Food -
Part 1
(American Crystal Sugar
Company), Terry L. Shoptaugh (1997).
Roots of Success: History of the Red River Valley Sugarbeet
Growers. (Fargo, ND: Institute for
Regional Studies, North Dakota State University, 271 p.).
American Crystal Sugar Company--History; Sugar beet
industry--Red River Valley (Minn. and N.D.-Man.)--History.
(American Crystal Sugar Company), Jim
Norris (2009).
North for the Harvest: Mexican Workers, Growers, and the
Sugar Beet Industry. (St. Paul, MN: Minnesota
Historical Society Press, 223 p.). American Crystal
Sugar Company; Sugar beet industry --Red River Valley
(Minn. and N.D.-Man.); Mexicans --Red River Valley
(Minn. and N.D.-Man.); Migrant labor --Red River Valley
(Minn. and N.D.-Man.)
(American Sugar Refining Co.), Daniel Catlin,
Jr. (1988). Good Work Well Done: The Sugar Business Career of
Horace Havemeyer, 1903-1956. (New York, NY: D. Catlin
[privately printed], 448 p.). Havemeyer, Horace, 1886-1956;
Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Sugar trade--United
(Archer Daniels
Midland), E. J. Kahn, Jr. (1991).
Supermarketer to the World: The Story of Dwayne Andreas, CEO of
Archer Daniels Midland. (New York,
NY: Warner Books, 320 p.). Andreas, Dwayne, 1918- ;Archer
Daniels Midland Company; Businessmen -- United States --
Biography; Soybean industry -- United States; Food industry and
trade -- United States.
Dwayne O. Andreas
- Archer Daniels Midland
(Bay State Milling
Company), Tara A. Blanc (1999).
Sifting Through the Years: A history of Bay State Milling
Company. (Phoenix, AZ: Heritage
Publishers, 97 p.;). Bay State Milling Company; Mills and
(BC Sugar), John
Schreiner (1989).
The Refiners: A Century of BC Sugar.
(Vancouver, BC: Douglas & McIntyre, 288 p.). British Columbia
Sugar Refining Company -- History; Sugar -- Manufacture and
refining -- British Columbia -- History.
(Beatrice), Miriam C. Larsen; foreword by
William G. Karnes (1977).
The Midas Touch. (Denton, TX: L. Ahn's, 182 p.).
Beatrice Foods Company--History.
(Beatrice), Neil
R. Gazel (1990).
Beatrice: From Buildup Through Breakup.
(Urbana, IL: Bureau of Economic and Business Research by the
University of Illinois Press, 235 p.). Beatrice Foods
Company--History; Food industry and trade--United
States--History; Consolidation and merger of
corporations--United States--Case studies.
(Beatrice), Reginald F. Lewis and Blair S. Walker (1995).
Why Should White Guys Have All the Fun?: How Reginald Lewis
Created a Billion-Dollar Business Empire.
(New York, NY: Wiley, 318 p.). Lewis, Reginald F., 1942-1993;
African American businesspeople--Biography; Millionaires--United
States--Biography; TLC Beatrice International Holdings.
(Ben & Jerry's), Fred "Chico" Lager (1994).
Ben & Jerry's, The Inside Scoop: How Two Real Guys Built a
Business with Social Conscience and a Sense of Humor.
(New York, NY: Crown, 242 p.). Cohen, Ben (Ben R.); Greenfield,
Jerry; Ben & Jerry's (Firm)--History;
Businesspeople--Vermont--Biography; Ice cream industry--Vermont;
Social responsibility of business--Vermont.
Ben Cohen, Jerry Greenfield
- Ben & Jerry's Homemade
(Ben & Jerry's), Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, with Meredith
Maran (1997).
Ben & Jerry's Double-Dip: Lead with Your Values and Make Money,
Too. (New York, NY: Simon &
Schuster, 300 p.). Cohen, Ben (Ben R.); Greenfield, Jerry; Ben &
Jerry's (Firm)--History; Businesspeople--United
States--Biography; Ice cream industry--United States; Social
responsibility of business--United States.
(Ben & Jerry's), Ben Cohen, Mal Warwick (2006).
Values-Driven Business: How To Change the World, Make Money, and
Have Fun. (San Francisco, CA:
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 156 p.). Cofounder of Ben & Jerry’s;
Founded, run four successful businesses, Chair of the Social
Venture Network Advisory Board. Social responsibility of
business; Industrial management--Social aspects.
Socially responsible business practices for small, medium-size
companies; how "triple bottom line" practices (profits, people,
planet) have helped companies throughout North America thrive.
(C. Brewer & Company Limited), Josephine Sullivan (1926).
A History of C. Brewer & Company, Limited; One Hundred Years in
the Hawaiian Islands, 1826-1926.
(Boston, MA: Designed and printed by Walton Advertising &
Printing Company, 193 p.). Brewer, C., & Company, Limited.
(Brooke Bond Oxo Ltd.), Penny Vincenzi (1985).
Taking Stock: Over 75 Years of the Oxo Cube: Issued by Brooke
Bond Oxo Ltd To Commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of the Oxo Cube.
(London, UK: Collins, 127 p.). Oxo cubes -- Social aspects;
Great Britain -- Social life and customs -- 20th century; Great
Britain Oxo cubes Social aspects 1910-1985.
(Buitoni Industrie Perugina), Bruno Buitoni;
intervista di Giampaolo Gallo; postfazione di Giulio Sapelli
(1992). Pasta e Cioccolato: Una Storia Imprenditoriale.
(Perugia, Italy: Protagon, 509 p.). Buitoni, Bruno, 1924- ;
Industrie Buitoni Perugina--History;
Businesspeople--Italy--Biography; Pasta
industry--Italy--History; Chocolate industry--Italy--History;
Candy industry--Italy--History; Food industry and
(Buitoni Industrie Perugina), a cura di
Gianpaolo Ceserani, Renato Covino ; testi di Gianpaolo Ceserani
... [et al.] (1997). Perugina: Una Storia d'Azienda, Ingegno
e Passione. (Cinisello Balsamo (Milano), Italy: Silvana ;
[s.l.] : Nestlé, 173 p.). Industrie Buitoni Perugina--History;
Candy industry--Italy--History;
(Cadbury Ltd.), Iolo A. Williams (1931).
The Firm of Cadbury, 1831-1931.
(London, UK: Constable and Co. Ltd., 295 p.). Cadbury family;
Cadbury Brothers, Bournville, England.
(Cadbury Ltd.), Chris Smith, John Child, Michael Rowlinson
Reshaping Work, the Cadbury Experience.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 394 p.). Cadbury
Ltd.--History; Food industry and trade--Great
Britain--History--20th century; Beverage industry--Great
Britain--History--20th century; Chocolate industry--Great
Britain--History--20th century.
(Cadbury Ltd.), Carl Chinn (1998).
The Cadbury Story A Short History.
(Studley, UK: Brewin Books, 116 p.). Cadbury Ltd.--History; Food
industry and trade--Great Britain--History--20th century;
Beverage industry--Great Britain--History--20th century;
Chocolate industry--Great Britain--History--20th century; Candy
industry--Great Britain--History--20th century.
(Cadbury Ltd.), Lowell J. Satre (2005).
Chocolate on Trial: Slavery, Politics, and
the Ethics of Business.
(Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 352 p.). Professor of
History Emeritus (Youngstown State University). Cadbury
Ltd.--History; Chocolate industry--Great Britain--History; Slave
trade--Portugal--Colonies--History; Slave labor--Africa,
West--History; Business ethics--Great Britain--History; Business
and politics--Great Britain--History.
(Cadbury Ltd.), John Bradley (2008).
Cadbury’s Purple Reign: The Story Behind Chocolate’s Best-Loved
Brand. (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 342
p.). 24-Year Veteran of Cadbury (Brand Management, Market
Research, Sales, Cadbury World). Cadbury Ltd --History;
Confectioners --Great Britain --History; Chocolate industry
--Great Britain --History; Brand name products --Great Britain
--History. Bold initiatives,
endurance, adaptation - focus on quality, innovative
marketing, selling approaches; navigating through competitive
initiatives, retail changes, media revolutions.
(Cadbury Ltd.), Deborah Cadbury (2010).
Chocolate Wars: The 150-Year Rivalry Between the World’s
Greatest Chocolate Makers. (New York, NY:
PublicAffairs, 384 p.). Writer, award-winning documentary
producer for the BBC. Cadbury family; Cadbury Ltd. --History;
Chocolate industry --History. Great chocolatier dynasties
(through prism of Cadburys); chocolate was consumed unrefined,
unprocessed, rather bitter, fatty drink for wealthy elite;
late 19th century - Swiss discovered way to blend it with milk;
unleashed product that conquered every market in world; each
chocolate maker attempted to dominate its domestic market,
innovate new recipes for chocolate to set it apart from
rivals while making best chocolate in world: 1) Cadburys
were austere Quakers, made millions from indulgent product; 2)
Kitty Hershey was flamboyant, Cadburys tradition of philanthropy
moved her husband.
(California Associated Raisin Company), Victoria
Saker Woeste (1998). The
Farmer’s Benevolent Trust: Law and Agricultural Cooperation in
Industrial America, 1865-1945.
(Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 369 p.).
California Associated Raisin Company; Agriculture,
Cooperative--Law and legislation--United States--History; Raisin
industry--Law and legislation--California--History.
Lorraine Collette
- original 'Sunmaid' 1916
(California and Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corporation), Boris
Emmet (1970).
The California and Hawaiian Sugar Refining Corporation of San
Francisco, California; A Study of the Origin, Business Policies,
and Management of a Co-Operative Refining and Distributing
Organization. (New York, NY: AMS
Press, 293 p. [orig. pub. 1928]). California and Hawaiian Sugar
(Campbell Soup), Historical text by Douglas Collins; foreword by
Nathalie Dupree (1994).
America's Favorite Food: The Story of Campbell Soup Company.
(New York, NY: H. N. Abrams, 216 p.). Campbell Soup
Company--History; Soup industry--United States--History; Food
industry and trade--United States--History; Conglomerate
corporations--United States--History.
(Campbell Soup), Daniel Sidorick
Condensed Capitalism: Campbell Soup and the Pursuit of
Cheap Production in the Twentieth Century.
(Ithaca, NY: ILR Press/Cornell University Press, 300
p.). Adjunct Assistant Professor of History (Temple
University). Soup industry -- New Jersey -- Camden --
History; Soup industry -- Employees -- Labor unions --
New Jersey -- Camden -- History; Industrial relations --
New Jersey -- Camden -- History; Production management
-- New Jersey -- Camden -- History; Campbell Soup
Company -- History.
Low-cost production strategies, worker responses
to them, economic and social impact workers; capital
mobility, shifting powers of capital and labor.
(Cargill), John L. Work (1965).
Cargill Beginnings; An Account of Early Years.
(Minneapolis, MN: Cargill, 154 p.). Cargill family; MacMillan
family; Cargill, Inc. -- History; Grain elevators -- Middle
West; Grain trade -- Middle West.
William Wallace (W. W.) Cargill (left), John H.
- Cargill (http://www.cargill.com/wcm/groups/public/@ccom/@assets/documents/image/cim058548.jpg)
(Cargill), Brewster Kneen (1990).
Trading Up: How Cargill, the World's Largest Grain Trading
Company, Is Changing Canadian Agriculture.
(Toronto, ON: NC Press, 136 p.). Cargill, Inc.; Grain
(Cargill), Wayne G. Broehl, Jr. (1992).
Cargill: Trading the World's Grain.
(Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1007 p.).
Professor (Dartmouth College). Cargill, Inc.; Grain
trade--United States; Grain trade.
(Cargill), Wayne G. Broehl, Jr. (1998).
Cargill: Going Global. (Hanover,
NH: University Press of New England, 419 p.). Professor
(Dartmouth College). Cargill, Inc.; Grain trade--United States;
Grain trade. "This book ... carried the history of the firm
through the years 1960-1978".
(Cargill), W. Duncan MacMillan with Patricia C. Johnston and
foreword and epilogue by John Steele Gordon (1998).
MacMillan : The American Grain Family.
(Afton, MN: Afton Historical Society Press, 336 p.). McMillan
family; Cargill, Inc.--History; Grain trade--United
(Cargill), Brewster Kneen (2002).
Invisible Giant: Cargill and Its Transnational Strategies.
(Sterling, VA: Pluto Press, 232 p. [2nd ed.]). Canada's Foremost
Analyst and Critic of Agribusiness. Cargill, Inc.--History;
Grain trade--United States--History; Agricultural
industries--United States--History; Food industry and
trade--United States--History; International business
enterprises--United States--History; Grain trade--History;
Agricultural industries--History; Food industry and
(Cargill), Wayne G. Broehl Jr. (2008).
Cargill: From Commodities to Customers.
(Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 368 p.). Benjamin
Ames Kimball Professor of the Science of Administration
Emeritus, Amos Tuck School of Business Administration (Dartmouth
College). Cargill, Inc.--History; Grain trade--United
States--History. Final volume of history of Cargill (Cargill:
Trading the World's Grain - 1992; Cargill: Going Global - 1998).
1977 - Whitney MacMillan as head of company, addressed
corporate governance, business restructuring, generational
transitions within owning families; led company through great
growth, diversification, globalization; changes under two
non-family CEOs (Ernest Micek, Warren Staley);
transformation of company from commodity-oriented to
(Carr & Co.), Margaret Foster (1997).
Rich Desserts and Captain's Thin: A Family and Their Times,
1831-1931. (London, UK: Chatto &
Windus, 284 p.). Carr, Jonathan Dodgson, 1806-1884; Carr family;
Carr & Co.--History; Businesspeople--England--Carlisle--History;
Biscuit industry--England--Carlisle--History; Cookie
(Castle & Cooke), Frank J. Taylor, Earl M. Welty, and David W.
Eyre. (1976).
From Land and Sea: The Story of Castle & Cooke of Hawaii.
(San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books, 288 p.). Castle and Cooke,
ltd. -- History; Hawaii -- Industries -- History; Hawaii --
(Caviar), Inga Saffron (2002).
Caviar: The Strange History and Uncertain Future of the World's
Most Coveted Delicacy. (New York,
NY: Broadway Books, 270 p.). Architecture Critic , Former Moscow
Correspondent from 1994-1998 (Philadelphia Inquirer). Caviar.
(Caviar), Richard Adams Carey (2005).
The Philosopher Fish: Sturgeon, Caviar, and the Geography of
Desire. (New York, NY:
Conterpoint, 333 p.). Ecojournalist. Sturgeons--History;
(Cell Tech), Linda Grover (1993).
August Celebration: A Molecule of Hope for a Changing World.
(Carson City, NV: Gilbert, Hoover & Clarke, 168 p.). Cell Tech
(Firm); Food industry and trade--United States; Algae as food.
(Chelsea Milling), Cynthia Furlong Reynolds (2008).
"Jiffy": A Family Tradition: Mixing Business and Old-Fashioned
Values. (Chelsea, MI: Chelsea
Milling Co., 248 p.). Chelsea Milling Company -- History; Food
mixes -- United States -- History. Early years of mill,
beginnings of Jiffy baking mixes, changes that took company into
21st century; four generations of Holmes family; trailblazer in
packaged-food industry; manufacture over 1.6 million boxes of
"Jiffy" Mixes daily.
(Chocolate), Marcia and Frederic Morton (1986).
Chocolate, An Illustrated History.
(New York, NY: Crown Publishers, 170 p.). Chocolate--History;
Chocolate candy--History; Chocolate industry--History.
(Chocolate), William Gervase Clarence-Smith (2000).
Cocoa and Chocolate, 1765-1914.
(New York, NY: Routledge, 319 p.). Cocoa trade--History;
Chocolate industry--History.
(Chocolate), Lawrence L. Allen; foreword by Ángel Cabrera
Chocolate Fortunes: The Battle for the Hearts, Minds, and
Wallets of China's Consumers. (New York, NY: American
Management Association, 244 p.). Former Senior Executive for
both Hershey and Nestlé in China. Chocolate industry -- China --
History; Chocolate candy -- China. Five competitors
battle for share of China’s newfound chocolate addiction
(Hershey, Nestlé, Cadbury, Mars, Ferrero); trials in trying to
dominate market in enigmatic, still-developing economy; unique
opportunities, challenges inherent in Chinese business universe;
mystique of chocolate; how it captivates Chinese, people all
over world.
(Chocolate), Eds. Louis Evan Grivetti
and Howard-Yana Shapiro (2009).
Chocolate: History, Culture, and Heritage.
(Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 984 p.). Professor Emeritus,
Department of Nutrition (University of California,
Davis); Global Director of Plant Science and External
Research at Mars, Incorporated. Chocolate --History.
Culinary, cultural, economic,
social implications of chocolate from Colonial era
through early 20th century; integral role in culture,
society, religion, medicine, economic development across
Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe; careful documentation,
previously unpublished information, interpretations of
chocolate history; wealth of unusual, interesting facts,
folklore about one of world's favorite foods.
(Chocolate), Orla Ryan (2011).
Chocolate Nations: Living and Dying for Cocoa in West Africa.
(London, UK: Zed Books, 176 p.). Freelance Journalist (former
reporter for Reuters in Ghana). Chocolate -- history; chocolate
production -- West Africa -- history. How chocolate bars get on
supermarket shelves; lifeline for millions of farmers in West
Africa (produces about 70% of world's cocoa), crucial to
economies, politics of Ghana and Ivory Coast; causes of farmer
poverty in context of commodity producers' global battle to make
more money from crops.
(Chun King), Jeno Paulucci with Les Rich (1969).
How It Was To Make $100,000,000 in a Hurry; The Tale of Jeno and
the Bean Sprout. (New York, NY:
Grosset & Dunlap, 242 p.). Paulucci, Jeno F. (Jeno Francesco),
1918-; Chun King Corporation; Frozen foods industry--United
(Clif Bar Inc.), Gary Erickson with Lois
Lorentzen (2004).
Raising the Bar: Integrity and Passion in Life and Business, The
Story of Clif Bar, Inc. (San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 352 p.). Clif Bar Inc.; Snack food
industry--United States.
(Cod), Harold A. Innis (1978).
The Cod Fisheries: The History of an International Economy.
(Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 522 . [rev. ed.]).
Cod fisheries--History; Cod fisheries--Economic
aspects--History; Fish trade--History; International economic
(Cod), Mark Kurlansky (1997).
Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World.
(New York, NY: Walker and Co., 294 p.). Cod fisheries--History;
Cookery (Codfish).
(Colonial Ice Cream), Thomas S. Anderson and Ann W. Davis
The Inside Scoop: Colonial Ice Cream: A Look at the First 100
Years. (Aurora, IL: Beta Graphics
Corp., 112 p.). Colonial Ice Cream; Ice cream
parlors--Illinois--Saint Charles; Ice cream
industry--Illinois--Saint Charles.
(Columbia Conserve Company), William P. Hapgood;
with new introd. by Louis Filler (1975).
The Columbia Conserve Company: an Experiment in Workers'
Management and Ownership.
(Philadelphia, PA: Porcupine Press, 187 p.). Columbia Conserve
Company; Management -- Employee participation -- Indiana --
Indianapolis -- Case studies.
(Consolidated Foods), Janice Petterchak;
foreword, Maxwell Cummings; introduction, Beatrice Cummings
Mayer (2000).
To Share: The Heritage, Legend, and Legacy of Nathan Cummings.
(Rochester, IL: Legacy Press, 165 p.). Cummings, Nathan, d.
1985; Consolidated foods Corporation--History; Sara Lee
Corporation--History; Jewish businesspeople--United
States--Biography; Art--Collectors and collecting--United
States--Biography; Food industry and trade--United
States--History; Frozen desserts industry--United
(Corn), Arturo Warman; Translated by Nancy L. Westrate (2003).
Corn & Capitalism: How a Botanical Bastard Grew to Global
Dominance. (Chapel Hill, NC:
University of North Carolina Press, 270 p. [orig. pub. in
Spanish in 1988]). Mexican Anthropologist. Corn--History.
(Crookes Brothers), Anthony Hocking (1992).
Renishaw: The Story of Crookes Brothers.
(Bethulie, Orange Free State, South Africa: Hollards, 320 p.).
Crookes Brothers Limited--History; Sugar factories--South
Africa--Natal--History; Sugar trade--South Africa--History.
(Cuba Cane Sugar Corporation), Muriel McAvoy
Sugar Baron: Manuel Rionda and the Fortunes of Pre-Castro Cuba.
(Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 337 p.).
Professor Emerita (Fitchburg State College). Rionda y Polledo,
Manuel; Sugar trade Cuba History 20th century; Businessmen Cuba
(Culinary Institute), The Culinary Institute of
America with Darra Goldstein (2007).
Baking Boot Camp at the Culinary Institute of America.
(Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 288 p.). Independent, Not-for-Profit
College Offering Bachelor's and Associate Degrees in Culinary
Arts and Baking and Pastry Arts; Editor of Gastronomica: The
Journal of Food and Culture. Culinary Institute of America;
Baking. Two demanding Boot Camp courses, Baking and
Pastry; intensity, rigor, camaraderie; tips, tricks of baking
and pastry pros.
(Cumberland Packing Corporation), Rich Cohen (2006). pan>
Sweet and Low: A Family Story.
(New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 288 p.). Disinherited
Grandson of Ben Eisenstadt, inventor of sugar substitute Sweet'N
Low in post-WWII Brooklyn. Eisenstadt family; Eisenstadt,
Benjamin--Family; Cohen family; Cohen, Rich--Family; Cumberland
Packing Corporation; Sweet ’N Low (Trademark);
Businessmen--United States--Biography; Brooklyn (New York,
N.Y.)--Biography. Implosion of the Sweet'N Low dynasty,
40-year battle over family fortune.
(Czarnikow Futures
Ltd.), Hurford Janes and H.J. Sayers (1963).
The Story of Czarnikow. (London, UK: Harley Pub. Co.,
176 p.). Czarnikow, Julius Caesar, 1838-1909; Czarnikow Futures
Ltd.--History; Businesspeople--Great Britain--Biography; Sugar
trade--Great Britain--History. World's largest sugar broker.
(Patrick Cudahy Inc.), Patrick Cudahy (1912).
Patrick Cudahy: His Life.
(Milwaukee, WI: Burdick & Allen, 290 p.). Cudahy, Patrick;
Patrick Cudahy Inc.
(Del Monte), William Braznell (1982).
California's Finest: The History of the Del Monte Corporation
and the Del Monte Brand. (San Francisco, CA: Del
Monte Corp., 168 P.). Del Monte Corporation--History; Canned
foods industry--United States--History.
(Del Monte), Compiled b y Robert R. Kehlor
The History of Del Monte Pineapple in Hawaii. (Honolulu,
HI: PPI Del Monte Fresh Produce, 154 p.). Del Monte
Corporation--History; Pineapple industry--Hawaii--History.
(Del Monte), Beth and Richard Landis (2002).
Making a Difference. (Reno, NV: Michael Sion, 369 p.).
Former Chairman, Del Monte. Landis, Beth, 1923- ; Landis,
Richard G. (Richard Gordon), 1920- ; Del Monte Corporation;
Businessmen--California--Biography; California--Biography.
(Di Giorgio Fruit Corporation), Ernesto Galarza (1970).
Spiders in the House and Workers in the
Field. (South Bend,
IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 306 p.). Di Giorgio Fruit
Corporation; Agricultural laborers -- California.
(Dundee Citrus Growers Association), W. Gordon Smith (1999).
D Is for Diamonds: The 75th Anniversary of
Dundee Citrus Growers Association.
(Virginia Beach, VA: Donning Company, 80 p.). Dundee Citrus
Growers Association--Anniversaries, etc.; Dundee Citrus Growers
Association--History; Citrus fruit industry--Florida--Dundee
(Esther Price Candies), Esther Price and Linda
Otto Lipsett (1991).
Chocolate Covered Cherries: Esther Price's Memoirs.
(Dayton, OH: Halstead & Meadows Pub., 109 p.). Price, Esther,
1904- ; Candy industry--United States--History;
Businesswomen--United States--Biography.
(Famous Amos), Wally Amos, with Leroy Robinson (1983).
The Famous Amos Story: The Face That
Launched a Thousand Chips.
(Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 201 p.). Founder, Famous Amos
Chocolate Chip Cookie Corporation. Amos, Wally; Famous Amos
Chocolate Chip Cookie Corporation; Businessmen -- United States
-- Biography; Cookie industry -- United States; African American
businesspeople -- Biography.
(Famous Amos), Wally Amos, with Camilla Denton (1994).
Man With No Name: Turn Lemons into
(Lower Lake, CA: Aslan Pub., 154 p.). Amos, Wally; Uncle Nonamé
Cookie Company; Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookie Corporation;
Businessmen -- United States -- Biography; African American
businesspeople -- Biography; Cookie industry -- United States.
(Famous Amos), Wally Amos and Eden-Lee Murray (2001).
The Cookie Never Crumbles.
(New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 202 p.). Amos, Wally; Famous
Amos Chocolate Chip Cookie Corporation; Businessmen--United
States--Biography; Cookie industry--United States.
(G.D. Searle), Joseph E. McCann (1990).
Sweet Success: How NutraSweet Created a Billion Dollar Business.
(Homewood, IL: Business One Irwin, 194 p.). Sweetener industry
-- United States.
(Ganong Bros. Ltd.), David Folster (1991).
The Chocolate Ganongs of St. Stephen, New Brunswick.
(Fredericton, NB: Goose Lane Editions, 218 p.). Ganong family;
Ganong Bros. Ltd. -- History; Candy industry -- New Brunswick --
St. Stephen -- History.
(Garvey Inc.), H. Craig Miner
Garvey, Inc.: Expectations to Equity. (Wichita, KS: M. Page,
160 p.). Garvey, Ray Hugh; Garvey, Inc.; Capitalists and
financiers--Kansas--Biography; Grain trade--Kansas--History.
(General Foods), Edmund S. Whitman, W. James
Schmidt (1966).
Plant Relocation: A Case History of a Move. (New York,
NY: American Management Association, 158 p.). General Foods
Corporation. Jell-O Division; Industrial location -- Case
(General Foods Ltd.), John Foley
The Food Makers A History of General Foods Ltd.
(Banbury, UK: General Foods, 65 p.). General Foods Ltd.
(General Mills), William C. Edgar.
The Medal of Gold, A Story of Industrial Achievement.
(Minneapolis, MN: The Bellman company, 373 p.). Washburn, C. C.
(Cadwallader Colden), 1818-1882; Washburn-Crosby Co.; Flour.
James Ford Bell
- General Mills (http://bell.lib.umn.edu/my-elements/images/JFBell.jpg)
Cadwallader C. Washburn
- General Mills (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f5/Cadwallader_Colden_Washburn.jpg)
(General Mills), James Gray (1954).
Business Without Boundary; the Story of General Mills.
(Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 343 p.).
General Mills, Inc.
(General Mills), Gladys Zehnpfennig with an
introduction by Paul G. Hoffman (1964).
Harry A. Bullis, Champion American: A Biography of a Business
Leader Who Was a Champion of Human Rights. (Minneapolis,
MN: T.S. Denison, 360 p.). Bullis, Harry A. (Harry Amos),
1890-1963; General Mills, inc.--History. Chairman of General
(General Mills), Susan Marks (2005).
Finding Betty Crocker: The Secret Life of America's First Lady
of Food. (New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 288 p.).
Crocker, Betty--Biography; Cookery.
(Grain), Dorothy Giles (1940).
Singing Valleys; The Story of Corn. (New York, NY:
Random House, 361 p.). Grain; Corn; Agriculture--United
(Grain), Norman S. B. Gras (1967).
The Evolution of the English Corn Market, from the Twelfth to
the Eighteenth Century. (New York, NY: Russell &
Russell, 498 p. (orig. pub. 1915)). Professor of Business
History (Harvard Business School). Grain trade--Great
Britain--History; Corn laws (Great Britain).
(Grain), Henrietta M. Larson (1969).
The Wheat Market and the Farmer in Minnesota, 1858-1900.
(New York, NY: AMS Press, 273 p. (orig. pub. 1926)). Wheat
trade--Minnesota; Agriculture--Economic aspects--Minnesota;
Minnesota--Economic conditions.
(Grain), Hugh Barty-King (1978).
Food for Man and Beast: The Story of the London Corn Trade
Association, the London Cattle Food Trade Association, and the
Grain and Feed Trade Association, 1878-1978. (London,
UK: Hutchinson Benham, 107 p.). Grain and Feed Trade
Association--History; Grain trade--Great Britain--History.
(Grain), Dan Morgan (1979).
Merchants of Grain. (New York, NY: Viking, 387 p.).
Grain trade; Food supply; Grain trade--United States.
(Grain), Andrew Schmitz ... [et al.]
Grain Export Cartels. (Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Pub.
Co., 298 p.). Grain trade; Grain trade--Political aspects;
Prices; Cartels; Cartels--Political aspects.
(Grain), Tom Haines (1984).
Flouring Mills of Montana Territory. (Missoula, MT:
Friends of the University of Montana Library, 119 p.). Flour
(Grain), Geoffrey Gilbert
Baltimore's Flour Trade to the Caribbean, 1750-1815. (New
York, NY: Garland, 240 p.). Flour and feed
trade--Maryland--Baltimore--History; Flour and feed
trade--Caribbean Area--History; Baltimore
(Md.)--Commerce--Caribbean Area--History; Caribbean
Area--Commerce--Maryland--Baltimore--History. Series: American
business history.
(Great Harvest Bread Co.), Tom McMakin (2001).
Bread and Butter: What a Bunch of Bakers Taught Me about
Business and Happiness. (New York,
NY: St. Martin's Press, 187 p.). McMakin, Tom; Great Harvest
Bread Co.--History; Bread industry--United States;
Businesspeople--United States.
(Great Western Sugar Company),
William John May, Jr. (1989). The
Great Western Sugarlands: The History of the Great
Western Sugar Company and the Economic Development of
the Great Plains. (New York, NY: Garland, 471
p.). Great Western Sugar Company -- History; Beet sugar
industry -- United States -- History.
(Great Western Sugar
Company), Candy Hamilton (2009). Footprints in the Sugar: A
History of the Great Western Sugar Company. (Ontario, OR:
Hamilton Bates Publishers, 848 p.). Former Employee of Colorado
Sweet Gold, LLC. Great Western Sugar Company -- History.
Ordinary people, rural
towns, personal struggles, industrial triumphs, heartwarming
quips, tragic sagas; history of an industrial conglomerate,
visionary men who believed more value in sugar beets than gold;
focus on 13 factories in Colorado; 1985 - Great Western
factories closed.
Order at:
(Green & Black's), Craig Sams, Jo
Fairley (2008).
Sweet Dreams: The Story of Green & Blacks.
(London, UK: Random House, 261 p.). Founder of Whole Earth
(pioneering organic food company); environment columnist for The
Times. Green & Blacks; Chocolate industry -- Great Britain;
Businesspeople -- Great Britain -- Biography; Confectioners --
Great Britain -- Biography; Natural foods industry -- Great
Britain; Social responsibility of business; Entrepreneurship.
1991 - Craig Sams received sample of dark 70% chocolate made
from organic cocoa beans; developed high-quality, bittersweet
dark chocolate bar, packed with 70% cocoa solids; started Green
& Black's in Portobello Road, London (name derived from green
for organic and black for deep, rich dark brown (almost black)
colour of chocolate); May 2005 - acquired by Cadbury Schweppes.
(Grimsby Fish Merchants Association), Vince McDonagh; foreward
by David Ross (2010). Feeding a Nation: 100
Years of the Grimsby Fish Merchants Association. (Argyll,
Scotland: Wyvex Media Ltd 230 p.). Former Business Editor of
Grimsby Telegraph Grimsby Fish Merchants Association; fishing
industry -- history -- Scotland. History of Grimsby's fishing
industry over past 100 years; Grimsby F.M.A incorporated in
April 1911; rose to world's largest fishing port with fleet of
over 500 vessels (including 300 deep sea trawlers), subsequent
decline following Cod War settlements; emerged as Europe's
primary seafood processing centre (companies such as Young's,
Coldwater Seafoods, Seachill, Sealord, Findus).
(H. C. Guenther & Son Inc.), Lewis F. Fisher (2001).
C.H. Guenther & Son at 150 Years: The Legacy of a Texas Milling
Pioneer. (San Antonio, TX: Maverick Pub. Co., 111
p.). C.H. Guenther & Son Inc. --History; Flour mills --Texas
--History; Flour industry --Texas --History; Texas --History.
(Haagen-Dazs), Rose Vesel Mattus; with Jeanette Friedman (2004).
The Emperor of Ice Cream: The True Story
of Haagen-Dazs. (New
Milford, NJ: Wordsmithy, 215 p.). Haagen-Dazs (Firm); Ice cream
industry--United States.
(Hawaiian Commercial Company), Jacob Adler (1966).
Claus Spreckels; The Sugar King in Hawaii. (Honolulu,
HI: University of Hawaii Press, 339 p.). Spreckels, Claus,
1828-1908; Sugar growing--Hawaii; Hawaii--Politics and
Claus Spreckels
- Hawaiian Commercial Company (http://www.mtycounty.com/pgs-pioneers/images/ClSpreck.jpg)
(L. S. Heath and Sons), Richard J. Heath with Ray Elliott
Bittersweet: The Story of the Heath Candy
Co. (West Frankfort,
IL: New Authors Publications, 416 p.). Heath family; Heath, L.
S. (Lawrence Seymour), 1869-1956; L.S. Heath and Sons--History;
Family corporations--United States--Officials and employees;
Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Heinz), Robert C. Alberts (1973).
The Good Provider: H. J. Heinz and His 57
(Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 297 p.). Heinz, H. J. (Henry
John), 1844-1919; H.J. Heinz Company.
Henry John (H.J.) Heinz
(Heinz), Eleanor Foa Dienstag (1994).
In Good Company: 125 Years at the Heinz
Table, 1869-1994.
(New York, NY: Warner Books, 352 p.). Heinz, H. J.
(Henry John), 1844-1919; Heinz family; H.J. Heinz
Company--History; Food industry and trade--United
(Heinz), Ivan Fallon (1994).
The Luck of O'Reilly: A Biography of Tony
(New York, NY: Warner Books, 406 p.). O'Reilly, Tony;
H.J. Heinz Company--History; Businesspeople--United
States--Biography; Businesspeople--Ireland--Biography;
Chief executive officers--United States--Biography.
(Heinz), Debbie Foster and Jack Kennedy (2006).
H.J. Heinz Company.
(Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub., 128 p.). Heinz
Communicators and Publicists. Heinz, H. J. (Henry John),
1844-1919; H.J. Heinz Company--History;
Food industry and trade--United States--History.
C. Scott Holland (2009).
A Century In The Making: History of Heinz Canada
(Leamington, ON: H. J. Heinz, 230 p.). Leading member of the
Leamington and Mersea Historical Society. H. J. Heinz Co.;
Heinz--Canada--history. Available at Heinz, CA plant gift shop
(Hershey), Joseph Richard Snavely (1950).
The Hershey Story. (Hershey, PA, 385 p.). Hershey,
Milton Snavely, 1857-1945; Hershey (Pa.)--History.
--- (1957).
An Intimate Story of Milton S. Hershey.
(Hershey, PA, 549 p.). Hershey, Milton Snavely, 1857-1945;
Hershey (Pa.)--History.
(Hershey), Charles Schuyler Castner (1983).
One of a Kind: Milton Snavely Hershey, 1857-1945.
(Hershey, PA: Derry Literary Guild, 356 p.). Hershey, Milton
Snavely, 1857-1945; Hershey Foods Corporation -- Biography;
Businessmen -- United States -- Biography; Chocolate industry --
United States -- History.
(Hershey), James D. McMahon (1998).
Built on Chocolate: The Story of the
Hershey Chocolate Company.
(Los Angeles, CA: General Publishing Group, 208 p.). Hershey,
Milton Snavely, 1857-1945; Hershey Chocolate
Corporation--Biography; Chocolate industry--United
States--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Hershey), Joël Glenn Brenner (1999).
The Emperors of Chocolate: Inside the
Secret World of Hershey and Mars.
(New York, NY: Random House, 366 p.). Former Business Reporter
for Washington Post. Hershey, Milton Snavely, 1857-1945; Mars,
Forrest; Hershey Foods Corporation--History; Mars,
Incorporated--History; Chocolate industry--United
States--History; Candy industry--United States--History;
Chocolate candy--United States--Marketing--History;
Competition--United States--Case studies.
(Hershey), Michael D’Antonio (2006).
Hershey: Milton S. Hershey’s Extraordinary
Life of Wealth, Empire, and Utopian Dreams.
(New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 320 p.). Hershey, Milton
Snavely, 1857-1945; Hershey Chocolate Corporation--History;
Chocolate industry--United States--History--20th century;
Businesspeople--United States--Biography. Ultimate progressive
businessman with a lasting utopian legacy.
(Duncan Hines), Louis Hatchett (2001).
Duncan Hines: The Man Behind the Cake Mix.
(Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 325 p.). Hines, Duncan,
1880-1959; Businessmen--United States--Biography; Food industry
and trade--United States--Biography; Hospitality
industry--United States--Biography.
(Hormel), Richard Dougherty (1966).
In Quest of Quality; Hormel's First 75
Years. (St. Paul, MN: North
Central Pub. Co., 357 p.). Geo. A. Hormel & Company.
George A. Hormel
(Hormel), Dave Hage and Paul Klauda (1989).
No Retreat, No Surrender: Labor's War at
Hormel. (New York, NY:
Morrow, 398 p.). Geo. A. Hormel & Company; United Packinghouse,
Food, and Allied Workers. Local 9 (Austin, Minn.); Geo. A.
Hormel & Company Strike, Austin, Minn., 1985-1986.
(Hormel), Hardy Green (1990).
On Strike at Hormel: The Struggle for a
Democratic Labor Movement.
(Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 368 p.). Geo. A.
Hormel & Company; United Packinghouse, Food, and Allied Workers.
Local 9 (Austin, Minn.); Geo. A. Hormel & Company Strike,
Austin, Minn., 1985-1986.
(Hormel), Doniver A. Lund, V. Allan Krejci (1991).
The Hormel Legacy: 100 Years of Quality.
(Austin, MN: Geo. A. Hormal & Co., 231 p.). Geo. A. Hormel &
Company--History; Meat industry and trade--United
States--History; Packing-houses--United States--History.
(Hormel), Carolyn Wyman (1999).
Spam: A Biography.
(San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace, 134 p.). Cookery (Meat); Cookery
(Canned foods); Canned meat; Spam (Trademark).
(Huntley and Palmers), T. A. B. Corley (1972).
Quaker Enterprise in Biscuits: Huntley and Palmers of Reading,
1822-1972. (London, UK: Hutchinson, 320 p.). Huntley and
Palmers Ltd.
(IBP), Jeffrey L. Rodengen (2000).
The Legend of IBP: Established 1960.
(Fort Lauderdale, FL: Write Stuff Enterprises, 208 p.). IBP,
Inc.--History; Beef industry--United States--History; Meat
industry and trade--United States--History.
(Imperial Sugar), Harold M. Hyman (1990).
Oleander Odyssey: The Kempners of Galveston, Texas, 1854-1980s.
(College Station, TX: Texas A & M University Press, 486 p.).
Kempner family; Jews--Texas--Galveston--Biography; Galveston
(Interstate Bakeries), Steve Ettlinger (2007).
Twinkie, Deconstructed: My Journey To
Discover How the Ingredients Found in Processed Foods Are Grown,
Mined (Yes, Mined), and Manipulated into What America Eats.
(New York, NY: Hudson Street Press, 304 p.). Food additives;
Processed foods; Twinkies (Trademark). Twinkie
ingredients through process of being crushed, baked, fermented,
refined, and/or reacted into totally unrecognizable goo or
powder with strange name—all for the sake of creating a simple
snack cake.
Dairy), Brian Butko (2001).
Klondikes, Chipped Ham, & Skyscraper Cones: The Story of Isaly's.
(Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 112 p.). Isaly’s (Firm)
--History; Dairy products industry --United States --History;
Ice cream industry --United States --History; Convenience stores
--United States --History; Chain stores --United States
--History; Dairy products industry --Ohio --History; Dairy
products industry --Pennsylvania --History.
History, rise, fall of company which
created Klondike bar; grew from one milk wagon to dozen plants
that supplied 400 delis, dairies by1950s.
(Jell-o), Carolyn Wyman (2001).
Jell-O: A Biography.
(San Diego, CA: Harcourt, 146 p.). Cookery (Gelatin);
Pearl Bixby Wait
- Jell-O (http://www.marios-bar.com/images/jello-shot0.jpg)
(Jeno's, Inc.), Jeno F. Paulucci; with Les Rich and
James Tills (2006).
Jeno: The Power of the Peddler.
(Sanford, FL: Paulucci International, 567 p.). Paulucci,
Jeno F. (Jeno Francesco), 1918- ; Grocery trade--United
States--History; Businesspeople--United
States--Biography; Selling. "Frozen food king";
founded Chun King, Jeno's Inc., Luigino's Inc.; created,
financed, or lead more than 50 privately held companies
and organizations valued in excess of $2 billion.
Jeno F. Paulucci
- Chun-King, Jeno's Pizza
(Kellogg - founded 1906 as
the Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake
Company), Horace B. Powell (1956).
The Original Has This
Signature--W. K. Kellogg.
(Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 358 p.). Kellogg,
W. K. (Will Keith), 1860-1951; Kellogg Toasted Corn
Flake Company; Kellogg Company.
Dr. John Harvey Kellogg,
Will Keith Kellogg
(Kellogg), Benjamin Kline Hunnicutt (1996).
Kellogg's Six-Hour Day.
(Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 261 p.).
Kellogg Company--History; Work sharing--Michigan--Battle
Creek--History; Shift systems--Michigan--Battle
Creek--History; Hours of labor--Michigan--Battle
Creek--History; Cereal products
industry--Michigan--Battle Creek--Employees--History;
Unemployment--Michigan--Battle Creek--History;
Depressions--1929--Michigan--Battle Creek.
(Kikkoman), Mark W. Fruin (1983).
Kikkoman: Company, Clan, and Community.
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 358 p.). Kikkoman
Shoyu Kabushiki Kaisha--History.
Yazaburo Mogi
- Kikkoman
(Kikkoman), Ronald E. Yates (1998).
The Kikkoman Chronicles: A Global Company
with a Japanese Soul. (New
Yprk, NY: McGraw-Hill, 206 p.). Dean, Collage of Communication
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). Kikko¯man
Kabushiki Kaisha--History; Soy sauce industry--Japan--History.
368-year-old leading soy sauce, Asian condiment manufacturer.
(King Arthur Flour Company), David A. Anderson; foreword by
Frank Sands (2004).
King Arthur Flour Company.
(Charleston, SC: Arcadia Pub., 128 p). King Arthur Flour (Firm);
Flour industry--Massachusetts--Boston. America’s oldest
flour company (New England’s oldest food company); owned,
operated by five generations of Sands family (headed company for
almost two centuries).
(Land O' Lakes), Kenneth D. Ruble (1947).
Man to Remember; How 100,000 Neighbors Made
History. (Chicago, IL, 318
p.). Land, O'Lakes Creameries, inc. [from old catalog]; Butter;
Dairy products--Marketing; Agriculture, Cooperative--West
--- (1973).
Land O'Lakes: Farmers Make It Happen.
(Minneapolis, MN, 205 p.). Land O'Lakes Creameries; Dairy
products--United States; Cooperative marketing of farm
produce--United States.
(Land O' Lakes), Jack El-Hai (1996).
Celebrating Tradition, Building the Future:
Seventy-Five Years of Land O'Lakes.
(Minneapolis, MN: Land O'Lakes, Inc., 132 p.). Land O'Lakes,
Inc.--History; Butter trade--United States--History; Dairy
products industry--United States--History; Dairying,
(J. Lyons & Company), Peter Bird (2000).
First Food Empire: A History of J. Lyons &
(Chichester, UK: Phillimore, 382 p.). J. Lyons &
Company--History; Food industry and trade--Great Britain.
(Maison Menier), introduction Marc Valentin; textes,
Claudine Cartier, Helene Jantzen; avec la participation
de Richard Michel; photographies, Philippe Fortin
Noisiel, La Chocolaterie Menier, Seine-et-Marne.
(Paris, FR: Association pour le patrimoine
d’Ile-de-France, 74 p.). Maison Menier (Noisiel, France)
--History; Chocolate industry --France --Noisiel
--History; Noisiel (France) --Buildings, structures,
(Manischewitz B. Co.), Laura Manischewitz Alpern (2008).
Manischewitz, the Matzo Family:
The Making of an American Jewish Icon.
(Jersey City, NJ: KTAV Pub. House, 225 p.).
Great-granddaughter of founder. Manischewitz family; B.
Manischewitz Co.; Jews--Ohio--Cincinnati--History;
Jewish businesspeople--Ohio--Cincinnati--Biography;
Businesspeople--Ohio--Cincinnati--Biography; Matzos
industry--Ohio--Cincinnati--History; Jews--United
States--History; Cincinnati (Ohio)--History.
Family transformed world of matzo, became symbol of 100%
kosher; nation’s largest manufacturer of processed
kosher food products; number one baker of matzo or
unleavened bread in world.
(Marabou, Ab), Henning Throne-Holst (1973).
Mitt Livs Foretag.
(Stockholm, Sweden: Bonnier, 287 p.). First Chief
Executive of the Marabou company. Throne-Holst, Henning,
1895-; Marabou, Ab; Scania-Vabis AB; Scandinavian
Airlines System; Executives --Sweden --Biography.
Largest chocolate manufacturer in Sweden (part of Kraft
(Mars), Janice Pottker (1995).
Crisis in Candyland: Melting the Chocolate Shell of the Mars
Family Empire.
(Bethesda, MD: National Press Books, 255 p.). Mars,
Incorporated; Food industry and trade--United States--Case
Frank Mars - M&Ms (http://missbutlers.com/mars2.gif)
(McCain Foods), Michael Woloschuk (1995).
Family Ties: The Real Story of the McCain
Feud. (Toronto, ON: Key
Porter Books, 295 p.). McCain, H. Harrison, 1927- ; McCain, G.
Wallace F., 1930- ; McCain Family; McCain Foods Limited;
Businessmen--Canada--Biography; Frozen foods
(McCain Foods), Paul Waldie (1996).
House Divided: McCain.
(New York, NY: Penguin Putnam, 352 p.). McCain Family; McCain
Foods Limited; Businessmen--Canada--Biography; Frozen foods
(McCormick & Co.), The Company (1939).
Pioneering with Products and People; A
Brief Review of the First Fifty Years of McCormick & Company,
Inc. (Baltimore, MD:
McCormick & Company, Inc., 83 p.). McCormick & Co. (Baltimore,
Willoughby M. McCormick
(top) - McCormick & Co.
(McCormick & Co.), Charles P. McCormick, Foreword by Eric A.
Johnston (1949).
The Power of People; Multiple Management
Up to Date. (New York, NY:
Harper, 136 p.). McCormick & Co. (Baltimore, Md.);
Management--Employee participation.
(McCormick & Co.), Charles P. McCormick, Jr. (1993).
Pepper People.
(White Plains, NY: Benjamin Co., 256 p.). McCormick, Charles
Perry, 1896-1970; McCormick & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)--History;
McCormick & Co. (Baltimore, Md.)--Biography;
Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Pepper (Spice)
industry--United States--History; Spice trade--United
Co.), Shane K. Bernard (2007).
Tabasco, An Illustrated History: The Story of the McIlhenny
family of Avery Island, 1868-2007.
(Avery Island, LA . McIlhenny Co., 239 p.). Historian and
Curator for the McIlhenny Company and Avery Island, Inc.,
Archives. McIlhenny family, McIlhenny Co.--History, Tabasco
sauce. Origin of Tabasco® sauce, from post-Civil War
creation on Avery Island, LA, to evolution into "gold standard"
of pepper sauces, global culinary icon.
Edward McIlhenny
- Tabasco sauce
(McIlhenny Co.), Jeffrey Rothfeder (2007).
McIlhenny’s Gold: How a Louisiana Family
Built the Tabasco Empire.
(New York, NY: Collins, 251 p.). Former Editor (BusinessWeek,
Time Inc., Bloomberg News). McIlhenny Co.--History; Hot pepper
sauce industry--Louisiana--History; Tabasco
sauce--Louisiana--History. Continuing success of
eccentric, private, family-run company; how it emerged from
outgrowth of handful of peppers planted on isolated island on
Gulf of Mexico to produce one of best-known products in world,
gold mine and icon of pop culture, recognizable as far bigger
brands such as Coca-Cola and Kleenex.
(McKee Foods), C.A. (Bill) Oliphant (1994). pan>
Sweet Success: O.D. McKee, America's Snack
Cake King. (Cleveland, TN:
Sundial Press, 168 p.). McKee, O. D., 1905- ; McKee Foods
Corporation--History; Businesspeople--United States--Biography;
Pastry industry--United States--History.
(Michigan Alkali), Arthur Pound (1940).
Salt of the Earth; The Story of Captain J.
B. Ford and Michigan Alkali Company, 1890-1940.
(Boston, MA: Atlantic Monthly Company, 122 p.). Ford, John
Baptiste, 1811-1903; Michigan alkali company, Wyandotte.
(Midwest Grain Products), Billy M. Jones (1990).
Cloud L. Cray: The Man Who Loved Atchison;
Founder Midwest Grain Products, Inc., Atchison, Kansas.
(Wichita, KS: Center for Entrepreneurship, W. Frank Barton
School of Business Administration, Wichita State University, 236
p.). Cray, Cloud Lanor, 1895-1979; Midwest Grain Products,
Inc.--History; Businesspeople--Kansas--Biography; Grain trade.
Jean Garrigues; preface de Frederic Mitterand (1992).
Miko: Le Gout de l’Entracte.
(Paris, FR: Du May, 117 p.). Miko (Firm)--History; Ice cream
industry--France--History; Ice cream, ices, etc.--History.
(Mitchell's Gourmet Foods), LuAn Mitchell-Halter (2003).
Paper Doll: Lessons Learned from a Life
Lived in the Headlines.
(San Diego, CA: Jodere Group, 176 p.). Canada's Number One
Female Entrepreneur for three successive years. Mitchell-Halter,
LuAn; Businesswomen -- Canada -- Biography; Success;
(Daniel Mills & Sons Limited),
Marian Robertson (1995).
Rising Generations: Daniel Mills & Sons Limited, 1845-1995.
(Cape Town, South Africa: D.M.S., 224 p.). Daniel Mills & Sons
Limited--History; Yeast industry--South Africa--History.
(Monitor Sugar), Thomas Mahar (2000).
Sweet Energy: The Story of Monitor Sugar
Company. (Bay City, MI: Big
Chief Sugar, 268 p.). Monitor Sugar Company--History; Sugar
factories--Michigan--Bay City--History; Sugar
trade--Michigan--Bay City--History; Sugar trade--United
David Magee (2006).
Moonpie: Biography of an Out-of-This-World
Snack. (Lookout Mountain,
TN: Jefferson Press, 224 p.). Moonpie; Snack food
industry--United States. South, its most revered snack
(developed in 1917 in response to coal miners' request for a
filling—yet portable—snack).
(Morton Salt Company), James Ballowe (2009).
A Man of Salt and Trees: The Life of Joy Morton.
(DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 302 p.).
Distinguished Professor of English Emeritus (Bradley
University). Morton, Joy, 1855-1934; Morton Salt Company; Morton
Arboretum; Businesspeople --Illinois --Chicago --Biography;
Chicago (Ill.) --Biography; Chicago (Ill.) --History --1875-
--Biography. Nebraska farm boy grew up to
be small town banker, leading citizen of Chicago and Illinois,
major figure in nation's economic and technological development
during late 19th, erly 20th centuries; father - founder of Arbor
(Mrs. Fields Cookies), Debbi Fields and Alan Furst (1987).
"One Smart Cookie": How a Housewife's
Chocolate Chip Recipe Turned into a Multimillion-Dollar
Business--The Story of Mrs. Fields Cookies.
(New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 173 p.). Fields, Debbi; Mrs.
Fields Cookies (Firm); Businesswomen--United States--Biography;
Cookie industry--United States.
(Nabisco - formed in 1898), William Cahn (1969).
Out of the Cracker Barrel; The Nabisco Story, from Animal
Crackers to Zuzus.
(New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 367 p.). National Biscuit
(National Sea Products Ltd.), Stephen Kimber (1989).
Net Profits: The Story of National Sea.
(Halifax, NS: Nimbus, 294 p.). National Sea Products Ltd. --
History; Fisheries -- Nova Scotia.
(National Sugar Manufacturing
Company), Dena Markoff Sabin (1986). How Sweet It Was! The
Beet Sugar Industry in Microcosm: The National Sugar
Manufacturing Company, 1899 to 1967. (New York, NY: Garland,
363 p.). National Sugar Manufacturing Company (Sugar City,
Colo.)--History; Sugar trade--United States--History. Series:
American business history.
(Natural Foods), Warren J. Belasco (1993).
Appetite for Change: How the
Counterculture Took on the Food Industry.
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 316 p.). Natural foods
industry--United States; Food industry and trade--United States;
Subculture--United States; Consumers--United States.
(Natural Foods), Samuel Fromartz (2006).
Organic, Inc.: Natural Foods and How They
Grew. (Orlando, FL:
Harcourt, 294 p.). Business Journalist. Natural foods industry;
Natural foods--Marketing; Farm produce--Marketing. Rise of the
organic food industry in the United States.
(NECCO), Louis Untermeyer
(1947). A Century of Candymaking, 1847-1947; The Story of the
Origin and Growth of New England Confectionery Company Which
Parallels That of the Candy Industry in America, 84 p.). New
England Confectionery Company; Confectionery--United States.
(Nestle), Jean Heer (1966).
World Events 1866-1966: The First Hundred
Years of Nestle. (Lausanne,
SW: Imprimeries Reunies, 226 p.). Nestle Alimentana Company.
Henri Nestle
(Nestle), Pierre Harrisson;
preface de Susan George; illustrations et graphiques, Louis
Badler (1983).
L'Empire Nestle. (Lausanne, SW: Editions P-M Favre, 493
p.). Nestle Company; Corporations, Swiss--Latin America;
International business enterprises--Latin America; Food industry
and trade--Latin America.
(Nestle), John Dobbing (1988).
Infant Feeding: Anatomy of a Controversy,
1972-1984. (Gerlin,
Germany: Springer-Verlag, 169 p.). Nestle Alimentana Company.
(Nissin Foods Products),
Momofuku Ando (1983).
Kisotengai no Hasso. (Tokyo: Kodansha, Showa, 246 p.).
Founder, Nissin Foods Products. Nisshin Shokuhin Kabushiki
Momofuku Ando
- Nissin Foods
(Nissin Foods Products),
Nisshin Shokuhin Kabushiki Kaisha Shashi Hensanshitsu (1992).
Shoku Tarite yo wa Tairaka: Nisshin Shokuhin Shashi. (Osaka,
Japan: Nisshin Shokuhin Kabushiki Kaisha, Heisei, 405 p.).
Nisshin Shokuhin Kabushiki Kaisha--History; Food industry and
(Nordica Foods), Al Schock (1997).
The Schock Brothers, Al and Ozzie: A Story of Success and
Service. (Freeman, SD: Pine Hill
Press, 310 p.). Schock, Al (Alvin); Schock, Ozzie (Ozzie Eric);
Nordica Foods Company--History; Dairy products industry--United
States--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography.
(NutraSweet), Joseph E. McCann (1990).
Sweet Success: How NutraSweet Created a
Billion Dollar Business.
(Homewood, IL: Business One Irwin, 194 p.). Sweetener
industry--United States.
( Nuttelex
Food Products), Colin Kirkham (2000). Margarine: Seed Oils
Replace Nuts: The History of Nuttelex. (Prahran, Vic., AU:
Nuttelex Food Products Pty Ltd., 105 p.). Nuttelex Food
Products--History; Margarine industry--Australia--History.
(Oysters), John R. Wennersten (1981).
The Oyster Wars of Chesapeake Bay.
(Centreville, MD: Tidewater Publishers, 159 p.). Oyster
industry--Chesapeake Bay.
Watermen, law enforcement officers, government officials,
Bay scientists, immigrants, oyster shuckers involved in life,
death struggle to harvest oyster in Chesapeake Bay in decades
following Civil War.
(Oysters), David G. Gordon, Nancy E. Blanton, and Terry Y. Nosho
Heaven on the Half Shell: The Story of the
Northwest's Love Affair with the Oyster.
(Portland, OR: WestWinds Press, 160 p.). Oyster
industry--Northwest, Pacific.
(Oysters), Mark Kurlansky (2006).
The Big Oyster: History on the Half Shell.
(New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 320 p.). Cookery (Oysters);
Oysters--New York (State)--New York. Rise, fall of oyster
industry in New York; dominant role in city’s economy,
gastronomy, and ecology.
(Pacific American Fisheries), August C. Radke (2002).
Pacific American Fisheries, Inc. : History
of a Washington State Salmon Packing Company, 1890-1966.
(Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 220 p.). Former Professor of
History (Western Washington University). Pacific American
Fisheries, Inc.--History; Salmon industry--United
(Paradise Inc.), Frank A. Weaner (1983).
One Against Many.
(Tampa, FL: F.A. Weaner, 293 p.). Weaner, Frank A.;
Journalists--United States--Biography; Businesspeople--United
States--Biography; Bankers--United States--Biography.
Oldest, largest supplier in U.S. of glace fruit to commercial
bakers, confectioners, supermarkets.
(Parmalat), Gabriel Franzini (2004). Il
Crac Parmalat: Storia del Crollo dell'Impero del Latte.
(Roma, Italy: Editori riuniti, 223 p.). Journalist (Telereggio).
Dairy products industry -- Corrupt practices -- Italy; Business
failures -- Italy -- Case studies; Tanzi, Calisto, -- 1938- ;
Parmalat (Firm). History of the landslide of the empire of
latte, the Tanzi family empire.
(M. A. Patout and Son, Ltd.), Michael G. Wade
(1995). Sugar Dynasty: M. A. Patout & Son, Ltd., 1791-1993.
(Lafayette, LA: Center for Louisiana Studies, University of
Southwestern Louisiana, 405 p.). M. A. Patout and Son,
Ltd.--History; Sugarcane industry--Louisiana--Patoutville--History;
Sugar factories--Louisiana--Patoutville--History; Sugar
trade--Louisiana--Patoutville--History; Sugar
growing--Louisiana--Patoutville--History; Patoutville
(Pepper), George Granville Putnam (1922).
Salem Vessels and Their Voyages; A History
of the Pepper Trade with the Island of Sumatra.
(Salem, MA: The Essex institute, 171 p.). Pepper (Spice)
industry--Sumatra--History; Pepper (Spice)
industry--Massachusetts--Salem--History; Salem
(Mass.)--Commerce--Sumatra; Sumatra
(Indonesia)--Commerce--Massachusetts--Salem; Salem
(Pepper), Anthony R. Disney (1978).
Twilight of the Pepper Empire: Portuguese
Trade in Southwest India in the Early Seventeenth Century.
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 220 p.). Pepper
(Spice) industry--India--History--17th century; Pepper (Spice)
industry--Portugal--History--17th century;
Portugal--Commerce--India--History--17th century;
India--Commerce--Portugal--History--17th century.
(Pet Milk), Martin L. Bell (1962).
A Portrait of Progress, A Business History
of Pet Milk Company from 1885 to 1960.
(St. Louis, MO, 199 p.). Pet Milk Company.
(Pilgrim’s Pride), Bo Pilgrim (2005).
One Pilgrim’s Progress: How To Build a
World-Class Company, and Who To Credit.
(Nashville, TN: Nelson Business, 223 p.). Pilgrim, Bo, 1928- ;
Pilgrim’s Pride Corporation -- History; Poultry industry --
Texas; Businessmen -- Texas -- Biography; Christian biography --
(Pillsbury), William J. Powell (1985).
Pillsbury's Best: A Company History from
1869. (Minneapolis, MN:
Pillsbury Co., 252p;.). Pillsbury Company--History; Food
industry and trade--United States--History.
Charles Alfred Pillsbury
(Pop Rocks Crackling Candy), Marv Rudolph (2006).
Pop Rocks: The Inside Story of America’s
Revolutionary Candy.
(Sharon, MA: Specialty Publishers Llc, 112 p.). Food Product
Developer for 35 Years. Pop Rocks Crackling Candy; Candy
industry -- History. 1956 - William A. (Bill) Mitchell
invented Pop Rocks Crackling Candy as attempt to create instant
carbonated drink.
(Post), Nettie Leitch Major (1963).
C.W. Post-The Hour and the Man: A
Biography with Genealogical Supplement.
(Washington, DC: Press of Judd & Detweiler, Inc., 318 p.). Post,
C. W. (Charles William), 1854-1914.
Charles William (C.W.) Post
(Quaker Oats), Harrison John Thornton (1933).
The History of the Quaker Oats
Company. (Chicago,
IL: The University of Chicago Press, 279 p.). Quaker
Oats Company; Oats; United States--Economic conditions.
Henry Parsons Crowell
- Quaker Oats
(Quaker Oats), Richard Ellsworth Day (1946).
Breakfast Table Autocrat; the Life Story
of Henry Parsons Crowell.
(Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 317 p.). Crowell, Henry Parsons,
1855-1944; Quaker Oats Company; Moody Bible Institute;
Perfection Stove Company, Cleveland.
(Quaker Oats), Arthur F. Marquette (1967).
Brands, Trademarks, and Good Will; The
Story of the Quaker Oats Company.
(New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 274 p.). Quaker Oats Company.
(Quaker Oats), Joe Musser (1997).
The Cereal Tycoon: Henry Parsons Crowell,
Founder of the Quaker Oats Co.: A Biography.
(Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 160 p.). Crowell, Henry Parsons,
1855-1944; Quaker Oats Company--History; Moody Bible
Institute--History; Perfection Stove Company,
Cleveland--History; Businessmen--United States--Biography;
Philanthropists--United States--Biography; Cereal products
industry--United States--History; Cereals, Prepared--United
(Quaker Oats), M.M. Manring (1998).
Slave in a Box: The Strange Career of Aunt
Jemima. (Charlottesville,
VA: University Press of Virginia, 210 p.). Jemima, Aunt; Quaker
Oats Company; Advertising--Social aspects--United
States--History--20th century; African American women in
advertising; Stereotype (Psychology) in advertising--United
(Ralston Purina), William H. Danforth (1945).
I Dare You!
(St. Louis, MO: Privately Printed, 134 p. [12th ed.]).
Conduct of life; Success.
William H. Danforth
- Ralston Purina
(Ralston Purina), Gordon M. Philpott (1960).
Daring Venture; The Life Story of William H. Danforth.
(New York, NY: Random House, 174 p.). Danforth, William Henry,
1870-1955; Ralston Purina Company.
(Joseph Rank Limited), R G (Richard George) Burnett (1945).
Through the Mill: The Life of Joseph Rank.
(London, UK: Epworth, 226 p.). Rank, Joseph; Flour trade--Great
Britain--History; Industrialists--Breat Britain--Biography.
(Joseph Rank Limited), The Company (1955).
The Master Millers: The Story of the House
of Rank 1875-1955. (London,
UK: Harley, 98 p.). Rank, Joseph; Joseph Rank Limited;
Millers--Great Britain--History. On the occasion of its 80th
(Orville Redenbacher's), Len Sherman (1996).
Popcorn King: How Orville Redenbacher and
His Popcorn Charmed America.
(Arlington, TX: Summit Pub. Group, 112 p.). Redenbacher,
Orville; Businesspeople--United States--Biography; Popcorn
industry--United States--History.
Industries), Richard Feltoe (1991).
Redpath: The History of a Sugar House.
(Toronto, ON: Natural Heritage/Natural History, 320 p.). Redpath
Industries--History; Sugar trade--Canada--History.
Redpath - Redpath Industries
(Redpath Industries), Richard Feltoe (1993).
Let Redpath Sweeten It. (Toronto,
ON: Natural Heritage/Natural History, 240 p.). Redpath
Industries--History; Industries Redpath--Histoire; Sugar
trade--Canada--History; Sucre--Fabrication et
(Redpath Industries), Richard Feltoe
A Gentleman of Substance: The Life and Legacy of John Redpath
(1796-1869). (Toronto, ON: Natural Heritage/Natural
History, 144 p.). Redpath, John, 1796-1869; Redpath
Industries--History--19th century; Businessmen--Quebec
(Province)--Montreal--Biography; Politicians--Quebec
(Province)--Montreal--Biography; Montreal (Quebec)--Biography;
Montreal (Quebec)--History--19th century.
(Reser’s Fine Foods), Al Reser, with Kerry
Tymchuk (2010).
No Small Potatoes: How a Family Potato Salad Recipe Is Fast
Becoming a Billion Dollar Business. (Corvallis, OR
Oregon State University Press for the Oregon State 132 p.).
President of Reser Foods. Reser, Al, 1935-; Reser’s Fine Foods
--History; Businessmen --Oregon --Biography; Convenience foods
--Oregon --History; Food industry and trade --Oregon --History.
1950 - Al Reser's parents began potato salad manufacturing
business in Oregon farmhouse kitchen; 1960 - he became
president (25; dozen or so part-time employees, annual sales of
$300,000, told by accountants business would likely go
bankruptcy); 2010 - one of most respected, admired companies in
food industry (over 2,600 employees, annual sales approaching
$1billion dollars, sold in all fifty states, Canada and Mexico;
Oregon State University Beavers play their home football games
at Reser Stadium; rise from poverty to top of business world;
tough decisions that spurred Reser's phenomenal growth, values
that have guided steps.
(Rice), Henry C. hloff (1988).
A History of the American Rice Industry,
1685-1985. (College
Station, TX: Texas A & M Press, 215 p.). Rice trade--United
(Rice), Daniel C. Littlefield (1991).
Rice and Slaves: Ethnicity and the Slave
Trade in Colonial South Carolina.
(Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 199 p. [orig. pub.
1981]). Slavery--South Carolina; Slave-trade--South Carolina;
Rice trade--South Carolina--History; South Carolina--Race
(Rice), Judith A. Carney (2001).
Black Rice: The African Origins of Rice
Cultivation in the Americas.
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 240 p.). Historical
Geographer (UCLA). Rice--Southern States--History; Rice--Africa,
West--History; Slaves--Southern States.
(Rowntree), Anne Vernon (1958).
A Quaker Business Man; The Life of Joseph Rowntree, 1836-1925.
(London, UK: Allen & Unwin, 207 p.). Rowntree, Joseph,
1836-1925; Rowntree and Company, ltd.
Joseph Rowntree
(Rowntree), Robert Fitzgerald (1995).
Rowntree and the Marketing Revolution,
1862-1969. (New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press, 737 p.). Rowntree (Firm)--History;
Chocolate industry--Great Britain--History; Confectioners--Great
Britain--History; Marketing--Great Britain--History.
(Salmon), Patricia Roppel (1982).
Alaska’s Salmon Hatcheries, 1891-1959.
(Juneau, AK: Fisheries Rehabilitation, Enhancement, and
Development Division of the Alaska Dept. of Fish and
Game, 299 p.). Fish hatcheries --Alaska --History;
Pacific salmon --Alaska --History.
Patricia Roppel
Salmon from Kodiak: A History of the Salmon fFshery of
Kodiak Island, Alaska. (Anchorage, AK: Alaska
Historical Commission, 355 p.). Salmon canning industry
--Alaska --Kodiak Island --History; Salmon industry
--Alaska --Kodiak Island --History; Salmon fisheries
--Alaska --Kodiak Island --History.
(Salmon), Edited and with an Introduction by Dianne Newell
The Development of the Pacific
Salmon-Canning Industry: A Grown Man's Game.
(Montreal, QU: McGill-Queen's University Press, 303 p.). Salmon
canning industry -- British Columbia -- History.
(Salt), Garnett Laidlaw Eskew (1948).
Salt, The Fifth Element; The Story of a
Basic American Industry.
(Chicago, IL: J.G. Ferguson, 239 p.). Salt industry and
trade--United States; Salt.
(Salt), Robert P. Multhauf (1978).
Neptune's Gift: A History of Common Salt.
(Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 325 p.).
(Salt), Pierre Laszlo; translated by Mary Beth Mader (2001).
Salt: Grain of Life.
(New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 193 p.). Emeritus
Professor of Chemistry (University of LiÈge, Belgium and École
Polytechnique in Paris). Salt -- History.
(Salt), Mark Kurlansky (2002).
Salt: A World History.
(London, UK: Jonathan Cape, 484 p.). Salt; Salt--History; Salt
industry and trade--History.
(Salt), Michael Benanav (2006).
Men of Salt: Across the Sahara with the
Caravan of White Gold.
(Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 240 p.). Reporter, Travel Section
(New York Times). Caravans--Sahara;' Salt industry and
trade--Sahara; Salt mines and mining--Sahara;
Sahara--Description and travel.
40 harrowing
days with caravan through brutal Tanezrouft region of Sahara on
mission to haul back gleaming slabs of solid salt for sale at
(Samworth Brothers),
Patrick Beaver (1997).
A Taste of Tradition: The Story of the Samworth Family Business
(1896-1996). (Atlantic Highlands,
NJ: Athlone Press, 201 p.). Samworth Brothers Limited--History;
Food industry and trade--Great Britain--History--20th century;
Convenience foods--Great Britain--History--20th century;
Family-owned business enterprises--Great Britain.
(Sanders), Greg Tasker (2006).
Sanders Confectionery.
(Charleston, SC: Arcadia, 127 p.). Former Newspaper Editor and
Reporter. Sanders (Confectionery)--History--Pictorial works;
Confectionery--Michigan--Detroit--History--Pictorial works;
Detroit (Mich.)--History--Pictorial works. For more than
130 years; at peak - more than 50 stores, products available in
as many as 200 supermarkets.
(Sanitarium Health Food Company), Robert Parr
& Glyn Litster (1996). "What Hath God wrought!": The
Sanitarium Health Food Company Story. (Berkeley Vale, NSW,
Australia: Sanitarium Health Food Co., 463 p.). Sanitarium
Health Food Company--History; Natural foods
industry--Australia--History; Natural foods industry--New
Zealand--History; Seventh-Day Adventists--Australia--History;
Seventh-Day Adventists--New Zealand--History.
(Savannah Foods), Arthur Gordon (1992).
How Sweet It Is: The Story of Dixie Crystals and Savannah Foods.
(Savannah, GA: Savannah Foods & Industries, 109 p.). Savannah
Foods and Industries--History; Sugar trade--United
States--History; Sugar factories--Georgia--Savannah--History.
(J. M. Schneider Inc.), J. M. Schneider (1989).
A Legacy of Quality: J.M. Schneider Inc. A
Centennial Celebration 1890-1990.
(Kitchener, ON: J.M. Schneider Inc., 191 p.). J.M. Schneider
Inc. -- Centennial celebrations, etc.; Food industry and trade
-- Canada -- History; Meat industry and trade -- Canada --
(Seattle's Pike Place Fish Market), Cyndi Crother and the Crew
of the World Famous Pike Place Fish (2004).
Catch!: A Fishmonger's Guide to Greatness.
(San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler, 150 p.). World Famous Pike
Place Fish (Seattle, Wash.); Fish trade--Washington
(State)--Seattle; Success in business; Management--Case studies;
Success--Psychological aspects; Self-realization.
(Seattle's Pike Place Fish Market), John
Yokoyama, Joseph Michelli (2004).
When Fish Fly: Lessons for Creating a
Vital and Energized Workplace from the World Famous Pike Place
Fish Market. (New
York, NY: Hyperion, 176 p.). Owner of Pike Place Fish Market;
Psychologist, Organizational Consultant. World Famous Pike Place
Fish (Seattle, Wash.); Employee motivation; Customer services;
Success in business.
(See's Candies), Margaret Moos Pick
See's Famous Old Time Candies: A Sweet Story.
(San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books, 96 p.). Executive Producer,
Head Writer for the Riverwalk Jazz Radio Series on Public Radio
International, founding producer of A Prairie Home Companion.
See's Candies (Firm)--History; Candy industry--United
States--Case studies.
From humble beginning in Mary See's kitchen in
1890s to hearts of sweet-toothed everywhere.
(Shamrock Foods), Mervyn Kaufman (1996).
The Shamrock Way .
Legacy to Share: Treating Employees like Family and Customers
like Friends (Tempe, AZ: Arizona Historical Foundation, 270 p.).
Shamrock Foods Company; food distribution--United States.
(Shawnee Milling
Company), Jim Bradshaw, Virginia Bradshaw (8/31/2006).
A History of Shawnee Milling Company: An American Dream 100
Years, 1906-2006. (Norman, OK:
University of Oklahoma Press, 152 p.). Former Reporters (Shawnee
News-Star). Shawnee Milling Company; Flour Milling.
Development of enduring
Oklahoma institution through eyes of three generations.
Wheat Company), James A Holechek (2007).
Henry Perky: The Shredded Wheat King.
(Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 468 p.). Perky, Henry D.; Shredded
Wheat--history; Cereal products industry----History.
First authorized biography of Henry D. Perky, inventor of
Shredded Wheat, from childhood through Gilded Age, beyond.
(Slim-Fast Foods), S. Daniel Abraham with Joseph Telushkin
Everything Is Possible: Life and Business Lessons from a
Self-Made Billionaire and the Founder of Slim-Fast.
(New York, NY: Newmarket Press, 240 p.). Weight loss
preparations industry -- United States -- History; Businessmen
-- United States -- Biography; Success; Conduct of life;
Abraham, S. Daniel; Slim-Fast Foods -- History.
Selling and marketing strategies, lessons
taught by war, search for peace; put out his own newspaper as
teenager; joined family business, learned about tenacity,
achievement; sold inventions as Slim-Mint Gum, San-Cura itch
cream, Gas-Tabs; developed Slim-Fast; explored new avenues of
marketing; made use of celebrity endorsements; sold Slim-Fast to
Unilever for $2.3 billion; importance of a strong work ethic,
good family values, hard work, and honesty; importance of faith
and trust to attain goals.
(E. D. Smith),
Llewellyn S. Smith with Phyllis Cowan (1995).
The House That Jam Built.
ON: Baby Boomer Press, 264 p.). Smith family; E.D. Smith
(Firm)--History; Jam industry--Canada--History.
(J. M. Smucker), William Donohue Ellis (1987).
With a Name Like--.
(Orville, OH: J. M. Smucker Co., 161 p.). J.M. Smucker
Company--History; Jam industry--United States--History.

(Spice), Charles Corn (1998).
The Scents of Eden: A Narrative of the
Spice Trade. (New York, NY:
Kodansha International, 337 p.). Spice
trade--Indonesia--History; Maluku (Indonesia)--History.
(Spice), Giles Milton (1999).
Nathaniel's Nutmeg: Or, The True and
Incredible Adventures of the Spice Trader Who Changed the Course
of History. (New York, NY:
Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 388 p.). Courthope, Nathaniel; Coen,
Jan Pieterszoon, 1587-1629; Nederlandsche Oost-Indische
Compagnie -- History; Spice trade -- Indonesia -- Maluku --
History -- 17th century; Nutmeg industry -- Indonesia -- Maluku
-- History -- 17th century; Maluku (Indonesia) -- History;
Indonesia -- History -- 1478-1798.
(Spice), Jack Turner (2004).
Spice: The History of a Temptation.
(New York, NY: Knopf, 384 p.). Spices--History; Cookery
(Spices)--History; Spice trade--History.
(Spice), John Keay (2005).
The Spice Route: A History.
(London, UK: John Murray, 368 p.). Spices--History; Cookery
(Spices)--History; Spice trade--History.
(Staley), Dan J. Forrestal (1982).
The Kernel and the Bean: The 75-year Story
of the Staley Company. (New
York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 315 p.). A. E. Staley Manufacturing
Company--History--20th century; Corn products industry--United
States--History--20th century; Soybean industry--United
States--History--20th century.
(Staley), Steven K. Ashby and C.J. Hawking (2009).
Staley: The Fight for a New American Labor
Movement. (Urbana, IL:
University of Illinois Press, 358 p.). Associate Clinical
Professor in the Chicago Labor Education Program in the School
of Labor and Employment Relations (University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign); United Methodist pastor and the Executive
Director of the faith-based workers' rights group Chicago Arise.
International Union, Allied Industrial Workers of America. Local
837 (Decatur, Ill.); Strikes and lockouts --Agricultural
processing industries --Illinois --Decatur; Labor unions
--United States; Labor movement --United States; Working class
--United States; Decatur (Ill.) --Social conditions --20th
century. Bitterly contested labor conflict in early 1990s
at A. E. Staley corn processing plant in Decatur, IL; workers
waged one of most hard-fought struggles against multinational
conglomerate, Tate & Lyle (had acquired family-owned business),
which immediately launched a full-scale assault on union
(Standard Brands Incorporated), P. Christiaan Klieger (2004).
The Fleischmann Yeast Family.
(Charleston, SC: Arcadia, 128 p.). Senior Curator of History at
the Oakland Museum of California. Standard Brands
Incorporated--Biography; Industrialists--United
States--Biography. Family business from Civil War until
start of Depression; created food conglomerate Standard Brands;
acquired by Nabisco.
(Standard Fruit & Steamship
Co.), Thomas L. Karnes (1978). Tropical Enterprise: The
Standard Fruit and Steamship Company in Latin America.
(Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 332 p.).
Standard Fruit & Steamship Co.--History; Fruit trade--Latin
(Steel Brothers and Company), H.E.W. Braund (1975).
Calling to Mind: Being Some Account of the
First Hundred Years (1870 to 1970) of Steel Brothers and Company
(Oxford, UK: Pergamon, 151 p.). Steel Brothers and Company;
Commerce -- History; South Asia -- Commerce -- Great Britain;
Great Britain -- Commerce -- . Steel Brothers and Company
(Stilton Cheese), Trevor Hickman (2005).
The History of Stilton Cheese.
(Gloucestershire, UK: Sutton Publishing, 169 p.). Cheeses Trades
History; Stilton cheese -- History. Stilton is
certification trademark vested in Stilton Cheese Makers'
Association; cannot, by law, be manufactured anywhere else in
world except three East Midland, UK counties (Leicestershire,
Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire).
(Stonyfield Farm), Gary
Hirshberg (2008).
Stirring It Up: How to Make Money and Save
the World. (New York, NY:
Hyperion, 240 p.). Founder, President, CE-Yo of Stonyfield Farm.
Stonyfield Farm; yogurt--manufacturing;
management--environmental factors. From 7-cow start-up to
world's largest manufacturer of organic yogurt; successful $300
million/year business incorporated environmental
principles, practices; evidence that business can save planet,
simultaneously deliver higher growth, superior profits.
(Sugar), Arthur C. Alexander (1937).
Koloa Plantation, 1835-1935; A History of
the Oldest Hawaiian Sugar Plantation.
(Honolulu, HI: Printed by Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 240 p.). Koloa
Plantation, Kauai; Sugar growing --Hawaii.
(Sugar), Richard B. Sheridan (1974).
Sugar and Slavery; An Economic History of
the British West Indies, 1623-1775.
(Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 529 p.). Sugar
trade--West Indies, British; Slavery--West Indies, British; West
Indies, British--Economic conditions; West Indies,
British--Social conditions.
(Sugar), Sidney Mintz (1985).
Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in
Modern History. (New York,
NY: Penguin, 274 p.). Sugar -- Social aspects -- History; Sugar
trade -- Social aspects -- History.
(Sugar), J. H. Galloway (1989).
The Sugar Cane Industry: An Historical
Geography from its Origins to 1914.
(New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 266 p.). Sugarcane
(Sugar), Teresita Martínez-Vergne (1992).
Capitalism in Colonial Puerto Rico:
Central San Vicente in the Late Nineteenth Century.
(Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 189 p.). Central
San Vicente (Sugar factory)--History; Sugar trade--Puerto
Rico--History--19th century; Sugar factories--Puerto
Rico--History--19th century.
(Sugar), Glenn R. Conrad and Ray F. Lucas (1995).
White Gold: A Brief History of the
Louisiana Sugar Industry, 1795-1995.
(Lafayette,: Center for Louisiana Studies, University of
Southwestern Louisiana, 102 p.). Sugar
trade--Louisiana--History; Sugarcane
(Sugar), Cesar J. Ayala. (1999).
American Sugar Kingdom: The Plantation
Economy of the Spanish Caribbean, 1898-1934.
(Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 321 p.).
Sugar trade--Cuba--History--20th century; Sugar trade--Puerto
Rico--History--20th century; Sugar trade--Dominican
Republic--History--20th century; Sugar trade--United
States--History--20th century.
(Sugar), Wendy A. Woloson (2002).
Refined Tastes: Sugar, Confectionery, and
Consumers in Nineteenth-Century America.
(Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 277 p,.).
Confectionery--History; Sugar--History.
(Sugar), Michael S. Billig (2003).
Barons, Brokers, and Buyers: The
Institutions and Cultures of Philippine Sugar.
(Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press, 320 p.). Sugar
(Sugar), Edited by Stuart B. Schwartz. (2004).
Tropical Babylons: Sugar and the Making of the Atlantic World,
(Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 347 p.).
George Burton Adams Professor of History and Master of Ezra
Stiles College (Yale University). Sugar trade--Atlantic Ocean
Region--History; Plantations--Atlantic Ocean Region--History;
Slavery--Atlantic Ocean Region--History; Capitalism--Atlantic
Ocean Region--History.
(Sugar), Russell R. Menard (2006).
Sweet Negotiations: Sugar, Slavery, and Plantation Agriculture
in Early Barbados. (Charlottesville, VA: University
of Virginia Press, 181 p.). Professor of History (University of
Minnesota). Agriculture --Economic aspects --Barbados --History
--17th century; Sugar trade --Barbados --History --17th century;
Slavery --Barbados --History --17th century; Plantations
--Barbados --History --17th century.
Black slavery's emergence in Barbados (166
sq. miles) preceded rise of sugar; well on way to becoming
plantation colony, slave society before sugar emerged as
dominant crop; origins of integrated plantation, gang labor,
slave economy, agricultural productivity, organization of
commerce, character of planters who built sugar industry; major
site for development, dissemination of slave plantation system
in Americas.
(Sugar), Elizabeth Abbott (2008).
Sugar: A Bittersweet History.
(Toronto, ON, Penguin Canada 453 p.). Dean of Women (Trinity
College, University of Toronto). Sugar --History. How
it Africanized cane fields of Caribbean, how it fuelled
Industrial Revolution, jumpstarted fast-food revolution; how
powerful American interests deposed Queen Lili'uokalani of
Hawaii, how Hitler tried to ensure steady supply of beet sugar
when enemies threatened to cut off Germany's supply of overseas
cane sugar, how South Africa established domestic ethanol
industry in wake of anti-apartheid sugar embargos; how sugar
played integral role in today's fast-food revolution, made
eating on run socially acceptable.
(Sugar), Gail M. Hollander
Raising Cane in the 'Glades: The Global Sugar Trade and
the Transformation of Florida. (Chicago, IL:
University of Chicago Press, 348 p.). Assistant
Professor, Department of International Relations
(Florida International University). Sugar trade --
Florida -- Everglades; Drainage -- Florida --
Everglades; Rural development -- Florida -- Everglades;
Sugar -- Manufacture and refining -- Florida --
Everglades. Environmental
transformation of Everglades within economic, historical
geography of global sugar production and trade;
development of Florida's sugar region was outcome of
battles reaching highest political offices in U.S.,
countries around world; "sugar question" emerged
repeatedly in new guises.
(Sugar), Patricia Juarez-Dappe (2010).
When Sugar Ruled: Economy and Society in Northwestern Argentina,
Tucumán, 1876-1916. (Athens, OH: Ohio University
Press, 233 p.). Associate Professor of Latin American History
(California State University, Northridge). Sugar trade --
Argentina -- Tucumán -- History -- 19th century; Sugar trade --
Argentina -- Tucumán -- History -- 20th century; Tucumán
(Argentina) -- Economic conditions -- 19th century; Tucumán
(Argentina) -- Economic conditions -- 20th century; Tucumán
(Argentina) -- Social conditions; Tucumán (Argentina) --
Politics and government; Argentina -- Politics and government --
1860-1910; Argentina -- Politics and government -- 1910-1943.
1876-1916 - period of most dramatic sugar
expansion in Tucumán province of Argentina (export economy
dominated by coffee and sugar); catered exclusively to needs of
expanding domestic market, financed mostly by domestic capital;
expansion of sugar production did not produce massive land
dispossession; arrival of thousands of workers from neighboring
provinces transformed rural society profoundly; revenues from
sugar enabled provincial government to participate in
modernizing movement sweeping turn-of-the-century Argentina;
unique features that characterized sugar production in Tucumán,
changes experienced by province’s economy, society.
(Sugar), John Paul Rathbone (2010).
The Sugar King of Havana: The Rise and Fall of Julio Lobo,
Cuba’s Last Tycoon. (New York, NY, Penguin Press, 320
p.). Deputy Head of the "Lex" column (Financial Times). Lobo,
Julio, 1898-; Sugar trade --Cuba --History --20th century;
Businessmen --Cuba --Biography; Cuba --History --1895-.
Most powerful force in world sugar market
for decades in pre-revolutionary Cuba; degree in sugar
engineering at Louisiana State University, entered family
sugar-trading firm of Galban Lobo; 1958 - owned or controlled 11
sugar mills in Cuba, financed another 15 to 20 mills (as market
demanded); handled half 5.5 million-ton Cuban sugar crop,
financed 25% of Puerto Rican and Philippine crops (another
500,000 tons); Cuba's share of world sugar production at 14%
(down from 22% in 1925); twice cornered international sugar
market; 1960 - Fidel Castro nationalized, confiscated
properties, Julio Lobo's assets; fortune vanished overnight,
left island, never to return; economic legacy of Castro’s
revolution, loss of capital, end of Cuba’s "great age of sugar".
Julio Lobo
- Havana Sugar King
(Sugar), Lucy B. Wayne (2010).
Sweet Cane: The Architecture of the Sugar Works of East Florida.
(Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 192 p.). Vice
President/Archaeological and Architectural Historian Principal
at SouthArc Inc. Sugar plantations --East Florida --History;
Sugarcane industry --East Florida --History; Mills and mill-work
--East Florida --History; Architecture, Industrial --East
Florida --History;' Masonry --East Florida --History; Historic
buildings --East Florida; Historic sites --East Florida;
Industrial archaeology --East Florida; East Florida --History,
Local; East Florida --Antiquities. Late 18th century
to early 1836
- heart of Florida sugar industry concentrated in East Florida,
between St. Johns River, Atlantic Ocean; 1830s - 22 sugar
plantations dotted coastline; January 1836 - Native Americans
attacked in Second Seminole War, intended to rid Florida
frontier of settlers; devastated sugar industry;
competition from Louisiana, Caribbean blocked resurgence of
sugar production for area.
(Sunkist Growers Inc.), William Wilson Cumberland (1917).
Cooperative Marketing, Its Advantages as
Exemplified in the California Fruit Growers Exchange.
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 226 p.). Assistant
Professor of Economics (University of Minnesota). Fruit trade
--California; Fruit --Marketing; Agriculture, Cooperative
--California; California fruit growers exchange.
(Sunkist Growers Inc.), Irwin
Walter Rust (1960). Sunkist Growers, Inc: A California
Adventure in Agricultural Cooperation. (Washington, DC:
Farmer Cooperative Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 120 p.).
Sunkist Growers, Inc.
(Sunkist Growers Inc.), C. H. Kirkman, Jr. (1975).
The Sunkist Adventure.
(Washington, DC: Farmer Cooperative Service, U.S. Dept. of
Agriculture, 108 p.). Sunkist Growers, Inc.; Citrus
fruits--Cooperative marketing--United States--Societies, etc.;
Fruit trade--United States.
(Sunkist Growers Inc.), Willard F. Mueller, Peter G. Helmberger,
Thomas W. Paterson (1987).
The Sunkist Case: A Study in
Legal-Economic Analysis.
(Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 271 p.). Sunkist Growers, Inc.;
Citrus fruit industry--Law and legislation--United States;
Antitrust law--United States; Monopolies--United States; Citrus
fruit industry--United States.
(Sunkist Growers Inc.), Ed. Claire H. Peters (1993).
Heritage of Gold: The First 100 Years of
Sunkist Growers, Inc., 1893-1993.
(Sherman Oaks, CA: Sunkist Growers, 196 p.). Sunkist Growers,
(C. A. Swanson & Sons), Robert G. Phipps (1977).
The Swanson Story: When the Chicken Flew
the Coop.
(Omaha, NE: Carl and Caroline Swanson Foundation, 100 p.).
Swanson, C. A. (Carl Anton), 1879-1949; C.A. Swanson & Sons;
Businesspeople--United States--Biography.
(Tasty Baking), Joel R. Gardner (1990).
Seventy-Five Years of Good Taste: A
History of the Tasty Baking Company, 1914-1989.
(Philadelphia, PA: The Company, 160 p.). Tasty Baking
(Tate & Lyle), Anthony Hugill (1978).
Sugar and All That: A History of Tate &
Lyle. (London, UK: Gentry
Books, 320 p.). Tate & Lyle, ltd.; Sugar trade--Great
Henry Tate - Tate & Lyle
Abram Lyle
- Tate & Lyle
(Tate & Lyle), Philippe Chalmin, translated from the French by
Erica E. Long-Michalke (1990).
The Making of a Sugar Giant: Tate and Lyle,
1859-1989. (New York, NY:
Harwood Academic Publishers, 782 p.). Tate & Lyle,
ltd.--History; Sugar trade--Great Britain--History; Sugar
Peter Thornton (2009).
Thorntons: My Life in the Family
(Sheffield, UK, Tomahawk Press, 391 p.). Ex-Chairman (one of
Britain's largest confectionary companies; 35 years in the
family business). Thornton's; confectionary
industry--history; Families --Psychological aspects; family
businesses. Thornton family, its
confectionery business - one of Britain's premier brands
built by family frequently at war: battles of generations,
sibling rivalry; 1956-1987 (dismissed from company as result
of family politics, jealousies, not performance);
destructive and dysfunctional personal relationships,
conflict and emotional difficulties; horrible price of
success and money - even at one of Britain's best-known
(Tiger Oats Limited), Rudy Frankel (1988).
Tiger Tapestry.
(Cape Town, South Africa: C. Struik Publishers, 432 p.). Tiger
Oats Limited--History; Produce trade--South Africa--History;
Food industry and trade--South Africa--History.
(Tyson Foods - incorporated in 1947), Marvin Schwartz (1991).
Tyson: From Farm to Market.
(Fayetteville, AR: University of Arkansas Press, 158 p.). Tyson
(Firm)--History; Meat industry and trade--United
(United Biscuits - formed in 1948 by merger of
McVitie & Price and McFarlane Lang),
James S. Adam (1974).
A Fell Fine Baker: The Story of United
Biscuits: A Jubilee Account of
the Men and the Companies Who Pioneered One of Britain's Most
Celebrated Industries. (London,
UK: Privately published by Hutchinson, 164 p.). United
(United Biscuits), Edited by James S. Adam; foreword by Lord
Laing of Dunphail (1992).
The Business Diaries of Sir Alexander Grant.
(Edinburgh, Scotland: Donald, 134 p.). Grant, Alexander, Sir,
1864-1937 --Diaries; United Biscuits--History;
Businesspeople--Scotland--Diaries; Biscuit industry--Great
(United Fruit), Frederick Upham Adams (1914).
Conquest of the Tropics; The Story of the
Creative Enterprises Conducted by the United Fruit Company.
(Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page & Company, 368 p.). United
Fruit Company; Fruit trade; Banana; Tropics.
Captain Lorenzo Dow Baker
-United Fruit
Andrew Preston
- United Fruit (http://chiquitafruitbites.com/chiquita/discover/images/oshist1870b.jpg)
(United Fruit), Stacy May and Galo Plaza (1958).
The United Fruit Company in Latin America.
(Washington, DC: National Planning Association, 263 p.). United
Fruit Company; Bananas.
(United Fruit), Stewart Watt Stewart (1964).
Keith and Costa Rica; A Biographical Study
of Minor Cooper Keith.
(Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 210 p.).
Keith, Minor C. (Minor Cooper), 1848-1929; Industries--Costa
(United Fruit), Charles David Kepner, Jr. and
Jay Henry Soothill (1967). The Banana Empire; A Case Study of
Economic Imperialism. (New York, NY: Russell & Russell, 392
p. [orig. pub. 1935]). United Fruit Company; Banana
trade--Central America; Banana trade--Caribbean Area.
(United Fruit), Charles Morrow Wilson (1968).
Empire in Green and Gold; The Story of the
American Banana Trade. (New
York, NY: Greenwood Press, 303 p. [orig. pub. 1947]). United
Fruit Company; Banana trade.
(United Fruit), Thomas P. McCann ; edited by Henry Scammell
An American Company: The Tragedy of United
Fruit. (New York, NY: Crown,
244 p.). Former Head of PR (United Fruit). United Fruit Company;
Central America--History--1951-1979.
(United Fruit), Thomas McCann; edited by Henry Scammell; with a
preface by Stephen Schlesinger. (1987).
On the Inside: A Story of Intrigue and
Adventure, on Wall Street, in Washington, and in the Jungles of
Central America. (Boston,
MA: Quinlan Press, 241 p.). United Fruit Company; Central
(United Fruit), Paul J. Dosal (1993).
Doing Business with the Dictators: A
Political History of United Fruit in Guatemala, 1899-1944.
( Wilmington, DE: SR Books, 256 p.). United Fruit
Company--Guatemala--History; Banana trade--Guatemala--History;
Banana trade--Guatemala--Political activity; Guatemala--Politics
and government--1821-1945.
(United Fruit), Diane K.
Stanley (1994).
For the Record: The United Fruit Company's Sixty-Six Years in
Guatemala. (Guatemala: Centro Impresor Piedra Santa, 353
p.). United Fruit Company--History; Banana
trade--Guatemala--History--20th century.
(United Fruit), Aviva Chomsky (1996).
West Indian Workers and the United Fruit
Company in Costa Rica, 1870-1940.
(Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 302 p.).
United Fruit Company--History; Alien labor, West Indian--Costa
Rica--History; Agricultural laborers--Costa Rica--History;
Banana trade--Costa Rica--History.
(United Fruit), Stephen Schlesinger and Stephen Kinzer (1999).
Bitter Fruit: The Story of the American
Coup in Guatemala. (Boston,
MA: Harvard University, David Rockefeller Center for Latin
American Studies, 331 p. [expanded ed.]). United Fruit Company;
Guatemala--History--Revolution, 1954; Guatemala--Foreign
relations--United States; United States--Foreign
(United Fruit), Steve Striffler (2002).
In the Shadows of State and Capital: The
United Fruit Company, Popular Struggle, and Agrarian
Restructuring in Ecuador, 1900-1995.
(Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 242 p.). United Fruit
Company--History; Banana trade--Employees--Ecuador--Pacific
Coast--Political activity--History--20th century;
Peasantry--Ecuador--Political activity--History--20th century;
Land reform--Ecuador--History--20th century;
Capitalism--Ecuador--History--20th century; Ecuador--Politics
and government--20th century.
(United Fruit), J. Gary Taylor and Patricia J. Scharlin (2004).
Smart Alliance: How a Global Corporation
and Environmental Activists Transformed a Tarnished Brand.
(New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 278 p.). Chiquita Brands
International; Rainforest Alliance; Banana trade--Environmental
(United Fruit), Marcelo Bucheli (2005).
Bananas and Business: The United Fruit
Company in Colombia, 1899-2000.
(New York, NY: New York University Press, 241 p.). United Fruit
Company--History; Banana trade--Colombia--Magdalena
(Dept.)--History--20th century; Banana trade--Colombia--Urabá,
Gulf of, Region--History--20th century.
(United Fruit), Peter Chapman (2007).
Jungle Capitalists: A Story of Globalisation, Greed and
Revolution: United Fruit and the Invention of Twentieth-Century
Greed. (London, UK: Canongate Books
Ltd., 220 p.). Former Correspondent for Latin American
Newsletters, Guardian and the BBC in Central America and Mexico.
United Fruit Company--History; Banana trade--History; United
States--Foreign relations. Big business, lies, power - how one
company pioneered growth of globalization; set precedent for
institutionalized greed of multinational companies.
(Utah-Idaho Sugar Company), Fred G. Taylor (1944).
A Saga of Sugar: Being a Story of the
Romance and Development of Beet Sugar in the Rocky Mountain West.
(Salt Lake City, UT: The Company, 234 p.). Utah-Idaho Sugar
Company; Beet sugar--West (U.S.); Beet sugar industry--West
(U.S.). Primarily a history of the growth of the Utah-Idaho
sugar company.
(Utah-Idaho Sugar Company), Leonard J. Arrington (1966).
Beet Sugar in the West; A History of the
Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, 1891-1966.
(Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 234 p.).
Utah-Idaho Sugar Company; Beet sugar industry--West (U.S.).
(Valley Dairy), General Editor, Richard David Wissolik (2004).
Ice Cream Joe: The Valley Dairy Story and
America’s Love Affair with Ice Cream.
(Latrobe, PA: Publications of the Saint Vincent College Center
for Northern Appalachian Studies, 195 p.). Valley
Dairy--History; Ice cream parlors--Pennsylvania--History.
(Wakefield Seafoods), Mansel G. Blackford
Pioneering a Modern Small Business: Wakefield Seafoods and the
Alaskan Frontier. (Greenwich, CT:
Jai Press, 210 p.). Wakefield Seafoods (Firm)--History;
Fisheries--Alaska--History; Industries--Alaska--History.
(George Weston Limited), Charles Davies (1987).
Bread Men: How the Westons Built an International Empire.
(Toronto, ON: Key Porter Books, 211 p.). George Weston Limited
-- History; Food industry and trade -- Canada -- History;
Grocery trade -- Canada -- History; International business
enterprises -- Canada -- History.
(Wrigley), William Zimmerman, Jr. (1935).
William Wrigley, Jr., The Man and His Business,
1861-1932. (Chicago, IL: R. R. Donnelley & sons
company at the Lakeside press, 292 p.). Wrigley,
William, 1861-1932; Chewing gum.
William Wrigley, Jr.
(Wrigley), Paul M. Angle
Philip K. Wrigley: A Memoir of a Modest Man. (Chicago,
IL: Rand McNally, 192 p.). Wrigley, Philip K. (Philip Knight),
Ken Albala (2007).
Beans: A History.
(New York, NY: Berg, 261 p.). Professor of History
(University of the Pacific). Legumes--History;
One of earliest foodstuffs; origins, cultivation
of many varieties of peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas;
often associated with flatulence, poverty; source
of controversy - seat of the soul (Pythagoras) to seed
of sin (St. Jerome forbade nuns to eat beans because
they "tickle the genitals").
Oscar Edward Anderson (1972). Refrigeration
in America; A History of a New Technology and Its Impact.
(Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 344 p. [orig. pub. 1953]).
Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery--History.
Maria Balinska (2008).
The Bagel: The Surprising History of a Modest Bread.
(New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 288 p.). Editor
of BBC Radio's World Current Affairs Department. Bagels
--History; Jews, East European.
Journey from tables of
17th-century Poland to freezers of middle America;
surprising connections between cheap market-day snack,
centuries of Polish, Jewish, American history;
unassuming ring-shaped roll world has taken to its
Fran Beauman (2005).
The Pineapple: The King of Fruits.
(Londin, UK: Chatto & Windus, 512 p.). Pineapple
Warren Belasco and
Roger Horowitz (2008).
Food Chains: From Farmyard to Shopping Cart.
(Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 320 p.).
Professor of American studies (The University of Maryland,
Baltimore County), Associate Director of the Center for the
History of Business, Technology, and Society (Hagley Museum and
Library in Wilmington, DE). Food industry and trade; Food
supply; Food consumption; Food --Marketing; Consumers'
Historical underpinnings, institutional
arrangements that compose modern food-provisioning system,
network that connects farms and fields to supermarkets, dining
Theodore C. Bestor (2004).
Tsukiji: The Fish Market at the Center of the World.
(Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 411 p.).
Professor of Anthropology and Japanese Studies (Harvard
University); Past President of the American Anthropological
Association's East Asian Studies Section and the Society for
Urban Anthropology. T¯oky¯o-to Ch¯u¯o Oroshiuri Shij¯o History;
Markets Japan Tokyo History; Seafood industry Japan Tokyo
History; Tokyo (Japan) Social life and customs.
Holly Bishop (2005).
Robbing the Bees: A Biography of Honey, the Sweet Liquid Gold
That Seduced the World. (New York, NY: Free Press, 336
p.). Beekeeper; Former Literary Agent. Honey.
Scott Bruce and Bill Crawford (1995).
Cerealizing America: The Unsweetened Story of American Breakfast
Cereal. (Boston, MA: Faber&Faber, 312 p.). Cereal
products industry -- United States -- History.
Dirk Burhans
(2008). Crunch!:
A History of the Great American Potato Chip.
(Madison, WI: Terrace Books, 203 p.). Potato chips --
United States -- History; Potato chip industry -- United
States -- History. Crispy, salty treat, from
early sales of locally made chips at corner groceries,
county fairs, cafes to mass marketing, corporate
consolidation of modern snack food industry; dark side
of potato chip history.
K. Mack
Campbell (2004).
Cannery Village: Company Town.
(Bloomington, IN, Trafford Publishing, 348 p.). Former Employee
of Canadian Fishing Co., Ltd.; Former President of the Fisheries
Council of Canada. Canneries -- salmon -- Canada -- history. Upcoast
BC salmon canneries from 1870 to 1980, isolated communities that
supported them, now-vanished way of life in distinct frontier
Gerald Carson (1976).
Cornflake Crusade.
(New York, NY: Arno Press, 305 p. [orig. pub. 1957]). : Food
habits--United States--History; Food industry and trade--United
States--History; Cereals, Prepared--History.
Andrew Chetley (1986).
The Politics of Baby Foods: Successful
Challenges to an International Marketing Strategy.
(New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 189 p.). Baby Foods Industry,
Dried Milk Industry.
John M. Connor and William A. Schiek (1997).
Food Processing: An Industrial Powerhouse
in Transition. (New York,
NY: Wiley, 666 p. [2nd ed.]). Food industry and trade--United
States; Food industry and trade; Big business--United states;
Big business.
John M. Connor...[et al.] (1985).
The Food Manufacturing Industries:
Structure, Strategies, Performance, and Policies.
(Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 474 p.). Food industry and
trade--United States.
William Joseph Convery, III (2000).
Pride of the Rockies: The Life of Colorado's Premiere Irish
Patron, John Kernan Mullen.
(Boulder, CO: University Press of Colorado, 287 p.). Mullen,
John Kernan, 1847-1929; Irish
Philanthropists--Colorado--Denver--Biography; Denver
(Colo.)--Biography; Denver (Colo.)--Social conditions--19th
Ed. Ann M. Early (1993).
Caddoan Saltmakers in the Ouachita Valley: The Hardman Site.
(Fayetteville, AR: Arkansas Archeological Survey, 247 p.).
Caddoan Indians--Industries; Salt industry and trade--Ouachita
River Valley (Ark. and La.); Caddoan Indians--Funeral customs
and rites; Caddoan Indians--Antiquities; Hardman Site (Ark.);
Ouachita River Valley (Ark. and La.)--Antiquities.
Paul Eck (1990).
The American Cranberry.
(New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 420 p.).
Cranberries; Cranberries--United States.
Richard Ellis (2008).
Tuna: A Love Story.
(New York, NY: Knopf, 352 p.). Bluefin tuna; Bluefin tuna
fisheries; Endangered species.
Tuna's history as item of catch (once scorned,
ground up for oil, cat food), history of recreational,
commercial tuna fishing; target of insatiable sushi market;
canning process; "tuna ranches" (once on brink of bankruptcy,
now multimillion-dollar enterprises); bluefin populations
Ruth Formanek (2009).
Fish Factories: Ruins of an American Industry. (New
York, NY: Pogonia Books, 96 p.). Professor Emerita of
Developmental Psychology (Hofstra University). Fishing
industry--history; competition -- consequences.
History, eventual demise over 150 years of major
menhaden fishing-and-processing industry on east coast; effects
of overfishing on coastal communities.
Susanne Freidberg (2009).
Fresh: A Perishable History.
(Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 416 p.). Associate Professor of
Geography (Dartmouth College). Food --Quality; Food handling;'
Food --Labeling; Perishable goods.
Nature, cost of hunger for freshness;
roots of paradoxical hunger in rise of mass consumption;
aggressive marketing, advances in technology, new ideas about
health, hygiene overcame consumers' distrust of cold storage;
what six common foods from refrigerator say about notions of
Anne Cooper Funderburg (1995).
Chocolate, Strawberry, and Vanilla: A
History of American Ice Cream.
(Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular
Press, 211 p.). Ice cream, ices, etc.--United States--History;
Frozen desserts--United States--History.
Anne Cooper Funderburg (2002).
Sundae Best: A History of Soda Fountains.
(Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular
Press, 232 p.). Soda fountains--United States--History.
Barbara J. Garrity-Blake (1994).
The Fish Factory: Work and Meaning for
Black and White Fishermen of the American Menhaden Industry.
(Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 160 p.).
Fishers--Southern States--History; Menhaden fisheries--Southern
States--Employees--History; Fishery processing
industries--Southern States--Employees--History; Southern
States--Race relations.
George G. Gibson (1989).
W. H. Ferguson: Early Nebraska Entrepreneur. (New York,
NY: Garland, 332 p.). Ferguson, William Henry, 1856-1937;
Businesspeople--Nebraska--Biography; Nebraska--Biography; Grain
Adam Gollner (2008).
The Fruit Hunters: A Story of Nature,
Obsession, Commerce, and Adventure.
(New York, NY: Scribner, 288 p.). Fruit; Tropical fruit; Fruit
culture; Fruit trade. Travel, horticultural obsession,
business; fruits we eat, why we eat them (scientific, economic,
aesthetic reasons); life of mass-produced fruits (how created,
grown, marketed); underworld of fruits that are inaccessible,
ignored, even forbidden in the Western world; colorful
characters who go to extraordinary lengths to obtain it
(sometimes criminally), cultivate it, protect it, profit from
Paul Greenberg (2010).
Four Fish: The Future of the Last Wild Food. (New
York, NY, Penguin Press, 304 p.). Seafood Writer (New York
Times). Salmon --Cultural control; Sea basses --Cultural
control; Codfish --Cultural control; Tuna --Cultural control;
Fish culture; Fishery management. Fish that
dominate menus (salmon, sea bass, cod, tuna); last truly wild
food - for now;
forces that get fish to dinner tables; how to heal oceans, fight
for world where healthy, sustainable seafood is rule rather than
exception; global fisheries; historical relationship with wild
fish dominate modern seafood market; fish farmers likely to: 1)
ignore practical criteria for domestication, 2) pick
traditionally eaten wild-caught species like sea bass
as wild fisheries overexploited; ocean life
essential to feeding growing human population; need fish that
can "stand up to industrial-sized husbandry", maintain
functioning wild food systems.
Ben Hewitt (2010).
The Town that Food Saved: How One Community
Found Vitality in Local Food.
(Emmaus, PA : Rodale, 234 p.). Food supply --Social aspects
--Vermont --Hardwick; Food industry and trade --Vermont
--Hardwick; Sustainable agriculture --Vermont --Hardwick;
Entrepreneurship --Vermont --Hardwick; Hardwick (Vt.) --Economic
conditions --21st century. Small town came back to life;
Hardwick, VT, hardscrabble farming community of 3,000 residents,
jump-started its economy, redefined self-image through local,
self-sustaining food system; stunning number of food-based
businesses grew in region (Vermont Soy, Jasper Hill Farm, Pete's
Greens, Patchwork Farm & Bakery, Apple Cheek Farm, Claire's
Restaurant and Bar, Bonnieview Farm); mostly young entrepreneurs
created network of community support; fast becoming model for
other communities to replicate its success.
Roger Horowitz (2005).
Putting Meat on the American Table: Taste,
Technology, Transformation.
(Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 170 p.).
Associate Director of the Center for the History of Business,
Technology, and Society (Hagley Museum and Library, Greenville,
Delaware). Meat industry and trade--United States--History.
How America became meat-eating
Susan Issenberg (2007).
The Sushi Economy: Globalization and the
Making of a Modern Delicacy.
(New York, NY: Gotham, 320 p.). Former Contributing Editor
(George). Cookery (Fish); Sushi.
Sushi’s journey from Japanese street snack to global
delicacy; complex economics of fish trade.
Virginia S. Jenkins (2000).
Bananas: An American History.
(Washington, DC: Smithsonian Press, 210 p.). Banana
trade--United States--History; Bananas--Social aspects--United
Robert E. Jones (1948).
Industry Builder; The Biography of Chester
Earl Gray. (Palo Alto, CA:
Pacific Books, 233 p.). Gray, Chester Earl, 1881-1944; Dried
Steven Laurence Kaplan (1984).
Provisioning Paris: Merchants and Millers
in the Grain and Flour Trade During the Eighteenth Century.
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 666 p.). Goldwin Smith
Professor of European History (Cornell University). Grain
trade--France--Paris Region--History--18th century; Flour and
feed trade--France--Paris Region--History--18th century; Food
supply--France--Paris Region--History--18th century;
Millers--France--Paris Region--History--18th century; Bakers and
bakeries--France--Paris Region--History--18th century;
Merchants--France--Paris Region--History--18th century.
--- (1996).
The Bakers of Paris and the Bread Question,
1700-1775. (Durham, NC: Duke
University Press, 761 p.). Goldwin Smith Professor of European
History (Cornell University). Bread industry--France--Paris
Region--History--18th century; Bakers and
bakeries--France--Paris Region--History--18th century; Food
supply--France--Paris Region--History--18th century;
Bread--Prices--France--Paris Region--History--18th century.
Production, distribution of France’s most important
commodity in sprawling urban center of eighteenth-century Paris.
Nahum Karlinsky (2005).
California Dreaming: Ideology, Society, and
Technology in the Citrus industry of Palestine, 1890-1939.
(Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 270 p.). Citrus
fruit industry--Palestine--History; Fruit
trade--Palestine--History; Entrepreneurship--Palestine--History.
G. Bruce Knecht (2006).
Hooked: Pirates, Poaching and the Perfect
(Emmaus, PA: Rodale, 328 p.). Writer for The Wall Street
Journal. Law enforcement--Antarctic Ocean--Case studies;
Patagonian toothfish industry--Corrupt practices--Case studies;
Poaching--Antarctic Ocean--Case studies; Patagonian toothfish--Conservation--International
Chilean sea bass, seafood piracy in South
Indian Ocean in 2003 - one of longest pursuits in maritime
Dan Koeppel (2007).
Banana: The Fate of the Fruit that Changed
the World. (New York, NY:
Hudson Street Press, 304). Bananas.
Biblical roots, history of exploitative "banana
republics", fruit's present; tale of iconic American business
enterprise, look into banana subculture; high-tech labs where
new bananas are built in test tubes in race to save world’s most
beloved fruit.
Bruce Kraig (2009).
Hot Dog: A Global History. (London, UK:
Reaktion Books, 128 p.). Professor Emeritus in History
and Humanities (Roosevelt University), Founding
President of the Culinary Historians of Chicago.
Frankfurters; Cookery --Frankfurters.
Popular "tube steak" from origin of sausage, 20,000
years ago, to central place in American culture; many
brands, regional variations; international sausages,
apocryphal tales of hotdog in history.
John Langdon (2004).
Mills in the Medieval Economy: England,
1300-1540. (New York, NY:
Oxford University Press, 369 p.). Professor of British Medieval
History in the Department of History and Classics (University of
Alberta). Food industry and trade--England--History--To 1500;
Mills and mill-work--England--History--To 1500;
England--Economic conditions--1066-1485; England--Economic
conditions--16th century.
Late medieval English milling industry - one of most
important technical achievements of early societies:
exploitation of wind, water, muscle power to increase human
Lester D. Langley (1985).
The Banana Wars: United States Intervention
in the Caribbean, 1898-1934.
(Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 255 p. [rev.
ed.]). Caribbean Area--Foreign relations--United States; United
States--Foreign relations--Caribbean Area; Caribbean
Area--Military relations--United States; United States--Military
relations--Caribbean Area; Caribbean Area--History--1810-1945;
United States--Foreign relations--20th century.
Lester D. Langley, Thomas Schoonover (1995).
The Banana Men: American Mercenaries and
Entrepreneurs in Central America, 1880-1930.
(Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky, 219 p.).
Americans--Central America--History; Central
America--Relations--United States; United
States--Relations--Central America; Central
America--Civilization--American influences.
Pierre Laszlo (2007).
Citrus: A History.
(Chicago, IL: University Of Chicago Press, 239 p.). Emeritus
Professor of Chemistry (University of Liege, Belgium and École
Polytechnique in Paris). Citrus trade--History; Citrus--Social
Nearly 100 million tons of citrus
produced globally every year; Florida citriculture - $9 billion
industry; spectacular rise, spread of citrus across globe.
Jim Lichatowich (1999).
Salmon Without Rivers: A History of the Pacific Salmon Crisis.
(Washington, DC: Island Press, 317 p.). Pacific salmon
--Northwest, Pacific --History; Fishery conservation
--Northwest, Pacific --History. 1) 1818 -
Fur Trapper Period - first exploitation of Pacific
salmon runs; 2) mid-1800s - second wave; 1870 - many salmon runs
decimated by over harvesting, habitat destruction.
Madatally Manji (1995).
Memoirs of a Biscuit Baron.
(Nairobi, Kenya: Kenway Publications, 174 p.). Manji, Madatally,
1918- ; Businesspeople--Kenya--Biography; Biscuit
industry--Kenya--History; Cookie industry--Kenya--History.
Jennifer P. Mathews; with Gillian P. Schultz (2009).
Chicle: The Chewing Gum of the Americas, From the
Ancient Maya to William Wrigley. (Tucson, AZ:
University of Arizona Press, 142 p.). Professor of
Anthropology (Trinity University, San Antonio, TX);
Botanist. Sapodilla; Chewing gum --Central America
--History; Chewing gum --Mexico --History; Chewing gum
--United States --History; Chewing gum --Social
aspects--America --History; Chewing gum industry
--America --History; Chicle --Industrial applications
Chicle, chewing gum industry over last hundred years,
tale of greed, growth, collapse; sapodilla tree, hardy
plant native only to Mesoamerica, Caribbean (Maya,
Aztecs earliest-known adherents); plight of chicleros,
"extractors" (often work by themselves tapping trees
deep in forests); how they emerged as icons of local pop
Daniel J. Meissner (2005).
Chinese Capitalists versus the American
Flour Industry, 1890-1910: Profit and Patriotism in
International Trade.
(Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 269 p.). Flour
industry--China--History; International business
enterprises--China--History; Business
enterprises--China--History; China--Commerce--United States;
United States--Commerce--China.
Battle for control of China’s urban flour
market, dynamics of commercial conflict.
Ronald D. Michman and Edward M. Mazze (1998).
The Food Industry Wars: Marketing Triumphs
and Blunders. (Westport, CT:
Quorum, 263 p.). Food industry and trade--United States;
Food--Marketing. Contents: Food marketing and distribution --
The fast-food industry -- The ice cream industry -- The soup
industry -- The breakfast cereal industry -- The baby food
industry -- The ethnic food industry -- The snack food industry
-- The candy industry -- The soft-drink industry.
Sidney W. Mintz (1974).
Worker in the Cane; A Puerto Rican Life
History. (Westport, CT:
Greenwood Press, 288 p. [orig. pub. 1960]). Sugar
workers--Puerto Rico; Puerto Rico--Rural conditions.
Sarah Murray (2007).
Moveable Feasts: From Ancient Rome to the
21st Century, the Incredible Journeys of the Food We Eat.
(New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 272 p.). Financial Times
contributor. Food--Transportation--History; Food industry and
trade--History; Produce trade--History; Food supply--History.
Food transportation (banana export business of Central
America to creation of barrel which revolutionized
transcontinental trading, contributed new dimension to art of
winemaking); extraordinary odysseys of food from farm to fork;
how journeys of food have brought about seismic shifts in
economics, politics, even art.
Marion Nestle (2002).
Food Politics: How the Food Industry
Influences Nutrition and Health.
(Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 457 p.). Director
Department of Nutrition and Food Studies (NYU). Nutrition
policy--United States; Food--Marketing--Moral and ethical
aspects--United States; Food industry and trade--United States.
Edited and with an Introduction by Dianne Newell (1989).
The Development of the Pacific
Salmon-Canning Industry: A Grown Man's Game.
(Montreal, QU: McGill-Queen's University Press,, 303 p.). Salmon
canning industry -- British Columbia -- History.
Matteo Giuseppe Oliveri; translated and edited by Edgar Moutoux
Autobiography of a Barefoot Businessman:
The Story of a Real Godfather.
(Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 120 p.). Oliveri, Matteo
Giuseppe; Olive oil industry--Italy;
Josh Ozersky (2008).
The Hamburger: A History.
(New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 147 p.). Food
Editor/Online for New York Magazine. Hamburgers --History.
Hamburger as American icon, entwined with American business,
culture; important role in America’s transformation into mobile,
suburban culture.
Kent Ian Paterson (2000).
The Hot Empire of Chile.
(Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe, 220 p.). Hot
pepper industry; Hot pepper industry--New Mexico.
Steve Penfold (2008).
The Donut: A Canadian History.
(Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 256 p.). Assistant
Professor in the Department of History (University of Toronto).
How deep-fried confectionary became mass commodity,
edible symbol of Canadianness.
Marilyn Powell (2006).
Ice Cream: A History.
(Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 256 p.). Ice cream, ices,
etc.--History. From ice harvesting in ancient China to
birthday celebrations in age of Louis XIV to ice cream cones
painted by Warho.
Andy Grace Pundyk (2010).
The Honey Trail: In Pursuit of Liquid Gold and Vanishing
Bees. (New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 352
p.). Honey; Bee culture; Honeybee --Effect of human
beings on; Honey trade.
How globalization, terrorism, deforestation, global food
trade, climate change affect honey and bees; across
Yemeni deserts, Borneo jungles, through Mississippi
Delta, Tasmania's rainforests, over frozen Siberian
snowscapes, ancient Turkish villages in search of liquid
gold (honey).
Jeri Quinzio (2009).
Of Sugar and Snow: A History of Ice Cream Making.
(Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 304 p.).
Ice cream, ices, etc. --History.
16th-century Europeans discovered freezing effects of
mixing ice with salt, applied it first to wine;
technique caught on, spread across continent; 17th
century - recipes for "icy creams" appeared in England;
Americans took to ice cream; invention of mechanical
refrigeration made treat available to everyone at any
time; modern evolution from junket tablets for home
icebox through vast array of flavors offered by
industrial ice-cream production.
Michael Redclift (2004).
Chewing Gum: The Fortunes of Taste.
(New York, NY: Routledge, 197 p.). Professor of Geography
(King's College, London). Chewing gum--History.
Douglas Cazaux Sackman (2005).
Orange Empire: California and the Fruits of
Eden. (Berkeley, CA:
University of California Press, 386 p.). Assistant Professor of
History (University of Puget Sound). Orange
industry--California--History; California--History;
California--Economic conditions; California--Environmental
conditions. 1870s - growers, scientists, workers
transformed natural and social landscape of California into
factory for production of millions of oranges; put up billboards
across nation, placed enticing pictures into nearly every
American's home; convinced Americans that oranges were pure
nature and health; tables turned during Great Depression -
symbol of what was wrong with America's relationship to nature.
Richard Schweid (1999).
Hot Peppers: The Story of Cajuns and
Capsicum. (Chapel Hill, NC:
University of North Carolina Press, 171 p. (rev. ed.)). Hot
peppers; Hot pepper sauce industry--Louisiana; Cajuns; New
Iberia (LA).
Sue Shephard (2000).
Pickled, Potted, and Canned: How the Art
and Science of Food Preserving Changed the World.
(New York, NY: Simon & Schuster, 366 p.). Canning and
preserving--History; Food--Preservation--History.
Mimi Sheraton (2000).
The Bialy Eaters: The Story of a
Bread and a Lost World.
(New York, NY: Broadway Books, 160 p.). Former New York
Times critic. Bread; Cookery (Bread).
Worldwide search for Bialystok, Polish town's
lost world, daily Jewish bread that sustained it, people
who invented this marvelous bread; lost world through
bakers' most beloved, humble, offering; astonishing
endurance of simplest traditions.
Andrew F. Smith (2006).
The Turkey: An American Story.
(Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press. Professor of
Culinary History (New School in New York). (New School
in Manhattan). Turkeys--United States--History; Cookery
(Turkey). Cultural symbol, multi-billion dollar
industry; as American as bald eagle.
Andrew F. Smith (2008).
Hamburger: A Global History.
(London, UK: Reaktion Books, 128 p.). Professor of Culinary
History (New School in New York). Hamburgers --History.
From humble beginnings as 19th-century street food sold by
American vendors, to menus of diners and restaurants; 1921 -
came into its own with opening of first hamburger chain, White
Castle; changed American life, propelled rise of fast food over
home-cooked meals in Americans’ eating habits; rich symbol in
paintings, television, movies; darker nutritional, economic,
cultural conflicts.
John Soluri (2005).
Banana Cultures: Agriculture, Consumption,
and Environmental Change in Honduras and the United States.
(Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 321 p.). Associate
Professor of History (Carnegie Mellon University). Banana
trade--Honduras; Banana trade--Social aspects--Honduras; Banana
trade--Environmental aspects--Honduras; Banana trade--United
States; Banana trade--Social aspects--United States.
Century of banana production, consumption - how rise in
U. S. banana consumption affected banana-growing regions of
Central America.
Steven Stoll (1998).
The Fruits of Natural Advantage: Making the
Industrial Countryside in California.
(Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 273 p.).
Assistant Professor of History (Yale University). Fruit trade --
California; Fruit -- California -- Marketing; Horticulture --
California; Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- California.
How class of capitalist farmers made California nation's leading
producer of fruit, created first industrial countryside in
America; California from 1880 to 1930 - origins, evolution,
implications of fruit industry; window through which to view
entire history of California.
Steve Striffler (2005).
Chicken: The Dangerous Transformation of
America's Favorite Food.
(New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 208 p.). Associate
Professor of Anthropology (University of Arkansas). McDonald's
Corporation; Chicken industry--United States--History; Poultry
plants--United States--History. Process of bringing
chicken to dinner tables is unhealthy - from farmer to factory
worker to consumer.
Edited by J. H. van Stuyvenberg (1969).
Margarine: An Economic, Social and
Scientific History, 1869-1969.
(Liverpool, UK: Liverpool U.P., 342 p.). Margarine--History.
Jennifer Parker Talwar (2002).
Fast Food, Fast Track: Immigrants, Big
Business, and the American Dream.
(Cambridge, MA: Westview Press, 230 p.). Sociologist (Penn
State). Fast food restaurants--United States--Employees; Alien
labor--United States; Immigrants--United States--Economic
Jeffrey Tennyson (1993).
Hamburger Heaven: The Illustrated History
of the Hamburger.
(New York, NY: Hyperion, 128 p.). Hamburgers--History;
Hamburgers--Collectibles; Fast food restaurants--United
Elisabeth Townsend (2011).
Lobster: A Global History. (London, UK: Reaktion
Books 144 p.). Writes about Food, Travel and Wine. Lobster --
history; seafood -- history. From peasant food to
luxurious delicacy that reflects changing ideas about diet,
human consumption; from Stone Age, through early European
settlers in New England and Australia, to Japanese live lobster
Margaret Walsh (1982).
The Rise of the Midwestern Meat Packing
Industry. (Lexington, KY:
University Press of Kentucky, 182 p.). Pork industry and
trade--Middle West--History; Meat industry and trade--Middle
West--History; Packing-houses--Middle West--History.
Sydney Watts (2006).
Meat Matters: Butchers, Politics, and
Market Culture in Eighteenth-Century Paris.
(Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 232 p.).
Assistant Professor of History (University of Richmond). Meat
industry and trade --France --Paris --History --18th century;
Meat industry and trade --Government policy --France --Paris
--History --18th century; Butchers --France --Paris --History
--18th century. Production, consumption of meat as window on
eighteenth-century culture, society, politics, class relations,
economic change.
James Harvey Young (1989).
Pure Food: Securing the Federal Food and
Drugs Act of 1906.
(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 312 p.). United
States. Food and Drugs Act; Food law and legislation--United
States; Drugs--Law and legislation--United States.
Business History Links
American Cheese Society
Founded in 1983 by Dr. Frank
Kosikowski of Cornell University as a national grassroots
organization for cheese appreciation and for home and farm
cheesemaking. 2009 - 1,200 members;
competition entries increased from 762 cheeses to 1,327
cheeses; organization leads in the understanding,
appreciation and promotion of farmstead, artisan and
specialty cheeses produced in the Americas.
Cadbury World
Birmingham’s very own chocolate paradise, a unique place to
indulge all of your senses. Our attraction is a fun, educational
multimedia attraction dedicated to the story of Cadbury and
Candy You Ate as a Kid
The mission of the Old Time Candy Company is to
provide childhood candy memories in such a way that it glorifies
God and His plan for our lives. Our goal for every candy order
is that it results in a "delighted customer".
Confectionary Timeline (National Confectioners
Cork Butter Museum
Ireland's most important food export and the world's largest
butter market. Celebrating one of the great success stories of
Ireland, the butter trade. Located in the historic Shandon area
of Cork city, the story begins with the central role of dairy
culture in the Island of Saints and Scholars. The Museum goes on
to describe the internationally important Butter Exchange in
nineteenth century Cork, the traditional craft of home butter
making and the modern success of the Kerrygold brand. In the
course of this story, the commercial, social, and domestic life
of Ireland is recalled.
Documenting Louisiana Sugar
Plantation economy and agrarian society in the American South;
two fully searchable databases allow users to examine in micro
and macro detail the evolution of one of America's definitive
plantation crops, namely cane sugar.
Economics of
Food and Brand Lab
(University of Illinois)
Founded in 1992 to conduct research into why consumers buy what
they buy and eat what they eat. It consists of 15
interdisciplinary researchers at the University of Illinois
along with 3 test kitchens, 5 cooperating supermarkets, and a
panel of 3000 consumers. independently funded by grants,
consumer groups, and companies, research focuses on better
understanding consumers and how they relate to foods and
packaged foods.
Food Museum
Museum researches, collects, preserves, exhibits and explains
the history and social significance of the world's foods. The
FOOD Museum brings artifacts and programs to where people
gather, both in person and on-line.
The Food Timeline
Created by Lynne Olver, "(a) reference librarian with a passion
for food history." Answers questions like "When did we
domesticate (and feed on) various kinds of animals?" and "When
did people learn to make cheese?" It also includes lesson plans,
historical recipes, and info on food law, food allergies,
historical food prices, and more.
The Hershey Story
The Hershey Story guides visitors on an inspirational journey
through Milton Hershey's lifetime and beyond, a tale spanning
more than 150 years of trials and triumphs, philanthropic
endeavors and one man's unwavering confidence. From Hershey's
earliest entrepreneurial ventures to his visions of a town built
around the attributes of the humble cacao bean, The Hershey
Story is an uplifting celebration of the great American dream.
The History of Chocolate
The approach of Valentine's Day always makes us think of
chocolate. Read all about how it became both an industry and an
all-consuming passion.
History of Eating Utensils
Anthropology Department at the California Academy of Sciences
houses the Rietz Food Technology Collection. Containing
approximately 1,700 items, this collection was assembled by Carl
Austin Rietz, an inventor and businessman in the food industry.
A large portion of this collection consists of eating utensils,
including tableware and portable eating sets. Collection
documents the history and evolution of such common utensils as
forks, knives, spoons, and chopsticks.
History of Tea
Important Events in the History of Tea
Jell-O Museum
Illustrated history of Jell-O, historic Jell-O recipes,
trivia, and photos from the LeRoy, New York, Jell-O
Gallery. Jell-O was invented in 1897 by Pearle Wait, a
LeRoy, New York, carpenter who experimented with gelatin
while "putting up a cough remedy and laxative tea." From
the LeRoy Historical Society. Subjects: Desserts;
Cookery (Gelatin); Brand name products.
Maine Coast Sardine History Museum
Museum currently covers the
industry along the Maine Coast from Robbinston to South
Portland. The exhibits include hundreds of photographs, original
cans, labels, packaging, crates, letterheads, and billheads.
Exhibits also include original fishing, processing, and canning
equipment. The museum covers the entire process from fishing,
processing, and canning to shipping. Every cannery documented is
presented in displays grouped by the towns in which they were
located. The displays are not limited to just sardines as the
canneries often processed other Maine seafood products. The main
floor area holds displays of actual equipment utilized in the
processing and canning.
Maritime & Seafood Industry Museum
Established in 1986 to
preserve and interpret the maritime history and heritage of
Biloxi and the Mississippi Gulf Coast. It accomplishes this
mission through an array of exhibits on shrimping, oystering,
recreational fishing, wetlands, managing marine resources,
charter boats, marine blacksmithing, wooden boat building,
netmaking, catboats/Biloxi skiff, shrimp peeling machine and
numerous historic photographs and objects.
Mill Pictures
1,023 mills from New Jersey to Oregon.
PEZ Museums
Burlingame Pez Museum
Opened in 1995, the Burlingame Museum of Pez Memorabilia is the
only place in the world to see every Pez candy dispenser ever
made. Over 55 years of dispensers and memorabilia are on
Easton Museum of PEZ
Scottish Fisheries Museum
Opened in 1969, situated on
the harbour front in Anstruther, in the heart of the Fife
fishing community, the Scottish Fisheries Museum tells the story
of fishing in Scotland and its people from earliest times to the
Spam Museum
Austin, Minnesota a 16,500 square-foot SPAM Museum opened in
September 2001; Museum visitors will be welcomed to the world of
SPAM Family of Products with a variety of interactive and
educational games, fun exhibits and remarkable video
Topher's Breakfast Cereal
Character Guide
This guide was created as a fun and educational reference on all
your favorite cereal box characters from the early 1900's to the
present. It is full of great images and information on over 900
characters. (No sugar added).
Twentieth Century Timeline: Edibles
and Quaffables
UC Davis Olive Center
Promotes collaboration
between UC Davis, olive producers, and the community. The
university’s relationship with the olive industry began a
century ago with the development of safe canning methods for
California olives. This collaboration has also produced research
into new olive cultivars, mechanical harvesting, olive fruit fly
control, olive oil processing, and sensory evaluation of olive
oil. The UC Davis Olive Center brings together North America’s
leading authorities on olive oil and table olives.
UMass Cranberry Station [pdf]
Cranberries are a rather
unique crop, as they are only found in North America, and in
rather select locations. One such place is southeastern
Massachusetts, which happens to be one of the leading cranberry
producing regions in the United States. The University of
Massachusetts operates the Cranberry Station in order "to
maintain and enhance the economic viability of the Massachusetts
cranberry industry through research, extension, and to serve the
public welfare." Here on their site, visitors can read their
online newsletter, check out their fact sheets, and learn about
their research projects. In the "Publications" area, visitors
can peruse their latest best management practices documents and
also the Cranberry Chart Book, which documents the latest
innovations for keeping cranberries healthy and flourishing.
Moving on, the "News & Events" section includes materials on
their ongoing training programs and special events and talks.