Caused the Greatest Business Debacle in US History.
(Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 208 p.). Former President of Kellner
Mortgage Investments (Dallas). Bitner, Richard; Kellner Mortgage
Investments; subprime lending; Mortgage banks.
How industry started out helping
disadvantaged customers buy houses, lost its way;
roles played, tactics used by borrowers,
brokers, appraisers, investment banks in one of greatest
business disasters in history.
(Korea First Bank), Robert
A. Cohen (2010).
Turning Around a Bank in Korea, a Business and Cultural
Challenge. (lulu.com: 232 p.). Former President and
Chief Executive Officer of First Bank Korea
Ltd. Only non Korean CEO of large Korean Bank;
directed turnaround effort of 400-branch corporate, retail
lender; reduced non-performing loan ratio to lowest among Korean
banks, tripled number of loans in portfolio; 2005 - acquired by
Standard Chartered.
(Lloyds Bank ),
R.S. Sayres (1957).
Lloyds Bank in the History of English Banking (Oxford,
UK: Clarendon Press, 381 p.). Lloyds Bank.
Lloyd II
(http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/ Blloyd.jpg)
(Lloyds Bank), J.R. Winton (1982).
Lloyds Bank, 1918-1969. (New York, NY: Oxford University
Press, 210 p.). Lloyds Bank--History.
(Lloyds Bank), Written and Researched by
Richard Hart (1989).
Lloyds Bank: A Pictorial History with Text and Staff Anecdotes.
(Leighton Buzzard, UK: Farnon, 144 p.). Lloyds Bank -- History
-- 20th century; Great Britain Commercial banks; Lloyds Bank
(Long-Term Credit Bank), Gillian Tett (2003).
Saving the Sun: A Wall Street Gamble To Rescue Japan from Its
Trillion-Dollar Meltdown. (New York, NY: HarperBusiness,
320 p.). Former Tokyo Bureau Chief (Financial Times). Financial
crises--Japan; Bank failures--Japan; Financial
institutions--Japan; Structural adjustment (Economic
policy)--Japan; Japan--Economic policy--1989-.
(Lucas, Turner & Co.), Dwight L. Clarke
William Tecumseh Sherman: Gold Rush Banker. (San
Francisco, CA: California Historical Society, 446 p.). Sherman,
William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891; Banks and
banking--California--San Francisco--History; California--Gold
(Marshall & Ilsley Bank), Ellen D. Langill
Powered by Our Past: 150 Years of Marshall & Ilsley Bank,
1847-1997 (Milwaukee, WI: M&I Corp., 151 p.). Banks and
(House of Medici), Raymond A. DeRoover (1963).
The Rise and Decline of the Medici Bank, 1397-1494.
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 500 p.). Medici, House
of; Banks and banking--Italy--Florence--History.
Cosimo Medici
il Vecchio
- Medici
Lorenzo the
Magnificent - Medici
(House of Medici), Tim Parks (2005).
Medici Money: Banking, Metaphysics, and Art in Fifteenth-Century
Florence. (New York, NY: Norton, 288 p.). Medici, House
of; Medici, House of--Art patronage; Banks and
banking--Italy--Florence--History; Art,
Italian--Italy--Florence; Art, Renaissance--Italy--Florence;
Artists and patrons--Italy--Florence.
(Mediobanca S.p.A.), Giancarlo Galli (1995).
Il Padrone Dei Padroni: Enrico Cuccia, Il Potere di
Mediobanca e Il Capitalismo Italiano. (Milano, IT: Garzanti,
271 p.). Cuccia, Enrico, 1907- ; Mediobanca; Capitalists and
financiers--Italy--Biography; Finance--Italy--History--20th
century; Italy--Economic conditions--1945-.
(Mediobanca), Guiseppe Leuzzi (1997).
Mediobanca Editore: Potere di Fine Millennio: Giornalismo e
Affari Nella Crisi Gemina-Rizzoli Corriere Della Sera /.
(Roma, IT: SEAM, 256 p.). Rizzoli Corriere della
sera--Finance--History; Gemina (Firm : Milan,
Italy)--Finance--History; Mediobanca--History;
Periodicals--Publishing--Italy--Finance--History--20th century;
Banks and banking--Italy--History--20th century.
(Mellon), Harvey O'Connor (1933).
Mellon's Millions, The Biography of a Fortune; The Life and
Times of Andrew W. Mellon. (New York, NY: The John Day
Company, 443 p.). Mellon, Andrew W. (Andrew William), 1855-1937;
Mellon family.
W. Mellon
(http://webapps.jhu.edu/ namedprofessorships/images/Peabody6.jpg)
(Mellon), William Larimer Mellon in
collaboration with Boyden Sparkes (1948). Judge Mellon's Sons.
(Pittsburgh, PA: Private Printing, 570 p.). Mellon family;
Mellon, Thomas, 1813-1908.; Mellon, Andrew W. (Andrew William),
(Mellon), Thomas Mellon; foreword by David
McCullough; preface to the second edition by Paul Mellon; edited
by Mary Louise Briscoe (1994).
Thomas Mellon and His Times. (Pittsburgh, PA: University
of Pittsburgh Press, 478 p. [2nd ed]). Mellon, Thomas,
1813-1908; Mellon family; Capitalists and financiers -- United
States -- Biography.
(Mellon), David Cannadine (2006).
Mellon: An American Life. (New York, NY: Knopf, 800 p.).
Institute of Historical Research (University of London). Mellon,
Andrew W. (Andrew William), 1855-1937; United States. Dept. of
the Treasury--Officials and employees--Biography;
Politicians--United States--Biography; Cabinet officers--United
States--Biography; Diplomats--United States--Biography;
Bankers--United States--Biography; Industrialists--United
States--Biography; Philanthropists--United States--Biography;
United States--Politics and government--1901-1953.
One of America’s greatest
(Mellon), James Mellon (2011).
The Judge: A Life of Thomas Mellon, Founder of a Fortune.
(New Haven, CT: Yale University Press 592 p.). Mellon, Thomas,
1813-1908; Mellon family; Capitalists and financiers --United
States --Biography. Lawyer, judge, banker, classics professor,
councilman; greatly influenced fortunes of his hometown,
Pittsburgh, throughout 19th century; became one of city's most
important business leaders, laid foundation for family that
would contribute considerably to city's growth, welfare for much
of the next hundred years; became one of world's most
recognizable names in industry, innovation, philanthropy.
(Mercantile), Edwin Green and Sara Kinsey (1999).
The Paradise Bank: The Mercantile Bank of India, 1893-1984.
(Brookfield, VT: Ashgate, 242 p.). Mercantile Bank of
India--History; Banks and banking, British--India--History.
(Merchants National Bank), Philip G. Hubert,
Jr. (1980).
The Merchants' National Bank of the City of New York.
(New York, NY: Arno Press, 206 p. [Reprint 1903 ed.]).
Merchants' National Bank of the City of New York--History.
(Merchants’ National Bank), Bill Menner
Louis Sullivan’s Merchants National Bank. (San
Francisco, CA: Pomegranate, 71 p.). Sullivan, Louis H.,
1856-1924; Merchants’ National Bank (Grinnell, Iowa); Grinnell
(Iowa) --Buildings, structures, etc.
(Merchants National Bank of Syracuse),
Crandall Melvin, Sr. (1969).
A History of the Merchants National Bank and Trust Company of
Syracuse, New York; One Hundred Eighteen Years
(Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University, 158 p.). Merchants National
Bank and Trust Company of Syracuse.
(Michigan National), Richard D. Poll (1980).
Howard J. Stoddard, Founder, Michigan National Bank.
(East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press, 257 p.).
Stoddard, Howard J., 1901-1971; Michigan National Bank--History;
Bankers--United States--Biography.
(Midland Bank), A.R. Holmes & Edwin Green
Midland: 150 Years of Banking Business. (London, UK: B.
T. Batsford, 352 p.). Midland Bank plc.
(Mitsui Bank), edited by Japan Business
History Institute (1976).
The Mitsui Bank: A History of the First 100 Years.
(Tokyo, Japan: Mitsui Bank, 192 p.). Mitsui Gink¯o.
(Morgan), Lewis Corey (1930).
The House of Morgan; A Social Biography of the Masters of Money.
(New York, NY: G.H. Watt, 479 p.). Morgan, J. Pierpont (John
Pierpont), 1837-1913; J.P. Morgan & Co.; Finance--United States.
Junius Spencer Morgan -
J.S. Morgan & Co.
J. P.
P. Davison
Thomas W. Lamont
(Morgan), John K. Winkler (1930).
Morgan the Magnificent; The Life of J. Pierpont Morgan
(1837-1913). (New York, NY: Vanguard Press, 313 p.).
Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont), 1837-1913.
(Morgan), Herbert L. Satterlee (1939).
J. Pierpont Morgan; An Intimate Portrait. (New York, NY:
Macmillan, 595 p.). Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont),
(Morgan), John Arthur Garraty (1960).
Right-Hand Man; The Life of George W. Perkins. (New
York, NY: Harper, 433 p.). Perkins, George Walbridge, 1862-1920.
(Morgan), Edwin P. Hoyt, Jr. (1966).
The House of Morgan. (New York, NY: Dodd, Mead, 428 p.).
Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont), 1837-1913; J.P. Morgan &
Co.; Finance--United States--History.
(Morgan), John Douglas Forbes (1974).
Stettinius, Sr.: Portrait of a Morgan Partner.
(Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia, 244 p.).
Stettinius, Edward Reilly, 1865-1925; J.P. Morgan & Co.
(Morgan), Thomas W. Lamont (1975).
Henry P. Davison: The Record of a Useful Life. (New
York, NY: Arno Press, 373 p. [orig. pub. 1933]). Davison, Henry
Pomeroy, 1867-1922; Bankers--United States--Biography.
(Morgan), Henry L. Loucks (1975).
The Great Conspiracy of the House of Morgan and How To Defeat It.
(New York, NY: Arno Press, 296 p. [orig. pub. 1916]). J.P.
Morgan & Co.; Banks and banking -- United States; Currency
question -- United States; Agricultural credit -- United States.
(Morgan), Vincent P. Carosso with the
assistance of Rose C. Carosso (1987).
The Morgans: Private International Bankers, 1854-1913.
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 888 p.). Morgan,
Junius Spencer, 1813-1890; Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont),
1837-1913; J.P. Morgan & Co.--History; Bankers--Biography; Banks
and banking, International--History.
(Morgan), Ron Chernow (1991).
The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of
Modern Finance. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 812
p.). Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York--History; Banks
and banking--United States--History.
(Morgan), Edward M. Lamont (1994).
The Ambassador from Wall Street: The Story of Thomas W. Lamont,
J.P. Morgan's Chief Executive: A Biography. (Lanham, MD:
Madison Books, 564 p.). Lamont, Thomas W. (Thomas William),
1870-1948; Bankers--United States--Biography.
(Morgan), Jean Strause (1999).
Morgan: American Financier. (New York, NY: Random House,
796 p.). Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont), 1837-1913;
Bankers--United States--Biography; Capitalists and
financiers--United States--Biography; Art--Collectors and
collecting--United States--Biography.
(Morgan), James L. Hunt (2009).
Relationship Banker: Eugene W. Stetson, Wall Street, and
American Business, 1916-1959. (Macon, GA: Mercer
University Press, 386 p.). Associate Professor of Law at the
Eugene W. Stetson School of Business and Economics and Walter F.
George School of Law (Mercer University). Stetson, Eugene W.
(Eugene William), 1881-1959; Guaranty Trust Company of New York;
Bankers --United States --Biography; Capitalists and financiers
--United States --Biography; Banks and banking, American
--History --20th century. Strategies, relationships that
determined who received capital in 20th-century America. 1916 -
became vice-president with Guaranty Trust
Company of New York; became president, chairman of Guaranty; 1958 -
spearheaded merger of Guaranty and Morgan; Stetson's skill - creating,
sustaining personal relationships.
(JP Morgan Chase & Co.), Patricia B. Crisafulli (2009).
The House of Dimon: How JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon Rose to the Top
of the Financial World.
(Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 242 p.). Former Chicago Correspondent
(Reuters America).
Dimon, Jamie; J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.; Capitalists and
financiers --United States --Biography. Events that shaped Dimon's
how he successfully acquired, integrated companies; reorganized
underperforming units; created efficiencies; grew bottom-line
management style, ability to inspire outstanding performance,
talent for taking calculated risks allowed him to excel where
many others failed.
(JP Morgan Chase), Duff McDonald (2009).
Last Man Standing: The Ascent of Jamie Dimon and JPMorgan Chase.
(New York, NY, Simon & Schuster, 352 p). Dimon, Jamie; J.P.
Morgan Chase & Co.; Capitalists and financiers --United States
--Biography. Dimon's tumultuous rise: joined Sandy Weill at American Express (fresh from Harvard Business
School), built Citigroup, unceremoniously
ousted, rescued Bank One, ascended to top post at
JPMorgan Chase (age 48); transformed bank from broken
institution to global banking powerhouse in five years;
dedicated family man, uncanny facility with numbers, tireless
work ethic, fierce loyalty, unrelenting aversion to office
Jamie Dimon - JP Morgan Chase
(J. P. Morgan Chase & Co.), Gillan Tett (2009).
Fool's Gold: How the Bold Dream of a Small Tribe at J.P. Morgan
Was Corrupted by Wall Street Greed and Unleashed a Catastrophe.
(New York, NY: Free Press, 304 p.). Journalist (Financial
Times). J.P. Morgan & Co.; Credit derivatives --United States
--History; Housing --United States --Finance; Financial crises
--United States. "Shadow banking" world; how Morgan team's bold
ideas for new kind of financial alchemy in 1994 helped to ignite
revolution in banking, escalated wildly out
of control; created
credit derivatives; catapulted Morgan to top of derivatives
trade, fueled extraordinary banking boom beyond limits of
acceptable risk; how Morgan
leaders engineered bank's escape from carnage, how possible for
larger banking world, regulators, rating agencies to have
spotted, heeded terrible risks of meltdown.
(National and Grindlays Bank Limited),
Geoffrey Tyson. (1963).
100 Years of Banking in Asia and Africa 1863-1963.
(London, UK: National and Grindlays Bank, 246 p.). National and
Grindlays Bank Limited.
(National Bank of Alaska), Terrence Cole and
Elmer E. Rasmuson (2000).
Banking on Alaska: The Story of the National Bank of Alaska.
(Anchorage, AK: National Bank of Alaska, 403 p. [2 vols.]).
Professor of History (University of Alaska Fairbanks); Retired
President, CEO (National Bank of Alaska from 1943 to 1977).
Rasmuson, Elmer E.--Anecdotes; Rasmuson, Elmer E.--Career in
banks and banking; National Bank of Alaska--History; Banks and
banking--Alaska--History; Bankers--Alaska; Alaska--Economic
(National Bank of Australasia), Geoffrey
Blainey, Geoffrey Hutton (1983).
Gold and Paper, 1858-1982: A History of the National Bank of
Australasia Ltd. (South Melbourne, AU: Macmillan, 354 p.
[rev. ed.]). National Bank of Australasia--History; Banks and
(National Bank of Commerce of Seattle), Elliot
Marple & Bruce H. Olson (1972).
The National Bank of Commerce of Seattle, 1889-1969; Territorial
to Worldwide Banking in Eighty Years, including the Story of the
Marine Bancorporation. (Palo Alto, CA: Pacific Books,
277p.). National Bank of Commerce of Seattle; Marine
Bancorporation, Seattle.
(NB New Zealand), Frank Holmes Hawke and Gary
Richard (1997). The Thoroughbred Among Banks in New Zealand.
(Wellington, NZ: National Bank of New Zealand, 225 p.). National
Bank of New Zealand, Ltd.; Banks and Banking--New
(National Farmers’ Bank), Larry Millett
The Curve of the Arch: The Story of Louis Sullivan’s Owatonna
Bank. (St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Historical Society Press,
203 p.). Sullivan, Louis H., 1856-1924; Elmslie, George Grant,
1871-1952; Bennett, Carl Kent; National Farmers’ Bank (Owatonna,
Minn.); Public buildings--Minnesota--Owatonna.
(Nationsbank), Howard E. Covington, Jr. &
Marion A. Ellis; foreword by L. William Seidman (1993).
The Story of NationsBank: Changing the Face of American Banking.
(Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 328 p.).
Nationsbank--History; Banks and banking--United States--History.
(Nationsbank), Ross Yockey (1999).
McColl: The Man with America's Money. (Atlanta, GA:
Longstreet, 636 p.). McColl, Hugh L.; Bank of America--History;
Bankers--United States--Biography; Banks and banking--United
(Northern Rock), Alex Brummer (2009).
The Crunch: The Scandal of Northern Rock and the Escalating
Credit Crisis. (London, UK: Random House, 244 p.). City
Editor at the Daily Mail. Financial crises; Bank failures;
Bankers -- Malpractice; Monetary policy; International finance.
Financial crisis from origins in U.S. subprime
market to explosion onto international scene; entire population of UK co-opted to
guarantee Northern Rock (one of top five mortgage lenders in
United Kingdom in terms of gross lending; nationalized on
February 22, 2008) with 30 billion of
public money.
(Northland Bank), Arthur Johnson (1986).
Breaking the Banks. (Toronto, ON: Lester & Orpen Dennys,
256 p.). Canadian Commercial Bank -- History; Northland Bank --
History; Bank failures -- Canada -- History; Banks and banking
-- Canada -- History.
(Orion Royal Bank), Richard Roberts with
Christopher Arnander. (2001).
Take Your Partners: Orion, the Consortium Banks and the
Transformation of the Euromarkets. (New York, NY:
Palgrave, 359 p.). Reader in Business History, School of Social
Sciences (University of Sussex). Orion Royal Bank; Bank
consortia--Europe; Euro-dollar market; Euro-bond market.
(Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation), Dick
Wilson (1972). Solid as a Rock: The First Forty Years of the
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation. (Singapore: The
Corporation, 133 p.). Oversea-Chinese Banking
(Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation), Grace
Loh, Goh Chor Boon, Tan Teng Lang (2000).
Building Bridges, Carving Niches: An Enduring Legacy.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 280 p.). Tan, Chin Tuan;
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation--History; Banks and banking,
Chinese--Singapore--History; Bankers--Singapore--Biography.
(Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation), Mike
Macbeth (2003). Quiet Achiever: The Life and Times of Tan Sri
Dr. Tan Chin Tuan. (Singapore: Times Editions, 215 p.). Tan,
Chin Tuan; Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation--History;
Bankers--Singapore--Biography; Banks and banking,
(Paribas), Jean Baumier (1988).
La Galaxie Paribas. (Paris, FR: Plon, 273 p.). Paribas
(Firm)--History; Banks and banking--France--History.
(Penn Square), Mark Singer (1985).
Funny Money. (New York, NY: Random House, 221 p.). Penn
Square Bank; Bank failures--Oklahoma--Oklahoma City.
(Penn Square), Phillip L. Zweig (1985).
Belly Up: The Collapse of the Penn Square Bank. (New
York, NY: Crown, 500 p.). Penn Square Bank; Bank failures --
United States.
(Peoples), Barry Provorse; edited by Alex
Groner; contributing editor, Elliot Marple. (1987).
The PeoplesBank Story. (Bellevue, WA: Documentary Book
Publishers Corp., 245 p.). Peoples Savings Bank--History;
Peoples Bank and Trust Company--History; Peoples National Bank
of Washington--History; Peoples Bancorporation--History; Banks
and banking--Washington (State)--History.
(Philadelphia NB), Nicholas B. Wainwright
History of the Philadelphia National Bank: A Century and a Half
of Philadelphia Banking, 1803-1953. (New York, NY: Arno
Press, 263 p. [Reprint of 1953 ed.]). Philadelphia National
Bank; Banks and banking--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia--History.
(Puget Sound Bancorp), Barry L. Provorse
Banking on Independence: The First Century of Puget Sound
Bancorp. (Seattle, WA: Documentary Book Pub., 156 p.).
Puget Sound Bancorp.
(Reconstruction Finance Corporation), Jesse H.
Jones with Edward Angly (1951).
Fifty Billion Dollars: My Thirteen Years with the RFC, 1932-1945.
(New York, NY: Macmillan, 631 p.). Reconstruction Finance
(Reconstruction Finance Corporation), James
Stuart Olson (1977).
Herbert Hoover and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation,
1931-1933. (Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 177
p.). Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964; Reconstruction Finance
Corporation; Depressions--1929--United States.
(Reconstruction Finance Corporation), James S.
Olson (1988).
Saving Capitalism: The Reconstruction Finance Corporation and
the New Deal, 1933-1940. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press, 246 p.). Reconstruction Finance Corporation --
History; New Deal, 1933-1939; United States -- Economic policy
-- 1933-1945.
(Republic Bank [Trinidad and Tobago]), The
Bank (1987). From Colonial to Republic: One Hundred and Fifty
Years of Business and Banking in Trinidad and Tobago, 1837-1987.
(Newtown, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, W.I.: The Bank, 206 p.).
Republic Bank (Trinidad and Tobago)--History; Colonial
Bank--History; Banks and banking--Trinidad and Tobago--History.
(Republic National Bank of Dallas), H. Harold
Wineburgh; foreword by Willis M. Tate (1981).
The Texas Banker: The Life and Times of Fred Farrel Florence.
(Dallas, TX: H.H. Wineburgh, 303 p.). Florence, Fred Farrel,
1891-1960; Bankers--Texas--Biography. President from 1929 until
(Rhode Island Hospital Trust ), Florence P.
Simister (1967). The First Hundred Years. (Providence,
RI: Rhode Island Hospital Trust Co., 152 p.). Rhode Island
Hospital Trust Company, Providence.
(Riggs), Henry Cohen (1971).
Business and Politics in America from the Age of Jackson to the
Civil War; the Career Biography of W. W. Corcoran.
(Westport, CT: Greenwood Pub. Corp., 409 p.). Corcoran, W. W.
(William Wilson), 1798-1888; Riggs National Bank; Business and
politics--United States; Finance--United States--History.
George Washington Riggs - Riggs Bank
(Rothschild), Cecil Roth (1939).
The Magnificent Rothschilds. (London, UK: R. Hale, 291
p.). Rothschild family.
Amschel Rothschild
(Rothschild), Count Egon Caesar Corti;
translated from the German by Brian and Beatrix Lunn (1974).
The Reign of the House of Rothschild, 1830-1871. (New
York, NY: Gordon Press, 457 p. [orig. pub. 1928]). Rothschild
family; Europe--Politics and government--1815-1871.
(Rothschild), Derek Wilson (1988).
Rothschild: The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty (New York,
NY: Scribner, 490 p.). Rothschild family;
Bankers--Europe--Biography; Businesspeople--Europe--Biography;
Europe--Politics and government--1789-1900.
(Rothschild), Herbert R. Lottman (1995).
The French Rothschilds: The Great Banking Dynasty Through Two
Turbulent Centuries. (New York, NY: Crown, 405 p.).
Rothschild family; Bankers--France--Biography; Banks and
(Rothschild), Amos Elon (1996).
Founder: A Portrait of the First Rothschild and His Time.
(New York, NY: Viking, 208 p.). Austrian-born Israeli Essayist.
Rothschild, Meyer Amschel,--1744-1812; Jewish
bankers--Germany--Biography; Bankers--Germany--Biography;
Jews--Germany--Biography; Jews--Germany--History--18th century;
Germany--Economic conditions--18th century.
(Rothschild), Niall Ferguson (1997).
The House of Rothschild: Money's Prophets, 1798-1848.
(New York, NY: Viking, Vol. 1, 500p.). Teaches History (Jesus
College, Oxford). Rothschild family; Bankers--Europe--Biography;
Banks and banking--Europe--History--19th century;
(Rothschild), Frederic Morton (1998).
The Rothschilds: Portrait of a Dynasty (New York, NY:
Kodansha International, 311 p. [orig. pub. 1962]). Rothschild
family; Bankers--Europe--Biography.
(Rothschild), Niall Ferguson (1999).
The House of Rothschild: The World's Banker 1849-1999.
(New York, NY: Viking, Vol. 2, 658 p.). Teaches History (Jesus
College, Oxford). Businesspeople--Europe--Biography;
Europe--Politics and government.
(Rothschild), Herbert H. Kaplan (2006).
Nathan Mayer Rothschild and the Creation of a Dynasty: The
Critical Years 1806-1816. (Stanford, CA: Stanford
University Press, 194 p.). Professor Emeritus of History
(Indiana University). Rothschild, Nathan Meyer, 1777-1836;
Rothschild family; Bankers--England--London--Biography; Jewish
capitalists and financiers--England--London--Biography; Banks
and banking--England--London--History--19th century; Banks and
banking--Europe--History--19th century; Napoleonic Wars,
1800-1815--Participation, British. How
Nathan Mayer Rothschild founded banking and financial empire
that remained preeminent in Europe for more than a century.
(Royal Bank-Canada), Clifford H. Ince (1970).
The Royal Bank of Canada; A Chronology 1864-1969.
(Montreal, QU: Royal Bank of Canada, 152 p.). Royal Bank of
(Royal Bank-Canada), Duncan McDowall (1993).
Quick to the Frontier: Canada's Royal Bank. (Toronto, ON:
McClelland & Stewart, 478 p.). Royal Bank of Canada -- History.
(Royal Bank-Ireland), Kenneth Milne; with a
foreword by F.S.L. Lyons (1964). A History of the Royal Bank
of Ireland Limited. (Dublin, IR: A. Figgis, 115 p.). Royal
Bank of Ireland, Ltd.
(Royal Bank-Scotland), Neil Munro (1928).
The History of the Royal Bank of Scotland, 1727-1927.
(Edinburgh, Scotland: R. & R. Clark, Limited, 416 p.). Royal
Bank of Scotland; Banks and banking -- Scotland.
(Scotiabank), Joseph Schull and J. Douglas
Gibson (1982).
The Scotiabank Story: A History of the Bank of Nova Scotia,
1832-1982. (Toronto, ON: Macmillan, 421 p.). Bank of
Nova Scotia--History.
(Seattle-First National Bank), Shelby Scates
Firstbank... The Story of Seattle-First National Bank.
(Seattle, WA: The Bank, 130 p.). Seattle-First National Bank.
(SEB), Göran B. Nilsson (1984). André Oscar
Wallenberg. (Stockholm, SW: P.A. Norstedt : Institutet för
ekonomisk-historisk forskning vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm,
1 vol.). Wallenberg, A. O.; Bankers--Sweden--Biography.
(SEB), Goran B. Nilsson, Michael F. Metcalf
(Translator) (2005).
Founder: Andre Oscar Wallenberg (1816-1886) Swedish Banker,
Politician & Journalist. (Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist &
Wiksell International, 445 p.). Wallenberg, A. O.;
Founded Stockholm's Enskilda Bank (SEB) in 1856;
crisis in 1878-79
- number of too bold
investments in railroads, iron foundries, and sawmill
(Security Pacific Corporation), Laurance
Landreth Hill (1931).
La Reina, Los Angeles, in Three Centuries; A Volume Originally
Published To Commemorate the Fortieth Anniversary of the
Founding of the Former Security Trust & Savings Bank of Los
Angeles, February 11, 1889 ... (Los Angeles, CA:
Security-First National Bank, 208 p.). Trust & Savings Bank (Los
Angeles, Calif.); Los Angeles (Calif.); Los Angeles
(Security Pacific Corporation), Robert H.
Smith, with Michael K. Crowley (1999).
Dead Bank Walking: One Gutsy Bank’s Struggle for Survival and
the Merger that Changed Banking Forever. (Winchester,
VA: Oakhill Press, 426 p.). Security Pacific's Last Chairman and
CEO. Security Pacific Corporation--History; Banks and
banking--California; Bank mergers--California.
(Security Pacific Bank Washington), Robert
Spector (1989).
Banking Without Boundaries: A History of Security Pacific Bank
Washington. (Seattle, WA: Documentary Book Publishers
Corp., 110 p.). Security Pacific Bank Washington.
(Seylan Bank), Seylan Bank (2009).
The Case Study: A Closer Look at the Extraordinary Efforts that
Restored Financial Stability to Seylan Bank.
(Colombo, Sri Lanka: Seylan Bank PLC, 253 p.). Banks and banking
-- Sri Lanka; Seylan Bank; Seylan Bank -- Statistics.
(Shawmut), Asa S. Knowles with the editorial
collaboration of Antoinette Frederick and William H. Schoeffler
Shawmut: 150 Years of Banking, 1836-1986. (Boston, MA:
Houghton Mifflin, 517 p.). Shawmut Bank of Boston, N.
A.--History; Banks and banking--Massachusetts--Boston--History.
(Societas Riccardorum), Richard W. Kaeuper
Bankers to the Crown: The Riccardi of Lucca and Edward I.
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 279 p.). Edward I,
King of England, 1239-1307; Riccardi (Firm); Finance, Public
--Great Britain. Riccardi - partnership started
operating in England around 1245, ceased at turn of century after long struggle against
(Societe Bordelaise de CIC), Hubert Bonin;
photographies de Jean-Luc Chapin (1991). Histoire de la
Societe Bordelaise de CIC: 1880-1990. (Bordeaux. FR:
L’Horizon Chimerique, 300 p.). Societe bordelaise de
CIC--History; Banks and banking--France--Bordeaux--History;
Bordeaux (France)--Economic conditions; Bordeaux
(Societe Generale de Banque), Eric Buyst ...
[et al.] (1997). La Generale de Banque, 1822-1997.
(Bruxelles, Belgium: Racine, 703 p.). Societe Generale de
banque--History; Banks and banking--Belgium--History.
(Societe Generale de Belgique), Charles
d’Ydewalle et Gauthier Bosschaert de Bouwel (1972). Une
Grande Dame, la Societe Generale de Belgique. (Bruxelles,
Belgium: Editions Labor, 156 p.). Societe Generale de
(Societe Generale de Belgique), Bruno
Dethomas, Jose-Alain Fralon (1989).
Les Milliards de l’Orgueil: l’Affaire de la Societe Generale de
Belgique. (Paris, FR: Gallimard, 239 p.). De Benedetti,
Carlo; Societe Generale de Belgique; Consolidation and merger of
(Societe Generale de Belgique), Xavier
Mabille, Charles-X. Tulkens, Anne Vincent (1997). La Societe
Generale de Belgique, 1822-1997: Le Pouvoir d’un Groupe a
Travers l’Histoire. (Bruxelles, Belgium: CRISP, 334 p.).
Societe? Generale de Belgique--History; Generale Maatschappij
van Belgie--History.
(Societe Generale de Belgique), R. Brion and
J.-L. Moreau ; [translation, Anthea Bell et al.] (1998). The
Societe Generale de Belgique, 1822-1997. (Antwerp, Belgium:
Fonds Mercator, 514 p.). Societe Generale de Belgique--History;
Banks and banking--Belgium--History.
(Sovereign Bancorp), Jeffrey L. Rodengen,
Richard F. Hubbard (2003).
The Legend of Sovereign Bancorp. (Fort Lauderdale, FL:
Write Stuff Enterprises, 144 p.). Sovereign Bancorp, Inc.
(Standard Chartered Bank), Compton Mackenzie
Realms of Silver: One Hundred Years of Banking in the East.
(London, UK: Routledge & K. Paul, 338 p.). Standard Chartered
(State National Bank of El Paso), C. L.
Sonnichsen and M. G. McKinney (1971).
The State National Since 1881: The Pioneer Bank of El Paso.
(El Paso, TX: Texas Western Press, 171 p.). State National Bank
of El Paso.
(Sun Bank), Ormund Powers (1984).
Fifty Years: The Sun Bank Story, 1934-1984 (Orlando, FL:
Sun Bank, N.A., 214 p.). Banking--Florida--History; Sun Bank, N
A.; First National Bank of Orlando.
(Swiss Bank Corporation), Hans Bauer (1972).
Swiss Bank Corporation 1872-1972. (Zurich, SW: Swiss
Bank Corporation, 541 p.). Swiss Bank Corporation.
(Texas American Bancshares), Joseph M. Grant
The Great Texas Banking Crash: An Insider's Account.
(Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 316 p.). Former Chairman
and CEO of Texas American Bancshares, Inc. Texas American
Bancshares, Inc.; National Bancshares of Texas of San Antonio;
Bank failures--Texas; Bank holding companies--Texas; Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation.
(Texas Commerce), Walter L. Buenger and Joseph
A. Pratt (1986).
But Also Good Business: Texas Commerce Banks and the Financing
of Houston and Texas, 1886-1986. (College Station, TX:
Texas A&M University, 450 p.). Pratt is NEH-Cullen Professor of
History and Business (University of Houston). Texas Commerce
Bank--History; Banks and banking--Texas--History.
(Texas Commerce), Benton F. Love; foreword by
James A. Baker, III (2005).
Ben Love: My Life in Texas Commerce. (College Station,
TX: Texas A&M University Press, 331 p.). CEO of Texas Commerce
Bank. Love, Benton F., 1924- ; Texas Commerce
Bancshares--History; Bankers--Texas--Biography.
From poor farm boy to CEO of Texas
Commerce, state's second-largest lending institution.
(Toronto-Dominion), Joseph Schull (1958).
100 Years of Banking in Canada; A History of the
Toronto-Dominion Bank. (Vancouver, BC: Copp Clark Pub.
Co., 222 p.). Bank of Toronto; Dominion Bank, Toronto; Banks and
banking--Canada; Toronto (Ont.)--Dominion Bank.
(Tracy Collins Bank & Trust), Leonard J.
Arrington (1984).
Tracy Collins Bank & Trust Company: A Record of Responsibility,
1884-1984. (Midvale, UT: Eden Hill, 252 p.). Tracy
Collins Bank & Trust Company; Banks and banking--Utah.
(Trust Company of Georgia), Harold H. Martin
Three Strong Pillars: The Story of Trust Company of Georgia.
(Atlanta, GA: Trust Company of Georgia, 149 p.). Trust Company
of Georgia--History.
(Umpqua Bank), Ray Davis with Alan Shrader
Leading for Growth: How Umpqua Bank Got Cool and Created a
Culture of Greatness. (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass,
240 p.). President & CEO - Umpqua Holdings Corporation;. Umpqua
Bank; Organizational effectiveness; Corporations--Growth;
Leadership. Atmosphere of
competitiveness for exceptional growth - 11 years, $7 billion in
assets, 128 branches."
(Union Bank of Scotland), Norio Tamaki;
foreword by S.G. Checkland (1983).
The Life Cycle of the Union Bank of Scotland, 1830-1954.
(Aberdeen, Scotland: Aberdeen University Press, 242 p.). Union
Bank of Scotland--History; Banks and banking--Scotland--History.
(Union Bank of Switzerland), Dirk Schutz
The Fall of the UBS: The Reasons Behind the Decline of the Union
Bank of Switzerland. (New York, NY: Pyramid Media Group,
256 p.). Union Bank of Switzerland.
(Union Planters National Bank), John Longwith
Since Before the Yellow Fever: A History of Union Planters Bank.
(Memphis, TN: Union Planters Corp., 175 p.). Union Planters
National Bank of Memphis--History; Banks and
banking--Tennessee--Memphis--History; Memphis (Tenn.)--History.
(U.S. Bancorp), Claude Singer (1984).
U.S. National Bank of Oregon and U.S. Bancorp, 1891-1984.
(Portland, OR: U. S. Bancorp, 132 p.). U.S. Bancorp--History;
Banks and banking--Oregon--History.
(United Virginia), Frances Leigh Williams
They Faced the Future: A Saga of Growth. (Richmond, VA:
Whittet & Shepperson, 105 p.). United Virginia Bank--History;
United Virginia Bankshares Incorporated--History.
(United Virginia), Frances Leigh Williams
They Faced the Future, II: A History of United Virginia Bank,
1951 to 1980, and of United Virginia Bankshares Incorporated,
1962 to 1980. (Richmond, VA: The Bank, 93 p.). United
Virginia Bank--History; United Virginia Bankshares
(United Virginia), William K. Klingaman
J. Harvie Wilkinson, Jr.: Virginian, Banker, Visionary.
(Richmond, VA: Crestar Financial Corp., 173 p.). Wilkinson, J.
Harvie (James Harvie), 1906-; State-Planters Bank of Commerce &
Trusts; United Virginia Bankshares Incorporated; Crestar
Financial Corporation; Bankers--Virginia--Biography.
(Valley National), Ernest Jerome Hopkins
Financing the Frontier: Fifty Year History of the Valley
National Bank (Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Printers, 271 p.).
Valley National Bank, Phoenix, Arizona.
(Washington Trust Company), Ralph Bolton
Cooney (1950).
Westerly’s Oldest Witness; How Westerly and the Washington Trust
Company Have Progressed Together for 150 Years.
(Westerly, RI: Washington Trust Co., 84 p.). Washington Trust
Company (Westerly, R.I.); Westerly (R.I.)--History.
(Wells Fargo), Neill C. Wilson (1936).
Treasure Express; Epic Days of the Wells Fargo. (New
York, NY: Macmillan, 322 p.). Wells, Fargo & Company; Express
service -- West (U.S.); Brigands and robbers.
Henry Wells, William G. Fargo
(Wells Fargo), Lucius Beebe and Charles Clegg
U.S. West, The Saga of Wells Fargo. (New York, NY:
Dutton, 320 p.). Wells, Fargo & Company; West (U.S.)--History.
(Wells Fargo), Edward Hungerford (1949).
Wells Fargo, Advancing the American Frontier. (New
York, NY: Random House, 274 p.). Wells, Fargo & Company; West
(Wells Fargo), Noel M. Loomis (1968).
Wells Fargo. (New York, NY: C. N. Potter, 340 p.).
Wells, Fargo & Company.
(Wells Fargo), John and Lillian Theobald
Wells Fargo in Arizona Territory. (Tempe, AZ: Arizona
Historical Foundation, 210 p.). Wells, Fargo & Company--History;
Frontier and pioneer life--Arizona; Arizona--History--To 1950.
(Wells Fargo), W. Turrentine Jackson (1985).
Portland: Wells Fargo’s Hub for the Pacific Northwest.
(Portland, OR: Oregon Historical Society, 265 p.). Wells, Fargo
& Company--History; Express service--Oregon--Portland--History;
Portland (Or.)--Economic conditions.
(Wells Fargo), Philip L. Fradkin; foreword by
J. S. Holliday (2002).
Stagecoach, Wells Fargo and the American West. (New
York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 250 p.). Wells, Fargo &
Company--History; Coaching--United States--History; Express
service--United States--History; West (U.S.)--History.
(Wells Fargo), Robert J. Chandler (2006).
Wells Fargo. (Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub., 127 p.).
Senior Research Historian (Wells Fargo Bank), President of the
Book Club of California. Wells, Fargo & Company--History;
Coaching (Transportation)--West (U.S.)--History.
Banking, express or transporting,
mail-delivery agency - fastest means possible for deliveries and
fund transfers: Overland Mail Company; Pony Express; 3,000-mile
network of stagecoaches between California, Nebraska.
(Westminster Bank), T. E. Gregory; assisted by
Annette Henderson; with a preface by Rupert E. Beckett (1936).
The Westminster Bank Through a Century. (London, UK:
Westminster Bank, 2 vols.). Westminster Bank; Bankers--Great
(Westpac), Keith Sinclair and W. F. Mandle
Open Account; A History of the Bank of New South Wales in New
Zealand, 1861-1961. (Wellington, NZ: Whitcombe & Tombs,
266 p.). Bank of New South Wales; Banks and banking--New
Governor Lachlan Macquarie
- signed charter of incorporation of Westpac
(Westpac), Bob White, Cecelia Clarke (1995).
Cheques and Balances: Memoirs of a Banker. (New York,
NY: Viking, 275 p.). White, Bob, 1923- ; Westpac Banking
Corporation--History; Bankers--Australia--Biography; Banks and
(Westpac), Edna Carew (1997).
Westpac: The Bank That Broke the Bank (New York, NY:
Doubleday, 460 p.). Banks and Banking-Australia, Westpac Banking
(Worcester County National Bank), Mildred M.
Tymeson (1966).
Worcester Bankbook; From Country Barter to County Bank,
1804-1966. (Worcester, MA: Worcester County National
Bank, 183 p.). Worcester County National Bank (1933- ).
(World Bank), James Morris (1963).
The Road to Huddersfield: A Journey to Five Continents.
(New York, NY: Pantheon, 235 p.). World Bank; Economic
(World Bank), Robert W. Oliver (1995).
George Woods and the World Bank. (Boulder, CO: Lynne
Rienner, 257 p.). Woods, George D.; World
Bank--Presidents--Biography; World Bank--History--20th century.
(World Bank), Jochen Kraske ... [et al.]
Bankers with a Mission: The Presidents of the World Bank,
1946-91. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 333
p.). World Bank--Presidents--Biography; World Bank--History;
(World Bank), Sebastian Mallaby (2004).
The World's Banker: Story of Failed States, Financial Crises,
and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations. (New York, NY:
Penguin, 462 p.). Columnist (Washington Post). Wolfensohn, Jim;
World Bank--Presidents; Economic development--Finance; Financial
crises; Developing countries--Economic policy.
(World Bank), Ed. Ruth Kagia (2005).
Balancing the Development Agenda: The Transformation of the
World Bank under James D. Wolfensohn, 1995-2005.
(Washington, DC: World Bank, 156 p.). Wolfensohn, James D.;
World Bank; Economic development; Economic assistance.
(World Bank), Catherine Weaver (2008).
Hypocrisy Trap: The World Bank and the Poverty of Reform.
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 288 p.). Assistant
Professor of Political Science (University of Kansas). World
Bank; Economic development --Political aspects; Poverty
--Government policy; Economic assistance --Political aspects;
International organization. Why
there is a trap at preeminent international development agency
for past sixty years, why it is not easy to avoid or escape;
how characteristics of change in complex international
organization make hypocrisy difficult to resolve, especially
after exposure becomes critical threat to organization's
legitimacy, survival.
(World Bank), James D. Wolfensohn
A Global Life: My Journey Among Rich and Poor, from Wall
Street to the World Bank. (New York, NY:
PublicAffairs 480 p.). President of the World Bank.
Wolfensohn, James D.; World Bank --Presidents
--Biography; Investment bankers --United States
--Biography. Olympic fencer, prominent banker in London, New York; Australian, navigated Wall Street with
uncommon skill; Chairman of Carnegie Hall, Kennedy
Center for many years; amateur cellist; motivated,
schemed, charmed, bullied all constituencies at his
command to broaden distribution of world's wealth;
assessment of successes and failures, causes of
continuing poverty.
(Yokohama Specie Bank), Norio Tamaki (2001).
Yukichi Fukuzawa, 1835-1901: The Spirit of Enterprise in Modern
Japan. (New York, NY: Palgrave, 252 p.). Professor of
Japan's Economic, Social and Banking History (Keio University).
Fukuzawa, Yukichi, 1835-1901; Bankers--Japan--Biography;
B. L. Anderson and P. L. Cottrell (1974).
Money and Banking in England: The Development of the Banking
System, 1694-1914. (New York, NY: David & Charles, 354
p). Banks and banking--Great Britain--History; Banks and
banking--Great Britain--History--Sources; Money--Great
Britain--History; Money--Great Britain--History--Sources.
Jeremy Atack, Larry Neal (2009).
The Origin and Development of Financial Markets and
Institutions: From the Seventeenth Century to the Present.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 472 p.). Professor of
Economics and Professor of History (Vanderbilt University);
Emeritus Professor of Economics (University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign). Financial institutions; Capital market.;
Banks and banking. How financial innovations from 17th century
to present have challenged established institutional
arrangements, forced change, adaptation by governments,
financial intermediaries, financial markets.
Walter Bagehot (1999).
Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market. (New
York, NY: Wiley, 359 p. [orig. pub. 1873]). Editor (Economist).
Banks and banking--England--London; Banks and banking--Great
Britain; Finance--England--London; Finance--Great Britain.
Geroge J. Benston (1990).
The Separation of Commercial and Investment Banking: The
Glass-Steagall Act Revisited and Reconsidered. (New
York, NY: Oxford University Press, 263 p.). United States.
Banking Act of 1933--History; Banks and banking--United
States--History; Investment banking--United States--History;
Banking law--United States; Securities--United States.
Niti Bhasin (2007).
Banking and Financial Markets in India, 1947 to 2007.
(New Delhi, IN: New Century Publications, 510 p.). Banks and
banking--India--History; Financial institutions--India--History;
Investments--India; Fiscal policy--India--History.
Thomas W. Blomquist (2004).
Merchant Families, Banking and Money in Medieval Lucca.
(Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 346 p.).
Merchants--Italy--Lucca--History--To 1500; Banks and
banking--Italy--Lucca--History--To 1500;
Money--Italy--Lucca--History--To 1500; Lucca
(Italy)--Commerce--History--To 1500.
Howard Bodenhorn (2000).
A History of Banking in Antebellum America: Financial Markets
and Economic Development in an Era of Nation-Building.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 260 p.). Associate
Professor of Economics (Lafayette College). Banks and
banking--United States--History.
--- (2003).
State Banking in Early America: A New Economic History.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 355 p.). Associate
Professor of History (Lafayette College). Banks and
banking--United States--State supervision; Banks and
banking--United States--History.
James C. Boyajian (1983).
Portuguese Bankers at the Court of Spain, 1626--1650.
(New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 289 p.). Banks and
banking, Portuguese--Spain--History; Finance,
Public--Spain--History; Spain--History--Philip IV, 1621-1665.
Louis D. Brandeis (1995).
Other People’s Money and How the Bankers Use It. (New
York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 168 p. [orig. pub. 1914]).
Finance--United States; Banks and banking--United States.
H. Peers Brewer (1986). The Emergence of
the Trust Company in New York City, 1870-1900 (New York, NY:
Garland, 343 p.). Trust companies--New York (State)--New
York--History--19th century.
Ed. Ariel Buira for the G-24 Research
Programme (2005).
The IMF and the World Bank at Sixty. (London, UK:
Anthem, 397 p.). Director of the G24 Secretariat, Special Envoy
of the President of Mexico for the UN Conference on Financing
for Development, Ambassador of Mexico, Member of the Board of
Governors of the Bank of Mexico, and Executive Director of the
IMF. International Monetary Fund; World Bank; Economic
development; International finance.
Carsten Burhop (2004). Die Kreditbanken in
der Gründerzeit. (Stuttgart, Germany: Franz Steiner Verlag,
279 p.). Banks and banking--Germany--History--19th century;
Kredietbanken. Late 1850s - Germany's
large, universal credit banks, Kreditbanken, appeared;
flourished in Gründerboom; individually large institutions,
usually had country-wide presence, primary source of finance for
industry; central role in Germany's late, rapid
Charles W. Calomiris (2006).
U.S. Bank Deregulation in Historical Perspective. (New
York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 359 p.). Henry Kaufman
Professor of Financial Institutions (Columbia University
Graduate School of Business). Banks and banking --Deregulation
--United States; Banking law --United States; Financial
institutions --United States. How deregulation is transforming
size, structure, geographic range of U.S. banks, scope of
banking services, nature of bank-customer relationships; virtual
elimination of fragmented geographical structure of industry;
economic, political causes and consequences of process of
deregulation in context of
origins, persistence of unique regulations that defined
U.S. banking for over century.
Avery Luvere Carlson (2007).
A Banking History of Texas, 1835-1929. (Rockport, TX:
Copano Bay Press, 111 p. [2nd ed., rev.]). Banks and
banking--Texas--History. History of
banking in Texas from Republic era through Great Depression -
uncertainty, distrust, confusion; pioneering institutions,
individuals that laid foundation for current system of banking
in Texas, despite enormous legislative, economic obstacles.
Francesca Carnevali (2005).
Europe’s Advantage: Banks and Small Firms in Britain, France,
Germany, and Italy Since 1918. (New York, NY: Oxford
University Press, 228 p.). Small business--Europe; Small
business--Great Britain; Small business--Europe--Finance; Small
business--Great Britain--Finance; Banks and banking--Europe;
Banks and banking--Great Britain. How structure of these
countries' banking systems has affected small firms' growth.
Ed. Youssef Cassis (1992).
Finance and Financiers in European History, 1880-1960.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 445 p.). Banks and
banking--Europe--History--19th century--Congresses; Banks and
banking--Europe--History--20th century--Congresses; Capitalists
and financiers--Europe--History--19th century--Congresses;
Capitalists and financiers--Europe--History--20th
century--Congresses; Finance--Europe--History--19th
century--Congresses; Finance--Europe--History--20th
Ed. Youssef Cassis; translated by Margaret
Rocques (1994).
City Bankers, 1890-1914. (New York, NY: Cambridge
University Press, 350 p.). Banks and
Bankers--England--London--History; Business and
politics--England--London--History; London (England)--Social
Ira B. Cross (1927).
Financing an Empire; History of Banking in California.
(San Francisco, CA: The S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 4
vols.). Banks and banking --California; Bankers --California.
Eds. Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Edward J. Kane and
Luc Laeven (2008).
Deposit Insurance Around the World: Issues of Design and
Implementation. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 402 p.).
Senior Research Manager, Finance and Private Sector, in the
World Bank's Development Economics Research Group; James F.
Cleary Professor in Finance (Boston College); Senior Economist
at the World Bank. Deposit insurance. Original cross-country dataset on DI systems, design features to
examine impact of DI on banking behavior, assess policy
complications that emerge in developing countries; many
countries would do well to delay installation of DI system - not
adequately designed to control possible DI-induced risk taking
by financial institutions.
Gary A. Dymski (1999).
The Bank Merger Wave: The Economic Causes and Social
Consequences of Financial Consolidation. (Armonk, NY:
M.E. Sharpe, 320 p.). Professor of Economics (University of
California, Riverside). Bank mergers; Consolidation and merger
of corporations. Operating efficiencies are not driving bank
merger mania; effects may be contrary to consumer,
non-financial business interests; new policies to
evaluate of prospective mergers.
Christopher Elias (1973).
The Dollar Barons. (New York, NY: Macmillan, 453 p.).
Banks and banking--United States.
John Erroll and David Erroll (2006).
American Genius: Nineteenth-Century Bank Locks and Time Locks.
(New York, NY: Quantuck Lane Press, 368 p.). Clinical
Psychologist, Curator of the John Mossman Lock Collection;
Attorney. Locks and keys--United States--History--19th century';
Locks and keys--United States--History--20th century.
Evolution of lock technology during the
nineteenth century.
Nicholas Faith (1982).
Safety in Numbers: The Mysterious World of Swiss Banking.
(New York, NY: Viking, 368 p.). Former Business Editor of the
Sunday Times of London. Banks, Banking.
T.R. Fehrenbach (1966).
The Swiss Banks. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 280 p.).
Banks and banking--Switzerland.
Herbert Feis; With an introd. by Charles P.
Howland and with a new introd. by the author (1964).
Europe, The World's Banker, 1870-1914; An Account of European
Foreign Investment and the Connection of World Finance with
Diplomacy Before the War. (New York, NY: Published for
the Council on Foreign Relations [by] A. M. Kelley, 469 p.).
International finance; World politics; World War,
1914-1918--Causes; Europe--Politics and government--1871-1918.
J. Van Fenstermaker (1965). The Development
of American Commercial Banking: 1782-1837. (Kent, OH: Kent
State University, 247 p.). Banks and banking--United
Caroline Fohlin (2006).
Finance Capitalism and Germany’s Rise to Industrial Power.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 300 p.). Research
Professor of Economics (Johns Hopkins University). Banks and
banking--Germany; Universal banks--Germany;
Industrialization--Germany. Structure,
performance, influence of universal banks on German securities
markets, on firm governance during industrialization.
Richard N. Germain (1996).
Dollars through the Doors: A Pre-1930 History of Bank Marketing
in America (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 224 p.). Bank
marketing -- United States -- History. Series Contributions in
economics and economic history.
Leo F. Goodstadt (2007).
Profits, Politics and Panics: Hong Kong's Banks and the Making
of a Miracle Economy, 1935-1985. (Hong Kong, China: Hong
Kong University Press, 315 p.). Head of the Central Policy Unit,
Chief Policy Adviser to the Hong Kong Government from 1989 to
1997. Banks and banking -- China --
Hong Kong -- History -- 20th century. Rise and fall of local
Hong Kong banks, their disastrous funding of property, share 'bubbles'
in 1960s, their links to gold and drug smuggling; complex
financial relationship with China; struggle for autonomy from
London's interference; shortcomings of distinguished
personalities, costly consequences for financial system,
Edwin Green (1989).
Banking, An Illustrated History. (New York, NY: Rizzoli,
160 p.). Banks and banking--History.
Richard S. Grossman (2010).
Unsettled Account: The Evolution of Banking in the
Industrialized World Since 1800. (Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press, 400 p.). Professor of
Economics (Wesleyan University). Banks and banking
--History; Banks and banking --Government policy; Bank
failures; Financial crises. How modern commercial
banking system came to be, where it is headed, how its
development will affect global economic growth;
development of commercial banking systems over past two
centuries in Western Europe, United States, Canada,
Japan, Australia; four major elements that have
contributed to banking evolution; why certain banking systems are more
resistant to crises than others; how governments and
financial systems respond to crises; why merger
movements suddenly take off; what motivates governments
to regulate banks; recent subprime mortgage crisis had
its origins in a boom-bust economic cycle; important
historical elements also at play in modern bailouts,
merger movements, regulatory reforms.
Jill M. Hendrickson (2011).
Regulation and Instability in U.S. Commercial Banking: A History
of Crises (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and
Financial Institutions). (New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 296
p.). Visiting Associate Professor (University of St. Thomas).
Banks and banking -- State supervision -- United States --
History; Bank failures -- United States -- History; Banking law
-- United States -- History; Financial crises -- United States
-- History. Regulation often contributes to bank instability,
suppresses competition and effective response to market changes,
encourages bankers to take on additional risk.
David S. Holland (1998).
When Regulation Was Too Successful--the Sixth Decade of
Deposit Insurance: A History of the Troubles of the U.S. Banking
Industry in the 1980s and Early 1990s. (Westport, CT:
Praeger, 147 p.). Banks and banking--United States--History;
Deposit insurance--United States; Banks and banking--United
States--State supervision; Banking law--United States--History.
Niv Horesh (2009).
Shanghai's Bund and Beyond: British Banks, Banknote Issuance,
and Monetary Policy in China, 1842-1937. (New Haven, CT:
Yale University Press, 224 p.). Lecturer in School of Languages
and Linguistics (University of New South Wales).
Banking--history-China; Economics--history-China.
British banking in pre-war Shanghai; first comparative study
of foreign banking in prewar China; impact of British overseas
bank notes on China's economy before outbreak of the
Sino-Japanese War in 1937; favorable, unfavorable effects on two
leading British banks in region of British presence in China;
revision of previous assumptions about China's prewar economy.
J.T.W. Hubbard (1995).
For Each, The Strength of All : A History of Banking in the
State of New York. (New York, NY: New York University
Press, 309 p.). Banks and banking -- New York (State) --
Hazel J. Johnson (1993).
The Banking Keiretsu. (Chicago, IL: Probus Pub. Co., 265
p.). Banks and banking--History--20th century; Industrial
policy; Corporations--Finance; Conglomerate corporations.
--- (1993).
Financial Institutions and Markets: A Global Perspective.
(New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 560 p.). Financial
institutions--United States; Financial institutions,
Juliet Johnson (2000).
A Fistful of Rubles: The Rise and Fall of the Russian Banking
System. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 244 p.).
Banks and banking--Russia (Federation); Finance--Russia
Kimio Kase, Tanguy Jacopin (2008).
CEOs as Leaders and Strategy Designers: Explaining the Success
of Spanish Banks. (New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 288
p.). Associate Professor, IESE Business School, Spain;
Co-ordinator the Banking Centre at the University of Alcalá,
Spain. Bank directors--Spain; Bank management--Spain; Banks and
banking, Spanish. Extraordinary
development, performance of Spanish banking industry during last
twenty years - based on CEO's cognition model of decision
Benjamin J. Klebaner (1990).
American Commercial Banking: A History. (Boston, MA:
Twayne Publishers, 283 p.). Banks and banking--United
States--History--20th century.
John Jay Knox (1969). A History of Banking
in the United States. (New York, NY: A.M. Kelley, 880 p.
(Reprint 1900 ed.)). Banks and banking--United States--History.
Alex Konanykhin (2006).
Defiance: or How To Succeed in Business despite Being Hounded by
the FBI, the KBG, the INS, the Department of Homeland Security,
the Department of Justice, Interpol and Mafia Hit Men.
(Vienna, VA: Renaissance Publishing, 269 p.). Konanykhin, Alex;
Russia (Federation)--Politics and government--1991-; Business
and politics--Russia (Federation); Discrimination in criminal
justice administration--Russia (Federation);
Embezzlement--Russia (Federation).
Success wealth,
power under perestroika then became target of ruthless Russian
Mafia, KGB, U. S. government.
Bart Lambert (2006).
The City, the Duke and Their Banker: The Rapondi Family and the
Formation of the Burgundian State. (Turnhout, Belgium:
Brepols, 200 p.). Research Assistant of the Research
Foundation-Flanders; Rapondi family; Banks and
banking--Belgium--Bruges--History; Burgundy
(France)--History--House of Valois, 1363-1477.
How an Italian merchant family (career of
more than thirty years in money-lending business) was able to shape late medieval
economic and political history.
Naomi R. Lamoreaux (1994).
Insider Lending: Banks, Personal Connections, and Economic
Development in Industrial New England. (New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press, 170 p.). Banks and banking--New
England--History--19th century; Commercial loans--New
England--History--19th century; Economic development
projects--New England--Finance--History--19th century;
Asset-backed financing--New England--History--19th century,.
Hope Lampert (1986).
Behind Closed Doors: Wheeling and Dealing in the Banking World.
(New York, NY: Atheneum, 386 p.). Banks and banking--United
States--Case studies.
George Wysham Lanier (1922).
A Century of Banking in New York, 1822-1922. (New York,
NY: George H. Doran Company, 335 p.). City bank farmers trust
company, New York; Banks and banking--New York (State);
Capitalists and financiers--New York (State).
Darwyn H. Lumley (2009).
Breaking the Banks in Motor City: The Auto Industry, the 1933
Detroit Banking Crisis and the Start of the New Deal.
(Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 202 p.). Member of the Society
of Automotive Historians. Bank failures --Michigan --Detroit
--History --20th century; Automobile industry and trade
--Michigan --Detroit --History; Financial crises --United States
--History --20th century; New Deal, 1933-1939; United States
--Economic policy --1933-1945. How automobile industry
played major role in 1933 banking crisis, subsequent New Deal
reforms that drastically changed financial industry; Detroit
banks experienced critical emergency, precipitated federal
closure of banks on March 4, 1933.
James Eliot Mason (1997).
The Transformation of Commercial Banking in the United
States, 1956-1991. (New York, NY: Garland Pub., 161 p.).
Banks and banking--United States--History--20th century; Banking
law--United States--History--20th century.
Martin Mayer (1974).
The Bankers. (New York, NY: Weybright & Talley, 566 p.).
Banks and banking--United States; Federal Reserve banks; Banks
and banking--Europe.
--- (1984).
The Money Bazaars: Understanding the Banking Revolution Around
Us. (New York, NY: Dutton, 394 p.). Banks and
banking--United States; Finance--United States.
--- (1997).
The Bankers: The Next Generation. (New York, NY: Truman
Talley Books, 514 p.). Banks and banking--United States;
Financial services industry--United States.
Timothy Messer-Kruse (2004).
Banksters, Bosses, and Smart Money: A Social History of the
Great Toledo Bank Crash of 1931. (Columbus, OH: Ohio
State University Press, 196 p.). Banks and
banking--Ohio--Toledo--History; Bank
failures--Ohio--Toledo--History; Toledo (Ohio)--Economic
conditions; Toledo (Ohio)--Social conditions.
Alistair Milne (2009).
The Fall of the House of Credit: What Went Wrong in Banking and
What Can Be Done To Repair the Damage?
(New York, NY, Cambridge University Press, 366 p.). Reader in
Banking at the Cass Business School (City University,
London).Banks and banking --Corrupt practices; Bankers
--Malpractice; Bank failures; Financial crises; Credit.
How one relatively small sector in global financial system
(American sub-prime mortgage market) led to most serious economic crisis in living memory;
how banks misused their ability to securitize loans, exposed
themselves to exceptional risks when asset prices started to
fall (borrowed short, lent long); collapse in trust and
confidence fuelled crisis; imperative - restore confidence
through collective action (asset purchases, guarantees,
recapitalization); failure - taxpayers will bear tax
burden for generations.
David Murphy & Martina Devlin (2009).
Banksters: How a Powerful Elite Squandered Ireland's Wealth.
(Dublin, IR: Hachette Books, 309 p.). Former Deputy Business
Editor of the Irish Independent; Journalist. Banks and banking
-- Ireland; Ireland -- Economic conditions -- 21st century.
corrupt elite, driven by profit and greed, brought Irish banking
system to its knees; events which triggered near collapse
of Ireland's banking system; how
unprecedented orgy of over-borrowing caused a massively
over-inflated property bubble; September 2008 - 'Ireland' became synonymous with corruption in global lending
markets; key players, their motivations, personalities, lavish
Yuanyuan Peng (2007).
The Chinese Banking Industry: Lessons from History for Today’s
Challenges. (New York, NY: Routledge, 196 p.). Banks
and banking --China; Banks and banking --Government policy
--China. Historical development of Chinese banking industry,
particularly odevelopment of Bank of China (BOC) from 1905 to
1949; evolution (corporate governance, government intervention,
foreign competition, white-collar crime); how challenges met; results of efforts; lessons for policy
making today.
Charles S. Popple (1944).
Development of Two Bank Groups in the Central Northwest: A Study
in Bank Policy and Organization. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 418 p.). Banks and banking--Minnesota--Saint
Paul; Banks and banking--Minnesota--Minneapolis; Banks and
banking--Northwest, Old.
Jim Powell (1989).
The Gnomes of Tokyo. (New York, NY: AMACOM, 338 p.).
Financial institutions--Japan; Capitalists and
financiers--Japan; Investments, Japanese--United States;
Japan--Foreign economic relations--United States; United
States--Foreign economic relations--Japan.
Jean-Charles Rochet (2008).
Why Are There So Many Banking Crises?: The Politics and Policy
of Bank Regulation. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 336 p.). Researcher Professor of Mathematics and
Economics (University Toulouse). Banking--crises;
Bank-regulation. Does deposit insurance
encourage depositors, bankers to take excessive risks? Are
banking regulations poorly designed? Are banking regulators
incompetent? Political interference often causes, almost always
exacerbates, banking crises.
Roy C. Smith (1989).
The Global Bankers. (New York, NY: Dutton, 405 p.).
Banks and banking, International.
Irvine H. Sprague (1986).
Bailout: An Insider's Account of Bank Failures and Rescues.
(New York, NY: BasicBooks, 299 p.). Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation; Bank failures--United States; Deposit insurance.
Walter Stewart (1982).
Towers of Gold, Feet of Clay: The Canadian Banks.
(Toronto, ON: Collins, 303 p.). Banks and banking--Canada.
David Strang (2010).
Learning by Example: Imitation and Innovation at a Global Bank.
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 304 p.). Professor
of Sociology (Cornell University). Bank management --Case
studies; Banks and banking --Case studies; Diffusion of
innovations; Benchmarking (Management); Organizational learning;
Organizational change. How managers interpret, advocate,
implement innovations; why firms benchmark, how they construct
reference groups, how they learn, unlearn from examples;
benchmarking initiative of major financial institution; 21 teams
of managers sent to observe practices of other companies in
order to develop recommendations for change in their own
Norio Tamaki (1995).
Japanese Banking: A History, 1859-1959. (New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press, 289 p.). Banks and
Eds. Alice Teichova, Ginette Kurgan-van
Hentenryk, and Dieter Ziegler. (1997).
Banking, Trade, and Industry: Europe, America, and Asia from the
Thirteenth to the Twentieth Century. (New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press, 427 p.). Banks and
Richard Tilly (1966).
Financial Institutions and Industrialization in the Rhineland.
1815-1870. (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press,
197 p.). Banks and banking--Germany--Rhine Province;
Industrialization--Rhine River Valley.
Paul B. Trescott (1982).
Financing American Enterprise: The Story of Commercial Banking.
(Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 304 p. [orig. pub. 1963]). Banks
and banking--United States--History; Finance--United
Gail D. Triner (2000).
Banking and Economic Development: Brazil, 1889-1930.
(New York, NY: Palgrave, 333 p.). Assistant Professor of History
(Rutgers University, specializes in Latin American Economic
History). Banks and banking --Brazil --History; Brazil
--Economic conditions. Economic
development efficiently,
productively supported emerging banking system; did not equalize conditions across sectors,
regions; deeply embedded institutional constraints limited banking's contribution to long-term development; effective tool in consolidation of
national economy.
Kellee S. Tsai (2002).
Back-Alley Banking: Private Entrepreneurs in China.
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 316 p.). Professor of
Political Science (Johns Hopkins University). Finance--China;
Financial institutions--China; Informal sector
(Economics)--China; Banks and banking--China.
'Shadow finance' and political economy of
development: Chinese entrepreneurs fund their operations through
variety of informal financing mechanisms (rotating credit
associations, private banks disguised as other types of
Helen H. Updike (1985). The National Banks
and American Economic Development, 1870-1900. (New York, NY:
Garland Pub., 122 p.). National banks (United
States)--History--19th century; United States--Economic
Ray Vicker (1973).
Those Swiss Money Men. (New York, NY: Scribner, 340 p.).
Author, Former Correspondent for the Wall Street Journal. Banks
and banking--Switzerland; International finance.
Raymond B. Vickers (1994).
Panic in Paradise: Florida's Banking Crash of 1926.
(Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 312 p.). Bank
failures--Florida--History; Banks and banking--Corrupt
Elmus Wicker (1996).
The Banking Panics of the Great Depression. (New York,
NY: Cambridge University Press, 174 p.). Banks and
banking--United States--History--20th century; Bank
failures--United States--History--20th century; Financial
crises--United States--History--20th century;
Depressions--1929--United States; United States--Economic
--- (2000).
Banking Panics of the Gilded Age. (New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press, 160 p.). Banks and banking--United
States--History; Bank failures--United States--History;
Financial crises--United States--History.
Milton L. Woods (1985).
Sometimes the Books Froze: Wyoming’s Economy and Its Banks.
(Boulder, CO: Colorado Associated University Press, 198 p.).
Banks and banking--Wyoming--History; Wyoming--Economic
Robert E. Wright (2001).
Origins of Commercial Banking in America, 1750-1800.
(Lanham, MD: Madison House, 219 p.). Banks and banking--United
States--History--18th century.
Business History Links
American Banker
European Association for Banking and
Financial History e. V.
November 1990 - Founded in Frankfurt, Germany, as a
non-profit organisation, a forum for research into banking
history; awarded the European Culture Prize in 2001. May
28, 2004 - Name of the Association was officially
changed to the European Association for Banking & Financial
History e.V. EABH extended its objectives to promote dialogue
between European bankers and financiers, academics and
archivists, and to provide a network for the exchange of ideas
and experiences within the interrelated fields of banking and
financial history. Almost 80 banks from 25 European countries
are members, financial institutions are now a welcome addition
to its membership.
Savings and Loans Industry
Walter B. Wriston Archives
Entryway to Mr. Wriston's life and work (former chairman of
Citicorp, expert on commercial banking) through writings,
speeches, and photographs through website managed by Tufts
University's Digital Collections and Archives and the Fletcher
School of Law and Diplomacy; features more than 200 speeches,
articles, photographs, and the full text of two of Wriston's
books, as well as biographical information, timelines, and links
to additional resources.
The Wells Fargo History Museums
On display are original Concord Coaches, Wells Fargo’s Banking
and Express documents, artifacts, early photos, gold coins,
mining tools, ore, balance scales, working telegraphs, and
western fine art. Each museum also showcases Wells Fargo’s role
in regional history.
The World Bank, Mapped
The World Bank contains thousands of documents. Recently
teamed up with Google maps to create a very nice "mash-up" that
serves as a visual entry point for visitors looking for
projects, news, and statistics. Using the Google map directional
arrows and zoom functions, visitors can scroll around to look
for different resources. The site also contains a legend which
tracks low to high income areas, along with active projects
sponsored by the World Bank. Finally, visitors can also toggle
the map's "satellite" and "hybrid" views on and off as they see