November 8, 1602
- Bodleian Library at Oxford University opened to public.
November 14, 1732
- The Library Company of Philadelphia, founded by Benjamin
Franklin, signed a contract with its first librarian; served as
de facto Library of Congress until 1800.
January 15, 1759
- The British Museum opened, at Montague House, Bloomsbury,
April 5, 1768
- First US Chamber of Commerce founded, in New York
12, 1773
First public museum in America established, in Charleston,
SC, the Charleston Museum.
November 8, 1793 - French revolutionary government
opened Muse Central des Arts in Grande Galerie of the Louvre
(after more than two centuries as a royal palace begun by King
Francis I in 1546 on the site of a 12th-century fortress built
by King Philip II to serve as his royal residence).
April 24,
President John Adams approved legislation that appropriated
$5,000 to purchase "such books as may be necessary for the use
of Congress"; January 26, 1802 - President Thomas
Jefferson approved the first law defining the role and functions
of the new institution; 1814 - British burned
Capitol and 3,000 volume Library of Congress; 1815
- purchase of Jefferson's 6,487 volumes for $23,940 approved.
January 26, 1802 -
Congress passed act calling for library to be established within
U.S. Capitol.
November 20,
1804 - Group of prominent, history-minded New
Yorkers met, formed New-York Historical Society.
December 1809 - New
York Bible Society founded, as New York auxiliary office of
British and Foreign Bible Society, to evangelize, supply
Scripture to immigrants, prisoners, hospital patients, soldiers;
one of first four Bible societies in America (Philadelphia Bible
Society, first, founded 1808); 1810
- distributed 1,941 Scriptures to New York residents, mariners,
pioneers in Pacific Northwest; 1836
- began placing Bibles in hotel rooms (continued until late
1980s); 1909 -
distributed 4.9 million Scriptures in first century;
International Bible Society founded;
1960 - distributed more than 43 million
Scriptures to date; 1979
- 108 million Scriptures distributed to date; 300 million
Scriptures distributed in 450 languages to date;
2009 - translates,
distributes Bible through 45 ministry centers in Africa, Asia,
Europe, Latin America, Middle East, North America.
1822 - Richard
Martin MP piloted first anti-cruelty bill giving cattle, horses
and sheep a degree of protection through parliament;
1824 - RSPCA
established; first national animal protection society in the
world; 1840 - Queen
Victoria gave her permission for the SPCA to be called the Royal
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
February 5, 1824
- Samuel Vaughan Merrick and William H. Keating founded "The
Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for the
Promotion of the Mechanic Arts" to honor Ben Franklin and
advance the usefulness of his inventions; first located in the
Philadelphia County Court House (known today as Independence
June 27, 1829
- English scientist James Smithson died in Genoa,
Italy and left will (October 23, 1826): in the event that his
only nephew died without any heirs, Smithson decreed that the
whole of his estate would go to "the United States of America,
to found at Washington, under the name of the Smithsonian
Institution, an Establishment for the increase and diffusion of
knowledge" (had never visited U.S.); 1835 - his
nephew, Henry James Hungerford, died without children;
July 1, 1836 - U.S. Congress authorized acceptance of
Smithson's gift; President Andrew Jackson sent diplomat Richard
Rush (Pennsylvania) to England to negotiate for transfer of
funds; 1838 - Rush returned with
decree from English Court of
Chancery with 11 boxes containing total of 104,960 gold
sovereigns, 8 shillings, 6 pence (shipped
in gold to United States Mint in Philadelphia, recoined into
American money, yielded $608,318.46), Smithson's
mineral collection, library, scientific notes, personal effects;
1841 - Secretary,
Professor Joseph Henry, of College of New Jersey, appointed
chief executive; August 10, 1846 -
President James K. Polk signed the act establishing the
Smithsonian Institution as trust to be administered by Board of
Regents, Secretary of the Smithsonian;
2008 - composed of 19
museums, nine research centers throughout United States and
world, national zoo.
Joseph Henry
- first chief executive of Smithsonian
April 9, 1833
- Nation's first tax-supported public library founded in
Peterborough, NH.
13, 1843 - Henry Jones, 11 others founded B'nai
B'rith ("Sons of the Covenant") vin New York City; oldest Jewish
service organization in world;
November 1843 - organized first lodge; elected
Isaac Dittenhoefer first president; becom national leader in
charity work and disaster relief;
1913 - formed Anti-Defamation League to combat
June 6, 1844
- George Williams founded YMCA in London.
October 16, 1844 - The Association of Medical
Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane formed
in Philadelphia, PA with 13 members; first U.S. psychiatric
March 18,
1848 - Great and General Court of Massachusetts
enacted legislation to create Boston Public Library; April
3, 1848 - BPL founded.
September 20, 1848 -
American Association for the
Advancement of Science founded in Philadelphia, PA to "advance
science and serve society"; 87 members, William Charles Redfield
as first president; 2010
- world's largest general-science society; serves 10 million
individuals through primary membership, affiliations with some
262 scientific societies and academies.
December 24, 1851 - Fire devastated Library of
Congress in Washington, DC., destroyed about two-thirds of its
55,000 volumes, including most of Thomas Jefferson's personal
library sold to institution in 1815.
29, 1851 - American Young Men's Christian Association
organized in Boston.
– Mrs. Arthur (Mary Jane) Kinnaird formed
North London Home, or General Females Training Institute, as
home for nurses returning from Crimean War; Emma Robarts opened
Prayer Union for Women and Girls in London, about same time;
– opened in New York City, Boston as Ladies' Christian
Association; 1859 -
two London-based organizations merged, established Young Women's
Christian Association (YWCA).
May 29, 1861 - 62
companies, banks formed Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
(20 years after founding of city of Hong Kong); oldest, largest
business organisation in Hong Kong (around 4,000 members;
mission: to promote, represent, safeguard interests of Hong Kong
business community.
- Jean-Henri Dunant self-published Un Souvenir de Solferino [A
Memory of Solferino] (about one of the bloodiest battles of the
nineteenth century at Napoleon's headquarters near the northern
Italian town of Solferino): 1) the battle; 2) battlefield after
the fighting; 3) a plan to form relief societies to provide care
for the wartime wounded; February
7, 1863 - The Societe Genevoise d'Utilite
Publique [Geneva Society for Public Welfare] appointed a
committee of five, including Jean-Henri Dunant, to examine the
possibility of putting plan into action. With its call for an
international conference, this committee, in effect, founded Red
August 22, 1864
- The International Red Cross inaugurated: Twelve nations signed
an international treaty, commonly known as the Geneva Convention
(for the Amelioration of the "Condition of the Wounded and Sick
in Armed Forces in the Field"), agreed to guarantee neutrality
to sanitary personnel, to expedite supplies for their use, to
adopt special identifying emblem - in virtually all instances a
red cross on a field of white; 1901
- Dunant won first-ever Nobel peace prize.
Jean Henri Dunant
- International Red Cross
July, 5,
1865 - William Booth, ordained Methodist minister, aided
by his wife Catherine, formed Christian Mission,
evangelical group dedicated to preaching among "unchurched"
people living in midst of appalling poverty in London’s East
End. Booth’s ministry recognized interdependence of
material, emotional, spiritual needs. In addition to preaching
gospel of Jesus Christ, Booth became involved in feeding,
shelter of hungry, homeless and in rehabilitation of
alcoholics; 1878 - name changed to The Salvation
Army; 1879 - Lieutenant Eliza Shirley held the
first meeting of The Salvation Army in America, in Philadelphia;
1886 - President Grover Cleveland received a
delegation of Salvation Army officers in 1886 and gave the
organization a warm personal endorsement.
April 10,
1866 - New York State Legislature passed Henry Bergh's
charter incorporating The American Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals; April 19, 1866 - anti-cruelty
law passed, ASPCA given right to enforce it (full time staff of
- Banker James Sloan Hutchinson rescued squealing boar from inhumane behavior
of two men who were dragging it to market along
street's rough cobblestone; called together group of 15 fellow
humanitarians to found The San Francisco SPCA;
April 18, 1868 -
SF/SPCA received charter from State of California; fourth SPCA
in nation, first animal welfare organization west of Rockies;
- built first horse ambulance in West;
1905 - assumed
responsibility for city's lost, abused, unwanted animals;
1989 - transferred
role of animal control back to municipal government,
concentrated on saving animal lives;
1994 - forged Adoption Pact with San
Francisco Department of Animal Care & Control, guaranteed that
no adoptable dog, cat in San Francisco would be euthanized;
December 8, 2008 -
60,000 square foot
Leanne B. Roberts Animal Care Center; state-of-the-art
veterinary hospital, largest medical area of any veterinary
hospital in North America, second largest veterinary hospital in
North America.
James Sloan Hutchinson -
San Francisco SPCA
February 16, 1868 - Charles Algernon Sidney
Vivian, English-born actor, member of British fraternity known
as Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes, founded Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks formally organized in New York City;
declared purposes to practice its four cardinal virtues, Charity
- Justice - Brotherly Love - and Fidelity; to promote the
welfare and enhance the happiness of its members; to Quicken the
spirit of American Patriotism; and to cultivate good fellowship.
April 6, 1869
- Albert Smith Bickmore, one-time student of Harvard zoologist
Louis Agassiz, succeeded in his proposal to create a natural
history museum in New York City; won support of William E.
Dodge, Jr., Theodore Roosevelt, Sr., Joseph Choate, J. Pierpont
Morgan; Governor of New York, John Thompson Hoffman, signed bill
officially creating the American Museum of Natural History;
June 2, 1874 - U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant laid
cornerstone for the Museum’s first building at 77th Street and
Central Park West.
February 10, 1870
- YWCA (Young Women's Christian Association) formed (New York
November 24, 1871
- The National Rifle Association incorporated; first
president named: Maj. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside.
July 1, 1874
- First zoo in United States opened, in Philadelphia, PA.
November 19, 1874 - The Women's Christian
Temperance Union organized in Cleveland, Ohio.
March 10, 1880 -
The Salvation Army arrived in United States from England.
May 21,
1881 - Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross.
November 15, 1881
- The American Federation of Labor (AFL) founded.
January 13, 1888
- Thirty-three founding members met at Cosmos Club,
Washington, DC., to create "a society for the increase and
diffusion of geographic knowledge";
January 27, 1888 - The National Geographic Society was
incorporated in Washington DC; January 7, 1898 -
Alexander Graham Bell assumed presidency of National Geographic
May 28, 1892
- Sierra Club founded "to explore, enjoy, and rendure accessible
the mountain regions of the Pacific Coast; to publish authentic
information concerning them," and "to enlist the support and
cooperation of the people and government in preserving the
forests and other natural features of the Sierra Nevada." John
Muir elected president; 182 men and women charter members; first
conservation effort -campaign to defeat a proposed reduction in
the boundaries of Yosemite National Park;
June 4, 1892 - Sierra Club Incorporated
in San Francisco.
May 23,
1895 - Agreement signed to combine [John Jacob]
Astor, [James] Lenox libraries, [Samuel J.] Tilden Trust into
New York Public Library; May 23, 1911 - NYPL
dedicated; May 24, 1911 - opened to 30-50,000
February 19,
1896 - Members of Detroit Chamber of Commerce
and Detroit Manufacturers Club formed The Detroit Convention and
Business Mens' League to attract convention business to Detroit;
gathered list of more than 300 prospects by end of year; formal
beginning of concention and visitors bureau industry;
2003 - 12.5 million
people attended 12,223 conventions, spent $16 billion (source:
Meetings and Conventions Magazine); 155,625 other scheduled
meetings generated $13.7 billion in revenue; convention and
visitors bureaus 'sell' average of 10,500 hotel rooms per night
per year, fund 82% of operating expenses from collected taxes,
average 14 employees, have average operating budget of $5.1
million (source: Destination Management Association
February 17,
1897 - Alice McLellan Birney founded National
Congress of Mothers, forerunner of Parent-Teacher Association
(PTA), in Washington, DC as traditional "maternalist"
organization; depended for its legitimacy on simultaneous avowal
of mothers' rights to influence public policy, disavowal of
women's rights leading to sex "equality"; greatest success was
nationwide campaign for "mothers' pension" legislation, afforded
small stipends to "deserving" single mothers, usually white
widows, formed basis for Aid to Dependent Children program of
New Deal; 1924 -
renamed National Congress of Parents and Teachers.
November 1, 1897 -
First Library of Congress building opened to public; previously
housed in Congressional Reading Room of United States Capitol
- Mary Harriman (19) formed Junior League for Promotion of
Settlement Movements; mobilized 80 young women (hence name
"Junior" League) to work to improve child health, nutrition,
literacy among immigrants living on Lower East Side of
Manhattan; 1903 -
Eleanor Roosevelt joined Junior League of City of New York,
taught calisthenics, dancing to young girls at College
Settlement House.
Mary Harriman
- Founder Junior League
1902 - Rev. Edgar J.
Helms, Methodist minister and early social innovator, founded an
€œindustrial program as well as a social service enterprise" in
Boston; 1910 - formally incorporated, housed in Boston's Morgan
Memorial Chapel, became known as Morgan Memorial Cooperative
Industries and Stores, Inc.; €œGoodwill Industries€ later
adopted after Brooklyn, NY workshop coined the phrase.
January 28, 1902 -
Andrew Carnegie established The Carnegie Institute in
Washington, DC with a $10 million endowment; designed "to
encourage, in the broadest and most liberal manner,
investigation, research, and discovery, and the application of
knowledge to the improvement of mankind"; translated into an
organization dedicated to research and education in "biology,
astronomy, and the earth sciences."
1903 -
Edward F. Adams, San Francisco Chronicle editorial writer, John
P. Young, managing editor of Chronicle, Benjamin Ide Wheeler,
president of University of California, Frederick Burk, president
of what became San Francisco State University, William P. Lawlor,
attorney who later became a justice of the California Supreme
Court, founded Commonwealth Club in San Francisco national forum
open to all for impartial discussion of public issues important
to membership, community, nation; 1911 - Theodore
Roosevelt appeared before organization; 1990 -
began offering regular programs in other regions of Bay Area;
1997 - World Forum of Silicon Valley merged with The
Commonwealth Club.
Edward F. Adams -
Commonwealth Club
Winifred and Edith Holt
International in New York City; 1906 -
incorporated as The New York Association for the Blind;
1907 - organized First Lay Committee for Prevention of
Blindness (later became National Society for the Prevention of
23, 1905 - Paul P. Harris, attorney, in Chicago, IL
formed The Rotary Club, held first meeting; wished to recapture
in professional club same friendly spirit he had felt in small
towns of his youth; name "Rotary" derived from early practice of
rotating meetings among members' offices.
- Mabel Cratty became General Secretary of newly created
National Board, Young Women's Christian Association, two years
after entering Y. W. C. A. work in Chicago; only about ten
workers, activities directed from one room; grew to 110 women
secretaries in 13 foreign countries, 1,300 associations in
United States, membership of more than 600,000.
May 1906 - Bancroft Library
(UC-Berkeley). Contents of library of Hubert Howe Bancroft (1852
- began his career as a bookseller in San Francisco, built
largest book and stationery business west of Chicago, developed
a passion for collecting materials on the western regions of
North and South America, from Alaska to Patagonia), ferried
across the bay to University of California, Berkeley; contained
about 60,000 items (rare manuscripts, maps, books, pamphlets,
transcripts of archives); signaled the beginning of the
University as a research institution; evolved into the most
accessible and heavily used special collections library in the
May 19,
1906 - The Federated Boys' Clubs in Boston formed with
53 member organizations (first club in Hartford, CT in 1860);
1931 - Boys Club Federation of America became Boys
Clubs of America; 1990 - national organization's
name changed to Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
April 19, 1907
- Mrs. Margaret Olivia Sage established Russell Sage Foundation
for "the improvement of social and living conditions in the
United States" (died in 1906, left fortune of about $70
million to his wife); one of oldest of America's general purpose
foundations; since World War II, the Foundation has devoted its
efforts to strengthening the social sciences as a means of
achieving more informed and rational social policy.
May 19, 1907
- Group of prominent New York City business people,
philanthropists founded Japan Society; 1911 -
produced its first exhibition; annual lecture series initiated;
1922 - first film screening (four-reel film of
crown prince's 1921 visit to Europe); 1928 -
Education Program initiated with display of Good Will Dolls sent
to America by more than 2,500,000 school children in Japan;
1952 - activities slowly resumed, stewardship of John
D. Rockefeller 3rd (to 1978) led to unified vision, firm
financial foundation with revitalized mission "to bring the
people of the United States and of Japan closer together in
their appreciation and understanding of each other"; 1953
- Performing Arts Program introduced American audiences to more
than 500 programs of Japan's vibrant contemporary, revered
traditional dance, music theater; facilitated Eleanor
Roosevelt's participation in Intellectual Interchange Program;
1971 - Japan House, designed by architect Junzo
Yoshimura, opened; 1972 - Toyota Language Center
began with single class.

John D. Rockefeller 3rd
- Japan Society
July / August 1907 - Sir Robert Baden-Powell held
experimental camp on Brownsea Island, Poole, Dorset to test
ideas on giving greater variety in training of boys in good
citizenship; brought together 22 boys, some from public schools
and some from working class homes, put them into camp under his
leadership; resulted in the foundation of World Scout & Guide
January 24, 1908
- Boy Scouts
movement began in England with publication of first installment
of Robert Baden-Powell's "Scouting for Boys"; 1900
- Baden-Powell became national hero in Britain for his 217-day
defense of Mafeking in South African War; September 1909
- first national Boy Scout meeting held at Crystal Palace in
London (10,000 Scouts showed up, including group of
uniformed girls who called themselves Girl Scouts); 1910
- Baden-Powell organized Girl Guides as separate organization;
February 8, 1910 - Chicago publisher William Boyce
incorporated Boy Scouts of America; 1912 -
Juliette Gordon Low founded Girl Scouts of America in Savannah,
GA; 1916 - Baden-Powell organized Wolf Cubs,
caught on as Cub Scouts in United States, for boys under age of
11; 1920 - first international Boy Scout Jamboree
held in London, Baden-Powell acclaimed Chief Scout of world.

Robert Baden-Powell - Founder
of Boy Scouts (http://www.nndb.com/people/049/000044914/bp.jpg)
12, 1909
Ida Wells-Barnett, W.E.B. DuBois, Henry Moscowitz, Mary White
Ovington, Oswald Garrison Villiard, William English Walling
founded The National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People (initially called the National Negro Committee).
1910 - New
Brunswick, NJ established New Brunswick Board of Trade to
provide local businesses with an outlet to network with each
other, identify opportunities to grow; name later changed to New
Brunswick Chamber of Commerce and the Raritan Valley Chamber of
Commerce; 1980s -
name changed to Middlesex County Regional Chamber of Commerce
(Convention & Visitors Bureau); voice of Business Community in
Central New Jersey; 2010
- represented over 700 member organizations with over 50,000
February 8, 1910 -
William D. Boyce incorporated The Boy Scouts of America.
William D. Boyce
- founder of
Boy Scouts of America (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/William_D_Boyce.png
March 17, 1910
- Luther Gulick, M.D., his wife, Charlotte, founded Camp
Fire Girls in Lake Sebago, Maine as first nonsectarian
organization for girls in United States; 1975 -
membership expanded to include boys; serves nearly 750,000
children and youth annually.
- Group of Chicago men began meeting to discuss business, make
contacts, share experiences; called themselves The Executives’
Club of Chicago; became business forum for thought leadership,
professional development, best business practices; one of
nation’s oldest, most prestigious business organizations;
provides information, resources needed to establish effective
global partnerships, enhance intellectual exchange, develop
future diverse business leaders, promote Chicago as a world
class global business center.
May 23, 1911
- President William Howard Taft dedicated New York Public
Library, largest marble structure ever constructed in United
States; occupied two-block section of Fifth Avenue between 40th
and 42nd Streets, beaux-arts structure took 14 years to complete
at cost of $9 million; May 24, 1911 - opened doors
to public, some 40,000 citizens passed through to make use of a
collection that already consisted of more than a million books.
1912 -
National Vigilance Committee to monitor advertising created;
1946 - Associated Advertising Clubs of the World
(1921), National Association of Better Business Bureaus, Inc.
(1933) merged, became Association of Better Business Bureaus,
Inc.; November 4, 1952 - Association of Better
Business Bureaus, Inc. registered "Better Business Bureau"
trademark first used in October 1927 (investigative and
information services relative to business and trade practices
for protecting responsible business against abusive business
practices and for establishing and maintaining legitimate
advertising and merchandising practices); 1970 - merged
into Council of Better Business Bureaus; June 21, 1994
- Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. registered "Torch"
logo first used in May 1962.
March 12,
Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low
assembled 18 girls for meeting of Girl Guides
in Savannah, GA;
later became
Girl Scouts of America; June 10, 1915 -
organization incorporated as Girl Scouts, Inc. under laws
of the District of Columbia; December 1917 -
Mistletoe Troop, in Muskogee, OK, baked cookies, sold them in
its high school cafeteria as a service project; 2006
- 200 million boxes of cookies generate $700 million in sales.
Juliette Gordon
Low - founder of Girl Scouts
of America
April 12,
1912 - Group of 700 delegates,
from various commercial, trade organizations, formed U.S. Chamber of Commerce, unified body of business interest; 2002
- represented more than 3 million businesses, nearly 3,000 state
and local chambers, 830 associations, over 90 American Chambers
of Commerce abroad.
- Fifteen prominent physicians, business leaders in New
York City founded American Society for the Control of Cancer
(ASCC); 1945 - reorganized as American Cancer
March 14, 1913 - John D. Rockefeller gave
$100 million to Rockefeller Foundation.
13, 1914 - The American Society of Composers, Authors
and Publishers, known as ASCAP, founded in New York City.
21, 1915 - State of Michigan approved corporate
charter for first Kiwanis (from Otchipew Native American "NunKee-wan-is",
translated as "we have a good time, we make noise") Club in
Detroit, MI; results of organizing efforts of Allen S. Browne
(professional organizer, owns rights to organization, collected
$5 fee for each new member) and Joseph C. Prance (tailor, first
"Kiwanian"); Prance and Ottie Robertson (club secretary) started
club in Cleveland; 1916 - became international
with organization of Kiwanis club of Hamilton, ON;
1919 - organization bought Browne out for $17,500;
1921 - adopted policies that emphasized community
service (urban-rural cooperation, public affairs,
underprivileged children); 1924 - 1,200 clubs;
90,000 members; 1962 - worldwide expansion
approved; 2006 - 8,400 clubs in 96 nations; more
than 600,000 active members; slogan: "Serving the Children of
the World".
August 1916
- Boys’ and Girls’ Bureau committee formed at Eastern
States Agricultural and Industrial Exposition in Springfield, MA
raise funds for general advancement of activities for boys and
girls; 1919 -
Junior Achievement started, headed by Theodore N.
Vail, president of AT&T; February 27, 1920 -
committee changes its name to the Junior Achievement Bureau;
October 1920 - Horace A. Moses, president of the
Strathmore Paper Company, becomes chairman of the Junior
Achievement Bureau (serves for 27 years); April 18, 1921
- Junior Achievement incorporated.
1918 - Horace Moses, President of Strathmore
Paper Co., Theodore Vail, president of American Telephone
& Telegraph co-founded Junior Achievement; February 1920
- committee changed name to Junior Achievement Bureau;
October 1920 - Horace A. Moses named chairman (serves
for 27 years).
June 17, 1917
- Melvin Jones, Chicago businessman, member of Business Circle
of Chicago, convened organizational meeting to discuss expansion
of business clubs' horizons from purely professional concerns to
betterment of communities and world at large; took name of one
of the invited groups, the "Association of Lions Clubs";
October 1917 - national convention held in Dallas, TX;
constitution, by-laws, objects, code of ethics approved.
December 12, 1917 -
Father Edward J. Flanagan, 31-year-old Irish priest, opened Boys
Town, home for troubled, neglected children at 106 North 25th
Street, Omaha, NE; six boys entered to seek better life;
1921 - more than
1,300 neglected boys from 17 states had passed through Boys
1919 -
Eglantyne Jebb established Save the Children Fund in England to
provide aid to young survivors in war-ravaged Vienna;
1923 - wrote
Children's Charter; 1932
- John Voris founded Save the Children (U.S.) in New York to
help needy Appalachian children through programs that help
families better provide for their children;
1933 - working with families and
communities in five state; 1989
- UN General Assembly unanimously adopted Convention on the
Rights of the Child, comprehensive treaty, based on Jebb's 1923
declaration of rights and protections for children;
1998 - ratified by
all but three countries.
Eglantyne Jebb
- Save the Children Fund
March 15, 1919
- The American Legion founded in Paris; November 10, 1919
- held first national convention in Minneapolis.
October 22, 1924 - Toastmasters International
June 10, 1935
- William G.
Wilson (stockbroker from New York City),
Dr. Robert Smith
(heart surgeon from Akron, OH) founded
Alcoholics Anonymous;
July 15, 1948 - Alcoholic Anonymous founded in
January 15, 1936
- Henry Ford established Ford Foundation
as legal device with which Ford
family could escape then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt's "soak
the rich" taxes. The foundation received a 95 percent equity on
all non-voting Ford stock, while the family retained a five
percent equity of all voting common stock. Without the
restructuring, the Ford family would have had to pay over $321
million in federal inheritance taxes. To pay, the family would
have had to sell so much of their stock that they would have
lost control over the company. By the end of 1955
- foundation had disposed of $875 million of the family fortune,
announced plans to diversify its assets by selling 7,000,000
million shares of Ford stock. at its height, the Ford Foundation
had assets of $4 billion; promotes: population control, famine
prevention, the arts and educational media, peace and the
protection of the environment.
1936 - Joseph
Knapp held first organizational meeting of Ducks Unlimited;
January 29, 1937 - incorporated in Washington, DC to
conserve, restore, manage wetlands and
associated habitats for North America's waterfowl.
February 5, 1936
- National Wildlife Federation formed.
January 3, 1938
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, adult victim of polio, founded
National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, later renamed March
of Dimes Foundation; non-partisan association of health
scientists and volunteers that helped fund research for a polio
vaccine and assisted victims on the long path through physical
rehabilitation; at a fundraiser, celebrity singer Eddie Cantor
jokingly urged the public to send dimes to the president,
coining the term "March of Dimes"; public took his appeal
seriously, flooded the White House with 2,680,000 dimes and
thousands of dollars in donations; 1941 - foundation
provided funding for the development of an improved iron lung,
which helped polio patients to breathe when muscle control of
the lungs was lost; 1949 - March of Dimes
appointed Dr. Jonas Salk to lead research for a polio vaccine;
1955 - Salk developed and tested the first
successful polio vaccine.
- Women's Volunteer Service for Civil Defense in London, UK
prepared, delivered meals to disadvantaged neighbors (homeless
after German planes bombarded English soil); brought
refreshments in canteens to servicemen during World War II;
canteens came to be known as "Meals on Wheels"; first organized
nutrition program; January 1954 - Margaret Toy,
social worker in Philadelphia's Lighthouse Community Center,
pioneered program to provide nourishment that met dietary needs
of homebound seniors, other "shut-ins" in area who otherwise
would have to go hungry; requested by Philadelphia Health &
Welfare Council, funded by grant from Henrietta Tower Wurtz
Foundation; charged fee ranging from 40 to 80 cents per day
based on individual's ability to pay; first American
home-delivered meal program; Columbus, OH was second city to
establish community based meals program; 1958 -
city of Rochester, NY began home-delivered meal program.
February 4, 1941
- United Service Organizations, civilian agency, incorporated in
New York State; formed by pooled resources of YMCA, YWCA,
National Catholic Community Service, the National Jewish Welfare
Board, the Traveler’s Aid Association and the Salvation Army to
handle the on-leave recreation needs for the members of the
Armed Forces; sent many actors, musicians, and other performers
to entertain the troops; 1948 - original USO
disbanded; 1949 - formed again, still exists,
provides recreation, entertainment, children's programs and
other services to U.S. military families.
October 5, 1942
- Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (Oxfam) met for first time;
aim: to high-light the problems created by the Nazi occupation
of Greece, and requesting that relief be sent to those in most
urgent need; Canon T R Milford of the University Church and
Professor Gilbert Murray, a member of the national Committee and
former Regius Professor of Greek at Oxford, are founding
members; 1943 - registers as nonprofit.
April 25, 1944
- United Negro College Fund incorporated with 27 member
colleges; 1943 - Dr. Frederick D. Patterson,
President of Tuskeegee Institute, wrote an open letter in the
Pittsburgh Courier to the presidents of other private black
colleges; urged them to pool their financial resources and
appeal to the nation's conscience.
November 4, 1946
- The Constitution of UNESCO (United Nations Educational,
Scientific, and Cultural Organization) became effective
(headquarters if n Paris); November 16, 1945 -
charter was signed by 37 states in London; main objective is to
contribute to peace and security in the world by promoting
collaboration among nations through education, science, culture
and communication.
December 11, 1946
- General Assembly of the United Nations voted to establish
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF),
organization to help provide relief, support to children
living in countries devastated by war; two countries have failed
to ratify the treaty--Somalia (does not currently have an
internationally recognized government) and the United States
(because of concerns about its potential impact on national
sovereignty and the parent-child relationship).
- Walter Paepcke, Chairman of Container Corporation of America
and Trustee of University of Chicago, organized Goethe
Bicentennial Convocations in Aspen, CO, 20-day celebration of
the 200th birthday of German poet and philosopher Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe; 1950 - created what is now
Aspen Institute; Institute's Executive Seminar (patterned on
Great Books program at U. of Chicago) - leaders better
understand human challenges facing organizations, communities
they serve; Institute supported 15 policy programs directed by
leading policymakers, practitioners: international peace and
security, democracy and citizenship; economic opportunity;
social innovation through business; the nonprofit sector;
community initiatives for children and families.
December 12, 1955
- The Ford Foundation made the biggest donation to charity the
world had ever seen: $500,000,000 to hospitals, medical schools,
and colleges.
- John D. Rockefeller 3rd founded Asia Society; initially
established to promote greater knowledge of Asia in U.S.; today
a global institution (offices throughout U.S. and Asia) that
fulfills educational mandate through wide range of
cross-disciplinary programming; programs have expanded to
address Asian American issues, effects of globalization,
pressing concerns in Asia (human rights, status of women,
environmental and global health issues).
May 8, 1956
- Henry Ford II resigned as chair of Ford Foundation.
- Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, retired high school principal, founded
American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) to promote
independence, dignity, purpose for older persons, to enhance
quality of life for older persons, to encourage older people "To
serve, not to be served";
had founded National Retired Teachers
Association (NRTA) in 1947 to promote productive aging,
need of retired teachers for health insurance; 1999
- name changed to
May 28, 1961
- Amnesty International, human rights organization, founded as
British lawyer, Peter Benenson, launched an Appeal for Amnesty
'61 with publication of article, "The Forgotten Prisoners" in
The London Observer newspaper, London (UK) about imprisonment of
two Portuguese students who had raised their wine glasses in
toast to freedom; appeal reprinted in other papers across world;
organization; based mandate on United Nations Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (document created through work of
American Eleanor Roosevelt, adopted by United Nations General
Assembly in December 1954); created on principle that people
have fundamental rights that transcend national, cultural,
religious, ideological boundaries; worked to obtain prompt and
fair trials for all prisoners, to end torture and executions, to
secure release of prisoners of conscience;
July 1961 - first
international meeting with delegates from Belgium, UK, France,
Germany, Ireland, Switzerland and the United States decides to
establish "a permanent international movement in defense of
freedom of opinion and religion."
Peter Benenson
- founder Amnesty International
- Felice N. Schwartz founded Catalyst to help women enter the
workforce; first board of directors comprised five college
presidents (Smith, Wellesley, Lawrence, Mills, Sarah Lawrence)
who endorsed idea of organization to expand options for women;
1969- first national survey of employer attitudes
towards hiring women for part-time management positions;
1971 - established National Network of Career Resource
Centers; 1977 - created Corporate Board Placement
service; 1980 - established Career and Family
Center; 1986 - created Center for Career and
Leadership Development; 1993 - established
national benchmark for women's progress in corporate America.
Felice N.
Schwartz - Founder, Catalyst
June 30, 1966
- 28 persons attending Third National Conference of the
Commission on the Status of Women founded National Organization
for Women in Washington, DC.
September 26,
1971 - 'Greenpeace' founded by 12 activists who
set sail on the Phyllis Cormack from Vancouver, BC across the
Gulf of Alaska for Amchitka Island, a tiny island off the West
Coast of Alaska, which is one of the world's most
earthquake-prone regions, site of US underground nuclear
testing. Amchitka was the last refuge for 3000 endangered sea
otters, and home to bald eagles, peregrine falcons and other
wildlife. US still detonated the bomb, but the voice of reason
had been heard. Nuclear testing on Amchitka ended that same
year, and the island was later declared a bird sanctuary;
July 10, 1987 -
Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior, flagship of international
conservation group, sinks after French agents in diving gear
plant a bomb on the hull of the vessel in Aukland Harbor, New
Zealand; had been preparing for a protest voyage to a French
nuclear test site in the South Pacific. French authorities
denied responsibility in the bombing and continued to do so even
after New Zealand police arrested two French secret service
agents. Later in the year, however, a British newspaper
uncovered evidence of French President Francois Mitterrand's
authorization of the bombing plan, leading to several top-level
resignations in Mitterrand's cabinet and an admission by French
Prime Minister Laurent Fabius that the agents had sunk the
vessel under orders; two agents pleaded guilty to the lesser
charges of manslaughter and willful damage and were each
sentenced to 10 years in prison. Following negotiations with the
French government, New Zealand released them a year later;
1992 - President
Mitterrand ordered a halt to French nuclear testing;
1995 - resumed.
1976 - Millard
Fuller, his wife, Linda, co-founded Americus, Georgia-based
Habitat for Humanity; two goals: build as many houses as it can,
using the principles of sweat equity, no interest, no-profit,
volunteer-driven construction- one house, one family at a
time-in every corner of the world; make housing a matter of
conscience everywhere.
- Gael Greene, restaurant critic for New York magazine, and
James Beard founded Citymeals-on-Wheels, raised private funds to
supplement government-funded weekday meal delivery program
conducted through City's Department for the Aging; collected
$30,000, provided 6,000 holiday Christmas and Hanukkah meals;
June 30, 2006 - funded preparation, delivery of over
2 million meals to more than 17,000 homebound elderly New
Gael Greene
- co-founder Citymeals-on-Wheels
James Beard
- co-founder Citymeals-on-Wheels (http://www.nndb.com/people/922/000115577/james-beard-1-sized.jpg)
- Helen verDuin Palit, soup kitchen worker, founded City
Harvest; noticed that neighboring restaurants were wasting good
food every day; gathered volunteers and borrowed cars and vans
to transport the food from where it was not needed to where it
was needed; has distributed more than 100 million pounds of food
to network of more than 800 emergency food programs throughout
New York City; delivers average of 53,000 pounds of food daily;
cost to deliver a pound of food is 24 cents.
Helen verDuin Palit
- founder City Harvest (http://www.ttu.edu/profiles/images/Palit-Helen.jpg)
January 20, 2004
- The Salvation Army announced donation likely to exceed $1.5
billion from estate of Joan Kroc, widow of McDonald's founder
Ray Kroc.
June 2009 - Giving USA Foundation reported
charitable giving in 2008 ($307.65 billion) fell by largest
percentage in five decades (decrease of 5.7% on
inflation-adjusted basis over $314 billion given in 2007).
(AARP), Charles R. Morris (1996).
The AARP: America's Most Powerful Lobby and the Clash of
Generations. (New York, NY: Times Books, 286 p.).
American Association of Retired Persons--History;
Retirees--United States--Social conditions.
Ethel Percy Andrus
(http://www.obcgs.com/ firstwomen/andrus.gif)
(AARP), Dale Van Atta (1998).
Trust Betrayed: Inside the AARP. (Washington, DC:
Regnery Pub., 208 p.). American Association of Retired
Persons--Corrupt practices; Retirees--Societies, etc.--Corrupt
practices--United States; Pressure groups--Corrupt
practices--United States; Lobbying--Corrupt practices--United
(Alabama Baptist Children’s Home), Cynthia
Adams Wise (1991).
The Alabama Baptist Children’s Home: The First One Hundred Years.
(Montgomery, AL: Brown Print. Co., 208 p.). Alabama Baptist
Children’s Home--History; Baptists--Alabama--Charities--History;
Church work with orphans--Alabama--History.
(American Bible Society), Peter J. Wosh
Spreading the Word: The Bible Business in Nineteenth-Century
America. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 271 p.).
Professor of History (NYU). American Bible Society -- History --
19th century; Bible -- Publication and distribution -- United
States; United States -- Social conditions; United States --
Economic conditions.
(American Cancer Society), Walter S. Ross
Crusade: The Official History of the American Cancer Society.
(New York, NY: Arbor House, 283 p.). American Cancer
Society--History; Cancer--Research--United States--History.
(American Museum of Natural History), Geoffrey
Hellman (1969).
Bankers, Bones & Beetles; The First Century of the American
Museum of Natural History. (Garden City, NY: Published
for the American Museum of Natural History [by] the Natural
History Press, 275 p.). American Museum of Natural History.
(Arizona Historical Society), C.L. Sonnichsen (1984).
Pioneer Heritage: The First Century of the Arizona Historical
Society. (Tucson, AZ: Arizona Historical Society, 230
p.). Arizona Historical Society --History.
(ASPCA - oldest humane organization in
America, founded 1866), Alvin F. Harlow (1957).
Henry Bergh, Founder of the A.S.P.C.A. (New York, NY: J.
Messner, 186 p.). Bergh, Henry, 1811-1888; American Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; Animal rights
activists--Biography; Animal welfare--Societies, etc.
Henry Bergh
(Aspen Institute), Sidney Hyman (1975).
The Aspen Idea. (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma
Press, 386 p.). Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies.
(Arizona Historical Society), C.L. Sonnichsen
Pioneer Heritage: The First Century of the Arizona Historical
Society. (Tucson, AZ: Arizona Historical Society, 230
p.). Arizona Historical Society--History.
(Atlantic Philanthropies), Conor O'Clery
The Billionaire Who Wasn't: How Chuck Feeney Secretly Made and
Gave Away a Fortune. (New York, NY: Public Affairs, 352
p.). Former Foreign Correspondent for The Irish Times in London,
Moscow, Beijing, Washington, and New York. Feeney, Chuck; Duty
Free Shoppers; Philanthropists -- Biography.
One of greatest untold retail triumphs of
20th century, one of greatest, most mysterious American
philanthropists in modern times; 1988 - 23rd on Forbes richest
list; secretly transferred all his wealth to foundation,
Atlantic Philanthropies; one of greatest, most mysterious
American philanthropists in modern times.
(Battelle Memorial Institute), George A.W.
Boehm, Alex Groner (1986).
Science in the Service of Mankind: The Battelle Story.
(Columbus, OH: Battelle Press, 197 p. [4th ed.]). Battelle
Memorial Institute--History; Research institutes--Ohio--History.
(Boston Public Library), Walter Muir Whitehill
Boston Public Library; a Centennial History (Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press, 274 p.). Boston Public Library --
Nicholas Marie Alexandre Vattemare
- advocated
establishing public library in Boston @1827
(Boy Scouts), Michael Rosenthal (1986).
The Character Factory: Baden-Powell and the Origins of the Boy
Scout Movement. (New York, NY: Pantheon Books, 335 p.).
Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell,
Baron, 1857-1941; Boy Scouts--Biography; Boy Scouts--History;
England--Social conditions--19th century.
(Boy Scouts), Tim Jeal (1990).
The Boy-Man: The Life of Lord Baden-Powell. (New York,
NY: Morrow, 670 p.). Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Robert Stephenson
Smyth Baden-Powell, Baron, 1857-1941; Great Britain.
Army--Biography; Generals--Great Britain--Biography; Boy
Scouts--Great Britain--Biography.
(Boy Scouts), Robert H. MacDonald (1993).
Sons of the Empire: The Frontier and the Boy Scout Movement,
1890-1918. (Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press,
258 p.). Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Robert Stephenson Smyth
Baden-Powell, Baron, 1857-1941; Boy Scouts--History; Frontier
and pioneer life.
(Cambridge University Library), J.C.T. Oates
Cambridge University Library: A History. (New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press, vol. 1). Cambridge University
Library--History; Academic libraries--England--Cambridge
(Cambridgeshire)--History. Incomplete Contents: [1] From the
beginnings to the Copyright Act of Queen Anne.
(Cambridge University Library), David
McKitterick (1986).
Cambridge University Library: A History: The Eighteenth and
Nineteenth Centuries. (New York, NY: Cambridge
University Press, 812 p., Vol. 2). Cambridge University
Library--History; Academic libraries--England--Cambridge
(Carnegie Foundation), Ellen Condliffe
Lagemann (1983).
Private Power for the Public Good: A History of the Carnegie
Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. (Middletown,
CT: Wesleyan University Press, 246 p.). Carnegie Foundation for
the Advancement of Teaching--History.
(Carnegie Foundation), Ellen Condliffe
Lagemann (1992).
The Politics of Knowledge: The Carnegie Corporation,
Philanthropy, and Public Policy. (Chicago, IL:
University of Chicago Press, 347 p.). Carnegie Corporation of
New York--History; Endowments--United States--History; United
States--Social policy.
(Chamber of
Commerce of the State of New York), Joseph Bucklin Bishop
A Chronicle of One Hundred & Fifty Years; The Chamber of
Commerce of the State of New York, 1768-1918. (New
York, NY, Scribner, 311 p.). Former New York Newspaper Editor.
New York. Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. Chamber
of Commerce.
(Chicago Historical Society), Catherine M.
Lewis (2005).
The Changing Face of Public History: The Chicago Historical
Society and the Transformation of an American Museum.
(DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 172 p.).
Associate Professor of History and Women’s Studies (Kennesaw
State University) and Special Projects Coordinator for the
Atlanta History Center. Chicago Historical Society; Historical
museums --Illinois --Chicago; Public history --Illinois
--Chicago. Prevailing assumptions about
museum as commemorative site dedicated to civic pride undermined
attempts to create public forum to interpret city's past; ways
in which one of most innovative museums in US has continually
grappled with issues confronting museum professionals, those
concerned about role of history in lives of American citizens.
(City Parochial Foundation), Victor Belcher
The City Parochial Foundation, 1891-1991: A Trust for the
Poor of London. (Aldershot, Hants, England: Scolar
Press, 378 p.). City Parochial Foundation (London,
England)--History; Charities--England--London--History;
(Cleveland Foundation), Diane Tittle (1992).
Rebuilding Cleveland: The Cleveland Foundation and Its Evolving
Urban Strategy. (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University
Press, 328 p.). Cleveland Foundation--History;
Endowments--Ohio--Cleveland--History; Social responsibility of
business--Ohio--Cleveland--History; Cleveland (Ohio)--Social
(Cleveland Museum of Art), William Mathewson
Milliken (1975).
A Time Remembered: A Cleveland Memoir. (Cleveland, OH:
Western Reserve Historical Society, 187 p.). Milliken, William
Mathewson, 1889- ; Cleveland Museum of Art; Cleveland
(Ohio)--Social life and customs.
(Cleveland Museum of Art), William Mathewson
Milliken (1977).
Born Under the Sign of Libra: An Autobiography.
(Cleveland, OH: Western Reserve Historical Society, 299 p.).
Milliken, William Mathewson, 1889- ; Cleveland Museum of Art;
Museum directors--United States--Biography.
(Concern), Tony Farmar (2002).
Believing in Action: The First Thirty Years of Concern,
1968-1998. (Dublin, IR: A. & A. Farmar, 246 p.). Concern
(Organization)--History; Humanitarian assistance,
Irish--History; International relief--Developing countries;
Humanitarian assistance--Developing countries; Community
development--Developing countries.
(Consumers Union), Editors of Consumer Reports
Books with Monte Florman; introduction by Walter Cronkite
Testing: Behind the Scenes at Consumer Reports, 1936-1986.
(Mount Vernon, NY: Consumers Union, 166 p.). Consumers Union of
United States; Commercial products--Testing.
(Dallas Public Library), Michael V. Hazel
The Dallas Public Library: Celebrating a Century of Service,
1901-2001. (Denton, TX: University of North Texas Press,
252 p.). Dallas Public Library--History; Public
libraries--Texas--Dallas--History--20th century.
(Detroit Institute of Arts),
William H. Peck (1991).
The Detroit Institute of Arts:
A Brief History.
(Detroit, MI, The Institute : Distributed by Wayne State
University Press, 210 p.).Senior Curator of Ancient Art at the
Detroit Institute of Arts.Detroit Institute of Arts --History.
Institute of Arts), Jeffrey Abt (2001).
A Museum on the Verge:A Socioeconomic History of the
Detroit Institute of Arts, 1882-2000.
(Detroit, MI Wayne State University Press.315
p.).Associate Professor. Department of Art and Art
History (Wayne State University).Detroit Institute of
Arts --History; Art museums --Michigan --Management
--History --20th century; Art museums --Michigan
--Management --History --19th century.
(Detroit Museum of Art), Margaret Sterne
The Passionate Eye: The Life of William R. Valentiner.
(Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, 407 p.). Valentiner,
Wilhelm Reinhold, 1880-1958; Detroit. Museum of Art; Museum
directors--United States--Biography.
(Dublin Chamber of Commerce), L.M. Cullen
Princes & Pirates: The Dublin Chamber of Commerce, 1783-1983.
(Dublin, IR: Dublin Chamber of Commerce, 126 p.). Dublin Chamber
of Commerce--History; Dublin (Ireland)--History.
(Ducks Unlimited), S. Kip Farrington, Jr.
The Ducks Came Back, The Story of Ducks Unlimited. (New
York, NY: Coward-McCann, inc., 138 p.). Ducks Unlimited; Ducks;
Duck shooting; Ducks--Protection of.
(Ducks Unlimited), Jon R. Tennyson (1977).
A Singleness of Purpose: The Story of Ducks Unlimited.
(Chicago, IL: Ducks Unlimited, 127 p.). Ducks Unlimited;
Waterfowl management--North America--History.
(Edmonton Chamber of Commerce), John
F. Gilpin (1983).
Century of Enterprise: The History of the Edmonton
Chamber of Commerce. (Edmonton, AB: Edmonton
Chamber of Commerce, 193 p.). Edmonton Chamber of
Commerce --History; Boards of trade --Alberta --Edmonton
--History; Edmonton (Alta.) --Commerce --History.
(Exploratorium), K.C. Cole (1978).
Vision: In the Eye of the Beholder. (San
Francisco, CA: Exploratorium, 106 p.). Exploratorium
(Organization); Vision --Exhibitions; Visual perception
--Exhibitions; Optical illusions --Exhibitions.
(Exploratorium), Hilde Hein; foreword
by Philip Morrison (1990).
The Exploratorium: The Museum as Laboratory.
(Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 256 p.).
Exploratorium (Organization); Museums --California --San
(Exploratorium), K. C. Cole (2009).
Something Incredibly Wonderful Happens: Frank Oppenheimer and
the World He Made Up. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin
Harcourt, 416 p.). Oppenheimer, Frank, 1912-1985; Physicists
--United States --Biography. World-famous
Exploratorium (San Francisco) founded by Frank Oppenheimer as
hands-on science museum that continues to influence
others in field; survey of his early career, his work at
Exploratorium, his philosophy about science education, life.
(1912–1985). Like his brother,
physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, Frank both worked on the
Manhattan Project and was a victim of the 1950s Red Scare.
Blacklisted and unable to find a university professorship, he
taught high school in Colorado, turning out scores of science
prize winners. After moving to California, Oppenheimer drew on
his teaching experience to found the Exploratorium, a hands-on
science museum that continues to influence others in the field.
In this fond memoir, well-regarded science writer Cole (The
Universe and the Teacup), who knew Oppenheimer well, capably
surveys his early career, but the book’s true subject is his
work at the Exploratorium and his philosophy, not just of
science education but of life. This constitutes most of the
second half of the book, which may frustrate readers looking for
pure biography, but it offers much that is provocative for those
interested in science education.
(Grace A. Dow Memorial Library), Dorothy
Langdon Yates (2000).
Tell Me a Story- for One Hundred Years: The Grace A. Dow
Memorial Library. (Midland, MI: Grace A. Dow Memoral
Library, 142 p.). Grace A. Dow Memorial Library--History; Public
(Glenmore Museum), Fred M. Diehl (1989). A
Gentleman from a Fading Age: Eric Lafferty Harvie. (Calgary,
AB: Devonian Foundation, 200 p.). Harvie, Eric Lafferty,
1892-1975; Petroleum industry and trade--Canada--History;
Lawyers--Canada--Biography; Businesspeople--Canada--Biography;
(Goodwill Industries of America), Beatrice
Plumb (1965).
Edgar James Helms, the Goodwill Man. (Minneapolis, MN:
T. S. Denison, 231 p.). Helms, Edgar James 1863- ; Goodwill
Industries of America.
Rev. Edgar J.
Helms - Goodwill Industries
(Goodwill Industries of America), John Fulton
Lewis (1977). u>
Goodwill: For the Love of People. (Washington, DC:
Goodwill Industries of America, 456 p.). Goodwill Industries of
(Goodwill Industries of Mississippi), Lynda
Sowell (1988).
Thirty Years of Good Wll: The History of Goodwill Industries in
Mississippi. (Jackson, MI: Goodwill Industries of
Mississippi, 104 p.). Goodwill Industries of
Mississippi--History; Vocational
rehabilitation--Mississippi--History--20th century.
(Habitat for Humanity International Inc.),
Paul Leonard (2006).
Music of a Thousand Hammers: Inside Habitat for Humanity.
(New York, NY: Continuum, 184 p.). Former CEO of Habitat for
Humanity. Leonard, Paul, 1940- ; Habitat for Humanity
International, Inc.; Low-income housing.
How he got
involved with Habitat, extraordinary experiences while working on projects around world.
(Independent Sector), Brian O'Connell (2005).
Fifty Years in Public Causes: Stories from a Road Less Traveled.
(Medford, MA: Tufts University Press, 242 p.). Cofounder, First
President of Independent Sector; Professor at University College
of Citizenship and Public Service (Tufts University). O'Connell,
Brian; Independent Sector; Nonprofit organizations -- United
States; careers -- nonproft. Memoir of life devoted to providing
opportunities for citizens to improve their lives, strengthen
their communities, empower democracy.
(International Rescue Committee), Andrew F.
Smith; foreword by Henry A. Kissinger (2002).
Rescuing the World: The Life and Times of Leo Cherne.
(Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 223 p.).
Cherne, Leo, 1912- ; International Rescue Committee--History;
Refugees--Services for; Human rights workers--Biography; Human
services personnel--Biography.
(JSTOR), Roger C. Schonfeld (2003).
JSTOR: A History. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 412 p.). Research Associate at the Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation. JSTOR (Organization)--History; JSTOR (Computer
file); Periodicals--Databases.
(Junior League of Denver), Ellen Kingman
Fisher (1993).
Junior League of Denver: Leaders in Community Service, 1918-1993.
(Denver, CO: Colorado Historical Society, 160 p.). Junior League
of Denver--History; Women--Colorado--Denver--Societies and
clubs--History; Women in community
(W. K. Kellogg Foundation), Mary B. Cohen
From Vision to Innovative Impact: W.K. Kellogg Foundation,
Seventy-Five Years of Philanthropy. (Battle Creek, MI:
W.K. Kellogg Foundation, 328 p.). W.K. Kellogg Foundation;
Endowments--United States; Social action--Case studies;
Community development--Case studies.
(Library of Congress), David C. Mearns (1972).
The Story Up to Now: The Library of Congress, 1800-1946.
(Boston, MA: Gregg Press, 226 p. [orig. pub. 1947]). Library of

Thomas Jefferson
(Library of Congress), John Y. Cole (1979).
For Congress and the Nation: A Chronological History of the
Library of Congress Through 1975. (Washington, DC:
Library of Congress, 196 p.). Library of Congress--History.
--- (1993).
Jefferson's Legacy: A Brief History of the Library of Congress.
(Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 103 p.). Library of
Congress--History; National libraries--United States--History.
(Library of Congress), Jane Aikin Rosenberg
The Nation's Great Library: Herbert Putnam and the Library of
Congress, 1899-1939. (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois
Press, 235 p.). Putnam, Herbert, 1861-1955; Library of
Congress--History; National libraries--United States--History;
Libraries--United States--History.
(Library of Congress), James Conaway; foreword
by James H. Billington; introduction by Edmund Morris (2000).
America's Library: The Story of the Library of Congress,
1800-2000. (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 226
p.). Library of Congress--History; National
libraries--Washington (D.C.)--History--19th century; National
libraries--Washington (D.C.)--History--20th century.
(Lincoln Center), Ralph G. Martin (1971).
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. (Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 192 p.). Lincoln Center for the
Performing Arts.
(Lincoln Center), Edgar B. Young; with a
foreword by Frank Stanton (1980).
Lincoln Center, The Building of an Institution. (New
York, NY: New York University Press, 334 p.). Lincoln Center for
the Performing Arts.
(Lincoln Center), Alan Rich (1984).
The Lincoln Center Story. (New York, NY: American
Heritage Pub. Co., 128 p.). Lincoln Center for the Performing
(Lions International), Robert J. Casey and W.
A. S. Douglas. (1949).
The World's Biggest Doers; The Story of the Lions.
(Chicago, IL: Wilcox & Follett, 307 p.). Lions International.
(Lions International), Glenn D. Kittler
The Dynamic World of Lions International; The Fifty-Year Saga of
Lions Clubs. (New York, NY: M. Evans, 240 p.). Lions
(Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce), Charles
Dwight Willard (1899).
A History of the Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles, California:
From Its Foundation, September, 1888, to the Year 1900.
(Los Angeles, CA: Kingsley-Barnes & Neuner, 322 p.). Los Angeles
Chamber of Commerce.
(Mechanics’ Institute-San Francisco), Richard
Reinhardt (2005).
Four Books, 300 Dollars and a Dream: An Illustrated History of
the First 150 Years of the Mechanics’ Institute of San Francisco.
(San Francisco, CA: Mechanics’ Institute, 123 p.). Mechanics’
Institute (San Francisco, Calif.)--History.
1854 - skilled machinists,
carpenters, dealers in building supplies, manufacturers of
stoves, hand tools, wheels, barrels, wagons held first
meeting to stimulate growth of industry on Pacific Coast;
how pioneer reading room for education of craftsmen became major
library, research facility, social center in heart of busy city.
(Memorial Art Gallery), Elizabeth Brayer
Magnum Opus: The Story of the Memorial Art Gallery, 1913-1988.
(Rochester, NY: The Gallery, 206 p.). University of Rochester.
Memorial Art Gallery.
(MFA-Boston), Walter Muir Whitehill (1970).
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; A Centennial History.
(Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 888 p.). Museum of Fine Arts,
(MOMA), Russell Lynes (1973).
Good Old Modern; An Intimate Portrait of the Museum of Modern
Art. (New York, NY: Atheneum, 490 p.). Museum of Modern
Art (New York, N.Y.).
(MOMA), Alice Goldfarb Marquis (1989).
Alfred H. Barr, Jr.: Missionary for the Modern.
(Chicago, IL: Contemporary Books, 431 p.). Barr, Alfred
Hamilton, 1902- ; Museum of Modern Art (New York,
N.Y.)--History; Art museum directors--United States--Biography.
(Pierpont Morgan Library), Pierpont Morgan
Library; foreword by Charles E. Pierce, Jr.; introduction by
Jean Strouse (2007).
The Morgan Library: An American Masterpiece. (New York,
NY: The Library, 174 p.). Pierpont Morgan Library; Rare book
libraries--New York (State)--New York; Research libraries--New
York (State)--New York.
Illustrated tribute to historic landmark.
(Morgan Pierpont Library), Heidi Ardizzone
An Illuminated Life: Belle da Costa Greene’s Journey from
Prejudice to Privilege. (New York, NY: Norton, 514 p.).
Assistant Professor of American Studies (University of Notre
Dame). Greene, Belle da Costa; Berenson, Bernard, 1865-1959
--Friends and associates; Pierpont Morgan Library--History;
African American librarians--New York (State)--New
York--Biography; Women library administrators--New York
(State)--New York--Biography; Manuscripts--Collectors and
collecting--New York (State)--New York--History; Art--Collectors
and collecting--New York (State)--New York--History; Passing
(Identity)--United States--Case studies; New York
(N.Y.)--Intellectual life--20th century.
- hired by J. P. Morgan
to organize his rare book, manuscript collection; 1915 - had shaped Pierpont Morgan Library
collection, was proto-celebrity in New York and art world,
renowned for self-made expertise, acerbic wit, flirtatious
(Montclair Art Museum), Robert D.B. Carlisle
(1982). A Jewel in the Suburbs: The History of the Montclair
Art Museum. (Montclair, N.J.: The Museum, 161 p.). Montclair
Art Museum.
(Museum of Fine Arts Boston), Walter Muir
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; A Centennial History.
(Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 2 vols.). Museum of Fine Arts,
(Museum of Science & Industry), Herman Kogan
A Continuing Marvel; The Story of the Museum of Science and
Industry. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 233 p.). Museum
of Science and Industry (Chicago, Ill.).
(Museum of Science and Industry), Jay Pridmore
Inventive Genius: The History of the Museum of Science and
Industry, Chicago. (Chicago, IL: The Museum, 190 p.).
Museum of Science and Industry (Chicago, Ill.)--History.
(National Cowboy Hall of Fame), Dean Krakel
Adventures in Western Art. (Kansas City, MO: Lowell
Press, 379 p.). Krakel, Dean Fenton, 1923- ; National Cowboy
Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center; Museum
directors--United States--Biography; West (U.S.) in art.
(National Petroleum Council), Joseph A. Pratt,
William H. Becker, & William M. McClenahan, Jr. (2002).
Voice of the Marketplace: A History of the National Petroleum
Council. (College Station, TX: Texas A & M University,
292 p.). National Petroleum Council--History; Petroleum industry
and trade--Government policy--United States--History; Gas
industry--Government policy--United States--History; Energy
policy--United States--History; Environmental policy--United
States--History; Energy advisory committees--United
States--History; Executive advisory bodies--United
States--History; National security--United States.
(National Institutes of Health), Judith
Robinson (2001).
Noble Conspirator: Florence S. Mahoney and the Rise of the
National Institutes of Health. (Washington, DC: Francis
Press, 342 p.). Mahoney, Florence S. (Florence Stephenson);
Medicine--United States--Biography.
(Natural History Museum),
Richard Fortey (2008).
Dry Storeroom No. 1: The Secret Life of the Natural History
Museum. (New York, NY: Knopf, 320 p.). Senior
Paleontologist at the Natural History Museum in London. Natural
History Museum--London--history. London’s
Natural History Museum, its treasures, extraordinary people,
meticulous research, driving passions; social history
of scientific accomplishments of 19th, 20th, 21st centuries.
(Nature Conservancy), Bill Birchard (2005).
Nature's Keepers: The Remarkable Story of How the Nature
Conservancy Became the Largest Environmental Organization in the
World. (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 272 p.). Nature
Conservancy (U.S.)--History.
(NY Historical Society), Pamela Spence
Richards (1984).
Scholars and Gentlemen: The Library of the New-York Historical
Society, 1804-1982 (Hamden, CT: Arhon Book, 144 p.).
New-York Historical Society. Library -- History; Historical
libraries -- New York (State) -- New York -- History; Libraries
-- New York (State) -- New York -- History; Learning and
scholarship -- New York (State) -- New York -- History; New York
(N.Y.) -- Intellectual life.
(NY Historical Society), Larry E. Sullivan,
Preface by Louise Mirrer (2004).
The New-York Historical
Society: A Bicentennial History, 1804-2004. (New York, NY:
New-York Historical Society, in conjunction with Akashic Books,
125 p.). New-York Historical Society. Library -- History;
Historical libraries -- New York (State) -- New York -- History;
Libraries -- New York (State) -- New York -- History; Learning
and scholarship -- New York (State) -- New York -- History; New
York (N.Y.) -- Intellectual life. History
of Society's collection building (from earliest gatherings of
natural history specimens, ancient Egyptian artifacts to
rich holdings in: colonial and Revolutionary War manuscripts;
rare books, including the first ones printed in New York;
colonial and eighteenth century newspapers; approximately one
million pieces of advertising ephemera; maps, prints, housands
of paintings, including Audobon's watercolors; sculptures,
decorative arts, furniture; more.
(New York Public Library), Phyllis Dain
The New York Public Library; a History of Its Founding and Early
Years. (New York, NY: New York Public Library, 466 p.).
New York Public Library.

Dr. John Shaw Billings
- first NYPL director
--- (2000).
The New York Public Library: A Universe of Knowledge.
(London, UK: New York Public Library in association with Scala
Publishers, 144 p.). New York Public Library--History--20th
century; Public libraries--New York (State)--New
York--History--20th century.
(John M. Olin Foundation), John J. Miller
A Gift of Freedom: How the John M. Olin Foundation Changed
America. (San Francisco, CA: Encounter Books, 241 p.).
Olin, John M., 1892-1982; John M. Olin Foundation--History;
Conservatism--United States. "Venture capital fund for the
conservative movement."
(Opportunity International), Philippa Tyndale
Don't Look Back: The David Bussau Story: How an Abandoned Child
Became a Champion of the Poor.
(Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin, 299 p.). Bussau, David;
Opportunity International (Australia);
Philanthropists--Australia--Biography; Non-governmental
(Peabody Institute), William Crowninshield
Endicott (1911). History of the Peabody Institute, Danvers,
Mass., 1852-1911. (Boston, MA: Thomas Todd Co., 166 p.).
Peabody Institute (Danvers, Mass.).
(Peabody Museum), Walter Muir Whitehill
(1949). The East India Marine Society and the Peabody Museum
of Salem; A Sesquicentennial History. (Salem, MA: Peabody
Museum, 243 p.). East-India Marine Society of Salem; Peabody
Museum of Salem.
(Peale's Museum), Charles C. Sellers (1980).
Mr. Peale's Museum: Charles Willson Peale and the First Popular
Museum of Natural Science and Art. (New York, NY:
Norton, 370 p.). Peale, Charles Willson, 1741-1827; Peale
family; Peale's Museum (Philadelphia, Pa.); Museum
directors--United States--Biography.
(Port of New York Authority), Jameson W. Doig
Empire on the Hudson: Entrepreneurial Vision and Political Power
at the Port of New York Authority. (New York, NY:
Columbia University Press, 582 p.). Port Authority of New York
and New Jersey--History; Harbors--New York (State)--New
York--History--20th century; Harbors--New Jersey--History--20th
century; Harbors--Economic aspects--New York (State)--New
York--History--20th century; Harbors--Economic aspects--New
Jersey--History--20th century.
(Queens PL), Jeffrey A. Kroessler (1996).
Lighting the Way: The Centennial History of the Queens Borough
Public Library, 1896-1996. (Virginia Beach, VA: Donnig
Co., 138 p.). Queens Borough Public Library -- History; Public
libraries -- New York (State) -- New York -- History -- 19th
century; Public libraries -- New York (State) -- New York --
History -- 20th century. Published in commemoration of the 100th
anniversary of the Queens Borough Public Library by the Queens
Library Foundation.
(Rockefeller Foundation), Robert Shaplen
Toward the Well-Being of Mankind: Fifty Years of the Rockefeller
Foundation. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 214 p.).
Rockefeller Foundation.
(Rockefeller Foundation), E. Richard Brown
Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America.
(Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 283 p.).
Rockefeller Foundation--History; Carnegie Foundation for the
Advancement of Teaching--History; Medicine--United
States--History--20th century; Medical policy--Business
community participation--United States--History--20th century;
Charities, Medical--United States--History--20th century;
Medical economics--United States--History--20th century; Medical
education--United States--History--20th century; United
States--Economic conditions--1865-1918.
(Rockefeller Foundation), Gerald Jonas (1989).
The Circuit Riders: Rockefeller Money and the Rise of Modern
Science. (New York, NY: Norton, 430 p.). Endowment of
(Rockefeller Foundation), Christopher Lawrence
Rockefeller Money, the Laboratory, and Medicine in Edinburgh,
1919-1930: New Science in an Old Country. (Rochester,
NY: University of Rochester Press, 384 p.). Professor of the
History of Medicine at the Wellcome Trust Centre for the History
of Medicine (University College London). Rockefeller
Foundation--History; University of Edinburgh Faculty of
Medicine--History; Rockefeller Foundation; Royal Infirmary of
Edinburgh; University of Edinburgh. Faculty of Medicine;
Medicine--Scotland--Edinburgh--History--20th century; Medical
colleges--Scotland--Edinburgh--History--20th century; Medical
education--Scotland--Edinburgh--History--20th century; Medical
century; Medicine--Research--Scotland--Edinburgh--History--20th
century; Medical
laboratories--Scotland--Edinburgh--History--20th century;
Hospitals, University--history--Scotland; Schools,
Medical--history--Scotland; Foundations--history--Scotland;
History, 20th Century--Scotland; Laboratories,
Hospital--history--Scotland; Social Change--history--Scotland. Evolution
of biomedicine in 20th century.
(Room To Read), John Wood (2006).
Leaving Microsoft To Change the World: An Entrepreneur’s Odyssey
To Educate the World’s Children. (New York, NY: Collins,
266 p.). Founder, Room To Read. Wood, John, 1964 Jan. 29- ; Room
to Read (Organization); Education, Rural--South Asia--Case
studies; Education, Rural--Southeast Asia--Case studies.
Organization has donated more
than 1.2 million books, established more than 2,600 libraries,
200 schools, sent 1,700 girls to school on
scholarship-ultimately touched lives of 875,000 children with
lifelong gift of education.
(Rotary Club), Paul Percy Harris (1948).
My Road to Rotary; the Story of a Boy, a Vermont Community and
Rotary (Chicago, IL: A. Kroch, 318 p.). Rotary
Paul Percy
Harris - Rotary Club
(Rotary Club), James P. Walsh ; edited by
Harry Treadwell (1979).
The First Rotarian: The Life and Times of Paul Percy Harris,
Founder of Rotary (Shoreham, UK: Scan Books, 351 p.).
Harris, Paul Percy, 1868-1947; Rotary International; Businessmen
-- United States -- Biography.
(Rotary Club), Paul H. Heidebrecht (1990).
God's Man in the Marketplace: The Story of Herbert J. Taylor.
(Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 120 p.). Taylor, Herbert
John, 1893-1978; Rotary International--Presidents--Biography;
Christian biography--United States; Businesspeople--United
(Rotary Club), David C. Forward (2003).
A Century of Service: The Story of Rotary international.
(Evanston, IL: One Rotary Center, 354 p.). Rotary International;
Social service; Fellowship.
(Rotary Club of Chicago), Oren Arnold (1966).
The Golden Strand; An Informal History of the Rotary Club of
Chicago. (Chicago, IL: Quadrangle Books, 312 p.). Rotary
Club, Chicago.
(Rotary Club of Indianapolis), E. Bruce
Geelhoed (2000).
The Rotary Club of Indianapolis, 1913-1998: A Club, a Community,
and a Century (Carmel, IN: Guild Press of Indiana, 246
p.). Rotary Club of Indianapolis--History.
(Rotary Club of Longview Tex.), Eugene W.
McWhorter (1995).
The Club and the Town: The Rotary Club and the City of Longview,
Texas, Year by Year from 1920 to 1995. (Longview, TX:
Longview Rotary Endowment Fund, 102 p.). Rotary Club (Longview,
Tex.)--History; Longview (Tx.)--History.
(Rotary Club of Marquette), Richard F. O’Dell;
foreword by Stanley E. McCaffrey (1982).
Reaching Out: A History of the Rotary Club of Marquette,
Michigan, 1916-1981. (Marquette, MI: The Club, 254 p.).
Rotary Club of Marquette--History.
(Rotary Club of Queenstown Singapore), Lim
Kuang Hui (1980). A Year of Service: Dedicated to the 75th
Anniversary of Rotary International. (Singapore: Rotary Club
of Queenstown, 154 p.). Rotary Club of Queenstown,
Singapore--History; Rotary International.
(Rotary Club of Richmond), Robert W. Waitt
The Glitter of the Golden Years, 1913-1963; The Story of Fifty
Years of Rotary in Richmond. (Richmond, VA: Richmond
Rotary Club, 114 P.). Rotary Club, Richmond.
(Rotary Club of Sacramento), F. Melvyn Lawson
A Saga of Service, 1913-1985. (Sacramento, CA: Rotary
Club of Sacramento, 247 p.). Rotary Club of Sacramento--History.
(Rotary Club of Saint Paul), John W. Turcotte
(1995). Rotary Club of Saint Paul: Club #10, 1910-1995.
(St. Paul, MN: Saint Paul Rotary Foundation, 112 p.). Rotary
Club of Saint Paul (Saint Paul, Minn.)--History.
(Rotary Club of San Francisco), Mitchell
Postel (1983).
Seventy-Five Years in San Francisco: A History of Rotary Club
Number 2. (San Francisco, CA: Presidio Press for Rotary
Club, 150 p.). Rotary Club of San Francisco.
(Rotary Club of Trenton), J. Lewis Unsworth
(1970). History of the Trenton Rotary Club, 1914-1969;
Fifty-Five Years of Civic and Social Activities. (Trenton,
NJ: Published under the auspices of the Trenton Historical
Society, 214 p.). Rotary Club, Trenton.
(Rotary Club of Vienna), Erich Heintel (1975).
50 Jahre Rotary Club Wien, 1925-1975: Jubilaumsfestschrift.
(Wien, Austria: Rotary Club Wien, 176 p.). Rotary Club, Vienna.
(Rotary Club of Wellington NZ), Alistair Rowe
(1971). Fifty Years of Rotary in Wellington (1921-1971).
(Wellington, NZ: Rotary Club of Wellington, 115 p.). Rotary
Club, Wellington, N.Z.--History.
(Royal Ontario Museum), Lovat Dickson (1986).
The Museum Makers: The Story of the Royal Ontario Museum.
(Toronto, ON: Royal Ontario Museum, 214 p.). Royal Ontario
(Joseph Rowntree Memorial Trust), Lewis E.
Waddilove (1983).
Private Philanthropy and Public Welfare: The Joseph Rowntree
Memorial Trust, 1954-1979. (London, Uk: Allen & Unwin,
237 p.). Joseph Rowntree Memorial Trust -- History; Great
Britain Charities Joseph Rowntree Memorial Trust 1954-1979.
(Sage Foundation), Ruth Crocker (2006).
Mrs. Russell Sage: Women's Activism and Philanthropy in Gilded
Age and Progressive Era America. (Bloomington, IN:
University of Indiana Press, 556 p.). Professor of History
(Auburn University). Sage, Margaret Olivia Slocum, 1828-1918;
Women philanthropists --United States --Biography; Charities
--United States --History. Ruling-class woman (in her 70s) who
became major American philanthropist; wife of robber-baron
Russell Sage (partner of Jay Gould); took on mantle of active,
reforming womanhood in New York voluntary associations; advocate
for rights of women, responsibilities of wealth, for moral
reform, material benefit; funded wide spectrum of progressive
reforms that had lasting impact on American life (Russell Sage
(Russell Sage), Paul Sarnoff 1965).
Russell Sage, The Money King: The Man Who Banked the Tycoons.
(New York, NY: I. Obolensky, 398 p.). Sage, Russell, 1816-1906.
(Salvation Army), Edward Bishop (1964).
Blood and Fire; The Story of General William Booth and the
Salvation Army. (London, UK: Longmans, 114 p.). Booth,
William, 1829-1912; Salvation Army.
William Booth
- Salvation Army http://www.salvationarmy.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/W_Booth_founder-1.jpg)
(Salvation Army), Bernard Watson (1964).
A Hundred Years’ War. The Salvation Army: 1865-1965.
(London, UK: Hodder & Stoughton, 318 p.). Salvation
(Salvation Army), Richard Collier (1965).
The General Next to God; The Story of William Booth and the
Salvation Army. (New York, NY: Dutton, 320 p.). Booth,
William, 1829-1912; Salvation Army.
(Salvation Army), Bernard Watson (1970).
Soldier Saint: George Scott Railton, William Booth’s First
Lieutenant. (London, UK: Hodder & Stoughton, 254 p.).
Booth, William, of the Salvation Army; Railton, George Scott.
(Salvation Army), Barbara Bolton (1980).
Booth's Drum: The Salvation Army in Australia, 1880-1980.
(Sydney, AU: Hodder and Stoughton, 287 p.). Salvation
(Salvation Army), Lowell Tarling (1980).
Thank God for the Salvos: The Salvation Army in Australia 1880
to 1980. (New York, NY: Harper & Row, 127 p.). Salvation
(Salvation Army), Roger J. Green; foreword by
Kay F. Rader (1996).
Catherine Booth: A Biography of the Cofounder of the Salvation
Army. (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 336 p.). Booth,
Catherine Mumford, 1829-1890; Booth, William, 1829-1912;
Salvation Army--History; Salvationists--England--Biography.
(Salvation Army), Lillian Taiz (2001).
Hallelujah Lads & Lasses: Remaking the Salvation Army in
America, 1880-1930. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of
North Carolina Press, 239 p.). Salvation Army--United
States--History--19th century; Salvation Army--United
States--History--20th century. Evangelism and urban relief in
(Salvation Army), Pamela J. Walker (2001).
Pulling the Devil's Kingdom Down: The Salvation Army in
Victorian Britain. (Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press, 337 p.). Associate Professor of History
(Carleton University, Ottawa). Salvation Army -- Great Britain
-- History; Great Britain -- Church history -- 19th century.
Religious movement began
in 1865, combined early feminism, street preaching, holiness
theology, intentionally outrageous singing into what soon became
Salvation Army; how Army entered into nineteenth-century urban
life; neighborhood religion, with "battle plan" especially
suited to urban working-class geography, cultural life; ability
to use popular leisure activities as inspiration.
(Salvation Army), Robert A. Watson and Ben
Brown (2001).
The Most Effective Organization in the U.S.: Leadership Secrets
of the Salvation Army. (New York, NY: Crown Business,
p.). Former Commander of Salvation Army; Founding Staff Member
USA Today. Salvation Army--Government; Leadership--Religious
aspects--Salvation Army; Organizational effectiveness--Case
studies; Leadership--Case studies.
(San Francisco PL), Peter Booth Wiley (1996).
A Free Library in This City: The Illustrated History of the San
Francisco Public Library. (San Francisco, CA: Weldon
Owen, 240 p.). San Francisco Public Library--History; Public
libraries--California--San Francisco--History--19th century.
(Sierra Club), Michael P. Cohen (1988).
The History of the Sierra Club, 1892-1970. (San
Francisco, CA: Sierra Club Books, 550 p.). Sierra Club--History.
![[Painting by Herbert A. Collins Sr.]](http://www.yosemite.ca.us/library/yosemite_indians_and_other_sketches/images/thumbnail/john_muir.jpg)
John Muir
- first Sierra Club President
yosemite_indians_and_ other_sketches/images/thumbnail/john_muir.jpg;
December 25,
1914 Obituary:
(Sierra Club), Tom Turner (1991).
Sierra Club: 100 Years of Protecting Nature. (New York,
NY: H. N. Abrams, 288 p.). Sierra Club--History; Nature
conservation--United States--History.
(Smithsonian), Geoffrey T. Hellman (1978).
The Smithsonian: Octopus on the Mall. (Westport, CT:
Greenwood Press, 224 p. [orig. pub. 1967]). Smithsonian

Smithson - Smithsonian
(http://xroads.virginia.edu/~CAP/ smithson/smithson.jpg)
(Smithsonian), Cynthia R. Field, Richard E.
Stamm, and Heather P. Ewing (1993).
The Castle: An illustrated History of the Smithsonian Building.
(Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 176 p.).
Smithsonian Institution Building (Washington, D.C.); Public
buildings --Washington (D.C.); Washington (D.C.) --Buildings,
structures, etc.
(Smithsonian), Richard Kurin (1997).
Reflections of a Culture Broker: A View from the Smithsonian.
(Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 315 p.).
Smithsonian Institution--Management; Smithsonian
Institution--Public relations; Anthropological museums and
collections--Washington (D.C.)--Management; Museum
exhibits--Political aspects--United States; Museum
techniques--United States; Culture conflict--United States;
United States--Cultural policy.
(Smithsonian), Nina Burleigh (2003).
The Stranger and the Statesman: James Smithson, John Quincy
Adams, and the Making of America's Greatest Museum. (New
York, NY: Morrow, 320 p.). Smithson, James, 1765-1829; Adams,
John Quincy, 1767-1848; Smithsonian Institution--History.
1829 - wealthy
English naturalist left his library, mineral collection, entire
fortune to the "United States of America, to found ... an
establishment for the increase & diffusion of Knowledge among
men" -- even though he had never visited the United States or
known any Americans. Congressman John Quincy Adams worked
tirelessly to enact the legislation, passed in 1846,
founding the Smithsonian Institution.
(Smithsonian), Heather Ewing (2007).
The Lost World of James Smithson: Science, Revolution, and the
Birth of the Smithsonian. (New York, NY: Bloomsbury, 448
p.). Architectural Historian. Smithson, James, 1765-1829;
Smithsonian Institution--History. Man at center of
English Enlightenment, creation of America's greatest museum,
largest museum, research complex in world.
(Strawbery Banke Museum), J. Dennis Robinson
Strawbery Banke: A Seaport Museum 400 Years in the Making.
(Portsmouth, NH: Strawbery Banke Museum & Peter E. Randall
Publisher, 432 p.). Editor and Owner of the popular regional web
site SeacoastNH.com. Strawbery Banke Museum; New Hampshire --
history. 400 years of
history along Piscataqua River, controversial founding of
Strawbery Banke Museum in 1958; politics of preservation in
small blue-collar city.
(Sunshine Terrace Foundation), Kenneth W.
Godfrey (1998). Sunshine Terrace Foundation: Fifty Years of
Caring, 1948-1998. (Logan, UT: Sunshine Terrace Foundation,
Inc., 182 p.). Sunshine Terrace Foundation--History; Nursing
homes--Utah--Logan--History; Long-term care
facilities--Utah--Logan--History; Adult day care
(Sutter Club), Timothy Comstock (1989).
The Sutter Club: One Hundred Years. (Sacramento, CA: The
Club, 250 p.). Sutter Club--History.
(Sir Dorabji Tata Trust), R.M. Lala ; with a
foreword by J.R.D. Tata (1998).
The Heartbeat of a Trust: A Story of Sir Dorabji Tata Trust.
(New Delhi, IN: Tata Mcgraw-Hill Pub. Co., 227 p. [3rd ed.]).
Tata, Dorabji, Sir, 1859-1932; Sir Dorabji Tata Trust;
(Teach for America), Wendy Kopp (2001).
One Day, All Children--: The Unlikely Triumph of Teach for
America and What I Learned Along the Way. (New York, NY:
Public Affairs, 208 p.). Founder, Teach for America. Kopp,
Wendy; Teach for America (Project); Elementary school
teachers--In-service training--United States; Elementary school
teaching--United States; Education, Elementary--United States.
(Texas State Historical Association), Richard
B. McCaslin; foreword by J.P. Bryan (2006).
At the Heart of Texas: One Hundred Years of the Texas State
Historical Association, 1897/1997. (Austin, TX: Texas
State Historical Association, 300 p.). Professor of History
(University of North Texas). Texas State Historical
Association--History. Unique interaction of forces—university, political, academic/lay
(Toronto Public Library), Margaret Penman
A Century of Service: Toronto Public Library, 1883-1983.
(Toronto, ON: The Library, 102 p.). Toronto Public
Library--History; Public libraries--Ontario--Toronto--History.
(United Way), William Aramony (1987).
The United Way: The Next Hundred Years. (New York, NY:
D. I. Fine, 127 p.). CEO, United Way (Fired in 2000 after
accounting irregularities discovered). United Way--History.
(Wellcome Trust), A.R. Hall and B.A.
Bembridge; with a foreword by Sir David Steel (1986).
Physic and Philanthropy: A History of the Wellcome Trust,
1936-1986. (New York, NY: Cambridge University Press,
479 p.). Wellcome, Henry S. (Henry Solomon), Sir, 1853-1936;
Wellcome Trust (London, England)--History;
Medicine--Research--Endowments; Veterinary
(Whitney Museum), Flora M. Biddle (1999).
The Whitney Women and the Museum They Made: A Family Memoir.
(New York, NY: Arcade, 420 p.). Granddaughter of Whitney
Museum's Founder, Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney. Whitney, Gertrude
Vanderbilt, 1875-1942; Miller, Flora Whitney; Biddle, Flora
Miller; Whitney Museum of American Art.
(Women's Club), Jewel Boone Hamilton Gunter
(1995). Committed: The Official 100-Year History of the
Woman's Club of Houston, 1893-1993. (Houston, TX: D.
Armstrong, Inc., 423 p.). Woman's Club of Houston (Houston,
Tex.)--History; Women--Texas--Houston--Societies and
(Wren Library Trinity College Cambridge),
edited by David McKitterick (1995).
The Making of the Wren Library, Trinity College, Cambridge.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 153 p.). Wren,
Christopher, Sir, 1632-1723; Trinity College (University of
Cambridge). Library--History; Academic
libraries--England--Cambridge--History; Library
buildings--England--Cambridge--History; Cambridge
(England)--Buildings, structures, etc.
(Yale-New Haven Hospital), Wendy Murphy
A Leader of Substance: Yale-New Haven Hospital at 175 Years.
(Lyme, CT: Greenwich Pub. Group, 144 p.). Yale-New Haven
Hospital--History; Hospitals--Connecticut--New Haven--History.
(YMCA), Richard C. Morse (1913). History of
the North American Young Men's Christian Associations. (New
York, NY: Association Press, 290 p.). YMCA.
George Williams
(YMCA), Sherwood Eddy (1944). A Century
with Youth, A History of the Y.M.C.A. from 1844 to 1944.
(New York, NY: Association Press, 153 p.). YMCA.
(YMCA), C. Howard Hopkins (1951). History
of the Y.M.C.A. in North America. (New York, NY: Association
Press, 818 p.). Young Men's Christian
Associations--History--United States.
(YMCA-Chicago), Emmett Dedmon (1957).
Great Enterprises; 100 Years of the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago.
(New York, NY: Rand McNally, 383 p.). Young Men's Christian
(YMCA-Greater New York), Pamela Bayless
The YMCA at 150: A History of the YMCA of Greater New York,
1852-2002. (New York, NY: YMCA of Greater New York, 232
p.). YMCA of Greater New York--History; YMCA of Greater New
York--Pictorial works; YMCA of the USA--History; Nonprofit
organizations--New York (N.Y.); Adult education--New York
(N.Y.); Vocational education--New York (N.Y.); Religious
institutions--New York (N.Y.); New York (N.Y.)--Social
conditions--19th century; New York (N.Y.)--Social
conditions--20th century.
(YMCA-International), George W. Keitel (1950).
A Topical History of Y'sdom, 1920-1953; The Story of the
International Association of Y's Men's Clubs--The Service Club
of the YMCA. (Lawrence, KS: International Association of Y's
Men's Clubs, 354 p.). Young Men's Christian Associations.
International Association of Y's Men's Clubs.
(YMCA-Kansas City), Bishop Carl Sidney (1934).
More Than a Building; A Story of the Kansas City, Missouri,
Young Men's Christian Association. (Kansas City, MO: Western
Baptist Publishing Company, 116 p.). Young men's Christian
associations. Kansas City, Mo. [from old catalog].
(YMCA-Los Angeles), Harold A. Wagner (1979).
As I Lived It: An Autobiographical History of the YMCA of Los
Angeles, 1925-1966. (Glendale, CA: A. H. Clark Co., 332
p.). Wagner, Harold A.; YMCA of Los Angeles; Young Men's
Christian associations--California--Los Angeles--Biography; Los
Angeles (Calif.)--Biography.
(YMCA-Minneapolis), S. Wirt Wiley ... and
Florence Lehmann (1938). Builders of Men; A History of the
Minneapolis Young Men's Christian Association: 1866-1936.
(Minneapolis, MN, 339 p.). Young Men's Christian Associations.
(YMCA-New Orleans), J. Calvin Williams (1982).
YMCA, New Orleans, 1982: 130 Years of History on the Mississippi
Crescent. (New Orleans, LA: Metropolitan YMCA of Greater
New Orleans, 102 p.). YMCA of New Orleans--History.
(YMCA-San Francisco), Clifford Merrill Drury
San Francisco YMCA; 100 Years by the Golden Gate, 1853-1953.
(Glendale, CA: A. H. Clark Co., 256 p.). YMCA--California--San
Ed. Richard F. America (1995).
Philanthropy and Economic Development (Westport, CT:
Greenwood Press, 227 p.). Corporations -- Charitable
contributions -- United States; Community development -- United
States. Series Contributions in economics and economic history.
Carl Bakal (1979).
Charity U.S.A.: An Investigation into the Hidden World of the
Multi-Billion Dollar Charity Industry. (New York, NY:
Times Books, 498 p.). Writer, Editor, PR. Charities--United
States; Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations--United States;
Fund raising.
Jeffrey A. Charles (1993).
Service Clubs in American Society: Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions
(Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 226 p.). Rotary
International; Kiwanis International; Lions International; Clubs
-- United States -- Case studies.
Horace Coon; with a new introduction by
Patrick D. Reagan (1990).
Money to Burn: Great American Foundations and Their Money.
(New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 352 p. [orig. pub.
1938]). Endowments--United States.
Leslie R. Crutchfield and Heather McLeod
Grant; foreword by Steve Case (2008).
Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits.
(San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 336 p.). Managing Director of
Ashoka: Innovators of the Public. Nonprofit
organizations--Management; Leadership; Organizational
effectiveness. 12
nonprofits that have achieved extraordinary levels of impact;
six practices these organizations use: 1) advocate and serve; 2)
make markets work; 3) inspire evangelists; 4) nurture non-profit
networks; 5) master the art of adaptation; 6) share leadership.
Mark Dowie (2001).
American Foundations: An Investigative History.
(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 320 p.). Endowments--United
States--History; Charities--United States--History.
Joel L. Fleishman (2007).
The Foundation: A Great American Secret: Private Wealth Is
Changing the World. (New York, NY: Public Affairs, 341
p.). Professor of Law and Public Policy (Duke University).
Charities--United States; Endowments--United States;
Associations, institutions, etc.--United States.
History of foundations, stories
of most successful foundation initiatives (and of those that
failed), why it matters.
Peter Frumkin (2006).
Strategic Giving: The Art and Science of Philanthropy.
(Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 458 p.). Professor of
Public Affairs at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public
Affairs, Director of the RGK Center for Philanthropy and
Community Service (University of Texas at Austin). Nonprofit
organizations--United States; Charities--United States;
Philanthropists--Charitable contributions--United States.
Framework to understand, develop philanthropic strategy.
Five essential elements donors
must consider when developing philanthropic strategy.
Charlotte Georgi and Terry Fate (1985).
Fund-Raising, Grants, and Foundations: A Comprehensive
Bibliography. (Littleton, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 194
p.). Fund raising--United States--Bibliography.
Joseph C. Goulden (1971).
The Money Givers. (New York, NY: Random House, 341 p.).
Endowments--United States.
Charles Handy and Elizabeth Handy (2006).
The New Philanthropists. (London, UK: William Heinemann,
160 p.). Philanthropists--Biography. Social entrepreneurship.
Successful, wealthy
entrepreneurs who are using their money, expertise to
make a difference in world.
Randall G. Holcombe (2000).
Writing Off Ideas: Taxation, Foundations, and Philanthropy in
America (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 284
p.). Endowments -- United States; Endowments -- Taxation --
United States; Nonprofit organizations -- Taxation -- United
States; Tax exemption -- United States. Series Independent
studies in political economy.
Edited with an introduction by Myron Magnet
What Makes Charity Work?: A Century of Public and Private
Philanthropy (Chicago, IL: Ivan R. Dee, 242 p.).
Charities--United States; Public welfare--United States.
Susan A. Miller (2007).
Growing Girls: The Natural Origins of Girls' Organizations in
America. (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press,
270 p.). Lecturer in the Women's Studies and History and
Sociology of Science Departments (University of Pennsylvania).
Girl Scouts of the United States of America --History; Camp Fire
Girls --History; Girls --United States --History --20th century.
Girls' organizations founded in first half of
century, from socio-historical perspective; how notions of
uniform identity, civic duty, "primitive domesticity," fitness
shaped formation of modern girl.
Waldemar A. Nielsen (1972).
The Big Foundations. (New York, NY: Columbia University
Press, 475 p.). Endowments--United States.
--- (1996).
Inside American Philanthropy: The Dramas of Donorship.
(Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 292 p.).
Endowments--United States; Philanthropists--United States.
Waldemar A. Nielsen; with a new introduction
by the author (2002).
Golden Donors: A New Anatomy of the Great Foundations.
(New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 468 p. [orig. pub.
1985]). Philanthropists--United States--Biography;
Endowments--United States--History; Charitable uses, trusts, and
foundations--United States--History.
Susan U. Raymond (2004).
The Future of Philanthropy: Economics, Ethics, and
Management. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 308 p.).
Managing Director of Research, evaluation, and Strategic
Planning for Changing Our World, Inc. She serves as
Chief Analyst for OnPhilanthropy.com, a global resource
for nonprofit professionals. Nonprofit organizations.
Issues that will shape philanthropic, nonprofit
environment in future; questions
about assumptions on which nonprofits are built,
from which philanthropic dollars flow.
Susan Rose-Ackerman (1986). The Economics
of Nonprofit Institutions: Studies in Structure and Policy.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 423 p.). Nonprofit
organizations--United States; Nonprofit
organizations--Taxation--United States.
Walter Stewart (1996).
The Charity Game: Greed, Waste and Fraud in Canada's
$86-billion-a-Year Compassion Industry. (Vancouver, BC:
Douglas & McIntyre, 262 p.). Charities -- Canada; Fund raising
-- Canada; Canada -- Social policy.
Business History Links
The Bancroft Library: Video
Five brief "video presentations that explore the history and
research activities" of the Bancroft Library. Featuring
librarians who work at the Bancroft, "these excerpts are part of
a video documentary that traces the origins, collections, and
services of The Bancroft Library, one of the nation's leading
archival and special collections repositories." From the
Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.
A Brief History of the YMCA Movement
History of the YMCA, or Young Men's Christian Association ("but
don't misinterpret this to mean that YMCAs are only for young,
Christian men"), founded in London in 1844 "in response to
unhealthy social conditions arising in the big cities at the end
of the Industrial Revolution." Topics include a discussion of
how the YMCA evolved to include women and other faiths;
programs; accomplishments; and a biography of founder George
Williams. From the YMCA U.S. headquarters.
Foundations On-Line: A Directory of
Charitable Grantmakers
Provides links to corporate, private, and community foundations'
and grantmakers' home pages to obtain grant applications,
reports, e-mail addresses, and more. Subjects: Grants-in-aid --
United States -- Directories | Charities -- Directories.
Girl Scout History
History of the Girl Scouts of the USA, which was founded in 1912
by Juliette Gordon Low. Features a biography of Juliette "Daisy"
Gordon Low, an illustrated timeline, links to museum exhibits
(such as the history of Girl Scout uniforms and Girl Scout
cookies), and a "This Month in Girl Scout History" feature. From
the official website of the Girl Scouts of the USA.
Encourages employees, volunteers, and donors of charitable
organizations to give reviews; tab in the menu at the top of the
page entitled "Find Reviews", where visitors can search for
nonprofits by "Name", "Location", "Highest Ratings", "Most
Reviewed", and "Most Recently Reviewed". Visitors can also
browse using keywords, such as "arts", "environment",
"mentoring", and "youth". Many of the reviews are by those who
were drawn to the organization because they needed help.
Visitors can "Write a Review" of a nonprofit that is already in
the directory of almost 5500 organizations, or add their own
listing for a new nonprofit. At the bottom of the homepage,
interested visitors can also subscribe to an e-mail of "biweekly
tips on volunteering, giving and innovation in nonprofits."
History of Meals on Wheels Programs
Brief history of this program that provides home-delivered meals
to homebound seniors and others in need. Discusses British World
War II roots, the "first American home-delivered meal program"
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, (started in 1954) and the second
program in Columbus, Ohio, and other history of the program.
From the Meals on Wheels Association of America (MOWAA).
Jefferson's Legacy Brief History of the
Library of Congress
The Library of Congress occupies a unique place in American
civilization. Established as a legislative library in 1800, it
grew into a national institution in the nineteenth century.
Since World War II, it has become an international resource of
unparalleled dimensions.
National Council of Nonprofit
The diversity of nonprofits in the United States is somewhat
staggering, so it makes sense to find out that such a group as
the National Council of Nonprofit Associations (NCNA) exists.
The NCNA is a national network that serves over 22,000 member
nonprofits, and also works towards advocating on behalf of its
members via its home office in Washington, D.C. On the
organization's homepage, visitors can learn about its upcoming
conferences and meetings, and also read the latest policy news
updates. The Resources area is probably the place that most
general users of the site will find most helpful. Here, visitors
can learn about job opportunities in the nonprofit sector and
peruse a set of external links that lead to such other relevant
sites as Nonprofit Quarterly and the Chronicle of Philanthropy.
Timeline: The History of the Lighthouse
[Philadelphia], 1893-2004
Illustrated history of this nonprofit organization that was
founded in 1893 as a settlement house and has provided a variety
of family and community services in Philadelphia. Highlights
include the "broom brigade" to clean up streets and the first
Meals on Wheels program in the U.S. (1954). Timeline is
interspersed with significant dates in U.S. history. From The
Lighthouse Philadelphia.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
One would be hard pressed to find a better slogan for the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce than "Fighting for Your Business", so it is
rather fortunate that they have already effectively trademarked
these exact words. With a long and storied history dating back
to 1912, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest
not-for-profit business federation, representing over 3 million
businesses and 2800 state and local chambers. Their website will
be most useful to both businesspersons and those with an
interest in the role this organization plays throughout the
United States in terms of its effect on the creation of national
and local policy regarding the climate for small and large
businesses. As might be expected, the homepage contains a
full-site directory, which will lead visitors to information on
international trade, current issues of relevance to business,
and the Chamber’s own Center for Workforce Preparation. Some
visitors may also wish to sign up for their free weekly
e-newsletters, which cover topics such as corporate citizenship
and workforce preparation.