March 12, 1755
- Steam engine first reported used in America at Colonel
John Schuyler's copper mine in New Barbados Neck (now North
Arlington), NJ; imported from England by Josiah Hornblower.
March 24, 1802 -
Richard Trevithick received a patent for a high pressure tram
engine, first steam driven road carriage;
December 24, 1801 - demonstrated it to
public, successfully carried number of men up Beacon Hill;
February 21, 1804
- tested first self-propelling steam engine or steam locomotive
to run on rails at the Peny-Darren ironworks on its normally
horse-drawn tramline; able to pull a load of 15 tons at a speed
of about 5 mph; adhesion was problem as iron wheels slipped on
iron rails, cast-iron rails of tramways not strong enough to
support weight of new machine; experiment abandoned.
June 1804 -
Parliament authorized laying of railway from Swansea to
Oystermouth; July 4, 1804 -
Oystermouth Railway (or
Tramroad Company) incorporated; autumn 1804
- first tracks laid; spring 1806 - first horse
drawn train traveled from Swansea to Mumbles; March 25,
1807 - first regular horsedrawn service carrying
passengers between Swansea and Mumbles began; first passenger
railway in world; January 5, 1960 - closed.
March 25, 1807 - First railway passenger
service began in England.
1815 - New Jersey legislature awarded Colonel
John Stevens first railroad charter in North America;
1825 - operated
"steam waggon" around circular track at Hoboken, NJ; first
operating locomotive in America.
September 27, 1825
- George Stephenson operated Stockton & Darlington line: first
locomotive to haul passenger train in England; first railway
in world to carry passengers and freight to any kind of
meaningful timetable (both largely using
steam locomotives);
pulled 34 wagons, 1 solitary coach over 21 miles.
1826 -
Edinburgh to Dalkeith railroad opened; Scotland's first commercial railway.
March 4, 1826
Granite Railway,
Quincy, MA, chartered; first
U.S. railroad; October 7, 1826 - first
gravity-powered railroad went into operation.
February 28, 1827 -
The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co.
incorporated as first U.S. railroad chartered to carry
passengers, freight.
March 24,
1828 - Philadelphia and Columbia Railway (first
state owned) authorized.
July 4, 1828 - Charles Carroll of Carrollton,
MD, signer of Declaration of Independence, laid first stone of
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad.
August 8, 1829 - Hudson Railroad Company tested
Stourbridge Line, first steam locomotive in America, in
Honesdale, PA (built by Foster, Rastrick & Co., Stourbridge,
UK); traveled at 10 m.p.h. on wooden tracks faced with wrought
iron that already existed as gravity railway; used to carry coal
from mines at Carbondale to canal terminus at Honesdale, PA;
deemed too heavy for continued use hauling loads of coal on
those tracks.
January 7, 1830 - Baltimore & Ohio
Railroad Company began rail service.
24, 1830 - First passenger
railroad in United States began service between Baltimore and
Elliott's Mills, MD; August 28, 1830 - "Tom
Thumb", first locomotive built in America, ran from Baltimore to
Ellicott's Mill, MD.
September 15, 1830
- The Liverpool to Manchester line opened in England (built by
George Stephenson, principal inventor of railroad locomotive);
world's first intercity passenger railway operated solely by
steam locomotives (carried 600 passengers).
September 15, 1830
- William Huskisson (1770-1840), British statesman, became first
railway fatality while observing ceremonial procession of
locomotives at Liverpool and Manchester railway opening;
stumbled in front of passing train which ran over his leg; died
that evening.
September 18,
1830 - B&O locomotive Tom Thumb, first
locomotive built in America, lost 14-km race to horse due to
boiler leak.
December 25,
1830 - South Carolina Canal and Railroad Company
began operation as first regularly scheduled passenger train in
United States.
- Matthias Baldwin founded Baldwin Locomotive Works on Broad
street in Philadelphia, PA; built steam locomotives for
Pennsylvania Railroad, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, Atchison,
Topeka & Santa Fe, many other railroads in North America,
overseas; 1909 -
incorporated as Baldwin Locomotive Works;
1948 - acquired by Westinghouse
Corporation; 1950
- merged with Lima-Hamilton Corporation, formed
Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corporation;
1956 - last of some 70,541 common
carrier size locomotives produced.
February 19, 1831 - First practical US
coal-burning locomotive made first trial run in Pennsylvania.
April 25, 1831
- New York and Haerlem Railroad Company incorporated to link New
York City with Harlem; November
26, 1832 - first section opened along The Bowery
from Prince Street north to 14th Street.
August 9, 1831 -
First steam locomotive train began inaugural run between Albany,
Schenectady, NY.
April 14,
1832 - New York and Erie Rail Road incorporated;
April 24, 1832 -
New York State legislature granted charter; required that
railroad: 1) not connect with any out-of-state road (connected
Hudson River at Piermont, north of New York City, to Lake Erie
at Dunkirk); 2) raise $10 million, 3) not formally organize
until half its stock was subscribed;
May 19, 1851 - full length to Dunkirk
opened; built as 6 foot wide gauge;
August 1859 - company went into
receivership due to large construction costs; first bankruptcy
of major trunk line in U.S.; June
25, 1861 - reorganized as Erie Railway;
1867 - Jay Gould
(31) became director of Erie RR; waged "Erie War" with Cornelius
Vanderbilt for control; issued illegal stock, bribed state
legislators, manipulated stock in his own interest, that of his
group; 1868 -
became president (expelled in 1872);
1874 - reorganized, became New York,
Lake Erie & Western Railroad; June
22, 1880 - entire system converted to standard
gauge; 1893 - went
into bankruptcy reorganization, emerged as Erie Railroad;
January 18, 1938 -
entered bankruptcy; October 17,
1960 - merged with Delaware, Lackawanna &
Western, formed Erie-Lackawanna.
June 9, 1832
- Special Act of Pennsylvania Legislature incorporated 4 1/2
mile Strasburg Rail Road founded; used for passenger, freight
transportation; connected with Philadelphia and Columbia
Railroad, became freight interchange with Pennsylvania Railroad
at Leaman Place; 1861
- acquired for $13,000 by group headed by Ferree Brinton
(included Honorable Thaddeus Stevens); acquired by John F. Herr
and Cyrus N. Herr; April, 1875
- acquired for $12,725 by Henry Baumgardner; leased for 13 years
to Isaac Phenegar (former bookkeeper for Herr and Company);
1888 - leased to
E. C. Musselman; 1898
- acquired by Frank Musselman;
1918 - acquired by Fred L. and John E. Homsher;
1957 - Homsher
Estate petitioned Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission for
abandonment of line (series of storms destroyed tracks, placed
immediate embargo on carload freight);
November 1, 1958 - acquired for $18,000
by group of 24 stockholders, organized by Henry K. Long, local
industrialist and railroad enthusiast, Donald E. L. Hallock;
January 4, 1959 -
first passenger train in 40 years left Strasburg station;
America's oldest shortline railroad; oldest American railroad
operating under its original charter.
July 25, 1832
- First recorded railroad accident in U.S. history - four people
thrown off vacant car on Granite Railway near Quincy, MA (had
been invited to view process of transporting large, weighty
loads of stone when cable on vacant car snapped on return trip,
threw them off train, over 34-foot cliff); one man killed ,
others seriously injured.
1834 - Long Island Railroad chartered;
1900 - acquired by
Pennsylvania Railroad; oldest American railway operating under
its original name; busiest commuter railroad on continent
(carries over 81 million customers per year).
August 31, 1835 -
Act of Parliament created Great Western Railway to provide
double tracked line from Bristol to London; Isambard Kingdom
Brunel (27) oversaw construction;
May 1838 - first section of 24 miles completed
(from Paddington to Maidenhead);
June 1841 - line from Bristol to London, soon
nicknamed 'Brunel's billiard table', completed at total cost of
£6,500,000; August 1885
- network of over 2300 miles of track reached every
corner of western England and Wales.
9, 1835 - St. Etienne-Lyons railway opened in
July 13, 1836
- John Ruggles of Maine received the first numbered patent (#1)
for a "Locomotive Steam Engine for Rail and Other Roads" (a new
and useful improvement or improvement on locomotive-engines used
on railroads and common roads by which inclines planes and hills
may be ascended and heavy loads drawn up the same with more
facility and economy").
July 20, 1837 - Euston Railway station opened,
first in London.
19, 1838 - Ephraim Morris, of Bloomfield, NJ,
received a patent for a "Car Brake" ("mechanical means for
regulating or stopping the motion of cars on railroads");
railroad brake.
12, 1840 - Housatonic Railroad opened.
1844 - Railways
Act in England, rail travel to masses.
1846 - John Murray
Forbes acquired control of state-owned Michigan Central
April 13, 1846
- Pennsylvania legislature chartered Pennsylvania Railroad
Company; 1847 -
construction began; September 1,
1849 - first section opened from Harrisburg west
to Lewistown.
April 29, 1851
- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad made first trial round trip of an
electric locomotive on Washington branch of Railroad; traveled
five miles each way between Washington, DC, Bladensburg, MD;
used galvanized storage batteries (not practical for long
September 22, 1851
- Train dispatching by telegraph (vs. timetable) in U.S. began
when superintendent Charles Minot (Erie Railroad) telegraphed 14
miles to Goshen, NY to delay a train so that his train would not
have to wait. Previously, dispatching was done by the "time
interval rule": a train had to wait one hour for an opposing
train.; if train hadn't arrived, brakeman on the waiting train
had to walk for 20 minutes ahead of his train with a red flag to
stop late train; engineer of the waiting train would then catch
up to the brakeman; routine was repeated as necessary.
May 25, 1852
- E.G. Otis, of Bergen, NJ, received a a patent for a
"Railroad-Car and Truck Brake".
March 3, 1853
- Congress authorized transcontinental railroad survey.
April 18, 1853
- First train in Asia (Bombay to Tanna, 36 km).
July 7, 1853
- Erastus Corning, president of
Utica and
Schenectady Railroad, filed Consolidation Agreement under
recently passed New York Central Consolidation Act ; merged,
became president
of, 10 railroads across New York State, formed New York Central
railroad between Albany and Buffalo (Albany and Schenectady
Railroad, Utica and Schenectady Railroad, Syracuse and Utica
Railroad, Rochester and Syracuse Railroad, Buffalo and Rochester
Railroad, Schenectady and Troy Railroad (branch from Schenectady
east to Troy), Rochester, Lockport and Niagara Falls Railroad
(major branch from Rochester west to Niagara Falls), Buffalo and
Lockport Railroad (branch from the Rochester, Lockport and
Niagara Falls), Mohawk Valley Railroad, Syracuse and Utica
Direct Railroad;
- Cornelius Vanderbilt acquired control of Hudson River
Railroad; November 12, 1867 - acquired control of
New York Central; December 11, 1867 - elected
president; 1869 - merged both, formed New York
Central and Hudson River Railroad; July 1, 1900 -
leased Boston and Albany Railroad; 1906 - acquired
The Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad (Big
Four); April 29, 1914 - eleven railroads
consolidated, formed the New York Central Railroad Company.
Erastus Corning -
New York Central
July 18, 1853
Atlantic & St. Lawrence
Railroad opened for traffic; taken over by Grand Trunk Railroad;
first North American
international railroad between Portland, ME and Montreal, QU;
1933 -
Canada established policy favoring its own ports; business for
St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad dropped dramatically; later
affiliated with Canadian National Railroad.
September 19, 1854
- Henry B. Myer, of Buffalo, NY, received a patent for a "Car
Seat and Couch" ("mode of converting the seats and backs of
railroad car-seats into such as are commonly used into beds or
lounges for the purpose of sleeping or resting"); sleeping rail
April 21, 1855
- First train crossed Mississippi River's first bridge, Rock
Island, IL to Davenport IA.
May 3, 1855 -
Antwerp-Rotterdam railway opened.
March 5, 1856
- Georgia became first state to regulate railroads.
January 13, 1857
- Thaddeus Fairbanks, of St. Johnsbury, VT, received a patent
for "Platform Scales" ("Improved Platform-Scale for Weighing
Railway-Cars Either Alone or in Train"); introduced by E. and T.
Fairbanks and Company.
- U.S. Congress authorized overland mail delivery service,
$600,000 yearly subsidy for any company which could reliably
transport mail twice a week from St. Louis to San Francisco in
less than 25 days; postmaster general awarded first government
contract, subsidy to Overland Mail Company (board of directors
included John Butterfield, William Fargo); spent $1 million
improving its 2,800-mile route, building way stations at 10-15
mile intervals;
September 15, 1858 - Overland Mail Company sent out
first two stages, inaugurated government mail service between
eastern, western regions of nation; May 10, 1869
- first transcontinental railroad completed, U.S. government
cancelled last overland mail contract.
1, 1859 - First Pullman sleeping car put into
February 11, 1859
- Kansas Gov. Samuel Medary approved charter (written by Cyrus
K. Holliday) for company to be incorporated under name of
Atchison and Topeka Railroad Company;
September 15-17, 1860 - organized in
Atchison, KS in office of Luther C. Challiss; Cyrus K. Holliday
elected first president; November
24, 1863 - name changed to Atchison, Topeka and
Santa Fe Rail Road Company;
October 30, 1868 - construction began; April 26,
1869 - first section of track opened;
December 23, 1893 - entered
receivership; September 21, 1995
- merged with Burlington Northern Railroad, formed Burlington
Northern and Santa Fe Railway.
June 12, 1860 - Nehemiah Hodge, of North
Adams, MA, received a patent for an "Atmospherical Railway Car
Brake" ("combination of certain mechanical devices,
contrivances, or fixtures placed upon a locomotive engine and
upon the car o cars attached...whereby I employ common
atmospherical pressure as the force to operate the brake
June 28, 1861
- The "big four" leaders of western railroad
construction--Collis P. Huntington, Leland Stanford, Mark
Hopkins, Charles Crocker--organized Central Pacific Railroad
Company of California (Leland Stanford president, Charles
Crocker president of\ construction company);
January 8, 1863 -
broke ground at Sacramento, CA (planned by Theodore Judah); cost
of construction estimated at $36 million; company received land
grants and Government bonds valued at $38.5 million; Stanford
admitted that $54 million in Central Pacific stock transferred
to the Contract and Finance Company in payment of construction
contracts represented virtually net profit;
1959 - merged into
Southern Pacific.
Big Four
(Central Pacific Railroad):
Charles Crocker
( http://webbie1.sfpl.org/multimedia/sfphotos/AAD-1339.jpg)

Mark Hopkins
Collis P. Huntington -
Southern Pacific
Leland Stanford
1862 - George
Pullman remodeled old coaches from Chicago and Alton Railroad
into sleeping cars; 1863 - finalized design for
'Pioneer' car; 1864 - finished designed for
Pullman sleeper (luxury sleeping cars with carpeting, draperies,
upholstered chairs, libraries, card tables, unparalleled level
of customer service; more than five times price of regular
railway car); April 5, 1864 - Ben Field, of
Albion, NY, and George M. Pullman, of Chicago, IL, received a
patent for a "Sleeping Car"; February 22, 1867 -
Pullman Palace Car Co. organized; 1893 - company
worth $62 million; 1894 - 'Pullman Strike';
January 1, 1900 - reorganized as The Pullman Co.;
June 21, 1927 - reorganized as Pullman, Inc.;
December 26, 1934 - Pullman Car & Manufacturing merged
with Standard Steel Car Co., formed Pullman-Standard Car
Manufacturing Company; 1944 - Department of
Justice forced Pullman Incorporated (United States v. Pullman
Co.) to divest itself of either Pullman Company (operating) or
Pullman-Standard Car Manufacturing Company (manufacturing);
1947 - sold to consortium of fifty-seven railroads
for around $40 million; December 31, 1968 -
operations of Pullman Company sleeper cars ceased, all leases
terminated; January 1, 1969 - Pullman Company
dissolved, all assets liquidated; late 1980 -
merged with Wheelabrator-Frye, Inc., became a subsidiary;
April 1981 - spun off large fleet of leased freight rail
cars as Pullman Leasing Company; mid 1981 - spun
off freight car manufacturing interests as Pullman
Transportation Company.
July 1, 1862
- President Abraham Lincoln signed Pacific Railroad Act of 1862;
threw support of United States Government behind
transcontinental railroad; authorized Union Pacific Railroad,
first corporation chartered by National Government since Second
United States Bank, to build westward from Missouri River to
California boundary or until it met the Central Pacific
(Congress fixed longitude, President named Omaha the
terminus.); empowered Central Pacific, which already had a
charter from California, to push farther east, connect with
Union Pacific; strengthened loyal element in California,
undoubtedly insured continued allegiance of Pacific Coast to
United States during Civil War; provided key to conquering
Indians, means of considerably improving coastal defenses on
Pacific coast; quicker, cheaper transportation for Government
supplies and mail; permitted vast, profitable trade to develop
between East and West; hastened end of continental frontier.
March 2,
1863 - Congress authorized a track width of 4-ft 8-1/2
in. as the standard for the Union Pacific Railroad; became the
accepted width for most of the world.
December 2, 1863
- Union Pacific Railroad broke ground at Omaha, NE; dominant in
UP management were: 1) Thomas C. Durant, vice president of
railroad, president of Crédit Mobilier of America
until 1867, construction company that built the road (bought by
Durant in 1864 as the Pennsylvania Fiscal Agency, a corporation
loosely chartered by the Pennsylvania Legislature to engage in
practically any kind of business); 2) Oakes Ames, Boston shovel
manufacturer and Congressman from Massachusetts, 3) Grenville M.
Dodge Chief Engineer; cost about $63.5 million to build, about
half represented Government s loan; invested capital never
exceeded $10 million; profit estimated at about 200 percent.
April 5, 1864
- Ben Field, of Albion, NY, and George M. Pullman, of Chicago,
IL, received a patent for a "Sleeping Car".
July 2, 1864
- President Abraham Lincoln signed Pacific Railroad Act of 1864;
solved Union Pacific's financial problem: 1) soaring price of
materials, 2) extremely scarce labor, 3) alternative investments
with more immediate returns potential; doubled resources made
available to UNP; doubled land grant; Government relinquished
its first lien on railroad by authorizing companies, as they
received Government subsidy bonds, to issue equal amounts of
their own 6-percent, 30-year bonds (constituted first mortgage
on road, U.S. bonds a second mortgage); abundant finances,
abundant labor, material made available by end of the Civil War
enabled companies to marshal forces for 10—year job, 1,085 miles
from Omaha to Promontory, UT (took less than 4 years); May
10, 1869 - Golden Spike driven in Promontory, UT.
July 2, 1864
- President Abraham Lincoln signed Act of Congress, created
American Rail
Line, first of northern transcontinental railway companies (eastern
terminus at Lake Superior, western terminus at Puget Sound);
- Northern Pacific opened from Ashland, WI to Portland, OR;
1896 - renamed Northern Pacific Railway Company.
1865 - Group of businessmen in San
Francisco, CA, led by Timothy Guy Phelps (first president),
founded Southern Pacific Railroad to build rail connection
between San Francisco and San Diego, CA; 1868 -
acquired by The Big Four (Leland Stanford president); 1870
- merged Central Pacific Railroad into its system; April
1, 1885 - took control of Central Pacific; 1890
- Collis P. Huntington president; 1984 - merged
with Santa Fe Railroad, formed Santa Fe Southern Pacific
Corporation; October 13, 1988 - acquired by Rio
Grande Industries.
August 8, 1865
Samuel R. Calthorp, of
Roxbury, MA, received patent for a "Railway Car" ("Improvement
in Construction of Railway Trains and Cars"); the streamlined
railroad train.
August 29, 1866
- Public demonstration given of first cog railway in world
(technology of toothed cog gears, rack rails and tilted boilers)
to show first half-mile of track at base of Mount Washington,
highest peak in Northeast U.S. Invented by Sylvester Marsh of
Littleton, NH, work began on railway in May 1866, finished in
July 1869 at cost of $139,500.
October 6, 1866
- John and Simeon Reno staged first train robbery in American
history, stole $13,000 from an Ohio and Mississippi railroad
train in Jackson County, IN.
August 10, 1867
- Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij (Netherlands East
Indies Railway Company) opened first railroad line in Java
(Netherlands East Indies) between Semarang and Tanggung
(Governor-General Mr. L. A. J. W. Baron Sloet van Beele had
broken ground for first railway line on June 17, 1864); sought
government help to complete rest of 166 km long main line to
Yogyakarta through Vorstenlanden;
May 16, 1878 - first line of Staatsspoor- en
Tramwegen in Nederlandsch-Indië (State Railway) opened between
Surabaya and Pasuruan; 1894
- continuous railway line in place between Jakarta, and Surabaya
(took three days, actual travel time of 32½ hours because trains
did not run at night, different lines had different gauges of
November 26, 1867
J. B. Sutherland, of Detroit, MI,
received patent for a "Refrigerator Car"; insulated railroad car
with ice bunkers in each end; air came in on top, passed through
bunkers, circulated through car by gravity, controlled by use of
hanging flaps that created differences in air temperature.
April 21, 1868
- Eli H. Janney, of Alexandria, VA, received a patent for
"Improved Car-Coupling" ('coupling and uncoupling are performed
without endangering the operator's life by going between the
April 29,
1873 -received a patent for railroad "Car-Couplings"
("hook and catch with a guard-arm"); the "Janney coupler".
June 16, 1868
William Davis, fish dealer in Detroit, MI, received a patent for
an "Improvement in Preserving Meats, etc." ("peculiar
construction of a railroad-car, box, chest or room in which to
preserve animal or vegetable substances from decay for a certain
reasonable time, to allow them to be transported from place to
place or kept in store in a sweet and fresh condition");
refrigerated railroad car.
1869 - Rand McNally published first railroad
guide, Western Railway Guide.
March 23, 1869 - W. Leigh Burton, of Richmond, VA,
received a patent for an "Improvement in Electric-Heating
Apparatus" ("useful improvements in evolving heat from
elecricity...for heating railway-carriages by means by heated
metallic plates, placed under the feet of passengers");
electrical resistance heater.
April 13, 1869
- George Westinghouse, Jr., of Schenectady, NY, received a
patent for a "Improvement in Steam-Power Brake Devices"
("construction of a power car-brake for railway-cars or other
like vehicles to be operated by compressed air or other elastic
compressible fluid"); used on an experimental train carrying
officials of the Panhandle Railroad; not entirely successful
(took longer for air to reach last cars of train, so each car
stopped at different time); March 5, 1872 - (of
Pittsburgh, PA) received 3 patents: for "Improvement in
Relief-Valves for Steam Air-Brake Cylinders"; for "Improvement
in Steam-Power for Air-Brakes and Signals"; for "Improvement in
Steam Air-Brakes" (steam-power air-brakes for railway use");
1887 - invented an automatic brake.
May 10,
1869 - Golden spike is driven at Promontory, UT,
completion of first transcontinental railroad in United States;
U-S transcontinental railways (north to south) became: 1. Great
Northern (later part of Burlington Northern). 2. Milwaukee Road
(last one completed, no longer there). 3. Northern Pacific
(later part of Burlington Northern). 4. original route (Union
Pacific, Central Pacific). 5. Southern Pacific (formed
from original Central Pacific).
Route Map for Transcontinental Railroad: CA, NV, UT, WY, NE
June 7, 1870 - Thomas S. Hall, of Stamford, CT, received patent
for an "Electromagnetic Signal Apparatus for Railroads"; first
automatic electric block railroad signal system in the U.S.;
electromagnetic device automatically set a signal when
locomotive struck a lever fastened to the rail; signal set to
danger until train cleared block.
July 24,
1870 - First trans-U. S. rail service began.
15, 1870 - Northern Pacific, having completed
first northern transcontinental rail route, went bankrupt.
May 23, 1871
Black American inventor Landrow
Bell, of Washington, DC, received a patent for a "Locomotive
Smoke Stack" ("to arrest the sparks and cinders which pass out
of the smoke-stack, to the great annoyance of passengers, and
great danger to combustible property contiguous to the line of
steam travel").
July 3, 1871 - Baldwin Locomotive Works in
Philadelphia, PA built first U.S.-made, narrow-gauge locomotive
- for mountain use; first used by the Denver and Rio Grande
Western Railway Company; more adaptable to rough terrain,
required less earthworks, permitted steeper grades, sharper
curves; used to haul passengers or freight; used in logging,
mining, industries, factories.
- Credit Mobilier scandal broke (illegal manipulation of
contracts, few men contracted with themselves or assignees for
the construction of the railroad), disclosed that Congressman
Oakes Ames (MA) had sold shares Credit Mobilier to fellow
congressmen at a price greatly below the true value of the
stock: actual construction costs of the Union Pacific from Omaha
to Promontory Point, Utah, where the last spike was driven in
1869, have been estimated as in excess of $44 million, while the
Credit Mobilier charged more than $94 million; shares were sold
at prices lower than the stock was worth to members of both the
legislative and executive branches of the government under
liberal terms allowing the purchaser to pay for his stock out of
the accumulating dividends, guaranteeing the purchaser against
loss, and offering to buy back the stock if it were no longer
wanted. dividends in one year amounted to more than $300 per
share, and the total sum distributed among politicians has been
estimated at $33 million; leaders of the Credit Mobilier were
accused of having betrayed the government and the people and of
having seriously jeopardized the repayment to the government of
the subsidies provided in the Pacific Railroad bills.
July 24, 1872 - New York, New Haven
and Hartford Railroad formed through consolidation of
New York and New Haven Railroad and Hartford and New
Haven Railroad; 1903 - New York investors,
led by J. P. Morgan, gained control; installed Charles
S. Mellen as President.
August 20, 1872
William Robinson, of Brooklyn, NY, received a patent for
an "Improvement in Electric Signaling Apparatus for
January 20, 1874 - Elijah H. McCoy, of
Ypsilanti, MI, received a patent for "Improvement in
February 10, 1874 - Charles H. Brown, of Salem,
MA, and Lewis H. Lattimer, of Somerville, MA, received a patent
for "Water-Closets for Railroad-Cars" ("Improvements in
Water-Closets for Railway Passenger-Cars").
- Investors who purchased Pacific Railroad created
Missouri Pacific Railway; 1879 - Jay Gould
acquired controlling interest; 1881 -
Missouri Pacific gained control of St. Louis, Iron
Mountain & Southern.
June 4, 1876
- Transcontinental Express train arrived in San
Francisco 83 hours after leaving New York City (vs. four
February 12, 1877
- U.S. railroad builders strike against wage reduction.
July 14, 1877
- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad workers (suffered through
two pay cuts since the start of the Panic of 1873)
walked off the job to agitate for higher pay and fairer
work conditions; July 20, 1877 -
Maryland militia, called in to break the strike, opened
fire on a crowd of strikers, killing nine of the
workers. Along with sparking four days of riots in
Baltimore, the deaths of the rail strikers unleashed a
torrent of labor activity: workers at other rail lines,
as well as in other industries, called massive sympathy
strikes, some of which were also marred by violence
between strikers and State troopers. In the end, this
summer of strikes had mixed results: while the wave of
walkouts helped refuel the once-flagging labor movement,
some workers--most notably the strikers at the Baltimore
and Ohio company--were cowed into signing agreements
that did little, if anything, to help their plight.
July 21, 1877
- Workers in rail-heavy Pittsburgh hit picket line to
stage sympathy strike with Baltimore and Ohio railroad
strike (nine strikers dead and touching off a round of
riots that engulfed Baltimore); rail workers ultimately
signed an agreement that did little to ameliorate their
July 23, 1877
- Cincinnati Southern, first U.S. municipal railroad,
began operations; ran from Cincinnati through central
and eastern Kentucky to Chattanooga, TN; to the Norfolk
Southern Railroad.
May 31, 1879 - First electric railway opened at
the Berlin Trades Exposition.
June 14, 1881
- Ephraim Shay, of Haring, MI, received a patent for a
"Locomotive-Engine" ("to work on tramways and light
rails with reduced wear on the track"); geared, small
steam locomotive to haul heavy logging trains at low
speeds over rough terrain with poorly-laid, uneven
track, sharp curves, grades up to 14 percent.
February 5, 1883
- Southern Pacific Railroad (the "Espee") completed its
transcontinental "Sunset Route" from New Orleans to
California by gaining full control of a number of
smaller railroads; consolidated its dominance over rail
traffic to the Pacific;
1869 - Big Four's (Crocker, Hopkins,
Huntington, Stanford) western-based Central Pacific had
linked up with the eastern-based Union Pacific in Utah,
creating the first transcontinental American railway;
1870 - "Big Four" conceived plan to increase
their control over West Coast shipping); 1877
- Southern Pacific controlled 85 percent of California's
railroad mileage; 1881 - Huntington linked
the Southern Pacific to the Santa Fe Railroad at Deming,
New Mexico, created the second American transcontinental
railway; termed "the Octopus" for its tentacled
stranglehold on much of the California economy, Southern
Pacific inspired Californians to create some of the
first strong public regulations over railroads in
American history; mighty Southern Pacific Railroad
played an essential role in fostering the growth of a
vibrant California economy for decades to come.
June 2,
1883 - Electric Railway Company (incorporated to
develop the patents and inventions of Thomas Edison and Stephen
D. Field) demonstrated first electric elevated railroad in the
U.S.; built around outer edge of the main exhibition building of
the Chicago Railway Exposition;
June 9, 1883 - The "El" began operation;
July 1883 - made
1,588 trips, carried 28,805 passengers, ran overall 446 miles
before exhibition closed on June 23, 1883.
September 8, 1883
- Northern Pacific Railroad drove last spike at Independence
Creek, MT.
October 4, 1883
- Orient-Express train service inaugurated (from Paris to
Giurgi, on Danube in Romania, via Strasbourg, Vienna, Budapest
and Bucharest); 1921
- ran extended Simplon-Orient-Express route to Istanbul; May
1977 - final run consisted of one shabby
sleeping compartment, three day cars; two of train's carriages
acquired at Sotheby's auction in Monte Carlo by James B.
Sherwood; spent $16 million, purchased, restored some 35 vintage
sleepers, Pullmans, restaurant cars; May
25, 1982 - legend reborn, Venice
Simplon-Orient-Express made maiden run from London to Venice.
November 18, 1883
- The American Railway Association instituted standard time in
the U.S. at noon; adopted from system first proposed by Charles
F. Dowd, a school principal in New York state; North America was
divided into four time zones, fifteen degrees of longitude, one
hour of "standard time" apart; Sir Stanford Fleming proposed
extension of the Dowd system to the whole world with 24 time
zones; 1918
- Congress officially adopted the railroad time zones and put
them under the supervision of the Interstate Commerce
February 12,
1884 - Thomas Edison received a patent for
"Insulation of Railroad-Tracks Used for Electrical Circuits"
("better insulation of lines of rails when the rails of each
line of rails are electrically united and form conductors for
conveying an electric current for utilization along the line of
June 3, 1884
- Granville T. Woods, of Cincinnati, OH, received a patent for a
"Steam-Boiler Furnace"; appliance for electric railways.
November 7, 1885
- Canada's transcontinental railway completed at remote
spot called Craigellachie in mountains of British
Columbia; Canadian Pacific laid 4,600 kilometers of
single track, railway completed six years ahead of
schedule; first train from Montreal to Vancouver
averaged 24mph.
March 6, 1886
- Some 9,000 members of Knights of Labor struck to
protest practices of Southwestern Railroad system; took
on Wall Street financier Jay Gould; effectively halted
service on 5,000 miles of track; saddled Southwestern
rail with losses totaling $3 million; impeded
trans-coastal trade network; forfeited $900,000 in
wages, eventually began to suffer from hunger; May
1886 - strikers returned to work.
January 10, 1888
- Black American inventor, Albert B. Blackburn, of Springfield,
OH, received a patent for a "Railway-Signal" ("operated by the
wheel or wheels of the train".
May 1, 1888
- Trial of first electric freight locomotive in U.S. took place
on Ansonia, Derby and Birmingham Electric Line, Connecticut;
17.5 ton engine could pull train of about 35 tons, at less than
10 mph; built by Pullman Car Co. of Pullman, IL.
June 19, 1888 -
Thomas A. Edison and Ezra T. Gilliland received a patent for
"Railway Signaling"; related to signaling systems for
communicating between stations and moving trains by induction
from the telegraph wires to the roofs of the cars.
July 17, 1888 -
Granville T. Woods, of Cincinnati, OH, received a patent for
"Tunnel Construction for Electric Railways" ("Improvements in
Tunnel Constructions for Electro-Motive Railways").
September 11, 1888
- King David Kalakaua granted charter for a railroad to Benjamin
Dillingham, a self-made businessman;
November 16, 1889 - Oahu Railway and
Land Company, 18.5 mile railroad, began operating in Hawaii;
1947 - dissolved.
April 23, 1889
- Arnold Romain, of New Orleans, LA, received a patent for a
"Passenger-Register" ("Improvements in a
Fare-Register...registering devices...to render such
registration entirely automatic".
May 31, 1891
- Work on trans-Siberian railway began.
February 16, 1892
- Thomas A. Edison received a patent for a "Converter System for
Electric Railways".
May 24,
1892 - Thomas A. Edison was issued three patents
for an "Electric Locomotive" and a fourth patent relating to an
"Electric Railway.
February 20, 1893
- Philadelphia and Reading Railroad (key transporter for
Pennsylvania's anthracite mine industry) fell into
receivership (ran up debts totaling $125 million);
helped plunge America into the Panic of 1893; railroad
survived in various forms before fiscal difficulties
finally drove it out of business in the early 1970s.
March 2, 1893
- First federal railroad legislation passed; required
safety features.
June 20, 1893 - Black American inventor
Thomas W. Stewart and William E. Johnson, of Detroit,
MI, received a patent for a "Station- Indicator" ("to
indicate the different stations or streets which the car
is approaching").
October 13, 1893
- Union Pacific, one of the nation's largest railroads,
announced that it was in receivership; 1897
- sold to group of investors, including Edward H.
Harriman, then-president of Illinois Central, for $110
May 1, 1894
- William B. Purvis, of Philadelphia, PA, received a
patent for an "Electric Railway" ("for automatically
lifting portions of an electric conductor...so that the
current can be transmitted to a motor on a car or
May 11, 1894
Workers at the Pullman Palace Car Co. in Illinois went
on strike with the help/support of labor leader Eugene
Debs and his American Railway Union (ARU); June
1894 - sympathetic railway workers boycotted
trains carrying Pullman cars nationwide;
convinced government that strikes and boycotts
were inhibiting delivery of America's mail (though his
trains didn't carry any); July -
government banned the boycotts, swiftly shipped 2000
troops to Chicago; July 20 , 1894 -
militia left Chicago, 34 men dead, AFL chief Samuel
Gompers refused to lend any substantial support, workers
forced to capitulate to management; many strikers barred
from working in rail industry.
August 4, 1894 -
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad began use of electric engines (vs.
steam) in regular service for freight trains; traveled on 3.6
mile route through Baltimore tunnel.
March 26, 1895
- Henry L. Simmons, of Wickes, MT, received a patent for
a "Railroad-Train" ("whereby one train may pass over
another train which it meets or overtakes upon the same
track"); railroad car for passing.
May 1, 1895
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad began regular use of
electric engines (vs. steam) for passenger trains.
8, 1895 - Delagoa Bay Railway opened in
January 12,
1897 - Daniel L. White, of Cincinnati, OH,
received a patent for an "Extension-Step for Cars" ("means for
increasing the number of steps in a flight when required, to
provide an extensible flight which will be safe in either of its
positions, and to provide an automatically folding flight").
August 17, 1897
- William B. B Purvis, of Philadelphia, PA, received a patent
for an "Electrical Railway System"; electric railway switch.
November 23, 1897 -
Andrew Jackson Beard, of Eastlake, AL, received a patent
for a "Car-Coupling" ("improvements in that class of
car-couplings in which horizontal jaws engage each other
to connect the cars"); "Jenny coupler" hooked railroad
cars together by allowing them to bump into each other;
received $50,000 for the patent rights.
March 14, 1899 - James H. Robinson, of
Minneapolis, MN, received a patent for a "Life-Saving Guard for
Locomotives" )"for gathering up obstacles on the track to
prevent their being crushed by the wheels of the train...to
enable the engineer to gather up persons who may be walking or
lying on the track without injury to them other than the shock
resulting from being caught up suddenly by a rapidly-moving
April 23, 1899
- Arnold Romain, of New Orleans, LA, received a patent for a
"Passenger-Register" ("improvements in registering devices, and
its object is to render such registration entirely automatic").
April 30, 1900
- A legend born as engineer John Luther ''Casey'' Jones of
Illinois Central Railroad died in train wreck near Vaughan, MS,
after staying at controls in effort to save passengers.
January 29, 1901 -
Black inventor, Granville T. Woods, of New York, NY, received a
patent for an "Electric Railway"; applied to electric trains
which take their power from conductors in road-bed; assigned to
General Electric Co.
March 10, 1902
- Attorney General Philander Knox filed anti-trust suit
against J. P. Morgan's Northern Securities Company, New
Jersey-based holding concern for Morgan's sizable
western railroad business, for violation of
Sherman Anti-Trust Act; 1904 - Supreme
Court ruled against Northern Securities, handed Theodore
Roosevelt, Knox high-profile victory in war on trusts;
solidified Roosevelt's reputation as "trustbuster",
asserted federal government's right to regulate
corporate America.
June 10, 1902
- Granville T. Woods, of New York, NY, received a patent
for an "Automatic Air-Brake" ("to compel a positive
action of each brake when the same is expected to 'go
on', to stop the car, or to 'come off', and thereby
release the car"); assigned to Westinghouse Air Brake
January 13, 1903
- Black American inventor, Granville T. Woods, received
a U.S. patent for an "Electric Railway System" of the
type that "current for the car-motor is taken from
working contacts or conductors along the road bed" to
"insure safety from shock at the working conductor or
contacts, reduce leakage to a minimum, economize current
in the operation of the system, and at the same time
provide a system which can be easily constructed and
perfectly controlled."
May 26, 1903
- Granville T. Woods and Lyates Woods, of New York, NY,
received a patent for an "Electric Railway"
("improvements in electric railways provided with
normally dead sectional conductors"; assigned to general
Electric Company.
July 5, 1904
- Fletcher T. Troutman & Albert Gonzales, of Los
Angeles, CA, received a patent for a "Railroad-Switch"
("to enable a switch to be thrown by an operator upon a
moving car, and thereby save time of stopping the car
and going ahead of the same to turn the switch, so that
the car will move onto the side or switch track").
July 21, 1904
- Trans-Siberian railway completed after 13 years of
work (4,607-miles), linked European Russia with the
Pacific coast, opened Siberia to large-scale
colonization; reduced gap between the industrial
development of Russia and Europe; expanded the Russian
industrial proletariat, which was concentrated in a few
large cities; 1891 - construction began on
the initiative of Count Sergei Yulyevich Witte,
completed in 1905; longest railroad in the world.
January 1, 1905
- The Trans-Siberian Railway made maiden voyage, united
Vladivostok, Manchuria with Paris, France.
April 2, 1905
- Cairo-Capetown railway opened.
- Southern Pacific and the Union Pacific
organized the Pacific Fruit Express, world's largest
refrigerator car operator.
June 29, 1906
- Congress passed Hepburn Act; effectively created
first of the government's regulatory commissions;
enlarged Interstate Commerce Commission's
jurisdiction, forbade railroads to increase rates
without its approval, gave ICC the authority to set
maximum rates.
December 23, 1907-
Pennsylvania Railroad Co. completed first U.S. all-steel
passenger railroad coach; previous design had steel
underframe and superstructure, composite roof, wooden
window frames and sills.
February 25, 1908
- Hudson and Manhattan Railroad trains began operations;
invited dignitaries gathered at station on New York side
of Hudson; telegraph operator sent message to White
House, Theodore Roosevelt pushed button that turned on
station's power, illuminated waiting trains; 1954
- Hudson and Manhattan Railroad filed for bankruptcy;
1962 - Port Authority Trans-Hudson
Corporation (PATH) purchased tubes.
January 22, 1912
- Florida East Coast Railroad opened, ran between Key West and
mainland; 1935 -
railroad closed, paved road opened.
April 22, 1913 -
Thomas Wright, of Jersey City, NJ, received patent for a "Side
Delivery Dump Body" ("body elevating mechanism") to load ice
into refrigerator railway cars; truck with an extension top that
could be adjusted to any position, ice could be loaded by one
man, without help, even in upper section of the railcar.
March 19, 1917 - The Supreme Court upheld
eight-hour work day for railroads.
December 26, 1917 - To support the war effort
President Woodrow Wilson announced nationalization of
large majority of country’s railroads under
Federal Possession and Control Act; December 28
- United States Railroad Administration (USRA)
seized control; railroads divided into three
divisions—East, West and South; passenger services
streamlined, inessential travel eliminated, over 100,000
new railroad cars, 1,930 steam engines ordered (designed
to latest standards) at total cost of $380 million;
March 1918 - Railroad Control Act passed into
law; stated that within 21 months of peace treaty,
railroads would be returned by government to their
owners who would be compensated for use of their
property; March 1920 - USRA disbanded,
railroads became private property again.
June 6, 1919
- Canadian National Railways incorporated; longest
railway system in North America, controls more than 30
000 miles of track in Canada, US.
- Railway Act in Britain amalgamated companies – only
four remained.
October 16, 1922
- The Simplon II railway tunnel, under Alps, linked
Switzerland and Italy, completed.
May 8, 1926
- A. Philip Randolph organized Brotherhood of Sleeping
Car Porters.
May 20, 1926
- Railway Labor Act became law.
November 15, 1928
- SRS 102, first commercial service of non-destructive
rail detector car to detect transverse fissures in
railroad rails, began service on Wabash Railway in
Montpelier, OH; tested 155 miles of track in 14 days,
found average of 14 defects a day.
May 24, 1931
Railroad installed first
air-conditioned train.
February 10,
1935 - Pennsylvania Rail Road began passenger
service on new electric locomotive.
February 7, 1940 -
British railroads nationalized.
January 19, 1944 - Federal government
relinquished control of nation's railroads after
settling month-long wage dispute; December 27,
1943 - President Franklin Roosevelt had ordered
government to take control of railroads to avoid
paralysis of nation's rail lines.
May 17, 1946 - President Harry S. Truman seized
control of nation's railroads, delayed threatened strike
by engineers, trainmen.
January 1, 1948 - British Railways
November 15, 1948 - First gas-turbine electric
locomotive in U.S., 4800 hp Alco-GE, track-tested in
Erie, PA; hauled 85 loaded freight cars at speeds as
high as 65 mph.
June 16, 1949 - First gas turbine-electric
locomotive in U.S. publicly demonstrated in, Erie, PA;
gas-turbine engine originally designed for aircraft,
gave forward thrust from reaction of its exhaust stream;
in the locomotive, power from turbine used to
drive generator supplied electric power to eight
traction motors driving locomotive wheels.
August 25, 1950 - President Harry S. Truman
ordered Army to seize control of nation's railroads to
avert strike.
June 8, 1953 - Union Pacific Railroad
placed first U.S. propane fuelled gas-turbine locomotive
in service; delivered more than 4,800 h.p. (more than
three diesel units), had advantage of clean burning,
kept turbine blades free from carbon deposits with less
wear; January 1954 - test considered success,
locomotive converted to burn residual fuel oil.
March 1959
- Europe's railroads offered Eurail Pass to encourage
non-Europeans to use rails, not newly competitive airline, motor
vehicle alternatives; allowed for travel through 13 countries
during two-month period; 2001
- 30 European railway organisations established Eurail Group as
organisation dedicated to marketing, management of Eurail Pass
(previously jointly managed by large number of train, shipping
September 1, 1960
- Disgruntled rail workers effectively halted operations
at Pennsylvania Railroad for two days; first shutdown in
company's 114-year history.
May 28, 1961
- The Orient Express, from Paris to Bucharest, made last
journey after operating for 78 years; 1982
- route revived.
October 1, 1964
- Japanese Shinkansen (or, "bullet trains") began
high-speed rail service from Tokyo to Osaka.
April 27, 1966
- Pennsylvania and New York Central Railroads
merged, formed Pennsylvania and New York Central
Transportation Company (Penn Central), single biggest
merger in U.S. corporate history, $4 billion in assets,
one of the ten biggest non-fiscal companies in America;
1970 - mismanagement and financial
difficulties pushed Penn Central to file for bankruptcy.
December 3, 1967
- The 20th Century Limited, famed luxury train,
completed final run from New York City to Chicago.
February 1, 1968
- Merger of Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York
Central Railroad completed; June 21, 1970
- Penn Central filed for bankruptcy; April 1, 1976
- Conrail begins operations; March 25, 1994
- Penn Central Corporation (non-railroad businesses,
such as real estate and insurance) changed its name to
American Premier Underwriters (APU); 1995
- purchased by American Financial Group (AFG).
June 21, 1970 -
Penn Central Transportation Company, operated country's largest
railroad system, told a Federal judge it could not pay its
bills, was granted its petition for reorganization
under Chapter 77 bankruptcy laws; largest
corporate bankruptcy to that time;
January 2, 1974 - President Nixon signed
into law the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 to
establish special procedures for restructuring rail system in
Northeast and Midwest regions; defined new Consolidated Rail
Corporation (incorporated October 25, 1974), formed United
States Railway Association (incorporated February 1, 1974);
February 19, 1975
- House voted, 270 to 137 to bail out Penn Central, other
bankrupt railroads, with $347million in Government-guaranteed
loans; July 26, 1975
- USRA issued Final System Plan for restructuring of
Northeastern railroads; February
5, 1976 - Gerald Ford signed Railroad
Revitalization & Regulatory Reform Act (Penn Central,
incorporated four other bankrupt railroads; formed Consolidated
Rail Corporation (Conrail); April
1, 1976 - Conrail began operations (Edward G.
Jordan, former president of United States Railway Association,
as first CEO); 1981
- Conrail reported first profitable year, no longer required
federal subsidies (interests in energy equipment and services,
real estate and recreation, electronics and telecommunications);
October 21, 1986 -
President Reagan signed Conrail Privatization Act of 1986;
March 26, 1987 -
government's sold its 85 percent share of corporation to private
investors for $1.65 billion (largest stock offering in Wall
Street history); completed one of more successful federal
bailouts; 1997 -
Conrail acquired by CSX Corporation and Norfolk Southern
Corporation for more than $10 billion.
May 1, 1971 - Amtrak, combined and streamlined
operations of 18 intercity passenger railroads, began
14, 1980
- President Jimmy Carter signed Staggers Rail Act of
1980 into law (named for Congressman Harley Staggers
(D-WV), chaired House Interstate and Foreign Commerce
to be first (but not last) case in which sponsor's name
officially incorporated into text of Federal statute);
deregulated railroad industry to significant extent,
replaced regulatory structure that existed since 1887
Interstate Commerce Act; railroads permitted to
determine where they ran trains, how much to charge;
followed Airline Deregulation Act of 1978.
February 26,
- French Train, Grande Vitesse, averaged 380 kph on
trial run; September
22, 1981
- took inaugural run from Paris to Lyons.
July 3, 1996
- Surface Transportation Board cast unanimous vote
in favor of proposed $3.9 billion merger of Union
Pacific Railroad's bid to acquire Southern Pacific;
Departments of Justice, Transportation and Agriculture
had recommended that both companies sell some rail lines
to prevent negative impact on industry.
October, 2005
- Jitong Railway, 567-mile line in province of Inner
Mongolia, closed - last mainline coal-fired,
steam-powered railroad in world (replaced by diesel).
May 10, 2008
- Amtrak (National Railroad Passenger Corporation) held
first National Train Day, 139 years after golden spike
connected east and west in Promontory Summit, Utah when
"golden spike" was driven into final tie that joined
1,776 miles of the Central Pacific and Union Pacific
railways, ceremonially creating nation’s first
transcontinental railroad and transforming America;
coast-to-coast celebration of way trains connect people
and places; simultaneous National Train Day festivities
in New York’s Penn Station, Union stations in Washington
DC, Chicago and Los Angeles.
(Alleghany Corp.), Ian S. Haberman (1979).
The Van Sweringins of Cleveland: The Biography of an Empire.
(Cleveland, OH: Western Reserve Historical Society, p.). Van
Sweringen, Mantis James, 1881-1935; Van Sweringen, Oris Paxton,
1879-1936; Erie Railroad Company--History;
Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Alleghany Corp.) , Herbert H. Harwood, Jr.
Invisible Giants: The Empires of Cleveland's Van Sweringen
Brothers. (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press,
342 p.). Van Sweringen, Oris Paxton, 1879-1936; Van Sweringen,
Mantis James, 1881-1935; Businessmen--Ohio--Biography; Real
estate development--Ohio--Cleveland--History;
Railroads--Ohio--History; Cleveland (Ohio)--History.
(American Locomotive Company), O.M. Kerr (2001).
Illustrated Treasury of the American Locomotive Company,
1837 to 1969: Includes Continued Bombardier Production
in Montreal Canada until 1979. (St. David’s,
ON: DPA-LTA Enterprises, 224 p?). American Locomotive
Company; Locomotives --United States --Pictorial works;
Locomotives --Canada --Pictorial works.
(Amtrak), Joseph Vranich (1997).
Derailed: What Went Wrong and What To Do about America's
Passenger Trains. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 258
p.). Former President of the High Speed Rail Association. Former
Executive Director of the National Association of Railroad
Passengers. Amtrak; Railroads--United States; Railroads and
state--United States.
--- (2004).
End of the Line: The Failure of Amtrak Reform and the Future of
America's Passenger Trains. (Washington, DC: AEI Press,
264 p.). Amtrak; Railroads--United States--Passenger traffic;
Railroads--Government policy--United States.
(Amtrak), Craig Sanders (2006).
Amtrak in the Heartland. (Bloomington, IN: Indiana
University Press, 232 p.). Teaches Journalism and Mass Media
Communications (Cleveland State University). Amtrak--History;
Railroads--United States--Passenger traffic--History.
that led to passage of Rail Passenger Service Act of
1970, formation and implementation of Amtrak in 1970–71, major
factors that have influenced Amtrak operations since its
(Antofagasta and Bolivia), Harold Blakemore
From the Pacific to La Paz: The Antofagasta (Chili) and Bolivia
Railway Company, 1888-1988. (London, UK: Antofagasta
Holdings: Lester Crook Academic, 34 p.). Antofagasta (Chili) and
Bolivia Railway Company--History; Railroads--Chile--History;
(Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe), Glenn
Danford Bradley (1920).
The Story of the Santa Fe. (Boston, MA: R.G. Badger, 435
p., rev. ed.). Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad Company.
Cyrus K. Holliday
- Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail Road Company
(Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe), James Leslie
Marshall (1945).
Santa Fe, the Railroad That Built an Empire. (New York,
NY: Random House, 465 p.). Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe
Railroad Company.
(Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe), L. L. Waters
Steel Trails to Santa Fe. (Lawrence, KS: University of
Kansas Press, 500 p.). Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad
(Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe), Joseph A.
Noble (1964). From Cab to Caboose. (Norman, OK:
University of Oklahoma Press, 205 p.). Atchison, Topeka, and
Santa Fe Railroad Company; Railroad engineering.
(Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe), E. D. Worley
(1965). Iron Horses of the Santa Fe Trail: A Definitive
History, in Fact and Photograph, of the Motive Power of One of
America's Great Railroads. (Dallas, TX: Southwest Railroad
Historical Society, 479 p.). Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe
Railroad Company; Locomotives--History.
(Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe), Keith L.
Bryant, Jr. (1974).
History of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway.
(New York, NY: Macmillan, 398 p.). Atchison, Topeka, and Santa
Fe Railroad Company.
(Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe), Victoria E.
Dye (2005).
All Aboard for Santa Fe: Railway Promotion of the Southwest,
1890s to 1930s. (Albuquerque, NM: University of New
Mexico Press, 163 p.). Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad
Company--History; Railroad travel--New Mexico--Santa
Fe--Marketing--History; City promotion--New Mexico--Santa
Fe--History; Tourism--New Mexico--Santa Fe--History; Santa Fe
(N.M.)--History. Comprehensive study of
AT&SF's early involvement in
establishment of western tourism.
(Atlantic & Great Western Railroad), William
Reynolds; edited by Peter K. Gifford and Robert D. Ilisevich
European Capital, British Iron, and an American Dream: The Story
of the Atlantic & Great Western Railroad. (Akron, OH:
University of Akron Press, 288 p.). Reynolds, William,
1820-1911; Atlantic and Great Western Railway
Company--History--Sources; Railroads--United
(B.C. Electric Railway), Henry Ewert (1986).
The Story of the B.C. Electric Railway Company. (North
Vancouver, BC: Whitecap Books, 336 p.). British Columbia
Electric Railway Company -- History; Street-railroads -- British
Columbia -- Vancouver -- History; Street-railroads -- British
Columbia -- New Westminster -- History; Street-railroads --
British Columbia -- Nanaimo -- History; Street-railroads --
British Columbia -- Victoria -- History.
(Baldwin Locomotive Works), Samuel M.
Vauclain, with Earl Chapin May (1973).
Steaming up! The Autobiography of Samuel M. Vauclain, with Earl
Chapin May. (San Marino, CA: Golden West Books, 320 p.
[orig. pub. 1930]). Vauclain, Samuel Matthews, 1856-1940;
Mechanical engineers--United States--Biography.
Baldwin - Baldwin Locomotive
(Baldwin Locomotive Works), Eric Hirsimaki
Lima: The History. (Edmonds, WA: Hundman Pub., 351 p.).
Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corporation; Locomotives--United
(Baldwin Locomotive Works), John K. Brown
The Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1831-1915: A Study in American
Industrial Practice. (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 328 p.). Teaches history of engineering in the
School of Engineering and Applied Science (University of
Virginia). Baldwin Locomotive Works -- History.
Largest maker of heavy machinery
in Gilded Age America , important global exporter.
(Baldwin Locomotive), The Company (2007).
A History of the Baldwin Locomotive Works 1831-1920.
(Philadelphia, PA: Baldwin Locomotive Works, 172 p. [orig. pub.
1920]). Baldwin Locomotive Works--History. Origins, growth of one of
America’s greatest industrial-era corporations.
(Baltimore &
Ohio), Paul Winchester (1927).
The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad; Sketches from the History of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. (Including much
heretofore unpublished matter regarding the work and life of the
late John Work Garrett, as well as other facts concerning that
great enterprise, and a detailed account of the tragic contest
between John K. Cowen ... and Arthur Pue Gorman ... Vol. I.).
(Baltimore, MD: The Maryland County Press Syndicate, 337
p.). Garrett, John W. (John Work), 1820-1884; Cowen, John Kissig,
1844-1904; Gorman, Arthur Pue, 1839-1906; Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company.
(Baltimore & Ohio), Edward Hungerford (1972).
Daniel Willard Rides the Line; the Story of a Great Railroad Man.
(Freeport, NY: Books for Libraries Press, 301 p. [Reprint of
1938 ed.]). Willard, Daniel, 1861-1942; Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad Company.
--- (1972).
The Story of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 1827-1927.
(New York, NY: Arno Press, 365 p. [Reprint of 1928 ed.]).
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company.
(Baltimore & Ohio), Herbert H. Harwood, Jr.
Impossible Challenge: The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in
Maryland. (Baltimore, MD: Barnard, Roberts, 497 p.).
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company.
(Baltimore &
Ohio), John Krause and Ed Crist (1986).
Baltimore & Ohio Heritage, 1945-1955. (Newton,
NJ: Carstens Publications, 48 p.). Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company; Locomotives --United States.
(Baltimore & Ohio), John F. Stover (1987).
History of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. (West
Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 419 p.). Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad Company--History.
(Baltimore & Ohio), David M. Vrooman (1991).
Daniel Willard and Progressive Management on the Baltimore &
Ohio Railroad. (Columbus, OH: Ohio State
University Press, 218 p.). Willard, Daniel, 1861-1942; Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad Company--Management--History;
Railroads--United States--Management--History; Corporate
culture--United States--History; Organizational
(Baltimore & Ohio), James D. Dilts (1993).
The Great Road: The Building of the Baltimore and Ohio, the
Nation's First Railroad, 1828-1853. (Stanford, CA:
Stanford University Press, 472 p.). Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company -- History.
(Baltimore & Ohio), H. Roger Grant (2008).
Visionary Railroader: Jervis Langdon Jr. and the Transportation
Revolution. (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press,
280 p.). Kathryn and Calhoun Lemon Professor of History (Clemson
University). Langdon, Jervis; Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company --Biography; Railroads --United States --History --20th
century --Biography; Railroads --United States --History --20th
century; Executives --United States --Biography.
Life of
president of Baltimore & Ohio Railroad; put progressive concepts
into practice; 1964 - took charge of Rock Island; 1970 - left
after spearheaded major improvements;
became lead trustee for bankrupt Penn Central; 1973 - assumed
presidency; role in passing Regional Rail Reorganization Act of
1973, work on creating quasi-public Conrail.
(Bay of Quinte Railway), Donald M. Wilson
(1983). Lost Horizons: The Story of the Rathbun Company and
the Bay of Quinte Railway, Its Inception, Its Rise to
Prominence, a Period of Growth and Stability and the Decline.
(Belleville, ON: Mika, 200 p.). Rathbun Company -- History; Bay
of Quinte Railway Company -- History; Railroads -- Ontario --
History; Deseronto (Ont.) -- History.
(Bellefonte Central Railroad), Michael Bezilla
and Jack Rudnick (2007).
Rails to Penn State: The Story of the Bellefonte Central.
(Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 310 p.). Bellefonte Central
Railroad--History; Railroads, Local and
light--Pennsylvania--History. Operated in central Pennsylvania
from 1880s until 1982; classic story of rise, decline of short
line railroads nationwide; connected with Pennsylvania Railroad;
played important role in developing region's limestone,
hot-blast iron-making industries.
(Boston & Albany), Stephen Salsbury (1967).
The State, the Investor, and the Railroad; the Boston & Albany,
1825-1867. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 404
p.). Boston and Albany Railroad Co.; Boston and Worcester
Railroad Corporation; Western Rail-Road Corporation.
(Brill Company), Debra Brill (2001).
History of the J. G. Brill Company. (Bloomington, IN:
Indiana University Press, 272 p.). J.G. Brill Company;
Railroads--United States--Cars--Design and construction. Series:
Railroads past and present.
(British Railways), Stewart Joy (1973).
The Train That Ran Away: A Business History of British
Railways, 1948-1968. (London, UK: Allan, 160 p.).
British Railways; Railroads and state--Great Britain.
(British Railways), Terence R. Gourvish
British Railways, 1948-73: A Business History. (New
York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 781 p.). British
twenty-five years of nationalized railways in Britain.
--- (2002).
British Rail, 1974-97: From Integration to Privatisation.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 705 p.). British Rail
(Firm)--History--20th century; Railroads and state--Great
Britain--History--20th century; Privatization--Great
Britain--History--20th century. Last fifteen years of
nationalized railways in Britain.
(British Railways), Charles Loft (2006).
Government, the Railways, and the Modernization of Britain:
Beeching’s Last Trains. (New York, NY: Routledge, 214
p.). Beeching, Richard, Baron Beeching, 1913- ; British Railways
Board. Reshaping of British railways; Railroads--Great
Britain--History--20th century; Railroads--Government
policy--20th century; Transportation and state--Great
Britain--History--20th century; Great Britain--Economic
policy--20th century. Complexities of transport (government railway) policy and
political pitfalls of implementing massive changes.
(Burlington Lines), Richard C. Overton (1941).
Burlington West; A Colonization History of the Burlington
Railroad. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 583
p.). Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company; Burlington
and Missouri River Railroad Company; Railroad land
grants--United States; West (U.S.).
Charles Perkins
- Burlington Lines (http://www.springsgov.com/Images/ImageManager/Perkins.jpg)
(Burlington Lines), Richard C. Overton (1965).
Burlington Route; A History of the Burlington Lines.
(New York, NY: Knopf, 623 p.). Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
Railroad Company.
(Burlington Lines), Richard C. Overton (1982).
Perkins/Budd, Railway Statesmen of the Burlington.
(Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 271 p.). Chicago, Burlington &
Quincy Railroad; Railroads -- United States.
(California Western Railroad), Spencer Crump
The California Western "Skunk" Railroad. (Corona del
Mar, CA: Zeta Publishers Co., 111 p.). California Western
Railroad--History; Railroads--California--History.
(California Western Railroad), Mark McLaughlin
Western Train Adventures: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly.
(Lake Tahoe, CA: Mic Mac Publishing, 208 p.). California Western
Railroad--History; Railroads--California--History.
Collection of true,
railroad-themed adventure stories, from train robberies, wrecks,
wild days at Lake Tahoe and the Comstock.
(Callander and Oban Railway Company), John
Thomas (1990).
The Callander & Oban Railway. (Newton Abbot, Devon, UK:
David St. John Thomas, 208 p. [exp. ed.]). Callander and Oban
Railway Company--History; Railroads--Scotland--History.
(Canadian National Railways), G. R. Stevens
(1973). History of the Canadian National Railways. (New
York, NY: Macmillan, 538 p.). Canadian National
Railways--History; Railroads--Canada--History.
(Canadian National Railways), Joseph Schull
The Great Scot: A Biography of Donald Gordon. (Montreal,
QU: McGill-Queen's University Press, 291 p.). Gordon, Donald,
1901-1969; Capitalists and financiers--Canada--Biography.
(Canadian National Railways), Donald MacKay
The People's Railway: A History of Canadian National.
(Vancouver, BC: Douglas & McIntyre, 328 p.). Canadian National
Railways--History; Railroads--Canada--History.
(Canadian Northern Railway), T.D. Regehr
(1976). The
Canadian Northern Railway: Pioneer Road of the Northern
Prairies, 1895-1918. (Toronto, ON: Macmillan of Canada,
543 p.). Canadian Northern Railway Company -- History.
Sir William
Mackenzie - Canadian Northern
(Canadian Northern Railway), Rae B. Fleming
The Railway King of Canada: Sir William Mackenzie, 1849-1923.
(Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, 301 p.). Mackenzie, William, Sir,
1849-1923; Railroads--Canada--History; Canadian Northern Railway
Company -- History; Industrialists--Canada--Biography.
(Canadian Pacific -formed in 1881), Walter
Vaughan (1920). The Life and Work of Sir William Van Horne.
(New York, NY: Century, 388 p.). Van Horne, William Cornelius,
Sir, 1843-1915; Canadian Pacific Railway Company.
Sir William Van
- Canadian Pacific
(Canadian Pacific), J.H.E. Secretan (1924).
Canada's Great Highway: From the First Stake to the Last Spike.
(London, UK: John Lane, 252 p.). Canadian Pacific Railway
(Canadian Pacific), Alan Sullivan (1935).
The Great Divide: A Romance of the Canadian Pacific Railway.
(Toronto, ON: Macmillan Company of Canada, 417 p.). Canadian
Pacific Railway Company.
(Canadian Pacific), John Murray Gibbon (1935).
Steel of Empire: The Romantic History of the Canadian Pacific,
the Northwest Passage of Today. (Indianapolis, IN:
Bobbs-Merrill Co., 423 p.). Canadian Pacific Railway Company;
Canada -- History.
(Canadian Pacific), Peter Turner Bone (1947).
When the Steel Went Through, Reminiscences of a Railroad Pioneer.
(Toronto, ON: Macmillan Co. of Canada, 180 p.). Canadian Pacific
Railway Company; Northwest, Canadian -- History.
(Canadian Pacific), D. H. Miller-Barstow.
Beatty of the C.P.R.: A Biography. (Toronto, ON:
McClelland and Stewart, 187 p.). Beatty, Edward Wentworth, Sir,
1878-1943; Canadian Pacific Railway Company.
(Canadian Pacific), Leonard Bertram Irwin
Pacific Railways and Nationalism in the Canadian-American
Northwest, 1845-1873. (New York, NY: Greenwood Press,
246 p.). Canadian Pacific Railway Company; Northern Pacific
Railroad Company; Pacific railroads -- Early projects; Railroads
and state -- Canada; Northwest, Canadian.
(Canadian Pacific), Pierre Berton (1970).
The National Dream: The Great Railway, 1871-1881.
(Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 439 p.). Canadian Pacific
Railway Company; Railroads and state -- Canada; Canada --
History -- 1867-1914.
--- (1971).
The Last Spike: The Great Railway 1881-1885. (Toronto,
ON: McClelland and Stewart, 478 p.). Canadian Pacific Railway
(Canadian Pacific), Harold A. Innis (1971).
A History of the Canadian Pacific Railway. (Toronto, ON:
University of Toronto Press, 365 p. [orig. pub. 1923]). Canadian
Pacific Railway Company -- History.
(Canadian Pacific), Illustrated, Written and
Edited by Pierre Berton; designed by Frank Newfeld (1972).
The Great Railway. (Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart,
336 p.). Canadian Pacific Railway Company.
(Canadian Pacific), Robert Chodos. (1973).
The CPR: A Century of Corporate Welfare. (Toronto, ON:
J. Lewis & Samuel, 178 p.). Canadian Pacific Railway Company.
(Canadian Pacific), Omer Lavallée (1974).
Van Horne's Road: An Illustrated Account of the Construction
and First Years of Operation of the Canadian Pacific
Transcontinental Railway. (Toronto, ON: Railfare
Enterprises, 304 p.). Canadian Pacific Railway Company --
History; Railroads -- Canada -- History.
(Canadian Pacific), W. Kaye Lamb (1977).
History of the Canadian Pacific Railway. (New York, NY:
Macmillan, 491 p.). Canadian Pacific Railway Company -- History.
(Canadian Pacific), Susan Goldenberg (1983).
Canadian Pacific: A Portrait of Power. (New York, NY:
Facts on File, 316 p.). Canadian Pacific Limited.
(Canadian Pacific), Bill McKee and Georgeen
Klassen (1983).
Trail of Iron: The CPR and the Birth of the West, 1880-1930.
(Vancouver, BC: Glenbow-Alberta Institute in association with
Douglas & McIntyre, 192 p.). Canadian Pacific Railway Company --
History; Canada -- History.
(Canadian Pacific), Edited by Hugh A. Dempsey
The CPR West: The Iron Road and the Making of a Nation.
(Vancouver, BC: Douglas & McIntyre, 333 p.). Canadian Pacific
Railway Company -- History; Canada, Western -- History.
(Canadian Pacific), David Cruise and Alison
Griffiths (1988).
Lords of the Line. (Markham, ON: Viking, 486 p.).
Canadian Pacific Railway Company -- History; Railroads -- Canada
-- History.
(Canadian Pacific), John A. Eagle (1989).
The Canadian Pacific Railway and the Development of Western
Canada, 1896-1914. (Kingston, ON: McGill-Queen's
University Press, 325 p.). Canadian Pacific Railway Company --
History; Railroads -- Canada, Western -- History; Canada,
Western -- Economic policy; Canada, Western -- Economic
conditions; Northwest, Canadian -- Economic policy; Northwest,
Canadian -- Economic conditions.
(Canadian Pacific), Valerie Knowles (2004).
From Telegrapher to Titan: The Life of William C. Van Horne.
(Tonawanda, NY: Dundurn Press, 501 p.). Van Horne, William
Cornelius, Sir, 1843-1915; Canadian Pacific Railway
Company--Presidents--Biography; Railroads--Canada--History;
Railroads--Cuba--History; Capitalists and
financiers--Canada--Biography; Art--Collectors and
(Canadian Pacific), Tom Murray (2006).
Canadian Pacific Railway. (St. Paul, MN: MBI Pub. Co.,
160 p.). Canadian Pacific Railway Company--History;
Railroads--Canada, Western--History. National icon began as railway,
became global transportation system, evolved into diversified industrial conglomerate.
(Canadian National Railways), G. R. Stevens
History of the Canadian National Railways. (New York,
NY: Macmillan, 538 p.). Canadian National Railways--History;
(Central of Georgia Railway), Jackson McQuigg,
Tammy Galloway and Scott McIntosh for the Atlanta History Center
Central of Georgia Railway. (Charleston, SC: Arcadia,
128 p. [orig. pub. 1998]). Central of Georgia Railway;
Railroads--Georgia. Connected Savannah to interior of state, boosted coastal city's
seaport; 1843 - extended to outskirts of Macon; 1982 -
acquired by Southern Railway.
(Central Pacific), Cerinda W. Evans (1954).
Collis Potter Huntington. (Newport News, VA: Mariners’
Museum, 2 vols., 775 p.). Huntington, Collis Potter, 1821-1900.
(Central Pacific), Helen Hinckley (1969).
Rails from the West; A Biography of Theodore D. Judah.
(San Marino, CA: Golden West Books, 207 p.). Judah, Theodore D.
(Theodore Dehone), 1826-1863; Central Pacific Railroad Company.
(Central Pacific), John J. Stewart. (1969).
The Iron Trail to the Golden Spike. (Salt Lake City, UT:
Deseret Book Co., 297 p.). Central Pacific Railroad Company.
(Central Pacific), David Lavender (1970).
The Great Persuader. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 444
p.). Huntington, Collis Potter, 1821-1900.
(Central Pacific), Oscar Lewis (1981).
The Big Four: The Story of Huntington, Stanford, Hopkins, and
Crocker, and of the Building of the Central Pacific.
(New York, NY: Arno Press, 418 p. [orig. pub. 1938]).
Huntington, Collis Potter, 1821-1900; Stanford, Leland,
1824-1893; Hopkins, Mark 1813-1878; Crocker, Charles, 1822-1888;
Central Pacific Railroad Company--History; Capitalists and
financiers--United States--Biography.
(Central Pacific), Mead B. Kibbey (1996).
The Railroad Photographs of Alfred A. Hart, Artist.
(Sacramento, CA: California State Library Foundation, 238 p.).
Hart, Alfred A., 1816-1908; Central Pacific Railroad
Company--Pictorial works; Photographers--United
(Central Pacific), Richard Rayner (2008).
The Associates: Four Capitalists Who Created California.
(New York, NY: Norton, 224 p.). Huntington, Collis Potter,
1821-1900; Stanford, Leland, 1824-1893; Hopkins, Mark,
1813-1878; Crocker, Charles, 1822-1888; Central Pacific Railroad
Company--History; Railroads--United States--History; Capitalists
and financiers--United States--Biography; California--History.
Collis Huntington, Leland
Stanford, Charles Crocker, Mark Hopkins ("The Big Four", "The
Associates") - rose from middle-class merchants in Sacramento,
CA to force behind transcontinental railroad; became very
wealthy; epic drive for money.
(Central Railroad of New Jersey), Elaine
Anderson (1984).
The Central Railroad of New Jersey's First 100 Years, 1849-1949:
A Historical Survey. (Easton, PA: Center for Canal
History and Technology, 238 p.). Central Railroad of New
(Charleston & Savannah Railroad), H. David
Stone, Jr. (2008).
Vital Rails: The Civil War History of the Charleston & Savannah
Railroad. (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina
Press, 369 p.). Physician. Charleston and Savannah Railroad
--History --19th century; Railroads --South Carolina --History
--19th century; South Carolina --History --Civil War, 1861-1865
--Transportation; United States --History --Civil War, 1861-1865
--Transportation. Line's history, valuable role in Civil War;
completed in 1860 as means
to stave off commercial isolation in Charleston, Savannah, revolutionize economy of South Carolina's low country by linking key port cities; became integral part of
Confederacy's military, economic, communications efforts along
coast, frequent military objective of Union assaults; after war
- in financial ruin; series of bankruptcies; routes
eventually incorporated into Plant System (eventually CSX Transportation).
(C & O), Charles Wilson Turner (1956).
Chessie's Road. (Richmond, VA: Garrett & Massie, 286
p.). Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company.
(Chicago and Illinois Midland Railway),
Richard R. Wallin, Paul H. Stringham, John Szwajkart (1979).
Chicago & Illinois Midland. (San Marino, CA: Golden West
Books, 240 p.). Chicago and Illinois Midland Railway--History.
(Chicago and North Western Railway Company),
Robert J. Casey and W.A.S. Douglas (1948).
Pioneer Railroad: The Story of the Chicago and North Western
System. (New York, NY: Whittley House, 334 p.). Chicago
and North Western Railway Company.
(Chicago and North Western Railway Company),
H. Roger Grant (1996).
The North Western: A History of the Chicago & North Western
Railway System. (DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois
University Press, 292 p.). Chicago and North Western
Transportation Company--History; Railroads--Illinois--History.
(Chicago and North Western Railway Company),
P.L. Behrens (2002).
Steam Trains to Geneva Lake: C & NW’s Elgin-Williams Bay Branch.
(Hebron, IL: P.L. Behrens, 156 p.). Chicago and North Western
Railway Company--History; Railroads--Illinois--History;
Railroads--Wisconsin--History; Elgin (Ill.)--History; Williams
Bay (Wis.)--History; Fontana (Wis.)--History; Lake Geneva
(Chicago Burlington and Quincy Railroad), John
Tettemer O'Neil (1956). Policy Formation in Railroad Finance;
Refinancing the Burlington. 1936-1945. (Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 234 p.). Chicago, Burlington and
Quincy Railroad Company; Railroads--United States--Finance--Case
(Chicago Great Western Railroad), H. Roger
Grant (1984).
The Corn Belt Route: A History of the Chicago Great Western
Railroad Company. (Dekalb, IL: Northern Illinois
University Press, 231 p.). Chicago Great Western Railroad --
(Chicago Great Western Railroad Company),
David J. Fiore Sr. (2006).
The Chicago Great Western Railway. (Charleston, SC:
Arcadia, 128 p.). Member of the Chicago and North Western
Historical Society. Chicago Great Western Railway Company
(1892-1909)--Pictorial works; Chicago Great Western Railroad
Company--Pictorial works; Chicago Great Western Railway Company
(1940-1968)--Pictorial works; Railroads--Middle West--Pictorial
works. Territory served by
much larger systems, CGW able to retain its share of passenger,
freight business for 83 years through aggressive management,
dedicated employees, innovations, efficient operations.
(Chicago, Milwaukee), John W. Cary (1981).
The Organization and History of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway Company. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 392 p.
[orig. pub. 1893]). Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway
(Chicago, Milwaukee), Augustus J. Veenendaal,
Jr. (1999).
The Saint Paul & Pacific Railroad: An Empire in the Making,
1862-1879. (Dekalb, IL: Northern Illinois University
Press, 178 p.). Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific
Railroad Company--History--19th century.
(Chicago, Milwaukee), August Derleth; foreword
by H. Roger Grant (2002).
The Milwaukee Road: Its First Hundred Years. (Iowa City,
IA: University of Iowa Press, 330 p. [orig. pub. 1948]).
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad
Company--History; Railroads--United States--History.
(Chicago, Milwaukee), Tom Murray (2005).
The Milwaukee Road. (St. Paul, MN: MBI Pub. Co., 160
p.). Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad
Company--History; Railroads--United States--History.
From railroad’s
late-nineteenth-century beginnings to its purchase by onetime
rival Soo Line in 1985.
(Chicago Milwaukee), Stan Johnson (2007).
The Milwaukee Road's Western Extension: The Building of a
Transcontinental Railroad. (Coeur d'Alene, ID: Museum of
North Idaho Publications, 548 p.). Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul
and Pacific Railroad Company--History--19th century;
Railroads--United States--History. 1905 -
Milwaukee Road decided to build to the Pacific Coast; estimated
to cost about $ 60 million (ran over $ 220 million,
electrification added another $ 23 million); 1925 - went
bankrupt.(Chicago South Shore and South Bend Railroad),
Ed. Ronald D. Cohen and Stephen G. McShane; foreword by Victor
Margolin (1998).
Moonlight in Duneland: The Illustrated Story of the Chicago
South Shore and South Bend Railroad. (Bloomington, IN:
Quarry Books, 139 p.). Chicago, South Shore and South Bend
Railroad--History; Railroads--Illinois--Chicago Region--History.
(CNW), Robert J. Casey and W.A.S. Douglas
Pioneer Railroad: The Story of the Chicago and North Western
System. (New York, NY: Whittley House, 334 p.). Chicago
and North Western Railway Company.
(Cincinnati Southern Railway), Henry Paine
Boyden (1901). The Beginnings of the Cincinnati Southern
Railway; A Sketch of the Years, 1869-1878. (Cincinnati, OH:
The R. Clarke Co., 122 p.). Cincinnati Southern Railway Company.
(Cincinnati Southern Railway), Charles Gilbert
Hall (1902). The Cincinnati Southern railway; A History.
(Cincinnati, OH: The McDonald Press, 231 p.). Cincinnati
Southern Railway.
(Cincinnati Southern Railway), Edward
Alexander Ferguson (1905). Founding of the Cincinnati
Southern Railway with an Autobiographical Sketch.
(Cincinnati, OH: The R. Clarke Co., 163 p.). Cincinnati Southern
(Colorado and Southern), Richard C. Overton
Gulf to Rockies; the Heritage of the Fort Worth and
Denver-Colorado and Southern Railways, 1861-1898.
(Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 410 p.). Fort Worth and
Denver City Railway Company; Colorado and Southern Railway.
(Colorado and Wyoming Railway), William H.
McKenzie (1982).
Mountain to Mill: The Colorado and Wyoming Railway.
(Colorado Springs, CO: MAC Pub., 199 p.). Colorado and Wyoming
Railway --History; C F & I Steel Corporation --History.
(Conrail), Richard Saunders (1978).
The Railroad Mergers and the Coming of Conrail.
(Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 389 p.). ConRail;
Railroads--United States--Mergers.
(CSX Transportation), Jerry Taylor & Ray
Poteat (2008).
The CSX Clinchfield Route in the 21st Century.
(Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 165 p.). operating
official of several railroads; retired railroader. Clinchfield
Railroad; CSX Transportation (Firm); Railroads --Appalachian
Region. Mile-by-mile trip
through tunnels, over bridges of Clinchfield's route; finished
in 1915; one of most scenic routes in country, most rugged
mountain barriers in eastern United States; built by more than
3,000 laborers, construction standards unheard of at time;
engineers have yet to enlarge its tunnels, strengthen its
(Cyprus Government Railway), B. S. Turner
The Story of the Cyprus Government Railway. (London, UK:
Mechanical Engineering Publications, 178 p.). Kypriakos
Kyverne¯tikos Side¯rodromos--History;
Railroads--Cyprus--History--20th century.
(Delaware and Hudson), Delaware and Hudson
Company (1925). A Century of Progress, History of the
Delaware and Hudson Company, 1823-1923. (Albany, NY: J.B.
Lyon Company, printers, 755 p.). Delaware and Hudson Company;
Railroads -- United States -- History; Transportation -- United
States -- History.
(Delaware, Lackawanna), Robert J. Casey and W.
A. S. Douglas (1951). The Lackawanna Story; The First Hundred
Years of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. (New
York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 223 p.). Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
Railroad Company.
(Delaware Lackawanna and
Western Railroad), John Krause and Ed Crist (1986).
Lackawanna Heritage, 1947-1952. (Newton,
NJ: Carstens Publications, 48 p.). Delaware, Lackawanna
and Western Railroad Company.
(Dells & Northeastern Railway), Harvey Huston
The Roddis Line; The Roddis Lumber & Veneer Co. Railroad and the
Dells & Northeastern Railway. (Winnetka, IL: Harvey
Huston, 150 p.). Dells & Northeastern Railway; Roddis Plywood
Corporation; Logging railroads--Wisconsin; Lumbering--Wisconsin.
(Denver and Rio Grande), Robert G. Athearn
Rebel of the Rockies; A History of the Denver and Rio Grande
Western Railroad. (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press,
395 p.). Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company; Denver and Rio
Grande Western Railroad Company.
(Denver and Rio Grande), John S. Fisher; with
a chapter on General Palmer's work in Mexico by Chase Mellen
A Builder of the West: The Life of General William Jackson
Palmer. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 332 p. [orig. pub.
1939]). Palmer, William Jackson, 1836-1909; Railroads--United
(East Branch & Lincoln Railroad Company), Bill
Gove (1998). J.E.
Henry's Logging Railroads: The History of the East Branch &
Lincoln and the Zealand Valley Railroads. (Littleton,
NH: Bondcliff Books, 187 p.). Henry, James E., 1831-1912;
Zealand Valley Railroad Company; East Branch & Lincoln Railroad
Company; Logging railroads--New Hampshire--History; Logging--New
(Erie Lackawanna), H. Roger Grant (1994).
Erie Lackawanna: Death of an American Railroad, 1938-1992.
(Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 284 p.).
Erie-Lackawanna Railroad Company -- Management -- History.; Erie
Lackawanna Railway Company -- Management -- History; Erie
Lackawanna Inc. -- Management -- History; ConRail -- Management
-- History; Railroads -- Northeastern States -- Management --
(Erie Railroad Company), Edward Harold Mott
Between the Ocean and the Lakes; The Story of Erie. (New
York, NY: Ticker, 524 p. [orig. pub. 1899]). Erie Railroad
Daniel Drew - Erie Railroad
James Fisk
- Erie Railroad (http://s3.amazonaws.com/findagrave/photos/2001/222/fiskjimbio.jpg)
Jay Gould
1872 - President of Erie Railroad
(Erie Railroad Company), Robert H. Fuller
Jubilee Jim; The Life of Colonel James Fisk, Jr. (New
York, NY: Macmillan, 566 p.). Fisk, James, 1835-1872.
(Erie Railroad Company), Edward Hungerford
(1946). Men of Erie, a Story of Human Effort. (New York,
NY: Random House, 346 p.). Erie Railroad.
(Erie Railroad Company, W. A. Swanberg (1959).
Jim Fisk; The Career of an Improbable Rascal. (New York,
NY: Scribner, 310 p.). Fisk, James, 1835-1872.
(Erie Railroad Company - President of Erie
Railroad in 1872), Julius Grodinsky (1981).
Jay Gould, His Business Career, 1867-1892. (New York,
NY: Arno Press, 627 p. [orig. pub. 1957]). Gould, Jay,
1836-1892; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography;
Railroads--United States--History.
(Erie Railroad Company), R. W. McAlpine
(1981). The Life and Times of Col. James Fisk, Jr. (New
York, NY: Arno Press, 504 p.). Fisk, James, 1835-1872;
Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography.
(Erie Railroad Company), John Stuart Ogilvie
(1981). Life and Death of Jay Gould, and How He Made His
Millions. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 208 p.x). Gould, Jay,
1836-1892; Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography;
United States--Biography.
(Erie Railroad Company), Marshall P. Stafford
The Life of James Fisk, Jr.: A Full and Accurate Narrative of
all the Enterprises in Which He Was Engaged. (New York,
NY: Arno Press, 300 p. [orig. pub. 1871]). Fisk, James,
1835-1872; United States--Biography.
(Erie Railroad Company), Maury Klein (1986).
The Life and Legend of Jay Gould. (Baltimore, MD: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 595 p.). Gould, Jay, 1836-1892;
Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Capitalists and
financiers--United States--Biography; Railroads--United
(Erie Railroad Company), John Steele Gordon
The Scarlet Woman of Wall Street: Jay Gould, Jim Fisk, Cornelius
Vanderbilt, the Erie Railway Wars, and the Birth of Wall Street.
(New York, NY: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 421 p.). New York Stock
Exchange--History--19th century; Erie Railway--History--19th
century; Wall Street--History--19th century; Capitalists and
financiers--United States--History--19th century.
(Erie Railroad Company), Aileen Sallom Freeman
Canadensis. (Paupack, PA: Fosi, 315 p.). Gould, Jay,
1836-1892; Erie Railroad Company--History; Erie
Railway--History; Canadensis (Pa.)--History.
(Ferrocarril Sud Pacifico de Mexico), Daniel
Lewis (2007).
Iron Horse Imperialism: The Southern Pacific of Mexico,
1880-1951. (Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 192
p.). Dibner Senior Curator for the History of Science and
Technology at the Huntington Library in San Marino, California.
Ferrocarril Sud Pacifico de Mexico--History;
Railroads--Mexico--History. Southern Pacific of Mexico
operated between 1898 - 1951; transported millions of
passengers, tons of freight, rarely turned a profit;
decades-long dance between oblivious U.S. entrepreneurs, wary
Mexican officials.
(Florida East Coast Railway), Les Standiford
Last Train to Paradise: Henry Flagler and the Spectacular Rise
and Fall of the Railroad That Crossed the Ocean. (New
York, NY: Crown, 272 p.). Flagler, Henry Morrison, 1830-1913;
Florida East Coast Railway--History.;
(Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Railroad),
Randy L. Decker (1998).
The Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Railroad : Sacandaga Route
to the Adirondacks. (Charleston, SC Arcadia 128 p.).
Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Railroad --Pictorial works
--History. Upstate New York railroad - 130 miles of operation.
(Fonda, Johnstown & Gloversville Railroad), Paul K. Larner
Our Railroad: The History of the Fonda, Johnstown &
Gloversville Railroad (1867-1893). (Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse,
492 p.). Retired Amtrak engineer. Fonda, Johnstown &
Gloversville Railroad; Railroads --New York (State) --Fulton
County --History; Railroads --New York (State) --Montgomery
County --History. Years from 1867 to 1893.
(GATX), Ralph C. Epstein (1981).
GATX, A History of the General American Transportation
Corporation, 1898-1948. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 198
p. [orig. pub. 1948]). General American Transportation
Corporation--History; Railroads--United
(GE), Brian Solomon (2003).
GE Locomotives: 110 Years of General Electric Motive
Power. (St. Paul, MN MBI, 168 p.). Railway
Historian. General Electric Company; Diesel locomotives
--United States. General Electric
entered railroad industry in early 20th century; GE's locomotive
history, from first electric S motors to colossal, 6,000-horsepower diesel-electrics; electrical
legends (Pennsylvania Railroad's E44s, Amtrak's E60s,
Milwaukee Road's "Little Joes"); locomotives, terrain
they covered, pioneering GE efforts, marketplace
competition, power race that fueled development of these
(Georgia and Florida Railroad Co.), H. Roger
Grant (2006).
Rails Through the Wiregrass: A History of the Georgia & Florida
Railroad. (DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University
Press, 239 p.). Kathryn and Calhoun Lemon Professorof History &
Geography (Clemson University). Georgia and Florida Railroad
Co.--History. 57-year
lifespan - did much to bring about agricultural diversification,
relative prosperity in wiregrass region of southern Georgia,
northern Florida.
(German National Railway), Alfred C.
Mierzejewski (1999).
The Most Valuable Asset of the Reich: A History of the German
National Railway, Volume 1, 1920-1932. (Chapel Hill, NC:
University of North Carolina Press, 512 p.). Associate Professor
of Modern European History (Athens State University in Alabama).
Deutsche Reichsbahn (Germany)--History--20th century; Railroads
and state--Germany--History--20th century.
Largest enterprise in
capitalist world between 1920 and 1945.
(German National Railway), Alfred C.
Mierzejewski (2000).
The Most Valuable Asset of the Reich: A History of the German
National Railway, Volume 2, 1933-1945. (Chapel Hill, NC:
University of North Carolina Press, 280 p.). Associate Professor
of Modern European History (Athens State University in Alabama).
Deutsche Reichsbahn (Germany)--History--20th century; Railroads
and state--Germany--History--20th century. National Railway under Hitler's
(Grand Trunk), Henry Almon Lovett (1981).
Canada and the Grand Trunk, 1829-1924. (New York, NY:
Arno Press, 241 p. [orig. pub. 1924). Grand Trunk Railway of
Canada--History; Railroads--Canada--History.
(Grand Trunk), Frederick A. Talbot (1981).
The Making of a Great Canadian Railway. (New York, NY:
Arno Press, 349 p. [orig. pub. 1912]). Grand Trunk Pacific
(Grand Trunk), Don L. Hofsommer (1995).
Grand Trunk Corporation: Canadian National Railways in the
United States, 1971-1992. (East Lansing, MI: Michigan
State University Press, 219 p.). Grand Trunk Corporation;
Canadian National Railways; Railroads--United States.
(Great Canadian Railtour Company), Paul
Grescoe (2000).
Trip of a Lifetime: The Making of the Rocky Mountaineer.
(Vancouver, BC: Hurricane Books, 256 p.). Rocky Mountaineer
Railtours--History; Railroad travel--British Columbia--History;
Railroad travel--Alberta--History; Railroads--British
Columbia--History; Railroads--Alberta--History.
(Great Northern), James J. Hill (1910).
Highways of Progress. (New York, NY: Doubleday, Page &
Company, 353 p.). Natural resources--United States;
Railroads--United States; United States--Economic
James J. Hill
- Great Northern
May 30, 1916 Obituary:
http://www.nytimes.com/ learning/ general/onthisday/
bday/0916.html )
(Great Northern), Joseph Gilpin Pyle,
authorized (1917).
The Life of James J. Hill. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday,
Page & Co., 2 Vols.). Hill, James Jerome, 1838-1916.
(Great Northern), Albro Martin (1976).
James J. Hill and the Opening of the Northwest. (New
York, NY: Oxford University Press, 676 p.). Hill, James Jerome,
1838-1916; Great Northern Railway; Businessmen -- United States
-- Biography
(Great Northern), Ralph W. Hidy (1988).
The Great Northern Railway : A History. ( Boston, MA:
Harvard Business School Press, 360 p.). Great Northern Railway
(Great Northern), Michael P. Malone (1996).
James J. Hill: Empire Builder of the Northwest. (Norman,
OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 306 p.). Hill, James Jerome,
1838-1916; Hill, James Jerome, 1838-1916; Great Northern Railway
Company (U.S.); Great Northern Railway (U.S.);
Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Great Northern), Claire Strom (2007).
Profiting from the Plains: The Great Northern Railway and
Corporate Development of the American West. (Seattle,
WA: University of Washington Press, 228 p.). Assistant Professor
of History (North Dakota State University). Hill, James Jerome,
1838-1916; Great Northern Railway Company (U.S.) History;
Railroads Great Plains History; Businessmen Great Plains
Biography; Agriculture Economic aspects Great Plains History;
West (U.S.) Economic conditions; United States Economic
conditions 1865-1918. Economic impact of
Gilded Age; effect of development of railroads, agricultural,
minerals industries on Northern Plains, Pacific Northwest,
southern Canada.
(Great Western Bengal Railway Company), Blair
B. Kling (1976).
Partner in Empire: Dwarkanath Tagore and the Age of Enterprise
in Eastern India. (Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press, 276 p.). Tagore, Dwarkanath, 1794-1846;
Businesspeople--Bengal--Biography; Entrepreneurship; Bengal
(India)--Economic conditions.
(Great Western Railway - Great Britain),
General Editors, Patrick Whitehouse & David St John Thomas;
foreword by Bill Bradshaw (1984).
The Great Western Railway: 150 Glorious Years. (Newton
Abbot, UK: David & Charles, 207 p.). Great Western Railway
(Great Britain); England Railways British Rail Western Region,
to 1983.
(Great Western Railway), Andrew Roden (2010).
Great Western Railway: A History. (London, UK: Aurum,
320 p.). Former Associate Editor of International Railway
Journal. Great Western Railway (Great Britain) --History.
England's Great Western Railway was built, ran great main
line from London to West Country and Cornwall (first Great
Western franchise); how Isambard
Kingdom Brunel engineered it; designers of its steam locomotives (from Churchward to
Hawkesworth); stations (Paddington and Bristol Temple Meads,
innumerable idyllic country halts with little more thanpagoda
shelter, couple of milk churns).
(Hocking Valley Railway), Edward H. Miller;
foreword by Thomas W. Dixon, Jr.; historical introduction by H.
Roger Grant (2007).
The Hocking Valley Railway. (Athens, OH: Ohio University
Press, 312 p.). Retired from Hocking Valley Successor, CSX.
Hocking Valley Railway--History; Hocking River Valley
(Ohio)--History. Once
Ohio's longest rail line, began in 1867 to haul coal from Athens
to Columbus; 345-mile railway, from Lake Erie port of Toledo
through Columbus, to Ohio River port of Pomeroy.
(Hudson Bay Railway), Howard A. Fleming
Canada's Arctic Outlet; A History of the Hudson Bay Railway.
(Berkeley, CA: Univ. of California Press, 129 p.). Hudson Bay
(Illinois Central), Howard Gray Brownson
(1915). History of the Illinois Central Railroad to 1870.
(Urbana, IL: University of Illinois, 182 p.). Illinois Central
(Illinois Central Railroad), Paul Wallace
Gates (1934).
The Illinois Central Railroad and Its Colonization Work.
(New York, NY: Johnson Reprint Corp., 374 p.). Illinois Central
Railroad Company; Railroad land grants -- Illinois; Illinois --
(Illinois Central), Carlton Jonathan Corliss
Main Line of Mid-America; The Story of the Illinois Central.
(New York, NY: Creative Age Press, 490 p.). Illinois Central
Railroad Company.
(Illinois Central), John F. Stover (1975).
History of the Illinois Central Railroad. (New York, NY:
Macmillan, 575 p.). Illinois Central Railroad.
(Illinois Central), Robert Mize Sutton (1981).
The Illinois Central Railroad in Peace and War, 1858-1868.
(New York, NY: Arno Press, 240 p. [orig. pub. 1948]). Illinois
Central Railroad--History.
(Indiana Railroad), Christopher Rund (2006).
The Indiana Rail Road Company: America’s New Regional Railroad.
(Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 253 p.). Creative
Director, Hirons & Company. Indiana Railroad;
Railroads--Indiana--History. Deregulated independent short
line, regional railroad success story.
(Indian Railways), V. Nilakant, S. Ramnarayan (2009).
Changing Tracks: Reinventing the Spirit of Indian Railways.
(Noida, Uttar pradesh, India Collins Business, 219 p.).
Railroads -- India -- Management; Railroads -- India -- Finance;
Technological innovations -- Economic aspects -- India; Indian
Railways -- Management. 2004-2008 - Indian
Railways dramatically improved performance, administrative
efficiency; four aspects of innovation: 1) developed
perspectives to do right things at right time; 2) aimed change
at thinking about costs,
revenues, investment, business models; 3) fostered positive
emotions about change; 4)
persistently, patiently saw change to completion, focused on results.
(Iowa Central Railway), Don L. Hofsommer
The Hook & Eye: A History of the Iowa Central Railway.
(Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 160 p.).
Professor of History (St. Cloud State University). Iowa Central
(Jaffa-Jerusalem Railway), Anthony S.
Travis (2008).
On Chariots with Horses of Fire and Iron: The
Excursionists and the Narrow Gauge Railroad from Jaffa
to Jerusalem. (Jerusalem, Israel: Magnes Press,
236 p.). Deputy Director of the Sidney M. Edelstein
Center for the History and Philosophy of Science,
Technology and Medicine (Hebrew University of
Jerusalem), Jacques Loeb Centre for the History and
Philosophy of the Life Sciences (Ben Gurion University
of the Negev). Jaffa-Jerusalem Railway--history.
railroad in Holy Land (first
passenger train arrived in Jerusalem on
August 27, 1892;
86 km narrow-gauge Jaffa-Jerusalem
Railway inaugurated in
September 1892; largest civil engineering
project ever undertaken in modern Holy Land; built to
exploit tremendous growth of pilgrim traffic, tourism
during second half of nineteenth century.
(Jewitt Car Company), Lawrence A. Brough and
James H. Graebner (2004).
From Small Town to Downtown: A History of the Jewett Car
Company, 1893-1919. (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University
Press, 254 p). Jewett Car Company--History;
(Jonesboro, Lake City and Eastern Railroad
Company), Lee A. Dew (1968).
The JLC&E; The History of an Arkansas Railroad. (State
University, AR: Arkansas State University Press, 121 p.).
Jonesboro, Lake City and Eastern Railroad Company.
(Kansas City Southern), Keith L. Bryant,
Arthur E. Stilwell, Promoter with a Hunch. (Nashville,
TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 256 p.). Stilwell, Arthur
Edward, 1861-1928. Up and down career of a railroad visionary.
Port Author, TX named after Stilwell.
(Kansas Pacific), William Robinson Petrowski
The Kansas Pacific: A Study in Railroad Promotion. (New
York, NY: Arno Press, 281 p. [orig. pub. 1966]). Kansas Pacific
(Kaslo & Slocan Railway), Robert D. Turner and
David S. Wilkie (1994).
The Skyline Limited: The Kaslo and Slocan Railway: An
Illustrated History of Narrow Gauge Railroading and
Sternwheelers in the Kootenays. (Victoria, BC: Sono Nis
Press, 296 p.). Kaslo & Slocan Railway--History; Kaslo &
Slocan--History--Pictorial works; Narrow gauge
railroads--British Columbia--History; Narrow gauge
railroads--British Columbia--History--Pictorial works.
(Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley Railroad),
James N.J. Henwood and John G. Muncie (2005).
Laurel Line: An Anthracite Region Railway. (Eynon,
PA: Tribute Books, 211 p. [2nd ed.]). Lackawanna and Wyoming
Valley Railroad.
(Lake Shore Electric Railway Company), Harry
Christiansen (1978). New Lake Shore Electric. (Cleveland,
OH: Western Reserve Historical Society, 199 p.). Lake Shore
Electric Railway--History.
(Lake Shore Electric Railway Company), Herbert
H. Harwood, Jr. and Robert S. Korach (2000).
The Lake Shore Electric Railway Story. (Bloomington, IN:
Indiana University Press, 297 p.). Lake Shore Electric Railway
Company; Electric railroads--Ohio--History.
(Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company),
John Marshall (1969-1972).
The Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway. (Newton Abbot, UK:
David & Charles, 3 vols.). Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway
(Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company),
Seymour Broadbridge (1970).
Studies in Railway Expansion and the Capital Market in England,
1825-1873. (London, UK: Cass, 215 p.). Lancashire and
Yorkshire Railway Company; Railroads -- Great Britain -- Finance
-- History.
(Lehigh & Hudson River), Jim Boyd, Tracy Antz
(2001). Lehigh & Hudson River in Color: History and
Operations of the L&HR 1860-1976. (Scotch Plains, NJ:
Morning Sun Books, 128 p.). Lehigh and Hudson River Railway
--History; Railroads --United States --History.
(Lehigh Valley Railroad), Robert F. Archer
The History of the Lehigh Valley Railroad: "The Route of the
Black Diamond". (Berkeley, CA: Howell-North Books, 371
p.). Lehigh Valley Railroad.
(Lehigh Valley Railroad), William T
Greenberg, Robert F Fischer (1997).
The Lehigh Valley Railroad: East of Mauch Chunk.
(Warren, NJ: Gingerbread Stop, 192 p.). Lehigh Valley Railroad
Company --History; Railroads --Middle Atlantic States --History.
(Lehigh Valley Railroad), Chuck
Yungkurth (1999).
Trackside Around Scranton, PA, 1952-1976, with Edward S. Miller.
(Scotch Plains, NJ Morning Sun Books, 128 p.). Miller, Edward
Stokes, 1917-; Lehigh Valley Railroad Company --History;
Lackawanna and Wyoming Valley Railroad --History: Delaware and
Hudson Company --History: Railroads --Pennsylvania --History
--Pictorial works; Street-railroads --Pennsylvania --History
--Pictorial works.
(Lewiston and Auburn Railroad Company),
Douglas I. Hodgkin (2010). The Lewiston
and Auburn Railroad Company, 1872-2009. (Lewiston, ME:
Lewiston-Auburn Economic Growth Council, 136 p.). Professor
Emeritus of Political Science (Bates College). Maine --railroads
--history; Lewiston and Auburn Railroad Company -- history.
Branch line of 5.4 miles of track leased
to Grand Trunk Railway, then to Canadian National Railway; began
with its controversial charter adoption; initiated by local
textile manufacturers, ultimately opposed by those same textile
companies and Maine Central Railroad; how railroad has been key
player in economic development of region through intermodal
transportation technology.
(London, Midland and Scottish Railway
Company), Patrick Whitehouse and David St John Thomas (1987).
LMS 150: The London Midland & Scottish Railway: A Century and a
Half of Progress. (Newton Abbott, UK: David & Charles,
208 p.). London, Midland and Scottish Railway Company --
History; Railroads -- Great Britain -- History; Great Britain
(London and North Eastern Railway), Patrick
Whitehouse & David St John Thomas (2002).
LNER 150: The London and North Eastern Railway: A Century and a
Half of Progress. (Newton Abbot, UK: David & Charles,
208 p.). London and North Eastern Railway -- History; Railroads
-- Great Britain -- History.
(London & North Western), Terence R. Gourvish
Mark Huish and the London & North Western Railway: A Study of
Management. (Leicester, UK: University of Leicester, 319
p.). Huish, Mark, 1808-1867; London and North-Western Railway;
Railroads--Management--Case studies.
(London and South Western Railway), R. A.
Williams (1968).
London and South Western Railway: Formative Years v. 1.
(London, UK: David & Charles, 258 p.). South-west England
Railways; London & South Western Railway history.
(London and South Western Railway), B.K.
Cooper & R. Antell (1988).
A Tribute to the London & South Western Railway.
(London, UK: Ian Allan, 125p.). London & South Western Railway
-- History -- Pictorial works; Southern England Railways London
& South Western Railway.
(London and South Western Railway), J.N.
Faulkner and R.A. Williams. (1988).
The London & South Western Railway in the 20th Century.
(Abbot, UK: David & Charles, 224p.). London & South Western
Railway; Southern England Railways London & South Western
Railway 1900-1923.
(London and South Western Railway), Ed. Roger
Hardingham (1988).
Celebrating 150 Years of the LSWR. (Southampton:
Kingfisher Railway Productions, 52p.).South-west England
Railways; London & South Western Railway history.
(London and South Western Railway), Alan
Postlethwaite (1996).
The Last Days of Steam on the Southern: London and South Western.
(Stroud, UK: Sutton, 144p.). London & South Western Railway --
History -- Pictorial works; Railroads -- England -- London --
History -- Pictorial works; Railroads -- England -- West Country
-- History -- Pictorial works.
(Long Island Railroad), Ron Ziel and George H.
Foster (1975).
Steel Rails to the Sunrise. (New York, NY: Hawthorn
Books, 320 p.). Long Island Railroad Company.
(Long Island Railroad), Ron Ziel (1984).
The Pennsy Era on Long Island. (Bridgehampton, NY: Sunrise
Special, 115 p.). Long Island Railroad Company; Pennsylvania
Railroad; Locomotives--New York (State).
(Long Island Railroad),
James E. Haas (2004).
Conrad Poppenhusen: The Life of a German-American
Industrial Pioneer. (Baltimore,
MD Gateway Press, 164 p.). Author. Poppenhusen, Conrad,
1818-1883; Long Island Railroad Company --History;
Businessmen --United States --Biography. Made fortune
manufacturing hard rubber combs;
founded College Point, NY, much-loved
philanthropist funding churches, libraries and
educational institution;
innovator in education, introduced first free
kindergarten for his workers, eople of town;
used fortune (equivalent of $125 million), to
consolidate what is now known as Long Island Railroad
(Long Island Railroad), Stan Fischler (2007).
Long Island Rail Road. (St. Paul, MN: MBI, 160 p.).
Former Color Analyst for the New York Islanders. Long Island
Railroad Company; Railroads--New York (State)--New York.
1832 - origins with
Brooklyn & Jamaica Railroad; 1834 - chartered;
early attempts to reach Boston via Long Island, ferry
service to Connecticut; 1900 - acquired by
Pennsylvania Railroad; Penn Station constructed, tunnels into
Manhattan built, LIRR's diesel, electric rolling stock and
passenger cars manufactured.
(Los Angeles & San Pedro Railroad), John W.
Robinson (1978). Southern California’s First Railroad: The
Los Angeles & San Pedro Railroad, 1869-1873. (Los Angeles,
CA: Dawson’s Book Shop, 111 p.). Los Angeles & San Pedro
Railroad--History. October, 1869 - began operations as LA's first rail line;
financed through sale of $150,000 in county bonds, $75,000 in
city bonds; depot located on corner of Commercial and Alameda
Streets; November 1872 - acquired by Southern Pacific.
(Louisiana and Arkansas Railway), James R.
Fair (1997).
The Louisiana and Arkansas Railway: The story of a Regional Line.
(DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 158 p.).
Louisiana and Arkansas Railway Co.; Railroads--Louisiana;
(Louisiana and Texas Railroad and Steamship
Company), James P. Baughman (1968).
Charles Morgan and the Development of Southern Transportation.
(Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press, 302 p.). Morgan,
Charles, 1795-1878; Transportation--Southern States--History.
(Louisville & Nashville Railroad), Kincaid A
Herr (1964).
The Louisville & Nashville Railroad, 1850-1963.
(Louisville, KY: The Company, 402 p.). Louisville & Nashville
Railroda -- History.
(Louisville & Nashville), Maury Klein (1972).
History of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad. (New
York, NY: Macmillan, 572 p.). Louisville and Nashville Railroad
(Manistique and Lake Superior Railroad), Hugh
A. Hornstein (2004).
The Haywire: A Brief History of the Manistique and Lake Superior
Railroad. (East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University
Press, 122 p.). Manistique and Lake Superior Railroad
Company--History; Railroads--Michigan--History.
(Marietta and Cincinnati), John Pixton (1966).
The Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad, 1845-1883; A Case Study
in American Railroad Economics. (University Park, PA:
Pennsylvania State University Press, 94 p.). Cutler, William
Parker, 1812-1889; Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad.
(Marietta and Cincinnati), John R. Grabb
(1989). The Marietta & Cincinnati Railroad and Its Successor,
the Baltimore & Ohio: A Study of This Once Great Route across
Ohio. (Cincinnati, OH: J. R. Grabb, 152 p.). Marietta and
Cincinnati Railroad Company; Railroads--Ohio.
(Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad Company),
George W. Hilton (1999).
The Ma & Pa: A History of the Maryland & Pennsylvania Railroad.
(Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 228 p. [2nd rev.
ed.]). Professor Emeritus of Economics (UCLA). Maryland and
Pennsylvania Railroad Company--History.
(McCloud River Railroad Company), Robert M.
Hanft (1971).
Pine Across the Mountain; California’s McCloud River Railroad.
(San Marino, CA: Golden West Books, 224 p.). Professor of
Business Administration (California State University, Chico).
McCloud River Railroad Company.
(Mexico Northwestern Railway), J. F. Hulse
Railroads & Revolutions: The Story of Roy Hoard. (El
Paso, TX: Mangan Books, 126 p.). Hoard, Louis Roy, 1886-1973;
Mexico Northwestern Railway Company; Madera Company;
(Michigan Central Railroad), Henry Greenleaf
Pearson (1911).
An American Railroad builder, John Murray Forbes.
(Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 196 p.). Forbes, John Murray,
1813-1898; Railroads -- United States.
John Murray Forbes
- acquired Michigan Central in 1846
(Michigan Central Railroad), Charles
Hirschfeld (1953). The Great Railroad Conspiracy; The Social
History of a Railroad War. (East Lansing, MI: Michigan State
College Press, 128 p.). Michigan Central Railroad Company;
Railroads--Michigan--History. 1846 - John Murray Forbes acquired
control of the moribund Michigan Central Railroad, a state-owned
project that typified the internal improvement mania that had
arisen before the Panic of 1837.
(Michigan Central Railroad), Edited by Sarah
Forbes Hughes (1981).
Letters and Recollections of John Murray Forbes. (New
York, NY: Arno Press, 2 vols. [orig. pub. 1900]). Forbes, John
Murray, 1813-1898; Railroads--United States--History;
Politicians--United States--Biography; Businesspeople--United
States--Biography; United States--Politics and
government--1849-1877; United States--History--Civil War,
1861-1865--Finance; United States--Commerce; Milton (Mass.);
Naushon Island (Mass.).
(Michigan Central Railroad), John Lauritz
Larson, Jr.; foreword by Alfred D. Chandler (1984).
Bonds of Enterprise: John Murray Forbes and Western Development
in America's Railway Age. (Cambridge, MA: Division of
Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard
University, 257 p. [expanded in 2001 version]). Associate
Professor of History (Purdue). Forbes, John Murray, 1813-1898;
Railroads -- United States -- Biography; Businessmen -- United
States -- Biography; Railroads -- United States -- History.
(Michigan Central Railroad), William Taylor,
Jr. (1995). An American Colossus: A Small Town, a River and a
Railroad Yard. (Niles, MI: Niles Railroad Historical Assoc.,
352 p.). Michigan Central Railroad Company--History;
Railroads--Michigan--Niles--History; Niles (Mich.)--History;
Niles (Mich.)--Social life and customs. 1846 - John Murray
Forbes acquired control of the moribund Michigan Central
Railroad, a state-owned project that typified the internal
improvement mania that had arisen before the Panic of 1837.
(Midland Railway), Richard S. Lambert ...
(1934). The Railway King, 1800-1871; A Study of George Hudson
and the Business Morals of His Time. (London, UK: G. Allen &
Unwin Ltd., 320 p.). Hudson, George, 1800-1871; Railroads--Great
George Hudson
- Midland Railway (http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/ 41095000/jpg/_41095331_george_hudson_203.jpg)
(Midland Railway), Brian Bailey (1995).
George Hudson: The Rise and Fall of the Railway King.
(Phoenix Mill, Far Thrupp, Stroud, Gloucestershire, UK: Alan
Sutton Pub., 186 p.). Hudson, George, 1800-1871;
Railroads--Great Britain--Biography; Businesspeople--Great
Britain--Biography; Railroads--Great Britain--History.
(Midland Railway), Robert Beaumont (2002).
The Railway King: A Biography of George Hudson. (London,
UK: Review, 274 p.). Hudson, George, 1800-1871;
Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography;
Railroads--England--History--19th century.
(Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway), Don L.
Hofsommer (2005).
The Tootin' Louie: A History of the Minneapolis & St. Louis
Railway. (Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota
Press, 396 p.). Professor of History (St. Cloud State
University). Minneapolis & St. Louis Railway--History.
(Missouri Pacific), H. Craig Miner (1983).
The Rebirth of the Missouri Pacific, 1956-1983. (College
Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 236 p.). Missouri
Pacific Railroad Company--History.
(Missouri-Kansas-Texas), Donovan L. Hofsommer;
foreword by John W. Barriger; introduction by Fred W. Frailey
Katy Northwest: The Story of a Branch Line Railroad.
(Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 305 p. [orig. pub.
1976]). Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad; Railroads--United
States--Branch lines--History; Southwest, Old--History.
(Missouri-Kansas-Texas), V.V. Masterson; with
a new foreword by Donovan L. Hofsommer (1988).
The Katy Railroad and the Last Frontier. (Clumbia, MO:
University of Missouri Press, 312 p. [orig. pub. 1952]).
Frontier and pioneer life--Southwest, Old; Missouri-Kansas-Texas
Railroad--History; Southwest, Old--History.
(Monon Railroad), David E. Longest (2008).
The Monon Railroad in Southern Indiana. (Charleston, SC:
Arcadia Pub., 128 p.). Monon (Railroad) --History --Pictorial
works; Railroads --Indiana --History --Pictorial works.
1847 - James Brooks, six associates established The New Albany
and Salem Rail Road Company, most often called Monon; real
purpose of railroads as movers of people, products they devoted
their lives to producing.
(Mount Low Railway), Charles Seims (1976).
Mount Lowe, The Railway in the Clouds. (San Marino, CA:
Golden West Books, 234 p.). Mount Lowe Railway; Electric
--- (1999). Last Days of Mount Lowe.
(Los Angeles, CA: Pacific Electric Railway Historical Society,
60 p.). Mount Lowe Railway; Electric railroads--California.
(Mt. Tamalpais and Muir Woods Railroad Co.),
Theodore G. Wurm and Alvin C. Graves (1983).
The Crookedest Railroad in the World; A History of the Mt.
Tamalpais and Muir Woods Railroad of California.
(Glendale, CA: Trans-Anglo Books, 135 p. [rev. end enl. ed.]).
Mt. Tamalpais and Muir Woods Railroad Co.
(Nashua and Lowell), Richard K. Darr (1976).
A History of the Nashua and Lowell Rail-Road Corporation,
1835-1880. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 389 p. (Originally
presented as the author's thesis, University of Nebraska,
1956)). Nashua and Lowell Railroad.
(Newfoundland Railway Company), A.R. Penney
A History of the Newfoundland Railway. (St. John's,
Nfld.: H. Cuff Publications, v. 1. 1881-1923 -- v. 2.
1923-1988). Newfoundland Railway Company -- History; Railroads
-- Newfoundland and Labrador -- History.
(Newfoundland Railway Company), Clayton D.
Cook (1989).
The End of the Line: the Newfoundland Railway in Pictures.
(St. John's, Nfld.: Harry Cuff Publications, 133 p.).
Newfoundland Railway Company -- History -- Pictorial works;
Railroads -- Newfoundland and Labrador -- History -- Pictorial
(Newfoundland Railway), Les Harding (2008).
The Newfoundland Railway, 1898-1969: A History. (Jefferson,
NC: McFarland & Company, 230 p.). Former Academic Librarian.
Newfoundland Railway Company --History; Railroads --Newfoundland
and Labrador --History. Building of narrow-gauge trans-island railway in 19th century
Newfoundland was reckless, desperate experiment; began
operation on June 29, 1898, operated relatively successfully for
well over half century.
(New York Central), Frank Walker Stevens
The Beginnings of the New York Central Railroad; A History.
(New York, NY: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 408 p.). New York Central
Railroad Company -- History; New York central railroad company
(1853-1869); Railroads -- New York (State) -- History.
Cornelius Vanderbilt
- New York Central
(New York Central), Alvin F. Harlow (1947).
The Road of the Century; The Story of the New York Central.
(New York, NY: Creative Age Press, 447 p.). New York Central
(New York Central), Edward Hungerford (1976).
Men and Iron: The History of New York Central. (New
York, NY: Arno Press, 424 p. [Reprint of 1938 ed.]). New York
Central Railroad--History; Railroads--New York (State)--History.
(New York Central), Irene D. Neu (1977).
Erastus Corning, Merchant and Financier, 1794-1872.
(Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 212 p. [orig. pub. 1960]).
Corning, Erastus, 1794-1872; Businesspeople --United States
--Biography. Creator,
first president of New York Central Railroad; pattern of
domestic mercantile activity in early, middle years of 19th
(New York Central), Edward J. Renehan Jr.
Commodore: The Life of Cornelius Vanderbilt. (New York,
NY: Basic Books, 364 p.). Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 1794-1877;
Businessmen--United States--Biography; Railroads--United
States--History. Initial
fortune building ferry, cargo routes for sailing vessels; moved
into steamboats, railroads - New York Central; established
nation's first major integrated rail system, linked New York
with Boston, Montreal, Chicago, St. Louis; played a key role in
establishing New York as financial center of United States.
(New York Central Railroad), Brian Solomon with Mike Schafer
New York Central Railroad. (St. Paul, MN: MBI Pub.
Co. and Voyager Press, 160 p.). Railway Historian; Long-Time
Rail Photographer. New York Central Railroad Company --History.
1853 - consolidation of group of fledgling
railways formed route from Buffalo to Albany; New York Central,
under Vanderbilt dynasty, grew into powerhouse transportation
company with more than 10,000 route miles; 1968 - merged with longtime rival Pennsylvania Railroad,
eventually merged with Penn Central's successor, Conrail, into
Norfolk Southern and CSX.
York Central - 1853
(New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad),
Taylor Hampton (1947).
The Nickel Plate Road: The History of a Great Railroad.
(Cleveland, OH: World Pub. Co., 366 p.). New York, Chicago & St.
Louis Railroad.
(New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad.),
John A. Rehor (1967).
The Nickel Plate Story. (Milwaukee, WI: Kalmbach Pub.
Co.,, 483 p.). New York, Chicago, and St. Louis Railway Company;
New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad; New York, Chicago & St.
Louis Railroad.
(New York Chicago & St. Louis Railroad), Eric
E. Hirsimaki (1989).
The Nickel Plate Years. (N. Olmsted, OH: Mileposts, 144
p.). New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad.
(New York, New Haven and Hartford), John L.
Weller (1969).
The New Haven Railroad: Its Rise and Fall. (New York,
NY: Hastings House, 248 p.). New York, New Haven and Hartford
(New York, New Haven and Hartford), George H.
Foster & Peter C. Weiglin (1989).
Splendor Sailed the Sound: The New Haven Railroad and the Fall
River Line. (San Mateo, CA: Potentials Group, 384 p.).
Fall River Line--History; New York, New Haven, and Hartford
Railroad Company--History.
(New York Susquehanna and
Western Railroad), John Krause and Ed Crist (1991).
Susquehanna: New York, Susquehanna & Western RR. (Newton,
NJ: Carstens Publications, 98 p.). New York,
Susquehanna, and Western Railroad; Railroads --New
(New York, Susquehanna and Western Railroad),
Robert E. Mohowski (2003).
The New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad.
(Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 205 p.). New
York, Susquehanna and Western Railroad--History.
(New York Westchester & Boston Railway), Herbert
H. Harwood, Jr. (2008).
The New York, Westchester & Boston Railway: J.P. Morgan’s
Magnificent Mistake. (Bloomington, IN: Indiana
University Press, 155 p.). Former Executive, Chesapeake & Ohio
and the Baltimore & Ohio. Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont),
1837-1913; New York, Westchester & Boston Railway --History;
Railroads --New York (State) --History.
Opened in 1912 as high-speed, high-capacity electric line
designed to develop, serve upper-income communities in one of
New York City's most rapidly growing suburban areas; financed by
J. Pierpont Morgan; cost top construct - $2 million a mile
(almost $40 million a mile in 2005 dollars); designed to carry
more than 100,000 people a day efficiently and comfortably, ran
through virtually undeveloped territory, duplicated line of
parent company that built it; 1927 - discontinued.
(Norfolk Southern Railway), Robert C. Reisweber and Dalton P.
"Billy" McDonald (2007). The Original Norfolk Southern
Railway 1883-1974. (Laurys Station, PA: Garrigues House,
p.). Norfolk Southern Railway Company --History; Railroads
--United States --History.
(Norfolk Southern Railway), Richard C. Borkowski (2008).
Norfolk Southern Railway. (Minneapolis, MN: MinVoyageur
Press, 160 p.). Norfolk Southern Railway Company --History.
of oldest Class 1 railroads operating in North America; how
Norfolk Southern rose to one of worlds leading
transportation companies, from merger of Southern Railway,
Norfolk and Western.
(North Carolina Railroad Company), Allen W.
Trelease (1991).
The North Carolina Railroad, 1849-1871, and the Modernization of
North Carolina. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North
Carolina Press, 486 p.). North Carolina Railroad
Company--History; Railroads--North Carolina--History--19th
(North Eastern Railway Company), William
Weaver Tomlinson (1967).
Tomlinson's North Eastern Railway: Its Rise and Development.
(Newton Abbot, UK: David & Charles, 820 p.). North-Eastern
Railway (England); Railroads -- Great Britain -- History.
(North Eastern Railway Company), R. J. Irving
The North Eastern Railway Company, 1870-1914: An Economic
History. (Leicester, UK: Leicester University Press, 320
p.). North Eastern Railway (England) -- History.
(Northern Alberta Railways Company), Ena
Schneider (1989).
Ribbons of Steel: The Story of the Northern Alberta Railways.
(Calgary, AB: Detselig Enterprises, 312 p.). Northern Alberta
Railways Company; Railroads--Alberta, Northern.
(Northern Pacific - Villard, aka Ferdinand
Heinrich Gustav Hilgard, became President in early 1880's),
James B. Hedges (1930).
Henry Villard and the Railways of the Northwest. (New
Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 224 p.). Villard, Henry,
1835-1900; Northern Pacific Railroad Company; Pacific
railroads--History; Railroads--Northwest, Pacific.
Henry Villard -
Northern Pacific (http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAvillardH.jpg)
Jay Cooke
- Northern Pacific
Frederick Billings
- Northern Pacific
(Northern Pacific), Charles R. Wood (1968).
The Northern Pacific, Main Street of the Northwest; A Pictorial
History. (Seattle, WA: Superior Pub. Co., 208 p.).
Northern Pacific Railroad Company.
(Northern Pacific), Henry Villard (1969).
Memoirs of Henry Villard; Journalist and Financier, 1835-1900.
(New York, NY: Da Capo Press, 2 vols. [orig. pub. 1904]).
Villard, Henry, 1835-1900; United States--History--Civil War,
1861-1865--Personal narratives. Contents: v. 1. 1835-1862.--v.
2. 1863-1900.
(Northern Pacific), Dietrich G. Buss (1978).
Henry Villard: A Study of Transatlantic Investments and
Interests, 1870-1895. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 296 p.).
Villard, Henry, 1835-1900; Railroads--United
States--Finance--History; Capitalists and financiers--United
States--Biography; Investments, German--United States--History.
(Northern Pacific), John L. Harnsberger
Jay Cooke and Minnesota: The Formative Years of the Northern
Pacific Railroad, 1868-1873. (New York, NY: Arno Press,
348 p. (Originally presented as the author's thesis, University
of Minnesota, 1956)). Cooke, Jay, 1821-1905; Northern Pacific
Railroad Company--History.
(Northern Pacific), Robin W. Winks (1991).
Frederick Billings: A Life. (New York, NY: Oxford
University Press, 398 p.). Billings, Frederick, 1823-1890;
Northern Pacific Railway Company -- History; Businessmen --
United States -- Biography.
(Northern Pacific), Sig Mickelson (1993).
The Northern Pacific Railroad and the Selling of the West: A
Nineteenth-Century Public Relations Venture. (Sioux
Falls, SD: Center for Western Studies, 232 p.). Northern Pacific
Railroad Company--History; Advertising--Real estate
business--History--19th century; Land settlement--West
(U.S.)--History--19th century.
(Northern Pacific), Peter J. Lewty (1995).
Across the Columbia Plain: Railroad Expansion in the Interior
Northwest, 1885-1893. (Pullman, WA: Washington State
University Press, 326 p.). Northern Pacific Railroad Company --
History -- 19th century; Oregon and Transcontinental Company --
History -- 19th century; Oregon Railway and Navigation Company
-- History -- 19th century; Union Pacific Railroad Company --
History -- 19th century'; Railroads -- United States -- History
-- 19th century.
(Northern Pacific), Alexandra Villard de
Borchgrave and John Cullen (2001).
Villard: The Life and Times of an American Titan. (New
York, NY: Doubleday, 414 p.). Villard, Henry, 1835-1900;
Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography;
Journalists--United States--Biography; Railroads--United
States--History--19th century.
(Northern Pacific), M. John Lubetkin (2006).
Jay Cooke’s Gamble: The Northern Pacific Railroad and the Panic
of 1873. (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 380
p.). rFormer Cable Television Executive. Cooke, Jay, 1821-1905;
Northern Pacific Railroad Company; Financial crises--United
States--History--19th century. Soldiers,
engineers, businessmen, politicians, Native Americans who tried
to build or block the Northern Pacific.
Northern Pacific
Railroad map circa 1900
(Northwestern Pacific Railroad), Fred Codoni,
Paul C. Trimble, Northwestern Pacific Railroad Historical
Society (2006).
Northwestern Pacific Railroad. (Mount Pleasant, SC:
Arcadia Publishing, 144 p.). Northwestern Pacific Railroad;
Railroad companies--United States--History.
"Redwood Empire Route" once
stretched from Humboldt Bay to San Francisco Bay.
(NOT&L), James M. Blower and Robert S. Korach
The NOT&L Story. (Chicago, IL: Central Electric
Railfans' Association, 268 p.). Northern Ohio Traction and Light
Company; Street-railroads--Ohio--History; Local
(Ocean Shore Railroad Company), Barbara
VanderWerf (1992).
Granada, A Synonym for Paradise: The Ocean Shore Railroad Years.
(El Granada, CA: Gum Tree Lane Books, 208 p.). Ocean Shore
Railroad Company--History--20th century;
Landscape--California--El Granada--History--20th century;
Landscape--California--San Mateo County--History--20th century;
El Granada (Calif.)--History; San Mateo County
(Calif.)--History, Local.
(Ontario Northland Railway), Albert Tucker
Steam into Wilderness: Ontario Northland Railway 1902-1962.
(Totonto, ON: Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 214 p.). Ontario Northland
Railway -- History; Ontario -- History -- 20th century.
(Ontario & Quebec Railway), Donald M. Wilson
(1984). The Ontario & Quebec Railway: A History of the
Development of the Canadian Pacific System in Southern Ontario.
(Belleville, ON: Mika Pub. Co., 262 p.). Ontario and Quebec
Railway Company -- History; Canadian Pacific Railway Company --
History; Railroads -- Ontario -- History.
(Oregon Pacific & Eastern Railway), Peter J.
Lewty (1987).
To the Columbia Gateway: The Oregon Railway and the Northern
Pacific, 1879-1884. (Pullman, WA: Washington State
University Press, 202 p.). Northern Pacific Railroad Company --
History -- 19th century; Oregon Pacific & Eastern Railway --
History -- 19th century; Railroads -- United States -- History
-- 19th century.
(PACCAR), Alex Groner and Barry Provorse
PACCAR: The Pursuit of Quality. (Seattle, WA:
Documentary Media LLC, 328 p. [4th ed.]). PACCAR--History;
Railroad equipment industry--United States--History; Truck
industry--United States--History.
(Pacific Electric Railway), Spencer Crump
Henry Huntington and the Pacific Electric; A Pictorial Album.
(Los Angeles, CA: Trans-Anglo Books, 112 p.). Huntington, Henry
Edwards, 1850-1927; Pacific Electric Railway;
Street-railroads--California, Southern--Pictorial works;
Capitalists and financiers--United States--Biography.
(Pacific Fruit Express Co.), Anthony W.
Thompson, Robert J. Church, Bruce H. Jones (2000).
Pacific Fruit Express. (Berkeley, CA: Signature Press,
464 p.). Pacific Fruit Express Co.; Refrigerator cars.
(Panama Railroad), Fessenden N. Otis (1867).
Isthmus of Panama. History of the Panama Railroad; and of the
Pacific Mail Steamship Company. Together with a travellers'
guide and business man's hand-book for the Panama railroad and
the lines of steamships connecting it with Europe, the United
States, the north and south Atlantic and Pacific coasts, China,
Australia, and Japan. By F. N. Otis. (New York, NY: Harper &
Brothers, 317 p.). Panama Railroad; Panama -- Description and
travel; Pacific mail steamship company.
(PATH), Lorett Treese (2006).
Railroads of New Jersey: Fragments of the Past in the Garden
State Landscape. (Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books,
228 p.). Archivist (Bryn Mawr College). Railroads--New
Jersey--History. History
of PATH, Newark City Subway, NJ Transit, Secaucus Junction,
Hudson-Bergen Light Rail.
(Penn Central), Joseph R. Daughen and Peter
Binzen (1971). The
Wreck of the Penn Central. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown,
365 p.). Pennsylvania Central Transportation Company.
(Penn Central), Robert Sobel (1977).
The Fallen Colossus. (New York, NY: Weybright & Talley,
370 p.). Penn Central Transportation Company; Railroads--United
States--Finance; Capital--United States.
(Penn Central), Stephen Salsbury (1982).
No Way to Run a Railroad: The Untold Story of the Penn Central
Crisis. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 363 p.). Penn
Central Transportation Company.
(Pennsylvania Railroad), William Bender Wilson
(1899). History of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company with
Plan of Organization, Portraits of Officials, and Biographical
Sketches. (Philadelphia, PA: H. T. Coates & Company, 2
vols.). Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
Alexander Cassatt
- President Pennsylvania Railroad. opened Penn Station
(Pennsylvania Railroad), H.W. Schotter (1927).
The Growth and Development of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company: A Review of the Charter and Annual Reports of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1846 to 1926, Inclusive.
(Philadelphia, PA: Allen, Lane & Scott, 518 p. (2nd ed.)).
Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
(Pennsylvania Railroad), Edwin P Alexander
On the Main Line: The Pennsylvania Railroad in the 19th Century.
(New York, NY: C. N. Potter, 310 p.). Pennsylvania Railroad.
(Pennsylvania Railroad), George H. Burgess and
Miles C. Kennedy (1976). Centennial History of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1846-1946. (New York, NY:
Arno Press, 835 p. [Reprint of 1949 ed.]). Pennsylvania Railroad
(Pennsylvania Railroad), Patricia T. Davis
End of the Line: Alexander J. Cassatt and the Pennsylvania
Railroad. (New York, NY: Neale Watson Academic
Publications, 208 p.). Cassatt, Alexander J. (Alexander
Johnston), 1839-1906; Pennsylvania Railroad; Businessmen--United
(Pennsylvania Railroad), James A. Ward (1980).
J. Edgar Thomson: Master of the Pennsylvania. (Westport,
CT: Greenwood Press, 265 p.). Thomson, J. Edgar (John Edgar),
1808-1874; Pennsylvania Railroad--History;
Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Pennsylvania Railroad), Patricia Talbot Davis
(1994). The Railroad General: William Wallace Atterbury.
(Atlanta, GA: Metro Printing, 205 p.). Atterbury, William
Wallace, 1866-1935; Pennsylvania Railroad--History;
(Pennsylvania Railroad), Jill Jonnes (2007).
Conquering Gotham: A Guilded Age Epic: The Construction of Penn
Station and Its Tunnels. (New York, NY: Viking, 368 p.).
Pennsylvania Station (New York, N.Y.)--History--History--20th
century; Tunneling--New York (State)--New York--History--20th
century; Railroad stations--New York (State)--New
York--History--20th century; Historic buildings--New York
(State)--New York--History--20th century.
1901-1910: PRR's
monumental effort to build system of electrified tunnels under
Hudson River, Manhattan, East River to Long Island, all meeting
at Pennsylvania Station; then nation's biggest, most difficult,
important civil engineering project.
(Peto, Brassey and Betts), John G. Cox; edited and with a
foreword by David Brooke (2008).
Samuel Morton Peto (1809-1889): The Achievements and Failings of
a Great Railway Developer. (Oxford, UK: Railway &
Canal Historical Society, 128 p.). Railroad engineering --
History; Railroad engineers -- Biography; Businesspeople --
Biography. Prominent figure in worlds of business, transport for
three decades in mid-Victorian age; partner in Grissell and Peto
(managed construction firms that built many major buildings,
monuments in London; dissolved in 1846); became major
contractor, built rapidly expanding railways; involvement in railway
development outside Britain, particularly in Denmark and Canada,
unique Crimean Railway.
(Peto, Brassey and Betts), Adrian Vaughn (2009).
Samuel Morton Peto: A Victorian Entrepreneur.
(Leicestershire, UK: Ian Allan Publishing Ltd, 192 p. ).
Railroad engineering -- History; Railroad engineers --
Biography; Businesspeople -- Biography. Entrepreneur in 1830s.
(Plant System), G. Hutchinson Smythe (1898).
The Life Of Henry Bradley Plant: Founder And President Of The
Plant System Of Railroads And Steamships And Also Of The
Southern Express Company. (New York, NY: Putnam, 344 p.).
Plant, Henry Bradley, 1819-1899; Plant family.
Henry Bradley Plant
- Plant System (http://www.plantmuseum.com/images/stories/plantportrait.jpg)
(Plant System), Gregg
M. Turner and Seth H. Bramson (2004). The Plant System
of Railroads, Steamships and Hotels: The South’s First Great
Industrial Enterprise. (Laurys Station, PA: Garrigues House
Publishers, 144 p.). Former National Director of the Railway &
Locomotive Historical Society (Harvard Business School). Plant,
Henry Bradley, 1819-1899; Plant System -- History; Business
enterprises -- Southern States -- History; Railroads -- Southern
States -- History; Steamboats -- Southern States -- History;
Hotels -- Southern States -- History; Industrialists -- Southern
States -- Biography.
(Plant System), Kelly Reynolds
Henry Plant: Pioneer Empire Builder. (Cocoa, FL:
Florida Historical Society Press, 234 p.). Plant, Henry
Bradley, 1819-1899; Transportation -- Florida --
Biography; Transportation -- Florida -- History -- 19th
century; Florida -- History -- 19th century.
(Portland Company), David H. Fletcher (2002).
The Portland Company: 1846-1982. (Charleston, SC:
Arcadia Pub., 128 p.). Former President of the Sandy River
Railroad Museum, Founder of the Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad &
Museum. Portland Company. Manufactured railroad locomotives for Atlantic & St. Lawrence
Railroad; later diversified; played major role in economy,
development of Maine state.
(Pullman), Liston E. Leyendecker (1992).
Palace Car Prince: A Biography of George Mortimer Pullman.
(Niwot, CO: University Press of Colorado, 323 p.). Pullman,
George Mortimer, 1831-1897; Pullman's Palace Car
Company--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography;
Industrialists--United States--Biography.
George Pullman
(http://illinoisreview.typepad.com/ illinoisreview/images/pullman77.jpg)
(Pullman), David D. Perata (1996).
Those Pullman Blues: An Oral History of the African American
Railroad Attendant. (New York, NY: Twayne Publishers,
178 p.). Pullman Company -- History; Pullman porters --
Interviews; African American train attendants -- Interviews.
(Pullman), David Ray Papke (1999).
The Pullman Case: The Clash of Labor and Capital in Industrial
America. (Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 118
p.). R. Bruce Townsend Professor of Law (Indiana University
School of Law-Indianapolis), Professor of Liberal Arts (Indiana
University/Purdue University-Indianapolis). Debs, Eugene V.
(Eugene Victor), 1855-1926 --Trials, litigation, etc.; Pullman,
George Mortimer, 1831-1897; Trials (Conspiracy)--Illinois;
Strikes and lockouts--Railroads--Law and legislation--United
States--History; Chicago Strike, 1894.
(Quanah Acme & Pacific), Don L. Hofsommer
The Quanah Route: A History of the Quanah, Acme & Pacific
Railway. (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University
Press, 215 p.). Quanah, Acme, and Pacific Railway Company;
(Rahway Valley Railroad), Donald A. Maxton
The Rahway Valley Railroad. (Charleston, SC: Arcadia
Pub., 128 p.). Rahway Valley Railroad--History.
One of shortest yet most
prosperous of American railroads; helped transform rural region
into one of New Jersey's most vital and populous areas.
(Rome, Watertown), Edward Hungerford (1922).
The Story of the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburgh Railroad.
(New York, NY: R.M. McBride & Company, 269 p.). Rome, Watertown
and Ogdensburgh Railroad.
(Ruston and Hornsby Ltd.), Bernard Newman
One Hundred Years of Good Company: Published on the Occasion of
the Ruston Centenary 1857-1957. (Lincoln, UK: Ruston &
Hornsby, 272 p.). Ruston & Hornsby Ltd.; Locomotive
industry--Great Britain--Management--History--20th century. 1840
- Proctor and Burton established; 1857 - Joseph Ruston joined
company; name changed to Ruston, Proctor and Company; September
11, 1918 - merged with Richard Hornsby & Sons ( world leaders in
vaporizing oil engines, built them since 1891, eight years
before Rudoph Diesel's engine commercially produced); renamed
Ruston and Hornsby Ltd. Hornsbys.
(San Diego & Arizona Eastern Railway Company),
Robert M. Hanft (1984).
San Diego & Arizona: The Impossible Railroad. (Glendale,
CA: Trans-Anglo Books, 224 p.). San Diego & Arizona Eastern
Railway Company.
(San Diego & Southeastern Railroad), Ralph
Forty (1986).
San Diego’s South Bay Interurban. (Glendale, CA:
Interurban Press, 95 p.). San Diego & Southeastern Railroad;
Street-railroads--California--San Diego.
(Santa Fe), Donald Duke (1995).
Santa Fe: The Railroad Gateway to the American West.
(San Marino, CA: Golden West Books. Santa Fe Pacific Railroad
Company--History; Railroads--West (U.S.)--History.
(Severn Valley Railway), Michael A. Vanns
Severn Valley Railway. (Shepperton, UK: Ian Allan, 96
p.). Severn Valley Railway -- History; Severn Valley Railway --
History -- Pictorial works.
(South Eastern Railways), R.R. Bhandari
(1988). The Blue Chip Railway, 1887-1987. (Calcutta, IN:
C.P.R.O., S.E. Railways, 142 p.). Railroads--India--History.
(Southern England Railways), David St John
Thomas & Patrick Whitehouse (1988).
SR 150: A Century and a Half of the Southern Railway.
(Newton Abbot, UK: David & Charles, 207 p.). Southern England
Railways history.
(Southern Express), G. Hutchinson Smyth
(1898). The Life of Henry Bradley Plant: Founder and
President of the Plant System of Railroads and Steamships and
also of the Southern Express Company. (New York, NY: Putnam,
344 p.). Plant, Henry Bradley, 1819-1899; Plant family (John
Plant d.ca 1691).
(Southern Pacific), Neill C. Wilson and Frank J. Taylor
Southern Pacific: The Roaring Story of a Fighting Railroad.
(New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 256 p.). Southern Pacific Company.
Collis P. Huntington -
Southern Pacific (http://www.sfmuseum.org/
(Southern Pacific), Stuart Daggett (1966).
Chapters on the History of the Southern Pacific. (New
York, NY: A.M. Kelley, 470 p. [orig. pub. 1922]). Southern
Pacific Railroad.
(Southern Pacific), John R. Signor (1985).
Donner Pass: Southern Pacific’s Sierra Crossing. (San
Marino, CA: Golden West Books, 290 p.). Southern Pacific
Railroad Company--History; Donner Pass (Calif.)--History.
(Southern Pacific), Don L. Hofsommer; foreword
by Richard C. Overton (1986).
The Southern Pacific, 1901-1985. (College Station, TX:
Texas A&M University Press, 373 p.). Southern Pacific
(Southern Pacific), Loren Nicholson (1993).
Rails Across the Ranchos: Celebrating the Southern Pacific
Railroad Coastal Line. (San Luis Obispo, CA: California
Heritage Pub. Associates, 197 p.). Railroads--California--San
Luis Obispo County--History; San Luis Obispo County
(Southern Pacific), Jim A. Loveland (1996).
Dinner Is Served: Fine Dining Aboard the Southern Pacific.
(San Marino, CA: Golden West Books, 241 p.). Southern Pacific
Railroad Company; Railroads--United States--Dining-car service.
(Southern Pacific), Richard J. Orsi (2005).
Sunset Limited: The Southern Pacific Railroad and the
Development of the American West, 1850-1930. (Berkeley,
CA: University of California Press, 647 p.). Professor Emeritus
of History (California State University, Hayward). Southern
Pacific Railroad Company--History; Southern Pacific
Company--History; Railroads--California--History; Water
resources development--West (U.S.); Land use--West
(U.S.)--History; West (U.S.)--Economic conditions--20th century;
West (U.S.)--Economic conditions--19th century; West
(U.S.)--Environmental conditions--History. One
of largest, most important corporations during crucial phase of
development of American West in late 19th, early 20th centuries
- only major U.S. railroad operated by westerners, only railroad
built from west to east; railroad's development and
influence--especially as it affected land settlement,
agriculture, water policy, environment; role in shaping American
West, relationship between company's propserity with population
growth and social and economic development in railroad's
hinterland; railroad's little-known promotion of land
distribution, small-scale farming, scientific agriculture, less
wasteful environmental practices and policies (water
conservation, wilderness and recreational parklands
(Southern Pacific), Monte George Kim (2006).
The Southern Pacific Railroad and the Making of Place and
Community in California. (Ann Arbor, MI: ProQuest/UMI,
387 p.). Southern Pacific Company--History;
California--development. Transformative role of railroad in California during the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; role of Southern
Pacific Railroad in making (and remaking) of places and
communities throughout the state.
(South Pennsylvania Railroad), Herbert H.
Harwood, Jr. (2010).
The Railroad That Never Was: Vanderbilt, Morgan, and the South
Pennsylvania Railroad. (Bloomington, IN: Indiana
University Press 165 p.). 30 years in various management
positions at the Chesapeake & Ohio and the Baltimore & Ohio as
well as their successor, CSX Transportation. South Pennsylvania
Railroad; Railroads --Design and construction.
Conceived in 1881
by William H. Vanderbilt, Andrew Carnegie, group of Pittsburgh
and Philadelphia industrialists, 200-mile line through
Pennsylvania's most challenging mountain terrain was intended
to: 1) form heart of new trunk line from East Coast to
Pittsburgh and Midwest, 2) break Pennsylvania Railroad's
near-monopoly in region; J. P. Morgan brokered peace treaty that
aborted project, bolstered his position in world of finance;
railroad right of way, its tunnels sat idle for 60 years; came
to life in late 1930s as original section of Pennsylvania
(Southern Railway), Burke Davis (1985).
The Southern Railway: Road of the Innovators. (Chapel
Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 309 p.). Southern
Railway (U.S.).
(Southern Railway), Charles O. Morgret (1996).
Brosnan: The Railroads' Messiah. (New York, NY: Vantage
Press, 2 vols.). Brosnan, Dennis William, 1903-1985;
Railroads--United States--Biography; Railroads--United
(Spokane, Portland, and Seattle Railway),
Charles and Dorothy Wood (1974).
Spokane, Portland and Seattle Ry; The Northwest’s Own Railway.
(Seattle, WA: Superior Pub. Co., 159 p.). Spokane, Portland, and
Seattle Railway.
(St. Louis-San Francisco), H. Craig Miner
The St. Louis-San Francisco Transcontinental Railroad; the
Thirty-Fifth Parallel Project, 1853-1890. (Lawrence, KS:
Unicersity of Kansas Press, 236 p.). St. Louis-San Francisco
Railway Company; Railroads--United States--History.
(Stockton and Darlington Railway), John Thomas
(1952). The Story of George Stephenson. (London, UK:
Oxford University Press, 173 p.). Stephenson, George, 1781-1848;
Railroads--Great Britain.
Stockton and Darlington (http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/RAstephenG.jpg)
(Stockton and Darlington Railway), John
Rowland (1971).
Railway Pioneer: The Story of George Stephenson. (New
York, NY: Roy Publishers, 121 p.). Stephenson, George,
1781-1848; Stephenson, George, 1781-1848; Railroads--Great
Britain--Biography. Biography of the English inventor whose
pioneer work in railway engineering marked the beginning of
England's railroad network.
(Stockton and Darlington Railway), Samuel
Smiles (1971).
The Life of George Stephenson, Railway Engineer. (Ann
Arbor, MI: Plutarch Press, 557 p. [5th ed.; orig. pub. 1858]).
Stephenson, George, 1781-1848; Railroads--Great
Britain--History; Locomotives--History.
(Stockton and Darlington Railway), J. S. Jeans
History of the Stockton and Darlington Railway: Jubilee Memorial
of the Railway System. (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Graham,
315 p. [orig. pub. 1875]). Stockton and Darlington Railway;
Railroads--Great Britain--History.
(Stockton and Darlington Railway), P. W. B.
Semmens (1975). Stockton & Darlington: One Hundred & Fifty
Years of British Railways. (London, UK: New English Library,
160 p.). Stockton and Darlington Railway; Railroads--Great
(Stockton and Darlington Railway), P. J.
Holmes (1975). The Stockton and Darlington Railway, 1825-1975.
(Ayr, UK: First Avenue Pub. Co., 194 p.). Stockton and
Darlington Railway--History.
(Stockton and Darlington Railway), L. T. C.
Rolt (1977).
George and Robert Stephenson: The Railway Revolution.
(Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 356 p. [orig. pub. 1960]).
Stephenson, George, 1781-1848; Stephenson, Robert, 1803-1859;
Railroad engineers--England--Biography.
(Stockton and Darlington Railway), Maurice W.
Kirby (1993).
The Origins of Railway Enterprise: The Stockton and Darlington
Railway, 1821-1863. (New York, NY: Cambridge University
Press, 223 p.). Stockton and Darlington Railway--History;
Railroads--Great Britain--History.
(Stockton and Darlington Railway), Charlie
Emett (2000).
The Stockton & Darlington Railway: 175 Years. (Stroud,
UK: Sutton, 130 p.). Stockton and Darlington Railway.--History;
(Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company),
Richard T. Wallis (2001).
The Pennsylvania Railroad at Bay: William Riley McKeen and the
Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad. (Bloomington, IN:
Indiana University Press, 189 p.). McKeen, William Riley, b.
1829; Terre Haute & Indianapolis Railroad Company--History;
Pennsylvania Railroad--History; Railroads--Indiana--History;
(Texas & Pacific Railway), Virginia H. Taylor
The Franco-Texan Land Company. (Austin, TX: University
of Texas Press, 331 p.). Texas & Pacific Railway; Memphis, El
Paso, and Pacific Railroad Company; Franco-Texan Land Company;
French -- Texas.
(Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroad), Paul H.
Stringham (1993).
Toledo, Peoria & Western: Tried, Proven & Willing.
(Peoria, IL: Deller Archive, 149 p.). Toledo, Peoria & Western
Railroad; Railroads--Middle West.
(Transcontinental Railroad), Robert West
Howard (1962). The Great Iron Trail; The Story of the First
Transcontinental Railroad. (New York, NY: Putnam, 376 p.).
Central Pacific Railroad Company; Union Pacific Railroad
(Transcontinental Railroad), Julius Grodinsky
Transcontinental Railway Strategy, 1869-1893; A Study of
Businessmen. (Philadelphia, PA: University of
Pennsylvania Press, 443 p.). Railroads--United States--History.
(Transcontinental Railroad), Wesley S.
Griswold (1962).
A Work of Giants; Building the First Transcontinental Railroad.
(New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 367 p.). Central Pacific Railroad;
Union Pacific Railroad Company.
(Transcontinental Railroad), James McCague
Moguls and Iron Men; The Story of the First Transcontinental
Railroad. (New York, NY: Harper & Row, 392 p.). Central
Pacific Railroad; Union Pacific Railroad[ Railroads--West
(Transcontinental Railroad), Enid Johnson
Rails Across the Continent; The Story of the First
Transcontinental Railroad. (New York, NY: J. Messner,
190 p.). Central Pacific Railroad Company; Union Pacific
Railroad Company; Central Pacific Railroad Company; Union
Pacific Railroad Company.
(Transcontinental Railroad), John Debo
Galloway (1983).
The First Transcontinental Railroad: Central Pacific, Union
Pacific. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 319 p. [orig.
pub. 1950]). Central Pacific Railroad Company--History; Union
Pacific Railroad Company--History.
(Transcontinental Railroad), John Hoyt
Williams (1996).
A Great and Shining Road: The Epic Story of the Transcontinental
Railroad. (Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press,
341 p. [orig. pub. 1988]). Pacific railroads--History;
Railroads--West (U.S.)--History.
(Transcontinental Railroad), David Haward Bain
Empire Express: Building the First Transcontinental Railroad.
(New York, NY: Viking, 797 p.). Teaches at Middlebury College.
Railroads--United States--History; West (U.S.)--History.
(Transcontinental Railroad), Stephen E.
Ambrose (2000).
Nothing Like It in the World : The Men Who Built the
Transcontinental Railroad, 1863-1869. (New York, NY:
Simon & Schuster, 431 p.). Professor, University of New Orleans.
Central Pacific Railroad Company--History; Union Pacific
Railroad Company--History; Railroads--United
States--History--19th century; Railroad construction
workers--United States--History--19th century.
(Transcontinental Railroad), Walter R. Borneman (2010).
Rival Rails: The Race To Build America’s Greatest
Transcontinental Railroad. (New York, NY: Random
House, 432 p.). President of the Walter V. and Idun Y. Berry
Foundation. Railroads --United States --History --19th century;
Railroads --United States --History --20th century.
Battle to
build America’s transcontinental rail lines; sectional
rivalries, contested routes, political posturing, ambitious
business dealings as increasing number of lines
pushed across country; legendary business geniuses, so-called robber barons who made millions,
fought the elements, one another, to move America; herculean efforts to construct roads: laborers, brakemen, tracklayers, backroom deals in Washington, DC,
armed robberies of trains in the wild deserts, glorified cattle
cars to streamliners and Super Chiefs.
(Union Pacific), George Kennan (1922).
E. H. Harriman: A Biography. (Boston, MA: Houghton
Mifflin, 2 vols.). Harriman, Edward Henry, 1848-1909;
Boys--Societies and clubs; Businessmen--Biography;
Railroads--United States.
Edward H.
Harriman - bought bankrupt UP
in 1897 (http://www.pbs.org/harriman/images/1899/1899_image5p.jpg)
M. Dodge
- Union Pacific (http://www.iptv.org/iowapathways/images/a_000408_large.jpg)
(Union Pacific), Robert W. Fogel (1960).
The Union Pacific Railroad; A Case in Premature Enterprise.
(Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 129 p.).
Union Pacific Railroad Company (1862-1880).
(Union Pacific), Stanley P. Hirshson (1967).
Grenville M. Dodge, Soldier, Politician, Railroad Pioneer.
(Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 334 p.). Dodge,
Grenville Mellen, 1831-1916.
(Union Pacific), John P. Davis (1973).
The Union Pacific Railway; A Study in Railway Politics, History,
and Economics. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 247 p. [orig.
pub. 1894]). Union Pacific Railroad.
(Union Pacific), J. R. Perkins (1981).
Trails, Rails, and War: The Life of General G. M. Dodge.
(New York, NY: Arno Press, 371 p. [orig. pub. 1929]). Dodge,
Grenville Mellen, 1831-1916; Capitalists and financiers--West
(U.S.)--Biography; Railroads--West (U.S.)--History; Pacific
railroads--History; Union Pacific Railroad--History.
(Union Pacific), Lloyd J. Mercer (1985).
E. H. Harriman, Master Railroader. (Boston, MA: Twayne
Publishers, 188 p.). Harriman, Edward Henry, 1848-1909;
Businessmen--United States--Biography; Capitalists and
financiers--United States--Biography.
(Union Pacific), Maury Klein (1987).
Union Pacific. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 2 vols.).
Union Pacific Railroad Company. v. 1. Birth of a railroad,
1862-1893 -- v. 2. The rebirth, 1894-1969.
(Union Pacific), Maury Klein (2000).
The Life & Legend of E. H. Harriman. (Chapel Hill, NC:
University of North Carolina Press, 521 p.). Harriman, Edward
Henry, 1848-1909; Capitalists and financiers--United
States--Biography; Railroads--United States--History.
(Union Pacific), Maury Klein (2011).
Union Pacific: The Reconfiguration; America's Greatest Railroad
from 1969 to the Present. (New York, NY: Oxford
University Press, 528 p.). Professor of History Emeritus
(University of Rhode Island). Union Pacific Railroad Company
--History; Railroads --United States --History.
1969 - same company that century earlier
had triumphantly driven golden spike into Promontory Summit (to
immortalize nation's first transcontinental railway) seemed
dinosaur destined for financial ruin; survived, thrived (even as
passenger train travel has disappeared); inside great
railroad (boardrooms, along its tracks) - how company adapted to
rapidly changing world of modern transportation; portraits of
men who have run railroad: challenges they faced, strategies
they developed.
(Virginia and Truckee Railroad), Lucius Beebe
and Charles Clegg (1957).
Steamcars to the Comstock; The Virginia & Truckee Railroad, the
Carson & Colorado Railroad: Their Story in Picture and Prose.
(Berkeley, CA: Howell-North, 74 p.). Virginia and Truckee
Railroad; Carson and Colorado Railroad.
(Virginia and Truckee Railroad), Lucius Beebe
and Charles Clegg (1963).
Virginia & Truckee, A Story of Virginia City and Comstock Times.
(Berkeley, CA: Howell-North, 67 p.). Virginia and Truckee
(Virginia and Truckee Railroad), Ted Wurm and
Harre W. Demoro (1982).
The Silver Short Line: A History of the Virginia & Truckee
Railroad. (San Diego, CA: Howell-North Books). Virginia
and Truckee Railroad--History.
(Virginia and Truckee Railroad), Ted Wurm
Rebirth of the Virginia & Truckee R.R.: Amazing Revival of a
Steam Railroad. (Ross, CA: May-Murdock Publications, 78
p.). Virginia and Truckee Railroad; Railroads--Nevada.
(Wabash Railroad), H. Roger Grant (2004).
Follow the Flag: A History of the Wabash Railroad Company.
(DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 291 p.).
Centennial Professor of History (Clemson University). Wabash
Railroad History.
(Washington-Virginia Railway Company), John E.
Merriken (1987).
Old Dominion Trolley Too: A History of the Mount Vernon Line.
(Dallas, TX: L.O. King, Jr., 142 p.). Washington-Virginia
Railway Company; Street-railroads--Virginia.
(James Watt and Company), Sir Eric Roll. With
an introd. by J. G. Smith (1968). An Early Experiment in
Industrial Organisation; Being a History of the Firm of Boulton
& Watt, 1775-1805. (New York, NY: A.M. Kelley, 320 p.
[reprint of 1930 ed.]). James Watt and Company (Birmingham,
England); Steam-engines--History.
(Western Maryland Railway Company), Edward M. Killough (1940).
History of the Western Maryland Railway Company. (Baltimore,
MD: The Author, 128 p. [rev. ed.]). Western Maryland Railway
Company; Railroads --United States --Biography.
Maryland Railway Company), Harold A. Williams (1952).
The Western Maryland Railway Story; A Chronicle of the
First Century, 1852-1952. (Baltimore,
MD: Author, 152 p.). Western Maryland Railway Company.
(Western Maryland
Railway Company), Ross Grenard and John Krause (1988).
Steam in the Alleghenies: Western Maryland. (Newton,
NJ: Carstens Publications, 82 p.). Western Maryland Railway
Company; Railroads --United States.
(Western Maryland Railway
Company), Roger Cook and Karl Zimmermann (1992).
The Western Maryland Railway: Fireballs and Black
(Laurys Station, PA: Garrigues House, 332 p. [2nd
ed.]). Western Maryland Railway
--History. Illustrated history, particular emphasis on
40-year period following Western Maryland’s Centennial
in 1952.
(Western Maryland Railway Company), Jeremy F. Plant (2002).
Western Maryland Trackside with George M. Leilich. (Scotch
Plains, NJ : Morning Sun Books, Scotch Plains, NJ : Morning Sun
Books, 128 p.). Western Maryland Railway Company;
Railroads --United States. History of the Western Maryland in its
last three decades, through camera lens of Vice President of
Operations, George M. Leilich.
(Western Maryland Railway Company), Carroll F. Spitzer (2002).
Western Maryland
Railway: A Pictorial History of the Men, Women, and Machines
that Made It Famous: 1872-1999. (Hagerstown,
MD: Copyquik Printing & Graphics, 303 p.). Western Maryland
Railroad Company --History; Western Maryland Railroad Company
--Pictorial works; Railroads --Maryland --History.
(Western Pacific Railway Company), Spencer
Crump (1963). Western Pacific; The Railroad That Was Built
Too Late. (Los Angeles, CA: Trans-Anglo Books, 48 p.).
Western Pacific Railway Company; Western Pacific Railroad
(Western Pacific Railway Company), Norman W.
Holmes (1996).
My Western Pacific Railroad: An Engineer’s Journey.
(Reno, NV: Steel Rails West Publishing, 128 p.). Western Pacific
Railroad Company--History; Railroads--California--History;
Railroads--California--Pictorial works.
(Westinghouse Air Brake Company), Wilmerding
World Wide (2002).
Wilmerding and the Westinghouse Air Brake Company.
(Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub., 128 p.). Promotes History of
George Westinghouse. Wilmerding and the Westinghouse Air Brake
Company. Story of
company and company town, both built by George Westinghouse,
grew up hand in hand; how citizens lived.
(Wisconsin Central Ltd.), Otto P. Dobnick and
Steve Glischinski (1997).
Wisconsin Central: Railroad Success Story. (Waukesha,
WI: Kalmbach Books, 160 p.). Wisconsin Central Ltd.;
Railroads--United States.
Charles F. Adams, Jr. (1878).
Railroads: Their Origins and Problems. (New York, NY:
G.P. Putnam's Sons, 230 p.). Railroads.
Mark Aldrich (2006).
Death Rode the Rails: American Railroad Accidents and Safety,
1828-1965. (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 464 p.). Marilyn Carlson Nelson Professor of Economics
(Smith College). Railroads--United States--Accidents--History;
Railroads--United States--Safety measures--History.
Evolution of railroad safety in
the United States-interplay of market forces, science and
technology, legal and public pressures.
Robert G. Angevine (2004).
The Railroad and the State: War, Politics, and Technology in
Nineteenth-Century America. (Stanford, CA: Stanford
University Press, 351 p.). Research Analyst at the Strategic
Assessment Center. United States. Army--History--19th century;
Railroads and state--United States--History--19th century;
Railroads--Military aspects--United States--History--19th
century; Industrial mobilization--United States--History--19th
Gerald Berk (1994).
Alternative Tracks: The Constitution of American Industrial
Order, 1865-1917. (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 243 p.). Associate Professor of Political
Science (University of Oregon). Railroads and state --United
States --History; Railroads --Political aspects --United States
--History; Railroad law --United States --History; Corporations
--Political aspects --United States --History; Corporation law
--United States --History; Industrial policy --United States
--History. Constitutional
choices, not technological imperatives or economic interests,
determined outcome in 20th century.
Ed. Stuart Bruchey (1981). Memoirs of Three
Railroad Pioneers. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 104 p.). Hill,
James Jerome, 1838-1916; Harriman, Edward Henry, 1848-1909;
Hopkins, Mark, 1813-1878; Capitalists and financiers--United
States--Biography; Railroads--United States--History. Hill, J.
J. The Great Northern and the Northwest.--Kahn, O. H. Edward
Henry Harriman.--Redding, B. B.
Brian Carroll (1976).
Australia’s Railway Days: Milestones in Railway History.
(Melbourne, AU: Macmillan, 111 p.).
Compiled and edited by Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.
The Railroads, The Nation's First Big Business; Sources and
Readings. (New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace & World, 213
p.). Railroads--United States--History--Addresses, essays,
Ed. Alfred D. Chandler (1979).
The Railroads, Pioneers in Modern Management. (New York,
NY: Arno Press, 295 p.). Railroads--United
States--Management--Addresses, essays, lectures;
Management--Addresses, essays, lectures.
Albert J. Churella (1998).
From Steam to Diesel: Managerial Customs and Organizational
Capabilities in the Twentieth-Century American Locomotive
Industry. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
215 p.). Locomotive industry--United
States--Management--History--20th century.
Transformation of specialty production trade into
standard-product industry; how leading locomotive producers in
United States during 20th century responded to radical
technological change from steam locomotives to diesels; business
practices, dramatic shifts in innovation patterns.
John E. Clark, Jr. (2001).
Railroads in the Civil War: The Impact of Management on Victory
and Defeat. (Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University
Press, 275 p.). United States. Army--Management--History--19th
century; Confederate States of America. Army--Management; United
States. Army--Transportation--History--19th century; Confederate
States of America. Army--Transportation; Railroads--United
States--History--19th century; Railroads--Confederate States of
America--History; United States--History--Civil War,
1861-1865--Transportation; United States--Politics and
government--1861-1865; Confederate States of America--Politics
and government.
Thomas C. Cochran (1953).
Railroad Leaders, 1845-1890: The Business Mind in Action.
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 564 p.).
Railroads--United States--Biography. Harvard University Research
Center Series in Entrepreneurial History.
John G. Cox;
edited and with a foreword by David Brooke (2008).
Samuel Morton Peto (1809-1889): The
Achievements and Failings of a Great Railway Developer.
(Oxford, UK: Railway & Canal Historical Society, 128 p.).
Railroad engineering -- History; Railroad engineers --
Biography; Businesspeople -- Biography.
Prominent figure in worlds of business, transport for three
decades in mid-Victorian age; developed railways outside
Britain, in Denmark and Canada, unique Crimean Railway.
William Deverell (1994).
Railroad Crossing: Californians and the Railroad, 1850-1910.
(Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 278 p.).
Professor of History (University of Southern California),
Director of the Huntington-USC Institute on California and the
West. Railroads -- California -- History; Southern Pacific
Company--History. Chaos
that was industrial America from middle of nineteenth century
through first decade of the twentieth. Americans clamored for
progress, prosperity that railroads would surely bring, and no
railroad was more crucial for California than the
transcontinental line linking East to West; Californians
looked to railroad as state's new savior; social upheaval,
economic disruption came down tracks along with growth,
opportunity; contradictory roles of technology, industrial
capitalism in lives of Americans.
Colleen A. Dunlavy (1994).
Politics and Industrialization: Early Railroads in the United
States and Prussia. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 303 p.). Professor of History (University of
Wisconsin-Madison). Railroads and state--United
States--History--19th century; Railroads and
state--Germany--Prussia--History--19th century;
Railroads--United States--History--19th century;
Railroads--Germany--Prussia--History--19th century.
How two distinctive political structures
(federal, legislative in U.S., centralized, bureaucratic in
Prussia) shaped contours of early railroad industry.
Eds. Bruce A. Elleman and Stephen Kotkin (2010).
Manchurian Railways and the Opening of China: An International
History. (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 235 p.). Railroads
--China --Manchuria --History --20th century; Manchuria (China)
--History --20th century; China --Economic conditions --20th
century. International history of northeast Asia; control of 1)
route from Imperial Russian capital of St. Petersburg to Pacific
port of Vladivostok through Manchuria, 2) spur line from
Manchurian city of Harbin to ice-free Port Arthur gave Imperial
Russia military, economic, political advantages that prompted rivalry
by Japan, unease for
China; effort to defend, retain strategic hold against rising
Japanese power strained Moscow; control of Manchurian railways
contested in: a) Russo-Japanese War of 1904-5; b) Japan's 1931
invasion, establishment of puppet state of Manchukuo; c) second
Sino-Japanese War, World War II in Asia; d) Chinese civil war
that culminated in Communist victory over Nationalists; railways
- critical to plans for development of China's sparsely
populated interior.
Saul Engelbourg and Leonard Bushkoff (1996).
The Man Who Found the Money: John Stewart Kennedy and the
Financing of the the Western Railroads. (East Lansing,
MI: Michigan State University Press, 257 p.). Kennedy, John S.
(John Stewart), 1830-1909; Capitalists and financiers--United
States--Biography; Philanthropists--United States--Biography;
Railroads--United States--History--19th century;
Railroads--Canada--History--19th century; Public libraries--New
York (State)--New York--History.
Albert Fishlow (1965).
American Railroads and the Transformation of the Antebellum
Economy. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 452
p.). Railroads--United States--History; United States--Economic
conditions. Transition
from the "Old Economic History" to the "New Economic History."
Robert William Fogel (1964).
Railroads and American Economic Growth: Essays in Econometric
History. (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press, 296 p.).
Charles R. Walgreen Professor of American Institutions, Director
for the Center for Population Economics (University of Chicago),
Winner - Nobel Prize for Economics in 1993. Railroads--United
States--History; United States--Economic conditions.
Disagreed that railroads
constituted "the greatest technological innovation of the
19th-century, the engine that pushed forward the whole American
economy." Used data on 19th-century agricultural commodities,
transport costs, land value, canal usage. Argued that railroads
made relatively small contribution to U.S. economic growth in
1890; claimed that even if first rail had never been laid, per
capita income reached in U. S. on January 1, 1890 would have
been delayed by only about 3 months; dismantled concept of "axis
of indispensability".
William B. Friedricks (1992).
Henry E. Huntington and the Creation of Southern California.
(Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 229 p.). Huntington,
Henry Edwards, 1850-1927; Businesspeople--California,
Southern--Biography; Entrepreneurship--California,
Southern--History--20th century.
A. F. Garnett (2005).
Steel Wheels: The Evolution of the Railways and How They
Stimulated and Excited Engineers, Architects, Artists, Writers,
Musicians and Travellers. (Waldenbury, Chailey, East
Sussex, UK: Cannwood, 266 p.). Railroads--History. Evolution
of railways, engineers and architects who made them possible.
Stephen B. Goddard (1996).
Getting There: The Epic Struggle between Road and Rail in the
American Century. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago
Press, 366 p.). Lawyer, Board President of the Hartford Public
Library. Transportation, Automotive --United States --History
--20th century; Automobiles --Social aspects --United States
--History --20th century; Roads --United States --History --20th
century; Railroads --United States --History --20th century.
transportation has shaped nation, its economy; how highways, interstate highway system, steadily became
dominant mode of transportation in US.
Sarah H. Gordon (1996).
Passage to Union: How the Railroads Transformed American Life,
1829-1929. (Chicago, IL: Ivan R. Dee, 403 p.).
Railroads--United States--History; United States--Economic
conditions; United States--Social conditions.
H. Roger Grant (2005).
The Railroad: The Life Story of a Technology. (Westport,
CT: Greenwood Press, 182 p.). Kathryn and Calhoun Lemon
Professor of History & Geography (Clemson University).
Railroads--United States--History. 200 years of the growth and
development of historically significant technology; linked to
broader social developments.
Dolores Greenberg (1980).
Financiers and Railroads, 1869-1889: A Study of Morton, Bliss &
Company. (Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 286
p.). Morton, Bliss & Company--History; Railroads--United
Derek Hayes (2010).
Historical Atlas of the North American Railroad.
(Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 224 p.).
Railroads -- United States -- History; Railroads -- routes.
History of railroad in North America, from origins in Britain in
1820s, short lines connecting Eastern Seaboard rivers in 1830s
to Amtrak, modern intermodal freights driving modern railroad
revival; array of types of railroad maps (purely utilitarian to
gorgeously promotional; how railroad transformed economic,
social life of continent, changed two North American nations it
linked from Atlantic to Pacific.
Don L. Hofsommer (2005).
Minneapolis and the Age of Railways. (Minneapolis, MN:
University of Minnesota Press, 337 p.). Professor of History
(St. Cloud State University).
Railroads--Minnesota--Minneapolis--History; Minneapolis
(Minn.)--History. Author presents Minneapolis from the 1860s into the 1950s, when railroads served
as unique link between city and countryside.
--- (2005).
Steel Trails of Hawkeyeland: Iowa’s Railroad Experience.
(Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 353 p.). Professor
of History (St. Cloud State University).
Railroads--Iowa--History. Critically important element in state’s history; tight symbiotic
relationship between Iowa and its railways.
Stewart H. Holbrook (1981).
The Story of American Railroads. (New York, NY: American
Legacy Press, 469 p. [orig. pub. 1947]). Railroads--United
Kakizaki Ichiro (2004).
Laying the Tracks: The Thai Economy and Its Railways 1885-1935.
(Kyoto, Japan: Kyoto University Press, 327 p.).
Railroads--Economic aspects--Thailand;
Railroads--Thailand--History; Thailand--Economic
Arthur M. Johnson and Barry E. Supple (1967).
Boston Capitalists and Western Railroads; a Study in the
Nineteenth-Century Railroad Investment Process. (Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press, 392 p.). Railroads--United
Ian Kennedy and Julian Treuherz (2008).
The Railway: Art in the Age of Steam. (New Haven, CT:
Yale University Press, 287 p.). Louis L. and Adelaide C. Ward
Curator, European Painting and Sculpture at The Nelson-Atkins
Museum of Art in Kansas City; formerly Keeper of Art Galleries,
National Museums Liverpool. Railroads in art --Exhibitions;
Railroad travel in art --Exhibitions; Art, Modern --19th century
--Exhibitions; Art, Modern --20th century --Exhibitions.
One of industrial age’s defining
achievements - artistic response to steam locomotion within its
social setting via paintings, photography, prints, posters;
wide variety of themes (landscape painting, conquest of West,
Impressionism, issues of social class, Modernism, aesthetics of
machine, environmental concerns).
Ian J. Kerr (2006).
Engines of Change: The Railroads That Made India.
(Westport, CT: Praeger, 224 p.). Retired Professor of History
and Senior Scholar in the Department of History (University of
Manitoba). Railroads--India--History. Railway networks brought people
together as colony; fostered nationalism (Britain's downfall);
remade physical landscape, brought social-cultural cohesion to
diverse, wide-ranging populace.
Vivek Khare (2008). The
Turnaround Story of Indian Railways: Beginning-- Challenges--.
(Pune : Ameya Prakashan, 128 p.). Railroads -- India --
Management; Railroads -- India -- Finance; Technological
innovations -- Economic aspects -- India; Indian Railways.
Robert A. King (2003).
Trails to Rails: A History of Wyoming’s Railroads.
(Casper, WY Endeavor Books, 125 p.). Railroads --Wyoming
M. W. Kirby (1984).
Men of Business and Politics: The Rise and Fall of the Quaker
Pease Dynasty of North-East England, 1700-1943. (Boston,
MA: Allen & Unwin, 167 p.). Pease family; Businesspeople--Great
Britain--Biography; Politicians--Great Britain--Biography; Great
Britain--Economic conditions.
Maury Klein (1994).
Unfinished Business: The Railroad in American Life.
(Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 226 p.).
Railroads--United States--History.
Gabriel Kolko (1965).
Railroads and Regulation, 1877-1916. (Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 273 p.). Emeritus Professor of
History (York University). Railroad law --United States;
Railroads and state --United States.
Kornweibel, Jr. (2010).
Railroads in the
African American Experience: A Photographic Journey.
(Baltimore, MD, Johns Hopkins University Press, 557
p.). Professor Emeritus in African American History (San Diego
State University). Railroads --United States --Employees;
African Americans --Employment; African Americans
--Segregation. Illustrated tour of black railroad experience
from slavery to Amtrak; significant contributions of African
Americans to building, maintenance, operation, profitability of
American railway system; for over century, railroading provided
most important industrial occupation for blacks (brakemen,
firemen, porters, chefs, mechanics, laborers) - essential to
daily operation, success of American railroads.
Ginette Kurgan-van Hentenryk (1982).
Rail, Finance et Politique: Les Entreprises Philippart,
1865-1890. (Bruxelles, Belgique: Editions de
l’Universite´ de Bruxelles, 392 p.). Professor in History,
Centre d'Études Canadiennes (Université Libre de Bruxelles).
Philippart, Simon, 1827-1900; Railroads--Belgium--History--19th
century; Business enterprises--Belgium--History--19th century;
Railroads--Luxembourg--History--19th century;
Railroads--France--History--19th century.
Rush Loving, Jr. (2006).
The Men Who Loved Trains: The Story of Men Who Battled Greed To
Save an Ailing Industry. (Bloomington, IN: Indiana
University Press, 248 p.). Former Director of the Office of
Management and Budget under President Jimmy Carter.
Railroads--United States--Biography; Capitalists and
financiers--United States--Biography; Railroad companies--United
States--History. Chiefs who have run railroads; intrigue, greed,
lust for power, boardroom battles, takeover wars.
Albro Martin (1971).
Enterprise Denied; Origins of the Decline of American Railroads,
1897-1917. (New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 402
p.). Railroads and state -- United States.
--- (1992).
Railroads Triumphant: The Growth, Rejection, and Rebirth of a
Vital American Force. (New York, NY: Oxford University
Press, 428 p.). Railroads -- United States -- History.
Charles McKean (2006).
Battle for the North: The Tay and Forth Bridges and the
19th-Century Railway Wars. (London, UK: Granta Books,
390 p.). Railroads--Scotland--Design and construction--History;
Tay Bridge Disaster, Dundee, Scotland, 1879; Forth Bridge (South
Queensferry, Scotland : Railroad bridge)--History; Tay Bridge
(Dundee, Scotland : Railroad bridge)--History.
1879 - longest railway bridge in
the world collapsed in a violent storm; folly of trusting in
market forces to run railways.
David F. Myrick (1990).
New Mexico’s Railroads: A Historical Survey.
Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 276 p., rev.
ed.).Railroads --New Mexico --History.
David F. Myrick (1992).
Railroads of Nevada and Eastern California - Volume 1: The
Northern Roads. (Reno, NV: University of Nevada
Press, 472 p., orig. pub. 1962). Railroads --Nevada --History;
Railroads --California --History.
David F. Myrick (1992).
Railroads of
Nevada and Eastern California - Volume 2: The Southern Roads. (Reno, NV: University of Nevada Press,
496 p.,
orig. pub. 1962). Railroads --Nevada --History; Railroads
--California --History.
Craig Miner (2010).
A Most Magnificent Machine: America Adopts the Railroad,
1825-1862. (Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas,
325 p.). Willard Garvey Distinguished Professor of Business
History (Wichita State University). Railroads --United States
--History --19th century; Railroads --Social aspects --United
States --History --19th century. How railroads were perceived
by, shaped, communities across country; growth of railroads from
origins in 1820s to onset of Civil War; how ordinary Americans
experienced this innovation at grass roots, from boosters'
dreams of get-rich schemes to naysayers' fears of soulless
corporations; initial burst of enthusiasm accompanied early
railroading; Mauch Chunk Railway, tourist sensation of
mid-1820s, mixed reactions to trains as Baltimore's city fathers
envisioned tracks to Ohio River, how Pennsylvanians wrestled
with efficacy of railroads versus canals, intense rivalry of
cities competing for trade as new rail technology replaced old
transportation patterns; how it became quintessentially American
business (how Panic of 1837 significantly slowed railways as
major engine of growth for many years); impact of railroads on
different regions (Central of Georgia as one of best-managed,
most profitable lines in country); country's first big business
triumphed over cultural concerns; citizens' hopes, fears sparked
by railroads.
John Moody (1919).
The Railroad Builders; A Chronicle of the Welding of the States.
(New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 257 p.).
Railroads--United States--History.
Ed. Patrick O'Brien (1981).
Railways and the Economic Development of Western Europe,
1830-1914. (New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 243 p.).
Railroads--Europe--History; Europe--Economic conditions.
Douglas J. Puffert (2009).
Tracks Across Continents, Paths Through History: The Economic
Dynamics of Standardization in Railway Gauge.
(Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 376 p.). Teaches
Economics (The King’s College, New York). Railroad gauges
--Standards --History. Global history of railway track gauge,
early choices, dynamic process of diversity and standardization
that resulted; economic theory of path dependence (grounded in
economic, technical, institutional realities); standard track
gauge (distance between two rails) enables connecting railway
lines to exchange traffic; early North American railways used
six different gauges extensively; breaks of gauge at national
borders (India, Australia - expensive burdens on
commerce; how early historical events, idiosyncratic
personalities, affected choices of gauge (despite changing
technology, understandings of optimal gauge);three key
periods: 1) 1800s-1840s: initial experimentation; 2)
1840s-1870s: expanding diversity into broad gauges; 3)
1870s-1920s - expansion of narrow gauges from 2 ft. to 4 ft.
M. C. Reed (1975).
Investment in Railways in Britain, 1820-1844: A Study in the
Development of the Capital Market. (London, UK: Oxford
University Press, 315 p.). Railroads--Great
Britain--Finance--History; Capital investments--Great
Alfred Runte (2006).
Allies of the Earth: Railroads and the Soul of Preservation.
(Kirksville, MO: Truman State University Press, 195 p.).
Railroads--United States--History; Railroads--United
States--Passenger traffic. Greatest loss from decline of
passenger train is alliance between technology and the land.
Walter S. Sanderlin (1976). The Great
National Project: A History of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal.
(New York, NY: Arno Press, 331 p. [Reprint of 1946 ed.]).
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal (Md. and Washington, D.C.).
Richard Saunders, Jr. (2001).
Merging Lines: American Railroads, 1900-1970. (DeKalb,
IL: Northern Illinois Press, 486 p. [rev. 1978 ed.]). Teacher of
History (Clemson University). ConRail--History--20th century;
Railroads and state--United States--History--20th century;
Railroads--Mergers--United States--History--20th century.
--- (2003).
Main Lines: Rebirth of the North American Railroads, 1970-2002.
(DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 436 p.).
Teacher of History (Clemson University).
Railroads--Mergers--United States; Railroads--Mergers--United
States--History--20th century.
Carlos A. Schwantes (1993).
Railroad Signatures across the Pacific Northwest.
(Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 359 p.).
Railroads--Northwest, Pacific; Railroads--Northwest,
Roy V. Scott (1985).
Railroad Development Programs in the Twentieth Century.
(Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 231 p.).
Railroads--Economic aspects--United States--History--20th
Brian Solomon (2001).
The Heritage of North American Steam Railroad: From the
First Days of Steam Power to the Present.
(Pleasantville, NY: Reader’s Digest, 256 p.). Railway
Historian, Former Editor of Pacific Railnews Railroads
--North America --History; Railroads --United States
--History; Railroads --Canada --History.
Beginnings of
railroads in North America; how they became dominant
mode of transportation, went into decline after
World War II; development, operation of various steam,
early diesel engine types; electrification, stations,
trolleys, interurban systems.
Brian Solomon (2009).
Railroads of California. (Minneapolis, MN:
MBI Pub.: Voyageur Press, 160 p.). Railway Historian.
Railroads --California --History; Railroad trains
--California --History. California’s legendary
railroads, men who built and ran them, engineering feats
that made them possibl; railroad’s legacy of historic
tourist roads and museums (Railtown 1897 State Historic
Park, California State Railroad Museum in Sacramento);
excursion roads, museums, modern “real” railroad sites
and operations from Donner Pass, Barstow hub to iconic
Los Angeles Union Station.
Brian Solomon & Patrick Yough (2009).
Coal Trains: The History of Railroading and Coal in the
United States. (Minneapolis, MN: MBI Pub.
Company, 160 p.). Railway Historian; Environmental
Consultant in the Utility Industry. Mine railroad trains
--United States --History; Mine railroads --United
States --History; Coal mines and mining --United States
--History. How unique demands of coal (America’s demand
for coal) prompted new railroad technologies for
150 years; mid-19th century to present - U.S. railroads
carried coal from mines to docks, steel mills, power
plants across country; railroads, hardware that have
transported fossil fuels that made America work.
John R. Stilgoe (2007).
Train Time: Railroads and the Imminent Reshaping of the United
States Landscape. (Charlottesville, VA: University of
Virginia Press, 281 p.). Robert and Lois Orchard Professor in
the History of Landscape (Harvard University). Railroads--United
States--History; Landscape--United States; Railroads--United
States--Traffic; Railroads--United States--Freight;
Railroads--Social aspects--United States--History.
Spatial consequences of railways;
train is returning, "an economic and cultural tsunami about to
transform the United States;" future for railways as powerful
shapers of American life.
John F. Stover (1955). The Railroads of the
South, 1865-1900; A Study in Finance and Control. (Chapel
Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 310 p.).
Railroads--Southern States.
--- (1997).
American Railroads. (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago
Press, 306 p. [2nd ed.]). Railroads--United States--History.
William R. Summerhill (2003).
Order Against Progress: Government, Foreign Investment, and
Railroads in Brazil, 1854-1913. (Stanford, CA: Stanford
University Press, 297 p.). Railroads--Brazil--History--19th
century; Railroads--Economic aspects--Brazil; Railroads and
state--Brazil--History--19th century.
James Thorpe (1994).
Henry Edwards Huntington: A Biography. (Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press, 623 p.). Huntington, Henry
Edwards, 1850-1927; Capitalists and financiers--United
Gregg Turner (2003).
A Short History of Florida’s Railroads. (Charleston, SC:
Arcadia Pub., 128 p.). Railroads--Florida--History;
Florida--History. Linked practically every
town and city, carried tourists and locals, conveyed wealth of
Florida's mines, factories, forests, groves, and farms.
--- (2005).
Florida Railroads in the 1920's. (Charleston, SC:
Arcadia, 128 p.). Former Director of the Railway and Locomotive
Historical Society at Harvard Business School.
Railroads--Florida--History; Florida--History.
Florida’s biggest
railroads—Atlantic Coast Line, Seaboard Air Line, Florida East
Coast—were unprepared for tidal wave of traffic during colossal
land boom; had to rapidly expand and increase capacity.
Gregg M. Turner; foreword by Raymond
Arsenault and Gary R. Mormino (2008).
A Journey into Florida Railroad History. (Gainesville,
FL: University Press of Florida, 283 p.). Former National
Director of the Railway & Locomotive Historical Society (Harvard
Business School). Railroads --Florida --History; Railroads
--Social aspects --Florida --History; Florida --History; Florida
--Social conditions. Key players and companies, every
significant period in long, slow development of Florida
railroads, from first tentative lines in 1830s, through boom of
1880s, to maturity of railroad system in 1920s; decline of
the industry, as automobile rose to prominence.
Steven W. Usselman (2002).
Regulating Railroad Innovation: Business, Technology, and
Politics in America, 1840-1920. (New York, NY: Cambridge
University Press, 398 p.). Railroads--United States--History;
Railroads--Technological innovations.
Teresa Miriam Van Hoy (2008).
A Social History of Mexico’s Railroads: Peons, Prisoners, and
Priests. (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 237 p.).
Railroads --Social aspects --Mexico --History; Railroads
--Economic aspects --Mexico --History. Railroad development in
nineteenth-century Mexico; rapid economic growth greatly
benefited elites, heavily impacted rural and provincial Mexican
residents in communities traversed by rail; foreign investment
in Mexico, largely in railroad development, connected to effects
on people living in isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico's region of
greatest ethnic diversity.
Adrian Vaughn (2009).
Samuel Morton Peto: A Victorian Entrepreneur.
(Leicestershire, UK: Ian Allan Publishing Ltd, 192 p. ).
Railroad engineering -- History; Railroad engineers --
Biography; Businesspeople -- Biography. . story of this
entrepreneur from the 1830s with the author relating his
biography from a very human perspective using private letters
from the Peto family archives as well as his political speeches
and articles in 'The Economist' to provide a balanced picture of
this controversial man.
Augustus J. Veenendaal, Jr. (1996).
Slow Train to Paradise: How Dutch Investment Helped Build
American Railroads. (Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Press,, 350 p.). Railroads--United States--Finance--History;
Investments, Dutch--United States--History.
--- (2001). Railways in the Netherlands A
Brief History, 1834-1994. (Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Press, 248 p.). Senior Research Historian (Institute of
Netherlands History, The Hague), Corporate Historian of
Netherlands Railways. Railways. Railroads --Netherlands
--History. Origin, growth, decline,
resurrection of railway system of Netherlands from beginnings to
privatization in 1990s, in context of political, socioeconomic
development of country.
--- (2003).
American Railroads in the Nineteenth Century. (Westport,
CT: Greenwood Press, 206 p.). Senior Research Scholar at the
Institute of Netherlands History (Hague). Railroads --United
States --History. Seven essays provide
historical overview, detailed examinations of critical aspects
of railroads; in-depth biographies of persons who greatly
influenced history of rails.
James A. Ward (1986).
Railroads and the Character of America, 1820-1887.
(Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 200 p.).
Railroads--United States--History--19th century; National
characteristics, American.
John H. White, Jr. (1979).
A History of the American Locomotive: Its Development,
1830-1880. (New York, NY: Dover Publications,
504 p. [orig. pub. 1968]). Former Curator of
Transportation at the Smithsonian Institution.
Locomotives --United States --History.
Explosive growth
of American locomotive from British imports to grand
ten-wheelers of 1870s.
--- (1986).
The Great Yellow Fleet: A History of American Railroad
Refrigerator Cars. (San Marino, CA: Golden West
Books, 186 p.). Former Curator of Transportation at the
Smithsonian Institution. Refrigerator cars; Freight cars
--United States.
--- (1993).
The American Railroad Freight Car: From the Wood-Car Era to the
Coming of Steel. (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins
University Press, 644 p.). Former Curator of Transportation at
the Smithsonian Institution. Freight cars --United States
--History. Freight transportation's historical importance,
technological change; lesser known developments (yard
management, train operations, origins of interchange system).
Richard White (2011).
Railroaded: The Transcontinentals and the Making of Modern
America. (New York, NY: Norton, 736 p.). Margaret
Byrne Professor of American History (Stanford University).
Railroads --United States --History --19th century; Land
settlement --United States --History --19th century; National
characteristics, American. Corporate power, industrialization,
political corruption - railroads often proved to be disaster for
most, enriched few; not triumph of American entrepreneurship and
Christian Wolmar (2007).
Fire and Steam: A New History of the Railways in Britain.
(London, UK: Atlantic Books, 384 p.). Railway Technology;
Engineering & Trades; Trains & Railways.
Cultural, social, economical importance of invention of railway,
how railway helped to form the Britain of today; from pioneering
Liverpool & Manchester Railway, 90% of existing network
authorized during railway mania of 1844-47, to checkered history of British
(2010). Blood,
Iron, and Gold: How the Railroads Transformed the World. (New
York, NY, PublicAffairs, 432 p.). Writer and Broadcaster
Specializing in the Social History of Railways and
Transport. Railroads --History; Railroads --Social aspects
--History; Railroads --Economic aspects --History; Social change
--History. Age of railroad construction in 19th century; most
important invention of second millennium; central innovation of
industrial revolution, released economic, social energies on
huge scale; vision, determination of ambitious pioneers who
developed railways that would dominated globe; 1830 - Liverpool
and Manchester Railway opened, beginning of
transport revolution that transformed life; huge impact as they spread rapidly across
entire countries, linked cities; triggered engineering feats, architectural
innovation, rapid movement of people, goods across globe;
unrelenting construction of railroads enriched,
destroyed cultures; new technology took on vital role in civil
conflicts, two world wars.
--- (2010).
Engines of War: How Wars Were Won & Lost on the Railways.
(New York, NY Public Affairs, 368 p.). Writer and
Broadcaster Specializing in the Social History of
Railroads and Transportation. Railroads -- history; railroads - war.
Birth of railroad in early 1830s
changed way wars were fought; how railways, fantastic
generator of wealth in peacetime, became weapon of war
exploited to full by governments across world;
engagements in which railways played part (Crimean War
and American Civil War, both world wars, Korean War,
Cold War with mysterious missile trains, armored engines
with swiveling guns to track sabotage by way of
dynamite, railway lines constructed across frozen
Siberian lakes and Boer war ambush involving Winston
Churchill); 'iron road' made armies far more mobile,
greatly increased scale, power of available weaponry;
wars began to be fought across wider fronts, over longer
timescales, with far deadlier consequences.
Rikkie Yeung (2008).
Moving Millions: The Commercial Success and Political
Controversies of Hong Kong’s Railways. (Hong Kong,
China: Hong Kong University Press, 315 p.). Former Member of the
Hong Kong Government's Central Policy Unit, Constitutional
Affairs Bureau and Chief Secretary's Office. Railroads --China
--Hong Kong; Railroads and state --China --Hong Kong.
history of Mass Transit Railway Corporation, Kowloon Canton
Railway over past three decades; challenges to Hong Kong's
railway after "merger"; complex relationships between railway
management, government policy, politics; critical issues
David M. Young (2005).
The Iron Horse and the Windy City: How Railroads Shaped Chicago.
(Dekalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 270 p.). Former
Transportation Editor (Chicago Tribune).
Railroads--Illinois--Chicago; Land use--Illinois--Chicago;
Chicago (Ill.)--Economic conditions.
Business History Links
Association of
Railway Museums, Inc. (ARM)
Founded in 1961 to encourage railway museums in the exchange
ideas and information, and to be of assistance to one another.
The purpose of ARM is to lead in the advancement of railway
heritage through education and advocacy, guided by the
principles set forth in "Recommended Practices for Railway
Museums," and incorporating other practices generally accepted
in the wider museum community.
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum
Birthplace of American
railroading. 1829 - first commercial long-distance track, first
passenger station. National Historic Landmark, the B&O Railroad
Museum collects, preserves and interprets artifacts related to
early American railroading and houses one of the best
collections of 19th- and 20th-century artifacts related to
America's railroads.
California State Railroad Museum
Opened in Sacramento, CA in 1976; California State Railroad
Museum is one of Sacramento’s largest and most popular visitor
destinations (over 500,000 visitors annually); primary exhibit
building, the Railroad History Museum, totals 100,000 square
feet; over 225,000 square feet of total exhibit space,
stimulating exhibits, enthusiastic and knowledgeable docents,
and beautifully restored railroad cars and locomotives to
illustrate railroad history in California and the West.
Central Pacific Railroad Photographic
History Museum
Stereoviews, engravings, maps, and documents illustrating the
history of the first transcontinental railroad. This is a
VIRTUAL museum.
The Erie Railroad Glass Plate Negative
Throughout the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries,
the railroad reigned supreme over the American transportation
landscape. This digital collection from Syracuse University
Digital Projects brings together over 700 images from The Erie
Railroad Company collection of glass plate negatives. Visitors
can look at shots of individual train stations, mile posts, new
track construction, and social organizations such as the East
Buffalo Car Shop Basketball Team. The collection serves as a
very fine source of information for those with a penchant for
early 20th century industrial landscapes, railroad construction,
and the lives of railroad workers. Visitors can also browse the
collection by Library of Congress subject headings, or they may
wish to search these materials by entering various keywords.
The History of Railroads
Los Angeles Railroad Heritage Foundation
Non-profit educational corporation established in 1999; built on
three elements: preservation, adventure and education; mission
is to diligently preserve and dynamically present the history of
railroading in Los Angeles through its three core programs:
public outreach, archival preservation, and multiple-media
Massachusetts Bay Railroad
Educational corporation, organized for the promotion of public
interest and understanding of railroads.
Mid-Continent Railway Museum
Mid-Continent Railway Historical Society--also known as
Mid-Continent Railway Museum--is an outdoor, living museum
and operating railroad, since 1963, recreating the small
town/short line way of life during the "Golden Age of
Railroading," spanning the years 1880-1916, with operating
trains, educational exhibits, and displays of restored
rolling stock; dedicated to preserving and interpreting the
railroad legacy for the educational benefit of the general
public. Its primary focus is on railroading of the Upper
Midwest during the Golden Age of Railroading, 1880-1916.
National Railway Historical Society
Formed in 1935 (nation's largest rail historical society) - to
preserve and promote railroading nationwide.
National Railway
Opened in 1975, largest
railway museum in the world, 300 years of history and over a
million wonderful objects, attracting almost 1 million visitors
per year to our sites at York and Shildo; 1994 - launched
Institute of Railway Studies, joint venture between the Museum
and the University of York, to develop the academic and
scholarly basis of the Museum through a series of initiatives,
including courses, publications and directly undertaken
research; 2001 - European Museum of the Year award; one of the
largest and richest collections of railway related material in
the world.
Haven Railroad -
Steam and
Electric Locomotives of the New Haven Railroad
Fred Otto Makowsky digital
collection of railroad history photographs (acquired by the
University of Connecticut in 2000) contains 460 photographs. Mr.
Makowsky was
quite a railroad enthusiast, and
he took thousands of photographs of these locomotives and such
during the first part of the 20th century. He was extremely
meticulous in describing where each photograph was taken, along
with compiling basic locomotive information. Here visitors can
view all of the digitized images, and they can perform a keyword
search across the collection. Overall, the collection provides
some fascinating images of this period in American industrial
This forum is meant for the discussion of the railroads of
Pennsylvania, both past and present.
Railroad History
This Guide was prepared with support from the National Endowment
for Humanities, the Center for Global Partnership of the Japan
Foundation, the University of Illinois, RPI, the Gilder-Lehrman
Foundation, the Luce Foundation, and the Robert H. Michel Civic
Education Grants sponsored by The Dirksen Congressional Center.
Richard Jensen, retired Professor of History, University of
Illinois Chicago.
Railroad History
Railroad History Database
Railroad History Links
Links to resources for genealogy, institutions with research
collections, railroad photo collections, and other resources.
Railroad Maps 1828-1900
The Railroad maps represent an important historical record,
illustrating the growth of travel and settlement as well as the
development of industry and agriculture in the United States.
They depict the development of cartographic style and technique,
highlighting the achievement of early railroaders. Included in
the collection are progress report surveys for individual lines,
official government surveys, promotional maps, maps showing land
grants and rights-of-way, and route guides published by
commercial firms. All of the items presented here are documented
in RAILROAD MAPS of the United States compiled by Andrew M.
Modelski in 1975. The bibliography contains 623 railroad maps of
the United States.
Railroading and Early Transportation
Largest Selection of Out-of-Print Railroad Books on the
Sources of Railroad History Research
Southern Museum of Civil War & Locomotive History
Collects, preserves, and
interprets artifacts relating to the role of steam locomotives
in the history of the American South. Civil War railroad history
and the manufacture of steam locomotives during the post Civil
War industrialization of the South are highlighted through the
museum's Glover Steam Locomotive Collection as well as other
exhibits and educational programs. The Museum offers a wide
range of exhibits, including a glimpse into the daily lives of
soldiers during the Civil War; a reproduction of a
turn-of-the-century locomotive factory; and an exciting
depiction of the Civil War's Great Locomotive Chase.
Southern Pacific Historical & Technical
Dedicated to preserving and disseminating the historical record
of the Southern Pacific Railroad and its affiliates. We support
railfanning, industrial archeology and accurate scale modeling
of this great pioneer railroad of the western United States.
Southern Pacific - A Working List of
Books and Booklets on the Southern Pacific and Related
Subsidiaries http://sphts.org/pmcclosky/spbooks.html
Texas Railroad
1836 - Texas Rail Road, Navigation, and Banking Company was
chartered to build railroads throughout the state. 1861 - nine
companies were active and approximately 470 miles of track
existed in Texas. Each railway company was actively for only a
short time, but the contribution of each company was important
for furthering the progress of railroads in the state of Texas.
Railroad Pictures and Exhibits
Visitors can get a sense of taking a
transcontinental ride across the United States on the Union
Pacific via this fine set of digital exhibits. The Central
Pacific Railroad Museum has been online since 1999, includes
thousands of stereoviews, photographs, engravings, maps, and
ephemera. The different sections of the site include "steam
locomotives", "Sierra Grade Construction Views", and "railroad
maps". Nelson's 1871 Central Pacific Railroad (CPRR) guidebook
contains a set of lovely renderings of the way west along the
Union Pacific Historical Society
Dedicated to the preservation of the history of the Union
Pacific Railroad from its beginning in 1862 to the operation as
it is today.
Union Pacific History & Photos
Union Pacific's shield is one of the nation's most respected and
recognized corporate logos; a symbol of strength reflecting
America's heritage. During the company's approximately 140-year
history, the shield has mirrored the styles and economic trends
that shaped both the railroad and the nation.
Western Railway
Museum http://www.wrm.org/
1985 - name "Western Railway Museum" officially adopted
- Bay Area Electric
Railroad Association
created to foster interest in streetcar, interurban, and
mainline electric railroad operations, to preserve these rapidly
vanishing pieces of history); 1960 - Rio Vista Junction, actual
stop on electrically powered Sacramento Northern main line in
Solano County, CA, selected as museum site; mission: to preserve
the regional heritage of electric railway transportation as a
living resource for the benefit of present and future