1288 - Stora
Koppaberg began copper mining in Falun, Sweden; world's oldest
company of shareholders; 1347 - granted charter
from King Magnus IV of Sweden; 17th century -
largest copper-producer; 1998 - merged with and
Finnish forestry products company Enso-Gutzeit Oy; company
renamed Stora Enso Oyj.
February 11, 1808
- Judge Jesse Fell of Wilkes-Barre, PA found a cheap, clean
burning fuel by burning anthracite coal to keep his house warm;
developed a method to burn the stone coal without the use of
forced air and his fireplace grate opened up the home heating
market; northeast Pennsylvania became an important coal mining
area for generations.
1815 -
Sir Humphrey Davy of London, English chemist, invented miner's
safety lamp ("Davy lamp") to protect coal miners from
firedamp, explosive mix of methane gas and air;
January 9, 1816 -
trial of Davy lamp with wire sieve, at Hebburn Colliery
coal mine.
March 23,
1821 - Bauxite discovered in southern France;
principal source of aluminum, used in abrasives and refractory
for spark plugs, furnace linings.
1834 - Anson Phelps, one-time saddle
maker, William Didge (son-in-law, merchant in dry goods)
founded Phelps Dodge as New York City-based mercantile company;
traded American products to England in exchange for copper,
iron, tin other metals needed in United States;
1881 - entered
mining industry when it invested in share of Detroit Copper
Mining Co. in Morenci, AZ; 1906
- exited import-export business altogether;
early 1900s -
among the first in the industry converted to open-pit mining
from underground method; 1930s
- entered copper refining, manufacturing business;
1970s - converted
from trains to wheeled and tracked vehicles to haul equipment
and ore within open-pit mines;
mid-1980s - first to use solution extraction and
electrowinning to process ore on commercial scale;
March 19, 2007 -
acquired by Freeport-McMoRan for $25.9 billion; created world's
largest publicly traded copper mining company; operates under
name Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.
May 30, 1844
- Simeon Broadmeadow, of New York, NY, received a patent for
"Making Iron Direct from Iron Ore" (an "Improvement in the Mode
of Obtaining Wrought-Iron Directly from the Ore"); first patent
related to iron ore.
September 5, 1844 - Iron ore discovered in
Minnesota's Mesabi Mountains.
January 24, 1848 - James W. Marshall
and Peter L. Wimmer discovered gold nugget at Sutter's Mill on banks of Sutter's
Creek in northern California (South Fork of American River in
Sacramento Valley east of San Francisco), sparked gold rush of
'49; 1839 - John Augustus Sutter came to Mexican
California, won grant of nearly 50,000 acres in lush Sacramento
Valley (hoped to create thriving colony); January 1848
-Sutter hired millwright James Marshall to build sawmill along
South Fork of American River; supervised excavation of shallow
millrace, Marshall found that much of millrace was
speckled with what appeared to small flakes of gold; gold rush
was disaster for Sutter - brought thousands of men to California
who overran his property, slaughtered his herds for food,
trampled his fields; 1852 - Sutter was nearly
wiped out; 1853 - gold mined reached peak of about
4 million ounces ($65 million) for year.
James W. Marshall
- discovered gold in California on Jan. 24, 1848

John Augustus Sutter
- gold discovered on his land on Jan. 24, 1848
March 15, 1848
- The Californian newspaper (founded in Monterey on August 15,
1846 by Walter Colton, Robert Semple) reported discovery of
gold; March 25, 1848 - The California Star
newspaper (first published in San Francisco on January 9, 1847
by Sam Brannan, Elbert P. Jones, Edward C. Kemble) reported
discovery of gold; April 1, 1848 - printed
six-page extra edition; described "immensely rich" gold mine in
Sacramento Valley; June 10, 1848 - publication of
California Star temporarily halted because the staff had rushed
of to the Sierra gold fields; November 11, 1848 -
The Californian acquired by California Star; November 18,
1848 - Kemble published California Star and The
Californian; January 22, 1849 - name changed to
The Alta California; first daily newspaper in California
August 19, 1848
News of gold discovered in
California in January of 1848 made it to the East Coast; New
York Herald published news of discovery; confirmed officially by
President James Polk.
February 28, 1849
- Ship California arrived at San Francisco, carried first
February 12, 1851
- Edward Hargraves (34) discovered 'grain of gold' in waterhole
at Summer Hills Creek near Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia
(had recently returned from California gold fields); named
location 'Ophir' (after Biblical city), reported discovery to
authorities, appointed 'Commissioner of Crown Land'; received
reward of £10,000, plus life pension; began Australian gold
rushes, radical change in economic and social fabric of nation;
September 1851 -
more than 1000 prospectors; colonial authorities appointed
'Commissioners of Land' to regulate diggings, collect licence
fees for each 'claim'; November
1851 - gold discovered at Ballarat, Victoria;
1852 - New South
Wales yielded 850,000 ounces of gold (minor compared to
Victoria); 370,000 immigrants arrived in Australia;
1850s - Victoria
contributed more than one third of world's gold output;
1854 - State's
population grew from 77,000 to 540,000;
1851-1871 - population grew from 430,000
to 1.7 million.
Edward Hargraves -
Discovered gold in Australia
June 28, 1851 -
Vincent Gildemeester Baron von Tuyll van Serooskerken, John
Francis Loudon, their party discovered rich supply of tin on
Billiton Island (Belitung), on east coast of Sumatra, Indonesia
in Java Sea, on first day of their landing;
1860 - NV Billiton
Maatschappij established in The Hague, Netherlands;
1928 - tin
smelting began in Netherlands;
1935 - first bauxite mine established on Bintan
island, Indonesia; 1958
- tin mining in Indonesia ceased;
1959 - discovered bauxite in Boé region,
approximately 150 kilometres east of Bissau;
1970 - acquired by
Royal/Dutch Shell Group; 1976
- formed joint venture (14.8% interest) to develop Commissions
Mineração Rio de Norte S.A. (MRN) bauxite mine near Trombetas
River in Amazon basin, Brazil (began production in 1979);
1977 - first joint
venture discussions between Billiton Exploration B.V., PT Broken
Hill Proprietary Indonesia to explore for metal mineralisation
on island of Belitug, Indonesia; began shipping from Nanisivik
zinc and lead mine on Strathcona Sound, Baffin Island, Canada
(11.25% interest in joint venture);
1981 - commissioned magnesium plant at
Veendam, the Netherlands (began production in 1982);
1983 -
commissioned Alumina plant on Aughinish Island in Shannon
estuary, Ireland (began production in 1984);
1984 -
commissioned Worsley Alumina Venture alumina refinery in Worsley,
Western Australia; 1985
- closed tungsten/molybdenum mine in Canada, sold assets; ceased
tin dredging in Indonesia, Thailand; sold interests in zinc/lead
mine in Canada; sold titanium plant in UK;
1986 - opened world’s first bio-leaching
plant at Fairview gold mine, South Africa;
1987 - commissioned Boddington gold
mine, Western Australia; 1994
- Royal Dutch/Shell metal, mining, trading interests acquired by
Gencor (South Africa); operated as Billiton International BV;
acquired coal exploration permit in Queensland, Australia;
1997 - Gencor
restructured: 1) Billiton Plc (base metals, coal assets), 2)
Gencor (precious metal assets); Billiton Plc listed on London
Stock Exchange; 2000
- acquired Rio Algom for $1.2 billion;
June 5, 2001 - merged with BHP Limited;
June 29, 2001 -
BHP Billiton dually listed in London, Australia; reported record
combined profit of $2.1 billion;
2002 - spun off BHP Steel.
January 6, 1857
Wetherill, Bethlehem, PA, received a patent for a "Method of
Obtaining Metallic Zinc from the Ores of Zinc" ("Improvement in
the Processes of Reducing Zinc Ores"); first patent related to
zinc ore.
June 12, 1859
- Two miners, Pat McLaughlin and Peter O'Reilly, discovered
silver at the head of Six-Mile Canyon south of Reno, NV (eastern
slope of the Sierra Nevada, 40 miles from the Truckee Meadows);
fellow miner, Henry Thomas Paige Comstock, stumbled upon their
find, claimed it was on his property (sold his mining interests
for $10,000); "Comstock Lode" - richest known U.S. silver
deposit; 1859-1878
- yielded $400 million in silver and gold;
1877 - peak production: over $14,000,000
of gold and $21,000,000 of silver;
1880 - considered exhausted;
1898 - virtually
August 11, 1860
- Nation's first successful silver mill, Virginia City, Nevada.
February 1867
- Stephanus Erasmus Jacobs (15) found transparent stone on his
father's farm, in Hopetown, South Africa (roughly center of
country), on south bank of Orange River in Cape Colony;
identified as 21,25 carat diamond;
1871 - Boer War (Dutch) settlers,
Johannes Nicolaas d Beer and Diederik Arnoldus de Beer, bought
farm in Bultfontein, South Africa (present capital of Northern
Cape provence); July 16, 1871
- Esau Damoense, cook for so-called Red Cap Party led by
Fleetwood Rawstorne, discovered handful of diamonds on slopes of
Colesberg Kopje mine in Kimberley;
July 18, 1871 - diamond rush began; de
Beers sold farm to group of mining syndicates;
June 5, 1873 -
town named Kimberley, after British Secretary of State of the
Colonies, John Wodehouse, 1st Earl of Kimberley;
1870s-1880s -
Kimberley mines produced 95% of world's diamonds;
1883 - Barney
Barnato merged Barnato Diamond Mining Co. with Kimberley Central
Mining Co.; 1889 -
Cecil Rhodes prevailed over Barney Barnato, acquired Barnato's
interests for £5,338,650 (about $25 million); formed De Beers
Consolidated Mines Ltd.; 1903
- annual production of 3 million carats;
2006 - annual production of 10 million
Erasmus Jacobs
- found first diamonds
Barney Barnato -
Barnato Diamond Mining Co.
- John W. Mackay, James G. Fair, James C. Flood, William S.
O'Brien formed partnership, Bonanza Firm; developed Comstock
Lode; 1873 - struck one of richest veins in
history, Big Bonanza; produced more than $180 million in ore in
just over four years.
September 6, 1869 - First major coal mine disaster
in U.S. at Avondale, PA; fire broke out in mineshaft, 110 miners
trapped, died.
October 19, 1869
- Prussian-born mining engineer, Adolph Sutro, began work on one
four-mile-long large horizontal tunnel (Sutro Tunnel) through
rock of neighboring Mt. Davidson to Comstock Lode mining
district in Virginia City, NV; one of richest silver deposits in
world (discovered by prospectors in 1859); tunnel intended to
drain mine water found in deep shafts horizontally (rather than
through expensive pumps to surface); 1878 - $5
million project completed; tunnel drained some two million
gallons of water from mines per year, greatly reduced
transportation costs; 1879 - Sutro sold tunnel at
fantastic profit, moved to San Francisco, became one of city's
largest landowners, city's mayor from 1894 to 1896.
October 19, 1872
- Holtermann's Nugget, a slab of slate containing 82.11 kg of
gold, largest mass of reef gold ever, was found at the Bald Hill
Mine at Hill End Gold Mine in New South Wales, Australia; not a
nugget, but a specimen also known as a matrix, weighed 286kg,
measured 150cm by 66cm, an average thickness of 10cm; 1967 -
Hill End was proclaimed an historic site.
November 26, 1872
- Article in San Francisco Evening Bulletin exposed The
Great Diamond Hoax, one of most notorious mining swindles of
time; Kentucky cousins Philip Arnold, John Slack
convinced San Francisco capitalists to invest in worthless
mine in northwestern corner of Colorado; arrived in San
Francisco in 1872, tried to deposit bag of uncut diamonds in
bank; when questioned, two men quickly disappeared, acted as if
they were reluctant to talk about their discovery; bank director, William Ralston, tracked
them down; assumed he was
dealing with unsophisticated country bumpkins, set out to take
control of diamond mine; two cousins agreed to take
blindfolded mining expert to site; reported mine was rich
with diamonds, rubies; Ralston joined with number of other
prominent San Francisco financiers, formed New York Mining and
Commercial Company, capitalized at $10 million; began selling
stock to eager investors; Arnold, Slack received about
$600,000 (small change in comparison to supposed value of
diamond mine); at least 25 diamond exploration companies formed
in subsequent months (convinced American West must have many
other major deposits of diamonds); Clarence King, little-known
young leader of geographical survey of 40th parallel (1867-1869), exposed
cousins's diamond mine as hoax; was suspicious of mine from
start; correctly deduced location of supposed mine, raced to
investigate, realized swindlers had salted mine (some gems
showed jewelers-cut marks); exposed fraud in newspapers,
Great Diamond Hoax collapsed; Ralston returned $80,000 to each
of his investors, never able to recover $600,000 given to two
cousins; Arnold lived out few remaining years of his life in
luxury in Kentucky, died of pneumonia in 1878; Slack last
reported to have worked as coffin maker in New Mexico; King's
role in exposing fraud brought him national recognition, became
first director of United States Geological Survey.
Clarence King - Great Diamond Hoax
April 9, 1876
- Fred and Moses Manuel (Quebec) discovered Homestake Ledge (or
Lead, pronounced "Leed") in Northern Black Hills of Dakota
Territory; staked 4 1/2 acre claim, built crude mil, took out
$5,000 worth of gold; June 1877 - acquired
for $70,000
by George Hearst (father of William Randolph Hearst) in
partnership with James Haggin, Lloyd Tevis (president of Wells
Fargo, 1972-1892); began operations to develop Homestake mine;
1879 - went public; 8,000-foot deep underground
mine, open-pit mine, mill, gold refinery; has produced more than
39 million ounces since 1876, company's largest producer.
Moses and Fred Manuel
- Homestake Mining
George Hearst
- Homestake
Mining (http://www.onlinenevada.org/media/image/00002_Hearst_George.jpg)
1877 - Edward
Schieffelin found one of richest silver veins in West in area of
present-day southern Arizona, about 70 miles southeast of Tucson
in San Pedro Valley; named it Tombstone Lode; 1881
- more than 10,000 people lived in region, Tombstone had become
seat of newly created Cochise County; early 1890s
- most of mines had closed, town went into decline.
March 3, 1879
- Congress established United States Geological Survey, played a
pivotal role in exploration, development of West; focused on
practical geographical, geological investigations that might
spur western economic development; became one of federal
government's most important tools for encouraging exploitation
of western natural resources; Clarence King appointed first
director; first major reports concerned economic geology
of two important mining districts, Nevada's Comstock Lode,
Colorado's Leadville silver district.
1883 - Francis
S. Peabody (24), with $100, wagon and two mules, founded
Peabody, Daniels & Company, small coal brokerage
business in Chicago; bought coal from mines, sold it to homes,
businesses; 1890 -
incorporated as Peabody Coal Company (had bought out his
partner); 1895 - opened first coal mine in Williamson County,
southern Illinois; began transition from coal
retailer to mining company; 1913
- signed first long-term contract with major utility;
- went public; 1949
- Stuyvesant (Jack) Peabody (son) took over;
1955 - merged with
Sinclair Coal Company (country's third largest coal mining
operation); 1968 -
acquired by Kennecott Copper Corporation;
1976 - Federal Trade Commission ordered
Kennecott to divest Peabody Coal Company; established holding
company, Peabody Holding Company, Inc.;
1977 - acquired Peabody Coal for $1.1
billion; December 1977-March 1978
- 110-day mine workers strike;
1990 - Peabody Holding Company, Inc. acquired by
Hanson PLC ; March 1997
- spun off, with Eastern Group plc (acquired 1995), U.K.
electricity distribution, generating company, formed The Energy
Group PLC; May 1998
- acquired by Texas Utilities for $7.4 billion (with agreement
to sell Peabody Group to Lehman Merchant Banking Partners for
$2.3 billion); April 2001
- P&L Coal Holdings Corporation (Peabody Group) changed name to
Peabody Energy Corporation; May
22, 2001 - went public;
2008 - sales of 256 million tons, $6.6
billion in revenues; world's largest private-sector coal
Francis S. Peabody
(seated) - Peabody Energy
September 3, 1883
- Charles Rasp, boundary rider at Mt. Gipps Sheep Station (nee
Jerome von Pereira, nobleman of Portuguese-German origin whose
turbulent, tragic pre-Australian life had forced him to keep low
profile, discovered rich deposits of silver, lead and zinc in
Broken Hill in Barrier Ranges of western New South Wales,
Australia; formed syndicate of three (David James, former tin
miner, James Poole); September 5,
1883 - registered Mining Lease Application for
silver, tin; syndicate grew to seven (George McCulloch, manager
of Mount Gipp, Philip Charley, bookkeeper George Lind, sheep
overseer George Urquhart); each paid in 70 pounds; syndicate
expanded to 14 (included William Jamieson, geologist and
government surveyor, C. R. Wilson, director of Barrier Ranges
Silver Mining Association); established Broken Hill Mining
Company; August 13, 1885
- dissolved; incorporated The Broken Hill Proprietary Company
Limited in Victoria, Australia (Australia's Big Mine);
developed, mined silver, lead and zinc deposits at Broken Hill;
1890 - smelting
began at Port Pine, South Australia;
1899 - refinery operations began at Port
Pine; leased iron ore mine at Iron Knob in South Australia;
June 2, 1915 -
Port Pine operations transferred to The Broken Hill Associated
Smelters Pty Limited (BHAS); began operations at New Castle
Steelworks (Newcastle, New South Wales);
1919 - began shipping operations;
1923 - acquired
22% interest in Australian Wire Rope Works Limited; established
Port Waratah Stevedoring Company Pty Limited (55% equity
interest); 1925 -
sold interest in BHAS; post WW I
- continued to diversify, formed shipping fleet, acquired coal
mines, additional reserves of iron ore and limestone; acquired
companies that manufactured finished steel products;
1935 - expanded
steel production (acquired Australian Iron and Steel Pty
Limited, its Port Kembla steelworks); established blast furnace,
shipbuilding facilities at Whyalla, South Australia few years
later; 1939 -
Broken Hill mining operations closed;
1957 - acquired 100% of Australian Wire
Rope Works Limited; 1960
- acquired 100% of Port Waratah Stevedoring Company Pty Limited;
1967 - entered
petroleum industry with a major oil discovery in Bass Strait,
off southeastern coast of Australia;
1970s-1980s - focus shifted offshore;
acquired Utah International Inc. (coal mines in New Mexico,
Queensland); discovered copper in Chile (became Escondida mine);
developed North West Shelf gas and liquid natural gas (LNG) off
Western Australia coast; 1983
- Bell Resources launched takeover attempt;
1985 - acquired US
Energy Reserves Group; 1990s
- acquired several companies, opened new mines, commenced new
petroleum production, grew steel operations; Cannington silver,
lead and zinc mine (central Queensland, Australia) commenced
production; Ekati Diamond Mine (Canada), Crinum coal mine
(Queensland) began production;
1999 - closed New Castle Steelworks;
2000 - name
changed to BHP Limited; June 15,
2001 - merged with Billiton Plc;
2007 - bid $150
billion for Rio Tinto.
Charles Rasp
(Jerome von Pereira) - Broken Hill Proprietary (BHP)
February 1887 -
Cecil Rhodes, Charles Rudd formed Gold Fields of South Africa
Ltd. to hold properties acquired on Transvaal, Witwatersrand
gold fields; 1892 - renamed The Gold Fields of South Africa;
became second largest gold producing group after Anglo American;
1989 - acquired by Hanson plc.
January 25, 1890
- The United Mine Workers of America was founded; 1942
- UMWA pulled up its stakes and withdrew from the CIO (Congress
of Industrial Organizations); 1970 - reform minded
president Joseph A. Yablonski, his wife and daughter, were
murdered (W.A. (Tony) Boyle, who had preceded Yablonski as the
union's chief, was convicted of ordering the murders);
1989 - UMWA joined forces with the AFL-CIO.
- John C. Osgood, associates organized Colorado Fuel
Company in Pueblo, CO;
1892 -
with Colorado Coal and Iron (founded
by William
J. Palmer), formed Colorado Fuel and Iron Company;
produced 75% of Colorado's coal; 1903
- largely owned by John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould's
heirs; September 23, 1913
- 9,000 Ludlow coal miners went on strike (protested low
wages, dangerous working conditions, feudal domination
of company over their lives);
April 20, 1914 - Ludlow massacre
(over forty miners, their families murdered); company
union established; 1933
- company miners affiliated with United Mine Workers of
America; December 1944
- Rockefeller holdings, constituted control, acquired by
Allen & Co.; 1993
- acquired by Oregon Steel Mills, name changed to Rocky
Mountain Steel Mills;
January 2007 - acquired (with rest of
Oregon Steel's holdings) by Evraz Group SA, Russian
steel corporation, for $2.3 billion.
April 4, 1896
- Gold discovery in Yukon announced;
August 12, 1896 -
gold discovered at Klondike River, near Dawson City, Yukon Territory,
16, 1896 - George Carmack,
sometyime prosperctor,
started Klondike Gold Rush;
across gold while salmon fishing with two Tagish Indian friends
on Rabbit Creek, a tributary of the Klondike River in the Yukon;
sparked the last great western gold rush. Subsequent expeditions
in the spring and summer of the following year turned up other
sizeable gold deposits. Major mass-circulation newspapers played
up the story of the gold strikes, sparked a nationwide
sensation. In the years to come, as many as 50,000 eager gold
seekers arrived in the Klondike-Yukon region - inspired
romanticized Yukon tales of hardship and adventure by Jack
London and the poems of Robert Service. Carmack reportedly took
a million dollars worth of gold out of his Klondike claims,
retired to Vancouver, BC.
George W. Carmack
- Klondike Gold Rush
1898 - Edward
Dickinson Bullard established company in San Francisco, CA to
supply carbide lamps, other mining equipment to gold, copper
miners in California, Nevada and Arizona;
1919 - introduced "Hard Boiled"
protective headgear for miners, designed by E. W. Bullard (son)
from his experience with doughboy army helmet in WW I;
1930 - designed
Company's first fire helmet; 1930s
- supplied hard hats to workers constructing Golden Gate Bridge;
1947 - introduced
first fiberglass fire helmet; 1983
- introduced first NFPA-approved thermoplastic fire helmet;
1986 - introduced
first ratchet headband used in fire helmet;
1998 - introduced
its first thermal imager; leading manufacturer of high quality
personal protective equipment and systems for industrial,
emergency response applications.
January 18, 1900
- English brothers Alexander and Francis Elmore, of Leeds, UK,
received British patent for "Improvements in Separating Metallic
from Rocky Constituents of Ores and Apparatus therefor";
flotation process to separate valuable ore, such as copper, from
gangue (worthless rock) when mined; first practical equipment to
extract metals from low-content ore.
April 4, 1902 -
British financier Cecil Rhodes left $10 million in his will to
provide scholarships for Americans at Oxford University in
May 12, 1902
- Union chief John Mitchell called for nationwide strike of mine
workers; 140,000 members of United Mine Workers struck; lasted 5
months as mine owners, firmly anticipating that Federal
government would rush to their side, refused to acknowledge coal
union, enter negotiations. President Teddy Roosevelt threatened
to hand control of mines to the Army; October 1902
- strikers returned to work, newly formed Commission of
Arbitration began probe into conditions at nation's mines;
1903 - Commission recommended pay hikes, reduced
hours for workers, mine owners recognize coal union.
January 26, 1905
- Superintendent Captain Frederick Wells of the Premier
(Transvaal) Diamond Mining Company Limited (Pretoria, South
Africa) discovered the Cullinan Diamond, world's largest
diamond, 3106 carats; named for Thomas Cullinan, a Johannesburg
building contractor who owned the mining company (registered as
Premier on December 1, 1902).
December 6, 1907
- An explosion in a network of mines owned by the Fairmont Coal
Company in Monongahm, WV killed 361 coal miners; worst mining
disaster in American history; 1907 - nationwide, a
total of 3,242 Americans were killed in mine accidents; United
Mine Workers of America labor union, sympathetic legislators
forced safety regulations that brought a steady decline in death
rates in West Virginia and elsewhere.
May 13, 1909
- London and Rhodesian Mining Company Limited incorporated
(Lonrho plc); 1961 - Roland "Tiny" Rowland joined
company; sales (over 34 years) increased 787-fold, profits rose
1,365 times; January 1993 - Dieter Bock, German
financier, became largest shareholder; shared chief executive's
position with Rowland; October 1993 - forced to
step down as Chairman; November 3, 1994 - Rowland
ousted from chief executive position; January 1997
- Anglo American Corporation of South Africa Ltd., South
Africa's largest company, acquired 26% controlling interest in
Lonrho; changed focus to mining (platinum, gold, coal) in
Africa; 1997 - Bock gone; 1999 -
renamed Lonmin plc to symbolize return to mining roots.
- Sir Ernest Oppenheimer founded Anglo American Corporation to
exploit gold mining potential of East Rand; 1926 -
Anglo American became largest single shareholder in De Beers
(Oppenheimer became chairman in 1929); 1928
-became involved in developing what is now known as the Zambian
Copperbelt; 1957 - opened Western Deep Levels
(gold mined at twice the depth previously recorded); 1961
- acquired interest in Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Company in
Canada, first major investment outside southern Africa; early
1970s - acquired Latin American assets, founded
Minerals and Resources Corporation (later Minorco); 1981
- first mining house to encourage recognition of black trades
unions; 1993 - major reorganization of assets with
Anglo American holding assets in Africa, Minorco interests in
other parts of the world; May 1999 - Anglo
American plc formed through combination of Anglo American
Corporation of South Africa (AACSA) and Minorco.
November 1919
- Mesabi Iron Co. of Babbitt, MN began operations;
June 21, 1922 - produced first cargo of taconite, hard
rock containing 25% - 30% iron (low-grade ore containing only up
to 30% magnetite and hematite as tiny particles scattered
throughout a very tough variety of quartz called chert);
October 1, 1933 - first cargo shipped to the Ford Motor
Company of River Rouge, MI.
January 25, 1946
- The United Mine Workers rejoined the American Federation of
June 1, 1951
- A titanium plant opened in Henderson, NV; first fully
self-contained and integrated facility in the U.S.; converted
titanium ore into titanium sponge, melted down and formed into
ingots of titanium metal.
February 16, 1953
- Research in Sweden, headed by Erik Lundblad, funded by Swedish
electrical company ASEA, produced man-made diamond crystals,
size of grains of sand in high pressure press, by subjecting
graphite to 83,000 atmospheres pressure, about 2000°C for an
hour; despite one success, equipment unreliable, dangerous;
December 16, 1954 - General Electric produced
man-made diamonds, recognized as first process that was
September 13, 1956
- Reserve Mining Company, Duluth, MN, built E.W. Davis Works at
Silver Bay, MN (jointly owned by the Armco Steel,
Republican Steel); began full production of taconite (hard ore
containing 25 to 30% iron); first U.S. plant established for
large-scale commercial production.
June 4, 1957
- First commercial coal pipeline placed in operation; more than
one million tons of coal per year could be moved from mine in
Ohio to power station 108 miles away; extended from Georgetown
Preparation Plant of Hanna Coal Company (near Cadiz, Ohio), to
Cleveland Illuminating Company power station (Eastlake, Ohio);
pipeline, 10-3/4 inches in diameter, designed to move equal
mixture of coal, water at rate of 150 tons of coal per hour.
November 2, 1957
- Titanium Metals Corp. of America opened first titanium mill in
Toronto, OH; first in U.S. for rolling, forging titanium; birth
of tonnage structural metal industry.
March 14, 1960
- First offshore sulphur mine, off Louisiana coast, obtained
July 11, 1971
- Chilean parliament nationalized U.S. copper mines.
- British coal industry privatized.
June 26, 2006
- Phelps Dodge agreed to acquire two Canadian companies, Inco
and Falconbridge for approximately $40 billion in total; will
made it global leader in copper and nickel mining business,
close to being largest.
March 29, 2007
- Freeport-McMoRan Copper and Gold acquired Phelps Dodge,
world's second largest copper producer, for $25.9 billion;
created world's largest copper miner, largest mining company
based in North America.
March 19, 2008
- United States as major exporter of coal, for first time in
years (49 million tons in 2006 to about 59 million tons in
2007); spot prices for two benchmark American grades of
coal (from central Appalachia, Powder River Basin of Wyoming),
have risen 93%, 64% respectively in last year.
(source: Doyle Trading Consultants and
Evolution Markets).
(American Zinc), James D. Norris (1968).
AZ: A History of the American Zinc Company. (Madison, WI:
State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 244 p.). American Zinc
(Anaconda), Issac F. Marcosson (1976).
Anaconda. (New York, NY: Arno Press, 370 p. [Reprint of
1957 ed.]). Anaconda Company.
(Anglo American Corporation), Duncan Innes
Anglo American and the Rise of Modern South Africa. (New
York, NY: Monthly Review Press, 358 p.). Anglo American
Corporation of South Africa, ltd. -- History; Mineral industries
-- South Africa -- History; South Africa -- Economic conditions;
Industries -- South Africa -- History.
(Anglo American Corporation), Bill Jamieson
Goldstrike!: The Oppenheimer Empire in Crisis. (London,
UK: Business Books, 252 p.). Anglo American Corporation of South
Africa, ltd. -- History.
(Anzin Coal Company), Reed G. Geiger (1974).
The Anzin Coal Company, 1800-1833: Big Business in the Early
Stages of the French Industrial Revolution. (Newark, DE:
University of Delaware, 345 p.). Compagnie des mines d'Anzin;
Coal trade--France--Case studies; Industrial
(Arch Mineral), Otto J. Scott (1989).
Buried Treasure: The Story of Arch Mineral Corporation.
(Washington, DC: Braddock Communications, 246 p.). Arch Mineral
Corporation--History; Coal trade--United States--History.
(ASARCO), Harvey O'Connor (1937).
The Guggenheims; The Making of an American Dynasty. (New
York, NY: Covici, Friede, 496 p.). Guggenheim family; Mineral
industries--United States.
(ASARCO), Issac Frederick Marcosson (1949).
Metal Magic; The Story of the American Smelting & Refining
Company. (New York, NY: Farrar, Straus, 313 p.).
American Smelting and Refining Company.
(ASARCO), Milton Lomask (1964).
Seed Money: The Guggenheim Story. (New York, NY: Farrar,
Straus, 307 p.). Guggenheim family.
(ASARCO), Edwin P. Hoyt, Jr. (1967).
The Guggenheims and the American Dream. (New York, NY:
Funk & Wagnalls, 382 p.). Guggenheim Family.
(ASARCO), John H. Davis (1978).
The Guggenheims: An American Epic. (New York, NY:
Morrow, 608 p.). Guggenheim family; Businesspeople--United
States--Biography; Art patrons--United States--Biography;
Jews--United States--Biography; United States--Biography.
(ASARCO), Monica Perales (2010).
Smeltertown: Making and Remembering a Southwest Border Community.
(Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 336 p.).
Assistant Professor of History (University of Houston). Mexican
Americans --Texas --Smeltertown --History; Mexican Americans
--Texas --Smeltertown --Biography; Mexican Americans --Texas --Smeltertown
--Ethnic identity; Working class --Texas --Smeltertown
--History; Smelting --Social aspects --Texas --Smeltertown --History; Community
life --Texas --Smeltertown --History; Collective memory --Texas
--Smeltertown; Company towns --Mexican-American Border Region
--Case studies; Smeltertown (Tex.) --History; Smeltertown (Tex.)
--Biography. Birth,
growth, ultimate demise of working class community in largest
U.S. city on Mexican border (on banks of Rio Grande) at heart of
railroad, mining, smelting empire; home to generations of ethnic
Mexicans (labored at American Smelting and Refining Company
in El Paso, Texas); ethnic
Mexicans at center of transnational capitalism; making of urban
West; multiple real and imagined social worlds created by
company, church, schools, residents themselves; residents forged
permanence and meaning in shadow of smelter's giant smokestacks;
how people and places invent, reinvent themselves; vibrant
community grappling with own sense of itself, its place in
history, collective memory.
(Ashanti Goldfields Co.), Edward S. Ayensu
Ashanti Gold: The African Legacy of the World's Most Precious
Metal. (Accra, Ghana: Ashanti Goldfields, 200 p.).
Ashanti Goldfields Co.--History; Gold mines and
(Barrick Gold), Richard Rohmer (1997).
The Golden Phoenix: A Biography of Peter Munk.
(Toronto, ON: Key Porter Books, 360 p.). Munk, Peter, 1927- ;
Barrick Gold Corp.--History; Businessmen--Canada--Biography;
Gold industry--Canada--History; International business
(Batopilas Mining Company), John Mason Hart
The Silver of the Sierra Madre: John Robinson, Boss Shepherd,
and the People of the Canyons. (Tucson, AZ: University
of Arizona Press, 237 p.). John and Rebecca Moores Professor of
History (University of Houston). Shepherd, Alexander Robey,
1835-1902; Robinson, John Riley; Batopilas Mining Company;
Silver mines and mining --Mexico --Copper Canyon; Tarahumara
Indians --History; Batopilas (Mexico) --History.
Mining center in Chihuahua’s remote copper canyon country
controlled, from 1860 to 1910, by two American men; their styles
of entrepreneurship: their ability to build network of
connections in U.S., for investment, Mexico, for support and
protection; impact on local region.
(Best Coal Company), David P. Bridges (2003).
The Best Coal Company in All Chicago: And How It Got That Way.
(Martinsville, IN: Bookman Pub., 155 p.). Best family; Best,
Jacob, 1878-1963; Best Coal Company; Coal
trade--Illinois--Chicago; Germans--Illinois--Chicago; Chicago
(BHP Billiton), Peter Thompson and Robert
Macklin (2009).
The Big Fella: The Rise and Rise of BHP Billiton. (North
Sydney, N.S.W.: William Heinemann, 448 p.). BHP Billiton -
History; Mining corporations - Australia - History.
How BHP,
its partner, Billiton, rose from humblest beginnings in
Australian Outback to heights
on great bourses of world; visions, schemes, scandals,
corporate life-and-death struggles that have characterized BHP's
evolution; story of foresight,
blunder, nation-building, rampant ego, greed and grace.
(British South Africa Company), John S.
Galbraith (1974).
Crown and Charter: The Early Years of the British South Africa
Company. (Berekeley, CA: University of California Press,
354 p.). Rhodes, Cecil, 1853-1902; British South Africa Company.
(British South Africa Company), Paul Maylam
Rhodes, the Tswana, and the British: Colonialism,
Collaboration, and Conflict in the Bechuanaland Protectorate,
1885-1899. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 245 p.).
British South Africa Company; Tswana (African people); Botswana
-- Colonization.
(British South Africa Company), Fergus
Macpherson (1981).
Anatomy of a Conquest--the British Occupation of Zambia,
1884-1924. (Burnt Mill, Harlow, Essex: Longman, 266 p.).
British South Africa Company; Zambia -- History -- To 1890;
Zambia -- History -- 1890-1924.
(British South Africa Company), Arthur
Keppel-Jones (1983).
Rhodes and Rhodesia: The White Conquest of Zimbabwe, 1884-1902.
(Kingston, ON: McGill-Queen's University Press, 674 p.). British
South Africa Company; Zimbabwe -- History -- 1890-1965; Zimbabwe
-- History; Zimbabwe -- Colonization.
(Broken Hill Proprietary), Geoffrey Blainey
(1968). The Rise of Broken Hill. (Melbourne, AU:
Macmillan of Australia, 184 p.). Mineral
industries--Australia--Broken Hill (N.S.W.)--History.
(Broken Hill Proprietary), Christopher Jay
A Future More Prosperous: The History of Newcastle Steelworks,
1912-1999. (Newcastle, NSW: Broken Hill Proprietary Co.,
280 p.). BHP Newcastle Steelworks (Newcastle, N.S.W.)--History;
Steel industry and trade--Australia--Newcastle
(Broken Hill South), Brian Carroll (1986).
Built on Silver: A History of Broken Hill South.
(Melbourne, AU: Hill of Content, 187 p.). Broken Hill South Pty.
Ltd.--History; Mineral industries--Australia--History; Mining
Hill Company), Ray Chapman (1994).
Uncle Bunker: Memories in Words and Pictures. (Kellogg,
ID, Chapman Pub., 162 p.). Author. Bunker Hill Company
--History; Lead mines and mining --Idaho --Kellogg
--History; Silver mines and mining --Idaho --Kellogg
--History; Silver mines and mining --Idaho --Kellogg
(Bunker Hill Company), Katherine G. Aiken
Idaho's Bunker Hill: The Rise and Fall of a Great Mining
Company, 1885-1981. (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma
Press, 284 p.). Bunker Hill Company--History; Mineral
industries--Idaho--Kellogg--History; Lead mines and
mining--Idaho--Kellogg--History; Zinc mines and
mining--Idaho--Kellogg--History; Silver mines and
mining--Idaho--Kellogg--History. 1968 -
acquired in hostile takeover by Gulf Resources and Chemical
(Calumet and Hecla), C. Harry Benedict (1952).
Red Metal; The Calumet and Hecla Story. (Ann Arbor, MI:
University of Michigan Press, 257 p.). Calumet and Hecla, Inc.
(Cash-On-Delivery Mine), Thomas J. Noel and
Cathleen M. Norman (2000).
Pikes Peak Partnership: The Penroses and the Tutts.
(Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado, 264 p.). Penrose,
Spencer, b. 1865; Tutt, Charles Leaming;
Businessmen--Colorado--Colorado Springs--Biography;
Industrialists--Colorado--Colorado Springs--Biography;
Philanthropists--Colorado--Colorado Springs--Biography; Colorado
Springs (Colo.)--Biography.
Spencer Penrose
- C.O.D. Mine
(Cash-on-Delivery Mine), Robert C. Olson
Speck: The Life and Times of Spencer Penrose. (Lake
City, CO: Western Reflections Pub. Co., 209 p.). Penrose,
Spencer, b. 1865; Broadmoor (Hotel : Colorado Springs, Colo.)
--History; Businessmen --Colorado --Biography; Industrialists
--Colorado --Biography; Real estate developers --Colorado
--Biography; Philanthropists --Colorado --Biography; Civic
leaders --Colorado --Biography; Mines and mineral resources
--Colorado --History; Colorado Springs (Colo.) --Biography;
Colorado --History --1876-1950. Colorado Springs mining magnate,
hotelier; made first fortune in C.O.D. mine; invested in
speculative technology for extracting copper from low-grade ore
at Bingham Canyon, UT (beginning of Utah Copper Co., later
Kennecott, source of Penrose millions); 1918 - built Broadmoor.
(Chamber of Mines of South Africa), John Lang
Bullion Johannesburg: Men, Mines, and the Challenge of Conflict.
(Johannesburg, SA: J. Ball, 509 p.). Chamber of Mines of South
Africa--History; Mineral industries--South Africa--History;
Miners--South Africa--History.
(Coal & Allied), Christopher Jay (1994).
The Coal Masters: The History of Coal & Allied 1844-1994.
(Double Bay, NSW: Focus, 240 p.). Coal & Allied--History; Coal
mines and mining--Australia--History.
(Coal), Howard N. Eavenson (1942).
The First Century and a Quarter of American Coal Industry.
(Pittsburgh, PA: Privately Printed, 701 p.). Coal trade--United
States; Coal mines and mining--United States.
(Coal), Norman L. Dalsted and F. Larry
Leistritz (1974). A Selected Bibliography on Coal-Energy
Development of Particular Interest to the Western States.
(Fargo, ND: Dept. of Agricultural Economics, North Dakota
Agricultural Experimental Station, North Dakota State
University, 82 p.). Coal mines and mining--Bibliography; Coal
mines and mining--West (U.S.)--Bibliography.
(Coal), M. W. Kirby (1977).
The British Coalmining Industry, 1870-1946: A Political and
Economic History. (Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 278 p.).
Coal trade--Great Britain--History; Coal mines and mining--Great
Britain--History; Industrial policy--Great Britain--History.
(Coal), H. Benjamin Powell (1978).
Philadelphia's First Fuel Crisis: Jacob Cist and the Developing
Market for Pennsylvania Anthracite. (University Park,
PA: Pennsylvania State University Pres, 167 p.). Cist, Jacob,
1782-1825; Anthracite coal -- Pennsylvania -- History;
Businessmen -- United States -- Biography.
(Coal), Michael W. Flinn (1984). The
History of the British Coal Industry: 1700-1830, The Industrial
Revolution. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press). Coal
trade--Great Britain--History; Coal mines and mining--Great
Britain--History; Coal trade--Government ownership--Great
(Coal), B.R. Mitchell (1984).
Economic Development of the British Coal Industry, 1800-1914.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 381 p.). Coal
trade--Great Britain--History; Coal miners--Labor unions--Great
Britain--History; Coal mines and mining--Great Britain--History;
Coal miners--Great Britain--History.
(Coal), William Ashworth (1986).
The History of the British Coal
1946-1982: The
Nationalized Industry. (New
York, NY: Oxford University Press, 800 p.). Coal trade--Great
Britain--History; Coal mines and mining--Great Britain--History;
Coal trade--Government ownership--Great Britain--History.
(Coal), Roy Church (1986).
The History of the British Coal Industry: 1830-1913: Victorian
Pre-Eminence. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press,
850 p.). Coal trade--Great Britain--History; Coal mines and
mining--Great Britain--History; Coal trade--Government
ownership--Great Britain--History.
(Coal), Barry Supple (1988).
The History of the British Coal Industry, 1913-1946: The
Political Economy of Decline. (New York, NY: Oxford
University Press, 770 p.). Coal trade--Great Britain--History;
Coal mines and mining--Great Britain--History; Coal
trade--Government ownership--Great Britain--History.
A. Dudley Gardner and Verla R. Flores (1989).
Forgotten Frontier: A History of Wyoming Coal Mining.
(Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 243 p.). Coal mines and mining
--Wyoming --History.
(Coal), John Hatcher (1993).
The History of the British Coal Industry: Before 1700 : Towards
the Age of Coal (New York, NY: Oxford University
Press, 656 p.). Coal trade--Great Britain--History; Coal mines
and mining--Great Britain--History; Coal trade--Government
ownership--Great Britain--History.
(Coal), Barbara Freese (2003).
Coal: A Human History. (Cambridge, MA: Perseus Pub., 320
p.). Former Assistant Attorney General of Minnesota. Coal mines
and mining. How coal transformed England and US into industrial
giants and is reshaping emerging giants like China.
(Coal), David A. Wolff (2003).
Industrializing the Rockies: Growth, Competition, and Turmoil in
the Coalfields of Colorado and Wyoming, 1868-1914.
(Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado 270 p.). Coal miners
-- Colorado -- History; Coal miners -- Wyoming -- History;
Strikes and lockouts -- Coal mining -- Rocky Mountains Region --
History; Coal Strike, Colo., 1913-1914; Rock Springs Massacre,
Rock Springs, Wyo., 1885; Coal miners -- Labor unions --
Colorado -- History; Coal miners -- Labor unions -- Wyoming --
History; Industrial relations -- Rocky Mountains Region --
History; Coal trade -- Rocky Mountains Region -- History.
(Coal), Sean Patrick Adams (2004).
Old Dominion, Industrial Commonwealth: Coal, Politics, and
Economy in Antebellum America. (Baltimore, MD: Johns
Hopkins University Press, 305 p.). Assistant Professor of
History (University of Central Florida). Coal
trade--Pennsylvania--History; Coal trade--Virginia--History.
Political economies of
coal in Virginia, Pennsylvania from late 18th century through
Civil War, divergent paths they took in developing their ample
coal reserves during critical period of American
(Coal), R.G. Healey (2007).
The Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal Industry, 1860-1902: Economic
Cycles, Business Decision-Making and Regional Dynamics.
(Scranton, PA: University of Scranton Press, 512 p.). Professor
of Geography (University of Portsmouth in England). Anthracite
coal industry--Pennsylvania--History. Development of anthracite coal
industry, in national, regional contexts, from onset of American
Civil War to "Great Strike" of 1902; restricted coalfields
contrasted with widening coal distribution region; changing
relationships between anthracite carrying railroads, mining
companies; evaluation of decision-making, investment behavior of
entrepreneurs, corporate managers.
(Coal), Paul Lucier (2008).
Scientists & Swindlers: Consulting on Coal and Oil in America,
1820-1890. (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 426 p.). Historian of Science and Technology. Science and
industry --Moral and ethical aspects --United States --History
--19th century; Petroleum industry and trade --United States
--History --19th century; Petroleum industry and trade --Canada
--History --19th century; Coal trade --United States --History
--19th century; Coal trade --Canada --History --19th century;
Science and law --United States --History --19th century.
science became integral part of American technology, industry;
role played by science, business in nation’s industrialization,
transformation into new energy era; development of geology,
birth of petroleum geology, through series of scientific
advances, legal controversies; 1860 -
coal-oil industry produced 7-9 million gallons of lamp oil
annually; industry grew too large, too fast; collapsed in speculative bubble; oversupply of coal oil drove down prices,
costs of production could not easily be reduced; bankruptcies
swept industry at moment when petroleum was possible source of supply for
transformation not inevitable.
(Coal), Richard J. Callahan, Jr. (2009).
Work and Faith in the Kentucky Coal Fields: Subject to Dust.
(Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 259 p.). Assistant
Professor of Religious Studies (University of
Missouri-Columbia). Coal miners --Religious life; Kentucky
--Religious life and customs. Transition
Appalachian families made from subsistence farming to industrial
coal mining in early 1900s; discovered key role religion played
in their development as coal mining society; how coal
miners used religion to interpret their circumstances,
particularly unsafe work place.
(Colorado Fuel and Iron Company),
Sylvia Ruland (1981).
The Lion of Redstone. (Boulder, CO: Johnson Books, 116
p.). Osgood, John Cleveland, 1851-1926; Coal
trade--Colorado--History; Mineral industries--Colorado--History;
(Colorado Fuel and Iron Company), F. Darrell
Munsell (2009).
From Redstone to Ludlow: John Cleaveland Osgood's Struggle
Against the United Mine Workers of America. (Boulder,
CO: University Press of Colorado, 392 p.). Professor Emeritus
(West Texas A&M University). Coal trade -- Colorado -- History;
Coal miners -- Labor unions -- Colorado -- History; Capitalists
and financiers -- Colorado -- Biography; United Mine Workers of
America -- History; Osgood, John Cleveland, 1851-1926. Events
from 1892, when Osgood and associates organized Colorado Fuel
and Iron Company, to 1917, when Osgood signed contract with
United Mine Workers of America, end of his long history of
battling the union; leading coal baron in western mountain
region, most prominent spokesperson for coal industry for over
three decades; "Redstone experiment," model industrial village
designed to improve lives of workers through social programs,
showed Osgood's efforts to attain anti-union goals through
compassion; Ludlow tent colony, events there, marked by armed
gunmen, machine guns paid for by Osgood, illustrated willingness
to resort to violence, intimidation for same purpose.
(Comstock Lode), George D. Lyman (1934).
The Saga of the Comstock Lode; Boom Days in Virginia City.
(New York, NY: Scribner, 309 p.). Mines and mineral
resources--Nevada--History; Mineral industries--Nevada--History;
Comstock Lode (Nev.); Virginia City (Nev.).
--- (1937).
Ralston’s Ring; California Plunders the Comstock Lode.
(New York, NY: Scribner, 368 p.). Ralston, William Chapman,
1826-1875; Sutro, Adolph, 1830-1898; Comstock Lode (Nev.);
(Comstock Lode), Grant H. Smith; with new
material by Joseph V. Tingley (1998).
The History of the Comstock Lode, 1850-1997. (Reno, NV:
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, 328 p.[rev. 1943 ed.]). Gold
mines and mining--Nevada--Virginia City Region--History; Silver
mines and mining--Nevada--Virginia City Region--History; Mineral
industries--Nevada--Virginia City Region--History; Comstock Lode
(Nev.)--History; Virginia City (Nev.)--Social life and customs.
(Conrey Placer Mining Company), Clark C.
Spence (1989). The Conrey Placer Mining Company: A Pioneer
Gold-Dredging Enterprise in Montana, 1897-1922. (Helena, MT:
Montana Historical Society Press, 161 p.). Conrey Placer Mining
Company--History; Gold industry--Montana--Alder--History; Gold
(Consolidated Gold Fields), The Company
The Gold Fields1887-1937. (Johannesburg, SA:
Consolidated Gold Fields of South Africa, 185 p.). History of
The Consolidated Gold Fields of South Africa, to mark the 50th
anniversary of the foundation of the Company (February 1887).
(Consolidated Gold Fields), Alan Patrick
Cartwright (1967).
Gold Paved the Way: The Story of the Gold Fields Group of
Companies. (London, UK: Macmillan, 326 p.). Rhodes,
Cecil, 1853-1902; Rudd, Charles Dunell, 1844-1916; Consolidated
Gold Fields Ltd.
(Consolidated Gold Fields), Paul Johnson
Consolidated Gold Fields: A Centenary Portrait. (New
York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 256 p.). Consolidated Gold Fields
Limited--History; Gold industry--South Africa--History; Gold
mines and mining--History.
(Consolidation Coal Company), Geoffrey L.
Buckley (2004).
Extracting Appalachia: Images of the Consolidation Coal Company,
1910/1945. (Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 215 p.).
Consolidation Coal Company--History; Consolidation Coal
Company--Pictorial works; Coal mines and mining--Appalachian
Region--History; Coal mines and mining--Appalachian
Region--Pictorial works; Appalachian Region--Pictorial works.
(Copper), Issac F. Marcosson (1953).
Industrial Main Street; The Story of Rome, The Copper City.
(New York, NY: Dodd, Mead, 220 p.). Copper industry and
trade--New York (State)--Rome; Rome (N.Y.)--Industries.
(Copper), Maxwell Whiteman (1971).
Copper for America; The Hendricks Family and a National
Industry, 1755-1939. (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers
University Press, 353 p.). Hendricks family; Copper industry and
trade--United States.
(Copper), Thomas R. Navin (1978).
Copper Mining & Management. (Tucson, AZ: University of
Arizona Press, 426 p.). Copper industry and trade--Management;
Copper industry and trade--United States--History.
(Copper), Charles K. Hyde (1998).
Copper for America: The United States Copper Industry from
Colonial Times to the 1990s. (Tucson, AZ: University of
Arizona Press, 267 p.). Copper mines and mining--United
States--History; Copper industry and trade--United
(Cyprus Mines Corporation), David Sievert
Lavender (1961).
The Story of Cyprus Mines Corporation. (San Marino, CA:
Huntington Library, 387 p.). Cyprus Mines Corporation.
(De Beers), T.E. Gregory (1962).
Ernest Oppenheimer and the Economic Development of Southern
Africa. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 637 p.).
Oppenheimer, Ernest, Sir, 1880-1957; Diamonds; South
Africa--Economic conditions.
Cecil John
(Chairman, DeBeers, 1888-1902)
Sir Ernest
(Chairman, DeBeers, 1929-1957)
(Chairman, DeBeers, 1957-1985)
(De Beers), J.G. Lockhart and C.M. Woodhouse
Cecil Rhodes; The Colossus of Southern Africa. (New
York, NY: Macmillan, 525 p.). Rhodes, Cecil, 1853-1902; South
Africa--Politics and government--1836-1909.
(De Beers), Anthony Hocking (1973).
Oppenheimer and Son. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 526
p.). Oppenheimer, Ernest, Sir, 1880-1957; Oppenheimer, H. F.
(Harry Frederick), 1908-.
(De Beers), John Flint (1974).
Cecil Rhodes. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 268 p.).
Rhodes, Cecil, 1853-1902; Statesmen--Africa,
Southern--Biography; Capitalists and financiers--Africa,
Southern--Biography; Africa, Southern--History.
(De Beers), Edward Jesup (1979).
Ernest Oppenheimer: A Study in Power. (London, UK:
Collings, 357 p.). Oppenheimer, Ernest, Sir, 1880-1957;
Businessmen--South Africa--Biography; Diamond industry and
trade--South Africa--History.
(De Beers), Robert I. Rotberg, with the
collaboration of Miles F. Shore (1988).
The Founder: Cecil Rhodes and the Pursuit of Power. (New
York, NY: Oxford University Press, 800 p.). Rhodes, Cecil,
1853-1902; Statesmen--Africa, Southern--Biography; Capitalists
and financiers--Africa, Southern--Biography.
(De Beers), Brian Roberts (1988).
Cecil Rhodes: Flawed Colossus. (New York, NY: Norton,
319 p.). Rhodes, Cecil, 1853-1902; Statesmen--Africa,
Southern--Biography; Capitalists and financiers--Africa,
(De Beers), Stefan Kanfer (1993).
The Last Empire: De Beers, Diamonds, and the World. (New
York, NY: Farrar Straus Giroux, 409 p.). De Beers Consolidated
Mines--History; Diamond mines and mining--South Africa--History;
South Africa--History--1836-1909; South
Africa--History--1909-1961; South Africa--History--1961-.
(De Beers), Peter Carstens (2001).
In the Company of Diamonds: De Beers, Kleinzee, and the Control
of a Town. (Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 257 p.).
De Beers Consolidated Mines--History; Diamond industry and
trade--South Africa--Kleinzee--History; Diamond miners--South
Africa--Kleinzee--History; Blacks--Employment--South
Africa--Kleinzee--History; Industrial relations--South
Africa--Kleinzee--History; Capitalism--South
(De Beers), Donna J. Bergenstock (2004).
An Analysis of the International Diamond Market.
(Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 164 p.). De Beers
Consolidated Mines; Diamond industry and trade; Diamonds--Russia
(Federation); Diamonds--Prices; Cartels. Marketing strategies, monopoly
power of De Beers' Central Selling Organization (CSO) in face of
Russia Federation's "leakage" of rough (uncut and unpolished)
diamonds on the open market in violation of their sales
agreement with De Beers.
(Denison Mines Limited), Paul McKay (1990).
The Roman Empire: The Unauthorized Life and Times of Stephen
Roman. (Toronto, ON: Key Porter Books, 242 p.). Roman,
Stephen; Denison Mines Limited--History; Denison Mines
Limited--Histoire; Businessmen--Canada--Biography; Slovak
Canadians--Biography; Hommes d'affaires--Canada--Biographies;
Canadiens d'origine slovaque--Biographies.
(Diamonds), Edited by James H. Wilkins, with a
foreword by Glen Dawson (1958).
The Great Diamond Hoax and Other Stirring Incidents in the Life
of Asbury Harpending. (Norman, OK: University of
Oklahoma Press, 211 p.). Mines and mineral
resources--California; California--History.
(Diamonds), Brian Roberts (1973).
The Diamond Magnates. (New York, NY: Scribner, 335 p.).
Diamond mines and mining--South Africa.
(Diamonds), Marian Robertson (1974).
Diamond Fever; South African Diamond History, 1866-9 from
Primary Sources. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press,
250 p.). Diamond mines and mining--South Africa--History.
(Diamonds), David E. Kosikoff (1981). The
Diamond World. (New York, NY: Harper v& Row, 356 p.).
Diamond industry and trade.
(Diamonds), Murray Schumach (1981).
The Diamond People. (New York, NY: Norton, 255 p.).
Diamond industry and trade--United States.
(Diamonds), Edward Jay Epstein (1982).
The Rise and Fall of Diamonds: The Shattering of a Brilliant
Illusion. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 301 p.).
Diamond industry and trade. Classic on the industry.
(Diamonds), Colin Newbury (1989).
The Diamond Ring: Business, Politics, and Precious Stones in
South Africa, 1867-1947. (New York, NY: Oxford
University Press, 431 p.). Diamond industry and trade--South
(Diamonds), Kevin Krajick (2001).
Barren Lands: An Epic Search for Diamonds in the North American
Arctic. (New York, NY: Holt, 442 p.). Winner 1998 Walter
Sullivan Award for Excellence in Science Journalism (American
Geophysical Union). Diamonds--Northwest Territories--Gras, Lac
de, Region.
(Diamonds), Matthew Hart (2001).
Diamond: A Journey to the Heart of an Obsession. (New
York, NY: Walker, 256 p.). Diamonds.
(Diamonds), Renée Rose Shield (2002).
Diamond Stories: Enduring Change on 47th Street.
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 233 p.). Diamond industry
and trade--New York (State)--New York--History; Jews in the
diamond industry--New York (State)--New York--History; Jewish
businesspeople--New York (State)--New York--History.
(Diamonds), Greg Campbell (2002).
Blood Diamonds: Tracing the Deadly Path of the World's Most
Precious Stones. (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 251 p.).
Freelance Journalist. Diamond industry and trade--Social
aspects--Sierra Leone; Diamond miners--Crimes against--Sierra
Leone; Diamond industry and trade--Corrupt practices; Sierra
Leone--History--Civil War, 1991.
(Diamonds), Douglas Farah (2004).
Blood from Stones: The Secret Financial Network of Terror.
(New York, NY: Broadway Books, 225 p.). Terrorism--Economic
aspects--Africa, West; Diamond mines and mining--Africa, West;
Diamond industry and trade--Africa, West; Terrorism--Religious
aspects--Islam; Political corruption--Africa, West; Africa,
West--Politics and government; Africa, West--Social conditions;
Africa, West--Economic conditions.
(Diamonds), Martin Meredith (2007).
Diamonds, Gold, and War: The British, the Boers, and the Making
of South Africa. (New York, NY: PublicAffairs, 570 p.)
South African War, 1899-1902--Causes; Diamond industry and
trade--South Africa--History--19th century; Gold industry--South
Africa--History--19th century; Afrikaners--South
Africa--History; Great
Britain--Colonies--Africa--Administration; Great
Britain--Foreign relations--1837-1901; South
Africa--History--1836-1909; South Africa--Politics and
government--1836-1909. Turbulent years leading to founding of modern state of South
Africa in 1910; prospectors chanced first upon world's richest
deposits of diamonds, then upon richest deposits of gold;
titanic struggle between British, Boers for control of land
followed, culminated in costliest, bloodiest, most
humiliating war that Britain had waged in nearly a century,
devastation of Boer republics.
(Diamonds), Ian Smillie (2010).
Blood on the Stone: Greed, Corruption and War in the Global
Diamond Trade. (New York, NY: Anthem Press, 237 p.).
Diamond industry and trade -- Africa; Conflict diamonds --
Africa; Political corruption -- Africa. How
diamonds came to be so dangerous; history of great diamond
cartel, how it lost control of precious mineral; diamond
pipeline, from war-torn Africa to glittering showrooms;
campaign, began in 1999, eventually forced industry, more than
50 governments to create global certification system, Kimberley
Process, to wring blood diamonds out of retail trade; assessment
of certification system.
(Dome Mines), Peter Foster (1993).
Other People's Money: The Banks, the Government and Dome.
(Don Mills, ON: Collins, 286 p.). Dome Petroleum Limited --
(Dome Mines), Charles P. Girdwood, Lawrence F.
Jones and George Lonn (1983).
The Big Dome: Over Seventy Years of Gold Mining in Canada.
(Toronto, ON: Cybergraphics Co., 249 p.). Dome Mines Limited --
History; Gold mines and mining -- Canada -- History; Gold mines
and mining -- Ontario -- History.
(Dome Mines), Jim Lyon (1983).
Dome: The Rise and Fall of the House That Jack Built.
(Scarborough, ON: Avon Books of Canada, 250 p.). Dome Petroleum
Limited -- History.
(Eldorado Mining and Refining), Robert
Bothwell (1984).
Eldorado: Canada's National Uranium Company. (Toronto,
ON: University of Toronto Press, 470 p.). Eldorado Mining and
Refining Limited -- History; Eldorado Nuclear Limited --
(Empire Mine), Ferol Egan (1998).
Last Bonanza Kings: The Bourns of San Francisco. (Reno,
NV: University of Nevada Press, 289 p.). Bourn, William, b.
1813; Bourn, William, 1857-1936; Bourne family;
Pioneers--California--San Francisco--Biography;
Businessmen--California--San Francisco--Biography; San Francisco
(Calif.)--Biography; San Francisco (Calif.)--History.
(Falconbridge), John Deverell and the Latin
American Working Group (1975).
Falconbridge: Portrait of a Canadian Mining Multinational.
(Toronto, ON: J. Lorimer, 184 p.). Falconbridge Nickel Mines
Limited; International business enterprises; Nickel
(John Fyfe Ltd.), The Company (1996).
John Fyfe: One Hundred and Fifty Years, 1846 - 1996.
(Kemnay, UK: Time Pieces Publications, 72 p.). -- History;
Granite industry and trade -- Scotland -- Kemnay -- History;
Granite Quarrying History; Grampian (Scotland).
(Gold), George F. Willison (1931).
Here They Dug the Gold. (New York, NY: Brentano's, 299
p.). Tabor, Horace Austin Warner, 1830-1899; Colorado -- Gold
discoveries; Frontier and pioneer life -- Colorado. Protagonist
in epic of Colorado's creation.
(Gold), Frank Waters (1937).
Midas of the Rockies; The Story of Stratton and Cripple Creek.
(New York, NY: Covici, Friede, 344 p.). Stratton, Winfield
Scott, 1848-1902; Gold mines and mining -- Colorado -- Cripple
(Gold), Rodman L. Paul (1947).
California Gold; The Beginning of Mining in the Far West.
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 380 p.). Gold mines and
mining--California; Frontier and pioneer life--California;
California--Gold discoveries.
(Gold), Pierre Berton (1972).
Klondike; The Last Great Gold Rush, 1896-1899. (Toronto,
ON: McClelland and Stewart, 472 p. [rev. ed.]). Klondike River
Valley (Yukon)--Gold discoveries.
(Gold), Duane A. Smith (1973).
Horace Tabor: His Life and the Legend. (Boulder, CO:
Colorado Associated University Press, 395 p.). Tabor, Horace
Austin Warner, 1830-1899.
(Gold), Ray Vicker (1975).
The Realms of Gold. (New York, NY: Scribner, 244 p.).
(Gold), H. Willia, Axford (1976).
Gilpin County Gold : Peter McFarlane, 1848-1929, Mining
Entrepreneur in Central City, Colorado. (Chicago, IL:
Sage Books, 210 p.). McFarlane, Peter Barclay, 1848-1929; Gilpin
County (Colo.) -- Gold discoveries; Central City (Colo.) --
(Gold), Joseph E. King (1977).
A Mine To Make a Mine: Financing the Colorado Mining Industry,
1859-1902. (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University
Press, 209 p.). Gold industry--Colorado--Finance--History; Gold
mines and mining--Colorado--Finance--History; Silver mines and
mining--Colorado--Finance--History; Mineral
(Gold), Eric Cousineau, Peter R. Richardson
Gold: The World Industry and Canadian Corporate Strategy.
(Kingston, ON: Queen's University, Centre for Resources Studies,
192 p.). Gold mines and mining--Canada; Mines and mineral
(Gold), J.S. Holliday (1981).
The World Rushed In: The California Gold Rush Experience.
(New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 559 p.). Swain, William,
1821-1904; California -- History -- 1846-1850; California --
Gold discoveries; Overland journeys to the Pacific; Pioneers --
California -- Biography; California -- Biography.
(Gold), E. Hazard Wells (1984).
Magnificence and Misery: A Firsthand Account of the 1897
Klondike Gold Rush. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 254
p.). Wells, E. Hazard; Klondike River Valley (Yukon)--Gold
discoveries; Klondike River Valley (Yukon)--Description and
(Gold), Matthew Hart (1985).
Golden Giant: Hemlo and the Rush for Canada's Gold.
(Vancouver, BC: Douglas & McIntyre, 176 p.). Gold mines and
mining--Ontario--Hemlo Region--History.
(Gold), James P. Delgado (1990).
To California by Sea: A Maritime History of the California Gold
Rush. (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press,
237 p.). Maritime Historian of the National Park Service.
Navigation --California --History --19th century; Shipping
--California --History --19th century; California --Gold
discoveries. Gold Rush's
affect on maritime industry (trade prior to 1848--furs, hides,
whaling); sea-faring gold seekers as they sailed to California;
development of San Francisco waterfront, maritime industries
along coast.
(Gold), Jo Ann Levy (1992).
They Saw the Elephant: Women in the California Gold Rush.
(Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 265 p.). Women
pioneers--California--History--19th century;
Women--California--History--19th century; Frontier and pioneer
life--California; California--Gold discoveries.
(Gold), Paula Mitchell Marks (1994).
Precious Dust: The American Gold Rush Era, 1848-1900.
(New York, NY: Morrow, 448 p.). Gold mines and mining--North
America--History--19th century; North America--Gold discoveries.
(Gold), Hal Colebatch (1996).
Claude de Bernales, The Magnificent Miner: A Biography.
(Carlisle, W.A.: Hesperian Press, 323 p.). Bernales, Claude de,
1876-1963; Businessmen--Australia--Biography; Gold
(Gold), Gary F. Kurutz; introduction by J.S.
Holliday (1997).
The California Gold Rush: A Descriptive Bibliography of Books
and Pamphlets Covering the Years 1848-1853. (San
Francisco, CA: Book Club of California, 771 p.). Gold mines and
century--Sources--Bibliography--Union lists; Catalogs,
Union--United States; California--Gold
discoveries--Sources--Bibliography--Union lists.
(Gold), Malcolm J. Rohrbough (1997).
Days of Gold: The California Gold Rush and the American Nation.
(Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 353 p.).
Professor of History (University of Iowa). California--Gold
discoveries. Most
significant event in first half of nineteenth century; produced
vast movement of people; called into question basic values of
marriage, family, work, wealth, leisure; led to so many varied
consequences; left such vivid memories among its participants;
touched lives of families, communities everywhere in United
(Gold), Raymond E. Dumett (1998).
El Dorado in West Africa: The Gold-Mining Frontier, African
Labor, and Colonial Capitalism in the Gold Coast, 1875-1900.
(Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 396 p.). Gold mines and
mining--Ghana--History--19th century; Gold
miners--Ghana--History--19th century;
Capitalism--Ghana--History--19th century. First modern mechanized gold rush
in West Africa, its aftermath.
(Gold), Edited by Ramon Gutierrez, Richard J.
Orsi (1998).
Contested Eden: California Before the Gold Rush.
(Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 396 p.).
Professor of Ethnic Studies and History (University of
California, San Diego); Professor of History (California State
University, Hayward). California --History --To 1846; California
--History --1846-1850. California history before American conquest; re-evaluation of
European-Indian relations in California prior to 1848; natural
environment, history of the Indians, exploration, social and
economic history; contemporary perspective on evolution of
distinctive California culture, interaction between people and
natural environment, ways in which California's development
affected United States and world, legacy of cultural and ethnic
diversity in the state.
(Gold), Mary Hill (1999).
Gold: The California Story. (Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press, 306 p.). California -- Gold discoveries;
California -- History -- 1846-1850.
(Gold), J.S. Holliday (1999).
Rush For Riches: Gold Fever and the Making of California.
(Berkeley, CA: University of California Press (with Oakland
Museum of California), 355 p.). California -- Gold discoveries;
California -- History -- 1846-1850; California -- History --
(Gold), Editors James J. Rawls and Richard J.
Orsi; associate editor Marlene Smith-Baranzini (1999).
A Golden State: Mining and Economic Development in Gold Rush
California. (Berkeley, CA: University of California
Press, 313 p.). Instructor of History (Diablo Valley College);
Professor of History (California State University, Hayward).
Gold mines and mining --California --History --19th century;
California --Economic conditions --19th century.
Economic impact of epoch-making
event; how Gold Rush precipitated veritable economic revolution;
relationship between technology and society, environmental
impact from mining, sudden increase in California's population,
influence of Gold Rush on agriculture, manufacturing, banking,
transportation; impact on peoples, economies of Latin America,
Europe, Asia; economic forces, for good or ill, that transformed
California forever into Golden State.
(Gold), Susan Lee Johnson (2000).
Roaring Camp: The Social World of the California Gold Rush.
(New York, NY: Norton, 464 p.). Professor of History (University
of Colorado). Mining camps--Sierra Nevada (Calif. and
Nev.)--History--19th century; California--Gold
discoveries--Social aspects; California--Social life and
customs--19th century; Sierra Nevada (Calif. and Nev.)--Gold
discoveries--Social aspects; California--Ethnic relations.
multicultural event - Mexicans, French, Chinese,
African-Americans, Chileans, Miwok Indians, WASPs panned for
gold in foothills of the Sierra Nevadas Mountains, around town
of Stockton; dynamic social world in which conventions of
ethnic, national, sexual identity were reshaped (all-male
households of diggings, mines where men worked, fandango houses
where they played).
(Gold), Brian Roberts (2000).
American Alchemy: The California Gold Rush and Middle-Class
Culture. (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina
Press, 328 p.). Assistant Professor of History (California State
University in Sacramento). Frontier and pioneer
life--California; Frontier and pioneer life--West (U.S.);
Pioneers--California--History--19th century;
Pioneers--Northeastern States--History--19th century; Middle
class--California--History--19th century; Middle
class--Northeastern States--History--19th century;
California--Gold discoveries--Social aspects; California--Social
conditions--19th century; Northeastern States--Social
conditions--19th century. Long-neglected truth of gold rush: many of northeastern
forty-niners who ventured westward were middle-class in origin,
status, values; did not turn their backs on middle-class
culture; overlooked chapter in history of formation of middle
class - rebellion against standards of respectability.
(Gold), H. W. Brands (2002).
The Age of Gold: The California Gold Rush and the Birth of
Modern America. (New York, NY: Doubleday, 547 p.).
California--Gold discoveries; California--Gold
discoveries--Social aspects; United
States--Civilization--1783-1865; United States--Social
conditions--To 1865.
(Gold), Edited by Kenneth N. Owens (2002).
Riches for All: The California Gold Rush and the World.
(Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 367 p.). Professor
Emeritus of History and Ethnic Studies (California State
University, Sacramento). California --Ethnic relations;
California --Social conditions --19th century; Minorities
--California --Social conditions --19th century; Immigrants
--California --Social conditions --19th century; Frontier and
pioneer life --California; California --Gold discoveries
--Social aspects. California gold rush created more diverse, metropolitan society
than world had ever known; leading scholars reexamine gold rush,
evaluate its trajectory and legacy within global context of
religion and race, economics, technology, law, culture.
(Gold), Dale L. Walker (2003).
Eldorado: The California Gold Rush. (New York, NY:
Forge, p.). Pioneers--California--History--19th century;
Pioneers--California--Biography; Frontier and pioneer
life--California; California--Gold discoveries;
California--History--1846-1850; California--Biography.
Toll on humans, nature far
outweighed benefits; brutal era, arduous journeys, collision of
cultures in San Francisco, perils of chasing gold; greed undercuts greed until nothing remains.
(Gold), Albert L. Hurtado (2006).
John Sutter: A Life on the North American Frontier.
(Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 416 p.). Paul H. and
Doris Eaton Travis Chair of Modern American History (University
of Oklahoma). Sutter, John. First fully documented account of
John Sutter in broader context of America’s rush for westward
(Gold), John Stewart (2007).
Thomas F. Walsh: Progressive Businessman and Colorado Mining
Tycoon. (Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado, 230
p.). Walsh, Thomas F. (Thomas Francis), 1850-1910; Businessmen
-- United States -- Biography; Colorado -- Gold discoveries;
Gold mines and mining -- Colorado -- History.
Struck gold at Camp Bird Mine in
Ouray, CO; developed mine properly; enlightened employer
(mines cleaner and safer than most, provided miners with
comfortable living quarters, decent food, supported eight-hour
(Gold), Aims McGuinness (2007).
Path of Empire: Panama and the California Gold Rush.
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 249 P.). Assistant
Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Americans --Panama --History --19th century; Watermelon Riot,
Colon, Panama, 1856; United States --Foreign relations
--Panama; Panama --Foreign relations --United States; Panama
--History --19th century; California --History --1846-1850;
California --Gold discoveries. Intertwined histories of
California Gold Rush, course of U.S. empire, anti-imperialist
politics in Latin America; how U.S. imperial projects in Panama were
integral to developments in California, larger process of U.S.
continental expansion.
Charlotte Gray (2010).
Gold Diggers: Striking It Rich in the Klondike.
(Berkeley, CA Counterpoint, 416 p.). Adjunct Research Professor
in the Department of History (Carleton University). Gold mines
and mining --Yukon --Klondike River Valley --History --19th
century; Frontier and pioneer life --Yukon --Klondike River
Valley; Klondike River Valley (Yukon) --History --19th century;
Klondike River Valley (Yukon) --Gold discoveries; Klondike River
Valley (Yukon) --Biography; Dawson (Yukon) --History --19th
century. 1896
- rich gold deposits discovered in Bonanza Creek;
1896-1899 - gold
madness that swept through a continent, changed a landscape and
its people forever; thousands of people braved grueling journey
into remote wilderness of North America; Dawson City, in
Canadian Yukon, grew in two years, from mining camp of 400 to
raucous town of over 30,000 people; last great gold rush in
history; seen intimate lives of six extraordinary people;
frontier town where desperados, saloon keepers, gamblers, dance
hall girls, churchmen, law-makers were thrown together in
volatile time.
(Homestake Mining), Joseph H. Cash (1973).
Working the Homestake. (Ames, IA: Iowa State University
Press, 141 p.). Homestake Mining Company; Gold miners -- South
(International Mining Corporation), Patrick
O'Neill (2007).
From Snowshoes to Wingtips: The Life of Patrick O'Neill.
(Fairbanks, AK: University of Alaska Foundation, 208 p.). Former
President of International Mining Corporation. O'Neill, Patrick;
Mining corporations--Alaska--History.
(International Nickel), John F. Thompson and
Norman Beasley (1960).
For the Years To Come: A Story of International Nickel of Canada.
(New York, NY: Putnam, 374 p.). International Nickel Company of
(International Nickel Company), Jamie Swift
and the Development Education Centre ; foreword by Dave
Patterson (1977).
The Big Nickel: Inco at Home and Abroad. (Kitchener, ON:
Between the Lines. International Nickel Company of Canada --
History; Nickel industry -- Ontario -- Sudbury.
(International Nickel Company), Wallace
Clement (1981).
Hardrock Mining: Industrial Relations and Technological Changes
at INCO. (Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 392 p.).
International Nickel Company; Nickel mines and mining -- Canada
-- Case studies; Nickel mines and mining -- Canada --
Technological innovations; Industrial relations -- Canada --
Case studies.
(Imperial Smelting Corporation), E. J. Cocks
and B. Walters (1968).
A History of the Zinc Smelting Industry in Britain.
(London, UK: Harrap, 224 p.). Imperial Smelting Corporation
Ltd., London; Zinc industry and trade--Great Britain.
(Jadeite), Adrian Levy and Cathy Scott-Clark
The Stone of Heaven: Unearthing the Secret History of Imperial
Green Jade. (Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 408 p.). British
Freelance Journalists. Jadeite (Petrology)--Burma.
(Lead), James Alexander Gardner (1980).
Lead King, Moses Austin. (St. Louis, MO: Sunrise Pub.
Co., 249 p.). Austin, Moses, 1761-1821; Lead mines and
mining--Southwest, Old--History; Pioneers--Texas--Biography;
Businesspeople--Texas--Biography; Pioneers--Southwest,
Old--Biography; Businesspeople--Southwest, Old--Biography;
Texas--History--To 1846; Southwest, Old--History.
(Lead), David B. Gracy II; foreword by Mary
Austin Perry Beretta (1987).
Moses Austin: His Life. (San Antonio, TX: Trinity
University Press, 303 p.). Austin, Moses, 1761-1821;
Pioneers--Texas--Biography; Businesspeople--Texas--Biography;
Pioneers--Southwest, Old--Biography; sinesspeople--Southwest,
Old--Biography; Texas--History--To 1846; Southwest,
Old--History. Father of lead industry.
(Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company), W.
Julian Parton (1998).
The Death of a Great Company: Reflections on the Decline and
Fall of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company. (Easton,
PA: Canal History and Technology Press, 123 p. [2nd ed.]).
Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company--History; Coal
trade--Pennsylvania--History; Coal--Pennsylvania--History.
(Lilleshall Company - formed 1802), W.K.V.
Gale & C.R. Nicholls (1979).
The Lilleshall Company Limited: A History, 1764-1964.
(Ashbourne, Derbyshire, UK: Published on behalf of the
Lilleshall Company by Moorland Pub. Co., 134 p.). Lilleshall
(London Lead Company), Arthur Raistrick
Two Centuries of Industrial Welfare: The London (Quaker) Lead
Company, 1692-1905. (London, UK: Kelsall & Davis, 172 p.
[2nd rev. ed.]). London Lead Company -- History; Welfare work in
industry -- Great Britain -- History; Great Britain Lead mining
industries; London Lead Company Welfare services 1692-1905.
(Lonrho), Suzanne Cronje, Margaret Ling, and
Gillian Cronjé (1976).
Lonrho: Portrait of a Multinational. (London, UK: J.
Friedmann, 316 p.). Lonrho (Firm).
"Tiny" Rowland
- Lonrho
(Lonrho), Richard Hall (1987).
My Life with Tiny: Biography of Tiny Rowland. (London,
UK: Faber and Faber, 250 p.). Rowland, Roland Walter "Tiny",
1917-; Lonhro; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography;.
Rowland’s career from birth in centre for enemy aliens in India,
through successes with Lonhro, unsuccessful fight for Harrods.
1962 - recruited to London and Rhodesian Mining
and Land Company, later Lonrho; October 1993 -
forced to step down as Chairman.
(Lonrho), Tom Bower (1993).
Tiny Rowland: A Rebel Tycoon. (London, UK: Heinemann,
659 p.). Rowland, Tiny, 1917- ; Businesspeople--Great
Britain--Biography; Millionaires--Great Britain--Biography;
Mineral industries--Africa--History--20th century.
(Lonrho), EIR investigative team (1993).
Tiny Rowland: The Ugly Face of Neocolonialism in Africa.
(Washington, DC: Executive Intelligence Review, 165 p.).
Rowland, Tiny, 1917- ; Industrialists--Great Britain--Biography;
Africa--Economic conditions--1960-. London and Rhodesian Mining
and Land Company, later renamed Lonrho.
(Minerals), Harold Barger and Sam H. Schurr
The Mining Industries, 1899-1939: A Study of Output, Employment,
and Productivity. (New York, NY: National Bureau of
Economic Research, 452 p.). Mineral industries -- United States
-- History; Mining engineering -- United States -- History.
(Minerals), James E. Fell, Jr. (1979).
Ores to Metals: The Rocky Mountain Smelting Industry.
(Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 341 p.). Mineral
industries--Rocky Mountains Region--History; Smelting--History;
Rocky Mountains Region--History.
(Minerals), C. Pardee Foulke and William G.
Foulke (1979).
Calvin Pardee, 1841-1923: His Family and His Enterprises.
(Philadelphia, PA: Pardee Company, 415 p.). Pardee, Calvin,
1841-1923; Pardee family; Businessmen--United States--Biography;
Mineral industries--United States--History.
(Minerals), Richard H. Peterson (1991).
The Bonanza Kings: The Social Origins and Business Behavior of
Western Mining Entrepreneurs, 1870-1900. (Norman, OK:
University of Oklahoma Press, 191 p.). Mineral industries--West
(U.S.)--Biography; Industrialists--United States--Biography;
Mineral industries--West (U.S.)--History--19th century; West
(U.S.)--Social conditions.
--- (1991).
Bonanza Rich: Lifestyles of the Western Mining Entrepreneurs.
(Moscow, ID: University of Idaho Press, 192 p.; sequel to
Bonanza Kings). Mineral industries--West (U.S.)--History--19th
century; Industrialists--West (U.S.)--History--19th century;
Millionaires--West (U.S.)--History--19th century; Wealth--West
(U.S.)--History--19th century; West (U.S.)--Social conditions.
(Mount Isa Mines Ltd.), Geoffrey Blainey
Mines in the Spinifex; The Story of Mount Isa Mines.
(Sydney, AU: Angus and Robertson, 256 p.). Mount Isa Mines, ltd.
(Mount Isa Mines Ltd.), Donald A. Berkman
Making the Mount Isa Mine, 1923-1933: The Discovery of the Giant
Mount Isa Silver-Lead-Zinc Ore Deposit, the Formation of Mount
Isa Mines Limited, and the Development of the Mine and Township.
(Carlton, Vic.: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,
161 p.). Mount Isa Mines, ltd.--History; Lead mines and
mining--Australia--Mount Isa Region (Qld.)--History; Silver
mines and mining--Australia--Mount Isa Region (Qld.)--History;
Zinc mines and mining--Australia--Mount Isa Region
(Newmont Mining), Robert H. Ramsey (1973).
Men and Mines of Newmont; A Fifty-Year History. (New
York, NY: Octagon Books, 344 p.). Newmont Mining Corporation.
(Newmont Mining), Jack H. Morris. (2010).
Going for Gold: The History of Newmont Mining Corporation.
(Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 395 p.). Retired
Vice President, Investor Relations, for Newmont Mining
Corporation. Newmont Mining Corporation; Colorado -- Gold
discoveries; Gold mines and mining -- Colorado -- History.
How world's second largest gold mining
company revolutionized industry; 1917 - helped finance South Africa’s largest gold company, later owned
famous gold mines in California, Colorado; 1960s - developed process to capture "invisible gold" from small
distributions of metal in large quantities of rock; heavy odds
for modern corporate miners: extract value from ores containing as little as
1/100 of an ounce per ton; often-remote locations,
high capital cost of new mine (can top $2 billion).
(Nickel - Gap Nickel Mine), W. Ross Yates
Joseph Wharton: Quaker Industrial Pioneer. (Bethlehem,
PA: Lehigh University Press, 413 p.). Wharton, Joseph,
1826-1909; Industrialists--United States--Biography;
Quakers--United States--Biography; Industries--United
States--History. Driving force in establishing zinc, nickel metal industries in U.S.
Joseph Wharton
(Noranda Mines), Robert Leslie (1956).
Noranda. (Toronto, ON: Clarke, Irwin, 223 p.). Noranda.
(Pacific Coast Borax Company), George H.
Hildebrand (1982).
Borax Pioneer: Francis Marion Smith. (San Diego, CA:
Howell-North Books, 318 p.). Smith, Francis Marion, 1846-1931;
Pacific Coast Borax Company; Businesspeople--United
(Pacific Coast Borax Company), N.J. Travis and
E.J. Cocks (1984).
The Tincal Trail: A History of Borax. (London, UK:
Harrap, 311 p.). Smith, Francis Marion, 1846-1931; Pacific Coast
Borax Company; Borax mines and mining--History; Borax mines and
mining--United States--History; Businesspeople--United
(Phelps Dodge), Robert Glass Cleland (1952).
A History of Phelps Dodge, 1834-1950. (New York, NY:
Knopf, 307 p.). Phelps Dodge Corporation.
Anson Greene
William Earl Dodge
(Phelps Dodge), Richard Lowitt (1954).
A Merchant Prince of the Nineteenth Century, William E. Dodge.
(New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 384 p.). Dodge,
William Earl, 1805-1883; Phelps, Dodge and Company.
(Phelps Dodge), Phyllis B. Dodge; with a
foreword by Arthur S. Link (1987).
Tales of the Phelps-Dodge Family: A Chronicle of Five
Generations. (New York, NY: New York Historical Society,
370 p.). Phelps family; Dodge family; New York
(Phelps Dodge), Carlos A. Schwantes (2000).
Vision & Enterprise: Exploring the History of Phelps Dodge
Corporation. (Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press,
464 p.). Phelps Dodge Corporation--History; Metal trade--United
(Randfontein Estates Gold Mining Company),
Anthony Hocking (1986).
Randfontein Estates: The First Hundred Years. (Bethulie,
Orange Free State, South Africa: Hollards, 280 p.). Randfontein
Estates Gold Mining Company--History; Gold industry--South
Africa--Witwatersrand--History; Gold mines and mining--South
(Rheinbraun), Boris Gehlen (2007).
Paul Silverberg (1876-1959): Ein Unternehmer.
(Stuttgart, Germany: Steiner, 605 p.). Silverberg, Paul, 1876-;
Rheinische Aktiengesellschaft für Braunkohlenbergbau und
Brikettfabrikation; Rheinisches Elektrizitätswerk im
Braunkohlrevier AG. 1903 - took over Fortuna AG, brown-coal
(lignite) mining firm in Rhineland, one of family businesses,
when his heavily indebted father died unexpectedly; turned
company into regional powerhouse; formed cartel with 35 regional
lignite producers; 1927 - became vice president of Reichsverband der deutschen
Industrie (RDI, National Association of German Industry; 1930 -
close confidant of Chancellor Bruening, offered seat in cabinet
(declined); 1931 - sat on 61 supervisory boards; November 1932 -
Friedrich Flick, Fritz Thyssen, Albert Voegler acquired majority
position in Rheinbraun shares; pushed Silverberg out of company;
April 1933 - stripped of post at RDI, presidency of Industrie-
und Handelskammer (Chamber of Industry and Trade) in Cologne;
1934 - moved to Switzerland; 1936 - became citizen of
Liechtenstein; never returned to Germany; refused to permit any
German entity to be named after him.
(Rio Tinto Company), David Avery (1974).
Not on Queen Victoria's Birthday; The Story of the Rio Tinto
Mines. (London, UK: Collins, 464 p.). Rio Tinto Company;
Copper mines and mining--Spain; Copper industry and trade--Great
(Rio Tinto Company), Charles E. Harvey (1981).
The Rio Tinto Company: An Economic History of a Leading
International Mining Concern, 1873-1954. (Penzance,
Cornwall, UK: A. Hodge, 390 p.). Rio Tinto Company--History;
Mineral industries--History; International business
(Rio Tinto-Zinc), Richard West (1972).
River of Tears: The Rise of the Rio Tinto-Zinc Mining
Corporation. (London, UK: Earth Island Ltd., 201 p.).
Rio Tinto-Zinc Corporation.
(Roan Selection Trust), Sir Ronald Prain
Reflections on an Era: Fifty Years of Mining in Changing Africa:
The Autobiography of Sir Ronald Prain. (Worcester Park,
Surrey, UK: Metal Bulletin Books, 262 p.). Prain, Ronald, Sir,
1907- ; Copper industry and trade--History--20th century;
Mineral industries--History--20th century; Copper industry and
trade--Africa--History--20th century; Mineral
industries--Africa--History--20th century; Businesspeople--Great
(Alexander Russell PLC), John Pollock (1992).
Alexander Russell PLC: The First Hundred Years.
(Glasgow, Scotland: Alexander Russell PLC,, 106 p.). Alexander
Russell PLC; Coal trade -- Scotland -- History; Coal Trades
History Glasgow (Scotland).
(Saint John d'El Rey Mining), Marshall C.
Eakin (1989).
British Enterprise in Brazil: The St. John d'el Rey Mining
Company and the Morro Velho Gold Mine, 1830-1960.
(Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 334 p.). Saint John d'El Rey
Mining Company--History; Gold industry--Brazil--Nova
Lima--History; Investments, British--Brazil--Nova Lima--History;
Corporations, British--Brazil--Nova Lima--History; Nova Lima
(Silver), Oscar Lewis; new foreword by James
J. Rawls (1986).
Silver Kings: The Lives and Times of Mackay, Fair, Flood, and
O’Brien, Lords of the Nevada Comstock Lode. (Reno, NV:
University of Nevada Press, 286 p. [orig. pub. 1947]). Mackay,
John William, 1831-1902; Fair, James Graham, 1831-1894; Flood,
James Clair, 1826-1888; O’Brien, William Shoney, 1825 or 6-1878;
Pioneers--Nevada--Biography; Mines and mineral
resources--Nevada--History--19th century; Comstock Lode (Nev.);
(Silver), Dennis Drabelle (2009).
Mile-High Fever: Silver Mines, Boom Towns, and High Living on
the Comstock Lode. (New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press,
288 p.). Contributing Editor (The Washington Post Book World).
Silver mines and mining --Nevada --Comstock Lode; Mines and
mineral resources --Nevada --Virginia City --History; Comstock
Lode (Nev.); Virginia City (Nev.) --History.
Silver-mining in
late-19th-century American West - wealth extracted from
Lode spurred growth of San Francisco, Virginia City; risks, expenses of deep
mining, stock-market manipulations, fraud on
grand scale; innovations in Comstock mining made possible modern
(Sonora Exploring and Mining Company), Diane
M.T. North (1980).
Samuel Peter Heintzelman and the Sonora Exploring and Mining
Company. (Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 248
p.). Heintzelman, Samuel Peter, 1805-1880; Sonora Exploring and
Mining Company--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography;
(Steel Brothers and Company), H. E. W. Braund
Calling to Mind: Being Some Account of the First Hundred Years
(1870 to 1970) of Steel Brothers and Company Limited.
(New York, NY: Pergamon Press, 151 p.). Steel Brothers and
Company; Commerce--History.
(Stora Kopparbergs bergslags aktiebolag), Sven
Rydberg (1979).
Stora Kopparberg: 1000 Years of an Industrial Activity.
(Stockholm, Sweden: Gullers international, 93 p.). Stora
Kopparbergs bergslags aktiebolag--History; Mineral
industries--Sweden--Stora Kopparberg--History.
--- (1985).
En man for sig, Emil Lundqvist och Stora Kopparberg under
Mellankrigstiden. (Stockholm, Sweden: Atlantis, 154 p.).
Lundqvist, Emil, 1872-1942; Stora Kopparbergs bergslags
aktiebolag--History; Mineral industries--Sweden--Stora
Kopparberg--History; Copper industry and trade--Sweden--History.
--- (1988).
The Great Copper Mountain: The Stora Story. (Hedemora,
Sweden: Published by Stora Kopparbergs bergslags AB in
colloboration with Gidlunds Publishers, 244 p.). Stora
Kopparbergs bergslags aktiebolag--History; Mineral
industries--Sweden--History; Copper industry and
(Stora Kopparbergs bergslags aktiebolag),
Sture Kristiansson (1993). Falu Kopparvag 1546-1873:
Historiska Inblickar i en Institution och Livet Kring Denna.
(Falun, Sweden: S. Kristiansson, 143 p.). Stora Kopparbergs
bergslags aktiebolag--History; Mineral industries--Sweden--Stora
(Stratton & Cripple Creek Mining and
Development Company), Frank Waters (1937).
Midas Of Rockies: Story Of Stratton & Cripple Creek.
(Athens, OH: Swallow Press, 372 p.). Stratton & Cripple Creek
Mining and Development Company.
(Texas Pacific Coal and Oil Company), Don
Woodard (1998).
Black Diamonds! Black Gold!: The Saga of Texas Pacific Coal and
Oil Company. (Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press,
322 p.). Texas Pacific Coal and Oil Company--History; Coal
trade--Texas--Fort Worth--History; Coal mines and
mining--Texas--Fort Worth--History; Petroleum industry and
trade--Texas--Fort Worth--History; Businesspeople--Texas--Fort
(Tin), William Robertson (1982). Tin, Its
Production and Marketing. (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press,
212 p.). Tin industry. Series Contributions in economics and
economic history.
(Turner & Newall), Geoffrey Tweedale, with
additional research by Philip Hansen (2000).
Magic Mineral to Killer Dust: Turner & Newall and the Asbestos
Hazard. (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 313 p.).
Turner & Newall; Asbestos industry -- Health aspects -- Great
Britain; Asbestos -- Toxicology.
(Turner & Newall), P.W.J. Bartrip. (2001).
The Way from Dusty Death: Turner and Newall and the Regulation
of Occupational Health in the British Asbestos Industry,
1890s-1970. (New York, NY: Athlone Press, 386 p.).
Turner & Newall; Asbestos industry -- Health aspects -- Great
Britain; Asbestos -- Toxicology; Industrial hygiene -- Law and
legislation -- Great Britain.
(Uranium), Raye C. Ringholz (1989).
Uranium Frenzy: Boom and Bust on the Colorado Plateau.
(New York, NY: Norton, 310 p.). Uranium industry--Colorado
--- (2002).
Uranium Frenzy: Saga of the Nuclear West. (Logan, UT:
Utah State University Press, p.). Uranium industry--Four Corners
(Uranium), Tom Zoellner (2009).
Uranium: War, Energy, and the Rock that Shaped the World.
(New York, NY: Viking, 337 p.). Contributing Editor (Men’s
Health magazine). Uranium; Uranium --History.
Most powerful source of energy earth can
yield; common element in earth's crust, only naturally occurring
mineral with power to end all life on planet.
(Utah International), Sterling D. Sessions and
Gene A. Sessions (2005).
A History of Utah International: From Construction to Mining.
(Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 256 p.). Utah
Construction Company--History; Utah Construction & Mining
Co.--History; Utah International Inc.--History; Construction
industry--United States; Mining industry--United States.
Company transformed into largest, most
profitable mining company in United States.
(Vivian and Sons), Robert R. Toomey (1985).
Vivian and Sons, 1809-1924: A Study of the Firm in the Copper
and Related Industries. (New York, NY: Garland, 427 p.).
Vivian and Sons (Firm)--History; Copper industry and
trade--Great Britain--History; Nonferrous metal
industries--Great Britain--History.
Jeff Biggers (2010).
Reckoning at Eagle Creek: The Secret Legacy of Coal in the
Heartland. (New York, NY: Nation Books, 320 p.). Coal
mines and mining --Illinois --Eagle Creek Region --History; Coal
mines and mining --Social aspects --Illinois Eagle Creek Region
--History; Mountain life --Illinois --Eagle Creek Region
--History; Shawnee National Forest Region (Ill.) --History.
Human cost of more than two centuries of coal mining in southern
Illinois (called "Saudi Arabia of coal"); historical nightmare
of coal outside of Appalachia, exposé of secret legacy of
shame, resiliency.
Geoff Coyle (2010).
The Riches Beneath Our Feet: How Mining Shaped Britain.
(New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 267 p.). Former Mining
Engineer. Mines and mineral resources -- Great Britain --
History; Mineral industries -- Great Britain -- History.
were foundation of industrial wealth; King Coal drove ease of living (peak - employed million men, produced more than 200
million tons/year); granite from Scotland, limestone from
Southern England, sandstone and Welsh slate provided homes,
factories, roads, harbors; mineral wealth of Britain, its
exploitation, from simple quarrying to mass
production; miners' lives, great mining families, miner's work,
conditions in mines, mining disasters; industrial history,
geology, technology; main mining fields, exploitation; how
technological changes affected mining techniques.
Thomas Dublin and Walter Licht (2005).
The Face of Decline: The Pennsylvania Anthracite Region in the
Twentieth Century. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University
Press,, 277 p.). Professor of History, Binghamton University
(State University of New York); Professor of History (University
of Pennsylvania). Anthracite coal
industry--Pennsylvania--History--20th century; Coal
miners--Pennsylvania--History--20th century;
Pennsylvania--Economic conditions--20th century.
Impact of enduring economic
decline across wide region, especially mining communities in Panther Valley.
Raymond E. Dumett (2008).
Mining Tycoons in the Age of Empire, 1870-1945:
Entrepreneurship, High Finance, Politics and Territorial
Expansion. (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 255 P.). Professor
in the Department of History (Purdue University). Mineral
industries --History; Capitalists and financiers --Biography.
Role of mining tycoons in shaping economic, political map of
globe, in setting new standard for extravagant displays of
wealth amongst world's rich.
James E. Fell, Jr. (2009).
Ores to Metals: The Rocky Mountain Smelting Industry.
(Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado, 341 p. [orig. pub.
1979] ). Senior Instructor (University of Colorado, Denver).
Mineral industries -- Rocky Mountains Region -- History;
Smelting -- History; Rocky Mountains Region -- History.
technologies, business decisions that shaped smelting industry
in Rockies since introduced to Colorado in
1860s to recover gold, silver from ores resistant to milling;
majority of industry absorbed into American Smelting and Refining Company; triumphs,
troubles of entrepreneurs who built one of great industries of
Charlotte Gray (2010).
Gold Diggers: Striking It Rich in the Klondike.
(Berkeley, CA: Counterpoint, 416 p.). Adjunct Research Professor
in the Department of History (Carleton University). Gold mines
and mining --Yukon --Klondike River Valley --History --19th
century; Frontier and pioneer life --Yukon --Klondike River
Valley; Klondike River Valley (Yukon) --History --19th century;
Klondike River Valley (Yukon) --Gold discoveries; Klondike River
Valley (Yukon) --Biography; Dawson (Yukon) --History --19th
century. 1896 - rich gold deposits discovered in Bonanza Creek;
gold madness swept through continent from 1896 and 1899,
changed landscape, its people forever; thousands of people
made grueling journey into remote wilderness of North
America; Dawson City, in Canadian Yukon, grew
from mining camp of 400 to raucous town of over
30,000 in two years (desperados, saloon keepers,
gamblers, dance hall girls, churchmen, law-makers thrown
together in volatile time); last great gold rush in
history seen through intimate lives of six extraordinary people.
John Gillingham (1985).
Industry and Politics in the Third Reich: Ruhr Coal, Hitler, and
Europe. (New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 183
p.). Industrial mobilization--Germany--History--20th century;
Coal trade--Germany--Ruhr (Region)--Military
aspects--History--20th century.
Harlan Henthorne Hatcher (1950).
A Century of Iron and Men. (Indianapolis, IN:
Bobbs-Merrill, 295 p.). Iron mines and mining -- United States.
Donat Marc Le Bourdais (1957).
Metals and Men; The Story of Canadian Mining. (Toronto,
ON: McClelland & Stewart, 416 p.). Mines and mineral
resources--Canada--History; Mining industry and finance--Canada.
Melanie J. Mayer & Robert N. DeArmond (2000).
Staking Her Claim: The Life of Belinda Mulrooney, Klondike and
Alaska Entrepreneur. (Athens, OH: Swallow Press/Ohio
University Press, 415 p.). Mulrooney, Belinda, 1872-1967;
Klondike River Valley (Yukon) -- Gold discoveries; Alaska --
Gold discoveries; Women pioneers -- Yukon Territory -- Klondike
River Valley -- Biography; Women pioneers -- Alaska --
Biography; Businesswomen -- Yukon Territory -- Klondike River
Valley -- Biography; Businesswomen -- Alaska -- Biography;
Frontier and pioneer life -- Yukon Territory -- Klondike River
Valley; Frontier and pioneer life -- Alaska.
Steven F. Mehls (1989). David H. Moffat,
Jr.: Early Colorado Business Leader. (New York, NY: Garland
Pub., 366 p.). Moffat, David H. (David Halliday), 1839-1911;
Businesspeople--United States--Biography;
Railroads--Colorado--History; Mineral
industries--Colorado--History; Banks and
Eds. Laurie Mercier and Jaclyn Gier (2006).
Mining Women: Gender in the Development of a Global Industry,
1670 to 2000. (New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 368
p.). Associate Professor of History (Washington State
University); Director of European Studies and Associate
Professor of History in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher
Education. Women miners--History; Mineral industries--History.
gender identities, inequality have been constructed
historically and sustained in mining.
Jeremy Mouat (2000). Metal Mining in
Canada, 1840-1950. (Ottawa, QU: National Museum of Science
and Technology, 125 p.). Mines and mineral
resources--Canada--History--19th century; Mines and mineral
resources--Canada--History--20th century; Ores--Canada; Mineral
industries--Canada--History--19th century; Mineral
industries--Canada--History--20th century.
Patricia Roppel (2005). Gold Mining in
Southern Southeast Alaska. (Greenwich, CT: Coachlamp
Productions, 286 p.). Gold mines and mining --Alaska, Southeast
--History; Mines and mineral resources --Alaska, Southeast
--History; Alaska, Southeast --History.
H. Lee Scamehorn (1995).
Albert Eugene Reynolds: Colorado's Mining King. (Norman,
OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 308 p.). Reynolds, Albert
Eugene, 1840-1921; Pioneers--Colorado--Biography;
Businesspeople--Colorado--Biography; Silver mines and
mining--Colorado--History; Gold mines and
mining--Colorado--History; Colorado--Biography.
Clark C. Spence (2000).
British Investments and the American Mining Frontier, 1860-1901.
(New York, NY: Routledge, 288 p. [orig. pub. 1958]). Mineral
industries--West (U.S.)--Foreign ownership--History--19th
century; Corporations, British--West (U.S.)--History--19th
century; Investments, British--West (U.S.)--History--19th
June H. Taylor, Michael D. Yokell (1979).
Yellowcake: The International Uranium Cartel. (New York,
NY: Pergamon Press, 245 p.). Uranium industry; Cartels; Uranium
industry--United States.
Geoffrey Wheatcroft (1986).
The Randlords: The Exploits and Exploitations of South Africa's
Mining Magnates. (New York, NY: Atheneum, 314 p.). Gold
industry--South Africa--History--19th century; Diamond industry
and trade--South Africa--History--19th century; Capitalists and
financiers--South Africa--History--19th century; South
Africa--Economic conditions--To 1918.
Robert Wilson (2006).
The Explorer King: Adventure, Science, and the Great Diamond
Hoax, Clarence King in the Old West. (New York, NY:
Scribner, 320 p.). Editor (American Scholar). King, Clarence,
1842-1901; Geologists--United States--Biography; West
(U.S.)--Intellectual life. Collision of science and business.
First director of United States Geological Survey;
groundbreaking land survey of American West.
Business History Links
Bibliography of North American Mining
Bisbee Mining and Historical Museum
Once known as The Queen of
the Copper Camps. Mines closed in the 1970s, small town's legacy
preserved in architecture and mining landscape. Museum exhibits
bring to life the history of Bisbee and in their telling of life
in this city a century or more ago, visitors learn that Bisbee
residents shaped a city and a nation.
Black Hills
Mining Museum
Dedicated to the preservation of the rich mining heritage of the
Black Hills of South Dakota.
The California Gold Country: Highway 49
Coal Mining, Mine
Fires, and the Molly Maguires
A fascinating directory of sites detailing the history of the
secret society of immigrant Irish coal miners in the anthracite
region of Pennsylvania. With links to books, articles, lyrics,
photos, the trials, descendants, and the archives of the
Pinkerton detective agency. Subjects: Coal mines and mining...
Country Mine
Provides information on the world mining industry, organized by
country. Country profiles feature news, links to maps and
related Web sites, and information about the country's mining
activities. Job listings are undated. Some documents accessible
only to paid subscribers. From InfoMine, a mining industry
information services company. Subjects: Mineral industries;
Mines and mineral resources.
Gold Rush
Compilation of stories and related material to honor the
sesquicentennial of the discovery of gold in northern California
in 1848. Includes information about how gold was discovered,
maps about how miners traveled to California by land and sea,
details about life in mining camps, some types of people during
the Gold Rush era (such as Latinos, black miners, Chinese
workers, and women), the legacy of the Gold Rush, and more. From
The Sacramento Bee.
The Gold Rush
Companion to a Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) American
Experience program that "tracks the evolution of the
[California] Gold Rush from the easy riches of the first few
months to the fierce competition for a few good claims."
Features a map with major "strikes," timeline, background about
people (such as Mexicans and Chinese immigrants) and events, a
special feature on Native Americans, and an online role playing
game. Also includes a teacher's guide.
The Gold Rush of California: A
Bibliography of Periodical Articles
By Robert LeRoy Santos, California State University, Stanislaus
Librarian, University Archivist. This bibliography consists
primarily of articles from scholarly journals and local history
periodicals. There are no magazine articles per se, except for
those written last century and early this century which have
been included to give a sense of the historical treatment of the
topic. This compiler sifted through every issue of the listed
periodicals looking for articles "surrounding" the California
Gold Rush. Included are articles directly on the Gold Rush, and
also on relevant California topics of the era, such as law, mail
service, politics, law, race relations, transportation, water,
and others. The articles cover events from January 1848 through
December 1855 which is generally acknowledged as the "Gold Rush
moment." After 1855, California gold mining changed and is
outside the "rush" era.
The Goldrush and Mining Industry
Gold Rush Books. Mining in the West, Prospecting,
Assaying, Booms and Busts.
Gold Rush Chronicles
History of the California Gold Rush, including a chronology
beginning when Swiss-born John Sutter arrived in the California
territory and covering the 1848 discovery of gold by James
Marshall and California's admission to the United States in
1850. Features information about towns, mines and mining camps,
people, the Pony Express, and more. From a company in the gold
country that created a website for El Dorado County, California.
The Gold Rush Trail
Collection of articles about a "month-long trek [in 1998] across
the West retracing the steps of the emigrants along the Gold
Rush Trail." Features maps, photos, and stories about the
overland trail to California and the trails used by miners
following the January 1848 discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill in
California. From the website for the San Francisco Chronicle.
Gympie Gold Mining & Historical Museum
1867 - James Nash discovered 72 ounces of Gold in just 6 days.
This started the Gold Rush in Gympie and it became known as "The
Town that saved Queensland from Bankruptcy". Museum
houses memorabilia from the early gold mining era , as well as
displays showcasing military, rural, transport, communications
and steam development in Australia.
Iron Ore Statistics and Information
Statistical publications on iron ore, "a mineral substance
which, when heated in the presence of a reductant, will yield
metallic iron (Fe). ... Iron ore is the source of primary iron
for the world's iron and steel industries." Includes links to
statistics about iron and steel scrap (recycled into new steel
and cast-iron products) and slag (nonmetallic byproducts of iron
and steel manufacturing). From the U.S. Geological Survey
Largest museum complex in the region. We're dedicated to
collecting, preserving and interpreting the history of
Minnesota's Iron Ranges; permanent and traveling exhibits about
Iron Range history, including interactive displays that help
explain and explore taconite mining and the people who worked in
the region's mines.
Klondike Gold Rush Historical Database
"This database contains photographs, newspaper clippings,
documents, contemporary Seattle business names and locations,
vessel sailing dates and passenger lists related to the
1897-1898 Klondike Gold Rush, which Seattle served as a major
gateway for supplies and prospectors." Also includes materials
about individuals from this period. Prepared and maintained by
the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park in Seattle and
hosted by HistoryLink.org.
Klondike Gold Rush [National Historical
Park] -- Seattle Unit
Website for this national park that commemorates the impact of
the "tens of thousands of people from across the United States
and around the world [who] descended upon Seattle's commercial
district" in 1897 and 1898 on their way to the Canadian
Klondike. Includes details about activities, a curriculum guide
(for grades 3-6), and news, such as the opening of the new
visitor center in June 2006. From the National Park Service
Museum of the Coal Industry
Unique look into Warwick County's (IN) past: 1850 - Phelps Coal
Bank established; coal mines and company towns flourished, made
it one of the top coal producers in the state; 1958 - Alcoa's
Warrick Operations began, made Warrick County "Coal and Aluminum
Capital of Indiana"; 1990s - industry declined; museum
demonstrates how coal helped shape the present-day County.
Coal Mining Museum for England
Funded by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport through
the National Museum of Science & Industry to advance the
education of the public in the history of mining in England by
the provision and maintenance of a museum both underground and
on the surface at the former Caphouse Colliery for the
demonstration of past and contemporary mining methods and the
exhibition of machinery and other items connected with mining
and industrial archaeology. Located at Caphouse Colliery, on the
western edge of the Yorkshire coalfield, where mining has been
carried out for centuries. 1988 - the Yorkshire Mining Museum
opened at Caphouse (with funding from West Yorkshire and South
Yorkshire Metropolitan County Councils, Wakefield and Kirklees
Metropolitan District Councils and technical support and
assistance from British Coal). 1995 - granted national status.
The National Mining Hall of Fame &
Incorporated in Colorado in 1977, the only national mining
museum with a federal charter, which was passed in a joint
resolution (S.J.Res.192) of the second session of the 100th
Congress of the United States of America and approved by
President Ronald Reagan on November 14, 1988. Helps the visitor
begin to understand and appreciate the rich heritage and
excitement of the American mining industry.
Sixty Centuries of Copper
The full text of a book covering "the general history of copper
mining, the development of metal-working processes and the uses
of copper through the past six thousand years." Published in
1965 by the Copper Development Association, United Kingdom.
Staff House Mining
& Smelting Museum
Historic collection from the Bunker Hill Mining and Smelting
Company (one of the oldest and largest mining companies in the
Coeur d' Alene area of North Idaho) and the surrounding Silver
Valley. Rock and mineral displays, mining history and equipment
displays, and local history exhibits.
United Mine Workers
of America (UMWA): A Brief History of the UMWA
Historical account of labor union for coal miners founded in
1890. Includes discussion of specific events in UMWA history
(such as the Ludlow and Lattimer massacres), profiles of UMWA
presidents, and a gallery of portraits of John L. Lewis (UMWA
president from 1920-1960). From the national website for the
Wallace District
Mining Museum
http://wallaceminingmuseum.org/ Impact of mining history;
artifacts and exhibits depict the hardships, toil and home life
of the period. Mining gradually made the transition from oil
lamps, candles and hand steel to modern techniques. In the Coeur
d'Alene District, veins run deep and are often narrow, requiring
labor intensive methods right up to recent times.
Western Mining in the Twentieth Century
- Oral History Series
Series documents contemporary events in the most historically
important industry of the American West. The series comprises
interviews with leaders in mining exploration, production and
metallurgical treatment of ores, financing and development of
mines, mineral engineering education, state and federal
government organizations, and journals of the mineral
industries. Special industry challenges are discussed:
mechanization and automation, mining at great depths, protecting
the environment, radiation hazards, concern for health and
safety. There are eyewitness accounts of the flooding of the
Treadwell Mine, the Argonaut Mine fire, El Teniente Mine fire,
and Japanese occupation of the Philippines. There are personal
recollections of mines in Australia, India, Israel, Poland,
Siberia, many regions of Africa, and nearly all of North and
South America.
Western Museum of Mining &
1970 - The Museum of the West was incorporated as a private
non-profit with a mission to preserve and interpret the rich
mining history of Colorado and the American West. The nucleus of
the collection was a group of mining artifacts contributed to
the museum by Mr. Frederick McMenemy Farrar and Mrs. Katherine
Thatcher Farrar; 1972 - name was changed to the Western Museum
of Mining & Industry. Over 4,000 artifacts are on display at the
27-acre indoor/outdoor exhibit site, which includes a ten-stamp
ore mill; and multi-purpose center with exhibits, theater and a
5,000-volume research library. The entire exhibit complex is an
exciting and exceptional tool for learning about Colorado
history, mining and industrial technology, geology, and the