March 18, 1662
- First public bus service began operating, in Paris.
July 15, 1783
- First successful steamboat, Pyroscaphe, made trial run on
River Saone in France.
August 22, 1787
- Inventor John Fitch demonstrated steamboat (top speed
was 3 mph) on Delaware River to delegates of Continental
February 1, 1788
- Isaac Briggs, William Longstreet
received a patent for the steamboat.
January 30, 1790
- Henry Greathead, of South Shields, UK, tested first lifeboat-
built specially to rescue people from stormy seas; The
"Original" was 30ft long, twelve oars, self-righting, and had
seven hundredweight of cork for buoyancy; went out to wrecks for
forty years, saved hundreds of lives.
August 26, 1791
- Englehart Cruse, of Baltimore, MD, received a patent for an
"Improvement on Savary's Steam Engine for Raising Water"; John
Fitch, of Philadelphia, PA, received a patent for a "Steam
Engine Applied to Navigation"; Nathan Read, of Massachusetts,
received a patent for a"Steam Engine Boiler"; James Rumsey, of
Berkeley County, VA, received a patent for the "Application of
Steam To Propel Boats and Vessels" and for a "Boiler of Steam
Engine"; John Stevens, Jr., of Bergen County, NJ, received a
patent for a "Boiler for Generating Steam" and for "Applying the
Force of Steam".
- First public railway opened in
London (Wandsworth to Croydon).
April 11, 1803
- John Stevens, of New York, NY, received a patent for
"Producing Steam"; twin-screw propeller steamboat; 1804
- successfully navigated in New York Harbor; initiated regular
ferry service from New Jersey to New York.
March 25, 1807
- First railway passenger service began in England.
August 7, 1807
- First serviceable steamboat, Cleremont, began first voyage
from New York City to Albany (nearly 150 miles) in 32 hours;
engineer Robert Fulton first to successfully apply steam to
inland navigation; first to demonstrate that steam-propelled
ships were financially practical.
June 10, 1809
- John Stevens's first commercial steamboat, 100-ft long Phoenix
paddle wheel, took 13 days to sail from New York City to
Philadelphia; first steamboat to navigate open seas; began to
run to Bordentown, became link in fast stage-coach and boat
service connecting New York, Philadelphia.
October 1, 1811
- The New Orleans, first steamboat to sail down Mississippi
(cost about $40,000 including engines); left Pittsburgh, PA,
reached Louisville in 70 hours at about 10 mph, arrived in New
Orleans, LA, after 14 days; propelled by stern-wheel,
assisted, at times, by sails on two masts; hull was 138 feet
long, 30 feet beam.
October 11, 1811
- John Stevens, inventor of first
steam-powered ferryboat, Juliana, put it into operation between
New York City, Hoboken, NJ; had previously purchased
commercial ferry license in NY state , operated horse powered
October 7, 1816
- The Washington, steamboat with design that proved ideal for
western rivers, docked in New Orleans; built by shipbuilder
Henry M. Shreve, had two-story deck, stern-mounted paddle wheel
powered by high-pressure steam engine, shallow, flat-bottomed
hull, pilothouse framed by two tall chimneys; 1850
- peak of era of paddle wheelers: 740 steamboats regularly moved
up, down Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, carried three million
passengers annually; eventually cheap rail transport,
diesel-powered towboats and barges replaced western steamboats.
May 22, 1819
- U.S. steamboat Savannah made first transatlantic crossing.
October 23, 1819
- First boat passed through Erie Canal, from Utica to Rome and
return; carried Governor DeWitt Clinton, sate officials, about
seventy persons.
October 26, 1825
- Erie Canal opened, connected Lake Erie, Hudson River in
upstate New York.
November 14, 1832
- The John Mason, first horse-drawn street car used in
U.S. (designed, built by John Stephenson in Philadelphia; named
for its owner, prominent New York banker), took initial trip
with municipal officials in New York City on track along Fourth
Avenue from Prince Street to 14th Street; November 26,
1832 - public transportation began in New York City;
fare of 12-1/2 cents; three non-connecting compartments, each
able to carry ten passengers, rode on iron wheels along iron
rails laid in middle of road.
December 23, 1834
- Joseph Hansom received British design patent for Patent Safety
Cab; sold patent to company for £10,000 (never paid).
- Thomas Cornell acquired sloop to carry passengers, ship goods
from Rondout, NY, on Hudson River, to New York City (100 miles
south); 1847 -
founded Cornell Steamship Company; 1890 -
died, Samuel D. Coykendall took over; converted fleet to
propeller-driven tugboats; 1900
- largest fleet of paddle-wheelers in U.S.;
1913 -
Coykendall, died, six sons assumed control;
1954 - C. W.
Spangenberger took over as president (joined company in 1933);
1958 - acquired by
New York Trap Rock Corporation (largest customer); largest
tugboat company in U.S., maybe world. for many years (60);
1963 - sold barges,
exited business.
April 22, 1838
- True transatlantic steamship
travel began as British ship, Sirius, arrived at New York;
made crossing in 18 days.
- Samuel Cunard established British and North American Royal
Mail Steam Packet Company with Robert Napier, engineering
genius, James Donaldson, George Burns (of Glasgow ), David
MacIver (of Liverpool), proprietors
of rival lines of coasting steamers between Glasgow and
Liverpool; May 4, 1839 - contract signed by
British government
to undertake regular mail service across Atlantic from
Liverpool to Halifax, Quebec, Boston; July 4 to 19, 1840
- first voyage of Cunard steamship successfully made by
"Britannia" (paddle steamer) from Liverpool to Boston, MA;
1855 - first iron ship, Persia; 1862 -
first screw-propelled ship, China; 1878 - name
changed to Cunard Steamship Limited, company went public;
eventually absorbed Canadian Northern Steamships Limited and its
principal competition, White Star Line.
December 1, 1841
- First steamboat engine built in America for screw-propelled
vessel, installed on Vandalia (first screw-propelled vessel on
Great Lakes built to carry passengers, freight through
canals); designed by John Ericsson, built by Captain Sylvester
Doolittle; demonstrated that propellers could pass easily
through narrow locks where side-wheelers could not.
July 19, 1843
- First all-metal liner, S.S. Great Britain, launched from
Bristol, England.
March 26, 1845
- Joseph Francis, New York City, received a patent for a "Ship's
Implement" ("Making Boats and Other Vessels of Sheet-Iron or
Other Metal"); corrugated sheet-iron lifeboat.
March 19, 1850
- Phineas P. Quimby, of Belfast, ME. received a patent for a
"Steering Apparatus" ("for Steering Ships and Steamboats").
October 10, 1850
- Chesapeake & Ohio Canal completed, opened for business
along entire 184.5 mile length from Washington, DC to
Cumberland, MD.
September 20, 1853
- Elisha Graves Otis sold first safety elevator equipment to
Benjamin Newhouse in New York City (used for moving freight);
opened factory in Yonkers, NY. May 1854 - public
relations stunt at Crystal Palace in New York City: Otis hoisted
high in air on platform fitted with his safety device, stopped
his fall when rope was cut; March 22, 1857 -
installed first practical (steam driven) department store
passenger elevator in five-story Haughwout Emporium at 490
Broadway in New York City (opened by Eder
V. Haughwout on March 23, 1857);
January 15, 1861
- Otis of Yonkers, NY, received a
patent for a "Hoisting Apparatus"; safety elevator; designed to
arrest a fall in case of the lifting rope breaking; 1867
- Otis Brothers & Co. incorporated; 1889 - applied
electric motor to power elevators; 1898 - Otis
Elevator Co. formed from $11 million merger of Otis Brothers &
Co., 14 other elevator companies; 1976 - acquired
by United Technologies Corporation.
March 23, 1858
- Eleazer S. Gardner, of Philadelphia, received a patent for a
"Railroad Track" ("Improvement in Tracks for City Railways");
cable street car which ran on overhead cables.
August 9, 1859
- Nathan Ames, of Saugus, MA, received first U. S. patent for
"Revolving Stairs" (" endless inclined flight of stairs or
steps stairs or steps which are placed on, over, or around
rollers, so that the stairs or steps will serve as elevators,
when motion is transmitted to the rollers"); an escalator-type
September 30, 1860
- American George Francis Train inaugurated first British
March 23, 1862
- London's first tramcars, designed by a Mr, Train of New York,
began operating from Bayswater.
January 10, 1863
- London's Metropolitan, world's first underground passenger
railway, opened to fare-paying passengers; four mile, 33-min
route had seven stations between Farringdon St. and Paddington;
six engines, each drawing four carriages, left at 15-min
intervals, made a total of 120 journeys in both directions,
carried over 30,000 passengers; 1853 - North
Metropolitan Railway Co. founded; 1860 - first
shaft sunk at Euston Square; line constructed by "cut-and-cover"
method (first road surface removed, trench dug to rail level).
December 8, 1866 - Celestial
Empire (later named China), first transpacific side-wheeler
steamship launched in U.S. for Pacific Mail SS Co.;
capacity for 1,300 passengers; July 1, 1867
- steamer set off for Panama, picked up passengers, arrived in
San Francisco on September 20, 1867; 1883 - sold
to Henry Villard, became receiving ship for smallpox patients
(1884), scrapped in 1886.
July 2, 1867
- First elevated railroad in U.S. opened for traffic in New York
City; ran along curb line of Greenwich Street, between Battery
Place and Dey Street; cars traveled at speeds up to 15 mph;
February 14, 1870 - reorganized, placed in operation
with steam power; new service extended north to New York Central
Railroad Passenger station at 29th Street and Ninth Avenue.
February 26, 1870
- New York City's first pneumatic-powered subway line ( 312 feet
long, nine foot diameter, cylindrical tube built by Alfred Ely
Beach) opened to public; included waiting room 120 feet long
embellished with grand piano, fountain, ornate paintings,
candelabra so customers would not feel they were entering dank,
dreary tunnel; twenty-two-seat subway car propelled by giant fan
that workers nicknamed "the Western Tornado"; operated by steam
engine, drew air in through valve, blew it forcefully into
January 17, 1871
- Andrew S. Hallidie received a patent for an "Endless Wire
Ropeway", (an "improved method of obtaining power from weights
carried in buckets, sacks or cars attached to an endless
wire-rope moving over or around sheaves or pulleys"); June
2, 1873 - ground broken on San Francisco's Clay
Street for world's first cable-powered railroad moved by
motor-driven cables under city street; constructed from
intersection of Clay and Kearny Streets to crest of hill,
distance of 2,800-ft, a rise of 307-ft.; August 1, 1873
- first cable car for public transport began service as solution
to problem of providing mass transit up San Francisco's steep
Andrew S. Hallidie
- cable cars
February 20, 1872
- Cyrus W. Baldwin, of Boston, MA,
received a U.S. patent for an "Improvement in Elevators";
installed vertical geared hydraulic electric elevator in
Stephens Hotel in New York City; described "suspending and
operating the elevator carriage from the bottom or platform
thereof"; safety devices were included to prevent a fall if the
suspending devices should fail.
May 2, 1880
- Columbia, first U.S. steamboat (between San Francisco and
Portland, OR) to successfully employ electric lights to
illuminate passenger rooms, main salons; operated for 15 years
until replaced with larger dynamo.
July 13, 1880
- Stephen D. Field of New York City received a U.S. patent for
"Propelling Cars by Electricity" ("certain new useful
Improvements in Propelling Railway-Cars by Electro-Magnetism"),
system for supplying electric power through the rails and to the
motor; 1874 - first used on a street car in an
electric street car, first electric streetcar to run
successfully with current generated by a stationary dynamo;
current conveyed by one of the rails, via a metal wheel to the
onboard motor, and returned through a second metal wheel to the
other rail.
August 10, 1885
- Leo Daft began operation of America's first commercially
operated electric streetcar in Baltimore.
November 30, 1886
- Belgian inventor, Charles Van Depoele, designed first
commercial electric railway in US (maybe the world) for Scranton
Suburban Electric Railway (ran continuously between downtown
Scranton, Pa. and Green Ridge, except for repairs and strikes,
until 1954);
February 25, 1890
- Van Depoele, of Lynn, MA, received a patent for an
"Electric-Railway Motor-Car"; electric trolley car;
April 1, 1890 - received a patent for a "Suspended
Switch and Traveling Contact for Electric Railways".
October 11, 1887
- Alexander Miles, African American inventor from Duluth, MN,
received a patent for an "Elevator" ("a mechanism for closing
the openings to the shafts of freight and passenger elevators";
permitted elevator doors to open and close safely.
June 18, 1889
- William H. Richardson, of Baltimore, MD, received two patents
for a "Child's Carriage" ("body is reversible in position with
reference to the running-gear").
November 4, 1890
- City & South London Railway: London's first deep-level tube
railway opened between King William Street and Stockwell.
- Martin and John Bekins began Bekins Moving and Storage company
in Sioux City, IA, with three horse drawn vans, twelve
employees; 1903 - introduced first motor trucks;
1928 - completed first transcontinental motor van
move; 1940 - name changed to Bekins Van Lines
Company; June 1945 - 37 warehouses throughout
west, 430 vans, 1,270 employees; December 20, 1955
- registered "Bekins" trademark first used 1891 (transportation
and storage of household goods); 1960 -
established Bekins Wide World, later known as Bekins
International; 1983 - acquired by by Minstar, Inc.
(Irwin L. Jacobs); 1987 - reacquired by Bekins
family; 2,000 employees, 470 independent agents, more than 50
wholly owned moving, storage companies.
- German inventor Wilhelm Bruhn invented taxi meter, electronic
device that
indicated to driver, passenger distance traveled to avoid
arguments about payment due; word derives from French (taxe =
price) and Greek (metron = measure); late
two-way radios
first appeared in taxicabs;
computer assisted dispatching
first introduced.
- Thomas Crowley (17) purchased 18-foot Whitehall boat for $80
on San Francisco's waterfront to provide transportation of
personnel, supplies to ships anchored on San Francisco Bay;
- incorporated under name Thomas Crowley and Brothers;
1906 - Crowley Launch and Tugboat Company incorporated;
1992 - created Crowley Maritime Corporation as
holding company for business lines; current Chairman, President
and CEO Thomas B. Crowley, Jr. (grandson); September 1995
- sold passenger division, Red and White Fleet (nine boats that
carried 2.5 million passengers in 2004) for $25 million; largest
tug and barge outfit in the world, with 91 tugs, nearly 150
barges, 24 ships in fleet.
Thomas Crowley
- Crowley Maritime
March 15, 1892
- Jesse Wilford Reno, of New York, NY, received a patent for an
"Endless Conveyor or Elevator" ("mechanical incline or
slide-conveyor to be used in place of elevators or stairways
where large numbers of persons are to be transferred from one
floor, or level, to another, either upward or downward");
May 24, 1892
- Thomas Edison received four patents for an "Electric
Locomotive" ("to furnish an economical system of
electro-magnetic railways or tramways which, while useful in any
locality, shall be particularly adapted to regions where the
traffic is too light for ordinary steam-railways, or the main
bulk of the traffic is limited to certain seasons, or where the
difficulties or expense of grading render ordinary steam-roads
June 14, 1892
- Thomas A. Edison received a patent for a "Trolley for Electric
Railways" ("Improvement in Current-Collecting Devices for
Electric Railways"); received a patent for a "Means of
Propelling Electric Cars"; received a patent for an "Electric
Locomotive" ("manner in which the propelling-motor of an
electric car is mounted on the truck and to the means by which
motion is transferred from the motor to the car-axles");
received a patent for a "Conductor for Electric Railways"
("placed along a provide an arrangement by
which a conductor may be readily and satisfactorily placed along
an ordinary steam or other railroad when it is desired to use an
electrically-propelled vehicle thereon").
August 2, 1892
- George A Wheeler, of New York City, received a patent for an
"Elevator", related to "improvements in passenger-elevators
preferably employed for stations on elevated railways but also
applicable to other provide a safe, capacious and
convenient device which will afford a stairway for travel as
well as a continuously-movable elevator"; prototype of
May 21, 1895
- William B. Purvis, of Philadelphia, PA, received a patent for
a "Magnetic Car Balancing Device" ("means for causing the wheels
of trolley or other cars to adhere closely to their tracks when
desired, the device being at all times under the control of the
motor-man, and comprising bars supporting a system of coils on
either side of the car, which are capable of being magnetized at
will, either separately or simultaneously, whereby they will
attract the rails, and the care wheels will be caused to adhere
more closely thereto, thereby reducing to a minimum the
liability of jumping the track, and the wheels will be prevented
from slipping in icy or wet weather, or when going around
August 1895 - Los Angeles
Railway Company organized to provide streetcar service
(City Council passed first franchise ordinance for "...laying
down and maintaining two iron railroad tracks and to run cars
thereon, to be propelled by horses or mules, and to carry
passengers thereon" on July 3, 1873); October 1, 1898
- acquired by Henry E. Huntington; 1944
- acquired by National City Lines; renamed Los Angeles Transit
June 16, 1897
- Gottlieb Daimler delivered world's first dedicated taxi,
Daimler Victoria taxi, to Friedrich Greiner, Stuttgart
entrepreneur who started world's first motorized taxi company;
1897 Bersey - first motorized London taxi (electrically
powered); 1903 -
gasoline-powered taxis introduced;
March 22, 1907
- First internal combustion-powered cabs with taximeters began
operating in London.
August 3, 1897
- Walter H. Knight, of Newton, MA and William B. Potter, of
Lynn, MA, received a patent for a "Method of Regulating
Electrically Driven Mechanism"; a street car controller.
November 23, 1897
- Elbert R. Robinson, of Chicago, IL, received a patent for a
"Casting Composite or Other Car Wheels"; method for casting
wheels in which outer sides are of one metal and the interior
portions are of another metal; enabled casting a metal of high
electrical conductivity, such as brass, in a groove of an iron
trolley wheel; permitted an entirely new construction consisting
of two outer disks, or flanges, and an intermediate, uniting
portion, which extends from the contact portion of the wheel
with a web extending to the centre and an integral bushing.
January 17, 1899
- Charles D. Seeberger, of Chicago, IL, received a patent for an
"Elevator" ("...series of interconnected trucls or steps are
moved over tracks through part of their extent horizontal and
through part inclined, the said trucks nor steps remaining
individually horizontal throughout such movement"); built first
commercially produced escalator based on his design in Otis
factory in 1899.
November 21, 1899
- Jesse Wilford Reno, of New York, NY, received a patent for an
"Inclined Elevator" ("by means of which passengers are carried
on a continuously-moving tread or belt adapted to travel along
an inclined track from one level to another, as from one floor
in a building to another above or below it, the object being to
provide an elevator of this character that shall be reliable and
effective in its construction and operation, and one especially
adapted for the safety and convenience of passengers...and one
that is particularly adapted for use where the space is
limited"); May 14, 1901 - received a patent for an
"Inclined Elevator" ("relates more particularly to the case
where two such elevators, one ascending and one descending, are
situated adjacent to each other..."duplex"); 1902
- founded Reno Electric Stairways and Conveyors, Ltd.;
September 9, 1902 - received a patent for an "Inclined
Elevator" ("especially adapted to be applied to stairways of
factories for the use of employees and others"); November
14, 1905 - received a patent for an "Inclined Elevator";
1906 - his design for spiral escalator installed
in London Underground system; 1912 - patents
acquired by Otis Elevators.

Jesse Wilford Reno
- elevator patents
- Otis Elevator Company built prototype of escalator, moving
staircase ; incorporated some of features of George A Wheeler's
April 25, 1899
- James H. Robinson, of Minneapolis, MN, received a patent for a
"Life-Saving Guard for Street-Cars" ("fender or guard
particularly adapted for use on street-cars...whereby a
motorneer by a single movement of a lever can simultaneously set
the brakes and throw the fender forward upon the track; further,
to provide means whereby the brake mechanisms can be operated
independently of the mechanism for operating the fender").
- Charles D. Seeberger, of Elevator Company, installed first
step-type escalator made for public use at the Paris Exhibition
of 1900; Seeberger coined the brand name Escalator (from scala,
Latin for steps, with elevator); 1901 - installed
it at the Gimbel Brothers store in Philadelphia, PA; 1910
- Seeberger sold his patent rights to Otis.
July 19, 1900
- First line of Paris Metro completed; eight stations; ran
east-west through center of city from Porte de Vincennes to
Porte Maillot; engineer Fulgence Bienvenüe in charge of
construction, architect Hector Guimard credited for Art Nouveau
October 27, 1904
- World's first subway, IRT (Interborough Rapid Transit), opened
in New York City, subway/bus fare set at one nickel (Brooklyn
bridge-145 and Broadway).
August 15, 1906
- Illinois Tunnel Company began operation of first U.S. freight
delivery tunnel system underneath Chicago, IL; September
1, 1907 - whole underground system finished;
January 2, 1908 - put into operation.
October 1, 1907
- Taxicabs introduced in New York, imported from France by Harry
N. Allen; adapted French word taxi-metre, coined the word
"taxicab" to describe the 65 imported vehicles; 1909
- W. C. P. Taxicab Company (Wyckoff, Church & Partridge)
introduced yellow cab in New York .
- Philadelphia Subway opened, also known as Tube Transportation.
February 25, 1908
- Hudson & Manhattan Railroad (PATH) opened; President Theodore
Roosevelt pressed button in White House, turned on electric
current; 1927 - busiest year, carried more than
113 million riders (same year Holland Tunnel opened).
February 16, 1909
- Interborough Rapid Transit
Company (opened October 27, 1904) put first subway car with side
doors in U.S. into service in New York City; positioned four
feet from each end of car, opened and closed by pneumatic-lever
system invented of James McElroy of Consolidated Car Heating
1910 - Robert Palmer bought horse and
wagon; delivered milk to homes of Detroiters; supplemented milk
delivery business with “Palmer Cartage”, offered to move large
pieces of furniture; operated from basement of his home; became
Palmer Moving and Storage; early
1950 - became agent for North American Van
Lines; 2010 -
manage more than 10,000 relocations annually, operate over
million square feet of warehouse facilities with fleet of over
200 tractors, trailers, smaller vans.
1911 - Dan (Donald) MacLure, his brother
started MacLure's Cabs in Vancouver, BC (first vehicle -
Cadillac); 1940s -
Packard became vehicle of choice;;
2011 - fleet of 65 taxis (fuel efficient,
greenhouse gas-friendly Toyota Prius), oldest in city.
August 14, 1912
- First double-decker bus appeared on streets of New York;
traveled up, down Broadway; originated in London as two-story
horse-drawn omnibus for rush hour traffic (eventually added roof
October 10, 1913
- The U.S.-built Panama Canal was completed with the explosion
of the Gamboa Dike; concluded one of the largest construction
projects in history.
November 7, 1913
- Nagareyama Light Railway incorporated as commuter rail line in
Chiba Prefecture operated between Mabashi Station in Matsudo and
Nagareyama Station in Nagareyama;
March 14, 1916 - opened 762-mm gauge railway;
November 1922 -
renamed Nagareyama Railway; 1924 - railway track rebuilt to
1067-mm gauge; 1949
- name changed to Nagareyama Electric Railway;
1967 - name changed
to Nagareyama Electric Railway;
1971 - name changed to Sbu Nagareyama Electric
Railway; August 1, 2008
- name changed to Rytetsu; independent railway operator with
just 5.7 km line, without major subsidiary business; link
between centre of city of Nagareyama and East Japan Railway
Company (JR East) Jban Line.
March 17, 1914
- Fifth Avenue Coach Company of New York introduced the first
bus with cross-wise seats (vs. longitudinal seating), allowed
passengers to face forward.
May 19, 1914
Carl Eric Wickman,
laid-off miner, opened Hupmobile dealership in Hibbing, MN;
couldn't sell them; converted one to 7-passeneger vehicle, began
to transport miners from Hibbing, MN to Alice, MN (2
miles), for $.15 per ride one-way, $.25 round-trip;
December 17, 1915 - joined with Ralph Bogan,
incorporated Mesaba Transportation Company in Hibbing, MN;
precursor to
The Greyhound Bus Company; first year
profit of $8,000; 1918 - 18 buses, $40,000 in
profit; 1922 -
renamed Motor Transit Corporation;
- Wickman joined Orville Caesar, formed Northland Transportation
Company in Duluth, MN (Wickman as president); 1925
- 80% interest acquired by Great Northern Railroad (GNR) for
$240,000; 1926 - Wickman formed Motor Transit
1929 - acquired 90% of GNR's interest;
- name changed to Northland Greyhound Lines; 30% interest
acquired by GNR; name changed to Greyhound Corporation;
1936 - introduced "Super Coach" (all metal body,
rear-mounted engine, 37 passenger capacity); 10,000 employees;
1946 - Orville Caesar succeeded as president;
1948 - sales of $190 million; April 17, 1951
- registered "Greyhound" trademark first used in 1926
(transportation by motor bus of passengers, mail express and
newspapers); 1954
- introduced "Scenicruiser" (43 passengers, 2 levels);
- sales of $300 million; 1972 - introduced
"Ameripass", extended travel fare; 1980 - sales
reached $1.045 billion; 1981 - bus industry
deregulated by ICC; 1987 - bus operations
divested; July 14, 1987
- Greyhound Bus acquired Trailways® Bus System, Inc. (Dallas),
Trailways's largest member company, for $80 million; largest
nationwide intercity bus transportation company; 1990
- unionized workforce began 3-year strike;
June 4, 1990
- filed for bankruptcy; April
19, 1991 - posted $195
million loss for 1990;
August 12, 1991
- Creditors voted to support Greyhound Bus reorganization plan;
1993 - strike ended; 1998 -
introduced 55-seat bus (largest in its history); sales of $800
million, first profit since 1993; 1999 - merged
with Laidlaw, Inc.; 2001 - operating revenue of $1
billion (first time 1981); 2002 - opened 100th
intermodal transportation center.
Eric Wickman
- founder Greyhound Lines
November 1, 1918
- Worst rapid transit accident in US history occurred under
intersection of Malbone Street and Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn,
NY; at least 93 dead.
May 19, 1919 - Ward B.
Hiner formed "Red Ball Transit Company", opened office at No. 18
South Capitol Avenue in Indianapolis, IN (115 signed truck
operators carried tin sign on their stock racks, "Red Ball
Service"); considered first interstate mover.
January 4, 1921
- International Motor Company registered
MACK trademark first used October
13, 911 (motortrucks).
March 30, 1923
- Cunard liner Laconia arrived in New York City, became first
passenger ship to circumnavigate world, cruise of 130
- A.J. Harrell founded Yellow Cab and Transit Co. in Oklahoma
City (Yellow Freight).
- Matthew Ferguson established Ferguson Transport as one-man
business in Blyth, Northumberland, UK; sold his house, invested
in first commercial vehicle, a bean, to commence trading as
general carrier of goods between Blyth and Newcastle, UK;
developed relationship with Port of Blyth, shipped paper
products; largest privately owned hauler in North East of
England, operates from several locations throughout UK.
- Leland James founded small regional trucking company in
Portland, OR;
1939 - name changed to Consolidated Freightways;
September 3, 2002 - filed for Chapter 11
bankruptcy protection
February 22, 1930
R&M Transportation
Company, freight-moving business set up by Carroll Roush,
partner Charles Morrison to move tires between Akron, OH, St.
Louis, MO, made first shipment; December 1920 -
Roush brothers (Carroll, Galen) founded Roadway Express, Inc.;
July 1931 - terninal established in Gadsden, AL,
keystone of Roadway's southern operation; operating revenues of
$200,000; 1932 - R&M merged with Roadway;
1956 - went public;
operating revenues of $42.7 million, earnings of $1.1 million,
985 trucks and tractors, 1,894 trailers; terminals in 65 cities;
1961 - over 5,900 employees nationwide; 1977
- fleet of 21,121 vehicles, 13,993 used for linehaul operations,
7,128 for local pickup and delivery; 1978 - 424
1996 - Roadway Express spun off from Roadway Services,
Inc. (publicly traded company with no long-term debt);
2001 - formed holding company (Roadway Corporation) to
build portfolio of strategically linked companies.
Galen Roush
- Roadway Express
May 16, 1931
- London United Tramways (LUT) started London's first trolleybus
service; replaced trams service on Twickenham Junction to
Teddington route; ran on electricity drawn from"trolley" running
along overhead lines; had pneumatic tires to run on same road
surface with other traffic. London trams.
September 10, 1932
- Independent City Owned Rapid Transit Railroad (IND) opened in
New York City.
- Earl and Lillian Congdon founded Old Dominion Freight Line
Inc. with single truck running between Richmond and Norfolk, VA;
2010 - family
operated, global, publicly-traded company with 210 service
centers, serve more than 48,000 points.
December 7, 1932
- The Conte di Savoia of Italian Line, first gyro-stabilized
vessel to cross the Atlantic, arrived in New York City; rolling
limited to maximum of three degrees; 1915 - Sperry
Company (Elmer A. Sperry) installed first Sperry gyro-stabilizer
to stop roll on ships.
September 26, 1934
- Her Majesty Queen Mary, accompanied by His Majesty King George
V, launched Queen Mary from John Brown Shipyard; May 12,
1936 - Ship officially handed over to Cunard White Star
August 9, 1935
- Congress passed Motor Carrier Act of 1935; overseen by
Interstate Commerce Commission, applied to all common, contract
carriers engaged in interstate transportation of passengers,
property; required common carriers: 1) to secure certificates of
public convenience, necessity before they operated; 2) to
establish just, reasonable rates, forbidden to discriminate in
rates, service; 3) to disclose consolidation, merger of
properties, issuance of securities, financial responsibility of
operators; 4) to verify qualifications, maximum hours of service
of their employees, safety of their operations, equipment.
February 5, 1936
- Five privately owned motorcoach companies (Burlington
Transportation Company, Santa Fe Trails Transportation Company,
Missouri-Pacific Stages, Safeway Lines, Inc., Frank Martz Coach
Company) met in office of H. W. Stewart, General Manager of
Burlington Transportation Company, to found umbrella association
of privately-owned, independent carriers to increase passenger
traffic between, within members' respective territories;
newly-organized association operated under name Trailways;
served 24,023 miles of routes, principally in Midwest;
February 19, 1952 - Continental Bus System, Inc.
registered "Trailways" trademark first used November 15, 1945
(transportation of passengers, baggage, express mail, and
newspaper publications, by motor buses);
September 8, 1953
- offered first transcontinental express bus service in U.S.;
3,154-mile ride from New York City to San Francisco, lasted 88
hours, 50 minutes, cost $56.70 ($183 today on Greyhound).
June 28, 1938
- State of New Hampshire dedicated aerial tramway, first in
North America, in Franconia, NH; built to lift skiers from
Franconia Notch to 4,200-foot summit of Cannon Mountain on north
face; site chosen, in part, because sufficient electric power
already in place in Franconia Notch; wooden cabins held 28
skiers; 1982 - present tram constructed, carried
70 skiers.
September 27, 1938
- Cunard launched ocean liner "Queen Elizabeth," then largest
passenger liner ever built, at Clydebank in Scotland.
February 15, 1942
- Operation ceased at the landmark eastern terminus of the
original San Francisco street cars, first in the world to be
propelled by cable; August 1, 1873 - installed by
its English inventor, Andrew Smith Halladie, a pioneer
manufacturer of wire cables.
October 16, 1943
- Chicago Mayor Edward J. Kelly officially opened city's new
subway system.
- L.S. "Sam" Shoen (29) and his wife, Anna Mary Carty Shoen,
launched U-Haul; had tried to rent utility trailer to move their
possessions from Los Angeles to Portland, OR - couldn't be done;
reasoned that many other families had a need similar to theirs:
short-term availability of trailer that could be rented "here",
left "there"; first U-Haul trailer offered for rent within two
weeks of leaving LA; end of 1945 - 30 4' x 7' open
trailers were on service station lots in Portland, Vancouver,
Seattle, WA (bought from welding shops, second hand from private
owners); 2005 - over 13, 700 independent dealers,
over 1,300 company-owned U-Haul centers, one of industry's
largest operators of self-storage facilities, world's largest
installer of permanent trailer hitches, world's largest
single-brand Yellow Pages advertiser.
July 5, 1952
- London's last tram ran from Woolwich to New Cross; 1931
- Royal Commission recommended that trolleybuses replace trams;
1940 - more than half of London's trams scrapped.
December 12, 1955
- Christopher Cockerell, father of hovercraft air-cushion
vehicle, filed his first patent for the hovercraft; 1956
- formed company known as Hovercraft Ltd. to apply new approach
of reducing problem of hydrodynamic drag on hull of boat by
using air as lubrication.
April 6, 1957
- Trolley cars in New York City completed final runs;
April 7, 1957 - New York City's last electric trolley
completed final run from Queens to Manhattan.
January 30, 1958
- First two-way, moving sidewalk (passenger conveyor), 1,425
feet long, put in service at Love Field Air Terminal in Dallas,
TX; consisted of three loops (continuous rubber carpet attached
to continuous train of wheeled pallets, flexibly interconnected
so they could follow vertical, horizontal curves as required).
May 30, 1959
- First experimental hovercraft,
SR.N1 designed by Sir Christopher Cockerell, built by
Saunders-Roe, made first trip at Cowes on Isle of Wight;
considered initially only for military use, released for
civilian use; July 25, 1959 - prototype crossed
English Channel.
September 27, 1960
- Europe's first "moving pavement",
travelator, opened at Bank Underground station; just over 300
feet long, gradient of 8 degrees.
- Johnnie B. Hunt founded cargo hauling business, after driving
his own truck for nine years; 1969 - formed J. B.
Hunt Transport Services, acquired fleet of five trucks, seven
trailers; 2006 - 11,0000 trucks, 47,000 trailers;
standardized fleet, services, uniforms.
May 8, 1962
- Diesel-fuelled buses replaced trolleybus as economical
alternatives in London.
31, 1963 - Los Angeles ended
streetcar service after 90 years.
September 20, 1967
- Queen Elizabeth the Second (QE II) launched; 1,000 ft long,
speed nearly 40 mph, more than 1,000 tons of water/day, 3,000
eggs, 2,500 tea bags, 200 bottles of Champagne, 40 gallons of
spirits, more than 135,000 bottles of wine/year, 150 miles of
clingfilm/year; has sailed 5.5 million miles, more than 800
Atlantic crossings, uses litre of fuel to push herself 11 feet,
houses largest floating library in world; 1975 -
largest ship ever to pass through Panama Canal on her first
world cruise (less than foot to spare on each side of ship);
Cunard's longest-serving ship.
March 27, 1976
- Washington DC underground Metro opened; 51,260 people took
free ride; March 29, 1976 - Metrorail first
revenue day, 19,913 people paid 55 cents each to ride.
July 1, 1980
- President Jimmy Carter signed Motor Carrier Act of 1980 into
law; envisioned to be a sweeping de-regulation of the trucking
industry. Act prohibited rate bureaus from interfering with any
carrier's rights to publish its own rates, eliminated most
restrictions on commodities that could be carried, and
de-regulated the routes that motor carriers could use and the
geographic regions they could serve. The law authorized truckers
to price freely within a "zone of reasonableness," meaning that
truckers could increase or decrease rates from current levels by
15 percent without challenge, and encouraged them to make
independent rate filings with even larger price changes. Before
this law was passed, the industry had simply passed along higher
wages and operating costs to shippers. The law would have
far-reaching consequences, causing price competition and lower
profit margins. Number of new firms increased dramatically,
especially low-cost, non-union carriers. 1990 -
number of licensed carriers exceeded forty thousand (double the
number in 1980). Combined with the Staggers Act (1980),
intermodal carriage surged, expanding 70 percent between 1981
and 1986. Deregulation allowed manufacturers to reduce
inventories, move their products more quickly, and be more
responsive to customers. Consumers indirectly benefited from the
more efficient, lower-cost transport of goods.
December 19, 1983
- Striking Amalgamated Transit Union Greyhound workers agreed to
sign off on a new contract and head back to work after grueling
and sometimes bloody six weeks on the picket line; new contract
carried severe cuts, including a 14.8% annual reduction in wages
and benefits (in aftermath of disastrous 1981 air traffic
controllers strike).
10, 2008 - Transit ridership,
in general, has risen steadily for years; accelerated sharply in
first months of 2008 for many city transit systems:
American Public Transportation Association;
(Anchor Line), Roderick Scott McLellan (1956).
Anchor Line, 1856-1956. (Glasgow, Scotland: Anchor Line,
184 p.). Anchor Line.
(A-P-A Transport Corp.), David Rounds (1993).
Perfecting a Piece of the World: Arthur Imperatore and the
Blue-Collar Aristocrats of A-P-A. (Reading, MA:
Addison-Wesley, 292 p.). Imperatore, Arthur; A-P-A Transport
Corp.; Trucking--United States. A-P-A is nation's 2nd largest
trucking company behind St. Johnsbury.
(Associated Equipment Company Ltd.), Alan
Townsin and Brian Goulding (1992).
80 Years of AEC. (London, UK: Senior, 80 p.). AEC
(Firm); Buses.
(Birmingham & Midland Motor Omnibus Co.), Paul
Gray, Malcolm Keeley, John Seale (1979).
Midland Red: A History of the Company and Its Vehicles from 1940
to 1970. (Glossop, UK: Transport Publishing Company, 221
p.). Midland Red -- History; England Midlands Bus services
Birmingham & Midland Motor Omnibus Co. history.
(Birmingham & Midland Motor Omnibus Co.), R.C.
Anderson (1984).
A History of Midland Red. (Newton Abbot, UK: David &
Charles, 192 p.). Midland Red -- History; England Midlands Bus
services Birmingham & Midland Motor Omnibus Co. to 1981.
(Birmingham & Midland Motor Omnibus Co.), Mike
Greenwood and Malcolm Keeley (2005).
The Heyday of Midland Red. (Hersham, UK: Ian Allan, 80
p.). Birmingham & Midland Motor Omnibus Trust. -- History; Bus
lines -- Great Britain -- History.
(Brewster Transport Company), E.J. Hart
The Brewster Story: From Pack Train to Tour Bus. (Banff,
AB: Brewster Transport Company, Ltd, 163 p.). Brewster family;
Brewster Transport Company; Bus lines -- Alberta -- Banff;
Sightseeing business -- Alberta -- Banff.
(B & I Line), Hazel P. Smyth (1984). The B
& I Line: A History of the British and Irish Steam Packet
Company. (Dublin, IR: Gill and Macmillan, 246 p.). British
and Irish Steam Packet Company -- History; Steamboat lines --
Great Britain -- History; Inland water transportation -- Great
Britain -- History.
(Chicago L), Greg Borzo (2007).
The Chicago L. (Chicago, IL: Arcadia Pub., 128 p.).
Elevated trains--Chicago; public transport--history.
1892 -
Chicago's elevated train system opened; rail line expansions,
demolitions over last 115 years; helped to build Chicago, helps
to revitalize neighborhoods, tie city together; carries half a
million people a day over 222 miles of track.
(Cobb and Company), Kenneth A. Austin (1967).
The Lights of Cobb and Co.; The Story of the Frontier Coaches,
1854-1924. (Adelaide, AU: Rigby, 228 p.). Cobb and
Company; Coaching (Transportation) -- Australia.
(Compañía de Tranvías de La Coruña), Alberte
Martínez, Carlos Piñeiro and Carlos Velasco (2006). La
Compañía de Tranvías de La Coruña, 1901-2005: Redes de
Transporte Local. (Madrid, Spain: LID, 370 p.). Lecturer in
Economic History (University of La Coruña, Spain); Permanent
Lecturer in Financial Economics (University of La Coruña);
Lecturer in Contemporary History (University of La Coruña).
Compañía de Tranvías de La Coruña; public transport; urban
transportation policy--Spain. Evolution of
Tram Company of Spanish city, La Coruña, with evolution of the
(Consolidated Freightways), Kenneth D. Durr
and Philip L. Cantelon (1999).
Never Stand Still: The History of Consolidated Freightways, Inc.
And CNF Transportation Inc., 1999-2000. (Rockville, MD:
Montrose Press, 562 p.). Consolidated Freightways,
Inc.--History; CNF Transportation, Inc.--History;
Trucking--United States--History.
September 3, 2002 - Consolidated
Freightways Corp. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.
- Consolidated Freightways
(Cornell Steamboat Company), Stuart Murray;
introduction by Roger W. Mabie; essays by William duBarry Thomas
Thomas Cornell and the Cornell Steamboat Company. (Fleischmanns,
NY: Purple Mountain Press, 223 p.). Cornell, Thomas, 1814-1890;
Cornell Steamboat Company; Tugboats; Steamboats.; Shipyards;
Shipbuilding industry; Hudson River Valley (N.Y. and N.J.).
leading tugboat company in nation; virtual monopoly of Hudson
River towing; man of many interests: railroad, hotel builder,
two-term congressman, founder and president of two banks; Steamboat Company the jewel of business empire.
Thomas Cornell - Cornell Steamboat Company
(Cunard), Kay Grant (1967). Samuel Cunard,
Pioneer of the Atlantic Steamship. (New York, NY:
Abelard-Schulman, 192 p.). Cunard, Samuel, Sir, 1787-1865;
Cunard Steamship Company, Ltd.
Sir Samuel Cunard
(of Halifax, NS)
(Cunard), Francis E. Hyde. (1975).
Cunard and the North Atlantic, 1840-1973: A History of Shipping
and Financial Management. (London, UK: Macmillan, 382
p.). Cunard Steamship Company, Ltd.--History;
Steam-navigation--Atlantic Ocean--History.
(Cunard), Howard Johnson (1987).
The Cunard Story. (London, UK: Whittet, 204 p.). Cunard,
Samuel, Sir, 1787-1865; Cunard Steamship Company, Ltd.--History.
(Cunard), John Maxtone-Graham (1989).
Cunard: 150 Glorious Years. (Newton Abbot, UK: David &
Charles, 128 p.). Cunard Steamship Company, ltd.--History.
(Cunard), Frank O. Braynard and William H.
Miller, Jr. (1991).
Picture History of the Cunard Line, 1840-1990. (New
York, NY: Dover Publications, 134 p.). Cunard Steamship Company,
ltd.--History--Pictorial works.
(Cunard), Stephen Fox (2003).
Transatlantic: Samuel Cunard, Isambard Brunel, and the Great
Atlantic Steamships. (New York, NY: HarperCollins, 493
p.). Steamboat lines--North Atlantic Ocean--History; Ocean
liners--North Atlantic Ocean--History; North Atlantic Ocean.
(DEKA Research & Development Corporation),
Steve Kemper (2003).
Code Name Ginger: The Story Behind Dean Kamen's Quest To Invent
a New World. (Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press,
336 p.). Freelance Journalist. Scooters.
(Delta Steamship Lines), .J. W. Clark (2004).
Corporate Odyssey. (Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris, 352 p.).
Former President, Delta Steamship Lines. Clark, J. W.; Delta
Steamship Lines; Maritime industries.
(ERF), Dai Davies OBE (2009).
ERF - The Inside Story. (Wellington, Somerset, UK:
Nynehead Books, 160 p.). Former Managing Director of South
Africa, Australia and New Zealand operations.
Transport--history--Great Britain. 1933 -
founded by former Foden company managing director Edwin Richard
Foden (ERF); 2007 - final trucks rolled off line; ERF story from
1933 to 1997; vehicles built for UK market, those spent on
roads, highways in South Africa, Australia & New Zealand.
(Goodrich Steamboat Company), James L. Elliott
Red Stacks over the Horizon; The Story of the Goodrich Steamboat
Line. (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 314 p.). Goodrich
Transit Company; Steamboat lines -- Great Lakes (North America).
(Grand River Navigation Company), Bruce
Emerson Hill (1994).
The Grand River Navigation Company. (Brantford, ON:
Brant Historical Society, Brant Historical Publications, 134
p.). Grand River Navigation Company -- History; Grand River and
Valley (Ont.) -- History; Canals -- Grand River (Ont.) --
History; Grand River (Ont.) -- Navigation -- History; Brant
(Ont. : County) -- History; Haldimand (Ont. : County) --
(Greyhound), Carlton Jackson (1984).
Hounds of the Road: A History of the Greyhound Bus Company.
(Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 214
p.). Greyhound Corporation--History.

Eric Wickman
- Greyhound
(Greyhound), Oscar Schisgall (1985).
The Greyhound Story: From Hibbing to Everywhere. (New
York, NY: J.G. Ferguson Pub. Co., 309 p.). Greyhound
(Holland America Line), Michiel George de Boer
(1923). The Holland-America Line, 1873-1923. (Rotterdam,
Netherlands: Printed by L. van Leer & Co., 102 p.). Holland
Amerika Lijn.
(Holland America Line), Dick Schaap and Dick
Schaap (1973).
A Bridge to the Seven Seas: A Hundred Years of the Holland
America Line. (London, UK: Stephens, 120 p.). Holland
Amerika Lijn.
(Hudson River Day Line), Donald C. Ringwald
Hudson River Day Line; The Story of a Great American Steamboat
Company. (Berkeley, CA: Howell-North Books, 228 p.).
Hudson River Day Line.
(J. B. Hunt), Marvin Schwartz (1992).
J. B. Hunt: The Long Haul to Success. (Fayetteville, AR:
University of Arkansas Press, 162 p.). Hunt, Johnnie Bryan,
1927- ; J. B. Hunt Transport Services--History;
Businessmen--United States--Biography; Trucking--United
B Hunt
- J. B. Hunt Transport Services
(Interstate Public Service Company),
Jerry Marlette (1990).
Interstate: A History of Interstate Public Service Rail
Operations. (Polo, IL: Transportation Trails,
272 p.). Interstate Public Service Company --History;
Street-railroads --Indiana --History.
(Joy Line), Edwin L. Dunbaugh (1981).
The Era of the Joy Line: A Saga of Steamboating on Long Island
Sound. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 363 p.). Joy Line
(Firm) -- History; Steamboat lines -- Northeastern States --
History. Series Contributions in economics and economic history.
(Kenworth Truck Company), Doug Siefkes (1998).
Kenworth: The First 75 Years. (Seattle, WA:
Documentary Media, 160 p.). Kenworth Truck Company --History;
Kenworth trucks --History. From founding in 1914 as Gersix,
small operation in Pacific Northwest, to prominence as global
(Keshin Transport System), John Lewis Keeshin
(1983). No Fears, Hidden Tears: A Memoir of Four Score Years:
The Autobiography of John Lewis Keeshin. (Chicago, IL: J.L.
Keeshin, 240 p.). Keeshin, John Lewis, 1902-1983; Keshin
Transport System, Inc.--History; Trucking--United States;
Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Lehigh Valley Transit Co.), Benson W
Rohrbeck (2001). Lehigh Valley Transit Co.: 1934-1953.
(West Chester, PA: Traction Publications, 144 p.). Lehigh Valley
Transit Company; Street-railroads --Pennsylvania.
(London General Omnibus Company), Ken Glazier
The Last Years of the General. (Harrow Weald, UK:
Capital Transport, 128 p.). -- History; Buses -- England --
London -- History -- 20th century; Buses History London
(London Underground Limited), Christian Wolmar
Down the Tube: The Battle for London’s Underground.
(London, UK: Aurum, 246 p.). London Underground
Limited--Management; Subways--England--London--Finance; Urban
transportation policy--Great Britain; Subways--Government
policy--England--London; Public-private sector
cooperation--Great Britain.
(Los Angeles Pacific Railway), William A.
Myers and Ira L. Swett (1976).
Trolleys to the Surf: The Story of the Los Angeles Pacific
Railway. (Glendale, CA: Interurbans, 208 p.). Los
Angeles Pacific Railway.
(Los Angeles Steamship Company), Gordon Ghareeb and Martin Cox
Hollywood to Honolulu: the Story of the Los Angeles Steamship
Company. (Providence, RI: Steamship Historical
Society of America, 264 p.). Contributing Editor for Nautical
World and Ship Aficionado magazines, Vice President of the Long
Beach Port Ambassadors Association; President of Los Angeles
Maritime Museum Research Society. Los Angeles Steamship Company
--History; Steamboat lines --California --Los Angeles --History.
LASSCO transported passengers from berth 156 in Los
Angeles Harbor to Honolulu during 1920s and 1930s; regular
connection between mainland, islands; high-profile means of
proclaiming that Los Angeles was becoming world class harbor,
financial center, artistic metropolis.
(Lynden Incorporated), Ramon Heller, part II
by Shirley Ashenbrenner (1993).
Everyday Heroes: The Story of Lynden and Its People.
(Seattle, WA: Lynden, 148 p.). Lynden Incorporated--History;
Trucking--United States--History; Lynden (Wash.)--History.
(Wm. Mackinnon Co.), J. Forbes Munro (2003).
Maritime Enterprise and Empire: Sir William Mackinnon and His
Business Network, 1823-93. (Rochester, NY: Boydell
Press, 525 p.). Mackinnon, William, 1823-1893; Wm. Mackinnon
Co.--History--19th century; Steamboat
lines--Scotland--History--19th century;
Shipping--Scotland--History--19th century.
(Market Harborough and District Motor Traction
Company), Peter J. Blakeman (1982).
The Rise and Fall of the Harborough Bus: The History of the
Market Harborough (and District) Motor Traction Company.
(Bedford, UK: P.J. Blakeman, 88 p.). Market Harborough and
District Motor Traction Company -- History; Leicestershire
Market Harborough Bus services.
(Metal Box), W.J. Reader (1976).
Metal Box: A History. (London, UK: Heinemann, 256 p.).
Metal Box Company; ltd.; Container industry--Great Britain.
(Metrobus Ltd.), Andrew Boag (1994).
Metrobus: The Company's First Ten Years. (Harrow Weald,
UK: Capital Transport, 96 p.). Metrobus Ltd -- History; Bus
lines -- England -- London; Bus lines -- England -- Kent; Road
transport Buses Routes London (England).
(Metropolitan Line), Clive Foxell (2010).
The Metropolitan Line: London's First Underground Railway.
(Stroud, UK: History Press, 160 p.). Subways -- England --
London -- History; Subways -- England -- London -- Pictorial
(Metropolitan District Railway), Alexander
Edmonds (1973).
History of the Metropolitan District Railway Company to June
1908; Prepared for Publication, with Preface, Notes and an
Epilogue by Charles E. Lee. (London, UK: London
Transport Executive, 250 p.). Metropolitan District Railway
(Great Britain).
(Mitsubishi), William D. Wray (1984).
Mitsubishi and the N.Y.K., 1870-1914: Business Strategy in the
Japanese Shipping Industry. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press,, 672 p.). Nihon Y¯usen Kabushiki
Kaisha--History; Mitsubishi Zaibatsu--History.
(National Freight Consortium), Sandy
McLachlan; foreword by Peter Thompson (1983).
The National Freight Buy-Out: : The Inside Story.
(London, UK: Macmillan, 208 p.). National Freight Consortium;
Employee ownership--Great Britain--Case studies.
(National Freight Consortium), Keith Bradley
and Aaron Nejad (1989). Managing Owners: The National Freight
Consortium in Perspective. (New York, NY: Cambridge
University Press. National Freight Consortium; Employee
ownership--Great Britain--Case studies.
(National Freight Consortium), Peter Thompson.
Sharing the Success: The Story of NFC. (London, UK:
HarperCollins, 224 p.). Thompson, Peter, 1928- ; National
Freight Consortium; Employee ownership--Great Britain;
Management buyouts--Great Britain; Privatization--Great Britain.
(Neath & Cardiff Luxury Coaches Ltd.), Gerald
Truran (1998).
40 Years of Brown Bombers: A History of Neath & Cardiff
Luxury Coaches Ltd. (Glastonbury, UK: Avonlea, 79 p.).
Neath & Cardiff luxury Coaches Ltd.; Buses -- Cardiff & Neath --
History -- 20th century.
(Newbury & District Motor Services Limited),
Paul Lacey (1987).
A History of Newbury & District Motor Services Limited : 1932 to
1952. (Wokingham, UK: P. Lacey, 309 p.). Newbury &
District Motor Services Limited; Road transport Motor coaches
History; Berkshire (England).
(New England Steamship Company), Edwin L.
Dunbaugh (2005).
The New England Steamship Company: Long Island Sound Night Boats
in the Twentieth Century. (Gainesville, FL: University
Press of Florida, 406 p.). Retired Professor of History (Hofstra
University). New England Steamship Company--History; Steamboat
lines--New England--History--20th century; Steamboat lines--New
York (State)--History--20th century. First
reliable, consistent form of transportation in area for
commuters, tourists, business travelers (1000 passengers);
essential to manufacturers in industrial communities of central
New England.
(North Chicago Street Railroad Company), John
Franch (2006).
Robber Baron: The Life of Charles Tyson Yerkes. (Urbana,
IL: University of Illinois Press, 384 p.). Yerkes, Charles
Tyson, 1837-1905; Capitalists and financiers--United
Street-railroads--Illinois--Chicago--Finance. Magnate
behind Chicago Loop Elevated, investor in London Underground,
namesake of University of Chicago's observatory, vilified as
Frank Cowperwood in Theodore Dreiser's trilogy, The
Financier, The Titan, and The Stoic.
Charles Tyson
Yerkes - North Chicago Street
Railroad Company
(Norwalk Truck Line), Wayne G. Broehl, Jr.
Trucks, ... Trouble, ... And Triumph: The Norwalk Truck Line
Company. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 256 p. [Reprint of 1954
ed.]). Norwalk Truck Line Company.
(Otis Elevator), Jason Goodwin (2001).
Otis: Giving Rise to the Modern City (Chicago, IL: Ivan
R. Dee, 286 p.). Travel Writer. Otis Elevator Company--History;
Elevator industry--United States--History; International
business enterprises--United States--History.
Elisha Graves Otis
(Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation
Company), Boyd Cable (1937).
A Hundred Year History of the P. & O., Peninsular and Oriental
Steam Navigation Company, 1837-1937. (London, UK: I.
Nicholson and Watson limited, 289 p.). Peninsular and Oriental
Steam Navigation Company.
(Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation
Company), Boyd Cable (1951).
Business in Great Waters; The War History of the P. & O.,
1939-1945. (London, UK: Faber and Faber, 196 p.).
Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company; World War,
(Thomas A. Perley Car Works), Cliff Johnson (1996).
From Rails to Roads: The History of Perley A. Thomas Car Works
and Thomas Built Buses. (Raleigh, NC: Lifescapes
Corp., 114 p.). Thomas, Perley A.; A. Thomas A. Perley Car Works;
Buses -- manufacturing. 1916 -
Canadian-born car designer Perley A. Thomas, formerly chief
engineer for Southern Car Works, major streetcar manufacturer
based in High Point, NC, renovated several streetcars for
Southern Public Utilities Company; opened Perley A. Thomas Car
Works; within few years, Thomas-built streetcars carryied
passengers in many of North America's largest cities; 1936 -
ceased production of streetcars, launched into school buses;
1978 - introduced first bus chassis, began producing popular
Saf-T-Liner® transit-style bus; expanded to manufacture
Minotaur, smaller conventional school bus; later entered
commercial transit market in 1980s; 1998 - acquired by
Freightliner LLC (Daimler company now known as Daimler Trucks
North America LLC); leading North American manufacturer of
school buses.
(Pickfords Ltd.), Gerard L. Turnbull (1979).
Traffic and Transport: An Economic History of Pickfords.
(Boston, MA: G. Allen & Unwin, 196 p.). Pickfords Ltd.--History;
Transportation--Great Britain--History.
(Roadway), Kenneth D. Durr and Philip L.
Cantelon (1996).
The Roadway Story. (Rockville, MD: Montrose Press, 377
p.). Roadway Express, Inc.--History; Truck industry--United
(Rollins Leasing), Drury Pifer (2001).
Hanging the Moon: The Rollins Rise to Riches. (Newark,
DE: University of Delaware Press, 267 p.). Rollins, John W.;
Businessmen--United States--Biography;
(Ruan Companies), William B. Friedricks
In for the Long Haul: The Life of John Ruan. (Ames,
IA: Iowa State Press, 293 p.). Professor of History (Simpson
College, Indianola, Iowa). Ruan, John, 1914- ; Businessmen Iowa
Biography; Philanthropists Iowa Biography.
(S. P. D.), W.J Reader and research by
Elizabeth McClure Thomson (1969).
Hard Roads and Highways: S.P.D. Limited, 1918-1968: A Study in
Distribution. (London, UK: Batsford, 152 p.). SPD
(Smith's Transfer Corporation), Charles D.
Brown (1981).
Fifty Years Down the Road: The Story of Smith's Transfer,
1930-1980. (Verona, VA: McClure Press, 128 p.). Smith's
Transfer Corporation--History.
(St. Louis Car Company), Alan R. Lind (1978).
From Horsecars to Streamliners: An Illustrated History of the
St. Louis Car Company. (Park Forest, IL: Transport
History Press, 400 p.). St. Louis Car Company.
(Eddie Stobart Ltd ), Noel Davidson (1998).
Only the Best Will Do: Eddie Stobart Story. (Belfast,
IR: Ambassador Productions Ltd., 200 p.). Stobart, Eddie;
Trucking--Britain--History. Company is Britain's largest
independent haulage and distribution organisation with over
2,000 employees and an annual turnover in excess of £150
(Thames Valley Traction Company), Paul Lacey
A History of the Thames Valley Traction Company Limited, 1920 to
1930. (Wokingham, UK: P. Lacey, 144 p.). Thames Valley
Traction Company -- History; Buses -- England -- Thames Valley
-- History -- 20th century; Road transport Buses History
(Thames Valley Traction Company), Paul Lacey
A History of the Thames Valley Traction Company Limited, 1931 to
1945. (Wokingham, UK: P. Lacey, 208 p.). Thames Valley
Traction Company -- History; Buses -- England -- Thames Valley
-- History -- 20th century; Road transport Buses History
(U-Haul ), Ronald J. Watkins (1993).
Birthright: Murder, Greed, and Power in the U-Haul Family
Dynasty. (New York, NY: Morrow, 425 p.). Shoen, Leonard
Samuel, 1916- ; Shoen family; U-Haul International -- Officials
and employees -- Biography; Murder -- United States -- Case
studies; Businessmen -- United States -- Biography.
(U-Haul), Luke Krueger (2007).
A Noble Function: How U-Haul Moved America. (Fort Lee,
NJ: Barricade Books, 224 p.). U-Haul International--History;
Storage and moving trade--United States--History--20th century;
Moving, Household--United States--History--20th century.
Meager beginnings of Sam and Anna Mary
Shoen, U-Haul's founders; from mom and pop store start to
household name.
(United Counties Omnibus Company Limited),
Roger M. Warwick (1977-2001). An Illustrated History of
United Counties Omnibus Company Limited. (Northampton, UK:
R.M. Warwick). United Counties Omnibus Company Limited --
History; England East Midlands Bus services & coach services.
1913-1921: The Wellingborough Motor Omnibus Co. Ltd.;
1921-1933: United Counties Omnibus and Road Transport Co. Ltd.;
1952: Acquisition of Midland Section of Eastern National Omnibus
Co. Ltd.;
(Washington Metropolitan Area Transit
Authority), Zachary M. Schrag (2006).
The Great Society Subway: A History of the Washington Metro.
(Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 355 p.).
Assistant Professor of History (George Mason University).
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority;
Subways--Washington Metropolitan Area'; Local transit--Social
aspects--Washington Metropolitan Area.
Development of metropolitan Washington, postwar urban policy,
promises, limits of rail transit in American cities.
(White Star Line), Wilton J. Oldham (1961).
The Ismay Line; The White Star Line, and the Ismay Family Story.
(Liverpool, UK: Journal of Commerce, 283 p.). Ismay, Thomas
Henry, 1837-1899; Ismay, Joseph Bruce, 1862-1937; Oceanic Steam
Navigation Company, ltd.; White Star Line.
(David Wood Transportation Lines), Frances and
Dorothy Wood (1977).
I Hauled These Mountains in Here. (Caldwell, ID: Caxton
Printers, 337 p.). Wood, David, 1851-1944; David Wood
Transportation Lines; Freight forwarders--Colorado--Biography.
(Woodstock and Sycamore Traction
Company), William E. Robertson (1985).
The Woodstock and Sycamore Traction Company.
(Delavan, WI: National Bus Trader, 56 p.). Woodstock and
Sycamore Traction Company --History; Street-railroads
--Illinois --History.
(Robert Wynn & Sons Ltd.), John Wynn (1995).
Wynns: The First 100 Years. (Abergavenny, Wales: P. M.
Heaton, 128 p.). Robert Wynn & Sons Ltd.; Carriers -- Wales --
History; Freight and freightage -- Wales; Commercial vehicles --
Wales; Road transport History Wales.
(Yellow Freight), James F. Filgas, L.L. Waters
(1987). Yellow in Motion: A History of Yellow Freight System,
Incorporated. (Overland Park, KS: Yellow Freight System, 296
p.). Yellow Freight System, Inc. of Delaware--History.
(Yellow Freight), Kent Politsch (1999).
Legends and Legacy: 75th Anniversary. (Overland Park,
KS: Yellow Corp., 208 p.). Yellow Freight System, Inc.--History;
Freight and freightage--United States--History; Trucking--United
Harold Barger (1951).
The Transportation Industries, 1889-1946; A Study of Output,
Employment, and Productivity. (New York, NY: National
Bureau of Economic Research, 288 p.). Transportation -- United
States -- History.
James P. Baughman (1968).
Charles Morgan and the Development of Southern Transportation.
(Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 302 p.). Morgan,
Charles, 1795-1878; Transportation--Southern States--History.
Dale L. Belman, Kristen A. Monaco, Taggert J.
Brooks (2005).
Sailors of the Concrete Sea: A Portrait of Truck Drivers' Work
and Lives. (East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University
Press, 207 p.). Associate Professor of Industrial Relations
(Michigan State); Assistant Professor of Economics (California
State University at Long Beach); Assistant Professor of
Economics (University of Wisconsin, La Crosse). Truck
drivers--United States; Social surveys--United States; Truck
driving--United States. Picture of work
and work life of over-the-road truck drivers in United States.
Brian J. Cudahy (1998).
Twilight on the Bay: The Excursion Boat Empire of B.B. Wills.
(Centreville, MD: Tidewater Publishers, 242 p.). Wills, B. B.
(Benjamin Bowling), 1897-1986; Excursion boats--United
States--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
Jan de Vries (1981).
Barges and Capitalism: Passenger Transportation in the Dutch
Economy, 1632-1839. (Utrecht, Netherlands: HES
Publishers, 368 p.). Inland navigation--Netherlands--History;
Inland water transportation--Netherlands--History;
Richard V. Dodge (1960).
Rails of the Silver Gate: The Spreckels San Diego Empire.
(San Marino, CA: Golden West Books, 143 p.). Street-railroads
--California --San Diego --History; San Diego (Calif.)
Lee Edward Gray (2002).
From Ascending Rooms to Express Elevators: A History of the
Passenger Elevator in the 19th Century. (Mobile, AL:
Elevator World, Inc., 316 p.). Elevators --History.
Shane Hamilton (2008).
Trucking Country: The Road to America’s Wal-Mart Economy.
(Princeton, NJ,: Princeton University Press, 344 p.). Assistant
Professor of History (University of Georgia). Truck drivers
--United States --History; United States --Rural conditions;
United States --Economic conditions --20th century.
U.S. trucking industry's history, role in
rolling back New Deal policies and regulations, in shifting
distribution of agricultural products from railroads,
revolutionizing food distribution; brought low-priced consumer
goods to greater number of Americans; linked America's factory
farms, agribusiness food processors to suburban supermarkets
across country.
Robert West Howard (1964).
The Wagonmen. (New York, NY: Putnam, 220 p.). Wagons;
Transportation -- United States -- History.
P. S. Johnson (1975).
The Economics of Invention and Innovation: With a Case Study of
the Development of the Hovercraft. (London, UK: M.
Robertson, 329 p.). Technological innovations; Ground-effect
William E. Lass (1972).
From the Missouri to the Great Salt Lake: An Account of Overland
Freighting. ( (Lincoln, NE: The Society, 312 p.).
Coaching (Transportation) --West (U.S.); West (U.S.) --History.
Axel Madsen (1982).
Open Road: Truckin' on the Biting Edge. (San Diego, CA:
Harcourt Brace, 220 p.). Trucking--United States.
Biju Mathew (2005).
Taxi!: Cabs and Capitalism in New York City. (New York,
NY: New Press, 228 p.). Professor of Business (Rider
University). Taxicabs--New York (State)--New York; Taxicab
drivers--Labor unions--New York (State)--New York; Strikes and
lockouts--Transport workers--New York (State)--New York.
History of New York's taxicab industry.
Clay McShane (1975).
Technology and Reform: Street Railways and the Growth of
Milwaukee, 1887-1900. (Madison, WI: State Historical
Society of Wisconsin for the Dept. of History, University of
Wisconsin, 187 p.). Street-railroads --Milwaukee --History;
Urbanization --Milwaukee --History; Milwaukee (Wis.) --Economic
Prepared under the direction of Balthasar
Henry Meyer, by Caroline E. MacGill and a staff of collaborators
History of Transportation in the United States Before 1860.
(Washington, DC: Carnegie Institution of Washington, 678 p.).
Transportation -- United States -- History.
Paul F. Paskoff (2007).
Troubled Waters: Steamboat Disasters, River Improvements, and
American Public Policy, 1821-1860. (Baton Rouge, LA:
Louisiana State University Press, 324 p.). ssociate Professor of
History (Louisiana State University). Inland navigation--Middle
West--Safety measures--History--19th century; River
engineering--Government policy--United States--History--19th
century; River engineering--United
States--Finance--History--19th century; Steamboat
disasters--United States--Prevention--History--19th century;
Mississippi River--Navigation--History--19th century; United
States--Politics and government--1815-1861; Mississippi River
Valley--History--19th century. Federal
government's river improvements program from its beginnings
during early republic to 1844 (careful attention to policies of
Andrew Jackson's administration), through the administration of
James K. Polk forward to secession; aimed to reduce hazards to
navigation on great rivers of America's interior (more than
1,200 steamboat wrecks on American rivers, lakes, coastal
waters) during early and mid-nineteenth century; succeeded in
reducing rate of steamboat loss, even as steamboat traffic
dramatically increased; federal government far more active than
generally thought in promoting economic growth, development in
years leading up to Civil War.
Eric Richards; Foreword by S. G. Checkland
The Leviathan of Wealth: The Sutherland Fortune in the
Industrial Revolution. (London, UK: Routledge and Kegan
Paul, 316 p.). Sutherland family; Transportation--Great
Britain--History; Great Britain--Commerce--History.
George Shumway and Howard C. Frey (1968).
Conestoga Wagon, 1750-1850; Freight Carrier for 100 Years of
America's Westward Expansion. (York, PA: G. Shumway, 281 p.
[3rd ed.]). Wagons; Transportation -- United States -- History.
Clara Ann Simmons (2009).
Chesapeake Ferries: A Waterborne Tradition, 1636--2000.
(Baltimore, MD: Maryland Historical Society, 144 p.). Ferries
--Virginia; Ferries --Maryland. From earliest
days of colonial travel, via waterways, to age of bridge building that forever changed
mode of travel; lone ferry men, women of 18th century;
steam ferry of later years that connected with networks of rail
lines; present—day ferry operators who maintain rich tradition
of water travel.
George R. Taylor (1989).
The Transportation Revolution 1815-1860. (Armonk, NY: M.
E. Sharpe, 490 p. [orig. pub. 1951]). Transportation--United
States--History--19th century; United States--Economic
conditions--To 1865.
James H. Thomas (1979).
The Long Haul: Truckers, Truck Stops & Trucking.
(Memphis, TN: Memphis State University Press, Memphis
State University, 172 p.). Truck drivers --United States
--History; Trucks --United States --History;
Transportation, Automotive --United States --History.
Simon P. Ville (1990). Transport and the
Development of the European Economy, 1750-1918. (Houndmills,
Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK: Macmillan, 252 p.).
Transportation--Europe--History; Europe--Economic
Henry P. Walker (1966).
The Wagonmasters; High Plains Freighting from the Earliest Days
of the Santa Fe Trail to 1880. (Norman, OK: University
of Oklahoma Press, 347 p.). Transportation -- United States --
History; Wagons -- West (U.S.).
Margaret Walsh (2000).
Making Connections: The Long-Distance Bus Industry in the United
States. (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 245 p.). Bus
lines--United States--History; Transportation,
Automotive--United States--History.
Business History Links
Truck Historical Society
ATHS, incorporated in 1971 to preserve the history of trucks,
the trucking industry, and its pioneers, is an international
organization, with over 24,000 members in the United States,
Australia, Canada, and 20 other countries worldwide; located in
Kansas City, MO in 30,700-square-foot building which houses
Society's headquarters, Zoe James Memorial Library and White
Chicago "L"
Chicago "L" site, created by transportation history guru and
expert Graham Garfield. Provides videos, historical and
contemporary photographs, essays, and other items related to
Chicago's elevated transit system. Under the "What's New"
banner, visitors can check latest station photographs and
profiles and then move to the ""L" News Headlines", which cover
the latest and greatest news regarding the Chicago Transit
Authority. Visitors can look more closely into "L" routes, track
maps, articles, chronologies, and past, present, and future
transit plans in the Windy City. Those persons planning a visit
to Chicago will want to read up on Garfield's historic station
tours and also learn more about the specialized argot that
describes and defines the "L" (at bottom of the homepage).
Steamship Society
Incorporated as a nonprofit, membership based association under
the provisions of the Societies Act for the Province of Nova
Scotia, Canada, in 1998. It was conceived by John G. Langley,
Q.C. of Halifax, Nova Scotia, birthplace of Sir Samuel Cunard.
The primary aim of the Society is to bring together those who
share a common interest in the rich history and proud tradition
of the Cunard Steamship Company, its predecessor, the British
and North American Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, as well as
the significant contributions by Samuel Cunard to the early
development of his native Nova Scotia, and his conquest of the
North Atlantic by steam. One of the specific objects reproduced
from the Society's Memorandum of Association is to educate the
public on the history of Samuel Cunard and the Cunard Steamship
Company (Cunard Line) through the collection, presentation and
exchange of historical information and memorabilia.
Greyhound Bus Museum
Haags Openbaar Vervoer Museum
Hague Public Transport Museum)
History of
the public transport in the Hague and its surroundings.
The International Association for the History of Transport,
Traffic and Mobility
Launched in Eindhoven
in November 2003 (located at the Technical University of
Eindhoven in The Netherlands); mission is the establishment
of a collegial association of scholars, practitioners and
concerned citizens to encourage and promote an understanding
of the historical interaction between transport, traffic and
the mobility of people, material objects and ideas
Museum of Transport, Greater Manchester
Based in Manchester's first
motor bus garage, core collection represents the wide variety of
fleets absorbed into the Passenger Transport Executive from 1969
onwards; .one of Britain’s biggest collection of restored trams,
buses and coaches.
National Canal
Only museum
in the country dedicated to telling the story of America’s
historic towpath canals.
Pacific Bus Museum
over 20 coaches, both transit (city) and intercity
(over-the-road) types encompassing eras from the 1930s on up to
modern times and is focused on, but not limited to, California
and the western United States. (See our Equipment Roster) Many
come from bus systems that no longer exist. Our collection also
includes bus artifacts and memorabilia.
Palm Springs Aerial Tram: History &
Background about the construction and operation of this tram
completed in 1963 "in rugged Chino Canyon on the north edge of
Palm Springs [California]." Features a history of the project
dating back to its conception in the 1930s and technical facts
and details on topics such as cables, cabin hanger, and docking
brake hydraulics. Includes photos and video clips.
Trailways Museum
Transportation Research; Information
Services (TRIS)
Database is the world's largest and most comprehensive
bibliographic resource on transportation information." (400,000
bibliographic records).