December 23, 1947
- Walter H. Brattain, John Bardeen (Bell Laboratories) first
demonstrated point-contact transistor (vs. Shockley's junction
transistor), better understanding of surface properties of
semiconductors; microphone, headphones connected to transistor,
device spoken over "with no noticeable change in quality"; name,
'transistor' came from its electrical property,
'trans-resistance'; functional replacement for vacuum tube;
great savings in space, electrical power consumption;
1956 - awarded Nobel prize in physics.
April 20, 1949 -
Sigurd and Russell Varian incorporated Varian Associates in
California; 1953 - became first building of
Silicon Valley, in Stanford Industrial Park, Palo Alto, CA
(blend of academic, commercial interests, became model for for
modern electronics, computer industries).
- Frederick Terman, dean of School of Engineering at Stanford
University, allocated 700 acres of unused land on Stanford
campus to create Stanford Industrial Park in response to demand for
industrial land near university resources (emerging electronics
industry tied closely to School), generate income for the
university; first university-owned industrial park, nation's
first high-tech research park; Varian Associates first lessee (moved
into first building in park in 1953);
1974 -
renamed Stanford Research Park; 2008 - 162
buildings, 23,000 employees, 140 different companies in
electronics, software, biotechnology, other high-tech fields.
Frederick Terman
- Stanford Industrial Park (
July 5, 1951
- Dr. William Shockley, of Bell Telephone
Laboratories, announced invention of junction transistor;
three-terminal device used in amplifying or switching
applications; overcame problems of earlier point-contact
transistor; transistors much more efficient, used very little
power, much quieter (could handle weaker signals than the type-A
transistors ever could); September 25, 1951
- received a patent on a" Circuit Element Utilizing
Semiconductive Material" (junction transistor); hailed as
"invention of the transistor";
September 1955 - Shockley, Arnold
Beckman agreed to found Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory as
Division of Beckman Instruments;
1956 - opened at 391 San Antonio Road, Mountain
View, CA; developed Northern California's first prototype
silicon devices; September 1957
- eight scientists resigned, founded Fairchild Semiconductor
Corporation in Palo Alto, CA.
May 7, 1952
- Geoffrey W.A. Dummer, in Washington DC, first published
concept of integrated circuit chip.
September 20, 1954
- First FORTRAN computer program, developed by IBM, ran
(dominating language for technical and scientific applications,
allowed users to express their problems in commonly understood
mathematical formulae). 1958 - language expanded
to Fortran II (included subroutines, functions, common blocks);
1962 - IBM introduced extended Fortran IV.
- IBM introduced first
commercial hard disk drive, IBM 350 RAMAC (Random Access Method
of Accounting and Control); 24-inch disk drives, 5 megabytes of
storage, unit weighed over ton (delivered by forklift).
- John W. Backus led team of IBM programmers, developed
FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation); one of oldest programming
languages designed to allow easy translation of math formulas
into code (vs. machine/assembly code); first high-level
language, used first compiler ever developed.
October 1, 1957
- Fairchild Semiconductor formed in Mountain View, CA to
develop, produce silicon diffused transistors, other
semiconductor devices; based on work done by Gordon E. Moore, C.
Sheldon Roberts, Eugene Kleiner, Robert N. Noyce, Victor H.
Grinich, Julius Blank, Jean A. Hoerni, Jay T. Last, eight
scientists who left Shockley Semiconductor Laboratories in Santa
Clara Valley (founded 1955) due to management style and
disenchantment with pure research of founder William Shockley,
co-inventor of transistor (1948); used $3500 of their own money
to develop method of mass-producing silicon transistors usin)g a
double diffusion technique and a chemical-etching system;
Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corporation invested $1.5
million in return for option to buy company within eight years;
profitable in six months.
Fairchild Semiconductor founders:
clockwise from center: Robert Noyce, Jean Hoerni, Julius Blank,
Victor Grinich, Eugene Kleiner, Gordon Moore, C. Sheldon Roberts
and Jay Last
September 12, 1958
- Jack S. Kilby (inventor of integrated circuit, Nobel Prize in
Physics in 2000) performed successful laboratory demonstration
of first simple microchip (he designed) at Texas Instruments.
Jack S. Kilby
- inventor of integrated circuit
April 7, 1959 -
Sherman M. Fairchild, of New York, NY, received a patent for an
"Engraving Machine" ("automatic engraving machines of the type
used for the production of relief printing plates or the like
automatically from photographic or other originals, and more
particularly to a means and method for improving the quality of
the reprodcutions obtained from such automatically produded
engraved plates"); assigned to Fairchild Instrument and Camera
May 27, 1959 -
Dr. Bernard Rothlein, seven former engineers of Sperry Rand
Corporation founded National Semiconductor in Danbury, CT;
1961 - first profit of $38,222 on $2.97 million in
sales.; 289 employees shipped 85% of all transistors to military
accounts; 1967 - moved to Santa Clara, CA;
1975 - one of first major electronics companies to enter
toy, game market; 1981 - sales totaled $1.1
billion, net earnings of $52.4 million; 1987 -
acquired Fairchild Semiconductor; 1993 - sales
total $2 billion, earnings of $130.3 million; 1997
- acquired Cyrix, manufacturer of microprocessors, for about
$540 million; sold Fairchild; 1999 - sold most of
Cyrix's assets for less than $200 million; 2004
- sales of $1.98 billion, income just shy of $283 million.
May 16, 1960
- Theodore Maiman, Hughes Lab researcher, built first working
ruby laser; first reported in article entitled "Optical Laser
Action in Ruby," Nature, 187, p. 493);
2010 - one of most ubiquitous on planet.
Theodore Maiman
- Ruby Laser
April 25, 1961 -
Robert Noyce, of Los Altos, CA, received a patent for a
"Semiconductor Device-and-Lead Structure" ("electrical circuit
structures incorporating semiconductor devices"); integrated
circuit; complete electronic circuit inside small silicon chip;
assigned to Fairchild Semiconductor Corp.
May 1, 1964
- John George Kemeny,
Thomas Eugene Kurtz (Dartmouth College) developed Dartmouth
BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code; based
partly on FORTRAN II, partly on ALGOL 60, with additions to make
it suitable for timesharing) to allow students to write programs
for Dartmouth Time-Sharing System (intended to address complex
issues of older languages with new language design specifically
for new class of users of time-sharing systems (less technical
users who did not have mathematical background of more
traditional users, was not interested in acquiring it); made
compiler available free of charge, made it available to high
schools in Hanover, NH area, promoted language (became
widespread on microcomputers in late 1970s, 1980s);
1975 - Micro
Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) Altair 8800 "kit"
microcomputer introduced (Albuquerque, NM); made BASIC universal
language; released Altair BASIC, developed by Bill Gates, Paul
Allen (of Micro-Soft; Gates, Allen, Monte Davidoff wrote first
Altair version); 1976
- Dr. Li-Chen Wang introduced Tiny BASIC, simple BASIC
implementation, ported onto Altair.
June 23, 1964 -
Jack S. Kilby, of Dallas, TX, received a patent for
"Miniaturized Electronic Circuits" ("unique integrated
electronic circuits fabricated from semiconductor
material...components of an entire electronic circuit are
integrated into the body of semiconductor material and
constitute portions thereof"); assigned to Texas Instruments
November 10, 1967
- Michael A. McNeilly (28), formerly of Union Carbide's
Silicones Division,
incorporated Applied Materials Technology,
Inc. with $7,500 loan from his father-in-law, idea to
manufacture equipment, silane, high purity chemicals (key to
lower temperature deposition of many films); 1 employee; first
product was automated SiH 4 gas panel; demonstrated ability to
deposit low temperature oxide films safely;
1972 - name changed
to Applied Materials, Inc.
July 18, 1968 -
Robert Noyce, Gordon Moore, Andy Grove incorporated The Intel
Corporation (INTegrated ELectronics or 'Intel' for short) to
design, manufacture microprocessors and specialized
integrated circuits; 1971 - released first
commerciallly available microprocessor (4004) designed for calculator; June 15,
1971 - registered "Intel" trademark first used March 11,
1969 (intergrated circuits, registers, and semiconductor
memories); 1972 - 8008 microprocessor; 1974
- introduced 8080, made first personal computers possible.
May 1, 1969 -
Jerry Sanders founded Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) as
manufacturer of integrated circuits; later became second-largest
supplier of x86 compatible processors.
July 1, 1970
- Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) opened (founded
by Dr. George E. Pake); 1971
- world's
first laser computer printer demonstrated artificially generated
laser raster output scanner (ROS) xerography (basis
of Xerox's xerographic printing business, $1 billion in
sales in 1986); 1975 - engineers demonstrated graphical user
interface for personal computer, included icons, first use of
pop-up menus; 1989 - world leader in development
of embedded data schemes; 1993 -
Chief Technologist and his band first musical group to perform
live on Internet (beat Rolling Stones by 20 minutes);
January 4, 2002 - became independent, renamed
Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated (research,
innovation to industry leaders in many fields).
January 11, 1971
- Don Hoefler first used term "Silicon Valley" in series of
articles (ran for 3 weeks) titled "Silicon Valley" USA" for
Electronic News to describe Santa Clara County (called "The
Valley of hearts Delight" in its orchard days); suggested by
Ralph Vaerst, one of initial employees of Stanford Linear
Accelerator (SLAC), founder of Ion Equipment Corp. in 1970,
Chairman of the Board of Borg Instrument ($200 million company
in Germany that produces electronic systems, telematics for
European auto industry).
- Dietmar Hopp, Hans-Werner Hector, Hasso Plattner, Klaus
Tschira, Claus Wellenreuther (former IBM employees) launched
Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing (SAP GmbH)
in Mannheim, Germany to develop standard application software
for real-time business processing;
1973 - completed first financial
accounting software; formed basis for continuous development of
other software components (came to be known as "R/1 system" -
real-time data processing); 1979
- SAP R/2 created; 1980
- 50 of 100 largest German industrial firms already SAP
customers; 1985 -
revenues of DM 100 million (around $52 million);
August 1988 -
renamed SAP AG; November 4, 1988
- went public; subsidiaries in Denmark, Sweden, Italy, United
States; 1990s -
SAP R/3 introduced - client-server concept, uniform appearance
of graphical interfaces, consistent use of relational databases,
ability to run on computers from different vendors; new
generation of enterprise software – from mainframe computing to
three-tier architecture of database, application, interface;
client-server architecture became standard in business software;
1996 - 1,089 new
SAP R/3 customers; installed in more than 9,000 systems
worldwide by end of year; 1997
- approximately 12,900 employees;
August 3, 1998 -started trading on New York
Stock Exchange; new direction for company, product portfolio -
state-of-the-art Web technology to link e-commerce solutions to
existing ERP applications; 2000s
- developed SAP Workplace, paved way for enterprise portal,
role-specific access to information; more than 12 million users,
121,000 installations worldwide, more than 1,500 SAP partners,
over 25 industry-specific business solutions, more than 75,000
customers in 120 countries; world's third-largest independent
software vendor; 2008
- more than 51,800 employees in more than 50 countries, serves
more than 76,000 customers in more than 120 countries.
July 8, 1972 -
Abhay Brushan (systems architect, Multics expert), chair of
Research staff at MIT Project MAC (founded in 1963 as Multiple
Access Computer and Machine-Aided Cognition), released original
File Transfer Protocol (FTP); allowed efficient, reliable
transfer of files between networked computers, convenient use of
remote file storage capabilities.
1973 - Intel's
chairman Gordon Moore publicly revealed prophecy that number of
transistors on a microchip will double every year and a half
(later known as Moore's Law); held true for more than twenty
June 28, 1974 -
Marcian Edward Hoff, Jr., of Santa Clara, CA, Stanley Mazor, of
Sunnyvale, CA, and Federico Faggin of Cupertino, CA, received a
patent for a "Memory System for a Multi-Chip Digital Computer".
April 4, 1975
- Bill Gates, Paul Allen formed partnership in Albuquerque, NM
(Allen, programmer for Honeywell
in Boston, had bought current edition of Popular Electronics
from Out of Town News in Cambridge, MA in January 1975, featured
article about Altair 8800, early personal computer; felt
personal computers would be big, persuaded Bill Gates to drop
out of Harvard to start Microsoft; pair
completed Altair BASIC on February 1, 1975, sold it to
Microsoft’s first customer, MITS of Albuquerque, NM - founded as
Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems [MITS] in 1969 by
Forrest Mims, Ed Roberts with with Stan Cagle, Robert Zaller in
Roberts's garage in Albuquerque, NM to sell radio transmitters,
instruments for model rockets);
July 1, 1975 - officially shipped BASIC
as version 2.0 (4K and 8K editions;
first computer language program for personal computer, MITS
Altair 8800 microcomputer designed in 1975, based on Intel 8080
CPU, sold as mail-order kit through advertisements in hobbyist
magazines); July 22, 1975
- signed licensing agreement with MITS for Basic
Interpreter; July 29, 1975
- Gates referred to partnership with Allen as "Micro-soft", in a
letter (earliest known written reference);
December 31, 1975 -year-end sales of
$16,005 (from Form 1065 U.S. Partnership Return of Income);
November 29, 1975- Microsoft,
without hyphen, first used in letter from Bill Gates to Paul
Allen; 1979 -
moved to
Bellevue, WA;
1980 - released first operating
system, Xenix.
1979 - Alan
Shugart , Finis Conner founded Seagate Technology as disk drive
manufacturer; 1980 - built industry's first
5.25–inch hard drive (same size as floppy disks, more capacity);
May 1993 - shipped 50 millionth disc drive;
February 1996 - merged with Conner Peripherals, formed
world's largest independent storage device manufacturer;
March 1998 - produced one billionth magnetic recording
heads; April 1999 - shipped 250 millionth disc
drive; January 2003 - shipped record 18.3 million
disc drives in quarter ended December 2002; March 2005
- shipped 10 millionth 15K RPM disc drive; July 2005
- shipped quarterly record 27.3 million hard disc drives;
May 2006 - acquired Maxtor Corporation.
January 2, 1979
- Dan Bricklin, Bob Frankston founded Software Arts in rented
apartment in Arlington, MA; May 1979 - first
advertisement for VisiCalc, first electronic spreadsheet,
appeared in BYTE magazine; October 1979 - shipped
first "real" release, version 1.37.
December 12, 1980
- Computer Software Act of 1980 defined computer programs,
clarified extent of protection afforded computer software.
1981 - Wilfred
J. Corrigan founded LSI Logic with $6 million in venture
capital, no customers, business model to design custom circuits
that would distinguish customer's end product; pioneered ASIC
(Application Specific Integrated Circuit) industry.
May 26,1981
- Satya Pal Asija, of St. Paul, MN, received a patent for an
"Automated Information Input, Storage, and Retrieval System"
("system of full text, free-form, narrative, information input,
storage and retrieval"); computer program, Swift-Answer (acronym
for "Special Word Indexed Full Text Alpha Numeric Storage With
Easy Retrieval"), allowed users with no computer programming
skills to retrieve narrative information from computers in
human-like manner; responded to user's questions with most
likely answer - despite the user's errors in syntax,
punctuation, spelling, and grammar; first U.S. computer software
patent (seven years after patent filing on December 30, 1974).
Satya Pal Asija
- first software patent (
July 1981
- Microsoft acquired complete rights to Seattle Computer
Products's 86-DOS disk operating system (QDOS); named it MS-DOS.
1982 - Jim Clark
(38), electrical engineering associate professor at Stanford
University, six students founded Silicon Graphics to produce
three-dimensional computer graphics programs (high-performance
visual computing systems); venture funding from Mayfield Group;
1987 - sold workstations to US military, NASA,
British Aerospace, automobile manufacturers, Hollywood film
makers; February 28, 1994 - Clark left company to
sue applications software opportunities (founded Netscape);
1999 - changed corporate identity to "SGI" in attempt
to clarify current market position as more than graphics
company; May 8, 2006 - filed for Chapter 11
bankruptcy protection for itself and U.S. subsidiaries as part
of plan to reduce debt by $250 million; October 17, 2006
- emerged from bankruptcy.
February 1982 -
Former Stanford University students Scott McNealy (27), Vinod
Khosla, Andy Bechtolsheim, Bill Joy founded Sun Microsystems in
Palo Alto, CA (Sun is acronym for Stanford University Network)
to make engineering computer workstations; 1983 -
signed $40 million OEM agreement with Computervision; 1988
- $1 billion in revenue (fastest rise ever for computer company
with direct sales force); 1992 - shipped more
multiprocessing UNIX servers in single year than any other
vendor shipped in history; 1993 - one million
systems shipped just over 10 years; made its debut on Fortune
500; 1995 - introduced Java technology, first
universal software platform, designed from ground up for
Internet and corporate intranets; enabled developers to write
applications once to run on any computer; 1996 -
licensed Java technology to all major hardware and software
companies; 1997 - first systems company ever to
demonstrate best TPC-C performance on all four leading database
platforms; 2001 - $18.25 billion global leader in
network computing solutions; 2005 - largest
business contributor to global open source community with
donation of 1,600 patents.
July 6, 1982 -
Microsoft Partnership registered "Microsoft" trademark first
used November 12, 1975 (computer programs).
December 1982 -
John Warnock, Charles Geschke founded Adobe Systems (named for
Adobe Creek, ran behind house of one of founders); left Xerox
PARC in order to further develop, commercialize PostScript page
description language; 1985 - Apple Computer
licensed PostScript for use in LaserWriter printer product line;
1989 - introduced Adobe Photoshop for Macintosh;
extremely stable, well-featured, well marketed; soon dominated
market; 1994 - acquired Aldus, PageMaker and TIFF
file format; 1995 - acquired long-document DTP
application FrameMaker from Frame Technologies; December
3, 2005 - acquired Macromedia, former competitor; for
about $3.4 billion.
Charles Geschke -
co-founder Adobe Systems (
John E. Warnock - Co-founder Adobe Systems
1983 - Rob
Campbell, Taylor Pohlman founded Forethought, Inc to develop
object oriented bit-mapped application software; 1984
- hired Bob Gaskins, former Ph.D. student at University of
California, Berkeley, in exchange for large percentage of
company's stock; led development, with software developer Dennis
Austin, of program called Presenter; later renamed PowerPoint;
April 1987 - PowerPoint 1.0 released for Apple
Macintosh; black and white overhead transparencies; sold more
than $1 million of software in first day of availability;
acquired by Microsoft Corporation for $14 million; became
Microsoft's graphics business unit; May 1990 -
released fro Windows.
1983 - Scott D.
Cook, former banking and technology consultant for Bain &
Company, founded Intuit Corporation with Quicken personal
finance software, simplified balancing of family checkbook;
May 6, 1986 - registered "Quicken" trademark first
used April 10, 1984 (computer software programs and user
documentation supplied therewith).
January 26, 1983
- Lotus Development Corp. released Lotus 1-2-3 software
October 25, 1983
- Richard Brodie, Microsoft's 77th employee in 1981, authored,
released Microsoft Word 1.0 document file format for IBM PC
computers running MS-DOS; first word processor for IBM PC that
showed typeface markups such as bold, italics directly on screen
while editing (vs. simple text-only display with markup codes or
alternative colors on screen such as WordStar and WordPerfect).;
1989 - Word for Windows released ($500).
November 10, 1983
- Microsoft released Microsoft Windows, extension of
MS-DOS, with graphical user interface (GUI).
- Mitel cofounder Michael Cowpland founded Corel Corp. in
Ottawa, Canada; CorelDraw graphics program became industry
standard in desktop publishing.
June 17, 1988
- Microsoft released MS DOS 4.0.
April 10, 1989 -
Intel Corp announced shipment of 80-486 chip.
June 11, 1991
- Microsoft released MS DOS 5.0.
October 5, 1991
- First official version of Linux kernel, version 0.02,
1992 - Jeff
Hawkins, formerly of GRID Computers, founded Palm Computing Inc.
as software maker for handhelds; October 1993 -
introduced the "Zoomer" (too big, too slow, too expensive, too
many features); September 1995 - acquired by U. S.
Robotics for $45 million; February 1996 - showed
Palm Pilot at DEMO conference; May 1996 -
introduced Palm Pilot 1000™ and Pilot 5000™ organizers;
June 1996 - acquired by 3Com; October 21, 1997
- Palm Computing Inc. registered "PalmPilot" trademark (handheld
computing systems); July 1998 - Hawkins, Dubinsky
left company.
April 6, 1992
- Microsoft announced Windows 3.1, upgrading Windows 3.0.
March 22, 1993 -
Intel introduced Pentium-processor (80586) 64 bits-60 MHz-100+
April 1993 -
Team at University of Illinois National Center for
Supercomputing Applications released Mosaic, first web browser
to integrate images, sound, words (access previously limited to
text, graphics displayed in separate windows)
- Marc Ewing founded Red Hat (named after his grandfather's
favorite old red Cornell lacrosse team cap); became one of most
popular Linux distributions.
July 15,1994
- U.S. government filed complaint against Microsoft Corporation;
charged world's largest software developer with violating
Sections 1 and 2 of Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
October 1994 -
First version of Netscape navigator released; November
1998 - acquired by AOL for $4.2 billion; February
1, 2008 - support from Time Warner's AOL unit terminated
(no more security releases, updates); lost in competition to
open-source Firefox, Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
August 24, 1995
- Windows 95 operating system debuted.
June 10, 1996 -
Intel released 200 mhz pentium chip.
August 13, 1996
- Microsoft released Internet Explorer 3.0.
April 8, 1997 -
Microsoft Corp released Internet Explorer 4.0.
August 6, 1997 -
Apple Computer, Microsoft agreed to share technology; $150
million deal gave Microsoft minority stake in Apple.
February 12, 1998
- Intel unveiled first graphics chip i740.
March 26, 1998 -
Andy Grove announced he was stepping down as CEO of Intel Corp.
(Time Magazine's "Man of the Year" in 1997); made crucial call
not to share Intel's "intellectual rights" with "other
suppliers"; succeeded by Intel President and Chief Operating
Officer, Craig Barrett.
May 18, 1998
- The United
States Department of Justice, 20 states filed antitrust suit
against Microsoft.
November 5, 1999
- U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson declared Microsoft
Corp. a monopoly, claimed company's aggressive tactics
were ''stifling innovation'', hurting consumers.
January 13, 2000
- Microsoft chairman Bill Gates stepped aside as chief
executive; promoted company president Steve Ballmer to the
April 3, 2000
- Federal judge in Washington ruled that Microsoft Corp. had
violated U.S. antitrust laws by keeping "an oppressive thumb" on
competitors during race to link Americans to Internet.
June 7, 2000
- U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson ordered breakup of
Microsoft Corp.
October 25, 2001
- Microsoft released Windows XP.
October 31, 2001
- Microsoft, Justice Department reached a tentative agreement to
settle the historic antitrust case.
April 24, 2006 -
Scott G. McNealy, one of founders of Sun Microsystems, stepped
aside after 22 years as CEO.
June 15, 2006
- Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates said he would make
transition from day-to-day responsibilities at company to
concentrate on charitable work of Bill and Melinda Gates
October 17, 2006
- IBM released third quarter earnings; software generated $4.4
billion in sales, gross margin of 85%; 37% of IBM's net profit;
results indicated IBM was second largest software company (2005
- software sales of $15.8 billion) ahead of Oracle (2006 sales
of $14.4 billion), behind Microsoft; since 2001 - spent $10
billion on acquisitions, acquired 39 software companies.
February 1, 2008
- Microsoft made unsolicited $44.7 billion bid for Yahoo in
attempt to better compete with Google.
February 27, 2008
- European Union's Competition Commission in Brussels fined
Microsoft a record $1.4 billion for failure to comply with
demands to end anti-competitive business practices (2004 ruling
found Microsoft guilty of abusing its dominant position in
market for PC operating systems, required Microsoft to disclose
"complete and accurate" technical information that would allow
competitors to develop products which would work with Windows);
first time EU fined a company for failure to comply with
antitrust decision.
April 9, 2008 -
(Adobe Systems), Pamela Pfiffner (2003).
Inside the Publishing Revolution: The Adobe Story.
(Berkeley, CA: Adobe Press, 255 p.). Adobe Systems; Desktop
(Advanced Micro Devices), Jeffrey L. Rodengen
The Spirit of AMD: Advanced Micro Devices. (Ft.
Lauderdale, FL: Write Stuff Enterprises, 160 p.). Advanced Micro
Devices (Firm); Semiconductor industry--United States;
Microelectronics industry--United States.
(Applied Materials), Jeffrey L. Rodengen
(2000). Applied Materials: Pioneering the Information Age.
(Ft. Lauderdale, FL: Write Stuff Enterprises, 163 p.). Applied
Materials, Inc.
(ASM Pacific Technology Ltd.), Patrick Lam,
Edmund Lam (2006).
Soaring like Eagles: ASM's High-Tech Journey in Asia.
(Singapore: Wiley (Asia), 244 p.). ASM Pacific Technology Ltd.;
Success in business--Asia; Business planning--Asia;
Corporations--Asia--Growth. History of ASM's growth, success from differentiated strategies, leadership and culture,
innovative practices, technologies, products; management
(Banner Blue Software), Kenneth L. Hess
Bootstrap: Lessons Learned Building a Successful Company from
Scratch. (Carmel, CA: S-Curve Press, 301 p.). Banner
Blue Software (Firm)--History; New business enterprises--United
States--Management; Entrepreneurship--United States; Computer
software industry--United States--History.
(Cap Gemini Sogeti), Tristan Gaston-Breton;
préface, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing (1999).
La Saga Cap Gemini: L'incroyable Histoire de L'une des Plus
Belles Success Stories Françaises de L'informatique.
(Paris, FR: Point de Mire, 165 p.). Cap Gemini Sogeti (Firm);
Computer service industry--France.
(Chandler Project), Scott Rosenberg (2007).
Dreaming in Code: Two Dozen Programmers, Three Years, 4,732
Bugs, and One Quest for Transcendent Software. (New
York, NY: Crown Publishers, 416 p.). Co-Founder of Salon.
Computer software--Development. Software equivalent of "Soul of
a New Machine". Three
years following group developing novel personal information
manager to challenge market-leader Microsoft Outlook.
(Cisco Systems), Inder Sidhu (2010).
Doing Both: How Cisco Captures Today’s Profit and Drives
Tomorrow’s Growth. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: FT Press,
224 p.). Senior Vice President of Strategy and Planning for
Worldwide Operations. Cisco Systems, Inc.; Computer industry
--United States --Management. Why "doing both" is best strategy;
2003-2009 - Cisco doubled revenue, tripled profits, quadrupled
earnings per share; key strategic decisions - avoid false
choices, reduced expectations, weak compromises (innovation, new
business and core businesses; discipline and flexibility;
customers and partners).
(Comcate Inc.), Ben Casnocha; foreword by Marc
Benioff (2007).
My Start-Up Life: What a (Very) Young CEO Learned on His Journey
through Silicon Valley. (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass,
208 p.). Founder, Comcate. Comcate (Firm); Internet software
industry--United States; Computer software industry--United
States; New business enterprises--United States--Management;
Entrepreneurship--United States. Story of his start-up (better way
for city governments to communicate with constituents on Web),
conversation with mentors, clients, fellow entrepreneurs about
how to make a business idea work.
(Fairchild Semiconductor), Charles E. Sporck
Spinoff: A Personal History of the Industry That Changed The
World. (Saranac Lake, NY: Saranac Lake Publishing,
p.). Former Vice President and General Manager (Fairchild);
Former President, CEO (National Semiconductor). High Technology
-- history; Silicon Valley -- history; Fairchild Semiconductor.
Story of eight men who employ of William
Shockley in 1957, founded Fairchild Semiconductor;
personalities, history of Silicon Valley semiconductor industry.
(Foveon), George Gilder (2005).
The Silicon Eye: How a Silicon Valley Company Aims to Make All
Current Computers, Cameras, and Cell Phones Obsolete.
(New York, NY: Norton, 288 p.). Publisher (Gilder Technology
Report). Mead, Carver; Faggin, Federico, 1941- ; Foveon (Firm);
High technology industries--California--Santa Clara Valley
(Santa Clara County); Digital electronics; Photography--Digital
techniques; Electronic digital computers; Artificial
intelligence; Computer vision; Visual perception; Cellular
telephones. Two-billion-dollar market for cameras in digital technology
(Informix Software), Steve W. Martin (2005).
The Real Story of Informix Software and Phil White: Lessons in
Business and Leadership for the Executive Team.
(Rancho Santa Margarita, CA: Sand Hill Publisning, 208 p.).
White, Phillip E.; Informix Corporation; Informix software;
Computer software industry -- United States -- History;
Entrepreneurship -- California -- Santa Clara Valley (Santa
Clara County); High technology industries -- California -- Santa
Clara Valley (Santa Clara County) -- History.
(Intel), Andrew S. Grove (1983).
High Output Management. (New York, NY: Random House, 235
p.). Industrial management.
Robert Noyce
- Intel

Gordon Moore
- Intel (
Andy Grove
- Intel
--- (1996).
Only the Paranoid Survive: How To Exploit the Crisis Points That
Challenge Every Company and Career. (New York, NY:
Doubleday, 210 p.). CEO (Intel). Organizational change;
Strategic planning; Technological innovations--Economic aspects.
(Intel), Tim Jackson (1997).
Inside Intel: Andy Grove and the Rise of the World's Most
Powerful Chip Company. (New York, NY: Dutton, 424 p.).
Grove, Andrew S.; Intel Corporation; Semiconductor
industry--United States; High technology industries--United
States--Management; Technological innovations--Economic
aspects--United States; Corporations--United States; Chief
executive officers--United States. Intel plays hardball; Grove
not Mr. Nice Guy.
(Intel), Albert Yu (1998).
Creating the Digital Future: The Secrets of Consistent
Innovation at Intel. (New York, NY: Free Press, 214 p.).
Senior Vice President (Intel). Intel Corporation; Semiconductor
industry--United States; Intel microprocessors--United States;
High technology industries--United States--Management;
Corporations--United States; Success in business--United States.
(Intel), Andrew S. Grove (2001).
Swimming Across: A Memoir. (New York, NY: Warner Books,
290 p.). CEO, Intel. Grove, Andrew S.; Intel Corporation;
Electronics engineers--United States--Biography;
Executives--United States--Biography; Holocaust
survivors--Hungary--Biography; Semiconductors.
(Intel), Leslie Berlin (2005).
The Man Behind the Microchip: Robert Noyce and the Invention of
Silicon Valley. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press,
480 p.). Visiting Scholar at the History and Philosophy of
Science and Technology Program of Stanford University. Noyce,
Robert N., 1927- ; Electronics engineers--United
States--Biography; Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County,
Calif.)--History. One of
most important inventors, entrepreneurs: 1)
biography of Robert Noyce; 2) entrepreneurialism told as
business history; 3) history of technology (integrated circuit,
microelectronics and semiconductor industry, their contextual
location: Silicon Valley).
(Intel), Robert P. Colwell (2006).
The Pentium Chronicles: The People, Passion, and Politics Behind
Intel's Landmark Chips. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 187 p.).
Intel Project Manager. Intel Corporation; Intel
microprocessors--Design and construction. Lessons learned directing team that designed, produced most successful
microprocessor in history.
(Intel), Richard S. Tedlow (2006).
Andy Grove: The Life and Times of an American. (New
York, NY: Portfolio, 576 p.). Class of 1949 Professor of
Business Administration (Harvard Business School). Grove, Andrew
S.; Intel Corporation; Chief executive officers--United States;
United States--Biography. Fled to America at age twenty, studied engineering, became third
employee of Intel; became talented manager; taught himself to
lead major company through some of toughest challenges in
business history.
(Intel), Bob Coleman, Logan Shrine (2007).
Losing Faith: How the (Andy) Grove Survivors Led the Decline of
Intel's Corporate Culture, 223 p.). 15 Years at Intel.
Intel Corporation; Corporate culture. Post-Andy Grove Intel, cultural
anomalies, why company has not successfully diversified beyond
Grove-led dominance in microprocessors; became sluggish,
ineffectual bureaucracy dominated by cronyism; gap between
management behaviors and published values.
(Intuit), Suzanne Taylor, Kathy Schroeder
Inside Intuit: How the Makers of Quicken Beat Microsoft and
Revolutionized an Entire Industry. (Boston, MA: Harvard
Business School Press, 318 p.). Marketing Consultant (Intuit for
eight years); Marketing Executive (Ford). Intuit (Firm) History;
Microsoft Corporation; Quicken (Computer file); Computer
software industry United States; Competition United States.
(Kulicke and Soffa Industries), Jeffrey L.
Rodengen (2002).
50 Years of Innovation: Kulicke & Soffa, 1951-2001.
(Fort Lauderdale, FL: Write Stuff Enterprises, 192 p.). Kulicke
and Soffa Industries--History; Semiconductor production
equipment industry--United States--History.
(LSI Logic), Rob Walker, Nancy Tersini (1992).
Silicon Destiny: The Story of Application Specific Integrated
Circuits and LSI Logic Corporation. (Milpitas, CA:
C.M.C. Publications. Founder, LSI Logic. Integrated circuits
industry; LSI Logic.
(MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation), Richard H.
MacNeal (1988). The MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation: The First
Twenty Years. (Santa Ana, CA: R.H. MacNeal, 202 p.).
MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation--History; Computer software
industry--United States--History.
(Microchip Technology), Steve Sanghi, Michael
J. Jones (2006).
Driving Excellence: How the Aggregate System Turned Microchip
Technology, from a Failing Company to a Market Leader.
(Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 253 p.). President, CEO and Chairman of the
Board of Microchip Technology Inc.; Former VP of Human
Resources, Microchip Technology Inc. Microchip
Technology--Management; Semiconductor industry--United
States--Management; Organizational effectiveness; Corporate
culture; Industrial management. From dire straits to leader in
semiconductor industry.
(Microsoft), Daniel Ichbiah and Susan L.
Knepper (1991).
The Making of Microsoft: How Bill Gates and His Team Created the
World's Most Successful Software Company. (Rocklin, CA:
Prima Pub., 304 p.). Gates, Bill, 1955- ; Microsoft
Corporation--History; Computer software industry--United
Bill Gates
- Microsoft(
Allen - Microsoft

Microsoft's first 11
employees - 1978 (
(Microsoft), James Wallace, Jim Erickson
Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire.
(New York, NY: Wiley, 426 p.). Gates, Bill, 1955- ; Microsoft
Corporation--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography;
Computer software industry--United States--History.
(Microsoft), Stephen Manes and Paul Andrews
Gates: How Microsoft's Mogul Reinvented an Industry--and Made
Himself the Richest Man in America. (New York, NY:
Doubleday, 534 p.). Gates, Bill, 1955- ; Microsoft
Corporation--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography;
Computer software industry--United States--History.
(Microsoft), G. Paschal Zachary (1994).
Show-Stopper!: The Breakneck Race to Create Windows NT and the
Next Generation at Microsoft. (New York, NY: Free Press,
312 p.). Microsoft Corporation; Microsoft Windows NT; Operating
systems (Computers); Computer software--Development--History.
(Microsoft), Michael A. Cusumano and Richard
W. Selby (1995).
Microsoft Secrets: How the World's Most Powerful Software
Company Creates Technology, Shapes Markets and Manages People.
(New York, NY: Free Press, 512 p.). Computer Software Industry,
Microsoft Corporation.
(Microsoft), Fred Moody (1995).
I Sing the Body Electronic: A Year with Microsoft on the
Multimedia Frontier. (New York, NY: Viking, 311 p.).
Reporter (The Seattle Weekly). Microsoft Corporation--History;
Computer software industry--United States--History. A
(Microsoft), Bill Gates, with Nathan Myhrvold
and Peter Rinearson (1995).
The Road Ahead. (New York, NY: Viking, 286 p.). Founder,
CEO (Microsoft). Information superhighway--United States;
Information technology--United States; Computer networks--United
States;Telecommunication--United States; Computer
industry--United States.
(Microsoft), Randall E. Stross (1996).
The Microsoft Way: The Real Story of How the Company Outsmarts
Its Competition. (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 318 p.).
Gates, Bill, 1955-; Microsoft Corporation--History; Computer
software industry--United States--History; Competition--United
(Microsoft), James Wallace (1997).
Overdrive: Bill Gates and the Race to Control Cyberspace.
(New York, NY: Wiley, 307 p.). Gates, Bill, 1955- ; Microsoft
Corporation--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography;
Computer software industry--United States--History.
(Microsoft), Jennifer Edstrom and Marlin Eller
Barbarians Led by Bill Gates: Microsoft from the Inside, How the
World's Richest Corporation Wields Its Power. (New York,
NY: Henry Holt, 256 p.). Estranged Daughter of Microsofts's PR
Guru; Former Lead Developer on Original Windows Software.
Microsoft Corporation, Computer Software Industry.
(Microsoft), Wendy Goldman Rohm (1998).
The Microsoft File : The Secret Case Against Bill Gates.
(New York, NY: Times Business, 313 p.). Computer Software
Industry, Bill Gates, Microsoft Corporation.
(Microsoft), Janet Lowe (1998).
Bill Gates Speaks: Insight from the World's Greatest
Entrepreneur. (New York, NY: Wiley, 253 p.). Gates,
Bill, 1955- ; Microsoft Corporation--History;
Businessmen--United States--Biography; Computer software
industry--United States--History.
(Microsoft), Paul Andrews (1999).
How the Web Was Won: Microsoft From Windows to the Web: The
Inside Story of How Bill Gates and His Band of Internet
Idealists Transformed a Software Empire. (New York, NY:
Broadway Books, 352 p.). Journalist (columnist, Seattle Times).
Microsoft, Internet.
(Microsoft), Jonathan Gatlin (1999).
Bill Gates: The Path to the Future. (New York, NY: Avon
Books, 213 p.). Gates, Bill, 1955- ; Microsoft
Corporation--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography;
Computer software industry--United States--History.
(Microsoft), Michael Drummond (1999).
Renegades of the Empire: How Three Software Warriors Started a
Revolution Behind the Walls of Fortress Microsoft. (New
York, NY: Crown Publishers, 297 p.). St. John, Alex, 1967- ;
Eisler, Craig; Engstrom, Eric, 1965- ; Businessmen--United
States--Biography; Computer software industry--United States.
(Microsoft), Gary Rivlin (1999).
The Plot to Get Bill Gates: An Irreverent Investigation of the
World's Richest Man-- And the People Who Hate Him. (New
York, NY: Times Business, 360 p.). Gates, Bill, 1955- ;
Microsoft Corporation; Computer software industry--United
States; Competition--United States.
(Microsoft), Stan J. Liebowitz, Stephen E.
Margolis; foreword by Jack Hirshleifer. (1999).
Winners, Losers & Microsoft: Competition and Antitrust in High
Technology. (Oakland, CA: Independent Institute, 288
p.). Economists. Microsoft Corporation; Computer software
industry--United States; Competition--Government policy--United
States; Antitrust investigations--United States.
(Microsoft), Ted G. Lewis. (1999).
Microsoft Rising--And Other Tales of Silicon Valley.
(Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, 324 p.). Microsoft
Corporation--History; Internet software industry--United
States--History; Computer software industry--United
(Microsoft), Cheryl D. Tsang (2000).
Microsoft First Generation: The Success Secrets of the
Visionaries Who Launched a Technology Empire. (New York,
NY: Wiley, 253 p.). Microsoft Corporation--History;
Businessmen--United States--Biography; Computer software
industry--United States--History.
(Microsoft), Richard B. McKenzie (2000).
Trust on Trial: How the Microsoft Case Is Reframing the Rules of
Competition. (Cambridge, MA: Perseus Pub., 281 p.).
United States--Trials, litigation, etc.; Microsoft
Corporation--Trials, litigation, etc.; Antitrust law--United
States; Restraint of trade--United States; Computer software
industry--Law and legislation--United States.
(Microsoft), Ken Auletta (2001).
World War 3.0: Microsoft and Its Enemies. (New York,
NY: Random House, 436 p.). United States--Trials, litigation,
etc.; Microsoft Corporation--Trials, litigation, etc.; Antitrust
law--United States; Computer software industry--Law and
legislation--United States; Monopolies--United States.
(Microsoft), David Bank (2001).
Breaking Windows: How Bill Gates Fumbled the Future of Microsoft.
(New York, NY: Free Press, 287 p.). Gates, Bill, 1955- ;
Microsoft Corporation; Computer software industry--United
(Microsoft), John Heilemann (2001).
Pride Before the Fall: The Trials of Bill Gates and the End of
the Microsoft Era. (New York, NY: HarperCollins, 246
p.). United States--Trials, litigation, etc.; Microsoft
Corporation--Trials, litigation, etc.; Antitrust law--United
States; Restraint of trade--United States; Computer software
industry--Law and legislation--United States.
(Microsoft), Dean Takahashi (2002).
Opening the XBox: Inside Microsoft's Plan to Unleash an
Entertainment Revolution. (Roseville, CA: Prima, 370
p.). Senior Writer (Red Herring magazine). Microsoft
Corporation; Electronic games industry--United States; Video
games--Equipment and supplies.
(Microsoft), Fredric Alan Maxwell (2002).
Bad Boy Ballmer: The Man Who Now Rules Microsoft. (New
York, NY: Morrow, 278 p.). Ballmer, Steven Anthony;
Businessmen--United States--Biography; Microsoft
Corporation--History; Computer software industry--United
(Microsoft), Laura Rich (2002).
The Accidental Zillionaire: Demystifying Paul Allen.
(New York, NY: Wiley, 250 p.). Former Writer for the Industry
Standard, Adweek, and Inside Media. Allen, Paul, 1953- ;
Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Microsoft), Karin Carter (2003).
Microsoft in the Mirror: Nineteen Insiders Reflect on the
Experience. (Redmond, WA: Pennington Books, 246 p.).
14-year Veteran. Microsoft Corporation--Employees--Biography;
Computer software industry--United States.
(Microsoft), Soraya Bittencourt with
Paulaartinac (2003).
My Road to Microsoft: One Woman's Success Story.
(Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris Corporation, 217 p.). Bittencourt,
Saroya; Microsoft Corporation; Expedia.
(Microsoft), Robert Slater (2004).
Microsoft Rebooted: How Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer Reinvented
Their Company. (New York, NY: Portfolio, 288 p.). Gates,
Bill, 1955- ; Ballmer, Steven Anthony; Microsoft Corporation;
Computer software industry--United States.
(Microsoft), Robert Buderi and Gregory T.
Huang (2006).
Guanxi (The Art of Relationships): Microsoft, China, and Bill
Gates's Plan to Win the Road Ahead. (New York, NY: Simon
& Schuster, 320 p.). Microsoft Corporation--Management; Computer
software industry--United States--Management--Case studies;
United States--Commerce--China; China--Commerce--United States.
Microsoft Research Asia
(MSRA) was center of Microsoft's competitive battle with Google,
Nokia, Sony; key to relationship building in China.
(Microsoft), Samantha Shiau-Ping Lee (2006).
Unfinished Business: Challenging Microsoft in Taiwan.
(Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest / UMI, 230 p.). JSD Candidate (Stanford
Law School). Microsoft Corporation--Antitrust. Global antitrust concerns of
Microsoft; similarities and differences in cases in U.S.,
European Union, Taiwan.
(Microsoft), William H. Page and John E.
Lopatka (2007).
The Microsoft Case: Antitrust, High Technology, and Consumer
Welfare. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 317
p.). Marshall M. Criser Eminent Scholar at the University of
Florida’s Levin School of Law; A. Robert Noll Distinguished
Professor of Law at the Pennsylvania State University’s
Dickinson School of Law. United States--Trials, litigation,
etc.; Microsoft Corporation--Trials, litigation, etc.; Antitrust
law--United States; Restraint of trade--United States.
Interaction of technology,
economics, antitrust law in digital age; implications of
1988 antitrust litigation against Microsoft from perspective of
consumer welfare; at critical points, legal system failed
consumers, overrated government’s ability to influence outcomes
in dynamic market.
(Microsoft), Mary Jo Foley (2008).
Microsoft 2.0: How Microsoft Plans To Stay Relevant in the
Post-Gates Era. (Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Technology
Pub., 285 p.). Microsoft Corporation --Management; Microsoft
software. July 1, 2008 -
Microsoft founder, Chairman Bill Gates will no longer be
involved; key people, products, strategies for next-gen Microsoft.
(Microsoft), Paul Allen (2011).
Idea Man: A Memoir by the Cofounder of Microsoft.
(New York, NY: Portfolio, 368 p.). Cofounded Microsoft with Bill
Gates. Allen, Paul, 1953-; Businesspeople --United States
--Biography. How he has solved problems,
what he learned from many endeavors (triumphs, failures), vision for future;
previously untold stories about true origins of Microsoft, role
in dawn of private space travel (SpaceShipOne), discoveries at
frontiers of brain science.
(National Semiconductor), Gil Amelio, William
L. Simon (1996).
Profit from Experience: The National Semiconductor Story of
Transformation Management. (New York, NY: Van Nostrand
Reinhold, 312 p.). Former CEO (National Semiconductor). Amelio,
Gil; National Semiconductor Corporation--Management;
Semiconductor industry--United States--History.
(National Semiconductor), Robert H. Miles;
foreword by Gil melio (1997).
Corporate Comeback: The Story of Renewal and Transformation at
National Semiconductor. (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass,
388 p.). National Semiconductor Corporation--Management;
Semiconductor industry--United States--Management; Corporate
turnarounds--United States--Case studies.
(Network Appliance), David Hitz (2009).
How To Castrate a Bull: Everything is Broken, Your Customers Are
Liars, Everyone Wants to Kill You, and Other Fun Problems.
(San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 208 p.). Founder of NetApp.
Business planning; Success in business; Risk.
How to increase
business skills; 1992 - high school dropout, two partners founded NetApp as idea scribbled on placemat;
one of fastest-growing computer companies
ever ($4 billion in sales/year), went through
every major cycle in business; why companies
succeed, fail; how powerful lessons come from strange,
unexpected places.
(Oracle), Mike Wilson (1997).
The Difference Between God and Larry Ellison: Inside Oracle
Corporation. (New York, NY: Morrow, 385 p.). Ellison,
Larry; Oracle Corporation--History; Computer software
industry--United States--History; Businesspeople--United
Larry Ellison
- Oracle (
(Oracle), Stuart Read (2000).
The Oracle Edge: How Oracle Corporation's Take No Prisoners
Strategy Has Created an $8 billion Software Powerhouse.
(Holbrook, MA: Adams Media, 242 p.). Elison, Larry; Oracle
Corporation--History; Computer software industry--United
States--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
(Oracle), Florence Stone (2002).
The Oracle of Oracle: The Story of Volatile CEO Ellison and
the Strategies Behind His Company's Phenomenal Success.
(New York, NY: AMACOM, 224 p.). Ellison, Larry; Oracle
Corporation--History; Computer software industry--United
States--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Oracle), Mathew Symonds with commentary by
Larry Ellison (2003).
Softwar: An Intimate Portrait of Larry Ellison and Oracle.
(New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 528 p.). Technology Editor
(Economist). Ellison, Larry; Oracle Corporation--History;
Computer software industry--United States--History;
Businessmen--United States--Biography.
(Oracle), Karen Southwick (2003).
Everyone Else Must Fail: The Unvarnished Truth about Oracle and
Larry Ellison. (New York, NY: Crown Business, 320 p.).
Executive Editor (CNET Ellison, Larry; Oracle
Corporation--History; Computer software industry--United
States--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
(Orbital Sciences), Gary Dorsey (1999).
Silicon Sky: How One Small Start-Up Went Over the Top To Beat
the Big Boys into Satellite Heaven. (Reading, MA:
Perseus Books, 332 p.). Orbital Sciences Corporation, Aerospace
Industries, Satellites in Telecommunications.
(Palm), Andrea Butter & David Pogue (2002).
Piloting Palm: The Inside Story of Palm, Handspring, and the
Birth of the Billion-Dollar Handheld Industry. (New
York, NY: Wiley, 353 p.). Former Marketing Director Palm),
Contributor (New York Times). PalmPilot (Computer); Handspring
Visor (Computer); Pocket computers; Computer industry--United
Jeff Hawkins
- Palm (
(Poulsen), Cyril Frank (1923). The Poulsen
Arc Generator. (New York, NY: Van Nostrand Company, 192 p.).
Poulsen, Valdemar, 1869-; Telegraph, Wireless; Radio; Electric
arc; Electric waves.
(Red Hat), Robert Young and Wendy G. Rohm
Under the Radar: How Red Hat Changed the Software Business-- And
Took Microsoft by Surprise. (Scottsdale, AZ: Coriolis
Group Books, 197 p.). Red Hat, Inc.; Linux; Microsoft
Corporation; Computer software industry--United States.
(SAIC), J. Robert, Beyster and Peter Economy
The SAIC Solution: How We Built an $8 Billion Employee-Owned
Technology Company. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 222 p.).
Founder of Science Applications International Corporation
(SAIC); Associate Editor of Leader to Leader Science
Applications International Corporation. High technology
industries --Management; High technology industries --United
States; Employee ownership --United States; Engineering firms
--United States --History. 1969 - company founded
vision of creating employee-owned organization run
according to 12 principles of success that encourage
entrepreneurship and accountability; from handful of
scientists to over 43,000 employees, more than $8 billion in
annual revenue, top rankings as contractor to government,
business organizations.
(, Marc R. Benioff, Carlye Adler (2009).
Behind the Cloud: The
Untold Story of how Went from Idea to
Billion-Dollar Company--and Revolutionized an Industry.
(San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass, 304 p.). Founder,
Chairman, CEO of (Firm); Customer relations --Management;
Sales management. From start-up in
rented apartment into world's fastest growing software
company in less than decade; pioneer of
software-as-a-service business model; ads declared that software is dead; how he,
team created and used new business, technology,
philanthropic models; how survived dot-com implosion of
2001, defined itself as leader of cloud computing
revolution, sparked $46 billion industry.
(SAP AG), Neil Pollock and Robin
Williams (2008).
Software and Organizations: The Biography of the
Enterprise-Wide System or How SAP Conquered the World.
(New York, NY: Routledge, 348 p.). University of
Edinburgh; University of Edinburgh - Research Centre for
Social Sciences. Computer software industry; Management
information systems. Sociological study of development,
use, evolution of standardized computer systems,
commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software packages; how
SAP conquered world with its ERP system.
(Sematech), Larry D. Browning and Judy C.
Shetler (2000).
Sematech: Saving the U.S. Semiconductor Industry.
(College Station, TX: Texas A & M University Press, 279 p.).
SEMATECH (Organization)--History; Semiconductor
industry--Government policy--States.
(SnapTrack Inc.), Steve Poizner
Mount Pleasant: My Journey from Creating a Billion-Dollar
Company to Teaching at a Struggling Public High School. (New
York, NY, Portfolio, 256 p.). Founder of Strategic Mapping Inc.,
SnapTrack Inc. Poizner, Steve, 1957-; Mount Pleasant High School
(San Jose, Calif.); Businessmen --California --Biography;
Politicians --California --Biography; Volunteer workers in
education --California --San Jose --Biography; Educational
change --California; San Jose (Calif.) --Social conditions;
California --Social policy; California --Politics and government
--1951-.Spent year teaching twelfth graders at San Jose's Mt.
Pleasant High School; won Rookie Teacher of the Year honors;
ensured all his students graduated.
(Sun Microsystems), Mark Hall and John Barry;
foreword by Tom Peters (1990).
Sunburst: The Ascent of Sun Microsystems. (Chicago, IL:
Contemporary Books,, 297 p.). Sun Microsystems; Computer
industry--United States.
Scott McNealy
- Sun Microsystems
(Sun Microsystems), Karen Southwick (1999).
High Noon: The Inside Story of Scott McNealy and the Rise of Sun
Microsystems. (New York, NY: Wiley, 242 p.). Executive
Editor, CNET McNealy, Scott; Sun Microsystems;
Computer scientists--Biography.
(Varian Associates), Dorothy Varian (1983).
The Inventor and the Pilot: Russell and Sigurd Varian.
(Palo Alto, CA: Pacific Books, 314 p.). Varian, Russell
Harrison, 1898-1959; Varian, Sigurd Fergus, 1901-1961;
Electronic industries--United States--Biography.
(Varian Associates), Ward Winslow (1998).
Varian 50 Years: Fifty Years of Innovative Excellence: A History
of Varian Associates, Inc., from 1948 to 1998. (Santa
Clara, CA: Santa Clara Valley Historical Association, 96 p.).
Varian, Russell Harrison, 1898-1959; Varian Associates--history;
Silicon Valley -- History.
(WordPerfect Corp.), W.E. Pete Peterson
Almost Perfect: How a Bunch of Regular Guys Built WordPerfect
Corporation. (Rocklin, CA: Prima Pub., 236 p.).
WordPerfect Corporation--History; Word processing equipment
David P. Angel (1994).
Restructuring for Innovation: The Remaking of the U.S.
Semiconductor Industry. (New York, NY: Guilford Press,
216 p.). Associate Professor in the Graduate School of Geography
(Clark University). Semiconductor industry --United States.
U. S. rapidly lost market share to Japan during 1980s; how United States responded successfully to
challenge of global competition, completely restructured semiconductor industry.
Ashish Arora, Andrea Fosfuri, Alfonso
Gambardella (2002).
Markets for Technology: The Economics of Innovation and
Corporate Strategy. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 338 p.).
High technology industries--Management; Technology--Marketing;
License agreements; Technology transfer--Economic aspects;
Technological innovations--Economic aspects;
Globalization--Economic aspects; Employees--Effect of
technological innovations on.
Eds. Ashish Arora and Alfonso Gambardella
(2005). From
Underdogs to Tigers: The Rise and Growth of the Software
Industry in Brazil, China, India, Ireland, and Israel.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 313 p.). Computer
software industry; Globalization. Spectacular growth of software
industry in countries where high-tech industries would not seem
likely to develop.
Ken Auletta (1998).
Highwaymen: Warriors of the Information Superhighway.
(San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace, 1st edition: Random House, 1997;
358 p.). High-Technology, Telecommunications.
Ross Knox Bassett (2002).
To the Digital Age: Research Labs, Start-Up Companies, and the
Rise of MOS Technology. (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 421 p.). Assistant Professor of History (North
Carolina State University). Metal oxide semiconductors--History;
Electronics--Social aspects.
Monica R. Biradavolu (2008).
Indian Entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley: The Making of a
Transnational Techno-Capitalist Class. (Amherst, NY:
Cambria Press, 237 p.). Sociologist (Yale). Alien labor, East
India -- California -- Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County);
East Indian business enterprises -- California -- Santa Clara
Valley (Santa Clara County); East Indians -- California -- Santa
Clara Valley (Santa Clara County) Businesspeople -- India; High
technology industries -- India; High technology industries --
California -- Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County).
Emergence, growing power of new group of immigrant Indians to United States: transnational techno-capitalist class of
entrepreneurs operating at upper echelons of hi-tech
industry in Silicon Valley, Bangalore.
Po Bronson (1999).
The Nudist on the Late Shift and Other True Tales of Silicon
Valley. (New York, NY: Random House, 248 p.).
Contributor to Wired Magazine. Computer
industry--California--Santa Clara County; High technology
industries--California--Santa Clara County;
Entrepreneurship--California--Santa Clara County; Success in
business--California--Santa Clara County;
Wealth--California--Santa Clara County.
Clair Brown and Greg Linden
Chips and Change: How Crisis Reshapes the Semiconductor Industry.
(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 256 p.). Professor of Economics and
Director, Center for Work, Technology, and Society (University
of California, Berkeley); Senior Researcher at CWTS, Consultant
(specializing in the economics of the global
electronics industry). Semiconductor industry over more than 20
years; 8 technical, competitive crises that forced it to
adapt in order to continue exponential rate of improved chip
performance; changes shifted basis on which firms
held, gained global competitive advantage; how industries
transform in response to powerful forces (technological
change, shifting product markets, globalization); how chip firms
developed, defended, lost global competitive
Carolyn Caddes; with a foreword by John
Bardeen (1986).
Portraits of Success: Impressions of Silicon Valley Pioneers.
(Palo Alto, CA: Tioga Pub. Co., 138 p.). Microelectronics
industry -- California -- Santa Clara County -- History;
Semiconductor industry -- California -- Santa Clara County --
History; Computer industry -- California -- Santa Clara County
-- History; Executives -- California -- Santa Clara County --
Biography; Success in business -- California -- Santa Clara
County -- Case studies.
Martin Campbell-Kelly (2003).
From Airline Reservations to Sonic the Hedgehog: A History of
the Software Industry. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, p.).
Instructor of Computer Science (U of Warwick). Computer software
Merrill R. Chapman (2003).
In Search of Stupidity: Over 20 Years of High-Tech Marketing
Disasters. (Berkeley, CA: Apress, 252 p.). Computer
software industry--Management--Case studies; Computer
industry--Management--Case studies; Business failures--Case
Robert X. Cringely (1996).
Accidental Empires: How the Boys of Silicon Valley Make Their
Millions, Battle Foreign Competition and Still Can't Get a Date.
(New York, NY: HarperBusiness, Revised and expanded; 370 p.).
Computer Industry.
Michael A. Cusumano (1991).
Japan's Software Factories: A Challenge to U.S. Management.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 513 p.). Computer
software industry--Japan.
Gordon B. Dodds, Craig E. Wollner (1990).
The Silicon Forest: High Tech in the Portland Area 1945 to 1986.
(Portland, OR: Oregon Historical Society, 226 p.). High
technology industries--Oregon--Portland Region--History.
Nick Dyer-Witheford (1999).
Cyber-Marx: Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High-Technology
Capitalism. (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press,
344 p.). High technology industries; Technological
innovations--Economic aspects; Capitalism; Information
technology--Economic aspects; Socialism; Business cycles.
Contents: Differences -- Revolutions -- Marxisms -- Cycles --
Circuits -- Planets -- Postmodernists -- Alternatives --
Alan R. Earls (2002).
Route 128 and the Birth of the Age of High Tech.
(Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub., 128 p.). High technology
industries--Massachusetts--Boston Metropolitan Area; Computer
industry--Massachusetts--Boston Metropolitan Area.
Intertwining stories of
construction of nation's first circumferential beltway,
burgeoning high-tech industries of Massachusetts (spawned modern
age of personal computers, Internet, biotechnology).
June A. English-Lueck (2002).
Cultures@Silicon Valley. (Stanford, CA: Stanford
University Press, 201 p.). Ethnology--California--Santa Clara
Valley (Santa Clara County); Pluralism (Social
sciences)--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County);
Technological innovations--Social aspects--California--Santa
Clara Valley (Santa Clara County); Computers--Social
aspects--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County);
Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County,
Calif.)--Civilization--20th century; Santa Clara Valley (Santa
Clara County, Calif.)--Ethnic relations; Santa Clara Valley
(Santa Clara County, Calif.)--Social conditions--20th century;
Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County, Calif.)--Social life and
customs--20th century.
David S. Evans, Andrei Hagiu, and Richard
Schmalensee (2006).
Invisible Engines: How Software Platforms Drive Innovation and
Transform Industries. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 400
p.). Managing Director of the Global Competition Policy Practice
at LECG LLC; Assistant Professor of Strategy (Harvard Business
School); John C. Head III Dean and Professor of Management and
Economics at Sloan School of Management (MIT). Application
program interfaces (Computer software); Industries--Data
processing. Technological
meeting ground where application developers and end users
converge, profits result.
Rebecca A. Fannin (2008).
Silicon Dragon: How China Is Winning the Tech Race. (New
York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 183 p.). International Editor of the Hong
Kong weekly Asian Venture Capital Journal. Internet
industry--China; High technology industries--China; Information
technology--China. World's
largest number of mobile phone users (500 million); three times
as many engineering students as United States?; dozen more
billion-dollar tech firms than United States?; fastest growing
venture capital market in world?; new breed of
entrepreneur is leading China through second Industrial
Charles H. Ferguson (1999).
High Stakes, No Prisoners: How I Won My David-and-Goliath Battle
in Silicon Valley. (New York, NY: Times Business, 400
p.). High Technology Industries, Computer Industry,
Entrepreneurship. What it
takes to achieve success in Silicon Valley - from "cool idea" to
market-dominating product.
Christine Finn (2001).
Artifacts: An Archaeologist's Year in Silicon Valley.
(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, p.). Archaeology Research Associate
(Oxford University). Finn,
Christine--Journeys--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County); Material culture--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa
Clara County); Technological innovations--Social
aspects--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County);
Computers--Social aspects--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa
Clara County); Technology and civilization;
Archaeologists--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County)--Biography; Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County,
Calif.)--Civilization--20th century; Santa Clara Valley (Santa
Clara County, Calif.)--Description and travel; Santa Clara
Valley (Santa Clara County, Calif.)--Social life and
customs--20th century. Impact of technology's boom, bust cycle on society and culture.
Kevin P. Gallagher and Lyuba Zarsky (2007).
The Enclave Economy: Foreign Investment and Sustainable
Development in Mexico’s Silicon Valley. (Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, 214 p.). Assistant Professor of International
Relations (Boston University), Senior Researcher at the Global
Development and Environment Institute (Tufts University);
Associate Professor of International Environmental Policy
(Monterey Institute for International Studies), Senior Research
Fellow at the Global Development and Environment Institute
(Tufts University). High technology
industries--Mexico--Guadalajara; Information
technology--Mexico--Guadalajara; Investments,
Foreign--Mexico--Guadalajara; Sustainable
development--Mexico--Guadalajara; Guadalajara (Mexico)--Economic
conditions. Foreign investment for
sustainable development; Mexico's post-NAFTA experience of
foreign direct investment in its information technology sector,
particularly in Guadalajara region, did not result in expected
George Gilder (1989).
Microcosm: The Quantum Revolution in Economics and Technology.
(New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 426 p.). Microelectronics
industry; Microelectronics--Social aspects.
C. Stewart Gillmor (2004).
Fred Terman at Stanford: Building a Discipline, a University,
and Silicon Valley. (Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Press, 642 p.). Professor of History and Science (Wesleyan
University). Terman, Frederick Emmons, 1900-1982; Stanford
University. Dept. of Electrical Engineering; Radio engineers
--California --Stanford --Biography. Electrical engineering professor,
engineering manager, university administrator; widely hailed as
magnet that drew talent together into what became known as
Silicon Valley.
Neil Gregory, Stanley Nollen, Stoyan Tenev (2009).
New Industries from New Places: The Emergence of the Software
and Hardware Industries in China and India.
(Stanford, CA, Stanford University Press, 255 p.). Adviser to
the Vice President for Financial and Private Sector Development,
World Bank Group; Professor of International Business at
McDonough School of Business (Georgetown University); Head of
the Independent Evaluation Group of the International Finance
Corporation. Computer software industry -- China; Computer
software industry -- India; Computer industry -- China; Computer
industry -- India. India has become software services
powerhouse; China produces much of world's IT hardware; first
rigorous comparison of growth performance of hardware
manufacturing, software services sectors in China and India;
economic context, business environment for private enterprise in
China and India; how far differences in economic policies,
business environment can go in explaining observed distinctions
between the two.
Dirk Hanson (1982).
The New Alchemists: Silicon Valley and the Microelectronics
Revolution. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 364 p.).
Microelectronics industry--California--History.
Tom Hayes (2008).
Jump Point: How Network Culture is Revolutionizing Business.
(New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 240 p.). Web 2.0; internet--social
aspects; consumers; new media; technology -- prospects.
How new economy, virulent market
trends, will arrive at single jump point by 2011.
Jennifer A. Howard-Grenville (2007).
Corporate Culture and Environmental Practice: Managing Change at
a High-Technology Manufacturer. (Northampton, MA: Edward
Elgar, 165 p.). Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior
(Boston University School of Management). Industrial
management--Environmental aspects; Corporate culture.
Environmental decisions, actions
of one of world's largest manufacturers of microprocessor
'chips' used in computers; how company's culture guided action
on environmental issues.
Jessica Johnston (2008).
Technological Turf Wars: A Case Study of the Computer
Antivirus Industry. (Philadelphia, PA: Temple
University Press, 232 p.). Senior Lecturer and Head of
the American Studies Program (University of Canterbury,
New Zealand). Computer software industry -- Social
aspects -- United States -- Case studies; Computer
software industry -- Moral and ethical aspects -- United
States -- Case studies; Computer security -- Social
aspects -- United States -- Case studies; Computer
security -- Moral and ethical aspects -- United States
-- Case studies; Organizational behavior -- United
States -- Case studies; Business ethics -- United States
-- Case studies. How production of computer security
technology fraught with social issues; motivations,
contradictions, negotiations of antivirus professionals;
tensions between service ethics, profit motives;
dynamics within companies.
David A. Kaplan (1999).
The Silicon Boys and Their Valley of Dreams. (New York,
NY: Morrow, 358 p.). Writer (Newsweek). Microelectronics
industry -- California -- Santa Clara County; High technology
industries -- California -- Santa Clara County; Businessmen --
California -- Santa Clara County; Santa Clara County (Calif.) --
Economic conditions.
Jon Katz (2000).
Geeks: How Two Lost Boys Rode the Internet out of Idaho.
(New York, NY: Villard Books. Computer technicians--United
States--Case studies; Electronic data processing
personnel--United States--Case studies.
Ed. Martin Kenney (2000).
Understanding Silicon Valley: The Anatomy of an Entrepreneurial
Region. (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 285
p.). Professor of Human and Community Development (University of
California, Davis). High technology industries--California--Santa Clara Valley
(Santa Clara County); Business enterprises--California--Santa
Clara Valley (Santa Clara County); Santa Clara Valley (Santa
Clara County, Calif.)--Economic conditions; Santa Clara Valley
(Santa Clara County, Calif.)--Social conditions.
Development of electronics industry in
Silicon Valley (from founding of Federal telegraph in 1908);
role played by defense spending, relationship with Stanford
University; institutions which specialize in new firm formation
(law firms, venture capitalists), labor mobility, close
inter-firm relationships responsible for Silicon Valley's unique
ability to foster technological advances; ecosystem of
interacting institutions, individuals, culture that encourages,
nurtures entrepreneurship, environment characterized by
development of trust based on performance (uniquely permeable to
new ideas, talented individuals).
Dan M. Khanna (1997).
The Rise, Decline, and Renewal of Silicon Valley’s High
Technology Industry. (New York, NY: Garland Pub., 181
p.). Microelectronics industry--California--Santa Clara Valley
(Santa Clara County); High technology
industries--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County);
Microelectronics industry--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa
Clara County)--Management; Competition, International.
Ed. David Lampe (1988).
The Massachusetts Miracle: High Technology and Economic
Revitalization. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 367 p.). High
technology industries--Massachusetts; Massachusetts--Economic
policy; Massachusetts--Economic conditions.
Christian Lecuyer (2005).
Making Silicon Valley: Innovation and the Growth of High Tech,
1930-1970. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 424 p.). Historian
at the Chemical Heritage Foundation. High technology
industries--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County)--History--20th century; Microelectronics
industry--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County)--History--20th century;
Entrepreneurship--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County); Military-industrial complex--California--History--20th
century; Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County,
Calif.)--History--20th century. Silicon Valley's emergence,
growth made possible by development in manufacturing, product
engineering, management.
Ed. Chong-Moon Lee ... [et al.] (2000).
The Silicon Valley Edge: A Habitat for Innovation and
Entrepreneurship. (Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Press, 424 p.). High technology industries--California--Santa
Clara Valley (Santa Clara County); New business
enterprises--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County); Entrepreneurship--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa
Clara County); Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County,
Calif.)--Economic conditions; Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County, Calif.)--Social conditions.
Mark Leibovich (2002).
The New Imperialists. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 244 p.). Ellison, Larry; Bezos, Jeffrey; Chambers, John,
1949- ; Gates, Bill, 1955- ; Case, Stephen McConnell;
Businessmen--United States; Executives--United States; Computer
industry--United States--Management--Case studies; Computer
software industry--United States--Case studies.
Michael Lewis (2000).
The New New Thing: A Silicon Valley Story. (New York,
NY: W.W. Norton & Co., 268 p.). Journalist. Clark, Jim, 1944-;
Businessmen--United States--Biography; Computer software
industry--United States--History.
Stan J. Liebowitz and Stephen E. Margolis
Winners, Losers & Microsoft: Competition and Antitrust in High
Technology. (Oakland, CA: Independent Institute, 287
p.). Economics Professors: UT, Dallas and NC State. Microsoft,
Steve Lohr (2001).
Go To: The Story of the Math Majors, Bridge Players, Engineers,
Chess Wizards, Maverick Scientists and Iconoclasts, the
Programmers Who Created the Software Revolution. (New
York, NY: Basic Books, 250 p.). Reporter (New York Times).
Computer programming; Computer programmers; Software
engineering; Computer software--Development.
Thomas Mahon (1985).
Charged Bodies: People, Power, and Paradox in Silicon Valley.
(New York, NY: New American Library, 339 p.). Microelectronics
industry--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County)--Biography; Computer industry--California--Santa Clara
Valley (Santa Clara County)--Biography; Santa Clara Valley
(Santa Clara County, Calif.)--Biography; Santa Clara Valley
(Santa Clara County, Calif.)--Economic conditions; Santa Clara
Valley (Santa Clara County, Calif.)--Social conditions.
Michael S. Malone (1985).
The Big Score: The Billion-Dollar Story of Silicon Valley.
(New York, NY: Doubleday, 442 p.). Microelectronics industry --
California -- Santa Clara County.
--- (1995).
The Microprocessor: A Biography. (Santa Clara, Ca:
TELOS, 333 p.). Microprocessors--United States--History.
--- (2002).
The Valley of Heart's Delight: A Silicon Valley Notebook,
1963-2001. (New York, NY: Wiley, 276 p.). Malone,
Michael S. (Michael Shawn), 1954- ; High technology
industries--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County)--History; Entrepreneurship--California--Santa Clara
Valley (Santa Clara County).
--- (2002).
Betting It All: The Entrepreneurs of Technology. (New
York, NY: Wiley, 272 p.). Businesspeople--United
States--Biography; Businesspeople--United States--Interviews;
Computer industry--United States--Biography; Computer software
industry--United States--Biography; Microelectronics
industry--United States--Biography; Entrepreneurship--United
States--Case studies; Microelectronics
industry--California--Santa Clara County--History; Risk; Santa
Clara County (Calif.)--Biography.
Edited with an Introduction by Robert Mankoff
in association with (2000).
The New Yorker Book of Technology Cartoons. (Princeton,
NJ: Bloomberg Press, 110 p.). Technology--Caricature and
cartoons; American wit and humor, Pictorial.
Ann Markusen, Peter Hall, Amy Glasmeier
High Tech America: The What, How, Where, and Why of the Sunrise
Industries. (Boston, MA: Allen & Unwin, 227 p.). High
technology industries--United States.
R. C. Mascarenhas (2010).
India's Silicon Plateau: Development of Information and
Communication Technology in Bangalore. (New Delhi,
India: Orient Blackswan Pvt Ltd, 296 p.). Computer software
industry -- Government policy -- India -- Bangalore; Information
technology -- India -- Bangalore.
Glenna Matthews (2003).
Silicon Valley, Women, and the California Dream; Gender, Class,
and Opportunity in the Twentieth Century.
(Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 313 p.). Institute of
Urban and Regional Development (University of California,
Berkeley). Women computer industry employees -- California --
Santa Clara Valley. History of women in Silicon Valley in 20th
century; once world’s largest concentration of fruit-processing
plants, now renowned for electronics; production workers in both
have been preponderantly immigrant women; both industries, both
work forces, changing nature of local power structure; many
sources of vitality, ferment that have undergirded region’s
economic might; its wealth has not been equally distributed.
John A. Mathews, Dong-Sung Cho (2000).
Tiger Technology: The Creation of a Semiconductor Industry in
East Asia. (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press,
389 p.). Semiconductor industry--East Asia; High technology
industries--East Asia.
David G. McKendrick, Richard F. Doner, Stephan
Haggard (2000).
From Silicon Valley to Singapore: Location and Competitive
Advantage in the Hard Disk Drive Industry. (Stanford,
CA: Stanford University Press, 351 p.). Data disk drives
industry--Asia, Southeastern--Case studies; Data disk drives
industry--United States; Industrial location--Case studies;
Comparative advantage (International trade)--Case studies;
Competition, International--Case studies.
John R. McLaughlin, Carol Whiteley (2002).
Technology, Entrepreneurs, and Silicon Valley. (Santa
Clara, CA: Santa Clara Valley Historical Assn, 127 p.).
President of the Institute for the History of Technology;
Professional Writer. Silicon Valley -- History; Microelectronics
industry; High technology industries. Impact of technology throughout
history (for non-technical audience); comparisons with
windmills, electricity, computers, steel, printing press,
television; through boom and bust.
John McLaughlin, Ward Winslow (1996).
The Making of Silicon Valley: A One Hundred Year Renaissance.
(Santa Clara, CA: Santa Clara Valley Historical Assn. Former
magazine editor and publisher; Former newspaper reporter and
editor for 34 years covering Silicon Valley. Silicon Valley --
History; Microelectronics industry; High technology industries.
100 year history of
Silicon Valley; stages of development from establishment of
Stanford University to present technological powerhouse;
transition of business environments, companies within Valley.
John R. McLaughlin, Leigh A. Weimers, Wardell
V. Winslow (2008).
Silicon Valley: 110 Year Renaissance. (Santa Clara, CA:
Santa Clara Valley Historical Association, 196 p. [2nd ed.]).
Historian, Entrepreneur, Former Magazine Publisher; Former
Columnist (San Jose Mercury News); Editing for Palo Alto's daily
newspapers. Silicon Valley--History; High technology industries.
How Silicon Valley came to
be; found roots more than 110 years ago; perspective from dozens
of high technology founders, inventors; profiles of 50 of most
important high technology companies.
Glyn Moody (2001).
Rebel Code: Linux and the Open Source Revolution. (New
York, NY: Allen Lane, 334 p.). Linux; Operating systems
(Computers); Open source software.
Jane Morgan (1967).
Electronics in the West: The First Fifty Years. (Palo
Alto, CA: National Press Books, 194 p.). Electronic
industries--California--San Francisco Bay Area.
Ed. David C. Mowery (1996).
The International Computer Software Industry: A Comparative
Study of Industry Evolution and Structure. (New York,
NY: Oxford University Press, 324 p.). Computer
software--Development; Computer software industry.
Ed. Yoshitaka Okada (2006).
Struggles for Survival: Institutional and Organizational Changes
in Japan’s High-Tech Industries. (New York, NY:
Springer, 360 p.). High technology industries--Japan;
Organizational change--Japan. Revival of Japanese high-tech
industries in 1990s.
John W. Oliver (1956). History of American
Technology. (New York, NY: Rodale Press, 676 p.).
Technology--United States.
David Naguib Pellow and Lisa Sun-Hee Park
The Silicon Valley of Dreams: Environmental Injustice, Immigrant
Workers, and the high-Tech Global Economy. (New York,
NY: New York University Press, 303 p.). Associate Professor of
Ethnic Studies and Director, California Cultures in Comparative
Perspective (University of California, San Diego); Assistant
Professor of Ethnic Studies and Urban Studies and Planning
(University of California, San Diego). High technology
industries--Environmental aspects--California--Santa Clara
Valley (Santa Clara County); Agriculture--Environmental
aspects--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County)'
Alien labor--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County); Minorities--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County); Environmental justice--California--Santa Clara Valley
(Santa Clara County).
Stuart Peters (2006).
National Systems of Innovation: Creating High-Technology
Industries. (New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 267 p.).
Lecturer in Technology and Innovation Management at the School
of Business and Management (Brunel University). Semiconductor
industry--Government policy--United States; semiconductor
industry--Government policy--East Asia; Semiconductor
industry--Government policy--Europe; Liquid crystal display
industry--United States; Liquid crystal display industry--East
Asia; Liquid crystal display industry--Europe.
Critical issue in semiconductors, liquid crystal displays - firm's national base at sectoral
level in era of globalization.
Dennis Posadas (2007).
Rice & Chips: Technopreneurship and Innovation in Asia.
(New York, NY: Pearson Prentice Hall, 109 p.). Technology
Columnist for Philippine newspaper BusinessWorld. Technological
innovations --Asia; New business enterprises --Asia;
Entrepreneurship --Asia. Unwritten rules of innovation that have worked in Silicon Valley
since 1930s; similarities between Silicon Valley, Asian
countries; how they have used Silicon Valley model to develop
technology startups.
T. R. Reid (1984).
The Chip: How Two Americans Invented the Microchip and Launched
a Revolution. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 243 p.).
Kilby, Jack S., 1923- ; Noyce, Robert N., 1927- ;
Everett M. Rogers & Judith K. Larsen (1984).
Silicon Valley Fever: Growth of High-Technology Culture.
(New York, NY: Basic Books, 302 p.). Microelectronics
industry--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County)--History; Semiconductor industry--California--Santa
Clara Valley (Santa Clara County)--History; High technology
industries--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
Susan Rosegrant and David R. Lampe (1992).
Route 128: Lessons from Boston's High-Tech Community.
(New York, NY: Basic Books, 240 p.). High technology
industries--Massachusetts--Boston Metropolitan Area; Computer
industry--Massachusetts--Boston Metropolitan Area.
Eds. Henry S. Rowen, Marguerite Gong Hancock,
and William F. Miller (2006).
Making IT: The Rise of Asia in High Tech. (Stanford, CA:
Stanford University Press, 388 p.). Director Emeritus of the
Shorenstein Asia/Pacific Research Center (Stanford University);
Associate Director of Stanford University's Project on Regions
of Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Co-director, SPRIE, Herbert
Hoover Professor of Public and Private Management Emeritus at
the Graduate School of Business, Professor of Computer Science
Emeritus, and former Provost (Stanford University). High
technology industries--Asia; Information technology--Economic
aspects--Asia. Causes, consequences of
Asia's dramatic rise in IT industry; analyze each country's
policies and results, on national level, in innovation regions
that have developed.
Mohan Sawhney, Ranjay Gulati, Anthony Paoni,
Kellogg TechVenture Team (2001).
TechVenture: New Rules on Value and Profit from Silicon Valley.
(New York, NY: Wiley, 368 p.). Professors, Kellogg Graduate
School of Management (Morwestern University). Electronic
commerce; Electronic commerce--Finance; Business
enterprises--Computer networks--Management; Venture capital;
Electronic commerce--California.
AnnaLee Saxenian (1994).
Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley
and Route 128. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
226 p.). High technology industries--California, Northern; High
technology industries--Massachusetts; United States--Economic
conditions--1981---Regional disparities.
--- (2006).
The New Argonauts: Regional Advantage in a Global Economy.
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 432 p.). Dean of the
School of Information (University of California, Berkeley). High
technology industries--Developing countries;
Immigrants--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara County);
Cooperative industrial research--California--Santa Clara Valley
(Santa Clara County). Entrepreneurs build regional advantage to compete in global
Allen J. Scott (1993).
Technopolis: High-Technology Industry and Regional Development
in Southern California. (Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press, 322 p.). Director of the Lewis Center for
Regional Policy Studies and Professor of Geography (University
of California, Los Angeles). High technology
industries--California, Southern; Regional planning--California,
Southern; Industrial location--California, Southern.
David Sheff (2002).
China Dawn: The Story of a Technology and Business Revolution.
(New York, NY: HarperBusiness, 301 p.). Businessmen--China;
Capitalists and financiers--China; Technological
innovations--China; China--Economic conditions--2000-.
Charles G. Sigismund (2000).
Champions of Silicon Valley: Visionary Thinking from Today's
Technology Pioneers. (New York, NY: Wiley, 294 p.). High
technology industries--Management; Computer
industry--Management; Computer software industry--Management;
Karen Southwick (1999).
Silicon Gold Rush : The Next Generation of High-tech Stars
Rewrites the Rules of Business. (New York, NY: Wiley,
248 p.). Executive Editor, CNET Computer Industry,
Computer Software Industry, High-Technology Industries.
John Sterne (2004).
Adventures in Code: The Story of the Irish Software Industry.
(Dublin, IR: Liffey Press, 334 p.). Ireland -- Industry --
Technology; Computer software -- Development -- Ireland -- 20th
Soo-Hung Terence Tsai, Borshiuan Cheng (2006).
Silicon Dragon: High Tech Industry in Taiwan.
(Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Pub., 236 p.). Associate
Director, MBA Programmes, Department of Management, Faculty of
Business Administration (The Chinese University of Hong Kong),
Senior Research Associate (Judge Business School, University of
Cambridge, UK); Professor in Organisational Psychology and
Chairperson, Department of Psychology (College of Science,
National Taiwan University). High technology industries--Taiwan.
Success story of
microelectronics industry in Taiwan; government policies that
acted as catalysts to growth, roles of high-tech `incubators',
government-administered science parks.
Eds. Jan Ulijn, Dominique Drillon, Frank Lasch
Entrepreneurship, Cooperation and the Firm: The Emergence and
Survival of High-Technology Ventures in Europe.
(Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 431 p.). Jean Monnet Professor
of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Culture (Eindhoven
University of Technology, The Netherlands); Associate Professor
of Management and Director, Research Department
(GSCM-Montpellier Business School, France); Associate Professor
of Entrepreneurship and Assistant Director, Research Department
(GSCM-Montpellier Business School, France). High technology
industries--Europe; High technology
industries--Europe--Management; Entrepreneurship--Europe;
Technological innovations--Europe. Focus on new business development
in science and technology; role, challenge of European
cooperation to create new techno-ventures, encourage them to
survive, flourish.
Fred Warshofsky (1989).
The Chip War: The Battle for the World of Tomorrow. (New
York, NY: Scribner, 434 p.). Integrated circuits industry;
Competition, International.
Bernard P. Wong (2005).
The Chinese in Silicon Valley: Globalization, Social Networks,
and Ethnic Identity. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield,
267 p.). High technology industries--California--Santa Clara
Valley (Santa Clara County)--History; Chinese--California--Santa
Clara Valley (Santa Clara County)--History; Chinese
Americans--California--Santa Clara Valley (Santa Clara
County)--Social conditions.
Yu Zhou (2008).
The Inside Story of China’s High-Tech Industry: Making Silicon
Valley in Beijing. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield
Pub., 201 p.). Associate Professor of Geography (Vassar). High
technology industries--China--Beijing. Emergence, growth of information,
communications technology industry through analysis of China's
leading science park, Beijing's Zhongguancun; conjunction of
export, domestic markets provided main impetus to technological
learning, development of industry competitiveness.
Jeffrey Zygmont (2003).
Microchip: An Idea, Its Genesis, and the Revolution It Created.
(Cambridge, MA: Perseus, 245 p.). Integrated circuits--History;
Computer industry--United States--History; Computer
engineering--United States--History.
Business History Links
Business Plan Archive
The Internet boom and bust of 1996 to 2002 was the most
important business phenomenon of the past several decades. In
the wake of this historic period...we are creating the Business
Plan Archive (BPA) to collect business plans and related
documents from the dot com era. These plans – the "blueprints"
that lay out the assumptions and strategies of Internet
entrepreneurs – will enable entrepreneurs and researchers to
conduct both qualitative and quantitative research.
Center for Work, Technology, and Society
Founded in 1997 at UC Berkeley (as part of the
Institute of Industrial Relations) to support research and
education in the areas of work, technology and society: 1)
technological change is creating important changes in the
workplace-- how work is done, how work and technology are
managed, and the skills and knowledge required for work; 2)
technology is affecting society in how we live as well as how we
work. WTS will explore these relationships between work and
technology and society in order to help business and government
leaders develop sound practices and policies.
Charles River Museum of Industry
The mission of the Charles River Museum of Industry is to be a
center for exploration of the history of industry and technology
and to study the dynamic process of innovation in order to
encourage and inspire future innovation in America.
The Evolution of the PDA 1975-1995
Comprehensive timeline of the evolution of personal digital
assistants. Specifically, my intention is to clarify which
companies premiered each of the primary front-end features that
are considered standard in modern devices, from the technology's
invention to its acceptance as a mainstream product category in
the mid-1990s. This is not a discussion of back-end technologies
such as architectures, chips, programming interfaces, and
speeds. By "premiered," I mean "first to actually include the
technology in a relevant product," not necessarily the actual
inventors of each technology.
FAQ: Forty Years of
Moore's Law
"This FAQ explains the impact and consequences of the principles
set down" in Intel co-founder Gordon Moore's April 19, 1965,
article in which he observed that "the number of transistors
...on a chip can be doubled in a short period of time." This
observation is known as Moore's Law. Includes photos, diagrams,
and links to related articles. From CNET Subjects:
Transistors; Computers; Electronic industries.
Institute for the History of Technology
(formerly Santa Clara Valley
Historical Association)
One of the primary organizations dedicated to recording the
history of high technology inventors and entrepreneurs.
Intel Museum
At the Intel Museum in Santa Clara, you can experience the power
of computer chips first hand, and the evolution of their
development. Learn also about how microprocessors work, how
transistors work, about memory technology and about the history
of the microprocessor.
Intel: Silicon: Moore's Law
Information about the observation made in 1965 by Gordon Moore,
co-founder of Intel, that the number of transistors on
integrated circuits would double "every couple of years. ...
Intel expects that it will continue at least through the end of
this decade." Includes Moore's original paper, a comparison of
transistors on Intel processors from 1971 through 2003, and
related material. From Intel Corporation. Subjects: Transistors;
Computers; Electronic industries.
Microsoft Antitrust Case
Filings, opinions, motions, briefs, affidavits, and more related
to the Microsoft Antitrust Case. Subjects: United States --
Trials, litigation, etc. | Microsoft Corporation -- Trials,
litigation, etc. | Antitrust law -- United States | Computer
software industry -- Law and legislation -- United States |
Restraint of trade -- United States.
Programming Languages: A Brief History
This timeline covers innovations in languages used for
programming computers from 1946-1995. Entries include the
development of FORTRAN (mathematical FORmula TRANslating system)
in 1957, COBOL (COmmon Business-Oriented Language) created in
1959, Bill Gates and Paul Allen's version of BASIC (Beginner's
All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) in 1975, and more. From
Route 128 Timeline
Route 128: Where High Tech Began
Route 128, the beltway that first encircled Boston more than
half a century ago, was the first home to what eventually came
to be known as high tech. With the strong industrial base in the
communities through which it passes and close proximity to
schools such as MIT and Harvard, Route 128 was more than just
the first modern beltway; became the blueprint for economic
development in the second half of the 20th century. The
companies that clustered around it and around Greater Boston put
in place many of the technologies as well as the business sytems
that have been emulated globally ever since. This site is
intended to provide access to some of the history associated
with this famous highway.
Santa Clara County: California's
Historic Silicon Valley
This National Park Service (NPS) itinerary "highlights 28 places
listed in the National Register of Historic Places that
illustrate how this fertile valley blossomed from a series of
small agricultural towns ... into the center of the technology
revolution." It features "a wide variety of historic buildings,
from adobe pueblos to the Art Deco De Anza Hotel, from the
eclectic Victorian architecture of the ... Winchester House to
the ... home of President Herbert Hoover."
Silicon Genesis
Collection of oral history interviews with pioneers of the
semiconductor industry.
Silicon Valley Cultures Project Website:
What We A Finding
The Silicon Valley Cultures Project from the Anthropology
Department at San Jose State University (last mentioned in the
June 1, 2000 issue of the Scout Report for Business & Economics)
has recently published a book excerpt, along with three newly
released reports and articles, on their Web site. The book
excerpt is from _Cultures@SiliconValley_ by J.A. English-Lueck,
and it provides a 16-page abstract of the book. The first new
report "Creating Culture in Dual Career Families" by C. N.
Darrah, J. A. English-Lueck, and J. M. Freeman (all from the
Department of Anthropology at San Jose State University) is
based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted with fourteen
different families between 1998-2000. The second report,
"Success and Survival in Silicon Valley: An Ethnography of
Learning Networks" by J.A. English-Lueck, Sabrina Valade, Sheri
Swiger, and Guillermo Narvaez, was presented to the Center for
Educational Planning's Santa Clara County Office of Education on
March 21, 2002. This report takes an ethnographic look at the
lives of students, teachers, and workers as they find their way
through the maze of de facto education. The last newly released
report, "Students, Technology and Everyday Life" by Dr. Chuck
Darrah, was prepared for the Junior Achievement of Santa Clara
County and the Institute for the Future, and explores how the
incorporation of information technology in the lives of middle
and high school students can best prepare them for careers in
the Silicon Valley region. This paper elicits potential
questions for further investigation and, therefore, does not
provide definitive answers to complex and emerging issues.
Silicon Valley History
Silicon Valley History Online
Gateway to the major historical resources of California's Santa
Clara Valley - photographs, maps, letters, postcards,
manuscripts, scrapbooks, menus, programs from events, and many
other materials from local libraries, archives, and museums. As
described on this website, Silicon Valley is "a bellwether
beast, pursuing the newest technologies on the drawing board and
in the hand". This compelling online digital archive was created
by a consortium of organizations and institutions located in the
Silicon Valley, including the History San Jose Research Library
and the Santa Clara University Archives. Appropriately enough,
visitors entering through the site's homepage will be greeted by
a number of context-specific images, including a couple of
peaches, a microchip processor, and a historical photograph of
two scientists at work. From there, visitors can delve into the
documents collected here by clicking on one of the general
headings, such as education, people, technology, agriculture,
and urban life. Currently, the archive contains close to 1000
images, and users are free to browse through them at their
leisure. Visitors can also create customized searches and save
their favorite images to a "My Favorites" area.
September 2004 - Silicon Valley Watcher—Reporting on the
business and culture of Silicon Valley is published by Tom
Foremski, former news reporter and Silicon Valley columnist for
the Financial Times.
Smithsonian: The Chip Collection
National Museum of American History's Chip Collection consists
of individual donations of objects, images and documentation
that traces the history of integrated circuits.
Stanford Silicon Valley Archives
Housed in the Special Collections of Stanford University
Libraries, Stanford’s Silicon Valley Archives identify,
preserve, and make documentary record of science and technology,
and related business and cultural activities in Silicon Valley,
available to students, scholars, and the general public;
provides access to professional correspondence, research notes,
diaries, journals, project files, technical reports,
organization charts and other corporate records, patent
applications, blueprints, company brochures, product
documentation, photographs, and transcripts or recordings of
speeches and interviews.
The Tech Museum of Innovation
The Tech is a cosmopolitan museum singularly focused on
technology -- how it works and the way that it is changing every
aspect of the way we work, live, play and learn. Its
people-and-technology focus and the integration of advanced
technologies into visitor experiences and infrastructure,
distinguishes it from other science centers.
Valley Wag
Silicon Valley's Tech Gossip Rag.