1924 -
Richard Simon, M. Lincoln
(Max) Schuster formed publishing partnership, Simon &
18, 1924 - published first
crossword puzzle book; first printing of 3,600 copies, retail
price of $1.35 each (including an attached pencil); phenomenal
success; 1925 - first publisher to offer
booksellers privilege of returning unsold archetyp market url
copies for credit--
practice that revolutionizes book business;
1939 - launched Pocket Books,
pocket-sized paperback reprints of classics, bestsellers for
$.25; 1944 -
Simon &
Schuster and Pocket Books acquired
by Marshall Field for an estimated $3 million);
1957 - Simon & Schuster acquired by Schuster and
Leon Shimkin (equal partner); Pocket Books acquired by Simon &
Schuster, Shimkin and James M. Jacobson; 1966 -
Max Schuster's shares acquired by Shimkin; merged Simon &
Schuster and Pocket Books; renamed Simon & Schuster, Inc.;
1993 to 1997 - revenues rose from $200 million to
more than $2 billion; 1994 - acquired Macmillan
Publishing Company; 1998 - Simon & Schuster
educational businesses (Education, International, Professional,
Reference Groups) sold to Pearson plc; 2002 -
Simon & Schuster is integrated with the Paramount motion picture
and television studios as part of Viacom Entertainment Group.
M. Lincoln
(Max) Schuster , Richard L. (Dick) Simon
- Simon & Schuster
April 15, 1924 -
Rand McNally released first comprehensive road atlas, "Auto
Chum"; first edition of what becaqme best-selling Rand McNally
Road Atlas.
August 5, 1924
- Comic strip ''Little Orphan Annie'' (Harold Gray) made
debut in special pink edition of New York Daily News.
1925 -
Bennett Cerf and Donald S. Klopfer, close friend, bought Modern
Library imprint, reprints of classic works of literature, from
publisher Horace Liveright (Boni
and Liveright); 1927 - renamed Random House;
1928 - imprint debut with bound edition of Candide
by Voltaire; April 1960 - acquired Alfred A.
Knopf, Inc.; 1961 - acquired Pantheon Books;
1965 - acquired by Radio Corporation of America;
1973 - acquired Ballantine Books, mass market
paperback publisher; 1980 - acquired by Advance
Publications, Inc. (Newhouse family);
- acquired Fawcett Books, paperback publisher; 1984
- acquired Times Books from The New York Times Company;
1986 - acquired Fodor's Travel Guides; 1987
- acquired British publishing group (Chatto, Virago, Bodley Head
& Jonathan Cape, Ltd.); 1988 - acquired Crown
Publishing Group; 1998 - acquired by Bertelsmann
AG, German conglomerate.
Bennett Cerf
- Random House
February 21, 1925
Harold Ross partnered with entrepreneur Raoul H. Fleischman,
heir to Fleishmann & Co (New York City), Original Manufacturers,
Introducers & Distributors of Compressed Yeast; established F-R
Publishing Company; Fleischman as publisher; Ross (editor) and
Jane Grant (wife), New York Times reporter, published first
issue of The New Yorker magazine; Rea Irvin drew first
cover (dandy, named Eustace Tilley, peered at butterfly through
monocle; character created for Corey Ford); designed typeface
for magazine's nameplate, headlines, masthead above 'The Talk of
the Town' section.
Harold Ross
- New Yorker
April 10, 1925 - ''The Great
Gatsby,'' by F. Scott Fitzgerald, published.
October 20, 1925 - Clifton
Chisholm of Cleveland, OH, received a patent for an "Embossing
Machine" ("method of and apparatus for printing embossed
printing strips"); assigned to the American Multi-Graph Company.
1926 - William Morrow founded
William Morrow and Company; 1931 - control
acquired by Francis Thayer Hobson, vice president of Morrow;
1981 - acquired by Hearst Corporation; 1999
- acquired, with Avon Books, by News Corporation (imprints of
subsidiary HarperCollins).
January 1926 - Eyre and
Spottiswoode published first issue of The Banker; founding
editor Brendan Bracken (chairman of Financial Times from
October 14, 1926 - Children's book
Winnie-the-Pooh, by A.A. Milne, first published.
1927 - William B. Ziff , Sr.,
Bernard G. Davis founded Popular Aviation Company in Chicago;
name changed later to Ziff-Davis, Inc.; 1953
-William B. Ziff, Jr (24) took over; 1956 - bought
out Davis; developed special interest magazines;
1969 - formed
Communications Company (Ziff-Davis became division);
1984 - consumer magazines generated estimated annual
revenues of $140 million; 1982 - acquired PC
Magazine; November 20, 1984 - consumer group
acquired by CBS Inc. for $362.5 million; November 21, 1984
- business group acquired by Rupert Murdoch for $350 million;
1994 - 95% interest in Ziff-Davis Publishing acquired
by Forstmann Little & Co. for $1.4 billion.
William B. Ziff, Sr.
- Ziff-Davis
1929 - Stuart Chase, F.J. Schlink
established Consumer's Research, as monthly magazine; published
comparative test results on brand-name products; publicized
deceptive advertising claims; September 1935 - 40
employees struck, demanded reinstatement of fired workers,
minimum wage of $16 a week; February 1936 - Arthur
Kallet, engineer, director of Consumers' Research, Colston
Warne, Amherst College economics professor, founded Consumers
Union; State of New York granted charter; May 1936
- published first issue of Consumers Union Reports (articles on
Grade A, Grade B milk, breakfast cereals, soap, stockings);
three-tiered Ratings system (Best Buy, Also Acceptable, Not
Acceptable); circulation of 4000; 1942 - magazine
name changed to Consumer Reports (served all consumers, not just
union members); 1946 - circulation of 100,000;
1950 - circulation nearly 400,000; 1954
- tested first color TV sets (Westinghouse models cost $1,295);
1992 - 5 million paid circulation; 2002
- 1 million paid subscribers; May 2002 - over
800,000 online subscriptions.
Kallet - Consumer
Warne - Consumer
January 17, 1929 - U.S. cartoonist
Elzie Crisler Segar created "Popeye"; added character to
existing comic strip: 'The Thimble Theatre'; published in New
York Journal; became so popular that strip renamed: "Thimble
Theater, Starring Popeye".
January 1929 - John R. Fletcher
published 'The Official Aviation Guide Of The Airways' in U.S.;
listed 35 airlines offering total of 300 flights;
1949 - name
shortened to Official Airline Guide;
August 14, 1951 - American Aviation
Publications, Inc. registered 'Official Airline Guide' trademark
first used August 30, 1948 (periodical published once a month);
1962 - acquired by
Dun & Bradstreet; December1988
- acquired by Maxwell Communications Corporation for about $750
million; September 1993
- acquired by Reed Elsevier for $417 million (made part of Reed
Travel Group); August 1996
- re-launched OAG brand; March 1998
- restructured OAG Worldwide as stand-alone business focused on
airline information; July 2001
- OAG acquired by private investors;
December 2006 - acquired by Commonwealth
Business Media, wholly-owned subsidiary of United Business Media
September 7, 1929 - McGraw-Hill
Publishing produced first issue of The Business Week magazine.
- Jerome Irving (J. I.) Rodale moved electrical business from
New York City to Emmaus, PA; established Rodale Press,
publishing business; 1942 - published 'Organic
Farming and Gardening'; 1950 - launched
'Prevention'; 1999
- renamed Rodale Inc.; 2003 - The South Beach Diet
became company's first New York Times No. 1 Bestseller; 5
million copies in print by year's end.
J. I. Rodale
- Rodale Press
October 1930
- Leslie Boosey, Ralph Hawkes merged Boosey & Company and Hawkes
& Son, two well-established English family businesses; named
Boosey & Hawkes; 1950
- leading music publisher, major musical instrument
manufacturer; 2001
- accounting irregularities discovered, company put up for sale;
February 11, 2003 - instrument division acquired
by The Music Group;
December 2003 - company acquired by HgCapital
for £75 million; controlled rights to world-famous composers
(Sergei Rachmaninoff, Benjamin Britten), owned more
than 116,000 works of music and dance;
April 2008 -
acquired by The Imagem Music Group (music publishing fund of
Netherlands-based All Pensions Group, CP Masters BV, one of
Europe's leading independent music publishers) for approximately
£126 million.
January 13, 1930
- Mickey Mouse cartoon first appeared in newspapers throughout
February 1930 -
First issue of Fortune magazine:184 pages for $1, annual
subscription = $10.
1931 - Pat and
Bernie Zondervan founded Zondervan as bookselling company in
Grandville, MI (had left uncle's business, Eerdmans-Sevensma
Bookstore and Publishing Company); 1933
- published first book, 'Women of the Old Testament';
1941 - added print
and audio music to product list;
1988 - became
division of HarperCollinsPublishers.
Pat and Bernie Zondervan
October 4, 1931
- First Dick Tracy comic strip (Chester Gould), appeared in
Detroit Mirror (New York Daily News Syndicate).
September 9, 1932
- Harry Evans, founder, first editor, published first issue
of Family Circle magazine (backed by Charles E. Merrill,
founded Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, founder of
Safeway Stores); distributed first issue free in three chain
stores; distributed first magazine exclusively through grocery
stores; December 1933 - gave magazine away in stores in 31
states, Hawaii (circulation of 80,000); 1939 -
circulation close to 1.5 million; 1946 - ceased to
be free; April 30, 1971 - acquired by New York
Times Company; 2006
- circulation of 5,770,000.
December 1, 1932
- Ukrainian-born U.S. journalist Gershon Agron (originally
Agronsky) begandaily publication of English-language Palestine
Post; represented Yishuv's cause to British authorities,
English-speaking world; offered news from abroad to
population of Yishuv; 1950 - name changed to
Jerusalem Post; 1949 to 1951 - Agron presided
over Israel's official (government) Information Service;
1955 - Agron elected mayor of Jerusalem (in office until
Gershon Agron
- Jerusalem Post
- Eugene Meyer bought bankrupt Washington Post
at auction from Edward McLean.
- Virginia Kirkus, former head of children's book
department of Harper & Bros., launched Kirkus book review
Virginia Kirkus
(left) - Kirkus Reviews
February 17, 1933
Thomas J.C. Martyn,
former foreign news editor at Time magazine, published first
issue of News-Week; 1937 - merged with Raymond
Moley's Today magazine; Malcolm Muir, former president of
McGraw-Hill Publishing, took over as president, editor-in-chief;
changed name to Newsweek; 1961 - acquired
by Washington Post Company; Muir named honorary chairman of the
March 31, 1933
- First newspaper in U.S. printed on pine-pulp paper in Soberton,
GA; March 31, 1937 - Dallas News first U.S.
newspaper printed in color on pine-pulp paper.
May 17, 1933 -
David Lawrence produced first issue of United States News
weekly newspaper; 16-page paper devoted primarily to federal
government activities in Washington; cost 5 cents; January
5, 1940 - changed format from newspaper to magazine;
billed as "the Weekly Newsmagazine of National Affairs"; first
issue contained 52 pages; May 23, 1946 -
introduced World Report, new weekly magazine devoted entirely to
international news; January 16, 1948 - United
States News merged with World Report; formed U.S.News &
World Report; combined national, international news
coverage; newsstand price 15 cents an issue; 1958
-circulation passed 1 million mark ; 1973 -
circulation passed 2 million mark; November 28, 1983
- began annual rankings of American colleges, universities;
October 12, 1984 - acquired by publisher, real estate
developer Mortimer B. Zuckerman (employee-owned from 1962–1984)
October 1933 -
Arnold Gingrich, David Smart (Chicago publisher) founded
Esquire (magazine); first issue stories by Hemingway, John
Dos Passos, Dashiell Hammett, Bobby Jones on golf, Gene Tunney
on boxing.
December 6, 1933
- Federal judge ruled that 'Ulysses', by James Joyce, was
not obscene (had been banned immediately in United States,
England when published in 1922
by Sylvia Beach, owner Shakespeare and Co. bookstore in
Paris; U.S. Post Office had stopped book's
serialization in 1930);
August 7, 1934
- U.S. Court of Appeals ruled against
government's attemt to ban 'Ulysses'.
1934 -
Roy Thomson bought first newspaper, The Timmons Press (Ontario);
1976 - owned more than 200 newspapers in Canada,
United States; April 17, 2008
- acquired by Thomson Corp. for $16.6 billion; renamed Thomson
Reuters Corp.
1934 - Major
Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson formed National Allied Publications to
publish comic books; February 1935
- published Fun: The Big Comic Magazine No. 1, first comic book
with all-new, original material (36 pages, 10 by 15 inches,
original adventure and humor strips with all new characters
specially drawn; first comic to carry advertising);
December 1935 -
introduced New Comics, second magazine; became one of
longest-running comic books (closed in 1983 after issue #503);
1937 - formed
partnership with Harry Donenfeld, pulp magazine published,
principal in Independent News (magazine distributorship);
March 1937 -
published first issue of Detective Comics, third magazine;
formed Detective Comics, Inc.; National Allied Publications
acquired, at auction, by Donenfeld, Jack S. Liebowitz
(Donenfeld's accountant); June 1938
- published first issue of Action Comics (introduced Superman
comic strip; first run of 200,000 copies priced at 10 cents;
sold 500,000 copies monthly by issue #7);
May 1939 - Detective Comics introduced
Batman; became a sensation; July
1940 - National Allied Publications merged with
Detective Comics, Inc., formed National Comics (used 'DC' for
logo); 1944
- acquired All-American Publications (founded in 1938 by Max C.
Gaines); later merged National Comics, Independent News,
affiliated businesses, formed National Periodical Publications,
Inc.; 1961 - went
public; 1967
- America's largest comic book publisher; acquired by Kinney
National Services (name changed to Warner Communications in
1968; 1976 - name
changed from National Periodicals to DC Comics.
Major Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson
- DC Comics (http://majormalcolmwheelernicholson.com/LC-B2-56559-10.jpg)
August 13, 1934 -
Comic strip ''Li'l Abner'' debuted (by Al Capp, youngest
syndicated cartoonist in America); sold to United Features
Syndicate; carried by only eight newspapers;
1937 - circulation
exceeding 60,000,000; 1977
- strip discontinued.
1935 -
Allen Lane founded Penguin;
30, 1935
- published first Penguin paperback book;
August 1935
- first paperbacks sold at
sixpence per book (3 million within 12 months).
January 1, 1935
- Wirephoto(tm) by AP News(R) invented; enabled transmission of
photographs by wire to member newspapers.
January 4, 1935
- Billboard magazine published first pop-music chart based on
national sales figures; "Stop! Look! Listen!", by jazz violinist
Joe Venuti, topped chart.
September 1935
- Robb Sagendorph published first issue of Yankee
magazine; 613 subscribers (600 turned out to be bogus names
provided by shady subscription service; November 1935 -
5,000 subscribers.
January 1, 1936 - The Herald
Tribune of New York began microfilming its current issues; first
U.S. newspaper to make current record of its publication (New
York Times had microfilmed back-issues for years 1914-27 in
March 14, 1936 - Federal
Register published, under Federal Register Act of 1935;
first magazine of U.S. government agencies.
June 1936 - Anne O'Hare McCormick
joined editorial staff of The Times; first woman to serve as
regular contributor to editorial page.
November 23, 1936
- Henry R. Luce published first issue of Life
magazine ( Margaret Bourke-White photo of Fort Peck Dam on
cover); 1972 - ceased as weekly publication;
1978 - revived as monthly; 2000 -
suspended publication; 2004 - revived as newspaper
supplement; April 20, 2007 - ceased publication.
1936 - Dale Carnegie published
"How to Win Friends and Influence People", career self-help
manual to get ahead in business: instant hit; has sold over 15
million copies
March 25, 1937 - First perfumed ad
appeared in Washington, DC "Daily News."
May 3, 1937 - Margaret Mitchell's novel,
Gone With the Wind, won Pulitzer Prize; one of best-selling
novels of all time; sold 1 million copies within 6 months, more
than 12 million copies during next three decades.
October 17, 1937 - Huey, Dewey and
Louie, Donald Duck's three almost identical nephews, first
appeared in newspaper comic strip.
February 14, 1938 - Hedda Hopper's
first gossip column appeared in Los Angeles Times.
March 1938 - Jerry Siegel, Joe
Shuster (creators of Superman in 1934) sold first Superman story
for $10 per page, all rights to Superman character to DC Comics
for $130 (had
been rejected by United Features Syndicate, Esquire Features,
Bell Syndicate); June 1938 -
Superman comic strip premiered in Action Comics #1 (first run of
200,000 copies priced at 10 cents; sold 500,000 copies
monthly by issue #7); January 1939 - McClure
Syndicate began distributing Superman newspaper comic strip
(until 1966); February 12, 1940 - radio series
officially debuted.
Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster
- Superman (http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:HMFBvjVihJLtjM:http://www.greatkrypton.com/superman/creators.gif)
- Dorothy Schiff, George Backer
acquired control of New York Post from J. David Stern;
1942 - became New York's first female newspaper
publisher; April 1942 - paper shifted to tabloid,
new emphasis on pictures; 1976 - acquired by
Rupert Murdoch for reported $31 million.
January 28, 1939 - Elinor
Josephine "Cissy" Patterson acquired Washington Herald,
Washington Times from Hearst; merged them as Washington
Times-Herald; first women to head major daily newspaper.
March 7, 1939 - Glamour
magazine began publishing.
April 14, 1939 - ''The
Grapes of Wrath'' by John Steinbeck published.
1939 - Bob Kane created superhero
Batman; first appeared in Detective Comics #27, comic book
division of National Publications (later DC Comics); 1940
- Robin introduced in Detective Comics #38.
June 30, 1940 - Dale
Messick's "Brenda Starr" appeared in Sunday comics of
Chicago Tribune-New York News Syndicate; first woman syndicated
comic strip artist in United States.
July 20, 1940 - Billboard
magazine published first "Music Popularity Chart" ("Top Ten
Singles" record chart); "I'll Never Smile Again", by the Tommy
Dorsey Orchestra (Frank Sinatra sang vocals), first #1 hit;
published top sellers list once a week.
April 5, 1940
- Harry Guggenheim acquired assets of S. I. Newhouse's defunct
Nassau Daily Journal (Long Island, NY) for about $50,000 (had
commissioned study to determine whether second newspaper could
compete on Long Island); September 3, 1940 -
Alicia Patterson (Guggenheim's wife, daughter of NY Daily
news Publisher,
Joseph Medill Patterson)
started publishing Newsday
in makeshift plant in former auto
1953 - Nassau Review-Star ceased publication.
January 8, 1941 - William Randolph
Hearst, owner of Hearst newspaper chain, forbade any of his
newspapers from accepting ads for Orson Welles's movie, 'Citizen
Kane' (generally interpreted as psychological study of Hearst,
portrayed as fictional Charles Foster Kane); March 1941
- Welles threatened to sue Hearst for trying to suppress film,
RKO if it failed to release film; May 1, 1941 -
film premiered at RKO Palace in New York; became one of most
highly regarded films of all time.
31, 1941 - Marshall Field III
published first issue of "Parade", subtitled "The Weekly Picture
Newspaper"; print run of 125,000 copies, sold on newsstands for
a nickel; 1942 - PARADE carried by 16
newspapers; 1946 - hired Arthur H. (Red) Motley as
president, publisher (held position for nearly 30 years); most
widely read magazine in America (circulation of 34 million).
1942 - Melbourne Wesley Cummings,
Lew Addison Cummings (no relation) incorporated
Addison-Wesley Press (used their middle names to identify
new company); 1946 - Mel bought Lew's shares;
1988 - merged with Pearson plc; 1995 -
merged with Longman; formed Addison Wesley Longman.
1942 - German emigres Helen and
Kurt Wolff, of Kurt Wolff Verlag, founded Pantheon Books
in New York.
November 1, 1942 - John H. Johnson
used his mother's furniture as collateral for $500 loan;
founded Johnson Publishing Company, Inc., published first issue
of NEGRO DIGEST; world's largest African-American-owned
and-operated publishing company.
1944 - Walter Annenberg published
Seventeen magazine; 1991 - acquired by
Primedia company; 2003 - acquired by The Hearst
Corporation for $182.4 million.
December 19, 1944 - Hubert
Beuve-Méry published first edition of Le Monde at request
of General Charles de Gaulle (after German army driven from
Paris during World War II); took over offices, plant, gothic
masthead, staff members who had not collaborated with Germans,
of Le Temps; considered French newspaper of record.
Hubert Beuve-Méry
- Le Monde
- Financial Times merged with Financial News; formed today's
modern FT.
March 24, 1945 - Billboard
published its first pop-music chart for albums; first No. 1
album was Nat King Cole's King Cole Trio.
November 1945
- John H. Johnson published first issue of
Ebony magazine; No. 1 African-American magazine in world.
November 1, 1945 - Official North
Korean newspaper, Rodong Sinmun, first published under
name Chongro.
1946 - Roger W. Straus, John
C. Farrar founded Farrar, Straus; 1955- hired Robert
Giroux; renamed Farrar, Straus & Giroux; November 1994
- acquired by Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck.
Roger W. Straus
- Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Robert Giroux
- Farrar, Straus & Giroux
1947 - Chicago Sun-Times
created by merger of Times and Sun (formed 1941).
January 1948 - Robert Petersen
(21) started Hot Rod magazine (with $400 borrowed from
friend's wife's boss); promoted custom-designed car show at Los
Angeles Armory; sold magazine for 25 cents a copy on sidewalk in
front of Armory; 1949 - launched Motor Trend
magazine; June 11, 1994 - opened
300,000-square-foot Petersen Automotive Museum ($30 million
endowment); 1996 - sold majority interest to in
publishing business (three dozen titles, $275 million in annual
revenue) to investor group for $450 million.
May 9,
1948 - Les Viahon, three
ex-GI friends published first stapled issue of "Television
Forecast" from basement classroom of Abbot Hall on Northwestern
University Campus in Chicago; mailed free to television set
owners as "programming service"; August 8, 1948 -
charged $3.00 per year, first issue distribution was 16,000
booklets; June 14-20, 1948 - Lee Wagner, former
lawyer and circulation director for several movie magazines,
published first issue of TeleVision Guide in New York; expanded
to regional editions for New England, Baltimore-Washington area;
November 7, 1948
- Irvin and Arthur
commercial printers, published first edition of 8-page TV
program guide, "The Local Televiser"; used as promotional piece
to increase television sales; name later changed to "TV
Digest". 1952 - three publications acquired
by Triangle Publications for $1.5 million (TV Digest for $600
thousand; Wagner remained as editor until 1955; served as
consultant to company until 1963); April 3, 1953 -
first national issue of TV Guide; 1988 -
acquired (with rest of Triangle Publications assets) by News
Corporation for $3.2 billion.
1949 - Harry N. Abrams organized
art book publishing business with $100,000, one employee (Milton
Fox); fall 1950 - published first
1949 - Walter and Eva Neurath
founded Thames & Hudson (rivers flowing through London, New
York) publishers; revealed world of art to general public;
created 'museum without walls’; made art accessible to broad,
non-specialist reading public at prices it could afford.
1949 - Jack Palmer, head of
Canadian operations for Curtis Circulating (distributor for
Saturday Evening Post, Ladies' Home Journal), Doug Weld of
Bryant Press, Advocate Printers founded Harlequin Books in
Winnipeg, Manitoba, as paperback reprinting company; first book:
'The Manatee' (by U.S. author Nancy Bruff) sold for 50 cents;
acquired rights from other publishers, published a few original
books; mid-1950s - Palmer's 25% interest allocated
to Richard Bonnycastle at death; Weld transferred his
interest in unprofitable business (returns, taxes) to
Bonnycastle; 1953 - began to publish medical
romances; 1957 - acquired North American
distribution rights to category romance novels published by
Mills and Boon in Commonwealth Nations; 1964 -
exclusively published Mills and Boon novels; 1967
- over 78% of sales in Canada, sell-through rate of
approximately 85%; 1969 - went public; moved to
Toronto, ON; 1970 -
contracted with Pocket Books, Simon and Schuster to distribute
Mills and Boon novels in United States (terminated in 1976);
October 1, 1971 - acquired Mills and Boon;
October 1975 - 70% of sales came from United States; 70%
interest acquired by Torstar Corporation (owned Canada's largest
daily newspaper, Toronto Star); 1980 - Simon and
Schuster formed Silhouette Books; Harlequin launched line of
America-focused romances (longer, featured American settings,
American characters); Dell launched Candlelight Ecstasy (first
line to waive requirement that heroines be virginal) - $30
million in sales by 1983;
May, 1981
- remaining 30% interest acquired by Torstar Corporation;
1984 - market saturated, Harlequin return rate swelled
to 60% (from 25% in 1978); acquired Silhouette; 1992
- 85% share of North American category romance market;
1998 - Germany represented 40% of Harlequin's total
European business. global leader in series romance, one of
world's leading publishers of women's fiction; 2005
- sold 131 million books (half overseas, 96% outside
1949 -Ausstellungs- und Messe GmbH
des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels (AuM subsidiary of
German Publishers & Booksellers Association) organized first
Frankfurt Book Fair; became biggest, most important fair
worldwide for international book, media industry.
18, 1949 - Antiquarian Booksellers
Assoc. of America incorporated.
June 1, 1949 - Microfilm copies of
"Newsweek" magazine first offered to subscribers.
March 16, 1950 - First annual
National Book Awards.
June 6, 1950 - Cartoon, "Pepper
...and Salt", made debut in Wall Street Journal (had been
proposed by Charles Preston, rejected by editor William Henry
Grimes, accepted by Barney Kilgore, managing editor).
September 11, 1950
- U.S.-made typesetter first put on display; no longer based on
making metal type (Intertype Fotosetter Photographic Line
Composing Machine manufactured by the Intertype Corp. of
Brooklyn, NY; first installation had been made at plant of
Stecher-Traung Lithograph Corporation in 1949).
October 2, 1950 - ''Peanuts'',
comic strip by Charles M. Schulz, first published in nine
March 12, 1951 - ''Dennis the
Menace'', by cartoonist Hank Ketcham (about his 4-year-old son),
syndicated in 16 newspapers.
April 23, 1951 - Associated Press
started using new "teletypesetting" service in Charlotte, NC;
used perforated, paper tape to transmit news articles.
1952 - Macmillan (London) formed
St. Martin's Press as distributor of Macmillan books; grew
rapidly as publisher in its own right; one of seven largest
publishers in America; 2000 - St. Martin's Press
Scholarly and Reference (US) merged world-wide publishing
operations with Macmillan Press (UK); formed Palgrave
(relationship dates to Francis Turner Palgrave in 1861);
January 2002- reacquired rights to Macmillan name
internationally; renamed Palgrave Macmillan.
October-November 1952 - Publisher
Bill Gaines, editor Harvey Kurtzman introduced Mad, the
comic book; December 1954 - face of Alfred E.
Neuman, fictional mascot of EC Publications, debuted on cover of
Ballantine's The Mad Reader, collection of reprints from early
issues; July 1955 - converted to magazine with
issue 24; December 1956 - Neuman became
cornerstone character; September
1956 - Al Feldstein took over as
editor (Don Martin debuted); early
1960s - acquired by Kinney
National Company (subsequently acquired by Warner Bros.);
- circulation grew from 325,000 to high of 2.1 million;
2001 - first accepted advertising.
October 1, 1953 -
Hugh Hefner incorporated HMH Publishing Co., Inc.;
October 1953 -
Rabbit Head logo designed by Arthur Paul.
December 1, 1953 -
first issue of Playboy magazine (Marilyn Monroe as centerfold);
financed with $600 borrowed plus about $8000 from private
placement of stock in new company among almost 40 acquaintances.
- Rupert Murdoch (22) inherited, rescued afternoon newspaper
Adelaide News (had learned secrets of building circulation from
UK press baron Lord Beaverbrook); 1956 - acquired,
built Perth Sunday Times; 1960 - bought network of
24 suburban newspapers in New South Wales, 'Sydney Daily Mirror'
(for $4 million), 'Truth' in Melbourne and Brisbane; 1962
- bought major shareholding in Nine Network TV stations;
July 14, 1964 - launched national newspaper, The
Australian; January 1969 - acquired News of the
World (biggest selling English newspaper in world) and The Sun;
1973 - entered US market; acquired San Antonio
Express and News from Harte-Hanks; 1976 - acquired
New York Post from Dorothy Schiff for $30 million (sold in
1988); acquired Village Voice, New York Magazine for $26
million; 1980 - established News Corporation as
global holding company; 1981 - acquired The Times,
The Sunday Times from Thomson Group; 1983 -
acquired Chicago Sun-Times for $90 million (sold in 1986 for
$145 million); 1985 - acquired 20th Century Fox;
1986 - introduced electronic production processes
to newspapers in Australia, Britain, United States (reduced
number or employees, stifled print unions); 1987 -
acquired South China Morning Post, Harper & Row publishers;
1988 - acquired Triangle Publications (TV Guide) from
Walter Annenberg for $3 billion; 1989 - launched
Sky Television; 1993 - acquired Star Television
(satellite service covered southern Asia from Middle East to
Japan); October 7, 1996 - launched Fox News
Channel; 2005 acquired Myspace.com (lifestyle and
social-networking site) for $580 million; December 13,
2007 - completed $5.16 billion acquisition of Dow Jones
& Company.
- Houstonian Frankie Randolph (heir to Carter lumber estate)
bought State Observer (Texas) to cover issues ignored by state’s
daily newspapers (race, class, lives of working people); brought
in Franklin Jones (owned East Texas Democrat); hired Ronnie
Dugger as editor of new Texas Observer; 1994
- transferred ownership to Texas Democracy Foundation, nonprofit
organization to publish, promote the Observer.
February 26, 1954
- First typesetting machine (photo engraving) used in
Quincy MA.
March 20, 1954
- First newspaper vending machine used (Columbia PA).
August 16, 1954
Time Inc. published first issue of
Sports Illustrated.
December 1954
- James Parton, Oliver Jensen, Joseph J. Thorndike (all formerly
of Life magazine) founded American Heritage magazine;
circulation-driven, accepted no advertisements (incompatibility
between history and advertising); annual subscription $10
(payable in installments, if need be); published in cloth-bound,
hardback volumes, full-color paintings on front;
mid-1960s - 400
employees; 1986 -
acquired by Forbes; June/July -
2007 - publication suspended.
- Sid Yudain, former press secretary for Congressman Al Morano
(CT), founded Roll Call to deliver superior coverage of
people, politics, process of Congress (Capitol Hill's
newspaper); 1988 - acquired by The Economist
July 1955
- Fortune Magazine published first "Fortune 500".
27, 1955 -
Norris and Ross
McWhirter bound first edition of Guinness Book of Superlatives
(sponsored by Sir Hugh Beaver, managing director, Arthur
Guinness, Son & Cop., Ltd. to settle arguments throughout 84,000
pubs in Britain and Ireland); 1956 - David A.
Boehm obtained publishing rights, Americanized the information,
established "The Guinness Book of World Records";
1989 - re-acquired by Guinness Brewery for $8 million.
Norris, Ross McWhirter
- Guinness Book of World Records
October 26, 1955
- "Village Voice" first published.
November 19, 1955
- William F. Buckley, Jr. published first issue of National
Review; neoconservative bi-weekly magazine with views, analysis
on world's current events.
- Lawrence Hill, Arthur Wang, colleagues at A. A. Wyn, small New
York book publisher (Wang as editor, Hill as sales manager),
formed Hill & Wang, publishing partnership; took chance on early
work of Elie Wiesel, Roland Barthes; December 1971
- acquired by Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
- Kathryn G. Messner, ran Julian Messner, independent publishing
house in New York, published "Peyton Place" by Grace Metalious,
New Hampshire housewife (originally titled "The Tree and the
Blossom"); chronicled dark, sexual underside of picture-postcard
New England town; sold more than 10 million copies; spawned
several movies, television series; title became catchphrase for
suburban dysfunction.
1957 - Frank Thompson (Thompson Publications,
Chicago) published first issue of Research & Engineering ("The
Magazine of Datamation"); repositioned Research & Engineering,
newly acquired publication, into magazine for fledgling field
called information processing (had been proposed by Donald
Prell, VP of Application Engineering at Benson-Lehner, Los
Angeles computer input-output company; only place to advertise
products was Scientific American or Business Week); Charles R.
Kluge as editor (left soon thereafter); moved editorial
headquarters to Los Angeles; 1958
- created new logo, editorial layout; Sandy Lanzarotta as
magazine's first real editor; 1961 - monthly
(from semimonthly); 1995
- launched Datamation.com (in partnership with Bolt Beranek and
Newman); one of first online publications;
February 1998
- final print edition; 2001
- acquired by Internet.com (WebMediaBrands);
- acquired by Quinstreet, Inc.
1957-78 (IT industry events left, publication
launches right):
May 24,
1958 - United Press International formed through
merger of United Press, International News Service.
August 1958 -
Cliff Hillegass launched CliffsNotes in Lincoln, NE; line
of 16 Shakespeare titles (prompted by Jack Cole, owner of
Canada's Coles Notes); sold 18,500 units; 1965 -
sold 2 million units; December 1998 - acquired by
Hungry Minds, Inc. (formerly IDG Books, Inc.); September
2001 - Hungry Minds, Inc. acquired by John Wiley & Sons,
Cliff Hillegass
- CliffsNotes
August 4, 1958
- Billboard magazine introduced "Hot 100" chart, list of
100 best-selling pop singles in country; replaced multiple
charts previously published (including Best Sellers in Stores,
Most Played in Juke Boxes); first song to top Hot 100 list was
"Poor Little Fool" by Ricky Nelson.
1959 - Simon M.
Bessie, Alfred A. Knopf, Jr., Hiram Hayden (editor At Bobbs-Merrill)
founded Atheneum with $1 million from four investors; three No.
1 best-sellers on first three lists published; 1978
- merged with Charles Scribner's Sons.
November 2, 1960
- Penguin Books acquitted of obscenity charge for publishing
full text version of Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence
(book had been published in limited English-language edition in
Florence in 1928; expurgated version had been published in
England in 1932; full text had been published in New York in
February 1, 1963
- Jason and Barbara Epstein, Elizabeth Hardwick and Robert
Lowell, published first edition of New York Review of Books
(during New York publishing strike).
1964 - London
Daily Herald renamed, re-launched as The Sun.
January 20, 1964
- Time Inc. published first "Sports Illustrated" swimsuit issue
(created by editor Andre Laguerre).
September 1966
- Reed Business Information published first issue of Computer
Weekly (Chris Hipwell, publishing director); 7500 readers
(15,000 in first year); world's first weekly computer
publication; Getting Wired - world's longest running Internet
column; Puzzler - Guinness Book of Records as
longest-running magazine puzzle in world; number one online
destination for senior IT decision-making professionals.
November 1, 1967
- Jann Wenner, of Straight Arrow Publishers (San Francisco),
published first issue of "Rolling Stone" magazine.
February 8, 1969
- Last issue of "Saturday Evening Post" published;
started in 1821.
April 7, 1969 -
Supreme Court unanimously struck down laws prohibiting private
possession of obscene material.
January 1972 -
Gloria Steinem founded Ms. Magazine;
July 1, 1972
- began publishing monthly.
February 11, 1972
- McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Life magazine canceled plans to
publish what turned out to be fake autobiography of reclusive
billionaire Howard Hughes.
1974 -15th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica published (first
published in 1771); cost more than $32 million, 30 volumes, 43
million words (14th edition published in 1929 - 6 volumes, 6
million words).
1974 - Knight
Newspapers merged with Ridder Publications; formed Knight
February 27, 1974
- "People" magazine went on sale with March 4, 1974 first
issue date.
August 1, 1975
- E.L. Doctorow received $1.85 million for paperback rights to
'Ragtime'; publishing record.
September 1, 1976
- First issue of Wall Street Journal Europe.
February/March 1982
- David Bunnell, editorial director of microcomputer books at
Osborne division of McGraw Hill publishing, and Cheryl Woodard,
director of marketing and sales, published first issue of PC,
magazine, monthly for IBM PC users, from
Bunnell's house (backed by software executive Tony
Gold, founder of Lifeboat Associates); 96 pages plus cover, 36
ad pages; sold more ad pages in first three issues than budgeted
for entire year; fourth issue - print run over 150,000;
November 1982 - acquired by Ziff-Davis; became biweekly
publication; January 1986 - "Magazine" added to
logo; December 6, 1988 - Ziff Communications
Company registered "PC Magazine" trademark first used January 5,
1987 (magazines relating to personal computers); 1991
- circulation of more than 800,000, more than $160 million in
advertising revenue, tenth-largest U.S. magazine.
September 15, 1982
- Al Neuharth, former chairman and
chief executive officer of Gannett Co., founded USA Today
with goal of providing colorful alternative to relatively wordy,
gray metropolitan papers; widest circulation of any newspaper in
United States (average 2.25 million copies every weekday);
second world-wide among English-language broadsheets (behind 2.7
million daily paid copies of The Times of India).
Al Neuharth
- USA Today
- Editor Robert C. Maynard bought Oakland Tribune from Gannett
Company in $22 million management-led leveraged buyout; first in
U.S. newspaper history; became first major metropolitan
newspaper owned by African American.
January 1983 -
David Bunnell, Cheryl Woodard (founded PC magazine) published
first issue (324-pages) of PC World (announced at COMDEX trade
show in November 1982); backed with $2 million in funding from
International Data Group (had
left PC over ownership dispute with Ziff-Davis);
all but 4 of original 52 PC Magazine staffers joined new
magazine; covered technology, how people used PCs, campaigned
for less repressive software copy protection, launched companion
publication, Macworld, to bring same coverage to Apple machines;
1991 - created PC World Test Center to produce
monthly rankings of most important products; 2006
- readership of over 4.8 million.
March 21, 1983
- Only known typo on Time Magazine cover (control=contol); all
March 8, 1985
- Advance Publications acquired 60-year-old New Yorker magazine
from Fleischmann family for $168 million.
January 11, 1986
- James Clavell broke records; commanded highest price to date
for book rights; William Morrow & Co., Avon Books bid $5 million
for hardback, paperback rights to Clavell's novel 'Whirlwind'.
March 5, 1986 -
"Today" tabloid launched (Britain's first national color
1989 -
Second edition of Oxford English Dictionary published.
January 31, 1990
- "National" began publishing;
first ever all-sports daily;
Frank Deford (formerly of Sports Illustrated) as
editor; June 13, 1991 - ceased publication.
July 27, 1991
- TV Guide published 2000th edition.
July 2, 1992
- Theoretical physicist, Stephen
Hawkings, broke British publishing records; 'A Brief History of
Time' on nonfiction bestseller list for 3 1/2 years; sold more
than 3 million copies in 22 languages; explained latest theories
on origins of universe in language accessible to educated lay
August 17, 1993
- Random House gave Colin Powell largest autobiography advance
to date ($6 million); immediate bestseller, fastest-selling book
in Random House history; boosted initial print run from 500,000
to 1.25 million.
March 7, 1994
- Supreme Court ruled that parodies
that poke fun at original work can be considered "fair
use" that doesn't require permission from copyright holder.
August 1, 1994
- Alfred A. Knopf reported to have paid Pope John Paul II
record-breaking $8.75 million advance for new book, "Crossing
the Threshold of Hope"; collection of essays addressed moral and
theological questions; one of fastest selling books in 1995
(previous record set when Random House paid Army General Colin
Powell some $6 million for autobiography, "My American
February 19, 1997
- Detroit News and Detroit Free Press accepted offer from six
unions to end 19-month strike (had begun on July 13, 1995 when
failed contract talks prompted about 2,000 union newspaper
workers to walk out, picket); announced plan to return former
strikers to work.
June 11, 1998
- News Corp., parent company of TV Guide, signed $2 billion deal
to merge magazine with Tele-Communications, Inc. (TCI), owner of
Prevue Channel, program guide for cable television; intended to
become cross-platform force in rapidly converging communications
October 12, 1998
- U.S. Congress passed Digital
Millennium Copyright Act.
January 3, 2000
- Last daily 'Peanuts' comic strip published in 2,600 newspapers
(Charles Schulz retired; strip had first appeared in October
May 1950).
2004 - Market share
of UK national newspapers:

1 - Associated Newspapers - Mail (4.3m)
2 - Express Newspapers (2.6m)
3 - Financial Times (102,795)
4 - Guardian newspapers (676,027)
5 - Independent Newspapers (331,946)
6 - News International - Times/Sun (8m)
7 - Scotsman Publications (136,431)
8 - Scottish Daily Record & Sunday Mail (1.04m)
9 - Sport Newspapers (153,418)
10 - Telegraph Group (823,626)
11 - Trinity Mirror (4.2m)
ABC average total circulation, 3-30 May 2004
July 16, 2005
- Sixth title in Harry Potter series, "Harry Potter and the
Half-Blood Prince", set new world record for first printing;
10.8 million copies hit stores.
March 7, 2006 -
Alan Greenspan, former chairman of Federal Reserve Board, sold
memoirs to Penguin Press (an imprint of Pearson PLC) for
reported $8.5 million; second-largest advance ever for
nonfiction writer (former President Bill Clinton had received
estimated advance of $10 million from Alfred A. Knopf in 2001
for 2004 memoir "My Life"; Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton had
received an estimated $8 million advance from Simon & Shuster
for her 2003 memoir "Living History; Pope John Paul II had
received an estimated advance between $6 - $7 million in 1994
for his book "Crossing the Threshold of Hope").
March 12, 2006 -
Knight Ridder (second largest newspaper company in U.S., $3
billion in sales, 16.4% operating profit margin, publisher of 32
daily newspapers) agreed to be acquired for about $4.5 billion
by the McClatchy Company ($1.2 billion in revenue, 22.8 %
operating profit margin, publisher of 12 dailies; Times Mirror
Co. had acquired Tribune company for $8 billion in 2000.
May 2006 - 1,000th
issue of Rolling Stone magazine.
August 4, 2006
- More than 40% of Forbes Media LLC (Forbes magazine,
Forbes.com) acquired by Elevation Partners ($1.9 billion private
equity group) for $200-300 million; first time Forbes family
raised significant amount of capital from outside source.
November 16, 2006
- Reader's Digest Association Inc. announced it agreed to be
purchased by Ripplewood Holdings LLC, other investors for about
$2.4 billion.
November 17, 2006
- John Wiley agreed to pay £572m to acquire Oxford, UK-based
Blackwell Publishing (825 journals, backlist of 6,000 books);
created publisher of 1,250 scholarly journals (scientific,
technical, medical, social sciences, humanities), extensive
range of academic books.
December 22, 2006
- Houghton Mifflin acquired by Riverdeep Holdings, Limited for
approximately about $3.5 billion from affiliates of private
investment firms Thomas H. Lee Partners, Bain Capital Partners,
The Blackstone Group, management; name changed to Houghton
Mifflin Riverdeep Group PLC (had been acquired in 2001 by
Vivendi Universal, French media firm, for $1.66 billion; had
been acquired in 2002 by Thomas H. Lee, Bain Capital, Blackstone
for approximately $1.7 billion).
May 15, 2007
- Thomson Corporation acquired Reuters Group (16,000 employees
in 94 countries) for about $17.2 billion; renamed
Thomson-Reuters; 34% share of market for financial data.
July 21, 2007 -
Bloomsbury PLC, British publisher of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter
fantasy series, announced that seventh, final volume sold record
2.65 million copies in United Kingdom in first 24 hours ("Harry
Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" had sold 2 million in first
day of release in 2005); Barnes & Noble, Inc. reported all-time
sales, 1.8 million copies purchased in first two days (560,000
in first hour, rate of more than 150 copies per second); Random
House Audio's Listening Library sold 225,000 copies in first two
days; Scholastic Inc. sold 8.3 million hardcovers in United
States during first 24 hours; easily broke old high of 6.9
million for "Half-Blood Prince").
December 13, 2007
- Rupert Murdoch (News Corp.) completed $5.16 billion
acquisition of Dow Jones & Company; ended 105-year control by
Bancroft family.
January 2, 2008
- Market value of independent, publicly traded American
newspaper companies fell from $23 billion (42%) since end 2004:
(source: Henry
Blodget, Silicon Alley Insider)